2013 12 newsletter for web

Christian Encounter December 2013 A Publication of Christian Encounter Ministries Tending Lives…Training Leaders… Expressing the love of Christ Expressions www.ChristianEncounter.org Phone: 530-268-0877

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Christian Encounter

December 2013

A Publication ofChristian Encounter Ministries

Tending Lives…Training Leaders…

Expressing the love of ChristExpressionswww.ChristianEncounter.org Phone: 530-268-0877

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Gerald weighed in at 3 lbs. 5 oz. Though his father abused his mother, and she abused her baby with drugs and alcohol throughout the pregnancy, Gerald survived with no neurological or physical deficits. God’s grace.

Twice Gerald and his siblings were removed from their home due to neglect. Dad was a drug dealer. His physical torture of his children—including cigare�e burns on their arms—was unknown to authorities at first, but the full range of abuse was discovered, and all the children were removed permanently. Gerald and his older brother were adopted by a Christian family. God’s grace.

As a 10 year-old with new parents, siblings and surroundings, Gerald warmed quickly to the a�ention and affection from his family. From their first day together they talked about church and the Bible and what it was to be a Christian. December 27, 2005, was an occasion of great significance—going to church with his family! The church was full and the joy on every face astonished a wide-eyed Gerald. People greeted Mom and Dad and welcomed him and his brother. Then, the music! The voices lifted in praise raised young Gerald almost off his feet. He joined in every song and felt something more exciting than anything yet in his life. God’s grace.

The reality of school, social responsibility, and life, in general, eventually hit Gerald, and he hit back. Rage boiled inside and he ended up in the principal’s office five times a year for the next five years for fighting. There were nightly terrors to overcome, dreams of events too terrible for a young mind to process—his dad’s psychotic violence, the filth of

the environment, the constant stream of traffickers of drugs and flesh, the hunger, the cold, and the hopelessness. Armed with God’s Word, his new mother fought back against the enemy’s insults. Night after night, when Gerald awoke, she cradled him and read Romans 8—all 39 verses—over and over until peaceful sleep replaced his fears. “Nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” God’s grace.

Sacrificing her own rest to give Gerald a godly security in biblical truth produced lasting effects. A mother’s love, paired with eternal promises found only in Jesus, is a prescription for healing a child’s broken heart. The promises took root and he allowed Jesus to become Lord and Savior of his life. His youth minister invested love and compassion into Gerald’s life year after year, and the stirring of a ministry calling awakened in him. Then the intensity of the ba�le shifted to other areas as he grew into a more normal life. He got involved with sports and music in school and excelled.

The inevitable peer pressure came with being part of the football team. “I had no spiritual leash and I got out of fellowship.” Gerald fell behind in school and became arrogant at home and with authority. He messed up his senior year of high school and would need another year to graduate. At the same time, the family came under terrific financial and personal stresses. The close bonds between Mom and Dad and children were threatened by lack of time available for all the children.

Finally, a blow-up between Gerald and his mom led the family to Christian Encounter Ministries last year. God’s grace.

Gerald quickly recognized that CEM was a perfect fit for him. “It is, seriously, what every child dreams of: quality time with staff, interns and students, spiritual dads and moms all day long, feeling safe with the female staff, the long list of manly examples who live their lives based on the Bible, and the safety of a daily schedule. At CEM my hunger for the Word kept ge�ing bigger. I had to literally wipe the dust off my Bible when I came to the Ranch. Now I have no words to describe the Word of God. The Bible changed my life! There is nothing else like the Bible. It has given me a heart for youth ministry.” A broken young boy who becomes a youth minister? God’s grace.

“Some day I may be able to confront my biological parents. I plan on reading them Genesis 50:20. ‘What you meant for evil, God meant for good.’ And Psalms 27:10, ‘For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me up.’ Philippians 1:6, ‘He who began a good work in me will bring it to

completion.’ II Timothy 2:24-25, ‘The Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome, but kindly to everyone…correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant that they will repent and come to know the truth.’” Gerald’s heart’s desire is that every aspect of his testimony will bring honor to Jesus. His love for the Word of God drives him on to overcome the weaknesses of a childhood spent surrounded by evil. His sense of purpose for ministry derives from those who have invested sacrificially for him—parents, aunt and uncles, ministers, counselors, and friends who stick closer than a brother. The transforming power of God’s love is filling up Gerald’s heart every day, just as Romans 8 promised. Now it is time for Gerald to prepare to preach that Word, to share the truth and power of salvation in the name of Jesus. Gerald will complete this purpose, only and entirely by God’s abundant grace.

Gerald with siblings Isaiah, Malachi, Benjamin, Chloe, and Brandun—one big, happy family!

Coming up:Family Camp—June 27-30

24-Hour Agony Bicycle Ride—July 25-26

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Congratulations!CEM High School

First Quarter Honor Roll



Christmas is the word we use to describe the first arrival of Jesus—the time of the Christ. Would it be irreverent to call the second coming of Christ Christmas? It was foretold that a baby would be born of a virgin, that His name would be Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace. He would be the son of man, the suffering servant, the Lamb of God. Angels and the Holy Spirit visited Mary and Joseph. Wise men followed a sign in the sky, looking for a savior to be born. Shepherds heard and saw a heavenly choir announcing that first

Cookies, fudge, fruit, candles—the gals are ready for December’s sights, smells, and festivities!

Christmas—The coming of Christ!By Mike Petrillo

Christmas day. What will signal that

second Christmas? Perhaps Ma�hew 24, II Peter 3, and Revelation 6 offer a few clues. On the next Christmas, Jesus will be revealed as the Judge of the living and dead, as the Commander of the Lord’s army, and as the exalted King of Kings. Wow! What a Christmas that will be!

When I was a boy I didn’t understand how gifts got under the tree, or by what mechanism December 25th became a special day. I was too immature to understand it, but I knew it

was coming. It was beyond my comprehension, but it was wonderful. The second arrival of Jesus is similar. I may never know how, why, or exactly when, but it is coming. The arrival of Jesus—the greatest event of all history—is on the calendar of the Father. If only our anticipation were like any young child’s delight in what is about to happen! Great surprises will be unveiled, great rejoicing will begin—the arrival of Jesus, the gift of eternal life unfolded and distributed to His children. Be joyful and anxious for the day! Christmas is coming!

NeedsPickup truckCommercial wash machineSmall leather love seatGender-neutral scrap booksPlastic-tipped darts15 chairs for the schoolBe�y Crocker cookbookC. S. Lewis booksChristian biographiesWaterproof tarpsSledge hammers, axesSpli�ing mauls

BlessingsTools and tool boxJoy of Cooking cookbooksFishing equipmentThanksgiving turkeysFood, food, and more foodClothing, school supplies,

office suppliesToiletries, shampoos, etc.“Generation Change” Bible

Study CourseBibles, booksFurnitureNew toaster oven

Christian Encounter Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational, residential program helping 16- to 25-year-olds by providing love, spiritual guidance, high school education, counseling, and 24-hour supervision. Internships are offered to qualifying upper-level college students and graduates. CEM is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountibility, and all gifts are tax deductible.

The ultimate wish list:

What do we want most?What if you knew you could have everything you really want

for Christmas this year? We spend our lives designing and pursuing the life we each

desire. We want to be loved completely and unconditionally, to experience a permeating peace while at the same time knowing adventure and excitement; we need challenge and purpose; we long for significance and security; and we desperately want freedom from loneliness.

Great news! Those are precisely the qualities of life God wants us to have! Before ge�ing wrapped up in the busy-ness of the holidays, how about unwrapping the gift God offers every day. Open your mind and your mouth and say, “Yes, God; yes, Jesus, I’ll try acknowledging You. I’m ready to accept Your gifts!” Get ready for the best Christmas ever!

URGENT! Male Interns Needed!We have a current and pressing need for male interns. We are facing the prospect of placing potential male students on a waiting list (something we don’t want to do!) If you know of any godly, maturing young men at least 21 years old who have a heart for serving hurting young people, please have them contact Mark Andrews or Nate Boyd at 530-268-0877 or via email at [email protected]. Thanks!


Voices of past Christmases

“I’ve never had such a wonderful Christmas!”

“A Christian holiday is so different from any I’ve ever experienced!”

“This is the first time I’ve ever been to a Christmas dinner!”

“There’s so much peace and love here!”

“Now I know why people love Christmas!” Jesse’s love for sports is reflected in this Nerf basketball gift.

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Christian Encounter MinistriesPO Box 1022Grass Valley, CA 95945