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    106 C.-L. Huang et al. / Resources, Conservation andRecycling68 (2012) 104116

    Table 1

    Classification methods for M/SFA.

    Classification based on Categories Explanation

    Material typea Subs tance flow analys is (S FA) Monitor ing flows o f individuals ubst ances t hat r aise part icular concern s as r egar ds th e

    environmental and health risks associated with their production and consumption.

    Materialsystem analysis(MSA) Monitoringflows ofselected raw materials orsemi-finished productsthat raise particular

    concerns as to the sustainability of their use, thesecurity of their supply to major economic

    activity sectors, and/or the environmental consequences of their production and consumption.

    Life cycle asses sm en ts ( LCA) Monitor ing flows o f m at er ials conn ected to t he pro duct ion and use of s pecifi cproducts , and

    analyzing the material requirements and potential environmental pressures along the full lifecycle of theproducts.

    Analytical scopea Business level material flow

    analysis (B-MFA)

    Monitoring material flows at various levels of detail for a company, a firm ora plant.

    In putoutput analy sis ( IOA) Monitor ing m at er ialflows t o, f rom and t hr ough t he e con om y bro ken down by e co no mic

    activity and final demand category or consumption function.

    Economy-wide material flow

    analysis (EW-MFA)

    Monitoring flows of all materials entering or leaving theboundary of thenational economy.

    EW-MFA serves as a basis forderiving aggregated material flow and resource productivity


    Chemical ingredientb Single s ubstance a nalysis Monitoring flows o f i ndividual e lement, m olecule o r c ompound.

    Com po und mater ialanaly sis Monitor ing flows o f m at erials o r pro ducts m ade upo f s everalkinds o f e lem en ts o r com pounds.

    Research purposeb Environmental problem analysis Monitoring flows of substancescausing environmental problem,i.e.ecological poisoning,

    eutrophication, greenhouse effect, degradation of environmental systems, etc.

    Environmental pressure analysis Monitoring flows of compoundmaterials, including energy carriers, timber, minerals, etc.

    Susta inability analysis Monitoring flows of materials whose quantity and quality or fl ow characteristics can affect

    regional sustainable development.

    a Modified from OECD (2008).b Modified from Bringezu et al. (1997).

    software development (Cencic, 2006; Liu et al., 2009). These the-

    oretical studies provide a sound basis for applying M/SFA to SD


    2.2. Applied studies

    M/SFA application studies also provide a foundation for enlarg-

    ingtherole of M/SFA in SDassessment (Table2). Firstly, the number

    of materials and substances subjected to flow analysis is continu-

    ally expanding as studies are carried out in many countries around

    the world. Secondly, M/SFA applications continue to grow, and areincreasingly combined with other research methods to analyze the

    increasingly complex material/substance flows which result from

    socioeconomic development. Thirdly, many indicators have been

    derived from M/SFA applications, and most of them can be used

    to support SD assessment (see Appendix A). However, outstanding

    issues include: (1) how to derive SD indicators from M/SFA which

    fully reflect the existence of a triple bottom line (Lee et al., 2012);

    (2) how to derive comprehensive indicators from M/SFA results

    which capture the whole spectrum of SD assessment; (3) how to

    organize these indicators in a systematic way in order to conduct

    SD assessment; and (4) how to apply these indicators in the SD

    assessment process.

    3. Functions ofM/SFA in SD assessment

    3.1. HowM/SFA facilitates SD

    Both the health and safety of the anthroposphere and the envi-

    ronmental carrying capacity must be considered in SD studies,

    regardless of whether the focus is on sustainable environmental

    planning, resources management, or socioeconomic development.

    This means that the impacts of resource extraction in theupstream

    material or substance flow, and the environmental pollution and

    ecological damage due to waste emission across all material or

    substance flow processes, must be analyzed. As a result, there is a

    close relationship between material/substance flows and SD. Based

    on material flow charts or accounts (see Fig. A.1 or Table B.1), the

    connections between M/SFA and SD include:

    (1) Buildinga systematicdatabaseor informationpoolto help formu-

    late measures to improve the efficiency of waste recycling and

    reduce resources extraction and wastes emission (Table B.1).

    (2) Determiningcritical linksor pathwayswhere lossesor inefficient

    use of resources occur, which are often ignored by traditional

    economic monitoring systems (European Communities, 2001;

    see Table B.1), and identifying key materials or products in

    the anthroposphere for environmental policies formulation

    and sustainable environmental planning and management. For

    example, the key materials and products of the Irish concrete

    industry have been identified by MFA (see Table 3).

    (3) Deriving meaningful and simple indicators from material flow

    analysis (Sendra et al., 2007), and establishing an indicators

    bank. These indicators shouldnot only be focused on increasing

    recycling levels and minimizing the final volume of disposed

    wastes (Appendix A), but also on promoting wiser use of

    resources (Yabar et al., 2012), thereby improving the sustaina-

    bility of resource extraction and energy use (Recalde et al.,


    (4) Optimizing material use and processingby modeling responses

    of the socioeconomic system to different models of material or

    substance flows. This may take the form of a dynamic material

    flow analysis model (Mller, 2006) or a closed cycle industrial

    model (Mnsson, 2009).

    As a result, M/SFA has the potential to become one of the

    most important tools in SD assessment. Achievements in mate-

    rial flow accounting to date are already challenging traditional

    economic data for national policymaking in the context of SD

    (Fischer-Kowalski et al., 2011), and M/SFA also facilitates the for-

    mulation of sound SD policies, including policies for economic,

    trade and technology development, natural resource management,

    and environmental protection (OECD, 2008).

    3.2. Main functions of M/SFA in SD assessment

    3.2.1. Using M/SFA to derive SD assessment indicators

    TheChairmansconclusionat the OECD special session on Mate-

    rials Flow Accounting (Paris, October 2000) underlined that one of

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    C.-L. Huang et al. / Resources, Conservation andRecycling68 (2012) 104116 107

    Table 2

    Summary of M/SFA application studies.

    Items Subclass M/SFA study areas

    Matter analyzed by

    M/SFAaSubstances Biogenic or metallic elements (N, P, Al, C r, Fe, C o, C u, Zn, etc.) and their compounds, toxic a nd

    harmful substances including persistent organic pollutants (POPs), macromolecule synthetic

    polymers, emerging contaminants, etc.

    Materials Biogenic o r metallic m ixtures, w ater, f ood, f uels, p aper, p lastic, c hemical p roducts, i ndustrial

    products, agricultural materials, building materials (cement, etc.), discarded electronic motor

    products,total material flow through transportsystems or economic or environmental systems of

    city, region or nation, etc.

    Types of M/SFA

    applicationbIndependent application Analysis of pollutants source and fate based on material flow chart or accounting.b1

    Status quoevaluation and trend forecast of material useand their pollutantemissions based on

    relationship analysis between production and consumption, imports and exports, and loss status

    analysis by indicators.b2

    Discovering vulnerable spots of material flows in developing low carbon or recycling economy

    using MFA indicators system.b3

    Increasing resources or energy efficiency (copper, steel, nuclear fuel, etc.).b4

    Assessment of prefecture progress toward a circular society.b5

    Development phase assessment of society and economy, optimization of sustainable industrial

    processes, recycling scenarios optimization of industrial waste by MFA.b6

    Coupling application with other


    MFA coupled to: canonical correlation analysis to assess the effect of land use change on material

    metabolism structureb7 ; ARDL to analyze therelationship between resources useand economic

    increaseb8; social sciences modeling approaches and Structural Agent Analysis to understand the

    impacts of economic policies and social structure on material flow and achieve sustainable

    material flow management,b9 an environmentally extended inputoutput model based on

    economic inputoutput tables to analyze the relationship between material flows, environmental

    impacts and theeconomy in Finland.b10

    Indicators derived by

    M/SFAcSocial indicators R esource consumption demand, w aste product per capita, material/resource u se per cap ita, in-use

    stock of resource per capita, material flow intensity percapita, saving potential of materials,

    recycling levels, thefinal disposal rate of wastes, etc.

    Econom ic indicat ors Dire ct m at er ialinput, t ot al m at er ialinput, t ot al m at er ialr equir em en t, t otalm at er ialconsumption,

    domestic material consumption, resource consumption, net additions to stock, domestic

    extraction use, domestic processed output, total domestic output, direct material output, total

    material output, circulationrate of materials, physical imports and exports, physical trade balance,

    raw material equivalents, raw material extraction and consumption, product usage, amount of

    waste, material/resources use intensity, intensity of resources input, material flow intensity per

    economic yield, materials/resources efficiencies, energy or material use, economic efficiency,

    transportand storage of materials, stock change, structure or scale of material flow,

    self-sufficiencyrate of raw materials, thepercentage of material loss, service life of materials,

    resource productivity, etc.

    Environmental indicators Environmental efficiency,environmentalload,environmentalpressure,pollutantemissionratio,

    recovery ratio of waste, disposal ratio of dangerous waste,annual scrap generation, pollutant

    emission and waste generation, CO2emission, etc.

    a Baccini and Brunner (1991), Chang et al. (2009), Chang (2010), Cheah et al. (2009), Chen et al. (2008, 2010), Daigo et al. (2009, 2010), Dong et al. (2010), Guine et al.

    (1999), Guo and Song (2008), Guo et al. (2010), Hatayama et al. (2009), He (2008), Huang and Bi (2006), Huang et al. (2007), Hung (2007), Kapur et al. (2003), Kapur et al.

    (2008), Kawamura et al. (2000), Kuczenski and Geyer (2010), Kwonpongsagoon et al. (2007), Lassen and Hansen (2000), Ma and Huang (2008), Ma et al. (2007), Mnsson

    (2009), Mao et al. (2008), Matsuno et al. (2012), Mathieux and Brissaud (2010), Michael and Reston (1999), Michaelis and Jackson (2000), Miyatake et al. (2004), Mutha

    et al. (2006), Park et al. (2011a,b), Qiao et al. (2011), Tachibana et al. (2008), Wei and Zhu (2009), Wen et al. (2009), Woodward and Duffy (2011), Xia (2005), Xiao (2003),

    Yellishetty et al. (2010), Yue et al. (2010), and Zhong (2010).b1 Chang (2010), Chen (2004), He (2008), Hung (2007), and Lu etal. (2007).b2 Chenet al. (2010), Dong etal. (2010), and Guo and Song (2008).b3 Huang and Bi (2006) and Mao et al. (2008).b4 Bader et al. (2011) and Park et al. (2011a,b).b5 Tachibana et al. (2008).b6 Lang etal. (2006) and Rodrguez et al. (2011).b7 Ma and Huang (2008).b8 Wang et al. (2011).b9 Binder (2007a,b).

    b10 Seppl et al. (2011).c Bader et al.(2011), Chen et al. (2010), European Communities (2001), Guoand Song (2008), Kovanda et al. (2009), Miyatake et al.(2004), Park et al. (2011a,b). Qiao etal.

    (2011), Recalde et al. (2008), Rodrguez et al. (2011), Scasnyet al. (2003), Tachibana et al. (2008), Woodward and Duffy (2011), Yabar et al. (2012), and Yue et al. (2010).

    Table 3

    Production andusage of concrete in Ireland in 2007.

    Materials Million metric tones Concrete products Million metric tones

    Crushed stone 11.06 Construction Ready-mix 18.08

    Gravel 7.49 Blocks/bricks 13.00

    Sand 4.44 Precast/prefabricated 0.73

    Water 5.25 Tiles and flagstones 0.63

    Total 28.23 Pipes 0.28

    Cement 4.57 Non-construction Statues, ornaments 0.09

    Concrete 32.80 Total 32.80

    Adapted from Woodward and Duffy (2011).

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    108 C.-L. Huang et al. / Resources, Conservation andRecycling68 (2012) 104116

    Fig. 1. A simplified model of relationship between material or substance flows and SD assessment indicators. Note: Thisfigureis based on European Communities (2001),

    Matthews et al. (2000), Bond et al. (2001), Huang et al. (2006), Brunner and Rechberger (2004), Wallis et al. (2011). Light dashed circle refers to internal material/substance

    flows in a single system, and heavy dashedcirclerefers to material/substanceflows across two or three systems.

    the main uses of M/SFA is the derivation of indicators, and that

    the derivation of sustainability indicators is a promising applica-

    tion of M/SFA (European Communities, 2001). By using an M/SFA

    inputoutput balance table, the material or substanceflow through

    the whole economic system can be understood. Based on this

    understanding, more compact,detailed,and accurate indicators for

    SD assessment can be obtained (Hinterberger et al., 1997; Schmidt-

    Bleek, 1994; Tachibana et al., 2008). Main functions of indicators

    derived by M/SFA in SD assessment include:

    (1) Widening the scope of SD assessment. Material flow indicators

    can help in monitoring the material basis and material produc-

    tivity of national economies and industries, the implications

    of trade and globalization for material flows, the management

    of selected resources and materials, and the environmental

    impacts of material resource use (OECD, 2008). Material flow

    indicators can contribute to management of resource use and

    output emission flows from economic, environmental, and

    broader sustainability perspectives (Kovanda et al., 2012).(2) Making SD assessment results testable and verifiable. Because

    material flowindicatorsare based on mass units,they avoidthe

    accumulating error problem of attempting to compare mone-

    tary units in different areas at different times. The indicators

    therefore make it possible to found SD assessment on a natural

    science basis (Xia, 2005).

    (3) Making SD assessment results comparable (Appendix A). M/SFA

    provides a similar analyzing framework and identical units

    (Figs. A.1 and A.2), and indicators derived from M/SFA are so

    capable of being quantified, disaggregated, and aggregated that

    they can link overall environmental pressure from material or

    substance flow to concrete environmental impacts (Kovanda

    et al., 2009). This makes it possible to compare assessment

    results of a specific material/substance in a specific social

    and/or economic subsystem with the assessment results of

    the same material/substance in an entire environmental sys-

    tem in a specific area (Fig. 1). For example, the indicator of

    material or substance recycling efficiency canbe derived from

    the material or substance flow, which is composed of the

    production, consumption, and recycling processes across the

    social and economic subsystems. This indicator can also be

    derived from any single material or substance flow cycle in

    the environmental system. As a result, material or substance

    recycling efficiency can be used as a comparable indicator

    when drawing a sustainability comparison between different

    materials or substances flows in the same system or between

    a given material or substance flow in different subsystems

    (Fig. 1).

    3.2.2. Using M/SFA to improve reliability of SD assessment results

    Using M/SFA-related software, such as EMIS (Page and

    Wohlgemuth, 2010), increasingly complex social, economic,

    resource or environmental information can be compiled intoa sim-pler uniformed form by M/SFA. As a result, M/SFA-related software

    helps M/SFA provide more systematic information for SD assess-

    ment, and improve the reliability of SD assessment results.

    In addition, the method design of M/SFA can itself boost the

    quality of information by providing more detailed, intact and accu-

    rate data. For example, M/SFA allows hidden flows to be identified,

    making the data series more intact and detailed. At present, dif-

    ferent data sources have different statistical standards and rules

    and/or different calculating methods, which can result in different

    values for a same indicator. M/SFA mass balance allows the identi-

    fication of a definite, consistent value for each indicator, that is, the

    valuewhichcan meetthe massbalance results of differentflow pro-

    cesses/links of bothupstream and downstream material/substance


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    C.-L. Huang et al. / Resources, Conservation andRecycling68 (2012) 104116 109

    4. Outlooks

    4.1. Strengthening simultaneous analysis of various features of

    material/substance flows

    To enhance the functions of M/SFA in SD assessment, attention

    should be paid to the following study fields.

    (1) Simultaneous analysis of material/substance input and output


    The human population and its lifestyle is the driving force

    of material cycles (Mller, 2006), which means that con-

    sumption demand is the fundamental driver of environmental

    exploitation, resource use, and waste generation. Simultaneous

    assessment of the three SD intrinsic features requires analy-

    sis of the consumption structure and consumption levels, and

    M/SFA provides a means to perform this analysis at the indi-

    vidual, community, city, and national levels by simultaneous

    analysis of inputoutput flows. Based on inputoutput flows

    accounting, M/SFA also makes it possible to assess the equity

    and harmony of the consumption structure at different levels of

    analysis in a givenstudy area, and to assess whether the supply

    of consumable materials will be able to continuously meet the

    demands of the socioeconomicsystem. However, little researchhas so far been conducted in this area.

    (2) Simultaneous analysis of the socioeconomic benefit and envi-

    ronmental impact of per unit material/substance flow (Van der

    Voet et al., 2009).

    The material needs of more than seven billion people

    continue to drive loss and degradation of remaining natu-

    ral habitats, and the challenge is to manage the trade-offs

    between providing for immediate human needs and maintain-

    ing the capacity of the biosphere to provide goods and services

    in the long-term (Balmford et al., 2002; Foley et al., 2005;

    United States Census Bureau, 2012). Part of the solution to

    the sustainability challenge is dematerialising the economy,

    namely, lowering the environmental burden while providing

    consumers with the same level of performance, by reducingthe material/substance flows in the production-consumption

    chain (Mont, 2002). A necessary component of SD assessment

    is therefore to simultaneously analyze the economic, environ-

    mental, and social consequences per unit material/substance


    (3) Simultaneous analysis of the quantity and quality of materials

    or substances flows.

    It is generally accepted that reducing the amount of materi-

    als consumed by the anthroposphere will lead to less human

    disturbance of the environment, making development more

    sustainable (Huang et al., 2007). However, in addition to the

    impacts caused by gross flow volumes, the properties and

    quality of the materialor substance flow alsohave environmen-

    tal impacts. For example, although the volume of agriculturalwater use in a watershed may be much greater than the urban

    water use, agricultural water use may have less impact on the

    natural water system if farm wastewater or runoff contains

    fewer pollutants than urban sewage. The SD of the integrated

    socioeconomicenvironmental system is therefore affected by

    the properties and quality of material and substance flows,

    and this should be reflected in SD assessment. This can some-

    times be achieved by coupling the application of M/SFA and

    other SD assessment tools. For example, Van der Voet et al.

    (2004) developed a method which combines aspects of mate-

    rial flow accounting (MFA) and life-cycle assessment (LCA) and

    attempted to add a set of environmental weights to the flows

    of the materials. Then, impacts per kilogram of a number of

    extracted materials were calculated, and the analysis indicated

    that the impact per mass unit of bulk materials was generally

    lower than that of materials which were only used in small

    quantities. However, most of the published M/SFA literature

    focuses on quantitative analysis rather than material or sub-

    stance properties and quality.

    (4) Simultaneous analysis of material/substance flow intensity and

    environmental capacity.

    Environmental sustainability is not only impacted by the

    environmental disturbance caused by material/substance flow

    intensity, but also depends on the environmental capac-

    ity. Environmental capacity is impacted by biogeochemical

    processes, self-organizing patterns within the ecosystem, envi-

    ronmental resilience, and the intensity of the interaction

    between the executor and receiver of environmental impacts.

    To estimate the extent to which environmental sustainability

    is impacted by a particular material or substance flow process,

    it is necessary to consider both the magnitude and intensity of

    the material flowand the environmental capacity to absorb the

    stress. According to the intermediate disturbance hypothesis

    (Barnes et al., 2006; Shea et al., 2004), moderate disturbance

    from the economic system will not impede or harm environ-

    mental sustainability as long as environmental capacity limits

    and ecological thresholds are not exceeded. However, little

    has been reported about M/SFA application in environmentalcapacity studies.

    4.2. Improved integration ofM/SFA with other SD assessment


    Since all SD assessment methods have their merits and short-

    comings, it is often necessary to employ several methods of SD

    assessment at the same time, in order to meet the assessment

    requirements of the multidimensional characteristics of SD objec-

    tives and targets (Bond et al., 2001), and the requirements of a

    comprehensive sustainability policy-making process (Yabar et al.,

    2012). M/SFA is an attractive SD assessment method as it is based

    on the mass measure, whichin classical physics is considered to be

    immutable in time and space, can be measured using simple tech-nical means, and requires very little explanation to comprehend.

    In addition, M/SFA indicators can show environmental pressures

    in terms of both mass flows per unit of time and mass flow qual-

    ity (Fischer-Kowalski et al., 2011), although much less research has

    been carried on the latter. These features make it convenient to

    integrate M/SFA with other methods in SD assessment, and several

    such studies have already been carried out (see Table 2).

    4.2.1. Integrated application ofM/SFA with LCA

    LCA can be used to assess whether certain technical solutions

    might lead to other environmental problems, and is comple-

    mentary to using M/SFA models to identify problem-causing

    mechanisms based on mass conservation (Bouman et al., 2000).

    Although LCA fails to holistically recognize abiotic resource deple-tion as a potential problem of sustainability, by clearly addressing

    a products life stages, it helps inform M/SFA process division

    from raw material acquisition through manufacture, use, end-

    of-life treatment, recycling, and final disposal; In addition, LCA

    is conducted in accordance with agreed international standards

    (Yellishetty et al., 2011). Thus, combining LCA withdynamic M/SFA

    contributes to the better design of sustainable resource use path-

    ways (Hatayama et al., 2010), the achievement of more precise

    M/SFA results (such as anthropogenic stocks estimation based on

    dynamicMFA;see Mller,2006), andthe derivationof environmen-

    tal burden allocation indicators (Weinzettel and Kovanda, 2009).

    Environmental burden allocation indicators reflect the uneven spa-

    tial allocation of the environmental burdens associated with all

    inputs and outputs processes at every stage of the life cycle of a

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    110 C.-L. Huang et al. / Resources, Conservation andRecycling68 (2012) 104116

    product in those world regions from whichthe inputsare imported

    (for resource depletion-related impact categories) and to which

    the emissions are output (for emission-related impact categories)

    (OECD,2008;Raugei and Ulgiati, 2009). As a result, LCA can expand

    the role of M/SFA in SD assessment by providing a means to assess

    environmental equity.

    However, integrated application of M/SFA with LCA should

    go beyond the scope of current studies. For example, the ENVI-

    MAT model, which is based on an environmental life-cycle impact

    assessment and monetary inputoutput tables associated with

    material flows, can improve data on production and consump-

    tion. That is, environmental impact information can be derived

    by combining mass data from M/SFA (Table B.1) with greenhouse

    gas emissions data from LCA (Table B.2), and then be used to

    make environmental impact comparisons between different prod-

    ucts or services, and assess environmental impact equity between

    different industries or between imports and exports (Seppl

    et al., 2011). However, integrated applications of M/SFA with

    LCA still have limitations which require further study. For exam-

    ple, Economic InputOutput analysis (EIO)LCA analysis considers

    the inter-industry effects of product/process decisions based on

    standard national sector-based data sources, but is hampered by

    limited disaggregation of the economy, depends on cost infor-

    mation, and omits environmental interventions associated withcapital goods. As a result, hybrid EIOLCA is used now, as it allows

    for full interaction between a process-based LCA model and an

    inputoutput model (Ferro and Nhambiu, 2009). However, an

    additional limitation of EIOLCA is the temporal difference. Nei-

    ther traditional LCAnor the staticLeontief IOmodel(whichis in fact

    one type of M/SFA model) contains explicit temporal information

    to describe how the production activity and its related impacts are

    distributed over time. As a result, a Sequential InterindustryModel,

    which describes how various direct and indirect inputs, outputs,

    and associated impacts of such events are distributed in time, has

    been proposed, and may provide a useful extension of the EIOLCA

    methodology(Levineetal.,2009). Inorder to improve sustainability

    comparisons between industries in different countries, it will be

    necessary to gain a better understanding of the structural featuresof industry and their impacts in each country, by finding methods

    to integrate M/SFALCA with other models.

    4.2.2. Integrated application of M/SFA and risk estimation

    Ness et al. (2007) developed a framework for sustainability

    assessment tools, and indicated that while risk analysis is a

    prospective sustainability assessment tool, regional M/SFA is a

    retrospective tool. As a result, while risk analysis is capable of inte-

    grating naturesociety systems into a single evaluation, M/SFA is

    not. However, integrating M/SFA with risk estimation can facilitate

    examination of the risks from all human activities in a systematic

    way and provide a comprehensive understanding of risk genera-

    tion and distribution corresponding to flows of substances in the

    anthroposphere and the environment (Ma et al., 2007). The sys-

    tematic risk examination of material/substanceflows controlled by

    human activities makes SD assessment results more holistic and

    objective. However, the study of this field is only just beginning.

    4.3. Using M/SFA to improve SD assessment indicators

    Indicators used in SD assessment should be reliable, clear, accu-

    rate, measurable, effective, comparable, universal, variable, and

    understandable (Hk et al., 2007; Huang and Deng, 2008; Parris

    and Kates, 2003; Sendra et al., 2007; United Nation Division for

    Sustainable Development, 2001; Xia, 2005). M/SFA allows environ-

    mental, economic, and social indicators with these characteristics

    to be derived (Fig. 1). However, improving the usefulness of M/SFA

    indicators in SD assessment will require the following issues to be


    (1) Making SD assessment indicators more systematic.

    The factors and data involved in SD assessment are becom-

    ing more and more complex as the natural environment is

    disturbed more widely and deeply by the ongoing processes

    of globalization, industrialization, and urbanization. Indicator

    systems have proved to be practical tools for simplifying com-

    plex factors and data, and there is an extensive literature on

    indicators research (Olsthon et al., 2001; Seager and Theis,

    2004). However,the complexity of evaluationpurposes, incom-

    plete data and method limitations in building an indicator

    system mean that the derived indicators are not yet suffi-

    cientlysystematic. M/SFAallowsSD assessmentindicatorsto be

    systematically extracted from the material or substance flows

    through the social, economic, and environmental systems (see

    Fig. 1). The indicators can be derived not only from a single

    material or substance flow through one of the three systems,

    but also from the flows across two or three systems.

    (2) Using M/SFA to improve the comprehensiveness of SD assess-

    ment indicators.

    Many indicators derived by M/SFA are not comprehensive

    enough to assess SD. For example, the sustainability of aregion is largely determined by the condition of the environ-

    ment (Wallis et al., 2011), but the indicators derived from

    M/SFA (see Table 2) mainly reflect the sustainability of the

    economic system, rather than the overall sustainability of the

    socioeconomicenvironmental system. Thus, an importantgoal

    for M/SFA is to extract or design comprehensive indicators

    which can mirror the sustainability of both the socioeconomic

    system and the environmental system, and some researchers

    are currently active in this area. For example, Van der Voet

    et al.(2009) have developed Environmental-weighed Materials

    Consumption (EMC), an aggregated environmental impact indi-

    cator based on MFA which is linked to environmental impacts.

    EMC is the most comprehensive indicator currently available,

    which in principle shows environmental impacts and side-effects, and is able to detect burden shifting abroad. However,

    in its present shape it is insensitive to technological improve-

    ments, sometimes in non-obvious ways, and the main obstacle

    to using EMC is the incompleteness of available MFA data (Van

    der Voet et al., 2009).

    (3) Using M/SFA to achieve a universal framework for SD assess-

    ment indicators.

    A universal or general indicator would help to improve the

    verifiability and reliability of SD assessment results. There has

    been some discussion on why and how a universal indica-

    tors system should be established in the SD assessment and

    M/SFA literature. This includes, for example: a case study on

    establishing an indicators system with a universal and opera-

    ble framework for sustainabilityassessment of water resourcesused in agriculture (Huang and Deng, 2008); a general com-

    prehensive resource use indicators framework which can be

    applied consistently from the micro level of products andcom-

    panies up to the macro level of countries and world regions

    (Giljum et al., 2011); and a product generational demate-

    rialization indicator, intended to improve on the available

    sustainability indicators which could not be used as a univer-

    sal approach to solve substitution problems (Ziolkowska and

    Ziolkowski, 2011). However, all indicators have limitations, and

    no indicator has yet been put forward that has been gener-

    ally accepted.Environmentally extended inputoutputanalysis

    may provide the best framework for a general M/SFA indicator,

    butthese areless suitable formorespecificpolicy areas because

    they presently include a very limited number of emissions,

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    C.-L. Huang et al. / Resources, Conservation andRecycling68 (2012) 104116 111

    sometimes suffer from lack of detail in the sector classifica-

    tion, and may make simplifying assumptions, for example that

    foreign technology is identical to domestic technology (Vander

    Voet et al., 2009).

    Indicators easily lose universality (or generality) because

    they may not be able to capture important burden shifting

    processes. These include burden shifting to other parts of

    the production-consumption chain (technical detail), bur-

    den shifting across impact categories (displacement between

    impacts), andburdenshiftingto other geographicalareas (geo-

    graphical displacement) (Van der Voet et al., 2009). However,

    M/SFA provides a framework to detect burden shifts to other

    processes from both a chain and global perspective, by discov-

    ering different impact types along material/substance flows,

    and by quantifying shifts in environmental pressure from one

    region to another.

    4.4. Developing new M/SFA application paths

    4.4.1. Methodological development of measuring indirect flows

    and unused flows

    Economy-wide material flow accounting methods are now

    mature, meaning that material flow indicators can now com-

    plement traditional economic and demographic information inproviding a basis for sustainable resource use policies (Fischer-

    Kowalskietal.,2011). However,as faras thelevel of standardization

    of measurement and estimation methods is concerned, only mea-

    surements of direct material inputs are mature enough to justify

    input flow data being used to deliver reasonably reliable results in

    time series for all countries of the world (Fischer-Kowalski et al.,

    2011). In other words, much less efforthas been invested in studies

    of material outputs measurements thaninputs measurements, and

    further research is needed to increase methodological harmoniza-

    tion. In particular, a measurement method for indirect flows and

    unused flows still needs to be improved in order to include indirect

    material flows in M/SFA accounts (see Section 4.2.1).

    4.4.2. Standardization issues ofM/SFA for joint SD assessmentThe core of SD thinking is to harmonize human-nature and

    human-human relationships (Huang et al., 2005). The disturbance

    caused by industrialization and urbanization has led to the read-

    justment of the receiving natural systems (atmosphere, biosphere,

    hydrosphere, pedosphere, etc.) toward a new equilibrium at the

    planetary scale, which inevitably causes local imbalances, includ-

    ing climate anomalies, ecosystem degradation, and shortage of

    resources. Therefore, the objective should be to try to coordinate

    humannature and humanhuman relationships so that humans

    can successfully adapt when local imbalances occur. While social

    scientists naturally emphasize harmonizing humanhuman rela-

    tionships (Colantonio, 2011; Lufer, 2010), natural scientists focus

    on howto adapt to local changesin thehumannature relationships

    (Li and Dovers, 2011). Because SD assessment needs to considerboth humanhuman and humannature relationships, it is nec-

    essary to formulate standardized M/SFA procedures, data format,

    classification of various materials, and so on, to enable social and

    natural scientists to jointly conduct SD assessment in different


    For instance, consider the problem of how to establish

    an industrial ecosystem which is similar to a natural ecosys-

    tem (Frosch and Gallopoulos, 1989). If social and natural

    scientists from different countries cooperated to establish stan-

    dardized procedures to handle the different processes in the

    productionconsumption chain, and standardized methods to

    measure the different types of environmental impacts in differ-

    ent regions at different times, the industrial ecosystem designed

    by these standardized procedures and methods would be able to

    deliver the harmonization of humannature and humanhuman


    While there is an extensive literature on both industrial and

    natural ecosystems, little has been written on how M/SFA can

    inform adaptation to local changes (i.e. improved understanding

    of the humannature relationship). While M/SFA accounting and

    indicators have already been standardized to some extent (see

    e.g. European Communities, 2001), future standardization efforts

    should address mass data acquisition and processing, classifica-

    tion of various materials, and standardization of the measurement

    of changes in the physical, chemical, and biological properties of

    materials and substances during the course of their flow.

    4.5. MakingM/SFA data more systematic

    Assessment of environmental sustainability requires system-

    atic and comprehensive data, which can be acquired by analysis

    of material and matter flows in both the environmental and socio-

    economic systems. This data can be compiled into a consistent

    model of material flows, based on resources input indicators and

    wastes output indicators. For example, economically extended

    M/SFA includes economic information, and reduces the short-

    comings of a technically oriented MFAby includinga description of

    the inputs and outputs in money units, without changing the sys-tem structure. This enables e.g. a food production chain model to

    be developed from data obtained from corporate information sys-

    tems, market research institutes and national statistics, together

    with assumptions basedon primary energy consumption, land use,

    material costs, other costs, and turnover indicators (Kytzia et al.,


    However, not only there is low data availability and rela-

    tively high data uncertainty at present (Binder, 2007a), but most

    countries also lack a national data-collection system for tracking

    and monitoring material and substance flows, especially unused

    flows (Kovanda et al., 2009). This may be due to the lack of a

    general criterion or method for systematic mass data collection

    by the relevant administrative department. The lack of system-

    atic data, even in urban areas (Browne et al., 2011), is the biggestobstacle to using M/SFA to assess SD. Physical inputoutput tables

    (PIOTs) of material flow record all physical flows associated with

    the economic activities defined in the System of National Accounts

    (Commission of the European Communities et al., 1993), including

    flows of physical products, extraction of raw materials, the sup-

    ply and use of wastes and residuals, waste emissions and stock

    change (Hoekstra and van den Bergh, 2006). However, PIOTs have

    only been compiled for a few European countries (Hinterberger

    et al., 2003), including the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Italy

    and Finland (Hoekstra and van den Bergh, 2006), and mass data

    for these tables are not based on directly tracking and monitoring

    material or substance mass flows, but rather on indirect conver-

    sions from other data sources, including monetary inputoutput

    tables. Nevertheless, M/SFA can be directly affiliated to existingeconomic accounting schemes by consistent and comprehensive

    data organization (Weisz, 2000). Thus, in future attention should

    be paid to further systematization and serialization of M/SFA data

    obtained from existing economicaccounting schemes. Looking fur-

    therahead, we anticipate the establishment of a monitoring system

    to collect systematic andcomprehensive massdata for materialand

    substance flows in other countries beyond the European Union.

    To make M/SFA a more useful tool for SD assessment, and

    to inform the optimization of patterns of production and con-

    sumption, improved materials use efficiency, and the design of SD

    scenarios(Bader et al.,2011; Bringezu andMoriguchi, 2002; Liu and

    Chen, 2006; Matthewset al., 2000; Park BH et al., 2011; Park J et al.,

    2011; Rodrguezet al.,2011; Tachibana et al.,2008), future research

    should focus on: (1) quantification of environmental pressure

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    112 C.-L. Huang et al. / Resources, Conservation andRecycling68 (2012) 104116

    Zinc System Boundary: STAF world

    Import/Export +57

    Lithosphere -7800 +3,030Environment

    Fabrication &



    Concentrate 82

    Refined Zinc


    Finished Products



    660Discards490 770

    8501,210Old Scrap















    Refined Zinc



    Scrap 16

    330 Slag






    Smelter, 150



    100 280 -794 2240 -6499

    100 -279 795 -2239 6500

    Scale, Gg Zn/y

    Fig.A.1. Thecontemporaryglobal levelzinc cycle.Note: Thisfigureshows thecriticallinks ofzinc lossin theproductionconsumptionchain andthereforeprovidessystematic

    information of both used flows and unusedflows forSD assessment.

    Adapted from Graedel et al. (2005).

    Fabrication &





    52 Slag






    Smelter, 4


    Import/Export +320

    Lithosphere -1290 +340Environment


    Concentrate 300

    Refined Zinc


    Finished Products


    Scrap 20







    340Old Scrap











    Zinc System Boundary: China, 1994-98 average

    Scale, Gg Zn/y

    10 31 - 99 310 -999

    10-30.9 100 - 309 1000

    Fig.A.2. The contemporary country-level zinc cycle. Note: This figure shows that it hasa similar analyzing frameworkcomparing with Fig. A.1.

    Adapted from Graedel et al. (2005).

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    C.-L. Huang et al. / Resources, Conservation andRecycling68 (2012) 104116 113

    Table B.1

    M/SFA accounting table of theFinnish economy from domestic natural sources and aboard in 2002 and 2005. Unit: million tons.

    2002 2005


    Domestic extraction

    Cultivated plants 4.5 1.5 6.1 6.7 1.6 8.4

    Fodder plants 10.4 1.8 12.2 10.4 1.8 12.2

    Wild fishes and animals 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.2

    Wood 51.8 22.3 74.1 51.4 21.6 73

    Peat 9.2 0.5 9.6 9.0 0.5 9.5

    Metal ores 3.2 5.6 8.8 3.3 1.2 4.5

    Lime 3.7 1.8 5.5 3.8 5.5 9.3

    Industry minerals 10.8 3.5 14.3 11.6 6.4 18.1

    Construction stones 0.7 2.9 3.6 0.9 3.7 4.6

    Gravel, sand 90.0 0.0 90.0 98.0 0.0 98.0

    Other earth resources 7.8 25.8 33.6 12.0 24.4 36.4

    Total domestic 192.3 65.8 258.1 207.4 66.7 274.1

    Biotic 66.9 22.8 89.6 68.7 22.1 90.8

    Abiotic 125.4 43 168.4 38.7 44.6 183.3


    Agriculture products 2.3 14.8 17.1 2.7 18.0 20.7

    Wood 12.0 7.7 19.7 13.4 8.6 22.0

    Energy minerals and products 26.9 23.4 50.3 25.0 26.0 51.1

    Coal 5.8 9.6 15.4 5.6 9.3 14.9

    Crude oil 11.7 2.2 13.9 10.96 2.0 13.0

    Natural gas 3.1 0.9 4.0 3.1 0.9 4.0Coke 0.5 4.2 4.7 0.9 7.5 8.4

    Refined oil 5.7 3.5 9.3 4.5 2.8 7.4

    Nuclear fuel 0.0001 2.1 2.1 0.0002 2.3 2.3

    Electricity 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.2 1.2

    Metal concentrates 5.2 51.8 57.0 5.7 42.9 48.6

    Iron 3.8 6.4 10.2 4.2 4.7 8.9

    Copper 0.5 34.1 34.6 0.5 26.9 27.4

    Nickel 0.2 3.1 3.3 0.1 1.8 2.0

    Zinc 0.4 5.0 5.4 0.5 5.8 6.3

    Other metal 0.3 3.2 3.6 0.4 3.7 4.1

    Other quarrying products 4.2 11.1 15.3 4.1 10.8 15.0

    Products of forest industry 1.9 3.7 5.6 3.3 5.2 8.5

    Products of chemical industry 5.4 24.2 29.6 5.6 25.5 31.2

    Products of metal industry 3.5 42.5 46.1 4.0 44.4 48.4

    Products of electric industry 0.3 48.3 48.6 0.3 47.6 47.9

    Other manufactured products 1.3 7.2 8.5 1.7 8.9 10.6

    Services 0.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 8.4 8.4

    Total imports 63.0 240.8 303.7 65.8 246.5 312.3Biotic 16.2 14.8 31.1 22.3 17.6 39.8

    Abiotic 46.8 225.9 272.7 43.5 228.9 272.5

    Adapted from Sepplet al. (2011).

    Abbreviations: DMI, direct material input; HF, hiddenflows; TMR, total material requirement.

    shifting resulting from foreign trade; (2) bringing M/SFA indica-

    tors closer to environmental impacts; (3) integrated studies on the

    optimization of material or substanceflow pathways; and(4) anal-

    ysis of the relationship between material/substance consumption

    and SD,because consumptionis themain driving force of resources

    depletion and waste discharge.

    5. Summary

    This paper has presented a review of the current state of M/SFA

    research, and has discussed how to use M/SFA to underpin SD and

    its assessment. The literature review has indicated that M/SFA can

    play a very important role in sustainability assessment, and the

    recent theoretical and application studies of M/SFA form a sound

    basis for using M/SFA to support SD assessment. However, M/SFA

    could play a greater role in the environmental and social aspects

    of SD assessment than at present. The extension of M/SFA appli-

    cations will facilitate the derivation of better SD indicators, and

    improve the functions of M/SFA in SD assessment. We propose

    that the scope and role of M/SFA should be enlarged by empha-sizing simultaneous analysis of features of material/substance

    flows, integration of M/SFA with other SD assessment methods,

    Table B.2

    Finnish industry products and services with thegreatestGHG emission intensity in 2002 identified by LCA. Unit: kgCO2eq per D value of product.

    Industry products Services

    Product group kg CO2eq/D Service group kg CO2eq/D

    Cement, lime and plaster 13 Air transport services 1.5

    Products of animal farming 4 Freight transportation services by road 0.98

    Fertilizers and nitrogen compound 3 Railway transportation services 0.7

    Basic iron; and steel and ferro-alloys 3 Restaurant services 0.7

    Basic chemicals 3 Business services 0.3

    Adapted from Sepplet al. (2011).

  • 7/26/2019 2012 Using Mfa for Sd


    114 C.-L. Huang et al. / Resources, Conservation andRecycling68 (2012) 104116

    improvingthe quality and function of indicators derived by M/SFA,

    and developing newapplication paths of M/SFA.In addition,M/SFA

    data collection and processing should be conducted in a more sys-

    tematic way.


    This research is supported by the CAS/SAFEAInternational Part-

    nership Program for Creative Research Teams (KZCX2-YW-T08).Authors wouldlike to thankEricMasanet andthe threeanonymous

    reviewers for their valuable suggestions and comments.

    Appendix A. M/SFA results for SD assessment

    Figs. A.1 and A.2 show the contemporary global and country-

    level zinc cycles by SFA (Graedel et al., 2005). Discard flows in

    the multilevel cycle of anthropogenic zinc can be understood by

    M/SFA (Graedel et al., 2005), allowing sustainability indicators,

    including accumulationratio, secondaryinput ratios, recycling per-

    centage, utilization efficiency, prompt scrap ratio, and so on, to be

    derived. Using these indicators, it is possible to assess the retriev-

    ability of zinc that is discarded in various forms during the flowprocess of productionfabrication and manufacturing-use-waste,

    and the extraction requirements for zinc. The potential economic

    and social drivers for zinc flows can also be explored. Thus, the

    sustainability of zinc use can be assessed by comparing these indi-

    cators at different levels of the zinc cycle (such as at the global

    level, as shown in Fig. A.1, and country level, as shown in Fig. A.2).

    Because SD assessment follows the relativity principle (we can

    never know whether the subject of the assessment is absolutely

    sustainable, but we can definitely say that one subject is more

    sustainable than another according to some designated terms in a

    specific spacetime frame), the researcher can determine whether

    zinc use in country A is more sustainable or efficient than in coun-

    tryB (assumingthat other indicators do notshow other differences

    between these two countries).

    Appendix B. The integration of M/SFA with LCA for SD


    Many indicators derived by M/SFA are not sufficient in them-

    selves for SD assessment. For example, relationships between total

    material requirement (TMR) and greenhouse gas emissions vary

    so much between different products and services that TMR should

    not be used to make environmental impact comparisons between

    products and services. According to the European Commission

    (2001) calculation rules for direct material consumption (DMC),

    DMC includes the indirect material input of exports, and does not

    measure the direct material use of the domestic final use of prod-

    ucts. Thus, theresults of the DMCas a measure of domesticmaterialconsumption are too high, especially for the country with a strong

    export industry using a significant amount of natural resources.

    However, a correction can be applied to DMC using the ENVI-

    MAT model. The ENVIMAT model is an environmentally extended

    inputoutput (EEIO) model based on an environmental life-cycle

    impact assessment and monetary inputoutput tables associated

    with material flows. Thus, the model can be used to analyze the

    relationship between material flows, environmental impacts, and

    the economy. The corrected domestic direct material consumption

    for Finland was 32 tons per capita instead of 44tons per capita in

    2005. The correction improves the results of the DMC (an M/SFA

    indicator) as a measure of domestic material consumption, making

    the assessment results of environmental impacts resulting from

    material flows more accurate. This provides one example of how

    the integration of MFA with other SD assessment methods, in this

    case LCA, can facilitate and improve assessment results.

    Appendix C. Supplementary data

    Supplementary data associated with this article can be

    found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/



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