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Autodesk Channel Certification Program


Page 2: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Welcome to the 2012 Autodesk Partner Certification Program!

Last year, we introduced the Autodesk channel to our first worldwide partner certification program.

The intent of the program was to ensure that sales and support professionals in the Autodesk

channels possessed the knowledge and skills required to be successful. By participating in the

program, partner representatives could identify areas for improvement and refer to suggested study

materials that would help target and address the skills and competencies needed in their role.

Through the introduction of a specific combination of online courses and examinations based on role

and industry learning paths, a learning plan was designed to help our partners:

Understand target industries.

Have the knowledge and skills needed to be successful.

Spend as much time in the field as possible with customers versus time in classroom


In order to accomplish this, the Channel Certification program was launched!

As a result, to date, over 8000 partner representatives achieved Autodesk sales, pre-sales or product support certified professional status, worldwide.

This year, we continue this successful program by introducing the 2012 Autodesk Partner Certification Program which will focus on the level of competencies and capability for specific roles in the channel partner environment.

This document helps guide you to success on the Channel Certification Program courses and exams, and ensures that you are on-message with Autodesk goals, programs, and initiatives for the year!

Follow this guide to gain an understanding of the following topics:

Autodesk Learning Central

How to Take the Exams

Competencies Categories and specific Skills and Behaviors

As was the case last year‟s certification program, this year it will be necessary for you to complete all courses and exams in your Mandatory Learning Path on Autodesk Learning Central. You will notice additional mandatory online courses in your learning path which will further enhance your knowledge and sales skills. Therefore, don‟t wait! Get started on your certification program today!

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Contents Welcome to the 2012 Autodesk Partner Certification Program! ............................................................................ 2

Partner Competency and Autodesk Learning Central ............................................................................................. 5

2012 Certification Program ................................................................................................................................ 5

Autodesk Learning Central................................................................................................................................. 5

Profile ................................................................................................................................................................ 5

FAQ and Support ............................................................................................................................................... 6

Languages Supported ........................................................................................................................................ 6

The Courses, Exams and your Mandatory Learning Path ................................................................................... 6

How to Take the Certification Exam(s) ............................................................................................................................. 8

Competencies ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

Sales Representatives Skills and Competencies - Overall ..........................................................................................................12

Technical Pre-Sales Representatives Skills and Competencies - Overall .....................................................................................13

Technical Post-Sales Representatives Skills and Competencies – Overall ...................................................................................14

Technical Services Manager Skills and Competencies – Overall .................................................................................................15

Marketing Representative Skills and Competencies – Overall ...................................................................................................15

Manufacturing ..................................................................................................................................................... 16

Manufacturing Sales Representative Specific Competencies ........................................................................... 16

Manufacturing Sales Representative Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials ...............................................16

Manufacturing Sales Manager ......................................................................................................................... 18

Manufacturing Technical Pre-Sales Specific Competencies: ............................................................................. 19

Manufacturing Technical Pre-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials ..................................................19

Manufacturing Technical Post-Sales Specific Competencies ............................................................................ 21

Manufacturing Technical Post-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials ................................................21

AEC Building ........................................................................................................................................................ 22

AEC Building Sales Representative Specific Sales Competencies ...................................................................... 22

AEC Building Sales Representative Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials ...................................................22

AEC Building Sales Manager ............................................................................................................................ 24

AEC Building Technical Pre-Sales Specific Competencies: ................................................................................ 25

AEC Building Technical Pre-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials .....................................................25

AEC Building Technical Post-Sales Specific Competencies: ............................................................................... 27

AEC Building Technical Post-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials ....................................................27

AEC Infrastructure ............................................................................................................................................... 29

AEC Infrastructure Specific Sales Representative Competencies ...................................................................... 29

AEC Infrastructure Sales Representative Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials ..........................................29

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AEC Infrastructure Sales Manager ................................................................................................................... 31

AEC Infrastructure Technical Pre-Sales Specific Competencies: ....................................................................... 32

AEC Infrastructure Technical Pre-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials.............................................32

AEC Infrastructure Technical Post-Sales Specific Competencies: ...................................................................... 34

AEC Infrastructure Technical Post-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials ...........................................34

Media and Entertainment .................................................................................................................................... 35

Media and Entertainment Sales Representative Specific Competencies: ......................................................... 35

Autodesk Media and Entertainment Sales Representative Learning Central Courses Study Materials ...............................35

Media and Entertainment Sales Manager ........................................................................................................ 37

Media and Entertainment Technical Pre-Sales Specific Competencies: ............................................................ 38

Media and Entertainment Technical Pre-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials .................................38

Media and Entertainment Technical Post-Sales Specific Competencies: .......................................................... 41

Media and Entertainment Technical Post-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials ................................41

Horizontal Design ................................................................................................................................................ 43

Horizontal Sales Representative ...................................................................................................................... 43

Autodesk Horizontal Sales Representative Learning Central Courses Study Materials ......................................................43

Horizontal Design Sales Manager .................................................................................................................... 44

Horizontal Design Pre-Sales Technical: ............................................................................................................ 45

Horizontal Design Technical Pre-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials ..............................................45

Horizontal Design Technical Post-Sales Specific Competencies: ....................................................................... 48

Horizontal Design Technical Post-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials ............................................48

Education Sales Representative: .......................................................................................................................... 51

Education Sales Representative Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials .......................................................51

Technical Services Manager ................................................................................................................................. 52

Technical Services Manager Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials ............................................................52

Marketing Manager ............................................................................................................................................. 52

Marketing Manager Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials ........................................................................52

Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................. 55

Marketing Representative Skills and Behaviors ............................................................................................... 55

Sales Representative Skills and Behaviors ....................................................................................................... 58

Pre-Sales Representative Skills and Behaviors ................................................................................................. 67

Post-Sales Representative Skills and Behaviors ............................................................................................... 74

Post-Sales Representative General .................................................................................................................................74

Post-Sales Representative Technical ...............................................................................................................................76

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Partner Competency and Autodesk Learning Central

We want you to be successful. You are responsible for selling to, servicing and supporting our shared customer base. Your success is our success. This document exists to help ensure that you, our valued partner:

Understand our target industries.

Have the knowledge and skills you need to be successful.

Spend as much time in the field as possible, with our customers versus time in classroom training.

Channel Certification is about ensuring that you know what you need to know and can demonstrate your abilities in the safe, controlled environment of Autodesk® Learning Central. By understanding what you know, and helping you improve your skills, we can help you win more deals, faster.

Also, we want to avoid overloading you with training content. You are a professional, and your full-time job is selling Autodesk® solutions. By testing what you know, we can determine the areas where you need to hone your skills. We need to sharpen the saw every day when it comes to skills. This tool is here to help create a sharp, clean, and accurate edge.

2012 Certification Program

The 2012 certification program includes a combination of on-line courses which include a knowledge check and an examination based on your role and industry focus. You will find these on-line courses and exams in your mandatory learning path on Autodesk Learning Central.

Autodesk Learning Central

In order to participate in the certification program, you need to have access through an account to Autodesk Learning Central. If you do not already have an account, you can request one at any time by going to www.autodesk.com/partnerlearning. Go to the „Create New Account‟ tab and then fill out the page which will appear. It is important that you complete the entire page with accurate information reflecting your present role and industry focus. If you created an account at any time in the past but do not remember your password, you can retrieve it by going to the Forgot Password tab on the Autodesk Learning Central login page.


Your username is typically your personal company email address, unique to you. If, when you originally created your account you did not use your personal company email address, or if your personal company email address has changed, please be sure to update this information in your „Profile‟ page.

It is important to ensure the correct mandatory learning path is automatically displayed for you as a default when you launch Autodesk Learning Central, therefore be sure that the personal profile for your Autodesk Learning Central account is correct and up to date. Make sure that your role and industry focus is current and that all of the information on your profile page is accurate. This will ensure you are getting the correct information with regards to the certification requirements you need to complete. You can check that your job role is accurate by referring to job role definitions links located on the Profile page.

Your profile can be updated at any time by going to the „Profile‟ link in Autodesk Learning Central located in the top right hand corner.

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FAQ and Support

If you company information or affiliation has changed, please let us know by going to the „Contact Us‟ link located in

the top right hand corner of Autodesk Learning Central. Please use the „Contact Us‟ link if you experience any

problems with Autodesk Learning Central or have any questions.

Be sure to review the list of frequently asked questions which can help you understand how to navigate Autodesk

Learning Central, please go to the „FAQ‟ link located on the top right hand corner of Autodesk Learning Central, and

review this information.

Only employees of currently authorized Autodesk partner sites can have an account and access to Autodesk

Learning Central.

Languages Supported

The Autodesk Learning Central learning management system interface currently supports 10 languages: English,

French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese. Be sure your

preferred language is accurate in your „Profile‟ (see above) so that Autodesk Learning Central will launch the correct

language interface when you login. This is very important, as having the correct preferred language in your profile,

allows training content in the correct language to be made available in your mandatory and recommended learning

path; the training will be in your learning path, if and when the training content is available in your preferred language.

*Only the Sales Representative applies to this role. **These roles do not have a specific industry focus.

The Courses, Exams and your Mandatory Learning Path

Based on your job role and the industry you support, there is a specific mandatory certification learning path for you. Below are the roles and industries for which there is a certification path available.

Job Roles Industry

Sales Representative

Sales Manager (team manager)

Technical Pre-Sales

Technical Post Sales

AEC Building

AEC Infrastructure

Media and Entertainment


Horizontal Design (included in all industry

groups except Media and Entertainment)


Technical Services Manager**



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A specific series of on-line courses with knowledge checks and examinations is available on mandatory learning

paths according to role and industry. You can find your learning path by going to the Learning Path tab in Autodesk

Learning Central. You will see your default job role and industry (as defined in your profile page) indicated in green

type in the pull down menus, located just above the learning path.

You will find a „mandatory‟ learning path containing boxes indicating all of the on-line courses and examinations that

you will need to successfully complete in order to fulfill certification requirements. There is also a „recommended‟

learning path, where you will find additional supporting courses which are study materials for the examination(s) in

your mandatory learning path.

You can enroll in any of the on-line courses and exams by simply clicking on any of the boxes in your learning path.

When you do so, a full description will open. In order to actually enroll in this course or exam, you must click on the

„register‟ button. At this point, you can begin the course or exam immediately, or you can begin later by going to your

enrolled course or exam in the „Enrollments‟ tab in Autodesk Learning Central.

Once you have enrolled in a course or exam, the box representing this course or exam will appear in yellow in your

learning path. This indicates the course or exam is in progress. When you successfully complete the course or

exam, this box will change to green.

Keep an eye on your mandatory learning path for new courses and exams released for the 2012 certification

program. When all of the courses for the 2012 certification learning paths are available and official certification can

be attained, it will be announced through your Autodesk newsletter and your Autodesk channel manager.

When all of the planned courses and exams for the 2012 certification program for each role/industry group are

released and available in the mandatory learning path on Autodesk Learning Central, the certification path will be

completed by tagging the 2012 certification courses and exams with an asterisk (*). At this time, if you have

successfully completed all of the courses and exams on your mandatory learning path, you will have achieved

certification for your role/industry!

Successfully completing all of the courses and exams will take time and focus; therefore, do not put off starting, begin

today. Many of the 2012 certification courses are available on your mandatory learning path right now!

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How to Take the Certification Exam(s)

The best way to experience the Channel Certification core exam for your role and industry is:

1. Go to Autodesk® Learning Central

2. Click the Certification Exam in your Learning Path

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3. Register for the exam and then Launch it!

5. Review the Exam Guide carefully before you begin your exam.

5. Click on the exam link in the tree in order to launch the exam.

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Take the exam! When working on an exam attempt, be sure to use the Save Progress button often! This will save your responses for the attempt you are working on. You can come back and continue with this same attempt at any time.

When you are satisfied with your responses, click on the Score button. This will use and score the attempt you are presently working on.

You have up to five (5) attempts to pass the exam, and we advocate that you first take some time and go through the recommended study materials. When you feel ready, try to complete your first attempt of an exam. If you are not successful, take the time to review the competencies and related study materials to help you in subsequent attempts.

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Review. Review your results. Once your Score browser window closes (do not close browser window pre-maturely), go to your exam home page and click on the Review button.

You can review your scoring results in detail

Study! Refer to the courses available in your „Mandatory‟ and „Recommended‟ learning tab listed in this program guide. We are always working to build new, concise content to help you improve your skills in the minimum amount of time. Review this program guide carefully according to your primary role and industry focus in order to understand what competencies are being tested and what courses can help you prepare for the exam.

When you are ready, take the exam again.

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The on-line courses and exams cover the key competencies that enable you to understand the main products that Autodesk offers in your industry and how those products make our customers more successful. This knowledge will help you become a trusted advisor to our shared customers.

In order to gauge partner performance, a standard scale that could help us objectively measure skills and behaviors is needed. If you have ever studied psychology, you know how difficult this measurement can be. We worked with industry experts to build a competency model – a map of the skills and behaviors that successful professionals display every day – to help us:

Honestly and objectively measure partner performance.

Help our partners understand where they are strong, and where they need to improve.

Build concise, streamlined training material that does not waste your time.

Important: The Sales, Pre-Sales and Post-Sales role for Manufacturing, AEC Building, and AEC Infrastructure will include Horizontal Design certification courses and exams. Therefore please be sure to review the competencies and study materials for the roles relevant to you in the Horizontal Design sections of this document.

The competency model is extensive, but this year we will be focusing on a set of the total competencies identified. These key competencies according to job roles are:

Sales Representatives Skills and Competencies - Overall Category Competency

Interviewing Applies active listening and questioning techniques to discover customer needs and opportunities

Communication Relates information in writing and orally in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional business manner

Resources Recognizes and uses context-specific resources to aid the sales process

Business and Financial Acumen

Analyzes a customer’s business to develop a well-rounded view of the company to identify needs, risks, and assess priorities to predict opportunities and build a trusted advisor relationship

Territory Planning Analyzes the territory to define and classify the sales opportunities Forecasting and Pipeline Creates, manages, and analyzes an individual pipeline to ensure sales goals are met on time Customer Knowledge and Qualification

Assesses customer business needs, politics, and goals to determine the quality of the opportunity

Solution Development Constructs and communicates a solution designed to meet the prioritized business needs of a customer

Sales Process Adapts and applies core sales processes consistently to advance opportunities Time Management Analyzes sales tasks to determine priorities related to opportunities, forecast, and quota Opportunity Planning Creates detailed plans for sales opportunities that answer the questions of who, what, when,

where, and why Negotiation Employs negotiation skills at every stage of the sales process to advance the sale and increase the

value Account/Client Management

Applies account and client management techniques to ensure customer satisfaction, develop the relationship, and grow the account

Teaming/Networking Demonstrates effective teaming and networking skills internally, with customers, with people in the industry, and with Autodesk

Change Management Applies change management best practices to sales situations to help set customer expectations of a solution

Industry Knowledge Applies industry knowledge to identify and solve customer needs and establish credibility

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Technical Pre-Sales Representatives Skills and Competencies - Overall Category Competency

Interviewing Applies active listening and questioning techniques to discover customer needs and opportunities

Communication Relates information orally in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional business manner

Demonstration Plans and demonstrates an approach to solving the prioritized business needs of a customer Business and Financial Acumen

Analyzes a customer’s business to develop a well-rounded view of the company to identify needs, risks, and assess priorities to predict opportunities and build a trusted advisor relationship

Customer Knowledge and Qualification

Assesses customer business needs, politics, and goals to determine the quality of the opportunity

Solution Development Constructs and communicates a solution designed to meet the prioritized business needs of a customer

Sales Process Adapts and applies core sales processes consistently to advance opportunities Opportunity Planning

Creates detailed plans for sales opportunities that answer the questions of who, what, when, where, and why

Account/Client Management

Applies account and client management techniques to ensure customer satisfaction, develop the relationship, and grow the account

Influencing Employs influencing skills to advance the sale, address objections, and demonstrate value Teaming/Networking Demonstrates effective teaming and networking skills internally, with customers, with people in

the industry, and with Autodesk Change Management Applies change management best practices to sales situations to help set customer expectations of

a solution Industry Knowledge Applies extensive industry knowledge to identify and solve customer needs and establish


Product Knowledge Demonstrates technical knowledge of core products related to supported industries

(For a detailed list of the skills and behaviors for Sales Representative and Technical Pre-Sales

Representative competencies listed above, see the Appendix)

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Technical Post-Sales Representatives Skills and Competencies – Overall

Category Competency

Interviewing Applies active listening and questioning techniques to identify, clarify, and troubleshoot customer problems

Conflict Management Uses conflict management techniques to identify sources of conflict and resolve them in writing and over the phone

Communication Relates facts, procedures, status, ideas, and other information in writing and orally in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional manner

Teamwork Practices effective teaming skills

Organization Demonstrates effective organizational skills

Installation Describes the Autodesk installation process and demonstrates knowledge of common problems and solutions related to supported products

Licensing Describes the Autodesk licensing models and demonstrates knowledge of common problems and solutions

Troubleshooting Demonstrates an effective troubleshooting process

Data Management Describes best practices and common techniques for managing data in supported Autodesk products

Resources Recognizes and employs context-specific resources to provide known solutions and procedures to customers

AutoCAD Evaluates customer problems related to output and troubleshoots common processes

M&E Evaluates common system performance issues and relates recommendations

Demonstrates intermediate skills and knowledge related to rendering configuration, functionality, and tools

AEC Describes and demonstrates functionality, procedures, and concepts related to GIS

Employs common tools and procedures related to visibility and graphics in Revit

Applies best practices related to worksharing in Revit

Demonstrates knowledge of product stability (typical product crashes and resolutions)

Demonstrates a conceptual knowledge of building information modeling and how it relates to Revit

Employs best practices to enhance customer performance with regard to common concerns in Civil 3D

Demonstrates knowledge of map functionality to support Civil 3D customers

Manufacturing Describes and demonstrates the functionality, procedures, concepts, and workflows for common core manufacturing products

Demonstrates the ability to assist customers in customizing Inventor

(For a detailed list of the skills and behaviors for each competency listed above, see the Appendix)

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Technical Services Manager Skills and Competencies – Overall Category Competency

Communication Relates information in writing and orally in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional

business manner

Business and Financial


Analyzes a customer’s business to develop a well-rounded view of the company to identify needs,

risks, and assess priorities to predict opportunities and build a trusted advisor relationship

Solution Development Constructs and communicates a solution designed to meet the prioritized business needs of a


Negotiation Employs negotiation skills at every stage of the sales process to advance the sale and increase the




Applies account and client management techniques to ensure customer satisfaction, develop the

relationship, and grow the account

Teaming/Networking Demonstrates effective teaming and networking skills internally, with customers, with people in

the industry, and with Autodesk

Change Management Applies change management best practices to sales situations to help set customer expectations of

a solution

Marketing Representative Skills and Competencies – Overall Category Competency

Communication Relates information in writing and orally in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional

business manner;

Resources Recognizes and uses context-specific resources to aid and support the sales process

Territory Planning Helps sales analyze the territory for understanding of sales opportunities

Forecasting and Pipeline Assists sales in managing, and analyzing and helping build individual pipeline to ensure sales goals

are met.

Customer Knowledge

and Qualification

Assesses customer business needs, politics, and goals to determine the quality of the opportunity



Helps sales create plans for sales opportunities that answer the questions of who, what, when,

where, and why

Time Management Analyzes sales tasks to determine priorities related to opportunities, forecast, and quota



Supports sales staff by also applying account and client management techniques to ensure customer satisfaction, develop the relationship, and grow the account

Teaming/Networking Demonstrates effective teaming and networking skills internally, with customers, with people in the

industry, and with Autodesk

Industry Knowledge Applies industry knowledge to identify and solve customer needs and establish credibility

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Manufacturing Sales Representative Specific Competencies

Demonstrates knowledge of the manufacturing industry – key market segments, drivers, challenges, and trends

Identifies the most appropriate prospect manufacturing companies to call on, based on their products, and manufacturing industry segments

Describes the daily tasks of mechanical engineers, designers and drafters and how using Autodesk products can help them work more effectively

Identifies the associated time and costs for each stage in the workflow and maps solutions (either to time or cost)

Uses the Autodesk Digital Prototyping story in all sales presentations

Sells to the customer‟s required workflows

Calculates ROI as determined by the entire workflow as opposed to a specific department (e.g., the real saving may not be in the department implementing the software, but may occur before or after that part of the overall process)

Manufacturing Sales Representative Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Digital Prototyping Story for FY12

This short video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk Digital Prototyping story with your customers. This 12 minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around Digital Prototyping. A knowledge check is also included at the end of this course.

10 mins Industry Knowledge, Solution Development

Selling the Autodesk Product Design Suite

In this course, you’ll learn about the Autodesk Product Design Suite: how it replaces the Inventor Suites, the target customer for these new suites, and several key plays to help you successfully sell to a variety of customers. Next, we’ll discuss basic objection handling techniques, and we will outline the general workflow coverage for each of the three editions of the Autodesk Product Design Suite. This course will conclude with a comprehensive knowledge check, to ensure that you’ve retained the high points of these lessons. We’ll also point you to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk Manufacturing.

30 min Industry Knowledge

Special Report: Manufacturing 2012 for Sales

The Sales Special Report consists of video learning modules captured at the four-day Autodesk MFG 2012 Summit in March, 2011. The focus for the sales sessions is to help you prepare to position and sell the 2012 Manufacturing Solutions. The sessions include breakouts on Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012, the Autodesk Vault family of products, and Autodesk Inventor Publisher. The final module is focused on Autodesk’s simulation products. At the end of the course, you will be required to successfully complete a knowledge check to achieve “course complete” status.

7 hrs Product Knowledge

Autodesk Product Design Suite Workflow for Sales

In this course, you gain a deeper understanding of the workflows and benefits of the Autodesk Product Design Suite. You are provided with the materials needed to present the demonstrations for your customers and clients. This course provides tools that supplement the information available in the Manufacturing Sales Toolkit, enabling you to successfully position and sell this exciting offering from Autodesk.

20 mins Product Knowledge

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Title Description Duration Competency

Manufacturing Business Simulation - English

Experience what it is like to be one of your customers. Engage in an interactive simulation of the day-to-day demands of your manufacturing customer’s business. See how operating decisions are made and the impact of investment decisions on your revenue. You will then test your knowledge using interactive exercises, giving you a real business case experience of how you can utilize the Digital Prototyping vision, strategy, and messaging tools to increase your sales effectiveness. Learn how to establish yourself as a key strategic business partner – a partner your customers will choose to allocate their information technology budget to.

3 hrs Customer knowledge and qualification

Manufacturing Sales Challenge, First Challenge

This is the first of 4 installments intended to reinforce the principles of the Manufacturing Business Simulation training delivered at sales training events worldwide. This Sales Challenge addresses the first phase of the Transaction Expansion Model, where you will be presented with a typical customer request for a transactional quote, and you will be able to practice various techniques to determine if there is an opportunity in the account beyond the initial transaction. You will be provided with guidance and feedback throughout the exercise, to guide you to the desired end result - a significantly larger and more profitable sales opportunity!

30 min Customer knowledge and qualification

Manufacturing Sales Challenge, Second Challenge

This is the second of 4 installments intended to reinforce the principles of the Manufacturing Business Simulation training. This Sales Challenge addresses the second phase of the Transaction Expansion Model, where you will explore Machines Inc.’s business, determine desired business results, and identify stakeholders and their interests. In this installment you will meet with engineering management, on your way to a significantly larger and more profitable sales opportunity!

30 min Customer knowledge and qualification

Manufacturing Sales Challenge, Third Challenge

This is the third of 4 installments intended to reinforce the principles of the Manufacturing Business Simulation training. This Sales Challenge addresses the second phase of the Transaction Expansion Model, where you will continue to explore Machines Inc.’s business, this time stepping outside of engineering to get their sales team’s perspective. This is the last meeting before creating your solution proposal, so be sure to focus on uncovering desired business results, identifying stakeholders and their interests.

30 min Customer knowledge and qualification

Manufacturing Sales Challenge, Fourth Challenge

This is the fourth and final installment of the Manufacturing Sales Challenges. This Sales Challenge brings it all together as you create and deliver your solution proposal to the leadership at Machines, Inc.

20 min Customer knowledge and qualification

Digital Prototyping Essentials

Designed for sales and technical staff, this course provides hands-on, foundational on-line instruction that covers the essentials of Autodesk ® Digital Prototyping. You will learn the core concepts of Digital Prototyping, and learn how to apply them in your sales and technical activities.

10 mins Negotiation

Foundation for Success - Prework

F4S is the Autodesk global on-boarding program from Autodesk®. F4S is highly recommended for our Channel Partners and Autodesk® internal Sales employees.

240 mins Industry Knowledge, Solution Development, Sales Process, Interviewing

Autodesk Subscription 101

In this two-part training course, we'll cover everything that you need to know to successfully sell Autodesk Subscription. In part one; we'll discuss the Subscription value propositions, and how to communicate the value of subscription to your customers. Part two covers the Subscription business, timing of Subscription sales and extending Subscription sales opportunities .

30 mins Solution Development

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Title Description Duration Competency

100 minutes to Improved Sales Results™

This unique program gives you new and powerful tools to close better business, and to do it more efficiently than ever before. The 100 Minutes to Improved Sales Results™ program is based on one of the most successful sales training programs at Autodesk®: Situational Sales Negotiation™. This methodology has been delivered to thousands of Autodesk(R) managers, sales reps and reseller partners. The content in this course has been identified as a major contributor to our success in recent years. Now, this powerful program is available to you in an on-line, video-based format.

100 mins Negotiation, Sales Process

Communications Techniques

This 15 minute module offers tools for strengthening your ability to communicate effectively. Through a simple model that highlights important aspects of both sending and receiving messages, you’ll gain insights that will affect multiple aspects of your job requiring good communication. You will be able to apply these ideas to areas such as: problem solving, action planning, setting expectations, negotiating, delegating, information sharing, coaching and more. A Communication Planner is available for download at the end of the module.

15 mins Negotiation

Why Finance Matters ™

Why Finance Matters! (TM) provides you with the knowledge and tools to understand bottom-line accounting information, and to apply this knowledge to every-day decision making. We recommend that you focus on the first four modules of this interactive course to help you understand the language of finance.

360 mins Business and Financial Acumen

Manufacturing Sales Manager

Please refer to the Manufacturing Sales Competencies and Study Materials for the Sales Representative role

section above.

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Manufacturing Technical Pre-Sales Specific Competencies:

Demonstrates knowledge of the manufacturing industry – key market segments, drivers, challenges, and trends

Analyzes the daily tasks of mechanical engineers, designers and drafters and determines how using Autodesk products can help them work more effectively

Identifies the associated time and costs for each stage in the workflow and maps solutions (either to time or cost)

Uses the Autodesk Digital Prototyping story in all presentations

Sells to the customers‟ required workflows

Manufacturing Technical Pre-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Digital Prototyping Story for FY12

This short video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk Digital Prototyping story with your customers. This 12 minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around Digital Prototyping. A knowledge check is also included at the end of this course.

10 mins Industry Knowledge, Solution Development

Selling the Autodesk Product Design Suite

In this course, you’ll learn about the Autodesk Product Design Suite: how it replaces the Inventor Suites, the target customer for these new suites, and several key plays to help you successfully sell to a variety of customers. Next, we’ll discuss basic objection handling techniques, and we will outline the general workflow coverage for each of the three editions of the Autodesk Product Design Suite. This course will conclude with a comprehensive knowledge check, to ensure that you’ve retained the high points of these lessons. We’ll also point you to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk Manufacturing.

30 min Industry Knowledge

Special Report: Manufacturing 2012 for Technical

The Technical Special Report consists of video learning modules captured at the four-day Autodesk MFG 2012 Summit in March, 2011. The focus for the technical sessions is to help you prepare to position, demo and support the 2012 Manufacturing Solutions. The sessions include breakouts on Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012, the Autodesk Vault family of products, Autodesk Alias Design and Autodesk Inventor Publisher. The final module is focused on Autodesk’s simulation products. At the end of the course, you will be required to successfully complete a knowledge check to achieve “course complete” status.

12.5 hrs Product Knowledge, Demonstration

Autodesk Product Design Suite Workflow for Technical

In this course, you gain a deeper understanding of the workflows and benefits of the Autodesk Product Design Suite. You are provided with the materials needed to perform the technical demonstrations for your customers and clients. This course provides tools that supplement the information available in the Manufacturing Sales Toolkit, enabling you to successfully demonstrate and sell this exciting offering from Autodesk.

90 mins Product Knowledge

Foundation for Success - Prework - English

F4S is the Autodesk global on-boarding program from Autodesk®. F4S is highly recommended for our Channel Partners and Autodesk® internal Sales employees.

240 mins Industry Knowledge, Customer Knowledge and qualification , Sales Process, Interviewing

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Page 20: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Title Description Duration Competency

Autodesk Subscription 101

In this two-part training course, we'll cover everything that you need to know to successfully sell Autodesk Subscription. In part one; we'll discuss the Subscription value propositions, and how to communicate the value of subscription to your customers. Part two covers the Subscription business, timing of Subscription sales and extending Subscription sales opportunities.

30 mins Solution Development

100 minutes to Improved Sales Results™

This unique program gives you new and powerful tools to close better business, and to do it more efficiently than ever before. The 100 Minutes to Improved Sales Results™ program is based on one of the most successful sales training programs at Autodesk®: Situational Sales Negotiation™. This methodology has been delivered to thousands of Autodesk(R) managers, sales reps and reseller partners. The content in this course has been identified as a major contributor to our success in recent years. Now, this powerful program is available to you in an On-line, video-based format.

100 mins Sales Process

Communications Techniques

This 15 minute module offers tools for strengthening your ability to communicate effectively. Through a simple model that highlights important aspects of both sending and receiving messages, you’ll gain insights that will affect multiple aspects of your job requiring good communication. You will be able to apply these ideas to areas such as: problem solving, action planning, setting expectations, negotiating, delegating, information sharing, coaching and more. A Communication Planner is available for download at the end of the module.

15 mins Sales Process

Why Finance Matters ™

Why Finance Matters! (TM) provides you with the knowledge and tools to understand bottom-line accounting information, and to apply this knowledge to every-day decision making. We recommend that you focus on the first four modules of this interactive course to help you understand the language of finance.

360 mins Business and Financial Acumen

Page 21: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Manufacturing Technical Post-Sales Specific Competencies

Describes and demonstrates the functionality, procedures, concepts, and workflows for common core

manufacturing products

Defines the core elements of part modeling (e.g., sketch, what a modeler is, what is continuity, the Autodesk

shape manager, filleting)

Differentiates between solid and surface modeling

Defines and uses the Autodesk shape manager, assembly tool, presentation tools, and drawing tools

Describes why the order in which features are created is important

Defines rendering and demonstrates related procedures

Defines finite element analysis, when and why it is used, and the process

Describes the components of the Content Center Library

Demonstrates the ability to assist customers in customizing Inventor

Describes how to modify default templates

Defines and demonstrates the primary elements of templates that can be customized (e.g., e.g., size of the

sheet on the drawing view, changing the units, unit precision)

Manufacturing Technical Post-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Digital Prototyping Story for FY12

This short video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk Digital Prototyping story with your customers. This 12 minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around Digital Prototyping. A knowledge check is also included at the end of this course.

10 mins Industry Knowledge

Special Report: Manufacturing 2012 for Technical

The Technical Special Report consists of video learning modules captured at the four-day Autodesk MFG 2012 Summit in March, 2011. The focus for the technical sessions is to help you prepare to position, demo and support the 2012 Manufacturing Solutions. The sessions include breakouts on Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012, the Autodesk Vault family of products, Autodesk Alias Design and Autodesk Inventor Publisher. The final module is focused on Autodesk’s simulation products. At the end of the course, you will be required to successfully complete a knowledge check to achieve “course complete” status.

12.5 hrs Product Knowledge

Support Camp for Inventor 2011

The Setting up the Network License Manager for Autodesk Products video is located within the Licensing section of the Support Camp for Inventor 2011 course. Overview of installing and configuring the Autodesk network license manager and an explanation of the different server models and how to choose the appropriate model for your environment.

17 mins Licensing, Installation, Troubleshooting

Foundation for Success - Prework

Foundation for Success is an established global on-boarding program that Autodesk® highly recommends for our Channel Partners and Autodesk® employees within the sales environment.

2 (to 4) hrs

Industry Knowledge

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Page 22: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


AEC Building

AEC Building Sales Representative Specific Sales Competencies

Demonstrates knowledge of the building industry – key market segments, drivers, challenges, and trends

Identifies the most appropriate prospect at architectural, building engineering and construction firms to call on, based on their projects and services

Describes the daily tasks of architects, building engineers and contractors and how using Autodesk products can help them work more effectively

Uses the Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) story in sales presentations

Describes the AEC ecosystem (owner, contractor, architect, civil engineer, structural engineer, MEP engineer, fabricator, etc.) and the coordination and communication between the different professions required for success

Describes the lifecycle of a building (design, construction, lease, retrofit, renovation) and differentiates between different markets (commercial, retail, hospitality, government, industrial)

Collaborates with customers to ensure Autodesk products are “designed in” (mandated) in cross-company processes, RFPs, etc., to actively drive demand

Describes techniques, approaches, and solutions for providing value to over-licensed customers

Recognizes relevant local and national policies impacting the industry and identifies techniques for ensuring knowledge is recent

Describes the key project factors related to the construction industry (time, cost, and scheduling)

AEC Building Sales Representative Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams.

As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Autodesk BIM Story

This video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) story with your customers. A concise knowledge check completes the course and reinforces the key messages for you to remember. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around BIM.

10 mins Industry Knowledge

Selling The Autodesk Building Design Suite

In this course you will learn more about the Autodesk Building Design Suite by looking at the challenges building professionals are facing and relating these to the opportunities that present themselves with the Building Design Suite editions. We will look at the target customers and several key plays to help you successfully position and sell to these target customers. We will also look at some of the objections you may encounter and techniques to overcome these, as well as outlining the workflow coverage for each of the three editions in the Autodesk Building Design Suite. At the end of the course, there is a comprehensive knowledge check, to ensure that you have retained the key points from these lessons and give details on additional sales resources available to make you more effective in selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk AEC.

35 mins Industry Knowledge

Special report: AEC Building 2012 for Sales

This course consists of learning modules that will enable Sales personnel to gain further insight into this year’s AEC Building solutions. Upon completion of these modules you’ll be ready to position and sell the 2012 Autodesk AEC Building solutions. The products covered in this course are Autodesk Revit Architecture, AutoCAD Architecture, Autodesk Revit Structure, AutoCAD Structural Detailing, Autodesk Revit MEP, AutoCAD MEP, and Autodesk Navisworks.

2 hrs Product Knowledge

Page 23: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Title Description Duration Competency

Building Design Suite Workflow for Sales

In this course, you gain a deeper understanding of the workflows and benefits of the Autodesk Building Design Suite. You are provided with the materials needed to present the demonstrations for your customers and clients. This course provides tools that supplement the information available in the Building Sales Toolkit, enabling you to successfully position and sell this exciting offering from Autodesk.

20 mins Product Knowledge

The Value of Autodesk BIM

The Value of Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) for the AEC Industry, for Sales and Pre-sales application engineers, is designed to help increase your knowledge about BIM for all disciplines in the AEC Industry. The course explores the current state of the architecture, engineering, and construction industry and how a successful BIM implementation can help your customers meet their key business requirements. The course goes on to describe how BIM can help AEC customers across multiple disciplines to achieve their sustainable design goals and how Autodesk BIM solutions help AEC professionals gain valuable insight throughout the project lifecycle to improve the way they plan, design, build, and manage building and infrastructure projects.

2 hrs, 15 mins

Industry Knowledge, Solution Development, Business and Financial Acumen

Selling AEC Solutions

Designed for Sales and Pre-sales application experts, this course takes the student through the four stages of the sales process: Investigate Plan, Engage, and Execute. The course highlights key activities and actions that a reseller sales partner should take at each stage of the sales cycle by identifying the target customer, planning for customer interaction, engaging with the customer through effective listening, asking probing questions, and developing a solution for the customer.

1 hour, 15 mins

Customer Knowledge and qualification, Sales Process, Negotiation, Interviewing

Foundation for Success - Prework - English

Foundation for Success is an established global on-boarding program that Autodesk® highly recommends for our Channel Partners and Autodesk® employees within the sales environment.

2 (to 4) hrs

Industry Knowledge, Customer Knowledge and qualification, Solution Development

Autodesk Subscription 101

The subscription course provides an overview of the value of subscription and the benefits for partners to sell this leading edge solution to our customers.

30 mins Solution Development

100 minutes™ to Improved Sales Results

Welcome to 100minutes™ to Improved Sales Results. This unique web 2.0 program will give you new and powerful tools to close better business, and do it more efficiently than ever before. The 100minutes™ to Improved Sales Results program is based on one of the most successful sales training programs at Autodesk®, Situational Sales Negotiation™. This methodology has been delivered to thousands of Autodesk® managers, sales representatives, and reseller partners. It has been a major contributor to our success in recent years. Now this powerful program is available to you in an On-line, video-based format. We know you’re busy, so we’ve made this program fast and easy.

1 hour, 40 mins


Handling Objections in a Down Economy

Have you been hearing sales objections from your customers regarding the down economy? Across all industries, our customers are faced with a difficult business environment that may challenge the productivity and feature-based values that motivate customers in better financial times. This interactive training session will arm you with winning strategies for overcoming some of the most common objections raised by customers, directly from the Autodesk® Sales Representatives who use them. In the session, you will review how to handle the following common objections: No budget; Slow business; Lay-offs; Economy; Cost.

45 mins Negotiation

Page 24: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


AEC Building Sales Manager

Please refer to the AEC Building Sales Competencies and Study Materials for Sales Representative role section


Title Description Duration Competency

Why Finance Matters™!

Why Finance Matters! ™ will provide you with the knowledge and tools to understand bottom line accountability and apply financial techniques to everyday decision-making. Focus on the first four modules of this interactive course to understand the language of finance.

3 hrs Business and Financial Acumen

Page 25: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


AEC Building Technical Pre-Sales Specific Competencies:

Demonstrates knowledge of the building industry – key market segments, drivers, challenges, and trends

Identifies the most appropriate prospect at architectural, building engineering and construction firms to call on, based on their projects and services

Describes the daily tasks of architects, building engineers and contractors and how using Autodesk products can help them work more effectively

Uses the Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) story in sales presentations

Describes the AEC ecosystem (owner, contractor, architect, civil engineer, structural engineer, MEP engineer, fabricator, etc.) and the coordination and communication between the different professions required for success

Describes the lifecycle of a building (design, construction, lease, retrofit, renovation) and differentiates between different markets (commercial, retail, hospitality, government, industrial)

Collaborates with customers to ensure Autodesk products are “designed in” (mandated) in cross-company processes, RFPs, etc., to actively drive demand

Describes techniques, approaches, and solutions for providing value to over-licensed customers

Recognizes relevant local and national policies impacting the industry and identifies techniques for ensuring knowledge is recent

Describes the key project factors related to the construction industry (time, cost, and scheduling)

AEC Building Technical Pre-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Autodesk BIM Story

This video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) story with your customers. A concise knowledge check completes the course and reinforces the key messages for you to remember. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around BIM.

10 mins Industry Knowledge, Solution Development

The Value of Autodesk BIM

Building information modelling (BIM) is an integrated process for exploring a project’s key physical and functional characteristics digitally—before it’s built. Designed for sales staff and pre-sales application experts, “The Value of Autodesk BIM” explores the benefits and value of BIM to both the sales person and customers

1 hrs, 15 mins

Industry Knowledge, Solution Development, Business and Financial Acumen

Autodesk Navisworks - Getting to 20 webcast series

This 3 part series webcast by Paul Walker, Technical Business Manager for Navisworks, for Sales and Pre-Sales application experts, starts with an introduction to the series, provides an overview of the Navisworks products, the business challenges they address as well as demonstrations of the software in action. This series does include new content and is targeted at anyone either new to Navisworks, or looking for new ideas for how to sell and demonstrate the products value proposition.

3 hrs Product Knowledge

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Page 26: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Title Description Duration Competency

Selling The Autodesk Building Design Suite

In this course you will learn more about the Autodesk Building Design Suite by looking at the challenges building professionals are facing and relating these to the opportunities that present themselves with the Building Design Suite editions. We will look at the target customers and several key plays to help you successfully position and sell to these target customers. We will also look at some of the objections you may encounter and techniques to overcome these, as well as outlining the workflow coverage for each of the three editions in the Autodesk Building Design Suite. At the end of the course, there is a comprehensive knowledge check, to ensure that you have retained the key points from these lessons and give details on additional sales resources available to make you more effective in selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk AEC.

35 mins Industry Knowledge

Special report: AEC Building 2012 for Technical

This course consists of learning modules that will enable Technical personnel to gain further insight into this year’s AEC Building solutions. Upon completion of these modules you’ll be ready to position, demo, and support the 2012 Autodesk AEC Building solutions. The products covered in this course are Autodesk Revit Architecture, AutoCAD Architecture, Autodesk Revit Structure, AutoCAD Structural Detailing, Autodesk Revit MEP, AutoCAD MEP, and Autodesk Navisworks.

3.5 hrs Product Knowledge, Demonstration

Building Design Suite Workflow for Technical

In this course, you gain a deeper understanding of the workflows and benefits of the Autodesk Building Design Suite. You are provided with the materials needed to perform the technical demonstrations for your customers and clients. This course provides tools that supplement the information available in the Building Sales Toolkit, enabling you to successfully demonstrate and sell this exciting offering from Autodesk.

1.5 hrs Product Knowledge

Selling AEC Solutions

Designed for Sales and Pre-sales application experts, this course takes the student through the four stages of the sales process: Investigate Plan, Engage, and Execute. The course highlights key activities and actions that a reseller sales partner should take at each stage of the sales cycle by identifying the target customer, planning for customer interaction, engaging with the customer through effective listening, asking probing questions, and developing a solution for the customer.

1 hour, 15 mins

Customer Knowledge and qualification, Sales Process, Interviewing

Foundation for Success - Prework - English

Foundation for Success is an established global on-boarding program that Autodesk® highly recommends for our Channel Partners and Autodesk® employees within the sales environment.

2 (to 4) hrs

Industry Knowledge, Customer Knowledge and qualification, Solution Development

Why Finance Matters™!

Why Finance Matters! ™ will provide you with the knowledge and tools to understand bottom line accountability and apply financial techniques to everyday decision-making. Focus on the first four modules of this interactive course to understand the language of finance.

3 hrs Business and Financial Acumen

New Autodesk® Implementation Expert for Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Simulation

This course will introduce you to the Autodesk® consultative methodology. You will learn how to develop an implementation plan focused on the Autodesk® Revit® Architecture solutions. The course is a 6-hour interactive experience guaranteed to excite, motivate, and educate.

6 hrs Influencing, Change Management

Page 27: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


AEC Building Technical Post-Sales Specific Competencies:

Employs common tools and procedures related to visibility and graphics in Revit

Describes how objects are displayed

Demonstrates how to change an object‟s appearance

Describes the process to make an object display

Applies best practices related to worksharing in Revit

Describes how worksharing functions

Demonstrates how to set up worksharing

Demonstrates how to get multiple people set up for worksharing

Describes common questions and solutions customers have regarding worksharing

Demonstrates knowledge of product stability (typical product crashes and resolutions)

Identifies typical types of product crashes

Describes resolutions for each typical type of crash

Demonstrates a conceptual knowledge of building information modeling and how it relates to Revit

Defines BIM

Describes how BIM applies to Revit

Identifies what Revit does and doesn‟t do and recalls relevant third-party tools

Identifies common public misperceptions about Revit functionality and usage and selects appropriate responses

AEC Building Technical Post-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Autodesk BIM Story

This video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) story with your customers. A concise knowledge check completes the course and reinforces the key messages for you to remember. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around BIM.

10 mins Industry Knowledge

Special report: AEC Building 2012 for Technical

This course consists of learning modules that will enable Technical personnel to gain further insight into this year’s AEC Building solutions. Upon completion of these modules you’ll be ready to position, demo, and support the 2012 Autodesk AEC Building solutions. The products covered in this course are Autodesk Revit Architecture, AutoCAD Architecture, Autodesk Revit Structure, AutoCAD Structural Detailing, Autodesk Revit MEP, AutoCAD MEP, and Autodesk Navisworks.

3.5 hrs Product Knowledge

Support Camp

for Revit 2011

The Setting up the Network License Manager for Autodesk Products video is located

within the Licensing section of the Support Camp for Revit 2011 course. Overview of

installing and configuring the Autodesk network license manager and an explanation

of the different server models and how to choose the appropriate model for your


17 mins Licensing,


Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Page 28: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Title Description Duration Competency

Autodesk® Navisworks® Manage 2011 Product Knowledge for Construction

In this collection of short courses, you will learn the fundamentals of Autodesk Navisworks Manage. The lessons introduce you to each of the functional areas of Autodesk Navisworks Manage and demonstrate the recommended workflows and techniques to interactively visualize, analyze and validate design intent in construction, manufacturing and plant projects. Watch the demonstrations, learn how to deliver the demonstrations, or use the optional topics for a deeper dive into each topic. You can leverage these short courses to sharpen your Autodesk Navisworks Manage skills.

2 hrs Product Knowledge

Page 29: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


AEC Infrastructure

AEC Infrastructure Specific Sales Representative Competencies

Demonstrates knowledge of the infrastructure industry – key market segments, drivers, challenges, and trends

Identifies the most appropriate prospect civil engineering firms to call on based on their projects and services

Describes the daily tasks of civil engineers, designers and drafters and how using Autodesk products can help them work more effectively

Uses the Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) story in sales presentations

Describes the AEC ecosystem (owner, contractor, architect, civil engineer, structural engineer, MEP engineer, fabricator, etc.) and the coordination and communication between the different professions required for success

Describes techniques, approaches, and solutions for providing value to over-licensed customers

Collaborates with customers to ensure Autodesk products are “designed in” (mandated) in cross-company processes, RFPs, etc., to actively drive demand

Recognizes relevant local and national policies impacting the industry and identifies techniques for ensuring that their knowledge is current

Describes the key project factors related to the infrastructure industry (time, cost, and scheduling)

AEC Infrastructure Sales Representative Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to. Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Autodesk BIM Story

This video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) story with your customers. A concise knowledge check completes the course and reinforces the key messages for you to remember. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around BIM.

10 mins Industry Knowledge

The Value of Autodesk BIM

The Value of Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) for the AEC Industry, for Sales and Pre-sales application engineers, is designed to help increase your knowledge about BIM for all disciplines in the AEC Industry. The course explores the current state of the architecture, engineering, and construction industry and how a successful BIM implementation can help your customers meet their key business requirements. The course goes on to describe how BIM can help AEC customers across multiple disciplines to achieve their sustainable design goals and how Autodesk BIM solutions help AEC professionals gain valuable insight throughout the project lifecycle to improve the way they plan, design, build, and manage building and infrastructure projects.

2 hrs, 15 mins

Industry Knowledge, Customer Knowledge and qualification, Solution Development, Business and Financial Acumen

Special Report: AEC Infrastructure 2012 for Sales

This course consists of learning modules that will enable Sales personnel to gain further insight into this year’s AEC Building solutions. Upon completion of these modules you’ll be ready to position and sell the 2012 Autodesk AEC Building solutions. The products covered in this course are Autodesk Revit Architecture, AutoCAD Architecture, Autodesk Revit Structure, AutoCAD Structural Detailing, Autodesk Revit MEP, AutoCAD MEP, and Autodesk Navisworks .

2 hrs Product Knowledge

Page 30: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Title Description Duration Competency

Selling the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite

In this course, you’ll learn about the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite. This includes the target customer and opportunities for these new suites, and several key plays to help you successfully sell to a variety of customers. We'll cover basic objection handling techniques, and outline the general workflow coverage for each of the three editions of the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite. We’ll also point you to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk Architecture, Engineering and Construction.

30 mins Industry Knowledge

Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite Workflow for Sales

In this course, you gain a deeper understanding of the workflows and benefits of the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite. You are provided with the materials needed to present the demonstrations for your customers and clients. This course provides tools that supplement the information available in the Infrastructure Sales Toolkit, enabling you to successfully position and sell this exciting offering from Autodesk .

20 mins Product Knowledge

Foundation for Success - Prework - English

Foundation for Success is an established global on-boarding program that Autodesk highly recommends for our Channel Partners and Autodesk employees within the sales environment.

2 (to 4) hrs

Industry Knowledge,

Selling AEC Solutions

Designed for Sales and Pre-sales application experts, this course takes the student through the four stages of the sales process: Investigate Plan, Engage, and Execute. The course highlights key activities and actions that a reseller sales partner should take at each stage of the sales cycle by identifying the target customer, planning for customer interaction, engaging with the customer through effective listening, asking probing questions, and developing a solution for the customer.

1 hr, 15 mins

Sales Process,

Autodesk Subscription 101

The subscription course provides an overview of the value of subscription and the benefits for partners to sell this leading edge solution to our customers.

30 mins Solution Development

100 minutes™ to Improved Sales Results

Welcome to 100minutes™ to Improved Sales Results. This unique web 2.0 program will give you new and powerful tools to close better business, and do it more efficiently than ever before. The 100minutes™ to Improved Sales Results program is based on one of the most successful sales training programs at Autodesk®, Situational Sales Negotiation™. This methodology has been delivered to thousands of Autodesk® managers, sales representatives, and reseller partners. It has been a major contributor to our success in recent years. Now this powerful program is available to you in an On-line, video-based format. We know you’re busy, so we’ve made this program fast and easy.

1 hr, 40 mins


Handling Objections in a Down Economy

Have you been hearing sales objections from your customers regarding the down economy? Across all industries, our customers are faced with a difficult business environment that may challenge the productivity and feature-based values that motivate customers in better financial times. This interactive training session that will arm you with winning strategies for overcoming some of the most common objections raised by customers, directly from the Autodesk Sales Representatives who use them. In the session, you will review how to handle the following common objections: No budget; Slow business; Lay-offs; Economy; Cost.

45 mins Negotiation

Page 31: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


AEC Infrastructure Sales Manager

Please refer to the AEC Infrastructure Sales Competencies and Study Materials for Sales Representative role

section above

Title Description Duration Competency

Why Finance Matters™!

Why Finance Matters! ™ will provide you with the knowledge and tools to understand bottom line accountability and apply financial techniques to everyday decision-making. Focus on the first four modules of this interactive course to understand the language of finance.

3 hrs Business and Financial Acumen

Page 32: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


AEC Infrastructure Technical Pre-Sales Specific Competencies:

Demonstrates knowledge of the infrastructure industry – key market segments, drivers, challenges, and trends

Identifies the most appropriate prospect civil engineering firms to call on based on their projects and services

Describes the daily tasks of civil engineers, designers and drafters and how using Autodesk products can help them work more effectively

Uses the Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) story in sales presentations

Describes the AEC ecosystem (owner, contractor, architect, civil engineer, structural engineer, MEP engineer, fabricator, etc.) and the coordination and communication between the different professions required for success

Describes techniques, approaches, and solutions for providing value to over-licensed customers

Collaborates with customers to ensure Autodesk products are “designed in” (mandated) in cross-company processes, RFPs, etc., to actively drive demand

Recognizes relevant local and national policies impacting the industry and identifies techniques for ensuring that their knowledge is current

Describes the key project factors related to the infrastructure industry (time, cost, and scheduling)

AEC Infrastructure Technical Pre-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Autodesk BIM Story

This video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) story with your customers. A concise knowledge check completes the course and reinforces the key messages for you to remember. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around BIM.

10 mins Industry Knowledge,

The Value of Autodesk BIM

Building information modelling (BIM) is an integrated process for exploring a project’s key physical and functional characteristics digitally—before it’s built. Designed for sales staff and pre-sales application experts, “The Value of Autodesk BIM” explores the benefits and value of BIM to both the sales person and customers

1 hour, 45 mins

Industry Knowledge, Customer Knowledge and qualification, Solution Development, Business and Financial Acumen

Autodesk Navisworks - Getting to 20 webcast series

This 3 part series webcast by Paul Walker, Technical Business Manager for Navisworks, for Sales and Pre-Sales application experts, starts with an introduction to the series, provides an overview of the Navisworks products, the business challenges they address as well as demonstrations of the software in action. This series does include new content and is targeted at anyone either new to Navisworks, or looking for new ideas for how to sell and demonstrate the products value proposition.

3 hrs Product Knowledge

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Page 33: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Title Description Duration Competency

Selling the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite

In this course, you’ll learn about the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite. This includes the target customer and opportunities for these new suites, and several key plays to help you successfully sell to a variety of customers. We'll cover basic objection handling techniques, and outline the general workflow coverage for each of the three editions of the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite. This course concludes with a comprehensive knowledge check to ensure that you’ve retained the high points of the lessons. We’ll also point you to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk Architecture, Engineering and Construction.

30 mins Industry Knowledge

Special Report : AEC Infrastructure 2012 for Technical

This course consists of learning modules that will enable Technical personnel to gain further insight into this year’s AEC Infrastructure solutions. Upon completion of these modules you’ll be ready to position, demo, and support the 2012 Autodesk AEC Infrastructure solutions. The products covered in this course are AutoCAD Civil 3D and AutoCAD Map 3D.

3 hrs Product Knowledge, Demonstration

Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite Workflow for Technical

In this course, you gain a deeper understanding of the workflows and benefits of the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite. You are provided with the materials needed to perform the technical demonstrations for your customers and clients. This course provides tools that supplement the information available in the Infrastructure Sales Toolkit, enabling you to successfully demonstrate and sell this exciting offering from Autodesk.

1.5 hrs Product Knowledge

Selling AEC Solutions

Designed for Sales and Pre-sales application experts, this course takes the student through the four stages of the sales process: Investigate Plan, Engage, and Execute. The course highlights key activities and actions that a reseller sales partner should take at each stage of the sales cycle by identifying the target customer, planning for customer interaction, engaging with the customer through effective listening, asking probing questions, and developing a solution for the customer.

1 hour, 15 mins

Sales Process

Foundation for Success - Prework - English

Foundation for Success is an established global on-boarding program that Autodesk highly recommends for our Channel Partners and Autodesk employees within the sales environment.

2 (to 4) hrs

Industry Knowledge

Autodesk Subscription 101

The subscription course provides an overview of the value of subscription and the benefits for partners to sell this leading edge solution to our customers.

30 mins Customer Knowledge and qualification, Solution Development

Why Finance Matters™!

Why Finance Matters! ™ will provide you with the knowledge and tools to understand bottom line accountability and apply financial techniques to everyday decision-making. Focus on the first four modules of this interactive course to understand the language of finance.

3 hrs Business and Financial Acumen

Page 34: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


AEC Infrastructure Technical Post-Sales Specific Competencies:

Describes and demonstrates functionality, procedures, and concepts related to GIS

Discusses GIS formats and uses

Describes FDO coordinate systems

Describes GEO referencing

Demonstrates common techniques for working with raster files

Demonstrates knowledge of product stability (typical product crashes and resolutions)

Identifies typical types of product crashes

Describes resolutions for each typical type of crash

Employs best practices to enhance customer performance with regard to common concerns in Civil 3D

Demonstrates how to create assemblies and custom subassemblies

Describes subassembly behavior

Relates how expressions function

Demonstrates advanced surface editing procedures

Describes best practices for working with larger sets of data

Explains techniques for enhancing performance (3 GB switch)

Demonstrates how to use Google Earth with Civil 3D

Demonstrates knowledge of map functionality to support Civil 3D customers

Illustrates how to query data from one drawing to another

Demonstrates how to attach data from other sources

Describes use, functionality, and processes for using map cleanup tools

Demonstrates raster design and rubbersheeting procedures

AEC Infrastructure Technical Post-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Autodesk BIM Story

This video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) story with your customers. A concise knowledge check completes the course and reinforces the key messages for you to remember. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around BIM.

10 mins Industry Knowledge

Special Report: AEC Infrastructure 2012 for Technical

This course consists of learning modules that will enable Technical personnel to gain further insight into this year’s AEC Infrastructure solutions. Upon completion of these modules you’ll be ready to position, demo, and support the 2012 Autodesk AEC Infrastructure solutions. The products covered in this course are AutoCAD Civil 3D and AutoCAD Map 3D.

3 hrs Product Knowledge

Support Camp for Civil 3D 2011

The System Requirements – RAM and OS video is located within the Installation section of the Support Camp for Civil 3D 2011 course. The video outlines the requirements for the operating system and RAM when working with AutoCAD® Civil 3D®. Pros and cons of the different operating systems will be provided, allowing the user to understand the benefits and choose the right configuration for their OS and RAM.

12 mins Licensing, Installation

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Page 35: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Media and Entertainment

Media and Entertainment Sales Representative Specific Competencies:

Demonstrates knowledge of the media and entertainment industry – key market segments, drivers, challenges, and trends

Identifies the most appropriate prospect M&E companies to call on based on their products, output and industry segments

Describes the daily tasks of studio producers, art directors, technical directors, directors, studio managers, and art managers

Differentiates between the disciplines (e.g., animation, modeling, lighting, programming), identifies the tasks done within each, and customizes the value proposition to each

Identifies the correct timing within the film and game industries to initiate customer contact (e.g., when to engage and when to avoid calling, when funds are released, etc.)

Recalls best practices for remaining informed regarding projects and scheduling

Describes the value proposition for design visualization in terms of ROI and differentiates the imagery output of Max from that of other key products (e.g., Revit)

Describes other products in typical industry pipelines (workflows)

Recognizes common interoperability problems and concerns between products in a typical pipeline

Identifies the typical tools and plug-ins that improve interoperability in the pipeline

Defines the typical outsourcing relationships in the industry and identifies related opportunities

Identifies the product mix of large studios in their geography and describes the value of alignment

Identifies middleware products and how they bridge the gap between creating the content and having it run on different platforms and provides opportunity leads to Autodesk.

Assesses certain elements of hardware and production practices (e.g., graphics cards, minimum machine requirements, rendering farms) and relates best practices for optimum results

Note: For Design Visualization the high-level industry objectives in AEC building and Infrastructure (transportation only) and Manufacturing would also apply such as local industry activities (e.g., the Olympics) and roles and responsibilities.

Autodesk Media and Entertainment Sales Representative Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Delivery

Telling the



Creation Story

This short video-based course will help you understand how to properly communicate the Autodesk Digital Entertainment Creation story with your customers. A downloadable job-aid and a simple knowledge check complete the course. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around Digital Entertainment Creation.

10 mins Industry


Selling the



Creation Suite

In this course, you’ll learn about the Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite; how it enables your customer to modernize their pipelines, the target customer for these suites, and an outline of the general workflow coverage. Next, we’ll discuss basic objection handling techniques, and several key plays to help you successfully sell to a variety of customers. We will also point you to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk Media and Entertainment.

20 mins Industry


Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Page 36: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Title Description Duration Delivery

Special Report:

M&E 2012 for


This course consists of learning modules that will enable Sales personnel to gain further insight into this year’s Media & Entertainment solutions. Upon completion of these modules you’ll be ready to position and sell the 2012 Autodesk Media & Entertainment solutions.

2.5 hrs Product


Maya Ent

Creation Suite

Workflow for


In this course, you learn how the Autodesk Maya Entertainment Creation Suite workflow can be best presented to your customers. We will focus on the business value, return on investment and the interoperability.

30 mins Product


3d Max Creation

Suite Workflow

for Sales

In this course, you learn how the Autodesk 3ds Max Entertainment Creation Suite workflow can be best presented to your customers. We will focus on the business value, return on investment and interoperability.

30 mins Product


Introduction to

the Games


Module 1 objective: Describe information about the games industry that will assist you in identifying and solving customer needs and establishing credibility Module 2 objective: Identify when and how to apply your knowledge of Autodesk's technical and creative solutions to establish and maintain yourself as a trusted advisor. Module 3 objectives: Relate Autodesk products to customer business needs in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional business manner.

45 mins Customer






Benefits of a

Modern Pipeline

This course is a must for all Channel Partners! Familiarize yourself with how Autodesk’s Digital Entertainment Creation solutions can help your customers be more creative and work more efficiently. Learn how to challenge your customers with confidence by identifying their pipeline pain points and talking to the benefits of a modern pipeline. This 45 min e-learning course contains a wide array of information, videos and customers stories to help you drive and support your sales initiative with the new Media and Entertainment Global Campaign: Modernize your Pipeline.

45 mins Solution


Selling Media




Designed for sales staff and pre-sales application engineer experts, this course takes the student through the four stages of the sales process: Investigate Plan, Engage and Execute. The course highlights key activities and actions that a reseller should take at each stage of the sales cycle. Identifying the target customer, planning for customer interaction and engaging with the customer through effective listening, asking probing questions and developing a solution for the customer.

30 mins Industry


Introduction to




Digital Entertainment Creation (DEC) is Autodesk’s new platform for the Entertainment Industry. It is comparable to the Building Information Modeling (BIM) messaging in the Architectural space. Understand what it is about and how to present it to your customers

45 mins Customer






Foundation for Success - Prework - English

F4S is an established global on-boarding program that Autodesk highly recommends for our Channel Partners and Autodesk employees within the sales environment.

2 (to 4) hrs

Industry Knowledge

Page 37: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Title Description Duration Competency

100minutes to

Improved Sales


This unique program gives you new and powerful tools to close better business, and to do it more efficiently than ever before. The 100 Minutes to Improved Sales Results™ program is based on one of the most successful sales training programs at Autodesk®: Situational Sales Negotiation™. This methodology has been delivered to thousands of Autodesk(R) managers, sales reps and reseller partners. The content in this course has been identified as a major contributor to our success in recent years. Now, this powerful program is available to you in an On-line, video-based format.






Handling Objections in a Down Economy

Have you been hearing sales objections from your customers regarding the down economy? Across all industries, our customers are faced with a difficult business environment that may challenge the productivity and feature-based values that motivate customers in better financial times. This interactive training session that will arm you with winning strategies for overcoming some of the most common objections raised by customers, directly from the Autodesk Sales Representatives who use them. In the session, you will review how to handle the following common objections: No budget; Slow business; Lay-offs; Economy; Cost.

45 mins Negotiation

Why Finance Matters™!

Why Finance Matters! ™ will provide you with the knowledge and tools to understand bottom line accountability and apply financial techniques to everyday decision-making. Focus on the first four modules of this interactive course to understand the language of finance.

3 hrs Business and Financial Acumen



This 15 minute module offers tools for strengthening your ability to communicate effectively. Through a simple model that highlights important aspects of both sending and receiving messages, you’ll gain insights that will affect multiple aspects of your job requiring good communication. You will be able to apply these ideas to areas such as: problem solving, action planning, setting expectations, negotiating, delegating, information sharing, coaching and more. A Communication Planner is available for download at the end of the module.

15 mins Sales Process

Media and Entertainment Sales Manager

Please refer to the AEC Infrastructure Sales Competencies and Study Materials for Sales Representative role

section above

Page 38: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Media and Entertainment Technical Pre-Sales Specific Competencies:

Demonstrates knowledge of the media and entertainment industry – key market segments, drivers, challenges, and trends

Analyzes the daily tasks of studio producers, art directors, technical directors, directors, studio managers, and art managers

Differentiates between the disciplines (e.g., animation, modeling, lighting, programming), identifies the tasks done within each, and customizes the value proposition to each

Identifies the correct timing within the film and game industries to initiate customer contact (e.g., when to engage and when to avoid calling, when funds are released, etc.)

Describes the value proposition for design visualization in terms of ROI and differentiates the imagery output of Max from that of other key products (e.g., Revit)

Describes other products in typical industry pipelines (workflows)

Recognizes common interoperability problems and concerns between products in a typical pipeline

Identifies the typical tools and plug ins that improve interoperability in the pipeline

Defines the typical outsourcing relationships in the industry and identifies related opportunities

Identifies the product mix of large studios in their geography and describes the value of alignment

Identifies middleware products and how they bridge the gap between creating the content and having it run on different platforms and provides opportunity leads to Autodesk.

Assesses certain elements of hardware and production practices (e.g., graphics cards, minimum machine requirements, rendering farms) and relates best practices for optimum results

Note: For Design Visualization the high-level industry objectives in AEC building and Civil (transportation only) and manufacturing would also apply such as local industry activities (e.g., the Olympics) and roles and responsibilities

Media and Entertainment Technical Pre-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to. Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Digital


Creation Story

This short video-based course will help you understand how to properly communicate the Autodesk Digital Entertainment Creation story with your customers. A downloadable job-aid and a simple knowledge check complete the course. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around Digital Entertainment Creation.

10 mins Industry


Selling the



Creation Suite

In this course, you’ll learn about the Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite; how it enables your customer to modernize their pipelines, the target customer for these suites, and an outline of the general workflow coverage. Next, we’ll discuss basic objection handling techniques, and several key plays to help you successfully sell to a variety of customers. This course will conclude with a comprehensive knowledge check, to ensure that you’ve retained the high points of these lessons. We will also point you to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk Media and Entertainment.

20 mins Industry


Page 39: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Title Description Duration Competency

Special Report: Media & Entertainment 2012 for Technical

This course consists of learning modules that will enable Technical personnel to gain further insight into this year’s Media & Entertainment solutions. Upon completion of these modules you’ll be ready to position, demo, and support the 2012 Autodesk Media & Entertainment solutions.

6 hrs Product Knowledge, Demonstration

Maya Ent Creation

Suite Workflow for


This course prepares you to deliver a high quality presentation of the Autodesk Maya Entertainment Creation Suite. We will specifically focus on the interoperability between each software that is part of the suite, and the key tools that will provide a full creative potential to your customers. This course includes a full dataset from which you can replicate the workflow.

1.5 hrs Product


3d Max Creation

Suite Workflow for


This course prepares you to deliver a high quality presentation of the Autodesk 3ds Max Entertainment Creation Suite. We will specifically focus on the interoperability between each software that is part of the suite, and the key tools that will provide a full creative potential to your customers. This course includes a full dataset from which you can replicate the workflow.

1.5 hrs Product


Selling Media and



Designed for sales staff and pre-sales application engineer experts, this course takes the student through the four stages of the sales process: Investigate Plan, Engage and Execute. The course highlights key activities and actions that a reseller should take at each stage of the sales cycle. Identifying the target customer, planning for customer interaction and engaging with the customer through effective listening, asking probing questions and developing a solution for the customer.

30 mins Industry




Benefits of a

Modern Pipeline

"This course is a must for all Channel Partners! Familiarize yourself with how Autodesk’s Digital Entertainment Creation solutions can help your customers be more creative and work more efficiently. Learn how to challenge your customers with confidence by identifying their pipeline pain points and talking to the benefits of a modern pipeline. This 45 min e-learning course contains a wide array of information, videos and customers stories to help you drive and support your sales initiative with the new Media and Entertainment Global Campaign: Modernize your Pipeline. "

45 mins Solution


Introduction to the Games Industry

"Module 1 objective: Describe information about the games industry that will assist you in identifying and solving customer needs and establishing credibility Module 2 objective: Identify when and how to apply your knowledge of Autodesk's technical and creative solutions to establish and maintain yourself as a trusted advisor. Module 3 objective: Relate Autodesk products to customer business needs in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional business manner."

45 mins Product Knowledge, Industry Knowledge, Solution Development, Demonstration

Introduction to Digital Entertainment Creation

Digital Entertainment Creation (DEC) is Autodesk’s new platform for the Entertainment Industry. It is comparable to the Building Information Modeling (BIM) messaging in the Architectural space. Understand what it is about and how to present it to your customers

45 mins Product Knowledge, Customer Knowledge and qualification, Solution Development

Foundation for Success - Prework

F4S is an established global on-boarding program that Autodesk highly recommends for our Channel Partners and Autodesk employees within the sales environment.

2 (to 4) hrs

Industry Knowledge, Sales Process, Interviewing

Page 40: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Title Description Duration Competency

100minutes to Improved Sales Results™

This unique program gives you new and powerful tools to close better business, and to do it more efficiently than ever before. The 100 Minutes to Improved Sales Results™ program is based on one of the most successful sales training programs at Autodesk®: Situational Sales Negotiation™. This methodology has been delivered to thousands of Autodesk(R) managers, sales reps and reseller partners. The content in this course has been identified as a major contributor to our success in recent years. Now, this powerful program is available to you in an On-line, video-based format.

100 mins Sales Process



This 15 minute module offers tools for strengthening your ability to

communicate effectively. Through a simple model that highlights important

aspects of both sending and receiving messages, you’ll gain insights that will

affect multiple aspects of your job requiring good communication. You will be

able to apply these ideas to areas such as: problem solving, action planning,

setting expectations, negotiating, delegating, information sharing, coaching

and more. A Communication Planner is available for download at the end of

the module.

15 mins Sales Process

Why Finance


Why Finance Matters! ™ will provide you with the knowledge and tools to

understand bottom line accountability and apply financial techniques to

everyday decision-making. Focus on the first four modules of this interactive

course to understand the language of finance.

3 hrs Business and



Page 41: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Media and Entertainment Technical Post-Sales Specific Competencies:

Evaluates common system performance issues and relates recommendations

Demonstrates intermediate skills and knowledge related to rendering configuration, functionality, and tools

Recognizes common causes of low memory

Recalls inadequacies in minimum system requirements

Relates proven hardware configurations to achieve enhanced performance for standard tasks

Recalls the prerequisite information (e.g., network communication) needed for setup of Backburner

Demonstrates how to install/setup Backburner on a farm machine for rendering

Demonstrates the process used to create a final rendered image using Mentalray

Explains how the basic Mentalray translation process works: how Mentalray rebuilds a scene in memory aside from the existing scene kept in memory by the main application (3ds Max/Maya)

Illustrates how to optimize the scene to reduce memory requirements

Media and Entertainment Technical Post-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Delivery

Telling the Digital Entertainment Creation Story

This short video-based course will help you understand how to properly communicate the Autodesk Digital Entertainment Creation story with your customers. A downloadable job-aid and a simple knowledge check complete the course. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around Digital Entertainment Creation.

10 mins Industry Knowledge

Special Report: Media & Entertainment 2012 for Technical

This course consists of learning modules that will enable Technical personnel to gain further insight into this year’s Media & Entertainment solutions. Upon completion of these modules you’ll be ready to position, demo, and support the 2012 Autodesk Media & Entertainment solutions.

6 hrs Product Knowledge

Implementing the Suites

In this course, you will learn how to implement the suites, with a primary focus on

the process of installing, licensing, and creating deployments. First, you will learn

about the install sequence, changes to the configuration dialogs, as well as

installation prerequisites. Next, you will learn about the Network License Manager

11.9, from supported systems to setup and configuration. Finally, you will take a

closer look at the updates to the Deployment Wizard for the 2012 products.

30 mins Installation, Licensing

Resolving the Top 10 issues

In this course, you will learn how to resolve some of the top issues associated with the 2012 release of products and suites. You will receive general guidance on preparing for an installation, as well as installing, configuring, and activating products. You will learn about some installation and deployment issues specific to the Autodesk Revit 2012 products. You'll learn how to export a full BOM from Autodesk Inventor and set up Backburner as a Service in 3ds Max Design. You will also learn how to resolve issues with the Content Explorer in the AutoCAD 2012 family of products, some file loading issues in Autodesk Navisworks, and a few issues specific to AutoCAD Civil 3D

60 mins Troubleshooting

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Page 42: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Title Description Duration Delivery

Introduction to Digital Entertainment Creation

Digital Entertainment Creation (DEC) is Autodesk’s new platform for the Entertainment Industry. It is comparable to the Building Information Modeling (BIM) messaging in the Architectural space. Understand what it is about and how to present it to your customers.

45 mins Product Knowledge

Introduction to the Games Industry

Module 1 objective: Describe information about the games industry that will assist you in identifying and solving customer needs and establishing credibility Module 2 objective: Identify when and how to apply your knowledge of Autodesk's technical and creative solutions to establish and maintain yourself as a trusted advisor. Module 3 objectives: Relate Autodesk products to customer business needs in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional business manner.

45 mins

Product Knowledge

Troubleshooting Backburner for Maya

This Troubleshooting class covers the main processes and strategies you can use to identify, troubleshoot and solve general usability issues with interactions Backburner for Maya. This class is aimed at all resellers who support and sell Autodesk Maya in all markets and industries. In completing the class, you should be empowered with the right tools and best practices for support with users as well as an enhanced understanding of the major Maya support areas

90 mins Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting mental ray for Maya

This troubleshooting class looks at known rendering issues and provides you with tips and tricks for known problems and what content is relevant for Autodesk Product Support to further investigate issues. The class is aimed at resellers in the media and entertainment industry who support Autodesk Maya.

90 mins Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Maya Issues

This Troubleshooting class covers the main processes and strategies you can use to identify, troubleshoot and solve general usability issues with Maya. This class is aimed at all resellers who support and sell Autodesk Maya in all markets and industries. In completing the class, you should be empowered with the right tools and best practices for support interactions with users as well as an enhanced understanding of the major Maya support areas

90 mins Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting 3ds Max Interoperability

This presentation covers interoperability issues users commonly encountered in working with 3ds Max and other Autodesk products. The class is aimed specifically at resellers supporting users in the design visualization market using Autodesk 3ds Max alongside Autodesk Revit, Autodesk Inventor, and Autodesk AutoCAD. In completing the class, you should have an enhanced understanding of the technical challenges in data interoperability as well as a firm grasp on the major interoperability formats and workflows including Autodesk FBX.

90 mins Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting 3ds Max Issues

This Troubleshooting class covers the main processes and strategies you can use to identify, troubleshoot, and solve general usability issues with 3ds Max. This class is aimed at all resellers who support and sell Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk 3ds Max Design in all markets and industries. In completing the class, you will be empowered with the right tools and best practices for support interactions with users as well as an enhanced understanding of the major 3ds Max support areas.

90 mins Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Backburner for 3ds Max

This Troubleshooting class covers the main processes and strategies you can use to identify, troubleshoot, and solve general usability issues with Backburner for 3ds Max. This class is aimed at all resellers who support and sell Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk 3ds Max Design in all markets and industries. In completing the class, you will be empowered with the right tools and best practices for support interactions with users as well as an enhanced understanding of the major 3ds Max support areas.

90 mins Troubleshooting

Page 43: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Horizontal Design

Horizontal Sales Representative

Autodesk Horizontal Sales Representative Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Delivery

Telling the Autodesk Story for FY12

This short video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk story with your customers. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from delivering a consistent Autodesk story to our customers. A knowledge check is also included at the end of this course.

10 mins Industry Knowledge

Telling the Suites Story

In this course, Andrew Anagnost, Vice President of Suites, Web Services and Subscription explains how and why the Suite strategy directs attention away from the individual product selling approach. Enabled by the Suite approach, you’ll see how and why focus is directed towards the customer’s objectives. You’ll learn which customers will benefit from Suites, and how they will benefit (capped off by a number of compelling success stories). You’ll also see how Suites are put together, the pricing strategy, and how Suites will evolve over the next 2 years. Finally, you will need to complete a knowledge check quiz at the end of the course.

20 mins Industry Knowledge

Selling the Autodesk Design Suite

In this course, we’ll cover what the Autodesk Design Suite is, who the target customers are, and several key plays to help you sell to those customers. You'll also learn basic objection handling techniques, and a high level workflow for how customers can benefit from Autodesk Design Suites. Finally, we’ll also provide you with links to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling the Autodesk Design Suites.

30 mins Industry Knowledge

Special Report: Horizontal Design 2012 for Sales

"In this Special Report, we will take a detailed look at the new feature line up for the 2012 Horizontal Design products. These products include AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. In this Sales course, you will also find AutoCAD 2012 new feature demonstration videos. Additionally, you will find short awareness courses on 3ds Max Design, Sketchbook Designer, and Autodesk Showcase due to their importance in the Design Suites. An understanding of these offerings will help you to deliver the design visual communication message more effectively in all Suites. You will need to pass all knowledge checks in this course with a score of 80% or higher in order to complete the course."

1 hrs Product Knowledge

Autodesk Design Suite Workflow for Sales

In this course, we’ll cover what the Autodesk Design Suite is, who the target customers are, and several key plays to help you sell to those customers. You'll also learn basic objection handling techniques, and a high level workflow for how customers can benefit from Autodesk Design Suites. You'll need to pass the knowledge check at the end with a score of at least 80% in order to complete this course. Finally, we’ll also provide you with links to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling the Autodesk Design Suites.

30 mins Industry Knowledge

AutoCAD WS Product Brief

In this short course, you learn what AutoCAD WS is, why it is important to our customers and what the opportunity is for those customers, and for you, the Autodesk Reseller.

20 mins Industry Knowledge

Selling Conceptual Design for Sales

In this course, you learn what conceptual design is, and how AutoCAD can significantly speed the process of the customer’s conceptual design process.

10 mins Industry Knowledge

Sketchbook Designer 2012 Brief

In this course, you learn what Sketchbook Designer is, and why it is important to customer workflows. You also see a demo of how Sketchbook Designer can be used to do initial conceptual design.

20 mins Product Knowledge

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Page 44: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Title Description Duration Delivery

Autodesk Showcase 2012 Brief for Sales

In this course, you learn what Autodesk Showcase is, and why it is important to customer workflows. You will also see demos in both manufacturing and AEC, of how Showcase can be used to produce high quality presentations of designs.

1 hrs Product Knowledge

Telling the AutoCAD Story

This short video-based course will show you how and why AutoCAD is important to you and more relevant than ever to customers. You'll review where AutoCAD has been, and also get a glimpse of where AutoCAD is going in the future.

10 mins Product Knowledge, Solution Development

AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Industry Positioning for Sales Representatives

In this set of short courses, you will learn how AutoCAD should be positioned as part of customer workflows, AEC, Manufacturing and others.

25 mins Solution Development

Introduction to Take Design Further for Sales Representatives

In this course, you will learn about the "Take Design Further" market message for AutoCAD, along with the four supporting pillars of Explore, Communicate, Document and Customize.

15 mins Solution Development

What's New In AutoCAD 2011 - Explore for Sales Representatives

In this course, you learn about the key components in AutoCAD that help customers Explore their ideas with powerful conceptual design tools like Free-form design and Solid and Surface Modeling, and Point Cloud Support. Technical demonstration videos, as well as datasets and demonstration steps are also presented here

5 mins Solution Development

What's New In AutoCAD 2011 - Document for Sales Representatives

Documentation is a critical part of the customer workflow. In this course, you learn how enhanced capabilities like Parametric Drawing and other time saving tools are significant factors in how AutoCAD makes documentation more intuitive and efficient. Additional technical demonstration videos, as well as datasets and demonstration steps are presented here.

5 mins Solution Development

What's New In AutoCAD 2011 - Communicate for Sales Representatives

This course shows how customers can Communicate their design intent more completely with new materials and surface options. Additional technical demonstration videos, as well as datasets and demonstration steps are presented here.

5 mins Solution Development

AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011 Comparison for Sales Representatives

In this course, you learn how AutoCAD LT fills the needs of customers looking for reliable 2D drafting productivity. You also learn about the primary differences between AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.

10 mins Solution Development

AutoCAD Productivity Study for Sales Representatives

Users of the latest releases of AutoCAD have discovered drastic improvements in how quickly they can get thing done over earlier releases. This course shows you just how much more productive they are.

10 mins Solution Development

Horizontal Design Sales Manager

Please refer to the AEC Infrastructure Sales Competencies and Study Materials for Sales Representative role

section above

Page 45: 2012 Partner Certification Program English


Horizontal Design Pre-Sales Technical:

Horizontal Design Technical Pre-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Autodesk Story for FY12

This short video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk story with your customers. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from delivering a consistent Autodesk story to our customers. A knowledge check is also included at the end of this course.

10 mins Industry Knowledge, Solution Development

Telling the Suites Story

In this course, Andrew Anagnost, Vice President of Suites, Web Services and Subscription explains how and why the Suite strategy directs attention away from the individual product selling approach. Enabled by the Suite approach, you’ll see how and why focus is directed towards the customer’s objectives. You’ll learn which customers will benefit from Suites, and how they will benefit (capped off by a number of compelling success stories). You’ll also see how Suites are put together, the pricing strategy, and how Suites will evolve over the next 2 years. Finally, you will need to complete a knowledge check quiz at the end of the course.

20 mins Industry Knowledge

Selling the Autodesk Design Suite

In this course, we’ll cover what the Autodesk Design Suite is, who the target customers are, and several key plays to help you sell to those customers. You'll also learn basic objection handling techniques, and a high level workflow for how customers can benefit from Autodesk Design Suites. You'll need to pass the knowledge check at the end with a score of at least 80% in order to complete this course. Finally, we’ll also provide you with links to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling the Autodesk Design Suites.

30 mins Industry Knowledge, Solution Development

Special Report: Horizontal Design 2012 for Technical

In this Special Report, we will take a detailed look at the new feature line up for the 2012 Horizontal Design products. These products include AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. In this Technical course, you will also find AutoCAD 2012 new feature demonstration videos. To help you deliver those demonstrations to customers yourself, you'll also find demonstration scripts and dataset files to practice using the new 2012 features. Additionally, you will find short awareness courses on 3ds Max Design, Sketchbook Designer, and Autodesk Showcase due to their importance in the Design Suites. An understanding of these offerings will help you to deliver the design visual communication message more effectively in all Suites. You will need to pass all knowledge checks in this course with a score of 80% or higher in order to complete the course.

3 hrs Product Knowledge, Demonstration

Autodesk Design Suite Workflow for Technical

This course prepares you to deliver a high quality presentation of the design and visual communication workflow in Autodesk Design Suite. Specifically, you learn the steps to build and present an organically shaped outdoor pavilion structure using many of the products in the Autodesk Design Suite Premium edition.

1 hrs Product Knowledge

AutoCAD WS Product Brief

In this short course, you learn what AutoCAD WS is, why it is important to our customers and what the opportunity is for those customers, and for you, the Autodesk Reseller.

20 mins Industry Knowledge

Selling Conceptual Design for Technical

In this course, you learn what conceptual design is, and how AutoCAD can significantly speed the process of the customer’s conceptual design process. A demo and exercise is provided preparing you for demonstrating conceptual design in AutoCAD.

60 mins Industry Knowledge

Sketchbook Designer 2012 Brief

In this course, you learn what Sketchbook Designer is, and why it is important to customer workflows. You see a demo of how Sketchbook Designer can be used to do initial conceptual design. Finally, you learn how to navigate and use Sketchbook Designer tools, and how Sketchbook Designer integrates with the AutoCAD plugin.

20 mins Industry Knowledge

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

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Title Description Duration Competency

Autodesk Showcase 2012 Brief for Technical

In this course, you learn what Autodesk Showcase is, and why it is important to customer workflows. You also see demos in both manufacturing and AEC, of how Showcase can be used to produce high quality presentations of designs. Finally, you learn the steps to perform those demos with provided datasets and exercises.

1 hrs Product Knowledge

What's New In AutoCAD 2011 - Explore for Pre-Sales Representatives

In this course, you learn about the key components in AutoCAD that help customers Explore their ideas with powerful conceptual design tools like Free-form design and Solid and Surface Modeling, and Point Cloud Support. Technical demonstration videos, as well as datasets and demonstration steps are also presented here

150 mins

Product Knowledge

What's New In AutoCAD 2011 - Document for Pre-Sales Representatives

Documentation is a critical part of the customer workflow. In this course, you learn how enhanced capabilities like Parametric Drawing and other time saving tools are significant factors in how AutoCAD makes documentation more intuitive and efficient. Additional technical demonstration videos, as well as datasets and demonstration steps are presented here.

120 mins

Product Knowledge

What's New In AutoCAD 2011 - Communicate for Pre-Sales Representatives

This course shows how customers can Communicate their design intent more completely with new materials and surface options. Additional technical demonstration videos, as well as datasets and demonstration steps are presented here.

15 mins Product Knowledge

AutoCAD 2011 2D Drawing Fundamentals

In this set of short courses, you gain the building blocks of knowledge necessary before you can be productive in AutoCAD. These building blocks are necessary before you can learn the 2D productivity and 3D conceptual design tools that are most meaningful in customer workflows. You learn how to navigate the interface, drawing basics, object dimensioning and annotation, working with layouts, and other fundamentals.

120 mins

Product Knowledge

AutoCAD 2D Drawing Productivity

In this set of short courses, you learn about important 2D productivity tools and workflows in AutoCAD, such as customization, annotative scaling, parametric modeling, parametric dynamic blocks, advanced tables, Xrefs, and sheet sets.

30 mins Product Knowledge

AutoCAD 3D Design Productivity

In this set of short courses, you learn about 3D conceptual modeling workflows with solids, meshes and surfaces. You learn how to create renderings, create walk through animations, and how to create drawings from conceptual 3D models.

30 mins Product Knowledge

Telling the AutoCAD Story

This short video-based course will show you how and why AutoCAD is important to you and more relevant than ever to customers. You'll review where AutoCAD has been, and also get a glimpse of where AutoCAD is going in the future.

10 mins Industry Knowledge, Solution Development

AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Industry Positioning for Pre-Sales Representatives

In this set of short courses, you will learn how AutoCAD should be positioned as part of customer workflows, AEC, Manufacturing and others.

25 mins Solution Development

Introduction to Take Design Further for Pre-Sales Representatives

In this course, you will learn about the "Take Design Further" market message for AutoCAD, along with the four supporting pillars of Explore, Communicate, Document and Customize.

15 mins Solution Development

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Title Description Duration Delivery

AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011 Comparison for Pre-Sales Representatives

In this course, you learn how AutoCAD LT fills the needs of customers looking for reliable 2D drafting productivity. You also learn about the primary differences between AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.

10 mins Solution Development

AutoCAD Productivity Study for Pre-Sales Representatives

Users of the latest releases of AutoCAD have discovered drastic improvements in how quickly they can get thing done over earlier releases. This course shows you just how much more productive they are.

10 mins Solution Development

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Horizontal Design Technical Post-Sales Specific Competencies:

Category Competency

Interviewing Applies active listening and questioning techniques to identify, clarify, and troubleshoot customer problems

Conflict Management Uses conflict management techniques to identify sources of conflict and resolve them in writing and over the phone

Communication Relates facts, procedures, status, ideas, and other information in writing and orally in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional manner

Teamwork Practices effective teaming skills

Organization Demonstrates effective organizational skills

Installation Describes the Autodesk installation process and demonstrates knowledge of common problems and solutions related to supported products

Licensing Describes the Autodesk licensing models and demonstrates knowledge of common problems and solutions

Troubleshooting Demonstrates an effective troubleshooting process

Data Management Describes best practices and common techniques for managing data in supported Autodesk products

Resources Recognizes and employs context-specific resources to provide known solutions and procedures to customers

AutoCAD Evaluates customer problems related to output and troubleshoots common processes

Horizontal Design Technical Post-Sales Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Autodesk Story for FY12

This short video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk story with your customers. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from delivering a consistent Autodesk story to our customers. A knowledge check is also included at the end of this course.

10 mins Industry Knowledge, Product Knowledge

Special Report: Horizontal Design 2012 for Technical

In this Special Report, we will take a detailed look at the new feature line up for the 2012 Horizontal Design products. These products include AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. In this Technical course, you will also find AutoCAD 2012 new feature demonstration videos. To help you deliver those demonstrations to customers yourself, you'll also find demonstration scripts and dataset files to practice using the new 2012 features. Additionally, you will find short awareness courses on 3ds Max Design, Sketchbook Designer, and Autodesk Showcase due to their importance in the Design Suites. An understanding of these offerings will help you to deliver the design visual communication message more effectively in all Suites. You will need to pass all knowledge checks in this course with a score of 80% or higher in order to complete the course.

3 hrs Product Knowledge

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

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Title Description Duration Competency

Implementing the Suites

In this course, you will learn how to implement the suites, with a primary focus on the process of installing, licensing, and creating deployments. First, you will learn about the install sequence, changes to the configuration dialogs, as well as installation prerequisites. Next, you will learn about the Network License Manager 11.9, from supported systems to setup and configuration. Finally, you will take a closer look at the updates to the Deployment Wizard for the 2012 products.

30 mins Installation

Resolving the Top 10 issues

In this course, you will learn how to resolve some of the top issues associated with the 2012 release of products and suites. You will receive general guidance on preparing for an installation, as well as installing, configuring, and activating products. You will learn about some installation and deployment issues specific to the Autodesk Revit 2012 products. You'll learn how to export a full BOM from Autodesk Inventor and set up Backburner as a Service in 3ds Max Design. You will also learn how to resolve issues with the Content Explorer in the AutoCAD 2012 family of products, some file loading issues in Autodesk Navisworks, and a few issues specific to AutoCAD Civil 3D

60 mins Troubleshooting

Telling the AutoCAD Story

This short video-based course will show you how and why AutoCAD is important to you and more relevant than ever to customers. You'll review where AutoCAD has been, and also get a glimpse of where AutoCAD is going in the future

15 mins Industry Knowledge

AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Industry Positioning for Pre-Sales Representatives

In this set of short courses, you will learn how AutoCAD should be positioned as part of customer workflows, AEC, Manufacturing and others.

30 mins Product Knowledge

Introduction to Take Design Further for Pre-Sales Representatives

In this course, you will learn about the "Take Design Further" market message for AutoCAD, along with the four supporting pillars of Explore, Communicate, Document and Customize

30 mins Product Knowledge

AutoCAD Productivity Study for Pre-Sales Representatives

Users of the latest releases of AutoCAD have discovered drastic improvements in how quickly they can get thing done over earlier releases. This course shows you just how much more productive they are.

30 mins Product Knowledge

AutoCAD 2011 2D Drawing Fundamentals

In this set of short courses, you gain the basic building blocks of working with AutoCAD. These building blocks are necessary before you can become productive in 2D, and are necessary before you can go on and conceptualize in 3D. You learn how to navigate the interface, about drawing basics, object dimensioning and annotation, working with layouts, and other fundamentals. Watch the demonstrations, learn how to deliver the demonstrations, or use the optional topics for a deeper dive into each topic. Leverage these short courses to prepare for the Channel Certification exam, or to sharpen your AutoCAD skills.

30 mins Product Knowledge

AutoCAD 2D Drawing Productivity

In this set of short courses, you will learn about important 2D productivity tools and workflows in AutoCAD, such as customization, annotative scaling, parametric modeling, parametric dynamic blocks, advanced tables, Xrefs, and sheet sets. Watch the demonstrations, learn how to deliver the demonstrations, or use the optional topics for a deeper dive into each topic. Leverage these short courses to sharpen your AutoCAD skills.

30 mins Product Knowledge

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Title Description Duration Competency

AutoCAD 3D Design Productivity

In this set of short courses, you learn about 3D conceptual modeling workflows with solids, meshes and surfaces. You learn how to create renderings, create walk through animations, and how to create drawings from conceptual 3D models. Watch the demonstrations, learn how to deliver the demonstrations, or use the optional topics for a deeper dive into each topic. Leverage these short courses to sharpen your AutoCAD skills.

30 mins Product Knowledge

Support Camp for AutoCAD 2011

A virtual event presented by AutoCAD(r) (Core) expert and Autodesk Product Support Technical Lead, Tom Stoeckel. This session provides an overview of how to install and configure the Autodesk(r) Network License Manager, an explanation of the different server models, and how to choose the appropriate model for your environment. Learn about network licenses, unique licensing behaviors and how to manage your licenses, including: what's in a license file; cascading and package licenses; adding and merging license files; managing license borrowing; and how to control your license usage using an Options file.

60 mins Installation, Licensing

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Education Sales Representative:

Education Sales Representative Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials. As well, there

are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Title Description Duration Competency

Selling the


Product Design


In this course, you’ll learn about the Autodesk Product Design Suite: how it replaces the Inventor Suites, the target customer for these new suites, and several key plays to help you successfully sell to a variety of customers. Next, we’ll discuss basic objection handling techniques, and we will outline the general workflow coverage for each of the three editions of the Autodesk Product Design Suite. We’ll also point you to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk Manufacturing

26 mins Industry


Selling the Autodesk Design Suite

In this course, we’ll cover what the Autodesk Design Suite is, who the target customers are, and several key plays to help you sell to those customers. You'll also learn basic objection handling techniques, and a high level workflow for how customers can benefit from Autodesk Design Suites. Finally, we’ll also provide you with links to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling the Autodesk Design Suites.

30 mins Industry


Selling the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite

In this course, you’ll learn about the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite. This includes the target customer and opportunities for these new suites, and several key plays to help you successfully sell to a variety of customers. We'll cover basic objection handling techniques, and outline the general workflow coverage for each of the three editions of the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite. We’ll also point you to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk Architecture, Engineering and Construction.

30 mins Industry


Selling the Autodesk Building Design Suite

In this course you will learn more about the Autodesk Building Design Suite by looking at the challenges building professionals are facing and relating these to the opportunities that present themselves with the Building Design Suite editions. We will look at the target customers and several key plays to help you successfully position and sell to these target customers. We will also look at some of the objections you may encounter and techniques to overcome these, as well as outlining the workflow coverage for each of the three editions in the Autodesk Building Design Suite. At the end of the course, there is a comprehensive knowledge check, to ensure that you have retained the key points from these lessons and give details on additional sales resources available to make you more effective in selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk AEC.

35 mins Industry


Selling the Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite

In this course, you’ll learn about the Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite; how it enables your customer to modernize their pipelines, the target customer for these suites, and an outline of the general workflow coverage. Next, we’ll discuss basic objection handling techniques, and several key plays to help you successfully sell to a variety of customers. We will also point you to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk Media and Entertainment.

20 mins Industry


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Technical Services Manager

Technical Services Manager Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Competency

Consulting Specialization

This video-based course provides an overview of what is involved in setting up and developing a consulting services business, and delivering successful customer projects. This four hour course is divided into three modules that outline the principles, setup, and delivery of consulting as an embedded service provider. A Knowledge Check is also provided at the end of the course to test your understanding of the topics covered. Passing the Consulting Specialist Exam is required to obtain your Specialist designation. To become a Specialized Partner, a VAR also needs to submit a business plan and customer references through Autodesk Partner Center.

4 hrs Solution


Marketing Manager

Marketing Manager Autodesk Learning Central Courses Study Materials

Title Description Duration Competency

Telling the Autodesk BIM Story

This video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk BIM (Building Information Modeling) story with your customers. A concise knowledge check completes the course and reinforces the key messages for you to remember. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around BIM.

10 mins Industry


Telling the Autodesk Digital Prototyping Story for FY12

This short video-based course will help you understand how to properly share the Autodesk Digital Prototyping story with your customers. This 12 minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around Digital Prototyping. A knowledge check is also included at the end of this course.

10 mins Industry


Telling the Digital Entertainment Creation Story

This short video-based course will help you understand how to properly communicate the Autodesk Digital Entertainment Creation story with your customers. A downloadable job-aid and a simple knowledge check complete the course. This ten-minute investment will ensure that you get maximum leverage from Autodesk's marketing efforts around Digital Entertainment Creation.

10 mins Industry


Selling the Autodesk Product Design Suite

In this course, you’ll learn about the Autodesk Product Design Suite: how it replaces the Inventor Suites, the target customer for these new suites, and several key plays to help you successfully sell to a variety of customers. Next, we’ll discuss basic objection handling techniques, and we will outline the general workflow coverage for each of the three editions of the Autodesk Product Design Suite. We’ll also point you to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk Manufacturing.

20 mins Industry


Selling the Autodesk Design Suite

In this course, we’ll cover what the Autodesk Design Suite is, who the target customers are, and several key plays to help you sell to those customers. You'll also learn basic objection handling techniques, and a high level workflow for how customers can benefit from Autodesk Design Suites. Finally, we’ll also provide you with links to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling the Autodesk Design Suites.

20 mins Industry


Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials for the exams. As well, there are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

Complete and refer to the on-line courses in your mandatory learning path, these are good study materials. As well, there

are additional study materials in your recommended learning path you can refer to.

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Title Description Duration Competency

Selling the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite

In this course, you’ll learn about the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite. This includes the target customer and opportunities for these new suites, and several key plays to help you successfully sell to a variety of customers. We'll cover basic objection handling techniques, and outline the general workflow coverage for each of the three editions of the Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite. We’ll also point you to additional sales resources to make you more effective at selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk Architecture, Engineering and Construction.

20 mins Industry


Selling The Autodesk Building Design Suite

In this course you will learn more about the Autodesk Building Design Suite by looking at the challenges building professionals are facing and relating these to the opportunities that present themselves with the Building Design Suite editions. We will look at the target customers and several key plays to help you successfully position and sell to these target customers. We will also look at some of the objections you may encounter and techniques to overcome these, as well as outlining the workflow coverage for each of the three editions in the Autodesk Building Design Suite. At the end of the course, there is a comprehensive knowledge check, to ensure that you have retained the key points from these lessons and give details on additional sales resources available to make you more effective in selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk AEC.

35 mins Industry


Communication Techniques

In this course you will learn more about the Autodesk Building Design Suite by looking at the challenges building professionals are facing and relating these to the opportunities that present themselves with the Building Design Suite editions. We will look at the target customers and several key plays to help you successfully position and sell to these target customers. We will also look at some of the objections you may encounter and techniques to overcome these, as well as outlining the workflow coverage for each of the three editions in the Autodesk Building Design Suite. At the end of the course, there is a comprehensive knowledge check, to ensure that you have retained the key points from these lessons and give details on additional sales resources available to make you more effective in selling this exciting new offering from Autodesk AEC.

15 mins Interviewing

Time Management

Time Management - This 15 minute module offers tools for managing your time during the work day! As a result of learning these tips you will be able to increase your focus while decreasing your stress. Using these time management principles will enable you to more effectively deliver on your priorities. A Time Management Reflection Sheet, found at the end of the module, can be downloaded for applying these tools to your current time management challenges.

15 mins Organization

Building Your Pipeline: Finding Prospects Good for Us

Building Your Pipeline: Finding Prospects Good for Us - This 15 minute module is the first of four modules, in this series, on the topic of Building Your Pipeline. It offers concepts and skills for identifying good “suspects”, that is, potential customers who meet the criteria of being good for your company. You’ll learn about a “Suspect Filter” which is a “Ready, Aim, Fire” method for identifying “suspects” worth pursuing. The output is a list of potential “prospects”, that is, customers worth researching to see if your value proposition matches their need. A Worksheet is available for download; it will “walk you through the process” of identifying good suspects.

15 mins Sales


Building Your Pipeline through Referrals and Networking

This 10 minute module is about decreasing the time and effort of finding good prospects by accessing known sources - existing, satisfied customers and your personal network. You'll be introduced to a simple three-step process of "what to say" when asking for referrals and leads. Examples will help you gain confidence in the process and a Worksheet, available for download, will give you the change to practice

15 mins Sales


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Title Description Duration Competency

Building Your Pipeline: Gaining Access to Prospects

Building Your Pipeline: Gaining Access to Prospects - This 10 minute module will help you to understand the dynamics of gaining access to good prospects and will offer you an approach for creating effective Access Messages. You’ll learn the difference between asking for a meeting and asking for a sale. You’ll review a process that allows you to “ping” your customers in ways that incite them to meet with you. A worksheet is available for download.

15 mins Sales


Building Your Pipeline: Identifying Prospects Who Need Us

Building Your Pipeline: Identifying Prospects Who Need Us - This 15 minute module is the second of four modules, in this series, on the topic of Building Your Pipeline. It offers concepts and skills for identifying good “prospects”, that is, those customers who have passed the “suspect filter” test and whom you know your organization could help – your products and services would meet their need. Matching your value proposition with the “critical success factors” of your customer’s business is the key skill for identifying good prospects. You’ll learn and practice how to perform this important prospecting task in this module. A Building Your Pipeline – Identifying Prospects Who Need Us Worksheet is available for download; it will walk you through the process of identifying good prospects.

15 mins Sales


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Marketing Representative Skills and Behaviors

Category Behaviors and Knowledge Communication Relates information in writing and orally in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional business manner

Uses common software communication tools effectively and efficiently (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.); Demonstrates confidence in knowledge, skills, solutions, and company in all communications

Supports sales in developing engaging, professional presentations targeted to a customer’s viewpoint that tie the offering to the customer’s specific needs Coordinates with sales to help facilitate customer and internal meetings to mine the thoughts and ideas of a group in a systematic fashion using common meeting

facilitation techniques Uses commonly accepted business e-mail etiquette when marketing and communicating with customers and colleagues Addresses the needs of each target audience by customizing the content of sales communications Works with sales to help focus communications focused on key messages (right message to right customers) Works with sales to adapt and structure written communication to the customer’s technology choice (e.g. PDA) Demonstrates the ability to document and communicate processes and concepts on a whiteboard (or similar tool) while conversing

Resources Recognizes and uses context-specific resources to aid and support the sales process

Helps and support sales by Identifying available resources, which may include:

People Autodesk people such as mentors, territory managers, vertical managers, partner managers, etc. Presales technical people Internal and external consultants Suppliers Customers

Sales and Prospecting Tools and Data Success stories White papers Value Prompters Meeting planners Corporate presentations Product presentations Marketing Autodesk promotions/campaigns Industry data like the Dodge Reports (AEC) Autodesk Websites; Partner Center, Partner Portal, Autodesk Learning Central

Helps sales leverage existing business successes to develop new business with other potential customers Leverages the Autodesk brand

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Territory Planning Helps sales analyze the territory for understanding of sales opportunities

Assists sales in territory using standard tools (e.g., Hoovers, Jigsaw) to develop profiles of companies (e.g., size, what they do/make, customers, types of work, financial profile, projects)

Supports sales to classifies the different types of companies in the territory Helps define the target audience to identify the best opportunities for winning deals

Identifies relevant reference accounts and success stories within the territory Forecasting and Pipeline Assists sales in managing, and analyzing and helping build individual pipeline to ensure sales goals are met.

Supports sales staff in documenting the pipeline

Uses Autodesk programs (e.g., prospect database) to assist in building a pipeline

Assists sales staff with continual marketing efforts to keep “suspects/potential leads” flowing into the pipeline Customer Knowledge and Qualification

Assesses customer business needs, politics, and goals to determine the quality of the opportunity

Tailors messages to individuals

Helps sales identify stakeholders involved to narrow down the target list of interviewees

Helps sales research the current activities in a customer business to identify risks and opportunities Opportunity Planning Helps sales create plans for sales opportunities that answer the questions of who, what, when, where, and why

Assists Sales staff to help them develop an opportunity close plan for each potential opportunity in the pipeline that details what, why, when, and who Plans marketing events for targeted customers by managing the resources

Time Management Analyzes sales tasks to determine priorities related to opportunities, forecast, and quota

Employs best practices related to time management for marketing people (e.g., schedules time for pipeline assistance, marketing and networking activities face-to-face meetings, industry events, communication plans etc.)

Demonstrates an effective process for prioritizing marketing tasks (e.g., identifies what marketing activities will help drive sales, Understands and has marketing promos and activities planned around sales targets for the year, half year, quarter, and month Determines marketing action steps for achieving sales goals and objectives Tracks progress toward sales goals and objectives so that marketing can be adjusted based on sales and pipeline need

Account/Client Management

Supports sales staff by also applying account and client management techniques to ensure customer satisfaction, develop the relationship, and grow the account

Helps sales develops effective long-term relationships with primary client contacts, executives, and others from a variety of functions (I.E. making sure in key contacts are always invited and informed on compelling events and included on important marketing and promotional activities) and help sales maintain ongoing contact with customers to sustain relationships

Helps sales to build positive relationships by helping them establish credibility (industry articles/whitepapers etc.) Help sales to establish themselves and company as an ongoing source of knowledge for the customer Supports sales in identifying and potential customers to existing customers and to assist in possible new business opportunities

Teaming/Networking Demonstrates effective teaming and networking skills internally, with customers, with people in the industry, and with Autodesk

Acts on Autodesk qualified leads in a timely fashion (where applicable) Assists customer leadership with the messaging of changes to employees and the description of the value Active in industry associations and events Helps sales staff employ Autodesk resources at appropriate times to advance the opportunity

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Industry Knowledge Applies industry knowledge to identify and solve customer needs and establish credibility

Understands industry competitors and can market around their respective competitive solutions and current promotions Understands Autodesk’s key industry initiatives and describes how they relate to Autodesk solutions (e.g., Digital Prototyping, Building Information) in marketing and sales

support materials Understands the industry segments and is able to market to the and “drivers or industry trends” to gain competitive advantage Understands primary roles of customers within an industry and details at least five industry-related topics to be able to market to those roles and groups Uses key industry terminology in marketing and sales materials to gain credibility Should understand current economic trends within the industries you are selling to target sales and marketing messages Helps sales to identifies the customers of the targeted customer

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Sales Representative Skills and Behaviors

Category Behaviors and Knowledge


Applies active listening and questioning techniques to discover customer needs and opportunities

Demonstrates the active listening skills of repeating/restating, paraphrasing, clarifying, reflecting, checking perceptions, and summarizing to confirm understanding Differentiates between the defined active listening skills to use or not use each one in the appropriate context to increase understanding

Practices the nonverbal technique of silence to encourage communication and avoid interrupting and assumptions

Demonstrates empathy to reflect customer’s feelings and content

Employs techniques to focus the conversation to avoid unproductive tangents

Uses different types of questions to stimulate a discussion of critical business issues Employs a “top-down” questioning approach to gain a big picture view and then prioritizes detailed questions

Asks thoughtful, probing questions that uncover the customer’s needs and motives

Identifies subjective words in a customer response and investigates further

Communication Relates information in writing and orally in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional business manner

Demonstrates a minimum of 8th-grade level of business writing skills (grammar, composition, spelling, punctuation) Note: An 8th grade level was selected since that is the level that most newspapers and magazines are written for – it’s an industry best practice and is measurable

Adapts to the customer’s knowledge level by providing more or less detail, using the customer’s language, and viewing information from the customer’s perspective

Responds flexibly to different interaction styles Demonstrates confidence in knowledge, skills, solutions, and company in all communications

Constructs oral communications that are clear, cogent, and cohesive (flows), and presents them with confidence

Uses common software communication tools effectively and efficiently (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.)

Uses eye contact, gestures, body language, and other nonverbal communication tools for maximum effect Analyzes a customer’s nonverbal communication to gather information

Develops engaging, professional presentations targeted to a customer’s viewpoint that tie the offering to the customer’s specific needs

Relates synthesized information/data, proposed solutions, next steps, risks and rewards, and strategy to groups (2-25 people) in an engaging, confident manner

Facilitates customer and internal meetings to mine the thoughts and ideas of a group in a systematic fashion using common meeting facilitation techniques

Uses commonly accepted business e-mail etiquette when communicating with customers and colleagues Addresses the needs of each decision maker by customizing the content of sales communications

Focuses own communications focused on key message

Adapts and structures written communication to the customer’s technology choice (e.g. PDA)

Demonstrates the ability to document and communicate processes and concepts on a whiteboard (or similar tool) while conversing with customers

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Recognizes and uses context-specific resources to aid the sales process

Identifies the available resources for sales, which may include:


Autodesk people such as mentors, territory managers, vertical managers, partner managers, etc.

Presales technical people

Internal and external consultants

Digital Prototyping Hotline contacts (MFG)


Support team


Sales and Prospecting Tools and Data

Price books

Technical brochures

Success stories

White papers

Value Prompters

TAS Opportunity Plan

Meeting planners

Corporate presentations

Product presentations


Autodesk promotions/campaigns


Industry data like the Dodge Reports (AEC)

Autodesk Websites

Partner Center

Partner Portal

Autodesk Learning Central

Describes the types of content available in each of the identified resource types and how each type can be used effectively during specific stages of the sales process

Aligns resources to customer needs to assist in framing the solution in the customer’s mind

Leverages existing business successes to develop new business with other potential customers

Leverages the Autodesk brand

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Business and Financial Acumen

Analyzes a customer’s business to develop a well-rounded view of the company to identify needs, risks, and assess priorities to predict opportunities and build a trusted advisor relationship

Defines key financial terms related to running a business (e.g., balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, cost of capital, revenue, cost of goods sold, cash flow, gross margin, profit, operating ratios, etc.) and relates them to customer concerns and internal initiatives

Demonstrates the ability to perform typical business-related math

Calculates percentages, time, and how time impacts cost within an industry or industry segment Translates a spreadsheet into a narrative story about the company

Relates how different types of businesses are structured and generate money (e.g., limited partnership)

Analyzes a customer’s business in relation to key competitors and industry trends

Analyzes customer’s business performance data to help develop own sales strategy Uses a variety of financial reports to draw conclusions about a customer’s financial health

Uses knowledge of interrelationships among customer business functions (e.g., R&D, marketing) in own sales efforts

Calculates projected ROI and determines methods of measurement for a specific customer and sales situation

Constructs a “big picture” view of a given company to show impact of a given process, department, or initiative on all areas of the business Relates where similar companies are investing and/or concretely reacting to industry trends (e.g., Energy Star ratings as part of sustainable design)

Describes the current business market and how it relates to target customers

Territory Planning Analyzes the territory to define and classify the sales opportunities

Analyzes the territory using standard tools (e.g., Hoovers, Jigsaw) to develop profiles of companies (e.g., size, what they do/make, customers, types of work, financial profile, projects)

Classifies the different types of companies in the territory

Defines the target audience to identify the best opportunities for winning deals Identifies relevant reference accounts and success stories within the territory

Creates a territory plan that explains the opportunities, the strategy to approach the market, and tactics (e.g., Goal POST)

Forecasting and Pipeline

Creates, manages, and analyzes an individual pipeline to ensure sales goals are met on time

Adjusts pipeline for current economic conditions (e.g., increases from 3x to 4x)

Employs pipeline management best practices

Documents the pipeline Uses Autodesk programs (e.g., prospect database) to assist in building a pipeline

Manages the gross margin proposition (e.g., ensures that s/he is selling enough new seats to get to the training and post-sales implementation dollars to increase the margin)

Applies accepted activity benchmarks to set goals (e.g., 50 cold calls a day or 10-12 solid calls a day to customers [3 to 5 are in-person sales meetings], 8-12 proposals a week)

Employs best practices related to cold calling

Develops revenue forecasts by analyzing each account for profitability and probability of success, describes forecasting best practices

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Customer Knowledge and Qualification

Assesses customer business needs, politics, and goals to determine the quality of the opportunity

Prioritizes sales opportunities based on the probability for success

Applies best practices for qualifying a customer (e.g., Target Account Selling – budget, compelling event, timeframe, good fit)

Defines key terminology related to qualification (e.g., compelling event, power person/decision maker, etc.)

Identifies customer’s expectations for a meeting Meets with people from all levels of a customer organization

Describes techniques about how to get a meeting with key decision makers

Tracks activities of target customers (e.g., hiring/firing of C-level people)

Demonstrates common best practices for gaining entry to a new or existing customer Conducts a needs analysis

Discusses business issues and impacts with customers

Analyzes the current activities in a customer business to identify risks and opportunities that may impact a sale (e.g., competitor demonstrations, hardware requirements vs software needs, etc.)

Analyzes customer communications to identify risks and business concerns

Phrases issues, statements, and questions from a customer viewpoint using customer terminology

Identifies and speaks to a variety of people at all levels of the organization to triangulate the data gathered

Identifies all of the stakeholders involved to narrow down the target list of interviewees

Adjusts the strategy and process for the different level of an organization Tailors messages to individuals

Conducts process audits supported by an application engineer

Relates the funding approval process for a specific customer (e.g., who is producing the PO and who signs it)

Describes the customer’s competitive strengths and weaknesses Identifies the firms/companies who are collaborating on projects and leverages those relationships to advance opportunities (AEC)

Determines if a customer is price or value driven, and then determines if the customer is growth or cost driven, and uses this information to adjust time allocation and strategy

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Solution Development Constructs and communicates a solution designed to meet the prioritized business needs of a customer

Quantifies and articulates the value of a proposed solution in terms of the overall impact to a customer’s business to build the business case for a solution

Describes how a proposed solution impacts a customer’s profitability and cash flow

Assesses the risks and rewards of a proposed solution for a given customer scenario

Analyzes the customer needs, creates and validates a prioritized list, and designs a solution that addresses the top priorities

Aligns the goals and objectives of the solution sale to the goals and objectives of the power person Relates the value proposition of the solution using customer-centric language

Relates the value proposition of Autodesk subscription using customer-centric language

Aligns the offering with the customer’s goals, critical success factors (CSFs), and strategic vision

Describes in detail how the solution could be used in the customer environment Describes the process changes related to the adoption of the solution

Differentiates between his/her own reseller company’s value proposition and others in the territory

Creates a plan for positioning against competitors given a specific opportunity

Develops a written proposal with an executive summary, definition of the problem, explanation of the solutions, expected ROI, related success story, proposed implementation plan, timeline, and reseller information

Describes the solution in the context of Autodesk’s divisional industry messaging

Adapts the division messaging to specific customer roles

Identifies cross-grade opportunities from AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT

Identifies upgrade opportunities for installed Autodesk products Designs a complete solution (e.g., software, implementation services, training, Autodesk subscription, adjacent or complementary Autodesk products, etc.) to solve

primary customer business issues

Identifies and communicates best practices for the approach to and timing of implementation and training based on successes in other companies with similar business profiles

Describes financing and leasing options and the impact on customers

Identifies best practices and designs repeatable offerings from them to leverage successes

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Sales Process Adapts and applies core sales processes consistently to advance opportunities

Describes the primary processes and tools related to core sales methodologies (e.g., TAS 1-20, Counselor Salesperson) using standard terminology (e.g., TAS PRIME)

Defines the organizational chart for a target customer and identifies political influencers and the inner circle

Employs best practices related to a trial close Acts upon customers’ buying signals with relevant closing techniques

Asks for referrals from customers

Demonstrates use of internal and external referrals

Adapts own selling approach to the customer’s buying preferences

Adapts sales approach and sales cycle expectations to the locality and the industry Adapts own sales approach to address customer discomfort with the buying decision

Uses a variety of sales tools/activities to keep the customer engaged

Uses strategies to gain access to competitively held accounts

Leverages the customer’s budgeting processes to determine the best sales approach Describes best practices and activities that drive sales results

Differentiates between the approach to selling software and the approach to selling services

Describes techniques and best practices for shortening the sales cycle

Calculates the cost of a sale and adjusts approach/priorities if necessary

Time Management

Analyzes sales tasks to determine priorities related to opportunities, forecast, and quota

Employs best practices related to time management for sales people (e.g., schedules time for cold calling, face-to-face meetings, industry events, etc.) Demonstrates an effective process for prioritizing sales tasks (e.g., identifies what is the most available first money, determines task priorities based on the forecast,

balances the activities involved with getting the sale today with those that will get the sale later, ensures tasks are aligned to meet quota)

Describes sales targets for the year, half year, quarter, and month

Determines action steps for achieving sales goals and objectives Tracks progress toward sales goals and objectives

Describes the Goal POST methodology and demonstrates the ability to produce a Goal POST plan

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Opportunity Planning

Creates detailed plans for sales opportunities that answer the questions of who, what, when, where, and why

Creates a tactical plan for each account and obtains agreement from the customer on the next steps and timeline

Creates a demonstration plan for a given customer scenario in conjunction with an application engineer that addresses the customer needs and priorities (the salesperson explains the problem, conveys the information to technical person, and assists in determining what should be shown)

Develops an opportunity close plan for each potential opportunity in the pipeline that details what, why, when, and who

Plans marketing events for targeted customers by managing the resources

Creates a plan for each resource involved in the pre-sales process that details activities, expected outcomes, and timeline

Develops a list of topics and questions prior to any customer interactions to ensure all required topics are addressed Describes best practices related to meeting planning (e.g., identifies the purpose for a customer meeting and sets an agenda)

Describes the interaction between scope, time, and quality on a project

Negotiation Employs negotiation skills at every stage of the sales process to advance the sale and increase the value

Calculates and conveys the value of customer requests and asks for items or relative value (e.g., access, commitments, information) in return (“Give to get”)

Assesses whether or not a negotiation is being conducted with the right person at the right level of the organization

Negotiates agreements that optimize results for both own organization and customer’s organization Demonstrates the ability to overcome customer objections in a manner that addresses the customer’s concerns

Describes techniques for handling customer objections in a down economy

Identifies areas/topics where a customer is willing to be flexible

Explains the ramifications of saying yes or no to common customer requests

Uses networking best practices to influence other people [Add SSN learning objectives here

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Account/Client Management

Applies account and client management techniques to ensure customer satisfaction, develop the relationship, and grow the account

Creates an account plan for each customer account that outlines the strategy to grow the account Gains support of key executives in the customer organization

Develops effective long-term relationships with primary client contacts, executives, and others from a variety of functions

Identifies individuals in the customer organization with both the formal and informal authority to make buying decisions

Uses knowledge of the customer’s formal buying process and criteria

Employs up-selling techniques to move the customer to the correct solution Keeps promises and commitments to the customer

Builds positive relationships by establishing credibility

Maintains ongoing contact with customers to sustain relationships

Establishes self as an ongoing source of knowledge for the customer Follows up to ensure customer satisfaction with company products and services (if available, also applies tools to measure satisfaction)

Takes ownership for customer problems when they occur

Manages “post-sale” implementation and follow-up to develop a trusted advisor status

Responds to client satisfaction issues Protects current accounts against competitive threats

Maintains detailed account notes

Analyzes account (high, wide, and deep) to identify new opportunities

Develops a long-term partnership with the customer to help that customer grow their business

Identifies and introduces potential customers to existing customers and assists in defining new business opportunities for the existing customer (AEC)

Identifies, cultivates, and leverages a champion within the account


Demonstrates effective teaming and networking skills internally, with customers, with people in the industry, and with Autodesk

Collaborates with presales technical people to develop meeting plans, demonstration plans, to identify new opportunities, and to adjust the sales approach for a specific customer

Identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the assigned presales technical person and plans how to best support him/her during sales meetings

Acts on Autodesk qualified leads in a timely fashion (where applicable) Assists customer leadership with the messaging of changes to employees and the description of the value

Active in industry associations and events

Employs Autodesk resources at appropriate times to advance the opportunity

Change Management Applies change management best practices to sales situations to help set customer expectations of a solution

Articulates the value of proofs of concepts and pilot projects Identifies to the customer the steps required to incorporate new technology and processes

Contrasts technology change with process change

Articulates best practices for change management

Calculates and communicates the overall cost of change related to the solution implementation versus the cost of not implementing

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Industry Knowledge

Applies industry knowledge to identify and solve customer needs and establish credibility

Identifies industry competitors and describes their respective competitive solutions and current promotions

Classifies strengths and weaknesses of competitive solutions for specific customer scenarios Defines key industry initiatives and describes how they relate to Autodesk solutions (e.g., Digital Prototyping, MRP Systems, Building Information Modeling, Green

Building, ISO 9000/9001, Lean Manufacturing)

Identifies the industry segments and describes the primary business issues, initiatives, and drivers of each

Identifies primary roles of customers within an industry and details at least five industry-related topics to discuss with someone in each role

Defines key industry terminology Relates industry best practices that are likely to be impacted by Autodesk solutions

Diagrams typical industry workflows to document how information flows, the people and teams involved, and the organizational structure supporting the workflows

Recognizes the resources (time, people, costs, etc.) associated with key tasks in industry processes

Summarizes typical problems faced by companies in the industry Recalls typical software solutions used by the industry and maps these to specific tasks/problems addressed

Identifies current economic trends within the industry

Identifies and communicates relevant industry drivers of change (e.g., new laws, local requirements, etc.) to existing and potential customers

Identifies the customers of the targeted customer

Identifies influential contributors for a targeted industry, association, and company

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Pre-Sales Representative Skills and Behaviors

Category/Competency Behaviors and Knowledge

Interviewing Applies active listening and questioning techniques to discover customer needs and opportunities

Demonstrates the active listening skills of repeating/restating, paraphrasing, clarifying, reflecting, checking perceptions, and summarizing to confirm understanding

Differentiates between the defined active listening skills to use or not use each one in the appropriate context to increase understanding

Practices the nonverbal technique of silence to encourage communication and avoid interrupting and assumptions

Demonstrates empathy to reflect customer’s feelings and content Employs techniques to focus the conversation to avoid unproductive tangents

Uses different types of questions to stimulate a discussion of critical business issues

Employs a “top-down” questioning approach to gain a big picture view and then prioritizes detailed questions

Asks thoughtful, probing questions that uncover the customer’s needs and motives

Identifies subjective words in a customer response and investigates further

Communication Relates information orally in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional business manner

Adapts to the customer’s knowledge level by providing more or less detail, using the customer’s language, and viewing information from the customer’s perspective

Responds flexibly to different interaction styles Demonstrates confidence in knowledge, skills, solutions, and company in all communications

Constructs oral communications that are clear, cogent, and cohesive (flows), and presents them with confidence

Uses eye contact, gestures, body language, and other nonverbal communication tools for maximum effect

Analyzes a customer’s nonverbal communication to gather information Uses software communication tools effectively and efficiently (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Visio, web conferencing, screen capture tools, video capture and editing

software, etc.)

Develops engaging, professional presentations targeted to a customer’s viewpoint that tie the offering to the customer’s specific needs

Relates synthesized information/data, proposed solutions, next steps, risks and rewards, and strategy to small (2-25), medium (50+ people) and large (150+) groups in an engaging, confident manner

Facilitates customer and internal meetings to mine the thoughts and ideas of a group in a systematic fashion using common meeting facilitation techniques

Addresses the needs of each decision maker by customizing the content of sales communications

Demonstrates best practices to ensure discussions stay focused on critical issues

Focuses own communications focused on key messages Demonstrates the ability to document and communicate processes and concepts on a whiteboard (or similar tool) while conversing with customers

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Plans and demonstrates an approach to solving the prioritized business needs of a customer

Differentiates between types of demonstrations (e.g., value proposition, technical demo, Why demo, overview, etc.) for different purposes (e.g., audience, sales step, customer request, etc.)

Analyzes the customer to create a demonstration experience that is customized to the stated business needs, objectives, and questions of the customer audience

Summarizes the demonstration and describes how it links with/enhances/changes current customer workflows

Differentiates between the approaches to a demonstration and to training

Addresses audience expectations

Demonstrates appropriate audience facilitation techniques for typical challenging situations (e.g., detractors, competitor champions, experts, etc.) Interacts with the demonstration participants

Focuses discussion and demonstration on solving the primary customer problems

Differentiates between demos for a new customer vs an existing customer

For existing customers not on subscription: Analyzes multiple years of product releases and selects relevant changes/enhancements to discuss/demonstrate Practices the demonstration multiple times prior to delivery

Uses divisional messaging and demonstration materials (e.g., data sets, scripts, etc.)

Customizes demonstration materials for a specific customer for larger deals

Performs the demo so that the software looks easy to use Uses best practices for demonstrations

Uses best practices for presenting/demonstrating remotely (via web conferencing)

Provides data and a demonstration summary to technical advisors to enable them to influence the business decision

Conducts an audience analysis and identifies the personal goals of the participants

Demonstrates that s/he is familiar with customer projects, industry, etc. to build a trusted advisor relationship Demonstrates the ability to document and communicate processes and concepts on a whiteboard (or similar tool) while conversing with customers

Aligns each feature demonstrated to a specific business issue to establish value

Uses the technology as an illustration for a story

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Business and Financial Acumen

Analyzes a customer’s business to develop a well-rounded view of the company to identify needs, risks, and assess priorities to predict opportunities and build a trusted advisor relationship

Defines key financial terms related to running a business (e.g., balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, cost of capital, revenue, cost of goods sold, cash flow, gross margin, profit, operating ratios, etc.) and relates them to customer concerns and internal initiatives

Demonstrates the ability to perform typical business-related math

Calculates percentages, time, and how time impacts cost within an industry or industry segment Translates a spreadsheet into a narrative story about the company

Relates how different types of businesses are structured and generate money (e.g., limited partnership)

Analyzes a customer’s business in relation to key competitors and industry trends

Analyzes customer’s business performance data to help develop own sales strategy Uses a variety of financial reports to draw conclusions about a customer’s financial health

Uses knowledge of interrelationships among customer business functions (e.g., R&D, marketing) in own sales efforts

Calculates projected ROI and determines methods of measurement for a specific customer and sales situation

Constructs a “big picture” view of a given company to show impact of a given process, department, or initiative on all areas of the business Relates where similar companies are investing and/or concretely reacting to industry trends (e.g., Energy Star ratings as part of sustainable design)

Describes the current business market and how it relates to target customers

Customer Knowledge and Qualification

Assesses customer business needs, politics, and goals to determine the quality of the opportunity

Prioritizes sales opportunities based on the probability for success

Applies best practices for qualifying a customer (e.g., Target Account Selling – budget, compelling event, timeframe, good fit)

Defines key terminology related to qualification (e.g., compelling event, power person/decision maker, etc.)

Identifies customer’s expectations for a meeting

Meets with people from all levels of a customer organization Describes techniques about how to get a meeting with key decision makers

Tracks activities of target customers (e.g., hiring/firing of C-level people)

Demonstrates common best practices for gaining entry to a new or existing customer

Discusses business issues and impacts with customers Analyzes the current activities in a customer business to identify risks and opportunities that may impact a sale (e.g., competitor demonstrations, hardware

requirements vs software needs, etc.)

Analyzes customer communications to identify risks and business concerns

Phrases issues, statements, and questions from a customer viewpoint using customer terminology Identifies and speaks to a variety of people at all levels of the organization to triangulate the data gathered

Identifies all of the stakeholders involved to narrow down the target list of interviewees

Adjusts the strategy and process for the different level of an organization

Tailors messages to individuals

Conducts process audits Describes the customer’s competitive strengths and weaknesses and what areas of the workflow are targeted by their products

Identifies the firms/companies who are collaborating on projects and leverages those relationships to advance opportunities (AEC)

Identifies customer suppliers

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Solution Development Constructs and communicates a solution designed to meet the prioritized business needs of a customer

Quantifies and articulates the value of a proposed solution in terms of the overall impact to a customer’s business to build the business case for a solution

Describes how a proposed solution impacts a customer’s profitability and cash flow

Assesses the risks and rewards of a proposed solution for a given customer scenario Analyzes the customer needs, creates and validates a prioritized list, and designs a solution that addresses the top priorities

Aligns the goals and objectives of the solution sale to the goals and objectives of the power person

Relates the value proposition of the solution using customer-centric language

Relates the value proposition of Autodesk subscription using customer-centric language

Aligns the offering with the customer’s goals, critical success factors (CSFs), and strategic vision Describes in detail how the solution could be used in the customer environment

Describes the process changes related to the adoption of the solution

Creates a plan for positioning against competitors given a specific opportunity

Identifies the primary components of a written proposal Describes the solution in the context of Autodesk’s divisional industry messaging

Adapts the division messaging to specific customer roles

Identifies cross-grade opportunities from AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT

Identifies upgrade opportunities for installed Autodesk products Designs a complete solution (e.g., software, implementation services, training, Autodesk subscription, adjacent or complementary Autodesk products, etc.) to solve

primary customer business issues

Identifies and communicates best practices for the approach to and timing of implementation and training based on successes in other companies with similar business profiles

Leverages existing business successes to develop new business with other potential customers

Sales Process Adapts and applies core sales processes consistently to advance opportunities

Describes the primary processes and tools related to core sales methodologies (e.g., TAS 1-20, Counselor Salesperson) using standard terminology (e.g., TAS PRIME) Defines the organizational chart for a target customer and identifies political influencers and the inner circle

Employs best practices related to a technical close

Asks for referrals from customers

Demonstrates use of internal and external referrals Adapts own approach to the customer’s buying preferences

Adapts sales approach and sales cycle expectations to the locality and the industry

Adapts own sales approach to address customer discomfort with the buying decision

Uses a variety of sales tools/activities to keep the customer engaged

Uses strategies to gain access to competitively held accounts Describes best practices and activities that drive sales results

Differentiates between the approach to selling software and the approach to selling services

Describes techniques and best practices for shortening the sales cycle

Calculates the cost of a sale with the salesperson and adjusts approach/priorities if necessary Determines the process for achieving technical closure for a given customer situation

Analyzes the customer’s responses and next questions while attempting to achieve technical closure to determine if needs are met and if the conversation has digressed to “nice to haves”

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Opportunity Planning

Creates detailed plans for sales opportunities that answer the questions of who, what, when, where, and why

Creates a demonstration plan for a given customer that addresses the customer needs and priorities (the salesperson explains the problem, conveys the information to technical person, and assists in determining what should be shown)

Develops a list of topics and questions prior to any customer interactions to ensure all required topics are addressed

Describes best practices related to meeting planning (e.g., identifies the purpose for a customer meeting and sets an agenda)

Describes the interaction between scope, time, and quality on a project

Determines how to use internal resources to support sales efforts Defines the roles and responsibilities of the technical decision owner

Documents the technical decision owner’s circle of influence

Account/Client Management

Applies account and client management techniques to ensure customer satisfaction, develop the relationship, and grow the account

Develops effective long-term relationships with primary client contacts, executives, and others from a variety of functions Identifies individuals in the customer organization with both the formal and informal authority to make buying decisions

Employs up-selling techniques to move the customer to the correct solution

Keeps promises and commitments to the customer

Builds positive relationships by establishing credibility

Maintains ongoing contact with customers to sustain relationships Identifies the customers of the customer

Establishes self as an ongoing source of knowledge for the customer

Follows up to ensure customer satisfaction with company products and services (if available, also applies tools to measure satisfaction)

Takes ownership for customer problems when they occur Manages “post-sale” implementation and follow-up to develop a trusted advisor status

Responds to client satisfaction issues

Protects current accounts against competitive threats

Maintains detailed account notes

Analyzes account (high, wide, and deep) to identify new opportunities Develops a long-term partnership with the customer to help that customer grow their business

Identifies and introduces potential customers to existing customers and assists in defining new business opportunities for the existing customer (AEC)

Identifies, cultivates, and leverages a champion within the account

Creates plans for developing new business

Reviews research with the customer and confirms it is accurate

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Teaming/Networking Demonstrates effective teaming and networking skills internally, with customers, with people in the industry, and with Autodesk

Collaborates with salespeople to develop meeting plans, demonstration plans, to identify new opportunities, and to adjust the sales approach for a specific customer

Collaborates with post-sales technical people to communicate relevant information about the customer

Identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the assigned salesperson and plans how to best support him/her during sales meetings Active in industry associations and events

Employs Autodesk resources at appropriate times to advance the opportunity

Change Management Applies change management best practices to sales situations to help set customer expectations of a solution

Articulates the value of proofs of concepts and pilot projects

Identifies to the customer the steps required to incorporate new technology and processes

Contrasts technology change with process change Articulates best practices for change management

Calculates and communicates the overall cost of change related to the solution implementation versus the cost of not implementing

Influencing Employs influencing skills to advance the sale, address objections, and demonstrate value

Selects appropriate techniques to defuse typical emotional situations (e.g., anger, frustration, hyper emotional)

Demonstrates the ability to address and overcome complex customer objections

Uses networking best practices to influence other people

Adapts personal influencing style to individuals Defines influencing styles (e.g., logical, emotional, cooperative) and differentiates between the styles for specific situations

Identifies the influencing impact personal words and actions have on others

Discusses how group dynamics impact influence and negotiation

Provides guidance to a customer without offending them Demonstrates the ability to navigate through a complex, difficult issue to a successful resolution

Differentiates between decision-making methods

Industry Knowledge Applies extensive industry knowledge to identify and solve customer needs and establish credibility

Identifies industry competitors and describes their respective competitive solutions

Classifies strengths and weaknesses of competitive solutions for specific customer scenarios

Describes the capabilities of adjacent applications

Defines key industry initiatives and analyzes how they relate to Autodesk solutions (e.g., digital prototyping, MRP systems, BIM, green building, ISO 9001, lean manufacturing)

Identifies the industry segments and describes the primary business issues, initiatives, and drivers of each

Identifies primary roles of customers within an industry and details at least five industry-related topics to discuss with someone in each role

Defines key industry terminology Analyzes industry best practices that are likely to be impacted by Autodesk solutions

Diagrams complex industry workflows to document how information flows, the people involved, the organizational structure (e.g., matrixes, cross functional, etc.), and the value

Recognizes the resources (time, people, costs, etc.) associated with key tasks in industry processes

Summarizes typical problems faced by companies in the industry Recalls typical software solutions used by the industry and maps these to specific tasks/problems addressed

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Identifies current economic trends within the industry

Analyzes industry best practices, current customer practices and processes, and business objectives to propose new processes

Identifies and communicates relevant industry drivers of change (e.g., new laws, local requirements, etc.) to existing and potential customers Identifies influential contributors for a targeted industry, association, and company

Builds credibility through conveying stories/experiences in the industry and relating them to the customer’s needs, situation, business goals, etc.

Contributes to blog/discussion groups and industry newsletters and magazines

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Post-Sales Representative Skills and Behaviors

Post-Sales Representative General

Category Behaviors and Knowledge

Interviewing Applies active listening and questioning techniques to identify, clarify, and troubleshoot customer problems

Demonstrates the active listening skills of repeating/restating, paraphrasing, clarifying, reflecting, checking perceptions, and summarizing

Differentiates between the defined active listening skills to use or not use each one in the appropriate context to increase understanding

Employs transition sentences to refocus problem solving and encourage a different point of view

Practices the nonverbal technique of silence to encourage communication and avoid interrupting and assumptions

Provides support for a person's point of view without agreeing with it

Demonstrates empathy to reflect customer’s feelings and content

Evaluates a communication (e.g., e-mail, discussion, etc.) to isolate the issue

Employs techniques to focus the conversation to avoid unproductive tangents Uses open-ended, non-leading questions to gather information

Constructs non-judgmental questions to encourage two-way communication

Conflict Management Uses conflict management techniques to identify sources of conflict and resolve them in writing and over the phone

Identifies the common causes of conflict in a product support role

Selects appropriate techniques to defuse typical emotional situations (e.g., anger, frustration, hyper emotional)

Describes how to find common goals in a conflict

Applies diplomacy to situations of conflict

Communication Relates facts, procedures, status, ideas, and other information in writing and orally in an organized, succinct, convincing, and professional manner

Employs best practices regarding status reports and the timing of these communication tools to customers Practices techniques to put people at ease

Demonstrates an 8th-grade level of business writing skills (grammar, composition, spelling, punctuation)

Employs techniques to manage customer perceptions and expectations of the interaction, product support function, the software, the reseller company, and Autodesk (e.g., communicates the process and timeline)

Adapts to the customer’s knowledge level by providing more or less detail, using the customer’s language, and viewing issues from the customer’s perspective

Explains the ramifications of saying yes or no to common customer requests

Demonstrates confidence in knowledge, skills, software, and company in all communications

Explains what information and data is needed (e.g., files) and why

Demonstrates patience Describes techniques to terminate an unproductive call

Illustrates how appropriately handle incorrect information from a person in power (e.g., customer).

Constructs oral communications that are clear, cogent, and cohesive (flows), and presents it with confidence

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Teamwork Practices effective teaming skills

Describes the process for identifying internal resources and sharing information

Explains the benefits of having a group conversation mechanism so you can bounce ideas off of people internally

Employs praise and other forms of positive reinforcement (e.g., recognition programs) to encourage sharing and team building

Organization Demonstrates effective organizational skills

Practices effective prioritization practices (e.g., based on support level, number of people affected, deadline)

Demonstrates the organizational skills necessary to effectively handle 10 to 20 Tier 1 or 4 to 6 Tier 2 product support calls a day

Recalls skills/processes to efficiently handle a moderate level of incoming e-mail

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Post-Sales Representative Technical

Category Behaviors and Knowledge


Describes the Autodesk installation process and demonstrates knowledge of common problems and solutions related to supported products

Explains the different product delivery methods

States how the installer works Compares the differences in installation between supported products (e.g., creating deployments in civil 3d is different than in AutoCAD)

Recalls the types of information and decisions needed for installation and why it is important (e.g., serial number, product key, name of license server, 32 vs 64 bit) and guides a caller to either locate it or make a decision regarding it

Recalls the documented system requirements for specific supported products

Describes common hardware and software functionality and interactions with Autodesk products including Network functionality and constraints

Operating systems (e.g., Vista)


Virtualization software (e.g., VMware) Graphics drivers (e.g., open GL, what makes a graphics card tick and what can go wrong)

Recalls know installation issues and related solutions/hot fixes for supported products (e.g., for MAX, there is a known problem related to merging the installation)

Diagrams the installation process paths and decision points

Describes the installation interface for supported products

Demonstrates how to create a customized deployment image and custom images across multiple machines Employs scripting techniques to aid installation

Demonstrates modifying the registry

Defines and demonstrates the primary elements of templates that can be customized for a given supported product (e.g., e.g., size of the sheet on the drawing view, changing the units, unit precision)

Relates proven hardware configurations and best practices to achieve enhanced performance for standard tasks

Licensing Describes the Autodesk licensing models and demonstrates knowledge of common problems and solutions

Demonstrates the step-by-step process of how to set up license servers Describes the process for ensuring a machine can communicate with a license server and check out a license component to run a program

Differentiates between the different types of servers (e.g., redundant vs distributed)

Defines and differentiates between license types (e.g., beta, stand alone, student, network)

Demonstrates how to use the licensing tools provided with the specific product Identifies the information within a license file (e.g., seats, components, products, etc.)

Demonstrates the process of merging license files and restarting the server

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Troubleshooting Demonstrates an effective troubleshooting process

Explains the data to collect when troubleshooting and how it is useful (e.g., collecting what happens before the problem occurs – example: instead of giving crashed file give dataset right before data crashes and the steps that lead up to the crash)

Recalls the supported products and related environments (e.g., Windows 7) Demonstrates the re-creation of specific user problems for supported products within supported environments

Begins the troubleshooting process by ensuring that basic information is gathered (e.g., product running, updates or posted service packs available, operating system and service packs in use, 64 or 32 bit, standalone or part of a suite, and if it is a vertical product, then does the same issue happen in AutoCAD, eliminating the graphics card, does the issue happen in one file or many)

Differentiates between common types of calls (e.g., errors, troubleshooting, training, project-specific) and sets customer expectations regarding the available resources, response and timeline

Identifies the type of question (e.g., how to, technical problem, different solution) and determines if enough is known to provide an answer or judges what information might be missing

Demonstrates how to recreate common customer problems to reproduce an error, which may also involve testing a customer file Identifies the workflow and expected outcome

Translates a user’s intent to product-specific terminology to be able to search for a solution in resources like On-line help and discussion boards

Identifies the impact of customer project deadlines on the troubleshooting process and communication expectations and adjusts the individual process accordingly (e.g., creates temporary workarounds)

Analyzes the client workflow, the end goal, and identifies other tools that may be better suited for achieving the goal

Identifies the common user interface elements for each product supported and describes their purpose and functionality

Describes the process for closing a case

Describes the documented escalation process

Demonstrates how and describes the guidelines for contacting Autodesk (e.g., log a case On-line, expectations, etc.)

Relates the information needed to pass to Autodesk (e.g., name of customer, e-mail of customer, contact information, summary of the issue and actions the dealer has taken, datasets, defect numbers, support numbers)

Data Management Describes best practices and common techniques for managing data in supported Autodesk products

Demonstrates getting data in and out of Inventor (and other products) from AutoCAD, STEP/IGES, and competitive file formats

Demonstrates how to check in and check out files from a database tool (e.g., Vault).

Describes the concept of version control in a data management environment

Illustrates the process of creating different versions and returning to earlier versions of a design.

Describes the concept of file management in common operating systems

Resources Recognizes and employs context-specific resources to provide known solutions and procedures to customers

Identifies the available resources for product support including:

On-line help


Knowledge base Network administrators guide

Standalone licensing guides

Discussion forums

Subscription center (and other training resources)

Product pages

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White papers

Press releases

Archive webcasts Search beta

RSS feeds on Autodesk.com

Troubleshooting guides

Error code databases (both Autodesk and Microsoft)

Describes the types of content available in each of the identified resource types Applies search techniques to locate specific content for a customer within each defined resource

Recognizes the benefit of increasing knowledge and staying current and attends partner web casts, participates in user groups (e.g., AUGI), watches the Autodesk YouTube channel, completes training in Learning Central, attends AU, and participates in betas

States common Internet search techniques using common search engines (e.g., Google) to find data

Describes how to access client information (e.g., CRM system)