2012-03-06 - al - mcinnish v - exhibit 2 - white paper

A Question of Legitimacy Is Barack Obama the Bona Fide President of the United States? A white paper offering evidence in support of the accusation that Barack Obama has knowingly submitted a forged birth certificate purporting to document his birth; that in doing so he has committed the felony of forgery under Alabama Law; that he should be prosecuted for that offense by Alabama law enforcement officials; that he has failed to prove he meets the requirements of the U. S. Constitution for eligibility to hold the Office of President of the United States; and that no election official in Alabama should allow his name to be placed on a ballot for that office. January 2012

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A Question of Legitimacy Is Barack Obama the Bona Fide President

of the United States?

By Hugh McInnish

With valuable assistance fromDean Johnson, Esq.

Copyright © 2012

Hugh McInnish

(Although this document is written by a single author, the editorial “we” is used indeference to the several colleagues who have lent encouragement and help.)

The author encourages distribution of this document. No permission is required.

Please give notice of the source. 

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Contents iii

A Note to the Reader iv

Introduction  1

The Short-Form Birth Certificate 3

The Corsi Book 4

Examining the Short Form 4

The Long-Form Birth Certificate 7

Examining the Long Form 8

Other Evidence 12

Is Barack Obama a Criminal? 13

Synopsis 14

Conclusion 16

Exhibits 17

List of Exhibits 18

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A Note to the Reader

Don’t expect to read this white paper as you would a novel.If you need something relaxing at bedtime, try Gone with

the Wind . In writing this paper we have made readability ahigh priority, second only after accuracy. To do justice tothe forensics involved, however, a few technical subjectsmust be introduced.

But there is no need to despair. There are noprerequisites to understanding. Computer science,programming, and studies of crime detection methods are notrequired.

While some things mentioned may be outside the reader’severyday knowledge, they are certainly accessible to anywho are interested and persistent. Persistence may requiremore than one careful reading.

We urge all who nourish so much as a modicum of patrioticspirit to invest the effort to understand what is writtenhere, and, most importantly, to understand what are theextended implications for our country. This investmentwill pay a rich dividend. Grasping the facts presentedwill put the reader in the vanguard of those cognizant few

who appreciate what is almost certain to be seen inretrospect as the most egregious historical event of the 21st Century.

We invite you to read carefully.

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A Question of Legitimacy

Is Barack Obama the Bona Fide President

of the United States?

Introduction: Today Barack Hussein Obama sits in the

Oval Office, enjoying the title of President of the United

States, and undeniably he is the de facto President, having

received a majority of the electoral votes in the election

of November 2008. But is he the de jure President? Is he

a man, regardless of the vote, who is constitutionally

qualified to occupy the White House? Or has he achieved

his position through fraud and deceit? Have his actions

actually constituted a felony actionable under criminal

law? It is to these questions that this white paper is


The Constitution is clear on the requirements for a person

to be President. He must be at least 35 years of age, have

lived in the United States for at least 14 years, and be a

natural born citizen.1 From the beginning, questions have

arisen concerning Obama’s birth status and whether he was a

natural born citizen. But very few, especially those in

the best positions to raise the legitimate questions, have

dared to do so. Most prominent persons, as well as the

mainstream media, have assiduously eschewed the eligibility


In a form letter to constituents, Alabama’s Senator Jeff

Sessions wrote,

I believe that President Obama has met all of the requirements

of citizenship as set forth by the U. S. State Department, and

therefore is eligible for the office of the presidency. (See

Exhibit 1.) 

Apart from being in error on the fundamental question of

Obama’s eligibility, this letter is curious in its

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implication that the State Department, not the

Constitution, sets the requirements for eligibility to

serve as President.

Senator Richard Shelby, also of Alabama, wrote a similar,

although much more emphatic, letter. He said,

President Obama’s birth certificate was presented during his

presidential campaign and again in April of 2011. This birth

certificate has been verified and confirmed by Hawaiian

officials and serves as valid proof of his citizenship.

Federal officials have also validated it. I am confident that

President Obama is eligible for the Presidency, and any matters

relating to the issue have been thoroughly examined. (See

Exhibit 2.) 

This letter from a United States Senator is embarrassingly

asunder from the facts:

•  The senator speaks of “the” birth certificate,

implying that the same certificate was released twice. But

there were two very different certificates released, the

fake “Short Form” during the campaign, and the fake “Long

Form” in April of 2011.

•  The “birth certificate” has not been verified or

confirmed by Hawaiian officials. They have claimed thatthey have somewhere in their records a bone fide birth

certificate, but they have cleverly avoided saying that

what they have, and what Obama is displaying, are one and

the same.

•  There is no “valid proof” of Obama’s citizenship.

Even if there were, it would not necessarily prove that he

was a natural born citizen.

•  The senator is certainly right when he says that

matters pertaining to Obama’s eligibility “have been

thoroughly examined,” but not in the sense he intends it.

Such matters have not been examined at all by those

officials having responsibility to do so. In contrast to

this gross nonfeasance, however, they have been thoroughly

examined by skilled and responsible private citizens, and

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the reader may look forward to seeing those results in what


In fairness to our two senators we must say that they are

not alone. Many other high-ranking officials, as well as

most in the media, and a large segment of the generalpopulation, have been beguiled by Barack Obama’s wile, to

the extent that even his political opponents sometimes

sound like counsel for his defense.

Being among the un-beguiled, however, we believe that the

time is ripe for a serious appeal to the consciences of

patriots to use their voices, and to those elected to

positions of authority to use their offices to make right

that which is so clearly wrong. Now there is a wealth of

credible forensic, circumstantial, and anecdotal evidenceawash in the alternative media, and it points clearly to

fraud, forgery, and deceit.

Using these sources we will present convincing evidence

that Obama’s eligibility is based on fraudulent

documentation for which he bears responsibility, and that

he therefore is not the legally elected President, and may

well be guilty of a felony.

The Short-Form Birth Certificate: During the 2008

presidential campaign demands were made to see the birth

certificate of John McCain, which he promptly produced.

With the question of birth certificates floating in the

air, demands to see Barack Obama’s birth certificate were

soon heard, but there was initially no response from the

Obama campaign. On June 12, 2008, however, the pro-Obama

website Daily Kos published what they called the

candidate’s birth certificate.2 (See Exhibit 3.) The

provenance of this document is lost in the fog of politics,

but in any event, almost immediately Obama’s website

published the same document and labeled it “Barack Obama’s

Official Birth Certificate.” In subsequent discussions

this has been referred to as the “Short-Form Birth

Certificate,” or “Short Form,” or “COLB,” since it is

headed “Certificate of Live Birth.”

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The Corsi Book: In May of this year a book by Jerome Corsi

was published. Even before it was published, however, it

was featured on the front page of the popular Drudge Report

website, and it instantly soared to the first spot on

Amazon,3 the largest bookseller on the Internet. Because

Corsi’s book and other of his writings will be prominent in

what we offer here, a moment taken to say a word about this

man and his work will be well spent.

Jerome Corsi is an investigative reporter with a Ph.D. in

political science from Harvard. He came to prominence in

August 2004 when he co-authored the book Unfit for Command:

Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry that was

published by Regnery.4 It sold 1.2 million copies. It was

credited with bringing to light important information that

had not previously been known about a major presidentialcandidate, and of having a major influence on the election

of that year. Dr. Corsi is today a writer on the staff of

the website WND, World Net Daily.

Corsi’s latest book, the one released this May and referred

to above, is Where’s the Birth Certificate? It treats the

Short Form in great detail, with 370 pages, including 125


Examining the Short Form: A single glance at the Short Formshows its claim to being a birth certificate to be

blatantly false.

It shows not a single signature, none of a doctor or other

attending medical person, none of a certifying hospital

official, or state keeper of vital records. Such a

document cannot be used to get a passport or a driver’s

license. Nor can it be used to enroll a child in school.

Yet Barack Obama presented it as sufficient to establish

his eligibility to be President of the United States.

Compare Obama’s Short Form with a genuine Alabama birth

certificate issued in 1934. (See Exhibit 4.) Or compare

it with a more recent certificate issued in Hawaii. (See

Exhibit 5.)

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Though not close to being a birth certificate as that term

is always understood, the White House maintained that it

was just that, a real, bona fide birth certificate. And

anyone questioning it could expect to be the object of

harsh ridicule. For instance, at the press briefing of May

27, 2009, reporter Lester Kinsolving asked press secretary

Robert Gibbs why Obama couldn’t release the real thing.

Corsi records their exchange:

Instead of answering, Gibbs, along with the Washington press

corps in attendance, erupted in boisterous laughter.

“Are you looking for the president’s birth certificate?” Gibbs

asked incredulously.

“Yes,” Kinsolving replied.

“It’s on the Internet, Lester,” an exasperated Gibbs rejoined.

“No, no, no,” Kinsolving protested, “the long form listing his

hospital and physician.”

More laughter.

“Lester, this question in many ways continues to astound me,“

Gibbs intoned. “The state of Hawaii provided a copy with the

seal of the president’s birth. I know there are apparently at

least 400,000 people (laughter) that continue to doubt the

existence of and the certification by the state of Hawaii of

the president’s birth there, but it’s on the Internet becausewe put it on the Internet for each of those 400,000 to

download. I certainly hope that by the fourth year of our

administration that we’ll have dealt with this burgeoning


Millions of ordinary Americans who take an interest in

current events were far less astounded by the question than

was Obama’s press secretary, and not at all amused. Not

only was the document posted on the Internet on its face

less than the legitimate birth certificate we are

accustomed to seeing, there are strong suggestions thateven it is in fact a forgery. A bizarre incident comes into

play here. It involves a man named Jay McKinnon.

McKinnon is an Internet activist who describes himself as a

strong Obama supporter and has no doubt that the

certificate Obama posted is the real thing. Yet some of

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his actions contradict that belief. McKinnon is apparently

skilled at manipulating Internet images and he used this

skill to produce a forged Hawaii blank birth certificate as

a joke. (See Exhibit 6.)  Nor did he stop there. He

produced another certificate that was not entirely blank.

It showed that a person named Haye I. B. Ahphorgerie was

born at 7:24 PM, date unspecified. Note that the name read

phonetically gives “Hey, I be a forgery.” (See exhibit 7.)

Assuming that McKinnon was being honest in saying that he

was an Obama supporter, he intended his work to be a prank.

If so, unintended consequences followed. He had shown the

ease with which a Short Form could be fabricated. And he

amplified this fact with comments he offered later. Writes


The Israel Insider blog described McKinnon as a twenty-five-tothirty-year old “Democratic political activist, frequent

contributor to the left wing Daily Kos blog, and a fervent

Barack Obama supporter” who, as far back as 2006, had bragged

on DailyKos how easily one could forge official government

documents. The discussion centered around forging driver’s

licenses for illegal immigrants and the idea of producing “The

Perfect ID Card.” McKinnon was flippant, confident he could

counterfeit virtually any government document, including birth

certificates. “Most Americans have worse ID than illegal

immigrants,” he said. “So, you have a letter from a notary

that says you told him you’re a citizen. Is that supposed to

mean something? I’m certain he would sign one saying I told

him I’m a carrot. Birth certificates, are you serious? Take a

look at yours. Chances are I could counterfeit it at Kinkos


It develops that there is an interesting and pertinent

bit of forensic evidence that suggests that McKinnon

himself may be the forger, not just of his spoof

certificates, but of the Short Form presented by Obama

as his actual birth certificate. Briefly, there is a

subtle artifact that would be expected to be unique to

any image of a certificate, but that is common to the

two certificates that McKinnon has acknowledged he

manufactured as jokes, as well as to the Short Form

released by Obama. (See Exhibit 8.) To be specific,

there is a tittle of a black mark, about the size of

the dot over an “i,” just to the left of the state

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seal. (Compare Exhibits 3, 6, and 7.) The mark is

small and difficult to see, but it is there.  (See the

note.7)  This is an instance of “electronic noise” that

can occur at random in the production or copying of an

image, but being random it would never repeat itself in

any operation that was done de novo. It would have to

be copied from an original image.

A logical hypothesis flows naturally from these facts:

McKinnon first produced the blank document. Then he

filled it in, first for the Haye I. B. Ahphorgerie

spoof, then for the Short Form presented as Obama’s

birth certificate. In other words, the blank document

was the parent and the other two were the daughters who

inherited their tiny blemishes from her. To put it

another way, the blank document was a template whichMcKinnon used to produce the other two documents.

At least theoretically there is another scenario that

could have been followed. The Short Form, from

whatever source it came, could have been published

first by Obama, and McKinnon “reverse-engineered” it to

produce his spoofs. But this makes no sense. McKinnon

has amply demonstrated his forging skill and could

fabricate whatever document he chose without the need

to reverse-engineer anything. Further, the sequence ofevents argues against this scenario. The Daily Kos

website published the purported Short Form first, and

almost immediately it appeared on the Obama campaign


Finally, add to this that McKinnon certainly has the

capability for forging the Short Form, as he himself

has said and demonstrated, and the finger would seem to

point in his direction.

In any event, the questions of exactly how the document

was produced, and by whom, are details which are

interesting, but almost insignificant. The important

question is whether the Short Form is a legitimate

document. And the answer is a decisive “no.”

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The Long-Form Birth Certificate:  Jerome Corsi’s book was

scheduled for publication on 18 May 2011. It was widely

publicized and much of the information it was to reveal

leaked out before publication. In particular, prominent

businessman and presidential aspirant Donald Trump became

cognizant of the book’s contents and went public. On 23

March 2011 he appeared on the TV program The View with

personalities Barbara Walters and Whoopi Goldberg, among

others.8 Using Corsi’s book as an information source, Trump

roundly attacked the inadequacies of the Short Form and

demanded that Obama release his real birth certificate, the

Long Form. Trump’s appearance on mainstream TV drew perhaps

an unprecedented amount of national attention, and focused

the spotlight squarely on Obama. 

The startling thing that happened next can hardly have beena coincidence of timing. On 27 April 2011, Corsi’s book

had already gone to press and had been widely publicized,

but had not yet been published. Just at that point, in an

obvious attempted coup to counter the forthcoming book,

Barack Obama himself strode into the White House press room

and distributed copies of what he purported to be his Long

Form birth certificate. (See Exhibit 9.) He said that,

As many of you have been briefed, we provided additionalinformation today about the site of my birth. Now, this issuehas been going on for two, two and a half years now. I thinkit started during the campaign. And I have to say that overthe last two and a half years I have watched with bemusement,I've been puzzled at the degree to which this thing just kepton going. We've had every official in Hawaii, Democrat andRepublican, every news outlet that has investigated this,confirm that, yes, in fact, I was born in Hawaii, August 4,1961, in Kapiolani Hospital.

We've posted the certification that is given by the state ofHawaii on the Internet for everybody to see. People haveprovided affidavits that they, in fact, have seen this birthcertificate. And yet this thing just keeps on going.

Now, normally I would not comment on something like this,because obviously there’s a lot of stuff swirling in the presson at (sic) any given day and I've got other things to do.9 

But, he added, that the “dominant news story” hadn’t been“about these huge, monumental choices that we’re going tohave to make as a nation. It was about my birthcertificate.”10 

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 Trump accepted the document at face value, and he boasted

that he had compelled Obama to make this release. He then

fell silent on the matter. Many others, both supporters

and opponents of Obama, dusted their hands and expressed

satisfaction that the issue of Obama’s birth had finallybeen settled.

Examining the Long Form: But those who considered the

issue settled were premature. Such was not the case. In

fact the new document amplified the questions several fold.

Even without it, two obvious curiosities presented

themselves. First, if the Short Form was truly an adequate

certificate of birth, as Obama had claimed ad infinitum,

why was anything more needed? Second, if the Long Form had

been in his possession all along, why had he spent,according to reports, more than $1 million in legal fees11 

fighting court cases in which numerous plaintiffs sought to

obtain it? These are simple questions that would occur to

any person with a modicum of commonsense, but no one has

pressed the question on Mr. Obama. The silence from the

media has been stupefying.

After Obama produced his purported Long Form it was widely

distributed across the Internet and immediately drew the

attention of certain persons with the technical expertiseto examine it with the eyes of an expert.

A good example is Karl Denninger. He has extensive

experience in the computer and software business.12 He

deals with a term typographers use: Kerning.13 

In the days of cast metal typesetting, in order to save

space typesetters could crowd some characters closer

together than others, depending on which two characters

were contiguous. But it only worked with certain

characters, and the typesetter, doing his job manually, had

to be skilled and selective.

With the typewriter, kerning has never been possible. The

typist has not the skills of the typesetter, nor does his

machine have the capability of varying the space between

characters. By necessity each character occupies the same

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amount of horizontal space. But the

invention of the computer brought

back the possibility of kerning.

The computer has a brain and a

memory, and it knows how much

horizontal space to allot on a line

of type to each character, depending

on which characters are immediately

on each side of it. Depending on

which of the many available fonts is

used, the kerning can be more

visible or less so. (See the box,


Denninger observed that kerning was

clearly visible in numerous placeson the Long Form submitted by Obama, and he offered an

example. The place of birth was shown as Kapiolani

Hospital. Denninger focused in on the initial three letters

of the name, that is on “Kap,” and gave it a large

magnification. When that is done it is clear that the “a”

and the “p” intrude into each other’s horizontal space.

(See Exhibit 10) That is, kerning is clearly visible, as

it is elsewhere on the form, and it follows that a

computer, not a typewriter, was apparently used to generate

the so-called Long Form, at least for parts of it. Since

computers were not in use in 1961, the year of Obama’s

birth, this is strong evidence, if not irrefutable proof,

of a forgery.

An entirely different piece of important evidence wasuncovered and commented on by Douglas Vogt.14 Vogtsummarizes his Résumé as follows:

I have a unique background for analyzing this document. I owned

a typesetting company (Nova Typesetting) for 11 years so I know

type and form design very well. I currently own Archive Index

Systems since 1993, which sells all types of document scanners

worldwide and also developed document imaging software (The

Repository). I know how the scanners work and their

capabilities. I have also sold other document imaging programs,

such as Laser Fiche, Liberty and Alchemy. I have sold and

installed document imaging systems in city and county

This paper is done in Courier

New, which is a monospaced

font similar to that of a

typewriter. It has no

kerning. This sentence, on the other hand,

is in Helvetica CY and it does have kerning.Notice particularly the first

word “This,” and how the “i”

is crowded by the letters to

the left and right. Here it is

in larger type shown for

emphasis: This.  Now compare

with: This, where the

monospaced “i” has plenty of


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governments, so I know their procedures with imaging systems

and everything about the design of such programs. This will be

important in understanding what has happened with Obama’s

Certificate of Live Birth. I also have a good working knowledge

of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.15 

Vogt applied his expertise to the Long Form and concludedit was a forgery. His work came too late to make it into

Corsi’s book, but the latter picked up his story and

explained it in an article for World Net Daily:

The 22-page criminal complaint filed with the FBI by document-imaging expert Doug Vogt charges that individuals within theHawaii Department of Health, Obama political operatives and anunidentified graphic artist worked in a multi-state conspiracyto create a fraudulent long-form birth certificate for BarackObama.

Vogt's complaint asserts: "I have irrefutably proven that theCertificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to theworld on April 27, 2011 is a fraudulently created document puttogether using the Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator programs."He claims the long-form birth certificate the White Housereleased April 27 as an electronic document in PDF format wasforged from a composite of legitimate birth certificatesobtained from the Hawaii DOH archives and manipulated toreplace the original authentic information.

Obama's birth certificate number appears to be out of sequencewith the birth certificate numbers given to twins born a dayafter Obama.

Susan Nordyke, the first twin, was born at 2:12 p.m. Aug. 5,1961, and was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10637, which wasfiled with the Hawaii registrar on Aug. 11, 1961. GretchenNordyke was born at 2:17 p.m. and was given certificate No. 151– 61 – 10638, which was also filed with the Hawaii registrarAug. 11, 1961.

Barack Obama was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10641, eventhough he was born Aug. 4, 1961, the day before the Nordyketwins, and his birth was registered with the Hawaii Departmentof Health registrar three days earlier, Aug. 8, 1961.

"It is impossible to have Obama's certificate number to be four

numbers higher than a certificate that came in three dayslater," Vogt concludes.

Vogt's forensic examination of the birth certificate number onthe White House-released long form concluded that the last "1"in the number "10641," as seen in the figure below, is agrayscale image, while the remaining numbers are not. This is,he says, "irrefutable proof that the certificate number is acomposite of two numbers and hence a forgery."16 

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Vogt spotted numerous other anomalies in the Long Form, toomany to detail in this short white paper, but one of themost compelling was his observation of the mixed use of“digital” images and “grayscale” images.17,18 

Think of a typewriter. The typist strikes a key and thecorresponding character is printed on the paper in thecarriage. Assuming a black ribbon is in the machine, thecharacter printed will be purely black. All the characterswill be purely black except when the space bar is used toproduce a white space. The typewriter, then, can produceonly two colors, pure black or pure white.

But now comes the computer with all its sophistication andcomplication. It can operate in the typewriter mode andproduce images using only pure black and pure white, andthese are now called “digital” images. But the computer isnot limited to pure black, and can produce many shades ofgray, typically 256 of them. In the lexicon of computers,images produced in this mode are called “grayscale” images.

Vogt has conclusively shown that the Long Form submitted byObama contains some grayscale images, proving that acomputer was used in its formulation. (See Exhibit 11)

A third analyst, Paul Irey, took an approach different from

both those of Denninger and Vogt. He assumed that, right

or wrong, all the entries on the Long Form were made with atypewriter.

Then he proceeded in this way with his analysis: He first

made a table in which he placed each character from the

Long Form and numbered them from 1 to 244. (See Exhibit

12) He then compared corresponding letters with each

other, for example, each “a” with each other “a” wherever

it appeared, and likewise for the other letters. In

examining the letters in this way, differences were clearly

visible, and Irey concluded that, if they were typed, theycame from two or more typewriters. (See Exhibit 13) But

why, in the ordinary course of business, would anyone type

the first few letters of a word, take the paper out, and

put it in another machine to complete the word? No one

would execute such a laborious process at whim. What

probably happened is that the Long Form was forged by

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taking pieces from several legitimate documents and using

them to assemble the fake document, much as Dr.

Frankenstein assembled his monster.

This procedure used by Irey is neither intricate nor

esoteric. It is subtle, but so are fingerprints and DNA.Nor is this method novel. The FBI has used it for decades.

It figured prominently in the post-war trial of Alger Hiss,

the Russian spy in the State Department who was tried and

convicted of perjury related to the espionage he committed.

The analysis of the type produced by a certain typewriter

was an important element in the government’s case against

Hiss and was key to his conviction.19 

An article in Wikipedia discusses this famous typewriter:

At both [the Hiss]trials FBI typewriter experts testified that

the Baltimore documents in Chambers's possession matched

samples of typing done in the 1930s by Priscilla Hiss on the

Hisses' home typewriter, a Woodstock brand. As early as

December 1948 the chief investigator for the Hiss defense,

Horace W. Schmahl, set off a race to find Hiss's typewriter.

The FBI, with superior resources was also searching for the

typewriter, which the Hiss family had discarded some years

earlier. Nevertheless, Schmahl, was able to track it down

first, and the Hiss defense introduced it with the intention of

showing that its typeface would not be a match for that on the

FBI's documents. Surprisingly, however, the typefaces proved tobe an excellent match and seemed to confirm the FBI's evidence.

Schmahl subsequently changed sides and went to work for the


We have already discussed the activities of Jay McKinnon

and his demonstrated ability as a skilled forger, but he

has not shown us how he made his forgeries. However

another activist, Ron Pollard has shown in great detail one

way to do it. In a lengthy and high technical four-part

video series he shows us how to construct a birth

certificate virtually identical to the forgery Obamapresented to the press corps as his Long Form certificate.21 

Other Evidence: Any one piece of the evidence we have given

so far, standing alone, should be dispositive of the

question regarding Obama’s birth certificate. It is

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clearly a forgery. The sum of all the evidence should

overwhelm the most skeptical.

What we have given here is merely a sketch of the more

salient points. Many more details are to be found in the

Alternative Media, principally on the Internet. Forexample there is a serious question about Obama’s Social

Security account. The account number he uses is one

reserved for residents of Connecticut, and he has never

lived or worked in that state.22 The number he is using is

apparently illegal. While this is not directly a part of

the birth certificate question, it does suggest that Obama

habitually uses fake documents, amplifying the strength of

the accusation that he is using a fake birth certificate.

The premier website for matters pertaining to Obama’s birthcertificate is World Net Daily. They have compiled an

archive of more than 200 articles dedicated to this

subject. (See the note.23)

Is Barack Obama a Criminal?: The ancient and well known

crime of forgery goes back to the English common law, and

has been inherited in the laws of the states and in federal


In Alabama it is a statutory crime.24 The crime extends

beyond the person who actually creates the false document,

but includes anyone who “utters” it, meaning anyone who,

knowing that it’s false, puts it forward as true.25 

Specifically, if the forgery purports to be a “written

instrument officially issued or created by a public office”

(e.g., a birth certificate created by the State of Hawaii)

it is forgery in the second degree,26 and is classified as

a class C felony.27 A class C felony in Alabama carries a

penalty of up to 10 years in prison.28 

Federal law closely follows Alabama law. It calls forimprisonment of up to 15 years29, and it explicitly mentions

forgery of a birth certificate as an offense.30 

Obama could not possibly claim that he believed the

document he carried into the Press Room that day in April

was genuine. He cannot escape the fact that he knew it was

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fake. When he passed it out to the newsmen gathered there,

in the language of the law, he uttered it to them.

Further, as he intended it to be, the fake document was

instantly spread around the world. He uttered it, then, in

each of the 50 states in the Union, one of which is


Some definitions of forgery require the false document to

be “of legal efficacy,”31 in other words to actually achieve

a goal of some kind. In the present case the false

document was legally efficacious in the highest: It

enabled the forger, Mr. Obama, to appear to be

constitutionally qualified to hold the highest office in

the land, to be the President of the United States of


Synopsis: This paper is necessarily rich in details, with a

close-up, tree-by-tree inspection of the birth-certificate

landscape. In the usual hoary metaphor, it might be useful

before concluding to step back for an overview of the forest as a


Even before the election, Obama heard demands that he prove that

he meets the constitutional requirement that he be a natural born

citizen. In response to these demands he published what has come

to be called his Short Form birth certificate. This came close

on the heels of an identical document published on the websiteDaily Kos. However it included not a single signature of a

doctor, midwife, or certifying official, and could nowise be

considered a birth certificate in the usual sense.

Because of the obvious deficiencies of the Short Form, demands

were made to see the Long Form, that is, the real birth

certificate. Multiple lawsuits were filed asking that its

release be ordered. But Obama, spending over $1 million,

successfully countered these legal thrusts. Whenever the

question of the Long Form came up in the White House Press Room

it was always met with laughter, scorn, and ridicule, and, ineffect, with the knavish retort, “As I have told you, he’s

already released it.”

In April of 2011 there was a surprise development. Without

forewarning, not his press secretary, but Mr. Obama himself,

strode into the Press Room and presented to those numerous

newsmen present supposed copies of what he had spent a fortune in

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legal fees fighting to avoid releasing. The reason for this

astonishing abruptness is not hard to find.

It is easily traceable to Jerome Corsi, a very successful

investigative reporter and writer. Corsi had just completed the

manuscript for his book Where’s the Birth Certificate, which

would be a major exposé of Obama and his fake certificate, and it

was just days away from publication. There was much pre-

publication publicity, with Corsi’s book soaring to number one on

Amazon’s website due to advance orders pouring in. Obama is

certain to have known this was happening, and his reaction was to

try to parry Corsi’s thrust by finally revealing his “real” birth


This new birth certificate did indeed look as though it might be

legitimate. It had all the blanks filled in and carried several

signatures. Not waiting for the inevitable analysis which couldcertainly be expected, many, both pro- and anti-Obama,

immediately breathed a sigh of relief and embraced the document

as genuine. They gleefully dusted their hands and said, “Now

let’s move on.” But there were a few of a more skeptical and

stubborn temperament, and they moved in for a closer look.

One expert, Karl Denninger, conclusively showed that the Long

Form showed evidence of kerning, something that a computer does

as a matter of routine, but which typewriters cannot do. This

strongly implies that a computer, not available at the time of

Obama’s birth, was used at some later date to construct theforged Long Form.

Another expert, Douglas Vogt, showed the presence of grayscale

images. These are images that can contain a number of shades of

gray, again something only a computer can do. He also noted that

the serial number shown on the certificate was out of sequence

compared to certificates issued after his birth.

A third expert Paul Irey, took a different tack. He assumed,

notwithstanding the evidence to the contrary, that all the

characters on the Long Form were made with a typewriter, and

conducted his analysis from there. With a detailed letter-by-

letter examination he showed that not all of the letters could

have been struck by the same typewriter. In the normal course of

business, there is no reasonable explanation for why a typist

would type the first letters of a word, then take the paper out

and complete the word on another machine. The fact that this was

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done points to the conclusion that the Long Form is a composite

assembled from components of several other documents.

It’s difficult to see, then, how Barack Obama’s Long Form is

other than a forgery, and since he has “uttered” it literally to

the world, and particularly in Alabama, it would seem that he hascommitted a forgery in Alabama. There is most certainly far more

than enough evidence presented here for law enforcement officials

to open an investigation.

Further, if as seems most likely, his birth certificate is a

forgery, he should not be allowed on any ballot for President in

2012 by reason of his having failed to prove he meets the

constitutional requirement that he be a natural born citizen.

Conclusion: The reader may at first brush regard some of

the evidence presented here as a bit arcane, since for most

it is novelty and not something seen everyday. But

compared to fingerprints, and especially to DNA, it is

relatively simple. The latter two require for

interpretation a trained technician using a microscope.

The evidence we have given, requires no microscope, but can

be seen and understood by anyone with normal eyesight.

And the evidence it reveals for forgery of Barack Obama’s

birth certificate is well nigh irrefutable. He has

committed forgery in each of the 50 states and in thecountry as a whole. We believe that if the evidence were

presented to any fair-minded jury they would vote to

convict him of that crime.

But will our leaders allow these damning facts ever to

reach the ears of a jury? In preparation for writing this

paper we have had occasion to read again Whittaker

Chambers’ epochal book Witness. A paragraph near the end

of his book glaringly protrudes from among the pages:

No feature of the Hiss Case is more obvious, or more troubling

as history, than the jagged fissure, which it did not so much

open as reveal, between the plain men and women of the nation,

and those who affected to act, think and speak for them. It

was, not invariable, but in general, the “best people” who were

for Alger Hiss and who were prepared to go to almost any length

to protect and defend him. It was the enlightened and

powerful, the clamorous proponents of the open mind and the

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common man, who snapped their minds shut in a pro-Hiss

psychosis, of a kind which, in an individual patient, means the

simple failure of the ability to distinguish between reality

and unreality, and, in a nation, is a warning of the end.32 

The parallelism between the Hiss and Obama cases is

stunning. Substitute 2012 for 1948, Obama for Hiss, and

forgery for perjury, and the analogy is practically exact.

The jagged fissure that Chambers saw in 1948 still exists

today between the plain people and the enlightened and

powerful, who have eyes to see but see not, who have

snapped their minds shut, and have lost their ability to

discern reality. And, as in 1948, this disability affects

the health of the whole nation.

There is one difference. In 1948 there was on the scene an

audacious young congressman from California, Richard Nixon,who insisted that the facts be laid bare.33 After a

national harangue they were laid bare, Hiss was tried,

convicted, and sent to prison.

As this is written, there is no 2012 Richard Nixon. Will

one step forward?

1 U.S. Const. Art II, §1, cl.5: No person except a natural bornCitizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoptionof this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;

neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have

attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a

Resident within the United States.

2 Jerome R. Corsi, Where’s the Birth Certificate?, (Washington D.C.: WNDBooks, 2011), 63;http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/6/12/11012/6168/320/534616

3See http://urbangrounds.com/2011/04/jerome-corsis-wheres-the-birth-certificate-hits-no-1-on-amazon-before-its-even-released/

4See http://www.jeromecorsi.com/about.php

5 Corsi,61

6 Ibid.,66

7 The marks may be more visible when viewed on line at the followingURLs: For the blank Certificate of Live Birth,

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For the Certificate of Live Birth from Daily Kos,


For the “I Be a Forgery” certificate,http://s100.photobucket.com/albums/m35/opendna/?action=view&current=not-torture.jpg



10 Ibid.

11Corsi, 351



14Vogt summarizes his Résumé as follows: “I have a unique background for

analyzing this document. I owned a typesetting company (Nova

Typesetting) for 11 years so I know type and form design very well. I

currently own Archive Index Systems since 1993, which sells all types

of document scanners worldwide and also developed document imaging

software (The Repository). I know how the scanners work and their

capabilities. I have also sold other document imaging programs, such as

Laser Fiche, Liberty and Alchemy. I have sold and installed document

imaging systems in city and county governments, so I know

their procedures with imaging systems and everything about the design

of such programs. This will be important in understanding what has

happened with Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth. I also have a good

working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.” See http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2011/05/expert-claimsbirth-






18See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grayscale

19Whittaker Chambers, Witness, (New York: Random House, 1952) A

voluminous inside coverage of the post-war Communist conspiracy,including the roles played by Chambers and Hiss.

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21The four parts may be seen, respectively, at



http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=356005#ooid=A1azB3MjqeH5cpOV9f_fyig9wOAu3WoV, and


22 http://pamibe.com/2010/05/obama-using-fraudulent-social-security-number/


24 ALA CODE, § 13A-9-1-(7)

25 Ibid, § 13A-9-1-(12)

26 Ibid, § 13A-9-3-(a)-(3)

27 Ibid, § 13A-9-3-(b)

28 Ibid, § 13A-5-6-(a)-(3)

2918 U.S.C, § 1028(b)(1)

30 Ibid, § 1028(b)(1)(A)(ii)

31  See Rembert v. The State, 53 Ala. 467 (1875): “There are numerousdefinitions of the offense of forgery, not perhaps substantiallydiffering. We adopt, as comprehensive and precise, that given by Mr.Bishop: ‘Forgery is the false making, or materially altering, withintent to defraud, of any writing which, if genuine, might apparentlybe of legal efficacy, or the foundation of a legal liability.’"

32Chambers, 793



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List of Exhibits

Exhibit 1 Letter from Senator Richard Shelby

Exhibit 2 Letter from Senator Jeff Sessions

Exhibit 3 Short Form released by website Daily Kos

Exhibit 4 A bona fide Alabama birth certificate

Exhibit 5 A bona fide Hawaiian birth certificate

Exhibit 6 The Short-Form forgery

Exhibit 7 The “Haye I. B. Aphorgerie” forgery

Exhibit 8 Forgery with tell-tale black dot highlighted

Exhibit 9 The Long-Form forgery

Exhibit 10 Illustration of kerning

Exhibit 11 Three examples of grayscale

Exhibit 12 Table with characters numbered

Exhibit 13 Evidence of multiple typewriter use


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Exhibit 1

Letter from Senator Jeff Session

to a Constituent, February 17, 2011

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Exhibit 2

Letter from Senator Richard Shelby

to a Constituent, October 27, 2011

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  Exhibit 3: 

Certificate of Live Birth (COLB, or Short Form) Released by Website

Daily Kos on June 12, 2008, and Apparently Adopted by the Obama

Campaign and Presented on Obama's Website

as His Real Birth Certificate

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Exhibit 4

A Bona Fide Alabama Birth Certificate from 1934

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Exhibit 5

Hawaiian Birth Certificate of Gretchen Nordike, Born August 1961

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Exhibit 6

Blank Certificate of Live Birth (COLB or Short Form) Forgery

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Exhibit 7

The "Haye I. B. Aphorgerie" (Hey I Be a Forgery) Forgery

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Exhibit 8

Forgery With Highlighted Tell-tale Black Dot "Electronic Noise"

Common to Obama's Putative Short-Form Birth Certificate and Others

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Exhibit 9

Long Form Birth Certificate Forgery as Published

on the White House Website

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Exhibit 10

Showing How the "a" and the "p," the First Three Letters in the Nameof the Hospital Kapiolani, Intrude into Each Other's Space as a Result

of Kerning

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Exhibit 11

Three Examples from the Long Form Showing Grayscale

Characters Which Can Come Only from a Computer. Top: The

“R” Is Grayscale. Middle: The Final “1” Is Grayscale. Bottom:

In the Date All but the Final “1” Are Grayscale.


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Exhibit 12

The Table Made by Paul Irey

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Exhibit 13

Comparison of Letters on Long Form Showing Evidence of Use of

Different Typewriters