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  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A


  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A


    M Gr M d Chprson

    27 Spm 2012

    His ExcellemBEIGO SIMEON C. AQUO dn h hlppnMalaaang Mana

    Da Mr Preident:

    Republc of th Phipns


    Cmmwh v Qz Cty, Ps

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    1 Aud man Summay p2. Anual Fiacial Repot

    • Nna Gvn\ (Vums 1- and 1)• vnmnOwnd and/ nld opan Vlum IA and II-B• La Gvnm�n Uns Volums II·A and Il-B)

    Th Aud man Summay p nan h hghlgh o h Annua Fnanp quk n h s ou s p h nau and w u ha yu wlnd uu.

    Vy uy yu

    Phone (63) 95 I /99/99 99Fa: (6 99 : [email protected] Wclsitc g

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A


    a Gracia M Puldo nChpro

    7 Spm 012

    s xceenyBG M C. QU Psid th hiiisMalaaag, Maia

    Da Mr. reidet:

    Repubc fthe Plppns


    OFFICE OF TlE HARPRSONComnweah Aveu, Qzn ity Plippns

    I av h h sumi usua Si 4, Ai IX-0 h si hiis, h wg 2 s:

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    Th Aud ma Summay is h hgighs h u i

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    y uy  us

    Phoe (62) 952-700 c 0 /931922 /9220 /-Fa: (62 922 Email: [email protected] Websit wau

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A


    a Gracia M Puldo Tan


    27 Sptmb 202

    he Hbe

    JUAN PONE ENRILEsdnt, hppn SntGSS omplx sy

    D eset:

    I hv th hono to submt pusun to Scon 4, Ac X- of th onsttuton of thhppns th foowng 20 pot:

    1. Audt fomnc Summry pot2 Annu Fnnc pos

    ona ovnmn (Voums 1-A nd 1B) ornmntwnd ndo onod opoons (Voums -A nd B)•

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    Th Audt fomnc Summy pot conns th hghghs of th Annu Fnnpots fo quck fnc hs s ou st po of ths ntu nd w tust tht you wnd t usfu

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    Phone: (632) 952-5700 lcaliOI/931-92293-9220 /9-0936Fa: 632) 939223 Ema [email protected] Websitewwwoagph

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A


    Ma. Graci M. Pudo TanChrperon

    27 Sptmbr 202

    The HonorableFELICIANO R BELONTE, JRSpakr, Hous of RpsntativsNational Gornmnt ntrQuzon iy

    Dar r Speker:

    I ha th honor to submit pursuant to Sction 4, Atic X-D of th onsition of thPhiippins, th foong 20 rpo:

    1. Audit rformanc Summay Rport2 Annua Financia Rpor

    • Nationa Govrnmnt (Volums 1-A and B)• GovmntOwnd and/o ontrod oporaons (Voums IIA and 1B)• Local Govrnmnt Unit (Voums ·A and IB

    Th Audit fomanc Summary Rpot contains th highigh of th Annua FinanciaRpor for quic fnc This is our rst Rpo of this nar and w trust that you wifnd t usl.

    Vy tuy yous,


    Phoe: (63) 955 lOl/9393939 /959Fa: 63) 9393 Eml c@govp Wbsit wgp

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A


    Ma. Gci M. Pudo Tan


    27 Septembe 202

    he Horble


    hrmn, ommtee on FnncePhlppne SenateGSIS omplex, sy

    Der Set Dlo:

    I hve the hono to submt pusunt to Secon 4, Artce XD of the onston o thehppes, the folowng 0 epor:

    1 Audt eormnce Summry Report2 Annul Fnncl Repots

    • Ntonl Govement (Voumes 1-A nd l·B)• G9vernmentOwned nd/o ontroled opotons (Volumes 11A nd I-B) Local Govenment Unts olumes 111A nd

    The Audt eformnce Summ Repot conns he hhlhts of the Annu nnclReports fo quck refeence. hs s ou fst Report o ths nure, nd we rust tht you wllnd t useful

    e truy yours

    Phne: (63)95-5700 lol1011 /931923 I9390950936Fa:

    3) 93193Em


     mgpn@gvph Webie www.coagvph

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A


    Ma Gracia M Puldo Tan


    27 Sptmb 202

    The Hnrable



    Da Mr. Chairman:

    I ha th hn to umt, puuant t Sctin 4, Atc IX-D f th ntutn thPhlippn th flwng 20 p:

    1. Audit omanc Summay Rp2 Annua Financial Rpt

    Nanal Gvnmnt (Vlum 1-A and 1-B) Gvnmnt-Ownd and/ nld pan (Vlum -A and -B)•

    Lcal Gvnmnt Uni (Vlum lA and B)

    Th Audt fmanc Summa Rp cntan h hghligh of th Annual FinancalRp, quck fnc. h i u it Rpt h nau, and w ut that yu wind It ul.

    Vy tuy you,

    Phone: (632) 9525700 loca101/931-232939220 /95109Fa: 2 91922 Ema [email protected] Websitw.co.govp

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A




    Annual Financial Report


    Volume III-A

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    2011 Annual Financial Report

    Local Government

    Table of Contents

    Part I Overview Page

      Introduction  1

      Legal Basis 3

      Audited Agencies 4

      Audit Focus 5

      Contents of the Report 5


    Method of Consolidation 7

    Part II Financial Highlights

      Financial Condition  11

    Balance Sheet Account 


    Results of Operation  21

    Revenue and Incomeo  Expenditure

      Cash Flow 29

    Part III Financial Statements

      Management Responsibility forFinancial Statements 37

       Auditor’s Opinion  37


    Condensed o


    Balance Sheet 39o


    Statement of Income and Expenses 43o


    Cash Flow Statements 47

      Detailed   Balance Sheet 

    o  Comparative Balance Sheet  53o


    Balance Sheet by LGU Classification 58o  Balance Sheet by Fund 63

      Statement of Income and Statement o


    Comparative Income and Expenses  68o


    Income and Expenses by LGU Classification 74o


    Income and Expenses by Fund 80

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        Cash Flow Statement o  Comparative Cash Flow  86o  Cash Flow by LGU Classification 87o  Cash Flow by Fund 88

      Notes to Financial Statements  89

    Part IV Credit Financingo  Schedule of Loans/Bond Payable,

    By LGU, By Region  106o  Schedule of Unaccounted/Unrecorded

    Loans/Bond Payables  188

    Part V Results of Audit

      Significant Findings and Recommendations o


    Credit Financing 195o


    Priority Development Assistant Fund 203o


    Special Education Fund 206o


    Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management 210o


    20% Development Fund 213


    Common Findings and Recommendations o  Revenues 216o


    Procurement 221o


    Trust Fund 226o


     Accounts and Internal Control 227

      Summary of Actions Taken on Audit Findings and Recommendations  234

    Part VI Individual Financial Profile of Local Government Units

      Provinces  244

      Cities  247

      Municipalities  254

    Part VII Financial Profil e and Results of Audi t of Barangays

      Summary By Region with Submitted Financial Statements  293

      Financial Profile by City and Municipality  294

      Summary of Common Findings and Recommendations  334

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    List of Acronyms

    List o f Tables and Charts

    List of Annexes

       Annex 1- List of LGUs with Unsubmitted/Incomplete/

    Unreconciled financial statements

       Annex 2- Summary of Individual AuditOpinion of LGUs by Province,City and Municipality

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    Part I


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    Part I Overview


    The passage of the Local Government Code (LGC) in 1991 ushered in greater localautonomy and economic opportunities for local government units (LGUs) while strengthening theirgovernance structure. Along with this, more emphasis was placed on transparency andaccountability in the operations of LGUs particularly in the area of financial management.

    Under the basic policy of Local Autonomy, LGUs were granted the power to create its ownsources of revenues, operate economic enterprises and impose local taxes, fees and charges.This is governed by the fundamental principles under Section 160 of the LGC which provides,among others, uniform taxation in each LGU, equitable imposition based on taxpayers ability to pay

    and levied and collected only for public purposes..With revenue generating measures and share in national government resources in the

    form of Internal Revenue allotment (IRA) at its disposal, LGUs were empowered to implement theirrespective mandates for the benefit of their constituents and the general public. The delivery ofbasic public services and the development of human and economic potentials are indispensable inimproving the quality of life of each member of the community.

    In accordance with principle of Fiscal Responsibility, Local Chief Executives (LCE) shallexercise the prudence of a good father of the family in safeguarding the resources of the localgovernment from loss, waste and abuse. LGUs are expected to institute strong internal controlsystems and procedures to ensure efficiency, economy and effectiveness in the conduct of theiroperations. With the guidance and assistance of the Oversight Agencies of the NationalGovernment, financial management reforms in the areas of budgeting, accounting and financialreporting were put in place.

    Several guides on financial management for LGUs are provided. These include theCommission on Audit (COA) Manual on the New Accounting System (NGAS) for use in LGUs onJune 20, 2002 under COA Circular No. 2002-003, the Updated Budget Operations Manual (UBOM)for LGUs, 2008 edition by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and the Statement ofReceipts and Expenditures of the Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF) of the Departmentof Finance (DOF) along with the issuance of pertinent rules and regulations of the abovementioned agencies.

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    Efforts are also gaining ground to enhance transparency and accountability of LGUs suchas the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) policy initiative on the Full DisclosurePolicy (FDP) of Local Budget and Finances (LBF), and Bids and Public Offerings (BPO) underMemorandum Circular (MC) No.2010-83 issued on August 31, 2010 and related issuances MC No.2011-08A and MC No.2011-134 This is due to the added incentive of the Seal of Good

    Housekeeping (SGH) Award to LGUs found to be compliant to the two fold criteria - On SoundFiscal Management evidenced by the absence of an Adverse or Disclaimer Audit Opinion by COAand On Accountable and Transparent Governance putting emphasis on the Full Disclosure Policy.

    The Performance Challenge Fund (PCF) established by DILG under MC No. 2011-02dated April 27, 2011 seeks to recognize LGUs which exhibited “good performance in internalhousekeeping particularly in the areas of planning, fiscal management, transparency andaccountability and valuing performance management”. Those which have been conferred the SGHcan avail of the PCF for the implementation of capital investment projects aligned with the nationalgovernment strategic thrusts and goals through a cost-sharing mechanism or LGU counterpartfund. This cost-sharing arrangement was temporarily suspended in September 19, 2011 with the

    issuance of Memorandum Order 24 of the Office of the President to rationalize the NG-LGU Cost-Sharing Policy due to implementation delays encountered.

    The Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Fund (LDRRMF) was created underRepublic Act 10121 otherwise known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management(PDRRM) Act of 2010 to support disaster risk management activities at the LGU level. It providesthat not less than 5% of estimated revenue from regular sources shall be set aside as LDRRMF,30% of the amount appropriated shall be allocated as Quick Response Fund or standby fund forrelief and recovery and the unexpended balance shall be constituted as Special Trust Fund usedsolely for the purposes provided under said law. This provided a concrete boost to riskpreparedness and mitigation activities especially in disaster-prone areas.

    Given their mandate, the resources at their disposal and funding for government programsand projects for implementation at the local level, LCEs and those who share in the fiscalresponsibility for LGUs are in an enviable position of making positive changes in the lives of theirconstituents and the locality as a whole. As front liners in touch with the people they can do muchto alleviate the plight of those at the grassroots level especially those living in conditions of povertythrough programs and interventions with direct impact on intended beneficiaries.

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    The ensuing consolidated financial report will provide information on the magnitude ofavailable resources utilized by Provinces, Cities, Municipalities and selected Barangays in 2011with comparative figures for 2010 and the results of the audits of the LGUs. The promptimplementation of audit recommendations and strict compliance with applicable laws and

    regulations will further enhance local fiscal governance and result in maximizing the generation andutilization of resources.


    The Annual Financial Report (AFR) of Local Government Units (Volume III) is prepared bythe Commission on Audit (COA) Local Government Sector (LGS) and submitted to thePresident of the Philippines and both Houses of Congress and posted at the official website ofCOA. The other volumes of the AFR pertain to National Government Agencies (Volume I) and

    Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) and Subsidiaries (Volume II ).

    Quoted below are the legal bases for the AFR preparation:

    Section 4, Article IX-D of the Philippine Constitution provides that “The Commission on Audit shall submit to the President and the Congress within the time fixed by law, an annualreport covering the financial condition and operation of the Government, its subdivisions,agencies and instrumentalities, including government-owned and controlled corporations, andnon-governmental entities subject to its audit, and recommend measures necessary to improvetheir effectiveness and efficiency”.

    Section 41 PD 1445, Government Auditing Code of the Philippines quotes that “TheCommission shall submit to the President, xxx, and the National Assembly not later than thelast day of September of each year an annual report on the financial condition and results ofoperation of all agencies of the government which shall include recommendations andmeasures necessary to improve their efficiency and effectiveness”.

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    COA through its auditors stationed in field units and regional offices under the jurisdictionof the Cluster Director for the National Capital Region (NCR) and the Regional Directors

    outside of Metro Manila respectively conduct the audit of the following LGUs:

    Region Provinces Cities Municipalit ies Barangay

    NCRCARRegion IRegion IIRegion IIIRegion IVRegion VRegion VI

    Region VIIRegion VIIIRegion IXRegion XRegion XIRegion XIIRegion XIII
















    Total 80 138 1,496 42,026

    No. of FS Submitted 80 138 1,464 29,069

    Percentage of

    Submission 100% 100% 98% 69%

    The data on number of Audited Agencies in the above table is based on the DILG list ofLGUs published in their official website.

    The number and percentage of submission of financial statements are shown in the abovetable to indicate the number of LGUs which submitted their 2011 financial statements for audit.Provinces and Cities submitted financial statements and were audited 100%. While forMunicipalities, the list of those which did not submit or whose financial statements were incompleteor not reconciled is shown as Annex 1 of this report.

    In the case of barangays, audits are conducted on a cyclical basis every three years due tothe large number of barangays versus available audit personnel.

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    Regular financial and compliance audits are conducted annually on the financial

    statements and operations of all agencies of government including the LGUs. Performance orValue for Money audits are also done on specific programs and projects implemented by agenciesto determine if the stated objectives and intended results have been achieved.

    For CY 2011, the specific audit focus was centered on the credit financing activities ofLGUs to determine the existence and completeness of the recording of all forms of loans obtainedfrom whatever source and purpose and the proper presentation and disclosure in the financialstatements.

    Common audit focus on areas such as 20% Development Fund, Procurement,Infrastructure Projects and Revenues among others were pursued. In addition compliance with the

    LDRRM Law and Full Disclosure Policy were looked into.


    The AFR for LGUs is a consolidated report on the financial condition and results ofoperation of Provinces, Cities, Municipalities and selected barangays as shown in their financialstatements which consists of the Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flows. Results ofaudits conducted are reflected in the kind of Audit Opinion rendered on the individual FS of LGUsthe preparation of which is a responsibility of LGU management.

    The Over-all Financial Statements of LGUs are presented in Condensed Comparative form,by LGU classification and by fund namely General Fund, Special Education Fund and Trust Fund.Detailed financial statements are also included to provide the composition/grouping of accounts inthe condensed report. A table of Audit Opinions rendered from 2009-2011 by type of opinion isshown in Table 14. The Summary of Individual Audit Opinion by LGU classification is included in

     Annex 2.

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    The Notes to Financial Statements provide the basic accounting policies and explanatory oradditional information of accounts presented in the FS including significant events subsequent tothe cut off date of the FS but before the date of issuance of the auditor’s opinion.

    The financial highlights and analysis shown in Part II precede the presentation of the over-all

    condensed and detailed financial statements in Part III. The individual financial profile of eachLGUs by region, province, city and municipality shows in summary their Assets, Liabilities, Equity,Income and Expenses culled from the submitted Balance Sheet and Income Statement. A rankingof top twenty (20) LGUs, by province, city and municipalities (by class of municipality) in theaforesaid categories are also presented in Part VI of the report. The Individual Summary Report(ISR) of Provinces and Cities only, a shorter version of the AAR, is presented in Volume III-B

    For 2011, based on the identified audit focus on Credit Financing, The AFR features theinitial result of the data gathering of loans of LGUs. Based on the Individual Loan Profiles (ILP)submitted by auditors, a list of loans contracted by each LGU was prepared and compared with thefigures reported in the FS. This is shown in Part IV as Schedule of Loans/Bonds Payable, by LGU,

    by Region.

    Findings and recommendations on the focus audit areas if any, gathered and tabulatedfrom the LGU AARs are summarized in Part V of this report. However, all the detailed findings andrecommendations by LGU and the individual AARs are transmitted to the respective LCEs andSanggunians and can be viewed in the official website of COA (www.coa.gov.ph). The status ofimplementation of prior year’s audit recommendations is summarized in a table to show thoseImplemented. Partially Implemented and Not Implemented.

    In Part VII of the report, the number and financial profile of the barangays are shown by Cityand Municipality. This represents 69% or 29,069 barangays of the total number of 42,026barangays. A tabulation of the common audit findings and recommendations reported by thebarangay auditors is also included in this section.

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    The consolidated Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flows and related non

    financial information in the 2011 AFR are based on the regional consolidated data submitted byCOA Regional Offices taken from the individual AARs of auditors within their area of supervision.Line by line consolidation of accounts was made to produce the consolidated FS. The audit opinionis rendered on the individual AARs in compliance with Auditing Standards and not on the AFR as awhole.

    The total number of LGUs included in the 2011 consolidation is 1,682 consisting of 80Provinces (100%), 138 Cities (100%) and 1,464 Municipalities (98%). When compared with the2010 figures of 1,605 LGUs (Provinces - 78 or 98%; Cities - 122 or 99%; Municipalities – 1,403 or93%,the comparability of financial data between the two years will necessarily be affected by thedifference in the number of LGUs being compared and their respective account balances.

     Audit findings and recommendations have been summarized and tabulated from theindividual AARs to present common and significant finding only therefore it does not reflect thetotality of audits findings per LGU or region wide. No additional audit procedures were undertakento validate the findings and care was taken not to revise or distort its original meaning or text.

    The cut off of the data for the FS consolidation is August 23, 2012 while the data forbarangays is September 19, 2012.

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    Part II

    Financial Highlights

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    The number of local government units (LGUs) financial statements included in the 2011 Annual

    Financial Report (AFR) are:

    Provinces - 80 - 100%Cities - 138 - 100%Municipalities - 1,464 - 98%

    There are (32) municipalities which were excluded due to lack of FS (25) andincomplete/unreconciled FS (7). The list is shown on Annex 1 of the report. Barangays are excluded inthe consolidated figures since the audit of barangay accounts are done on three-year cyclical basis.

    The distribution of the major accounts in the consolidated balance sheet of all LGUs is shownbelow:

    Figure 1.0 - 2011 Major Balance Sheet Accoun ts of L GUs(in billion pesos)

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    The comparative analysis of the accounts per LGU classification is depicted in the succeedingfigures and tables:

    Figure 2.0 - Comparative Major Balance Sheet Accounts(in billion pesos)

    The combined account balances for CY 2011 show that the accounts have increased from thepreceding year: Assets by P85.049 billion (12.70%), Liabilities byP26.728 billion (13.24%), andGovernment Equity by P58.321 billion (12.46%).

    Further comparisons with the data reported in 2010 by LGU classification (Provinces, Cities

    and Municipalities) and by fund (General Fund, Special Education Fund and Trust Fund) are presentedin Table 2.0 and Table 3.0 respectively:

    Table 1.0 - Comparative Balance Sheet Acco unts by LGU Classif ication(in billion pesos)

     AccountProvinces Cities Municipalities

    2011 2010 +/- 2011 2010 +/- 2011 2010 +/- Assets 192.318 173.287 19.031 371.877 330.308 41.,569 190.629 166.179 24.450

    Liabilities and DeferredCredits 47.011 43.369 3.642 117.238 102.779 14.439 64.276 55.629 8.647

    Government Equity 145.307 129.918 5.389 254.639 227.509 27.130 126.353 110.550 15.803

    Table 2.0 - Comparative Balance Sheet Accounts by Fun d(in billion pesos)

     AccountGeneral Fund Special Education Fund Trust Fund

    2011 2010 +/- 2011 2010 +/- 2011 2010 +/- Assets 621.172 551.108 70.064 85.661 79.301 6.360 47.991 39.366 8.625Liabilities and Deferred Credits 165.427 149.938 15.489 26.500 23.533 2.967 36.598 28.326 8.272

    Government Equity 455.745 401.170 54.575 59.161 55.768 3.393 11.393 11.040 0.353

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    The total combined assets for CY 2011 amounting to P754.824 billion is broken down into:Cash, P161.016 billion; Receivables, P85.090 billion; Inventories, P10.680 billion; Prepayment andOther Current assets, 3.822 billion; Investments, P2.604 billion; Property, Plant and Equipment,

    P483.973 billion and Other Assets, P7.640 billion.

    Figure 3.0 represents the breakdown of each account caption to the total assets.

    Figure 3.0 –Asset Accounts Breakdown(in billion pesos)

    The increase in the asset accounts of the LGUs is contributed mainly by increases in the Cash Account which amounted to P36.067 billion or 28.86%, Receivables, P10.920 billion from last year’sbalance of P74.170 billion or 14.72%, Investments, (P0.809) billion up from last year’s amount ofP3.412 billion and Property, Plant and Equipment with a P37.046 billion increase. Comparative assetsby LGU classification and by fund are presented in Figures 4.0 and 5.0 respectively.

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    Figure 4.0 – Comparative Total Assets by LGU Classification(in billion pesos)

     As compared to last year’s data, the distribution of Assets does not show any significantvariance. The table below shows that Cities consistently hold the highest share in total assets at 49% ofthe total assets. Provinces and Municipalities hold equal share of 25% each.

    Table 3.0 Distributi on of Assets by LGU Classification

    2011 Percentage 2010 Percentage

    Provinces  192.318 25.41 173.287 25.87

    Cities  371.877 49.14 330.308 49.32

    Municipalities  192.629 25.45 166.179 24.81

    TOTAL 756.824 100.00 669.774 100.00

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    5.0 – Comparative Total Assets by Fund(in billion pesos)

     As shown in the illustration, the General Fund has the highest share in the total assets with82%, compared to Special Education Fund, 11% and Trust Fund, 6%.

    Table 4.0 Distribution of Assets by Fund

    2011  Percentage  2010  Percentage General Fund  621.172 82.29 551.108 82.28

    Special Education Fund  85.661 11.35 79.301 11.84

    Trust Fund  47.991 6.36 39.366 5.88

    TOTAL 754.824 100.00 669.775 100.00

    Liabilities and Deferred Credits

    For CY 2011, the combined Liabilities and Deferred Credits Accounts registered an amount ofP228.555 billion, an increase of P26.727 billion or 13.24% from last year’s balance. The incrementaldifference was due to the movements of the following: Current Liabilities – P16.506 billion or 19.14%;Long Term Liabilities – P3.693 billion or 5.40%; and Deferred Credits which recorded an increase ofP6.528 or 13.83%.

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    Figure 6.0 illustrates the breakdown of each of the above accounts to the total consolidatedLiabilities and Deferred Credits:

    Figure 6.0 - Liabilit ies and Deferred Credits Breakdown(in billion pesos)

    The comparative balances of the Liabilities and Deferred Credits Accounts by LGUClassification and By Fund are shown in the succeeding Figures. 

    Figure 7.0– Comparative Accounts Balances of Liabilities and Deferred Credits by LGU Classification

    ( in billion pesos)

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    Figure 8.0– Comparative Accounts Balances of Liabilities and Deferred Credits by Fund( in billion pesos)

    Government Equity

     As of December 31, 2011, the Equity Account reflected an amount of P526.299 billion,registering an increase of P58.322 billion from last year’s balance. The Equity Account is mainlycomposed of the following: Beginning Balance, Adjusted – P478.682 billion; Retained OperatingSurplus from Current Operations – P69.197; Prior Years’ Adjustments – (P1.669) billion and Transfersto Registry net (P19.911) billion representing transfers to the registries of the Cost of PublicInfrastructure and reforestation projects. The Equity Account breakdown is further depicted in theFigures below:

    Figure 9.0 – Equity Account Breakdown(in billion pesos)

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     A Regional Breakdown of the 2011 Assets, Liabilities and Deferred Credits and GovernmentEquity with ranking is shown below:

    Table 5.0 – Regional Ranking by Assets(in thousand p esos)


    By Province By City By Municipality

    Region Amount Region Amount Region Amount

    Region VII 37,012,568 NCR 160,705,217 Region IV 40,107,114

    Region IV 33,548,986 Region IV 39,709,760 Region III 21,566,516

    Region III 21,762,009 Region VII 33,025,169 Region I 16,182,121

    Region I 14,575,211 Region VI 23,392,512 Region VII 14,383,079

    Region VI 14,525,054 Region III 20,145,795 Region VI 13,261,905

    Region V 12,138,667 Region X 17,265,883 Region V 12,494,892

    Region X 9,353,021 Region IX 16,545,999 Region VIII 12,199,197

    Region II 9,012,723 Region XI 10,526,398 Region II 10,986,190Region VIII 8,439,413 Region VIII 9,465,153 Region X 9,248,034

    Region XII 6,371,240 Region I 8,212,751 Region IX 8,119,456

    Region XIII 6,120,828 Region V 7,861,762 Region XII 7,597,693

    Region XI 5,750,907 Region XII 7,067,547 Region XI 7,250,980

    CAR 5,378,406 Region XIII 6,991,241 Region XIII 7,117,283

    Region IX 4,979,512 Region II 5,929,687 CAR 5,101,959

     ARMM 3,349,025 CAR 3,913,278 ARMM 4,746,041

    NCR - ARMM 1,118,695 NCR 266,838

    TOTAL 192,317,570 371,876,847 190,629,297

    Table 6.0 – Regional Ranking by L iabilit ies and Deferred Credits(in thousand pesos)


    By Province By City By Municipality

    Region   Amount  Region   Amount  Region   Amount 

    Region IV 9,508,606 NCR 46,189,396 Region IV 13,667,647

    Region III 5,661,145 Region IV 15,489,534 Region III 9,351,286

    Region V 4,343,719 Region VII 9,966,106 Region VIII 4,528,754

    Region VI 4,304,872 Region III 8,063,176 Region VI 4,402,299

    Region VII 2,904,888 Region VI 7,911,205 Region I 4,349,277Region I 2,873,646 Region X 6,049,432 Region V 4,154,596

    Region VIII 2,797,987 Region XI 5,218,329 Region II 3,995,760

    Region X 2,785,767 Region IX 4,514,061 Region VII 3,658,064

    Region IX 2,468,367 Region I 3,286,294 Region X 3,152,471

    Region XI 2,134,588 Region VIII 2,369,832 Region IX 2,931,103

    Region XIII 2,007,499 Region V 2,259,000 Region XI 2,674,538

    Region II 1,619,197 Region II 1,697,580 Region XII 2,358,334

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    By Province By City By Municipality

    Region   Amount  Region   Amount  Region   Amount 

    CAR 1,509,249 Region XII 1,627,756 Region XIII 2,210,662

    Region XII 1,264,227 Region XIII 1,622,952 CAR 1,447,969

     ARMM 827,005 CAR 690,693 ARMM 1,268,975

    NCR - ARMM 282,566 NCR 124,244

    TOTAL 47,010,762 117,237,912 64,275,979

    Table 7.0 – Regional Ranking by Government Equity(in thousand pesos)


    By Province By City By Municipality

    Region Amount Region Amount Region Amount

    Region VII 34,107,680 NCR 114,515,821 Region IV 26,439,467

    Region IV 24,040,380 Region IV 24,220,226 Region III 12,215,230

    Region III 16,100,864 Region VII 23,059,063 Region I 11,832,845

    Region I 11,701,565 Region VI 15,481,307 Region VII 10,725,015

    Region VI 10,220,182 Region III 12,082,619 Region VI 8,859,606

    Region V 7,794,948 Region IX 12,031,938 Region V 8,340,295

    Region II 7,393,526 Region X 11,216,451 Region VIII 7,670,443

    Region X 6,567,254 Region VIII 7,095,321 Region II 6,990,430

    Region VIII 5,641,426 Region V 5,602,762 Region X 6,095,563

    Region XII 5,107,013 Region XII 5,439,791 Region XII 5,239,359

    Region XIII 4,113,329 Region XIII 5,368,289 Region IX 5,188,353CAR 3,869,157 Region XI 5,308,069 Region XIII 4,906,620

    Region XI 3,616,319 Region I 4,926,457 Region XI 4,576,442

     ARMM 2,522,019 Region II 4,232,107 CAR 3,653,990

    Region IX 2,511,145 CAR 3,222,585 ARMM 3,477,066

    NCR - ARMM 836,129 NCR 142,594

    TOTAL 145,306,808 254,638,935 126,353,319

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    For CY 2011, the total Operating Income of LGUs reached P350.810 billion or a P34.637 billion

    increase from CY 2010 level of P316.174 billion. On the other hand, total Operating Expenses,including net subsidies, donations and extraordinary items, registered at P281.613 billion up byP26.376 billion from the CY 2010 figure of P255.237 billion. The total combined net income of LGUswas P69.197 billion, an increase of P8.261 billion from CY 2010 net income of P60.936 billion. Thesummary of results of operations of local governments, by LGU classification and by fund, for CY 2011is presented below:

    Table 8.0 – Summary of Results of Operations by LGU Classification(in billion pesos)

    Particulars Total Provinces Cities Municipalities

    Income Tax Revenue –Local Taxes Internal Revenue Allot. Permits and Licenses Service Income Business Income Other Income 




    13.249 94.733 1.768 1.692 4.740 6.362 

    Total Income  350.810 83.211 145.054 122.544 

    Percent to Total  100% 24% 41% 35% 

    Expenses Personal Services MOOE Financial Expenses Subsidies, donations & Extraordinary items (net) 







    50.741 46.508 1.605 


    Total Expenses 281.613 65.747 112.527 103.340 

    Net Income (per schedule)  69.197 17.464 32.528 19.205 

    Percent to Total  100%  25%  47%  28% 

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    Figure 12.0 – Results of Operations by LGU Classif ication(in billion pesos) 

    Table 9.0 – Summary of Result s of Operations by Fund(in billion pesos) 

    Particulars Total GF SEF

    Income Tax Revenue –Local Taxes Internal Revenue Allot. Permits and Licenses Service Income Business Income Other Income 



    18.211 - - 




    Total Income  350.810 332.442 18.368 

    Percent to Total  100% 95% 5% 

    Expenses Personal Services MOOE 

    Financial Expenses Subsidies, donations & Extraordinary items (net) 







    4.075 8.976 



    Total Expenses 281.613 267.987 13.626 

    Net Income (per schedule)  69.197 64.455 4.742 

    Percent to Total  100%  93%  7% 

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     A comparative outlook of the above figures is presented in Figure 13.0

    Figure 13.0 – Results of Operations by Fund(in billion pesos)

    Revenues and General Income 

    Revenue and General Income account is composed of tax revenue from local taxation, IRA,permits and licenses, service and business incomes. Figure 14.0 below represents the share of each

    income type to the total income amount of P350.810 billion in 2011.

    Figure 14.0 – Revenues and General Income Accoun t Compos ition(in billion pesos)

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     A comparative operating income recorded by the LGUs is presented in Figure 15.0 below:

    Figure 15.0 – Comparative Operating Income 2011-2010(in billion pesos)

    Internal Revenue Allotment 

    The local government units (LGUs) are provided by the National Government a share in the

    internal revenue taxes which is equivalent to forty percent (40%) of the total internal revenue collectionsbased on the third preceding year. The share of the local governments in the internal revenue allotment(IRA) is distributed in the following manner: Provinces (23%), Cities (23%), Municipalities (34%) andBarangays (20%). The table below summarizes the IRA for the LGUs for CY 2011 per regional total:

    Table 10.0 – Internal Revenue AllotmentsProvinces, Cities and Municipalities

    CY 2011(in thousand pesos)


    NCR 231,195 * 14,242,355 75,277 14,548,827

    CAR 2,887,354 463,924 3,880,629 7,231,907

    Region I 3,791,888 2,314,659 6,183,053 12,289,600

    Region II 4,029,792 1,626,681 6,177,950 11,834,423

    Region III 7,064,967 5,344,710 9,690,564 22,100,241

    Region IV 11,130,872 7,971,242 15,745,333 34,847,446

    Region V 4,665,451 2,444,060 6,856,322 13,965,833

    Region VI 5,281,974 6,966,527 7,040,684 19,289,185

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    Region VII 4,126,676 5,162,802 6,612,106 15,901,584

    Region VIII 4,248,461 2,144,822 6,884,148 13,277,431

    Region IX 2,594,046 3,116,856 4,150,972 9,861,874

    Region X 3,537,786 4,582,933 4,848,983 12,969,702

    Region XI 3,085,912 4,424,651 3,976,801 11,487,365Region XII 3,411,377 2,551,073 4,764,549 10,726,999

    Region XIII 2,912,871 1,640,445 4,307,044 8,860,360

     ARMM 4,352,476 465,022 6,840,396 11,657,894

    TOTAL 67,353,094 65,462,765 98,034,812 230,850,671*IRA for Metropolit an Manila Author ity

    The noted differences between the total allocation provided by the Department of Budget andManagement (DBM) and the actual amount of IRA reported in financial statements for CY 2011 are dueto the release in installment of the IRA per Supreme Court Decision to end in the year 2013 and the re-

    enactment of the General Appropriations Act (GAA) for fiscal years 2001 and 2004 to end in the year2015.

    For CY 2011, the IRA continuous to be the top source of revenue for LGUs at 65% of the totaloperating income. Other revenues of the LGUs come from local taxes, permits and licenses, serviceincome, business income and other share of local governments in the proceeds from the developmentand utilization of the national wealth. The comparative figure of the IRA for CYs 2011 and 2010 isshown below:

    Figure 16.0 – Comparative Internal Revenue A llotment 2011-2010(in billion pesos)

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    The actual IRA reported in the financial statements of LGUs for the past four (4) years ispresented below:

      2008 – 154.302 billion

      2009 – 185.670 billion

      2010 – 204.956 billion


    2011 – 229.645 billion


    The LGUs’ total operating expenditures for the year is recorded at P281.613 billion, includingnet subsidies, donations and extraordinary items. This is composed mostly of Personal Services ofP123.994 billion or 44%, Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses of P134.459 billion or 48%,Financial Expenses of P5.494 billion or 2% and net subsidies, donations and extraordinary itemstotaling P17.666 billion or 6%.

    The composition of the CY 2011 expenditures by LGU Classification is shown in Figure 17.0

    Figure 17.0 – CY 2011 Operating Expenditu re Composit ion by LGU Classif ication(in billion pesos)

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    Table 12.0 – Regional Ranking by Expenses(in thousand p esos)


    By Province By City By Municipality

    Region Amount Region Amount Region AmountRegion IV  11,446,187 NCR 48,690,595 Region IV 20,183,765

    Region III  7,747,242 Region IV 12,795,506 Region III 12,265,374

    Region VI  6,801,990 Region VII 9,210,880 Region I 7,148,653

    Region I  4,832,625 Region VI 8,064,629 Region VI 6,881,767

    Region X  4,396,104 Region III 7,270,993 ARMM 6,768,113

    Region V  4,393,261 Region XI 5,934,109 Region V 6,459,192

    Region VII  4,156,713 Region X 5,117,245 Region VII 6,458,157

     ARMM  4,111,077 Region IX 3,407,734 Region II 6,371,984

    Region II  3,899,999 Region I 3,151,042 Region VIII 6,249,757

    Region VIII  3,586,188 Region XII 2,877,765 Region X 5,073,786

    Region XI  3,211,673 Region VIII 2,674,979 Region XII 4,824,905

    Region XII  3,017,593 Region V 2,538,386 Region XIII 4,253,623CAR  2,802,195 Region XIII 2,234,583 Region XI 4,089,243

    Region XIII  2,531,601 Region II 1,480,716 Region IX 3,928,355

    Region IX 2,510,602 CAR 990,289 CAR 3,630,985

    NCR  - ARMM 485,539 NCR 130,232

    TOTAL 69,445,050 TOTAL 116,924,990 TOTAL 104,717,892

    Table 13.0 – Regional Ranking by Net Income (Loss)(in thousand pesos)


    By Province By City By MunicipalityRegion Amount Region Amount Region Amount

    Region IV  3,642,378 NCR 13,374,673 Region IV 3,460,402

    Region III  1,928,650 Region IV 3,658,337 Region I 3,024,546

    Region I  1,579,037 Region VII 2,383,298 Region III 1,966,490

    Region V  1,455,669 Region III 1,850,654 Region V 1,532,065

    Region VIII  1,178,626 Region VI 1,720,462 Region VI 1,202,939

    Region VII  1,060,439 Region XI 1,712,126 Region VII 1,195,693

    Region VI  1,059,752 Region X 1,476,316 Region VIII 1,065,521

    Region XII  1,037,827 Region IX 1,206,285 Region II 1,065,210

    CAR  910,040 Region I 983,267 CAR 927,426

    Region II  843,226 Region VIII 951,928 Region XII 699,714

    Region XIII  716,033 Region V 793,411 Region X 696,846

    Region IX 667,358 Region XII 757,965 Region XIII 667,927

     ARMM  489,778 Region II 680,112 Region XI 665,876

    Region X  483,895 Region XIII 628,055 Region IX 665,799

    Region XI  411,456 CAR 330,468 ARMM 355,038

    NCR  - ARMM 20,030 NCR 13,732

    TOTAL 17,464,163 TOTAL 32,527,387 TOTAL 19,205,222

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     At the end of CY 2011 the total combined Cash Balance of LGU stood at P161.016 billion, a

    29% increase from 2010 year-end balance of P124.949 billion. During the year, total cash inflowsamounted to P451.838 billion while cash outflows were recorded at P417.685 billion. Cash inflows andoutflows are grouped into three main activities of the LGUs: Operating Activities, Investing Activitiesand Financing Activities.

    Figure 18.0 – Breakdown of Cash as of December 31, 2011(in billion pesos)

    Figure 19.0 – Comparative Cash Inflo ws CY 2011-2010(in billion pesos)

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    Figure 20.0 – Comparative Cash Inflows CY 2011-2010(in billion pesos)

    Cash flows f rom Operating Act ivities

    The total Cash Inflows for Operating Activities were mainly attributed to share of IRA,Collections of local taxes, Receipts from sale of goods and services and Other Receipts. Figure 21.0shows the composition of the total cash inflow.

    Figure 21.0 - Composition of Cash Inflows from Operating Activiti es(in billion pesos)

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    Under this activity, cash was applied to payments to Suppliers/Creditors, Employees, InterestExpense and Other disbursements. Figure 22.0 shows the proportion of these outflows to the totalamount of outflows from Operating Activities.

    Figure 22.0 – Proportion of Individual Outflows t o Total Outflows from Operating Activit ies(in billion pesos)

    Cash Flows from Investing Acti vities

    Under Investing Activities, the LGUs recorded Cash Inflows generally from Sale of Property,Plant and Equipment, Sale of Debt Securities and Collection of Loans to Other Entities. On the otherhand, Cash was used for the Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment and Public Infrastructures,

    Purchase of Debt Securities and Grants/Loans provided to other entities. Negative Cash inflows ofP48.667 Billion and P56.790 Billion were recorded for the years 2011 and 2010 respectively. Figure23.0 shows the Cash Inflow and Outflow Proportion.

    Figure 23.0 – Investing Activities Cash Inflow/Outflow Proportion(in billion pesos)

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    Cash Flows from Financing Activiti es 

    For CY 2011, the LGUs posted a negative inflow from Financing Activities of P391 Million downfrom P7.676 billion of the previous year. This was mainly due to the reduction of P8.008 Billion in loanacquisitions during the year. Total Cash Inflows totaled P12.017 Billion and Cash Outflows of P12.408Billion. Proceeds from the issuance of Debt Securities and Loan Acquisition are the main sources of

    Cash for the activity. Cash Outflows recorded mainly pertain to Retirement/Redemption of DebtSecurities and Loan Amortizations.

    Figure 24.0 – Proport ion of Debt Securi ties and Loans Cash Flows

    The distribution of Cash Flow Activities per LGU Classification and per Fund is shown in thesucceeding graphs.

    Figure 25.0 – Cash Infl ows by LGU Classif ication(in billion pesos)

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    Figure 26.0 – Cash Outflows by LGU Classification(in billion pesos)

    Figure 27.0 – Total Cash Inflows/Outflows by LGU Classification(in billion pesos)

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    Figure 28.0 – Total Cash Inflows/Outflows by Fund(in billion pesos)

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    Part III

    Financial Statements

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    The consolidated financial statements were prepared based on the audited financial statementsof 1,682 LGUs, composed of 80 provinces, 138 cities and 1,464 municipalities. The financial statementsof the provinces, cities and municipalities include the three funds namely, General Fund, SpecialEducation Fund and Trust Fund.

    The Financial Statements are representation of the Management. Section 76 of NGAS forLocal Government Units Vol. 1 states that “Local accountants shall prepare at the end of the year thefollowing financial statements for each fund: a)Balance Sheet; b)Statement of Income and Expenses;and c)Statement of Cash Flows. The Chief Accountant shall likewise prepare the consolidated financialstatements for all funds and the Notes to the Financial Statements.”

     A pro-forma Statement of Management Responsibility for the Financial Statements executed bythe LCE and the Chief Accountant stated as follows:

    “The Management of the _______________________ is responsible forall information and representation contained in the Balance Sheet as of

     ______________ and the related Statement of Income and Expenses andStatement of Cash Flows for the period then ended. The financial statementshave been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accountingprinciples and reflect amounts that are based on best estimates and informed judgement of management with an appropriate consideration of materiality.

    In this regard, management maintains a system of accounting andreporting which provides for the necessary internal controls to ensure thattransactions are properly authorized and recorded, assets are safeguardedagainst unauthorized use or disposition and liabilit ies recognized.”


    There are four types of audit opinion rendered by the COA auditors on the presentation of thefinancial statements of the local government units: the unqualified, qualified, adverse and disclaimeropinion.

     An unqualified opinion or clean opinion states that the financial statements present fairly, inall material respects, the financial position, result of operations, and cash flows of the entity inconformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

     A qualified opinion  also states that the financial statements present fairly the financial

    position, result of operations, and cash flows of the entity in conformity with the GAAP except for somequalification in the scope of audit which prevented application of alternate audit procedures, and eitherone or two deviations from GAAP exists.

     An adverse opinion is issued when the financial statements contain very material departuresfrom GAAP which makes the financial statements not reliable and are not fairly presented.

     A disclaimer of opinion  is issued when the auditor is unable to issue an opinion on thefinancial statements taken as a whole due to an uncertainty or scope restriction which is so

    (Name of the LGU)


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    fundamental that to express an opinion would not be adequate. The disclaimer should be so wordedthat an opinion cannot be given and clearly specifying the matters of uncertainty.

    The table below shows the number of opinions rendered for CY 2011 as compared with thoseof CY 2009 and 2010:

    Table 14.0 – Opinions Rendered for the Three-year period 2009-2011

    YearOpinion Rendered

    UQ % Q % A % D % Total

    2009 165 13% 1,069 86% 14 1% 2 0% 1,248

    2010 168 13% 985 77% 21 2% 103 8% 1,277

    2011 209 12% 1,363 81% 46 3% 72 3% 1,690

    For the three- year period 2009 to 2011, the AARs reflected an increasing number of unqualified and qualified opinions rendered due to increase of number of LGUs being reported whileadverse opinion increased consistently by 1%. The disclaimer dropped by 4% from 8% of last year or

    from 103 to 72 opinions.

     A tabulation of Audit Opinions issued by type by region is shown below with qualified opinionwith the highest number at 81%.

    Table 15.0 – Summary of Types of Audit Opinion


    CY 2011

    Regions U Q A D Total

    NCR - 7 2 8 17

    CAR 39 31 10 2 82

    Region I 19 109 1 - 129

    Region II 17 79 2 - 98

    Region III 17 111 9 - 137

    Region IV 28 184 1 11 224

    Region V 7 100 1 12 120

    Region VI 40 90 - 1 131

    Region VII - 112 9 9 130

    Region VIII 2 130 4 11 147

    Region IX 3 68 2 1 74

    Region X 13 78 1 6 98

    Region XI 7 45 1 - 53

    Region XII 7 45 - 2 54

    Region XIII 10 66 1 - 77

     ARMM - 108 2 9 119

    Total 209 1,363 46 72 1,690

    Percent to Total 12%  81%  3%  4%  100%

    The individual summary of audit opinions by LGU, by Region is shown in Annex 2.

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    Cash 161,016,031  124,949,466  36,066,565  28.86 

    Receivables 85,089,892  74,170,029  10,919,864  14.72 

    Inventories 10,679,654  9,788,956  890,697  9.10 

    Prepayments 3,143,649  2,710,570  433,079  15.98 

    Other Current Assets 677,785  624,029  53,756  8.61 

    Total Current Assets 260,607,011  212,243,050  48,363,961  22.79 


    Investments in Securities 2,560,408  3,311,512  (751,104)  (22.68) 

    Sinking Fund 43,274  100,695  (57,421)  (57.02) 

    Total Investments 2,603,682  3,412,207  (808,525)  (23.70) 


    Land and Land Improvements 108,567,023  103,858,663  4,708,360  4.53 

    Buildings 187,511,952  172,105,882  15,406,070  8.95 

    Leasehold Improvements 17,798  27,742  (9,944)  (35.84) 

    Office Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures 25,993,111  24,460,876  1,532,235  6.26 

    Machineries and Equipment 41,764,957  38,321,916  3,443,041  8.98 

    Transportation Equipment 17,030,726  15,415,515  1,615,211  10.48 

    Other Property, Plant and Equipment 6,223,832  5,837,354  386,479  6.62 

    Public Infrastructures 21,645,058  17,938,383  3,706,675  20.66 

    Reforestation Projects 302,256  304,927  (2,671)  (0.88) 

    Construction in Progress 74,916,250  68,655,288  6,260,961  9.12 

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 483,972,963  446,926,546  37,046,416  8.29 

    OTHER ASSETS 7,640,065  7,192,999  447,066  6.22 

    TOTAL ASSETS 754,823,721  669,774,802  85,048,919  12.70 



    Payable Accounts 31,289,578  29,737,450  1,552,129  5.22 

    Inter-Agency Payables 40,293,364  32,973,497  7,319,867  22.20 

    Intra-Agency Payables 15,103,984  10,726,330  4,377,654  40.81 

    Other Liability Accounts 16,051,031  12,794,403  3,256,628  25.45 

    Total Current Liabilities 102,737,957  86,231,680  16,506,276  19.14 


    Mortgate/Bonds/Loans Payable 72,038,926  68,346,272  3,692,654  5.40 

    TOTAL LIAB ILITIES 174,776,883  154,577,952  20,198,932  13.07 

    DEFERRED CREDITS 53,747,774  47,219,317  6,528,457  13.83 

    TOTAL LIABILITIES AND DEFERRED CREDITS 228,524,657  201,797,268  26,727,388  13.24 

    EQUITY 526,299,064  467,977,534  58,321,530  12.46 

    TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 754,823,721  669,774,802  85,048,919  12.70 



     Amoun t

    Philippine Local Government Units

    Comparative Condensed Balance Sheet

    December 31, 2011

    (in thousand pesos)

     Particulars2011 2010



    Note: differences in the figures are due to rounding off    39

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    Cash 161,016,031  21.33  124,949,466  18.66 

    Receivables 85,089,892  11.27  74,170,029  11.07 

    Inventories 10,679,654  1.41  9,788,956  1.46 

    Prepayments 3,143,649  0.42  2,710,570  0.40 

    Other Current Assets 677,785  0.09  624,029  0.09 

    Total Current Assets 260,607,011  34.53  212,243,050  31.69 


    Investments in Securities 2,560,408  0.34  3,311,512  0.49 

    Sinking Fund 43,274  0.01  100,695  0.02 

    Total Investments 2,603,682  0.34  3,412,207  0.51 


    Land and Land Improvements 108,567,023  14.38  103,858,663  15.51 

    Buildings 187,511,952  24.84  172,105,882  25.70 

    Leasehold Improvements 17,798  0.00  27,742  0.00 

    Office Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures 25,993,111  3.44  24,460,876  3.65 

    Machineries and Equipment 41,764,957  5.53  38,321,916  5.72 

    Transportation Equipment 17,030,726  2.26  15,415,515  2.30 

    Other Property, Plant and Equipment 6,223,832  0.82  5,837,354  0.87 

    Public Infrastructures 21,645,058  2.87  17,938,383  2.68 

    Reforestation Projects 302,256  0.04  304,927  0.05 

    Construction in Progress 74,916,250  9.92  68,655,288  10.25 

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 483,972,963  64.12  446,926,546  66.73 

    OTHER ASSETS 7,640,065  1.01  7,192,999  1.07 

    TOTAL ASSETS 754,823,721  100.00  669,774,802  100.00 



    Payable Accounts 31,289,578  4.15  29,737,450  4.44 

    Inter-Agency Payables 40,293,364  5.34  32,973,497  4.92 

    Intra-Agency Payables 15,103,984  2.00  10,726,330  1.60 

    Other Liability Accounts 16,051,031  2.13  12,794,403  1.91 

    Total Current Liabilities 102,737,957  13.61  86,231,680  12.87 


    Mortgate/Bonds/Loans Payable 72,038,926  9.54  68,346,272  10.20 

    TOTAL LIAB ILITIES 174,776,883  23.15  154,577,952  23.08 

    DEFERRED CREDITS 53,747,774  7.12  47,219,317  7.05 

    TOTAL LIABILITIES AND DEFERRED CREDITS 228,524,657  30.28  201,797,268  30.13 

    EQUITY 526,299,064  69.72  467,977,534  69.87 

    TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 754,823,721  100.00  669,774,802  100.00 



    Distribution Amo unt



    Philippine Local Government Units

    Comparative Condensed Balance Sheet

    December 31, 2011

    (in thousand pesos)



    Note: differences in the figures are due to rounding off    40

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    Cash 161,016,031  125,295,968  13,217,745  22,502,318 

    Receivables 85,089,892  57,627,583  20,914,956  6,547,353 

    Inventories 10,679,654  8,886,676  1,482,976  310,001 

    Prepayments 3,143,649  2,551,686  271,887  320,076 

    Other Current Assets 677,785  640,863  31,357  5,565 

    Total Current Assets 260,607,011  195,002,775  35,918,922  29,685,314 


    Investments in Securities 2,560,408  2,490,892  5,654  63,862 

    Sinking Fund 43,274  43,274  -  - 

    Total Investments 2,603,682  2,534,166  5,654  63,862 


    Land and Land Improvements 108,567,023  103,567,172  2,684,953  2,314,898 

    Buildings 187,511,952  147,346,274  36,591,600  3,574,078 

    Leasehold Improvements 17,798  17,244  304  250 

    Office Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures 25,993,111  20,896,678  4,643,661  452,772 

    Machineries and Equipment 41,764,957  40,000,566  1,252,506  511,884 

    Transportation Equipment 17,030,726  16,599,232  226,434  205,060 

    Other Property, Plant and Equipment 6,223,832  5,487,891  586,318  149,624 

    Public Infrastructures 21,645,058  19,441,935  34,430  2,168,693 

    Reforestation Projects 302,256  263,127  5  39,124 

    Construction in Progress 74,916,250  62,833,661  3,417,516  8,665,073 

    Total Property, Plant and Equipment 483,972,963  416,453,780  49,437,727  18,081,456 

    OTHER ASSETS 7,640,065  7,181,091  298,400  160,574 

    TOTAL ASSETS 754,823,721  621,171,812  85,660,703  47,991,206 



    Payable Accounts 31,289,578  28,552,287  2,372,126  365,164 

    Inter-Agency Payables 40,293,364  16,246,238  961,671  23,085,455 

    Intra-Agency Payables 15,103,984  10,212,445  381,139  4,510,400 

    Other Liability Accounts 16,051,031  7,852,237  243,335  7,955,460 

    Total Current Liabilities 102,737,957  62,863,207  3,958,271  35,916,479 


    Mortgate/Bonds/Loans Payable 72,038,926  69,521,240  2,222,553  295,133 

    TOTAL LIAB ILITIES 174,776,883  132,384,447  6,180,824  36,211,612 

    DEFERRED CREDITS 53,747,774  33,042,230  20,319,523  386,021 

    TOTAL LIABILITIES AND DEFERRED CREDITS 228,524,657  165,426,677  26,500,347  36,597,633 

    EQUITY 526,299,064  455,745,135  59,160,356  11,393,573 

    TOTAL LIAB ILITIES AND EQUITY 754,823,721  621,171,812  85,660,703  47,991,206 

    Trust FundParticulars Total General Fund




    Philippine Local Government Units

    Condensed Balance Sheet, By Fund

    December 31, 2011

    (in thousand pesos)

    Note: differences in the figures are due to rounding off    41

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A


  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A



    TAX REVENUELocal Taxes 80,489,999  70,870,044  9,619,955  13.57 

    GENERAL INCOME ACCOUNTS 270,320,099  245,303,555  25,016,544  10.20 

    Internal Revenue Allotment 229,645,192  204,955,539  24,689,653  12.05 

    Permits and Licenses 5,341,942  4,859,048  482,894  9.94 

    Service Income 6,882,741  6,066,264  816,477  13.46 

    Business Income 13,952,357  12,267,833  1,684,524  13.73 

    Other Income 14,497,867  17,154,871  (2,657,005)  (15.49) TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 350,810,098  316,173,599  34,636,499  10.95 


    PERSONAL SERVICES 123,993,697  111,886,348  12,107,349  10.82 

    Salaries and Wages 72,712,946  63,826,569  8,886,377  13.92 

    Other Compensation 32,838,434  30,787,035  2,051,400  6.66 

    Personnel Benefits Contributions 9,798,581  8,595,018  1,203,563  14.00 

    Other Personnel Benefits 8,643,736  8,677,727  (33,991)  (0.39) MAINTENANCE AND OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 134,459,146  121,773,120  12,686,026  10.42 

    Travelling Expenses 4,029,979  3,536,798  493,181  13.94 

    Training and Scholarship Expenses 2,675,539  2,275,417  400,122  17.58 

    Supplies and Material Expenses 28,250,325  25,783,499  2,466,827  9.57 

    Utility Expenses 10,932,959  9,620,168  1,312,791  13.65 

    Communication Expenses 1,587,079  1,384,427  202,652  14.64 

    Membership Dues and Contributions to Organizations 241,640  243,156  (1,516)  (0.62) 

     Awards and Indemnities Expenses 101,229  61,753  39,476  63.93 

     Advertising Expense 461,202  363,560  97,641  26.86 

    Printing and Binding Expenses 307,036  271,674  35,362  13.02 

    Rent Expenses 627,258  540,356  86,902  16.08 

    Representation Expenses 1,459,637  1,362,230  97,407  7.15 

    Transportation and Delivery Expenses 104,675  103,008  1,667  1.62 

    Storage Fees 10,788  1,241  9,547  769.28 

    Subscriptions Expenses 60,899  59,008  1,891  3.20 

    Survey Expenses 43,413  49,134  (5,721)  (11.64) 

    Rewards and Other Claims Expenses 50,056  35,574  14,482  40.71 

    Professional Services 17,118,938  14,993,086  2,125,852  14.18 

    Repairs and Maintenance 15,797,037  15,885,757  (88,720)  (0.56) 

    3,028,165 3,246,875  (218,709)  (6.74) 

    Taxes, Insurance Premiums and Other Fees 1,282,668  1,208,199  74,469  6.16 

    Depreciation 15,345,433  13,121,704  2,223,729  16.95 

    Depletion 2,170  872  1,299  149.04 

    Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses 30,941,022  27,625,627  3,315,396  12.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 258,452,843  233,659,469  24,793,374  10.61 

    INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 92,357,255  82,514,130  9,843,124  11.93 FINANCIAL EXPENSES 5,494,214  5,831,170  (336,956)  (5.78) 

    Income before Subsidies, Donations and Extraord inary I tems 86,863,041  76,682,960  10,180,080  13.28 

     Add/(Less): Subsidies (net) (6,918,532)  (5,884,003)  (1,034,529)  17.58 

    Donations (11,643,672)  (10,779,524)  (864,148)  8.02 Extraordinary Items 895,941  916,829  (20,889)  (2.28) 

    NET INCOME 69,196,778  60,936,263  8,260,515  13.56 



    Confidential, Intelligence, Extraordinary and Miscellaneous


    Philippine Local Government Units

    Comparative Condensed Statement of Income and Expenses

    For th e Year Ended December 31, 2011

    (in thousand pesos)





    2011 2010

    Note: differences in the figures are due to rounding off    43

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A


  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A



    Local Taxes 80,489,999  62,278,996  18,211,003 

    GENERAL INCOME ACCOUNTS 270,320,099  270,162,813  157,286 

    Internal Revenue Allotment 229,645,192  229,645,192  0 

    Permits and Licenses 5,341,942  5,341,704  238 

    Service Income 6,882,741  6,881,667  1,074 

    Business Income 13,952,357  13,946,309  6,048 

    Other Income 14,497,867  14,347,941  149,926 

    TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 350,810,098  332,441,809  18,368,289 


    PERSONAL SERVICES 123,993,697  119,918,866  4,074,831 

    Salaries and Wages 72,712,946  70,953,781  1,759,165 

    Other Compensation 32,838,434  31,132,962  1,705,472 

    Personnel Benefits Contributions 9,798,581  9,630,763  167,818 

    Other Personnel Benefits 8,643,736  8,201,360  442,376 

    MAINTENANCE AND OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 134,459,146  125,482,955  8,976,191 

    Travelling Expenses 4,029,979  3,886,263  143,716 

    Training and Scholarship Expenses 2,675,539  2,397,713  277,826 

    Supplies and Material Expenses 28,250,325  26,164,380  2,085,945 

    Utility Expenses 10,932,959  9,827,094  1,105,865 

    Communication Expenses 1,587,079  1,510,360  76,719 

    Membership Dues and Contributions to Organizations 241,640  236,646  4,994 

     Awards and Indemnities Expenses 101,229  98,171  3,058 

     Advertising Expense 461,202  460,903  299 

    Printing and Binding Expenses 307,036  274,072  32,964 

    Rent Expenses 627,258  616,183  11,075 

    Representation Expenses 1,459,637  1,425,686  33,951 

    Transportation and Delivery Expenses 104,675  98,129  6,546 

    Storage Fees 10,788  10,788  - 

    Subscriptions Expenses 60,899  59,504  1,395 

    Survey Expenses 43,413  42,920  493 

    Rewards and Other Claims Expenses 50,056  48,095  1,960 

    Professional Services 17,118,938  16,259,322  859,615 

    Repairs and Maintenance 15,797,037  15,240,800  556,237 

    3,028,165 2,991,846  36,319 

    Taxes, Insurance Premiums and Other Fees 1,282,668  1,256,996  25,671 

    Depreciation 15,345,433  13,376,110  1,969,323 

    Depletion 2,170  2,062  109 

    Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses 30,941,022  29,198,913  1,742,110 

    TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 258,452,843  245,401,821  13,051,022 

    INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 92,357,255  87,039,988  5,317,267 

    FINANCIAL EXPENSES 5,494,214  5,326,284  167,930 

    Income before Subs id ies , Donat ions and Extrao rd inary Items 86,863,041  81,713,704  5,149,337 

     Add/(Less): Subsidies (net) (6,918,532)  (6,863,601)  (54,931) 

    Donations (11,643,672)  (11,297,049)  (346,623) 

    Extraordinary Items 895,941  901,928  (5,987) 

    NET INCOME 69,196,778  64,454,982  4,741,796 

    Philippine Local Government Units

    Confidential, Intelligence, Extraordinary and Miscellaneous


    Particulars Total General FundSpecial Education


    Condensed Statement of Income and Expenses, By Fund

    (in thousand pesos)

    For the Year Ended December 31, 2011

    Note: differences in the figures are due to rounding off    45

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A


    TAX REVENUELocal Taxes 80,489,999  6,923,090  60,317,977  13,248,932 

    GENERAL INCOME ACCOUNTS 270,320,099  76,288,283  84,736,485  109,295,331 

    Internal Revenue Allotment 229,645,192  67,295,670  67,616,404  94,733,118 

    Permits and Licenses 5,341,942  118,314  3,455,567  1,768,060 

    Service Income 6,882,741  1,728,238  3,462,580  1,691,923 

    Business Income 13,952,357  3,527,029  5,685,455  4,739,874 

    Other Income 14,497,867  3,619,032  4,516,480  6,362,355 

    TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 350,810,098  83,211,373  145,054,462  122,544,263 


    PERSONAL SERVICES 123,993,697  28,445,408  44,807,418  50,740,871 

    Salaries and Wages 72,712,946  16,965,157  26,138,016  29,609,773 

    Other Compensation 32,838,434  6,940,076  11,671,732  14,226,626 

    Personnel Benefits Contributions 9,798,581  2,321,128  3,506,249  3,971,204 Other Personnel Benefits 8,643,736  2,219,047  3,491,421  2,933,268 

    MA INTENA NCE A ND OTHER OPERA TING EXPENSES 134,459,146  27,889,736  60,061,829  46,507,581 

    Travelling Expenses 4,029,979  773,815  623,991  2,632,174 

    Training and Scholarship Expenses 2,675,539  601,617  788,212  1,285,709 

    Supplies and Material Expenses 28,250,325  8,129,773  10,679,986  9,440,567 

    Utility Expenses 10,932,959  1,336,276  6,611,442  2,985,241 

    Communication Expenses 1,587,079  319,611  516,942  750,526 

    Membership Dues and Contributions to Organizations 241,640  29,381  116,881  95,378 

     Awards and Indemnities Expenses 101,229  15,717  61,375  24,137 

     Advertising Expense 461,202  128,366  225,423  107,413 

    Printing and Binding Expenses 307,036  63,497  175,855  67,685 

    Rent Expenses 627,258  157,822  295,935  173,501 

    Representation Expenses 1,459,637  501,890  360,098  597,649 

    Transportation and Delivery Expenses 104,675  39,293  12,025  53,356 Storage Fees 10,788  390  94  10,303 

    Subscriptions Expenses 60,899  15,621  26,374  18,904 

    Survey Expenses 43,413  3,203  14,994  25,217 

    Rewards and Other Claims Expenses 50,056  19,345  6,637  24,075 

    Professional Services 17,118,938  2,587,994  9,582,956  4,947,988 

    Repairs and Maintenance 15,797,037  3,441,216  3,847,122  8,508,698 

    3,028,165 809,729  884,267  1,334,169 

    Taxes, Insurance Premiums and Other Fees 1,282,668  284,119  612,516  386,034 

    Depreciation 15,345,433  3,483,592  7,587,006  4,274,835 

    Depletion 2,170  -  222  1,948 

    Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses 30,941,022  5,147,470  17,031,475  8,762,077 

    TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 258,452,843  56,335,144  104,869,247  97,248,452 

    INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 92,357,255  26,876,229  40,185,215  25,295,811 FINANCIAL EXPENSES 5,494,214  1,275,212  2,613,843  1,605,159 

    Income before Subsid ies, Donat ions and Extraord inary Items 86,863,041  25,601,017  37,571,372  23,690,652 

     Add/(Less): Subsidies (net) (6,918,532)  (2,787,148)  (2,831,613)  (1,299,771) 

    Donations (11,643,672)  (5,347,061)  (3,112,583)  (3,184,028) 

    Extraordinary Items 895,941  (2,643)  900,214  (1,630) 

    NET INCOME 69,196,778  17,464,165  32,527,390  19,205,223 

    Philippine Local Government Units

    Confidential, Intelligence, Extraordinary and Miscellaneous


    Condensed Statement of Income and Expenses, By LGU Clasiffication

    For the Year Ended December 31, 2011

    MunicipalitiesPARTICULARS Total Provinces Cities

    (in thousand pesos)

    Note: differences in the figures are due to rounding off    46

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A



    Cash Flows From Operating Activities

    Total Cash Inflows 437,175,317  382,668,514  54,506,802  14.24 

    Total Cash Outflows 353,964,332  325,150,696  28,813,636  8.86 

    Cash Provided by (Used In) 83,210,985  57,517,818  25,693,167  44.67 

    Cash Flows From Investing Activities

    Total Cash Inflows 2,645,986  1,698,506  947,480  55.78 

    Total Cash Outflows 51,313,413  58,488,076  (7,174,664)  (12.27) 

    Cash Provided by (Used In) (48,667,427)  (56,789,570)  8,122,143  (14.30) 

    Cash Flows From Financing Activities

    Total Cash Inflows 12,017,146  20,139,497  (8,122,351)  (40.33) 

    Total Cash Outflows 12,408,066  12,463,758  (55,692)  (0.45) 

    Cash Provided by (Used In) (390,920)  7,675,739  (8,066,659)  (105.09) 

    Net Cash Provided By (Used In) 34,152,638  8,403,987  25,748,651  306.39 

    Cash at the Beginning of the Period 126,863,393  116,545,481  10,317,912  8.85 Cash at the End of the Period 161,016,031  124,949,466  36,066,565  28.86 


    Cash Inflows

    Operating Activities 437,175,317  382,668,514  54,506,802  14.24 

    Investing Activities 2,645,986  1,698,506  947,480  55.78 

    Financing Activities 12,017,146  20,139,497  (8,122,351)  (40.33) 

    Total Cash Inflows 451,838,449  404,506,517  47,331,931  29.70 

    Cash Outflows

    Operating Activities 353,964,332  325,150,696  28,813,636  8.86 

    Investing Activities 51,313,413  58,488,076  (7,174,664)  (12.27) 

    Financing Activities 12,408,066  12,463,758  (55,692)  (0.45) Total Cash Outflows 417,685,811  396,102,531  21,583,280  (3.85) 

    Net Cash Provided By (Used In) 34,152,638  8,403,987  25,748,651  306.39 

    Cash at the Beginning of the Period 126,863,393  116,545,481  10,317,912  8.85 

    Cash at the End of the Period 161,016,031  124,949,466  36,066,565  28.86 



    Philippine Local Government Units

    Comparative Condensed Statement of Cash Flows

    December 31, 2011

    (in thousand pesos)


     Amo unt

    2011 2010Increase


    Philippine Local Government Units

    Comparative Condensed Statement of Cash Flows

    December 31, 2011

    (in thousand pesos)


     Amo unt

    2011 2010Increase




    Note: differences in the figures are due to rounding off    47

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A


    Cash Flows From Operating ActivitiesTotal Cash Inflows 437,175,317  110,826,205  173,648,524  152,700,588 

    Total Cash Outflows 353,964,332  91,828,717  135,532,853  126,602,762 

    Cash Provided by (Used In) 83,210,985  18,997,488  38,115,671  26,097,826 

    Cash Flows From Investing Activities

    Total Cash Inflows 2,645,986  1,042,789  1,336,355  266,842 

    Total Cash Outflows 51,313,413  11,488,626  23,275,438  16,549,349 

    Cash Provided by (Used In) (48,667,427)  (10,445,837)  (21,939,083)  (16,282,507) 

    Cash Flows From Financing Activities

    Total Cash Inflows 12,017,146  2,813,878  5,988,382  3,214,886 

    Total Cash Outflows 12,408,066  3,157,251  5,706,706  3,544,109 

    Cash Provided by (Used In) (390,920)  (343,373)  281,676  (329,223) 

    Net Cash Provided By (Used In) 34,152,638  8,208,278  16,458,264  9,486,096 

    Cash at the Beginning of the Period 126,863,393  34,548,200  57,603,640  34,711,553 

    Cash at the End of the Period 161,016,031  42,756,478  74,061,904  44,197,649 

    Cash Inflows

    Operating Activities 437,175,317  110,826,205  173,648,524  152,700,588 

    Investing Activities 2,645,986  1,042,789  1,336,355  266,842 

    Financing Activities 12,017,146  2,813,878  5,988,382  3,214,886 

    Total Cash Inflows 451,838,449  114,682,872  180,973,261  156,182,316 

    Cash Outflows

    Operating Activities 353,964,332  91,828,717  135,532,853  126,602,762 

    Investing Activities 51,313,413  11,488,626  23,275,438  16,549,349 

    Financing Activities 12,408,066  3,157,251  5,706,706  3,544,109 

    Total Cash Outflows 417,685,811  106,474,594  164,514,997  146,696,220 

    Net Cash Provided By (Used In) 34,152,638  8,208,278  16,458,264  9,486,096 Cash at the Beginning of the Period 126,863,393  34,548,200  57,603,640  34,711,553 

    Cash at the End of the Period 161,016,031  42,756,478  74,061,904  44,197,649 

    Philippine Local Government Units

    Condensed Statement of Cash Flows, By LGU Clasiffication

    December 31, 2011

    (in thousand pesos)

    Particulars Total Provinces Cities Municipalities

    Philippine Local Government Units

    Condensed Statement of Cash Flows, By LGU Clasiffication

    December 31, 2011

    (in thousand pesos)

    Particulars Total Provinces Cities Municipalities

    Note: differences in the figures are due to rounding off    48

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A


    Cash Flows From Operating Activities

    Total Cash Inflows 437,175,317  383,119,272  23,169,672  30,886,373 

    Total Cash Outflows 353,964,332  314,726,141  16,843,791  22,394,400 

    Cash Provided by (Used In) 83,210,985  68,393,131  6,325,881  8,491,973 

    Cash Flows From Investing Activities

    Total Cash Inflows 2,645,986  1,725,884  6,798  913,304 

    Total Cash Outflows 51,313,413  44,521,374  3,385,903  3,406,136 

    Cash Provided by (Used In) (48,667,427)  (42,795,490)  (3,379,105)  (2,492,832) 

    Cash Flows From Financing Activities

    Total Cash Inflows 12,017,146  11,481,479  299,571  236,096 

    Total Cash Outflows 12,408,066  11,977,640  306,898  123,528 

    Cash Provided by (Used In) (390,920)  (496,161)  (7,327)  112,568 

    Net Cash Provided By (Used In) 34,152,638  25,101,480  2,939,449  6,111,709 

    Cash at the Beginning of the Period 126,863,393  100,194,488  10,278,296  16,390,609 Cash at the End of the Period 161,016,031  125,295,968  13,217,745  22,502,318 

    Cash Inflows

    Operating Activities 437,175,317  383,119,272  23,169,672  30,886,373 

    Investing Activities 2,645,986  1,725,884  6,798  913,304 

    Financing Activities 12,017,146  11,481,479  299,571  236,096 

    Total Cash Inflows 451,838,449  396,326,635  23,476,040  32,035,774 

    Cash Outflows

    Operating Activities 353,964,332  314,726,141  16,843,791  22,394,400 

    Investing Activities 51,313,413  44,521,374  3,385,903  3,406,136 

    Financing Activities 12,408,066  11,977,640  306,898  123,528 

    Total Cash Outflows 417,685,811  371,225,155  20,536,592  25,924,065 

    Net Cash Provided By (Used In) 34,152,638  25,101,480  2,939,449  6,111,709 

    Cash at the Beginning of the Period 126,863,393  100,194,488  10,278,296  16,390,609 

    Cash at the End of the Period 161,016,031  125,295,968  13,217,745  22,502,318 

    Philippine Local Government Units

    Condensed Statement of Cash Flows, By Fund

    December 31, 2011

    (in thousand pesos)

    Particulars Total General Fund




    Trust Fund

    Philippine Local Government Units

    Condensed Statement of Cash Flows, By Fund

    December 31, 2011

    (in thousand pesos)

    Particulars Total General Fund Special

    EducationTrust Fund

    Note: differences in the figures are due to rounding off    49

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A



    Detailed Financial


  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A



    Distribution Amo unt




    Current Assets

    CashCash on Hand 5,346,034  0.71  4,620,627  0.69 

    Cash in Vault 2,890,226  0.38  2,341,171  0.35 

    Cash-Disbursing Officers 1,683,825  0.22  1,406,311  0.21 

    Petty Cash Fund 78,981  0.01  82,854  0.01 

    Payroll Fund 693,002  0.09  790,292  0.12 

    Cash in Banks-Local Currency 154,978,474  20.53  119,615,741  17.86 

    Cash in Bank -Local Currency, Current Account 89,201,548  11.82  64,233,283  9.59 

    Cash in Bank -Local Currency, Savings Account 15,765,377  2.09  12,017,171  1.79 

    Cash in Bank -Local Currency, Time Deposits 50,011,549  6.63  43,365,287  6.47 

    Cash in Banks- Foreign Currency 691,524  0.09  713,098  0.11 

    Cash in Bank - Foreign Currency, Current Account 129,186  0.02  122,244  0.02 

    Cash in Bank - Foreign Currency, Savings Account 9,020  0.00  40,176  0.01 

    Cash in Bank -Foreign Currency, Time Deposits 553,319  0.07  550,678  0.08 

    Total Cash 161,016,031  21.33  124,949,466  18.66 

    Receivables Receivable Accounts 53,420,655  7.08  47,964,568  7.16 

     Accounts Receivable 2,247,971  0.30  2,213,940  0.33 

    Notes Receivable 489,583  0.06  283,127  0.04 

    Due from Officers and Employees 2,861,222  0.38  2,527,978  0.38 

    Loans Receivable-GOCCs 800,773  0.11  616,045  0.09 

    Loans Receivable-LGUs 340,948  0.05  374,201  0.06 

    Loans Receivable-Others 2,905,730  0.38  2,576,513  0.38 

    Real Property Tax Receivable 25,962,271  3.44  23,645,895  3.53 

    Special Education Tax Receivable 17,363,723  2.30  15,303,849  2.28 

    Interests Receivable 448,434  0.06  423,020  0.06 

    Inter-agency Receivables 8,270,676  1.10  7,441,652  1.11 

    Due from NGAs 1,852,760  0.25  1,955,028  0.29 

    Due from GOCCs 437,543  0.06  552,173  0.08 

    Due from LGUs 4,765,810  0.63  3,940,380  0.59 

    Due from NGOs/POs 1,214,564  0.16  994,072  0.15 

    Intra-agency Receivables 13,273,274  1.76  9,767,135  1.46 

    Due from Other Funds 13,273,274  1.76  9,767,135  1.46 

    Other Receivables 10,125,287  1.34  8,996,673  1.34 

    Receivables - Disallowances/Charges 2,131,702  0.28  2,023,887  0.30 

     Advances to Officers and Employees 4,670,569  0.62  3,792,670  0.57 

    Other Receivables 3,323,016  0.44  3,180,116  0.47 

    Total Receivables 85,089,892  11.27  74,170,029  11.07 


    Materials 134,181  0.02  120,261  0.02 

    Raw Materials Inventory 12,206  0.00  10,972  0.00 

    Work-in Process Inventory 1,281  0.00  1,034  0.00 

    Finished Goods Inventory 1,837  0.00  2,202  0.00 

    Merchandise Inventory 118,858  0.02  106,053  0.02 

    Supplies 10,323,385  1.37  9,469,558  1.41 

    Office Supplies Inventory 1,305,842  0.17  1,265,615  0.19 

     Accountable Forms Inventory 343,026  0.05  330,484  0.05 

     Animal/Zoological Supplies Inventory 69,210  0.01  62,223  0.01 

    Food Supplies Inventory 185,651  0.02  225,999  0.03 

    Drugs and Medicine Inventory 1,748,374  0.23  1,440,698  0.22 

    Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Inventory 1,720,203  0.23  1,448,393  0.22 

    Gasoline, Oil and Lubricants Inventory 1,003,090  0.13  882,134  0.13 

     Agricultural Supplies Inventory 262,494  0.03  317,888  0.05 

    Textbooks and Instructional Materials Inventory 1,083,370  0.14  927,337  0.14 

    Military and Police Supplies Inventory 21,244  0.00  5,804  0.00 

    Philippine Local Government Units

    Comparative Detailed Balance Sheet

    December 31, 2011



    (in thousand pesos)

      Note: differences in figures are due to rounding off  53

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    Distribution Amo unt



    Philippine Local Government Units

    Comparative Detailed Balance Sheet

    December 31, 2011



    (in thousand pesos)

    Other Supplies Inventory 1,486,995  0.20  1,555,523  0.23 

    Confiscated/Abandoned/Seized Goods Inventory 7,084  0.00  1,698  0.00 

    Spare Parts Inventory 266,621  0.04  229,768  0.03 Construction Materials Inventory 820,182  0.11  775,995  0.12 

     Agr icu ltu ral, Fi shery and Fores try Prod uct s 222,087  0.03  199,137  0.03 

    Livestock Inventory 163,814  0.02  143,793  0.02 

    Crops and Fruits Inventory 27,256  0.00  31,472  0.00 

    Other Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Products Inventory 31,017  0.00  23,872  0.00 

    Total Inventories 10,679,654  1.41  9,788,956  1.46 


    Prepaid Rent 5,448  0.00  6,029  0.00 

    Prepaid Insurance 132,412  0.02  139,620  0.02 

    Prepaid Interest 19,203  0.00  27,543  0.00 

    Deposit on Letters of Credit 506,472  0.07  237,782  0.04 

     Advances to Contractors 1,671,021  0.22  1,632,394  0.24 

    Deferred Charges 620,088  0.08  476,307  0.07 

    Other Prepaid Expenses 189,005  0.03  190,895  0.03 

    Total Prepayments 3,143,649  0.42  2,710,570  0.40 Other Current Assets

    Guaranty Deposits 336,267  0.04  292,362  0.04 

    Other Current Assets 341,518  0.05  331,667  0.05 

    Total Other Current Assets 677,785  0.09  624,029  0.09 Total Current Assets 260,607,011  34.53  212,243,050  31.69 


    Investment in Securities 2,560,408  0.34  3,311,512  0.49 

    Investments in Treasury Bills 99,845  0.01  363,358  0.05 

    Investments in Stocks 527,350  0.07  638,393  0.10 

    Investments in Bonds 71,337  0.01  604,325  0.09 

    Other Investments and Marketable Securities 1,861,876  0.25  1,705,436  0.25 

    Sinking Fund 43,274  0.01  100,695  0.02 

    Sinking Fund 43,274  0.01  100,695  0.02 Total Investments 2,603,682  0.34  3,412,207  0.51 

    Property, Plant and Equipment

    Land and Land Improvements

    Land 80,211,615  10.63  75,828,399  11.32 

    Land Improvements 24,694,248  3.27  24,684,326  3.69 

    Electrification, Power and Energy Structures 3,661,160  0.49  3,345,938  0.50 

    Total Land Improvements 108,567,023  14.38  103,858,663  15.51 


    Office Buildings 61,127,616  8.10  57,488,353  8.58 

    School Buildings 50,407,927  6.68  47,362,766  7.07 

    Hospitals and Health Centers 15,121,293  2.00  13,087,403  1.95 

    Markets and Slaughterhouses 23,225,434  3.08  20,879,602  3.12 

    Other Structures 37,629,682  4.99  33,287,758  4.97 

    Total Buildings 187,511,952  24.84  172,105,882  25.70 

    Leasehold Improvements

    Leasehold Improvements, Land 8,645  0.00  6,786  0.00 

    Leasehold Improvements, Buildings 8,182  0.00  20,235  0.00 

    Other Leasehold Improvements 972  0.00  722  0.00 

    Total Leasehold Improvements 17,798  0.00  27,742  0.00 

    Office Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures

    Office Equipment 7,729,445  1.02  7,455,126  1.11 

    Furniture and Fixtures 7,999,452  1.06  7,673,102  1.15 

    IT Equipment and Software 9,108,241  1.21  8,113,249  1.21 

    Library Books 1,155,973  0.15  1,219,399  0.18 

    Total Office Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures 25,993,111  3.44  24,460,876  3.65 

    Note: differences in figures are due to rounding off  54

  • 8/20/2019 2011_AFR_LGUs_Vol3A



    Distribution Amo unt



    Philippine Local Government Units

    Comparative Detailed Balance Sheet

    December 31, 2011



    (in thousand pesos)

    Machineries and Equipment

    Machineries 1,258,954  0.17  1,429,432  0.21 

     Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Equipment 1,147,293  0.15  1,040,718  0.16 Communication Equipment 2,729,792  0.36  2,580,570  0.39 

    Construction and Heavy Equipment 20,751,746  2.75  18,230,886  2.72 

    Firefighting Equipment and Accessories 958,360  0.13  1,131,136  0.17 

    Hospital Equipment 4,197,984  0.56  3,932,253  0.59 

    Medical, Dental and Laboratory Equipment 2,725,506  0.36  2,467,299  0.37 

    Military and Police Equipment 428,966  0.06  408,400  0.06 

    Sports Equipment 221,861  0.03  187,664  0.03 

    Technical and Scientific Equipment 1,719,652  0.23  1,776,184  0.27 
