2011 autumn eng

As I live here, meet young people, share in youth groups and interact with university students, I realise this nation is in much need of God. Relationship with God is out of the picture as pressures, expectations and dierent agendas come people’s way. How do we present Jesus to an “un-churched” generation that has very little reference of Christianity impacting their society? In my Swedish language class for immigrants (SFI) the teacher talks about Sweden’s ways, laws and shared freedoms. Some students ask “varför” (why) is it this way in Sweden? Not all have grown up with the same rights for education, equality of gender, respect, freedom of speech, etc. ŝƐĐŝƉůŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ EĂƟŽŶƐ -- Oh, how I wish I could say in Swedish that it is because of the biblical heritage and godly ŶŐĂŐĞ ƵƚƵŵŶ ϮϬϭϭ tŚĂƚ ĚŽĞƐ ŝƚ ŵĞĂŶ ƚŽ ĚŽ ŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƐ ŝŶ ^ǁĞĚĞŶ

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Page 1: 2011 Autumn Eng

As I live here, meet young people, share in youth groups and interact with university students,

I realise this nation is in much need of God. Relationship with God is out of the picture as pressures, expectations and di!erent agendas come people’s way.

How do we present Jesus to an “un-churched” generation that has very little reference of

Christianity impacting their society?

In my Swedish language class for immigrants (SFI) the teacher talks about Sweden’s ways, laws and shared freedoms. Some students ask “varför” (why) is it this way in Sweden? Not all have grown up with the same rights for education, equality of gender, respect, freedom of speech, etc.

ŝƐĐŝƉůŝŶŐƚŚĞEĂƟŽŶƐ-- Oh, how I wish I could say in Swedish that it is because of the biblical heritage and godly



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in"uence Sweden has had.

Nowadays Sweden is known as a secularized nation. What will happen in the generations to come if it con-tinues so? How long will Sweden have the stability and security it has now?

God shared something very special with me regarding Sweden. He said when missionaries left to go to other nations, they prayed with tears: “Lord, remember my land”. I heard the Lord say these prayers are stored up in heaven and He wants to pour them down on Sweden.

We have to pray, seek His wisdom and walk in His ways to see change. We have to work together to see a renewal in this land.

We have to start seeing this nation as a mission $eld! God cannot be forgotten or taken out of its society.

I believe much will happen through young people, and we need to learn God’s ways in reaching and releasing them. They are in danger!

Let’s be present in society, alive in God, and express him in all we do!

Anna Leitao, Brazil

Member of the leadership team at UMU Restenäs


During the 50th celebration at Restenäs last year, a team of four leaders were appointed to carry the leadership for YWAM Northern Europe, which includes: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands. We introduce you to these leaders.

Cheryl Harrison (USA) has been with YWAM for 27 years and given more than 15 years to the people of Latvia. She is chairing the national leadership team of Latvia and overseeing the pioneering in Estonia. Cheryl lives in Jurmala, close to Riga.

Tove Kirkebye Poulsen (Denmark) has served with YWAM for 20 years. She leads the largest YWAM property in Europe, at Restenäs. Tove has an international speaking ministry and is very involved in the University of the Nations.

Jonathan Lemmetti (Australia/Finland) has led many DTS’s and is one of the national leaders in Finland. He is married to a Finn, Hannah, and they have four children. They are based in Koivumäki.

Terje T. Konradsen (Norway) is the chairman of the team. Together with wife Eva, he has long ministered in the north and they live at the Borgen base close to Tromsø. They have been involved in regional and national leadership for more than 10 years.

left to right: Cheryl, Tove, Jonathan and Terje.

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I had a dream to study God’s word and to know God better. Who was the God that I was worshiping and following? So I was very happy when God called me to do an SBS. The $rst month in SBS was the most di%cult for me, because I faced my biggest fears. Those fears were studying in English and my ability to study. These fears I had from my secondary school; there I was told that I was not able to learn English or to study in the sphere of hu-manities.

God was gracious enough to give me strength

to go through the SBS by showing that with Him everything is possible. Now as I look back, I just can thank God for taking care of me in daily needs like my school fee, giving friends who accept me as I am, and a deeper understanding in my heart about who God really is.

SBS is known as an intense course of studying, but I would say that it should be known as a course of transforming lives.

Rasa, Lithuania


In January this year I boarded the plane to Nepal for the third time. I had two months to gather information about development projects, $nd suitable places for projects, plan them and hope-fully start a project. The trip was part of a bigger vision of making use of the commitment and heart the Scandinavian peoples have for mercy ministries and development work. You just bring out the o!ering boxes, mention earth quake victims or something similar, and you will hear a loud noise from all the money being poured in. But I believe God has more for Sweden and Scan-dinavia than just giving money to a collection. I believe He wants us to also be his hands and feet to the needy. With that said I am the $rst one to push that we need to remember that what we

are doing is a way to reach people with the good news of the Kingdom of God. We start it by build-ing simple water and sewage systems in Nepal. We believe in giving lots of ownership and work with long-term goals, will be a way to see church planting among the least reached peoples. The vision is to bring the whole gospel, in words and deeds, to the ones who haven’t heard and expe-rienced it yet. It is also to show practically minded people, like myself, that they have a part to play in the great commission.

During this trip I was able to improve a fresh water system for a village of 40-50 households. The plan is to go back this fall and spend $ve to ten months to continue helping out with water and sanitation where there is nothing available. But this time I hope to go with a team of people interested in making a di!erence, even if they can come for only a few weeks. It will be simple projects and anyone who is practically minded can pitch in. I look for-ward to seeing what God will do with this project! If you are interested in joining, please contact me: [email protected]

Jacob Collin


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^ĞĞŝŶŐĚƌĞĂŵƐĐŽŵĞƚƌƵĞMy name is Anders, and I’m a 27-year-old Swede. I did my Discipleship Training School in Restenäs. Then, while on sta!, I met Pia, a girl from Switzerland who also shared my longing to go out and serve God in the nations. We got married and as we prayed about our future we felt led to go to Cambodia.

In 2009 we moved to Phnom Penh and began to study the Cambodian language and culture while we worked with YWAM there. We saw that it was a nation with much poverty and pain, but also with hope and beauty.

In December this year we will move to the city of Sihanoukville in southern Cambodia and pioneer a new YWAM centre there with a team of six people. One of our dreams is to educate “karaoke-girls” (prostitutes) and provide alternative work for them, such as tailoring. Sihanoukville has a huge sex industry that enslaves many poor and uneducated girls, many

of whom are still teenagers.

We are excited that we are beginning to see the dreams that we had while we were young becoming real.

If you are interested in $nding out how it goes, you can follow our personal blog: http://nilssonnews.wordpress.com.

Anders and Pia, with Liam, before returning to Cambodia to start a new ministry in Sihanoukville.

Why did you decide to come to Restenäs?

Mark - I did my DTS here 2009/10 and felt God saying that I should come back here. I thought that I would help out with the DTS; but I ended up coming to do maintenance because I felt God said ‘not now’! I am an educated carpenter.

When do you feel most ful!lled in your work here at Restenäs?

Mark - When I see something happen. When I get to use my talent in carpentry. I hate breaking things down, but I love to build things up! We are renovating Tallåsen at the moment and I am enjoying the ‘building up’ process….

Who is your biggest role model and why??

Mark - I would say my pastor at home in Denmark. He is a great guy. You can really see God through him and I have always looked up to him.


Short facts about Mark:

• He’s 23, Danish and very tall.• Mark owns a lot of movies.• Been sta! here for 1 year.• Helped lead an OAS team to India

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dŚĞƐĞĂƌĐŚĨŽƌĂůŽǀŝŶŐ'ŽĚ“Three Swedes, two Koreans and an Englishman walk into a church one Sunday morning.”

Sounds like the start of a joke, right? But it’s not. This is what it can look like when we come to your church. The YWAM team visits youth groups, conferences, seminars and churches. We come to engage with people, encourage and inspire them with our stories from the mission $eld, and teach on having a passionate relationship with God!

We recently visited a school where we shared about God to a group of 50 high school kids who have little or no knowledge of who Jesus is. They were a lively group but when they heard how God heals us and takes away our addictions, they put down their mobile phones and listened. This generation is searching for a God who loves them, who won’t let them down as their parents and friends do. They are longing for something to live for. We want to get out there and share the truth with them!

If you would like to invite us to your church, youth group, please contact us: [email protected]

>ŽŶĚŽŶϮϬϭϮͲŶĞǀĞŶƚŽĨĂůŝĨĞƟŵĞThe world is coming to ENGLAND. Will you be there?

Touch the hearts and souls of the million-plus visitors coming to the UK for the Olympics.

Mission Adventures will be working with “Forever”, the YWAM Olympic outreach!

ĂƚĞƐ:ƵůLJϮϭͲƵŐƵƐƚϬϱϮϬϭϮYou can bring yourself or your youth group and our YWAM sta! will work out all the details of the training, preparation and outreach in London.

For more information contact Restenäs: [email protected]



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^ĐŚŽŽůKĨtŽƌƐŚŝƉWe are excited to see a new school start here in spring 2012.

God is calling out to raise up a “prophetic generation” to seek His presence and take risks to see His Kingdom come.

The School of Worship aims to train worship leaders, musicians and singers and release them to be $rstly, lovers of Jesus, then grounded in the Word of God, and third, skilled in the craft of music, songwriting and worship leading.


ŚŽǁLJŽƵǁŝůů• Be RESTORED as a worshiper of God,• Be EQUIPPED to lead others to God

through worship,• Be TRANSFORMED to walk this Highway of

Praise with Jesus into the nations.


• Character of God• The character and lifestyle of the


tŚĂƚƚŚĞŝďůĞƐĂLJƐĂďŽƵƚǁŽƌƐŚŝƉ• Biblical/historical basis for

worship • Prophetic ministry in worship• Holy Spirit/gifts of the Holy Spirit in

worship • Healing worship Worship,

intercession and spiritual warfare

,ŽǁǁĞtŽƌƐŚŝƉͲWƌĂĐƟĐĂů^ŬŝůůƐ• Songwriting and recording, musicianship.• The tabernacle of David, 24/7 worship and

prayer• Creative worship and the arts• Worship in missions/cross-cultural worship

The lecture phase is followed by an eight-week outreach, where you will live out that which you have learnt in the lecture phase.

Dates: Lecture Phase: 1 March – 26 May 2012

Outreach Phase: 27 May – 18 July 2012

Possible outreach locations: Israel, China, Sweden and Europe

Costs: 21,000 SEK - lecture phase

Outreach costs: Depends on the outreach location

Prerequisites: DTS or CDTS

Contact: Gookin Kim: [email protected]

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<ŽƌĞĂŶŝƐĐŝƉůĞƐŚŝƉdƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ^ĐŚŽŽů;<d^ͿThe KDTS helps Koreans deepen their intimate relationship with God and discover their true iden-tity. They come to Sweden and see healing, freedom and transformation in their lives and through their lives. This DTS has the same passion for discipleship and learning as our other DTSs, the only di!erence is it is just for Korean speakers! 1 March – 10 August 2012 – [email protected] - Korean

Have you completed a DTS?...then the following schools are open to you to continue your training and equipping... There are also open weeks during the schools, see the website for details.

ŝďůĞŽƌĞŽƵƌƐĞ;ͿThe BCC will guide you as you read the entire Bible and show you how to study and interpret the di!erent types of literature it holds. As you apply God’s principles to your life, you will also learn how to preach and teach God’s word in order to take it to the world! 1 March – 26 May 2012 – [email protected] - English (Bible study in Swedish or English)

ŶŐůŝƐŚĂƐĂ^ĞĐŽŶĚ>ĂŶŐƵĂŐĞ;^>ͿLearning English is not only for your career but helps you to know God in new ways. Being able to communicate in English will open doors to know people, enlarge your worldview and give more opportunities to serve God and His people. In our cross-cultural environment you will be supported and challenged in your language learning. 1 March – 26 May 2012 – [email protected] - English

^ĐŚŽŽůŽĨtŽƌƐŚŝƉ;^KtͿGod is calling us as prophetic worshippers, to stand up and step out to prepare for God’s way to be lived in this world. In the SOW we will journey together to see you: RESTORED as a worshipper of God, PREPARED to lead others to God through worship, EXPANDED and stretched to walk this ‘Highway of Praise’ with Jesus into this world. 1 March – 26 May 2012 (outreach until 18 June) – [email protected] - English

Autumn Courses 2012• Discipleship Training School (DTS)• North Korean Study Seminar (NKSS)• School of Biblical Studies (SBS I)• School of Communication Foundations (SCF)• School of Intercessory Prayer (SOIP)• English as a Second Language (ESL)

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27 Aug–10 Sep - North Korean Study Seminar

7 September - Discipleship Training School

15 Sep - School of Communication Foundations, School of Biblical Studies I, School of Intercessory Prayer

15 -20 Nov - Outreaches to Capital Cities

II – 9 Jan–30 Mar -School of Biblical Studies

1 Mar–10 Aug - Korean Discipleship Training School

1 Mar–26 May - Bible Core Course, English as a Second Language, School Of Worship

II – 10 Apr–29 June - School of Biblical Studies

21 July–5 Aug - Olympic Games in London

26 – 30 Sept - Intimacy, Proclamation, Persevering Prayer, Holy Spirit Manifestations (Angela Kraettli - Germany)

3 – 7 Oct - The Kingdom of God, Ruling in the invisible realm (Jacky Kraettli - Switzerland, Germany)

10 – 14 Oct - Prophetic Intercession (Nomie Mills – USA, Sweden)

17 – 21 Oct - Personal Disciplines of the Intercessor (Ina Steyn – South Africa, UK)

24 – 28 Oct - Motivational Gifts, the Holy Spirit & the prophetic & Team Building (Marion Parks – USA, UK)

21 – 25 Nov - Worship (Lotta Stevens - Sweden)

28 Nov – 2 Dec - Heart for the Nations (Mark Erickson – USA, Finland)

26-30 Sept - Public speaking (Helen Wilson – New Zealand)

10-14 Oct - The art of research (Heather Marjoribanks – New Zealand)

31 Oct-4 Nov - Worldview (Tove Poulsen - Danmark)

29 Nov-1 Dec - Communicating God’s word to God’s world (Britt Solvei Oleivsgard - Norway)

5-9 Dec - Identifying your passion/Living out of your strength (Grace Samson-Song - Nigeria)





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Autumn schedule27 Sept - Eivind Frøen

4 Oct - International Market

11 Oct - Nomie Mills - prophetic intercession

18 Oct - Pat Caven

25 Oct - Marion Parks

1 Nov - Dan Bauman

8 Nov - *Not yet scheduled

15 Nov - No meeting

22 Nov - testomonies,worship

29 Nov - Mark Erickson

6 Dec - Grace Song

13 Dec - *Not yet scheduled

* Our schedule is subject to change. Visit our Facebook pro!le - YWAM Restenäs - for more information.

Ungdom med Uppgift Restenäs 239

459 93 Ljungskile Sweden

Tel: +46 (0)522 210 20 Fax: + 46 (0)522 202 45

Email: [email protected]

tĞŝŶǀŝƚĞLJŽƵevery Tuesday evening to our newly renovated aula for a time of amazing worship and great teaching from inter-national speakers, followed by !ka in our cafe. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make it happen.


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YWAM Restenäs

Find us here: zŽƵƚŚtŝƚŚDŝƐƐŝŽŶZĞƐƚĞŶćƐϮϯϵ



Tel +46 (0) 522 [email protected]


• Daily anointing, wisdom, guidance and protection for each sta! and ministry.

• Our sta! serving in Turkey, India, Thailand, Cambodia and China.

• Increased fruitfulness in ministry.• Each of our students to grow in

wisdom and character and "nd their destiny in God.

• More skilled sta! in areas of maintenance and accounting.

• Release of new water & sewer system for Restenäs. Much wisdom and "nances are needed.

We invite you to partner with us through prayer and "nancial giving.

You can become a Restenäs Partner by supporting us with 200 kr or more monthly. As a Restenäs Partner you take an active part in seeing youth set on "re for Jesus, people trained for missions and the work place, sending people to the least reached, Mission Adventures and much more.

If you would like to help us, please see bank information below and contact us.

Every gift, small or big, helps.

Account Holder: UMU/YWAM, Restenäs 239, 459 93 Ljungskile, Sweden

Payments within Sweden: Bankgiro number: 676-7354 or Postgiro number: 896156-7

International Payments: Swedbank, Box 775, 451 26 Uddevalla, Sweden

IBAN: SE1880000836833449408370, SWIFT-address: SWEDSESS
