2011-12-15 rothstein scott am

2931b73d-6819-44d5-a58a-692a89b4049b (954) 525- 2221 United Reporting, Inc. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 09-062943 (07) _____________________________________________________ RAZORBACK FUNDING, LLC, et al., Plaintiffs, vs. SCOTT W. ROTHSTEIN, et al., Defendants. ____________________________________________________ DAY 4 - MORNING SESSION DEPOSITION OF SCOTT W. ROTHSTEIN DATE TAKEN: December 15, 2011 TIME: 8:42 a.m. - 12:09 p.m. PLACE: James Lawrence King Federal Justice Building 99 N.E. Fourth Street Courtroom 11-3 Miami, Florida 33128 Examination of the witness taken before: Michele L. Savoy, Registered Professional Reporter United Reporting, Inc. 1218 S.E. Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 (954) 525-2221

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(954) 525- 2221United Reporting, Inc.


Case No. 09-062943 (07)










DATE TAKEN: December 15, 2011 TIME: 8:42 a.m. - 12:09 p.m. PLACE: James Lawrence King Federal Justice Building 99 N.E. Fourth Street Courtroom 11-3 Miami, Florida 33128

Examination of the witness taken before: Michele L. Savoy, Registered Professional Reporter United Reporting, Inc. 1218 S.E. Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 (954) 525-2221

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3 ____________________________________________________

4 Case No. 10-24110 CACE (19)


6 Plaintiffs,




10 Defendants.

11 _____________________________________________________

12 Case No. 11-CV-61688-JIC/LSS

13 AMY ADAMS, et. al,

14 Plaintiffs,

15 vs.


17 Defendants.

18 _____________________________________________________

19 10-03767-RBR Stettin v. Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust Co.

2011-03802-RBR Stettin v. Fidelity Gift Fund

2111-02368-RBR Stettin v. TD Bank, N.A.





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2 LAW OFFICE OF MARC S. NURIK 1 East Broward Boulevard

3 Suite 700 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301



6 BERGER SINGERMAN 350 East Las Olas Boulevard

7 Suite 1000 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301



10 GENOVESE, JOBLOVE & BATTISTA, P.A. 100 S.E. 2nd Street

11 Suite 4400 Miami, Florida 33131




15 CONRAD & SCHERER, LLP 633 South Federal Highway

16 Eighth Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302



19 KOZYAK, TROPIN & THROCKMORTON, P.A. 2525 Ponce de Leon Boulevard

20 Ninth Floor Coral Gables, Florida 33134






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3 One Biscayne Tower, Suite 3700 Two South Biscayne Boulevard

4 Miami, Florida 33131 By: SUSAN E. TRENCH, ESQUIRE




8 Suite 1200 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-2073



11 AKERMAN, SENTERFITT One Southeast Third Avenue

12 25th Floor Miami, Florida 33131-1704



15 GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. 401 E Las Olas Blvd Ste 2000

16 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 By: DONNA M. EVANS, ESQUIRE



19 CLAUSIN MILLER One Chase Manhattan Plaza

20 39th Floor New York, New York 10005



23 Alex Hofrichter, P.A 1430 South Dixie Highway

24 Suite 204 Coral Gables, Florida 33146-3127


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2 TRIPP SCOTT, P.A. 110 S.E. Sixth Street,15th Floor

3 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 By: GEORGE WALKER, ESQUIRE



6 Kluger Kaplan Silverman Katzen & Levine PL

7 201 S Biscayne Blvd Fl 17 Miami, Florida 33131



10 Mills Paskert Divers P A 100 N Tampa St Ste 2010

11 Tampa, Florida 33602-5145 JOHN A. BLACK, JR., ESQUIRE



14 Billing Cochran Lyles 515 E Las Olas Blvd

15 Floor Six Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-2296











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4 Mr. Cimo 776




8 NO. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO123 Credit Agreement - Banyon 777

9 Investing124 Credit Agreement - Banyon 777

10 Investments125 Credit Agreement - Banyon 777

11 Resources126 Platinum v. Kroll 793

12 127 Platinum v. Kroll Order 827128 "Good Fellows" Email 852

13 129 Radinsky Email 858130 ROTHSTEINS 000940-957 861

14 131 SW13-00735 - 805 868132 PCL56665 - 56666 873

15 133 PCL56811 - 56815 878134 Dec. 25, 2008, Email 897

16 135 Hertzberg Declaration 901136 Email Chain 913

17 137 PCL59074 916138 April 4, 2009, Email 916

18 139 April 8, 2009, Email 921140 April 14, 2009, Email 921

19 141 April 17, 2009, Email 921142 E027088 921

20 143 PCL59319 921144 PCL59402 - 403 921

21 145 Email Chain 921146 May 6, 2009, Email 921

22 147 PLATCENT 0021184 927148 ROTHSTEINS 000931 - 932 931

23 149 PCL 0484 - 0489 932



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1 Whereupon,


3 acknowledged having been duly sworn to tell the truth

4 and testified upon his oath as follows:




8 Q Good morning, Mr. Rothstein, how are you?

9 A Good. Good morning to you.

10 Q David Cimo. I did the 2004 of you with

11 Mr. Lichtman, earlier, in the sessions that we have been

12 doing. As you know, I represent the Trustee Herb

13 Stettin, and I'll be talking to you about the hedge

14 funds that you have previously spoken about but we are

15 going to cover some different areas.

16 First of all, do you know we have a lawsuit

17 pending against the hedge funds on behalf of the

18 estate --

19 COURT REPORTER: Excuse me, can you slow

20 down a little bit?

21 Q -- to recover certain transfers as fraudulent

22 transfers?

23 A Do I know that, yes.


25 Q How did you come to learn about that?

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1 A Somewhere, someone along the line, in the

2 8 million sheets of paper that I looked at, told me that

3 was filed; and I may have actually seen the lawsuit. I

4 don't recall, specifically.

5 Q Do you recall the entities that were involved,

6 the actual names of the entities that were involved

7 regarding Centurion, Platinum, Level 3? Do you remember

8 their specific names?

9 A No, I don't.

10 Q I'm going to show you Exhibits 123, 124, and

11 125 to refresh your memory.

12 (Thereupon, documents was marked as Trustee's

13 Exhibits No. 123, 124 and 125, respectively for

14 identification.)

15 A Thank you.

16 Q I'll represent to you that Exhibit 123 is the

17 Centurion Structured Growth, LLC, credit agreement with

18 Banyon Funding, LLC; have you seen this agreement before

19 today?

20 A No.

21 Q Did you know that there was an agreement

22 between Centurion Structured Growth, LLC, and an entity

23 known as Banyon Funding?

24 A An agreement, yes; a credit agreement, I can't

25 tell you whether I knew one way or another. It was

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1 inconsequential to me.

2 Q Thank you.

3 And for purposes of this deposition, I'm going

4 to refer to Centurion Structured Growth, LLC as

5 Centurion. Is that okay with you?

6 A Yes, sir.

7 Q I'm also going to refer to Banyon Funding LLC

8 as Banyon Funding. Is that acceptable?

9 A Yes, sir.

10 Q I would like you to look at Exhibit 124.

11 A I've got it.

12 Q This is a credit agreement dated June 26,

13 2008. Have you seen this before today?

14 A I have not.

15 Q Did you know that there was some agreement

16 between an entity known as Banyon Investments, LLC, and

17 an entity known as Platinum Partners Value Arbitrage

18 Fund, LP?

19 A Yes.

20 Q How did you come to learn about that?

21 A I discussed it at some point in time with

22 Mr. Preve.

23 Q For purposes of this deposition, I'm going to

24 refer to Banyon Investments as BIF. Is that acceptable

25 to you?

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1 A Yes, sir.

2 Q I'm going to refer to Platinum Partners Value

3 Arbitrage Fund, LP, as Platinum. Is that acceptable to

4 you?

5 A Yes, it is.

6 Q Okay.

7 Oh, I apologize, I'm going to call that Banyon

8 Investments.

9 A That's fine.

10 Q Thank you.

11 And the last exhibit of the three I'm showing

12 you is an Exhibit No. 125, and it's a credit agreement

13 dated September 3rd, 2008, between Banyon Resources,

14 LLC, and an entity known as Level 3 Capital Fund, LP.

15 Do you recall such an agreement existing near

16 or about that date?

17 A I have never seen this document, I don't

18 believe, but I remember there being an agreement of some

19 sort between Banyon and Level 3.

20 Q Okay. And far purposes of this deposition

21 today, I'm going to refer to Banyon Resources, LLC, as

22 Banyon Resources. Is that acceptable?

23 A Yes, sir.

24 Q I'm going to refer to Level 3 Capital Fund,

25 LP, as Level 3. Is that acceptable?

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1 A Yes, sir.

2 Q I'm also going to refer to all three of the

3 entities that I just mentioned on the hedge fund level.

4 That would be Platinum, Centurion, and Level 3, as the

5 hedge funds, is that acceptable?

6 A Yes, sir.

7 Q And I'm going to refer to the Banyon entities

8 that we went through, for purposes of this deposition,

9 unless I say otherwise, as the Banyon entities. Is that

10 acceptable?

11 A Yes, sir.

12 Q When did you first learn about the existence

13 of any one of the hedge funds?

14 A My recollection, it would have been late 2007,

15 sometime in 2008 when Mr. Preve and Mr. Levin told me

16 that they were looking to go for hedge fund dollars, but

17 I don't recall the specific time period.

18 Q Before that time, had there been any

19 discussion with Mr. Preve about any other hedge funds

20 playing some type of role in the investments that you

21 were offering?

22 A There was always talk between me and Mr. Preve

23 about alternative funding sources, other than Mr.

24 Levin's various personal entities. I don't recall

25 whether specifically hedge funds were discussed.

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1 Q Before the hedge funds that we have defined

2 for purposes of this deposition were discussed, that

3 period that you referenced, had any hedge funds been

4 investors in any of the settlements that you were

5 purporting to offer?

6 A And here's the issue with that question.

7 I was under the belief, at the time prior to

8 the hedge funds being involved, that all the money being

9 invested was Mr. Levin's personal funds. I later came

10 to know that at some point in time, he was soliciting

11 other investors, so I can't tell you one way or other

12 whether Mr. Levin took money from a hedge fund

13 unbeknownst to me.

14 But to my knowledge, Centurion, Platinum,

15 Level 3 were the first hedge funds that I had knowledge

16 of investing in the Ponzi scheme.

17 Q When you say Mr. Levin, the Banyon entities

18 that we defined for purposes of this deposition, were

19 those entities that you understood were controlled

20 and/or owned by Mr. Levin?

21 A Yes, as far as I was concerned, they were

22 interchangeable.

23 Q Is it to your testimony that, as to the three

24 Banyon entities that we have defined for purposes of

25 this deposition, that to your knowledge, up until these

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1 hedge funds came along -- Platinum, Centurion and Level

2 3 -- prior to that period, it's your testimony that you

3 don't know whether other hedge funds may have invested

4 through Banyon -- other Banyon entities?

5 A I have no idea who Mr. Levin took money from.

6 Q So, the hedge funds -- Platinum, Centurion and

7 Level 3 -- that did, ultimately, get involved, to your

8 knowledge, those were the first and only hedge funds

9 that you knew were either direct or indirect investors

10 in the structured -- supposed structured settlements?

11 A Up until -- they were never supposed

12 structured settlement, but up until that point in time,

13 they were the first hedge funds to invest in the Ponzi

14 scheme, yes.

15 Q What was the importance, if any, to obtaining

16 hedge-fund money?

17 A For me, it was just another source of money.

18 For Mr. Levin, it was another source of money. For

19 Mr. Preve, it was another source of money. I don't

20 think any of the three of us cared with where it came

21 from, as long as we were getting it.

22 Q And you also testified, I believe, that Mr.

23 Szafranski had certain entities that he had set up that

24 were to also soliciting investors that you did know

25 about, correct?

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1 A Yes. That occurred after the hedge funds,

2 basically, cut us off.

3 Q So this period of time that you mentioned,

4 this 2007, 2008 time period, in what context did you

5 come to learn that there were hedge fund -- that these

6 particular hedge funds had an interest in becoming

7 involved in settlements?

8 A Either Mr. Preve, Mr. Levin, or likely both of

9 them, told me that they were going after some hedge

10 funds to become feeders into our settlement business and

11 that eventually we would likely have to go meet with

12 him.

13 Q And, ultimately, did you come to contact any

14 of them or meet with any of them directly, before any

15 investments were made?

16 A Before any investments were made, I believe

17 that is when it was, I actually flew to New York with

18 Mr. Preve -- I don't believe Mr. Levin was on that

19 trip -- to meet with the various hedge fund folks.

20 Q I want to go back to Exhibit 123, which is the

21 April 3rd, 2008, credit agreement; and to your

22 recollection, was Centurion the first of the hedge fund

23 to become an investor?

24 A To my recollection, it was -- yes. Centurion

25 was the very first.

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1 Q And then I would like you to look at Exhibit

2 No. 124, which is the June 26th, 2008, credit agreement.

3 Does this refresh your memory as to whether Platinum was

4 the second hedge fund to invest?

5 A Yeah, I -- for some reason, in my mind,

6 Centurion and Platinum were basically the -- for lack of

7 a better term, pitched together, and Level 3 came along

8 later in time.

9 But, yes, it seems to me Centurion was

10 primary; Platinum, second in line; and Level 3, third.

11 Q And, indeed, Exhibit No. 125, the credit

12 agreement November 3rd, 2008, between Banyan Resources

13 and Level 3 is, in fact, the latest of the three?

14 A That's correct.

15 Q Now, in terms of this meeting that you said

16 was arranged, that meeting did occur in New York?

17 A It did.

18 Q And do you know whether it occurred before or

19 after April 3rd of 2008, which is the date of Exhibit

20 123?

21 A I have no specific recollection.

22 Q And who was in attendance at that meeting?

23 A Well, let me tell you to the best of my

24 recollection: I was there. Mr. Preve was there; Mayer

25 Nordlicht, Mark Nordlicht, was in and out of meeting.

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1 If I recall correctly, Ari Glass I believe was in and

2 out of meeting; Gillad Kalter, same thing, in and out of

3 the meeting; Jack Simony.

4 There were some other folks that I met that

5 were wandering in and out of meeting. It was -- it was

6 a very informal meeting. There was no formal structure

7 to it. People were kind of wandering in and out of

8 conference room. We were shaking hands, answering

9 questions.

10 Q Before this meeting, had you ever heard of

11 Mr. Mark Nordlicht?

12 A I may have heard the name from Mr. Preve in

13 preparing me for the meeting, but I didn't know who he

14 was, no.

15 Q Did Mr. Preve or anyone provide you any

16 information about Mr. Mark Nordlicht before this

17 meeting?

18 A The only information that I was provided by

19 Mr. Preve about any of these guys is that they were good

20 guys and he thought we would get along well with them,

21 but that was basically the extent of it.

22 Q And you conducted no independent due diligence

23 in regard to any of these individuals before the meeting

24 in New York?

25 A No, sir.

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1 Q Did Mr. Nordlicht go by another first name, in

2 addition to Mark?

3 A Yeah. His real first name, Mayer.

4 Q M-A-Y-E-R, Mayer?

5 A Yeah, I believe it was M-A-Y-E-R. Yes.

6 Q And you also mentioned at that meeting, in

7 addition to Mr. Nordlicht, you mentioned a Mr. Glass;

8 that would be Ari Glass, correct?

9 A Yes.

10 Q And who did Mr. Glass represent to you he was

11 with or what entity he was with when you met him?

12 A I have no recollection. I ultimately learned

13 that he was part and parcel of Platinum and, then, Level

14 3. I don't recall whether he had direct, let's say,

15 formal business with Centurion.

16 But you need to know, as you're asking this,

17 and to make your questions easier, that as far as I was

18 told, and as far as we were concerned, all the guys all

19 worked together; and it was a matter of the type of

20 product and the type of money they were getting that

21 determined who was the actual hedge fund investing, as

22 opposed to who the person was. I could speak to Ari

23 about Platinum business, Nordlicht about Ari's business,

24 et cetera; and, ultimately, all the decisions were being

25 made by Mr. Huberfeld anyway. So...

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1 (Mr. Nurik enters the deposition in progress.)

2 MR. CIMO: And for the record Mr. Nurik

3 has arrived, and Mr. Rothstein was kind enough

4 to let us start.

5 MR. NURIK: That's fine. I apologize. I

6 had a matter this morning in the office and

7 the extra 20 minutes made all the difference

8 from the traffic. So, if that should happen

9 again, you all have my permission, with my

10 client's permission, of course, to begin

11 early.

12 MR. CIMO: Thank you so much. He did say

13 he was comfortable to proceed with the

14 Trustee's counsel asking questions.


16 Q As a follow-up, Mr. Rothstein, Mr. Nordlicht,

17 then, also didn't make any representations to you as to

18 which entity or entities he was there on behalf of?

19 ALL PRESENT: Objection to the form.

20 A No, I don't have any specific recollection as

21 to that.


23 Q I'll rephrase.

24 Based upon your testimony that you didn't make

25 any distinction between and among the entities I was

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1 just asking you about, what representations, if any,

2 Mr. Nordlicht made to you regarding which entities he

3 was there on behalf of?

4 A None that I recall.

5 Q Now, you mentioned Mr. Nordlicht, Mr. Glass,

6 Mr. Kalter, and Mr. Simony, and then you just mentioned

7 another gentlemen named Mr. Huberfeld. You didn't

8 mention him as being a person at this meeting in New

9 York. Was he in there?

10 A No.

11 Q Who is Mr. Huberfeld?

12 A To my knowledge, because I never met the man,

13 nor have I ever spoken to him, he is the most senior

14 person over all three of the entities we're discussing:

15 Platinum, Level 3, and Centurion. He was the one with

16 the final say as to all their business.

17 Q How did you come to learn that?

18 A I was told that by Ari Glass, by Mark

19 Nordlicht, by Jack Simony and by Gil Kalter, all at

20 different times -- also told that by Mr. Preve and Mr.

21 Levin.

22 Q Let's go now to Mr. Kalter. You said he was

23 as the meeting, and what representations, if any, did he

24 make to you about who he was there on behalf of?

25 A My recollection, and I -- the problem is I

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1 don't know whether it came from that meeting or not; but

2 the only recollection I have as to who Gil was working

3 for, was Centurion. He seemed to be one of the very few

4 people that was directly isolated to a company, and I

5 believe it was Centurion.

6 Q And other than that, again, let's try to stick

7 with just this initial meeting with Mr. Kalter, did you

8 come to learn anything more about Mr. Kalter or his

9 background at that initial meeting?

10 A I think someone told me he was a lawyer, at

11 some point in time; but other than that, no.

12 Q Now let's talk about Mr. Simony. What did you

13 come to learn, if anything, about his background at this

14 meeting?

15 A About Mr. Simony, nothing, just that they

16 worked for all the funds.

17 Q Now, you said Mr. Nordlicht was in and out of

18 the meeting?

19 A As -- to the best of my recollection, they

20 were all in and out. It was a very informal meeting.

21 Everyone was kind of wandering in and out, getting

22 coffee, getting water, shaking hands, very informal.

23 Q Where was the meeting conducted?

24 A In the conference room of what I believe, at

25 that time, was the offices of all three hedge funds, in

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1 the -- I believe it was the Carnegie building.

2 Q And how long did the meeting last?

3 A I don't have an independent recollection.

4 Q And other than yourself, Mr. Preve, you said

5 Mr. Levin was there, too?

6 A No, I don't think Mr. Levin went with us.

7 Q So, you -- it was you, Mr. Preve,

8 Mr. Nordlicht, Mr. Glass, Mr. Kalter, Mr. Simony, anyone

9 else?

10 A There definitely were other people that came

11 in and out; I have no independent recollection at this

12 moment who they were.

13 Q I'm trying to understand. I have shown you

14 Exhibits 123, 124, and 125. They are agreements between

15 the hedge funds and Banyon entities. Why isn't there a

16 Banyon representative at that meeting -- I'm talking an

17 officer or director of Banyon -- if you know?

18 A I don't have a clue. I always assumed

19 Mr. Preve was Banyon's representative.

20 Q Oh, did you understand Mr. Preve to be an

21 officer or director or some control person of Banyon, if

22 you know?

23 A Those are two completely different questions.

24 Was he an officer and director, not to my knowledge.

25 Was he a control person, he seemed to act the full

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1 authority of Mr. Levin at all times.

2 Q Understood.

3 And was there ever discussion on Mr. Levin

4 being at that meeting?

5 A There may have been, but George rarely

6 attended any of our meetings, and he -- it was more

7 one-on-one stuff with him. Occasionally he would drop

8 in. Even later on, when we were doing due diligence,

9 George did not attend very much.

10 Q When you say "George," you mean George Levin?

11 A I do.

12 Q And Mr. Levin, how long had you known him

13 before this meeting happened with the hedge funds?

14 A I don't remember when I met him. I know the

15 event that I -- that was our first real sit-down talk.

16 I had met him through a friend, client of mine, Howard

17 Gruverman.

18 Q And did you develop a friendship with

19 Mr. Levin?

20 A Yes, very close.

21 Q And up to this point where you met with the

22 hedge funds, how long, approximately, had you known Mr.

23 Levin?

24 A I don't know. It was months.

25 Q Oh, just months?

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1 A I think it was just months. I really don't

2 have an independent recollection.

3 Q And before this meeting with the hedge funds,

4 had any other Banyon entity provided any financing or

5 funds to any of your investments?

6 A I don't recall whether it was a Banyon entity

7 or whether it was Mr. Levin, personally, or one -- one

8 of the other entities.

9 Mr. Preve and I never really -- in our

10 conversations, we didn't concern ourselves with where

11 the money was coming from, just that the money was

12 coming.

13 Q So, is it your recollection that there had

14 been some deals with Mr. Levin, or Levin-related

15 entities, before this hedge fund meeting?

16 A Before the hedge fund -- yes, there were. You

17 can -- notwithstanding my lack of knowledge as to

18 timing, my remembering the exact timing, you can figure

19 out when I met Mr. Levin, which was one of your

20 questions, by saying it was a very short period of time,

21 meaning a few months, prior to his very first investment

22 with me. So the very first time he sent me money, I

23 would have met him very shortly before that; and it

24 would have been directly after -- his first deal with us

25 would have been directly after a trip he took with me to

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1 Cape Coral.

2 Q Would it be fair to say that Preve and

3 Mr. Levin were the ones that had made this introduction

4 by you to these hedge funds for this meeting in New

5 York?

6 A Absolutely.

7 Q And without them, you would not have known

8 about the hedge funds?

9 A That's correct.

10 Q Okay. So, after that initial meeting, what

11 happened next, in terms of moving forward?

12 A To the best of my recollection, we -- they did

13 some due diligence. They asked for information. I

14 provided whatever information Mr. Preve was asking me

15 for, for them; and they started funding deals.

16 Q I'm going to show you now what is going to be

17 marked as Exhibit 126 -- I'm sorry, 127. No, 126.

18 (Thereupon, the document was marked as

19 Trustee's Exhibit No. 126 for Identification.)


21 Q I'll represent to you, Mr. Rothstein, that

22 this is a lawsuit that was filed by Platinum Partners

23 Value Arbitrage Fund against Kroll Associates, Inc., and

24 Kroll, Inc. --

25 A Okay.

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1 Q -- in the Supreme Court of New York?

2 Were you aware at some point, after you were

3 incarcerated, that a lawsuit had been filed by Platinum

4 against Kroll?

5 A Yes.

6 Q How did you come to learn about it?

7 A During one of my many meetings over the last

8 two years, someone brought it up.

9 Q You mentioned that the fund -- the hedge

10 funds, quote, did due diligence; do you recall that?

11 A Sure. Yes.

12 Q Now, let's talk about the due diligence that

13 you were aware of first, before we get to Exhibit No.

14 126.

15 What due diligence did you come to learn of,

16 not after the fact, but that you came to learn of in or

17 about April, May, June of 2008?

18 A Just them asking questions of Mr. Preve and I

19 about our business model.

20 Q Was there any documentation or records

21 provided?

22 A Did we provide records?

23 Q Yes.

24 A We may have provided deal packets. I don't

25 know what status our deal packets were even at at that

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1 point in time. I don't know whether Frank and I had

2 created the purchase of transfer agreements, the

3 assignment documents. I don't recall, document-wise,

4 what documents were even available at that time; but

5 whatever we had, I'm certain that, we did provide.

6 Q And I'm trying to understand who, to your

7 recollection, was doing the due diligence? Was it the

8 Banyon entities, or was it the hedge funds or both?

9 A No. To my knowledge, it was someone at the

10 hedge funds. It was -- it wasn't like Platinum was

11 doing due diligence and Centurion was doing due

12 diligence or Level 3 was doing due diligence. It was --

13 as far as I was concerned, and from my conversations

14 with Mr. Preve, it appeared that the hedge funds were

15 doing due diligence; but it was -- it appeared to me to

16 be very limited.

17 Q And why do you say that?

18 A I have done due diligence before for clients,

19 and usually outside forensics people are hired, that

20 type of thing; books and records are examined,

21 accountants involved. There was none of that. It was

22 the hedge funds looking at our stuff.

23 What they were doing behind closed doors,

24 don't get me wrong, I don't know what they were doing.

25 Q Were they invited to your offices in Fort

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1 Lauderdale?

2 A I believe they were.

3 Q And did you show them around?

4 A Can you give me a time frame?

5 Q This would be April 2008 through June of 2008?

6 A Okay. Was it before their first investment?

7 Q Their first investment appears to be in April

8 of 2008, based upon Exhibit 123.

9 A I don't recall, other than answering a lot of

10 questions -- they did ask a lot of questions. Other

11 than answering a lot of their questions, I don't recall

12 any other kind of due diligence going on. I have no

13 specific recollection of it.

14 Q When you say "they," who was the "they" that

15 was asking you questions?

16 A It would have been Jack Simony, Gil Kalter,

17 Mr. Nordlicht, to a much more limited extent, and I

18 don't remember whether --

19 Oh, you know what? At that meeting I met

20 Brian Jedwab, also. I believe it was that meeting. It

21 might have been a second meeting.

22 Q So at an initial meeting -- it may not have

23 been the first meeting -- in addition to the four

24 gentlemen you mentioned earlier from the hedge funds,

25 you think you also may have met Brian Jedwab?

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1 A Yes. I definitely met him sometime early on,

2 and he was also doing, as best as I can recall, due

3 diligence.

4 You have to understand, I don't mean to seem

5 like I don't have specific memory of it, but it was a

6 very -- again, it was a very informal process:

7 Different people calling, different people asking

8 questions. I'm giving documents to Mr. Preve who was,

9 to the best of my knowledge, sending the documents off

10 to them. Mr. Preve and I were discussing issues that

11 they had and coming up with responses.

12 That's the process. It wasn't like we were

13 filling out forms and responding to forensics people.

14 Q And Mr. Jedwab, did he ever represent to you

15 or did you ever come to learn which hedge fund entity he

16 was related to?

17 A I think that someone told me that his main

18 association was Centurion. I do remember me thinking at

19 some point in time his main association was Platinum. I

20 remember him coming to Fort Lauderdale with Ari Glass on

21 behalf of Level 3. So I have nothing but complete

22 confusion as to who, exactly, Mr. Jedwab worked for.

23 Q Other than yourself and direct conversations

24 that were had with you -- and was there anyone else at

25 the Rothstein firm or affiliated with you, that was

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1 assisting in the due diligence?

2 A Debra Villegas.

3 Q What did she do?

4 A Helped us with documents, helped us with

5 files, anything I needed her to do. Other than

6 meet-and-greets, no. When they came to the office to

7 meet people, no, no one else was assisting in the due

8 diligence. I don't think I introduced them to any of

9 our bankers at that point in time.

10 Q Now, at this point, the Ponzi scheme is in

11 full swing, isn't it, April 2008?

12 ALL PRESENT: Object to the form.


14 Q Let me rephrase.

15 What was the status of your Ponzi scheme that

16 you have pled guilty to, as of April of 2008?

17 A How many deals has George invested in by this

18 date; do you know?

19 Q I can't tell you.

20 A You know, "full swing" is such a vague term.

21 Q I'll rephrase it. I'm going to retract "full

22 swing."

23 A Okay.

24 Q Was there any component of your Ponzi scheme

25 in effect when you had your initial meeting in New York?

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1 A Yes.

2 Q What was going on at this point?

3 A I was doing deals with Mr. Levin. There were

4 deals with the Morses.

5 Q Phony deals?

6 A All -- any time I say "deals," unless I'm

7 talking about purchasing of the businesses that we were

8 laundering money through, I'm talking about phony deals.

9 The settlement deals were all phony.

10 Q And did you have an intention to do phony

11 deals in relation to these hedge funds?

12 A Yes, sir.

13 Q It was not your intention to do any legitimate

14 deals?

15 A No, sir.

16 Q So, in regard to this due diligence that's

17 being done -- and you used the term "limited." You said

18 it was limited due diligence, correct?

19 A By my definition, it was extremely limited.

20 Q And you did not receive any phone call from

21 any outside accounting firm?

22 A Not to my knowledge, no.

23 Q And other than the individuals that you

24 mentioned, Mr. Jedwab and the others from Platinum,

25 Centurion or Level, 3 were there any other people that

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1 visited your offices at RRA, "RRA" meaning the Rothstein

2 firm?

3 A From the hedge funds, not that I recall.

4 Q Now, let's go to Exhibit No. 126.

5 And I would like to turn your attention to one

6 of the attachments to this lawsuit, which is Exhibit A.

7 It's about 20, 30 pages in. It's page 20, actually; and

8 you'll see it's a letter dated May 14th, 2008, in which

9 Kroll is being retained jointly by the Troutman Sanders

10 Law Firm and by Platinum Partners Value Arbitrage Fund,

11 LP.

12 Have you seen this document before today?

13 A Hold on. I have to see it first before I tell

14 you whether I've seen it before.

15 Q It's --

16 MR. NURIK: What is the page number

17 again?

18 MR. CIMO: Just go to page 20 of the

19 complaint, Mr. Nurik, and then Exhibit A.

20 MR. NURIK: Okay. There it is.


22 Q Have you seen this retention letter, three

23 pages, before today?

24 A No, sir.

25 Q Okay. Did you ever come to learn at any point

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1 while this due diligence was being conducted that one of

2 the hedge funds had hired Kroll?

3 A I have no specific recollection of that.

4 Q And did you come to learn at any point after

5 you were incarcerated that Kroll had been retained?

6 A Yes.

7 Q And how did you come to learn that?

8 A Again, in one of my many meetings it came up.

9 I don't know.

10 Q Now, there's a law firm mentioned, Troutman

11 and Sanders. Had you ever heard of that law firm before

12 today?

13 A Before today, sure.

14 Q And did you know about them before you were

15 incarcerated?

16 A I did.

17 Q And how did you come to learn about that firm?

18 A I had had contact with this -- I don't know

19 how to say his last name. Bourguigon. Bourguigon.

20 Whatever his name is. Robert, from Troutman Sanders. I

21 had contact with him.

22 Q This is before you met any of the hedge fund

23 people?

24 A I thought you said before I was incarcerated.

25 Q Yes. But -- before this initial meeting in

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1 New York.

2 A No, no, no --

3 Q With the hedge funds.

4 A Timing-wise, after the initial meeting, before

5 the Ponzi exploded, earlier on I had conversations with

6 Mr. Robert Bourguigon of Troutman Sanders.

7 Q What did you discuss with him?

8 A I don't have a specific recollection but it

9 was deal-related questions. My understanding from

10 Mr. Preve and from Mr. Bourguigon was that he was the

11 hedge fund's attorney and that he was doing -- helping

12 prepare documents and the like.

13 I also recall that at some point in time we

14 had back and forth between Mr. Preve and him and then me

15 and Mr. Preve and him on coming up with language for

16 certain documents.

17 Q Did anyone from that firm contact you as part

18 of any due diligence being conducted by the hedge funds?

19 A I don't have specific recollection of that,

20 no.

21 Q I'd like you to now turn to Exhibit B.

22 And would it be fair to say you didn't see

23 this report of investigation until after you were

24 incarcerated?

25 A Actually --

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1 MR. SCHERER: Objection to form.

2 A -- I don't think I've seen it until today.


4 Q Oh, good. Okay. So you -- do you know there

5 was some report done by Kroll but you didn't see it

6 until before today?

7 A I actually thought that there were multiple

8 reports done by Kroll but I haven't seen them.

9 Q All right. Let's look at Exhibit --

10 A I didn't see anything that's dated this early

11 until today.

12 Q All right. Let's go to Exhibit D. Here. I

13 would like you to turn to go past the table of contents.

14 A Okay.

15 Q And it says "Kroll was retained." After the

16 table of contents, it says "scope of investigation." It

17 says "Kroll was retained by Troutman Sanders, LLP, to

18 conduct an investigation of Scott Rothstein."

19 And it's your testimony that you didn't know

20 that anyone was hired to conduct an investigation of

21 you --

22 A That's correct.

23 Q -- before you were incarcerated?

24 A I don't have an independent recollection of

25 that, no.

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1 Q And you also didn't come to learn that also

2 members of your law firm were going to be investigated,

3 too?

4 A No, sir.

5 Q And you also didn't know about the fact that

6 George Levin, Gayla Levin, Frank Preve were also going

7 to be investigated?

8 ALL PRESENT: Object to the form.

9 A I have don't have any independent recollection

10 of anyone telling me that they were doing that, no.


12 Q And, again, this is all before October of

13 2009.

14 A Yes.

15 Q And it also is your testimony you weren't

16 aware of any investigation by Kroll or any other entity

17 doing due diligence for the hedge funds, that Banyon

18 Funding, LLC, and Banyon 1030-32 also would be

19 investigated?

20 ALL PRESENT: Object to form.

21 A I don't have a specific memory of that, no,

22 sir.


24 Q Now, had Kroll contacted your law firm, would

25 you have known that?

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1 A If an investigative agency contacted my law

2 firm, I can assure you I would have known about it.

3 Q And you don't have any recollection of any

4 contact by Kroll?

5 A I have no specific recollection of it, no.

6 Q Then there's the executive summary on page 2,

7 and it says, "Chief among the objectives of the

8 assignment were: Determine whether Rothstein Rosenfeldt

9 Adler was legal counsel in lawsuits, which in number and

10 cause amounted to the actual or potential award of

11 settlement of at least tens of millions of dollars."

12 Were there ever any lawsuits that you settled

13 in the tens of millions of dollars in your entire legal

14 career?

15 A No, sir.

16 Q Did the public records of any county anywhere

17 in the country reflect that you had any lawsuits that

18 had settled for tens of millions of dollars?

19 A You know, I -- I don't think tens of millions,

20 no, sir.

21 Q While you were a lawyer, before you were

22 disbarred, had your firm ever filed any lawsuit

23 regarding employment discrimination or similar claim in

24 which the demand was in the tens of millions of dollars?

25 A Actually, in the written document?

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1 Q Yes.

2 A No, sir.

3 Q Filed at the court?

4 A I don't believe so, sir, no.

5 Q Go now to the portion where it says "pending

6 or recently settled Rothstein Rosenfeldt & Adler

7 lawsuits." And I'd ask you now to read underneath that

8 and tell me whether -- what you just testified about is

9 consistent with Kroll's findings underneath that

10 subsection.

11 A All right. Just give me one second.

12 That appears to be consistent, yes.

13 Q And I'm going to read one portion of it, where

14 it says, quote, The large majority of these suits, which

15 was the ones that Kroll found, were automobile injury or

16 other negligence cases."

17 Is that the kind of work your firm was doing?

18 A In 2007, 2008, there was a lot of automobile

19 work, and my recollection -- I don't know if they were

20 in suit or not. My recollection is we had a fair amount

21 of employment-related lawsuits going on as well. I

22 don't recall filed, not filed, where filed.

23 Q And then it says, "Which by their content did

24 not appear to warrant settlements amounting to total

25 awards of $100 million."

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1 A That would be accurate.

2 Q It says, "Additionally, Kroll did not identify

3 any wrongful death or massive tort claims leading to a

4 possible large settlement."

5 Was that consistent with what your law firm

6 was doing?

7 A Yeah. The only large awards that the firm

8 ever got during its existence were ones that were not

9 collectible.

10 Q Let's go now to the next paragraph. It says,

11 "Kroll's review of media involving Rothstein Rosenfeldt

12 & Adler only identified two published articles reporting

13 that the law firm settled cases for amounts in excess of

14 a million dollars."

15 Then if you go to the next page, it defines

16 the Thigpin lawsuit and it identifies the United

17 Healthcare lawsuit.

18 Those are not tens of millions of dollars

19 lawsuits, though?

20 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

21 A No, sir.


23 Q I'm sorry? Your answer is yes -- let me

24 rephrase.

25 Did those lawsuits involve tens of millions of

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1 dollars of awards for settlements?

2 A They did not.

3 Q Did anyone ever ask you -- irrespective of

4 this Kroll report making these findings, did anyone at

5 the hedge funds ever ask you why there appeared to be a

6 dearth of, at least, filed cases, regarding your law

7 firm's efforts?

8 A At some point in time, somebody, I don't

9 remember whether it was Mr. Preve or someone from the

10 hedge funds, inquired about filed cases and I simply

11 said, That's the whole point: These are not filed

12 cases.

13 Q Meaning that the way you get them settled is

14 by basically saying you're going to file it but the

15 defendant then does a confidential settlement that

16 prevents it from being filed?

17 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

18 A The pitch was --


20 Q Let me rephrase my question. What was the

21 pitch? What was the pitch?

22 A The pitch was, we approached the defendant,

23 the potential defendant, to settle the case before we

24 filed, to avoid negative publicity. So by its very

25 nature, they appeared to be looking for the wrong thing.

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1 Q Given the fact there was no filed cases, was

2 there any solution that anyone recommended or suggested

3 to verify the existence of these settlements?

4 A Not that I recall, sir.

5 Q Was there a Michael Szafranski that was

6 ultimately -- that ultimately became involved to

7 purportedly verify the existence of any settlements?

8 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.


10 Q What role, if any, did Michael Szafranski play

11 in regard to the settlements?

12 A He was hired, to my understanding, by the

13 hedge funds to be what we called a third-party verifier.

14 Q And whose idea was it to hire Mr. Szafranski;

15 if you know?

16 A The hedge funds and specifically Gillad

17 Kalter.

18 Q And what relationship, if any, did Mr. Kalter

19 have to Michael Szafranski?

20 A My understanding was that they were childhood

21 friends.

22 Q So it's your testimony that Mr. Szafranski was

23 suggested by the funds to become an independent verifier

24 by one of the childhood friends of one of the hedge

25 funds?

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1 A Correct.

2 Q And was the term "independent verifier"

3 actually used? "Independent verifier"?

4 A Yes.

5 Q Did you believe that Mr. Szafranski was an

6 independent verifier?

7 A He didn't appear to me to be independent.

8 But --

9 Q You didn't care?

10 A No. He's --

11 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

12 A He's who they gave us and that's who we

13 ultimately accepted.


15 Q Let's rephrase the question to get around the

16 objection to form.

17 What conclusion did you reach, if any, as to

18 whether Mr. Szafranski was a truly independent verifier?

19 A That he wasn't independent.

20 Q Why not?

21 A Because of his relationship with Mr. Kalter,

22 and ultimately his relationship with me.

23 Q And what relationship did Mr. Szafranski have

24 with you?

25 A He ultimately became part of the Ponzi scheme.

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1 Q And you were a lawyer for many years. Did you

2 ever hire anybody to independently audit or review any

3 of your firms' business functions or financial

4 statements?

5 A That's -- you used the word "independent."

6 Q Independent.

7 A I hired accountants, like Tracy Weintraub from

8 Berenfeld Spritzer. But during the point that we were

9 conducting criminal activity, I never hired anyone who

10 would fall within the heading of truly independent.

11 Q Yes.

12 And was it important -- what -- how important

13 was it to you, if at all, that Michael Szafranski not be

14 independent?

15 A It was important --

16 ALL PRESENT: Object to form.

17 A It was important to me that he be malleable.


19 Q Did you need him to be a player?

20 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

21 A I was hoping that he would be. Did I need him

22 to be? I needed him to be capable of -- initially

23 capable of being fooled.

24 Ultimately, it turned out -- I wasn't counting

25 on it -- but ultimately it turned out that he was not

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1 only extremely malleable but was extremely greedy, as

2 were the rest of the people involved in the Ponzi

3 scheme.


5 Q What was your reaction, if any, when Michael

6 Szafranski, a childhood friend of Mr. Kolter, gets

7 proposed by these supposed sophisticated hedge funds, to

8 be the independent verifier for the settlements?

9 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

10 A I have to give you --


12 Q Wait. Stop.

13 MR. CIMO: What's wrong with the

14 question, Counsel?

15 ALL PRESENT: Supposed sophisticated

16 investors." There's no predicate for him to

17 know that.


19 Q Let's rephrase the question and let's go back

20 a little bit, Mr. Rothstein.

21 A Okay.

22 Q These hedge funds, tell me what you learned

23 about them while you were transacting with them -- doing

24 transactions with them through Banyon entities?

25 A That's a very broad question, Mr. Cimo.

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1 Q What did you learn?

2 A I learned that they were good guys. I learned

3 that a lot of them were players. I learned that -- I

4 mean, you're asking such a poor question. I learned

5 they had nice families. They liked to go out and drink

6 with me. They liked to go to strip clubs.

7 There's a whole myriad of things and there

8 were different personalities for each of the players.

9 Q Let's talk about the funds themselves. What

10 did you learn about these hedge funds and what they were

11 doing with the money that they were taking from

12 investors?

13 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.


15 Q Let me rephrase the question. What did you

16 learn the function was of these hedge funds, if

17 anything?

18 A To make money.

19 Q And is that what you thought hedge funds do?

20 A Yes.

21 Q Okay. So did you believe that these were

22 legitimate hedge funds making money?

23 A When I first started doing business with them,

24 yes.

25 Q Did you come to think later -- changing that

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1 opinion?

2 A I later believed that they were part

3 legitimate, part -- let's say not so legitimate.

4 Q And what conclusions did you reach, if any, as

5 to what part was not legitimate?

6 A As I was discussing yesterday during

7 testimony, there are certain people within the hedge

8 funds that I believed, based upon my knowledge, were

9 legitimate. Straight. There were other people who were

10 less than legitimate. There were people who I believe

11 had knowledge of the Ponzi that we were involved in.

12 There were people that I believed had no knowledge or --

13 let me restate that. There were people I believed

14 figured out that we were involved in some type of fraud

15 that ultimately decided to just let it go. There were

16 other people who were pushing to get rid of us.

17 Q We'll talk about that later but for now I'll

18 give you an example. Did you come to learn whether

19 Platinum, for example, or any affiliates of Platinum was

20 part of the group that was touted as being one of the

21 most successful hedge funds in the country --

22 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.


24 Q -- at any time?

25 A I did.

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1 Q How did you come to learn that?

2 A Mark Nordlicht told me and so did Mr. Preve.

3 Q And did you come to learn that when Centurion

4 and Level 3 were acting as hedge funds, that they were

5 supposedly acting as legitimate hedge funds?

6 ALL PRESENT: Objection to the form.

7 A Yes.


9 Q And did you know whether or not there was

10 actually reports in the media about what these hedge

11 funds were doing?

12 A I later came to learn that there was -- doing

13 my own research, actually, after having a conversation

14 with Mr. Nordlicht, that some of the people involved in

15 the hedge funds had been involved in fraudulent activity

16 or allegedly fraudulent activity.

17 Q And how did you come to learn that?

18 A Doing my own research.

19 Q And --

20 A And also speaking to Mr. Nordlicht and

21 Mr. Preve.

22 Q Who did you come to learn was involved in

23 fraudulent activity?

24 A Mr. Huberfeld and Mr. Nordlicht.

25 Q And what did you learn specifically about

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1 those individuals?

2 A I learned that Mr. Huberfeld had been involved

3 in some type of fraud. He was involved in being in --

4 one of the things was being involved in some government

5 tests with some fake IDs.

6 There was something else involving the SEC

7 where he was banned from doing something and I don't

8 remember the technical language that was used.

9 I learned that Mr. Nordlicht and some of his

10 partners were involved in a large piece of litigation

11 called the "Optionable Litigation," involving all kinds

12 of allegations of fraud.

13 Q And when did you learn this before October of

14 2009, if at all?

15 A It was different points in time. I learned

16 about the Huberfeld fraud fairly early on, because when

17 I was trying to understand why Murray was -- Murray

18 Huberfeld was calling the shots but never seemed to be

19 available to us. We used to joke around and call -- say

20 he was the Wizard of Oz; he was the man behind the

21 curtain. He was pulling all the strings but no one ever

22 got to see him.

23 Q And you felt there was a nexus between that

24 activity and him not being one of the people that you

25 would meet with?

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1 ALL PRESENT: Object to form.

2 A Mr. Preve and I discussed that. There was,

3 much later on, a private meeting that we discussed

4 yesterday, briefly, between Mr. Nordlicht and I when

5 everything was exploding where it became much clearer to

6 me Mr. Nordlicht's familiarity with fraud.


8 Q Had another verifier been appointed instead of

9 Michael Szafranski, for example, a partner, at a big

10 four or big six accounting firm. What effect, if any,

11 would that have had on your decision to do any type of

12 transactions with the hedge funds?

13 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

14 A I would have objected profusely to doing

15 business with him.


17 Q Why?

18 A Because I did not believe that our fraud was

19 sophisticated enough to get past a big-four type

20 accounting person who didn't want to be gotten past.

21 It's not to take away from any intelligence of anyone

22 who was looking at it but the people grouped.

23 Q And apart from the activities that you came to

24 learn, that you described as fraudulent regarding the

25 individuals associated with the funds, did you always

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1 believe throughout the entire time you dealt with the

2 hedge funds that these were actual legitimate hedge

3 funds with investors that were investing in these

4 enterprises?

5 A Yes.

6 Q You never understood those hedge funds to be

7 operating any separate Ponzi scheme?

8 A No, sir.

9 Q Okay. So when I asked you that question, I

10 wanted to ask you what your reaction was when the friend

11 of Mr. Kolter was appointed as the independent verifier.

12 A The first conversation that I recollect having

13 about that, was with Mr. Preve. And he was asking me

14 what I thought. And I said, "We're good to go. He's

15 milk toast. And the name stuck, actually. You can

16 probably see it in the few dozen e-mails where we're

17 referring to "what is milk toast doing." It wasn't

18 meant to be derogatory, it was just -- well, I guess it

19 was really derogatory, but it was meant in a -- it was

20 meant the way I would be as a, quote/unquote, wise ass,

21 that he was milk toast. He was just not going to be a

22 problem for us.

23 Q Okay. And when you use the term "milk toast,"

24 if you could describe to the fact finder, whether it be

25 a judge or a jury, what you meant by that term.

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1 A Yes. Milk toast means like vanilla. He

2 doesn't ask a lot of questions. He was -- it wasn't

3 that he was not emotional. He got emotional when he got

4 upset about something going wrong or someone was

5 aggravating him. But he was -- he just kind of accepted

6 things the way they were. Very vanilla.

7 "Mike, this is the balance."

8 "Okay, this is the balance."

9 "Mike, these are the wires."

10 "Okay, these are the wires."

11 "Mike, these plaintiffs signed these

12 documents."

13 "Okay, the plaintiffs signed the documents."

14 Q Milk toast?

15 A Yes. I don't know any other way to describe

16 it.

17 He wasn't very inquisitive.

18 Q At some point did you also consider him to be

19 a mushroom?

20 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

21 THE WITNESS: A mushroom?


23 Q Did you ever refer --

24 A I don't think I called him a mushroom. I

25 think Frank may have called him a mushroom.

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1 Q Really?

2 A Just because -- yeah.

3 Q Why did Frank refer to him as a mushroom?

4 A Whoever referred to him as a mushroom, it was

5 that we're just going to leave him in the dark and dump

6 shit on him, excuse my language.

7 MR. LICHTMAN: Does that mean he is

8 kosher?

9 THE WITNESS: Actually, he was kosher.

10 Yes.

11 MR. SCHERER: That was Lichtman making

12 that response.


14 Q But it's your testimony, at some point the

15 mushroom -- the person who is a vanilla, milk toast,

16 who's also a mushroom, turns into a co-conspirator in

17 your Ponzi scheme.

18 Is that your testimony, sir?

19 A Yes.

20 Q Let's go back to the Exhibit No. 126.

21 They then do an analysis regarding your

22 individual property ownership and they identify multiple

23 high-end real estate purchases by you, but they point

24 out that -- that you're holding mortgages in excess of

25 $10 million. I'm on page 3, by the way, of the Kroll

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1 report.

2 Do you see that?

3 A Yes.

4 Q Did you, in fact, own these properties in this

5 report?

6 A Yes.

7 Q And why were they burdened with over

8 $10 million in mortgages if you were doing so well in

9 your practice?

10 A Free up cash.

11 Q And what did you need cash for?

12 A Ponzi scheme and my lifestyle and the

13 lifestyle of my partners.

14 Q I want you now to go to the bottom part where

15 it talks about the real estate and it says, quote --

16 these are the last two lines -- "While actual mortgage

17 balances are not in the public record, this analysis

18 would suggest that Rothstein's mortgage burden is

19 significant."

20 Do you agree with that?

21 A I do.

22 Q It then goes on to state, quote, Even if

23 Rothstein is leasing all of his properties, rental

24 income would unlikely cover all associated ownership

25 costs, e.g., annual property tax, property insurance,

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1 maintenance, and management fees, monthly mortgage

2 payments, etc.

3 Is that a true statement? They were leased?

4 A I never gave a thought one way or the other.

5 I don't remember which properties I had leased or not

6 leased. Again, because of the nature of what was going

7 on, it was a nonevent for me.

8 Q It says, "Furthermore, mortgage rates for

9 Rothstein properties are generally considered slightly

10 high, even for jumbo loans."

11 Did you care what interest rate you got on

12 these loans?

13 A No, sir.

14 Q Why not?

15 A Because of the other activity we were involved

16 in with the Ponzi scheme.

17 Q It then talks about Rothstein's watch

18 collection.

19 If you can go down to that bullet point.

20 A Yes.

21 Q But it says they were all subject to liens

22 filed by Mayor's. Do you see that?

23 A That's not true.

24 Q Okay. Did certain of them have liens that

25 they were purchased through financing?

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1 A For a very short period of time. I had heard

2 that before.

3 What happens is when you purchase something

4 from Mayor's on their line of credit -- you know, they

5 have a Mayor's credit card -- they file liens.

6 We generally paid that down right rapidly.

7 The bulk of my watches weren't purchased at

8 Mayor's. So...

9 Q I wanted to ask you, did the hedge funds and

10 anyone at the hedge funds ever ask you about the Mayor's

11 liens?

12 A I don't recall one way or the other.

13 Q Did anyone at the hedge funds ever ask you

14 about the 10 million plus in mortgages on your

15 properties?

16 A I have no specific recollection of that, no.

17 Q Did anyone at the hedge funds ask you about

18 the fact that you were sued for $36,000-plus regarding

19 the security service firm?

20 A No, sir.

21 Q Did anyone at the hedge funds ask you about

22 your dissolution of marriage to your first wife and your

23 assets that were supposedly split, which is disclosed on

24 page 5, and how the numbers are only six figures, low

25 six figures, in terms of assets?

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1 A I don't recall ever having that conversation,

2 no, sir.

3 Q Did anyone at the hedge funds ever ask you

4 about your partners and what they were doing or what

5 their expertise was, getting these wonderful

6 settlements, mentioned in bold point on pages 5 and 6?

7 A That's two different questions. We did

8 discuss my partners as relates to, for example, the

9 power of the business, the image that I was attempting

10 to create.

11 They never asked me about the things you're

12 showing me here on pages 5 and 6.

13 Q Okay. So was Russell Adler touted as one of

14 your top litigators?

15 A Yes.

16 Q Was he touted as one of the people that was

17 getting these multi-million-dollar settlements pre-suit?

18 A Yes.

19 Q Okay. And did anyone at the hedge funds ever

20 discuss with you the fact that American Express -- his

21 wife, was sued for $24,000 for credit card debt?

22 A No.

23 I actually didn't even know that until I just

24 looked at this.

25 Q Anyone at the hedge funds talk to you about

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1 the fact that Adler and his wife were listed as debtors

2 for $125,000 IRS claim for unpaid income taxes?

3 A Anyone from the hedge funds?

4 Q Yes.

5 A No, sir.

6 Q Did anyone from the hedge funds ever discuss

7 with you Mr. Cusick?

8 A No, sir.

9 Q And that being the case, there was nothing

10 discussed about Mr. Cusick's personal finances in the

11 public record?

12 A No, sir.

13 Q And did anyone at the hedge funds discuss with

14 you Dennis Kleinfeld?

15 A No, sir.

16 Q Or anything about Mr. Kleinfeld's financial

17 dealings outside the firm?

18 A No, sir.

19 Q And the investigation regarding the British

20 Virgin Islands, did you know about that?

21 A I knew about it, yes, but no one ever asked me

22 about it from the hedge funds.

23 Q And let's talk about the political donations.

24 Did anyone at the hedge funds talk to you about the

25 public records regarding political donations?

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1 A Hold on a second, please.

2 Q Bless you.

3 A Excuse me.

4 Did anyone ask me what, sir?

5 Q On page 6, bullet point 1, start up at the

6 top. Did anyone ask you about political donations?

7 A I am certain that during the course of my

8 conversations with the hedge funds, we brought up our

9 involvement in politics because that was part of

10 painting the image of the firm and myself and the

11 partners.

12 Q I would like you now to turn to pages 7 and 8,

13 "Litigation review." And I'm not going to read this. I

14 just would like you to read page 3 -- I mean section 3,

15 page 7, and let me know whether the findings of Kroll

16 are consistent with what your understanding of the types

17 of matters your firm was involved in.

18 A It's accurate.

19 Q Thank you.

20 And just to summarize, what, if anything, does

21 this report on this page 7 reflect about whether any

22 settlements existed in the tens of millions of dollars?

23 A That they did not.

24 Q And so the conclusions in this report are

25 accurate?

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1 A Yes, sir.

2 Q And now I would like you to look at the

3 next-numbered exhibit, which would be Exhibit No. 127.

4 A Do I have that one already?

5 Q We're giving it to you right now.

6 (Thereupon, the document was marked as

7 Trustee's Exhibit No. 127 for Identification.)



10 Q For the record, this is the order entered in

11 the lawsuit that was filed against Kroll by Platinum.

12 It is dated October 5th, 2011. Have you seen

13 this order before today?

14 Have you seen this before today?

15 A Just give me one second.

16 Q Oh, yes. I'm sorry.

17 A I have.

18 Q In what context did you see this?

19 A I saw it a week or two ago. I was on the

20 Lexis. I have access to Lexis where I live, and I read

21 it online.

22 Q And just give me one moment, please.

23 Okay. Mr. Rothstein, I'm sorry, please go to

24 page 6 of 14.

25 A Yes, sir.

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1 Q I would like to refer your attention to the

2 second full paragraph that starts with "Kroll has not

3 yet answered the complaint."

4 A Yes, sir.

5 Q You see that?

6 A Yes, sir.

7 Q And the Court says the following: It says,

8 quote, In this pre-answer motion to dismiss all three

9 causes of action, Kroll takes the position that the

10 present lawsuit is merely an attempt to hold it

11 responsible for Platinum's own poor decision to invest

12 in a Ponzi scheme."

13 Do you believe -- do you agree that Kroll made

14 a poor decision to invest in your Ponzi scheme?

15 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

16 THE WITNESS: Kroll did not invest in the

17 Ponzi scheme.

18 MR. CIMO: I'm sorry. Platinum.

19 I withdraw and rephrase the question.


21 Q Do you agree with the Court's conclusion that

22 the hedge funds made a poor decision to invest in the

23 Ponzi scheme?

24 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

25 A I think your question is -- has gone sideways.

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2 Q Go ahead.

3 A You just asked me if I agreed with the Court's

4 conclusion that it was a poor decision.

5 Q Well, let me rephrase it.

6 Do you agree with Kroll's -- do you agree with

7 Kroll's assertion that there was a -- it was a poor

8 decision for Platinum to invest in the Ponzi scheme?

9 A Listen, I think it's --

10 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

11 A -- a poor decision by anyone that invests in

12 the Ponzi scheme but that's not to say that I didn't get

13 over on certain of these people.

14 Again, certain of these people -- just so

15 we're clear, certain of these people, I believe, tried

16 to do the right thing; others did not.


18 Q Go to the next sentence, "Kroll claims that's

19 an explicitly warned Platinum that the contemplated

20 loans transaction bore the hallmarks of a Ponzi scheme."

21 Do you agree with that?

22 A I do believe that it bore the trademarks of a

23 Ponzi scheme.

24 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.


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2 Q Tell me specifically what you felt was

3 disclosed to the funds before they started to invest

4 that bore the hallmarks of a Ponzi scheme?

5 A No, it wasn't what was disclosed --

6 Q What was disclosed?

7 A -- it was what was not disclosed.

8 Q Please go ahead.

9 A It was our refusal to give them any

10 information about who the parties were. It was the way

11 we were keeping our trust accounts, how we demanded our

12 control over them. There's a whole myriad of things.

13 You would have to give me all the papers, to look at it,

14 but it was -- you know, hindsight is 20/20, so it's very

15 hard for me to do this this way. But there were certain

16 things that I believed that they could have done better

17 in their due diligence that they did not do.

18 But yes, there were certain hallmarks -- not

19 the least of which was "too good to be true" thing. The

20 sheer level of interest that we were paying, and then

21 ultimately the sheer number of cases, because physically

22 it would have been impossible for me to handle that many

23 cases alone.

24 Q Ultimately, how did the hedge funds invest,

25 did they do it directly or did they do it through the

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1 Banyon entities?

2 A No, no, it was through Banyon.

3 Q Were there any payments ever directly made by

4 RRA to any of the hedge funds?

5 A You know, I'm not sure how that actually

6 worked because we were always directed to send the money

7 to these collection accounts. So, as I sit here today,

8 I can't tell you whether I was sending the money to

9 Banyon and then it went to them or whether I was sending

10 it into an account over which they exercised some level

11 of control.

12 Q And, if you know, why was the decision made to

13 invest through the Banyon entities instead of the hedge

14 funds investing directly?

15 A Because of Mr. Levin's reported wealth.

16 Q And what was the purported wealth of

17 Mr. Levin?

18 A At different points in time it was different.

19 Q Was it over 100 million, to your knowledge?

20 A Always well over 100 million, yes, sir.

21 Q And why was it that his wealth was important

22 in terms of the hedge funds, if you know, investing --

23 ALL PRESENT: Object to the form.

24 A Because they were getting -- to my knowledge,

25 from speaking to the people at the hedge funds, they

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1 were giving a level of security because they felt that

2 Mr. Levin's personal guarantees were collectible.


4 Q If you know, why was the level of security

5 important if the way these deals are structured there

6 was no risk?

7 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

8 A I have no idea.


10 Q No, I'm just asking. I -- I thought the way

11 you described the way these investments went down, is

12 your firm is holding the money in escrow.

13 A That's correct.

14 Q It's sitting there.

15 A That's correct.

16 Q And did you tout these as no-risk investments?

17 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

18 A No-risk -- low-risk to no-risk, yes. We tried

19 not to say "no risk" because that's another red flag, so

20 we said low-risk to no-risk. But we said money is

21 in-house.


23 Q The money is supposed to be at your law firm?

24 A Locked in a trust account, yes, sir.

25 Q So was there any -- was there any discussions

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1 about the hedge funds ever investing directly and

2 bypassing the Banyon entities?

3 A Not to my knowledge, no.

4 Q So right from the start, from the get-go with

5 that initial meeting, it was always understood by you

6 that the Banyon entities would be the vehicle by which

7 the hedge funds would provide funds?

8 A Yes.

9 Q And did you play any role in the structure of

10 that or was that something that was done by somebody

11 else?

12 A Mr. Preve and Mr. Levin may have asked me a

13 question or two but I played no real role in that at

14 all. That was between Banyon and the hedge funds.

15 MR. CIMO: We're going to take a break at

16 this time, if that's okay.

17 (Whereupon, a recess was had.)


19 Q I just have a few follow-up questions,

20 Mr. Rothstein, before we move on to another area.

21 I want to ask you, in terms of the hedge

22 funds, what belief did you end up obtaining, if any,

23 regarding their level of sophistication?

24 A I thought that certain members were

25 sophisticated and some members were a combination of

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1 either less sophisticated or less interested.

2 Q Who were the more sophisticated individuals?

3 A Brian Jedwab was more sophisticated.

4 Jack Simony was sophisticated but less

5 interested and -- how do I say this? He was less

6 interested in what was really going on.

7 Ari Glass was sophisticated, but at times he

8 seemed concerned about what was going on and at other

9 times, he would just go with the flow.

10 Gil Kalter seemed sophisticated and, for the

11 most part, very concerned about issues that were coming

12 up.

13 Mark Nordlicht, to me, seemed sophisticated

14 but really didn't care one way or the other as to how he

15 made his money, so long as he was getting his money.

16 Q Now, let's talk about the funds as entities.

17 Did you -- what opinion did you or belief did you hold,

18 if any, regarding the entities' sophistication?

19 A I thought -- I thought that overall it was a

20 decent enterprise. I didn't think that there was

21 anything unsophisticated about them.

22 Q Okay.

23 A They certainly seemed to have their stuff

24 together as far as being able to bring investors in,

25 being able to fund things.

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1 Q In terms of a sliding scale, would you --

2 where would you have placed the hedge funds in terms of

3 low sophistication, medium or high sophistication?

4 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.


6 Q I'll give you an example. Let me rephrase the

7 question.

8 A Sure.

9 Q Well, a woman that invests her $100 IRA in

10 your Ponzi scheme that never made an investment in her

11 life, would that be a low-sophisticated person?

12 ALL PRESENT: Objection, form.

13 You can answer.

14 A If I have such a person invest, yes, that

15 would be low sophistication person.


17 Q Did RRA ever have any type of investment like

18 that where directly there was investment made in RRA

19 settlements?

20 A Not through me, no.

21 Q Not through you directly?

22 A No. That would have had to have been Levin's

23 side of things that he was doing to raise money.

24 Q So, again, I understand that the hedge funds

25 did not directly invest through RRA.

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1 A Yes.

2 Q In terms of sophistication level, in regard to

3 the ones that were directly invested with RRA, where did

4 you place them in terms of sophistication?

5 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

6 A I thought they were a part of our

7 more-sophisticated group of investors -- laid back and

8 informal but more sophisticated.


10 Q And what other --

11 A A bright group of guys.

12 Q What other individuals or entities would you

13 put in that same category?

14 A I put the Levins in that category. I put the

15 Von Allmens in that category. I put Barry Bekkedam -- I

16 don't know, Bekkedam was more like a salesman, don't put

17 him in that category.

18 Q Ira Sochet?

19 A Ira Sochet, definitely sophisticated. Ira

20 Sochet was as sophisticated as the guys at the hedge

21 fund. They were -- he was a very sharp man; Barry

22 Damson, also; Mel Klein, very sophisticated.

23 Q Of the entities and the people you just

24 mentioned, were any of them, in your opinion, more

25 sophisticated than the hedge funds?

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1 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

2 THE WITNESS: More sophisticated?


4 Q Yes.

5 A I think that probably Ira Sochet and Barry

6 Damson had an overall -- they were more professional

7 businessmen, but not necessarily more-sophisticated

8 businessmen.

9 Q Had you dealt with any hedge funds in any of

10 your business transactions before these hedge funds in

11 New York got involved?

12 A I had met with people from hedge funds, yes.

13 Q And did you learn anything about how hedge

14 funds work or how -- whether they're regulated, anything

15 at all about how hedge funds operate?

16 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

17 A Yes. There were very low levels of

18 regulation.


20 Q And do you know whether hedge funds had

21 investors --

22 A Compared to other investment houses.

23 Q And do you know whether hedge funds, in fact,

24 take investments from individuals or entities; did you

25 come to learn that?

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1 A Yes, I did.

2 Q Do you know that while were you meeting with

3 Platinum, Centurion and Level 3 up in New York?

4 A I did.

5 Q So, that being the case, understanding that

6 these hedge funds had their own investors that they have

7 to answer to, did you reach any conclusions or have any

8 beliefs about their levels of sophistication, compared

9 to other investors?

10 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

11 A I believed that they were good at what they

12 did and that they were sophisticated enough to be able

13 to generate, from what I understood, what was in excess

14 of a billion dollars in investments.


16 Q And did you ever get any financial data from

17 the hedge funds of a nature that would be submitted to

18 an investor regarding your performance results?

19 A I saw some of it from time to time from Mr.

20 Preve, but I don't have a recollection of it.

21 Q Did you understand that these hedge funds

22 were, in fact, earning high rates of return with their

23 investments?

24 A That's what I was told. I didn't learn it one

25 way or the other.

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1 Q Did you ever come to learn what percentage of

2 these hedge funds investments were tied to settlements

3 of this nature? I'm talking about real settlements

4 where -- real structured settlements, real plaintiffs

5 and defendants.

6 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

7 A I didn't think any of it was.


9 Q Oh, really? So you didn't know what

10 percentage, if any, these hedge funds were investing in

11 these types of investments versus others?

12 A My understanding was the closest that they

13 ever came to any product like the one we were pitching

14 was their involvement, to whatever extent it was, was

15 with Whitehaven. Other than that, this was a new

16 product for them, as far as I was told.

17 Q Thank you.

18 And what did you learn about Whitehaven?

19 A I learned that Whitehaven was a company that

20 Jack Simony was affiliated with, that other people from

21 the hedge fund may from time to time have been

22 affiliated with through investing or otherwise, and that

23 they were in the business of investing in lawsuits

24 during the course of, prior to the conclusion of,

25 litigation.

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1 Q Now, the one person that we did not discuss

2 that was at that initial meeting in New York was Jack

3 Simony. What did you come to learn about -- anything

4 about his relationship to the hedge funds?

5 A My understanding was that Jack Simony was like

6 the hedge fund's, for lack of a better word, salesman,

7 that they -- it was like a product -- project manager,

8 that he went out and found investors and also found

9 things to invest in; and that when he brought in an

10 investor or found a project to invest in, that it was

11 his job to oversee that project and handle the

12 participants, smooth over rough bump in the road, you

13 know, overall hand-holding of the -- of whatever project

14 it might have been.

15 Q And would it be fair to say that you had

16 constant interaction with him at some point?

17 A I had more interaction with him than anyone

18 else at the hedge funds.

19 Q We'll get to the emails in a moment. I want

20 to go back to Kroll very quickly.

21 You had testified that you did not know before

22 October of 2009 that Kroll had been retained by the

23 hedge funds, correct?

24 A Yeah, I have no independent recollection of

25 that.

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1 Q Had you learned, at any point during the Ponzi

2 scheme, that Kroll had been retained by the hedge funds,

3 what reaction would you have had, if any?

4 A I would have been concerned.

5 Q Why?

6 A Because when you are running a Ponzi scheme,

7 you want as few people as possible, and definitely as

8 few sophisticated people as possible poking around in

9 your business.

10 Q What do you know, if anything, about Kroll

11 that had any impact on that reaction?

12 A I knew that Kroll was an international

13 investigative company, that, to my knowledge, was

14 extremely sophisticated.

15 Q And had you -- your law firm ever used Kroll

16 in any of its investigations?

17 A I don't think so. To my knowledge, we didn't;

18 but it's certainly possible that one of the attorneys

19 that we ultimately had working for us did.

20 Q Would you have any -- would you have any

21 different reaction had it been ABC investigative agency

22 out of Hialeah in terms of the level of scrutiny that

23 you thought would have been conducted?

24 I have don't mean that to be funny. I'm just

25 using an example.

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1 MR. SCHERER: Why did you choose Hialeah?

2 MR. CIMO: Totally random, a random city.

3 MR. SCHERER: Right.

4 MR. CIMO: Let the record reflect that

5 Mr. Rothstein is smiling.


7 Q Had a less-sophisticated investigative firm

8 been retained that you had never heard of, would that

9 have made any difference in your reaction to an

10 investigative firm being retained?

11 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

12 A Depending on who was involved in the

13 investigative firm, it would have made a difference in

14 my reaction.


16 Q Okay. So, would you say Kroll, in terms of

17 investigative firms, is either the top of the food

18 chain, middle, low? I mean --

19 ALL PRESENT: Objection, form.


21 Q -- where did you place it in terms of

22 sophistication?

23 A To my knowledge of everything, based upon what

24 I know, they were one of the more sophisticated

25 investment companies.

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1 Q Okay.

2 A Excuse me, investigative companies.

3 Q Now, and had you learned that Kroll had, in

4 fact, been retained, what reaction would you have had,

5 if any, regarding its potential impact on your Ponzi

6 scheme?

7 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

8 A I would have been concerned about possibly

9 being discovered or having-- problems with law

10 enforcement because I knew that they had -- they hired,

11 frequently, retired law enforcement, so it would have

12 been of concern to me.


14 Q Now, in addition to possibly learning that a

15 high-level-sophisticated firm, like Kroll, had been

16 retained but also had been requested to do due diligence

17 at RRA's offices, what reaction would you have had, if

18 any, with regard to that -- learning that information?

19 ALL PRESENT: Same objection.

20 A I probably would have told Preve to cut off

21 negotiations with the hedge funds and let's go look for

22 money elsewhere.


24 Q Why?

25 A Because when you're running a Ponzi, you don't

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1 want sophisticated investigators poking around in your

2 business.

3 Q You stated earlier that you believed certain

4 of these hedge-fund individuals were sophisticated, but

5 you said they were doing due diligence at RRA offices?

6 A Yes.

7 Q Why didn't that concern you about it being

8 discovered, meaning the Ponzi scheme?

9 A You have to differentiate between

10 sophisticated, and then you couple with sophistication,

11 are they straight and narrow, or are they heading

12 towards the direction of being a player, as I described

13 over the last several of days.

14 So you could have someone who is

15 sophisticated -- Mr. Preve was extremely sophisticated

16 in banking. Mr. Preve was also an extremely high-level

17 player.

18 Doug Von Allmen was any extremely

19 sophisticated investor, not a player, if that helps you

20 with your understanding.

21 Q At any point did you reach the conclusion,

22 before October of 2009, that any of the individuals that

23 you dealt with at the hedge funds met the definition of

24 player that you previously testified about?

25 A Yes.

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1 Q Who?

2 A Mark Nordlicht, Jack Simony -- and Ari Glass

3 kept jumping over the line from one side to the other

4 depending upon his mood.

5 Q You mentioned earlier certain of these

6 gentlemen and I -- you didn't identify who, engaged in

7 what I would call extra-curricular activities with you,

8 in regard to, for example, going out and having fun with

9 the guys.

10 MR. SCHERER: Objection to the form.


12 Q Did you say that?

13 A You're not saying that makes him a bad person,

14 are you?

15 Q No, no. I'm am just -- I'm just following up

16 on -- I think you gave --

17 A A lot of people that go out and have a good

18 time with extra curricular activities, and it doesn't

19 necessarily make them criminals.

20 Q I understand completely, but what I'm asking

21 about is just trying to get the scope of the

22 relationship on the gentlemen you described as players.

23 A You have a lot of people in here panicking

24 right now, by the way, just -- just so you understand.

25 Q Did any of the players you mentioned --

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1 Mr. Nordlicht, Mr. Simony or Mr. Glass -- ever go out

2 with you after hours for nonbusiness-related activities?

3 A Mr. Simony did and Mr. Glass did.

4 Q And what was the general nature of those after

5 hour activities?

6 A Mr. Simony attended gentlemen's clubs with me

7 and was at my home when I had several escorts there.

8 And Mr. Glass went to gentlemen's clubs with

9 me.

10 Q Okay. Were there any escorts at the

11 gentlemen's clubs?

12 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

13 THE WITNESS: Have you ever been to a

14 gentlemen's club?

15 MR. CIMO: I'm not going to answer that.

16 I don't mean to be facetious.

17 A Yes.


19 Q What I'm asking is, did you actually observe

20 Mr. Simony and Mr. Glass engage in activities that would

21 be normal activities at a gentlemen's club?

22 A Yes. I paid for their activities at the

23 gentlemen's club.

24 Q Okay. Let's go back now to how you concluded

25 that the three gentlemen you mentioned were, in fact,

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1 players? What was it about Mr. Nordlicht that led you

2 to conclude today that he was a player?

3 UNKNOWN SPEAKER: Just clarification, you

4 said today?

5 MR. CIMO: Yeah, his testimony is today,

6 he concluded that Mr. Nordlicht meets his

7 definition of player.

8 A It was a number of factors, not the least of

9 which was that one-on-one conversation I had with him in

10 my office when this was blowing up.

11 At that meeting, I was explaining to him, what

12 I explained the other day, what DOMAD was, the doctrine

13 of mutually assured destruction: He fires, we fire,

14 everyone blows up.

15 He was explaining to me that he was very

16 familiar with the whole process, that if I knew his

17 history, he started talking to me about the problems

18 that his father, Julius, had had with the government and

19 he had done time. He explained to me about the

20 optionable litigation. He didn't say he was a player.

21 People don't say that.

22 He said, you know, I have been through all

23 this. I got it. I just want to get us to a place, I

24 want to do whatever I can do to help you get everything

25 back on track and make sure everyone get's their money.

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1 He said, you're not going to -- he kept saying to me,

2 you're not going to tell me anything I haven't heard

3 before, you know. That was the mantra of that meeting.

4 Q What event -- what transpired before that

5 meeting that precipitated this meeting or that

6 conversation with Mr. Nordlicht?

7 A Them cutting us off and us cuttings them off.

8 Q Whenever you say "cutting off," can you

9 describe what you mean by that?

10 A Yes. They cut us off from funding, and we cut

11 them off from funding.

12 Q Well, when you say "we," who are you referring

13 to?

14 A "They" would be the hedge funds, and "we"

15 would be me, Levin and Preve.

16 Q Okay. But, again, there's no direct funding

17 coming from the hedge funds to RRA; it's all going

18 through these three Banyon entities, correct?

19 A Right, but I controlled the purse strings.

20 Q Okay. Other than what you described already,

21 is there any other things that happened with Mr.

22 Nordlicht -- by the way, would this have been April of

23 2009 --

24 ALL PRESENT: Objection.


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2 Q -- when you had this conversation with

3 Mr. Nordlicht?

4 A I would be guessing. I don't remember when it

5 was, but it was immediately after we stopped paying

6 them. We stopped paying them on April 13th, 2009, so it

7 would have been around that time.

8 Q Thank you.

9 And let me -- I have to -- there was an

10 objection to the form, so I have to just ask you the

11 question as an open-ended question.

12 A Okay.

13 Q What event, if anything, had transpired that

14 would refresh your memory as to the approximate month

15 and year that this meeting had occurred with Mr.

16 Nordlicht?

17 A We stopped sending payments to the hedge funds

18 on April -- on April 13th, 2009, which sent the hedge

19 funds into a wild panic.

20 Q And the meeting occurred shortly after that?

21 A It did, to my recollection.

22 Q What was it about Mr. Simony that lead you to

23 conclude that he was a player?

24 A Mr. Simony and I spent a lot of time together.

25 You have to understand, it wasn't one thing that he did;

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1 it was the way he conducted business.

2 He was doing side deals with Frank Preve that

3 he wasn't telling people about. He was trying to bring

4 in investors from the side. He was engaged in a side

5 deal with Murray that people supposedly didn't know

6 about.

7 He conducted business in a far more shady

8 manner, just his overall manner of doing business.

9 You know, there are people -- the best thing

10 to do is line them all up with Brian Jedwab. Brian

11 Jedwab was straight. There was -- there was no two ways

12 about him. If he had figured out what we were doing or

13 if there was any fraud, he would have run for the hills,

14 calling the police as he was running. Okay?

15 Jack, no. That's just -- you spend a lot of

16 time with someone, you get a feel as to what they are

17 susceptible to, how malleable they are. Jack was within

18 that category of "player," as was Mr. Nordlicht.

19 Mr. Glass, as I said earlier, he jumped back

20 and forth. There were times when Ari Glass was berserk.

21 I mean, I thought he was in the middle of calling the

22 SCC; although, I'm now learning that may have been a

23 whole shtick he was pulling with me.

24 But when I went to the Bahamas with him and we

25 were drinking and running around and I realized he was

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1 engaged in this tax-fraud thing where he was supposed to

2 be doing things in the Bahamas, but, really, what we

3 were doing was drinking and sending on emails saying the

4 deals are approved, you start to feel like that person

5 is more of a player.

6 I hope that's helpful.

7 Q Thank you so much.

8 And going back, before we move on, to Kroll,

9 or any other independent, sophisticated firm that may

10 have been requested to do due diligence, had -- had an

11 independent firm -- truly independent firm, of the

12 stature of Kroll, actually come in and examined books

13 and records of RRA, including those supposed settlements

14 that were being done, what, if anything, would have

15 happened?

16 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

17 A I have no way of knowing one way or the other.

18 Obviously, if someone is extremely

19 sophisticated that asks all the right questions, if I'm

20 not capable of getting over on them, they are going to

21 figure out that it's a fraud.


23 Q Assume, for purposes of my question, that the

24 right questions get answered and there is true

25 independence and there is a true effort to determine the

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1 veracity of these settlements, what, if anything, would

2 have happened?

3 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

4 A It is my opinion that, ultimately, someone who

5 was sophisticated, that wanted to figure out that there

6 was a fraud, had they asked the right questions, would

7 have figured it out.

8 That's my opinion.

9 MR. CIMO: I am showing you, now, Exhibit

10 128.

11 (Thereupon, a document was marked as Trustee's

12 Exhibit No. 128 for Identification.)

13 MR. CIMO: And for the record, this is an

14 email dated July 24, 2008, 3:57 p.m., from

15 Frank Preve to Scott Rothstein, Bates stamped

16 FP, and I'll just give you the last digits,

17 2616/1.


19 Q Have you seen this before today?

20 A I have.

21 Q Who are the "good fellas" that you reference?

22 A I didn't.

23 Q Let me rephrase my question. I'm sorry.

24 When Mr. Preve uses the term "good fellows" in

25 the subject, what, if anything, do you know about that

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1 use of that phrase at that time?

2 A That was his -- he says "good fellows" where I

3 say "good fellas." That's all.

4 We used -- just so you understand, we used to

5 refer to the hedge funds as, you know, our associates.

6 They were in business with us.

7 Frank would be more proper. He would say the

8 "good fellows," and I would say, "you mean the good

9 fellas, right?"

10 Q And "good fellas" is what? Is that a

11 reference to a movie or -- I mean or a pop culture term?

12 A Yes. It is a reference to organized crime.

13 Q Organized crime.

14 Was there a movie by that title?

15 A There was.

16 ALL PRESENT: Objection.


18 Q Did you see that movie?

19 A I did.

20 Q And when you refer to the term "good fellas"

21 as the hedge funds, did you think about that movie?

22 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

23 A I think about the -- I thought about people

24 that I did business with. I mean, it was just -- this

25 is -- it's "good fellas". That's just the way you

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1 describe it. He was trying to be tongue-in-cheek about

2 our little group of -- merry band of -- it's Robin Hood

3 and his band of merry men.


5 Q Did you ever actually tell any of hedge fund

6 personnel that you were dealing with that they were your

7 "good fellas"?

8 A Did I say that to them, no; but I mean --

9 listen, even in the short period of time, you know me,

10 you know me well enough to know that I am a wise ass.

11 So, yes, we had a lot of banter of that type. It's just

12 my general nature. I try to be fun loving.

13 Q Okay. But, therefore, the reference to it

14 wasn't in regard to anything related to organized crime?

15 A Was I saying that there --

16 Q Yes.

17 A No, no, I wasn't saying it.

18 Q Okay. It makes reference to Ari, Gil and

19 Mayer, who -- if you know, who is being referred to

20 there?

21 A Ari Glass, Gil Kalter, and Mark Nordlicht,

22 Mayer.

23 Q And it talks about, "we'll all be there around

24 4:15 to 4:30"; do you recall where "there" was in or

25 about July of 2008?

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1 A I don't recall specifically, but it appears to

2 be to my law firm.

3 Q And how often did any one of these gentlemen,

4 or any other gentlemen from the hedge fund, visit your

5 office?

6 A Infrequently.

7 Q And why was it necessary for -- if you know,

8 for these gentlemen to visit your office, when they're

9 basically providing funding, loan -- whatever the term

10 is, to the Banyon entities, but they have no direct

11 agreement with RRA, if you know?

12 A I don't know one way or the other. Sometimes

13 it was due diligence, and sometimes it was just coming

14 over to visit.

15 Q All right. And did anyone at Banyon have a

16 problem that their lender was meeting with -- lender

17 representatives were meeting with you at your law firm

18 without --

19 A No. Now you're getting it now as far as what

20 good fellas is a reference to. It's one -- it's one for

21 all and all for one. We're all in this to make money.

22 Now you are catching on as to what we are

23 talking about.

24 Q Was Preve intended to attend this meeting, as

25 well?

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1 A Yes.

2 Q And was there a reason why the meeting is at

3 your office, instead of Banyon's offices, if you know?

4 Why was your law office picked as the location for this

5 particular meeting?

6 A I have no independent recollection of why.

7 Q Did you ever meet at Banyon offices with the

8 hedge-fund personnel?

9 A I recall a meeting over there where maybe Jack

10 was there; but most of the time, the meeting took place

11 in my offices.

12 Q Mr. Preve then talks about a forecast?

13 A Yes.

14 Q What forecast is he referring to, if you know?

15 A Funding forecast.

16 Q Funding means deals that are going to be

17 offered?

18 A Meaning the amount of money we are going to

19 need and the amount of money we can expect coming in.

20 Q If you know, why didn't you just convey that

21 information to Mr. Preve, and then he can convey that

22 information to his lender, instead of you all being

23 together in the same room doing it, if you know?

24 A In reading this, he says he's either going to

25 come over before or after, which means, to me, in

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1 reading this now, that he was coming over to meet with

2 me, privately; not necessarily while they were there.

3 Q Okay. Next question is: During 2008, do you

4 have a recollection of actual deals being done with the

5 Banyon entities, if you know, and where the hedge funds

6 were providing the money for the deals?

7 A Time frame, again? I'm sorry.

8 Q During 2008, from and after July of 2008

9 through November of 2008, deals were already happening

10 at this point?

11 A Sure.

12 Q And you have a recollection of the amount of

13 funds at this point through November of 2008?

14 A I don't.

15 Q In terms --

16 A It was a lot of money, but I don't recall the

17 amount.

18 Q In terms of volume, do you have a recollection

19 whether the Banyon entities were providing most of the

20 volume for purposes of the settlements?

21 A From July 2008 to November 2008, the bulk of

22 the Ponzi business went through Banyon.

23 Q And Mr. Von Allmen and these other investors

24 you mentioned before, Mr. Sochet, are these gentlemen

25 that came in 2009, as opposed to 2008?

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1 A Sorry. Can you repeat the question?

2 Q Yeah. Mr. Von Allmen, Mr. Sochet, these other

3 investors that you mentioned that had high

4 sophistication levels similar to the funds, equal to or

5 similar to the funds, are these people that came in 2008

6 or 2009?

7 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

8 A My recollection is it was sometime in 2009.


10 Q Okay. Other than these Banyon entity

11 investments, were there any other large players -- not

12 player, I should say large investors -- apart from the

13 Banyon entities funding them?

14 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

15 THE WITNESS: Of the same size as them?


17 Q Yes.

18 A No. I consider the Morses to be fairly large.

19 On number of deals, Barry Lipsitz and Domenick

20 Tonacchio both were doing a bunch of business with us;

21 but nobody else that I can recall at this time.

22 MR. CIMO: I will show you, now, Exhibit

23 129.

24 (Thereupon, a document was marked as Trustee's

25 Exhibit No. 129 for Identification.)

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2 Q Mr. Rothstein, I'm showing you Exhibit 129.

3 It starts with an email from Brian Jedwab to a -- Ben

4 Radinsky.

5 Do you know who Ben Radinsky.

6 A My recollection is he's someone that worked in

7 the back office at one of the hedge funds, but I don't

8 even remember if I -- I think I met him once or twice,

9 but I have no independent recollection.

10 Q And then it has an address and a title for

11 Mr. Jedwab, managing director, Centurion Credit

12 Management. Do you recall seeing that?

13 A Mhm-mhm.

14 Q Do you recall seeing that title and that

15 entity before?

16 A Sure. I've seen that before.

17 Q And that address, 152 West 57th Street, is

18 that the address in New York that you had the initial

19 meeting at?

20 A Yeah. That's the Carnegie building.

21 Q And I notice this is not the same Centurion,

22 by the way, that I showed you in the initial exhibits at

23 the beginning of the deposition that's under that credit

24 agreement.

25 A Yeah.

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1 Q Did you know that there were other Centurion

2 entities besides the one that did --

3 A I remember seeing a whole host of -- a variety

4 of different Centurion names, Platinum names; but I

5 don't know if I stopped to think about who they were or

6 what they were doing.

7 Q You see in his email it says

8 [email protected]?

9 A I do.

10 Q Do you recall ever getting any other emails

11 from Mr. Jedwab that had any other prefix in it, besides

12 Centurion?

13 A I don't recall one way or the other. I didn't

14 study his email address.

15 Q Jack Simony, which is in the middle --

16 A Simony.

17 Q Simony, I'm sorry.

18 A That's okay.

19 Q -- this Whitehaven Group, LLC, is that the

20 same Whitehaven that you mentioned before that was doing

21 structured settlements?

22 A Yes, sir.

23 Q And did you know that Whitehaven Group was an

24 entity that Mr. Simony was affiliated with?

25 A Yes.

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1 Q And how did you come to learn that?

2 A Jack told me and Mr. Preve told me.

3 Q Okay. I notice the address for Mr. Simony at

4 Whitehaven Group is 350 5th Avenue.

5 Did you ever go to that location?

6 A I went to that location. It's the Empire

7 State Building, but not to his offices.

8 Q And do you know whether Mr. Simony had an

9 office, as well, at 152 West 57th Street?

10 A To my knowledge he did, but I was never in it.

11 Q The document talks about an RRA AGMT; do you

12 know what that is referring to?

13 A RRA agreement.

14 Q Do you know what agreement is being referenced

15 that may have involved Whitehaven Group?

16 A I have no idea.

17 Q Let's now go to Exhibit 129 -- I'm sorry, 130.

18 UNKNOWN SPEAKER: What's the date of that

19 last one, please?

20 MR. CIMO: I'm sorry. This document is

21 dated November 20th, 2008, and it also has a

22 separate email dated October 27, 2008.

23 UNKNOWN SPEAKER: Thank you.

24 MR. CIMO: I'm now going to show you

25 Exhibit No. 130, which is an email dated

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1 December 3rd, 2008, Bates stamped Rothstein's

2 940 through 957.

3 (Thereupon, the documents were marked as

4 Trustee's Exhibit No. 130 for identification.)


6 Q All right. Did you laugh when you saw this

7 document?

8 A I did.

9 Q Why?

10 A Because it has Mr. Preve's alias on it.

11 Q And what is his alias?

12 A G. Steinbeck.

13 Q And do you know why that -- why that was used,

14 that particular alias?

15 A He had told me at one point in time, but I

16 don't remember why; but when he was doing his private

17 funding deals away from Mr. Levin, he used this email

18 address.

19 Q And you see that the suffix of the email

20 address is SFS Funding?

21 A Yes.

22 Q Did you come to learn whether SFS Funding was

23 involved in a deal, a side deal involving Regent?

24 A It was.

25 Q And did you come to learn that Mr. Preve, in

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1 fact, was a control person and/or owner of SFS Funding?

2 A It -- to my knowledge, it was Mr. Preve, Mr.

3 Nordlicht and Mr. Huberfeld.

4 Q SFS Funding?

5 A That was my understanding, yes.

6 Q And did you know this before --

7 A Who did I give you, Mr. Preve,

8 Mr. Nordlicht -- Mr. Simony, and Mr. Huberfeld, all in

9 different pieces. That was my understanding, but I

10 would be completely wrong.

11 Q How did you come to learn that?

12 A From conversations I had with Mr. Preve, Mr.

13 Nordlicht, Mr. Simony.

14 Q Before October of 2009?

15 A Yes, I haven't spoke to any of those people

16 since October of 2009.

17 Q Okay. Now, this -- I asked you earlier

18 what -- what the RRA AGMT meant. This one is entitled

19 "Jack AGMT," and it says, "here is the Whitehaven

20 agreement."

21 A Yes.

22 Q I'm okay with it. We need some clarification

23 on timing issues.

24 Why is Mr. Preve on this alias email sending

25 to you a document regarding Whitehaven Group?

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1 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

2 A To the best --


4 Q Go ahead.

5 A To the best of my recollection, we were going

6 to do funding through this SFS deal and Whitehaven was

7 involved in it.

8 Q I am going to rephrase the question regarding

9 the objection.

10 Do you have a recollection, sitting here

11 today, why this document was transmitted to you by Mr.

12 Preve?

13 A Yes.

14 Q And why is that?

15 A Whenever Mr. Preve was doing side deals, he

16 liked me to look at the paperwork, which I did for him.

17 Q And did you know that at that time that that

18 was sent, that Mr. Preve was, in fact, doing side deals

19 without the knowledge of Mr. Levin?

20 A Sure I did.

21 Q You did.

22 And did you also know before this date whether

23 any of the hedge-fund personnel that you testified about

24 were doing side deals, as well, with any other entities?

25 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

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1 A My recollection is that they were. I'm just a

2 little unsure as to the -- as to the dates, whether it

3 was before or after this date.


5 Q That's fine.

6 What is your definition of a side deal for the

7 purpose of these questions?

8 A A side deal is what we refer to as a

9 "one-off," and that would be where members of -- members

10 of other entities that were funding to us, that had --

11 where all the members were supposed to be looking out

12 for the interests of each other, where one of those

13 members would drop off; cherry pick a solid, good,

14 high-interest-rate deal and fund it separate and apart,

15 confidentially, from the members of the other

16 organization.

17 Q And how did you know that it was confidential

18 from the members of the other organization? What made

19 you believe that?

20 A Everyone kept telling me not to tell the other

21 person what they were doing.

22 Q So let's talk about, for example, SFS Funding

23 that you say, sitting here today, that Mr. Preve was in

24 with Mr. Nordlicht, Mr. Simony and Mr. Huberfeld.

25 Is it your testimony, sir, that Mr. Nordlicht,

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1 Mr. Simony and Mr. Huberfeld told you that you were not

2 to let the hedge funds know about whatever side deal SFS

3 Funding may have been involved in?

4 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

5 A I have to break that down because you have all

6 these people grouped in there.

7 Let's start with Preve.


9 Q Let's take it back based upon the form

10 objection.

11 I'm just -- I'm not really concerned about

12 Preve; I just want to know, did Mr. Nordlicht ever tell

13 you that he wanted to do something defined as one of

14 your side deals, where his hedge funds would not know

15 about it?

16 A No. Mr. Simony told me, don't discuss this

17 with any anybody.

18 Q Not Mr. Huberfeld?

19 A Mr. Simony told me.

20 Q And not Mr. Huberfeld? You never spoke to Mr.

21 Huberfeld?

22 A I never spoke to Mr. Huberfeld. Mr. Simony

23 told me never discuss this with anyone other than me or

24 Frank.

25 Q And which specific deals do you recollect that

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1 Mr. Simony told you not to talk about?

2 A It would have been the SFS/Regent deal. I

3 don't remember other ones there may have been.

4 Actually, I -- I think there were. I don't have a

5 specific recollection.

6 Q And this agreement that's part of Exhibit

7 No. 130, which is an attachment, do you recall seeing

8 this at or about the time this email was transmitted to

9 you?

10 A You know, I don't have a specific recollection

11 of receiving this, as I sit here today; but, again,

12 remember, I've overlooked hundreds of thousands of

13 pages. It says it came to me, so I'm sure it did; and

14 it certainly fits Mr. Preve's model of when he was doing

15 the side deals, sending the documents over to me under

16 this hidden email address for me to take a look at on

17 his behalf.

18 Q And do you know what revisions were to be made

19 to this document, such as that it would be consistent

20 with the subject called "Jack AGMT"?

21 A No, I don't know one way or the other.

22 Q Do you know who was going to be the

23 participant under this loan and optionable litigation

24 agreement?

25 A I can only tell by looking at it but I don't

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1 know who actually was putting up the money.

2 Q Understood.

3 Do you recall -- do you recollect -- do you

4 recognize the handwritten comments on the document as

5 being yours or anyone else's?

6 A No, no, those are Frank's.

7 Q And now I'm going to show you Exhibit No. 131.

8 A Sure.

9 (Thereupon, the document was marked as

10 Trustee's Exhibit No. 131 for identification.)

11 MR. CIMO: And for the record, this is

12 defined as RRA Deal G, as "girl," dash 350.

13 It is Bates stamped number SW 13000735, and

14 it's a composite document.

15 For purposes of my questions now, we're

16 just going to cover the first page, and the

17 last page on the composite is SW1300805.


19 Q You mentioned earlier the Regent side deal,

20 and I ask you if you recognize these to be the deal

21 documents for the Regent side deal?

22 A I do.

23 Q And do you know whether this deal was actually

24 funded?

25 A It was.

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1 Q And I want you to look at the bottom portion

2 where it has dates and numbers. Do you know whether

3 those payments were actually made, and if not, which

4 ones were and which ones weren't.

5 A To my recollection, the bulk of them were

6 made. I don't know if we ever finished paying it. I

7 believe part of it may have been delayed. Ultimately, I

8 think we paid the entire thing off.

9 Q And, if you know, sitting here today, did you

10 ever come to learn or understand who the owners and/or

11 control persons were at Regent Capital Partners, LLC?

12 A I ultimately learned that Mr. Huberfeld and

13 Mr. Nordlicht were -- I first learned that Mr. Huberfeld

14 was absolutely involved in it; and then I learned that

15 Mr. Nordlicht either knew about it or was involved in

16 it --

17 Q Thank you.

18 A -- and as I said earlier, Mr. Preve and

19 Mr. Simony.

20 Q Thank you.

21 And is -- am I correct in looking at the first

22 page and then comparing it to the third page, which is a

23 letter, dated December 2nd, 2008, that it was an

24 $11 million investment that would return 22 million?

25 A That's correct. That's what I was talking

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1 about in these one-off cherry-pick deals, yes.

2 Q And this is a deal that had a six-month timing

3 period; is that correct, according to page one?

4 A Yes.

5 Q So, is it your testimony, then, that between

6 the first page of this exhibit and page three, which is

7 this letter you sent, that there was going to be an

8 $11-million return on an $11 million investment in six

9 months?

10 A That's correct.

11 Q And this is one of the side deals that a hedge

12 fund -- two of the hedge funds principals did that you

13 were personally involved with?

14 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.


16 Q Let me rephrase the question.

17 Did you have personal involvement in this side

18 deal?

19 A I was the person who provided the deal.

20 Q And Banyon entities were not involved in this

21 deal?

22 A Banyon itself, no, just Mr. Preve from Banyon,

23 but in his personal capacity as Mr. Steinbeck.

24 Q As opposed to his individual capacity as Mr.

25 Preve?

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1 A Yes.

2 Q We're going to ask you more questions about

3 this later. Then we're going to move on now.

4 Now I'm going to show you Exhibit 132 --

5 A Mr. Cimo, just one thing, I want to make sure

6 that I have clarified and made my answer complete as to

7 side deals.

8 In the same vein as the other side deals,

9 there was a whole series of side deals being done by Ari

10 Glass unbeknownst to his partners with a childhood

11 friend of his Bo Rosenblat.

12 Q And what are the names of entities, if you

13 know, involved in those side deals?

14 A I think it was enter -- Intercoastal or

15 Intracoastal or something of that nature.

16 Q Intracoastal Group?

17 A Yes.

18 (Thereupon, a discussion was held off the

19 record.)


21 Q Thank you so much.

22 And do you recall the approximate amount of

23 funding in regard to that particular transaction or

24 transactions?

25 A No, I don't remember off the top of my head.

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1 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.


3 Q Do you know whether there was more than one

4 transaction involving Mr. Glass and this Intracoastal

5 Entity?

6 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

7 A There was.


9 Q Do you recall how many? Was it more than six?

10 A I don't recall. You should have the record

11 someplace. I don't remember the number of deals.

12 Q And do you know whether any of them had double

13 your money in six months, like the Regent transaction?

14 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

15 A I think the finest cherry-pick deal I ever

16 offered to them was the Regent deal.


18 Q When you say "them," who are you referring to?

19 A Well, the -- the way it would work was, Mr.

20 Preve, I suspect, would, behind the scenes, decide with

21 someone he was going to do a deal, apart from Mr. Levin,

22 with somebody. And would ask me directly: I need a

23 cherry deal, a really good deal.

24 And so I would put together a really good

25 deal, because you want to -- when you're running a Ponzi

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1 of this magnitude, you want to reward the people that

2 are taking care of you and helping you sustain the Ponzi

3 scheme.

4 Q Thank you.

5 I'm going to show you now Exhibit No. 132, an

6 email dated December 14th, 2008, Bates stamped BLC 56665

7 through 66.

8 (Thereupon, the document was marked as

9 Trustee's Exhibit No. 132 for Identification.)


11 Q What I want to refer your attention to is

12 certain statements made in these emails regarding

13 insurance, and if you could just take a moment and just

14 read the email chain, I would appreciate it.

15 And then I want to direct your attention to

16 the last page where there's an email from you to

17 Mr. Simony.

18 A All right. I'm ready to go.

19 Q Thank you so much.

20 Let's start with the second page, first off,

21 an email dated December 11th, 2008, from you to

22 Mr. Simony.

23 Do you recall sending this at or about that

24 time?

25 A I do.

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1 Q And what are these sample policies that are

2 referenced in your email?

3 A The sample crime fraud policies.

4 Q And why are sample crime fraud policies being

5 mentioned on or about December of 2008, which is several

6 months after the hedge fund started investing?

7 A Hedge funds had told us that if they don't get

8 crime fraud policies, that they were going to not be

9 able to do any further funding with us at all.

10 Q Was there any discussion about whether crime

11 fraud policies were, in fact, express conditions of

12 their agreements with the Banyon entities?

13 A It wasn't discussed with me, no.

14 Q Was there any question by you or questions by

15 you why this was being asked for now in December of

16 2008?

17 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

18 A Mr. Preve and I discussed it, yes.


20 Q What did you discuss with Mr. Preve about

21 that?

22 A We discussed the fact that they were obviously

23 getting hinked up with the entire transaction because

24 they had already slowed down massive amounts of funding

25 and now were asking for a crime fraud policy, and

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1 ultimately it was decided I would just make an attempt

2 to get it. And Mr. Preve was, supposedly, with Mr.

3 Levin, going to try to get one, also.

4 Q When you say "they," are you talking about the

5 hedge funds?

6 A I am.

7 Q Did you or Mr. Preve ever ask the hedge funds

8 what was causing them to -- what was the word you used,

9 "hinked"?

10 A Hinked up.

11 Q Hinked up.

12 Did you or Mr. Preve ever ask them,

13 specifically, what was causing them to being hinked up?

14 A No.

15 Q Was there anything --

16 A I didn't. I don't know what Mr. Preve did.

17 Q Was there anything going on at this time, if

18 you recall, regarding Mr. Madoff or other Ponzi

19 schemes --

20 ALL PRESENT: Objection.


22 Q -- if you know, any recollection on what's

23 going on at that time in the media?

24 A I recall that the entire insurance thing

25 started to come up. When Madoff had hit the scene,

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1 Dreier had hit the seen, Petters had hit the scene,

2 there was all kinds of Ponzi stuff going on, and people

3 were getting, to use my phrase, hinked up, nervous,

4 edgy.

5 Q Before this insurance issue came to light in

6 December of 2008 --

7 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

8 MR. CIMO: What's wrong with that?

9 UNKNOWN SPEAKER: Saying that before it

10 came to light, there is no predicate that that

11 is when it first came to light, in December

12 2008.


14 Q When did the first issue, to your

15 recollection, first come to light?

16 A My recollection is that they asked me sometime

17 before these emails to get this policy --

18 Q Yes?

19 A -- but I didn't.

20 Q Oh, okay.

21 Do you recall how much before they asked you,

22 before December 11th of 2008?

23 A It wouldn't have been much before. I really

24 have no specific recollection.

25 Q Let me ask you: Did they mention it at that

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1 meeting that you had with them, the first initial

2 meeting? Did they mention it back then?

3 A No, sir.

4 Q Did they mention it in June of 2008, to your

5 recollection?

6 A To my recollection, no, sir.

7 Q Did they mention it in July of 2008 to, your

8 recollection?

9 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

10 A I don't have an independent recollection;

11 towards the latter half of the year, sometime around

12 when all of the things started hitting the media about

13 people losing money to Ponzi schemes, my best

14 recollection is that's when they started talking about

15 it.


17 Q Now, what reaction did you have, if any, when

18 this insurance issue came up, and what impact did it

19 have on your ongoing Ponzi scheme, where the word crime

20 insurance is mentioned?

21 A I had a discussion with Mr. Preve about

22 whether or not he thought we could actually qualify for

23 this type of insurance.

24 The concern that I express -- the concern that

25 I expressed to Mr. Preve was the level of diligence that

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1 an insurance company might require in order to attempt

2 to get this type of insurance.

3 We didn't think it was going to be

4 problematic. We also really didn't think that I

5 qualified for it, not the levels of insurance that they

6 wanted.

7 So what I did was I called my insurance agency

8 and got some sample policies. I sent the samples over.

9 I, ultimately, of course, never got crime

10 fraud insurance.

11 Q When you say "I," you mean the Rothstein firm?

12 A Yeah, the Rothstein firm.

13 I don't even think we actually did a

14 full-blown, formal application for crime fraud

15 insurance. I think that was all done by Banyon for

16 themselves.

17 Q Thank you.

18 I now want to show you Exhibit No. 133.

19 (Thereupon, the document was marked as

20 Trustee's Exhibit No. 133 for Identification.)

21 MR. CIMO: PCL 56811 through 56851 email

22 chain, December 23rd, 2008.


24 Q I would like to start off with the email from

25 Mr. Scott Rothstein on the second page to Mr. Simony,

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1 with a copy to Mr. Preve -- Simony, I'm sorry, I don't

2 mean to say Simony. It has a different context.

3 UNKNOWN SPEAKER: In the record it's the

4 same. So...


6 Q Mr. Rothstein, do you recall this email to

7 Mr. Simony?

8 A Just give me one second.

9 I do.

10 Q Okay. Why did you send this email to

11 Mr. Simony in or about December of 2008?

12 A Brian Jedwab was conducting enhanced due

13 diligence on behalf of the hedge funds.

14 Q How did you find out that there was enhanced

15 due diligence being conducted?

16 A Jack Simony told me.

17 Q And what relationship, if any, did it have to

18 the insurance policy request?

19 A I don't recall.

20 Q What relationship did it have, if any, to the

21 Dreier and these other things hitting the media in or

22 about this time?

23 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.


25 Q If you know?

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1 A It's not that I don't know. I would be

2 assuming to tell you that. I don't know what was in

3 their heads.

4 I can assume --

5 Q No, no. Don't assume. No.

6 A I mean, I don't know. I don't know. I know

7 that they were doing enhanced due diligence.

8 In a time-line fashion I can tell you it was

9 subsequent to all of these various Madoff, Dreier,

10 Petters hitting the newspaper.

11 Q What was wrong with the initial due diligence

12 that it was done?

13 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

14 A You would have to ask them.


16 Q What did you learn, if anything, about what

17 was missed with the initial due diligence that was

18 done --

19 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.


21 Q -- in or about the spring of 2008?

22 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

23 A Again, that's -- you're asking me a very broad

24 question.


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2 Q I am just asking you what you know. What did

3 you learn, if anything?

4 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

5 A Again, here's the problem with the question:

6 You're asking me what they missed. Obviously, they

7 missed a Ponzi scheme.


9 Q No. Please understand, my question is focused

10 on what were you told or what did you learn that was

11 being done as part of the enhanced due diligence?

12 A I have that question.

13 Q Thank you.

14 A They wanted to be able to substantiate deal

15 flow.

16 Q Did anyone explain to you why it was important

17 to substantiate deal flow in December 2008, as opposed

18 to any other month?

19 A Yes. Mr. Preve told me that Mr. Jedwab had

20 told him and Mr. Simony had told him that Brian and Gil

21 Kalter had significant concerns about the shear

22 magnitude of the number of cases that we could possibly

23 be bringing into our law firm and ultimately handle

24 them, that it seemed -- the word they used was "absurd."

25 Q And then why do you have this paragraph one in

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1 here which explains, apparently, your understanding of

2 Florida law regarding settlement amounts being entered

3 into trust? Why is that in this first paragraph of your

4 email to Mr. Simony?

5 A Just give me a minute to read it again.

6 In -- in examining the records, the financial

7 records and the timing of when we got our money, we were

8 requesting deals to be funded before we had paperwork to

9 send them.

10 We would from time to time say we already had

11 the money in house. They then asked at some point in

12 time --

13 Q "They" being who?

14 A The hedge funds. I'm sorry.

15 The hedge funds would then ask how the heck do

16 you have the money in house; there is no paperwork yet?

17 I came up with this explanation, you know, in

18 talking to Mr. Preve, that the way we had money in house

19 ahead is that just our agreement at mediation settlement

20 conference was enough to enforce it and they wanted to

21 pay the money as quickly as possible to be able to say

22 they had an enforceable settlement agreement.

23 Q But you're saying in your email that Florida

24 law provides this, right? You're saying this is under

25 Florida law?

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1 A Yes.

2 Q Okay. If you know, what was discussed, or, if

3 you recall -- with them as to why they're asking you

4 what Florida law provides?

5 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

6 A I don't recall one way or the other.


8 Q Did they think you had some special gift about

9 what Florida law provided?

10 ALL PRESENT: Objection.


12 Q I'm am just asking.

13 Was it discussed why they were asking you?

14 A It was not discussed why they were asking me,

15 except that they asked, how are we possibly getting

16 these millions of dollars ahead of time, why would the

17 defendants send me all that money without having any

18 paper?

19 Q Is your explanation of Florida law accurate?

20 A I don't know one way or the other. I made up

21 the paragraph. I did no research; I just started

22 writing.

23 Q So did Mr. Simony ever contact you, or anyone

24 from the hedge funds contact you, and say, hey, you

25 know, that December 22nd, 2008, email didn't accurately

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1 set forth Florida law?

2 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

3 A No.


5 Q Did anybody ever follow up with you from the

6 hedge funds, at all, about what Florida law provided?

7 A Not to my recollection.

8 Q Did anyone ever say to you, at all, at any

9 time during the Ponzi scheme, from the hedge funds, that

10 any aspect of it related to Florida law was not

11 consistent with their understanding of Florida law?

12 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

13 A No.


15 Q Okay. Let me just ask another question.

16 What discussions were there, if any, about

17 Florida law with the hedge funds where they told you

18 what they thought Florida law provided?

19 ALL PRESENT: Objection to the firm.

20 A From time to time they would tell me --

21 especially Jim Kalter and Brian Jedwab, because they --

22 my recollection is they were lawyers, they would tell me

23 what their understanding of the law was; and if it

24 matched what I wanted the law to be, I would say they

25 were correct.

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1 And if it conflicted with what I wanted and

2 needed the law to be for the purpose of the Ponzi

3 scheme, I would simply tell them they were wrong. The

4 conversations ended at that point in time.


6 Q Did the hedge funds ever hire the RRA firm as

7 its counsel?

8 A No.

9 Q And with that -- with those responses that you

10 would give where you would disagree or agree, did anyone

11 ever come back to you from the hedge funds and correct

12 you on Florida law?

13 ALL PRESENT: Objection to the form.

14 A I have no recollection of them correcting me.

15 I have recollection of one or two occasions where they

16 questioned me a second time, where I then made it

17 abundantly clear that this is what the law was and they

18 left us alone. "They" meaning the hedge funds.


20 Q Did you ever receive a phone call or an email

21 or any communication from a Florida lawyer of high

22 stature, asking you -- having a discussion with you

23 about Florida law?

24 ALL PRESENT: Objection to the form.

25 A I don't --

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2 Q I'll --

3 A I don't recall them hiring a Florida lawyer to

4 talk to me, no, sir.

5 Q Do you recall any law firm, any law firm

6 located anywhere in the world, ever contacting you on

7 behalf of the hedge funds, before October of 2009, that

8 had any discussion with you about any law?

9 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

10 A Troutman and Sanders may have. They may have;

11 but, again, understand, for whatever reason, any time I

12 explained what Florida law was, other than a couple of

13 follow-up questions, that was it. It was a --


15 Q Okay.

16 A -- the gospel according to Scott.

17 Q Thank you.

18 Let's go now to the next page of your email,

19 which we'll call paragraph two; and you say, "firms that

20 refer us employment cases," and you list Joseph Slama,

21 S-L-A-M-A -- is that the correct pronunciation?

22 A Yes.

23 Q -- from Krupnick Campbell?

24 A Yes.

25 Q Is that a well-respected firm?

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1 A Very.

2 ALL PRESENT: Object to form.


4 Q What opinion do you have, if any, about the

5 respectability of the Krupnick Campbell firm?

6 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

7 A I thought they were an excellent and

8 professional personal injury law firm.


10 Q Not -- not a firm that sticks their name on a

11 park bench or a bench by the side of the road?

12 ALL PRESENT: Objection, form.


14 Q Let me rephrase the question.

15 Have you ever seen in South Florida the

16 Krupnick Campbell firm advertise on a bench?

17 A No.

18 Q Oh, really.

19 Okay. And what did Mr. Simony tell you about

20 what his discussion was with Mr. Slama?

21 ALL PRESENT: Objection, form.

22 A I -- I don't believe Mr. Simony ever spoke to

23 Mr. Slama. I don't recall anyone ever speaking to

24 Mr. Slama?

25 ALL PRESENT: Objection, form.

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2 Q Do you know why not?

3 A Yes.

4 Q Why? Why not?

5 A Because what had ultimately happened was when

6 they were doing their enhanced due diligence -- I think

7 I described this yesterday, but let me go through it to

8 make sure we're clear.

9 When they were doing their enhanced due

10 diligence regarding deal flow, I immediately sent out an

11 email to my entire firm saying, I need to, you know, get

12 people who are going to say nice things about us in our

13 employment business, anybody that you have that will say

14 good things about us, about referring us cases and that

15 the results are favorable, let me know.

16 We went back and forth a little bit.

17 Originally it was going to be a set group of

18 questions I was going to ask. A couple of the lawyers

19 responded. I can see here from Slama and Bob Kelley and

20 Schlesinger that it looks like they called --

21 Q Shelly Schlesinger?

22 A Shelly Schlesinger.

23 Q Is that a respectable firm to your knowledge?

24 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

25 A Yes.

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1 That those three came from Mr. Adler because

2 he was very close to all those people.

3 But, in any event --


5 Q Go ahead.

6 A -- Mr. Jedwab then decided that he's not going

7 to ask just my questions, that he wanted to ask a

8 broader base. He wanted to be able to have a

9 conversation with them.

10 Obviously, Mr. Preve and I could not have that

11 happen. No one involved in the Ponzi scheme could have

12 that happen, because that could create a real problem

13 for us with these people, since they did not -- they

14 would not be able to substantiate the deal flow that we

15 had.

16 So we went into phase two of the response to

17 their enhanced due diligence, which was this. I went to

18 Russ Adler, who had been screaming to become involved

19 deeper in what we were doing; and I told him he was

20 going to have his chance.

21 I said, this is -- I explained to him what was

22 going on, and I told him that I needed several firms

23 that would lie for us, specifically, about referring us

24 a substantial amount of cases that were worth tens of

25 millions of dollars and that we were paying these firms

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1 significant amounts in the millions of dollars of

2 referral fees.

3 Q For the purposes of this deposition, can we

4 refer to those firms as the park-bench firms?

5 ALL PRESENT: Objection.


7 Q I know, for the record, you're smiling. Why

8 are you smiling?

9 A Because the way you're saying that is funny,

10 especially because Steve Rossi had a park-bench ad.

11 Q Okay. Who was -- what's Steve Rossi's

12 relationship to this scam that you did with Mr. Adler

13 about these other three lawyers?

14 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.


16 Q Mr. Rothstein, do you agree this was a scam to

17 have three lawyers that were supposedly going to say

18 that they were giving large amounts of business to your

19 firm?

20 A Yes.

21 Q Okay. Am I wrong in characterizing it as a

22 scam?

23 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

24 A No. We were asking them to lie for us.


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2 Q Okay. So, Rossi did advertise on a park

3 bench, and he's one of the three lawyers that Mr. Adler

4 was going to get to talk about how great your firm is,

5 right?

6 A Yes.

7 Q Correct.

8 Okay. Did the other two get put on park

9 benches, too, or just Mr. Rossi?

10 ALL PRESENT: Objection.


12 Q If you know?

13 A I don't recall seeing Mr. Herskowitz's name --

14 Q Okay.

15 A -- I'm sorry, on a park bench or the Koppel

16 Bates.

17 Q We will call them the one-third park bench.

18 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

19 Mischaracterization.


21 Q I tell you what. In order to get past the

22 objection, I'll call them the other firms; is that okay,

23 Mr. Rothstein?

24 A Yes.

25 And we need to clarify, just the nature of

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1 this is, to make sure this is good, Mr. Nurik has

2 clarified that these are bus benches.

3 Q Park benches, I'm so sorry.

4 MR. CIMO: Let the record reflect they

5 should be bus benches.


7 Q What I'm going to do is, to avoid any

8 argumentative nature, I'm going to refer to them as

9 other firms. Okay?

10 A I'm sorry. I'm not hearing anything you're

11 saying right now. Just give me one second. This is

12 disrupting my train of thought.

13 Q I'm going to refer to these as the other

14 firms.

15 A You know this is such a sensitive topic with

16 lawyers, those benches, so let's just refer to them as

17 the firms given to me by Adler, and then I'll know what

18 you are talking about.

19 Q I'll call them the Adler firms; is that

20 acceptable?

21 A Yes. The Adler firms were the Rossi Firm,

22 Steve Rossi's firm, and the Herskowitz Firm.

23 And the Koppel Bates firm -- the Koppel Bates

24 firm was a firm that I brought in to help us with the

25 scam.

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1 Q Thank you.

2 But if you can just explain to me how these

3 Adler firms, I'm going to say the one that you referred

4 to as part of the Adler firms, how did the Adler firms

5 compare to the other three firms of Krupnick and

6 Campbell; Robert Kelley from Shelly Schlesinger's firm;

7 and Fisher and Phillips, in terms of stature and

8 reputation?

9 ALL PRESENT: Objection to the form.

10 A There is no comparison. You're talking about

11 the Krupnick Campbell firm; the Schlesinger firm; Bob

12 Kelley's firm. Bob used to be with Shelly Schlesinger.

13 You're talking about the cream of the crop of personal

14 injury law firms.


16 Q But you did send an email, dated

17 December 22nd, 2008, you did send this email, to

18 Mr. Simony?

19 A Yes.

20 Q You sent it to him, and do you know if he got

21 it?

22 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

23 A Yes, he got it.


25 Q He got it, and the email expressly says,

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1 quote, you are hereby authorized to contact the

2 following individuals at the following firms and inquire

3 as to the following," and then it has A and B. And it

4 lists Krupnick Campbell, Robert Kelley, Shelly

5 Schlesinger's firm and then Fisher and Phillips.

6 Is it your testimony that you understand

7 Mr. Simony or no one from the funds ever spoke to these

8 three firms?

9 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form and

10 mischaracterization.

11 A No, they did not speak to them because they

12 wanted to do a different level of due diligence, and we

13 could not have them asking these people the type of

14 questions that they were going to ask. We needed to

15 have them go to people who were in our pocket.


17 Q I understand that's your answer; but what I'm

18 trying to understand is, even though you gave them the

19 names of three other firms, the Adler firms, you had

20 given them authority in this email to talk to these

21 other three firms, correct?

22 A I did.

23 Q Okay. And what I just want to find out is,

24 not what you decided or what you thought was

25 appropriate, I just want to know, did you ever come to

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1 learn at any time that there was any attempt to talk to

2 the Schlesinger firm or the other two firms that were

3 mentioned in your December 2008 email?

4 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form,

5 misleading.

6 A To my knowledge, no.


8 Q Am I misleading you by asking this question?

9 Am I mischaracterizing your testimony in any way?

10 A You're not misleading me, no.

11 Q Okay. And how do you know that these three

12 firms were not contacted by the hedge funds?

13 A I don't know for certain that they weren't

14 contacted.

15 Q Okay.

16 A To my knowledge, they were not contacted.

17 Q And how do you know that the Adler firms that

18 were recommended were contacted or not?

19 A I was with them.

20 Q You were with them, meaning the hedge fund

21 representatives, when you visited the other Adler firms?

22 A I brought the hedge fund representatives,

23 Mr. Jedwab and Mr. Glass, to the other firms, the two

24 that Mr. Adler set up and the one that I set up with

25 Mr. Adler's assistance.

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1 Q Did Mr. Simony ever ask you why you referred

2 these three firms, initially, in December 22, 2008, and

3 then crossed them off the list and then referred three

4 other firms?

5 A Did Mr. Simony ask me that?

6 Q Yes.

7 A No, Mr. Simony couldn't have cared less.

8 Q Why not?

9 A Because Mr. Simony just wanted to get back to

10 business as usual. That's what made Jack, Jack.

11 Q And what role did the Adler firm

12 recommendations play in allowing, quote, business to go

13 back to usual, if any?

14 A I don't think business ever went completely

15 back to usual with the hedge funds. We never did real

16 significant business with them afterwards.

17 But it satisfied the people -- I know it

18 provided Ari Glass with a significant level of comfort

19 after he got to speak to those people. He had told me

20 that it made things much more comfortable for him.

21 Q Do you know whether Ari Glass was ever

22 apprised of the fact that three other law firms had been

23 proposed to Mr. Simony, other than the Adler firms?

24 A I have no way of knowing one way or the other.

25 Q Let me show you Exhibit No. 134.

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1 (Thereupon, the document was marked as

2 Trustee's Exhibit No. 134 for Identification.)

3 THE WITNESS: Do you want me to read the

4 entire email?


6 Q Please just refresh your recollection very

7 quickly.

8 First of all, this email is dated December 25,

9 correct, Christmas day, 2008, from you to Mr. Jedwab, to

10 Mr. Simony with a copy to Mr. Preve and Mr. Levin --

11 A For my comfort level, let me read the entire

12 email, because it's rather long and detailed.

13 Q Okay.

14 A Okay.

15 Q Do you recall this email?

16 A I do.

17 Q Why did you send it?

18 A I was making a very strong attempt to push the

19 hedge funds back.

20 Q Back to where?

21 A Out of my way.

22 Q When you say out of your way, what did you

23 mean?

24 A The continued requests by Mr. Jedwab, with

25 regard to enhanced due diligence, I mean, were creating

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1 a problem for myself, Ms. Villegas, Mr. Rosenfeldt. We

2 were talking about it. They were digging their noses in

3 too deep as far as we were concerned. They kept asking

4 for new things.

5 And what I had learned over the term of this

6 Ponzi scheme was, the best way to get people in line, to

7 go the direction you want them to go, is to push back

8 and -- just to push back on what they're doing,

9 utilizing the things that, to the best of your ability,

10 make sense to them as to what they were attempting to

11 do.

12 But we were pushing back at them to try to get

13 them to come to some lower level of due diligence.

14 Ultimately, I was simply trying to get them to fund

15 again.

16 Q And how long had it been since they had

17 stopped funding?

18 ALL PRESENT: Objection, form.

19 A I don't recall.


21 Q Did there come a point where they either

22 stopped or slowed down funding?

23 A This was around the time when it was stopping,

24 and by reading this email, I recall that they were

25 telling us they weren't going to fund anything in

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1 December.

2 Q Do you have a recollection whether the

3 decision to either slow down or stop funding was around

4 the same time that this Regent side deal that you

5 testified about was being done?

6 A Yeah, it was around that time.

7 Q Did you ever have a discussion with anyone

8 from the hedge funds about why -- the ones involved in

9 Regent, as to why their hedge funds didn't want to fund

10 anymore, but they were glad to do a side deal with you

11 where they doubled the money in six months?

12 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

13 A Yes.


15 Q And what did you discuss?

16 A There had actually been discussions all along

17 our relationship once we became friendly, and that was

18 there were really two different factions involved.

19 There actually should be an email some place

20 from Mr. Preve where we are discussing the factions,

21 that I think Simony was involved in those conversations,

22 also.

23 What I came to learn, actually through

24 Mr. Simony and Mr. Nordlicht, was that we had the Brian

25 faction, with Gil, Ari, who wanted to do, for example, a

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1 $50-million line first and then ease into everything.

2 And then we had the Nordlicht, Huberfeld,

3 Glass -- I mean, Nordlicht, Huberfeld, Simony faction

4 that wanted to go to $150 million and beyond right away.

5 It was full steam ahead.

6 That is the way it pretty much was the entire

7 time we did business. It's actually what gave Mr. Preve

8 and I some peace of mind, even during the enhanced due

9 diligence, because, obviously, we were involved in a

10 massive crime. When people are trying to stick their

11 noses into your business, that will, to use my term, get

12 you hinked up. Mr. Preve and I were both concerned

13 about that, as was Mr. Rosenfeldt.

14 What ultimately happened was when we learned

15 that other people, people in control of the hedge funds,

16 still wanted to do business with us on the side, we

17 realized that it was more just trying to pacify the

18 Jedwab, Kalter, group from the hedge fund.

19 Q Let me show you --

20 A Still needed to pacify them, but it was --

21 there were clearly two different groups of people in

22 there: people that were very concerned and people that

23 were not.

24 Q Thank you.

25 Let me show you Exhibit 135.

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1 (Thereupon, the document was marked as

2 Trustee's Exhibit No. 135 for identification.)

3 MR. CIMO: It's a declaration of

4 Mr. Gabriel Hertzberg, court document number

5 144, case number 10-3802-RBR.


7 Q I'm going to turn your attention to the

8 exhibits, in particular, exhibit B, as in "boy," and

9 I'll represent to you that in this declaration,

10 Mr. Hertzberg --

11 MR. NURIK: Could you give him a minute

12 to read the document?

13 MR. CIMO: Yes. I am just saying it for

14 the record. Please read it.

15 Under penalty of perjury, he states

16 Exhibit B is a true and correct copy of a due

17 diligence memoranda, prepared by Brian Jedwab

18 in 2009.


20 Q And I don't want you to spend a lot of time

21 reading it; it's very detailed. I just wanted to see if

22 you saw the three-page memo before today?

23 A The three-page memo, that's --

24 MR. NURIK: You are talking about which

25 exhibit?

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1 MR. CIMO: Exhibit B, as in "boy."


3 Q My first question is, have you seen this

4 exhibit before today, before you read it?

5 A I have.

6 Q Had you seen this exhibit before October of

7 2009, before you went to be incarcerated?

8 A There was -- this doesn't have a date on it of

9 when it was prepared, but there was a due diligence

10 report.

11 Q Separate from this?

12 A See, I don't know whether it was this one or

13 not. Let me just -- let me tell you what I recall.

14 There was a due diligence report that was

15 internal, a copy of which was provided to Mr. Preve,

16 which he provided to me.

17 It looks like this. This looks like the one;

18 but without a date on it, seeing what date it was

19 prepared, it's very difficult for me to recall at this

20 time.

21 But I have definitely seen this before. I

22 recall reading it.

23 Q Does this --

24 A I just can't tell you whether I read it during

25 the process of my cooperation or whether I -- this is

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1 actually the privileged internal document that Simony

2 snuck to Preve, which he then gave to me.

3 Q Does this memo accurately describe that there

4 was a visit by Mr. Jedwab to see you, from December 28

5 through December 31st of 2008?

6 A Yes.

7 Q At -- during those days, did you make the

8 visit to those Adler law firms that we spoke about

9 earlier that were the three other law firms that were

10 provided as alternatives to the initial three law firms

11 that were provided?

12 A I did make the visits that day to those three

13 law firms with those gentlemen, yes.

14 Q And under the volume of cases, those meetings

15 with those lawyers, including Mr. Rossi, that you said,

16 you know, sometimes advertises on bus benches, does this

17 accurately describe the fact that there were meetings

18 with you and Mr. Jedwab with these three lawyers, just

19 the paragraph under volume of cases?

20 A Yes.

21 Q Okay. And the next paragraph where it talks

22 about Phillips and -- Fisher and Phillips, was that firm

23 visited, too?

24 A I'm sorry, what about Fisher and Phillips?

25 Q Was Fisher and Phillips, mentioned in the next

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1 paragraph, were they also visited?

2 A They were not visited, no.

3 Q They were not.

4 So which law terms were visited?

5 A I took Mr. Jedwab, and I think Mr. Glass was

6 with us for all three, I took them to see Steve Rossi,

7 Mr. Herskowitz and to the Koppel and Bates firm.

8 Q Okay. And why wasn't Fisher and Phillips

9 visited?

10 A Because there's no way that I would have been

11 able to get -- or with Mr. Adler or Mr. -- even,

12 Rosenfeldt, have been able to get Charley Caulkins to

13 lie for us the way we would required.

14 Q As part of that visit from the 28th through

15 the 31st, were there any gentlemen's clubs visited?

16 A I don't recall one way or the other. It's

17 possible, but I have no independent recollection of it.

18 Q And other than those meetings at the law firms

19 and then a reference to a paralegal, Adelita Cabello,

20 C-A-B-E-L-L-O, being met with, do you know whether there

21 was anyone else at the law firm for Rothstein,

22 Rosenfeldt & Adler that was spoken to by Mr. Glass or

23 Mr. Jedwab?

24 A Spoken to, yes. There were meet-and-greets.

25 Due-diligence-wise, I have no recollection of that.

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1 Q Now, what was your opinion of this due

2 diligence that's now being done in December, which you

3 have characterized, as -- you said, enhanced diligence?

4 Was that you called this, enhanced due diligence?

5 A Okay. What was the question? I was reading.

6 Q My question was, this enhanced due diligence

7 that is happening in or about December of 2008, what

8 opinion or what conclusion did you reach, if any, as to

9 the adequacy of this enhanced due diligence?

10 ALL PRESENT: Objection, form.

11 A Okay. I'm sorry. Now repeat the question.


13 Q No, gladly.

14 What opinion did you reach, if any, in regard

15 to the adequacy of the enhanced due diligence that it

16 was now being conducted?

17 A I thought the due diligence, from my

18 standpoint, from a Ponzi standpoint, went well for us;

19 but it was not as enhanced as I was afraid it was going

20 to be. So it went well for us and --

21 Q Okay. What did you specifically observe that

22 you felt led you to the conclusion that it wasn't as

23 enhanced as you thought it was going to be or detailed?

24 A When we were at Mr. Rossi's firm,

25 Mr. Herskowitz's firm, and Koppel and Bates firm, there

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1 were things that I was concerned that Mr. Jedwab and/or

2 Mr. Glass might do during the course of this that could

3 have put both myself and my co-conspirators that were

4 assisting as the referring lawyers, in a very difficult

5 position, and none of these those things were done.

6 Q Did you ever use the term "going through the

7 motions"?

8 A I probably did. That's -- to ask me if I ever

9 used that phrase "going through the motions," yeah, I

10 probably did.

11 Q Was there anything that you observed when the

12 lawyers were met with that just made you believe one way

13 or the other, if at all, that the due diligence was more

14 of a necessity that had to be gone through, as opposed

15 to something that was really trying to delve into the

16 true relationship between these three law firms and the

17 Rothstein Rosenfeldt & Adler firm?

18 ALL PRESENT: Objection, form.

19 A Yes.


21 Q What's that?

22 A Okay. While we were there, before we went,

23 okay, you have to understand my frame of mind, when

24 we're going there, obviously I'm somewhat panic-stricken

25 because this is a major undertaking. We've got, one,

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1 two, three -- three or four other lawyers at different

2 firms all having to basically stick to the exact same

3 false script while being questioned by people who, I

4 believed at that time, based upon my conversations with

5 Mr. Jedwab, Mr. Glass, Mr. Simony and Mr. Preve, were

6 going to ask some difficult questions during the course

7 of these meetings.

8 Fortunately for the Ponzi scheme,

9 unfortunately for the hedge funds, they did not go down

10 that road. They confined their questions to how many

11 cases do you accept, what are the size of the cases,

12 what's the frequency, what kind of cases, what kind of

13 practice do you have and the dollar amounts that they

14 received -- how long they knew me, my reputation, that

15 type of thing.

16 They did not appear, to me, to be nearly as

17 attentive as I thought they were going to be; and one of

18 the big tells was, when we went to go see, for example,

19 Mr. Herskowitz -- I had never met Mr. Herskowitz before.

20 If I had, it was in passing. When we walked in his

21 office, I was going in and Mr. Glass and Jedwab were

22 with me, I believe, at least one of them was with me,

23 and we were walking in and Mr. Herskowitz comes up to me

24 and says, it's nice to finally meet you, at which time I

25 almost had a coronary. Because here is a guy who is

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1 supposed to be sending me millions of dollars worth of

2 cases.

3 Q Millions or tens of millions?

4 A Tens of millions, yes, a lot of cases, and he

5 says, nice to finally meet you, and I was like -- and I

6 said, good to see you again, you know.

7 I tried to recover.

8 Now, had they been paying attention, that

9 could have caused a problem.

10 In the Rossi office, they started to ask him

11 questions about, you know, the type of practice, and the

12 fact that he was a criminal defense lawyer, primarily,

13 and where, these other cases, would he come up with.

14 And they never followed up on it.

15 There were a lot of things that I had expected

16 them to do that they never done -- they never did.

17 For example, asking to see -- without looking

18 at the names, can you just show us a case list of all

19 the cases. I expected them to say something like that.

20 They never did.

21 Unfortunately for me, I only expected them say

22 it as I was driving there. I actually started to panic

23 about them asking for some kind of documentation.

24 But they never did. So...

25 Q Had you already reached the conclusion that

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1 Mr. Glass was a player -- an in-and-out player when this

2 happened?

3 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

4 A I did. I -- I more came to that conclusion

5 with Mr. Glass when he had his whole one-off side-deal

6 thing going on with Bo Rosenblat. Because here he is

7 bringing a doctor in who's -- who has no knowledge of

8 what we do, knows nothing about investing, and he's

9 going to be the front man for this Intercoastal --

10 whatever the heck the name of it was, his private

11 investment company; and he was going to continue to do

12 these deals with us.

13 So, when someone is willing to go to that

14 level to deceive their partners, you have a player in

15 the works or a player in full bloom. It just depends on

16 who they are.

17 Q Now, the next page of this exhibit talks about

18 follow-up and this is PCL 61985.

19 A Okay.

20 Q It says that Mr. Jedwab visited you on

21 March 4th and 5th, 2009.

22 Do you know whether that, in fact, happened?

23 A I remember him being there; I don't remember

24 the dates.

25 Q You recall discussing Thigpen versus UPS with

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1 him?

2 A Yes.

3 Q Was that at a 10 -- 10 -- multi-million --

4 tens-of-millions-of-dollars lawsuit?

5 A I don't remember what it was. It was several

6 million dollars.

7 Q Did it result in a public record that resulted

8 in a judgment or some other verdict?

9 A It did.

10 Q And -- but is that the only case that you

11 showed Mr. Jedwab at that time?

12 A The actual case -- I gave him access --

13 according to this, I gave him access to Fortis, and he

14 looked at Thigpen, and then I showed him the fake

15 videotapes, and I showed him a letter to the Spanish

16 broadcasting company making a claim. But other than

17 that, that would have been it, according to the letter.

18 Q That was the extent of what you had him review

19 during that March 4th/March 5th visit, to your

20 recollection?

21 A Yeah. He was fine with looking at that. So I

22 wasn't offering if he wasn't asking.

23 Q Then it says, "During my discussions with

24 Mr. Michael Szafranski" -- that's the same one as

25 Mr. Kalter's childhood friend?

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1 A Yes, sir.

2 Q "I have asked him to look into the parties, to

3 the cases we are funding, to establish their ability to

4 pay, as well as their connection."

5 Did you know that that had happened?

6 A I did.

7 Q Okay. And what did you learn? How did you

8 learn about that?

9 A Mike told me. Michael Szafranski told me.

10 Q And then there's a March 26, 2009, follow-up.

11 Did you play any role in regard to learning

12 about this follow-up where Szafranski verified cases at

13 RRA and you negotiated a purported settlement of them?

14 A No. Mike and I made that up. That never

15 happened.

16 Q But, again, this was something between you and

17 Michael Szafranski. You did not pay any role in giving

18 this information to Mr. Jedwab; it appears Michael

19 Szafranski provided it.

20 A I don't remember whether or not Mr. Jedwab

21 asked me about it subsequently, but it was Mike's job to

22 relay the information, initially, to Mr. Jedwab.

23 Q How did you compared this enhanced due

24 diligence in December 2008 to the initial due diligence

25 that was done at the start of the relationship.

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1 ALL PRESENT: Objection. Form.


3 Q You used the word "limited," I think, at the

4 front end.

5 ALL PRESENT: Objection. Form.

6 A It was somewhat enhanced but also it remained

7 limited. It wasn't nearly what Mr. Preve and I thought

8 it was going to be.


10 Q And that, therefore, enabled you to continue

11 with your Ponzi scheme?

12 A That's correct.

13 Q And had the due diligence been more probative

14 and had it been -- had due diligence, for example, been

15 done on the three law firms that Mr. Adler had referred

16 you to to see the volume of their cases, do you believe

17 it could have been discovered that those firms, in fact,

18 had not provided such --

19 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

20 Speculation.

21 A My belief is, yes, it could have been

22 discovered, but I don't know how that would have

23 ultimately affected people at the hedge funds.


25 Q Let me ask you to follow up on that: What did

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1 you learn, if anything, as to what due diligence was

2 done by the hedge funds regarding Mr. Rossi and the

3 other two firms after the meeting happened in December

4 of 2008 -- the meetings happened?

5 A I was never advised one way or the other.

6 Q And did you hear anything at all from the

7 hedge funds, other than doing these meetings with the

8 lawyers, any further questions of your firm about the

9 relationship between your firm and those Adler-related

10 law firms after those meetings in December of 2008.

11 Any follow-up? Anything?

12 A To my recollection, no.

13 MR. CIMO: Let's take a break at this

14 time because I think we're going to streamline

15 our remaining questions.

16 (Thereupon, a recess was taken.)

17 MR. CIMO: Let's go back on.

18 (Thereupon, a document was marked as Trustee's

19 Exhibit 136 for identification.)


21 Q Mr. Rothstein, take a look at 136, please.

22 Mr. Rothstein, I'm showing you Exhibit 136.

23 Who is the center of the "from 19546072333," if you

24 know.

25 A That's me.

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1 Q Okay. Is that a text message, instead of an

2 email?

3 A It is.

4 Q Why did you send this email to Mr. Jedwab in

5 or about March 19th of 2009?

6 A I was trying to push him to give us some

7 money.

8 Q And you talk about "inability to fund old

9 deals has resulted in my receiving a Bar grievance."

10 A Yes.

11 Q What is that about?

12 A That's a lie I created.

13 Q And is this the same -- was the enhanced due

14 diligence already over at this point?

15 A Yes.

16 Q Okay. If the enhanced due diligence was over,

17 do you know why you were having difficulty getting the

18 hedge funds to provide more money?

19 A I don't know why, no.

20 Q Did the hedge funds ever follow up with you in

21 regard to requesting documents after they had completed

22 their enhanced due diligence in December of 2008?

23 A I have no recollection.

24 If they did, it was of no significance. It

25 doesn't stick out in my mind.

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1 Q Do you recall Mr. Jedwab taking any notes or

2 Mr. Glass taking any notes while they met with the three

3 attorneys in December 2008, with you?

4 A I don't recall one way or the other.

5 Q Do you know whether there was a request to see

6 any traffic reports regarding hits?

7 A I -- I have no recollection of that.

8 Q Do you know if the hedge funds ever asked you

9 to see the amount of referral fees in the Rothstein

10 firm's records paid to those law firms?

11 A They never asked me that, no.

12 Q Were you asked for any financial data

13 regarding the tens of millions of dollars in cases that

14 were supposedly being given to you by these three law

15 firms?

16 A No, sir.

17 Q And the Bar grievance that you made up, what

18 was the story that you made up regarding the Bar

19 grievance?

20 A It was an ongoing story that we were using to

21 explain why payments were not being made and also to try

22 to get people to fund deals that were involved.

23 We tried to make the hedge funds feel as if

24 they had created a Bar problem for us so that they would

25 pay us.

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1 Q Do you know whether the hedge funds were

2 current with the Banyon entities at this time period?

3 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

4 A I don't know. I don't think they were, but I

5 don't know.

6 MR. CIMO: Exhibit 137.

7 (Thereupon, the document was marked as

8 Trustee's Exhibit 137 for Identification.)


10 Q Have you seen this before today?

11 A I don't recall seeing this, no.

12 Q Do you recall a meeting in or about April 8th

13 to meet with George to discuss impact of nonfunding on

14 the operations of RRA?

15 A I don't recall this. No.

16 Q Do you recall any meetings about alternatives

17 to dealing with Scott and Centurion?

18 A I -- I don't recall it. No.

19 Q And then, finally, do you recall any meetings

20 to discuss Brian Jedwab or Regent?

21 A I don't.

22 MR. CIMO: Show you now Exhibit 138.

23 (Thereupon, the document was marked as

24 Trustee's Exhibit 138 for Identification.)


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2 Q Mr. Preve makes mention to doing the exact

3 same default letter to Platinum.

4 Do you know what default letter is being

5 referred to in April of 2000 -- April 8th of 2009?

6 A Yes, I do.

7 Q And what letter is that?

8 A We were attempting to get the hedge funds to

9 continue to fund us money. We were also looking for a

10 methodology to avoid paying them everything that we owed

11 them in the amounts and the timing that needed to be --

12 that were required to be paid. So we came up with the

13 idea of saying that they were in default for not

14 funding.

15 Q They were in default, but they didn't have a

16 direct relationship with RRA.

17 A I understand that, but I was dealing with

18 them, anyway, through Mr. Preve.

19 Q Understood.

20 A But we did not have a direct relationship.

21 The only relationship I had with the hedge

22 fund was to try to convince them that these were real,

23 and they were not.

24 Q I understand.

25 So it was really the Banyon entities that were

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1 going to claim that the hedge funds were in default?

2 A Correct.

3 Q Then the next sentence says, quote, They are

4 really the same company and we must treat them as such.

5 Do you know what he's referring to?

6 A That's just me outlining what I consider to be

7 a pressure point to try to squeeze the hedge funds.

8 Q And what is the pressure point?

9 A That they're supposed to be separate entities,

10 but to my knowledge, they were really not; they all

11 interacted.

12 Q How did that work to your advantage as part of

13 the Ponzi scheme?

14 A I wanted to try to put them in a position

15 where they would believe that they had something to lose

16 in the course of cutting us off.

17 You have to remember something, that

18 throughout this entire thing, you're still dealing with

19 a hedge fund that is investing in a Ponzi scheme; and to

20 my knowledge, the entity itself doesn't know it's a

21 Ponzi scheme. Okay?

22 So I've got to put pressure on them to try to

23 get them to, for whatever reason, go ahead and fund.

24 You have to always separate out the difference

25 between the entities and what they knew as a whole and

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1 what they were intending on doing or not doing or how

2 they would have proceeded or not proceeded based upon

3 their knowledge; and the acts of people associated with

4 but doing things on the side.

5 Q Understood.

6 A Two completely different things.

7 Q And then the reference to "Murray legally

8 cannot be involved in both," do you know what Mr. Preve

9 is referring to there?

10 A No, no. That's me. I'm writing that.

11 Q Okay. I'm sorry.

12 You're reference to Murray being legally

13 involved. I apologize.

14 What's that in reference to?

15 A Okay. To my knowledge, Murray Huberfeld had

16 had significant SCC problems and criminal problems.

17 This is based on conversations with Mr. Nordlicht, Mr.

18 Preve, and Mr. Simony.

19 I was looking for a methodology to pressure --

20 remember: We're very short on money at this point in

21 time for the Ponzi scheme. I am looking for a

22 methodology to squeeze the hedge fund entities into

23 investing.

24 When you are attempting to do that in a

25 criminal enterprise, you do it by finding a pressure

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1 point that you believe will put the players who are

2 pushing back, like Mr. Jedwab and them -- what I hoped

3 was, Mr. Huberfeld would find out we were doing this,

4 Mr. Nordlicht, and would tell the others, okay,

5 controlling the entity, that we should do this for these

6 reasons.

7 Okay. You're trying to act on the internal

8 conflicts that are going on. Okay?

9 The legitimate players and the -- what I'll

10 just call the not-so-legitimate players, you're looking

11 for a business pressure point. That's all it is. You

12 just have to separate out who is who in the scheme of

13 things. That's probably the most important thing

14 relative to trying to understand why I came up with the

15 Bar grievance thing. Okay.

16 The Bar grievance thing wasn't for

17 illegitimate players. The Bar grievance thing was for

18 the legitimate players, the people that, had they known

19 it was a Ponzi scheme, would have stopped. You don't

20 need to apply pressure to people who are criminals.

21 Those are people easy to apply pressure to.

22 It's the legitimate side of the hedge funds,

23 the people that were controlling the money flow to me,

24 to us, that were problematic.

25 MR. CIMO: Exhibit Number 139 through

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1 146, as a composite.

2 (Thereupon, the documents were marked as

3 Trustee's Exhibit 139-146 for Identification.)


5 Q Okay. I want you to look at the email that

6 you wrote where you say, "Scott a/k/a Killem hood."

7 You see that?

8 Who is triple ggg?

9 UNKNOWN SPEAKER: Can you put some dates

10 on in these, please?

11 MR. CIMO: Dated April 8th, 2009.

12 A Triple ggg is Frank Preve; that's Guido,

13 Guido, Guido.


15 Q Let me just get the copy.

16 And what I wanted to ask you specifically

17 about this email is the reference to Murray -- Mayer

18 knowing about the secret deal with Murray, what secret

19 deal is that?

20 A That's the Regent deal.

21 Q Thank you.

22 Look at Exhibit 140.

23 Why did you send this email to Mr. Preve?

24 A Hang on a second.

25 This is Preve to me, actually.

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1 Q I'm sorry. Why did Preve send this to you?

2 First of all, do you recall receiving this?

3 A Yes.

4 Just give me one second, please.

5 Okay. This is a perfect example of the

6 dichotomy between the entities and the players.

7 Q And how is that?

8 A Because, to my belief, in all the business

9 dealings I'm dealing with Centurion, Platinum, and Level

10 3, they appear to me to be legitimate and sophisticated

11 hedge funds. They don't appear to me to be involved in

12 any criminal enterprise.

13 Certain people that worked there, to me, had

14 the propensity to do things opposite of -- Ari, for

15 example, he's writing here where he says to me: Ari is

16 a by-the-book kind of guy. He hasn't been through this

17 kind of explosive thing before.

18 And you got to remember, the hedge funds all

19 together, they don't act by one man. They act by, you

20 know, a group decision, at least that's certainly the

21 way it appeared to me. Even though Huberfeld was

22 ultimately calling the shots, I suspect he had all these

23 people, based upon what I had been told, as advisers.

24 So, you have to differentiate between the fact

25 that I consider Jack Simony to be a player and Mark

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1 Nordlicht to be a player, from the entity itself. It's

2 not the same thing, and that is what's being set forth.

3 In this, Frank is trying to explain to me,

4 with a copy to George, that, look, you're getting upset

5 with these guys, but you have to remember that the hedge

6 fund is a legitimate business, and just because we have

7 good -- what's called a subterranean relationship with

8 some of the guys, doesn't mean the hedge fund is going

9 to intentionally do anything wrong.

10 Q Look at exhibit --

11 A That's what he's trying to tell me.

12 Q Thank you.

13 Look at Exhibit 141, an email dated -- emails

14 dated April 16th and 17th, 2009.

15 I want you to look at the one from Mr. Levin

16 to Ari Glass.

17 Did you know about this email before seeing it

18 today?

19 A I remember seeing it. I don't remember if I

20 saw it before he sent it.

21 Q And then it talks about a meeting in or about

22 April 16th in the evening.

23 Did you attend this particular meeting? Did

24 it happen?

25 A I don't recall one way or the other.

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1 Q There's discussion in here about funding of

2 new cases; did that happen?

3 A I don't believe it -- this looks like just one

4 of George's doing the same thing that I was trying to

5 do, trying to pressure the entity into funding.

6 Q Exhibit 142, email from Mr. Levin to Preve.

7 Have you seen this before today?

8 A Yes.

9 Q Have you ever heard of Mr. -- well, do you

10 know who is referred to as the crazy man?

11 A Yes. It's Ari.

12 Q Ari Glass?

13 A Yes.

14 Q And were there discussions between Mr. Levin

15 and Mr. Preve and yourself about Mr. Glass being the

16 crazy man?

17 A Yes.

18 Q Why?

19 A Because Ari, when he was dealing with the

20 business for the hedge funds, not for the Rosenblatt

21 thing, but for the -- in the Level 3, Centurion,

22 Platinum deals, he was a more by-the-book kind of guy

23 and very explosive emotionally when things did not go by

24 the book.

25 Q Look at Exhibit 143.

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1 Mr. Preve emails Mr. Glass about Florida Bar

2 questions.

3 Do you know about this email -- when it was

4 sent in or about April 22nd, 2009?

5 A I don't actually have any independent

6 recollection of seeing this.

7 Q Go to Exhibit 144.

8 I would like you to look at the email from

9 Preve to you dated 4/27/2009, subject: Suggestion.

10 Do you recall this email, and if so, do you

11 recall what was done in regard to it?

12 A I recall the email. I don't recall anything

13 actually being done.

14 Q Go to Exhibit 145.

15 This email from Preve to Mr. Nordlicht talks

16 about restructuring a debt.

17 Do you recall this going on in or about April

18 28th of 2009?

19 A I remember there being conversations between

20 myself and Mr. Preve and Mr. Levin, that they were

21 trying to work out their business relationship with the

22 hedge funds.

23 What was actually done, I don't know one way

24 or the other.

25 Q It talks about $15 million.

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1 Do you recall $15 million ever being discussed

2 with you as an amount that the funds wanted -- the hedge

3 funds wanted?

4 A I do. I actually think I received an email

5 from Mr. Nordlicht in that regard or Mr. Simony or both.

6 Q Take a look at Exhibit No. 146.

7 Is this the email you're referring to?

8 It's an email to you to Mr. Nordlicht talking

9 about 15 million.

10 A Well, this is the one that I sent to them, but

11 I believe there's other emails where they were

12 discussing it with me or maybe they sent it to Mr. Preve

13 and I got copied on it.

14 Q Okay. Well, this email -- this is an email

15 you wrote in or about May 6th of 2009?

16 A It is.

17 Q And it talks about the total wire to you

18 against the 15 million owed under the agreement with

19 Banyon to 8.5 million.

20 A That's correct.

21 Q That's how much had actually been wired to

22 that point?

23 A I assume that's correct. I don't know.

24 Q And then it talks about the -- I expect to

25 wire the remainder in the next few days.

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1 Do you know whether that occurred?

2 A I don't recall one way or the other.

3 Q You then say, "Given these and all other

4 pendent circumstances, Banyon and my firm expect that

5 you will not issue a default against Banyon."

6 Was a default ultimately issued?

7 A I later came to learn that an internal default

8 had been declared as early as April, but as far as

9 saying we were in default, there were certain people

10 there who constantly say on the phone -- for example,

11 Ari Glass, Brian Jedwab would say, you -- Banyon's in

12 default. You guys are in default. We are going to sue.

13 I mean, I heard they were going to sue a 100

14 times from Ari glass.

15 But as far as actually declaring us in

16 default, no.

17 Q Exhibit --

18 A Not to my knowledge.

19 Q Thank you.

20 (Thereupon, the document was marked as

21 Trustee's Exhibit 147 for Identification.)


23 Q Exhibit Number 147, an email from you dated

24 April 29th to Jack Simony.

25 And you say, quote, I have borrowed the

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1 15 million do play Platinum this week, end quote.

2 A Yes.

3 Q Did you send this email to Mr. Simony?

4 A I did.

5 Q And why are you telling Mr. Simony that you

6 had borrowed 15 million to pay his hedge fund?

7 A Because I didn't want him to think I was

8 taking the money from any of the internal accounts

9 because I had them under the belief that all the money

10 was locked up by the Florida Bar.

11 Q Did Mr. Simony ask you who you borrowed the

12 money from?

13 A No, sir.

14 Q Did he inquire about what you had to provide

15 in terms of collateral to borrow such money?

16 A No, sir.

17 Q Did you have any discussion at all about where

18 you would come to possess $15 million to give to

19 Platinum?

20 A No, sir.

21 Q Did you have any impression as to whether he

22 cared or not where you got the money from?

23 UNKNOWN SPEAKER: Objection.

24 THE WITNESS: Jack himself?


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2 Q Yes.

3 A I think he was concerned.

4 You know what? I'm really guessing as to what

5 he thinks.

6 Q No. Don't guess.

7 A Yeah. I don't know what he thought.

8 Q I am asking you, did you form an opinion or a

9 belief in or about April 29th of 2009, as to whether you

10 thought he cared where you got the 15 million from?

11 ALL PRESENT: Objection. Form.

12 THE WITNESS: In his role as a member of

13 the hedge fund or as Jack himself?


15 Q You can split that answer into the two phases?

16 A I think that the hedge fund itself would have

17 been concerned about where the money came from. I think

18 that Jack just wanted to make sure the hedge fund got

19 money.

20 Q But RRA didn't owe Platinum the money. The

21 Banyon entities owed the money, correct?

22 UNKNOWN SPEAKER: Object. Is there a

23 question?


25 Q Let me rephrase.

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1 Who owed the $15 million to Platinum?

2 ALL PRESENT: Objection. Form.


4 Q If you know.

5 A Technically, Banyon.

6 Q Yes.

7 But why is it your problem to borrow

8 15 million to pay Banyon entities' obligation?

9 A Because I'm controlling the funds.

10 Q When you say "the funds," what funds are you

11 talking about?

12 A The funds that aren't really there.

13 Q The funds that are part of the Ponzi scheme?

14 A Yes.

15 Q Okay. And as a person, do you think that

16 Mr. Simony cared where the 15 million came from?

17 UNKNOWN SPEAKER: Objection. It's been

18 asked twice.


20 Q As an individual?

21 A As an individual.

22 Q Who you defined as a player.

23 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

24 THE WITNESS: I don't -- can I answer?


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2 Q Yes.

3 A Jack --

4 MR. SCHERER: Overruled.

5 THE WITNESS: Thank you.

6 A Jack, individually, no. I don't think he

7 cared.

8 I believe the hedge fund itself would have

9 cared, but not Jack particularly.

10 MR. CIMO: Let me show you now Exhibit

11 Number 147 (sic).

12 (Thereupon, the document was marked as

13 Trustee's Exhibit 148 for Identification.)


15 Q This is an email dated April 28th, 2009, from

16 you to Scott Preve and it's called Platinum --

17 A Frank Preve.

18 Q From Frank Preve to Scott Rothstein regarding

19 Platinum.

20 And then underneath it, it has Mr. Nordlicht

21 to Preve. No subject.

22 Did you see the one from Mr. Nordlicht to

23 Preve before today?

24 A I have.

25 Q Did you know that 15 million was expected by

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1 April 29th?

2 A I did.

3 Q And was that amount paid?

4 A It was not.

5 MR. CIMO: I apologize. This was 148,

6 for the record.

7 Let me show you now Exhibit 149.

8 (Thereupon, the document was marked as

9 Trustee's Exhibit 149 for Identification.)


11 Q It's an agreement dated April 30th, 2009.

12 Just going to ask you if you recall seeing

13 this before today?

14 A I do.

15 Q In what context did you see this email?

16 This document. I'm sorry.

17 A I'm sorry?

18 Q In what context did you see this document?

19 A Frank and George had sent it over to me for my

20 input.

21 Q I note that you're not --

22 A It actually has my handwriting on it.

23 Q Oh. That's your handwriting on it.

24 But you did not sign this document nor were

25 you requested to sign it, correct?

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1 A No, sir.

2 MR. CIMO: Just give me one moment,

3 please.


5 MR. CIMO: To wrap up.


7 Q From and after this time period, May 2009,

8 were there any other deals that you know, personal

9 knowledge, sitting here today, that were funded by the

10 three hedge funds?

11 A I don't have any independent recollection of

12 any, no.

13 Q Do you have any recollection whether the hedge

14 funds continued to receive payments either directly

15 through RRA or any of the Banyon entities, despite the

16 fact that there were no further settlements being

17 funded?

18 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

19 A My recollection is that we continued to pay

20 them money on a weekly basis, sometimes a couple times a

21 week, to try to pay down the debt. Yes.


23 Q And at any point before October of 2009, did

24 any of those payments stop, to your knowledge, to the

25 hedge funds?

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1 A I don't know what you mean did they stop?

2 Q Meaning that you said weekly.

3 Was there any week that was missed?

4 A There may have been. I mean, when we had

5 funds available to send to them, and when they were --

6 you know, pushing us to send money, we did our best to

7 send it.

8 Q And before October of 2009 when the Ponzi

9 scheme was uncovered, was it your testimony that those

10 payments continued as best they could up until the point

11 that the Ponzi scheme was disclosed?

12 A Yes, they did.

13 Q And that those payments that occurred during

14 that time period were in the multi millions of dollars?

15 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

16 A Yes. Yes.


18 Q They weren't a few hundred thousand, they, in

19 the aggregate, total millions and millions of dollars.

20 ALL PRESENT: Objection. Form.

21 A Yes.


23 Q They were not insubstantial.

24 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

25 A They were --

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2 Q They were substantial payments?

3 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

4 A Depending on who's looking at is substantial

5 or insubstantial.

6 They were millions of dollars of payments.

7 Q And whose money was used in order to make

8 those payments to the hedge funds between May of 2009

9 and October 2009?

10 A It was likely a combination of Mr. Von

11 Allmen's money; Mr. Sochet's money; Mely Lifshitz's

12 money; Clockwork money; Discala money.

13 The combination of those people.

14 Q These are all other investors in the Ponzi

15 scheme that came about from and after May of 2009?

16 A Yes.

17 Q And were there any monies used from legitimate

18 RRA operations to pay for the hedge funds?

19 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

20 A Throughout the Ponzi scheme, to whatever

21 limited extent there were legitimate funds coming into

22 the law firm, those funds were thrown into the same

23 account.

24 So it is possible that some legitimate funds

25 ended up in someone's hands. But you need to

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1 understand, if you look at our books and records, I

2 mean, I think we only did 8- or $9 million in that year,

3 total revenues.

4 So it's just by straight math, it's an

5 accounting impossibility for very much of it to have

6 gone to pay these other tens of millions of dollars in

7 moneys being paid out.

8 Q The lawsuit that I filed alleges that the

9 transfers that were made by your law firm to the hedge

10 funds were made with actual intent to hinder, delay or

11 defraud creditors.

12 Did you have any familiarity with the Florida

13 statute on fraudulent transfers while you were a lawyer?

14 A I did.

15 Q Okay. Were the transfers made to the hedge

16 funds, at any time in your -- in your belief, part of a

17 Ponzi scheme intended to hinder creditors?

18 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

19 THE WITNESS: To hinder creditors?


21 Q Yes. Hinder them.

22 A No. The money was paid to pay creditors.

23 Q No. I'm talking about when you're making --

24 when you're taking other people's money as part of the

25 Ponzi scheme and then you're transferring it to the

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1 hedge funds, would you say that those payments were made

2 as part of your Ponzi scheme to hinder creditors?

3 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

4 A You're asking -- that question seems to be, to

5 me, to be so many questions boiled into one.

6 Let me break it down for you and then you can

7 ask me a follow up.

8 Let me see it can I respond.


10 Q Go ahead.

11 A In the Ponzi scheme with the hedge funds,

12 Level 3, Centurion, Platinum, we were making payments to

13 those hedge funds for fear that the legitimate portion

14 of those hedge funds, the victim portion of the hedge

15 funds, okay, would not go to the authorities in any

16 form. Okay?

17 It wasn't that we were sitting here going,

18 let's hinder our creditors.

19 We were paying Ponzi first, because at the end

20 of the day, you got all these legitimate investors in

21 the hedge funds who are victims.

22 Those people, not getting money, any one of

23 them could have picked up the phone, including the

24 straight guys -- I'll call them the straight guys at the

25 hedge funds, guys like Jedwab and Kalter and Glass from

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1 time to time -- could have picked up the phone and

2 called the SCC, the FBI, any law enforcement agency or

3 filed a lawsuit against us.

4 So I think in answering your question, we're

5 sending the money to them with disregard to our

6 creditors.

7 Q Yes.

8 A Does that help you?

9 Q Well, it does because I'm going to talk about

10 Mr. Von Allmen, for example, represented by Mr. Scherer.

11 You said part of his money was used to pay the

12 hedge funds, correct?

13 A I believe it was. Sure. That's where it was

14 coming from.

15 Q So would you say that Mr. Von Allmen was being

16 hindered by virtue of you taking his money to pay the

17 hedge funds so the Ponzi scheme would not be revealed?

18 ALL PRESENT: Objection. Form.

19 A Yes.


21 Q Would you also say Mr. Sochet was being

22 hindered by taking his money and giving it to the hedge

23 funds under your Ponzi scheme?

24 A Yes.

25 Q Would you say that any of the people that

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1 invested after May of 2009 were being hindered as a

2 result of you taking their money and paying it to the

3 hedge funds?

4 A I absolutely would.

5 Q That's the question.

6 There's a concept called delaying. Hinder,

7 delay or defraud.

8 Do you believe that the payments that you were

9 making to the hedge funds acted to delay Mr. Sochet and

10 Mr. Van Allmen and these other people invested after May

11 of 2009 from getting paid back their money?

12 A Yes.

13 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.


15 Q Do you believe that that intention to delay

16 was something that you did in order to allow the Ponzi

17 scheme to continue?

18 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

19 A Yes.


21 Q Do you believe that had you not made these

22 payments to the hedge funds to delay Mr. Von Allmen and

23 all these other people invested after 2009, that the

24 Ponzi scheme would have been discovered, because the

25 hedge funds would have demanded payment and declared

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1 default?

2 ALL PRESENT: Object to form.

3 A I do.


5 Q Now, let's talk about defraud.

6 Do you believe the payments that you made to

7 the hedge funds at any time were intended to defraud

8 creditors that were not getting repaid at the same time?

9 ALL PRESENT: Objection to form.

10 THE WITNESS: Were they intended to

11 defraud?

12 I think it's the way you're asking me.


14 Q I'll rephrase it for you.

15 The payments that are made to anyone under a

16 Ponzi scheme, where the person whose money you're taking

17 to pay the later investor, would you agree that those

18 payments are paid to defraud those creditors that are

19 not being repaid?

20 ALL PRESENT: Objection.


22 Q Isn't that what a Ponzi scheme is?

23 A Hang on a second.

24 MR. CIMO: Just keep making your

25 objections, Counselor.

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1 THE WITNESS: All right. Now, go ahead.

2 Just go --

3 UNKNOWN SPEAKER: Let the record at least

4 reflect that while the question was pending,

5 the witness was talking to his counsel.


7 Q I'm going to rephrase the question for you.

8 Would you -- would you have an opinion sitting

9 here today that payments made to the hedge funds, at any

10 time while your Ponzi scheme was being engaged in, while

11 other investors are not being paid and their money is

12 being used to pay the hedge funds, do you have an

13 opinion whether those payments were being made with an

14 intention to defraud those creditors that were not being

15 paid?

16 ALL PRESENT: Objection.

17 A Yes. That is what we were doing by the nature

18 of the Ponzi scheme.


20 Q And you actually pled guilty to running a

21 conspiracy that engaged in activities that acted as a

22 Ponzi scheme?

23 A That's correct.

24 Q Now, the most extreme thing about this thing

25 we spoke about is, you had an intention to defraud

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1 people, didn't you?

2 A That's a better question.

3 Yes.

4 Q But that's a --

5 A Yes, I did.

6 Q But a little bit less than defrauding is

7 hindering; wouldn't you agree?

8 MR. SCHERER: Objection to form.



11 Q Yes.

12 A I was -- me, my law firm, and my

13 co-conspirators were defrauding a ton of people that we

14 legitimately owed money to in order to pay off, in this

15 case, the hedge funds, to stop them from reporting us to

16 the authorities --

17 Q And as part --

18 A -- and declaring a default.

19 Q As part of the Ponzi scheme the law firm

20 actually signed guarantees or promissory notes to

21 people, didn't it?

22 A Through me, yes.

23 Q Yes.

24 And, therefore, the firm became obligated to

25 the Ponzi victims as part of the scheme?

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1 ALL PRESENT: Objection to the form.


3 Q In other words, there are promissory notes

4 signed to certain investors, correct?

5 A Yeah. To a lot of them. Sure.

6 Q Mr. Sochet got several promissory notes,

7 didn't he?

8 A He did.

9 Q And when the firm then became obligated, those

10 people became creditors of the law firm under the

11 promissory notes?

12 A I viewed them, promissory notes or not, me and

13 my co-conspirators, we always viewed the legitimate

14 people we were taking money from as legitimate

15 creditors.

16 Q As legitimate creditors?

17 A We viewed the hedge funds as legitimate

18 creditors.

19 Q In regard to a liquidation of the Rothstein

20 firm, would their be sufficient money to pay all of

21 those quote, unquote, creditors in full?

22 A If there were, I wouldn't be here.

23 No, there was not.

24 Q So throughout --

25 A That's the very -- that's the very nature of a

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1 Ponzi scheme. There was not sufficient money to pay all

2 our creditors.

3 Q So throughout the time that the Ponzi scheme

4 was being engaged in, it's your testimony that the

5 legitimate business operations of the Rothstein firm and

6 the assets were not sufficient to pay all creditors in

7 full, however you characterize them?

8 A That's absolutely true.

9 MR. CIMO: I have no further questions.

10 (Thereupon, a recess was taken.)

11 - - - - -















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1 C E R T I F I C A T E




5 I, Michele L. Savoy, Shorthand Reporter do

6 hereby certify that I was authorized to and did

7 report the foregoing proceedings and that the

8 transcript is a true record.

9 Dated this 15th day of December, 2011.


11 ______________________________

12 Michele L. Savoy, RPR Notary Public - State of Florida

13 My Commission No. EE 113173 Expires August 6, 2015













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4 I, Michele L. Savoy, Shorthand Reporter,

5 do hereby certify that I was authorized to and did

6 report said deposition in stenotype; and that the

7 foregoing pages, numbered from 770 to 946,

8 inclusive, are a true and correct transcription of

9 my shorthand notes of said deposition.

10 I further certify that I am not an

11 attorney or counsel of any of the parties, nor am I

12 a relative or employee of any attorney or counsel or

13 party connected with the action, nor am I

14 financially interested in the action.

15 The foregoing certification of this

16 transcript does not apply to any reproduction of the

17 same by any means unless under the direct control

18 and/or direction of the certifying reporter.

19 Dated this 15th day of December, 2011.


21 ___________________________________

22 Michele L. Savoy, RPR Notary Public - State of Florida

23 My Commission No. EE 113173 Expires August 6, 2015



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Aabc 841:21ability 898:9 911:3able 834:24,25

838:12 874:9881:14 882:21889:8,14 904:11904:12

absolutely 793:6869:14 939:4944:8

absurd 881:24abundantly 885:17accept 907:11acceptable 778:8

778:24 779:3,22779:25 780:5,10892:20

accepted 810:13819:5

access 827:20910:12,13

account 831:10832:24 935:23

accountants 795:21811:7

accounting 799:21817:10,20 936:5

accounts 830:11831:7 928:8

accurate 807:1826:18,25 883:19

accurately 883:25903:3,17


act 790:25 920:7922:19,19

acted 939:9 941:21acting 815:4,5action 828:9

946:13,14activities 817:23

845:7,18 846:2,5846:20,21,22941:21

activity 811:9

815:15,16,23816:24 822:15

acts 919:3actual 777:6

786:21 805:10818:2 821:16857:4 910:12936:10

ad 890:10adam 772:21adams 771:13addition 786:2,7

796:23 843:14additionally 807:2address 859:10,17

859:18 860:14861:3 862:18,20867:16

adelita 904:19adequacy 905:9,15adler 805:9 806:6

807:12 824:13825:1 889:1,18890:12 891:3892:17,19,21893:3,4,4 894:19895:17,21,24896:11,23 903:8904:11,22 906:17912:15

adlerrelated 913:9adlers 895:25advantage 918:12advertise 887:16

891:2advertises 903:16advised 913:5advisers 922:23affiliated 797:25

839:20,22 860:24affiliates 814:19afraid 905:19agency 805:1

841:21 878:7938:2

aggravating 819:5aggregate 934:19

agmt 861:11863:18,19 867:20

ago 827:19agree 821:20

828:13,21 829:6,6829:21 885:10890:16 940:17942:7

agreed 829:3agreement 775:8,9

775:10 777:17,18777:21,24,24778:12,15 779:12779:15,18 783:21784:2,12 855:11859:24 861:13,14863:20 867:6,24882:19,22 926:18932:11

agreements 790:14795:2 874:12

ahead 829:2 830:8864:4 882:19883:16 889:5900:5 918:23937:10 941:1

akerman 773:11al 770:5,8 771:9,13alex 773:23,25alias 862:10,11,14

863:24allegations 816:12allegedly 815:16alleges 936:8allmen 844:18

857:23 858:2938:10,15 939:10939:22

allmens 836:15935:11

allow 939:16allowing 896:12alternative 780:23alternatives 903:10

916:16american 824:20amount 806:20

856:18,19 857:12857:17 871:22889:24 915:9926:2 932:3

amounted 805:10amounting 806:24amounts 807:13

874:24 882:2890:1,18 907:13917:11

amy 771:13analysis 820:21

821:17annual 821:25answer 807:23

835:13 838:7846:15 871:6894:17 929:15930:24

answered 828:3851:24

answering 785:8796:9,11 938:4

anybody 811:2866:17 884:5888:13

anymore 899:10anyway 786:25

917:18apart 817:23

858:12 865:14872:21

apologize 779:7787:5 919:13932:5

apparently 882:1appear 806:24

810:7 907:16922:10,11

appearance 772:1772:5 773:1,6,10773:14,17,22774:5,9,13

appearances 772:9772:14 774:1

appeared 795:14795:15 808:5,25

922:21appears 796:7

806:12 855:1911:18

application 878:14apply 920:20,21

946:16appointed 817:8

818:11appreciate 873:14apprised 896:22approached 808:22appropriate 894:25approved 851:4approximate

849:14 871:22approximately

791:22april 775:17,18,18

775:19 783:21784:19 794:17796:5,7 798:11,16848:22 849:6,18849:18 916:12917:5,5 921:11923:14,22 925:4925:17 927:8,24929:9 931:15932:1,11

arbitrage 773:1778:17 779:3793:23 800:10

area 833:20areas 776:15arent 930:12argumentative

892:8ari 785:1 786:8,22

788:18 797:20834:7 845:2850:20 854:18,21871:9 896:18,21899:25 922:14,15923:16 924:11,12924:19 927:11,14

aris 786:23arranged 784:16

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arrived 787:3articles 807:12asked 793:13 818:9

824:11 825:21829:3 833:12852:6 863:17874:15 876:16,21882:11 883:15911:2,21 915:8,11915:12 930:18

asking 786:16787:14 788:1793:14 794:18796:15 797:7813:4 818:13832:10 845:20846:19 874:25880:23 881:2,6883:3,12,13,14885:22 890:24894:13 895:8898:3 908:17,23910:22 929:8937:4 940:12

asks 851:19aspect 884:10ass 818:20 854:10assertion 829:7assets 823:23,25

944:6assignment 795:3

805:8assistance 895:25assisting 798:1,7

906:4associated 817:25

821:24 919:3associates 793:23

853:5association 797:18

797:19assume 851:23

880:4,5 926:23assumed 790:18assuming 880:2assure 805:2assured 847:13

atlas 773:9attachment 867:7attachments 800:6attempt 828:10

875:1 878:1 895:1897:18

attempting 824:9898:10 917:8919:24

attend 791:9855:24 923:23

attendance 784:22attended 791:6

846:6attention 800:5

828:1 873:11,15901:7 908:8

attentive 907:17attorney 802:11

946:11,12attorneys 841:18

915:3audit 811:2august 945:13

946:23authorities 937:15

942:16authority 791:1

894:20authorized 894:1

945:6 946:5automobile 806:15

806:18available 795:4

816:19 934:5ave 773:7avenue 770:23

773:11 861:4avoid 808:24 892:7

917:10award 805:10awards 806:25

807:7 808:1aware 794:2,13



b 772:13 802:21894:3 901:8,16902:1

back 783:20 802:14812:19 820:20836:7 840:20846:24 847:25850:19 851:8859:7 866:9 877:2885:11 888:16896:9,13,15897:19,20 898:7,8898:12 913:17920:2 939:11

background 789:9789:13

bad 845:13bahamas 850:24

851:2balance 819:7,8balances 821:17band 854:2,3bank 771:16,16,19

771:21 773:14bankers 798:9banking 844:16banned 816:7banter 854:11banyan 784:12banyon 775:8,9,10

777:18,23 778:7,8778:16,24 779:7779:13,19,21,22780:7,9 781:17,24782:4,4 790:15,16790:17,21 792:4,6795:8 804:17,18812:24 831:1,2,9831:13 833:2,6,14848:18 855:10,15856:7 857:5,19,22858:10,13 870:20870:22,22 874:12878:15 916:2917:25 926:19927:4,5 929:21930:5,8 933:15

banyons 790:19856:3 927:11

bar 914:9 915:17915:18,24 920:15920:16,17 925:1928:10

barry 836:15,21837:5 858:19

base 889:8based 787:24 796:8

814:8 842:23866:9 907:4 919:2919:17 922:23

basically 783:2784:6 785:21808:14 855:9907:2

basis 933:20bates 852:15 862:1

868:13 873:6891:16 892:23,23904:7 905:25

battista 772:10becoming 783:6beginning 859:23behalf 776:17

787:18 788:3,24797:21 867:17879:13 886:7

bekkedam 836:15836:16

belief 781:7 833:22834:17 912:21922:8 928:9 929:9936:16

beliefs 838:8believe 779:18

782:22 783:16,18785:1 786:5 789:5789:24 790:1796:2,20 806:4810:5 813:21814:10 817:18818:1 828:13829:15,22 865:19869:7 887:22906:12 907:22

912:16 918:15920:1 924:3926:11 931:8938:13 939:8,15939:21 940:6

believed 814:2,8,12814:13 830:16838:11 844:3907:4

ben 859:3,5bench 887:11,11,16

891:3,15,17benches 891:9


berenfeld 811:8berger 772:6berserk 850:20best 784:23 789:19

793:12 797:2,9850:9 864:2,5877:13 898:6,9934:6,10

better 784:7 830:16840:6 942:2

beyond 900:4bif 778:24big 817:9,10 907:18bigfour 817:19billing 774:14billion 838:14biscayne 773:3,3

774:7bit 776:20 812:20

888:16 942:6bjedwab 860:8black 774:11blc 873:6bless 826:2bloom 909:15blowing 847:10blows 847:14blvd 773:15 774:7

774:14bo 871:11 909:6bob 888:19 893:11


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boiled 937:5bold 824:6book 924:24books 795:20

851:12 936:1bore 829:20,22

830:4borrow 928:15

930:7borrowed 927:25

928:6,11bottom 821:14

869:1boulevard 772:2,6

772:19 773:3bourguigon 801:19

801:19 802:6,10boy 901:8 902:1break 833:15 866:5

913:13 937:6brian 796:20,25

834:3 850:10,10859:3 879:12881:20 884:21899:24 901:17916:20 927:11

briefly 817:4bright 836:11bring 834:24 850:3bringing 881:23

909:7british 825:19broad 812:25


910:16broader 889:8brought 794:8

826:8 840:9892:24 895:22

broward 770:2771:2 772:2 945:3946:2

building 770:17790:1 859:20861:7

bulk 823:7 857:21

869:5bullet 822:19 826:5bump 840:12bunch 858:20burden 821:18burdened 821:7bus 892:2,5 903:16business 783:10

786:15,23,23788:16 794:19811:3 813:23817:15 824:9837:10 839:23841:9 844:2 850:1850:7,8 853:6,24857:22 858:20888:13 890:18896:10,12,14,16900:7,11,16920:11 922:8923:6 924:20925:21 944:5

businesses 799:7businessmen 837:7

837:8bypassing 833:2bythebook 922:16


Cc 772:12 945:1,1

946:1,1cabello 904:19,20cace 771:4call 779:7 799:20

816:19 845:7885:20 886:19891:17,22 892:19920:10 937:24

called 809:13816:11 819:24,25867:20 878:7888:20 905:4923:7 931:16938:2 939:6

calling 797:7816:18 850:14,21

922:22campbell 886:23

887:5,16 893:6,11894:4

cant 777:24 781:11798:19 831:8902:24

capable 811:22,23851:20

capacity 870:23,24cape 793:1capital 774:5

779:14,24 869:11card 823:5 824:21care 810:9 822:11

834:14 873:2cared 782:20 896:7

928:22 929:10930:16 931:7,9

career 805:14caretsky 774:13carnegie 790:1

859:20carol 771:5case 770:3 771:4,12

808:23 825:9838:5 901:5908:18 910:10,12942:15

cases 806:16807:13 808:6,10808:12 809:1830:21,23 881:22886:20 888:14889:24 903:14,19907:11,11,12908:2,4,13,19911:3,12 912:16915:13 924:2

casey 774:8cash 821:10,11catching 855:22category 836:13,14

836:15,17 850:18caulkins 904:12cause 805:10caused 908:9

causes 828:9causing 875:8,13center 913:23centurion 773:1

777:7,17,22 778:4778:5 780:4781:14 782:1,6783:22,24 784:6,9786:15 788:15789:3,5 795:11797:18 799:25815:3 838:3859:11,21 860:1,4860:12 916:17922:9 924:21937:12

centurionllc 860:8certain 776:21

782:23 795:5802:16 814:7822:24 826:7829:13,14,15830:15,18 833:24844:3 845:5873:12 895:13922:13 927:9943:4

certainly 834:23841:18 867:14922:20

certificate 775:5certification

946:15certify 945:6 946:5

946:10certifying 946:18cetera 786:24cetificate 775:5chain 775:16,21

842:18 873:14878:22

chance 889:20changing 813:25characterize 944:7characterized


890:21charles 772:8charley 904:12chase 773:19cherry 865:13

872:23cherrypick 870:1

872:15chief 805:7childhood 809:20

809:24 812:6871:10 910:25

choose 842:1christmas 897:9cimo 772:12 775:4

776:7,10,24 787:2787:12,15,22793:20 798:13800:18,21 803:3804:11,23 807:22808:19 809:9810:14 811:18812:4,11,13,18,25813:14 814:23815:8 817:7,16819:22 820:13827:9 828:18,20829:1,17 830:1832:3,9,22 833:15833:18 835:5,16836:9 837:3,19838:15 839:8842:2,4,6,15,20843:13,23 845:11846:15,18 847:5849:1 851:22852:9,13,18853:17 854:4858:9,16,22 859:1861:20,24 862:5864:3 865:4 866:8868:11,18 870:15871:5,20 872:2,8872:17 873:10874:19 875:21876:8,13 877:16878:21,23 879:5

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879:24 880:15,20881:1,8 883:7,11884:4,14 885:5,19886:1,14 887:3,9887:13 888:1889:4 890:6,15891:1,11,20 892:4892:6 893:15,24894:16 895:7897:5 898:20899:14 901:3,6,13901:19 902:1,2905:12 906:20912:2,9,24 913:13913:17,20 916:6,9916:22 917:1920:25 921:4,11921:14 927:22929:1,14,24 930:3930:19 931:1,10931:14 932:5,10933:2,5,6,22934:17,22 935:1936:20 937:9938:20 939:14,20940:4,13,21,24941:6,19 942:10943:2 944:9

circuit 770:1,1771:1,1


city 842:2claim 805:23 825:2

910:16 918:1claims 807:3

829:18clarification 847:3

863:22clarified 871:6

892:2clarify 891:25clausin 773:19clear 829:15

885:17 888:8clearer 817:5clearly 900:21

client 791:16clients 787:10

795:18clockwork 935:12close 791:20 889:2closed 795:23closest 839:12club 846:14,21,23clubs 813:6 846:6,8

846:11 904:15clue 790:18cocalis 772:17cochran 774:14coconspirator


906:3 942:13943:13

coffee 789:22collateral 928:15collectible 807:9

832:2collection 822:18

831:7columbia 773:18com 860:8combination

833:25 935:10,13come 776:25

778:20 783:5,13788:17 789:8,13794:6,15 797:15800:25 801:4,7,17804:1 813:25814:18 815:1,3,17815:22 837:25839:1 840:3851:12 856:25861:1 862:22,25863:11 869:10875:25 876:15885:11 894:25898:13,21 908:13928:18

comes 907:23comfort 896:18


comfortable787:13 896:20

coming 792:11,12797:11,20 802:15834:11 848:17855:13 856:19857:1 935:21938:14

comments 868:4commission 945:13

946:23committee 773:10communication

885:21companies 842:25

843:2company 771:16

773:17,22 789:4839:19 841:13878:1 909:11910:16 918:4

compare 893:5compared 837:22

838:8 911:23comparing 869:22comparison 893:10complaint 800:19

828:3complete 797:21

871:6completed 914:21completely 790:23

845:20 863:10896:14 919:6

component 798:24composite 868:14

868:17 921:1concept 939:6concern 792:10

843:12 844:7877:24,24

concerned 781:21786:18 795:13834:8,11 841:4843:8 866:11898:3 900:12,22906:1 929:3,17

concerns 881:21conclude 847:2

849:23concluded 846:24

847:6conclusion 810:17

828:21 829:4839:24 844:21905:8,22 908:25909:4

conclusions 814:4826:24 838:7

conditions 874:11conduct 803:18,20conducted 785:22

789:23 801:1802:18 841:23850:1,7 879:15905:16

conducting 811:9879:12

conference 785:8789:24 882:20

confidential 808:15865:17


confined 907:10conflicted 885:1conflicts 920:8confusion 797:22connected 946:13connection 911:4conrad 772:15consider 819:18

858:18 918:6922:25

considered 822:9consistent 806:9,12

807:5 826:16867:19 884:11

conspiracy 941:21constant 840:16constantly 927:10contact 783:13

801:18,21 802:17805:4 883:23,24

894:1contacted 804:24

805:1 895:12,14895:16,18

contacting 886:6contemplated

829:19content 806:23contents 803:13,16context 783:4

827:18 879:2932:15,18

continue 909:11912:10 917:9939:17

continued 775:2897:24 933:14,19934:10

control 790:21,25830:12 831:11863:1 869:11900:15 946:17

controlled 781:19848:19

controlling 920:5920:23 930:9

conversation815:13 818:12824:1 847:9 848:6849:2 889:9

conversations792:10 795:13797:23 802:5826:8 863:12885:4 899:21907:4 919:17925:19

convey 856:20,21convince 917:22cooperation 902:25copied 926:13copy 879:1 897:10

901:16 902:15921:15 923:4

coral 772:20773:24 793:1

coronary 907:25

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correct 782:25784:14 786:8793:9 799:18803:22 810:1832:13,15 840:23848:18 869:21,25870:3,10 884:25885:11 886:21891:7 894:21897:9 901:16912:12 918:2926:20,23 929:21932:25 938:12941:23 943:4946:8

correcting 885:14correctly 785:1costs 821:25couldnt 896:7counsel 787:14

805:9 812:14885:7 941:5946:11,12

counselor 940:25counting 811:24country 805:17

814:21county 770:2 771:2

805:16 945:3946:2

couple 844:10886:12 888:18933:20

course 787:10826:7 839:24878:9 906:2 907:6918:16

court 770:1 771:1776:19 794:1806:3 828:7 901:4

courtroom 770:18courts 828:21

829:3cover 776:15

821:24 868:16craig 774:16crazy 924:10,16

cream 893:13create 824:10

889:12created 795:2

914:12 915:24creating 897:25credit 775:8,9,10

777:17,24 778:12779:12 783:21784:2,11 823:4,5824:21 859:11,23

creditors 936:11,17936:19,22 937:2937:18 938:6940:8,18 941:14943:10,15,16,18943:21 944:2,6

crime 853:12,13854:14 874:3,4,8874:10,25 877:19878:9,14 900:10

criminal 811:9908:12 919:16,25922:12

criminals 845:19920:20

crop 893:13crossed 896:3culture 853:11current 916:2curricular 845:18curtain 816:21cusick 774:8 825:7cusicks 825:10cut 783:2 843:20

848:10,10cutting 848:7,8

918:16cuttings 848:7

Dd 773:14 803:12damson 836:22

837:6dark 820:5dash 868:12data 838:16 915:12

date 770:16 779:16784:19 798:18861:18 864:22865:3 902:8,18,18

dated 778:12779:13 800:8803:10 827:12852:14 861:21,22861:25 869:23873:6,21 893:16897:8 921:11923:13,14 925:9927:23 931:15932:11 945:9946:19

dates 865:2 869:2909:24 921:9

david 772:12776:10

day 770:12 847:12897:9 903:12937:20 945:9946:19

days 844:13 903:7926:25

de 772:19deal 792:24 794:24

794:25 850:5862:23,23 864:6865:6,8,14 866:2867:2 868:12,19868:20,21,23870:2,18,19,21872:15,16,21,23872:23,25 881:14881:17 888:10889:14 899:4,10921:18,19,20

dealing 854:6916:17 917:17918:18 922:9924:19

dealings 825:17922:9

dealrelated 802:9deals 792:14

793:15 798:17

799:3,4,5,6,8,9,11799:14 832:5850:2 851:4856:16 857:4,6,9858:19 862:17864:15,18,24866:14,25 867:15870:1,11 871:7,8871:9,13 872:11882:8 909:12914:9 915:22924:22 933:8

dealt 818:1 837:9844:23

dearth 808:6death 807:3debra 798:2debt 824:21 925:16

933:21debtors 825:1dec 775:15deceive 909:14december 770:16

862:1 869:23873:6,21 874:5,15876:6,11,22878:22 879:11881:17 883:25893:17 895:3896:2 897:8 899:1903:4,5 905:2,7911:24 913:3,10914:22 915:3945:9 946:19

decent 834:20decide 872:20decided 814:15

875:1 889:6894:24

decision 817:11828:11,14,22829:4,8,11 831:12899:3 922:20

decisions 786:24declaration 775:16

901:3,9declared 927:8

939:25declaring 927:15

942:18deep 898:3deeper 889:19default 917:3,4,13

917:15 918:1927:5,6,7,9,12,12927:16 940:1942:18

defendant 808:15808:22,23

defendants 770:9771:10,17 839:5883:17

defense 908:12defined 781:1,18

781:24 866:13868:12 930:22

defines 807:15definitely 790:10

797:1 836:19841:7 902:21

definition 799:19844:23 847:7865:6

defraud 936:11939:7 940:5,7,11940:18 941:14,25

defrauding 942:6942:13

delay 936:10 939:7939:9,15,22

delayed 869:7delaying 939:6delve 906:15demand 805:24demanded 830:11

939:25dennis 825:14depending 842:12

845:4 935:4depends 909:15deposition 770:13

775:2 778:3,23779:20 780:8781:2,18,25 787:1

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859:23 890:3946:6,9

derogatory 818:18818:19

describe 818:24819:15 848:9854:1 903:3,17

described 817:24832:11 844:12845:22 848:20888:7

description 775:8despite 933:15destruction 847:13detailed 897:12

901:21 905:23determine 805:8

851:25determined 786:21develop 791:18dichotomy 922:6didnt 785:13

787:17,24 788:7792:10 802:22803:5,10,19 804:1804:5 810:7,9817:20 824:23829:12 834:14,20838:24 839:7,9841:17 844:7845:6 847:20850:5 852:22856:20 860:13875:16 876:19878:3,4 883:25899:9 917:15928:7 929:20942:1,21 943:7

difference 787:7842:9,13 918:24

different 776:15788:20 790:23797:7,7 813:8816:15 824:7831:18,18 841:21860:4 863:9 879:2894:12 899:18

900:21 907:1919:6

differentiate 844:9922:24

difficult 902:19906:4 907:6

difficulty 914:17digging 898:2digits 852:16diligence 785:22

791:8 793:13794:10,12,15795:7,11,12,12,15795:18 796:12797:3 798:1,8799:16,18 801:1802:18 804:17830:17 843:16844:5 851:10855:13 877:25879:13,15 880:7880:11,17 881:11888:6,10 889:17894:12 897:25898:13 900:9901:17 902:9,14905:2,3,4,6,9,15905:17 906:13911:24,24 912:13912:14 913:1914:14,16,22

direct 775:3 776:6782:9 786:14797:23 848:16855:10 873:15917:16,20 946:17

directed 831:6direction 844:12

898:7 946:18directly 783:14

789:4 792:24,25830:25 831:3,14833:1 835:18,21835:25 836:3872:22 933:14

director 790:17,21790:24 859:11

disagree 885:10disbarred 805:22discala 935:12disclosed 823:23


discovered 843:9844:8 912:17,22939:24


discuss 802:7 824:8824:20 825:6,13840:1 866:16,23874:20 899:15916:13,20

discussed 778:21780:25 781:2817:2,3 825:10874:13,18,22883:2,13,14 926:1

discussing 788:14797:10 814:6899:20 909:25926:12

discussion 780:19791:3 871:18874:10 877:21885:22 886:8887:20 899:7924:1 928:17

discussions 832:25884:16 899:16910:23 924:14

dismiss 828:8disregard 938:5disrupting 892:12dissolution 823:22distinction 787:25divers 774:10dixie 773:23doctor 909:7doctrine 847:12document 779:17

793:18 800:12805:25 827:6852:11 858:24

861:11,20 862:7863:25 864:11867:19 868:4,9,14873:8 878:19897:1 901:1,4,12903:1 913:18916:7,23 927:20931:12 932:8,16932:18,24

documentation794:20 908:23

documents 777:12795:3,4 797:8,9798:4 802:12,16819:12,13 862:3867:15 868:21914:21 921:2


doesnt 819:2845:18 902:8914:25 918:20923:8

doing 776:12 791:8795:7,11,11,12,15795:23,24 797:2799:3 802:11804:10,17 806:17807:6 812:23813:11,23 815:11815:12,18 816:7817:14 818:17821:8 824:4835:23 844:5850:2,8,12 851:2851:3 856:23858:20 860:6,20862:16 864:15,18864:24 865:21867:14 880:7888:6,9 889:19898:8 913:7 917:2919:1,1,4 920:3924:4 941:17

dollar 907:13dollars 780:16


807:14,18 808:1826:22 838:14883:16 889:25890:1 908:1 910:6915:13 934:14,19935:6 936:6

domad 847:12domenick 858:19donations 825:23

825:25 826:6donna 773:16dont 777:4,9

779:17 780:17,24782:3,19 783:18786:14 787:20789:1 790:3,6,18791:14,24 792:1,6794:24 795:1,3,24795:24 796:9,11796:18 797:4,5798:8 801:9,18802:8,19 803:2,24804:9,21 805:3,19806:4,19,22 808:8816:7 819:15,24822:5 823:12824:1 836:16,16838:20 841:17,24843:25 846:16847:21 849:4855:1,12 857:14857:16 859:7860:5,13 862:16866:16 867:3,4,10867:21,25 869:6871:25 872:10,11874:7 875:16877:10 878:13879:1,19 880:1,2880:5,6,6 883:6883:20 885:25886:3 887:22,23891:13 895:13896:14 898:19901:20 902:12904:16 909:23910:5 911:20

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912:22 914:19915:4 916:4,4,5916:11,15,18,21920:19 922:11,19923:19,25 924:3925:5,12,23926:23 927:2929:6,7 930:24931:6 933:11934:1

doors 795:23double 872:12doubled 899:11doug 844:18dozen 818:16dreier 876:1

879:21 880:9drink 813:5drinking 850:25

851:3driving 908:22drop 791:7 865:13due 785:22 791:8

793:13 794:10,12794:15 795:7,11795:11,12,15,18796:12 797:2798:1,7 799:16,18801:1 802:18804:17 830:17843:16 844:5851:10 855:13879:12,15 880:7880:11,17 881:11888:6,9 889:17894:12 897:25898:13 900:8901:16 902:9,14905:1,4,6,9,15,17906:13 911:23,24912:13,14 913:1914:13,16,22


duly 776:3dump 820:5

Ee 770:18,23 772:10

773:4,15 774:2,14821:25 945:1,1946:1,1

e027088 775:19earlier 776:11

796:24 802:5844:3 845:5850:19 863:17868:19 869:18903:9

early 787:11 797:1803:10 816:16927:8

earning 838:22ease 900:1easier 786:17east 772:2,6easy 920:21edgy 876:4edward 771:5ee 945:13 946:23effect 798:25

817:10effort 851:25efforts 808:7eighth 772:16either 782:9 783:8

834:1 842:17856:24 869:15898:21 899:3933:14

elses 868:5email 775:12,13,15

775:16,17,18,18775:19,21,21852:14 859:3860:7,14 861:22861:25 862:17,19863:24 867:8,16873:6,14,16,21874:2 878:21,24879:6,10 882:4,23883:25 885:20886:18 888:11893:16,17,25

894:20 895:3897:4,8,12,15898:24 899:19914:2,4 921:5,17921:23 923:13,17924:6 925:3,8,10925:12,15 926:4,7926:8,14,14927:23 928:3931:15 932:15

emails 818:16840:19 851:3860:10 873:12876:17 923:13925:1 926:11

emess 774:5emotional 819:3,3emotionally 924:23empire 861:6employee 946:12employment

805:23 886:20888:13


enabled 912:10ended 885:4 935:25enforce 882:20enforceable 882:22enforcement

843:10,11 938:2engage 846:20engaged 845:6

850:4 851:1941:10,21 944:4

enhanced 879:12879:14 880:7881:11 888:6,9889:17 897:25900:8 905:3,4,6,9905:15,19,23911:23 912:6914:13,16,22

enter 871:14entered 827:10

882:2enterprise 834:20

919:25 922:12enterprises 818:4enters 787:1entire 805:13 818:1

869:8 874:23875:24 888:11897:4,11 900:6918:18

entities 777:5,6780:3,7,9,24781:17,19,24782:4,23 787:18787:25 788:2,14790:15 792:8,15795:8 812:24831:1,13 833:2,6834:16,18 836:12836:23 837:24848:18 855:10857:5,19 858:13860:2 864:24865:10 870:20871:12 874:12916:2 917:25918:9,25 919:22922:6 929:21930:8 933:15

entitled 863:18entity 777:22

778:16,17 779:14786:11 787:18792:4,6 797:15804:16 858:10859:15 860:24872:5 918:20920:5 923:1 924:5

equal 858:4escorts 846:7,10escrow 832:12especially 884:21

890:10esquire 772:4,8,12

772:12,13,17,17772:18,21 773:4,9773:13,16,21,25774:3,4,8,11,16

establish 911:3

estate 776:18820:23 821:15

et 770:5,8 771:9,13786:24

evans 773:16evening 923:22event 791:15 848:4

849:13 889:3eventually 783:11exact 792:18 907:2

917:2exactly 797:22examination

770:22 776:6examined 795:20

851:12examining 882:6example 814:18,19

817:9 824:8 835:6841:25 845:8865:22 899:25907:18 908:17912:14 922:5,15927:10 938:10

excellent 887:7excess 807:13

820:24 838:13excuse 776:19

820:6 826:3 843:2executive 805:6exercised 831:10exhibit 777:16

778:10 779:11,12783:20 784:1,11784:19 793:17,19794:13 796:8800:4,6,19 802:21803:9,12 820:20827:3,3,7 852:9852:12 858:22,25859:2 861:17,25862:4 867:6 868:7868:10 870:6871:4 873:5,9878:18,20 896:25897:2 900:25901:2,8,16,25

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902:1,4,6 909:17913:19,22 916:6,8916:22,24 920:25921:3,22 923:10923:13 924:6,25925:7,14 926:6927:17,21,23931:10,13 932:7,9

exhibits 775:7777:10,13 790:14859:22 901:8

existed 826:22existence 780:12

807:8 809:3,7existing 779:15expect 856:19

926:24 927:4expected 908:15,19

908:21 931:25expertise 824:5expires 945:13

946:23explain 881:16

893:2 915:21923:3

explained 847:12847:19 886:12889:21

explaining 847:11847:15

explains 882:1explanation 882:17

883:19explicitly 829:19exploded 802:5exploding 817:5explosive 922:17

924:23express 824:20

874:11 877:24expressed 877:25expressly 893:25extent 785:21

796:17 839:14910:18 935:21

extra 787:7 845:18extracurricular

845:7extreme 941:24extremely 799:19

812:1,1 841:14844:15,16,18851:18

Ff 945:1 946:1facetious 846:16fact 784:13 794:16

804:5 809:1818:24 821:4823:18 824:20825:1 837:23838:22 843:4846:25 863:1864:18 874:11,22896:22 903:17908:12 909:22912:17 922:24933:16

faction 899:25900:3

factions 899:18,20factors 847:8fair 793:2 802:22

806:20 840:15fairly 816:16

858:18fake 816:5 910:14fall 811:10false 907:3familiar 847:16familiarity 817:6

936:12families 813:5far 779:20 781:21

786:17,18 795:13834:24 839:16850:7 855:19898:3 927:8,15

fashion 880:8father 847:18favorable 888:15fbi 938:2fear 937:13

federal 770:17772:15 773:22

feeders 783:10feel 850:16 851:4

915:23fees 822:1 890:2

915:9fellas 852:21 853:3

853:9,10,20,25854:7 855:20

fellows 775:12852:24 853:2,8

felt 816:23 830:2832:1 905:22

ferguson 773:7fidelity 771:20figure 792:18

851:21 852:5figured 814:14

850:12 852:7figures 823:24,25file 808:14 823:5filed 777:3 793:22

794:3 805:22806:3,22,22,22808:6,10,11,16,24809:1 822:22827:11 936:8938:3

files 798:5filling 797:13final 788:16finally 907:24

908:5 916:19finances 825:10financial 811:3

825:16 838:16882:6 915:12

financially 946:14financing 792:4

822:25find 879:14 894:23

920:3finder 818:24finding 919:25findings 806:9

808:4 826:15

fine 779:9 787:5865:5 910:21

finest 872:15finished 869:6fire 774:9 847:13fires 847:13firm 797:25 799:21

800:2,10 801:10801:11,17 802:17804:2,24 805:2,22806:17 807:5,7,13817:10 823:19825:17 826:10,17832:12,23 841:15842:7,10,13843:15 851:9,11851:11 855:2,17878:11,12 881:23884:19 885:6886:5,5,25 887:5887:8,10,16888:11,23 890:19891:4 892:21,22892:22,23,24,24893:6,11,11,12894:5 895:2896:11 903:22904:7,21 905:24905:25,25 906:17913:8,9 927:4935:22 936:9942:12,19,24943:9,10,20 944:5

firms 808:7 811:3842:17 886:19889:22,25 890:4,4891:22 892:9,14892:17,19,21893:3,4,4,5,14894:2,8,19,19,21895:2,12,17,21,23896:2,4,22,23903:8,9,10,13904:18 906:16907:2 912:15,17913:3,10 915:10915:10,15

first 776:16 780:12781:15 782:8,13783:22,25 786:1,3791:15 792:21,22792:24 794:13796:6,7,23 800:13813:23 818:12823:22 868:16869:13,21 870:6873:20 876:11,14876:15 877:1882:3 897:8 900:1902:3 922:2937:19

fisher 893:7 894:5903:22,24,25904:8

fits 867:14fl 774:7flag 832:19flew 783:17floor 772:16,20

773:12,20 774:2774:15

florida 770:2,19,24771:2 772:3,7,11772:16,20 773:4,8773:12,16,24774:3,7,11,15882:2,23,25 883:4883:9,19 884:1,6884:10,11,17,18885:12,21,23886:3,12 887:15925:1 928:10936:12 945:3,12946:2,22

flow 834:9 881:15881:17 888:10889:14 920:23

focused 881:9folks 783:19 785:4follow 884:5

912:25 914:20937:7

followed 908:14following 828:7

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845:15 894:2,2,3follows 776:4followup 787:16

833:19 886:13909:18 911:10,12913:11

food 842:17fooled 811:23forecast 856:12,14

856:15foregoing 945:7

946:7,15forensics 795:19

797:13form 787:19

798:12 803:1804:8,20 807:20808:17 809:8810:11,16 811:16811:20 812:9813:13 814:22815:6 817:1,13819:20 828:24829:10,24 831:23832:7 835:4,12836:5 837:1838:10 839:6842:19 843:7845:10 849:10851:16 852:3858:7 864:1 866:4866:9 870:14872:1,14 874:17877:9 879:23880:19,22 883:5884:2,12 885:13885:24 886:9887:2,6,12,21,25890:14 891:18893:9,22 894:9895:4 898:18899:12 905:10906:18 909:3912:1,5,19 916:3929:8,11 930:2,23933:18 934:15,20934:24 935:19

936:18 937:3,16938:18 939:13,18940:2,9 942:8943:1

formal 785:6786:15 878:14

forms 797:13fort 770:24 772:3,7

772:16 773:8,16774:3,15 795:25797:20

forth 802:14850:20 884:1888:16 923:2

fortis 910:13fortunately 907:8forward 793:11found 806:15 840:8

840:8,10four 796:23 817:10

907:1fourth 770:18fp 852:16frame 796:4 857:7

906:23frank 795:1 804:6

819:25 820:3850:2 852:15853:7 866:24921:12 923:3931:17,18 932:19

franks 868:6fraud 814:14 816:3

816:12,16 817:6817:18 850:13851:21 852:6874:3,4,8,11,25878:10,14

fraudulent 776:21815:15,16,23817:24 936:13

free 821:10frequency 907:12frequently 843:11friend 791:16

812:6 818:10871:11 910:25

friendly 899:17friends 809:21,24friendship 791:18front 909:9 912:4full 790:25 798:11

798:20,21 828:2900:5 909:15943:21 944:7

fullblown 878:14fun 845:8 854:12function 813:16functions 811:3fund 771:20 778:18

779:3,14,24 780:3780:16 781:12783:5,19,22 784:4786:21 792:15,16793:23 794:9797:15 800:10801:22 834:25836:21 839:21854:5 855:4865:14 870:12874:6 895:20,22898:14,25 899:9900:18 914:8915:22 917:9,22918:19,23 919:22923:6,8 928:6929:13,16,18931:8

funded 868:24882:8 933:9,17

funding 770:5777:18,23 778:7,8780:23 793:15804:18 848:10,11848:16 855:9856:15,16 858:13862:17,20,22863:1,4 864:6865:10,22 866:3871:23 874:9,24898:17,22 899:3911:3 917:14924:1,5

funds 776:14,17

780:5,13,19,25781:1,3,8,9,15782:1,3,6,8,13783:1,6,10 789:16789:25 790:15791:13,22 792:3,5793:4,8 794:10795:8,10,14,22796:24 799:11800:3 801:2 802:3802:11,18 804:17808:5,10 809:13809:16,23,25812:7,22 813:9,10813:16,19,22814:8,21 815:4,5815:11,15 817:12817:25 818:2,3,6823:9,10,13,17,21824:3,19,25 825:3825:6,13,22,24826:8 828:22830:3,24 831:4,14831:22,25 833:1,7833:7,14,22834:16 835:2,24836:25 837:9,10837:12,14,15,20837:23 838:6,17838:21 839:2,10840:4,6,18,23841:2 843:21844:23 848:14,17849:17,19 853:5853:21 857:5,13858:4,5 859:7866:2,14 870:12874:7 875:5,7879:13 882:14,15883:24 884:6,9,17885:6,11,18 886:7894:7 895:12896:15 897:19899:8,9 900:15907:9 912:23913:2,7 914:18,20915:8,23 916:1

917:8 918:1,7920:22 922:11,18924:20 925:22926:2,3 930:9,10930:10,12,13933:10,14,25934:5 935:8,18,21935:22,24 936:10936:16 937:1,11937:13,14,15,21937:25 938:12,17938:23 939:3,9,22939:25 940:7941:9,12 942:15943:17

funny 841:24 890:9further 874:9

913:8 933:16944:9 946:10

furthermore 822:8

Gg 821:25 862:12

868:12gables 772:20

773:24gabriel 901:4gayla 804:6general 846:4

854:12generally 822:9

823:6generate 838:13genovese 772:10,12gentlemen 788:7

796:24 845:6,22846:25 855:3,4,8857:24 903:13

gentlemens 846:6,8846:11,14,21,23904:15

george 774:3 791:5791:9,10,10798:17 804:6916:13 923:4932:19

georges 924:4

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getgo 833:4getting 782:21

786:20 789:21,22824:5,17 831:24834:15 851:20855:19 860:10874:23 876:3883:15 914:17923:4 937:22939:11 940:8

ggg 921:8,12gibraltar 771:16,19gift 771:20 883:8gil 788:19 789:2

796:16 834:10854:18,21 881:20899:25

gillad 785:2 809:16girl 868:12give 796:4 806:11

812:10 814:18827:15,22 830:9830:13 835:6852:16 863:7879:8 882:5885:10 892:11901:11 914:6922:4 928:18933:2

given 809:1 892:17894:20 915:14927:3

giving 797:8 827:5832:1 890:18911:17 938:22

glad 899:10gladly 905:13glass 785:1 786:7,8

786:10 788:5,18790:8 797:20834:7 845:2 846:1846:3,8,20 850:19850:20 854:21871:10 872:4895:23 896:18,21900:3 904:5,22906:2 907:5,21

909:1,5 915:2923:16 924:12,15925:1 927:11,14937:25

go 780:16 783:11783:20 786:1788:22 800:4,18803:12,13 806:5807:10,15 812:19813:5,6 814:15818:14 820:20821:14 822:19827:23 829:2,18830:8 834:9840:20 843:21845:17 846:1,24861:5,17 864:4873:18 886:18888:7 889:5894:15 896:12898:7,7 900:4907:9,18 909:13913:17 918:23924:23 925:7,14937:10,15 941:1,2

goes 821:22going 776:15

777:10 778:3,7,23779:2,7,21,24780:2,7 783:9793:16,16 796:12798:21 799:2804:2,6 806:13,21808:14 818:21819:4 820:5 822:6826:13 833:15834:6,8 845:8846:15 848:1,2,17851:8,20 856:16856:18,24 861:24864:5,8 867:22868:7,16 870:7871:2,3,4 872:21873:5 874:8 875:3875:17,23 876:2878:3 888:12,17888:18 889:6,20

889:22 890:17891:4 892:7,8,13893:3 894:14898:25 901:7905:19,23 906:6,9906:24 907:6,17907:21 909:6,9,11912:8 913:14918:1 920:8 923:8925:17 927:12,13932:12 937:17938:9 941:7

goldberg 773:13goldstein 773:2good 775:12 776:8

776:9,9 785:19803:4 813:2818:14 830:19838:11 845:17852:21,24 853:2,3853:8,8,10,20,25854:7 855:20865:13 872:23,24888:14 892:1908:6 923:7

gospel 886:16gotten 817:20government 816:4

847:18great 891:4greedy 812:1greenberg 773:15grievance 914:9

915:17,19 920:15920:16,17

group 814:20 836:7836:11 854:2860:19,23 861:4861:15 863:25871:16 888:17900:18 922:20

grouped 817:22866:6

groups 900:21growth 773:1

777:17,22 778:4gruverman 791:17

guarantees 832:2942:20

guess 818:18 929:6guessing 849:4

929:4guido 921:12,13,13guilty 798:16

941:20guy 907:25 922:16

924:22guys 785:19,20

786:18 813:2836:11,20 845:9923:5,8 927:12937:24,24,25

Hh 772:8,12half 877:11hallmarks 829:20


840:13handle 830:22

840:11 881:23hands 785:8 789:22


932:22,23handwritten 868:4hang 921:24

940:23happen 787:8

889:11,12 923:24924:2

happened 791:13793:11 848:21851:15 852:2888:5 900:14909:2,22 911:5,15913:3,4

happening 857:9905:7

happens 823:3hard 830:15hasnt 922:16havent 803:8 848:2

863:15head 871:25heading 811:10

844:11heads 880:3healthcare 807:17hear 913:6heard 785:10,12

801:11 823:1842:8 848:2 924:9927:13

hearing 892:10heck 882:15 909:10hedge 776:13,17

780:3,5,13,16,19780:25 781:1,3,8781:12,15 782:1,3782:6,8,13 783:1783:5,6,9,19,22784:4 786:21789:25 790:15791:13,22 792:3792:15,16 793:4,8794:9 795:8,10,14795:22 796:24797:15 799:11800:3 801:2,22802:3,11,18804:17 808:5,10809:13,16,24812:7,22 813:10813:16,19,22814:7,21 815:4,5815:10,15 817:12818:2,2,6 823:9823:10,13,17,21824:3,19,25 825:3825:6,13,22,24826:8 828:22830:24 831:4,13831:22,25 833:1,7833:14,21 835:2835:24 836:20,25837:9,10,12,13,15837:20,23 838:6838:17,21 839:2839:10,21 840:4,6

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840:18,23 841:2843:21 844:23848:14,17 849:17849:18 853:5,21854:5 855:4 857:5859:7 866:2,14870:11,12 874:6,7875:5,7 879:13882:14,15 883:24884:6,9,17 885:6885:11,18 886:7895:12,20,22896:15 897:19899:8,9 900:15,18907:9 912:23913:2,7 914:18,20915:8,23 916:1917:8,21 918:1,7918:19 919:22920:22 922:11,18923:5,8 924:20925:22 926:2928:6 929:13,16929:18 931:8933:10,13,25935:8,18 936:9,15937:1,11,13,14,14937:21,25 938:12938:17,22 939:3,9939:22,25 940:7941:9,12 942:15943:17

hedgefund 782:16844:4 856:8864:23

held 871:18help 847:24 892:24

938:8helped 798:4,4helpful 851:6helping 802:11

873:2helps 844:19herb 776:12heres 781:6 881:5herskowitz 892:22

904:7 907:19,19

907:23herskowitzs 891:13

905:25hertzberg 775:16

901:4,10hes 810:10,12

818:14 856:24859:6 889:6 891:3909:8 918:5922:15 923:11

hey 883:24hialeah 841:22

842:1hidden 867:16high 822:10 835:3

838:22 858:3885:21

highend 820:23highinterestrate

865:14highlevel 844:16highlevelsophisti...

843:15highway 772:15

773:23hills 850:13hinder 936:10,17

936:19,21 937:2937:18 939:6

hindered 938:16,22939:1

hindering 942:7hindsight 830:14hinked 874:23

875:9,10,11,13876:3 900:12

hire 809:14 811:2885:6

hired 795:19 801:2803:20 809:12811:7,9 843:10

hiring 886:3history 847:17hit 875:25 876:1,1hits 915:6hitting 877:12

879:21 880:10

hofrichter 773:23773:25

hold 800:13 826:1828:10 834:17

holding 820:24832:12

home 846:7hood 854:2 921:6hope 851:6hoped 920:2hoping 811:21host 860:3hour 846:5hours 846:2house 882:11,16,18houses 837:22howard 791:16huberfeld 786:25

788:7,11 815:24816:2,16,18 863:3863:8 865:24866:1,18,20,21,22869:12,13 900:2,3919:15 920:3922:21

hundred 934:18hundreds 867:12

Iid 802:21 806:7idea 782:5 809:14

832:8 861:16917:13

identification777:14 793:19827:7 852:12858:25 862:4868:10 873:9878:20 897:2901:2 913:19916:8,24 921:3927:21 931:13932:9

identified 807:12identifies 807:16identify 807:2

820:22 845:6

ids 816:5ill 776:13 777:16

787:23 793:21798:21 814:17835:6 852:16886:2 891:22892:17,19 901:9920:9 937:24940:14

illegitimate 920:17im 777:10 778:3,7

778:23 779:2,7,11779:21,24 780:2,7790:13,16 793:16793:17 795:5,6797:8 798:21799:6,8 806:13807:23 820:25826:13 827:16,23828:18 831:5832:10 839:3841:24 845:15,15845:20 846:15,19850:22 851:19852:23 857:7859:2 860:17861:17,20,24863:22 865:1866:11,11 867:13868:7 871:4 873:5873:18 879:1882:14 883:12891:15 892:3,7,8892:10,10,13893:3 894:17901:7 903:24905:11 906:24913:22 919:10,11922:1,9 929:4930:9 932:16,17936:23 938:9941:7

image 824:9 826:10immediately 849:5

888:10impact 841:11

843:5 877:18

916:13importance 782:15important 811:12

811:12,15,17831:21 832:5881:16 920:13

impossibility 936:5impossible 830:22impression 928:21inability 914:8inandout 909:1incarcerated 794:3

801:5,15,24802:24 803:23902:7

including 851:13903:15 937:23

inclusive 946:8income 821:24




785:22 790:3,11792:2 803:24804:9 809:23810:2,3,6,7,18,19811:5,6,10,14812:8 818:11840:24 851:9,11851:11 856:6859:9 877:10904:17 925:5933:11


index 775:1,7indirect 782:9individual 820:22

870:24 930:20,21individually 931:6individuals 785:23

799:23 816:1817:25 834:2836:12 837:24

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844:4,22 894:2informal 785:6

789:20,22 797:6836:8

information 785:16785:18 793:13,14830:10 843:18856:21,22 911:18911:22

infrequently 855:6inhouse 832:21initial 789:7,9

793:10 796:22798:25 801:25802:4 833:5 840:2859:18,22 877:1880:11,17 903:10911:24

initially 811:22896:2 911:22

injury 806:15887:8 893:14

input 932:20inquire 894:2

928:14inquired 808:10inquisitive 819:17insubstantial

934:23 935:5insurance 773:17

773:18,22 821:25873:13 875:24876:5 877:18,20877:23 878:1,2,5878:7,10,15879:18

intelligence 817:21intended 855:24

936:17 940:7,10intending 919:1intent 936:10intention 799:10,13

939:15 941:14,25intentionally 923:9interacted 918:11interaction 840:16



intercoastal 871:14909:9

interest 783:6822:11 830:20

interested 834:1,5834:6 946:14

interests 865:12internal 902:15

903:1 920:7 927:7928:8


intracoastal 871:15871:16 872:4

introduced 798:8introduction 793:3invest 782:13 784:4

828:11,14,16,22829:8 830:3,24831:13 835:14,25840:9,10

invested 781:9782:3 798:17836:3 939:1,10,23

investigated 804:2804:7,19

investigation802:23 803:16,18803:20 804:16825:19


investigative 805:1841:13,21 842:7842:10,13,17843:2

investigators 844:1investing 775:9

781:16 786:21818:3 831:14,22833:1 839:10,22839:23 874:6909:8 918:19919:23

investment 792:21

796:6,7 835:10,17835:18 837:22842:25 869:24870:8 909:11

investments 775:10778:16,24 779:8780:20 783:15,16792:5 832:11,16837:24 838:14,23839:2,11 858:11

investor 783:23838:18 840:10844:19 940:17

investors 781:4,11782:9,24 812:16813:12 818:3834:24 836:7837:21 838:6,9840:8 850:4857:23 858:3,12935:14 937:20941:11 943:4

invests 829:11835:9

invited 795:25involve 807:25involved 777:5,6

781:8 782:7 783:7795:21 809:6812:2 814:11,14815:14,15,22816:2,3,4,10822:15 826:17837:11 842:12861:15 862:23864:7 866:3869:14,15 870:13870:20 871:13889:11,18 899:8899:18,21 900:9915:22 919:8,13922:11

involvement 826:9839:14 870:17

involving 807:11816:6,11 862:23872:4

ira 835:9 836:18,19836:19 837:5

irrespective 808:3irs 825:2islands 825:20isnt 790:15 798:11

940:22isolated 789:4issue 781:6 876:5

876:14 877:18927:5

issued 927:6issues 797:10

834:11 863:23ivan 772:18ive 778:11 800:14

803:2 859:16867:12 918:22

Jj 771:5 772:18jack 785:3 788:19

796:16 834:4839:20 840:2,5845:2 850:15,17856:9 860:15861:2 863:19867:20 879:16896:10,10 922:25927:24 928:24929:13,18 931:3,6931:9

james 770:17jan 773:9jedwab 796:20,25

797:14,22 799:24834:3 850:10,11859:3,11 860:11879:12 881:19884:21 889:6895:23 897:9,24900:18 901:17903:4,18 904:5,23906:1 907:5,21909:20 910:11911:18,20,22914:4 915:1

916:20 920:2927:11 937:25

jewelers 773:6jim 884:21job 840:11 911:21joblove 772:10john 772:12 774:4

774:11jointly 800:9joke 816:19joseph 886:20jr 774:11judge 818:25judgment 910:8judicial 770:1

771:1julius 847:18july 852:14 854:25

857:8,21 877:7jumbo 822:10jumped 850:19jumping 845:3june 778:12 784:2

794:17 796:5877:4

jury 818:25justice 770:17

Kk 921:6kalter 785:2 788:6

788:19,22 789:7,8790:8 796:16809:17,18 810:21834:10 854:21881:21 884:21900:18 937:25

kalters 910:25kaplan 774:6katzen 774:6keechl 773:7keep 940:24keeping 830:11kelley 888:19 893:6

894:4kelleys 893:12kept 845:3 848:1

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865:20 898:3killem 921:6kind 785:7 787:3

789:21 796:12806:17 819:5907:12,12 908:23922:16,17 924:22

kinds 816:11 876:2king 770:17klein 836:22kleinfeld 825:14kleinfelds 825:16kluger 774:6knew 777:25 782:9

825:21 841:12843:10 847:16869:15 907:14918:25

know 776:12,16,23777:21 778:15781:10 782:3,24784:18 785:13786:16 789:1790:17,22 791:14791:24 794:25795:1,24 796:19798:18,20 801:9801:14,18 803:4803:19 804:5805:19 806:19809:15 812:17815:9 819:15823:4 824:23825:20 826:15830:14 831:5,12831:22 832:4836:16 837:20,23838:2 839:9840:13,21 841:10842:24 847:22848:3 850:5,9852:25 853:5854:9,10,10,19855:7,11,12 856:3856:14,20,23857:5 859:5 860:1860:5,23 861:8,12

861:14 862:13863:6 864:17,22865:17 866:2,12866:14 867:10,18867:21,22 868:1868:23 869:2,6,9871:13 872:3,12875:16,22 879:25880:1,2,6,6,6881:2 882:17883:2,20,25 888:2888:11,15 890:7891:12 892:15,17893:20 894:25895:11,13,17896:17,21 902:12903:16 904:20908:6,11 909:22911:5 912:22913:24 914:17,19915:5,8 916:1,4,5917:4 918:5,20919:8 922:20923:17 924:10925:3,23 926:23927:1 929:4,7930:4 931:25933:8 934:1,6

knowing 851:17896:24 921:18

knowledge 781:14781:15,25 782:8788:12 790:24792:17 795:9797:9 799:22814:8,11,12831:19,24 833:3841:13,17 842:23861:10 863:2864:19 888:23895:6,16 909:7918:10,20 919:3919:15 927:18933:9,24

known 777:23778:16,17 779:14791:12,22 793:7

804:25 805:2920:18

knows 909:8kolter 812:6 818:11kopas 772:18kopelowitz 773:7koppel 891:15

892:23,23 904:7905:25

kosher 820:8,9kozyak 772:19kroll 775:11,12

793:23,24 794:4800:9 801:2,5803:5,8,15,17804:16,24 805:4806:15 807:2808:4 820:25826:15 827:11828:2,9,13,16829:18 840:20,22841:2,10,12,15842:16 843:3,15851:8,12

krolls 806:9 807:11829:6,7

krupnick 886:23887:5,16 893:5,11894:4

Ll 770:22 773:21

945:5,12 946:4,22lack 784:6 792:17

840:6laid 836:7language 802:15

816:8 820:6large 806:14 807:4

807:7 816:10858:11,12,18890:18

las 772:6 773:15774:14

late 780:14latest 784:13lauderdale 770:24

772:3,7,16 773:8773:16 774:3,15796:1 797:20

laugh 862:6laundering 799:8law 772:2 800:10

801:10,11 804:2804:24 805:1807:5,13 808:6832:23 841:15843:9,11 855:2,17856:4 881:23882:2,24,25 883:4883:9,19 884:1,6884:10,11,17,18884:23,24 885:2885:12,17,23886:5,5,8,12887:8 893:14896:22 903:8,9,10903:13 904:4,18904:21 906:16912:15 913:10915:10,14 935:22936:9 938:2942:12,19 943:10

lawrence 770:17lawsuit 776:16

777:3 793:22794:3 800:6805:22 807:16,17827:11 828:10910:4 936:8 938:3

lawsuits 805:9,12805:17 806:7,21807:19,25 839:23

lawyer 789:10805:21 811:1885:21 886:3908:12 936:13

lawyers 884:22888:18 890:13,17891:3 892:16903:15,18 906:4906:12 907:1913:8

lead 849:22

leading 807:3learn 776:25

778:20 780:12783:5 788:17789:8,13 794:6,15794:16 797:15800:25 801:4,7,17804:1 813:1,10,16814:18 815:1,3,12815:17,22,25816:13 817:24837:13,25 838:24839:1,18 840:3861:1 862:22,25863:11 869:10880:16 881:3,10895:1 899:23911:7,8 913:1927:7

learned 786:12812:22 813:2,2,3813:4 816:2,9,15839:19 841:1843:3 869:12,13869:14 898:5900:14

learning 843:14,18850:22 911:11

leased 822:3,5,6leasing 821:23leave 820:5led 847:1 905:22left 885:18legal 805:9,13legally 919:7,12legitimate 799:13

813:22 814:3,3,5814:9,10 815:5818:2 920:9,18,22922:10 923:6935:17,21,24937:13,20 943:13943:14,16,17944:5

legitimately 942:14lender 855:16,16


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leon 772:19lesssophisticated

842:7letter 800:8,22

869:23 870:7910:15,17 917:3,4917:7

level 777:7 779:14779:19,24,25780:3,4 781:15782:1,7 784:7,10784:13 786:13788:15 795:12797:21 799:25815:4 830:20831:10 832:1,4833:23 836:2838:3 841:22877:25 894:12896:18 897:11898:13 909:14922:9 924:21937:12

levels 837:17 838:8858:4 878:5

levin 780:15 781:12781:17,20 782:5782:18 783:8,18788:21 790:5,6791:1,3,10,12,19791:23 792:7,14792:19 793:3799:3 804:6,6831:17 833:12848:15 862:17864:19 872:21875:3 897:10923:15 924:6,14925:20

levine 774:6levinrelated 792:14levins 780:24 781:9

831:15 832:2835:22 836:14

levinsons 773:6lexis 827:20,20lichtman 772:8

776:11 820:7,11lie 889:23 890:24

904:13 914:12liens 822:21,24

823:5,11life 835:11lifestyle 821:12,13lifshitzs 935:11light 876:5,10,11

876:15liked 813:5,6

864:16limited 795:16

796:17 799:17,18799:19 912:3,7935:21

line 777:1 784:10823:4 845:3850:10 898:6900:1

lines 821:16lipsitz 858:19liquidation 943:19list 886:20 896:3

908:18listed 825:1listen 829:9 854:9lists 894:4litigation 816:10,11

826:13 839:25847:20 867:23

litigators 824:14little 776:20 812:20

854:2 865:2888:16 942:6

live 827:20llc 770:5 773:1

774:5 777:17,18777:22 778:4,7,16779:14,21 804:18860:19 869:11

llp 772:15 803:17loan 855:9 867:23loans 822:10,12

829:20located 886:6location 856:4

861:5,6locked 832:24

928:10long 782:21 790:2

791:12,22 834:15897:12 898:16907:14

look 778:10 784:1803:9 827:2830:13 843:21864:16 867:16869:1 911:2913:21 921:5,22923:4,10,13,15924:25 925:8926:6 936:1

looked 777:2824:24 910:14

looking 780:16795:22 808:25817:22 865:11867:25 869:21908:17 910:21917:9 919:19,21920:10 935:4

looks 888:20902:17,17 924:3

lose 918:15losing 877:13lot 796:9,10,11

806:18 813:3819:2 845:17,23849:24 850:15854:11 857:16901:20 908:4,15943:5

loving 854:12low 823:24 835:3

835:15 837:17842:18

lower 898:13lowrisk 832:18,20lowsophisticated

835:11lp 778:18 779:3,14

779:25 800:11lss 771:12

lyles 774:14

Mm 770:16,16 772:13

773:16 774:4852:14

madoff 875:18,25880:9

magnitude 873:1881:22

main 797:17,19maintenance 822:1major 906:25majority 806:14making 808:4

813:22 820:11897:18 910:16936:23 937:12939:9 940:24

malleable 811:17812:1 850:17

man 788:12 816:20836:21 909:9922:19 924:10,16

management 822:1859:12

manager 840:7managing 859:11manhattan 773:19manner 850:8,8mantra 848:3marc 772:2,4march 909:21

910:19,19 911:10914:5

marine 774:9mark 784:25

785:11,16 786:2788:18 815:2834:13 845:2854:21 922:25

marked 777:12793:17,18 827:6852:11 858:24862:3 868:9 873:8878:19 897:1901:1 913:18

916:7,23 921:2927:20 931:12932:8

marriage 823:22massive 807:3

874:24 900:10matched 884:24math 936:4matter 786:19

787:6matters 826:17mayer 784:24

786:3,4,4,5854:19,22 921:17

mayors 822:22823:4,5,8,10

mean 791:10 797:4813:4 820:7826:14 841:24842:18 846:16848:9 850:21853:8,11,24 854:8878:11 879:2880:6 897:23,25900:3 923:8927:13 934:1,4936:2

meaning 792:21800:1 808:13844:8 856:18885:18 895:20934:2

means 819:1856:16,25 946:17

meant 818:18,19818:20,25 863:18

media 807:11815:10 875:23877:12 879:21

mediation 882:19medium 835:3meet 783:11,14,19

798:7 816:25856:7 857:1907:24 908:5916:13


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798:6 904:24meeting 784:15,16

784:22,25 785:2,3785:5,6,10,13,17785:23 786:6788:8,23 789:1,7789:9,14,18,20,23790:2,16 791:4,13792:3,15 793:4,10796:19,20,21,22796:23 798:25801:25 802:4817:3 833:5 838:2840:2 847:11848:3,5,5 849:15849:20 855:16,17855:24 856:2,5,9856:10 859:19877:1,2 913:3916:12 923:21,23

meetings 791:6794:7 801:8903:14,17 904:18907:7 913:4,7,10916:16,19

meets 847:6mel 836:22mely 935:11member 929:12members 804:2

833:24,25 865:9,9865:11,13,15,18

memo 901:22,23903:3


memory 777:11784:3 797:5804:21 849:14

men 854:3mention 788:8

876:25 877:2,4,7917:2

mentioned 780:3783:3 786:6,7788:5,6 794:9796:24 799:24

801:10 824:6836:24 845:5,25846:25 857:24858:3 860:20868:19 874:5877:20 895:3903:25

merely 828:10merry 854:2,3message 914:1met 785:4 786:11

788:12 791:14,16791:21 792:19,23796:19,25 797:1801:22 837:12844:23 859:8904:20 906:12907:19 915:2

methodology917:10 919:19,22

mhmmhm 859:13miami 770:19

772:11 773:4,12774:7

michael 773:13809:5,10,19811:13 812:5817:9 910:24911:9,17,18

michele 770:22945:5,12 946:4,22

middle 842:18850:21 860:15

mike 819:7,9,11911:9,14

mikes 911:21milk 818:15,17,21

818:23 819:1,14820:15

miller 773:19million 777:2

806:25 807:14820:25 821:8823:14 831:19,20869:24,24 870:8900:4 910:6925:25 926:1,9,18

926:19 928:1,6,18929:10 930:1,8,16931:25 936:2

millions 805:11,13805:18,19,24807:18,25 826:22883:16 889:25890:1 908:1,3,3,4915:13 934:14,19934:19 935:6936:6

mills 774:10mind 784:5 900:8

906:23 914:25mine 791:16minute 882:5

901:11minutes 787:7mischaracterizat...

891:19 894:10mischaracterizing

895:9misleading 895:5,8

895:10missed 880:17

881:6,7 934:3model 794:19

867:14moment 790:12

827:22 840:19873:13 933:2

money 781:8,12782:5,16,17,18,19786:20 792:11,11792:22 799:8813:11,18,22831:6,8 832:12,20832:23 834:15,15835:23 843:22847:25 855:21856:18,19 857:6857:16 868:1872:13 877:13882:7,11,16,18,21883:17 899:11914:7,18 917:9919:20 920:23

928:8,9,12,15,22929:17,19,20,21933:20 934:6935:7,11,11,12,12935:12 936:22,24937:22 938:5,11938:16,22 939:2939:11 940:16941:11 942:14943:14,20 944:1

moneys 936:7monies 935:17month 849:14

881:18monthly 822:1months 791:24,25

792:1,21 870:9872:13 874:6899:11

mood 845:4moresophisticated

836:7 837:7morning 770:12

776:8,9 787:6morse 771:5,5,5

774:1morses 799:4

858:18mortgage 821:16

821:18 822:1,8mortgages 820:24

821:8 823:14moskowitz 772:21motion 828:8motions 906:7,9move 833:20 851:8

871:3movie 853:11,14,18

853:21moving 793:11mullin 774:4multi 934:14multimillion 910:3multimilliondollar

824:17multiple 803:7


murray 816:17,17850:5 919:7,12,15921:17,18

mushroom 819:19819:21,24,25820:3,4,15,16

mutually 847:13myriad 813:7


Nn 770:18 771:16,21

774:10name 785:12 786:1

786:3 801:19,20818:15 887:10891:13 909:10

named 788:7names 777:6,8

860:4,4 871:12894:19 908:18

narrow 844:11nature 808:25

822:6 838:17839:3 846:4854:12 871:15891:25 892:8941:17 943:25

near 779:15nearly 907:16

912:7necessarily 837:7

845:19 857:2necessary 855:7necessity 906:14need 786:16 811:19

811:21 821:11856:19 863:22872:22 888:11891:25 920:20935:25

needed 798:5811:22 885:2889:22 894:14900:20 917:11

negative 808:24negligence 806:16

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nervous 876:3never 779:17

782:11 788:12792:9 811:9816:18 818:6822:4 824:11835:10 842:8861:10 866:20,22866:23 878:9896:15 907:19908:14,16,16,20908:24 911:14913:5 915:11

new 773:20,20783:17 784:16785:24 788:8793:4 794:1798:25 802:1837:11 838:3839:15 840:2859:18 898:4924:2

newspaper 880:10nextnumbered

827:3nexus 816:23nice 813:5 888:12

907:24 908:5ninth 772:20nonbusinessrelat...

846:2nonevent 822:7nonfunding 916:13nordlicht 784:25

784:25 785:11,16786:1,7,23 787:16788:2,5,19 789:17790:8 796:17815:2,14,20,24816:9 817:4834:13 845:2846:1 847:1,6848:6,22 849:3,16850:18 854:21863:3,8,13 865:24

865:25 866:12869:13,15 899:24900:2,3 919:17920:4 923:1925:15 926:5,8931:20,22

nordlichts 817:6norisk 832:16,18

832:18,20normal 846:21noses 898:2 900:11notary 945:12

946:22note 932:21notes 915:1,2

942:20 943:3,6,11943:12 946:9

notice 859:21 861:3notsolegitimate


792:17november 784:12


number 800:16805:9 830:21847:8 858:19868:13 872:11881:22 901:4,5920:25 927:23931:11

numbered 946:7numbers 823:24

869:2nurik 772:2,4

787:1,2,5 800:16800:19,20 892:1901:11,24

Ooath 775:5 776:4object 798:12

804:8,20 811:16817:1 831:23887:2 929:22940:2

objected 817:14objection 787:19

803:1 807:20808:17 809:8810:11,16 811:20812:9 813:13814:22 815:6817:13 819:20828:15,24 829:10829:24 832:7,17835:4,12 836:5837:1,16 838:10839:6 842:11,19843:7,19 845:10846:12 848:24849:10 851:16852:3 853:16,22858:7,14 864:1,9864:25 866:4,10870:14 872:1,6,14874:17 875:20876:7 877:9879:23 880:13,19880:22 881:4883:5,10 884:2,12884:19 885:13,24886:9 887:6,12,21887:25 888:24890:5,14,23891:10,18,22893:9,22 894:9895:4 898:18899:12 905:10906:18 909:3912:1,5,19 916:3928:23 929:11930:2,17,23933:18 934:15,20934:24 935:3,19936:18 937:3938:18 939:13,18940:9,20 941:16942:8 943:1

objections 940:25objectives 805:7obligated 942:24


obligation 930:8observe 846:19

905:21observed 906:11obtaining 782:15

833:22obviously 851:18

874:22 881:6889:10 900:9906:24

occasionally 791:7occasions 885:15occur 784:16occurred 783:1

784:18 849:15,20927:1 934:13

october 804:12816:13 827:12840:22 844:22861:22 863:14,16886:7 902:6933:23 934:8935:9

offer 781:5offered 856:17

872:16offering 780:21

910:22office 772:2 787:6

798:6 847:10855:5,8 856:3,4859:7 861:9907:21 908:10

officer 790:17,21790:24

offices 789:25795:25 800:1843:17 844:5856:3,7,11 861:7

oh 779:7 790:20791:25 796:19803:4 827:16839:9 876:20887:18 932:23

okay 778:5 779:6779:20 793:10,25796:6 798:23

800:20,25 803:4803:14 812:21813:21 818:9,23819:8,10,13822:24 824:13,19827:8,23 833:16834:22 842:16843:1 846:10,24848:16,20 849:12850:14 854:13,18857:3 858:10860:18 861:3863:17,22 876:20879:10 883:2884:15 886:15887:19 890:11,21891:2,8,14,22892:9 894:23895:11,15 897:13897:14 903:21904:8 905:5,11,21906:22,23 909:19911:7 914:1,16918:21 919:11,15920:4,7,8,15921:5 922:5926:14 930:15936:15 937:15,16

olas 772:6 773:15774:14

old 914:8once 859:8 899:17oneoff 865:9 870:1

909:5oneonone 791:7

847:9ones 793:3 806:15

807:8 836:3 867:3869:4,4 899:8

onethird 891:17ongoing 877:19

915:20online 827:21openended 849:11operate 837:15operating 818:7operations 771:5

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916:14 935:18944:5

opinion 814:1834:17 836:24852:4,8 887:4905:1,8,14 929:8941:8,13

opposed 786:22857:25 870:24881:17 906:14

opposite 922:14optionable 816:11

847:20 867:23order 775:12

827:10,13 878:1891:21 935:7939:16 942:14


organized 853:12853:13 854:14

originally 888:17ostrow 773:7outlining 918:6outside 795:19

799:21 825:17overall 834:19

837:6 840:13850:8

overlooked 867:12overruled 931:4oversee 840:11owe 929:20owed 917:10

926:18 929:21930:1 942:14

owned 781:20owner 863:1owners 869:10ownership 820:22

821:24oz 816:20

Pp 770:16 772:10,19

773:2,15,23 774:2774:10 852:14

pacify 900:17,20packets 794:24,25page 775:8 800:7

800:16,18 805:6807:15 820:25823:24 826:5,14826:15,21 827:24868:16,17 869:22869:22 870:3,6,6873:16,20 878:25886:18 909:17

pages 800:7,23824:6,12 826:12867:13 946:7

paid 823:6 846:22869:8 915:10917:12 932:3936:7,22 939:11940:18 941:11,15

painting 826:10panic 849:19

908:22panicking 845:23panicstricken

906:24paper 777:2 883:18papers 830:13paperwork 864:16

882:8,16paragraph 807:10

828:2 881:25882:3 883:21886:19 903:19,21904:1

paralegal 904:19parcel 786:13park 887:11 891:2

891:8,15,17 892:3parkbench 890:4

890:10part 786:13 802:17

810:25 814:2,3,5814:20 821:14826:9 834:11836:6 867:6 869:7881:11 893:4904:14 918:12

930:13 936:16,24937:2 938:11942:17,19,25

participant 867:23participants

840:12particular 783:6

856:5 862:14871:23 901:8923:23

particularly 931:9parties 830:10

911:2 946:11partner 817:9partners 773:1

778:17 779:2793:22 800:10816:10 821:13824:4,8 826:11869:11 871:10909:14

party 946:13paskert 774:10passing 907:20paul 774:9pay 882:21 911:4

911:17 915:25928:6 930:8933:19,21 935:18936:6,22 938:11938:16 940:17941:12 942:14943:20 944:1,6

paying 830:20849:5,6 869:6889:25 908:8917:10 937:19939:2

payment 939:25payments 822:2

831:3 849:17869:3 915:21933:14,24 934:10934:13 935:2,6,8937:1,12 939:8,22940:6,15,18 941:9941:13

pcl 775:23 878:21909:18

pcl56665 775:14pcl56811 775:15pcl59074 775:17pcl59319 775:20pcl59402 775:20peace 900:8penalty 901:15pendent 927:4pending 776:17

806:5 941:4people 785:7 789:4

790:10 795:19797:7,7,13 798:7799:25 801:23812:2 814:7,9,10814:12,13,16815:14 816:24817:22 824:16829:13,14,15831:25 836:23837:12 839:20841:7,8 845:17,23847:21 850:3,5,9853:23 858:5863:15 866:6873:1 876:2877:13 888:12889:2,13 894:13894:15 896:17,19898:6 900:10,15900:15,21,22,22907:3 912:23915:22 919:3920:18,20,21,23922:13,23 927:9935:13 937:22938:25 939:10,23942:1,13,21943:10,14

peoples 936:24percentage 839:1

839:10perfect 922:5performance


period 780:17781:3 782:2 783:3783:4 792:20823:1 854:9 870:3916:2 933:7934:14

perjury 901:15permission 787:9

787:10person 786:22

788:8,14 790:21790:25 817:20820:15 835:11,14835:15 840:1845:13 851:4863:1 865:21870:19 930:15940:16

personal 780:24781:9 825:10832:2 870:17,23887:8 893:13933:8

personalities 813:8personally 792:7

870:13personnel 854:6

856:8 864:23persons 869:11petters 876:1

880:10phase 889:16phases 929:15phillips 893:7

894:5 903:22,22903:24,25 904:8

phone 799:20885:20 927:10937:23 938:1

phony 799:5,8,9,10phrase 853:1 876:3

906:9physically 830:21pick 865:13picked 856:4

937:23 938:1piece 816:10

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pieces 863:9pitch 808:18,21,21

808:22pitched 784:7pitching 839:13pl 774:6place 770:17 836:4

842:21 847:23856:10 899:19

placed 835:2plaintiffs 770:6

771:6,14 819:11819:13 839:4

platcent 775:22platinum 773:1

775:11,12 777:7778:17 779:2,3780:4 781:14782:1,6 784:3,6784:10 786:13,23788:15 793:22794:3 795:10797:19 799:24800:10 814:19,19827:11 828:18829:8,19 838:3860:4 917:3 922:9924:22 928:1,19929:20 930:1931:16,19 937:12

platinums 828:11play 809:10 833:9

896:12 911:11928:1

played 833:13player 811:19

844:12,17,19,24847:2,7,20 849:23850:18 851:5858:12 909:1,1,14909:15 922:25923:1 930:22

players 813:3,8845:22,25 847:1858:11 920:1,9,10920:17,18 922:6

playing 780:20

plaza 773:19please 826:1

827:22,23 830:8861:19 881:9897:6 901:14913:21 921:10922:4 933:3

pled 798:16 941:20plus 823:14pocket 894:15point 778:21

781:10 782:12789:11 791:21794:2 795:1797:19 798:9,10799:2 800:25801:4 802:13808:8,11 811:8819:18 820:14,23822:19 824:6826:5 840:16841:1 844:21857:10,13 862:15882:11 885:4898:21 914:14918:7,8 919:20920:1,11 926:22933:23 934:10

points 816:15831:18

poking 841:8 844:1police 850:14policies 874:1,3,4,8

874:11 878:8policy 874:25

876:17 879:18political 825:23,25

826:6politics 826:9ponce 772:19ponzi 781:16

782:13 798:10,15798:24 802:5810:25 812:2814:11 818:7820:17 821:12822:16 828:12,14

828:17,23 829:8829:12,20,23830:4 835:10841:1,6 843:5,25844:8 857:22872:25 873:2875:18 876:2877:13,19 881:7884:9 885:2889:11 898:6905:18 907:8912:11 918:13,19918:21 919:21920:19 930:13934:8,11 935:14935:20 936:17,25937:2,11,19938:17,23 939:16939:24 940:16,22941:10,18,22942:19,25 944:1,3

poor 813:4 828:11828:14,22 829:4,7829:11

pop 853:11portion 806:5,13

869:1 937:13,14position 828:9

906:5 918:14possess 928:18possible 807:4

841:7,8,18 882:21904:17 935:24

possibly 843:8,14881:22 883:15

potential 805:10808:23 843:5

power 824:9practice 821:9

907:13 908:11preanswer 828:8precipitated 848:5predicate 812:16

876:10prefix 860:11prepare 802:12prepared 901:17

902:9,19preparing 785:13present 787:19

798:12 804:8,20807:20 808:17809:8 810:11811:16,20 812:9812:15 813:13814:22 815:6817:1,13 819:20828:10,15,24829:10,24 831:23832:7,17 835:4,12836:5 837:1,16838:10 839:6842:11,19 843:7843:19 846:12848:24 851:16852:3 853:16,22858:7,14 864:1,25866:4 870:14872:1,6,14 874:17875:20 876:7877:9 879:23880:13,19,22881:4 883:5,10884:2,12,19885:13,24 886:9887:2,6,12,21,25888:24 890:5,14890:23 891:10,18893:9,22 894:9895:4 898:18899:12 905:10906:18 909:3912:1,5,19 916:3929:11 930:2,23933:18 934:15,20934:24 935:3,19936:18 937:3938:18 939:13,18940:2,9,20 941:16943:1

pressure 918:7,8918:22 919:19,25920:11,20,21924:5

presuit 824:17pretty 900:6preve 778:22

780:15,19,22782:19 783:8,18784:24 785:12,15785:19 788:20790:4,7,19,20792:9 793:2,14794:18 795:14797:8,10 802:10802:14,15 804:6808:9 815:2,21817:2 818:13833:12 838:20843:20 844:15,16848:15 850:2852:15,24 855:24856:12,21 861:2862:25 863:2,7,12863:24 864:12,15864:18 865:23866:7,12 869:18870:22,25 872:20874:18,20 875:2,7875:12,16 877:21877:25 879:1881:19 882:18889:10 897:10899:20 900:7,12902:15 903:2907:5 912:7 917:2917:18 919:8,18921:12,23,25922:1 924:6,15925:1,9,15,20926:12 931:16,17931:18,21,23

prevents 808:16preves 862:10

867:14previously 776:14

844:24primarily 908:12primary 784:10principals 870:12prior 781:7 782:2

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792:21 839:24private 771:16,19

817:3 862:16909:10

privately 857:2privileged 903:1probably 818:16

837:5 843:20906:8,10 920:13

probative 912:13problem 788:25

818:22 855:16881:5 889:12898:1 908:9915:24 930:7

problematic 878:4920:24

problems 843:9847:17 919:16,16

proceed 787:13proceeded 919:2,2proceedings 945:7process 797:6,12

847:16 902:25product 786:20

839:13,16 840:7professional

770:22 837:6887:8

profusely 817:14progress 787:1project 840:7,10,11

840:13promissory 942:20


886:21propensity 922:14proper 853:7properties 821:4

821:23 822:5,9823:15

property 820:22821:25,25

proposed 812:7896:23

provide 785:15

794:22 795:5833:7 914:18928:14

provided 785:18792:4 793:14794:21,24 870:19883:9 884:6,18896:18 902:15,16903:10,11 911:19912:18

provides 882:24883:4

providing 855:9857:6,19

public 805:16821:17 825:11,25910:7 945:12946:22

publicity 808:24published 807:12pulling 816:21

850:23purchase 795:2

823:3purchased 822:25

823:7purchases 820:23purchasing 799:7purported 831:16

911:13purportedly 809:7purporting 781:5purpose 865:7

885:2purposes 778:3,23

779:20 780:8781:2,18,24851:23 857:20868:15 890:3

purse 848:19push 897:18 898:7

898:8 914:6pushing 814:16

898:12 920:2934:6

put 836:13,14,14836:15,16 872:24

891:8 906:3918:14,22 920:1921:9

putting 868:1

Qqualified 878:5qualify 877:22question 781:6

808:20 810:15812:14,19,25813:4,15 818:9828:19,25 833:13835:7 849:11,11851:23 852:23857:3 858:1 864:8870:16 874:14880:24 881:5,9,12884:15 887:14895:8 902:3 905:5905:6,11 929:23937:4 938:4 939:5941:4,7 942:2

questioned 885:16907:3

questions 785:9786:17 787:14790:23 792:20794:18 796:10,10796:11,15 797:8802:9 819:2 824:7833:19 851:19,24852:6 865:7868:15 871:2874:14 886:13888:18 889:7894:14 907:6,10908:11 913:8,15925:2 937:5 944:9

quickly 840:20882:21 897:7

quote 794:10806:14 818:20821:15,22 828:8894:1 896:12918:3 927:25928:1 943:21

Rr 772:17 945:1

946:1radinsky 775:13

859:4,5raise 835:23random 842:2,2rapidly 823:6rarely 791:5rate 822:11rates 822:8 838:22razorback 770:5

772:14reach 810:17 814:4

838:7 844:21905:8,14

reached 908:25reaction 812:5

818:10 841:3,11841:21 842:9,14843:4,17 877:17

read 806:7,13826:13,14 827:20873:14 882:5897:3,11 901:12901:14 902:4,24

reading 856:24857:1 898:24901:21 902:22905:5

ready 873:18real 786:3 791:15

820:23 821:15833:13 839:3,4,4889:12 896:15917:22

realized 850:25900:17

really 792:1,9818:19 820:1834:6,14 839:9851:2 866:11872:23,24 876:23878:4 887:18899:18 906:15917:25 918:4,10929:4 930:12

reason 784:5 856:2886:11 918:23

reasons 920:6recall 777:4,5

779:15 780:17,24785:1 786:14788:4 792:6794:10 795:3796:9,11 797:2800:3 802:13806:22 809:4823:12 824:1854:24 855:1856:9 857:16858:21 859:12,14860:10,13 867:7868:3 871:22872:9,10 873:23875:18,24 876:21879:6,19 883:3,6886:3,5 887:23891:13 897:15898:19,24 902:13902:19,22 904:16909:25 915:1,4916:11,12,15,16916:18,19 922:2923:25 925:10,11925:12,12,17926:1 927:2932:12

receive 799:20885:20 933:14

received 907:14926:4

receiving 867:11914:9 922:2

recess 833:17913:16 944:10

recognize 868:4,20recollect 818:12

866:25 868:3recollection 780:14

783:22,24 784:21784:24 786:12787:20 788:25789:2,19 790:3,11

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792:2,13 793:12795:7 796:13801:3 802:8,19803:24 804:9805:3,5 806:19,20823:16 838:20840:24 849:21856:6 857:4,12,18858:8 859:6,9864:5,10 865:1867:5,10 869:5875:22 876:15,16876:24 877:5,6,8877:10,14 884:7884:22 885:14,15897:6 899:2904:17,25 910:20913:12 914:23915:7 925:6933:11,13,19


recommended809:2 895:18

record 787:2821:17 825:11827:10 842:4852:13 868:11871:19 872:10879:3 890:7 892:4901:14 910:7932:6 941:3 945:8

records 794:20,22795:20 805:16825:25 851:13882:6,7 915:10936:1

recover 776:21908:7

red 832:19refer 778:4,7,24

779:2,21,24 780:2780:7 819:23820:3 828:1 853:5853:20 865:8873:11 886:20890:4 892:8,13,16

reference 852:21853:11,12 854:13854:18 855:20904:19 919:7,12919:14 921:17

referenced 781:3861:14 874:2

referral 890:2915:9

referred 820:4854:19 893:3896:1,3 912:15917:5 924:10

referring 818:17848:12 856:14861:12 872:18888:14 889:23906:4 918:5 919:9926:7

reflect 805:17826:21 842:4892:4 941:4

refresh 777:11784:3 849:14897:6

refusal 830:9regard 785:23

799:16 809:11836:2 843:18845:8 854:14871:23 897:25905:14 911:11914:21 925:11926:5 943:19

regarding 777:7788:2 805:23808:6 817:24820:21 823:18825:19,25 833:23834:18 838:18843:5 863:25864:8 873:12875:18 882:2888:10 913:2915:6,13,18931:18

regent 862:23

867:2 868:19,21869:11 872:13,16899:4,9 916:20921:20

registered 770:22regulated 837:14regulation 837:18reid 772:17related 797:16

854:14 884:10relates 824:8relation 799:11relationship 809:18

810:21,22,23840:4 845:22879:17,20 890:12899:17 906:16911:25 913:9917:16,20,21923:7 925:21

relative 920:14946:12

relay 911:22remainder 926:25remained 912:6remaining 913:15remember 777:7

779:18 791:14796:18 797:18,20808:9 816:8 822:5849:4 859:8 860:3862:16 867:3,12871:25 872:11909:23,23 910:5911:20 918:17919:20 922:18923:5,19,19925:19


rental 821:23repaid 940:8,19repeat 858:1

905:11rephrase 787:23

798:14,21 807:24808:20 810:15

812:19 813:15828:19 829:5835:6 852:23864:8 870:16887:14 929:25940:14 941:7

report 802:23803:5 808:4 821:1821:5 826:21,24902:10,14 945:7946:6

reported 831:15reporter 770:22

775:5 776:19945:5 946:4,18

reporting 770:23807:12 942:15

reports 803:8815:10 915:6

represent 776:12777:16 786:10793:21 797:14901:9

representations787:17 788:1,23


representatives855:17 895:21,22

represented 938:10reproduction

946:16reputation 893:8

907:14request 879:18

915:5requested 843:16

851:10 932:25requesting 882:8

914:21requests 897:24require 878:1required 904:13

917:12research 815:13,18

883:21resources 775:11



respectable 888:23respectively 777:13respond 937:8responded 888:19responding 797:13response 820:12

889:16responses 797:11

885:9responsible 828:11rest 812:2restate 814:13restructuring

925:16result 910:7 939:2resulted 910:7

914:9results 838:18

888:15retained 800:9

801:5 803:15,17840:22 841:2842:8,10 843:4,16

retention 800:22retired 843:11retract 798:21return 838:22

869:24 870:8revealed 938:17revenues 936:3review 807:11

811:2 826:13910:18

revisions 867:18reward 873:1rid 814:16right 803:9,12

806:11 823:6827:5 829:16833:4 842:3845:24 848:19851:19,24 852:6853:9 855:15

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862:6 873:18882:24 891:5892:11 900:4941:1

risk 832:6,19rli 773:17road 840:12 887:11

907:10robert 801:20

802:6 893:6 894:4robin 854:2role 780:20 809:10

833:9,13 896:11911:11,17 929:12

room 785:8 789:24856:23

roseanne 774:13rosenblat 871:11

909:6rosenblatt 924:20rosenfeldt 805:8

806:6 807:11898:1 900:13904:12,22 906:17

rossi 890:10 891:2891:9 892:21903:15 904:6908:10 913:2

rossis 890:11892:22 905:24

rothstein 770:8,13771:9,16 772:1775:2 776:2,8787:3,16 793:21797:25 800:1803:18 805:8806:6 807:11812:20 821:23822:9 827:23833:20 842:5852:15 859:2878:11,12,25879:6 890:16891:23 904:21906:17 913:21,22915:9 931:18943:19 944:5

rothsteins 775:13775:22 821:18822:17 862:1

rough 840:12rpr 945:12 946:22rra 800:1,1 831:4

835:17,18,25836:3 844:5848:17 851:13855:11 861:11,13863:18 868:12885:6 911:13916:14 917:16929:20 933:15935:18

rras 843:17run 850:13running 841:6

843:25 850:14,25872:25 941:20

russ 889:18russell 824:13

Ss 770:23 772:2,4,10

774:2,7salesman 836:16

840:6sample 874:1,3,4

878:8samples 878:8sanders 800:9

801:11,20 802:6803:17 886:10

satisfied 896:17savoy 770:22 945:5

945:12 946:4,22saw 827:19 838:19

862:6 901:22923:20

saying 792:20808:14 845:13848:1 851:3854:15,17 876:9882:23,24 888:11890:9 892:11901:13 917:13

927:9says 803:15,16,17

805:7 806:5,14,23807:2,10 821:15822:8,21 828:7,7853:2 856:24860:7 863:19867:13 893:25907:24 908:5909:20 910:23918:3 922:15

scale 835:1scam 890:12,16,22

892:25scc 850:22 919:16

938:2scene 875:25 876:1scenes 872:20scheme 781:16

782:14 798:10,15798:24 810:25812:3 818:7820:17 821:12822:16 828:12,14828:17,23 829:8829:12,20,23830:4 835:10841:2,6 843:6844:8 873:3877:19 881:7884:9 885:3889:11 898:6907:8 912:11918:13,19,21919:21 920:12,19930:13 934:9,11935:15,20 936:17936:25 937:2,11938:17,23 939:17939:24 940:16,22941:10,18,22942:19,25 944:1,3

schemes 875:19877:13

scherer 772:15,17803:1 820:11842:1,3 845:10

931:4 938:10942:8

schlesinger 888:20888:21,22 893:11893:12 895:2

schlesingers 893:6894:5

schmookler 773:21scope 803:16

845:21scott 770:8,13

771:9,16 772:1773:21 774:2775:2 776:2803:18 852:15878:25 886:16916:17 921:6931:16,18

screaming 889:18script 907:3scrutiny 841:22sec 816:6second 784:4,10

796:21 806:11826:1 827:15828:2 873:20878:25 879:8885:16 892:11921:24 922:4940:23

secret 921:18,18section 826:14security 823:19

832:1,4see 800:8,13 802:22

803:5,10 816:22818:16 821:2822:22 827:18828:5 853:18860:7 862:19888:19 901:21902:12 903:4904:6 907:18908:6,17 912:16915:5,9 921:7931:22 932:15,18937:8

seeing 859:12,14860:3 867:7891:13 902:18916:11 923:17,19925:6 932:12

seen 777:3,18778:13 779:17800:12,14,22803:2,8 827:12,14852:19 859:16876:1 887:15902:3,6,21 916:10924:7

send 831:6 879:10882:9 883:17893:16,17 897:17914:4 921:23922:1 928:3 934:5934:6,7

sending 797:9831:8,9 849:17851:3 863:24867:15 873:23908:1 938:5

senior 788:13sense 898:10sensitive 892:15sent 792:22 849:18

864:18 870:7878:8 888:10893:20 923:20925:4 926:10,12932:19

sentence 829:18918:3

senterfitt 773:11separate 818:7

861:22 865:14902:11 918:9,24920:12

september 779:13series 871:9service 823:19session 770:12sessions 776:11set 782:23 884:1

888:17 895:24,24

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923:2settle 808:23settled 805:12,18

806:6 807:13808:13

settlement 782:12783:10 799:9805:11 807:4808:15 882:2,19882:22 911:13

settlements 781:4782:10 783:7806:24 808:1809:3,7,11 812:8824:6,17 826:22835:19 839:2,3,4851:13 852:1857:20 860:21933:16

sfs 862:20,22 863:1863:4 864:6865:22 866:2867:2

shady 850:7shaking 785:8

789:22sharp 836:21shear 881:21sheer 830:20,21sheets 777:2shelly 888:21,22

893:6,12 894:4shit 820:6short 792:20 823:1

854:9 919:20shorthand 945:5

946:4,9shortly 792:23

849:20shots 816:18

922:22show 777:10

793:16 796:3858:22 861:24868:7 871:4 873:5878:18 896:25900:19,25 908:18

916:22 931:10932:7

showed 859:22910:11,14,15

showing 779:11824:12 852:9859:2 913:22

shown 790:13shtick 850:23sic 931:11side 835:23 845:3

850:2,4,4 862:23864:15,18,24865:6,8 866:2,14867:15 868:19,21870:11,17 871:7,8871:9,13 887:11899:4,10 900:16919:4 920:22

sidedeal 909:5sideways 828:25sign 932:24,25signed 819:11,13

942:20 943:4significance 914:24significant 821:19

881:21 890:1896:16,18 919:16

silverman 774:6similar 805:23

858:4,5simony 785:3 788:6

788:19 789:12,15790:8 796:16834:4 839:20840:3,5 845:2846:1,3,6,20849:22,24 860:15860:16,17,24861:3,8 863:8,13865:24 866:1,16866:19,22 867:1869:19 873:17,22878:25 879:1,2,7879:11,16 881:20882:4 883:23887:19,22 893:18

894:7 896:1,5,7,9896:23 897:10899:21,24 900:3903:1 907:5919:18 922:25926:5 927:24928:3,5,11 930:16

simply 808:10885:3 898:14

singerman 772:6sir 778:6,9 779:1

779:23 780:1,6,11785:25 799:12,15800:24 804:4,22805:15,20 806:2,4807:21 809:4818:8 820:18822:13 823:20824:2 825:5,8,12825:15,18 826:4827:1,25 828:4,6831:20 832:24860:22 865:25877:3,6 886:4911:1 915:16928:13,16,20933:1

sit 831:7 867:11sitdown 791:15sitting 832:14

864:10 865:23869:9 933:9937:17 941:8

six 774:15 817:10823:24,25 870:8872:9,13 899:11

sixmonth 870:2sixth 774:2size 858:15 907:11slama 886:20,21


sliding 835:1slightly 822:9slow 776:19 899:3slowed 874:24


smiling 842:5890:7,8

smooth 840:12snuck 903:2sochet 836:18,19

836:20 837:5857:24 858:2938:21 939:9943:6

sochets 935:11soliciting 781:10

782:24solid 865:13solution 809:2somebody 808:8

833:10 872:22someones 935:25someplace 872:11somewhat 906:24

912:6sophisticated 812:7

812:15 817:19833:25 834:1,2,3834:4,7,10,13836:8,19,20,22,25837:2 838:12841:8,14 842:24844:1,4,10,15,15844:19 851:9,19852:5 922:10

sophistication833:23 834:18835:3,3,15 836:2836:4 838:8842:22 844:10858:4

sorry 793:17807:23 827:16,23828:18 852:23857:7 858:1860:17 861:17,20879:1 882:14891:15 892:3,10903:24 905:11919:11 922:1932:16,17

sort 779:19

source 782:17,18782:19

sources 780:23south 772:15 773:3

773:23 887:15southeast 773:11spanish 910:15speak 786:22

894:11 896:19speaker 847:3

861:18,23 876:9879:3 921:9928:23 929:22930:17 941:3

speaking 815:20831:25 887:23

special 883:8specific 777:8

780:17 784:21787:20 796:13797:5 801:3 802:8802:19 804:21805:5 823:16866:25 867:5,10876:24

specifically 777:4780:25 809:16815:25 830:2855:1 875:13889:23 905:21921:16

speculation 912:20spend 850:15

901:20spent 849:24split 823:23 929:15spoke 863:15

866:20,22 887:22894:7 903:8941:25

spoken 776:14788:13 904:22,24

spring 880:21spritzer 811:8squeeze 918:7

919:22st 774:9,10

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stamped 852:15862:1 868:13873:6

standpoint 905:18905:18

start 787:4 826:5833:4 851:4 866:7873:20 878:24911:25

started 793:15813:23 830:3847:17 874:6875:25 877:12,14883:21 908:10,22

starts 828:2 859:3state 821:22 861:7

945:3,12 946:2,22stated 844:3statement 822:3statements 811:4

873:12states 901:15stature 851:12

885:22 893:7status 794:25

798:15statute 936:13ste 773:15 774:10steam 900:5steinbeck 862:12

870:23stenotype 946:6stettin 771:19,20

771:21 776:13steve 890:10,11

892:22 904:6stick 789:6 900:10

907:2 914:25sticks 887:10stop 812:12 899:3

933:24 934:1942:15

stopped 849:5,6,17860:5 898:17,22920:19

stopping 898:23story 915:18,20

straight 814:9844:11 850:11936:4 937:24,24

streamline 913:14street 770:18

772:10 774:2859:17 861:9

strings 816:21848:19

strip 813:6strong 897:18structure 785:6

833:9structured 773:1

777:17,22 778:4782:10,10,12832:5 839:4860:21

stuck 818:15study 860:14stuff 791:7 795:22

834:23 876:2subject 822:21

852:25 867:20925:9 931:21

submitted 838:17subsection 806:10subsequent 880:9subsequently

911:21substantial 889:24


881:14,17 889:14subterranean

923:7successful 814:21sue 927:12,13sued 823:18 824:21sufficient 943:20

944:1,6suffix 862:19suggest 821:18suggested 809:2,23suggestion 925:9suit 806:20suite 772:3,7,11

773:3,8,24suits 806:14summarize 826:20summary 805:6supposed 782:10

782:11 812:7,15832:23 851:1,13865:11 908:1918:9

supposedly 815:5823:23 850:5875:2 890:17915:14

supreme 794:1sure 794:11 801:13

831:5 835:8847:25 857:11859:16 864:20867:13 868:8871:5 888:8 892:1929:18 933:4938:13 943:5

susan 773:4susceptible 850:17suspect 872:20

922:22sustain 873:2sw 773:7 868:13sw1300735 775:14sw1300805 868:17swing 798:11,20,22sworn 776:3szafranski 782:23

809:5,10,14,19,22810:5,18,23811:13 812:6817:9 910:24911:9,12,17,19

Tt 773:14 945:1,1

946:1,1table 803:13,16take 817:21 833:15

837:24 866:9867:16 873:13913:13,21 926:6

taken 770:16,22913:16 944:10

takes 828:9talk 780:22 789:12

791:15 794:12813:9 814:17824:25 825:23,24834:16 865:22867:1 886:4 891:4894:20 895:1914:8 938:9 940:5

talking 776:13790:16 799:7,8839:3 847:17855:23 869:25875:4 877:14882:18 892:18893:10,13 898:2901:24 926:8930:11 936:23941:5

talks 821:15 822:17854:23 856:12861:11 903:21909:17 923:21925:15,25 926:17926:24

tampa 774:10,11tanen 773:2tax 821:25taxes 825:2taxfraud 851:1td 771:16,21technical 816:8technically 930:5tell 776:3 777:25

781:11 784:23798:19 800:13806:8 812:22830:2 831:8 848:2854:5 865:20866:12 867:25880:2,8 884:20,22885:3 887:19891:21 902:13,24920:4 923:11

telling 804:10

850:3 865:20898:25 928:5

tells 907:18tens 805:11,13,18

805:19,24 807:18807:25 826:22889:24 908:3,4915:13 936:6


term 784:7 798:20799:17 810:2818:23,25 852:24853:11,20 855:9898:5 900:11906:6

terms 784:15793:11 823:25831:22 833:21835:1,2 836:2,4841:22 842:16,21857:15,18 893:7904:4 928:15

testified 776:4782:22 806:8840:21 844:24864:23 899:5

testimony 781:23782:2 787:24803:19 804:15809:22 814:7820:14,18 847:5865:25 870:5894:6 895:9 934:9944:4

tests 816:5text 914:1thank 777:15 778:2

779:10 787:12826:19 839:17849:8 851:7861:23 869:17,20871:21 873:4,19878:17 881:13886:17 893:1900:24 921:21923:12 927:19

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931:5thats 779:9 784:14

787:5 793:9797:12 799:16803:10,22 808:11810:12 811:5812:25 822:23824:7 829:12,18832:13,15,19833:16 838:24850:15 851:6852:8 853:3,25859:20,23 860:18865:5 867:6869:25,25 870:10877:14 880:23894:17 896:10901:23 905:2906:8 910:24912:12 913:25914:12 918:6919:10 920:11,13921:12,20 922:20923:11 926:20,21926:23 932:23938:13 939:5941:23 942:2,4943:25,25 944:8

theres 801:10805:6 812:16813:7 830:12848:16 873:16904:10 911:10924:1 926:11939:6

theresa 772:13theyre 837:14

855:8 883:3 898:8918:9

thigpen 909:25910:14

thigpin 807:16thing 785:2 795:20

808:25 829:16830:19 849:25850:9 851:1 869:8871:5 875:24

907:15 909:6918:18 920:13,15920:16,17 922:17923:2 924:4,21941:24,24

things 813:7 816:4819:6 824:11830:12,16 834:25835:23 840:9848:21 851:2877:12 879:21888:12,14 896:20898:4,9 906:1,5908:15 919:4,6920:13 922:14924:23

think 782:20789:10 790:6792:1 796:25797:17 798:8803:2 805:19813:25 819:24,25828:25 829:9834:20 837:5839:7 841:17845:16 853:21,23859:8 860:5 867:4869:8 871:14872:15 878:3,4,13878:15 883:8888:6 896:14899:21 904:5912:3 913:14916:4 926:4 928:7929:3,16,17930:15 931:6936:2 938:4940:12

thinking 797:18thinks 929:5third 770:23

773:11 784:10869:22

thirdparty 809:13thought 785:20

801:24 803:7813:19 818:14

822:4 832:10833:24 834:19,19836:6 841:23850:21 853:23877:22 884:18887:7 892:12894:24 905:17,23907:17 912:7929:7,10

thousand 934:18thousands 867:12three 779:11 780:2

781:23 782:20784:13 788:14789:25 800:22828:8 846:25848:18 870:6889:1 890:13,17891:3 893:5 894:8894:19,21 895:11896:2,3,22 903:9903:10,12,18904:6 906:16907:1,1 912:15915:2,14 933:10

threepage 901:22901:23


thrown 935:22tied 839:2time 770:16 778:21

780:17,18 781:7781:10 782:12783:3,4 784:8789:11,25 792:20792:22 795:1,4796:4 797:19798:9 799:6802:13 808:8814:24 816:15818:1 823:1831:18 833:16838:19,19 839:21839:21 845:18847:19 849:7,24850:16 853:1

854:9 856:10857:7 858:21862:15 864:17867:8 873:24875:17,23 879:22882:10,10,12883:16 884:9,20884:20 885:4,16886:11 895:1898:23 899:4,6900:7 901:20902:20 907:4,24910:11 913:14916:2 919:21933:7 934:14936:16 938:1,1940:7,8 941:10944:3

timeline 880:8times 788:20 791:1

834:7,9 850:20927:14 933:20

timing 792:18,18863:23 870:2882:7 917:11

timingwise 802:4title 853:14 859:10

859:14toast 818:15,17,21

818:23 819:1,14820:15

today 777:19778:13 779:21800:12,23 801:12801:13 803:2,6,11827:13,14 831:7847:2,4,5 852:19864:11 865:23867:11 869:9901:22 902:4916:10 923:18924:7 931:23932:13 933:9941:9

told 777:2 780:15783:9 786:18788:18,20 789:10

797:17 815:2838:24 839:16843:20 861:2,2862:15 866:1,16866:19,23 867:1874:7 879:16881:10,19,20,20884:17 889:19,22896:19 911:9,9922:23

ton 942:13tonacchio 858:20tongueincheek

854:1top 824:14 826:6

842:17 871:25topic 892:15tort 807:3total 806:24 926:17

934:19 936:3totally 842:2tout 832:16touted 814:20

824:13,16tower 773:3track 847:25tracy 811:7trademarks 829:22traffic 787:8 915:6train 892:12transacting 812:23transaction 829:20

871:23 872:4,13874:23

transactions812:24 817:12837:10 871:24

transcript 945:8946:16

transcription 946:8transfer 795:2transferring

936:25transfers 776:21,22

936:9,13,15transmitted 864:11


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transpired 848:4849:13

traurig 773:15treat 918:4trench 773:2,4tried 829:15 832:18

908:7 915:23trip 783:19 792:25triple 921:8,12tripp 774:2tropin 772:19troutman 800:9

801:10,20 802:6803:17 886:10

true 822:3,23830:19 851:24,25901:16 906:16944:8 945:8 946:8

truly 810:18811:10 851:11

trust 771:16,19830:11 832:24882:3

trustee 772:5,9776:12

trustees 775:7777:12 787:14793:19 827:7852:11 858:24862:4 868:10873:9 878:20897:2 901:2913:18 916:8,24921:3 927:21931:13 932:9

truth 776:3try 789:6 854:12

875:3 898:12915:21 917:22918:7,14,22933:21

trying 790:13795:6 816:17845:21 850:3854:1 894:18898:14 900:10,17906:15 914:6

920:7,14 923:3,11924:4,5 925:21

tucker 774:16turn 800:5 802:21

803:13 826:12901:7

turned 811:24,25turns 820:16twice 859:8 930:18two 773:3 790:23

794:8 807:12821:16 824:7827:19 833:13850:11 870:12885:15 886:19889:16 891:8895:2,23 899:18900:21 907:1913:3 919:6929:15

type 780:20 786:19786:20 795:20814:14 816:3817:11,19 835:17854:11 877:23878:2 894:13907:15 908:11

types 826:16839:11

Uultimately 782:7

783:13 786:12,24809:6,6 810:13,22810:25 811:24,25814:15 830:21,24841:19 852:4869:7,12 875:1878:9 881:23888:5 898:14900:14 912:23922:22 927:6

unbeknownst781:13 871:10

uncovered 934:9underneath 806:7

806:9 931:20

understand 790:13790:20 795:6797:4 816:17835:24 838:21845:20,24 849:25853:4 869:10881:9 886:11894:6,17,18906:23 917:17,24920:14 936:1

understanding802:9 809:12,20826:16 838:5839:12 840:5844:20 863:5,9882:1 884:11,23

understood 781:19791:2 818:6 833:5838:13 868:2917:19 919:5


unfortunately907:9 908:21

united 770:23807:16

unknown 847:3861:18,23 876:9879:3 921:9928:23 929:22930:17 941:3

unpaid 825:2unquote 818:20

943:21unsecured 773:10unsophisticated

834:21unsure 865:2ups 909:25upset 819:4 923:4use 818:23 853:1

876:3 900:11906:6

uses 852:24usual 896:10,13,15usually 795:19utilizing 898:9

Vv 771:19,20,21

775:11,12vague 798:20value 773:1 778:17

779:2 793:23800:10

van 772:13 939:10vanilla 819:1,6

820:15variety 860:3various 780:24

783:19 880:9vehicle 833:6vein 871:8veracity 852:1verdict 910:8verified 911:12verifier 809:13,23

810:2,3,6,18812:8 817:8818:11

verify 809:3,7versus 839:11

909:25victim 937:14victims 937:21

942:25videotapes 910:15viewed 943:12,13

943:17villegas 798:2

898:1virgin 825:20virtue 938:16visit 855:4,8,14

903:4,8 904:14910:19

visited 800:1895:21 903:23904:1,2,4,9,15909:20

visits 903:12vliet 772:13volume 857:18,20

903:14,19 912:16von 836:15 844:18

857:23 858:2935:10 938:10,15939:22

vs 770:7 771:7,15

Ww 770:8,13 771:9

771:16 774:16775:2 776:2

wait 812:12walked 907:20walker 774:3walking 907:23wandering 785:5,7

789:21want 783:20 817:20

821:14 833:21840:19 841:7844:1 847:23,24866:12 869:1871:5 872:25873:1,11,15878:18 894:23,25897:3 898:7 899:9901:20 921:5923:15 928:7

wanted 818:10823:9 852:5866:13 878:6881:14 882:20884:24 885:1889:7,8 894:12896:9 899:25900:4,16 901:21918:14 921:16926:2,3 929:18

warned 829:19warrant 806:24wasnt 795:10

797:12 810:19811:24 818:17819:2,17 830:5849:25 850:3854:14,17 874:13904:8 905:22910:22,22 912:7920:16 937:17

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watch 822:17watches 823:7water 789:22way 777:25 781:11

808:13 818:20819:6,15 820:25822:4 823:12830:10,15 832:5832:10,11 834:14838:25 845:24848:22 850:1851:17,17 853:25855:12 859:22860:13 867:21872:19 882:18883:6,20 890:9895:9 896:24,24897:21,22 898:6900:6 904:10,13904:16 906:12913:5 915:4922:21 923:25925:23 927:2940:12

ways 850:11wealth 831:15,16

831:21week 827:19 928:1

933:21 934:3weekly 933:20

934:2weintraub 811:7weiselberg 773:7wellrespected

886:25went 780:8 790:6

831:9 832:11840:8 846:8850:24 857:22861:6 888:16889:16,17 896:14902:7 905:18,20906:22 907:18

west 859:17 861:9weve 906:25whats 812:13

861:18 875:22

876:8 890:11906:21 907:12919:14 923:2,7

whitehaven 839:15839:18,19 860:19860:20,23 861:4861:15 863:19,25864:6

whos 820:16 909:7935:4

wife 823:22 824:21825:1

wild 849:19william 772:17willing 909:13wire 926:17,25wired 926:21wires 819:9,10wise 818:20 854:10withdraw 828:19witness 770:22

776:5 819:21820:9 827:8828:16 837:2846:13 858:15897:3 928:24929:12 930:24931:5 933:4936:19 940:10941:1,5 942:9

wizard 816:20woman 835:9wonderful 824:5word 811:5 840:6

875:8 877:19881:24 912:3

words 943:3work 806:17,19

837:14 872:19918:12 925:21

worked 786:19789:16 797:22831:6 859:6922:13

working 789:2841:19

works 909:15

world 886:6worth 889:24 908:1wouldnt 876:23

942:7 943:22wrap 933:5writing 883:22

919:10 922:15written 805:25wrong 795:24

808:25 812:13819:4 863:10876:8 880:11885:3 890:21923:9

wrongful 807:3wrote 921:6 926:15


Yyeah 784:5 786:3,5

807:7 820:2840:24 847:5858:2 859:20,25878:12 899:6906:9 910:21929:7 943:5

year 849:15 877:11936:2

years 794:8 811:1yesterday 814:6

817:4 888:7york 773:20,20

783:17 784:16785:24 788:9793:5 794:1798:25 802:1837:11 838:3840:2 859:18

youll 800:8youre 786:16

808:14 813:4820:24 824:11843:25 845:13848:1,2 855:19872:25 880:23881:6 882:23,24890:7,9 892:10

893:10,13 895:10918:18 919:12920:7,10 923:4926:7 932:21936:23,24,25937:4 940:12,16

Zzurich 773:17,18

0000 824:21 825:2000931 775:22000940957 775:13000plus 823:180021184 775:220484 775:230489 775:2307 770:309 770:1609062943 770:3

11 772:2 826:5

852:1710 820:25 821:8

823:14 910:3,3100 772:10 774:10

806:25 831:19,20835:9 927:13

1000 772:710005 773:201003767rbr 771:191024110 771:4103032 804:18103802rbr 901:511 869:24 870:8110 774:21102368rbr 771:211103802rbr 771:20113 770:18113173 945:13


771:1211million 870:811th 873:21 876:2212 770:16

1200 773:81218 770:23123 775:8 777:10

777:13,16 783:20784:20 790:14796:8

124 775:9 777:10777:13 778:10784:2 790:14

125 775:10 777:11777:13 779:12784:11 790:14825:2

126 775:11 793:17793:17,19 794:14800:4 820:20

127 775:12 793:17827:3,7

128 775:12 852:10852:12

129 775:13 858:23858:25 859:2861:17

130 775:13 861:17861:25 862:4867:7

13000735 868:13131 775:14 868:7

868:10132 775:14 871:4

873:5,9133 775:15 878:18

878:20134 775:15 896:25

897:2135 775:16 900:25

901:2136 775:16 913:19

913:21,22137 775:17 916:6,8138 775:17 916:22

916:24139 775:18 920:25139146 921:313th 849:6,1814 775:18 827:24140 775:18 921:22

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141 775:19 923:13142 775:19 924:6143 775:20 924:251430 773:23144 775:20 901:5

925:7145 775:21 925:14146 775:21 921:1

926:6147 775:22 927:21

927:23 931:11148 775:22 931:13

932:5149 775:23 932:7,914th 800:8 873:615 770:16 854:24

925:25 926:1,9,18928:1,6,18 929:10930:1,8,16 931:25

150 900:4152 859:17 861:915th 774:2 945:9

946:1916th 923:14,2217 774:7 775:1917th 770:1 771:1

923:1419 771:419546072333

913:2319th 914:51st 773:7

22 805:620 787:7 800:7,7,18

830:14,14200 773:72000 773:15 917:52004 776:102007 780:14 783:4

806:182008 775:15 778:13

779:13 780:15783:4,21 784:2,12784:19 794:17796:5,5,8 798:11

798:16 800:8806:18 852:14854:25 857:3,8,8857:9,13,21,21,25858:5 861:21,22862:1 869:23873:6,21 874:5,16876:6,12,22 877:4877:7 878:22879:11 880:21881:17 883:25893:17 895:3896:2 897:9 903:5905:7 911:24913:4,10 914:22915:3

2009 775:17,18,18775:19,21 804:13816:14 840:22844:22 848:23849:6,18 857:25858:6,8 863:14,16886:7 901:18902:7 909:21911:10 914:5917:5 921:11923:14 925:4,9,18926:15 929:9931:15 932:11933:7,23 934:8935:8,9,15 939:1939:11,23

201 774:72010 774:102011 770:16 827:12

945:9 946:192015 945:13 946:23204 773:2420th 861:2122 869:24 896:222nd 883:25

893:17 925:423rd 878:2224 824:21 852:1425 775:15 897:82525 772:1925th 773:12

26 778:12 911:102616 852:1726th 784:227 861:22 925:928 903:428th 904:14 925:18

931:1529th 927:24 929:9

932:12nd 772:10 869:23

33 777:7 779:14,19

779:24,25 780:4781:15 782:2,7784:7,10,13786:14 788:15795:12 797:21799:25 815:4820:25 826:14,14838:3 852:14922:10 924:21937:12

30 800:7 854:2430th 932:1131st 903:5 904:1533128 770:1933131 772:11 773:4

774:7331311704 773:1233134 772:20331463127 773:2433301 772:3,7

773:16 774:3333012073 773:8333012296 774:1533302 772:1633316 770:24336025145 774:11350 772:6 861:4

868:1236 823:183700 773:339th 773:203rd 779:13 783:21

784:12,19 862:1


4 770:12 775:17854:24,24 925:9

401 773:15403 775:2042 770:164400 772:114th 909:21 910:19

55 823:24 824:6,12

926:1950million 900:1515 774:145252221 770:2456665 873:656666 775:1456811 878:2156815 775:1556851 878:2157 852:1457th 859:17 861:95th 827:12 861:4

909:21 910:19

66 775:21 824:6,12

826:5 827:24945:13 946:23

61985 909:18633 772:1566 873:76th 926:15

77 826:12,15,21700 772:3770 946:7776 775:4777 775:8,9,10793 775:11

88 770:16 775:18

777:2 826:12926:19 936:2

805 775:14827 775:12852 775:12

858 775:13861 775:13868 775:14873 775:14878 775:15897 775:158th 916:12 917:5


99 936:2901 775:16913 775:16916 775:17,17921 775:18,18,19


927 775:22931 775:22932 775:22,23940 862:2945 775:5946 775:5 946:7954 770:24957 862:299 770:18