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  • 7/29/2019 2010 - Methodology - Options for Sampling for REDD


    M E T H O D O L O G Y Open Access

    Options for sampling and stratification fornational forest inventories to implementREDD+ under the UNFCCCDanae Maniatis1,2*, Danilo Mollicone2


    Background: Developing countries that are willing to participate in the recently adopted (16 th Session of the

    Conference of Parties (COP) in Cancun) mitigation mechanism of Reducing emissions from Deforestation and

    Forest Degradation - and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forestcarbon stocks (REDD+) - will have to establish a national forest monitoring system in order to assess

    anthropogenic forest-related greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks. Such a system should

    support the Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) requirement of the United Nations Framework

    Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as the REDD+ mechanism is results-based. A national forest inventory

    (NFI) is one potential key component of such an MRV system. Following the Decision adopted during the 15 th

    Session of the COP in Copenhagen, the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidance

    and Guidelines should be used as a basis for estimating anthropogenic forest-related greenhouse gas emissions by

    sources and removals by sinks and changes in forest carbon stocks and area.

    Results: First, we present the key indispensable elements of the IPCC Guidance and Guidelines that have been

    developed to fulfil the UNFCCC reporting requirements. This is done in order to set the framework to develop the

    MRV requirement in which a NFI for REDD+ implementation could be developed. Second, within this framework,

    we develop and propose a novel scheme for the stratification of forest land for REDD+. Finally, we present some

    non-exhaustive optional elements within this framework that a country could consider to successfully

    operationalise and implement its REDD+ NFI.

    Conclusion: Evidently, both the methodological guidance and political decisions on REDD+ under the UNFCCC

    will continue to evolve. Even so, and considering that there exists decades of experience in setting up traditional

    NFIs, developing a NFI that a country may use to directly support REDD+ activities under the UNFCCC represents

    the development of a new challenge in this field. It is therefore important that both the scientific community and

    national implementing agencies acquaint themselves with both the context and content of this challenge so that

    REDD+ mitigation actions may be implemented successfully and with environmental integrity. This paper provides

    important contributions to the subject through our proposal of the stratification of forest land for REDD+.


    Since 2005 and in the context of the United NationsFramework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

    negotiations on a climate deal, activities related to forest

    land (FL) in developing countries have become one of

    the key possible mechanisms for climate change mitiga-

    tion. In December 2009, the 15th meeting of the Con-ference of the Parties (COP) resulted in a Decision on

    Methodological guidance for activities relating to redu-

    cing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation

    and the role of conservation, sustainable management of

    forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in devel-

    oping countries, or REDD+ [1]. In December 2010, the

    16th meeting of the COP resulted in a Decision includ-

    ing Policy approaches and positive incentives on issues

    * Correspondence: [email protected]

    Contributed equally1Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography and the Environment,

    South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, UK

    Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

    Maniatis and Mollicone Carbon Balance and Management 2010, 5:9


    2010 Maniatis and Mollicone; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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  • 7/29/2019 2010 - Methodology - Options for Sampling for REDD


    relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and for-

    est degradation in developing countries; and the role of

    conservation, sustainable management of forests and

    enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing coun-

    tries[2]. Countries willing to participate in this REDD+

    mitigation mechanism under the UNFCCC will have to

    establish a national forest monitoring system ([1]Article

    1(d)) that should support a Measurement, Reporting

    and Verification (MRV) requirement under the Conven-

    tion. Furthermore, the Decision states that countries will

    have to use the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

    Changes (IPCC) most recent Guidance and Guidelines

    as adopted or encouraged by the COP as a basis for

    estimating anthropogenic forest-related greenhouse gas

    (GHG) emissions by sources and removals by sinks, for-

    est carbon stocks and forest area changes ([1] Article 1

    (c)). In this way, emission estimates will be based on a

    common international methodological approach (IPCC)for MRV for REDD+. Suffice it to say that this is a new

    framework for forest science, research and projects to

    which both scientists and countries will have to adapt


    Unfortunately and contrary to what might be expected,

    there appears to be a degree of disconnectedness between

    the academic community working on REDD+ from a

    scientific perspective, and the understanding of this com-

    munity of what the requirements are for REDD+ under

    the UNFCCC. One example is the many proposals to

    countries and papers in the literature (e.g. [3]) on the use

    of biomass mapping for REDD+ activities. However,

    none of these papers present a clear view on how to, for

    example, report on all the carbon pools and their fluxes

    or how to address the accuracy and uncertainty of bio-

    mass changes assessed over time. Subsequently they do

    not currently provide an indication on how countries

    could use a series of biomass maps to compile their GHG

    inventory for REDD+ related activities and report it to

    the UNFCCC Secretariat. Given the recent Decisions on

    REDD+, there is now an urgent need to assess and pro-

    duce data on forest carbon stocks and forest carbon

    stock changes (Emission Factors or EF) on a country

    level with the direct objective of compiling a national

    GHG inventory and reporting it to the UNFCCC. In thisnew context to which countries will have to adjust to in

    order to participate in REDD+, it has become necessary

    to adapt traditional forest inventories to forest inven-

    tories that can fully support REDD+ activities under the

    UNFCCC by following the IPCC Guidance [ 4] and

    Guidelines [5] combined with sound ecological and sta-

    tistical strategies.

    A National Forest Inventory (NFI) is one possible

    option for the Forest Monitoring system that REDD+

    countries will have to establish in order to assess

    anthropogenic forest-related GHG emissions related to

    EF by sources and removals by sinks. Some REDD+

    countries may have existing data and NFIs (e.g. Indone-

    sia, Cameroon), others not or very old ones ( e.g. the

    Democratic Republic of Congo). For countries that have

    existing data and NFIs on a national scale, the challenge

    will be to evaluate if and how those can be used to

    report under the UNFCCC. For countries that do not

    have NFIs, the challenge becomes to design and carry

    out a NFI in a relatively short time period (by 2012)

    with the specific objective of being able to report on

    GHGs following the IPCC Guidance [4] and Guidelines

    [5]. We propose that at least for FL, a NFI should pro-

    vide the basis to estimate forest carb on stock changes

    and is the most comparable and accurate option to

    do so.

    In the above context, our paper has two aims. First,

    we provide the UNFCCC and IPCC methodological fra-

    mework in which a country will have to develop a NFIif it is to participate in the REDD+ mechanism. This is

    crucial as it lays out the basic framework for a NFI with

    that objective in mind. Second, the novel part of this

    paper provides several methodological options on how a

    country may manoeuvre to adapt its NFI to its national

    circumstances and capabilities for REDD+ implementa-

    tion within this framework. Specifically, we propose a

    novel forest stratification system for a countrys FL for

    REDD+ consistent with the IPCC Guidance [ 4] and

    Guidelines [5].

    REDD+ under the UNFCCC

    With regards to land-use, land-use change and forestry,

    five forest related activities have been identified in the

    REDD+ context [2]: (i) deforestation, (ii) forest degrada-

    tion, (iii) conservation, (iv) sustainable management of

    forests and (v) enhancement of forest carbon stocks

    (Figure 1).

    Using the IPCC methodological approach, REDD+

    activities can be broken down into two main categories:

    first, land use change processes and second, change pro-

    cesses within the same land category.

    Starting with the first, we can identify two forest

    related activities in the context of REDD+ that are land

    use change processes: (i) deforestation (e.g. from FL toother land use) and (ii) enhancement of forest carbon

    stock (e.g. from other land to FL). For these categories

    carbon stock change, supported by auxiliary data on

    land representation, could be reported using one NFI as

    a country may obtain country specific data on the differ-

    ent forest types but also on the EF for the other land

    use categories.

    However, there are four forest related activities in the

    REDD+ context that are not land use change processes

    as they constitute FL remaining FL: (i) degradation (e.g.

    from unexploited to exploited forest or from unmanaged

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    forest to managed forest); (ii) sustainable management

    of forest; (iii) conservation; and (iv) enhancement of for-

    est carbon stocks. In this case, carbon stock and carbon

    stock changes could be reported using two NFIs or par-

    tially from one NFI. If one NFI is used, this NFI will

    have to provide accurate information on the carbon

    stock change dynamics.

    Results & Discussion

    The methodological framework to develop a

    NFI for REDD+The COP requested the IPCC to develop methodologi-

    cal Guidance [4] and Guidelines [5] to assist countries

    in producing GHG inventories that are accurate in the

    sense of being neither over-, or underestimates and in

    which uncertainties are reduced as far as possible. In

    the framework of the UNFCCC s reporting require-

    ments, it is important to understand the methodologies

    that were developed by the IPCC. These Guidance and

    Guidelines were not explicitly developed for REDD+,

    although this may be envisaged in the near future. By

    adapting the IPCC Guidelines, this section provides the

    methodological framework for a country choosing to

    participate in the REDD+ mechanism.

    The basic IPCC equation and its implications

    In the IPCC Good Practice Guidance the most common

    simple methodological approach is to combine activity

    data (AD - information on the extent to which a human

    activity takes place) with emission factors (EF - coefficients

    which quantify the emissions or removals per unit activity):

    E missions AD EF = (1)

    Regarding the AD in general, the IPCC indicates that

    countries should accurately and completely represent

    and report all land areas in a country where human

    activities take place (land-use categories). This land

    representation should also reflect the historical trends in

    land-use area (20 years as a default value as suggested

    by the IPCC [4,5]) and information be reported to

    ensure transparency and comparability of estimates.

    Regarding EF, for REDD+ this will principally be repre-

    sented by forest carbon stock changes.

    Figure 1 REDD+ forest related activities. In this figure arrows show the carbon budget behaviour of the potential activities. Arrows with a

    gradient from green to red represent potential source of greenhouse gases, while the arrow with a gradient from red to green represents a

    potential removal of greenhouse gases. Circular arrows represent a balance with possible positive (removal) and negative (source) results.

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    The IPCCs methodological approach for GHG inventories

    Regarding the estimation of emissions and removals

    from FL, the IPCC has released extensive Guidance [4]

    and Guidelines [5]. Here we highlight some of the main

    points that need to be taken into account for REDD+.

    The Tier levels and why they are important

    Information on carbon stock changes can be obtained in

    various ways. The IPCC has categorized these approaches

    into three levels of increasing data requirements and ana-

    lytical complexity called Tiers [6]. Moving from Tier 1

    to Tier 3 increases the accuracy (which is unknown for

    Tier 1) of the GHG estimates while increasing the com-

    plexity of the monitoring and analyses.

    Key Categories - what are they?

    Several sources of emissions and removals by sinks exist

    on a land. These can vary considerably over time and

    depend on land-use and land-use changes. In the con-

    text of reducing GHG emissions and establishing GHGinventories, countries have to pay particular attention to

    their major sources of emissions as they are required to

    report on them with increasing accuracy. Large sources

    of emissions have been coined Key Categories by the

    IPCC. Countries will therefore have to prioritise their

    resources and monitoring efforts to provide accurate

    estimates of such Key Categories. It is very likely that

    deforestation will represent a Key Category in many

    countries, for which it is good practice to use higher

    Tiers (2 or 3). However, national circumstances are

    always important and in the absence of better data

    Tier 1 could also be accepted for a Key Category in

    some cases. A representation of the interaction between

    the Key Categories and the Tier levels is illustrated in

    Figure 2. It is clear from this figure that as emissions

    and removals related to the five REDD+ activities will

    most likely be considered as a Key Category under the

    REDD+ mechanism, it is good practice that REDD+

    countries use a Tier 2 level.

    The different methods: Stock Difference or Gain-Loss


    The IPCC identifies two methods to assess carbon stock

    changes in the carbon pools: i) the process-based

    approach (Gain-Loss Method), which estimates the net

    balance of additions to and removals from a carbonstock, and ii) the stock-based approach ( Stock Differ-

    ence Method), which estimates the difference in carbon

    stocks at two points in time. The Gain-Loss method

    includes all processes that bring about changes in a pool

    including statistics on losses by harvest, fires, etc., while

    the Stock Difference Method measures the carbon

    stocks in relevant pools at two points in time to assess

    carbon stock change.

    The managed land proxy and land-use categories

    A country will have to report on carbon stock changes

    (emissions and/or removals by sinks) only if these are

    human-induced. In this respect the IPCC advises theuse of the managed land concept as a proxy to discri-

    minate human-induced emissions and removals. Only

    changes in managed land will have to be estimated and

    reported. If human activity occurs on land where there

    was previously no human activity (unmanaged land), it

    immediately becomes managed land. In practical terms

    this means that a country territory will have to be

    divided into managed and un-managed land, or in

    other words, land where human activity occurs and land

    where human activity is absent. Countries will have to

    provide detailed definitions and the national approach

    to distinguish between unmanaged and managed will

    have to be described in a transparent manner [6].

    Furthermore, a country will have to divide its national

    territory into the following six land-use categories that

    the IPCC has defined for GHG reporting [4]: (i) forest

    land; (ii) cropland; (iii) grassland; (iv) wetlands; (v) set-

    tlements and (vi) other land. When and where national

    land classifications systems are being developed for the

    first time, as will be the case for several REDD+ coun-

    tries, it is good practice to ensure their compatibility

    with the six land-use classes described above [4]. These

    categories can be further subdivided into subdivisions

    which refer to national circumstances. When using a

    Tier 2 and 3 method, it is good practice to evaluateinteractions between management practices that affect

    emission/stock change factors.

    The five carbon pools that describe the carbon cycle and

    carbon fluxes

    The IPCC defines five carbon pools: aboveground bio-

    mass, belowground biomass, dead wood, litter and soil

    organic matter which have to be measured and reported

    for GHG inventories. The generalised flowchart of the

    carbon cycle (Figure 3) shows all five pools and asso-

    ciated fluxes including inputs to and outputs from the

    system, as well as all possible transfers between the

    Figure 2 Key Categories and Tier levels. This figure illustrates the

    best practice in selecting Tiers between Key Categories and Non-

    Key Categories and provides an indication on the feasibility and the

    expected resulting accuracy and known uncertainty.

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    pools. The carbon cycle includes changes in carbon

    stocks due to both continuous processes (i.e. growth

    and decay) and discrete events (i.e. disturbances such as

    harvest, fire, insect outbreaks, land-use change and

    other events). Continuous processes can affect carbon

    stocks in all areas in each year, while discrete events

    cause emissions and redistribute ecosystem carbon in

    specific areas (i.e. where the disturbance occurs) in the

    year of the event.

    Quality Control and Quality Assurance of the GHG


    It is important to assess the quality of measurements

    taken in the field, data compilation and data analysis in

    order to generate error estimates and improve future

    measurements. The IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National

    Greenhouse Gas Inventories [6] contain the necessary

    clarifications regarding Quality Control (QC) and Quality

    Assurance (QA) for GHG inventories. QC procedures

    are internal to the process of inventory preparation,

    while QA consist in an external (independent) assess-

    ment of the quality of the reported estimates. It should

    also be noted that, through its roster of experts, the

    UNFCCC Secretariat will verify the methods and thenumbers in the national GHG Inventory that countries

    use to report.

    Minimum required elements (indispensable elements) for

    a GHG inventory

    Following the methodological approach suggested by the

    IPCC, the minimum objective of countries that are will-

    ing to participate in a mitigation mechanism connected

    to a financial process (e.g. REDD+) under the UNFCCC,

    should be to compile a GHG inventory with estimates

    of carbon stock changes with a known uncertainty,

    applying Tier 2 or 3 for key changes. To meet this con-

    dition, a country needs to have: (i) country-specific esti-

    mates o f E F s (by using at least a NFI f or tho se

    associated to FL); (ii) multi-temporal inventory data and

    (iii) uncertainty estimates associated with any data


    The first methodological requirement to be met is

    country specific estimates of the EF. To obtain such

    estimates and to comply with the UNFCCC complete-

    ness reporting principle, it is primarily necessary to

    develop a REDD+ NFI measurement protocol that will

    provide estimates for the five IPCC carbon pools. The

    carbon stock change estimates that a country will have

    to submit through its GHG inventory will also have to

    consider all the possible transfers (yellow arrows)

    between pools (Figure 3).

    The second requirement is the use of multi-temporal

    inventory data. Almost all the Annex I Parties that use aNFI to assess carbon stock changes for FL (39 Parties

    out of 41), use more than one NFI. The countries that

    are using data from only one NFI (e.g. Canada) are able

    to report on a temporal dynamic of the different carbon

    pools (in FL remaining FL) using models based on cri-

    teria such as the forest age class distribution. In the case

    of tropical countries, this solution could perhaps be

    adopted for some forest types, but in general this will

    not be practical for all the humid tropical forest types as

    forest stand structure is unevenly aged. Thus a different

    solution needs to be adopted for countries that would

    like to report on changes in carbon stocks for FL

    remaining FL through a single NFI. A possible approach

    could be through a stratification of FL based not only

    on the forest type, but also on its management practices

    and the REDD+ activities that countries will report on.

    The final requirement is to provide uncertainty esti-

    mates with any data reported. This is an essential ele-

    ment of a complete NFI and for an inventory of GHG

    emissions and removals. They should be derived for

    both the national level and the trend estimate, as well as

    for the component parts such as EF, AD and other esti-

    mation parameters for each Key Category. Uncertainties

    should be reduced as far as is practicable during the

    process of compiling a NFI, and it is particularly impor-tant to ensure that any model used and the data col-

    lected are fair representations of the real forest status.

    Following the IPCC indication, quantitative uncertainty

    analysis should be performed by estimating the 95%

    confidence interval of the emissions and removals esti-

    mates for individual categories and for the total NFI. It

    is therefore crucial to develop a NFI sampling strategy

    where the probability of an element being included in

    an arbitrary sample of the population is known and

    where each element in the population has a positive

    inclusion probability.

    Increase / growth in carbon stocks

    Transfers between pools

    Discrete events - fires etc.

    Continuous processes decay,etc.





    Figure 3 Generalized carbon cycle of terrestrial AFOLU

    ecosystems. This figure shows the flows of carbon into and out of

    the system as well as between the five carbon pools within the

    system (adapted from figure 2.1 [5]).

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    Methodological elements to optimize the REDD+ NFI

    according to national circumstances and capabilities

    Unlike the indispensable elements (for the GHG inven-

    tory) listed above, some elements can be introduced

    into a REDD+ NFI methodology to make it more effi-

    cient or cost-effective, based on national circumstances

    and capabilities. In this section we will explore the ele-

    ments of a NFI based on a multi-stage inventory. How-

    ever, several other options exist to design a NFI, such as

    a multi-phase or unequal probability sampling system.

    The context

    The first step is to clearly understand the components

    and interactions of a national forest monitoring system

    to support the MRV function of the results-based REDD

    + mechanism, as presented in Figure 4. With regards to

    the EF component of the MRV system elements, the

    next important step is to stratify the FL for the NFI.

    Stratifying the Forest LandThe stratification of land-use categories, especially of the

    FL in the different forest types, different forest manage-

    ment practices and REDD+ activities, is a key methodo-

    logical challenge for countries for which, until presently,

    there has been no clear methodological proposal in the

    literature. Our objective in this section is to briefly

    explain some methodological reflections, combine them

    with the IPCCs methodological framework and propose

    a methodology to stratify the FL for REDD+ in order to

    report on carbon stock changes under the UNFCCC.

    Terminology-wise, we use stratification as a quantita-

    tive criterion for classification, in other words, it helps a

    country to produce verifiable quantitative estimates for

    its forest strata. The stratification process will consist of

    separating the entire managed FL in forest strata (rela-

    tively homogenous units) so that the variation within

    each forest type (stratum) is minimised at the expense

    of the variation between the forests (strata). Samples are

    subsequently taken from each forest stratum to obtain a

    more efficient estimate of the total population.

    Besides the stratification of the forest types (which

    represent sub-land-use divisions), it is important to

    remember that REDD+ is an activity-based mechanism

    [2] (recall the five activities for REDD+). This could

    therefore result in five reporting tables for the GHG

    inventory to report on FL. It will thus be important

    that, from the outset, the stratification of the NFI will

    support the reporting for the five REDD+ activities (or

    the activities relevant to the country). For example, a

    country that selects the REDD+ activity of sustainable

    management of forest land could, for this activity, report

    only on forest area that falls under certified logging con-cessions (this could then represent a sub-stratum of the


    A further important consideration, as outlined above,

    is that a country participating in the REDD+ mechanism

    will have to report on a carbon stock change dynamic.

    Preferably, this dynamic would reflect the different for-

    est management practices. In many tropical countries in

    the last 20 years, the main source of emissions from FL

    remaining FL have originated from unmanaged and

    intact forest areas (un-exploited) that have been con-

    ver ted into managed forest areas (ex plo ited) throug h

    selective logging or other degradation processes.

    Ideally, one would use two or more NFIs to obtain

    multi-temporal inventory data and trends. In all Annex

    Figure 4 A generalised MRV framework. This figure illustrates the components and interactions of a national forest monitoring system to

    support MRV for the results-based REDD+ mechanism.

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    I Parties, this is the approach used. However, as stated

    previously, this is not the case for most non-Annex I

    Parties, of which most do not presently have a NFI or

    one targeted at providing this type of information. The

    challenge most non-Annex I Parties face is to design a

    replicable method for producing such multi-temporal

    inventory data while using one NFI which could reflect

    different forest management practices. This highlights

    the need for deeper stratification, for which we propose

    two proxies: first, the use of an intact forest landscape

    (IFL) and second, age class distribution.

    Starting with the Intact Forest Landscape (IFL) proxy,

    this is defined as: ...an unbroken expanse of natural eco-

    systems within the zone of current forest extent, showing

    no signs of significant human activity, and large enough

    that all native biodiversity, including viable populations

    of wide-ranging species, could be maintained [7]. To

    locate areas that satisfy the IFL definition, a set of cri-teria were developed by [7] and designed in such a way

    that they are globally applicable and easily replicable.

    Criteria were separated into two groups to be applied in

    sequence; the first group was used to assess the spatial

    extent of developed areas (e.g. distance from roads) and

    the second to assess fragmentation (e.g. minimum area

    extension). Such an approach allows for repeated assess-

    ments over time as well as verification by independent

    replication of assessments.

    The second possible proxy is using an age class distribu-

    tion. For forests with a clear age class distribution (for

    example plantation forests) an EF dynamic can easily be

    calculated. When trees have been removed due to anthro-

    pogenic disturbances or logging activities, it is fairly

    straightforward to estimate the initial forest carbon stock

    and forest carbon stock change due to the activity. For

    example, the degree of past disturbances can be estimated

    by calculating the coefficient of determination (R2) for a

    density-diameter relationship [8,9]. The value of R2 indi-

    cates the extent to which a stand represents a balanced

    and evenly distributed structure, with a R2 closer to one

    representing a more balanced structure [8]. Arranging

    such forest populations by age class and size class distribu-

    tion can be used to quantify the magnitude of disturbances

    [10] or anthropogenic forest carbon stock changes. Unfor-tunately this proxy cannot be applied to most wet tropical

    forests, as rainforest species composition and structure is

    well known not to be in equilibrium [11]. This is reflected

    by an unequal and unclear age class distribution for spe-

    cies in most tropical forests. In tropical forests, trees of the

    same age may thus be large or small, depending on their

    individual growth history, making a species size distribu-

    tion an unreliable surrogate for its age distribution [12].

    A new stratification approach

    Considering all of the above, we propose that a country

    may adopt a land classification scheme such as the one

    presented in Figure 5. We propose the use of the IFL as

    a proxy to produce a carbon stock change estimate and

    to fulfil the requirement of generating multi-temporal

    inventory data while using one NFI only. This approach

    brings about two distinct/innovative advantages.

    First, all forest types that fall under the managed land

    will be further subdivided into a matrix of forest man-

    agement practices (according to the REDD+ activities

    taking place on its FL remaining FL) and forest types.

    Second, using the IFL, a forest management type of

    intact will be incorporated into the matrix. For each

    forest type (where applicable) the intact stratum will

    represent a stratum where no human activities are tak-

    ing place. Although this would originally be defined as

    unmanaged land (for which countries do not have to

    report), a buffer zone would be created in the unma-

    naged land to be measured for each forest type where

    possible. In this way, for the same forest type which fallsunder a management activity of for example, forest

    degradation, the original forest carbon stock of this for-

    est type may be estimated using the intact forest


    Let us illustrate with two hypothetical examples. First,

    if the non-intact: degraded Forest Type 1 (Figure 5) has

    an average forest carbon stock of 100 t C ha-1 and the

    same Forest Type 1 in the management practice of

    intact has a forest carbon stock of 150 t C ha -1, then

    the forest carbon stock change between the intact state

    of Forest Type 1 and the forest management type of for-

    est degradation of Forest Type 1 is -50 t C ha -1. Sec-

    ondly, this stratification scheme can also be used to

    assess a forest carbon stock change within the strata by

    implementing suitable sampling strategies within the

    strata (e.g. sampling over chrono-sequence or sampling

    for age distribution, etc.). This approach of course only

    represents a proxy of a carbon stock change, but pro-

    vides count ries with an indication of a carbo n sto ck

    change by using one NFI only.

    This approach would allow countries to have separate

    sets of carbon stock change estimates per forest man-

    agement activity and forest type for FL remaining FL. By

    using the intact forest stratum as a proxy to measure

    the original forest carbon stock, compared to the forestcarbon stock where a given type of management prac-

    tice is occurring, a country can estimate an approximate

    forest carbon stock change by using one NFI only.

    Countries could therefore report on changes in carbon

    stocks in FL remaining FL once they have multi-

    temporal AD on the extension (forest area) and changes

    in the extension (forest area change) of each of the for-

    est types under each of the forest management practices.

    Let us illustrate with a hypothetical example once more.

    Let us say that that original forest area (AD) at time

    zero of our degraded Forest Type 1 with an original

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    forest carbon stock of 100 t C ha-1 is 150,000 ha. Let us

    now assume that at time zero plus two years, a country

    monitors that 50,000 ha (AD: forest area change) of our

    degraded Forest Type 1 is entirely deforested, let us

    assume for simplicity to 0 t C ha -1 (note that this now

    constitutes a land-use change process as the FL is con-

    verted to another land type) and the rest of the forest

    area of degraded Forest Type 1 remains the same. By

    knowing the original forest area, the forest area change

    and the original forest carbon stock, a country may

    report on the forest carbon stock change (in this case

    emissions) resulting from activities on this area of land.

    Strategies to operationalise and successfully implement

    the REDD+ NFI

    In order to operationalise the NFI successfully and effec-

    tively, we propose to carry out a NFI in several stages

    using some key traditional forestry elements adapted to

    reporting on carbon stock change for REDD+ under the

    Convention. While several other sampling design

    strategies exist, we will not discuss them here. The

    stages involved in generating a NFI vary considerably

    according to circumstances. However, in cases where

    there is no previous NFI or existing data that can be

    used, a NFI should attempt to ensure a learning-by-

    doing process where resources and efforts can be tar-

    geted simultaneously. If priorities change over time or

    resources become scarce, a country will be more able to

    respond adequately. In order to achieve this, we propose

    the generation of a NFI to be broken down into three

    overarching stages:

    1. Forest area pre-assessment followed by the stratifi-

    cation of the FL;

    2. Pre-sampling of the FL and;

    3. Final sampling of the FL and assessment of carbon

    stocks and carbon stock changes.

    We propose these three stages as guiding steps

    wherein the REDD+ NFI can be optimized according to

    national circumstances and capabilities. The optional

    elements are presented here under each of the three



    Forest land

    Forest management practices & forest types



    Forest Type 1

    Forest Type 2

    Forest Type 3

    Forest Type 4


    Forest Type 1

    Forest Type 3

    Forest Type 4


    Forest Type 1

    Forest Type 2

    Forest Type 4


    Forest Type 1

    Forest Type 2

    Forest Type 3

    Forest Type 4


    Forest Type 1

    Forest Type 2

    Forest Type 3

    Forest Type 4

    - Cropland

    - Grassland

    - Wetland

    - Settlement

    - Other land


    Forest land


    Forest Type 1

    Forest Type 2

    Forest Type 3

    Forest Type 4

    - Grassland- Wetland- Other land

    Land-use category


    Forest Land remaining

    forest land

    Proposed methodological REDD+ stratification

    Figure 5 Land stratification scheme based on forest type and forest management practices . With this scheme a country may report on

    changes in carbon stock due to land use change activities (afforestation, reforestation and deforestation) reporting differences in carbon stock

    between forest land and cropland, grassland, wetland, settlement and other land. It may also report on changes in carbon stock in forest landremaining forest land while reporting on differences in carbon stock between and within the different forest management practices and forest

    types. SMF and EHFC stand for Sustainable Management of Forest and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks respectively.

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    stages. However, if a country chose to adapt these three

    stages (e.g. into more or fewer stages), the optional ele-

    ments can easily be shifted around.

    Stage I - Forest area pre-assessment

    A country will need to obtain information on the spatial

    distribution of the land-use categories as defined by the

    IPCC and any sub-categories it chooses to use. For FL,

    it is essential to know the forest area extension, but also

    to have information on the spatial distribution of each

    forest type and the distribution of forest management

    practices and REDD+ activities that may affect carbon

    stock changes.

    The IPCC proposes three different Approaches to

    measure AD. We present them here in order of increas-

    ing information content, but they are not hierarchical or

    mutually exclusive. Approach 1 identifies the total area

    for each individual land-use category, but does not pro-vide information on changes of area between categories

    and is not spatially explicit. Approach 2 expands on

    Approach 1 by introducing tracking of land-use changes

    between categories. Approach 3 extends Approach 2 by

    tracking land-use changes on a spatial (i.e. geographi-

    cally explicit) basis. Given all the methodological consid-

    erations, we believe that it is advisable for countries to

    use Approach 3. This implies the use of geographically

    explicit data which may be collected in the field or

    through remote sensing techniques. However, given that

    through the AD a country should assess forest area

    change on its territory, the tool to measure AD should

    also be a tool to observe trends in forest area change

    (i.e. annual or frequent AD estimates). To do so, an

    operational live satellite forest monitoring system is

    required (see Figure 4 on MRV scheme). The strategic

    methodological option of using remote sensing data

    rather than field data to assess AD simultaneously

    allows: (i) the assessment of forest area; (ii) the analysis

    of trends in forest area change (at present and retro-

    spectively up to 20 years); and (iii) the significant reduc-

    tion in the volume and cost of measurements needed to

    be undertaken in the field [13].

    For countries where remote sensing data will have to

    be used for the AD, NFI field activities and measure-ments will contribute to the forest area assessment

    mainly as a training data set for remote sensing image

    analysis and as ground verification. The forest area pre-

    assessment is followed by the stratification of FL as

    described previously.

    Stage II - Pre-sampling

    Before the pre-sampling stage effectively takes place on

    the field, the sampling strategy needs to be developed.

    Some components to take into account are: (i) sampling

    method; (ii) sample allocation; (iii) the positive inclusion

    probability of samples; (iv) sample distribution; (v) what

    constitutes a forest on the field; (vi) plot design; and

    (vii) field measurement protocols.

    Sampling method

    There are two basic ways to approach sampling. One is

    based on non-random methods where estimates can be

    provided for population parameters, but the accuracy of

    those estimates cannot be assessed. The second is based

    on methods of probability sampling. This approach also

    provides estimates for a population, but as it is based on

    laws of probability allows one to evaluate the uncer-

    tainty of the data [14]. The pre-sampling and final sam-

    pling schemes proposed are based on the probability

    sampling approach. However, for some issues like rare

    fire events or specific litter fall data collection for soil

    models, we suggest the use of non-random methods or

    unequal distribution sampling methods. For example, if

    a rare fire event results in forest carbon stock changes,it should still be measured by using a non-random

    method approach.

    There are several ways to sample a particular land-use

    category such as forests. For the purposes of this paper

    we will focus on stratified random sampling (SRS). This

    method allows a country to have a stratif ication

    approach from the outset which could be similar to the

    one the country will have to use in its GHG inventory.

    SRS produces estimates that are unbiased provided that

    each stratum value is weighted according to the propor-

    tion the stratum forms of the entire population. The

    accuracy of the estimate can be assessed provided that a

    minimum of two sampling units occur within each stra-

    tum [14]. Stratification of the land-use categories, such

    as FL, entails the division of a sampling area into non-

    overlapping groups of strata, for example land cover and

    forest management practices. In order to calculate and

    optimise the number of samples that need to be mea-

    sured in each stratum for the inventory, it is necessary

    to test the heterogeneity of the variable to be measured

    (in this case AGB) in the strata. This information is

    needed so that a minimum amount of plots may be

    measured that are required to obtain a desired accuracy

    for the measured variable (AGB), which will be set by

    the REDD+ country.We propose that the strata have an overlay of a sys-

    tematic grid. Within each stratum a (or more) sample

    will be taken on this grid in a random way. This ensures

    that the variation between the sampling units in any one

    group (stratum) is less than the variation over the whole

    population. Several advantages exist to using this

    approach. First, it provides a separate estimate of the

    mean and the variance of the variable measured in each

    stratum (in this case AGB). Second, for a given sampling

    intensity, it yields more accurate estimates of the popu-

    lation parameters. Finally, it ensures better coverage of

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    the population than simple random sampling [14]. The

    result is that there will be a different sampling density

    for the different forest types. This strategy will efficiently

    target resources and thereby make a REDD+ NFI as

    cost-efficient as possible.

    Sample allocation

    When using stratification, there are several ways to allo-

    cate samples to different strata (e.g. proportional alloca-

    tion, optimum allocation and Neyman allocation [14]).

    In many cases, the boundary conditions for sample allo-

    cation will consist of budget constraints and accuracy

    requirements for the measured variable (in this case

    AGB) in each forest type. We propose the use of an

    optimum allocation. This method can be very powerful

    for countries as it is designed to give the most informa-

    tion per dollar spent - in other words, to cost the least

    for a given accuracy of the estimate (AGB) or, for a

    given cost, to produce a minimum variance of the esti-mate (AGB) [14]. Optimum allocation requires that esti-

    mates of both within-stratum variances and the costs of

    sampling are available. However, the optimal allocation

    with respect to different variables (e.g. number of trees,

    basal area, timber volume per species, total timber

    volume, etc.) are generally not equal. In the event that

    sampling has to provide information on various equally

    important parameters, a compromise allocation can be

    applied [15]. Depending on national circumstances and

    capabilities, the use of an optimal or compromise alloca-

    tion is considered robust and cost-effective.

    Sample distribution

    Random sampling with a randomised choice of sampling

    points can unfortunately lead to the selection of samples

    in which the spatial distribution is not optimal as points

    sampled in different strata can be close to each other,

    resulting in redundant information as spatial correlation

    occurs within and between strata. An option to over-

    come this problem is to divide each sub-land-use cate-

    gory, such as forest type, in an equal number of area

    equivalent units. We propose the division of each forest

    type (stratum) into 25 to 30 area equivalent units, where

    a measurement would be made in each unit ( e.g. 10

    strata would equal 250 points). The choice of 25 to 30

    area equivalent units and hence sample points is chosenas it is considered to be statistically sufficient for a pre-

    sampling exercise [16]. Sample points would be chosen

    at random in each area equivalent unit. However, in for-

    est types with large surface areas, sample points may

    still be clustered within an area equivalent unit. A two-

    step procedure can be adopted to solve this problem: (i)

    the first sample point in each area equivalent unit is

    selected at random on the systematic grid; (ii) to avoid

    that the second sample within the area equivalent unit

    is too close to the first, a distance restriction can be

    imposed on the random sampling. This either forbids

    sample points below a certain distance or selects a repli-

    cate at the maximum possible distance of the first repli-

    cate. Additionally, some more plots could be selected to

    replace any of the selected plots that are impossible to

    measure. Figure 6 illustrates the sampling method, sam-

    ple allocation and sample distribution for two hypotheti-

    cal strata.

    Positive inclusion probability of samples

    To apply the probability sampling method, it is impor-

    tant that all the samples have a selection probability

    which is greater than zero. This is part of the indispen-

    sable elements as it allows one to assess the accuracy of

    the results and to produce unbiased estimates of popula-

    tion totals. This could be achieved using a SRS with the

    sample distribution described above. It is preferable

    (in order to simplify the statistical analyses) that the

    samples within the managed land have the same inclu-

    sion probability. However, regarding theunmanaged

    lands which a country may choose to assess, there is a

    particular challenge of sampling in remote, inaccessible

    areas. Therefore, for the unmanaged land, the positive

    inclusion probability could be lower as a country could

    choose to assess its unmanaged land based on a pre-

    defined limited budget.

    To be a Forest or not to be

    A country participating in a REDD+ mechanism under

    the UNFCCC will have to submit a definition of its for-

    ests to the UNFCCC Secretariat. A country will have

    classified its land into predominant land use categories.

    The IPCC has provided specific methods to estimate

    emissions and removals for each of the land use cate-

    gories. Moreover, the country may subdivide its land

    Figure 6 Proposed sampling method, sample allocation and

    sample distribution for two hypothetical strata. (a) two differest

    forest types overlayed with a systematic grid; (b) the same as (a) but

    with each forest type divided into the same number of area

    equivalent units (hexagons); (c) same as (b) but with one randomly

    selected sample point taken in each of the area equivalent units; (d)

    zoom in on one area equivalent unit and (e) the distrubution of

    seven sample points in the area equivalent unit using a distance

    rule for the sample location choice.

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    into managed and unmanaged to discriminate between

    natural and direct human-induced land processes

    (Figure 5). In the field, it is important to be able to

    define what constitutes FL or not according to a coun-

    trys national definition and the IPCC land use cate-

    gories. Although in theory the stratification based on

    remote sensing should result in plots to be measured

    falling in FL only, it is possible that the measurement

    point falls into a heterogeneous area on the field. This

    would result in the possibility that any land use category

    may be present at a given measurement point in the

    field. A method therefore needs to be developed to

    establish the dominant land use at the measurement

    point, as a country can only report on one land use

    category for each point. In heterogeneous areas where

    there is doubt as to whether a sampling point constitu-

    tes FL or not, a method should be developed to consis-

    tently, systematically and objectively assess this issue.Furthermore, a protocol should be set up on how to

    proceed if the randomly chosen plot does not appear to

    fit the forest definition (such as a river, road, building,

    etc.) and as a consequence to measure another randomly

    selected point instead of the original plot. Another

    important reason for a rigorous approach to ensure

    whether or not sampling point constitutes a forest is

    that the NFI field activities and measurements should

    contribute to the forest area assessment (AD). This will

    improve the original remote sensing-based stratification

    by providing a field training data set for remote sensing

    image analysis and ground verification.

    Plot design

    As stated previously, in order to obtain carbon stock

    changes through an NFI the main variables of interest

    are forest carbon stocks and their dynamics, particularly

    in the aboveground biomass pool. At the measurement

    point, one could use different plot designs (different in

    size and shape) which would be adapted to the different

    strata. Plots are usually square, rectangular, circular or

    triangular and dimensionless (point sampling). It is pos-

    sible to calculate unbiased estimates for all sample areas,

    regardless of their shape [17]. In tropical forests, access

    and visibility is often hindered by dense undergrowth.

    When vast areas have to be surveyed, it is commonpractice to use rectangular or square plots as such plots

    are easier to establish [17]. In plots where the under-

    growth is less dense, circular plots could be employed as

    having the smallest periphery in relation to area and

    consequently the lowest number of borderline trees

    [17]. Generally speaking, there seems no reason to pre-

    fer one shape over another and there are difficulties

    involved with all shapes [18]. Nonetheless, the plot

    design (size and shape) should be designed to capture

    the real distribution of the population with the aim of

    producing unbiased and accurate biomass estimates.

    Plot size considerably influences AGB estimates [19]

    and for small plot sizes it was found that the distribu-

    tion of AGB estimates was strongly skewed to the left of

    a normal distribution. This distribution became more

    symmetric as plot size increased. Furthermore, [20] rein-

    force previous findings advocating the use of a mini-

    mum plot size of 0.25 ha. Some strata may have higher

    within-stratum AGB variability and thus the plot design

    will need to take such variability into account and

    should avoid adding bias to the AGB distribution

    regardless of whether or not it is normally distributed.

    Any plot design should accommodate for reducing the

    error of including or not including a tree in the plot

    and the effects that slopes may have on AGB measure-

    ments. For example, [19] find that plots on slopes had

    significantly higher AGB estimates in the Barro Color-

    ado Island in Panama. Therefore, tests for plot design

    should be carried out in each country for each stratum,resulting in a plot scheme being adopted for each stra-

    tum. The objective should be to adopt the plot design

    that for a given stratum is most suitable for AGB

    measurements while taking into account the above-

    mentioned points. Ultimately, plot design has to facili-

    tate and optimize the number of samples that will have

    to be put in place for different degrees of accuracy (see

    equation 2 below).

    Field measurement protocols

    As stated before, a NFI for REDD+ will have to measure

    the five carbon pools as identified by the IPCC. Until

    now, we have mainly focused the discussion on the

    aboveground biomass component (pool 1). Several ways

    exist to measure the other carbon pools and we present

    some ideas which are non-exhaustive. Either way, each

    country will have to develop a full field manual includ-

    ing a field measurement protocol for each of the differ-

    ent forest types. The belowground biomass pool is very

    expensive to measure and allometric equations to calcu-

    late the belowground biomass as a proportion of the

    aboveground biomass could be used (e.g. [21]). Regard-

    ing the non-living biomass, the Center for Tropical For-

    est Science (CTFS) and the Amazon Forest Inventory

    Networks (RAINFOR) projects have recently developed

    specific protocols for tropical forests for the litter car-bon pool [22] and the deadwood carbon pool [ 23],

    which could be used as a basis and be further adapted.

    The soil organic carbon pool can be inferred from soil

    profiles and/or measured directly or can be calculated

    using soil models. Coming back to the AGB pool, [24]

    suggest to measure Diameter at Breast Height (DBH),

    Height (H) and wood density. Wood density would be

    measured for certain tree species where little or no data

    is available in order to improve AGB estimates. Addi-

    tionally, the sampling error within this measurement

    should be considered. This could be done using the

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    method and guidelines already specifically developed for

    these purposes [24]. Information on wood density can

    also be collected using wood samples that are stored in

    xylaria across the world (Maniatis et al. unpublished


    Stage III - Final sampling and assessment

    In this final sampling stage, the first step for a country is

    to improve its stratification (forest type distribution,

    management practices distribution, etc .) based on the

    results of the pre-sampling. The overall approach of the

    NFI in this third stage will be to use a combination of

    temporary and permanent plots.

    The second step is to calculate the population statis-

    tics. In order to calculate the number of plots that

    need to be measured in each stratum for a REDD+ NFI,

    it is necessary to assess the statistics of the different for-

    est types with particular reference to the variance ofAGB in each forest type (stratum). This usually includes

    calculation and interpretation of the mean, variance and

    confidence limit of a population. This information is

    required so that for the REDD+ NFI, the minimum

    amount of plots may be undertaken required for an

    accuracy which the REDD+ country has set for a parti-

    cular forest type (stratum) (e.g. 95% with a 95% confi-

    dence interval (CI) for a dense forest - 80% with a 95%

    CI for a mangrove forest), and to assess the implemen-

    tation costs. As a result of the pre-sampling stage, a

    country can calculate the required number of plots for

    each stratum for a given accuracy at a given CI (assum-

    ing that there is no systematic error in the estimates).

    The numerical formula is as follows [25]:

    nC t




    Where n = the number of units required; C = coeffi-

    cient of variation - a normalised measure of dispersion

    of a probability distribution and which is defined as the

    ratio of the standard deviation to the mean; e = required

    accuracy; t = students t.

    Similar to Stage II, there will be an optimal allocationof plots combined with a cost-effective and statistically

    sound solution to sample in the different forest types

    under different forest management practices and in the

    unmanaged. It will be up to the country to decide if it

    wants to fully sample the unmanaged forest area

    depending on its national resources and priorities.

    For the final inventory, a QC and QA will have to be

    carried out. Based on the resources at its disposal, a

    country could envisage re-measuring a certain percen-

    tage of the sampled plots using the same methods but

    by an independent f ield team. Furthermore, the

    databases could be made publicly available (with differ-

    ent access levels) so that any party may check the struc-

    ture of the database, calculations made and values

    reported. The QC and QA system are a priority to

    develop from the outset in a NFI context for REDD+.

    A standard, uniform database should be designed for

    use by each country. This should be developed with the

    specific purposes of the NFI, in parallel with the devel-

    opment of the field sheets and with a view on the struc-

    ture of the GHG inventory reporting tables. This would

    greatly facilitate data inputting and error checking and

    comparability among reported estimates.

    Integration of the REDD+ NFI with existing data and


    In an ideal situation it would be preferable to incorpo-

    rate existing data into the NFI. However, there are sev-

    eral points to keep in mind before this can be done.Firstly, a country will need access to the raw data in

    order to assess the quality of the data.

    Secondly, besides all the indispensable elements that

    existing data will need to fulfil or provide the basis for,

    this data will need to include information on the five

    carbon pools. In the case of commercial forest inventory

    data, a problem is that many of them will only have col-

    lected data on the aboveground carbon pool and not the

    four other carbon pools (Maniatis et al. unpublished

    data). In the case of scientific plots, the data might be

    more accessible and it is more likely that the five carbon

    pools will have been measured. On the other hand,

    scientific plots do not have the same wide distribution

    and representativeness as commercial forest inventory

    data and often suffer from the majestic forest effect.

    Nonetheless, depending on the national circumstances,

    it would be ideal to partially harmonise commercial for-

    est inventory methodologies with the NFI as far as possi-

    ble. In the future, sampling in logging concessions and

    projects (e.g. conservation initiatives) could be integrated

    with the NFI method that the REDD+ country would

    adopt. Alternatively, one could envisage that if a sample

    point falls within commercial logging concessions or

    within a research area, the executing agency of the REDD

    + NFI in the country could request the company or insti-tution in question to help with the measurement.

    Furthermore, one could envisage that commercial log-

    ging concessions with a certification for the sustainable

    management of the logged forests would represent the

    stratum of the REDD+ activity: sustainable management

    of forest. If the inventories would have a homogenous

    sampling method (or if the companies would agree to

    have one or have one imposed upon them by national

    legislation), they could be used and adapted to provide

    data on EF for the AGB pool and extended to provide

    information on the other carbon pools.

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    We have presented the main elements of the IPCC Gui-

    dance and Guidelines that have been developed to fulfil

    the UNFCCC reporting requirements. A NFI that aims

    to support REDD+ activities should be designed in

    order to address these elements. Within this framework,

    we have developed and proposed a novel scheme for the

    FL stratification for REDD+. Furthermore, in order to

    successfully operationalise and implement their NFIs,

    we presented a strategic methodological option for the

    NFI (though this should not be considered as exhaus-

    tive) that countries may choose to consider based on

    their national circumstances and capabilities.

    Decision on REDD+ now exist on both the methodo-

    logical and political level [1,2]. Given the numerous

    challenges to the implementation of REDD+, the inter-

    disciplinary nature of the issue and the shift in priorities

    from traditional NFIs, it is urgent for the scientific com-munity (which will have to provide technical support,

    technology transfer and capacity building to REDD+

    countries), to familiarise itself with the IPCCs Guidance

    and Guidelines, and consider methodological strategies

    to produce a NFI that may be used for REDD+ imple-

    mentation and to report on emissions and removals

    from the FL in a GHG Inventory.

    It is well understood that both the methodological

    guidance and political decisions on REDD+ under the

    UNFCCC will continue to evolve. Nonetheless, although

    the elements presented here will most likely have to

    evolve hand-in-hand with this process, they do providethe basic and secure framework for countries, scientists

    and various stakeholders to manoeuvre to ensure a

    country may successfully participate and report to the

    UNFCCC Secretariat data on its EFs under a REDD+


    While the elements for the NFI method presented

    here are driven by carbon pools and especially the

    aboveground carbon pool, countries will be able to use

    this methodological framework to result in a multipur-

    pose NFI, where biodiversity indicators, commercial

    volumes, and so forth, may be measured and incorpo-

    rated. Additionally, such a NFI will be able to inform

    national policies and measures on FL.Finally, our future work will be to combine and apply

    the theoretical and proposed conceptual strategy to

    develop and test methodological options for NFIs to

    support REDD+ implementation under the UNFCCC.


    We thank Matieu Henry, Ccile Girardin, Rosa-Mara Romn-Cuesta and Inge

    Jonckheere, for valuable input to the manuscript. We also thank various IPCC

    experts, especially Zoltn Somogyi and Sandro Federici, for useful inputs

    regarding the methodological framework proposed. We thank Joel Scriven

    for proof reading the final manuscript.

    Author details1Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography and the Environment,

    South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, UK. 2Food and Agricultural Organisation

    of the United Nations, UN-REDD programme, Rome, Italy.

    Authors contributions

    D Maniatis and D Mollicone conceived, drafted the manuscript anddeveloped the methodological approaches. All authors read and approved

    the final manuscript.

    Competing interests

    The authors declare that they have no competing interests. The views

    expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not

    necessarily reflect the views of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the

    United Nations.

    Received: 31 August 2010 Accepted: 27 December 2010

    Published: 27 December 2010


    1. FCCC/CP/2009/11/Add.1 - UNFCCC Decision 4/CP.15: Methodological

    guidance for activities relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and

    forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of

    forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries


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    the UNFCCC. Carbon Balance and Management 2010 5:9.

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