2010 july highlights

Lending a Helping Hand High l i ghts July 2010 “Share with God’s people who are in need.” — Romans 12:13 H ow do you lend a helping hand? At Lutheran Homes of Michigan, God has blessed us with many answers. It might be opening the doors of one of our facilities to people fleeing a wildfire. Maybe it’s providing rehabilitation services to help someone get home aſter surgery. It could be teaming up with a television station and its website to provide health and wellness information for seniors and their families. How about having an expert weatherman/ gardener share with some of our residents the tips and techniques for a more beautiful life? It could be something as simple as having cuddly cats, friendly dogs and beautiful birds on our campuses for comfort and companionship. As Christ’s servants on earth, the people of Lutheran Homes of Michigan know what it means to lend a helping hand. We have the example of Jesus before us in that regard. Jesus fed, healed, comforted, educated and spiritually supported people. Ultimately, He died on the cross for us, and for all the people of the world. Christ’s example is, literally, a loſty one — one beyond our reach as mere humans. But we should all take a moment and consider how we can lend a hand to others in need, with whatever tools we have at hand. Just as Jesus did. News About Lutheran Homes of Michigan And Related Services

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2010 July Highlights from Lutheran Homes of Michigan


Page 1: 2010 July Highlights

Lending a Helping HandHighlights

July 2010

“Share with God’s people who are in need.”— Romans 12:13

How do you lend a helping hand? At Lutheran Homes of Michigan, God has

blessed us with many answers.It might be opening the doors of one of our

facilities to people fleeing a wildfire.

Maybe it’s providing rehabilitation services to help someone get home after surgery.

It could be teaming up with a television station and its website to provide health and wellness information for seniors and their families.

How about having an expert weatherman/gardener share with some of our residents the tips and techniques for a more beautiful life?

It could be something as simple as having cuddly cats, friendly dogs and beautiful birds on our campuses for comfort and companionship.

As Christ’s servants on earth, the people of Lutheran Homes of Michigan know what it means to lend a helping hand. We have the example of Jesus before us in that regard.

Jesus fed, healed, comforted, educated and spiritually supported people. Ultimately, He died on the cross for us, and for all the people of the world.

Christ’s example is, literally, a lofty one — one beyond our reach as mere humans. But we should all take a moment and consider how we can lend a hand to others in need, with whatever tools we have at hand.

Just as Jesus did.

News About Lutheran Homes of Michigan And Related Services

Page 2: 2010 July Highlights


As Christ’s servants on earth,Lutheran Homes of Michigan serves the elderly and their caregivers with compassion, respect, spiritual support and an unwavering focus on

independence, personal dignity and service excellence.

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God, and not from us.”

— 2 Corinthians 4:7

Our Mission

Verse of the Year

Excellence Christ-centered Integrity

Empowerment Sanctity of Life

Our Values

Page 3: 2010 July Highlights


In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus tells a powerful little story to help an individual

understand how to apply his faith to “real” life, by instructing him to serve his neighbor.

The story illustrates an important lesson for us today: In serving our neighbor, we make a choice to get involved, give up something of importance to us, and voluntarily take on responsibility for someone else.

After all, the Good Samaritan didn’t just attend to the poor man’s wounds and leave it at that. He gave him a ride to town, set him up with accommodations, assured continued care while he was away, and ultimately promised to return and pay all the man’s bills!

It’s obvious the Good Samaritan understood the profound truth that caring for another’s needs creates a deep and meaningful relationship, particularly when done as an expression of faith.

I’m confident Jesus was specific in telling this parable to illustrate that “lending a helping hand” is in fact a sacrificial act that may cause some inconvenience, but allows us an expression of our faith through that sacrifice.

James 1:27 reminds us “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress …”

What a privilege it is, then, to devote this edition of Lutheran Homes Highlights to the theme “Lending a Helping Hand.” All around us, God’s people are sacrificing in order to serve. Some give the precious gift of their time. Others have special talents that are offered. And still

others are able to provide funds to aid important programs.

The common trait is the sincere desire to express their faith in meaningful ways and take on the privileged responsibility of serving a “neighbor.”

We see this with our volunteers and donors, many of whom have been supporting our ministries for decades. We experience it with our staff, who go above and beyond, sometimes returning on their own time to visit a special person or take on a project.

We are also privileged to watch our seniors actively engaged in service to their community and church. One group of residents used their time and talents to sew eyeglass cases for MOST Ministries, serving folks a world away they will never meet but whom they are willing to serve.

Lending a helping hand is a way of life at Lutheran Homes of Michigan. Perhaps you, too, could consider reaching out in service at your local Lutheran Homes of Michigan ministry site. We’d love to introduce you to some of your neighbors.

Together in Service,

President & CEOLutheran Homes of Michigan

Lending a Hand is a Sacrif icial Act


Page 4: 2010 July Highlights


We all have experienced the joy of giving. Many of those served by Lutheran Homes of Michigan have

lived lifetimes of helping others.Just because we get older or lose some of our physical

abilities does not mean that we cannot help others and that we cannot appreciate the joy that God intends for us when we lend a helping hand.

Several months ago, Lutheran Homes of Michigan discovered a need of another Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

MOST (Mission Opportunities Short Term) Ministries conducts numerous short-term mission trips throughout the year. Among them, eyeglass clinics reach out to meet a physical need while also touching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

MOST gives out hand-sewn eyeglass cases on these mission trips. But they often don’t have enough for everyone.

A group of residents at Lutheran Home Frankenmuth discovered this need and began sewing eyeglass cases to send to MOST for its eyeglass mission trips.

Think about that for a moment. Several individuals who have moved from their own homes into a care “facility” — to receive a helping hand with daily activities that we

sometimes take for granted — are doing what they are able to do to help others.

What’s more, God is using their abilities to serve in His mission field in faraway places. He is using these Lutheran Home residents to touch the lives of people whom they will likely never get a chance to meet here on earth.

One member of the eyeglass case sewing group is Viola Ganschow. Vi’s home congregation, Immanuel Lutheran Church of Frankentrost, has been sending MOST mission teams out for the past 10 years. This is one way for Vi to stay connected to the work that her church is doing.

Another MOST eyeglass case creator is Marlett Grueber, whose daughter and son-in-law have been going on MOST mission trips for several years.

This year they are taking their grandson (Marlett’s great-grandson) along on an eyeglass trip to Guatemala as part of his confirmation gift.

Imagine, God is using people across four generations in one family to lend a helping hand to others.

Regardless of age. Regardless of frailty.As we read in Psalm 139, “all of our days”

are ordained in His book. God has a purpose for each of us for every day of our lives.

Sometimes that purpose is for us to lend a helping hand in whatever way we may be able, and to experience His joy in the process.

Together in Service,

Executive DirectorLHM Foundation

Reaching Out with Purpose


Viola Ganschow sews eyeglass cases for MOST Ministries mission trips. To learn more

about MOST, go to www.mostministries.org.

Page 5: 2010 July Highlights


Sometimes, a cry for help comes in the middle of the night.

Just ask the folks at Fairview’s AuSable Valley Community, a skilled nursing, apartment and independent living campus sponsored by Lutheran Homes of Michigan, north of Mio.

As the result of a huge wildfire this spring, 106 seniors needed immediate relocation from Hilltop Manor Health Care Center in Roscommon. They were initially sent to a school designated as an emergency shelter, and then moved on to multiple locations in the northern Lower Peninsula.

“Thirteen residents arrived here on May 17, starting about 1:05 a.m.,” said Kathie Hanert, AuSable Valley administrator. “They were tired and frightened — I think it was their fourth evacuation location in five hours — and we gave them snacks and tucked them into bed.”

The seniors continued to arrive until about 1:30 a.m., ferried in by ambulances from Mount Pleasant.

Working with Hanert was Director of Nursing Becky Kalbfleisch, nurse Kerry Lietzke and other night-shift workers. An extra nurse and two certified nursing assistants were called in to help, Hanert noted.

“The next day, the seniors were much happier, rested and glad to be with us,” Hanert said.

The arrivals were something of a blessing in disguise for Hanert. Her home — where she and her husband, Dr. Gregg Hanert, live north of Roscommon — was threatened by the fire, which eventually scorched nearly 9,000 acres.

Caring for the displaced seniors helped take her mind off the threat to her own home, which was spared in the blaze, she said.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment reported at least a dozen homes and nearly 50 outbuildings were destroyed by the fire.

The displaced seniors were able to return to Hilltop Manor from Fairview on May 20.

“Everyone at AuSable Valley reacted quickly and professionally and helped put those seniors at ease,” said Maureen McGee, Lutheran Homes Chief Operating Officer for Campus-based Ministries.

“That’s exactly how we want to be able to help seniors and caregivers in need, whatever the circumstances.”

AuSable Valley Lends a Hand to Seniors Fleeing Wildf ire

Photos/Courtesy MDNRE

An aerial view of the Roscommon-area wildfire that

scorched nearly 9,000 acres.

Fire rages near Roscommon

this spring. AuSable Valley

Community in Fairview

took in 13 evacuees from a

Roscommon nursing home

threatened by the blaze.

Page 6: 2010 July Highlights


Lutheran Home Livonia recently took care of its 1,000th resident, and she reflects several important trends

occurring in senior health care.Linda Novak of Redford was admitted earlier this year

after a total knee replacement at a Garden City hospital.While she was at the campus for a week of physical

rehabilitation, the 56-year-old was proud to note “I was your youngest resident!”

“The people are very, very nice,” Linda said. “The facility is very nice, very clean.”

Like many, Linda found that residential rehab worked out best for her.

“I went for a week because I don’t have anybody at home. It was a lot easier to stay there,” she said. “After my stay, I had in-home therapy, and then had a therapy place that had a shuttle service. Actually, it worked out real well.”

Linda had a lot of help from good

friend Debbie Wheelock — both at Lutheran Home Livonia and upon her return home.

“If it wasn’t for Debbie and her husband, I don’t know where I would be now,” Linda said.

Linda’s experience is not unique. More people facing surgeries like hers need a place to stay during initial rehabilitation, and caregivers like Debbie fill important gaps in health and home care.

“As people age, they face issues like this,” said Tracey Nelson, Administrator at Lutheran Home Livonia. “Our ministry and mission is to be there for them and their caregivers, to help them get back home as quickly as possible.

“The fact that she is the 1,000th resident served in Livonia’s 11-year history is just icing on the cake.”

Eighty golfers spent the day at The Majestic at Walden Woods for the recent 12th annual Lutheran Homes of

Michigan Foundation’s Golf Outing and Dinner Auction.God blessed our day with fine weather and wonderful

fellowship as we joined efforts to support the ministries of Lutheran Homes throughout the state.

Thanks to generous sponsorship support from organizations such as the Church Extension Fund,

RehabCare Group, E.A. Becker & Associates, and Hanba & Lazar, PC, along with our silent and live auction proceeds, the event raised more than $30,000. Several Thrivent chapters also provided support.

“The golf outing is a great chance for fellowship and support of our efforts for seniors and caregivers,” said Al Kaul, Executive Director of the foundation. “We appreciate all the golfers and sponsors who participated.”

Redford Woman is a Trendsetter in Livonia

Teeing it up for Lutheran Homes Foundation

Linda Novak (left) and

friend Debbie Wheelock are

pictured on the day Linda

was admitted at Lutheran

Home Livonia. Linda

was there for short-term

rehabilitation after knee

replacement surgery.

Page 7: 2010 July Highlights


LHM Personnel Awards and Changes

Mike Redford has joined the Lutheran Homes of Michigan Foundation as Community Relations Representative for the Northeast region.

Mike holds a bachelor of science degree in communications/journalism from Western Michigan University. He has extensive experience in journalism and broadcasting. Most recently, Mike was employed as the Manager of Lutheran Engagement (Michigan Region) for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

Mike’s role at the LHM Foundation, working with Executive Director Al Kaul, will be to build relationships with supporters, donors and congregations in an area roughly north of I-69 and east of I-75.

Mike and his wife, Kris, have three sons and reside in the Frankenmuth area.

Mike RedfoRd

Brenda Lawrence, Administrator at Lutheran Home Monroe, has been honored with the 2010 American College of Health Care Facility Leadership Award.

The award was presented in the spring at the American College of Health Care Administrators annual convocation and exposition in Philadelphia.

Brenda was one of 31 people nationwide to receive the award, which recognizes administrators of nursing homes who have met superior health care standards, based on resident data.

Congratulations, Brenda — and the entire Monroe team — for your dedication to quality resident care.

BRenda LawRence

Tim Johnston has joined Lutheran Homes of Michigan as the new Marketing & Communications Director.

Tim has a history of successful marketing and communications work as an independent consultant and as an executive at two great Christian universities: Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids and Spring Arbor University near Jackson.

Tim’s role at Lutheran Homes will be to take marketing and communication efforts to the next level.

Tim, wife Patti, son Nic and daughter Taylor reside in Spring Arbor, near Jackson. Nic, a baseball player, will be a freshman at Spring Arbor University this fall. Taylor, a tennis, volleyball and basketball player, will be a high school sophomore. TiM JohnsTon

Redford Woman is a Trendsetter in Livonia

Page 8: 2010 July Highlights


Lutheran Homes of Michigan has known for some time that pets provide real comfort for seniors and can make new

surroundings feel more like home.That’s why you’ll often see cats, dogs and birds at our ministry

sites.The Public Broadcasting Service at Delta College also noticed

the link between good health, seniors and pets, and spent some time at Lutheran Home Frankenmuth to find out how pets are beneficial to seniors and their lifestyles.

The home has several resident cats, an aviary in the lobby filled with beautiful birds, and several well-mannered dogs who are regular visitors.

LHM’s own Mike Redford hosted the program, which he produced for PBS before accepting a position with the Lutheran Homes of Michigan Foundation this spring.

Some of the footage in the show was shot on location at Lutheran Home Frankenmuth, and there was also a piece on the Health for Life Expo that recently took place at Delta College and involved the Lutheran Home Care Agency and Home Care staff.

The PBS/Delta College show “Second Act, Life at 50 Plus” aired in June. Watch it online at www.deltabroadcasting.org (select “Second Act” on the home page under full episodes).

Lights! Cameras! Pets!

Above: Our pets get star treatment by our staff —

just like our residents.

Below: Debbie Mikolanz, Activities Director at

Lutheran Home Frankenmuth, her Great Dane

Mortimer James and resident Dixie O’Connell are

interviewed for a segment on pets and seniors that

aired on PBS via Delta College.

Above: Florence Schultz and Calvin spend

some time together in Florence’s room at

Lutheran Home Frankenmuth. Calvin has

been at the home for 14 years, befriending

workers and residents alike.

Page 9: 2010 July Highlights

Monroe Rehab Gives a Hand to Get a Grateful Man Back on His Feet

Bill Taylor of Maybee had a

great rehab experience at

Lutheran Home Monroe.

Many people don’t know that Lutheran Homes of Michigan campuses offer a variety of rehabilitation services and short-term stays for people recovering from surgeries and other health-related events.

March 11, 2010Dear Sue:

On Jan. 26, I underwent total hip replacement surgery. After four days in the hospital, I was fortunate to be accepted by your facility for rehab.We were met at the door by Matt, who took care of getting us inside and relocated. We were later than expected arriving, but everyone was very friendly and helpful.

My room was great (No. 326). The staff made me comfortable right away and maintained that level every day. I love them all!The girls in rehab were my buddies, especially Afsheen. Vickie, Jennifer and Afsheen made my visits there fun and comfortable. You know the feeling when you like someone and you immediately feel you’ve known them forever? That’s them!The food was excellent! I did not have a bad meal in the three weeks I was a visitor. Every meal was hot and


The four- and five-star rating you have is well-deserved. I met so many nice people there, especially the nurses.

In my wing, they made an impression on me, and I think I made an impression on them. I will be back to visit.

Thanks again,Bill TaylorMaybee, Michigan

This letter was sent to Sue Gruber, Admissions Director at Lutheran Home Monroe, from a very satisfied rehab patient:


Page 10: 2010 July Highlights


What do you get when you combine the Internet, mid-Michigan’s NBC 25, a popular weatherman and a TV personality who dispenses

health advice?

Multiple ways to assist seniors inside and outside the Lutheran Homes of Michigan family.

May was Older Americans Month, and Lutheran Homes of Michigan teamed up with NBC 25 to sponsor a website presence, commercials and tips from “Dr. Oz” on how to live a more aging-enriched lifestyle.

But that wasn’t all.

Popular NBC 25 weatherman Mark Torregrossa brought his weather wisdom and gardening expertise to The Manors in Saginaw Township, sharing insights on both topics with residents and employees.

The Manors, a service of Lutheran Homes of Michigan, offers independent living, assisted living and memory care on its three-building campus.

“The residents really enjoyed Mark’s visit, and we were able to show off the landscaped campus to him, including our new Memory Garden,” said Colleen Koski, Administrator at The Manors.

“In addition, he was able to share some gardening tips with our residents and help them with plantings they have on their patios. It was a great visit, and it was neat for our residents to meet a TV news personality.”

Well-known Weatherman, Website Team Up to Serve Seniors

NBC 25’s Mark Torregrossa talks to

residents at The Manors in Saginaw

Township. Torregrossa, a weatherman

and gardener, shared weather facts and

figures, and helped residents with their

own patio plantings around The Manors.

Learn more about Mark Torregrossa

and the NBC 25 Weather Garden at


Page 11: 2010 July Highlights


Frolicking at The Manors’Chicken Gig

The Manors in Saginaw celebrated its annual

Chicken Gig in June with good food, good fun, great weather and nearly 300 people attending under the big-top tent.

The event raised more than $1,500 for continuing beautification of the Memory Garden at The Manors.

Music was provided by The Saginaw Brass Quintet. More than 160 pounds of chicken — and a whole slew of side dishes — rounded out the event.

“The Chicken Gig is a great time for everyone from all three buildings on our beautiful campus,” said Colleen Koski, Administrator at The Manors. “Everyone left with a full stomach and satisfied appetite!”

Page 12: 2010 July Highlights


BequestsMarch 2010 — April 2010

Ruth Shoemaker Charitable Trust

Donations March 2010 — April 2010

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Adams Ms. Patricia Arvilla Auburn Towing Mr. & Mrs. David Auernhamer Mr. & Mrs. Donald Baesl Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bell Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bell Mr. Robert Bengelsdorf Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bergdolt Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bergdolt Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bergdolt Mrs. Marilyn Bernthal Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bez Mr. & Mrs. James Bickel Mrs. Marie Bierlein Duane & Dorothy Bierlein Family

Foundation Ms. Genevieve Blasko Mr. Mark Bleyaert Mr. & Mrs. David Blough Mr. & Mrs. Harry Boesnecker Dr. & Mrs. Harold Braeutigam Dr. & Mrs. John Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Britton Wallace & Irene Bronner Family

Charitable Foundation Christ Our Savior Lutheran

Church, Holland Mr. & Mrs. Donald Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. John Cline Ms. Jennifer Connelly Mr. Edward Cousineau Mr. & Mrs. Larry Creutz Mr. & Mrs. Edward Davis Mrs. Marjorie Deck

Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Diamond Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dietrich Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dils Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Donahue Ms. Bev Dorion Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Doud Mr. & Mrs. Richard Durkee Mr. & Mrs. Roy Eischer Ms. Nancy Ellis Ms. Sally Ferriby Mr. & Mrs. Jack Fields Mr. Gerald Fournier Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Frank Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Frank Frankenmuth Clock Company Frankenmuth Credit Union Mr. & Mrs. David Gehm Mr. & Mrs. Paul Germeroth Leona M. Geyer Charitable Trust Mr. Vincent Gillenkirk Dr. & Mrs. Edward Goyings Mr. & Mrs. Charles Graham Ms. Frances Greis Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gremel Mr. & Mrs. Delford Gronholz Mrs. Eleanor Gugel

Mr. Tom Haley Ms. Suzanne Hall Hav-A-Bar, Flint Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Hecht Mr. & Mrs. Charles Heinlein Mr. & Mrs. Howard Helmreich Miss Martha Helmreich Mr. & Mrs. Kim Herbolsheimer Ms. Darlene Higgins Mrs. Lela Higgins Mr. & Mrs. James Hindelang Ms. Beverly Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. John Hoffmann Ms. Audrey Holden Rev. & Mrs. David Hollender Mr. & Mrs. Ross Howard Mr. & Mrs. Larry Huber Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hunt IBM Matching Grants Program Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jaffke Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jammer Mr. & Mrs. Steve Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Edward Johanson Rev. & Mrs. David Jung Mrs. Doris Maxwell Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kaul

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kaul Mr. & Mrs. Tim Kaul Mrs. Lois Keinath Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Kern Mrs. Vera A. Kern Mr. & Mrs. G. Thomas Kerr Ms. Beverly King Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kluck Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Knoll Mr. & Mrs. Walter Koester Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kraai Mr. & Mrs. Louis Krafft Mr. & Mrs. John Krick Mr. & Mrs. John Kridler Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Kuck Mr. & Mrs. A. John Kueffner Mrs. Dorothy Kueffner Mr. Edwin Kueffner Ms. Mary J. Kurek LaGrasso Brothers, Detroit Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lawrence Ms. Kimberly Leclercq Mr. Virgil Levi Mr. & Mrs. Phillip List Mr. & Mrs. Ralph List Lutheran Home Frankenmuth

Auxiliary Ms. Ann Lux Ms. Theresa Maday Dr. & Mr. Lori Malochleb Ms. Laure Marietta Ms. Luella Kaul Markel Ms. Irene Martin Mr. & Mrs. Harold Maurer Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Maurer Mr. & Mrs. David Maves Ms. Bonnie McColl Ms. Mary McEwen Rev. & Mrs. Edward Meyer Michigan District - LCMS Midwest Juice, Inc.

Grand RapidsMr. & Mrs. Floyd Miller The Beulah Miller Family

The compassionate ministry and mission

of Lutheran Homes of Michigan, and its subsidiary

programs, are accomplished through the generous

support of many. Please join us in recognizing the

following individuals and organizations that have

made a difference in recent months.

The Way You Cared

The Lutheran Home Frankenmuth’s picnic in 2009, shown here,

was blessed with good weather. The 2010 picnic is slated for

Saturday, Sept. 11.

Page 13: 2010 July Highlights


Mrs. Marian Mossner Mr. & Mrs. Emil Mueller Ms. Colleen Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. Roger Myers Mr. Ernest Natalini Mrs. Kathryn Nettleman Ms. Cathy Nightlinger Nouvel Central Catholic High

School, Saginaw Optimist Club of Saginaw Mrs. Jean Otto Mr. & Mrs. Earl Palmreuter Ms. Nancy Parker Mrs. Elaine Parlberg Mr. & Mrs. William Parlberg Mrs. Marie Pendleton Ms. Janet Phillips Mr. Richard Pichler Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Poellet Mr. & Mrs. Nistor Potcova Ms. Kathleen Pretzer Mr. & Mrs. Warren Priehs Mr. Alfred Pumford Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Raquepaw Rau’s Country Store, Inc.

Frankenmuth Mr. & Mrs. Michael Redford Ms. Suzanne Reed Ms. Jacqueline Reetz Mrs. Vicki Reinbold Ms. Kathryn Reither Mr. & Mrs. Mark Reschke Mr. & Mrs. Michael Robb Ms. Carolyn Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Otto Rodammer Mr. & Mrs. Edward Roedel Mr. & Mrs. Les Roth Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Runci Ms. Sandra Schmude Ms. Mary Ellen Schoenow Mr. & Mrs. James Schreiner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schroeder Mrs. Inge Shillingford Mr. & Mrs. David Sievert Ms. Lenore Silipini Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Simmerman St. Elizabeth Parish, Reese St. Mary’s of Michigan, Saginaw Mr. Richard Stahl Ms. Barbara Stamper Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Stange JJ & Sarah Stefanic Mr. Gilbert Steinman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stoddard Mr. & Mrs. Alan Storck Mr. & Mrs. Darrin Storms Ms. Marilyn Taipale Mr. & Mrs. W. Blair Thompson Thrivent Michigan Regional

Office #265 United Way of Saginaw County Mr. & Mrs. William Varney Dr. Joseph Vella

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Vieau Mr. & Mrs. John Voss Rev. C. William Weis Mr. & Mrs. Howard Wellhousen Ms. Vivian Yentz Mr. & Mrs. William Zehnder Mr. & Mrs. Gary Zeilinger Ms. Verna Zemanek

HonorariumsMarch 2010 — April 2010

keVin kRUeGeR & aLeX saGe

Progressive Bridge Club

saRaBeTh sTeVens & aLeX saGe

The Ole Boys Breakfast Club

aBBY ZieTZ & keVin kRUeGeR

Saginaw High Class of 1938

keVin kRUeGeRMs. Betty Peters

eRhaRd sToTZMr. & Mrs. Richard Stanifer

aBBY ZieTZMs. Betty PetersProgressive Bridge Club

MemorialsMarch 2010 — April 2010

eLion BakeRThe Family of Elion BakerMr. & Mrs. John EngelsMs. Michelle SageMr. & Mrs. Peter Weiss

aGnes BasLockMr. & Mrs. Larry Henderson

fRank BaUMGaRTneRWestchester Village South

Tenants Assoc.

Jean BLooMMr. Milton BaischMs. Ruth BaischMs. Gayle BrockMs. Joan DushaneMr. & Mrs. Robert LiedelMs. Eleanor RussellMs. Linda VanDusenMs. Joan Voorhees-YeutterMs. Carol WiechMr. & Mrs. James Yinger

esTheR BodeMrs. Viola Ganschow

sUMiko BRUessowITI

kenneTh e. BUTLeRPiney Grove Baptist Church

BoBBie caRRoLLMs. Deborah Wilson

John cheneY, JR.Ms. Sally Thompson

BeULah cLaRkMs. Tivonnia Harvey

RichaRd dekeMaMr. Joseph Kiefer

wiLLiaM eLBeRsMr. & Mrs. Walter BauerMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey BierleinMr. & Mrs. Wayne BierleinMr. & Mrs. Reid DufordMrs. Florence ElbersMr. & Mrs. David GantonMr. & Mrs. Steven HillMr. & Mrs. Charles KernsMr. & Mrs. Robert KischnickMiss Lila KueffnerMr. & Mrs. Bruce MossnerMr. & Mrs. Alan NuechterleinMr. & Mrs. William PalmMr. & Mrs. Gary PrueterReif FarmsMr. & Mrs. Frederick Ross

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Ross & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Norm RothMr. & Mrs. John Schluckbier

anne MaRie enGeLMrs. Dorothy P. BierleinMr. Robert CassidayMr. & Mrs. Ernest DaenzerMr. Ottomar KeinathMr. & Mrs. Louis LauxMr. & Mrs. Gerald LentnerLutheran Home FrankenmuthMr. & Mrs. Keith MartinMr. & Mrs. John MatuzakMs. Helen MatzkeMs. Debra NewboldMs. Irma NuechterleinMs. Donna RayMr. & Mrs. Elmer ReinertMr. & Mrs. Arnold H. RognerMr. & Mrs. Gerald SohnMrs. Marcella WeberMr. Carl WeberMr. & Mrs. Robert WeissMrs. Lorraine WeissMrs. Dorothy ZehnderMrs. Marilyn Zehnder

donna GLiGoRoffMr. & Mrs. Mark DuRocherMr. & Mrs. Steven GoldenbergMr. John Munson

ViRGinia GRadYMr. & Mrs. William CastnerMrs. Anne GenslerMr. & Mrs. Kenneth KinderMrs. Norma KnegendorfMr. & Mrs. Gilbert LaVoyMs. Barbara MatthewsMr. & Mrs. Anthony MusarelliMr. & Mrs. David NolandMs. Donna ShoupMrs. Margaret TierneyMr. & Mrs. Don TolbertMr. & Mrs. John VanBelleMs. Karen VanDeveldeMs. Deborah Wilson

Leo heBeRTChild & Family Service of

Northeast MichiganFraternal Order of EaglesMr. & Mrs. Douglas GarnerMrs. Irene GohsmanMr. & Mrs. Norman HebertMr. & Mrs. Thomas KellerMs. Julie KrajniakMr. & Mrs. Mark LeonardMr. & Mrs. Gus MartinkaOrchid Unique Orthopedic

SolutionsMr. & Mrs. Warren SmithMr. & Mrs. Curtiss WeilandMr. Leonard Wejsa

The Manors’ Chicken Gig event was June 10, and helped raise

$1,500 for the Memory Garden on campus.

Page 14: 2010 July Highlights


aLMa heLdDr. & Mrs. David Schleif

JeanneTTe hoUsehoLdeR

Mr. & Mrs. Luther Haessler

howaRd JansonMr. & Mrs. Arnold BekemeierMr. Robert Kamm

cLaRiBeL kaMPRaThMs. Mary DobbersteinMr. & Mrs. Warren GerweckMr. & Mrs. Luther HaesslerMs. Helma HaesslerMrs. Helen HoppertMr. & Mrs. Richard KamprathMr. & Mrs. Martin KamprathMr. & Mrs. Bert KamprathMr. & Mrs. Ivan KamprathMrs. Hedi KaufmanMrs. Margaret LechyMr. Tom LeGendreLutheran Home Monroe Ladies

GuildMr. & Mrs. Kenneth MillerMr. & Mrs. Lawrence PetersonMr. & Mrs. Randy Turner

John w. koskiMs. Joan Koski

RUTh kRoePeLMrs. Elizabeth BudnikMr. & Mrs. Paul List

RoBeRT kRUeGeRMr. & Mrs. Bruce BenderMr. & Mrs. Nick BlaisdellMr. & Mrs. Arthur CollingsworthMr. & Mrs. Robert DelkerDelker’s Sales & Service, Inc.Mrs. Helen EipperleMs. Mary KruegerMr. & Mrs. Clyde McLaughlinMr. & Mrs. David PalmerMr. & Mrs. John RapaiMr. & Mrs. Earl ReaumeMr. & Mrs. Vern SchlumpMr. & Mrs. Thomas SiebMrs. Connie SimonelliMr. & Mrs. Richard StaniferMrs. Marian Waldvogel

anna LackniTZMs. Anita Miller

LoRRaine LoeseLMr. Victor Loesel

heLen MaGnUsMr. & Mrs. Vernon BurkittMr. & Mrs. John Spencer

sTePhan MihaLYfiMr. & Mrs. Robert BarnesKyle McFaulMs. Elaine Mihalyfi

LUcY nefeMr. & Mrs. Stuart BierleinMrs. Irma BunjesMr. & Mrs. Michael Galsterer

PaTRicia okLeJasMs. Eve BosanacMr. Rod BosanacMrs. Dorothy BosanacMs. Carol DischerMs. Mary Lou HayterMrs. Hedi KaufmanMs. Brenda KrzemenMs. Linda McDowellJere OetjensMr. Robert OklejasMs. Joyce OpfermannMr. & Mrs. Jimmy PattersonMs. Marie Topolski

LoVed onesMrs. Donna Schoenow

fRed PendLeTonMrs. Marie Pendleton

MYRTLe i. PeRRYMr. & Mrs. Paul Clark

RichaRd PfUndMrs. Lottie FoessMrs. Viola GanschowMr. & Mrs. Harold Schian

MaRGaReT RoTTieRsMs. Bonnie ArnstMr. & Mrs. Brian BirrellMr. & Mrs. Duane EischerMr. & Mrs. Irwin HarrisonMr. & Mrs. Craig HorningMr. & Mrs. Gary HorningRev. Roy HorningMr. & Mrs. Ron KeinathMr. Ottomar KeinathMs. Denise McGowanRoberts Boehler & Fisher, PCMr. & Mrs. Donald Rottiers

Mr. & Mrs. Harold SchianMr. & Mrs. James SegarMr. & Mrs. Bradley Wilson

donaLd RUMMeLMs. Ruth Rummel

BeTTY scheRZeRMs. Marie AtkinsRev. Dr. & Mrs. Gary BeckMrs. Shirley CumingsMr. & Mrs. David MavesMr. & Mrs. James ScherzerMrs. Pauline ScherzerMr. Donald E. Weber

ViRGinia scheRZeRTri-Star Trust Bank

aRnoLd schiefeRMr. & Mrs. Randy BauerMr. & Mrs. Chad BauerMr. & Mrs. Carl BauerMr. & Mrs. Hildred BernthalMr. & Mrs. Lyle BeyerleinDr. & Mrs. Steven BierleinMr. & Mrs. Gerald BierleinMr. & Mrs. Stanley BierleinMr. & Mrs. Randy BraeutigamMr. & Mrs. Kenneth BraeutigamMrs. Irene BronnerMr. & Mrs. Donald BrunsMr. & Mrs. Robert CreerMr. Jacob DaenzerMr. & Mrs. Timothy DaenzerMr. & Mrs. Forrest DankertMr. & Mrs. Roy EischerMr. & Mrs. Joseph FisherMr. Gerald FournierMr. & Mrs. Eric FrahmMrs. Emeline GoodmanMr. & Mrs. Jerry GoodwinMrs. Karen HainesMr. & Mrs. Harry HawkinsMr. & Mrs. Gerald Hecht

Mr. & Mrs. Bryan HechtMr. & Mrs. Ronald HechtMr. & Mrs. Kenneth JammerMrs. Eileen KernMr. Alan KischnickMr. & Mrs. Richard Krafft, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. John KrickMrs. Joy LeachMr. & Mrs. Ralph ListMs. Heather MarkelMr. Michael MichalskiMr. & Mrs. James MocnyMs. Lenore MossnerMr. Kenneth ParlbergMr. & Mrs. Albert PavlicekMr. & Mrs. Keith PurmanMr. & Mrs. Dennis ReinboldMr. & Mrs. Dennis ReinertMr. & Mrs. Alan RodammerMr. & Mrs. Charles RodammerMr. & Mrs. Anthony RodammerMr. & Mrs. Gerald RodammerMrs. Erna RodammerMr. & Mrs. Michael RodammerMr. Arnold ScharrerMr. & Mrs. Randall SchieferMr. & Mrs. Edward SchieferMr. & Mrs. Marvin SchieferMr. & Mrs. LeRoy SchluckebierMr. & Mrs. Wallace SchluckebierMr. & Mrs. Daniel SchneirlaMr. & Mrs. John SperoMr. & Mrs. Ron SpiekermanMr. Larry TrinkleinMrs. Marcella WeberMr. & Mrs. Gary WeissMr. & Mrs. Ronald WirthMr. & Mrs. Gerald Zietz

eRwin a. schRoedeRMs. Grace Schroeder

aLBeRT c. sLoanMr. & Mrs. Gerald Bierlein

doLoRes sTeinManMr. & Mrs. Mark Perhatch

sTeVe TUshisMs. Joyce HerdellMr. & Mrs. Glen MarkhamMs. Christine McQuade

Leona weBeRMr. & Mrs. Roy EischerMr. & Mrs. David Maves

eLMeR weissMs. Deanna AdlerRev. & Mrs. Phillip BaerwolfMr. & Mrs. Ruben BenderMr. & Mrs. Raymond BergdoltMs. Kathy BergdoltMr. & Mrs. Harold BergdoltMr. & Mrs. Wilmar BergdoltMs. Ruth BergdoltMr. & Mrs. Waldemar Bergdolt

Employees sing along at Lutheran Home Livonia’s 2009 picnic.

The 2010 picnic is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 25.

Page 15: 2010 July Highlights


We make every effort to honor all of our generous

contributors in an accurate and timely manner. However,

even in these days of modern technology, computer listings

and electronic publishings, it is possible that some names

have been inadvertently omitted or incorrectly published. If

you notice a mistake, please accept our apology.

Please also alert Todd Seibt, our Chief Support Officer, at 989.262.7387, or via e-mail

at [email protected], so we can correct our records.

A Note to Donors

Thank You!

Mr. & Mrs. Hildred BernthalMr. & Mrs. James BierleinMr. & Mrs. Ruben BraeutigamMrs. Irene BronnerMr. & Mrs. Steven BuchingerMr. & Mrs. William CainMr. & Mrs. Thomas ConzelmannMr. & Mrs. Eric DaenzerMr. Jacob DaenzerMr. & Mrs. Timothy DaenzerMr. & Mrs. Gene DeuringMrs. Viola DietzelMr. & Mrs. Melvin EhrlingerMr. & Mrs. Duane EischerMr. Gerald FournierMs. Jean FriendMrs. Marlett GrueberMr. & Mrs. Martin GugelMr. & Mrs. Dean HaubenstrickerMr. & Mrs. Maynard

HaubenstrickerMrs. Vera HaubenstrickerMr. & Mrs. Wilbur HechtMrs. Leona HerzogMr. & Mrs. Larry HuberMr. & Mrs. Gary HuberMr. & Mrs. Franklin KernMr. & Mrs. Arnold KernMr. & Mrs. Ronald KernMr. & Mrs. Chris KischnickMr. & Mrs. Robert KrafftMr. & Mrs. Richard Krafft, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Michael LauxMr. & Mrs. Terry McNallyMr. & Mrs. Eric NeumannMr. Marlin Nuechterlein

Mr. & Mrs. Albert PavlicekMr. & Mrs. James PetroMrs. Elberta PoelletMr. & Mrs. Clinton PoelletMr. & Mrs. Charles ReesMr. & Mrs. Harvey ReinertMr. & Mrs. Dennis ReinertMr. & Mrs. Charles RodammerMr. & Mrs. Otto RodammerMrs. Erna RodammerMr. & Mrs. George RoenickeMr. & Mrs. Gregory RummelMr. & Mrs. Gary RummelMr. & Mrs. Melvin RupprechtMr. & Mrs. Lavern SchieferMrs. Gretchen SchieferMs. Kathryn SchlegelMr. & Mrs. John SchlichtMr. & Mrs. Wallace SchluckebierMr. & Mrs. Ken SchmitzMr. & Mrs. Roy SchreinerMr. & Mrs. Carl Schreiner

Mr. & Mrs. John SeutterMr. William SpeerMr. & Mrs. Boyd TerryMrs. Marjorie TinkeyMr. Larry TrinkleinMr. & Mrs. Randy VanDenBoomMr. & Mrs. James VanDeveldeMr. & Mrs. John VossMs. Kathleen WeberMr. & Mrs. Albert WeberMrs. Marcella WeberMr. & Mrs. Louie WeissMr. & Mrs. Arthur WeissMr. Karl WeissMr. & Mrs. Kim WeissMs. Marie WeissMrs. Lorraine WeissMr. Robert WorleyMr. & Mrs. W. Don ZehnderMr. & Mrs. Thomas Zuellig

fRedeRick weissMr. Randy Bierlein

Mrs. Milda BlockMr. & Mrs. Patrick CastilloMr. & Mrs. Roy EischerMr. Walter EngelMr. Douglas GanschowMrs. Viola GanschowMr. Brian GoffMr. & Mrs. Todd HamiltonRev. & Mrs. Michael HeidleMs. Jeanne HitsmanMrs. Kathleen HolzheiDr. & Mrs. Richard KalmbachMr. & Mrs. Howard MaurerMr. & Mrs. Phillip PellarMrs. Betty PietschMr. & Mrs. Milton RodammerMr. & Mrs. Otto RodammerMr. & Mrs. Ronald RodammerMrs. Erna RodammerMr. & Mrs. Harold SchianMr. & Mrs. Carl SchreinerMs. Kathleen WeberMr. & Mrs. David Weirauch

howaRd wendTMs. Katherine Colvin

dUane “sonnY” wiTTeRMs. Donna AldridgeKeely Management CompanyMs. Sharon Whaley

BaRBaRa woodMs. Elizabeth ColpaertMrs. Virginia DuvallMr. & Mrs. Kenneth HaleMs. Theresa WillardMr. & Mrs. W. M. Wilson

Lutheran Home Monroe’s Country Fair, shown here in 2009, is

always fun for all ages. The 2010 fair is set for Friday, Sept. 10.

Page 16: 2010 July Highlights

Lutheran Home Monroe1236 S. Monroe Street

Monroe, MI 48161 734.241.9533

Lutheran Home Livonia28910 Plymouth Road

Livonia, MI 48150734.425.4814

Lutheran Home Frankenmuth725 W. Genesee StreetFrankenmuth, MI 48734


Lutheran Home Care Agency& Hospice of Hope

9710 Junction Road, Suite AFrankenmuth, MI 48734


The ManorsMcBrite Manor • Shattuck Manor

Meadow View Manor5935 Shattuck RoadSaginaw, MI 48603


Alpena VillageThe Pines • The Willows

The Cottages217 Woods Circle, No. 2

Alpena, MI 49707866.757.0011

Lexington Pointe at Longmeadow103 Lexington Pointe Drive

Niles, MI 49120269.615.0631

Gibraltar Manor14486 Middle Gibraltar Road

Gibraltar, MI 48173 734.676.4802

P.O. Box 329Frankenmuth, MI 48734989.652.3470www.AgingEnriched.org

Hampton Meadows700 Pine Road

Bay City, MI 48708989.892.1912

Our Saviour’s Manor29495 Annapolis Road

Westland, MI 48186734.595.4663

Creekside Village1450 S. Monroe Street

Monroe, MI 48161734.241.3906

AuSable Valley Community1390 Maple DriveFairview, MI 48621


Lutheran Homes of MichiganP.O. Box 329Frankenmuth, MI 48734