2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · web viewtitle:a new image fusion algorithm...

馆内动态 中国共产党西北工业大学图书馆总支部 换届选举党员大会隆重召开 2010 1 8 日下午 400,在庄 严雄壮的国歌声中,中国共产党西北工业 大学图书馆第二次党员大会在友谊校区图 书馆东馆二楼北会议室隆重召开。校党委副 书记、副校长王润孝教授、组织部副部长杨 晓教授出席了会议。图书馆馆领导和全体党 员参加了大会。会议由图书馆党总支第一届 委员会书记苟文选教授主持。 苟文选书记向大会作了题为《中共西北 工业大学图书馆党总支第一届委员会工作 报告》。报告对图书馆党总支三年来的工作 从组织建设、思想建设、作风建设和党风廉 政建设等方面进行了全面总结,并提出了 今后一个时期的工作目标和任务。校党委组 织部副部长杨晓同志宣读了《关于西北工业 大学图书馆第二届总支委员会候选人名单 的批复》。随后,大会审议并通过了监票人、 计票人名单。大会采取无记名投票方式,选 举产生了图书馆第二届总支委员会委员。会 议在国际歌中圆满闭幕。 办公室 中共西北工业大学委员会批复组成 图书馆党总支第二届委员会 图书馆党总支第二届委员会经 2010 1 8 日举行的中国共产党西北工业大 学图书馆第二次党员大会差额选举产生, 并经第二届总支委员会第一次会议进行分 工后,报请学校党委审批。 2010 1 15 日,中共西北工业 大学委员会校党组字[2010]4 号文件批复, 同意该党总支的选举结果,图书馆党总支 第二届委员会由王若琳、刘秋让、苟文选、姚 1

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Page 1: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等



2010年 1月 8日下午 4:00,在庄严雄壮的国歌声中,中国共产党西北工业大学图书馆第二次党员大会在友谊校区图书馆东馆二楼北会议室隆重召开。校党委副书记、副校长王润孝教授、组织部副部长杨晓教授出席了会议。图书馆馆领导和全体党员参加了大会。会议由图书馆党总支第一届委员会书记苟文选教授主持。苟文选书记向大会作了题为《中共西北





图书馆党总支第二届委员会经 2010

年 1月 8日举行的中国共产党西北工业大学图书馆第二次党员大会差额选举产生,并经第二届总支委员会第一次会议进行分工后,报请学校党委审批。

2010年 1月 15日,中共西北工业大学委员会校党组字[2010]4号文件批复,同意该党总支的选举结果,图书馆党总支第二届委员会由王若琳、刘秋让、苟文选、姚


Page 2: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等

容、戚红梅等5位同志组成,苟文选同志任党总支书记、戚红梅同志为党总支副书记。 办公室

图书馆召开六届三次职工代表大会2010年 1月 15日下午,图书馆在



年工作总结》的报告,工会主席刘莎副馆长作了《图书馆部门工会委员会 2009年工作总结及财务报告》的发言,大会对图书馆

2009年先进个人及先进工作者进行了表彰。校工会陈建军副主席到会祝贺并发表了热情洋溢的讲话,他对图书馆部门工会近年来的工作给予了充分肯定。随后,与会代表分组就图书馆 2010年工作计划、岗位聘任方案等进行了讨论。



2010年寒假期间,为了协助管理学院及时完成对新购图书的加工工作,在馆领导的周密部署和安排下,文献建设部全体馆员放弃了休息,加班加点,保质保量完成了管理学院近 4000册图书的验收、登录、分编、加工和调度工作,并将所有图书信息录入图书馆馆藏数据库,方便了全校读者查阅。




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员们倍受鼓舞,干劲更足了。在馆员们的齐心协力下,只用了 10 天就将全部图书加工完毕,顺利完成了工作任务。



李瑜 王若琳


2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表序号 论 文 题 目 姓 名 职 称



(2009年第 x期)1 利用媒介生态学的观点研究图

书馆生态系统 林 辉 馆员 《情报杂志》2009年第 11期

2 复合型图书馆参考咨询服务的模式 林 辉 馆员 《西北工业大学学报》

2009年第 2期3 利用手掌静脉技术建立图书馆

新的个人身份认证系统 林 辉 馆员 《科技情报开发与经济》2009年第 25期

4 关于日本大学图书馆的专业与非专业职务的分离问题 林 辉 馆员 《图书情报工作》

2009年增刊5 布拉德福定律的新综合模型 林 辉 馆员 《情报杂志》

2009年增刊6 阅读文化与校园文化的互动建

设 郝天侠 馆员 《图书馆学刊》2009年第 3期

7 授权影印西文图书题名著录规范化探讨 郝天侠 馆员 《内蒙古科技与经济》

2009年第 4期8 浅谈高校图书馆的特色馆藏建

设 郝天侠 馆员 《科技情报开发与经济》2009年第 9期

9 浅议高校图书馆的人力资源开发与管理 郝天侠 馆员 《内蒙古科技与经济》

2009年第 10期10 多校区模式下高校图书馆文献 贾宇群 副研究馆员 《情报科学》


Page 4: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等

资源的布局与管理 2009年第 3期11 中文图书在版编目数据中分类

标引的质量评析 贾宇群 副研究馆员 《山东图书馆学刊》2009年第 5期

12 浅析高校新建校区图书馆建设 孟文博 助理馆员 《情报探索》2009年第 5期

13 面向公众的数字图书馆的资源采集研究 李 瑜 馆员 《图书馆理论与实践》

2009年第 1期

14美国公众利用数字资源的分析与 启 示 - 以 威 斯 康 星 州 的BadgerLink为例

李 瑜 馆员 《图书馆杂志》2009年第 2期

15 构建人文关怀体系 谢一帆 馆员 《情报杂志》2009年增刊

16 信息服务传递模式浅析 杨延铮 馆员 《图书情报工作》2009年第 24期

17 浅谈高校图书馆大流通模式下服务细节完善 刘志云 馆员 《中国教育发展研究》

2009年第 11期18 .MODS 元数据和 MARC 之间

的映射与转换 刘圆圆 馆员 《图书馆工作与研究》

2009年第 2期19 DC 元数据与MODS 元数据的

对比分析 刘圆圆 馆员 《图书馆论坛》2009年第 2期

20 套录 CALIS 编目存在的问题和对策

刘圆圆 馆员 《山东图书馆学刊》2009年第 1期

21 电子期刊数据采集系统的设计与实现

李 晶倚海伦


《现代图书情报技术》2009年第 6期

22 图书馆资源评估读者调查系统的设计与实现



《现代图书情报技术》2009年第 9期

23 基于新格局下图书馆多元化管理模式的科学性和有效性研究

关 红戚红梅


《图书馆学刊》2009年第 9期

24 描述逻辑中基于边界的模块提取方法

牛 悦刘秋让


《计算机工程与应用》2009年第 5期

25 描述逻辑中基于边界模块的推 牛 悦 馆员 《计算机应用研究》4

Page 5: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等

理方法 刘秋让 副教授2009年第 8期

26 汶川地震中的图书馆危机应对网络建构研究 燕 辉 馆员



图书馆 2010年工作计划2010年是全面完成学校“十一五”计


一、指导思想:  围绕学校中心工作和图书馆“十二五”规划,以党的“十七大”精神为指导,以科学发展观为统领,着力加强文献资源建设,不断提高文献资源利用率,着力抓好制度建设与制度落实,全面提升图书馆服务水平,努力建设高效、和谐的现代化图书馆。

二、总体目标:   不断深化服务内容和方式,进一步提高服务效能;完善网络基础设施建设,加快数字图书馆建设进程;加强图书情报学术研究和人才队伍建设,努力创建与“国际知名高水平研究型大学”相适应的一流大学图书馆。


以图书馆“十二五”文献资源建设规划为指导,制定 2010 年度中外文图书及2011年度中外文期刊订购实施细则,多渠


合理配置文献资源建设经费,加强学校优势学科、新办专业的文献资源建设,使图书馆的文献资源建设水平与学校的学科发展保持同步。多途径丰富馆藏文献资源,通过接受捐赠图书、与兄弟院校及相关科研院所进行文献交换、下载国内外免费网络资源等方式,不断丰富文献资源类型。搜集相关资源添加到“三航”数据库中,供读者使用。编制《图书馆 2009年入藏中、外文图书目录》、《学位论文目录》及《图书馆订购2010年度中外文期刊目录》;建立“《中国图书馆分类法》检索系统”,方便读者查找图书分类代码。


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服务理念,不断改进和完善各项服务工作进一步提高服务质量和服务水平。加强对两校区图书的委托借阅服务和通借通还服务的宣传工作,完善网上预约、馆际互借等服务方式,不断提高书刊利用率。针对不同层次、不同专业的读者,加强专业性和专题性的导读和咨询服务。保证图书馆网络全年每天 24小时畅通,最大限度满足全校师生的文献需求。做好光盘发布系统镜像工作,为读者提供网上浏览和下载服务。



规范电话咨询、邮件咨询、在线咨询、虚拟咨询、QQ 咨询的服务流程,记录整理所有咨询。不断提高咨询人员业务技能和服务水平,通过细致周到的咨询服务,提高读者对图书馆的满意度;完成 2010年科技查新工作,规范查新标准,提高查新质量,加强与科技处和院系的沟通,力争使全年查新数量达到 90个以上;配合教学科研工作,扩大定题情报服务范围,开展情报研


括:按季度进行我校三大索引收录情况统计分析及博导、教师推送服务;将 2009年新增博导和重点教师加入推送名单;进行三大索引收录统计分析,指导教师、研究生进行三大索引收录期刊论文及其引用的检索;按学科发布 SCI 收录期刊的影响因子等信息;对师生在三大索引收录的期刊或会议上发表文章提供咨 询 服务;发布SCI、Ei 收录国内外期刊、国内中文核心期刊列表的信息;为读者出具三大索引收录证明等。




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完成汇文系统、图书馆网络 IPV6升级工作;完成本校学位论文数据库数据结构优化工作;发布 2008 年学位论文全文及2009年学位论文前 24页;完成核心业务系统、主页管理系统、书目查询系统、存储系统等的系统维护工作,做好工作日志;完成镜像数据库系统、维普科技期刊、超星电子图书、自建数据库系统,随书光盘系统、本校学位论文数据库、馆际互借系统、虚拟咨询系统等的维护和管理工作;整理全馆的工作用机及服务器的 IP 地址以及MAC 地址表;加强友谊校区图书馆局域网管理和改造,提高网络运行的安全性和稳定性。

(五)、学术交流和学术研究举办 2010年国外原版新书展,定期召


合素质。积极组织馆员参加 CALIS举办的相关业务培训和各种学会、协会组织的学术交流工作,营造良好学术研究氛围,提高学术研究水平,增加馆员在学术期刊上发表论文的数量。组织馆员积极参加各种科研课题的申报和研究工作,继续完成高等教育研究基金课题、航空基金情报研究课题。开展移动图书馆相关技术、个性化门户相关技术、区域图书馆联盟技术等相关技术的调研工作。




《图书馆制度汇编》Ⅲ的编印工作;完成2010年职称评定工作和 2010年应届毕业生人才引进工作;配合学校完成长安校区新图书馆建设的各项工作;做好全体馆员健康体检工作;做好图书馆消防安全、后勤保


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校区 培训时间 培训地点








我校教师亦可以院、系、教研室或课题组等为单位,随时预约专场培训,培训讲座的时间和地点可根据教师需求,灵活安排。联系人:郭永建、谭英 电话:88492928

友谊校区、长安校区数据库检索培训计划表讲 次 讲座名称 内 容第一讲 图书馆资源与服务导引


第二讲 三大索引数据库及其它 主要介绍SCI(科学引文索引)、EI(工程索8

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第四讲 外文电子期刊全文数据库使用(一)

介绍Elsevier、Springer、Wiley InterScience、Emerald EBSCO、PSJ等期刊数据库平台。

第五讲 外文电子期刊全文数据库使用(二)

介绍国际主要学协会出版的电 子期刊,其中包括IEL、ASME、ASCE、ACM、IOP 、APS、AIP等。

第六讲 原文获取途径与文献传递服务




第八讲 中外文学位论文数据库使用讲座

介绍常用的中外文学位论文查询系统:本校学位论文库、CALIS 高校学位论文库、万方学位论文库、CNKI学位论文库、PQDD 博硕士论文数据库(文摘)、PQDD-TEXT 博士论文全文数据库等,力求帮助读者更好地查询和利用学位论文资源。

第九讲 中外文专利文献数据库使用


第十讲 中文电子期刊、电子图书数据库使用



2010年CASHL开展文献传递免费活动 2010 年 4 月 6日~19 日,CASHL面


刊论文均可享受 100%CASHL补贴。在活动期间,凡注册用户通过开世览文查询到所需论文后,均可免费申请 CASHL原文传递服务,并在 2~4个工作日内获得所需


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馆藏的期刊论文。 具体步骤如下:1、在CASHL主页(http://

www.cashl.edu.cn/)上注册账户。由于系统设计的限制,注册信息提交后,请务必发email:[email protected](在email中注明账户名、姓名) 或者打电话88492928通知我们。帐户确认生效后,系统将发出 email通知。


jnlsearch.asp)的网页上,进行检索、提交文献申请, 找到所需文献后,即可直接向中心提交文献传递请求, 最终系统会将文献直接传递给读者。

欢迎师生在此优惠活动期间,充分利用 CASHL丰富的人文社科类文献资源。 详情可咨询图书馆文献传递负责人。联系电话:88492928

联系人:牛悦 E-

MAIL:[email protected]


American Chemical Society (ACS) 美国化学学会成立于 1876 年,现已成为世界上最大的科技学会,会员数超过 163,000人。多年以来,ACS一直致力于为全球化学研究机构、企业及个人提供高品质的文献资讯及服务。秉持着服务大众、提升学者的专业素养、追求卓越的理念,ACS 在科学、教育、政策等领域提供了多方位的专业支持,成为享誉全球的科技出版机构。

ACS 所出版的期刊有 37 种,内容涵盖了24 个主要的化学研究领域。其期刊被 ISI 的

Journal Citation Report (JCR)评为“化学领域中被引用次数最多的化学期刊”。目前ACS 数据库向我校开通试用。

试用网址: http://pubs.acs.org/

试用时间:即日起至 2010年 4月 20日


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Page 11: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等

从 2010年起,图书馆正式引进 ASCE

数据库,现已向全校读者开放。 美国土木工程师学会(The American

Society of Civil Engineers,简称 ASCE)成立于 1852年,至今已有 150 多年的悠久历史,是历史最久的国家专业工程师学会。 ASCE也是全球最大的土木工程信息知识的出版机构,每年有 5万多页的出版物 。2009年学会出版物包括 31种技术和专业期刊、会议录,以及各种图书、委员会报告、实践手册、标准和专论等。ASCE出版的期刊

大部分被 SCI、EI 收录,其中,有 9本期刊在 SCI 收录的土木工程类期刊中总引用量排名前 30名。 ASCE Online Research Library 是全球最大的土木工程全文文献资料库。它收录了ASCE 所有专业期刊(回溯至 1990年)和会议录(回溯至 2000年,及 1996-1999年间的部分会议录),总计超过 40,000篇全文、400,000页资料;每年新增约 4,000篇文献。


从 2010年起,图书馆正式引进 ASME

电子期刊数据库,现已向全校读者开放。 美国机械工程师学会(American Society

of Mechanical Engineers)成立于 1880年,是一家拥有全球超过 125,000会员的国际性非赢利教育和技术组织;是全球最大的技术出版机构之一,每年召开约 30次大型技术研讨会议、举办 200个专业发展课程,制

定有众多工业和制造业行业标准。 ASME 通过 AIP(美国物理联合会 )的Scitation平台来提供 19种ASME学报期刊和一种评论杂志的全文服务。用户可以免费注册个人帐户、浏览和全文检索 Scitation平台上的期刊,及使用 Scitation平台的所有功能。


CINDAS是情报与数值数据分析和综合中 心 ( the Center for Information and

Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis)的缩写。它是普渡大学(Purdue University)的一个部门,由美国国防部运营。它专门从

事材料性质和性能领域的复杂的和系统的研究项目,承担着类似于中国的国家实验室的作用。 现开通 CINDAS材料性质数据库的试用,全库共 5个分库:


Page 12: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等

1、宇航结构金属数 据 库 ( Aerospace

Structural Metals Database, ASMD)

2 、 微 电 子 封 装 材 料 数 据 库( Microelectronics Packaging Materials

Database, MPMD)

3 、 材 料 热 物 理 性 质 数 据 库( Thermophysical Properties of Matter

Database, TPMD)

4、损伤容限设计手册(Damage Tolerant

Design Handbook, DTDH)

5、结构 合金手册( Structural Alloys

Handbook, SAH)

试 用 网 址 : https://cindasdata.com/


试用时间:2010年 03月 16日至 2010

年 04月 30日

美国《科学》周刊(Science)由爱迪生于 1880年创建,现由美国科学促进会出版,是在国际学术界享有盛誉的综合性科学期刊。《科学在线》(Science Online)是《科学》通过Highwire平台呈现的系列电子出版物。现 Science Online试用已经向全校开通。试用地址: http://sciencemag.org/

试用时间: 2010年 3月 29日至 6月 28日欢迎广大师生试用!Science Online 系列数据库包括:

Science 《科学》周刊

Science Online最主要的部分,收录《科学》周刊自 1997年至今的所有期刊数据。每周五,当《科学》周刊最新一期的印刷版向世界各地的订户投寄时,电子版的最新一期已经可以通过网络获得。

Science Now 《今日科学》

《科学》周刊的新闻组每天都会为网上用户提供几篇 3、4段长的、有关最新科研成果或政策消息。通过它,读者在很短时间内即可了解世界各地、各科研领域的最新进展。 Science Express 《科学快讯》

Science通过 Science Express提供部分最新的研究报告,平均每周 3篇。这些文章在 6

至 8周后,将以在线和纸本形式同时出现在《科学》周刊上。Science 现在有 15%的内容通过 Science Express预先出版,这些通常是最重要的文章。 Science Signaling 《科学信号》

Science Signaling发表代表细胞信号转导方面最新研究进展的同行评审原始研究文章包括信号转导网络、系统生物学、合成生物学、细胞通路计算与建模、药物研发等快速发展的领域内的关键研究论文。


Page 13: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等


2010年第一季度三大索引网络版共收录西北工业大学论文 892篇,其中 SCI 收录182篇,EI 收录 538篇,CPCI-S 收录 172篇。收录论文在各学院的分布情况如下表。

学院名称 SCI EI CPCI-S 合计航空学院 10 60 10 80航天学院 3 28 11 42航海学院 3 36 32 71材料学院 93 102 5 200机电学院 8 53 9 70

力学与土木建筑学院 7 21 1 29动力与能源学院 2 26 0 28

电子信息学院 1 38 37 76自动化学院 5 52 33 90计算机学院 5 47 21 73理学院 37 50 2 89管理学院 1 17 4 22

人文与经法学院 0 0 2 2软件与微电子学院 0 4 2 6生命科学学院 7 3 2 12无人机研究所 0 0 0 0国防研究院 0 1 1 2

合 计 182 538 172 892统计说明:1、此次统计,只统计我校作者为第一



3、CPCI-S 即 ISTP,其全称为:Conference Proceedings Citation

Index - Science。4、统计结果若有不准确之处,请与我

们联系更正。联系电话: 88492928




2010年第一季度 SCI网络版收录各学院论文名录13

Page 14: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等

由于版面有限,每篇论文按如下信息项编制:(1)作者中文姓名(2)TI论文题目(3)UT ISI: SCI中论文唯一编号,括号内的数字为该论文期刊所在的SCI分区。航空学院(10篇)1.蔡晋生;Tsai, Her Mann;Liu, FengTI Numerical simulation of vortical flows in the near field of jets fromUT ISI:000274448000012(4)

2.常楠;王伟等TI Ply stacking sequence optimization of composite laminate by permutationUT ISI:000274043200002(3)

3.高敏等TI On Exploring Method and Software for Evaluating Effectiveness ofUT ISI:000273508400005(4)

4.裴扬;宋笔锋;韩庆等TI A Direct Simulation Method for Calculating Multiple-hit VulnerabilityUT ISI:000273508400006(3)

5.王栋;Lee, YS;McFarland,

DM;Bergman, LA;Vakakis, AFTI Mitigating the effect of impact loading on a vehicle using anUT ISI:000273960500001(3)

6.毋玲;Rochus, V;Noels, L;Golinval, JCTI Influence of adhesive rough surface contact on microswitchesUT ISI:000272838600020(无分区)

7.杨智春;王乐TI Structural Damage Detection by Changes in Natural FrequenciesUT ISI:000275169300010(无分区)

8.杨智春;王乐TI Study on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of 2D C/CUT ISI:000275254700012(4)



10.张伟伟;叶正寅TI Effect of control surface on airfoil flutter in transonic flowUT ISI:000274823200013(无分区)

航海学院(3篇)1.何成兵;黄建国;韩晶;张群飞TI Cyclic shift keying spread spectrum underwater acoustic communicationUT ISI:000273681500041(4)

2.梁红;洪康;杨长生TI Lattice structure adaptive IIR notch filter based on least squareUT ISI:000273183000004(无分区)

3.孙亮;侯宏;董利英;万芳荣TI Measurement of characteristic impedance and wave number of porous


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UT ISI:000272838800029(3)

航天学院(3篇)1.唐小军;闫杰;钟都都TI Square-root sigma-point Kalman filtering for spacecraft relativeUT ISI:000273916300010(4)


3.张淑慧;何国强等TI Comparison of F-12 aramid fiber with domestic armid fiber III onUT ISI:000273669300025(3)

材料学院(93篇)1.蔡艳芝;范尚武;刘何意;张立同;成来飞;姜娟;董本兴TI Mechanical properties of a 3D needled C/SiC composite with graphiteUT ISI:000273983800018(3)

2.曹海涛;Moutalbi, Nahed;Harnois,

Christelle;胡锐;李金山;周廉;Noudem, Jacques GTI Novel configuration of processing bulk textured YB2Cu3O7-xUT ISI:000274825000014(3)

3.程素玲;杨根仓;王锦程;刘峰;朱满;周尧和TI Interfacial reaction between Al72Ni12Co16 decagonal quasicrystallineUT ISI:000273668000003(4)

4.崔春娟;张军;刘林;傅恒志TI Mechanical Properties of the TaSi2 Fibers by NanoindentationUT ISI:000274489800010(3)

5.戴毅;曾卫东;周义刚等TI Optimization of Die Parameters for Titanium Ring Pipe FormationUT ISI:000274491400025(2)

6.樊凯;刘峰;宋韶杰;杨根仓;周尧和TI Deduction of activation energy for diffusion by analyzing soft

UT ISI:000274926300004(4)

7.范晓丽;孙承才;张云飞等TI First Principles Study of the Adsorption Structure of Ethylene onUT ISI:000274269700034(4)

8.符冬菊;邓飞;盛洪超等TI Growth of oriented vapor grown carbon fibers on pyrolytic carbon filmsUT ISI:000272911700035(3)

9.付前刚;李贺军;李克智;史小红;黄敏TI Effect of Thermal Shock and Oxidation on Mechanical Property ofUT ISI:000273469300010(3)

10.高恩志;李宏伟;寇宏超;常辉;李金山;周廉TI Finite element simulation on the deep drawing of titanium thin-walledUT ISI:000273685700019(4)



Page 16: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等

TI Craft of Improving Microstructure and Properties ofUT ISI:000273438800037(3)

12.郭海生;郭喜平;姚成方TI Microstructure Development of Directionally Solidified Nb-Ti-Si BasedUT ISI:000273469300007(3)

13.和永岗;李克智;李贺军;付前刚;张东生TI Effect of interface structures on the fracture behavior ofUT ISI:000273668000002(4)

14.洪智亮;成来飞;鲁琳静;张立同;王一光TI Corrosion Behavior of Lu-Si-O System in Water VaporUT ISI:000275254700015(3)

15.华云峰;张立同;成来飞等TI Microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCP/SiC and SiCW/SiCUT ISI:000272911700011(3)

16.黄斌;杨延清;梅运旺;罗贤;李健康;陈彦TI Studies on Interface of SiCf/Ti55 CompositeUT ISI:000274491400003(4)

17.黄瑜;陈静;张凤英;黄卫东TI Influence of Heat Treatment on Microstructure of Laser Solid FormingUT ISI:000273671400016(3)

18.黄智斌;周万城;唐秀凤TI Effects of annealing time on infrared emissivity of the Pt film grownUT ISI:000273669300012(3)

19.冀国良;李付国;李庆华等TI Development and validation of a processing map for Aermet100 steelUT ISI:000273983900044(3)

20.贾蔚菊;曾卫东;王艳;周义刚等TI Study on Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Low Cost Titanium AlloyUT ISI:000273671400022(4)

21.贾晓华;樊慧庆;秦磊TI Using sonochemistry for the fabrication of hollow ZnO microspheresUT ISI:000272919800002(4)

22.江志强;杨合;詹梅等TI Coupling effects of material properties and the bending angle on theUT ISI:000274314700052(2)

23.李进;樊慧庆;贾晓华;杨娓娓;方频阳TI Enhanced blue-green emission and ethanol sensing of Co-doped ZnOUT ISI:000273306900009(3)

24.李龙;曾燮榕;李贺军;谢盛辉等TI Thermal Fatigue Behavior of SiC/MBAS Glass Coated Carbon/CarbonUT ISI:000273469300012(4)

25.李文亚;马铁军;李京龙TI Numerical simulation of linear friction welding of titanium alloy:


Page 17: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等

UT ISI:000274203200056(4)

26.李文亚;殷硕;王晓放TI Numerical investigations of the effect of oblique impact on particleUT ISI:000275234000004(4)

27.李文亚等TI Characterization of cold-sprayed nanostructured Fe-based alloyUT ISI:000273669300040(4)

28.李文亚等TI Preparation and Characterization of Porous Titanium and Titanium AlloyUT ISI:000273469300056(3)

29.李向明;张立同;殷小玮等TI Mechanical and dielectric properties of porous Si3N4-SiC(BN) ceramicUT ISI:000274839100011(3)

30.李阳平;刘正堂TI Properties of Gallium Phosphide Thick Films

Prepared on Zinc SulfideUT ISI:000274489800015(4)

31.李正佳;李贺军;齐乐华等TI Effect of Extrusion Forming on Compressive Strength ofUT ISI:000273469300011(4)

32.梁明;李金山等TI Microstructure and Properties of High Strength and High ConductivityUT ISI:000274491400019(3)

33.廖晓玲;李贺军;孙国栋;李克智TI The thermal expansion behavior of 3D C/C compositesUT ISI:000274776800010(3)


35.刘其军;刘正堂;冯丽萍TI First-principles calculations of structural, electronic and opticalUT ISI:000274829800020(3)

36.刘巧沐;张立同;成来飞;王一光TI Chemical vapour deposition of zirconium carbide and silicon carbideUT ISI:000273918300018(3)

37.刘文婷;刘正堂;谭婷婷;闫锋TI Influence of Radio-Frequecy Power on Structural and ElectricalUT ISI:000274360800078(2)

38.刘文婷;刘正堂;闫锋;谭婷婷TI Influence of RF power on the structure and optical properties ofUT ISI:000274607700015(4)

39.刘永;崔英德;尹国强等TI Preparation and Properties of Novel pH-Sensitive SoyUT ISI:000274110100015(3)


Page 18: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等

40.刘永胜;张立同;成来飞;徐永东;刘毅TI Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Silicon NitrideUT ISI:000273309600008(3)

41.卢翠英;成来飞;张立同;赵春年TI Gas products and carbon deposition kinetics in chemical vaporUT ISI:000274776800006(4)

42.卢艳丽;陈铮;钟汉文;张静TI Microscopic Phase-Field Simulation for Correlations of Ni3AlUT ISI:000273438800003(4)

43.罗皎;李淼泉;李晓历;史延沛TI Constitutive model for high temperature deformation of titanium alloysUT ISI:000274873400006(4)

44.罗怡;刘金合;叶宏TI An analytical model and tomographic calculation of vacuum electron beam

UT ISI:000274986700017(4)

45.马良;黄卫东;许小静TI Research on Laser Solid Forming of TC4 Alloy Based on Fractal ScanningUT ISI:000274491400009(无分区)

46.聂景江;徐永东;张立同;范尚武;徐芳;成来飞;马军强;殷小玮TI Microstructure, Thermophysical, and Ablative Performances of a 3DUT ISI:000275098200009(3)

47.宁永权;姚泽坤;郭鸿镇等TI Effect of Multiple Forging on Microstructure and Mechanical PropertiesUT ISI:000273144900018(4)

48.宁永权;姚泽坤;岳太文;郭鸿镇等TI Link Microstructure of FGH4096 AlloyUT ISI:000274491400021(无分区)

49.牛勇;李淼泉;侯红亮 ;王耀奇;林莺莺

TI High-Temperature Deformation Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy without andUT ISI:000273667600008(4)

50.欧阳海波;李贺军;齐乐华;李正佳;苏力争等TI Fabrication of Short Carbon Fiber Reinforced AZ91D Alloy byUT ISI:000273469300024(3)

51.齐涛;郭喜平TI Microstructure and High Temperature Oxidation Resistance of Si-Y2O3UT ISI:000273029200028(无分区)

52.乔吉超;王建永等TI Review on Mechanical Properties of Porous Fiber MetalsUT ISI:000273469300058(4)

53.卿玉长;周万城;贾舒;罗发;朱冬梅TI Dielectric properties of carbon black and carbonyl iron filledUT ISI:000274096400022(4)


Page 19: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等

54.卿玉长;周万城;罗发;朱冬梅TI Electromagnetic and Absorbing Properties of Multi-walled CarbonUT ISI:000275254700014(无分区)

55.卿玉长;周万城;罗发;朱冬梅TI Microwave electromagnetic properties of carbonyl iron particles andUT ISI:000274607700028(4)

56.沈雅明;刘正堂;冯丽萍;刘璐;许冰TI Preparation and Structure of HfSixOy Thin Film for High K GateUT ISI:000273438800036(4)

57.盛洪超等TI Effect of melt treatment on the microstructure and magnetic propertiesUT ISI:000273281600004(4)

58.盛洪超等TI Differences in microstructure and magnetic properties between

UT ISI:000273091900035(4)


60.孙志超;杨合;李志燕TI H-Shaped Component Isothermal Local Loading Forming of TA15 TitaniumUT ISI:000273438800006(3)

61.谭华;陈婧;张凤英;林鑫;黄卫东TI Process analysis for laser solid forming of thin-wall structureUT ISI:000273152900001(无分区)

62.谭婷婷;刘正堂;卢红成;刘文婷;田浩TI Structure and optical properties of HfO2 thin films on silicon afterUT ISI:000274426800004(4)

63.田晓东;郭喜平TI Oxidation Behavior of an Al-Modified Silicide Coating on an

UT ISI:000274368400003(3)

64.王斌斌;常辉;王锦程;寇宏超;胡锐;周廉TI Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Stirring during Vacuum ArcUT ISI:000273438800019(无分区)

65.王小丽;赵永庆;Hagiwara, Masuo;侯红亮 ;Suzuki, TohruTI Kinetics of dehydrogenation in Ti600, TC21 and Ti40 alloysUT ISI:000274839100104(4)

66.王小丽;赵永庆;王耀奇;侯红亮 ;曾卫东TI Kinetics of hydrogen absorption/desorption in TC21 alloyUT ISI:000274839100110(3)

67.王一光;陈贤鸿;刘雯;成来飞;张立同TI Exploration of YPO4 as a potential environmental barrier coatingUT ISI:000273935100042(2)


Page 20: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等

68.王一光;吴雅惠;成来飞;张立同TI Hot Corrosion Behavior of Barium Aluminosilicate-Coated C/SiCUT ISI:000273392900037(2)

69.王玉凤;李付国;谢汉芳;刘趁意等TI Numerical Simulation of Radial Precision Forging Technology for MetalUT ISI:000273671400014(4)

70.王志军;王锦程;杨根仓TI Phase field investigation on the initial planar instability withUT ISI:000273586000082(3)

71.王志银;苏克和;李玉龙等TI Mechanical and electronic properties of endofullerene Ar@C-60 andUT ISI:000274082700012(2)

72.徐聪;陈铮;王永欣;钟汉文;孙立岩;苗海川TI Phase-Field Simulation for the Effect of Atomic Interchange Energy on

UT ISI:000273438800012(4)

73.许岗;介万奇;李高宏;查钢强TI Study of trapping levels in alpha-HgI2 crystals by UV and isothermalUT ISI:000274882000015(4)

74.杨长林;杨根仓;刘峰;周尧和TI Application of Thermal Analysis in Solidification Process ofUT ISI:000274491400012(2)

75.杨合;黄亮;詹梅TI Coupled thermo-mechanical FE simulation of the hot splitting spinningUT ISI:000274222000031(4)

76.杨伟;刘峰;王海丰;陈铮;杨根仓;周尧和TI Non-equilibrium transformation path for bulk undercooled hypereutecticUT ISI:000274926300033(4)


TI Stress Distribution in the Cruciform Specimen under Transverse TensionUT ISI:000273469300009(3)

78.叶杨雪;樊慧庆;李进TI Fabrication and texture evolution of hexagonal YMnO3 nanofibers byUT ISI:000274164500057(4)

79.原梅妮;杨延清;黄斌等TI Finite Element Analysis of Push-Out Test of SiC Fiber ReinforcedUT ISI:000273469300013(3)

80.翟晓勇;周万城;罗发;朱冬梅TI Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of Chopping SiCf/LAS CompositesUT ISI:000273671400005(4)

81.詹梅;古创国;江志强;杨合TI Application of ductile fracture criteria in spin-forming andUT ISI:000273115500009(4)


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82.张大伟;杨合;孙志超TI Analysis of local loading forming for titanium-alloy T-shapedUT ISI:000272899000009(3)

83.张继军;介万奇;栾丽君等TI Twins in CdMnTe single crystals grown by Bridgman methodUT ISI:000274058500002(4)

84.张静;陈铮;王永欣;卢艳丽TI Effects of elastic strain energy on the antisite defect of D0(22)-Ni3VUT ISI:000273091800024(4)

85.张鹏;李付国TI Thermal Cycling Behavior of Aluminum Matrix Composites Reinforced withUT ISI:000273438800011(无分区)

86.张鹏;李付国TI Microstructure-based Simulation of Plastic Deformation Behavior of SiCUT ISI:000273508400013(4)


TI Effect of Hydrogenation on Microstructure of TC21 AlloyUT ISI:000273671400024(无分区)

88.张雨雷;李贺军;付前刚;李克智;欧阳海波TI Effect of Mo/Si Ratio on the Microstructure and Oxidation Resistance ofUT ISI:000273469300026(4)

89.赵东林;罗发;周万城TI Microwave absorbing property and complex permittivity of nano SiCUT ISI:000274839100046(4)

90.赵新宝;刘林;余竹焕;张卫国;傅恒志TI Microstructure development of different orientated nickel-base singleUT ISI:000274609000002(3)

91.赵彦;陈铮;王永欣;张利鹏;张明义;张静TI Microscopic Phase Field Simulation for the Influence of Ni-Al Ordering

UT ISI:000274491400015(4)

92.钟宏;李双明;刘林;邹光荣;傅恒志等TI Microstructure Selection Involving Nucleation in DirectionallyUT ISI:000273438800002(4)

93.周军;张建军;王文盛;周廉等TI Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of NZ2 Zirconium Alloy withUT ISI:000274491400024(4)

机电学院(8篇)1.曹蕾蕾;赵宁等TI An RBF-MFS model for analysing thermal behaviour of skin tissuesUT ISI:000274953800006(2)

2.万敏;张卫红等TI A unified stability prediction method for milling process with multipleUT ISI:000273152900004(3)


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3.王军强;孙树栋;司书兵;杨宏安TI Theory of constraints product mix optimisation based on immune algorithmUT ISI:000272946200009(3)

4.谢建兵;苑伟政;常洪龙TI Design and Fabrication of MEMS Gyroscopes on the Silicon-on-insulatorUT ISI:000274451800003(4)

5.许英杰;张卫红;Bassir, DavidTI Stress analysis of multi-phase and multi-layer plain weave compositeUT ISI:000274870200014(无分区)

6.张开富;李原;唐水龙TI An integrated modeling method of unified tolerance representation forUT ISI:000273470700024(4)

7.张卫红;张桥TI Finite-circle method for component approximation and packing design

UT ISI:000274362400005(4)

8.朱继宏;张卫红TI Integrated layout design of supports and structuresUT ISI:000274572600012(2)

力学与土木建筑学院(7篇)1.陈效鹏TI Simulation of 2D Cavitation Bubble Growth Under Shear Flow by LatticeUT ISI:000272952900008(4)

2.和兴锁;邓峰岩;吴根勇;王睿TI Dynamic modeling of a flexible beam with large overall motion andUT ISI:000274219100006(3)

3.黄益民;刘永寿;李宝辉;李彦江;岳珠峰TI Natural frequency analysis of fluid conveying pipeline with differentUT ISI:000275151200002(4)

4.刘永寿;邵小军;刘军;岳珠峰TI Finite element method and

experimental investigation on the residualUT ISI:000274203200021(3)

5.刘永寿;岳珠峰等TI Effect of defects on fatigue life of plates with fastener holesUT ISI:000274339100005(4)

6.温世峰;闫五柱;王晓森;岳珠峰等TI Prediction of strength using bending test methodUT ISI:000274314700032(3)

7.周加喜;邓子辰;刘涛;侯秀慧TI Optimal design of metallic sandwich tubes with prismatic cores toUT ISI:000273561500009(3)

动力与能源学院(2篇)1.王育虔;范玮;李建玲;秦红强TI Experimental Study on a Two-phase Pulse Detonation Rocket Engine at theUT ISI:000273048900001(4)



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电子信息学院(1篇)1.李波;周虎;陈轶TI Performance Analysis of an Efficient MAC Protocol With Multiple-StepUT ISI:000273698400034(3)

自动化学院(5篇)1.陈超;赵永强;罗丽;潘泉;程咏梅;王凯TI Model and Analysis of Spectropolarimetric BRDF of Painted Target BasedUT ISI:000275299900035(无分区)

2.陈建忠;史忠科等TI A relaxation scheme for a multi-class Lighthill-Whitham-RichardsUT ISI:000273324300016(4)

3.梁彦;潘泉等TI Multi-rate stochastic H-infinity filtering for networked multi-sensor

UT ISI:000274758400024(2)

4.肖敏;史忠科TI Delay-Dependent Guaranteed Cost H-infinity Control of an IntervalUT ISI:000273327600001(4)


计算机学院(5篇)1.郭哲;张艳宁;林增刚;刘延通TI 3D face registration based on principal axis analysis and labeledUT ISI:000273183000024(无分区)

2.雷晓刚;李映;赵娜;张艳宁TI Fast segmentation approach for SAR image based on simple Markov randomUT ISI:000275054600006(1)

3.於志文;Nakamura, Yuichi

TI Smart Meeting Systems: A Survey of State-of-the-Art and Open IssuesUT ISI: 000275118300003(无分区)

4.於志文;周兴社等TI Towards a semantic infrastructure for context-aware e-learningUT ISI:000274437400005(4)

5.於志勇;於志文;周兴社等TI Meeting Warming-up: Detecting Common Interests and Conflicts amongUT ISI:000273177200003(4)

理学院(37篇)1.毕辉;寇开昌;王召娣;王志超;张教强TI Effect of graphitization on the kinetics and mechanism of thermalUT ISI:000273375800012(无分区)

2.陈挺;张广成;赵玺浩TI Structure and properties of AN/MAA/AM copolymer foam plastics


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UT ISI:000274301400003(4)

3.陈钊;温晓莉;陈长乐TI Fluid flow and microstructure formation in a rotating magnetic fieldUT ISI:000274926300085(2)

4.邓娟利;苏克和;曾庆丰;王欣;成来飞;徐永东;张立同TI Thermodynamics of the Production of Condensed Phases in the CVD ofUT ISI:000273412200005(4)

5.董小娟TI The correlation between stochastic resonance and the averageUT ISI:000273586000026(4)

6.冯进钤;徐伟;牛玉俊TI Chattering bifurcations in a Duffing unilateral vibro-impact systemUT ISI:000274219100025(无分区)


TI Generation and motion control of optical multi-vortexUT ISI:000273519900018(4)

8.高云燕;刘丽华;欧植泽等TI Biological Activity of a Cholesterol ModifiedUT ISI:000274701200036(4)

9.耿旺昌等TI Ordered Mesoporous MgZnO with Crystalline WallsUT ISI:000274701200042(4)

10.洪振宇;解文军;魏炳波TI Vibration Characteristics of Acoustically Levitated Object with RigidUT ISI:000273639000046(3)

11.洪振宇;魏炳波TI Interaction of acoustic levitation field with liquid reflecting surfaceUT ISI:000273689600114(3)

12.金浩;田铮等TI Estimation Mean Change-Point in ARCH

Models with Heavy-TailedUT ISI:000274979200012(4)

13.雷佑铭等TI Chaos synchronization and parameter estimation ofUT ISI:000274070500002(无分区)

14.李春华;齐暑华;张冬娜TI Thermal Degradation of Environmentally Friendly Phenolic Resin/Al2O3UT ISI:000274069000065(3)

15.刘亚红;赵晓鹏TI High Gain Patch Antenna with Composite Right-Left Handed Structure andUT ISI:000274402400007(4)

16.吕勇军; 解文军; 魏炳波;TI Multiple-lobed bifurcation of rotating liquid drops levitated byUT ISI:000273689600122(4)

17.倪菲;徐伟;方同;岳晓乐TI Stochastic period-doubling bifurcation


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analysis of a Rossler systemUT ISI:000273586000034(4)

18.牛玉俊;徐伟等TI Asymptotical p-Moment Stability of Stochastic Impulsive DifferentialUT ISI:000274157600024(无分区)

19.钮鹏程;欧亚飞;韩军强TI Several Hardy Type Inequalities with Weights Related to GeneralizedUT ISI:000274751400016(3)

20.唐素芳;钮鹏程TI Hardy's theorem and rotations of several complex variablesUT ISI:000272901700003(3)

21.田威;范晓东;孔杰;刘郁杨;张卫红;程广文;姜敏TI Amphiphilic Hyperbranched Polymers Containing Two Types ofUT ISI:000273423200002(3)


TI A novel design of the sensor head for avoiding the influence of theUT ISI:000273931000011(3)

23.王海鹏;魏炳波TI Thermophysical properties and structure of stable and metastable liquidUT ISI:000274420800017(3)

24.王力工等TI Integral complete multipartite graphs Ka1.p1,a2.p2,...,as.ps with s=5, 6UT ISI:000274276700018(无分区)

25.王毅霏;马晓燕;张启路;田娜TI Synthesis and properties of gel polymer electrolyte membranes based onUT ISI:000274943000033(2)

26.王永忠TI Local Holder continuity of nonnegative weak solutions of degenerateUT ISI:000275265700005(4)

27.吴新明; 齐暑华; 贺捷等TI High conductivity and low percolation threshold in polyaniline/graphiteUT ISI:000272911700023(3)

28.吴新明;齐暑华;贺捷;段国晨TI Polyaniline/Graphite Nanosheets Composites and its Conducting PropertiesUT ISI:000275043000003(2)

29.闫晓博;赵建林;邸江磊;姜宏振;孙伟伟TI Phase correction and resolution improvement of digital holographicUT ISI:000273519900003(2)

30.臧渡洋;Langevin, D;Binks, BP;魏炳波TI Shearing particle monolayers: Strain-rate frequency superpositionUT ISI:000274003300065(4)

31.张晓妹;王伟丽;阮莹;魏炳波TI Metastable Phase Separation and Concomitant Solute Redistribution of


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UT ISI:000274360800060(2)

32.赵亮;赵小如;刘金铭;张安;王丹红;魏炳波TI Fabrications of Nb-doped TiO2 (TNO) transparent conductive oxideUT ISI:000274318400049(4)

33.赵维;赵晓鹏TI Fabrication and characterization of metamaterials at optical frequenciesUT ISI:000274426800002(3)

34.郑亚萍;张娇霞;兰岚;于培盈等TI Preparation of Solvent-Free Gold Nanofluids with Facile Self-AssemblyUT ISI:000274265300005(3)

35.周文英;安群力等TI A Novel Polymeric Coating with High Thermal ConductivityUT ISI:000274557300002(1)

36.周欣;刘亚红;赵晓鹏TI Low losses left-handed materials with

optimized electric and magneticUT ISI:000273306900023(4)

37.朱卫仁;赵小鹏;保石;张燕萍TI Highly Symmetric Planar Metamaterial Absorbers Based on Annular andUT ISI:000273639000036(2)

管理学院(1篇)1.车阿大;晏鹏宇;杨乃定等TI Optimal cyclic scheduling of a hoist and multi-type parts with fixedUT ISI:000272988800001(4)

生命科学院(7篇)1.郭云珠;尹大川;鹿芹芹;王玺凯;刘君TI Enhancement of nucleation during hanging drop protein crystallizationUT ISI:000274872700009(4)

2.黄勇TI Anti-West Nile virus activity of in vitro expanded human primary

UT ISI:000274662200001(3)

3.李京宝;王哲;何刚;骞爱荣;商澎等TI Application of glutaraldehyde to in-cell Western assay for normalizationUT ISI:000274615100015(3)


5.钦传光;李洋;张瑞洁;牛卫宁;丁焰TI Separation and elucidation of anthocyanins in the fruit ofUT ISI:000273303100005(4)

6.钦传光;徐春兰;张瑞洁;牛卫宁;尚晓娅TI On-resin cyclization and antimicrobial activity of Laterocidin and itsUT ISI:000274943100004(4)


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TI Solid-phase synthesis and antibiotic activities of cyclodecapeptides on

UT ISI:000272935600034(3)

2010年第一季度 Ei网络版收录各学院论文名录由于版面有限,每篇论文按如下信息项编制:(1)作者中文姓名(2)Title:论文题目

(3) Accession number:Ei中论文的唯一编号航空学院(60篇)1.蔡晋生Title:Numerical study on choked flow over grid-fin configurationsAccession number:20100212624357

2.蔡晋生;sai, Her Man等Title:Numerical simulation of vortical flows in the near field of jets from notched circular nozzlesAccession number:20095212572613

3.蔡巧言等Title:Application of grid computation technology on the large scale CFD computationAccession number:20100512672089

4.陈煊;李玉龙 Title:An Experimental technique on the dynamic strength of

adhesively bonded single lap jointsAccession number: 20100712718247

5.陈召涛;孙秦Title:A high-fidelity computational aeroelastic method based on CFD/CSDAccession number:20100312645088

6.崔利杰;吕震宙;张永鑫等Title:Dynamic response reliability analysis of airplane inner-flap mechanismAccession number:20100312648891

7.高民;艾剑良等Title:On Exploring Method and Software for Evaluating Effectiveness of Military Training AircraftAccession number:20095312587645

8.谷迎松;杨智春;李斌Title:Application of the mu-omega method in aeroelastic stability analysisAccession number: 20100412666719

9.谷迎松;杨智春;李斌Title:Flutter prediction based on multiplicative perturbation to dynamic pressureAccession number:20100312641119

10.郭亚洲;.李元林等Title:Grain size dependent shear instability induced by geometry softening for NC/UFG materials under dynamic loadingAccession number:20095312599011

11.郭亚洲;李玉龙;吴欣龙等 Title: A modified criterion for shear band


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formation in bulk metallic glass under complex stress statesAccession number: 20100912734587

12.郭亚洲;魏秋明;李玉龙Title:Ductility of nanocrystalline metals: Intrinsic or extrinsicAccession number:20100612692210

13.韩忠华;宋文萍;乔志德Title:Numerical simulation of active dynamic stall control on an OA212 rotor airfoilAccession number:20100512672087

14.韩忠华;宋文萍;乔志德Title:Numerical simulation of active stall control on high-lift airfoilAccession number:20095212572458

15.何钦象;柯芬蓉;杨智春 Title:An immune clonal algorithm based on the probability of cyclic mutationAccession number: 20100812730919

16.侯赤;万小朋;赵美英Title:Application of virtual prototyping technology in the

analysis of aircraft ground loadAccession number: 20100412667173

17.蒋跃文;叶正寅;王刚Title:Methods of adaptive unstructured grid based on the image process methodologyAccession number: 20100412666856

18.李峰;叶正寅Title:Design and research for a new type buoyancy-lifting row flying-wingsAccession number:20095112567482

19.李峰等Title:Flow physics and dynamics mechanism of self-oscillation of an flight vehicleAccession number:20100412671878

20.李悦立;李栋;杨永;左岁寒Title:Sublimation investigation of artificial abduction crossflow stationary wave in swept wingAccession number: 20100412666892

21.李悦立;李栋;左岁寒等Title:Transition control experiment based on linear stability theory

Accession number:20100312641114

22.林乃明;谢发勤;钟涛;吴向清;田伟Title:Corrosion resistance of rare earth modified chromizing coating on P110 oil casing tube steel by pack cementationAccession number:20100312638479

23.吕鹏涛;惠增宏Title:The development of wind velocity adaptive control system based on neural networks for NF-3 wind tunnelAccession number:20100412666901

24.毛勇建;李玉龙Title:One-dimensional simulation of split Hopkinson bar test using Matlab/SimulinkAccession number:20100312644958

25.孟宣市;乔志德;高超;罗时钧;刘锋Title:Visualization and measurement study of vortex flow over delta wing with dorsal finsAccession number: 20100412666848


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26.孟宣市;乔志德;高超;罗时钧;刘锋Title:Particle image velocimetry study of flow over slender delta wing with low dorsal finAccession number:20100312641117

27.孟卓;孙秦Title:Energy-absorption characteristics of thin-walled tube with different axial-section shapes under axial impulsive loadAccession number: 20100312649066

28.裴扬;宋笔锋等Title:A Direct Simulation Method for Calculating Multiple-hit Vulnerability of Aircraft with Overlapping ComponentsAccession number:20095312587646

29.邱菊;孙秦Title:Flutter analysis of T-tail with the different supporting stiffnessAccession number:20100312647015

30.邱菊;孙秦Title:New improved g method for flutter solution

Accession number:20100212632132

31.邱菊;孙秦Title:Study of relationship between the flutter speed and the supporting stiffness of T-tailAccession number:20100312647031

32.桑为民;雷熙薇等Title:Numerically analyzing more efficiently high-lift aerodynamics of transport aircraft with omni-tree cartesian gridsAccession number: 20100412666635

33.宋晓刚;杨志春Title:A new method to simulate round concrete aggregate generationAccession number:20100612694348

34.唐小军;闫杰;钟都都Title:Square-root sigma-point Kalman filtering for spacecraft relative navigationAccession number:20095212577456

35.万小朋;侯赤;美英Title:Development of

auto-modeling program based on ADAMS marcos for aircraft landing gear dynamic loads simulaiton analysisAccession number:20095112564806

36.王慧;宋笔锋;王乐;吕国志;崔卫民Title:Three-dimensional computational simulation of corrosion pit growth morphologyAccession number:20095312587956

37.王军利等Title:Calculation of transonic unsteady aerodynamic force for high-aspect ratio flexible wing using improved unstructured dynamic grids methodAccession number:20100312645051

38.王燕萍;吕震宙;赵新攀Title:Bayesian analysis for the power law process based on Markov Chain Monte CarloAccession number:20100612694234



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Title:Design, construction and operation of material damping measuring system for use in high-temperature and vacuum environmentAccession number: 20100412666638

40.谢飞;叶正寅Title:Drag Reduction for an Airship with Proper Arrangement of PropellersAccession number:20095312587641

41.谢伟;黄其青Title:Improving G-T (gurson-tvergaard) dilatational plasticity model for porous materialsAccession number: 20100412666637

42.徐翔;程克明;王志坚;徐筠Title:Flow field calibration of NUAA φ0.5 m hypersonic wind tunnelAccession number:20100412666900

43.杨志春;谷迎松Title:Unified flutter solution technique using matrix singularity indicatorsAccession number:2010021262401


44.杨智春;党会学等Title:Numerical simulation of the aerodynamic characteristics of a fixed wing with trailing edge rotating slotted cylinderAccession number:20095112567181

45.杨智春;王乐 Title: Structural damage detection by changes in natural frequenciesAccession number: 20100712718555

46.杨智春;张蕊丽Title:Analysis of panel thermal flutter using maximum Lyapunov exponentAccession number: 20100412666639

47.杨智春等Title:Effect of mistuned parameters on mode localization of T-tail structureAccession number:20100312641122

48.张强;杨永;李喜乐Title:Exploring ideal configuration of dual throat fluidic thrust vectoring nozzle

through numerical simulationAccession number: 20100412666636

49.张伟伟;叶正寅Title:Effect of control surface on airfoil flutter in transonic flowAccession number:20100412662734

50.张伟伟;叶正寅Title:Effects of leading-edge vortex on flutter characteristics of high sweep angle wingAccession number:20100312641112

51.张伟伟;叶正寅;张陈安Title:Aeroservoelastic analysis for transonic missile based on computational fluid dynamicsAccession number:20100212632131

52.张伟伟;叶正寅等Title:Supersonic flutter analysis based on a local piston theoryAccession number:20095312589138

53.张晓化;刘道新Title:Influence of surface coating on Ti811 alloy resistance


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to fretting fatigue at elevated temperatureAccession number:20100112602709

54.张永杰;孙秦Title:Joint stiffness analysis of sheared bolt with preloadAccession number:20095212572135

55.张永杰;孙秦Title:Layer-based integration arithmetic of conformal PMLAccession number:20095312601671

56.赵峰;张凯等Title:A new modified version of ant colony algorithm for combinational optimization problemAccession number:20100312645261

57.赵燕;徐绯;李玉龙Title:A method of preventing SPH numerical fracture for irregular particle modelsAccession number:20095312587944

58.赵燕;徐绯;李玉龙Title:An improved SPH

method in the discontinuous interface problemAccession number:20100412663599

59.郑锡涛;缑林虎;郑晓霞;张建锋Title:Prediction of impact damage on stitched sandwich composite panelsAccession number:20095212575061

60.周云;孙秦Title:Two kinds of new rectangular plate bending elementAccession number:20100312645321

航海学院(36篇)1.Yan, Ma;范利超等Title:Weighted source localization in a underwater wireless sensor array networkAccession number:20100212630931

2.白峻;申晓红;王海燕等Title:Natural gradient improvement methods in blind source separationAccession number:20100212631100

3.曹银萍;石秀华Title:The research of SOL treated cantilever beam based on analytical methods and ANSYSAccession number:20100312638770

4.崔海英;石秀华;王文斌;王生武Title:Fault diagnosis of diesel injector using levenberg-marquardt back propagation algorithmAccession number:20100412666968

5.杜晓旭;宋保维;潘光Title:Effect of ocean current to low velocity maneuvers of torpedo-like long-distance AUVAccession number:20095212569215

6.范辉;张宇文Title:Stability analysis and nonlinear switching controller design for supercavitating vehiclesAccession number:20095312598044

7.高博;徐德民;张福斌;姚尧Title: Finding the lowest-cost path for searching the grid-based environment


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Accession number:20100912742848

8.高颖;陆旭青;王修亮;费益;郭淑霞Title:Design and realization of 3D character animation engineAccession number:20100412656433

9.何成兵;黄建国等Title:A variable-rate spread-spectrum system for underwater acoustic communicationsAccession number:20100112608703

10.侯铁双;相敬林;韩鹏Title:Effectively detecting line spectrum of ship-radiated noise using DT-CWT statistical modelAccession number:20100412666645

11.侯云山;黄建国;金勇Title:Fast algorithm of the maximum likelihood parameter estimation for passive synthetic arraysAccession number:20100112617900

12.侯云山等 Title: Fast algorithm of the ML estimator for passive synthetic arraysAccession number:20100712709048

13.胡莹;陈克安等 Title: A plane wave study for improving acoustical performance of double wall systems using an active-passive methodAccession number:20100912735247

14.黄建国;张立杰;张群飞;金勇;蒋敏Title:Performance analysis of DoA estimation for MIMO sonar based on experimentsAccession number:20095212581167

15.金勇;黄建国等Title:AML algorithm for short sampling wideband signal DOA estimation based on Metropolis-Hastings samplingAccession number:20100312648696

16.雷开卓;黄建国等Title:Research and design of embedded

underwater acoustic transmitterAccession number:20100512681357

17.李代金;张宇文;罗凯;党建军Title:Robust control of underwater supercavitating vehicles based on pole assignmentAccession number:20100212625981

18.李强;陈航Title:A lower dimensional MLE algorithm for distributed source parameter estimationAccession number:20100212631564

19.林海;严卫生;王金华;姚尧;高博 Title: Robust nonlinear speed control for a brushless DC motor using model reference adaptive backstepping approachAccession number:20100912743437

20.林海;严卫生;王银涛;高博等 Title: Nonlinear sliding mode speed control of a PM synchronous motor


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drive using model reference adaptive backstepping approachAccession number:20100912743140

21.刘彦森;盛美萍;周赤奇等Title:Modeling and calculating on the diffraction acoustic field originated from underwater flat structure with finite impedance surfaceAccession number:20100112617542

22.马艳等Title:ML source localization theory in an underwater wireless sensor array networkAccession number:20100112610802

23.马元锋;陈克安;马苗;张成Title:A new cepstrum coefficients applied to acoustic target recognitionAccession number:20095312597895

24.毛昭勇;宋保维Title:Reliability growth evaluation new method for Gompertz model based on Bayesian theoryAccession


25.缪旭东;徐德民等 Title: Intuitionistic fuzzy likelihood methods and models for naval air defense situation and threat assessmentAccession number:20100712709688

26.孙亮;侯宏;董利英;万芳荣Title:Measurement of characteristic impedance and wave number of porous material using pulse-tube and transfer-matrix methodsAccession number:20095312591030

27.王金华;严卫生等Title:Simulation of imaging system in weapon tracking servoAccession number:20100312644965

28.王银涛;严卫生等Title: A leader-follower formation control strategy for AUVs based on line-of-sight guidanceAccession number:20100912743262


Title: Study of numerical and physical fracture with SPH methodAccession number: 20100812723835

30.严卫生;林海;李宏;李慧平;卢健 Title: A MRAS based speed identification scheme for a PM synchronous motor drive using the sliding mode techniqueAccession number: 20100912743286

31.杨长生;梁红等Title:Wideband sonar signal design for moving target parameter estimationAccession number:20100212631630

32.姚尧;徐德民;严卫生;高博Title: Optimal decision making for cooperative localization of MAUVs Accession number:20100912742927

33.张立川;刘明雍;徐德民;严卫生Title:Cooperative localization for Multi-UUVs based on time-of-flight of acoustic signalAccession number:20100612694308


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34.张立杰;黄建国;张群飞Title:Integrated method of multi-target detection and DOA estimation by exploiting knowledge of beam-spectra envelopeAccession number:20100512678168

35.赵瑞琴等Title:An efficient energy-saving broadcast mechanism for wireless sensor networksAccession number:20095312588406

36.钟永信;黄建国;韩晶Title:A delay-tolerant MAC protocol with collision avoidance for underwater acoustic networksAccession number:20100112610366

航天学院(28篇)1.安效民;徐敏;陈士橹Title:An improved CFD/CSD coupled system design and application based on BEM approachAccession number:20100312645340


Title:Dynamical decomposition modeling and control of multi-spacecraft coordinated flyingAccession number:20100412667176

3.常晓飞;于薇薇;闫杰Title:Controlling lunar lander in powered descending phaseAccession number:20095212576064

4.陈煜;张科等Title:Shape design of a long-range stealth missileAccession number: 20100412666643

5.窦怡彬;徐敏;安效民;姚伟刚;Title:Flutter analysis for a fin in hypersonic flowAccession number:20095112567183

6.符文星;常晓飞;朱苏朋等Title:Software design for comprehensive control platform of a missile simulation system based on RTXAccession number:20095112564748

7.郭建国;周军Title:Attitude controller design for variable-

bend-tail vehicleAccession number:20100212626021

8.郭建国;周军Title:Design of H<inf>&infin;</inf> control based nonlinear terminal guidance lawAccession number:20100312641135

9.呼卫军;周军Title:Research of multi targets evaluation and allocation technology for multi kill vehicleAccession number:20095212569243

10.刘洋;何国强等Title:Numerical simulation for operation process of ejector/ramjet mode transition of RBCCAccession number:20100312648668

11.刘莹莹;周军 Title:Fuzzy attitude control for flexible satellite during orbit maneuverAccession number: 20100912743449

12.马卫华;罗建军;王明明;杨博Title:Space relative


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navigation filter based on-board radar observationAccession number:20100212630996

13.马卫华;罗建军;王明明;朱战霞Title:Development of Distributed Integrated Navigation Simulator for Autonomous SpacecraftAccession number: 20100912742856

14.孙杰;杨军;祝小平Title:Robust flight control law development for tiltrotor conversionAccession number:20100212626056

15.王松伟;李言俊;张柯Title:Multimodal IR 3-D target tracking based on non-uniform samplingAccession number:20100312648478

16.王鑫Title:Research of space station data system structure designAccession number:20095312589997


Title:A model driver framework for system analysisAccession number: 20100712710112

18.校金友;曹衍闯;王焘Title:Further reducing considerably complexity of Galerkin BEM (boundary element method) while retaining adequate accuracyAccession number: 20100412666642

19.徐超;林松Title:Damping performance of cocured composite I-shaped beams with embedded viscoelastic layersAccession number:20100312638824

20.杨东升;戴冠中Title:Scene simulation of multi-element infrared seekerAccession number:20100312647289

21.杨俊鹏;祝小平Title:A robust guidance law of attacking UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)Accession number: 20100412666644

22.杨俊鹏;祝小平Title:Nonlinear flight

control system design of bank-to-turn unmanned aerial vehicleAccession number:20095312597900

23.姚伟刚;徐敏;陈志明Title:A novel model reduction method based on balanced truncationAccession number:20100612686440

24.余瑞星;朱冰Title:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWTAccession number:20100212631415

25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等Title:Comparison of F-12 aramid fiber with domestic armid fiber III on surface featureAccession number:20100312639902

26.朱向明;周凤岐;王伟红Title:Research on the launch failure mode of air defense missile flight testingAccession number:20100312641346

27.朱战霞;金伟;张巍Title:The variable


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structure control of spacecraft during spring-eject separationAccession number: 20100912742801

28.朱战霞;席锋Title:Design of sliding mode control law in space parkingAccession number:20100212626012

材料学院(102篇)1.曹海涛;胡锐;李金山等Title:Novel configuration of processing bulk textured YB<inf>2</inf>Cu<inf>3</inf>O<inf>7-x</inf> superconductor by seeded infiltration growth methodAccession number:20100212627826

2.陈涛;马铁军;杨思乾等Title:Mechanical properties and microstructure features of linear friction welded TC11 jointAccession number:20100112618183

3.陈文革;金山等Title:Effect of doping on electrical arc characteristic of WCu electrical contact

materialsAccession number:20100112617979

4.杜园园;介万奇;李焕勇Title:Synthesis of ZnS whiskers and their photoluminescence propertiesAccession number:20100612694990

5.樊慧庆;陈晋Title:Preparation, microstructure characterization and dielectric properties of relaxor ferroelectric thick filmsAccession number:20095212573172

6.樊慧庆;刘来君Title:Structure evolution and phase development of NKN-BNT piezoelectric ceramicsAccession number:20095212573141

7.樊凯;刘峰;宋韶杰;杨根仓;周尧和Title:Deduction of activation energy for diffusion by analyzing soft impingement in isothermal solid-state precipitationAccession


8.范晓丽;孙承才等 Title:First principles study of the adsorption structure of ethylene on Ge(001) surfaceAccession number: 20100912735523

9.冯丽萍;刘正堂;刘其军;李阳平Title:Preparation of uniform SiO<inf>2</inf> films on sapphire dome by r.f. magnetron reactive sputteringAccession number:20100312638677

10.冯亮;李金山;黄磊;常辉;崔予文;周廉Title:Interdiffusion behavior of Ti-Mo binary system in &beta; phaseAccession number:20095112566761

11.符冬菊;邓飞;盛洪超等Title:Growth of oriented vapor grown carbon fibers on pyrolytic carbon films without catalystAccession number:20100112608880


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克智;陶珺Title:Multilayer oxidation protective coating for C/C composites from room temperature to 1500 &deg;CAccession number:20100412663900

13.傅莉;任洁等Title:Ultrasonic wire bonding between Au electrode of CdZnTe wafer and the down-leadAccession number:20100312639628

14.高恩志;李宏伟;寇宏超;常辉;李金山 Title:Finite element simulation on the deep drawing of titanium thin-walled surface partAccession number: 20100812732351

15.高峻;姚泽坤;郭鸿镇等Title:Craft of improving microstructure and properties of Ti-24Al-15Nb-1.5Mo/TC11 dual alloy welding jointsAccession number:20095312588076

16.郭俊卿;杨合等Title:Rolling processes and performance of Cu-Fe in-situ composites

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17.和永岗;李克智;李贺军;魏建烽;付前刚;张东生 Title:Effect of interface structures on the fracture behavior of two-dimensional carbon/carbon composites by isothermal chemical vapor infiltrationAccession number: 20100712719404

18.胡小武;李双明;高斯峰;刘林;傅恒志 Title:Research on lamellar structure and microhardness in directionally solidified ternary Sn-40.5Pb-2.6Sb eutectic alloyAccession number: 20100912738981

19.华云峰;张立同;成来飞等Title:Microstructure and mechanical properties of SiC<inf>P</inf>/SiC and SiC<inf>W</inf>/SiC composites by CVIAccession number:20100112608853

20.黄瑜;陈静;张凤英;林鑫;黄卫东Title:Influence of heat treatment on microstructure of laser

solid forming Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-1.5Zr-0.25Si alloysAccession number: 20100412666676

21.黄智斌;周万城;唐秀凤Title:Effects of annealing time on infrared emissivity of the Pt film grown on Ni alloyAccession number:20100312639890

22.冀国良;李付国;李庆华等Title:Research on the dynamic recrystallization kinetics of Aermet100 steelAccession number:20100612696871

23.冀国良;李付国;李庆华等Title:Development and validation of a processing map for Aermet100 steelAccession number:20095212577847

24.贾蔚菊;曾卫东等Title:Study on fatigue crack propagation behavior of low cost titanium alloy Ti8LCAccession number: 20100412666681


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Title:Coupling effects of material properties and the bending angle on the springback angle of a titanium alloy tube during numerically controlled bendingAccession number:20095312593938

26.焦妍琼;李贺军;李克智Title:Multi-physical field coupling simulation of TCVI process for preparing carbon/carbon compositesAccession number:20100612686435

27.李贺军;冯涛;付前刚;吴恒;沈学涛Title:Oxidation and erosion resistance of MoSi<inf>2</inf>-CrSi<inf>2</inf>-Si/SiC coated C/C composites in static and aerodynamic oxidation environmentAccession number:20100612691035

28.李淼泉;林莺莺Title:Effect of hydrogenation on the microstructure of Ti-5.6Al-4.8Sn-2.0Zr alloyAccession number:20100312646610

29.李文亚;马铁军;李京龙Title:Numerical simulation of linear friction welding of titanium alloy: Effects of processing parametersAccession number:20095212568312

30.李文亚;马铁军;李京龙;杨思乾Title:Numerical simulation of linear friction welding: Effects of processing parametersAccession number:20100312639625

31.李文亚;马铁军;杨思乾 Title:Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of linear friction welded Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr (Ti17) titanium alloy jointsAccession number: 20100912742400

32.李文亚等Title:Modeling aspects of high velocity impact of particles in cold spraying by explicit finite element analysisAccession number:20095312586530

33.李文亚等Title:Characterization of cold-sprayed nanostructured Fe-based alloyAccession number:20100312639916

34.李文亚等 Title: Modeling aspects of high velocity impact of particles in cold spraying by explicit finite element analysisAccession number: 20100812721298

35.李向明;张立同等Title:Mechanical and dielectric properties of porous Si<inf>3</inf>N<inf>4</inf>-SiC(BN) ceramicAccession number:20100312640353

36.刘长友;介万奇等 Title:Mass flux of ZnSe-N-H-Cl chemical vapor transport (CVT) systemAccession number: 20100912739208

37.刘林;张卫国;黄太文;张军;傅恒志Title:High thermal gradient directional solidification with liquid metal cooling and its application in the processing of nickel-based superalloys


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Accession number:20095312598712

38.刘宁;杨根仓;杨长林;刘峰;周尧和等Title:Solidification behaviour of undercooled peritectic Fe<inf>81.68</inf>Co<inf>18.32</inf> alloyAccession number:20095212570824

39.刘其军; 刘正堂; 冯丽萍Title:First-principles calculations of structural, electronic and optical properties of tetragonal SnO<inf>2</inf> and SnOAccession number:20100312639835

40.刘其军;刘正堂;冯丽萍;许冰Title:Exploring theoretically relationships between electronic structure and optical properties of tetragonal HfO<inf>2</inf> crystal for polarization directions (100) and (001)Accession number: 20100412666646


Title:Chemical vapour deposition of zirconium carbide and silicon carbide hybrid whiskersAccession number:20095312593349

42.刘文婷;刘正堂;谭婷婷等Title:Influence of RF power on the structure and optical properties of sputtered hafnium dioxide thin filmsAccession number:20100212627794

43.刘莹莹;郭鸿镇;姚泽坤Title:Effect of near isothermal forging on the microstructure of Ti <inf>3</inf>Al/TC11 welding interfaceAccession number:20100112603460

44.刘永;崔英德;尹国强等 Title: Preparation and properties of novel pH-Sensitive soy protein/Poly(sodium acrylate) Interpenetrating polymer network hydrogelsAccession number: 20100812723118

45.刘永胜;张立同;成来飞;徐永东;刘意Title:Design, fabrication, and

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46.刘永胜;张立同;成来飞;杨文彬;徐永东;曾庆丰Title:Effect of C/B ratio in reactants on low-pressure CVD boron-doped carbon deposited from a BCl<inf>3</inf>-C<inf>3</inf>H<inf>6</inf>-H<inf>2</inf> mixtureAccession number:20100512681773

47.卢艳丽;陈铮;钟汉文Title:Microscopic phase-field simulation for correlations of Ni<inf>3</inf>Al precipitates in Ni-Al alloysAccession number:20095312588047

48.罗皎;李淼泉;李晓历;史延沛Title:Constitutive model for high temperature deformation of titanium alloys using internal state variablesAccession number:2010021262323


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49.罗皎;李淼泉;于卫新 Title:Prediction of flow stress in isothermal compression of Ti-6Al-4V alloy using fuzzy neural networkAccession number: 20100812726405

50.罗贤;杨延清;原梅妮;李建康;陈彦;李晓芹Title:Interfacial behavior and mechanical properties of SiC<inf>f</inf>/Ti6Al4V/Cu compositeAccession number:20095112566763

51.罗怡;刘金合等Title:An analytical model and tomographic calculation of vacuum electron beam welding heat sourceAccession number:20100412662727

52.马良;黄卫东Title:Parametric finite element model of temperature/stress field evolution by metal laser solid formingAccession number:20100312648793

53.马锐;王永欣; 陈铮;苗海川;

钟诚文;苗树芳Title:Microscopic phase-field simulation of influence of interfacial mismatch stress on coarsening mechanism of aluminum alloyAccession number:20095112566759

54.宁永权;姚泽坤;郭鸿镇等Title:High temperature deformation behavior of hot isostatically pressed P/M FGH4096 superalloyAccession number:20095212577818

55.宁永权;姚泽坤;郭鸿镇等Title:Effect of multiple forging on microstructure and mechanical properties of powder metallurgy FGH4096 superalloyAccession number:20100312640532

56.牛勇;李淼泉;林莺莺等Title:High-temperature deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy without and with hydrogenation content of 0.27 wt.%Accession number:20100612696273


formation of Si-Y<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> co-deposition coatings on Nb-silicide-based alloyAccession number:20095112566770

58.齐涛;郭喜平Title:Effect of Y<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> on microstructure of silicide coatings on nb-silicide-based ultrahigh temperature alloyAccession number: 20100912741120

59.乔彦强;郭喜平Title:Microstructures of Si-Cr co-depositing coatings prepared on Ti-Nb-Si based ultrahigh temperature alloyAccession number:20100112617973

60.卿玉长;周万城;贾舒;朱冬梅 Title:Dielectric properties of carbon black and carbonyl iron filled epoxy-silicone resin coatingAccession number: 20100712719446

61.卿玉长;周万城;罗发;朱冬梅Title:Microwave electromagnetic


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properties of carbonyl iron particles and Si/C/N nano-powder filled epoxy-silicone coatingAccession number:20100212627805

62.沈雅明;刘正堂;徐斌等Title:Preparation and structure of HfSi<inf>x</inf>O<inf>y</inf> thin film for high K gate dielectricsAccession number:20095312588075

63.苏海军;傅恒志等Title:Effects of laser processing parameters on solidification microstructures of ternary Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>/YAG/ZrO<inf>2</inf> eutectic in situ composite and its thermal propertyAccession number:20095312593211

64.孙志超;杨合;李志燕Title:H-shaped component isothermal local loading forming of TA15 titanium alloyAccession number:20095312588050


simulation of electromagnetic stirring during vacuum arc remeltingAccession number:20095312588061

66.王俊杰;张立同;曾庆丰等Title:The rate-limiting step in the thermal oxidation of silicon carbideAccession number:20100812730810

67.王凯旋;曾卫东;周义刚等 Title:Dynamic globularization kinetics during hot working of Ti-17 alloy with initial lamellar microstructureAccession number: 20100912734602

68.王小丽; 曾卫东等Title:Kinetics of hydrogen absorption/desorption in TC21 alloyAccession number:20100312640338

69.王小丽等Title:Kinetics of dehydrogenation in Ti600, TC21 and Ti40 alloysAccession number:20100312640331

70.王一光;吴雅惠;成来飞;张立同Title:Hot corrosion behavior of barium aluminosilicate-coated C/SiC composites at 900CAccession number:20100112611917

71.王玉凤;李付国;谢汉芳;刘趁意等Title:Numerical simulation of radial precision forging technology for metal molybdenumAccession number: 20100412666674

72.王志军;王锦程;杨根仓Title:Phase field investigation on the initial planar instability with surface tension anisotropy during directional solidification of binary alloysAccession number:20100512674298

73.吴欢;曾卫东等Title:Fatigue crack growth behaviors of a new burn-resistant highly-stabilized beta titanium alloyAccession number:20100112607208


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Title:Evolution of pores in C/C composite during resin impregnation-carbonizationAccession number:20095312588912

75.夏熠;乔生儒;王强强等Title:Microstructure and mechanical property of 2.5D C/SiCN compositeAccession number:20100312638982

76.徐聪;陈铮;王永欣;钟汉文;孙立岩;苗海川Title:Phase-field simulation for the effect of atomic interchange energy on the incubation time of Ni<inf>75</inf>Al<inf>x</inf>V<inf>25-x</inf> alloyAccession number:20095312588055

77.徐亚东;介万奇;查钢强;高俊宁;王涛;傅莉等Title:A study on the low energy X/&gamma;-ray spectral response of CdZnTe planar detectorsAccession number:20095112567208

78.徐亚东;徐凌燕;王涛;查钢强;傅莉;介万奇等Title:Charge transport

performance of high resistivity CdZnTe crystals doped with In/AlAccession number:20100612694984

79.许岗;介万奇等Title:Study of trapping levels in &alpha;-HgI<inf>2</inf> crystals by UV and isothermal current measurementsAccession number:20100312645945

80.许占位;李贺军等Title:Effect of N atoms in the backbone of metal phthalocyanine derivatives on their catalytic activity to lithium batteryAccession number:20100312645606

81.薛蕾;陈静;虞文军;林鑫;黄卫东Title:Investigation on K<inf>IC</inf> of as-deposited Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated by laser solid formingAccession number:20100312648790

82.薛祥义;孟祥炜;付宝全;杨治军;胡锐;李金山;周廉Title:Influence of arc

current on solidification microstructure of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al under vacuum arc meltingAccession number:20095112566762

83.杨本昭Title:Promoting technological innovation capacity through knowledge management and service scienceAccession number:20100212629048

84.杨博;于家康;陈闯 Title: Microstructure and thermal expansion of Ti coated diamond/Al compositesAccession number: 20100712712149

85.杨合;詹梅等Title:Coupled thermo-mechanical FE simulation of the hot splitting spinning process of magnesium alloy AZ31Accession number:20095212574906

86.杨伟;刘峰;王海丰;陈铮;杨根仓;周尧和Title:Non-equilibrium transformation path for bulk undercooled hypereutectic Fe-B alloy


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Accession number:20100412660764

87.叶杨雪;樊慧庆等Title:Fabrication and texture evolution of hexagonal YMnO<inf>3</inf> nanofibers by electrospinningAccession number:20095212571126

88.翟晓勇;周万城;罗发;朱冬梅Title:Microstructure and dielectric properties of chopping SiCf/LAS compositesAccession number: 20100412666668

89.张继军;介万奇;栾丽君等Title:Twins in CdMnTe single crystals grown by Bridgman methodAccession number:20100212634411

90.张鹏;李付国Title:Thermal cycling behavior of aluminum matrix composites reinforced with SiC particlesAccession number:20095312588054

91.张鹏;李付国Title:Statistical analysis

of reinforcement characterization in sic particle reinforced Al matrix compositesAccession number:20095312588316

92.张鹏;李付国Title:Microstructure-based Simulation of Plastic Deformation Behavior of SiC Particle Reinforced Al Matrix CompositesAccession number:20095312587653

93.张霜银;黄卫东等Title:Heat-treated microstructure and mechanical properties of laser solid forming Ti-6Al-4V alloyAccession number:20100112607203

94.张卫国;刘林;赵新宝;黄太文;傅恒志Title:Effect of cooling rates on dendrite spacings of directionally solidified DZ125 alloy under high thermal gradientAccession number:20100112607202

95.张笑宇;李淼泉;罗皎等Title:Deformation behavior in isothermal

compression of the TC11 titanium alloyAccession number:20100812726401

96.张学敏;曾卫东等Title:Effect of hydrogenation on microstructure of TC21 alloyAccession number: 20100412666683

97.赵卫卫;林鑫;刘奋成;赵晓明;黄卫东等Title:Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser solid forming Inconel 718 superalloyAccession number:20100312648792

98.赵歆波;刘林;余竹焕;张卫国;傅恒志Title:Microstructure development of different orientated nickel-base single crystal superalloy in directional solidificationAccession number:20100212621326

99.赵张龙;郭鸿镇;姚泽坤等Title:Superplastic behaviour and microstructure evolution of a fine-grained TA15 titanium


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alloyAccession number:20100112603471

100.郑文景; 周万城;罗发;于新民Title:Preparation and dielectric properties of carbon-coated SiC fibersAccession number:20095312588857

101.钟宏;李双明;刘林;傅恒志Title:Microstructure selection involving nucleation in directionally solidified Nd-Fe-B peritectic alloysAccession number:20095312588046

102.朱满;杨根仓;万迪庆;周尧和等Title:Microstructure and growth morphology of Frank-Kasper phase in rapidly solidified Mg<inf>32</inf>Al<inf>17</inf>Zn<inf>32</inf> ternary alloysAccession number:20100312646601

机电学院(53篇)1.白晶;秦现生;张顺琦等Title:Product configuration design based on module

extensionAccession number:20095312597991

2.曹蕾蕾;赵宁等Title:An RBF-MFS model for analysing thermal behaviour of skin tissuesAccession number:20100412662541

3.曹宜英;秦现生;王炜Title:General Petri net model of product development ProAAccession number:20100512678316

4.陈冰;吉军;李山;吴宝海Title:Single Source of Product Data technology in aero engine design and manufacture collaborationAccession number:20095112564915

5.陈冰;王明微;吉军;张莎莎Title:Master model-driven process and fixture collaborative design for aeroengine blade manufacturingAccession number:20095112564685


Title:Influence on blood flow under deposited plaque size and interval in local curved vesselAccession number:20100312643600

7.陈金亮;何卫平等Title:Research on manufacturing execution system in aerospace manufacturing enterprisesAccession number:20100312645371

8.陈泽峰;莫蓉;孙惠斌等Title:Multi-disciplinary knowledge integration in aero-engine designAccession number:20100712710229

9.程云勇;张定华;卜昆;张顺利Title:Model registration control point set selection for turbine blade shape inspectionAccession number:20095112567435

10.方宗德;沈云波等Title:Tooth surface design and manufacture for arcuate tooth trace face-gearAccession number:20100612694246


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11.古玉锋;方宗德Title:Optimization design model research of double front axle steering mechanisms in dump trucksAccession number:20100112603348

12.谷建功;方宗德;庞辉;王成Title:Modeling and load analysis of spiral bevel gears power split systemAccession number:20095112567301

13.黄魁东;张定华等Title:Noise suppression methods in beam hardening correction for X-ray computed tomographyAccession number:20100212631315

14.蒋小珊;齐乐华;罗俊;曾祥辉Title:Influences of disturbance frequency on the droplet generation for microdroplet deposition manufactureAccession number:20095312585556


Title:Research of key technologies of the CACMOIT model based on neural networkAccession number:20095112564486

16.雷蕾;何卫平等Title:Encoding information identification on direct tool markingAccession number:20100212629295

17.李永龙;邵忍平;薛腾Title:Gear fault diagnosis based on wavelet and neural networkAccession number:20100612694248

18.李志宇;史浩山Title:Exploring load-balancing adaptive clustering algorithm (LBACA) in wireless sensor networks (WSN)Accession number: 20100412666649

19.刘更;佟瑞庭;刘岚;刘天祥Title:Molecular dynamics and finite element coupling method for nanoscale adhesive contact problemsAccession number:2010091274573


20.刘海霞;王三民等Title:Global analysis in different parameter planes of gear systemAccession number:20100312645158

21.刘健;齐乐华;苏力争Title:Prediction of surface damage for Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3sf</inf>/2A12 composites by liquid infiltration-extrusion processAccession number:20100312648843

22.柳振兴;李原;余剑峰;张开富Title:Research and implementation of assistant knowledge management system for aircraft product designAccession number:20095112564868

23.柳振兴;张开富等Title:Knowledge application techniques in assistant knowledge base system for product designAccession number:20100212629687


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Title:Process of continuous membrane micro-deformable mirror based on SOI waferAccession number:20100912741047

25.秦国华;路冬;吴铁军Title:An algorithm of determining fixturing parameters for the complex workpieceAccession number:20100612694311

26.石云飞;张树生;成彬;范海涛等Title:Sequence three-dimensional model construction system driven by process semanticAccession number:20095312597997

27.苏进展;方宗德;曹雪梅Title:NC machine settings transformation for tilt methodAccession number:20095112566882

28.孙刚等Title:A hierarchical collision detection algorithm based on geometrical surface oriented to virtual assembly

Accession number:20095312588797

29.孙惠斌;常智勇Title:An interactive 3D assembly process modelAccession number:20100312636555

30.孙惠斌;常智勇;莫蓉 Title:Monitoring and controlling the complex product assembly executive process via mobile agents and RFID tagsAccession number:20100512679593

31.王成;方宗德Title:Loaded tooth contact analysis of double helical gearsAccession number:20100312647039

32.王刚;张卫红Title:Prediction of diameter error of workpiece in turning process using neural networkAccession number:20100212625957

33.王萑;史仪凯;唐博;耶亚林;等Title:Improving thorax

spiral CT image reconstruction with pre-processing treatmentAccession number: 20100412666647

34.王文东;史仪凯;王欢;尹丽娜Title:Research on biomechanical model of children with pectus excavatumAccession number:20100312643947

35.王佑君;张定华等Title:Simulation of cutting force based on software deformAccession number:20095112564756

36.卫延斌;史仪凯;孙德强等Title:Two finite element analysis methods comparative study on the pectus excavatum reshaping simulationAccession number:20100312645227

37.卫延斌;史仪凯等Title:Simulation of Nuss orthopedic for pectus excavatumAccession number:20100312643782

38.吴勘;陆长德Title:Integrating the


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personas technique into the product configurationAccession number:20100212629237

39.许英杰;张卫红等Title:Stress analysis of multi-phase and multi-layer plain weave composite structure using global/local approachAccession number:20100212618636

40.闫锋欣;侯增选;张定华;康文科;杜微Title:Force feedback rendering with material removal rate in virtual clay modelingAccession number:20095112564800

41.杨建军;方宗德等Title:Rattling response of vibration lapping of spiral bevel gearAccession number:20100212625395

42.叶芳;苑伟政等Title:Using microcontact printing to pattern the proteins on glass surfaceAccession number:20095312589032

43.虞益挺;苑伟政;乔大勇;燕斌 Title:A simple numerical method to study the far-field diffraction of optical MEMS devices with a large array and complex element geometryAccession number:20100712707187

44.张定华;陈云永;卜昆;张顺利Title:Reliable alignment method for blade shape analysis considering its blend and twist deformationAccession number:20100312641138

45.张杰;王润孝等Title:An assembly task scheduling method for aircraft development project based on critical chainAccession number:20100212629682

46.张开富;李原;唐水龙Title:An integrated modeling method of unified tolerance representation for mechanical productAccession number:20100312647572

47.张卫红;高彤等Title:Stiffener layout optimization of thin walled structuresAccession number:20095312587948

48.张卫红;杨俊刚;朱继宏Title:Simultaneous topology and shape optimization of pressure loaded structuresAccession number:20100312641123

49.张卫红;张桥Title:Finite-circle method for component approximation and packing design optimizationAccession number: 20100412653286

50.张延超;陈国定;申晓龙Title:Performance optimization for finger seal based on fuzzy Nash equilibrium gameAccession number:20100612694247

51.张延超;陈国定等Title:Analysis of dynamic performance and leakage for finger sealAccession number:2009531258795


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52.周计明;齐乐华;欧阳海波;李贺军Title:Mechanical properties of Csf/AZ91D composites fabricated by extrusion forming process directly following the vacuum infiltrationAccession number:20100612688067

53.朱继宏等Title:Integrated layout design of supports and structuresAccession number:20100212618616

力学与土木建筑学院(21篇)1.和兴锁;张亚锋;邓峰岩Title:A dynamic modeling method with nonlinear deformation of flexible beam of spacecraft considered more carefullyAccession number: 20100412666640

2.黄金平;任兴民Title:Application of the run-up unbalance response data to the two-plane balancing of flexible rotorAccession number:20100312647053

3.黄益民;刘永寿;李宝辉;李彦江;岳珠峰Title:Natural frequency analysis of fluid conveying pipeline with different boundary conditionsAccession number:20100412666177

4.梁荣娜;闫云聚;袭著有Title:Characteristics of detect index for structural small damage based on wavelet analysis under strong background noiseAccession number:20100212631595

5.刘婷婷;任兴民;杨永锋;郭峰Title:Mechanical vibration signal separation using blind de-convolution technologyAccession number:20100412666957

6.刘永寿;苟兵旺;刘军;岳珠峰 Title:Effect of defects on fatigue life of plates with fastener holesAccession number: 20100512680886

7.刘永寿;邵小军;岳珠峰等Title:Finite element method and experimental investigation on the

residual stress fields and fatigue performance of cold expansion holeAccession number:20095212568357

8.王佰智;于庆民;侯乃先;岳珠峰Title:Contact analysis and optimization design of blade and disc assembly based on mesh deformationAccession number:20100112615661

9.王峰会;赵玉龙 Title:Measuring Residual Stress in bilayer laminate by curvature methodAccession number: 20100812728672

10.王心美;吕震宙;岳珠峰等Title:An experimental study of the superelastic behavior in NiTi shape memory alloys under biaxial proportional and non-proportional cyclic loadingsAccession number:20100612693924

11.温世峰;闫五柱等Title:Prediction of strength using bending test method


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Accession number:20095312593963

12.温世峰;闫五柱等Title:Study of creep parameters of thermal barrier coatings by bending creep testsAccession number:20100312645248

13.吴子燕;杨海峰;闫云聚Title:Research on optimal sensor placement using effective two-step arrangement approachAccession number:20095112564644

14.吴子燕;易文迪;赵宇Title:Structural parameter identification of bridge excited by traffic loadsAccession number:20100412666949

15.徐建刚;任克亮Title:Simulating calculation of structural dynamic characteristics under complex environmentAccession number:20100312645341


Title:Comparison between impression creep and uni-axial tensile creep performed on nickel-based single crystal superalloysAccession number:20100612691830

17.闫五柱;温世峰;刘军;岳珠峰Title:Determination of reduced Young's modulus of thin films using indentation testAccession number:20095312593241

18.杨海峰;吴子燕;闫云聚Title:A study on structural damage detection method based on model updatingAccession number:20100212631468

19.于萍;邓子辰等Title:Mathematical model and numerical simulation for frost heave of airfield subgradeAccession number:20100112602889

20.岳珠峰;吕震宙Title:The influence of crystallographic orientation and strain rate on the high-

temperature low-cyclic fatigue property of a nickel-base single-crystal superalloyAccession number:20095312594050

21.周加喜;邓子辰;刘涛;侯秀慧Title:Optimal design of metallic sandwich tubes with prismatic cores to internal moving shock loadAccession number:20100412658957

动力与能源学院(26篇)1.Hia, Jun Jia;吴虎等Title:Numerical simulation of three-dimensional steady and unsteady flow around bladesAccession number:20100312645222

2.郭迎清;袁小川;陆军Title: Calculation of certain important parameters in the simulation of hydromechanical systemAccession number: 20100412667178

3.贺旭照;乐嘉陵;宋文艳Title:PNS-NS combined method for solving two-dimensional powered


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airbreathing hypersonic vehicle's flowfieldAccession number:20100212625142

4.贺旭照;倪鸿礼;周正;乐嘉陵;宋文艳Title:3D afterbody nozzle optimization of air-breathing hypersonic vehicleAccession number:20100312648677

5.黄红超;王占学;蔡元虎Title:Analysis of mode transition with thrust smoothing of small turbine/ramjet combined cycle engineAccession number:20100212625144

6.蒋劲;乐嘉陵等Title:Steady thermal analysis of regeneratively cooled scramjetAccession number:20100212625128

7.李牧;严传俊Title:Hot jet initiation of detonation in serial detonation chambersAccession number:20100412666903


Title:Ignition method for liquid-fueled pulse detonation engineAccession number:20100312648681

9.梁红侠等Title:Experimental investigation of flow and heat transfer in a primary surface recuperatorAccession number:20095312588717

10.刘波;项效镕;南向谊;陈云永Title:Experimental investigation for suppression boundary layer separation on cascade surface by BLSAccession number:20100312648680

11.刘存良;朱惠人等Title:Film cooling characteristics of converging-expanding hole with equal exit-entry areaAccession number:20100312648673

12.刘乃瑞;田小丽等Title:A simple method for measuring methanol content in gas field wastewaterAccession


13.卢家玲;楚武利;吴艳辉Title:Numerically simulating effect of location of slot of axial-and-skewed slot casing treatment on extending the fan stage stable operating rangeAccession number:20100412666653

14.陆山;陈倩;陈军Title:Method of predicted fatigue life of aero-engine's principal shaftAccession number:20100612694233

15.罗华玲;乔渭阳;许开富Title:Aerodynamic performance of a highly-loaded low-pressure turbine profileAccession number:20100212625138

16.苏三买;蔡元虎等Title:Microturbo engine development and key technology analysisAccession number:20095112567267

17.孙祥逢;陈玉春;胡福Title:Research on selection of


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measurement parameters of engine fault diagnosis based on primary factor modelAccession number:20100612694230

18.王红瑾;秦卫阳等Title:Response of two-disk rotor with squeeze film dampers and its variation with parametersAccession number:20095112567288

19.王征;吴虎等Title:Vibration characteristic FEM analysis of high aspect ratio fan bladesAccession number:20100312647270

20.王治武;严传俊;郑龙席;范玮Title: Experimental study of ignition and detonation initiation in two-phase valveless pulse detonation enginesAccession number: 20100412664031

21.吴虎;孙娜Title:Method of optimization of a stator vane setting in multistage axial-flow compressors

Accession number:20095112567290

22.武渊;李强;褚崴 Title: Numerical investigation of the unsteady behaviour of tip clearance flow and its possible link to stall inceptionAccession number: 20100812729502

23.项效镕;王庆伟;陈云永等Title:Flow characteristics of stator wake in small axial compressorAccession number:20095312587936

24.严宇;范玮;严传俊;李建玲;秦红强Title: Experimental investigation of the pulse detonation rocket engines with variable cross-sectionAccession number: 20100412666887

25.杨通海;朱惠人;张丽;许都纯Title:Local heat transfer measurements in narrow impingement channel by transient liquid crystal techniqueAccession number:20095312587934

26.张丽;朱惠人;刘松林Title:Numerical simulation on flow and heat transfer in rotating channel with small spacing pin-fin arraysAccession number:20095112567279

电子信息学院(38篇)1.Guo, Rong;谢松云;程西娜;赵海涛Title:Combined SVM and PCA to recognize the brain function from fMRI imagesAccession number:20095312596605

2.Liu, Wei-Hua;何明一Title:Image denoising based on local-adaptive Gaussian scale mixture modelAccession number:20100312648695

3.蔡胜兵;段哲民等Title:Comparison of different virtual MIMO detection schemes for 3GPP LTEAccession number:20100112610801

4.陈海洋;高晓光Title:Forwards-backwards information repairing algorithm and appliance on discrete


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dynamic Bayesian networksAccession number:20100212625953

5.陈海洋;高晓光 Title: Ship recognition based on improved forwards-backwards algorithmAccession number: 20100712715479

6.陈世浩等Title:Interactive GPU-based volume rendering for medical imageAccession number:20100312643686

7.丁君;刘洋;郭陈江Title:Arbitrary shape of prism invisibility cloakAccession number:20100212622617

8.董建园;郝重阳Title:3D fast level set image segmentation based on Chan-Vese modelAccession number:20095312596227

9.端军红;高晓光Title: A new and effective method for evaluating pregnable area of kinetic kill vehicle(KKV) for

successful head-on interception of high-speed targetAccession number: 20100412666652

10.郭凤娟;张安;张耀中;曹璐;何敏Title:Numerically simulating survivability of high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aerial vehicle (URAV)Accession number:20100412666650

11.韩璐;景占荣等Title:Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter based on Genetic Algorithm for tightly-coupled integrated inertial and GPS navigationAccession number:20095112564458

12.黄爱萍;樊养余;李伟;王凤琴等 Title: Analysis of error performance for Turbo coded pulse position width modulationAccession number: 20100712709755

13.黄连兵;樊养余;李连东等Title:A new expression database and facial animationAccession number:2010021263147


14.李波;周虎;陈轶等 Title: Performance analysis of an efficient MAC protocol with multiple-step distributed in-band channel reservationAccession number: 20100812725023

15.李卫斌;何明一等Title:A heterogeneity-based ship detection algorithm for SAR imageryAccession number:20100312634601

16.李晓波;樊养余等Title:A variable step-size LMS adaptive filtering algorithmAccession number:20100112610390

17. 李 旭 ; 何 明 一 ; Roux, Michel;保国Title:A new algorithm for fusing very high resolution remote sensing imagesAccession number:20100112617633

18.刘元魁;樊养才等Title:Maneuvering target tracking in the case of wakesAccession


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19.毛力;樊养才;吕国云等Title:Adaptive color image watermarking algorithm based on fractal and neural networksAccession number:20100212631425

20.孟波波;高晓光;王云辉Title:Multi-mission path re-planning for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles based on unexpected eventsAccession number:20100212626002

21.孟涛;史浩山等Title:Dynamic management of key for secure multicast in sensor networkAccession number:20100512678728

22.庞宝茂;史浩山Title:Research on improved algorithm for Chinese word segmentation based on Markov chainAccession number:20100312642678

23.彭星光;高晓光Title:A hybrid multi-

objective optimal approach to multiple UCAVs coordinated planningAccession number:20100212626158

24.齐华;朱婷婷;刘若辰Title:The research of optimization algorithm in the sonar emergency systemAccession number:20100112610224

25.孙伟;史浩山Title:An effective real-time error concealment scheme for video codecAccession number:20095112564821

26.汤志荔;张安 Title: A method of knowledge acquisition for threat assessment based on decision logic languageAccession number: 20100712715522

27.万帅;魏政等Title:Pendant drop method for interfacial tension measurement based on edge detectionAccession number:20100212631150

28.王建平;史浩山Title:A secure DSR protocol based on the request sequence-numberAccession number:20100112609911

29.王立波;王永生;王宇;胡锦涛Title:Reducing MIMO-OFDM PAPR further with subblock space time permutation (SSTP)Accession number:20100412666651

30.王燕妮;樊养余Title:Adaptive motion segmentation based on genetic algorithmAccession number:20100212631689

31.谢松云;谢玉斌;王鹏伟等Title: An improved algorithm of image edge detection based on GM(1, 1) modelAccession number: 20100412666648

32.杨柯;许家栋Title:Adaptive cooperation scheme using fairness selection relayAccession number:20100112611061


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33.杨珂;许家栋Title:Improved hybrid ARQ scheme using adaptive modulation in cooperative relay networksAccession number:20100412657435

34.尹熙鹏;樊养余;段哲民等Title:Application of self-adaptive wavelet neural networks in ultrasonic detectingAccession number:20095312590019

35.赵平等Title:The research of location algorithm model based on fuzzy identification with stratified synchronization and cooperative differenceAccession number:20100212630920

36.郑俊;张安;王云辉Title:Coordination method of air combat behavior based on Multi-AgentAccession number:20095112566930

37.郑奎松;许家栋等 Title: Uniaxial PML absorbing boundary condition for truncating

the boundary of DNG metamaterialsAccession number: 20100812731297

38.左晓亚;王永胜等Title:Time domain spreading and frequency domain maximal ratio combining reception for frequency diversity enhancement in single carrier UWB communication systemsAccession number:20100312642355

自动化学院(52篇)1.Li, Zhaohui;王冰等Title:Infrared target detection based on wavelet multi scale and maximum likelihoodAccession number:20100312641034

2.常威威;郭雷;刘坤;付朝阳Title:Denoising of hyperspectral data based on contourlet transform and principal component analysisAccession number:20100112617634

3.陈建忠;史忠科等Title:Numerical simulation of a multi-class LWR traffic flow model

Accession number:20095112564778

4.陈建忠;史忠科等Title:A relaxation scheme for a multi-class Lighthill-Whitham-Richards traffic flow modelAccession number:20100512682520

5.陈亮;郭雷;杜亚勤等Title:Multi-level image thresholding based on histogram votingAccession number:20100212631074

6.陈伟;张绍武;程咏梅Title:Prediction of protein-protein interaction types using the decision templatesAccession number:20100312635802

7.陈旿;孙凯将;张力;肖鑫Title:Designing and implementing self-organized unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Ad hoc networkAccession number:20100412666654

8.程咏梅;吴燕茹; 杨丽华;赵春晖;张绍武Title:Natural object


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recognition using the combination of Gaussian model and region growingAccession number:20100212631200

9.程咏梅;周问天;赵春晖;张绍武等Title:Multi-camera-based object handoff using decision-level fusionAccession number:20100212631646

10.高社生;焦雅林等Title:Error-resistant adaptive filtering for INS/SAR integrated navigation systemAccession number:20100212630959

11.胡振涛;潘泉;等程咏梅Title:Residual likelihood ratio test for fault diagnosis based on cost reference particle filterAccession number:20100312648739

12.胡振涛;潘泉;杨峰;程咏梅Title:An improved particle filtering algorithm based on observation inversion optimal samplingAccession number:2010011261527


13.柯吉;李爱军;王长青等Title:Lateral Directional Axis Control of aircraft based on TECSAccession number:20100212631704

14.李爱军;徐丽娜;孟文杰;王长青Title:Eigenvalue assignment method based on standard characteristic polynomialAccession number:20095112564855

15.李刚;邢书宝;薛惠锋Title:Improved chain-block algorithm to RVM on large scale problemsAccession number:20095212581322

16.李广文;贾秋玲;史静平Title:The optimization of flight control system based on an improved evolutionary strategy and referenced modelAccession number:20095112564398

17.李广文;贾秋玲;史静平Title:The identification of unmanned helicopter based on improved evolutionary strategy

Accession number:20095112564532

18.李翰山等Title:The study and design of anti-light interference in PDTAccession number:20095112564983

19.李威;李明明等Title:Information security routing protocol in the WSNAccession number:20100312642851

20.李威;薛惠峰等Title:Environment carrying capacity evalution in Shaanxi ProvinceAccession number:20100212630633

21.李玮;杨恒等Title:The hardware and software design of LCD display of intelligent analysis instrument based on S3C2410 processorAccession number:20095312599703

22.李艳玲等Title:Threshold determining method for feature selection


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Accession number:20100312642226

23.连玮;张磊;梁彦;潘泉Title:A quadratic programming based cluster correspondence projection algorithm for fast point matchingAccession number:20100612690949

24.梁彦; Chen, Tongwen;潘泉Title:Multi-rate stochastic H<inf>&infin;</inf> filtering for networked multi-sensor fusionAccession number:20100312640136

25.刘卫国;骆光照;赵南南;窦满峰Title:Design and HIL simulation of proportional compression salient-pole permanent magnet synchronous motor for electrical traction vehicleAccession number:20095212576175

26.刘准钆;程咏梅;潘泉;苗壮 Title:Combination of weighted belief functions based on evidence distance and

conflicting beliefAccession number:20100812730917

27.骆光照;窦满峰邓Title:Research on braking of battery-supplied interior permanent magnet motor driving systemAccession number:20095212576263

28.马俊;戴冠中;周菁Title:Anomalous payload detection system using analysis of frequent sequential patternAccession number:20100312642565

29.苗晓锋;慕德俊;韩兴文;张德刚Title:A hybrid differential evolution for numerical optimizationAccession number:20100312643880

30.宁宁;高向阳;薛晶等Title:Formal verification of SDG via Symbolic Model CheckingAccession number:20095112564937


张绍武Title:Conflict-redistribution DSmT and new methods dealing with conflict among evidencesAccession number:20095312598080

32.屈耀红;陈丽莎;仇江 Title:Application of non-cancellation decoupling in boom refueling controlAccession number: 20100912743387

33.宋群;张骏;邓正宏Title:A better intrusion detection algorithm based on classification of skewed-data streamsAccession number: 20100412666655

34.宋受俊;刘卫国等Title:Detailed power converter design for a 30kW switched reluctance starter/generator used in aircraftAccession number:20100112603809

35.孙勇;章卫国;章萌;李丹Title:Design of neural network gain scheduling flight control law using a modified PSO algorithm based on immune clone principle


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Accession number:20095112564520

36.唐忠林;杨建华等Title:Towards the development of a portable smell-seeing electronic nose and its applications in amine recognitionAccession number:20100212631534

37.王莹;郭雷等Title:Using a new search strategy to improve the performance of N-FINDR algorithm for end-member determinationAccession number:20100212630927

38.毋建宏;张洪才Title:Data fusion algorithm design of GPS/IMU based on fuzzy adaptive federated Kalman filterAccession number:20100212630944

39.夏家和;秦永元;赵长山Title:Study on measurement vector matching based transfer alignment methodAccession number:2010031264872


40.薛晶等Title:Scattering of a special class of isorefractive spherical objects with spherical anisotropyAccession number:20100112616283

41.杨东升;慕德俊;戴冠中Title:Kinetic simulation of the characteristics of airborne infrared flaresAccession number: 20100412666641

42.杨芳;袁朝辉;张伟 Title:Robust adaptive PID control for electromechanical systemAccession number: 20100912742860

43.袁朝辉;王怿 Title:A design of airplane's integrated ground directional system with fuzzy controlAccession number:20100712709629

44.张慧翔;戴冠中;姚磊;周海瑞Title:Simulation study of VCP fairness algorithm and its improvementAccession


45.张泾周;周钊Title:Fusion algorithm of functional images and anatomical images based on wavelet transformAccession number:20100312643682

46.张泾周;周钊;滕炯华;戴冠中;苗治平Title:Research on detecting method of multifocal electroretinal signalAccession number:20100312643744

47.张先武;郭雷Title:Face recognition based on sub-pattern two-directional 2DPCAAccession number:20095312588452

48.赵军;刘卫国;谭博Title:On signal denoising using quasi real-time wavelet algorithm in PMSM traction systemAccession number:20100312640815

49.赵永强;卫沛锋Title:Epithelial tissue abnormity analysis


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based on single backscattering polarimetric spectrumAccession number:20100312649046

50.仲维昆;李中健 Title:Optimal multirate flight control design in multirate sampled-data control systemAccession number: 20100912743090

51.周菁;戴冠中等Title:Swarm intelligence: Ant-based Robot Path PlanningAccession number:20100312642665

52.周致纳;史忠科;李迎峰Title:Pedestrian's decision model with non-complying colonyAccession number:20100312641184

计算机学院(47篇)1.Jiangang, Wang;高德远Title:Improved morphological TOP-HAT filter optimized with genetic algorithmAccession number:20100212631395

2.安喜锋Title:A method for detecting software

security vulnerability based on similar characteristicsAccession number: 20100412666661

3.陈峰;李伟华等Title:Research on integration of safety analysis in model-driven software developmentAccession number:20100312642785

4.杜君;李伟华Title:A security routing optimization scheme for multi-hop wireless networksAccession number:20100612696166

5.段琪;蔡皖东Title:BC-EM: A link loss inference algorithm for wireless sensor networkAccession number:20100112610874

6.郭哲;张艳宁;夏勇;林增刚;等Title:Invariant descriptor for multi-view 3D facial surfaceAccession number: 20100412656523

7.何周灿;王庆;杨恒Title:TOCSAC: TOpology Constraint SAmple Consensus for fast and

reliable feature correspondenceAccession number:20095312583009

8.蒋泽军;张英;王丽芳;方智毅Title:A new security authentification mechanism for reprogramming wireless sensor networks(WSNs)Accession number: 20100412666657

9.李慧贤;王曼等Title:Key binding based on biometric shielding functionsAccession number:20100312642536

10.李文彬;史豪斌;李伟华Title:A novel intrusion detection system for e-commerce systemAccession number:20095212581345

11.李志刚;李士宁;周兴社Title:PFMA: Policy-based feedback management architecture for wireless sensor networksAccession number:20100112610547



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Title:Energy-efficient task allocation for data fusion in wireless sensor networksAccession number:20095312595071

13.李志刚;周兴社;李士宁;马峻岩Title:An energy-efficient task assignment algorithm of wireless sensor networkAccession number:20100312648488

14.梁克;周兴社;盛瑞卿;张凯龙Title:An effective scheduling algorithm for distributed real-time embedded (DRE) systemAccession number: 20100412666663

15.梁克;周兴社;盛瑞卿;张凯龙Title:Adaptive resource management architecture for distributed real-time embedded systemsAccession number:20100112605564

16.刘君瑞;陈颖图;樊晓桠;康继昌Title:A high-speed fibre channel switch based on token frequency

reductionAccession number: 20100412666659

17.刘君瑞;樊哓桠等Title:The research of a Method of Reducing the Token's Frequency in the high-speed fiber switch networkAccession number:20095312599875

18.刘尊;王涛;李伟华Title:An integrity control model for operating systemAccession number:20100212629795

19.马捷中;郭阳明;曾宪炼;何世强Title:Exploring good cache architectureAccession number: 20100412666656

20.马苗;鹿艳晶;张艳宁;何雪莉 Title:Fast SAR image segmentation method based on the two-dimensional grey entropy modelAccession number:20100112617875

21.潘慧贤等Title:A novel biometric-based authentication scheme with privacy

protectionAccession number:20100312642779

22.潘炜;李伟华Title:A penetration testing method for e-Commerce authentication system securityAccession number:20095212581347

23.齐勇;李伟华等Title:A classification with random SPI: Better models in uncertain environmentAccession number:20095212581317

24.卿玉长;周万城等Title:Dielectric properties of carbon black and carbonyl iron filled epoxy-silicone resin coatingAccession number:20100712719446

25.任超;李占怀等Title:Delay and energy efficiency tradeoffs for data collections and aggregation in large scale wireless sensor networksAccession number:20100312646743


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26.尚学群;李战怀;李威Title:Mining functional associated patterns from biological network dataAccession number:20100112605645

27.施建宇;张艳宁Title:Using singular value decomposition and discrete Fourier transform to characterize protein structure and build fast fold recognitionAccession number:20095312597772

28.史豪斌;李文彬;于竹君等Title:Application of particle swarm optimization based on clustering analysis in logistics distributionAccession number:20095212581255

29.史豪斌;覃杨森;娄云峰;王闯Title:Offensive formation strategy and control algorithm in SimuRoSot (simulation of soccer robot)Accession number: 20100412666660

30.王庚;周兴社;董云卫等Title:Studying on AADL-

based architecture abstraction of embedded softwareAccession number:20095312585657

31.王凯博;周兴社;周珊丹等Title:Simplify stochastic QoS admission test for composite services through lower bound approximationAccession number:20100312642458

32.王淼;尚学群;谢玓;李战怀Title:Mining frequent dense subgraphs based on extending vertices from unbalanced PPI networksAccession number:20095312597109

33.王淼;尚学群;赵倩;李战怀Title:Strong association rules mining without using frequent items for microarray analysisAccession number:20095312597473

34.王宇英;周兴社;董云卫;李长德Title:A MDA-based approach for general embedded software simulation platformAccession number:2009531258565


35.吴伟;樊晓桠等Title:A low-power 3.1-5GHz ultra-wideband low noise amplifier utilizing miller effectAccession number:20095112565065

36.徐海霞;田铮;丁明涛等 Title:Multiscale spectral clustering using random walk based similarity measureAccession number: 20100712709030

37.徐娟;李战怀;娄颖Title:BiLCLP: Storage efficient prefix labeling schemeAccession number:20095312599737

38.杨恒等Title:Grouping and summarizing scene images from web collectionsAccession number:20095312582985

39.尤涛;杜承烈;王小伟;郑炜Title:A new component-based real-time system based on timed high-order(THO) &pi; calculusAccession number:2010041266666


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40.尤涛;杜承烈;朱怡安 Title:Strategy of object synchronization for dis based on RT-TCP/IPAccession number: 20100912742785

41.於志文;周兴社Title:Combining vector space model and category hierarchy model for TV content similarity measureAccession number:20095312599561

42.於志文;周兴社;舒磊 Title:Towards a semantic infrastructure for context-aware e-learningAccession number: 20100812725888

43.张海超;张艳宁Title:Robust multiframe blind image deblurringAccession number:20100212631570

44.张宇;蒋泽军;周兴社;方智毅;王丽芳Title:A new ADV-hash approach supporting secure and DoS-resistant network reprogramming in wireless sensor networks(WSNs)Accession number:


45.张羽;周兴社等Title:Insider DoS attacks on epidemic propagation strategies of network reprogramming in wireless sensor networksAccession number:20100312642762

46.赵煜;蔡皖东;樊娜等Title:Research of text segmentation based on parallel genetic algorithmAccession number:20100112617887

47.郑然;魏廷存;王佳;高德远Title:An area-saving and high power efficiency charge pump built in a TFT-LCD driver ICAccession number:20100612695094

理学院(50篇)1.毕辉;寇开昌等Title:Effect of graphitization on the kinetics and mechanism of thermal oxidation of carbon microcoilsAccession number:20100312641598

2.曹先胜;陈长乐Title:Raman spectra of La<inf>0.5</inf>Ca<inf>0.5</inf>MnO<inf>3</inf>Accession number:20095212579782

3.陈钊;温晓莉;陈长乐Title:Fluid flow and microstructure formation in a rotating magnetic field during the directional solidification processAccession number:20100412660790

4.邓娟利;苏克和;成来飞;徐永东;张立同Title:Thermodynamics of the production of condensed phases in the CVD of methyltrichlorosilane pyrolysisAccession number:20100212628562

5.丁明涛;田铮;徐海霞Title:Adaptive kernel principal component analysisAccession number:20100512676649

6.丁明涛;田铮;徐海霞Title:Adaptive kernel principal analysis for online feature


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extractionAccession number:20100612698098

7.董小娟Title:The correlation between stochastic resonance and the average phase-synchronization time of a bistable system driven by colour-correlated noisesAccession number:20100612693523

8.段刘刚;吕全义;聂玉峰Title:A preconditioned two stage iterative parallel algorithm for block-tridiagonal linear equationsAccession number:20100312647094

9.甘雪涛;张鹏;刘圣;赵建林等Title:Stabilization and breakup of optical vortices in presence of hybrid nonlinearityAccession number:20095212572205

10.甘雪涛;赵建林;刘圣;方亮Title:Generation and motion control of optical multi-vortexAccession number: 20100312649206

11.高亮;徐伟等Title:Travelling wave solutions to Zufiria's higher-order Boussinesq type equationsAccession number:20095212574363

12.古彬;杨德兴;何东升;郭帅;杨志春;方志强Title:Adaptive correction method of inhomogeneous light intensity for digital speckle interferometry by subtractionAccession number:20100212624453

13.管萍;胡小玲;赵亚梅Title:Influences of preparative conditions on properties of erythromycin- molecularly imprinted membraneAccession number:20100612688088

14.韩晓明;杨德兴;赵建林;侯建平等Title:Thermal effect in high-power Yb<sup>3+</sup>-doped photonic crystal fiber lasersAccession number:20095112566694

15.洪振宇;解文军;魏炳波Title:Interaction of acoustic levitation field with liquid reflecting surfaceAccession number:20100512683744

16.黄韵;马晓燕;梁国正等 Title:Gel polymer electrolyte based on the synthesized co-polymer of poly(methyl methacrylate-maleic anhydride)Accession number: 20100912734948

17.姜宏振;赵建林;邸江磊等Title:Reconstruction of synthetic aperture digital lensless Fourier transform hologram by use of the screen-division methodAccession number:20100312641017

18.姜亚军;杨德兴;汤大卿;杨建林Title:Sensitivity enhancement of fiber loop cavity ring-down pressure sensorAccession number:20100112615683

19.冷成财;田铮;李婧;丁明涛Title:Image registration based on matrix perturbation analysis


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using spectral graphAccession number:20095112566667

20.李春华;齐暑华;张冬娜 Title:Thermal degradation of environmentally friendly phenolic resin/Al <inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> hybrid compositeAccession number: 20100512680576

21.李东;赵建林;彭涛;蔡朝斌Title:Theoretical analysis of the image with a local intensity minimum during hot image formation in high-power laser systemsAccession number:20100112615706

22.廖原;齐暑华;王东红等Title:Synthesis and electromagnetic properties of polyaniline nanofibers using polyglycol as 'soft' template in the aqueous ethanolAccession number:20100312638576

23.廖原;齐暑华等Title:Improving the aging properties of silicone-acrylate

copolymers nanocomposites for encapsulation of outdoor exposed stone substratesAccession number:20095212573182

24.刘莹;聂玉峰Title:Node placement method with bubble simulation and parallelismAccession number:20095212572455

25.刘莹;聂玉峰Title:Node placement method with bubble simulation and parallelismAccession number:20095212572455

26.吕勇军;解文军;魏炳波Title:Multiple-lobed bifurcation of rotating liquid drops levitated by ultrasoundAccession number:20100512683753

27.倪菲;徐伟;岳晓乐等Title:Stochastic period-doubling bifurcation analysis of a R&#246;ssler system with a bounded random parameterAccession


28.聂玉峰;刘莹等 Title:Fast searching algorithm for candidate satellite-node set in NLMGAccession number: 20100712702491

29.彭涛;赵建林;李东;叶知隽;蔡朝斌Title:Theoretical analysis on the hot-image evolution in the case of thick nonlinear medium with gain and lossAccession number:20100112611539

30.任驹;赵建林Title:Measurement of surface bidirectional reflectance distribution based on optical fiber array in hemispheric spaceAccession number:20095112566729

31.孙九立;张秋禹;顾军渭;张军平;艾秋实 Title:Preparation and characterization of polyimide-silica hybrid thin filmsAccession number: 20100712712679


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Title:Amphiphilic hyperbranched polymers containing two types of &beta;-Cyclodextrin segments: Synthesis and propertiesAccession number:20100212634221

33.万洵; 赵建林Title:A novel design of the sensor head for avoiding the influence of the reflection phase shift in optical current transducerAccession number:20095312593325

34.王美蓉;赵建林;刘圣;万洵;张鹏等Title:Optical current sensor immune to reflection phase shift based on graded-index magneto-optical glassAccession number:20100112615682

35.王伟丽;张晓妹;秦海燕;魏炳波Title:Macroscopic phase separation and primary FeSi compound growth within undercooled ternary Fe-Sn-Si monotectic alloyAccession number:20100412667635

36.王毅霏;马晓燕;张启路;田娜Title:Synthesis and properties of gel polymer electrolyte membranes based on novel comb-like methyl methacrylate copolymersAccession number:20100412662829

37.王永忠Title:Local H&#246;lder continuity of nonnegative weak solutions of degenerate parabolic equationsAccession number:20100512675554

38.王志兵;赵建林等Title:Self-mixing interference of non-alignment cavity He-Ne laserAccession number:20095112566698

39.吴新明;齐暑华;贺捷;段国晨Title:High conductivity and low percolation threshold in polyaniline/graphite nanosheets compositesAccession number:20100112608866

40.吴新明;齐暑华等Title:Processing conditions and mechanical property of long glass fiber reinforced injection-moulded PEEK compositesAccession number:20095312588818

41.延伟东;田铮;冷成财;潘璐璐 Title:Point pattern matching with locality preserving descriptorsAccession number: 20100712709094

42.闫晓博;赵建林;邸江磊;姜宏振等Title:Phase correction and resolution improvement of digital holographic image in numerical reconstruction with angular multiplexingAccession number:20100312648761

43.于进洋;胡小玲;焦翠翠;赵亚梅;杨卫卫Title:Synthesis and properties of molecularly imprinted composite membranes of roxithromycinAccession number:20100612688168


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44.臧渡洋;魏炳波等 Title:Shearing particle monolayersAccession number: 20100712719575

45.张利学;陈长乐;罗炳成Title:Light-emitting properties of alkali metal-doped ZnO thin filmsAccession number: 20100412667086

46.张悦周;张广成;赵玺浩等Title:Studies on thermal cycloimidization processes of poly(ester-amine salt)s precursorAccession number:20100112617510

47.赵亚梅;胡小玲;于进洋;管萍Title:Preparation of polysulfone membranes using ionic liquid [C <inf>16</inf>mim][SCN] as a pore-former and plasticizerAccession number:20100612688167

48.赵亚梅;胡小玲;张秋禹;管萍 Title:Crystal structure and aggregation behavior in water of ionic liquid 1-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium BromideAccession number:


49.周欣;刘亚红;赵晓鹏 Title:Low losses left-handed materials with optimized electric and magnetic resonanceAccession number: 20100812721899

50.朱卫仁;赵晓鹏Title:Metamaterial absorber with dendritic cells at infrared frequenciesAccession number:20100312638033

管理学院(17篇)1.车阿大;晏鹏宇;杨乃定等Title:Optimal cyclic scheduling of a hoist and multi-type parts with fixed processing timesAccession number:20100412658706

2.方炜;欧立雄等Title:The influence of enterprise senior management to NPD projects: An empirical studyAccession number:20100212630342

3.郭鹏;于明洁;朱煜明Title:Research on stakeholder-based brownfield

redevelopment project integrated evaluation system: From the perspective of ecologyAccession number:20100212630796

4.郭鹏;赵静;朱煜明Title:Research on driving-forces of industrial cluster formation from the perspective of population competition and interdependenceAccession number: 20100412664318

5.惠怀海;梁工谦等Title:The new vigorous economic model of china - study of outsourcingAccession number:20100212629370

6.卢莉;王京芳Title:Research of the human capital value under Co-GovernanceAccession number:20095312582708

7.马飞;同淑荣等Title:Reuse-oriented information model of product design process moduleAccession number:20100212629731


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8.潘杰义Title:Analysis and assessment of collaboration and innovation risks based on risk matrixAccession number:20100212630155

9.王芳镜;夏维力;姜继娇等Title:Study on flexibility measuring of the financial strategy under dynamic environmentAccession number:20095312582711

10.王娟茹;杨瑾Title:Evaluation on the independent innovation capability of equipment manufacturing enterprisesAccession number:20100212630028

11.王克勤等Title:Application of QFD in enterprise requirements-oriented quality management of higher educationAccession number:20100212629918

12.王颖晖Title:Knowledge-intensive service business model

research from innovative perspectiveAccession number:20100212629443

13.张婧文;单绘芳Title:Multi-mode double resource-constrained time/cost trade-offs project scheduling problemsAccession number:20100212629809

14. 张 树 娟 ; Pauline, StandonTitle:Sale team evaluation and improvement in marketing companyAccession number:20100212630581

15.朱煜明;郭鹏等Title:Establishment of the index system for evaluation of brownfield redevelopment projects in ChinaAccession number: 20100412664574

16.朱煜明;郭鹏等Title:Factor analysis based buildup of index system for evaluation of brownfield redevelopment projectAccession number:20100212629185

17.祝建辉Title:An economic analysis of intellectual property damagesAccession number:20100212629683

软件与微电子学院(4篇)1.聂烜;吴成富;陈怀民Title:Advanced power calibration for random access in the IEEE 802.16 systemAccession number: 20100412655641

2.武君胜等Title:The research of radiotherapy treatment planning system based on CT imageAccession number:20095312597688

3.张涛;王海鹏;邓磊;马春燕Title:Improving reliability of reputation model for open semantic web services with virtual-community conceptAccession number: 20100412666662

4.张云鹏;翟正军;刘威;聂烜等Title:Digital image encryption algorithm based on chaos and improved DESAccession number: 20100412664932


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生命科学院(3篇)1.郭云珠;尹大川;鹿芹芹;王玺凯;刘军 Title:Enhancement of nucleation during hanging drop protein crystallization using HF Treatment of cover glassesAccession number: 20100812722931

2.卢婷利 Title:Synthesis and properties of non-functional cubic silsesquioxane macromonomersAccession number: 20100712718265

3.卢婷利;胡惠静;赵雯等 Title:RP-HPLC analysis of hydrophobic alendronate amidated

derivativesAccession number: 20100712710799

国防研究院(1篇)1.姚磊江;程起有等Title:Low velocity impact damage evaluation of 2D C/SiC composite materialAccession number:20100312638817

2010年第一季度 CPCI-S网络版收录各学院论文名录

由于版面有限,每篇论文按如下信息项编制:(1)作者中文姓名;(2)TI论文题目;(3)UT ISI: CPCI-S中论文唯一编号

航空学院(10篇)1. 侯 兵 ; Ono, A.; Abdennadher, S.; Li, Y. L.; Pattofatto, S.; Zhao, H.TI Out-of-plane behavior of honeycombs under dynamic combined compressive and shear loadingUT ISI:000273127300058

2.惠增宏;Lv PengtaoTI The Development of Wind Velocity Control System based on PSD Neural

UT ISI:000273183200195

3.邱菊;孙秦TI Research of Aerodynamic Load of Horizontal TailUT ISI:000273183200290

4.邱菊;孙秦TI Optimization Design of the Supporting Stiffness of T-tailUT ISI:000273548200064

5.宋东;贺丽TI Framework

Techniques and its Application in Developing Testing SoftwareUT ISI:000273183201406

6.宋东;胡琼;王传清TI A Method for Optimum Test Point Selection and Fault Diagnosis Strategy for BIT of Avionic SystemUT ISI:000273389100019

7.宋东等TI An End-to-end Delay Calculation Method for


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Airworthiness Verification on Real-time AFDX Priority NetworkUT ISI:000274231400058

8.袁文铎;宋东TI Modeling and Simulation of Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance SystemUT ISI:000273183201124

9.张伟伟;叶正寅;张陈安TI Aeroservoelastic Analysis for Transonic Missile Based on ComputationalUT ISI:000272722300038

10.周勇;李声晋;方宗德;周奇勋TI Control Strategy for ABS of EV with Independently Controlled FourUT ISI:000273183201096

航海学院(32篇)1.He Lin;孙超TI Experiment Studies on Equalization for Coherent Underwater AcousticUT ISI:000273183201369

2.Yang, Changsbeng; 梁红TI Time-Scale Analysis

of Wideband HFM Signal and Application on MovingUT ISI:000273183201384

3.陈晟;林关成TI Improvements on PLZT Cymbal HydrophoneUT ISI:000273183201257

4.褚福照;黄建国;蒋敏;张群飞;马天TI Detecting the Number of Sources Using Modified EITUT ISI:000273183200108

5.杜金香;冯西安;王惠刚TI New Cumulant Matrices for DOA EstimationUT ISI:000273183201199

6.高博;徐德民;张福斌TI Constructing Complete Graph and Implement of TSP in the Multi-objectsUT ISI:000273183201170

7.高剑;赵宁宁;严卫生;徐德民;张立川TI Simulation Environment for the Design and Test of the DistributedUT ISI:000273183201233

8.韩鹏;张效民;侯铁双;相敬林TI Design for Underwater Platform's Attitude Data Acquisition System BasedUT ISI:000273183201374

9.韩维;黄建国;蒋敏TI Performance Analysis of Underwater Digital Speech Communication SystemUT ISI:000273183200109

10.何轲;张效民;韩鹏TI Performance Analysis of MUSIC for A Nonplane Quaternion ArrayUT ISI:000273183201321

11.蒋敏;黄建国;韩维;褚福照TI Research on Target DOA Estimation Method Using MIMO SonarUT ISI:000273183200387

12.梁红;李小偎等TI Adaptive Frequency Estimation with Low Sampling Rates Based on RobustUT ISI:000273183201201

13.林海;严卫生;李宏TI Fuzzy and PNN-based Direct Torque Control


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for Permanent MagnetUT ISI:000273183200311

14.林海;严卫生;李宏;闫伟TI Model Reference Adaptive Backstepping Based Direct Torque Control of PMUT ISI:000273183200225

15.卢颖;康风举; 钟联炯等TI A Self-Similar Traffic Generation Method and Application in the Simulation of Mobile Ad-hoc NetworkUT ISI:000274016800057

16.马令坤;黄建国;谢达TI Aliasing-Free Criticalsampled Filter Banks Design Based on FrequencyUT ISI:000273183201018

17.马天;黄建国;雷开卓;褚福照;陈建峰;张群飞TI Focusing Quality Study on Acoustic Field of Electrohydraulic Shock WaveUT ISI:000273183200107

18.牛奕龙;孙进才;王毅TI 2-D Direction Finding Based on Signal Phase Matching Principle Using anUT


19.钱琛;杨益新TI Array Gain for a Circular Array Mounted on a SphereUT ISI:000273183200110

20.石守东;徐德民等TI Fast Information Matrix Process of SEIF Based on Tri-diagonal MatrixUT ISI:000273183200189

21.史文涛;黄建国;张立杰;侯云山TI The Beamspace Conjugate MUSIC for Non-circular SourcesUT ISI:000273183201200

22.王义涛; 李进军TI A Route Planning Optimization Model Based on Improved Ant Colony AlgorithmUT ISI:000273558200015

23.谢达;牛婷婷;黄建国等TI Hybrid Cramer-Rao Bound for Moving ArrayUT ISI:000274551000051

24.谢达;牛婷婷;黄建国等TI Maximum Likelihood Parameters Estimation in Non-Uniform Noise Fields

UT ISI:000274551001112

25.严卫生;林海;李宏;闫伟TI Sensorless Direct Torque Controlled Drive of Brushless DC Motor basedUT ISI:000273183201284

26.杨博;孙超TI A Numerical Method of Array Sensor Noise Response in DetectionUT ISI:000273183201095

27.姚尧;徐德民;严卫生;李慧平TI An Optimal Measure Choosing Strategy to AUVs Cooperative LocalizationUT ISI:000273183200369

28. 尹 雪 飞 ;Aboulnasr, TyseerTI New Partial Update Algorithms for Multichannel Active Noise ControlUT ISI:000273183200216

29.由延军;康风举;杨惠珍TI Real-Time Simulation Operation PlatformUT ISI:000273183200359

30.于洋;张效民;彭勃;付予婧TI Design of Sensor


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Nodes In Underwater Sensor NetworksUT ISI:000273183201403

31.张立川;刘明雍;徐德民;严卫生TI Cooperative Localization for Underwater VehiclesUT ISI:000273183201106

32.张立杰;黄建国;陈建峰;张群飞TI A Beamspace Sparse-overcomplete Signal Representation Method forUT ISI:000273183200282

航天学院(11篇)1.陈凯;赵刚;孟中杰;鲁浩TI Transfer Alignment for Experiment's INS on Space Moving PlatformUT ISI:000273183200357

2.刘正雄;黄攀峰;闫杰等TI Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms for Trajectory Optimization of SpaceUT ISI:000273183201164

3.马卫华;罗建军;袁建平;杨博TI SINS/GPS/SS Reduced-Order Kalman Filter Design based State DecouplingUT


4.孟中杰;沈海冰;陈凯;黄攀峰;闫杰TI Real-time Planning for Hypersonic Vehicle in the case of a Very SmallUT ISI:000273183200190

5.孙国童;唐硕TI HLA-based Engineering Level Warfare System with Interactive Modeling EnvironmentUT ISI:000274047201497

6.王鑫TI Design of Fine Attitude Flight Control for a Highspeed Test AircraftUT ISI:000273183200383

7.王鑫;胡浩宇等TI Design and Experiment of Rudder Load Simulator for High Dynamic AircraftUT ISI:000273183201116

8.王鑫;孙世杰等TI ELMCS Design Using CMAC Compound Control AlgorithmUT ISI:000274047200575


TI Fuzzy CMAC Control Design for an Airbreathing Hypersonic Cruise VehicleUT ISI:000273183200054


11.朱向明; 周凤岐等TI Flight Failure Mode Analysis for Air Defense MissileUT ISI:000273871100042

材料学院(5篇)1.傅莉;任洁;聂中明TI Influence of CdZnTe/Au Contact on the Wire Bonding Property between theUT ISI:000273336800062

2.李长久;杨冠军;李文亚;廖汉林等TI Influence of Spray Materials and Their Surface Oxidation on the Critical Velocity in Cold SprayingUT ISI:000273671500011


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岗;赵雪妮等TI Response of MG63 Osteoblast-like Cells on Pyrolytic Carbon CoatedUT ISI:000273336800143

4.李京龙;霍立鹏;张赋升;熊江涛;李文亚TI Fracture Characteristics of Vacuum Diffusion Bonded TA2 Titanium toUT ISI:000273336800100

5.李文亚;余敏;李京龙;高大路TI Explicit Finite Element Analysis of the Plunge Stage of Tool inUT ISI:000273336800059

机电学院(9篇)1.程建兴;史仪凯TI Research on the Distribution of Nodes in WSN on the Uniform SlopeUT ISI:000274174800130

2.季新杰;李声晋TI Design of the Fuzzy-PID Controller for New Vehicle Active SuspensionUT ISI:000273183201347

3.秦伟;苑伟政;常洪龙;薛亮;袁广民TI Fuzzy Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter

for Miniature Attitude and Heading Reference SystemUT ISI:000273161500236

4.王淑侠;王关峰;高满屯TI On-line Freehand Sketching Recognition Using Conic SectionUT ISI:000273183201366

5.谢建兵;苑伟政;常洪龙TI A novel method for the manufacture of MEMS devices with large exposed area based on SOI wafersUT ISI:000273161500059

6.徐景辉;苑伟政;常洪龙;马炳和TI Angularly Parameterized Macromodel Extraction for Microstructures with a Large Number of TerminalsUT ISI:000273161500010

7.徐颖强;李世杰;靳少杰;汪震隆TI Simulation of Interfacial Stress in TBCs with Oxidation-Resistance Interlayer under Thermal LoadingUT ISI:000272834900077


TI MEMS-based Multi-sensor Integrated Attitude Estimation Technology For MAV ApplicationsUT ISI:000273161500237

9.虞益挺;苑伟政;燕斌;李太平;王兰兰TI Two New Micro Programmable Gratings and Their Potential ApplicationsUT ISI:000273161500218

力学与土木建筑学院(1篇)1.刘婷婷;任兴民TI A Blind De-convolution Technique for Machine Fault DiagnosisUT ISI:000272834400058

电子信息学院(37篇)1.Lehmpfuhl, Monika C;郝 重 阳 ;Fratz, Sohrab;Sibila, MichaelTI Improved Analysis and Interpretation of 7D Magnetic Resonance - PhaseUT ISI:000273183201323

2.蔡胜兵;段哲民;姜静TI Methods of Time Offset Estimation and Performance Evaluation of Synchronization for 3GPP LTE DownlinkUT


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3.陈世浩;何贵青;郝重阳TI Rapid Texture-based Volume RenderingUT ISI:000274010400139

4.程伟;史浩山TI AEEC: An Adaptive Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm in SensorUT ISI:000273183201397

5.段鹏;何明一;薛敏彪TI Channel Estimation Method for Time-Varying Channel Based on Periodic PNUT ISI:000273183200350

6.段渭军;何明一;常艳;冯燕TI Acoustic Objective Recognition in Wireless Sensor NetworksUT ISI:000273183200254

7.冯奎胜;李娜;许家栋TI Finite Element Method Analysis for The Frequency SelectiveUT ISI:000273183200382

8.冯燕;何明一;刘卫华TI A New Method for Foggy Image EnhancmentUT ISI:000273183201083

9.冯燕;苏金善等TI Feature Preserving Compression for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing ImagesUT ISI:000273183201375

10.符小卫;高晓光TI Multiple UCAVs Cooperative Path Planning in Dynamic EnvironmentsUT ISI:000273183200331

11.高进; 许家栋; 韦高等TI Fin Actuator System Circuit Design and SimulationUT ISI:000273389100044

12.胡楚锋;许家栋;李南京;张麟兮TI Signal Processing Techniques in High-resolution RCS Measurement SystemUT ISI:000273183200113

13.胡红旗;孙景楠;许家栋TI High Efficiency Synchronous DRAM Controller for H.264 HDTV EncoderUT ISI:000273183201022

14.黄爱萍;樊养余;刘元魁;贾蒙;白勃;谭庆贵TI A Differential Pulse

Position Width Modulation for Optical WirelessUT ISI:000273183200345

15.李洁;许家栋TI Microwave Imaging of Lossless Dielectric ObjectUT ISI:000273183201136

16.李京华;李荣TI Source Number Detection in Spatial Correlated Color Noise Using theUT ISI:000273183200309

17.李涛;何明一;王华TI Design of Signal Processing Circuit for 480 x 6 Infrared DetectorUT ISI:000273183200288

18.李涛;何明一等TI TDI CCD Non-Uniformity Correction AlgorithmUT ISI:000273183200286

19.李欣;吴昌英;李洁;许家栋TI Improved AFT and Background-Mesh Generation for FEM with Applications in MicrowaveUT ISI:000273977700042


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20.李旭;何明一TI A Novel Pansharpening Algorithm for IKONOS and QuickBird ImagesUT ISI:000273183201122

21.梁晋涛等TI Study on Silicon-based Micro-fluxgate Permalloy Core FilmUT ISI:000273183200229

22.刘卫华;何明一;水鹏朗等TI Residue-based Fusion of Denoised Images by Different Filter BanksUT ISI:000273183201084

23.刘元魁;樊养余;赵炯;黄爱萍TI A High Estimate Accuracy Fusion Method for Multisensor TrackingUT ISI:000273183201382

24.卢虎;廉保旺;吴鹏等TI Two Dimension Direct GPS Signal Acquisition Based on Unsymmetrical FFTUT ISI:000273183200344

25.梅少辉;何明一等TI Spectral-Spatial Endmember Extraction by Singular Value Decomposition

UT ISI:000273183200284

26.唐浩漾;史浩山;赵洪钢TI An Improved Macroblock Mode Decision Algorithm for Scalable Video CodingUT ISI:000273183201021

27.王健;何明一TI A Dynamic Hierarchy for Large Models Based on Adaptive Segmentation andUT ISI:000273183201012

28.王结太;许家栋;梁华强TI A Density-awareness and Delay-sensitive Data Collecting Scheme forUT ISI:000273183200089

29.王伶;钟小敏;张星等TI Direction Estimation Algorithm for Wideband Monobit ReceiverUT ISI:000273183201390

30.卫保国;惠卫华TI POCS-embedded MAP Method for Image Super-resolution RestorationUT ISI:000273183201363

31.魏江;范红刚;王昕TI Adaptive Multi-

pattern Search Algorithm for Motion EstimationUT ISI:000273183201348

32.吴茜;徐千;景占荣;付仁强TI Research on Attitude Measurement System of the Individual SoldierUT ISI:000273183200060

33.夏召强;冯晓毅;彭进业;谢红梅TI Regions of Interest Detection with Edge and Depth InformationUT ISI:000273183201206

34.张丽莎;郭陈江;丁君TI Simulations and Analysis with FDTD Method for Aperture CouplingUT ISI:000273183200341

35.张易凡;何明一TI 3D Wavelet Transform and Its Application in Multispectral andUT ISI:000273183201330

36.赵宏伟;廉保旺;冯娟;连杰TI Research of 2-bit Quantization Arithmetic in DS-SS ReceiverUT ISI:000273183201141


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37.赵洪钢;史浩山;唐浩漾TI An Energy-Efficient Clustering Algorithm in Wireless Sensor NetworksUT ISI:000273183201395

自动化学院(33篇)1.曹江涛;李萍等TI An Extended Fuzzy Logic System for Uncertainty ModellingUT ISI:000274242600154

2.常威威;郭雷;刘坤;付朝阳TI Fusion of Hyperspectral Images Based on Feature Images Extraction andUT ISI:000273183201322

3.陈登峰;嵇启春;张洪才等TI Application of Pulsed Eddy Current in Plate Thickness EvaluationUT ISI:000273183201259

4.陈建忠;史忠科;胡彦梅TI Mapped WENO Reconstructions in Relaxation Scheme for Hyperbolic Conservation LawsUT ISI:000273548200060

5.陈志鹏;薛惠锋;田涛TI Modeling and Simulation of Technical standard Diffusion

SystemUT ISI:000274302900035

6.桂立昌;陶冶;薛惠锋TI Effects and Policy Responses of energy tax in China's transport sectorUT ISI:000272834800009

7. 皇 甫 宜 耿 ; 刘 卫 国 ; Laghrouche, S.; Miraoui, A.TI A Chattering Avoidance Sliding Mode Controller for Nonlinear PMSMUT ISI:000274047200533

8.李凯明;郭雷;李刚;聂晶鑫; Faraco, Carlos;Miller, Stephen;刘天明等TI Gyral Folding Pattern Analysis via Surface ProfilingUT ISI:000273617300039

9.李岁劳;贾继超;龙瑞;王旻月等TI Calibration of Misalignment Angles of FOG UnitUT ISI:000274047201409

10.李伟;陈明;李明明TI An Enhanced AODV Route Protocol Applying in the Wireless Sensor Networks

UT ISI:000272995300168

11.李伟;陈明;杨恒;李萍TI Embedded Blood Sugar Detection SystemUT ISI:000273183200106

12. 李 耀 华 ; 刘 卫 国 ; 付 朝阳;Gerling, DieterTI The Control of Stator Flux and Torque in the Surface Permanent MagnetUT ISI:000273183200392

13.卢京潮;张家明TI Variable Structure Control Law Design for Helicopter based on OutputUT ISI:000273183200314

14.罗绪涛 ;梁晓庚 ; 贾晓洪 ; Jia Jie; Zhang Xiangyang; Zhao KeTI Design of Decoupling Control System with High Angle of Attack Based on PV CriterionUT ISI:000274273800043

15.聂晶鑫;李刚;郭雷;刘天明TI A Computational Model of Cerebral Cortex FoldingUT ISI:000273617500056


Page 75: 2009年图书馆馆员发表学术论文统计表 · Web viewTitle:A new image fusion algorithm based on PCNN and DMWT Accession number:20100212631415 25.张淑慧;何国强; 梁国正等

TI Scheme of State Feedback Scheduler for the Shared Controller in RemoteUT ISI:000273183200186

17.沈宁;王新民;李俨等TI Robust Controller Design and Hardware-in-loop Simulation For AUT ISI:000273183201238

18.史静平;张卫国;李广文;刘小雄TI The Application of NGA based on referenced model in Optimization of FCASUT ISI:000273549700213

19.宋丽君;秦永元;杨鹏翔TI Simulation and Design of Strapdown Inertial Navigation System Based on RT-Lab/SimulinkUT ISI:000272834900015

20.孙启禄;戴冠中;潘文平TI Proportional Delay Differentiation Service in DTN-enabled Web Servers: An Adaptive Control ApproachUT ISI:000274016600007

21.王新民;谢蓉;李俨TI Nonlinear Controller Design for a

Supermaneuverable AircraftUT ISI:000273548200074

22.谢蓉;王新民;李俨TI Neural Network Adaptive Inversion Control Law Design for aUT ISI:000273183201288

23.叶思隽;王新民;李俨等TI An Improved LMI Approach for Static Output Feedback Fault-tolerantUT ISI:000273183200007

24.袁朝辉;王怿;江辉军等TI The High-lightness LED Controller Using Solar Energy Basing on PSoCUT ISI:000273183200181

25.张昌蓉;薛惠锋TI Optimization Model of Industrial Structure Based On the Bearing Capacity of Resources and EnvironmentUT ISI:000274010400088

26.张拓;郭雷;李刚;聂晶鑫;刘天明TI Parametric Representation of Cortical Surface Folding Based on Polynomials

UT ISI:000273617500023

27.张玉梅;曲仕茹TI Chaotic Property Research for Freeway Traffic FlowUT ISI:000274047200358

28.张元;白暴力TI The Study and Improvement of Dependent Evidence Combining MethodUT ISI:000273183201353

29.赵鹏轩;卢京潮;张家明TI Output Feedback Sliding Mode Control Based on T-S Model and ApplicationUT ISI:000273183200176

30.周海瑞;戴冠中;叶芳宏;张慧翔TI Design of Controller for XCP Router Achieving Efficient and Fair Bandwidth AllocationUT ISI:000274016000072

31.周海瑞;戴冠中;张慧翔TI Improving XCP to Achieve Efficient and Fair Bandwidth AllocationUT ISI:000273677100062


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32.周海瑞;戴冠中;张慧翔TI Improved VCP: Fast Convergence to Max-Min Fair Bandwidth AllocationUT ISI:000274016000075

33.朱西成;林辉等TI Aircraft Electric Anti-skid Brake System with CPLDUT ISI:000274302900103

计算机学院(21篇)1.Zhang Jin;谢磊;冯伟;张艳宁TI A Subword Normalized Cut Approach to Automatic Story Segmentation of Chinese Broadcast NewsUT ISI:000273954100012

2.高逦;慕德俊;张国庆;张力TI A Novel Clustering Algorithm for Ad Hoc NetworkUT ISI:000273183200083

3. 高武 ; 高 德远 ;魏廷存 ;Hu-Guo, Christine;Hu, YannTI A High-Resolution Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) forUT ISI:000273183200218

4. 侯 正 雄 ; Wilde, Mike;

Hategan, Mihael;周兴社 ; Foster, Ian; Clifford, BenTI Experiences of On-demand Execution for Large Scale Parameter Sweep Applications on OSG by SwiftUT ISI:000273922400070

5.李哲;郑江滨TI Blind Detection of Digital Forgery Image Based on the Local Entropy of the GradientUT ISI:000273998500014

6.陆寅;苗克坚TI Providing Continuous Service in Context-Aware Computing SystemUT ISI:000273545000053

7.倪红波 ;张大庆 ;周兴社 ; Heng, Ngoh LekTI A Context-Dependent Task Model for Task-based ComputingUT ISI:000273545000021

8.尚学群;赵倩;李战怀TI Mining High-Correlation Association Rules for Inferring Gene RegulationUT ISI:000273239000020

9.隋玉磊;周兴社;杨刚TI QoS Decomposition

for Dependable Service-Oriented MiddlewareUT ISI:000274016800026

10.孙莉;张艳宁;田光见;马苗TI SAR Image Segmentation Using GHM-Based Dirichlet Process Mixture ModelsUT ISI:000273548200204

11.王海鹏;周兴社;张伟伟;阎守孟;张涛TI An Active Information Space Infrastructure for Smart HomesUT ISI:000272997300020

12.王建芳;李伟华TI Based on Extended T-S Fuzzy Model of Self-adaptive Disturbed PSO AlgorithmUT ISI:000272834800038

13.王伟;蔡皖东;王备战;王亚平;田广利TI The Factor Graph Approach for Inferring Link Loss in MANETUT ISI:000272793800032

14.杨恒;王庆;何周灿TI Indexing Large Visual Vocabulary by Randomized Dimensions Hashing for High Quantization Accuracy: Improving the Object


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Retrieval QualityUT ISI:000273458100095

15.姚远;张凯龙;周兴社TI A Novel Parameter Learning Algorithm for a Self-Constructing Fuzzy Neural Network DesignUT ISI:000273558200014

16.尤涛;朱怡安;杜承烈TI Research on a supporting platform for Virtual Testing System Based on RTXUT ISI:000272834400100

17.尤涛;朱怡安;张大鹏TI Applied Research of Delaminated Real-time Network Framework based on RTX in SimulationUT ISI:000272834400099

18.於志文 ;周兴社 ;张大庆 ; Kajita, Shoji; Mase, KenjiTI Context-Aware Media PersonalizationUT ISI:000273545000050

19.曾雷杰;张延园;赵晓南TI Storage Performance Optimization Based on ARIMAUT ISI:000274239000093

20.郑江滨;冯莎TI A Color Image Watermarking Scheme in the Associated Domain of DWT and DCT Domains Based on Multi-channel Watermarking FrameworkUT ISI:000273998500035

21.郑江滨;刘苗TI A Digital Forgery Image Detection Algorithm Based on Wavelet Homomorphic FilteringUT ISI:000273998500013

理学院(2篇)1.王亚洲;陈立新;宋家乐TI Characterization of Si3N4/SiC Microstructure Derived from UV Curable Polymer Ceramic Precursor PyrolyzingUT ISI:000273161500043

2.张玉朝;白思俊;郭云涛TI The Application of the Improved Analytical Hierarchy Process inUT ISI:000274302900075

管理学院(4篇)1.李玉萍等TI Using Grey Theory in CEO Selection

UT ISI:000272834800014

2.卢莉;王京芳TI Research of the human capital value under Co-GovernanceUT ISI:000273340200056

3.王芳镜;夏维力;姜继娇;高晓明TI Study on flexibility measuring of the financial strategy under dynamicUT ISI:000273340200060

4.杨本昭TI Cointegration and Causal Relation between Energy Intensity and Structure ChangeUT ISI:000273549700100

人文与经法学院(2篇)1.陈俊;王蕾TI Study on Web-Based Autonomous Foreign Language Learning Model From the Angle of ConstructivismUT ISI:000272949700080

2.屈江丽TI Instructional Design in College English Intensive Reading-A Reading Model in College English


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TeachingUT ISI:000272949700082

软件与微电子学院(2篇)1.乔鹏TI The Measurement of Team Effectiveness Realization Environment ImpactedUT ISI:000274302900057

2.郑伟;卢夏子等TI Study of Video Conference System Based on Floor

TransmissionUT ISI:000273183201306

生命科学院(2篇)1.乔鹏TI The Measurement of Team Effectiveness Realization Environment ImpactedUT ISI:000274302900057

2.郑伟;卢夏子等TI Study of Video Conference System Based on Floor

TransmissionUT ISI:000273183201306

国防研究院(1篇)1.李南京;胡楚锋;张麟兮;许家栋TI A New Algorithm based Stepped-frequency System about ExtrapolatingUT ISI:000273183201409

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