2009 quinín freire 1 the magic of learning where do animals live?

Download 2009 Quinín Freire 1 THE MAGIC OF LEARNING Where do animals live?

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Post on 12-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 2009 Quinn Freire 1 THE MAGIC OF LEARNING Where do animals live? Slide 3 Who lives here? Slide 4 1 Click on the right answer Who lives on the farm? Slide 5 correct ! Slide 6 Try again Slide 7 2 Click on the right answer Who lives in the jungle? Slide 8 very good! Slide 9 Try again Slide 10 3 Click on the right answer Who lives in the forest? Slide 11 good job! Slide 12 Try again Slide 13 4 Click on the right answer Who lives in the savannah? Slide 14 well done! Slide 15 Try again Slide 16 5 Click on the right answer Who lives on the ice? Slide 17 right ! Slide 18 Try again Slide 19 6 Click on the right answer Who lives in the ocean? Slide 20 great ! Slide 21 Try again Slide 22 7 Click on the right answer Who lives on the farm? Slide 23 fantastic ! Slide 24 Try again Slide 25 8 Click on the right answer Who lives in the jungle? Slide 26 terrific ! Slide 27 Try again Slide 28 9 Click on the right answer Who lives in the savannah? Slide 29 way to go ! Slide 30 Try again Slide 31 10 Click on the right answer Who lives in the forest? Slide 32 super ! Slide 33 Try again Slide 34 11 Click on the right answer Who lives on the ice? Slide 35 correct ! Slide 36 Try again Slide 37 12 Click on the right answer Who lives in the jungle? Slide 38 very good ! Slide 39 Try again Slide 40 13 Click on the right answer Who lives in the ocean? Slide 41 good job! Slide 42 Try again Slide 43 14 Click on the right answer Who lives in the forest? Slide 44 well done ! Slide 45 Try again Slide 46 15 Click on the right answer Who lives in the savannah? Slide 47 right ! Slide 48 Try again Slide 49 16 Click on the right answer Who lives on the ice? Slide 50 great ! Slide 51 Try again Slide 52 17 Click on the right answer Who lives in the ocean? Slide 53 fantastic ! Slide 54 Try again Slide 55 18 Click on the right answer Who lives in the forest? Slide 56 terrific ! Slide 57 Try again Slide 58 19 Click on the right answer Who lives in the savannah? Slide 59 way to go ! Slide 60 Try again Slide 61 20 Click on the right answer Who lives in the jungle? Slide 62 youre done! Slide 63 Try again Slide 64 The end 2009 Quinn Freire