2009 iowa city area development group annual report

The 2009 AnnuAl RepoRT of The IowA CITy AReA DevelopmenT GRoup • CelebRATInG 25 yeARs

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During FY2009, ICAD Group responded to a substantial number of project requests and site visits. Read about our projects and best-in-class programming during FY2009.


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The Iowa City Area Development Group

serves the business development needs of

primary sector companies in our service territory.

We connect business and industry with federal,

state and local resources to enhance and stimulate

area economic growth through business retention,

expansion and attraction efforts, and we advance, develop and advocate for

our area workforce.

Page 3: 2009 Iowa City Area Development Group Annual Report

The inaugural meeting of First Capitol Development, Inc. in May of 1984 brought together the business community, the City of Iowa City, and the University of Iowa for the first time to focus on a common goal of economic development.

Just a simple change in approach 25 years ago has helped guide the Iowa City Area Development Group to where we are today. Still, growth and progress are never guaranteed.

By adopting a proactive philosophy and adapting core programming, ICAD Group has successfully confronted the changes and challenges of the past year, including flood recovery and economic uncertainty.

Our organization remains committed to its mission and dedicated to our clients and investors. The knowledge and vision of our founders, combined with this year’s energy and actions, have helped ICAD Group strengthen our business climate, create new jobs and develop future opportunities.

Seven companies received assistance from ICAD Group, resulting in more than $12 million dollars in local capital investment and an estimated 172 new jobs for our area.

We continue to grow closer to the goals set forth in our “Creating Advantage | Investing for Results” campaign, having reached or surpassed the halfway mark in three of four key areas.

ICAD Group welcomed partners from around the state and brought in speakers from across the United States to address the topic of military to civilian transition and building local workforce from our nation’s service men and women.

Perhaps most importantly, the greatest potential for the Iowa City area is on the horizon with two key initiatives that started this year: the Shovel Ready Sites Program and the Wind Energy Supply Chain Campus.

Indeed, we have come far, thanks in large part to the support and direction from our past leaders, current and former board members, and most importantly our investors.

I look forward to serving as president for one more year and am encouraged by the extraordinary opportunities that I see. ICAD Group embraces the direction set forth a quarter century ago, but understands the inevitability of change and need for flexibility.

With a healthy dose of knowledge, energy, vision and action, who knows how far we can go?

Ronald R. Reed, 2009 – 2010 ChairIowa City Area Development Group

“Change is certain;

progress is optional.RonAlD R. ReeD

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2 The 2009 Annua l Repor t o f the I owa C i t y A rea Deve lopment Group

Coming off a period of high interest rates in the late 1970s and in the midst of a growing farm crisis in the 1980s, the Iowa City area was in need of economic direction. On May 10, 1984, a group of nine devoted volunteers representing the city, the chamber and the University of Iowa, adopted the bylaws of First Capitol Development, Inc.

Until this point, there was never a common strategy for area development. First Capitol Development, Inc. combined knowledge and energy to establish a collective approach. Plans were instituted to promote the Iowa City area for business recruitment and expansion, as well as to publicize its superb quality of life. New and existing businesses, as well as University research projects, were guided through city and state processes to help them grow into viable economic engines for the community.

First Capitol Development was short lived, as the name was changed to Iowa City Area Development Group, Inc. in 1985. Economic development was still the focus, but the name change reflected both a collective and regional approach and a strategic vision to develop a vibrant economic region. More directors were added and a staff was brought on to develop core programming.

Over the next twenty-five years, the Iowa City Area Development Group (or ICAD Group), and the Iowa City area continued to grow. Today, ICAD Group, with its 5 person staff and 31 member board, serves the communities of Iowa City, Coralville, North Liberty, Kalona, Solon, Tiffin, Tipton, the Amana Colonies, West Branch, West Liberty and Johnson County.

From business expansion and attraction to workforce recruitment and retention, ICAD Group is an economic driver for the businesses we support, the investors we represent and the communities we serve. We make our region a profitable location for business and a perfect place to call home.

History of the Iowa City Area Development Group

Early Founders, Visionaries and Charter Board Members

e. norm Bailey, north Bay Computerware

neal Berlin, former City Manager City of Iowa City

Willis “Bill” Bywater, Bankers Advertising/TruArt Color Graphics

Dr. Dorsey ellis, former University of Iowa administrator

John Hughes, Hills Bank & Trust

Martin “Marty” Kelly, formerly of Thomas & Betts

John McDonald, former Iowa City Mayor

lyle Miller, developer

Jim Shive, Shive-Hattery

D.C. “Sprie” Spriesterbach, former University of Iowa Vice President of Research

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Workforce Programming

The Iowa City Area Development Group develops workforce initiatives based on the immediate and future needs of our area. We assess worker readiness, skills development, employer challenges, and workforce productivity through a series of surveys and a network of partners. It is through these programs and studies that we are able to help our clients and investors with strategies for recruiting and retaining productive employees in our area and the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Technology Corridor. Updated resources are always available for our clients and investors, including local reports on labor force, wages and benefits. Companies utilize these tools to identify worker availability by region or occupational cluster and gain insight on compensation trends. ICAD Group partners with Priority One in Cedar Rapids and Iowa Workforce Development to update these studies every twelve to eighteen months.

To identify career-ready skills in candidates and employees, more than one hundred and thirty businesses in our area are recognizing or recommending the Iowa National Career Readiness Certificate. Formerly known as Skills Advantage, the work-ready certificate is based on a series of three assessments developed by ACT. ICAD Group continues to partner with Kirkwood Community College, Iowa Workforce Development and ACT to educate area businesses and grow the number of local employers who support this initiative. Job seekers are motivated to prove their skills and in some cases improve their skills as more employers recognize the Iowa National Career Readiness Certificate.

Better information leads to better decisions

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Better information leads to better decisionsExisting Industry and Entrepreneurial development

Existing firms represent more than 70% of economic growth in a market. The Iowa City Area Development Group works with existing and emerging companies to help them become significant employers in our area. Each year, ICAD Group averages over twenty headquarter visits across the United States, and some overseas, to discuss current and future operations in our area.

Many of these discussions center on existing local industry data that we collect on an annual basis. Using the Blane, Canada Ltd, Synchronist® Business Information System, we conduct confidential interviews with local executives to review business activities, discuss economic development issues, and forecast trends and opportunities for the Iowa City area. This fiscal year, ICAD Group met with sixty local interstate commerce companies representing six core business sectors in our area. Results from these surveys are available online in our “Minding Our Own Businesses Volume 5” publication.

Work is already underway based on findings from this year’s report, including creating better communication between our area’s primary sector companies and public and local leadership. Also, ICAD Group is working to formalize a relationship with the Entrepreneurial Development Center in Cedar Rapids to help augment internal capabilities as a way to cultivate and grow more start up companies involved in interstate commerce.

The 2009 Annua l Repor t o f the I owa C i t y A rea Deve lopment Group 7

“Working with ICAD Group is a very easy process. They do a phenomenal

job of providing current, thorough and accurate information on their

website and their staff on the ground is very knowledgeable and


TrEy MarTIn, ChIEF oPEraTIng oFFICEr, InTEgraTEd dna TEChnologIEs

In FY2009, the Iowa City Area Development (ICAD) Group conducted on-site interviews with 60 executives in the Iowa City area using the Blane, Canada Ltd, Synchronist® Business Information System.These confidential interviews review business activities, discuss economic development issues, and forecast trends and opportunities for the Iowa City area. This valuable existing industry program helps develop an accurate picture of our economic climate in relation to national information and local trends, and has grown in participants each year.

This report provides insight into workforce and job growth, overall satisfaction with community services and the area, and stability and growth of existing companies. Where noted, data will be compared with area and national FY2008 information. FY2009 national comparisons were not available as of publication.

For the first time in the history of this report, we are also including comments related to local, state and federal legislative policy.

InsIghts from the 2009 synchronIst® BusIness InformatIon system


me 5




This report provides insight into workforce

and job growth, overall satisfaction

with community services and the

area, and stability and growth of

existing companies.

Business sectors include (listed by number of companies): 23 Manufacturing17 Technology (software, engineering, bio-tech) 8 Warehouse (distribution, transportation, recycling) 5 Educational Services 4 Agricultural 3 Finance/Insurance

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Workforce programming to reach an active audience

The Iowa City Area Development Group provides a vital link between employers and both current and future employees. We remain in tune with market demands for workforce and work across multiple platforms to promote quality jobs and the quality of life available in our area.

Much of our work is done regionally and we partner with Priority One to develop workforce recruitment marketing strategies. Together, we pinpoint specific populations and promote our area through traditional and non traditional marketing, event sponsorships including RAGBRAI, and targeted alumni outreach. This past year, ICAD Group launched a viral video campaign through You Tube and blasted more than 63,000 engineers and project managers with e-mail marketing to promote jobs and life in the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Technology Corridor.

Our regional partnership also focuses on maintaining a single website to which we can direct job seekers and employers. Since 1997, CorridorCareers.com has become the premier, local site for career information, and is developed and promoted by ICAD Group, Gazette Communications, and Priority One. Through this partnership, our groups also host a regional career fair each year and provide valuable workshops for job seekers. Additionally, we travel to college career fairs across the state to promote companies and opportunities available in our area.

Locally, ICAD Group has partnered with the Johnson County Livable Community for Successful Aging Initiative, Iowa Workforce Development, Elder Services, Retired Senior Volunteer Program, AARP, Kirkwood Community College and a group of community volunteers to host a series of workshops for job seekers above the age of 50. The series of workshops is designed to help them become familiar with new and current resources to aid in a job search.

Keeping pace with today’s workforce and economic development trends

“Flexible. Driven. Connected. Professional. even though I’m with a smaller

company, ICAD Group was there for me and was a true partner to help me

navigate through the whole process.

JEFF QuInT, oWnEr, CEdar rIdgE VInEyards and dIsTIllEry

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Keeping pace with today’s workforce and economic development trends

Evolving our online presence

Current economic development surveys of national site location consultants show that an engaging and informative website is imperative for development organizations. According to one study released last year by Development Counselors International, “online/website” replaced “dialogue with industry peers” as the primary source for preliminary site location decisions. The Iowa City Area Development Group launched its revised website, www.iowacityareadevelopment.com, after the 2008 annual meeting and continues to improve the site.

In addition to new page and client customization features, as well as new photo integration and local maps, the website platform allows us to create microsites for business recruitment marketing. This past year, ICAD Group launched www.iowacitywind.com to promote the Iowa City Wind Energy Supply Chain Campus. Additionally, investors and clients can follow our RSS news feed through the website and the ICAD Group Facebook page.

The website won a local design award from the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Advertising Federation and an international honorable mention from the International Economic Development Council in its general purpose website category. Recently, we completed our own survey of national site location consultants regarding the new look and functionality of the website and are currently reviewing new features to launch in 2010.

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The nation’s First Wind Energy supply Chain Campus

Working with the City of Iowa City since November of last year, the Iowa City Area Development Group has helped create and market what is believed to be the nation’s first Wind Energy Supply Chain Campus. One hundred and seventy-three acres of land on the city’s east side has been annexed for industrial development and both utility service projects and road improvements are underway. Additionally, it will soon be certified as one of only three “shovel ready sites” in the region.

More than three dozen companies have visited or requested information about the campus since ICAD Group first made it public. What is unique for this property is its customization. ICAD Group is able to accommodate specific power and transportation needs and doesn’t need to retrofit projects, unlike other sites across the US. Additionally, the site is rail served, near a major interstate and close to both Acciona North America in West Branch and Clipper Windpower in Cedar Rapids

In response to continuous inquiries, ICAD Group has launched www.iowacitywind.com. The site features a snapshot overview of the campus and important facts about the benefits of doing business in Iowa City. The site also helps companies arrange site tours.

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Creating tomorrow’s economic development programming today


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The Certified shovel ready sites Program

Competition continues to increase for economic development organizations across the nation as they seek to secure projects and investments in their communities. The Iowa City Area Development Group has met this challenge head on by securing support from utility partners, neighboring communities, and the state of Iowa to create a regional Shovel Ready Sites Program.

ICAD Group identified this issue at the end of the last fiscal year and has since developed a program for our area. Austin Consulting of Cleveland, Ohio, and Foote Consulting of Phoenix, Arizona, have been hired to serve as independent consultants for the shovel ready program. Both companies have worked to create specific criteria for the application process and will help certify sites which have attributes and conditions that meet the demand of current and future development.

Three pilot sites will be certified in the coming months and then marketed as shovel ready. With this program in place, risk is reduced, project flow increases, and the Iowa City market will stay ahead of project requests as the pace of business activity accelerates.

“Having conducted nearly 100 site location projects in the past decade,

it has become imperative that communities have fully developed sites

ready for our client’s projects. The process undertaken by the Iowa City

Area Development Group to create Iowa’s first regional shovel ready

sites program is a credit to their vision and leadership in what is

already a highly competitive global environment.”

don C. sChJEldahl, VICE PrEsIdEnT and dIrECTor ausTIn ConsulTIng

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Creating tomorrow’s economic development programming today

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The Eastern Iowa airport

Airports contribute directly and indirectly to the economic development equation and the Iowa City Area Development Group has been proactive in working with our primary regional airport to help study passenger and cargo usage. Passenger counts and data not only reflect potential usage of area restaurants, hotels and amenities, they also provide a means to track workforce and business development trends, as well as target future destinations.

Beginning at the end of this fiscal year, ICAD Group began interviewing both inbound and outbound travelers to identify the positions, titles, and percentages of business decision makers who utilize the Eastern Iowa Airport. This data will be compared to a similar survey conducted in 2005 to determine the leisure/business ratio, update final destination data, and gather comments about the airport and its recent infrastructure improvements.

Additionally, ICAD Group has worked with our interstate commerce clients to improve satisfaction scores from the 2008 “Minding Our Own Businessess” report regarding air service in our area. This year, air service satisfaction scores were 26% higher and represented the largest satisfaction score increase of any community services category.

“ICAD Group understands The eastern Iowa Airport plays a vital role

in regional excellence. Their help in gathering customer research has

been useful in communicating with our airline partners.

dan Mann, aIrPorT dIrECTor

12 The 2009 Annua l Repor t o f the I owa C i t y A rea Deve lopment Group

Implementing Innovation to Create opportunityKnoWleDGeeneRGyVISIonaCTIon

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hosting the Most Comprehensive Military/Workforce Workshop in Iowa

In response to an ongoing need for a skilled and educated regional workforce, the Iowa City Area Development Group helped host a workshop in March educating employers on military to civilian transition. The growing number of military service members leaving active duty and entering the civilian workforce is a large labor pool, currently at 220,000, that goes mostly untapped. With the help of Iowa Workforce Development, CorridorCareers.com, Priority One and the Employers’ Council of Iowa, ICAD Group developed a daylong event for more than eighty area business owners and human resource professionals.

For the first time, experts at all levels of civilian transition were convened to provide a comprehensive overview of this topic. Attendees heard directly from the CEO of the nation’s top military career website, the nation’s only speaker on the business benefits of military service members, the State of Iowa’s Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve, Iowa Workforce Development’s Veteran Affairs, and representatives from the Veteran’s Administration.

Lisa Rosser, founder of “The Value of a Veteran,” and our keynote speaker, had this to say about the event:

“The Iowa City Area Development Group and their partners recognized the need to improve the hiring of military veterans. They took action by helping area employers learn the business reasons for hiring veterans, how to source veterans and how to attract veterans to Iowa and their companies. I applaud their initiative and their foresight to hold this event in spite of the current economic conditions.

When I first began promoting my services in 2008, the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City area was the first to contact me about holding a workshop. In doing so they provided a tremendous service to their local employers by empowering them with knowledge so that they could begin developing their military hiring strategies now in preparation for increased hiring activity in the months and years to come.

The response to the event was very positive and a follow up event is already planned for late 2009 with updates on new military hiring initiatives underway for the Corridor.

That is the most exciting part for me – to see people take the ideas I present and really run with them and customize them to fit the needs of their employer base.

I am ICAD Group’s biggest fan and I hope they continue this very important workforce development program.”

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Implementing Innovation to Create opportunity

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During FY2009, the Iowa City Area Development Group responded to a substantial number of project requests and site visits. Forty-five project requests received customized research reports and nineteen separate companies visited our area; a few multiple times.

A large number of projects were in the wind energy sector, reflecting the growth potential of this market and the results of our marketing efforts. Working with the City of Iowa City, ICAD Group launched the nation’s first Wind Energy Supply Chain campus this past year and we continue to target specific companies through e-mail marketing and conference attendance.

ICAD Group also responded to project requests in educational services, software development, traditional manufacturing and a variety of service sector operations. Though we were very busy providing data and hosting numerous prospects, the impact of the national and global economy negatively affected the successful attraction and expansion of projects. Nearly all of these projects were put on hold. Communication continues with many of these companies and consultants as we continue to monitor the status of multiple projects.

From the end of 2005 to June 2009, the Iowa City MSA saw 5.6% employment growth and we expect that number to continue to increase. Our annual existing industry report, which surveyed 60 interstate commerce companies this year, forecasts between 740 and 1,500 new, full-time positions for our area over the next three years.

Ultimately, economic growth continues in the Iowa City area. ICAD Group provided assistance to seven companies in FY2009, resulting in more than $12 million dollars in local capital investment and an estimated 172 new jobs.

Of our seven projects, three were with new companies: Alliance Rock Tenn, Carbon Free Energy and EdLink. Four existing companies either expanded employment, facilities, equipment or all three: – Acciona Windpower, Asoyia, Cedar Ridge Vineyards and Procter & Gamble.

Business Recruitment and existing Industry Projects

new Companies Existing CompaniesAlliance Rock Tenn Acciona Windpower

Carbon Free energy Asoyia

edlink Cedar Ridge Vineyards

Procter & Gamble

14 The 2009 Annua l Repor t o f the I owa C i t y A rea Deve lopment Group

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Funding for ICAD Group programming, projects and expenses comes from private and public investment, grants, in-kind support, and revenue generated from projects and events, such as our annual meeting.

ICAD Group’s FY2009 revenue was $816,096, up slightly from the year before. Expenses for the year were $734,483, concentrated primarily in our core programming areas of business recruitment, workforce business services, and existing business retention and expansion.

Net income of $81,613 has been directed towards ongoing marketing, workforce and business recruitment programs, and future investment campaign needs for FY2010 and FY2011.

Fy2009 Financial Report

Fy2009 Investment in Economic developmentTotal expenses: $734,483

administration • $120,251 • 16%

The 2009 Annua l Repor t o f the I owa C i t y A rea Deve lopment Group 15

Workforce Business services • $162,563 • 23%

Business recruitment • $172,476 • 24%

Communications and Partnerships • $142,617 • 19%

Existing Business retention & Expansion • $111,199 • 15%

Entrepreneurial development • $25,377 • 3%

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In 2006, the Iowa City Area Development Group launched a five-year funding program and plan of action to fund critical business and workforce programs. Since that time, ICAD Group has helped develop more than $155 million in new capital investment, has brought more than $14 million in annual deposit potential for local banks, and has helped new and existing companies create/retain more than 1,200 jobs with total earnings well over $90 million annually.

As ICAD Group develops programming for the final years of this campaign, the future looks very promising. Iowa City continues to post some of the lowest unemployment numbers in the nation. ICAD Group is working with the City of Iowa City to aggressively market an industrial park dedicated to the wind energy industry, the first park of its kind in the US. And, ICAD Group is poised to launch one of the most complete shovel-ready site programs in the nation.

Our primary goals are to create new, well-compensated jobs that add to the area’s prosperity and tax base and to strengthen our area’s identity as a top local, national and global economic region. Since the beginning of our investment campaign, ICAD Group has provided significant assistance on:

Total to date % of Total to date

9 recruitment projects 75%

15 expansion/retention projects working with existing industry 50%

1,219 direct new jobs paying $18/hour or more in wages and benefits 42%

$155.7 million in new capital investment 62%

16 The 2009 Annua l Repor t o f the I owa C i t y A rea Deve lopment Group

Fy2009 Campaign Progress Report

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and we’re not the only ones. In the past year the Iowa City area and the University of Iowa have been recognized on multiple “best of” lists, touting many of the extraordinary opportunities and amenities in our area.

• UI Children’s Hospital is the 20th ranked pediatric hospital in America, Parents Magazine, February 2009

• no. 9 “Best Places for Business and Careers” - Smaller Metros, Forbes Magazine, March 2009

• Twenty-one University of Iowa programs ranked in Top 10 nationwide - Public Universities, U.S.News and World Report, April 2009

• no. 13 “Top College Towns for Jobs,” Forbes Magazine, May 2009

• no. 25 “America’s Best Children’s Hospitals,” U.S.News and World Report, June 2009

• no. 5 “Best Places to Begin a Career” - Metros Under 500,000, Forbes Magazine, July 2009

• Iowa City ranks 2nd out of 75 mid-size cities for volunteer rate - “Volunteering in America,” Corporation for national & Community Service, July 2009

“ICAD Group understands their community and workforce and works well to target

specific businesses to enhance this area. They do an excellent job of collecting

and analyzing data and help build the growth and innovation taking place in the

Iowa City area.”

dErEK EasTon, IoWa CITy sITE lEadEr, ProCTEr & gaMBlE

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We love talking about life and business in the Iowa City area,

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A M Management

A W Welt Ambrisco Insurance

Acciona Windpower north America llC

Acme electric Company

ACT, Inc.

AdPro Design Group


Aero Rental

Alliant energy

Alpla of Iowa

Amana Society, Inc.

Ambrose Development

American Bank & Trust

Arlington Development/Prime Ventures (John Moreland & Gary Watts)

Steve Atkins

Bachmeier Interiors

Bank of the West

Beisser lumber Company

Benson & Hepker Design

Bradley & Riley PC

Brandt Heating & Air Conditioning

Build to Suit ltd.

Carlson, Hartsock & Guither PlC

Carousel Motors

Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCo)

City Carton Recycling

City of Coralville

City of Iowa City

City of Kalona

City of north liberty

City of Solon

City of Tiffin

City of West Branch

City of West liberty

CIVCo Medical Instruments

Clear Channel – KKRQ & KXIC

CompleWare Corporation

Cook Appraisal

Coral Ridge Mall

Corridor Business Journal

Cramer IT Consulting

CRAnDIC Railway

Creative Management – McDonald’s

Dream Catcher

The eastern Iowa Airport

economy Advertising/Bankers Advertising/TruArt Color Graphics

ewers Men’s Store

Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank

First American Bank

First Trust & Savings Bank

Fleck Sales/Miller Distributing

Freedom Security Bank

Frohwein office Plus

Gazette Communications


Graham Packaging

Hawkeye Harley Davidson

Hawkeye Ready Mix

Hawkeye Title & Settlement Services llC

Hayek, Brown, Moreland & Smith llP

Henry Russell Bruce

Herteen & Stocker Jewelers

Hills Bank & Trust Company

HJR Financial Group

Hodge Construction Company

Holiday Inn express Hotel & Suites

Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center

Hospers & Brother Printers

Howard R. Green Company

Hunter Companies

Hy-Vee Food Stores

Innovative Software engineering

Integrated DnA Technologies

Iowa Book llC

Iowa City Area Chamber of Commerce

Iowa City/Coralville Convention & Visitors Bureau

Iowa City landscaping

Iowa City Press-Citizen

Johnson County Board of Supervisors

Kabel Business Services

Kelly Heating Service

King’s Material, Inc.

Kirkwood Community College

Kleffmann north America

Knutson Construction Services

John & Audrey Kofoed

KZIA - Z102.9 & 1600 eSPn

l l Pelling

latta, Harris, Hanon & Penningroth llP

leepfrog Technologies

lenoch & Cilek Ace Hardware

lensing Funeral & Cremation Service

lepic-Kroeger Realtors

liberty Bank

liberty Communications

liberty Growth

linn County ReC

MainStreet Partners

McComas-lacina Construction

Mceleney Autoplex

McGurk Meyers

Meardon, Sueppel & Downer PlC

Mechanical Contractors of Iowa


Mercer Administration

Mercy Iowa City

Merit Construction Company

Merit electric ltd.

MidAmerican energy

Midwest Development & Investment Corporation

MidWestone Bank

MMS Consultants, Inc.

Myriad Developers lC

neumann Monson PC

new Ventures

oPn Architects Inc.


Peterson Contractors, Inc.

Phelan, Tucker, Mullen, Walker, Tucker & Gelman llP

PIP Printing & Document Services

Plumbers Supply Company

Procter & Gamble/oral B laboratories

Pulkrabek law office

Quad City International Airport

2009 Investors

18 The 2009 Annua l Repor t o f the I owa C i t y A rea Deve lopment Group

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Regal Construction

Regions Bank

River City Radio - KCJJ

Roberts Dairy Company

Rockwell Collins

Rohrbach Associates PC

RSM McGladrey, Inc.

Ryan Companies US

Schiller Solutions llC

Selzer Werderitsch Associates

Sheraton Iowa City Hotel/hotelVetro


Shoemaker & Haaland Professional engineers

Shuttleworth & Ingersol PlC

Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman PlC

Skog Development/Town Square Development

South Slope Cooperative Communications Company

Spielman’s event Services

Story Construction Company

Streb Investment Partnership

Syngenta Seeds

Tipton economic Development Corporation

TMD, llC

“ICAD Group is dedicated to their area and

very proactive in their approach to economic

development. From workforce services to

sustainability initiatives, they are at the

forefront of leading the way for the state of

Iowa. They embrace and work for their clients

and investors unlike any other group we’ve

worked with. When lMS was considering

the future of the Coralville group, ICAD

jumped in and helped us secure city and

state incentives that lead to a long term

commitment to the area.” roBErT sTEVEnson, FInanCE ManagEr and TrEasurEr, lMs norTh aMErICa, InC

The 2009 Annua l Repor t o f the I owa C i t y A rea Deve lopment Group 19

Towncrest Pharmacy

Toyota-Scion of Iowa City

Truenorth Companies lC

University Athletic Club

University of Iowa Research Foundation

University of Iowa Research Park

University of Iowa Community Credit Union

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics

Unzeitig Construction

US Bank

Vetter’s Inc. dba Culligan Water Technologies

Weitz Industrial

Wells Fargo Bank

West Bank

West liberty State Bank

West Music Company

Wolf Construction/Modern Manor Inc./lake Ridge Inc.

every effort has been made to provide a complete and accurate listing of our investors. If there has been an error or omission, we apologize. To correct or records, please contact us.

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Fy2009 Board of directors

Private sector

Ronald R. Reed, ICAD Group Chair President/Ceo, Mercy Iowa City

Scott Fisher, ICAD Group Chair-elect President, McCrossen Consulting llC

David Bywater, Vice President/Coo economy Advertising

Kevin Digmann, Project Manager Hodge Construction Company

Jeffrey A. Disterhoft, President/Ceo University of Iowa Community Credit Union

Bart Floyd, President, US Bank

Tom Gelman, Partner Phelan, Tucker, Mullen, Walker, Tucker & Gelman llP

Tom Goedken, Vice President, ACT, Inc.

Tom Hobson, Senior Manager of Government Relations, Rockwell Collins

Gary Hood, General Manager, MidAmerican energy

Brad langguth, Vice President Hills Bank & Trust Company

Hass Machlab, President Innovative Software engineering

Dan Mann, Airport Director The eastern Iowa Airport

Kevin Monson, President neumann Monson PC Architects

Chuck Peters, President & Coo Gazette Communications

Dr. Jean Robillard, Vice President of Medical Affairs University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

lynn Rowat, Market President, West Bank

Jim Schreck, Technical Services leader Procter & Gamble/oral-B laboratories

Damon Terrill, Senior Vice President & General Council, International legal & Regulatory Affairs Integrated DnA Technologies

Madeline Windauer, Director of Tax, RSM McGladrey


Dee Baird, executive Vice President Kirkwood Community College

Jordan Cohen, Interim VP for Research University of Iowa

Tom Sharpe, Associate VP for Research IoWA Centers for enterprise

Pamela york, executive Director University of Iowa Research Foundation

Public sector

Regenia Bailey, Mayor, City of Iowa City

Pat Harney, Supervisor Johnson County Board of Supervisors

Kelly Hayworth, City Administrator, City of Coralville

Ryan Heiar, City Administrator, City of north liberty

Dale Helling, Interim City Manager, City of Iowa City

small Cities representative and Chamber of Commerce

Jerry Melick, Manager, liberty Communications

nancy Quellhorst, President/Ceo Iowa City Area Chamber of Commerce

The 2009 Annua l Repor t o f the I owa C i t y A rea Deve lopment Group 21

Iowa City area development group staff

Joe Raso, President

Mark nolte, Business Development Director

eric Hanson, Communications Director

Sheri Jelinek, executive Assistant

Dalayne Williamson, Workforce Business Services Director

Page 24: 2009 Iowa City Area Development Group Annual Report

Iowa City Area Development Group

325 east Washington Street Suite 101

Iowa City, Iowa 52240

(319) 354-3939 | Fax (319) 338-9958


Report prepared by eric HansonReport design by Benson & Hepker Design