
Alpha Upsilon Chapter 2008—2009

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2008—2009 Alpha Upsilon Chapter Alley Oop 2008—2009 Social Events 20 Brotherhood Events 16 Officer and Sweetheart Reports Professional Projects 12 1 Alley Oop 2008—2009 Geoffrey Mospan Officer Reports Alley Oop Phi Delta Chi, Alpha Upsilon Chapter, 2008—2009 2008—2009 Officer Reports Alley Oop Phi Delta Chi, Alpha Upsilon Chapter, 2008—2009 2008—2009 Z ACH O LDS Officer Reports Alley Oop Phi Delta Chi, Alpha Upsilon Chapter, 2008—2009 2008—2009


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Alpha Upsilon Chapter


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Dedication 2008—2009 Alley Oop

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Table of Contents 2008—2009 Alley Oop

Officer and Sweetheart Reports


Professional Projects 12

Alumni Events 15

Brotherhood Events 16

Social Events 20

Updates 24

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1 Phi Delta Chi, Alpha Upsilon Chapter, 2008—2009

Worthy Chief Counselor

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Officer Reports

Looking back at my term as Worthy Chief Counselor, I have come to realize the changes that have occurred and are occurring in the Fraternity and on campus. I was welcomed into my position, as WCC with the housing crisis mentioned in last year’s Alley Oop. It was March and I was unable to tell the Brotherhood where our Fraternity would be living the upcoming school year. After several weeks of meetings, Brotherhood discussions, and a couple written proposals, we were granted another year in the house. That time span had to be the most stressful I ever faced in my life, I was taking some difficult classes (as we all know), recovering from mononucleosis, and I was not even a Brother for an entire calendar year at that point. I thought I was in over my head choosing to be WCC. The only way I was able to persevere through my first few months as president was with the help of Brother Shawn Fellows. He helped me with written proposals, attended meetings with administrators, and gave me advice throughout all of the process and I believe he is the reason

we were able to live in the house again (see housing article for updates on housing situation). The housing drama is one thing that I would like to see finally get put to rest, and was one of my main goals for my term. Other goals I had were to strengthen Alumni relations and increase our professionalism on campus. Chad was a blessing to our Fraternity and has made incredible strides with our alumni, as well as Ed with all of his hard work on the website (www.phideltachi.us). Our formals were held the same day as the Greek Olympics and because of this, we could not participate. At that time, I realized our involvement with the Greek Community has been lacking with participation in Greek events

on campus, in addition to not having any Brothers serve on IFC that year. I made it a personal goal to make sure we improve our involvement, and I even personally ran, and was elected to a position on the IFC executive board to ensure our chapter’s representation. Throughout the past year, our Fraternity continued the tradition of academic excellence, held socials with sororities, volunteered

Geoffrey Mospan

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Worthy Chief Counselor

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Officer Reports

in the community, and raised money for various charities. However, a variety of things I believe were hin-dering our Fraternity and that included the never-ending housing situation, and the school implementing the Standards of Excellence program. If you are not familiar with it, Standards of Excellence are different re-quirements for our chapter to complete in order to be recognized as a chapter on campus, and is used to rank each chapter gold, silver, or bronze. These two main things, I be-lieve, were straying our Fraternity away from our objectives at times, but there was no way around them. While some of my ini-tial goals were met, other improvements were taking place in the meanwhile, and it was not until now that I realized them: our chapter bettered our bonds with the administration, IFC, and Of-fice of Greek Life. During the year, many Brothers of the 2009 graduating class were very active in the fraternity and it was inspiring to see that no matter how busy a person is, there is always time you can donate to the Fraternity. Dr. Kinder, as always, was tremendous help to me during my term as I could go to him with questions about anything. Other Brothers offered none of their time to the Fraternity, just kind of checked-out if you will, and was very disheartening to see. I had the chance to see who were contributors, complainers, and con-sumers and how to deal with a person from each of those categories. Throughout the year, I matured proba-bly ten years in age as I was put in situations having to deal with people. Some of these situations led to a fallout in friendship as I had to take an authoritative role and they could not accept that. I learned who I could count on if I needed something accomplished and who not to even bother with asking. Looking ahead, housing will continue to be an issue until a house is purchased in our name and is up to the state’s code. Our chapter is looking to hold multiple fundraisers to help with the costs. A certain phar-macy organization (whose name should never be mentioned in a worthy publication as this) is scheduled to come back to ONU soon as co-ed. We will now be in competition to hold better service projects and I be-lieve this will be good for us. I now take this past year’s experience with me while I serve on IFC, and more importantly as the new Worthy Prelate, as I plan to increase our professional projects tenfold and make our chapter advance pharmacy more than ever. I extend my congratulations and wish good luck to the new WCC Alex Seminara as he begins a journey of his own. AAAE, Geoffrey Mospan

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3 Phi Delta Chi, Alpha Upsilon Chapter, 2008—2009

Worthy Vice Counselor

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Officer Reports

The office of WVC is an office of formidable gravity and importance in the operation of the brotherhood. Over the course of the year, I found myself not only involved in the formation of policy decisions with Geoff, but also in the implementation of those policies. Also, another role I took on was as taking the lead in the recruitment of new brothers. Recruiting new brothers is a very tricky but rewarding enterprise to engage in. Oftentimes, the short rush period does not allow myself to fully get to know all of the new candidates to the full extent necessary to ascertain whether they would be fine men to pledge to the fraternity. This is why I believe it is so vital to have all brothers be very involved in the fraternity at this time. The lifeblood of the fraternity is found at this time and due to this, it is critical that we only invite the most qualified and upright gentlemen to join our brotherhood. In addition, the

fraternity in the future will only be as strong as the men I get to join so in effect I am almost like a farmer who must make sure the seed and soil, or rather in this case the men and their growth in the fraternity, is top quality so that the top yields are seen in the future. In closing, I would like to thank all my brothers for their hard work over the year and may Phi Delta Chi prosper well into the future, AAAE, Zach Olds


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Worthy Keeper of Records & Seals

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Officer Reports

As the Worthy Keeper of Records and Seals it was my responsibility to organize our chapter’s history and to keep all of the Brothers current on all of the dates that fill up our busy calendar. Our history is important because it is the story of what we have come from and it shows us what might help in the future. Being able to see all that our chapter has been through was a real eye opener and really showed me just how deep into service our fraternity actually is and gave me insight on how to deal with current issues at hand. Just as important as our past is our future and it was my job to make sure that all of the Brothers knew what was happening. By utilizing our website (relatively new as of this year) I was able to set up a calendar not only for the active on-campus Brothers but also for the alumni. This small act, I feel, will really hope bring together the many generations of our chapter and unite both the past and the present to make way for a great future. AAAE, Rob Reichenbach

Rob Reichenbach

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5 Phi Delta Chi, Alpha Upsilon Chapter, 2008—2009

Worthy Keeper of Finance

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Officer Reports

This past year I had the privilege of serving my chapter and Brothers as Worthy Keeper of Finance. Dealing with other people’s money is always a stressful task, but it is one I took with great responsibility and importance. This year was definitely a transition year as far as our finances were concerned. One of my first projects as WKF was writing a detailed budget that allocated funds to where they were needed most. I feel as if I stretched our total budget resulting from money from dues, fundraisers, and budget appropriations from the university to the best of my ability. Although there were several unseen expenses, we managed to overcome these financial hardships which required some creativity on my part. One of our biggest expenses of the year is our formals which took place at the Crowne Plaza in downtown Columbus. Although this locale was quite expensive, the event was extremely successful and great fun was had by all present. We had an attendance of eighty-five Brothers which included fourteen alumni. In my opinion it was one of the best formals in our chapter history and I would like to only build upon the alumni turnout in future years. It was great to meet some older Brothers and finally put a face to a name; Brothers I have heard a great deal about during pledging and my time thus far as a Brother.

I also worked hard this year to help out my fellow officers to the best of my ability. I feel as if I had an exceptional group of guys to work with and we received a great deal of respect and cooperation from the Brotherhood. This fraternity as a whole is definitely making a turn for the better and I only see things going up from here. Finances are no doubt the backbone of any organization’s proceedings and I feel very proud to have been given the opportunity to serve my Brotherhood as Worthy Keeper of Finance for the 2008-2009 academic year. Thanks so much to all those who have helped me along the way. AAAE,

Cory Miller


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Worthy Correspondent

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Officer Reports

When I took office in November, Rich (the previous Worthy Correspondent) showed me the 100% Achievement Awards that we had collected throughout the years and said these were sort of a symbol of the hard work of the Worthy Correspondent. Seeing these, I knew that I couldn’t let the Brotherhood down and had to do whatever it took to earn another trophy for our chapter.

These past seven months have showed me just how much work is required to earn the 100% Achievement Award, and more. It is truly a team effort that goes into the work of the WC. Many of the monthly reports required me to seek help from other Brothers within the Chapter, and each time they were more than happy to help out. Additionally, having this office has encouraged me to become more involved within the Chapter. This includes going to the Gatlinburg retreat, as well as several visits to the Alpha Phi Chapter.

Overall, being the Worthy Correspondent has been a very rewarding experience and I look forward to whatever else it might bring. (Hopefully another 100% Achievement Award at Grand Council!)

AAAE, Ben Brocious


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Worthy Alumni Liaison

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Officer Reports

I cannot believe an entire year has gone by so quickly! This year as Worthy Alumni Liaison, I had the great joy of seeing all the work of the past years come together as graduated Brothers responded positively to the invitation to join the formal Alumni Association. Currently, work is being done with the National office and the legal details are being sorted out to make this a reality. The progress has been slow, but the direction good. I cannot thank the Brotherhood enough for their willingness to help make phone calls and update contact information that was previously outdated and of limited help. In addition to not always having addresses of Brothers who change locations or emails, the address book on the web server had technical issues this past year and reverted to an older version thus losing many of the updated information— so if you have not received emails in a while, please register at www.phideltachi.us or send an email to [email protected].

Recently, I met with Karla Geise, a relatively new member of the Ohio Northern Alumni office, and she has agreed to serve as an advisor for the alumni chapter. The goal is to have a faculty member involved and maintain continuity in the association over the coming years, so regardless of the individual WAL, a roadmap will already exist for him. By maintaining the long-term vision, hopefully future Brothers will be able to see the plan and the association will exist indefinitely into the future and serve as a means of connection beyond Northern’s campus. I would like to extend a HUGE “thank you” to Karla for assisting our fraternity in moving forward with alumni relations! I would also like to call out two Brothers whose assistance has been essential in the accomplishments the association has made thus far—Patrick Symmonds and Ed Chin. The three of us have spent countless hours brainstorming about the association and how to get the website to best function for the fraternity—both for collegiate and alumni Brothers.

Our goal as a fraternity is to see the “Brother for life” aspect of our fraternity become a more prominent reality. We will be attempting to have more alumni back to campus for Brotherhoods, educational presentations, and fun events. The Brothers greatly appreciate the advice and support we have received from so many of you already, and we want to do our best to reach out. I look forward to another year in my office to see the implemented changes carry through!

AAAE, Chad Rounds


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Worthy Prelate 2008—2009 Alley Oop

Officer Reports

As the Brothers of the Alpha Upsilon strive to maintain an active professional role on campus, it takes a great level of commitment. As I am happy to say, the Brothers made the commitment, and executed several successful professional projects throughout the past year. Our first project was a health screening, held in conjunction with the National Community Pharmacists Association. Nearly 30 Brothers were on hand during the day to check glucose, perform lipid panels, screen for osteoporosis, educate about asthma, and perform the Framingham risk assessment test. Another project that was performed in spring was our presentation on “The Affects of Alcohol on Common Prescription and OTC Drugs.” For this project, we worked closely with Dr. Jeffrey Allison of the Raabe College of

Pharmacy, ONU, to develop a program that would be interesting and educational to non-pharmacy students. The project was held in the large commons room of an upperclassman dorm, and free pizza was provided. The presentation turned out to be quite informative, and Dr. Allison found ways to work personal life stories into the presentation to make it more meaningful. Judging from the many questions asked at the end by non-pharmacy majors, the topic turned out to be more interesting to students than we thought, and was a great success. To maintain our status as a politically active chapter, the Brothers of Alpha Upsilon

once again wrote letters to our Senators in the spring. We addressed the issues of pricing based on AMP, and faster reimbursement by PBMs to enable small pharmacies to stay in business. Later that year, Brothers educated freshman living in the dorms of the diseases associated with living in close quarters with many people. Topics of discussion included the diseases they are most likely to acquire and most susceptible to, cleanliness, and how to stay healthy while living in the dorms. I’m glad to see that the Brotherhood is still very committed to professionalism, and I have no doubt it will continue into the future. AAAE, Alex Seminara


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Worthy Master-at-Arms

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Officer Reports

The WMA is a very important office, specifically because it most prepares for the future and if I may so, only a chapter with a proper WMA will survive. The WMA is found very deep within the meaning of what the brotherhood is about, the education of new brothers up to the standards and ideals of pharmacy that Albert B. Prescott and the founding brothers first imagined. While this is all well and good, the actuality of how to accomplish this can be very difficult to find. How does one take a relatively immature eighteen year old and turn him into a man capable of managing another person’s health? The key way is that the older brothers must be the shining example of what Phi Delta Chi is. This is the reason that I believe that the WMA’s job is only a reinforcement of how the brothers carry themselves. If the brothers do not carry themselves as upright gentlemen, then no matter of pledge education will ever succeed. Also, another key part of educating a pledge is found through the relationship of having a big brother. It is critical going through pharmacy school to have a mentor and a source of encouragement we can rely on. This

relationship does not end after we place on our caps and gown either. A big brother can be a source of experience, advice and friendship throughout our lives. At last, I would like the thank my fellow brothers for always making my tenure as WMA an easy and enjoyable time. AAAE, Andy Nelson “A man should first direct himself in the way he should go. Only then should he instruct others. “


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Worthy Inner Guard 2008—2009 Alley Oop

Officer Reports

This year was a very challenging one for us as we had to adjust to the changes that Ohio Northern University has made with its Greek life, an incoming freshman class that showed poor interest in Greek life, and an economy that made everything from fundraising to having socials much more difficult. However, I am proud of the way that our Brotherhood responded to these challenges and was able to provide professional projects and services to our community while also raising money for St. Jude’s and having social events with other organizations on campus. This office allowed me to advise my Brothers on ways to uphold our commitment to proper risk management during these challenges and provide ideas and alternatives that could be explored. One main point of emphasis for the new policies that Ohio Northern has developed is risk management. This has always been paramount to our chapter and as these new policies have been put in place, we also have worked to amend our guidelines to develop the best risk management practices possible. Improving our risk management serves to not only put us in good standing with the university, but also, more importantly, to ensure that we continue to maintain the professional image that we have worked so hard to earn. The risk management policy that we have developed is comprehensive and provides guidelines for our Brothers to follow while in any situation and includes expectations and consequences.

Looking forward to next year is exciting as we have many new fundraising ideas planned to benefit both St. Jude’s and a New Housing fund. These will require a collective brotherhood effort to execute smoothly and profitably, but as Zach Olds takes over as the Worthy Inner Guard, I am confident that we will continue our successful fundraising and risk management programs and continue to standout as leaders in the Greek life at Ohio Northern University and professionals in the field of pharmacy. AAAE, Brandon Haas


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11 Phi Delta Chi, Alpha Upsilon Chapter, 2008—2009

Sweetheart 2008—2009 Alley Oop

Sweetheart Report

Phi Delts, “Life is only as good as you make it and who you spend it

with.” I can’t imagine what my college experience would have been like the past three years without all of you. Within Phi Delta Chi, I have found some of my closest friends and my boyfriend of over two years. You are always there for me – as friendly faces in class, people to hang out with on the weekends and even dressing up in drag and performing to help raise money for the philanthropy of my organization. Really, all I can say is thank you for choosing me to be your sweetheart this past year - it meant a lot to me. It has been amazing being around such a wonderful group of men. I am so glad that I met all of you, and am honored that you have included me, even allowing me to be lavaliered and sharing the Phi Delta Chi letters with me. I wish each and every one of you the best of luck in whatever comes next! Remember who you are and what a great organization you are a part of.

Sweetheart love, Michalena


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Health Screening 2008—2009 Alley Oop

Professional Projects

Phi Delta Chi this year expanded the health screenings this year to two per year, one occurring at homecoming, specifically for alumni, and the other during spring quarter for the surrounding community, students and employees of Ohio Northern University. The Phi Delta Chi health screenings have become an integral part of ONU’s service to the community and as such the university provided us with 600 dollars for the health screening for the purchase of supplies to help with the screening. Also, 600 dollars was brought from the general fund of Phi Delta Chi to provide enough money for a proper screening program. Furthermore, Dr. Jeffery Allison, Dr. Sekhar Maimadi, Dr. Shane Martin and Prof. Deirdre Myers dedicated their time during both screenings that assured that all of the Brothers had a source of knowledge and experience to rely on to not only allow us to have a guide for the proper screening techniques, but also to be a source of guidance on any conditions we did not feel full

confidence in our ability to fully instruct the patient in how to best manage their health. In addition, NCPA also helped in the manning and planning of the event. In total, over the course of the two screenings, more than 150 people were screened. Screening offered for those who showed up were blood pressure, blood glucose, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, bone mineral densities, peak flow testing, inhaler training, and sun safety tips. AAAE, and God bless all the Brothers of PDC, Jeremy Sakel

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13 Phi Delta Chi, Alpha Upsilon Chapter, 2008—2009

Road Clean-up 2008—2009 Alley Oop

Professional Projects

The Brothers of Alley Oop once again extended a helping hand to the community by participating in our biannual road cleanup. The chapter united as one strong impetus against trash on state route 235. Empty soda cans, old McDonald’s bags, and worn out compact discs haplessly strewn across the roadside, amongst other articles of rubbish, were no match for the Brothers as they strived to keep the highway beautiful. A couple hours of dedication and twelve bulging trash bags later, the highway was spotless yet again.

“Road cleanup is a great way to amalgamate the Brotherhood in an effort to help the community,” commented Brother Blayne Young on another successful road cleanup endeavor. Brother Young could not have put it any better. Road cleanup is one of the many opportunities the Brotherhood has each year to work as a team to complete a project at hand. And it’s not just all hard work. Accomplishing a task, even something such as picking up litter, can be quite enjoyable when performed as part of a group. The Brothers of this chapter will continue to strive to serve the community through various other service projects carried out during the year and for years to come.

AAAE, Mike Keryeski

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Patient Centered Pamphlets

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Professional Projects

This past year when I received an email asking for participation in the annual Wellness Fair, I thought this would be a good opportunity to present a project I personally have been working on. Let me take you back to August of 2008, I was sitting in the airport with Brother Andy Nelson, and we were waiting for our plane to leave Austin after attending LDS. Going to the awards ceremony and seeing all the awards presented really inspired us. At that point, we began working on a project centered on retail pharmacy. My motivation for this project resulted from working at CVS/Pharmacy since I was 16 and seeing the same customers month after month, asking what I believe were simple questions like getting a 3-month supply, why we cannot fill a prescription that was written in 2006, or basic billing questions. I truly enjoy interacting with patients on the retail level and I thought that through education, we can help patients understand how pharmacy works and for them to get a better grasp about straightforward pharmacy operations. I then came up with the idea for putting the most common questions I hear in an easy to read and understandable pamphlet. I presented this at the Wellness Fair and I received an excellent response. Caregivers came up to me and said they needed something to help them understand how to manage their parents’ medications. Pharmacy professors loved the idea, and Dr. Finley extended an offer to help me better synthesize my ideas and distribute them to various pharmacies. If pharmacists distribute these to customers such as caregivers or the recurrent patient who does not have a strong grasp on the profession, then our patients will be better educated and understand our line of work more (not to mention less repetitive questions to us). If you feel like your pharmacy could utilize this pamphlet, email me at [email protected] and I will be more than willing to mail them to you or your pharmacy. AAAE, Geoffrey Mospan

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15 Phi Delta Chi, Alpha Upsilon Chapter, 2008—2009

Homecoming 2008—2009 Alley Oop

Alumni Events

Homecoming weekend this past year was a very busy one for Phi Delta Chi! Many of our Brothers walked in the parade on Main Street sporting white lab coats and reminded children that “drugs are not candy”. Those Brothers that were not in the parade were busy back at the house preparing for the cookout that was scheduled to take place. It was a great joy seeing the alumni

visit and reminisce as they reviewed composites and shared stories about their days on Northern’s campus. Friday night saw many of the more recent graduates return, and then a second wave of alumni returned with their families on Saturday. Overall, I think the interaction was awesome and I know everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. This year’s Homecoming CE program involved ONU faculty member Dr. DiPietro’s presentation on cardiovascular risks for women and the Ohio State Board’s update on pharmacy law. In addition to the normal activities of Homecoming weekend, a

health fair was also available for anyone who wised to have their health evaluated—as blood pressures, bone density tests, and lipid profiles were done free of charge for the community. Hopefully this approaching Homecoming will be an even bigger success with more alumni returning to Ada and Phi Dex again having a significant place in the schedule of events.


Chad Rounds

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Brotherhood Retreat 2008—2009 Alley Oop

Brotherhood Events

During the last weekend in September, the Brothers of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter ventured down to Buck Creek State Park for their annual Brotherhood Retreat. There was a excellent showing for the retreat, a wide range of Brothers were present. As busy as their schedules might be, it was good to see some of P6’s and P5’s come, offer their wisdom, and spend time with the younger Brothers. When we first arrived at cabins Friday evening, everyone started to unwind from their previous hectic week. As the night progressed on, socializing commenced in several of the different cabins. Once Saturday morning arrived, the Brothers began a long day of meetings. The year was planned out; the officers set the budget, organized professional projects, and identified our strengths and weaknesses as well. With the rest of the Brotherhood, another meeting was held. Here, during a general meeting, a new sweetheart was picked. After other business was taken care of, the meeting finished off with pizza. As tradition would have it, once all the formalities were taken care of, the Brothers took part in the yearly football game. Once the football game was over, most packed up and headed back to school. After a great weekend, it seemed as though all of the Brothers came

back to Ada with a greater sense of Brotherhood. With a newly revived significance of remaining close, we’re ready for a great year! AAAE, Alex Seminara

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Intramurals 2008—2009 Alley Oop

Brotherhood Events

The only intramural sport we have going on right now is softball. After a disappointing loss

in the championship last spring, we are looking to take home the t-shirts this year. We have a lot of

younger guys playing, mainly P1’s, P2’s, as well as some pledges. This is good news since we

thought we might be a little low on softball

players after the P5’s of last year moved on to


Thus far, we have a record of 2-1. The

first game was our only loss, and it was

primarily due to a lack of attendance and

equipment. Since then, we have dominated the

other two teams. Weather has been a bit of an

issue in getting all of our games in, but we are

hoping that it will change in the coming weeks.

Special thanks to Brandon Hardin for a surprise appearance at our last game, which really helped

out a lot. We look forward to a good season and we will hopefully take the title.


Dave Lang

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12th Leader-Development Seminar

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Brotherhood Events

The 12th LDS was held in Austin, Texas this year and representing the Alpha Upsilon Chapter were collegiate Brothers Andy Nelson and myself. Two alumni from our chapter were also in attendance, and they were Brothers Eric Schmidt and Kenny Walkup. The event lasted a little under three days and we will all agree that it was a very rewarding experience. Once Andy and I arrived, we instantly made connections with other chapters present at the event, including Brothers from the Eta,

Alpha Phi, Alpha Theta, and Beta Gamma chapters, just to name a few. After introducing ourselves and being acquainted with one another, we shared information about our respective chapters and how we each operate. Many excellent ideas were exchanged, and we each took these back to our chapters. During the day, all of the attendees divided into groups and went through several modules. Each session covered a wide variety of topics, which led to in-depth thinking, thought provoking questions,

and excellent group discussions. The groups had a wide variety of Brothers from chapters across the country and this helped enhance the discussions, due to the diverse backgrounds of the Brothers and schools they attend. These sessions covered every aspect of what it is to be a leader and gave Andy and I valuable information to take back with us to our chapter, which allowed us to make improvements in many different areas. In addition to the learning that occurred, we made many connections with many different Brothers from across the country. We met other collegiate Brothers with whom we discussed college life and our universities. Alumni who are currently practicing pharmacy were able to use their wisdom and give us insight on college, pharmacy, and tips on running our chapter. The event made me incredibly proud to be a Brother of Phi Delta Chi and is an experience I will always take with me and never forget. “I Am Phi Delta Chi,” Geoffrey A. Mospan

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Formals 2008—2009 Alley Oop

Brotherhood Events

Formals this year was another great time. This year formals was held in Columbus at the Crown Plaza Hotel. Formals was held on the same weekend of the Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Trade Show to allow for more convenience for Brothers and alumni to attend the conference and formals. Formals was attended this year by 30 Brothers and 9 alumni and their dates. The night started of with a splendid dinner. The featured items included finely prepared asparagus and deliciously prepared garlic potatoes. Another successful awards ceremony followed, with Ed Chin being this year’s winner of the Brother of the Year award due to all of his hard work throughout the year. Dessert was then served that included a rich and moist chocolate cake, or a creamy cheesecake topped with strawberries. Following desert, the dance begun which allowed for the stress of pharmacy school and jobs to be sweated out to some of the finest musical hits. All through the event much fun and discussion was too be had, and many people left with lasting

memories. AAAE, Jeremy Sakel

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DZ Christmas, and DZ Lecture and Dinner

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Social Events

The Brothers of Phi Delta Chi and the Sisters of Delta Zeta shared the festive spirit of Christmas at this year’s Christmas Social. The social was a great way for everyone to take a small break from the busy season and reflect on the many blessings of the past year and enjoy the company of our friends. Food was abundant with each sweet tooth satisfied by tasty Christmas cookies. Everyone also participated in a group activity that involved the t-shirt that was made for the event. On the back of each shirt was the traditional story of The Night before Christmas but the story had an assortment of nouns, adjectives, and verbs missing. In a Mad Lib activity a Brother of Phi Delta Chi would pair up with a Sister of Delta Zeta and the two would complete each other’s shirts. Needless to say the creativity of the group was expressed and many interesting versions of the story came forth. Everyone that was able to attend the social left feeling a little more full of Christmas spirit and was a great way to end our last week of class before break. AAAE Paul Lamiell #601

Dr. Finley spoke to us and the sorority Delta Zeta about the disease called MRSA. She talked about the dangers of this disease in close proximity populations such as colleges and warned us of the symptoms if we were ever to encounter the bacteria. As she was giving her speech she gave us ideas as to how to prevent us from ever encountering the disease and also gave us a brief history on the progression of the disease. Dr. Kristen Finley is a new professor at Ohio Northern’s College of Pharmacy and is very helpful in our pursuit of our degree. She is easy to talk to and when we ap-proached her about doing this event she was great full for the fact that we asked her to do this. We had dinner before hand with the Delta Zeta’s and sat down for Dr. Finley’s informative speech. We couldn’t have thanked her enough and were very pleased with her performance. AAAE, Freddy Campogni

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Having A Ball at the Ball

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Social Events

On Saturday, January 24, Ohio Northern University hosted a “Polar Bear Ball” at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. Brothers Ben Brocious, Ed Chin, Richard Boyd, Paul Lamiell, Cory Miller, Kyle Gustafson, Andy Nelson, Chad Rounds, Patrick Symmonds and about 300 other students and alumni attended the event, which was put together by the Polar Bear Nation committee at ONU. The Ball was a great time for Brothers and their dates to get dressed up and talk to some of the ONU alumni in attendance. In addition to enjoying each other’s company, Brothers were also graced with the presence of a baby kangaroo, cheetah, and dingo! To commemorate the evening, free photographs and caricatures were available. It was a beautiful night out on the town, and one that we were all glad to be a part of!

AAAE Richard Boyd

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A Haunted Evening With The DZ’s

2008—2009 Alley Oop

Social Events

The night of October 25th was dark, cloudless, and had a brisk chill in the air. Perfect for the haunted house/cornfield enthusiast or anyone looking for a heart pumping, adrenaline rush type scare. We were joined by the lovely ladies of Delta Zeta as our group ventured into Harold’s Haunted Cornfield, and together encountered no less then three chainsaw wielding monsters, as well as a very creepy Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies. Though epilepsy would be a problem in the cornfield because of all the strobe lights, it was a ton of fun, and with our female counterparts in need of protection from monsters, much better than the average scary movie. The next attraction we entered, know as The Gauntlet, contained more mechanized scare tactics than either of the other two. What really stood out here was moving from a large, coffin containing room into a graveyard outside. The contrast of environments gave The Gauntlet no less than three out of five skeletons (if

you were using the 5-point skeleton scale). The final attraction, Toxic Trauma, was a huge maze filled with enough fog to make seeing more than a foot from your face nearly impossible. The scare factor here was most definitely getting lost in the fog, rather than being scared of what was in it (because you couldn’t see it if you wanted to). Overall this social event with Delta Zeta brought our Greek community that much closer, and forged several friendships. One can only imagine the fun to be had at our Christmas social together. AAAE, Alex Seminara

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New Brothers 2008—2009 Alley Oop


To many people a fraternity is place where people just go to party and have a good time. However, these people haven’t the slightest clue of what it means to be a part of a Brotherhood. Pledging has shown us what it means to be a Brother in a way that we never even understood before. From day one, all of the Brothers have offered their assistance and guidance on just about any situation that could present itself. At first it seemed as if they were just being nice because we were the new guys, but after these last few months it has become apparent that they are truly our Brothers and are there for all Brothers through thick and thin. The pledging process has taught us not only about the history of our prestigious fraternity, but has also instilled within us fraternal spirit. We have been brought together by a common bond in the fact that everyone has gone through the same process to become a Brother of Phi Delta Chi as we have. With this being said, our fraternity is unique in the fact that all of its members are in school for the same common goal; to advance the science of pharmacy and its allied interests. Pledging has taught us many valuable lessons. First and foremost is has taught us what it truly means to be a Brother. Having respect for one another and the willingness to help one another in a time of need are traits necessary to be part of a fraternity. This process has also taught us hard work and dedication will bring great reward. It has been a long and difficult journey, but has been one that was well worth the trials and tribulations. Pledging has even helped with the operation of our everyday lives in the gaining of time management skills. The process to become a member of Phi Delta Chi is a large time commitment to take on during the rigorous work that pharmacy school requires. Given this situation, we have been challenged to put aside the time necessary to be good students, good pledge Brothers, and upstanding members of the professional community. In the end Phi Delta Chi has changed us in ways we could have never imagined. Aside from teaching us the values of scholarship and service, we now know what it means to be part of a professional organization along with what it truly means to be a Brother. Brotherhood is an attribute that cannot be picked up over night but rather learned through the experiences that pledging presents.


Anthony Fritz and Tom Otroba


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The House 2008—2009 Alley Oop


In continuation from last year’s Alley Oop, I am updating you with news from our current housing situation. A brief recap of what has happened in my term as president: In March we were told we could not live in our house for the 08-09 school year. Late March/April the school decided we could live in our house for another year with the promise from us that we would make some improvements. In August, a 5-year housing plan was due with us describing where we see our chapter living in 5 years (basically how we were going to get a house that was up to state code). That due date was extended to October by other fraternities. In November/December, our plan was looked at by the Office of Greek Life and some administrators. They approved our plan and sent it up to President Baker for his approval. I was told that he did not have a problem with our plan, which means we are free to go forward with our 5-year plan. To give you a brief overview, the 5-year plan stated that we: maintain residence in our current house while bringing it up to code and do the required tasks (sprinkler system, interconnected fire alarms, emergency exit lighting) by the end of the time allotted. Now we stand in a position where we need to get the ball rolling with this. The plan has been approved, it is time we take action. The most feasible plan is to do a rent-to-own scenario with the landlord. This way a large loan will not need to be taken out in the Alumni Association’s name. We are currently looking into holding several fundraisers yearly to raise money for housing (with a percentage still going to charity). Having the Brotherhood work at Cedar Point two weekends will provide enough funds for the smaller items to be brought up to code. The most expensive item would be the sprinkler system, which payments for that could be looked into. As a chapter, we are not going to sit around and wait for the alumni to pay for everything and do everything for us. We are taking a proactive approach towards this, crunching the numbers, and getting the estimates for everything. We will, however, need the Alumni Associations help with placing the house in their name and possibly with payments for a loan on the sprinkler system. I feel that once we have this house up to code, we will be here forever, stronger than ever, and housing will no longer be a topic of concern. Volunteering at Cedar Point yearly will give us money every fall to make improvements on the house after it is brought up to code, and will make it a nicer place to live. I have dealt with this situation for a long time now and plan to remain active on the topic throughout my collegiate life and then when I become an alumni. While I am only twenty years old, I realize I can be young and naïve so if you have any comments on my plan, please let me know. AAAE, Geoffrey Mospan

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New To Northern 2008—2009 Alley Oop


Ada has gotten a great new Italian restaurant where the former KFC was and I invite you the next time you are in

Ada to visit and enjoy some their delicious food.

McDonalds has finally come to Ada and has done an excellent business.

The Mathile Center for the Natural Sciences will be opening next fall and will include 21 classrooms, five seminar rooms, 21 laboratories, 34 offices and four storage spaces. The 95,145-

square-foot structure will connect the Meyer Hall of Science with the Robertson-Evans pharmacy building.

ONU is building four new affin-ity buildings for the specific housing of campus organiza-tions. The new housing will open over one-hundred new housing spots for students

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Herzlichen Dank! 2008—2009 Alley Oop

The Editorial

Due to this being my last official year as an on-campus Brother, putting this together has truly been a fine bookend to my collegiate service to the Brotherhood. I wish to use this forum to truly thank all of the Brothers, and alumni who have put their trust in me. It is a very odd thing to think that my time in college has come to less than one year left. I hope that myself and my class has served as a good example of what a Phi Delt Brother should be to the younger Brothers, just as the older guys served our class. Special thanks for this publication’s completion goes out to all the Brothers in general, but specifically I have to thank Danny Krall, and Ed Chin who helped me last year and this year in the development of the proper format for this publication. Also, thanks to Robert Bjurstrom and Zach Schrensky for helping me get to the point of being able to publish this paper. May God further this Brotherhood to greater heights and allow its Brothers “to advance the science of pharmacy and its allied interests, and to foster and promote a fraternal spirit amongst its Brothers.” AAAE and God Bless, Jeremy Sakel