20072015 fa 15 01 01292 decision record - home affairs


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Department of Immigrationand Citizenship

Service Fee Forecast and

Comparison for Wickham Point

Immigration Detention Centre

March 2011

Department of Immigrationand Citizenship

Service Fee Forecast and

Comparison for Wickham Point

Immigration Detention Centre

Department of Immigration

Comparison for Wickham Point

Page 14: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


February 2011

1. Introduction

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the Department) has a plan for a new immigrationdetention centre (the Centre) at Wickham Point in Darwin. The Centre will be privately leased andis expected to accommodate 1,500 beds at its full capacity.

The Department currently has existing contractual arrangements with Serco (Australia) Pty Ltd(Serco) for the provision of a range of services for the immigration detention centres aroundAustralia. The services include:

People in Detention Services

Facilities Management and Support Services

Business Services

Security Services

Transport and Escort Service.

The contract also provides for the pass through/mark-up of certain identified costs

The Department has received an offer from the Centre’s prospective lessor (Foxy) to provide someof the services currently managed by Serco for the other detention facilities. The services offeredby Foxy comprise the majority (but not all) of the services specified under the Schedule 2.2.2 of theDIAC Contract with Serco for the provision of‘Facilities Management and Support Services’ as wellas a number of services provided under the ‘Pass Through/Mark-up Costs’ arrangements.

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has been requested to undertake a comparative analysis ofpricing offered by Foxy against comparable services offered by Serco at other ImmigrationDetention Centres to assist the Department in determining whether the offer represents value formoney.

2. Executive summary

Our assessment of the fees for maintenance services provided by Serco at Northern IDCand Curtin IDC suggests that the comparable services have been provided at between

per head per day. The estimated fees for the comparable services perannum based on these rates are between .

Foxy’s quote is fixed at per head per day or per annum at the Centre’sfull capacity.

There are a number of external factors which significantly limit the conclusions that can bedrawn from this comparative analysis.

s 47G(1)(a)

s 47G(1)(a)

s 47G(1)(a)s 47G(1)(a)

s 47C(1)

Page 15: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


February 2011

3. Purpose

This paper has been prepared to assist the Department in making a decision as to whetherthe offer by Foxy for the provision of maintenance services at Wickham Point IDCrepresents value for money.

This paper is not intended for general circulation or distribution, nor is it to be reproducedor used for any purpose other than as outlined above, without our written consent in eachspecific instance. We do not assume any responsibility for liability for any losses sufferedas a result of the circulation, publication, reproduction or other use of this paper contrary tothe provisions of this paragraph.

We reserve the right to review and amend all opinion included or referred to in this paperand, if we consider it necessary, to revise such in the light of any information whichbecomes known to us after the date of the paper or if additional sources of information, notreferred to Sources of information contained in the paper, are provided to us. We have notverified any of the information presented to us nor done anything in the nature of an auditof the information given to us. Consequently, we express no opinion on the reliability orcompleteness of the information supplied to us and upon which our paper is based.

4. Our approach

We have taken the following steps to undertake this analysis:-

Reviewed the offer by Foxy for the provision of maintenance services at Wickham PointIDC;

Reviewed the scope of work and associated pricing tables set out in schedule 5 of theDetention Services Contract between DIAC and Serco for the provision of services atNorthern IDC;

Reviewed the scope of work and associated pricing tables proposed by Serco for provisionof services at Curtin IDC;

Reviewed the actual fees rendered for NIDC and CIDC from July 2010 to February 2011including fixed, variable and pass through/mark-up costs under each service requirement

Undertook a comparison of the maintenance services offered by Foxy against those set outunder Schedule 2.2.2 of the Detention Services Contract between DIAC and Serco toidentify the comparable range of services delivered at those sites;

Identified the cost of delivering the comparable range of services at full capacity at CurtinIDC (1,200 People in Detention) and Northern IDC (546 People in Detention);

Extrapolated, on a pro-rata basis, the cost of delivering comparable services at Curtin IDCand Northern IDC to estimate an indicative cost of delivering the comparable services atWickham Point IDC at full capacity (1,500 People in Detention)

Compared the indicative cost of delivering comparable services at Wickham Point IDC atfull capacity against the offered cost by Foxy.

Page 16: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


February 2011

The following factors need to be taken into account in conjunction with the calculations provided inthis paper.

The cost forecasts under the Serco arrangement have been calculated based on a simplepro rata basis, as no other alternative mechanism appears to exist to predict the futurevariables and pass through/mark-up costs that are unique for the Centre.

The variables and the pass through/mark-up costs fluctuate significantly. Accordingly thepro rata based estimates may not represent the actual service fees under such categories.

All dollar figures in the paper are inclusive of GST unless otherwise specified.

5. Limitation

We note that there are a range of factors which impact significantly on the conclusions that can bedrawn from the comparative analysis of the Foxy offer against the cost of delivering comparableservices under the existing Serco contract:

The fee for the provision of facilities management services at existing sites under theDetention Services Contract between DIAC and Serco is part of a holistic fee for theprovision of a range of costs. Whilst the pricing tables at Schedule 5 allocate a portion ofthese costs for the delivery of maintenance services, these are not necessarily indicative ofthe actual costs to Serco in delivering maintenance services as a ‘stand alone’ service;

The Detention Services Contract between DIAC and Serco is very complex, particularly interms of the statement of works, the volume of requirements and the standard of servicesrequired. Whilst the Foxy offer comprises a range of similar services, it is not clear to whatextent this will involve performance of the detailed requirements and service standards asare included in the Detention Services Contract. Definition of the exact scope of servicesand performance standards is likely to impact significantly on the cost of delivering theservices.

Serco’s costing mechanism and the fees schedules contained in the contracts are notnecessarily indicative of the actual service fees that are going to be charged to theDepartment. The actual service fees are heavily driven by the variables and the passthrough costs that undermine the certainty of the actual service fees.

Unique circumstances exist at each of the various sites for which appropriate assumptionsmay be required. For example, service delivery at Curtin IDC is based on a remote modelwith labour costs based on a casual workforce operating on a fly-in, fly-out basis whichimpacts significantly on the overall cost of delivering services at this site. The impacts ofsuch assumptions are not easily quantifiable and are not reflected in the comparativeassessment that has been undertaken.

The pricing model for delivery of maintenance services at NIDC was developed as part of aholistic model for delivery of services across the entire Detention Services Network.Accordingly there are limitations in the conclusions that can be drawn regarding the cost ofdelivering maintenance services at NIDC as a ‘stand alone’ facility.

Foxy’s quote is fixed on a ‘per head’ basis and does not include a detailed breakdown ofindividual cost items or underlying assumptions. Due to limited degree of information, it isimpractical to compare Foxy’s quote directly to the Serco’s costs for other facilities.

Page 17: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


February 2011

The pricing model for delivery of services by Serco at CIDC has been proposed by Sercobut is yet to be accepted by the Department. The service fee has been paid in accordancewith this model as an interim arrangement whilst contract variation negotiations progress,however the pricing proposal is yet to be formally accepted by DIAC or assessed asrepresenting ‘value for money’.

6. Sources of information

Monthly tax invoices from July 2010 to February 2011 for the Northern ImmigrationDetention Centre.

Monthly tax invoices from July 2010 to February 2011 for the Curtin Immigration DetentionCentre.

Email from to dated 24 February 2011.

Serco Detention Services Contract Immigration Detention Centres Volume 2.

7. Foxy offer

Foxy’s quote is per head per day or per annum at the full capacity (1,500persons) and includes the following services:-

Management of assets;

Maintenance of assets;

Catering – food and labour (including over-time);

Cleaning – all areas including clients;

Linen service;

Rubbish removal;

Water and sewerage;

Electricity and gas;

Telecommunication (installation only, usage still to be met by the Department);

Staff transport;


Environmental management; and

Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S).

It does NOT include:-

s 47G(1)(a)s 47G(1)(a)

s 22(1)(a)(ii) s 22(1)(a)(ii)

Page 18: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


February 2011

Malicious damage; or

Security or emergency management

The following table outlines the service lines provided by Serco for other detention centres and thecomparable services offered by Foxy. Foxy offer appears to include the items marked with ‘’.The marked items have been selected by description and may not necessarily comparable to theservices that are contained the contract with Serco. In particular, it is unclear whether the offer byFoxy includes a commitment to provide the required services in accordance with the detailedrequirements and service standards as prescribed under the Detention Services Contract betweenDIAC and Serco.

Services Included

People in Detention Services

Well-Being of People in Detention

Reception, Transfer, Accommodation and Discharge of People in Detention

Individual Management

Property of People in Detention

Other Services

Facility Management and Support

Management of Assets

Maintenance of Assets

Centre Security and Emergency System


Cleaning Services (Admin only)

Environment Management

Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S)

Management of Emergencies

Business Services

Business Services Plan

Human Resource Management

Alternative Detention

Contract and Relationship Management

Records Management

Information Technology Requirements

Incident Management

Business Continuity

Reporting of Service Delivery

Quality Management and Continuous Improvement


Security Services

Delivery of Security Services

Entry Control

Centre Security

Other Services

Transport and Escort Services



Page 19: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


February 2011

Other Services

Pass Through/Mark-up Costs

Scheduled Maintenance

Ground and Infrastructure Maintenance

Alternative Detention Disbursements

Other Services (Linen, Cleaning, etc.)


Capital Works

Loose Asset Purchases

Additional Storage

8. History of Serco’s service fees - NIDC

The service fees charged for NIDC from July 2010 to February 2011 are outlined below. The‘Applicable’ items are the service requirements Foxy has proposed to provide which are relevantfor the comparison further discussed below.

Services Comparison Fixed Variable PTC Total

People in Detention Services

Well-Being of People in Detention

Reception, Transfer, Accommodation

Individual Management

Property of People in Detention

Other Services

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Facility Management and Support

Management of Assets

Maintenance of Assets

Centre Security and Emergency Sys


Cleaning Services (Admin only)

Environment Management

Occupational Health and Safety

Management of Emergencies



Not applicable





Not applicable

Business Services

Business Services Plan

Human Resource Management

Alternative Detention

Contract and Relationship Mgt

Records Management

Information Technology Requirement

Incident Management

Business Continuity

Reporting of Service Delivery

Quality Mgt and Continuous Imp

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

s 47G(1)(a)

Page 20: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


February 2011

Services Comparison Fixed Variable PTC Total

Stores Not applicable

Security Services

Delivery of Security Services

Entry Control

Centre Security

Other Services

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Transport and Escort Services



Other Services

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Pass Through/Mark-up Costs

Scheduled Maintenance

Ground and Infrastructure

Alternative Detention Disbursements

Other Services (Linen, Cleaning, etc.)


Capital Works

Loose Asset Purchases

Additional Storage



Not applicable






Total ‘Applicable’

Total ‘Not Applicable’


9. History of Serco’s service fees - CIDC

The service fees charged for CIDC from July 2010 to February 2011 are also outlined below.

Services Comparison Fixed Variable PTC Total

People in Detention Services

Well-Being of People in Detention

Reception, Transfer, Accommodation

Individual Management

Property of People in Detention

Other Services

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Facility Management and Support

Management of Assets

Maintenance of Assets

Centre Security and Emergency Sys


Cleaning Services (Admin only)

Environment Management

Occupational Health and Safety



Not applicable





s 47G(1)(a)

s 47G(1)(a)

Page 21: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


February 2011

Services Comparison Fixed Variable PTC Total

Management of Emergencies Not applicable

Business Services

Business Services Plan

Human Resource Management

Alternative Detention

Contract and Relationship Mgt

Records Management

Information Technology Requirement

Incident Management

Business Continuity

Reporting of Service Delivery

Quality Mgt and Continuous Imp


Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Security Services

Delivery of Security Services

Entry Control

Centre Security

Other Services

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Transport and Escort Services



Other Services

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Pass Through/Mark-up Costs

Scheduled Maintenance

Ground and Infrastructure

Alternative Detention Disbursements

Other Services (Linen, Cleaning, etc.)


Capital Works

Loose Asset Purchases

Additional Storage



Not applicable






Total ‘Applicable’

Total ‘Not Applicable’


10. Cost forecast based on service history

NIDC can accommodate 546 persons at it full capacity. Where NIDC was run at its fully capacity,the average rate per head per day charged for the period from July 2010 to February 2011 and theestimated fee per annum for the services are outlined per below.

s 47G(1)(a)

Page 22: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


February 2011

CIDC can accommodate 1,200 persons at it full capacity. Where CIDC was run at its fully capacity,the average rate per head per day charged for the period from July 2010 to February 2011 and theestimated fee per annum for the services are outlined per below.

11. Comparison

The table below provides a comparison, based on the Foxy’s fixed quote and the estimates fromthe Serco’s fee history outlined above.

12. Additional information required

As outlined above under Limitation, there are significant limitations in the conclusions that can bedrawn from a comparative assessment of the Foxy offer against the cost of delivering similarservices by Serco at other Immigration Detention Centres. i In order to facilitate a morecomprehensive assessment of value for money, DIAC may wish to consider one or more of thefollowing options:

Obtain from Foxy a detailed breakdown of individual cost items and underlyingassumptions. This would allow an assessment of the reasonableness of assumptions

s 47G(1)(a)

s 47G(1)(a)

s 47G(1)(a)

s 47C(1)

Page 23: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


February 2011

proposed by Foxy in the development of its pricing proposal and also how this compares towhat Serco is required to fulfil under its existing arrangements.

Request Serco to provide an offer for the provision of maintenance services as part of itsbroader delivery of services at Wickham Point IDC so as to allow for a more directlycomparable assessment of the offer between the two potential providers.

Request the provision of an offer for the delivery of maintenance services at WickhamPoint IDC from other potential providers through an open market or direct tender processso as to allow for a comprehensive assessment of the market value of the requestedservices

Page 24: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigrationand Citizenship

Service Fee Forecast and

Comparison for Wickham Point

Immigration Detention Centre

May 2011

Department of Immigrationand Citizenship

Service Fee Forecast and

Comparison for Wickham Point

Immigration Detention Centre

Department of Immigration

Comparison for Wickham Point

Page 25: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


May 2011

1. Introduction

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the Department) has a plan for a new immigrationdetention centre (the Centre) at Wickham Point in Darwin. The Centre will be privately leased andis expected to accommodate 1,500 beds at its full capacity.

The Department currently has existing contractual arrangements with Serco (Australia) Pty Ltd(Serco) for the provision of a range of services for the immigration detention centres aroundAustralia. The services include:

People in Detention Services

Facilities Management and Support Services

Business Services

Security Services

Transport and Escort Service.

The contract also provides for the pass through/mark-up of certain identified costs

The Department has received an offer from the Centre’s prospective lessor (Foxy) to provide someof the services currently managed by Serco for the other detention facilities. The services offeredby Foxy comprise the majority (but not all) of the services specified under the Schedule 2.2.2 of theDIAC Contract with Serco for the provision of ‘Facilities Management and Support Services’ as wellas a number of services provided under the ‘Pass Through/Mark-up Costs’ arrangements.

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has been requested to undertake a comparative analysis ofpricing offered by Foxy against comparable services offered by Serco at other ImmigrationDetention Centres to assist the Department in determining whether the offer represents value formoney.

2. Executive summary

Our assessment of the fees for maintenance services provided by Serco at Northern IDCand Curtin IDC suggests that the comparable services have been provided at between

per head per day. The estimated fees for the comparable services perannum based on these rates are between Foxy’s quote isfixed at per head per day or per annum at the Centre’s full capacity.

s 47G(1)(a)

s 47G(1)(a)

s 47G(1)(a)s 47G(1)(a)

s 47C(1)

Page 26: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


May 2011

3. Purpose

This paper has been prepared to assist the Department in making a decision as to whetherthe offer by Foxy for the provision of maintenance services at Wickham Point IDCrepresents value for money.

This paper is not intended for general circulation or distribution, nor is it to be reproducedor used for any purpose other than as outlined above, without our written consent in eachspecific instance. We do not assume any responsibility for liability for any losses sufferedas a result of the circulation, publication, reproduction or other use of this paper contrary tothe provisions of this paragraph.

We reserve the right to review and amend all opinion included or referred to in this paperand, if we consider it necessary, to revise such in the light of any information whichbecomes known to us after the date of the paper or if additional sources of information, notreferred to Sources of information contained in the paper, are provided to us. We have notverified any of the information presented to us nor done anything in the nature of an auditof the information given to us. Consequently, we express no opinion on the reliability orcompleteness of the information supplied to us and upon which our paper is based.

4. Our approach

We have taken the following steps to undertake this analysis:-

Reviewed the offer by Foxy for the provision of maintenance services at Wickham PointIDC;

Reviewed the scope of work and associated pricing tables set out in schedule 5 of theDetention Services Contract between DIAC and Serco for the provision of services atNorthern IDC;

Reviewed the scope of work and associated pricing tables proposed by Serco for provisionof services at Curtin IDC;

Reviewed the actual fees rendered for NIDC and CIDC from July 2010 to February 2011including fixed, variable and pass through/mark-up costs under each service requirement

Undertook a comparison of the maintenance services offered by Foxy against those set outunder Schedule 2.2.2 of the Detention Services Contract between DIAC and Serco toidentify the comparable range of services delivered at those sites;

Identified the cost of delivering the comparable range of services at full capacity at CurtinIDC (1,200 People in Detention) and Northern IDC (546 People in Detention);

Extrapolated, on a pro-rata basis, the cost of delivering comparable services at Curtin IDCand Northern IDC to estimate an indicative cost of delivering the comparable services atWickham Point IDC at full capacity (1,500 People in Detention)

Compared the indicative cost of delivering comparable services at Wickham Point IDC atfull capacity against the offered cost by Foxy.

The following factors need to be taken into account in conjunction with the calculations provided inthis paper.

Page 27: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


May 2011

The cost forecasts under the Serco arrangement have been calculated based on a simplepro rata basis, as no other alternative mechanism appears to exist to predict the futurevariables and pass through/mark-up costs that are unique for the Centre.

The variables and the pass through/mark-up costs fluctuate significantly. Accordingly thepro rata based estimates may not represent the actual service fees under such categories.

All dollar figures in the paper are inclusive of GST unless otherwise specified.

5. Limitation

We note that there are a range of factors which impact significantly on the conclusions that can bedrawn from the comparative analysis of the Foxy offer against the cost of delivering comparableservices under the existing Serco contract:

The fee for the provision of facilities management services at existing sites under theDetention Services Contract between DIAC and Serco is part of a holistic fee for theprovision of a range of services. Whilst the pricing tables at Schedule 5 allocate a portionof these costs for the delivery of maintenance services, these are not necessarily indicativeof the actual costs to Serco in delivering maintenance services as a ‘stand alone’ service;

The Detention Services Contract between DIAC and Serco is very complex, particularly interms of the statement of works, the volume of requirements and the standard of servicesrequired. Whilst the Foxy offer comprises a range of similar services, it is not clear to whatextent this will involve performance of the detailed requirements and service standards asare included in the Detention Services Contract. Definition of the exact scope of servicesand performance standards is likely to impact significantly on the cost of delivering theservices.

Serco’s costing mechanism and the fees schedules contained in the contracts are notnecessarily indicative of the actual service fees that are going to be charged to theDepartment. The actual service fees are heavily driven by the variables and the passthrough costs that undermine the certainty of the actual service fees.

Unique circumstances exist at each of the various sites for which sensible assumptionsmay be required. For example, service delivery at Curtin IDC is based on a remote modelwith labour costs based on a casual workforce operating on a fly-in, fly-out basis whichimpacts significantly on the overall cost of delivering services at these sites. The impactsof such assumptions are not easily quantifiable and are not reflected in the comparativeassessment that has been undertaken.

The pricing model for delivery of maintenance services at NIDC was developed as part of aholistic model for delivery of services across the entire Detention Services Network.Accordingly there are limitations in the conclusions that can be drawn regarding the cost ofdelivering maintenance services at NIDC as a ‘stand alone’ facility.

The pricing model for delivery of services by Serco at CIDC has been proposed by Sercobut is yet to be accepted by the Department. The service fee has been paid in accordancewith this model as an interim arrangement whilst contract variation negotiations progress,however the pricing proposal is yet to be formally accepted by DIAC or assessed asrepresenting ‘value for money’.

Page 28: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


May 2011

Foxy’s quote is fixed on a ‘per head’ basis and does not include a detailed breakdown ofindividual cost items or underlying assumptions. Due to limited degree of information, it isimpractical to compare Foxy’s quote directly to the Serco’s costs for other facilities.

6. Sources of information

Monthly tax invoices from July 2010 to February 2011 for the Northern ImmigrationDetention Centre.

Monthly tax invoices from July 2010 to February 2011 for the Curtin Immigration DetentionCentre.

Email from to dated 24 February 2011.

Serco Detention Services Contract Immigration Detention Centres Volume 2.

7. Foxy offer

Foxy’s quote is per head per day or per annum at the full capacity (1,500persons) and includes the following services:-

Management of assets;

Maintenance of assets;

Catering – food and labour (including over-time);

Cleaning – all areas including clients;

Linen service;

Rubbish removal;

Water and sewerage;

Electricity and gas;

Telecommunication (installation only, usage still to be met by the Department);

Staff transport;


Environmental management; and

Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S).

It does NOT include:-

Malicious damage; or

Security or emergency management

s 47G(1)(a) s 47G(1)(a)

s 22(1)(a)(ii) s 22(1)(a)(ii)

Page 29: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


May 2011

The following table outlines the service lines provided by Serco for other detention centres and thecomparable services offered by Foxy. Foxy offer appears to include the items marked with ‘’.The marked items have been selected by description and may not necessarily comparable to theservices that are contained the contract with Serco. In particular, it is unclear whether the offer byFoxy includes a commitment to provide the required services in accordance with the detailedrequirements and service standards as prescribed under the Detention Services Contract betweenDIAC and Serco.

Services Included

People in Detention Services

Well-Being of People in Detention

Reception, Transfer, Accommodation and Discharge of People in Detention

Individual Management

Property of People in Detention

Other Services

Facility Management and Support

Management of Assets

Maintenance of Assets

Centre Security and Emergency System


Cleaning Services (Admin only)

Environment Management

Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S)

Management of Emergencies

Business Services

Business Services Plan

Human Resource Management

Alternative Detention

Contract and Relationship Management

Records Management

Information Technology Requirements

Incident Management

Business Continuity

Reporting of Service Delivery

Quality Management and Continuous Improvement


Security Services

Delivery of Security Services

Entry Control

Centre Security

Other Services

Transport and Escort Services



Other Services

Pass Through/Mark-up Costs

Scheduled Maintenance

Ground and Infrastructure Maintenance

Page 30: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


May 2011

Alternative Detention Disbursements

Other Services (Linen, Cleaning, etc.)


Capital Works

Loose Asset Purchases

Additional Storage

8. History of Serco’s service fees - NIDC

The service fees charged for NIDC from July 2010 to February 2011 are outlined below. The‘Applicable’ items are the service requirements Foxy has proposed to provide which are relevantfor the comparison further discussed below.

Services Comparison Fixed Variable PTC Total

People in Detention Services

Well-Being of People in Detention

Reception, Transfer, Accommodation

Individual Management

Property of People in Detention

Other Services

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Facility Management and Support

Management of Assets

Maintenance of Assets

Centre Security and Emergency Sys


Cleaning Services (Admin only)

Environment Management

Occupational Health and Safety

Management of Emergencies



Not applicable





Not applicable

Business Services

Business Services Plan

Human Resource Management

Alternative Detention

Contract and Relationship Mgt

Records Management

Information Technology Requirement

Incident Management

Business Continuity

Reporting of Service Delivery

Quality Mgt and Continuous Imp


Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Security Services

Delivery of Security Services

Entry Control

Not applicable

Not applicable

s 47G(1)(a)

Page 31: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


May 2011

Centre Security

Other Services

Not applicable

Not applicable

Transport and Escort Services



Other Services

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Pass Through/Mark-up Costs

Scheduled Maintenance

Ground and Infrastructure

Alternative Detention Disbursements

Other Services (Linen, Cleaning, etc.)


Capital Works

Loose Asset Purchases

Additional Storage



Not applicable






Total ‘Applicable’

Total ‘Not Applicable’


9. History of Serco’s service fees - CIDC

The service fees charged for CIDC from July 2010 to February 2011 are also outlined below.

Services Comparison Fixed Variable PTC Total

People in Detention Services

Well-Being of People in Detention

Reception, Transfer, Accommodation

Individual Management

Property of People in Detention

Other Services

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Facility Management and Support

Management of Assets

Maintenance of Assets

Centre Security and Emergency Sys


Cleaning Services (Admin only)

Environment Management

Occupational Health and Safety

Management of Emergencies



Not applicable





Not applicable

Business Services

Business Services Plan

Human Resource Management

Alternative Detention

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

s 47G(1)(a)

s 47G(1)(a)

Page 32: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


May 2011

Contract and Relationship Mgt

Records Management

Information Technology Requirement

Incident Management

Business Continuity

Reporting of Service Delivery

Quality Mgt and Continuous Imp


Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Security Services

Delivery of Security Services

Entry Control

Centre Security

Other Services

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Transport and Escort Services



Other Services

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Pass Through/Mark-up Costs

Scheduled Maintenance

Ground and Infrastructure

Alternative Detention Disbursements

Other Services (Linen, Cleaning, etc.)


Capital Works

Loose Asset Purchases

Additional Storage



Not applicable






Total ‘Applicable’

Total ‘Not Applicable’


10. Cost forecast based on service history

NIDC can accommodate 546 persons at it full capacity. Where NIDC was run at its fully capacity,the average rate per head per day charged for the period from July 2010 to February 2011 and theestimated fee per annum for the services are outlined per below.

s 47G(1)(a)

s 47G(1)(a)

Page 33: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


May 2011

CIDC can accommodate 1,200 persons at it full capacity. Where CIDC was run at its fully capacity,the average rate per head per day charged for the period from July 2010 to February 2011 and theestimated fee per annum for the services are outlined per below.

11. Comparison

The table below provides a comparison, based on the Foxy’s fixed quote and the estimates fromthe Serco’s fee history outlined above.

12. Additional information required

As outlined above under Limitation, there are significant limitations in the conclusions that can bedrawn from a comparative assessment of the Foxy offer against the cost of delivering similarservices by Serco at other Immigration Detention Centres. In order to facilitate a morecomprehensive assessment of value for money, DIAC may wish to consider one or more of thefollowing options:

Obtain from Foxy a detailed breakdown of individual cost items and underlyingassumptions. This would allow an assessment of the reasonableness of assumptionsproposed by Foxy in the development of its pricing proposal.

Request Serco to provide an offer for the provision of maintenance services as part of itsbroader delivery of services at Wickham Point IDC so as to allow for a more directlycomparable assessment of the offer between the two potential providers.

Request the provision of an offer for the delivery of maintenance services at WickhamPoint IDC from other potential providers through an open market or direct tender processso as to allow for a comprehensive assessment of the market value of the requestedservices

s 47G(1)(a)

s 47G(1)(a)

s 47C(1)

Page 34: 20072015 FA 15 01 01292 Decision Record - Home Affairs

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Service Fees Forecast and Comparison for Wickham Point Detention Centre


May 2011