2003 dis sad vat ages of attending tuition classes

DISSADVATAGES OF ATTENDING TUITION CLASSES Attending tuition has not only become a norm here in Malaysia but also starting to be seen as a right for students. The demand here is very high that almost every student here in Malaysia attends tuition classes after their morning lessons in school. This explains why tuition centres can be seen mushrooming all over the country. The once noble profession is now a lucrative bussiness with many franchises to boast such as the famous ‘andrew choo tuition centre’. This tuition centre take advantage of the highly examination orie nted education here. They promise so called ‘spotted questions’ , and ‘leaked questions’ with no truth whatsoever. Students are victims of this highly plan advertisements that are design to trap them especially at the eleventh hour when they are stressed about their exams and will take any short cut available. In tuition classes, students are bombarded with a myriad of information continuausly that it makes it hard for them not to memorise the information. This students spoon fed in such a way that no extra effort nor initiative is needed from the student. The sylubus is same both in school and the tuition classes, but this spoon feeding method is what differentiates them. The student does not even need to open a book before examination. This method may proove successful in short term examinations but in long term such as tertiary education where no tuition classes or tutors are available to continue spoon feeding them, they will inevetably fail in almost every class they pursue. They will no longer have the competitive edge that enable them to be successfull in the past. On the other hand, the other students will end up doing better as in the past when they studied on their own they have discovered which studying techniques best suit themselves ; be it mind-mapping or group studying, it will help them in studying smart instead of studying hard. The students that had attend tuition classes did not have the opportunity to discover which studying technique best suits them as most of their time were spend attending tuition classes. Moreover, tuition classes creates a generation of dependant leaders. This future leaders are dependant on others and are incapable of making their own decisions as from young they have relied and depend on others to assist them. Tuition teachers are paid to nature this dependant charisteristic s to ensure the students remained loyal to their spoon-feeding notes and teaching method. This desgracefull act will eventually tarnish the imej of this once noble profesion. This teachers need to realise the main reason they choose a carrier in this field. At that time , it was not about how much many one cauld make nor how much students one cauld attract, it was about the selfless act of imparting knowledge and knowing you made a difference in someones life, knowing you natured a person into a matured individual and knowing you made a contribution to your community. Teachers need to stop and reflect at their actions and ponder about whether is this the path they vision theirselves to be on 10 years ago; if so , kudos to you. A malay proverb hyperbolical ly describes a teacher as a candle which burns herself in order to brightened her students mind with knowledge. This shows the extend of how the teaching profession is respected here in Malaysia. Tuition centres takes advantage of this well known fact and monetise it into a lucrative franchise. This once selfless profession has transformed into a profitable industry. These ‘visionaries’ one might say, have degraded the teaching profession putting them in the same categoty with medicine which monetises on the pain and suffering of other people. With their endless bogus advertising, students are pressured to attend. Some teachers do not only promote this tuition centres during school hours but also force and pressure their students into attending. This is the sad case in most urban schools. Apart from that, school teachers that work part time at tuition centres, puts more preparation on teaching at the tuition centres than at the school. This is a severe problem and need to be adressed as soon as possible to avoid our childrens future to bare the price for our ignorence. Some student think tuition make them feel better, more confident or else. But i say, it is just psycology. Students that find tuition classes more effective are actually kidding themselves. Let me give u a personal example , my mom teaches tuition and he is a teacher too. The funny thing is, the people who pay my mom for tuition say my mom is brilliant, very good. But my mom's students in school say her teaching way is not good, they don't understand and so on so forth. My mom teaches the same thing in tuition and school. How come there are different responds? Well its an easy answer, when the students pay, they will listen to the class, because they are paying for it. If not, they won't bother listening or paying attention. And then they complain the teacher is not good,the teaching way is wrong, and all kind of excuses will follow to justify their actions.

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Post on 09-Apr-2018




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After hearing all the arguments put forth, you may be wondering why do parents even sent their children totuition centres in the first place. Well most parents do this to foster a feeling of confidence and relieve as they thinkthey are giving the best for their children. The paradoxical perception among some parents are the more tuitionclasses their children attend , the better prepared their children will be in facing their examinations. They thinktuition centres provide a competitive edge to their children which is a complete fallacy. It will not only bedentrimental in the growth of the child but also rob the child of his or her childhood. On the other hand, some parentspush their children in attending as many tuition classes possible is because of the herd mentality here in Malaysia.

The main reason most parents sent their tuition to tuition centres is because that is what most of the other parentsdo. While doing so, they do not investigate nor learn about the pros or cons of attending tuition classes. Students arethe victims of their parents ignorence which is completely unfair. Hence, parents here in Malaysia should beeducated and be made aware of the cons of attending tuition classes at such a young age. Their paradigm abouttuition classes needs to be shifted immediately before it gets too late.