2003 deepam ramana

CONTENTS Ramana Ashtottaram 2 Editorial: The Heart 3 Key Word: Dehatma Buddhi 8 Miracles: Katya Osborne 9 Ulladu Narpadu Second Benedictory Verse: Ram Mohan 17 A Vedic Consecration to the Spiritual Heart: David Frawley 21 Sri Bhagavan's Handwriting: English 28 Bhagavan's Herbal Remedies 36 Vintage Photographs 37 Destiny and freewill: P. Sridharan 41 Sri Arunachala Pancharatnam Commentary: Sadhu Om 47 From Our Archives 52 Padamalai The Heart: Muruganar 55 Self-Enquiry and the Spiritual Heart: Patrick Roberts 59 Book Excerpt The Ramayana: Ramesh Menon 65 Book Reviews 73 Ashram Bulletin 77 After Word 80

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Ramana Ashtottaram 2 Editorial: The Heart 3 Key Word: Dehatma Buddhi!ira"les: Katya Os#orne $ %lladu Nar&adu Se"ond Benedi"tory 'erse: Ram !ohan () A 'edi" Conse"ration to the S&iritual Heart: Da*id +ra,ley 2( Sri Bha-a*an.s Hand,ritin-: En-lish 2 Bha-a*an.s Her#al Remedies 3/ 'inta-e 0hoto-ra&hs 3) Destiny and 1ree,ill: 02 Sridharan 3( Sri Aruna"hala 0an"haratnam Commentary: Sadhu Om 3) +rom Our Ar"hi*es 42 0adamalai The Heart: !uru-anar 44 Sel15En6uiry and the S&iritual Heart: 0atri"7 Ro#erts 4$ Boo7 E8"er&t The Ramayana: Ramesh !enon /4 Boo7 Re*ie,s )3 Ashram Bulletin )) A1ter Word 9

55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 Ramana Ashtottaram

$2 :m 0ar;ara7ul-otraA o1 Ramana.s #irth ,ere #oth si-ni1i"ant2 Brahmins tra"e their linea-e 1rom *arious sa-es2 Ramana.s 1amily tra"es its linea-e 1rom 0arasara? the 1ather o1 'yasa2 (92 :m Sundarrya ta&ah &halya namaha2 0rostration to the one ,ho is the 1ruit o1 Sundaram.s >Beauty.sA &enan"e >ta&as A >Sundara? Ala-u and Ramana are three ,ords all meanin- #eauty or s,eetness2 A ,orthy 1ather >Sundaram ByerA and a ,orthy mother >ACha-ammaA ,ere needed e*en 1or a Karanod#ha*a? and they must ha*e a""umulated mu"h merit to ha*e su"h a "hildA2 ((2 :m Kamanya su"haritrya namaha 0rostration to that "harmin- &erson ,ith an e8"ellent "hara"ter2 >Bn the &relude to Ramayana? Sa-e Narada delineates 1or 'almi7i the 6ualities that are &resent in a -reat &erson2 Charmin- "ountenan"e and e8em&lary "hara"ter are t,o o1 the &rime 6ualities mentioned there2 Bha-a*an? ri-ht 1rom a tender a-e? mani1ested these 6ualities2A

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The Heart

DBy the &ure heart is he 7no,n2 The Sel1 e8ists in man? ,ithin the lotus o1 the heart? and is the master o1 his li1e and o1 his #ody2 With mind illumined #y the &o,er o1 meditation? the ,ise 7no, him? the #liss1ul? the immortal2D( When ,e re1er to oursel*es? ,e do not &oint to our head and say? this is me2 What ,e do -enerally is &oint to our "hest? and re1er the o#ser*er to our heart2 We 7no, at some &ro1ound le*el that our thou-hts are not our essen"e #ut our heart is2 When ,e say our heart ,e re1er to ,hat is most si-ni1i"ant a#out us2 Our mind ,e see as an instrument #ut ,e rarely "onsider oursel*es to #e solely the mind ,ith its "om#ination o1 &ersonal and im&ersonal ideas2 One ,ho is thou-ht o1 as #ein- ,ithout heart? not to #e trusted? is also "onsidered to #e out o1 tou"h ,ith reality2 DCall it #y any name? Eod? Sel1? the heart or the seat o1 Cons"iousness? it is all the same2 The &oint to #e -ras&ed is this? that Heart means the *ery "ore o1 one.s #ein-? the Centre? ,ithout ,hi"h there is nothin- ,hate*erD22 We should #e "are1ul to dis"riminate

( !unda7a %&anishad? 22ii232 2 !aharshi.s Eos&el? 0art 2? Ch2 32

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#et,een the heart ,e re1er to? and the heart ,hi"h in yo-i" &ra"ti"e is "alled the anahata? "entred in the middle o1 the "hest and seat o1 emotion2 +or us the Heart is that ,hi"h doesnot "han-e? it is #eyond thou-ht2 Bt is al,ays &resent ,ithin us2 Bt is our heart ,e hold most dear2 Bt is ,ho ,e "onsider oursel*es really to #e2 %ni6ue? untainted? it is ,hat ma7es us harmonious or &leasant >anandaA2 This lo*e o1 li1e itsel1? the 1eelin- o1 ha&&iness "omes 1rom the heart not the head2 And -od hel& those ,hose heart is dar72 They are "ast out into the ,ilderness2 They "an s&end a li1etime see7in- 1or somethin- that they 7no, is missin-? #ut they do not realise it is in their o,n heart2 @i7e the sun our heart -enerates li-ht and lo*e2 Bt is an internal se"ret realm >-uhaA? somethin- ,e ne*er "an 1ully re*eal to others #e"ause our mind is not su#tle enou-h to "at"h it2 Bha-a*an "om&osed a series o1 *erses entitled The Ne"7let o1 Nine Eems2 The 1irst *ersedes"ri#es the relationshi& #et,een Aruna"hala Si*a and Natara=a Si*a2 DSi*a as Natara=a is one ,ho "hurns and ,hirls the ener-ies o1 the uni*erse around Himsel12 He "reates anddestroys the uni*erse throu-h the &ulsation >s&andaA o1 his uni*ersal ,ill ,hile he a#ides unmo*in- >a"halaA in the heart F the "entre o1 the "ir"le o1 ener-y >sha7tiA ,hi"h en"om&asses him2 Si*a as Aruna"hala is the still &oint and a""ordin- to Bha-a*an? stillness >a"halaA means &er1e"tion or 7no,led-e >=nanaA2 WhyG There is no mo*ement in the heart s&a"e and there1ore it is timeless? eternal2 B1 one ,ere to 1ollo, throu-h the lo-i"o1 this? it is 1ullness >&urnamA2 He is One? he is A"hala2D3 On"e ,e remem#er the "entre and are identi1ied ,ith the &ure HB. "ons"iousness? ,e too are li#erated2 That is ,hy Bha-a*an e6uates the heart ,ith Aruna"hala2 Ea"h is the e6ui*alent o1 the other2 One on the internal le*el? the other? the e8ternal2 When ,e thin7 o1 the 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555Si*a as Aruna"halais thestill &oint 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

3 %n&u#lished "ommentary #y Sadhu Om2



the heart

true Aruna"hala ,e are in harmony ,ith oursel*es2 Bt is rather #iCarre ,hen one really "onsiders it2 This seemin- &ile o1 ro"7s is a &er1e"t re1le"tion o1 our true nature2 We 7no,this 1rom Bha-a*an.s o,n ,ords and 1rom our intimate e8&erien"e o1 Aruna"hala2 Bha-a*an arri*ed at the "entral &oint and a#ides in &ermanent union ,ith Brahman? sharin- its unaltera#le nature and emulatin- its Ha"tionless a"ti*ity. >or as the Bha-a*ad Eita ,ould say : Ha"tion ,ithout desire.A? he rea"hed the &ure intensity o1 em&tiness? "om&letely deta"hed 1rom all transitory mani1estation2 Bha-a*an 6uite o1ten mentioned the 1a"t that ,hen ,e re1er to oursel*es ,e &oint to our heart on the ri-ht side o1 the "hest2 Thou-h it seems naI*e to ma7e this assertion? ,hen ,e "onsider our o,n e8&erien"e ,e realise the e11e"ti*eness o1 his statement2 What ,e al,ays need to remem#er is that Bha-a*an s&o7e 1rom dire"t 7no,led-e? and thou-h he ,ould e8&lain usin- the "on"e&ts and ima-ery o1 sa"red te8ts? he ,as not #ound to them 1or 1inal a&&ro*al nor did he need to de1end a "on"e&tual &osition2 He used ,hat ,as a*aila#le to sho, &eo&le the ,ay to their o,n heart2 His o,n inimita#le e8&erien"e ,as the lodestar #y ,hi"h he e8&ounded the truths he dire"tly &er"ei*ed2 That is ,hy he is "alled a !aharshi? a -reat seer2 DWhen a s"hool#oy says HBt is B that did the sum "orre"tly.? or ,hen he as7s you DShall B run and -et the #oo7 1or youD? ,ould he &oint out to the head that did the sum "orre"tly? or to the le-s that ,ill "arry him s,i1tly to -et you the #oo7G No? in #oth "ases? his 1in-er is &ointed 6uite naturally to,ards the ri-ht side o1 the "hest? thus -i*in- inno"ent e8&ression to the &ro1ound truth that the sour"e o1 HB.5ness in him is there2 Bt is an unerrin- intuition that ma7es him re1er to himsel1? to the heart ,hi"h is the Sel1? in that ,ay2 The a"t is 6uite in*oluntary and uni*ersal? that is to say? it is the same in the "ase o1 e*ery indi*idualD32 Thou-h Bha-a*an indi"ated the ri-ht side o1 the "hest "an in this &hysi"al ,orld #e the sour"e o1 our #ein-? ,e should #e "are1ul and

3 !aharshi.s Eos&el? 0art 2? Ch2 32


55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 THE !O%NTABN 0ATH

not assume our true Sel1 is lo"ated in a &hysi"ally limited area2 He said? D The Heart is used in the 'edas and the s"ri&tures to denote the &la"e ,hen"e the notion HB. s&rin-s2 Does it s&rin- only 1rom the 1leshy #allG Bt s&rin-s ,ithin us some,here ri-ht in the middle o1 our #ein-2 The HB. has no lo"ation2 E*erythin- is the Sel12 There is nothin- #ut that2 So the Heart must #e said to #e the entire #ody o1 oursel*es and o1 the entire uni*erse? "on"ei*ed as HB.2 But to hel& the &ra"titioner >a#hyasiA ,e ha*e to indi"ate a de1inite &art o1 the %ni*erse? or o1 the Body2 So this Heart is &ointed out as the seat o1 theSel12 But in truth ,e are e*ery,here? ,e are all that is? and there is nothin- elseD24 +or the &ur&oses o1 our identi1i"ation ,ith the #ody and limited understandin-? Bha-a*andi11erentiated a &hysi"al &la"e ,here ,e "an #e-in the sear"h 1rom the arisin- o1 the HB. thou-ht >aham *rittiA2 Bt is an e8&lanation #ut li7e all meta&hors is meant to indi"ate and is not intended to e6uate our Heart ,ith a -ross e8&lanation as i1 the s&iritual heart ,ere also a mus"ular or-an2 Sin"e ,e are identi1ied ,ith the &hysi"al #ody there is also in that assumed s"heme o1 thin-s? a 1i8ed &la"e ,e "an say is the seat ,here the sense o1 B arises2 Bt is "alled the Heart2 On"e ,e are "lear on this &oint ,e "an 1ollo, the reasonin- in Bha-a*an.s e8&lanations2 We should not limit Bha-a*an.s *ision to the -ross mani1estation2 He has trans"ended all le*els o1 a&&earan"e and is not identi1ied ,ith any 1orms? and that in"ludes "ha7ras on a su#tle le*el o1 mani1estation2 He may use 1orms as an illustration #ut they should not #e "onstrued as #ein- the 1inal truth? they are merely &ointers2 A""ordin- to Bha-a*an the sushumna does not sto& at the "ro,n >sahasraraA #ut "ontinues li7e a seahorse tail dire"tly to the heart #y ,hat is "alled the atma nadi2 +or =nana to o""ur the "urrent o1 a,areness must su#side into the Heart2 Here a-ain ,e need to #e *ery "are1ul2 We "an s&ea7 o1 an a"tual &hysi"al o""urren"e ,here in time and s&a"e the 7undalini rises to the "ro,n "ha7ra? and then is

4 Tal7s ,ith Sri Ramana !aharshi? Tal7 2$2



the heart

a#sor#ed into the Heart2 To &ut it another ,ay? ,e "an indi"ate? and no more than indi"ate? the sense o1 HB. that is mani1ested in many thou-hts and is su#sumed into the Heart ,hi"h is #eyond time and s&a"e2 Bt is here ,e "an ar-ue inde1initely *arious *ie,&oints2 We see a "on*ersion 1rom 1orm to the 1ormless2 Ho, "an that #eG We see a trans"enden"e o1 time? in time? into the timeless2 Ho, "an that ha&&enG Bt is here ,e are totally reliant u&on the ,ord o1 Bha-a*an2 Bt is a lea& o1 1aith2 +rom the stand&oint o1 =nana yo-a Bha-a*an re*erses the analo-y and e8&lains that DThe Heart is sel15luminous2 @i-ht arises 1rom the Heart and rea"hes the #rain? ,hi"h is the seat o1 the mind2 The ,orld is seen ,ith the mind? that is? #y the re1le"ted li-ht o1 the Sel12 Bt is &er"ei*ed ,ith the aid o1 the mind2 When the mind is illumined it is a,are o1 the ,orld2 When it is not itsel1 so illumined? it is not a,are o1 the ,orld2 B1 the mind is turned in to,ards the sour"e o1 li-ht? o#=e"ti*e 7no,led-e "eases and Sel1 alone shines 1orth as the HeartD2/ Bn the ultimate analysis e*en to say ,e "an a"hie*e the a#sor&tion o1 the HB. thou-ht into the Heart is a 1alse "on"e&t #e"ause ,e ha*e ne*er stood a&art 1rom the Heart in the 1irst &la"e2 This is the ,onder? this is the mystery2 We already are that and 1or Bha-a*an to ste& do,n and lead us -ently on usin- the analo-ies o1 our o,n delusions demonstrates his "om&assion and &atien"e in the 1a"e o1 our &ersistent i-noran"e2 The ,orld rises and sets ,ith the mind2 What the Heart demonstrates to us is the 1a"t that the Sel1? our true nature? is the underlyin- &rin"i&le ,hi"h is una11e"ted #y the mind ,hi"h #y de1inition? is a series o1 momentary modi1i"ations2 We should al,ays 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555The Heart is sel15luminous @i-ht arises 1rom the Heartand rea"hes the #rain?,hi"h is the seato1 the mind 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

/ Tal7s ,ith Sri Ramana !aharshi? Tal7 $2




remem#er the Sel1 is not e8&lained #y a demonstration o1 me"hani"s #ut is a &rin"i&le? and as su"h "an ne*er #e "ontained #y any e8&lanation2 Bt is the "ause not an e11e"t2 Bn li7e manner? Bha-a*an is the "ause o1 our understandin-? he is not the result o1 our understandin-2




Deha: The #odyK Atma: the Sel1K Buddhi: Con*i"tion Dehatma Buddhi: The "on*i"tion that the #ody is the Sel1? in other ,ords? the HB am the #ody. idea2

The root "ause o1 our su11erin- is the mind? the identi1i"ation o1 the sense o1 HB. ,ith the &hysi"al #ody2 Bha-a*an "onstantly stresses that the root "ause o1 all trou#les is the 1alse identi1i"ation HB am the #ody.2 This identi1i"ation is itsel1 the mind F it is this HB. limited to the #ody >the HB.5thou-htA that thin7s all other thou-hts2 B1 you read Sri Bha-a*an.s ori-inal ,or7s you ,ill 1ind he "onstantly tal7s a#out the identi1i"ation HB am the #ody. #ut seldom i1 e*er a#out HB am the mind.? 1or the sim&le reason that the identi1i"ation HB am the #ody. is itsel1 the mind2 The mind rises #y identi1yin- a #ody as HB.? and it does notsu#side until it "eases identi1yin- a #ody as HB.2 The mind is not the real HB.? ,hi"h e*er shines as the &ure ad=un"tless "ons"iousness HB am.K it is a 1alse su&erim&osition that a&&ears as HB am the #ody.? li7e the a&&earan"e o1 anima-ined sna7e seen su&erim&osed on a ro&e2 Lust as the sna7e ,hen s"rutinised "losely is 1ound to #e nothin- #ut a ro&e? so the mind ,hen s"rutinised "losely is 1ound to #e nothin- #ut the &ure ad=un"tless HB am.2 DWhen one s"rutinises the 1orm o1 the mind ,ithout inad*erten"e? there is no su"h thin- as mindK this is the dire"t &ath 1or allD? sin-s Sri Bha-a*an in %&adesa %ndiyar? *erse ()2



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Katya Os#orne

On"e u&on a time and lon-? lon- a-o? there li*ed a -reat sa-e and tea"her2 Bn those days esoteri" 7no,led-e ,as not o&enly a*aila#le to all? instead onehad to 1ind a tea"her ,ho ,as ,illin- and a#le to im&art this 7no,led-e and a&&renti"e onesel1 to him2 Su"h a man ,as the sa-e o1 this story and he ,ould ta7e only three &u&ils at a time 1or ten year &eriods2 The lu"7y three "ame to him ,ith o11erin-s o1 1ruit and 1lo,ers and then their instru"tion ,ould #e-in2Ten years &assed and the students ,ere told that their edu"ation ,as "om&leted and they "ould lea*e2 They "ame in turn to re"ei*e his #lessin-? and a1ter a-ain o11erin- 1ruit and 1lo,ers the 1irst a"olyte as7ed 1or the master.s a&&ro*al and &ermission to -o out into the ,orld and ta7e u& the ,or7 he had learned2 DAnd ,hat ha*e you learnedGD The master as7ed DRe*ered one?D ans,ered the student DB ha*e learned to "on=ure -old and &re"ious =e,els out o1 the air2 B ha*e learned to ma7e mysel1 in*isi#le2 B ha*e learned to trans&ort my #ody to any &la"e that my mind "an ima-ine2D DAnd are you "ontentGD as7ed the sa-e2 DOh yes -reat one2D Ans,ered the student2


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DThen -o ,ith my #lessin-2 The ne8t student "ame alon- ,ith his -i1ts2 The 6uestion &ut to him #y the sa-e ,as the same and the ans,er ,as nearly the same? e8"e&t that he had also learned to trans1orm his a&&earan"e so that he "ould resem#le any deity2 DAnd are you "ontentGD as7ed the sa-e2 DOh more than "ontent -reat one2D DThen -o ,ith my #lessin-2D The third man &resented himsel1 and he too had learned all the 7no,led-e that the other t,o had a"6uired2 DAnd are you "ontentGD as7ed the sa-e2 The man stood ,ith his head #o,ed #ut did not re&ly2 DWhat trou#les youGD as7ed the sa-e2 DB ha*e learned all these tri"7s?D ans,ered the man? D#ut ,hat has that to do ,ith s&iritual,isdomGD The sa-e smiled at him2 DCome ,ith me?D he said2 DJou B ,ill tea"h2D This story ,as told to me many years a-o? and -ro,in- u& in and around Bha-a*an B 1elt that it re1le"ted the 1la*our o1 his attitude to,ards li1e and mira"les2 E*erythin- ,as so lo, 7ey that one "ould ne*er #e sure i1 he had inter1ered or not2 He ,as ne*er dramati" or1lam#oyant2 A nod or smile ,as the most one "ould ho&e 1or2 And yetM,e allMin"ludin-the "hildren? 7ne, ,ithout 6uestion that he "ould do anythin- at all? anythin- he ,anted2 And e*en at that *ery youn- a-e ,e 7ne, that he ne*er ,anted2 And yet &eo&le "ame and#esee"hed him 1or 1a*ours and #oons2 B sus&e"t that many times &eo&le -ot their ,ish #utin su"h a &ersonal and &ri*ate ,ay that no one else ,as a,are o1 it2 0erha&s e*en they ,ere unsure ,hether Bha-a*an had hel&ed them or not2 But mostly &eo&les. 1aith in Bha-a*an remained unsha7en in s&ite o1 his &ersonal trade mar7 ,hi"h ,asMe*erythin- lo, 7ey and 6uiet2 Nothin- ostentatious2 E*er2 A #ullo"7 "art dri*er "ame one day ,hen B ,as sittin- in the hall2 Bt ,as monsoon time and it &oured2 This had #een -oin- on 1or




days and it ,as e8&e"ted to "ontinue2 His &ro#lem ,as that his ,i1e had died and he had to "om&lete her "remation "eremony #y that a1ternoon2 He ,as a *ery &oor man and "ould not a11ord a "remation under "o*er2 He e8&lained all this to Bha-a*an ,ho loo7ed out o1 the ,indo, and said in the manner o1 any one o1 us: DBt may "lear u& later on2D That ,as enou-h 1or the man2 He ,ent o11 and made all the arran-ements and o1 "ourse? sure enou-h? it did "lear u& that a1ternoon lon- enou-h 1or the "remation to ta7e &la"e? and then it &oured a-ain2 That ,as so ty&i"al o1 the ,ay Bha-a*an did thin-s2 One "ould ne*er #e really sure that he had done anythin- at all2 The most s&e"ta"ular thin- B e*er heard o1 durin- all the years? e*en ta7in- into a""ount the ,ay that stories -ro, in "ontent and ho, e8a--erated many o1 the tales #e"ome o*er the years? ha&&ened at the #i7sha -i*en one year at Layanthi2 All the 1ood ,as &re&ared 1or a thousand &eo&le #ut someone had 1or-otten to order 1ruit and there ,as none2 +lushed and ,orried the man in "har-e "ame to Bha-a*an and e8&lained his dilemma andthat he ,as in dee& trou#le o*er his ne-li-en"e2 Bha-a*an didn.t say a ,ord? #ut he listened2 The man -ot #a"7 and re&orted to the Sar*adhi7ari in the o11i"e and he ,as =ust in time to hear a &hone "all 1rom the station master o1 Tiru*annamalai sayin- that they had a lar-e "onsi-nment o1 oran-es on the station &lat1orm2 The sender.s name ,as lost? in 1a"t the &a&er ,or7 ,as lost alto-ether #ut it ,as assumed that they ,ere 1or the ashram so ,ould someone &lease "ome and -et them2 As B re"olle"t? there ,as no ooin- and ahin-2 Bn 1a"t no one ,as unduly sur&rised2 Someone had as7ed Bha-a*an 1or hel& and re"ei*ed itMin his inimita#le style2 @o, 7ey and no one "ould a"tually &oint a 1in-er and say ,o,? mira"leN Bt ,as =ust a &ar"el ,ithout an address2 These thin-s ha&&en2 E*eryone ,ho li*ed in or around the ashram #a"7 then had a story? #ut in1e"ted as ,e ,ere #y the s&irit o1 Bha-a*an? most o1 us 7e&t our stories *ery &ri*ate2 @i1e ,as al,ays ostensi#ly undramati" 1or all o1 us2


55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 THE !O%NTABN 0ATH

!y o,n un1or-etta#le memory ha&&ened ,hen B ,as a#out ten years old2 A lady 1rom Delhi "ame to the ashram2 Bn those days all 1orei-ners ,ere sent to our house as my &arents s&o7e se*eral lan-ua-es and "ould understand a num#er o1 tra*ellers2 Also in those days ,hether a &erson "ame 1rom Ne, Jor7? Ne, Oealand or Ne, Delhi? they ,ere 1orei-ners2 This &arti"ular lady told us her story ,hi"h B thou-ht ,as unuttera#ly tra-i"2 She had married a-ainst her &arents. ,ishes? #ut she married 1or lo*e and the 1irst 1e, days o1 her marria-e ,ere #liss1ully ha&&y2 They ,ent to the seaside 1or their honeymoon and she sat on the sand ,hile her hus#and ,ent 1or a s,im2 She a"tually sa, him #ein- "au-ht #y a shar7 and 7illed in 1ront o1 her2 Sin"e then she ,as a ner*ous ,re"72 She then started a tre7 around all the ashrams and holy men o1 Bndia2 WhyG She ,anted to 7no,2 Ho, had they harmed anyone and ,hy should they #e *isited #y su"h a terri#le &unishment2 The &oint "ame ,hen she "ould not stand to listen to any more am#i-uous anodyne ans,ers? so she had ,ritten her 6uestions do,n and her list ,ent ,ith her ,hene*er she "ame to a ne, holy man2 No one ,as -oin- to 1o# her o11 any more2 B1 there ,as an e8&lanation she ,anted to hear it? and i1 not ,hy not2 What B re"olle"t most a#out this lady ,as that she ,as so tense and ner*ous that it ,as a strain to#e in her "om&any2 B ,as not an es&e"ially sensiti*e "hild? #ut sittin- in the same room as her ,as e8"ru"iatin-ly un"om1orta#le2 B started to es"a&e #ut my mother "au-ht me2 DTa7e her to the hall2D She instru"ted me2 B had thin-s to do B told her? #ut my mother saidDEOD B ,ent2 When ,e -ot to the ashram B &ointed to the hall ,here Bha-a*an ,as sittin- and then too7 mysel1 o11 to read my #oo7 in a man-o tree2 B heard the #ell 1or lun"h and dra--in- my 1eet B ,ent to 1et"h the lady home 1or 1ood2 Ne*er in my li1e? neither #e1ore nor in all the years sin"e? ha*e B noti"ed su"h a "han-e in anyone? and in su"h a short time2 The lady ,as rela8ed and at &ea"e2 B trailed #ehind her on the ,ay #a"7? too shy to as7 her ,hat Bha-a*an had said #ut




a"hin- to 7no,2 Why oh ,hy hadn.t B stayed in the hall ,ith her2 Whate*er the ,ords ,ere that Bha-a*an had s&o7en? they must surely #e the most im&ortant in the ,orld2 B ,anted to 7no, them 1or &osterity2 The rest o1 my li1e "ould #e trans1ormed #y the ,ordsB hadn.t heard2 Ho,e*er B 7ne, that my mother ,ould as7 her so B stu"7 around li7e -lue in order to hear the ma-i" 1ormula2 !y mother o1 "ourse noti"ed the di11eren"e immediately2 One "ouldn.t miss it2 She as7ed the all im&ortant 6uestion2 What had Bha-a*an said to herG DNothin-2D The lady re&lied2 She had sat there all &re&ared? ,ith her list at the ready? thenBha-a*an loo7ed at her2 He =ust loo7ed? 1ull o1 understandin- and "om&assion? and she suddenly lost interest in her "rusade2 Bt didn.t matter any more2 She had 1ound the &ea"e she "ra*ed2 Nothin- "ould #e more mira"ulous than ,hat ha&&ened to that lady? and nothin- more ty&i"al o1 Bha-a*an2 He didn.t say a ,ord2 Bha-a*an.s tou"h ,as al,ays e86uisitely li-ht #ut sure2 He ,ould hint #ut ne*er #e o#*ious? ,hether he ,as &er1ormin- a Hmira"le. or lettin- a &erson 7no, ,hat ,as #est 1or them to do2 And yet a hint 1rom him should ne*er #e i-nored2 B1 he ta7es the trou#le toma7e us a,are? ,ell then? ,e disre-ard it at our &eril2 When B ,as a#out nine years old B 1ou-ht my mother on a daily #asis on the #usiness o1 #rushin- my hair2 She ,anted to2 B didn.t2 The ,hole #usiness #e"ame a ma=or #attle ,hi"h rea"hed "risis &oint on a daily #asis2 @e1t to its o,n de*i"es my hair resem#led a haysta"72 One had to loo7 at my 1eet to see ,hi"h ,ay B ,as 1a"in-N One day my mother ran me do,n near the "o,shed ,here Bha-a*an ,as sittin- and tal7in- to @a7shmi the "o,2 She semi5=o7in-ly "om&lained to Bha-a*an a#out my re"al"itrant attitude and so B ran a,ay a-ain2 @ater? in the dinin- hall Bha-a*an loo7ed at me and made a "omi" 1a"e as he &ut #oth hands u& to sho, a hu-e mo& o1 hair2 Bt ,as 1unny and B lau-hed ,ith e*eryone else2 Bt seemed as thou-h ma7in- 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

He =ust loo7ed? 1ull o1 understandin-and "om&assion 2993

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a serious 1uss a#out one.s hair ,as not really ,orth,hile? there ,ere more im&ortant thin-s to deal ,ith in li1e2 B didn.t "om# my hair ho,e*er2 When B "ame home 1rom s"hool 1or the holidays that year? the issue o1 my hair had e*a&orated? #ut the &i"ture o1 Bha-a*an teasin- me in the dinin- hall remained2 B al,ays 7ne, that nothin- Bha-a*an did ,as ,ithout si-ni1i"an"e and it ,as #rou-ht home to methat in his -esture there ,as a messa-e2 Bha-a*an is ,at"hin- o*er us? and he may ma7e su--estions? ho,e*er o#li6uely? e*en &ossi#ly as a "omedy? #ut he is doin- it 1or a &ur&ose and &erha&s as one -ets older his su#tle -uidan"e #e"omes in"reasin-ly im&ortant2 Bt &ro#a#ly does not hurt as mu"h to learn one.s lessons ,hen they are relati*ely tri*ial? one is youn- and they are only as &ain1ul as dra--in- a "om# throu-h tan-led hair? ,hereas ma7in- a drama o*er somethin- essentially unim&ortant "an #e destru"ti*eMe*en sel15destru"ti*e2 Also it is o1ten only a dis-uise 1or the -lori1i"ation o1 the e-o2 There is a de1inite 1eelin- that Bha-a*an.s in1inite "om&assion s&ills o*er onto us all our li*es and he "an admonish us out o1 &ure lo*e2 Sometimes the lessons are &ain1ul? #ut only he 7no,s ho, mu"h more e8"ru"iatin-ly a-onisin- our li*es "ould #e i1 ,e &ro"eeded ,ithout the #ene1it o1 his hel&? or i1 ,e i-nored it out o1 i-noran"e or hu#ris2 Bt is hard to a""e&t that &ain and -rie1 and si"7ness are &ossi#ly a -reat 7indness ,hen *ie,ed o*erall2 !y #rother? ,ho &layed at Bha-a*an.s 1eet as a #a#y? ,ho s&o7e to him daily as a "hild? and ,ho lo*ed him as a 1i-ure o1 ,onder? su11ered 1or many years 1rom Or-ani" Brain Syndrome2 To,ards the end o1 his li1e he "ould neither ,al7 nor tal7 nor understand? and yet ,hen he died there ,as an amaCin- 1eelin- o1 &ea"e and 1ul1ilment2 He had "om&leted his tas7s and endured all the *i"issitudes that had a""rued to him? and he had 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

Bha-a*an.s in1inite "om&assions&ills o*er onto usall our li*esand he "an admonishus out o1 &ure lo*e




done it in a "om&a"ted re"ord time2 Bt ,as hard 1or him to li*e throu-h? #ut in his "om&assionate ,ay Bha-a*an arran-ed thin-s so that Adam hardly 7ne, ,hat ,as -oin-on2 No, it is o*er2 B #elie*e that he ne*er needs to "ome #a"7 to attend to un1inished #usiness2 When Adam.s "ondition started to deteriorate #adly ,e 1ound it *ery hard to mo*e him 1rom &la"e to &la"e2 He ,as a #i- man? /.3D tall and ,ell #uilt2 B sat in the hall one day? in1ront o1 Bha-a*an.s &i"ture and e8&lained this to him2 B told him that ,e really needed some hel& &lease2 A youn- lad "ame to as7 1or ,or72 He said he ,ould li7e to hel& to loo7 a1ter my #rother2 Suresh is 4.(D2 His ho##y is ,ei-ht li1tin- and he "ould li1t the #i-? hea*y man as thou-h he ,ere a #a#yN This ha&&ened only a 1e, years a-o #ut it really doesn.t matter ,hether one s&ea7s to Bha-a*an today or many years a-o ,hen he had a #ody ,e "ould see and relate to2 No e-o means no 1iCC and 1lash2 No handle to atta"h to an e*ent so that it "an shine out and -litter2 Bha-a*an ,asPis? more than a -reat -uru2 He is a =nani and he hears us all the time,hether ,e ,ant him to or ,hether ,e do not2 He himsel1 said that i1 ,e ta7e one ste& to,ards our -oal then the -uru ,ill ta7e the other nine2 @earnin- to &ut our ,hole 1aith and trust in him is a &ossi#le ste&2 Belie*in- that he does not a#andon us? #ut stays ,ith us to tea"h us ,hat ,e need to learn? al#eit sometimes in a &ain1ul ,ay? is hard #ut re,ardin-2 At this &oint trust is di11i"ult #ut ne"essary in order to understand ,hat it is that ,e need to #e tau-ht2 E*eryone has their o,n inner dialo-ue ,ith Bha-a*an and their o,n &ersonal route ma& o1 ,here they are -oin-2 Comin- to him at all in the 1irst &la"e is our 1irst ste&2



55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 %lladu Nar&adu

Based on @a7shmana Sharma.s Commentary

se"ond #enedi"tory *erse

S2 Ram !ohan

Bn the se"ond #enedi"tory *erse Bha-a*an tells us a#out t,o di11erent le*els o1 e8&erien"e Q the theisti" #elie1 in a &ersonal -od and the a#solute? in ,hi"h there is no room 1or "on"e&ts? let alone one o1 -od2 At the theisti" le*el? the 1ear o1 death im&els one to see7 reassuran"e at the 1eet o1 the @ord in ,hate*er name or 1orm ,hi"h "omes naturally2 At the a#solute le*el? no su"h 1ear arises #e"ause in the state o1 oneness ,here there is no sense o1 Hotherness. there is the e8&erien"e o1 1earlessness and deathlessness2 Bn the 1irst #enedi"tory *erse the true nature o1 the Brahman ,hi"h is not limited #y 6ualities ,as e8&lained2 Bn the se"ond #enedi"tory *erse Bha-a*an e8&lains that 1or those ,ho 1ollo, the &ath o1 de*otion? initially? the same Brahman a&&ears as Bs*ara? the &ersonal Eod? ,ho assumes the ideal name and 1orm2 This &ersonal Eod is thehi-hest "on"e&t o1 thou-ht the mind "an -enerate2 +or most &eo&le ,hose minds "annot d,ell in a thou-ht51ree state they "an 1ollo, #ha7ti yo-a? the &ath o1


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de*otion? ,hi"h rea"hes its &ea7 in sel1less lo*e o1 Him2 They rea"h the same Sel1 throu-h His -ra"e2 This truth is e8&ounded in the se"ond #enedi"tory *erse2 DThose >o1 &uri1ied mindsA,ho ha*e an intense 1ear o1 death ta7e re1u-e at the lotus 1eet o1 the Su&reme @ord >Bs*ara A,ho is #eyond sin and death2 With that? their e-o dies? alon- ,ith all its ad=un"ts2 Will su"h &eo&le e*er har#our the 1ear o1 deathGD The 1ear o1 death "omes to all o1 us at one time or other2 Ho,e*er it does not usually result in any a,a7enin-2 A transient mood 7no,n as Hsmasana *aira-yam. or Hthe #urial -round non5atta"hment. arises ,hile ,itnessin- death? #ut it *anishes i1 the mind is distra"ted #y other im&ressions su"h as tal7? 1ood or some other &leasant a"ti*ity2 But the Hri&e. ones >&a7*i A do not let the Hmood. sli& a,ay2 They see7 the means o1 e*ol*in- 1romit and ultimately attain deli*eran"e2 Amon- millions? only one or t,o ,ho are hi-hly e*ol*ed? ta7e to the &ath leadin- to ri-hta,areness #y "heer1ully and "oura-eously en"ounterin- the thou-ht o1 death2 The Buddha and Bha-a*an Ramana are heroes ,ho "on6uered death #e"ause they sa, that in 1a"t it did not e8ist2 Bha-a*an ,as &ro1oundly a11e"ted as a #oy #y the death o1 his 1ather and later at !adurai he e8&erien"ed dire"tly the 1ear o1 death ,hi"h immediately dro*e him in,ard to see7 the true sour"e o1 his #ein-2 He realiCed he ,as una11e"ted #y death2 Bn the 0uranas ,e ha*e another e8am&le in !ar7andeya ,ho too7 re1u-e in @ord Shi*a ,hen "on1ronted #y the 1ear o1 death2 By total one5&ointed identi1i"ation ,ith his &ersonal Eod !ar7andeya #e"ame immortal2 +earlessness arises ,hen ,e understand there is no other #ut Onesel1? and "onse6uently there is nothin- to 1ear2 This is ri-ht 7no,led-e >=nanaA2 The 1ear o1 death ,hi"h relentlessly &ursues us "omes a#out #e"ause o1 the sense o1 se&aration2 DTruly? 1ear arises only 1rom a sense o1 dualityD >Brh %&2 ( i* 2A2 What is meant #y this is that i1 ,e thin7 o1 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555The 1ear o1 death "omes toall o1 usat one timeor other2 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555



%@@AD% NAR0AD%

oursel*es as se&arate entities? loneliness and isolation and ultimately death mani&ulate our &er"e&tions2 Bt is our identi1i"ation ,ith the e-o and its ad=un"ts ,hi"h "ause the soul to =ourney 1rom one &hysi"al #ody to another2 Bt is the "essation o1 this identi1i"ation ,hi"h "onstitutes li#eration > mo7shaA2 +or us ,ho are entan-led in this ,orld? maya? #e"ause o1 i-noran"e? the sorro,s that o""ur in the ,orldly li1e must ser*e as ste&&in- stones 1or sal*ation2 The Bha-a*ad Eita re"o-nises that the 7een &er"e&tion o1 misery and aimless &ain and su#=e"tion to death arein-redients to de*elo& =nana2 > Bh2E2 8iii2A2 Bn the !aha#harata Krishna -ranted Kunti? the mother o1 the 1i*e 0anda*as a #oon2 Bn res&onse she as7ed: D@et mis1ortunes #e1all us e*erD? #e"ause she 7ne, the *alue o1 su11erin- to &uri1y the mind2 Bt is the "atalyst 1or the*ital a"t o1 sel15surrender2 Bn Bha-a*an.s ,ords DB1 in the "ourse o1 a dream? a slee&er is seein- only that ,hi"h is &leasant he ,ould not a,a7en? #ut he ,a7es u& ,hen ,hat he sees is &ain1ul2 Bn the same ,ay the ,orldly man ,ill ne*er ,a7e u& 1rom the illusory dream o1 i-noran"e to attain a,areness and one.s true nature as Brahman2 He "an rea"h that state only ,hen he -oes throu-h the tra*ails o1 ,orldly li1e >samsaraA and the 1ear o1 death2 E*en thou-h there is the 7no,led-e o1 death an intense 1ear o1 it does not arise e8"e&t ,hen it is seen 1a"e to 1a"e2 There1ore it is usually the utter "on*i"tion that ,orldly li1e is? on the ,hole? one o1 misery that ,ill #e e11e"ti*e in turnin- one.s mind a,ay 1rom ,orldliness >&ra*rithiA2 When the mind is turned a,ay 1rom the ,orld >ni*rithiA to,ards the -oal o1 deli*eran"e? it rea"hes realisation throu-h deta"hment >*aira-yaAD2( Conse6uent to the mind 1ollo,in- the ni*rithi &ath? it #e"omes re"e&ti*e to the -ra"e o1 the su&reme eternal @ord2 That -ra"e turns the mind in,ard a,ay 1rom the ,orld and ma7es it mer-e in the 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555Kunti 7ne, the *alue o1 su11erin-to &uri1y the mind 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

2 We are una#le to lo"ate the re1eren"e in Ramana literature and &resume the 6uote is ta7en dire"tly 1rom @a7shmana Sharma.s &ersonal note#oo7s F Editor2


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su&reme Brahman2 Simultaneously all the #indin- mental im&rints o1 thou-ht >*asanasA to-ether ,ith the e-o? are destroyed2 What is He-o.G Bt is =ust the erroneous idea DB am the #odyD or DB am the mindD Q so lon- as it &re*ails the death that o*erta7es the #ody is attri#uted to the Sel12 When e-o dies? there "an #e no thou-ht o1 &hysi"al death #e"ause the *ery root? the e-o5sense is no lon-er there2 This is the truth Bha-a*an "on*eys in the se"ondary #enedi"tory *erse2 The main im&a"t o1 Bha-a*an.s re*elation is the dire"t &ath o1 en6uiry Q the "on6uest o1 the Sel12 The sine 6ua non 1or this is the a#ility to distin-uish #et,een the real and the unreal? the 1a"ulty 7no,n as dis"rimination >*i*e7aA2 The -oal o1 en6uiry is the e8&erien"e o1 the truth o1 the real Sel12 Thus there are three main di*isions in this re*elation : iA the &reliminary dis"rimination #et,een the unreal and the realK iiA the in6uiry or the 6uest o1 the real Sel1K iiiA the inheren"e as that Sel1 as the "ulmination o1 that 6uest2 Thou-h it ha&&ens that all the three 1a"ets are dealt ,ith in almost all *erses? a s"rutiny o1the se6uen"e o1 the *erses re*eal that the *erses des"ri#in- the &ro"ess o1 dis"rimination ha*e #een &la"ed 1irst? those that des"ri#e the &ro"ess o1 the 6uest se"ond? and 1inally those dealin- ,ith the nature o1 the e8&erien"e o1 the Sel12 4


55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 A 'edi" Conse"ration to the S&iritual Heart

Da*id +ra,ley

Bn 'edanti" thou-ht the Heart >hridayaA is the seat o1 the Sel1 >atmanA? so mu"h so that the main 'edanti" 1ormulation 1or li#eration >mo7shaA is the realiCation o1 the Sel1 in the Heart2 The %&anishads a""laim this in numerous *erses and esta#lish it as the o#=e"t o1 many methods o1 7no,led-e >*idyasA2 The heart is the Su&reme Reality2 When ,e re1er to oursel*es ,e &oint to the heart2 Com&ared to the heart? the mind is =ust our "om&uter system ,here ,e hold our in1ormation? not our real "ons"iousness or sel15identity2Jet the s&iritual heart is not =ust the seat o1 the Sel1 as su"h? it is also the sour"e o1 all the main as&e"ts and 1a"ulties o1 our entire nature as em#odied souls2 Bt is the seat o1 the mind >"hittaA as the Jo-a Sutras indi"ate2 By this is meant not the outer mind #ut the inner? "ore or sour"e mind? the sour"e o1 all our 7armas and sams7aras2 The heart is similarly the sour"e o1 &rana or our li1e ener-y? the 1or"e that animates our *arious #odies1rom #irth to #irth?


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not merely as the #reath #ut as the &o,er #ehind all that ,e "an do or thin72 The heart is also the sour"e o1 s&ee"h? the unstru"7 sound or anahata sha#da? and ,hen ,e s&ea7 truly,e s&ea7 1rom the heart2 The heart is the sour"e o1 our entire #ein-2 All our di11erent 1a"ulties are li7e di11erent rays #ran"hin- out 1rom the "entral li-ht o1 the heart ,hi"h is li7e the Sun2 All our ener-ies are "onduits o1 this eternal heart? ho,e*er 1ar they may ,ander 1rom it2 Bn dee& slee& ,e return to this inner li-ht 1or ne"essary &ea"e and rene,al? sho,in- that ,e "annot remain a&art 1rom it e*en 1or a day2 Jet the heart is not =ust the sour"e o1 our indi*idual e8isten"e >atmanA2 Bt is also our &la"e o1 unity and "onne"tion ,ith the "osmi" e8isten"e >BrahmanA2 Bt s&reads not =ust throu-h our entire indi*idual #ein-ness #ut throu-hout the entire uni*erse2 Bn the heart resides ourmain "onne"tion ,ith the de*atas? the -reat "osmi" &o,ers Q the -ods and -oddesses ,hi"h rule the uni*erse? its e*olution and its di11erent &lanes o1 e8isten"e2 Ea"h one o1 our indi*idual 1a"ulties arisin- 1rom the heart has its "orres&ondin- "osmi" de*a rulin- a "orres&ondin- &o,er o1 nature and the -reater uni*erse2 The sun? the moon? the stars? the earth and all as&e"ts o1 the "osmi" "reati*e 1or"e d,ell ,ithin the heart? ,hi"h is the heart o1 all "reation2 This heart or hridaya is o#*iously not the mere &hysi"al or-an2 Nor is it sim&ly the heart "entre? the anahata "ha7ra o1 the su#tle #ody? thou-h it is "losely related to it2 This heart is the "ore o1 our #ein-? ,hi"h is the "ore o1 Bein- itsel12 The heart is ,here ,e e8&erien"e our o,n sel15#ein- and throu-h it "onta"t the nature o1 all thin-s? animate and inanimate2 This hridaya "ould #e #etter "alled the Hs&iritual heart. in distin"tion to the &hysi"al and su#tle heart "entres2 The 1ollo,in- is a #eauti1ul &rayer o1 "onse"ration to the heart 1rom the Krishna Ja=ur 'eda >Taittiriya BrahmanaA2 Bt is still "ommonly "hanted in many ashrams and tem&les today? &arti"ularly in 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555All our ener-ies are "onduits o1this eternal heart 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555




South Bndia? thou-h not e*eryone "ontem&lates its true meanin-2 Bt is o1ten in"luded in the -reater rudram "hant sa"red to @ord Shi*a2 Bt "onsists o1 a "onse"ration o1 all o1 our 1a"ulties? alon- ,ith their "osmi" "ounter&arts? into the heart and the Su&reme Bein- ,ithin2 This 'edi" heart &rayer re"onstru"ts the Cosmi" 0erson >0urushaA? the uni*ersal Sel1 that is our true Bein- and is the Brahman? the Bein- o1 the entire uni*erse2 Only ,hen ,e reali-n the "osmi" &o,ers ,ith our indi*idual 1a"ulties "an ,e return them to our true heart that is uni*ersal2 Su"h a "onse"ration in the heart is true &ratyahara in the yo-i" sense Q ,ithdra,in- all our 1a"ulties 1or the hi-hest meditation2 Bt is the reinte-ration o1 our s"attered ener-y and attention into the Su&reme Sel1? ,hi"h is the su&reme Jo-a Q the Jo-a o1 the s&iritual heart2 Bt "an #e &er1ormed as &reliminary to or as alon- ,ith Sel15in6uiry in order to ma7e in6uiry more e11e"ti*e2 Bt "an #e done alon- ,ith any other yo-a &ra"ti"es as ,ell to -round them in the heart2 B ha*e added a short "ommentary to ma7e this an"ient 'edi" &rayer more rele*ant to the modern reader ,ho may not understand the underlyin- 'edi" "on"e&ts2(2 !ay 1ire >A-niA #e &la"ed in my s&ee"h >'a7A? my s&ee"h in the heart >hridayaA? the heart in me >mayiA? the B >ahamA in the immortal >amritamA? the immortal in Brahman2 By A-ni or +ire is here meant the di*ine li-ht hidden in matter? the ,ay 1ire is hidden in ,ood2 Throu-h this hidden li-ht o1 the immanent di*ine alone are ,e a#le to arti"ulate oursel*es? #rin-in- the li-ht o1 the Sel1 into our ,a7in- a"ti*ities throu-h the &o,er o1 s&ee"h2 22 !ay the Wind >'ayuA #e &la"ed in my #reath >&ranaA? my #reath in the heart? the heart in me? the B in the immortal? the immortal in Brahman2 By 'ayu or Wind is meant the di*ine ener-y that o&erates in the uni*erse on all le*els o1 matter? li1e and mind2 Throu-h this di*ine "osmi" ener-y alone? all a"tion o""urs and our o,n &rana is a#le to 1un"tion? -i*in- us li1e and "a&a"ity 1or all that ,e do2


55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 THE !O%NTABN 0ATH

32 !ay the Sun #e &la"ed in my eye? my eye in the heart? the heart in me? the B in the immortal? the immortal in Brahman2 By Surya or the Sun is meant the di*ine li-ht that illumines the ,orld? ,hi"h in,ardly is the li-ht o1 "ons"iousness? throu-h ,hi"h the eye 1un"tions and the mind &er"ei*es2 That su&reme eye is also lo"ated in the heart2 32 !ay the !oon #e &la"ed in my mind? my mind in the heart? the heart in me? the B in theimmortal? the immortal in Brahman2 By the Chandra or the !oon is meant the re1le"ti*e &o,er o1 the di*ine li-ht that allo,s us to 1eel and to understand? ,hi"h is the #asis o1 our emotional nature2 That is rooted in the heart as ,ell2 42 !ay the Dire"tions #e &la"ed in my hearin-? my hearin- in the heart? the heart in me? the B in the immortal? the immortal in Brahman2 The Dire"tions o1 s&a"e re1le"t the di*ine &resen"e that en*elo&es and "om&rehends e*erythin-2 Throu-h these &o,ers o1 s&a"e ,e "an hear? listen? 7no, and #e"ome one ,ith the "osmi" s&a"e that is the s&a"e ,ithin us and the s&a"e ,ithin the heart2 /2 !ay the Waters &la"ed in my -enerati*e 1luid? my -enerati*e 1luid in the heart? the heart in me? the B in the immortal? the immortal in Brahman2 The "osmi" Waters are the "reati*e &o,ers in the uni*erse? the Di*ine !others throu-h ,hi"h all "reati*ity o""urs do,n to the le*el o1 &ro"reation2 When ,e lin7 our "reati*e &o,ers ,ith those o1 the heart? ,e are re#orn throu-h the heart? into immortality? enterin-into the "osmi" ,aters o1 "ons"iousness2 )2 !ay the Earth #e &la"ed in my #ody? my #ody in the heart? the heart in me? the B in the immortal? the immortal in Brahman2 The entire Earth is our real #ody? o1 ,hi"h our &hysi"al #ody is #ut a re&resentati*e2 This essen"e o1 the #ody d,ells in the heart2 Bt is "reated out o1 the heart.s desire 1or em#odiede8isten"e and lasts as lon- as this desire "ontinues2 By returnin- the desire 1or the #ody into the heart? ,e "an e8&erien"e the entire uni*erse as our o,n -reater #ody2 2 !ay her#s and trees #e &la"ed in my hair? my hair in the heart? the heart in me? the B in the immortal? the immortal in Brahman2




All o1 nature is &art o1 our -reater or "osmi" #ody? as ,e are all the 0urusha or Cosmi" 0erson in *arious 1orms2 By &la"in- all as&e"ts o1 nature in our heart? ,hi"h is their true home? ,e "an e8&erien"e all o1 nature as oursel*es2 $2 !ay Bndra #e &la"ed in my stren-th? my stren-th in the heart? the heart in me? the B in the immortal? the immortal in Brahman2 Bndra is the @ord o1 0o,er or Sha7ti? ,ho rules o*er the uni*erse #oth e8ternally and internally? as the master 1or"e #ehind all ener-ies and a"tions2 Our true stren-th? ,hi"h is that o1 the heart? is only that o1 Bndra2 When ,e 7no, this? ,e ha*e the stren-th o1 Bndra? ,e -ain the uni*ersal &o,erN (92 !ay the Rain Eod >0ar=anyaA #e &la"ed in my head? my head in the heart? the heart in me? the B in the immortal? the immortal in Brahman2 0ar=anya here is the deity o1 the #rain marro,? the su#tle 1luid or Soma that e8ists in the head2 0la"in- this "reati*e 1or"e o1 the s7y in our heads? ,e "an e8&erien"e the rain o1 #liss? ,hi"h then ta7es us #a"7 to the heart2 ((2 !ay Shi*a #e &la"ed in my s&irit? my s&irit in the heart? the heart in me? the B in the immortal? the immortal in Brahman2 Shi*a here is Bshana? a 'edi" 1orm o1 Shi*a? as the su&reme &o,er #ehind the uni*erse2 His s&irit or manyu is his ener-eti" s&irit? his ,ill5&o,er that dire"ts all thin-s2 0la"in- that Di*ine Will in our hearts? our natural moti*ation must ta7e us to the Su&reme2(22 !ay my sel1 #e &la"ed in the Sel1? the Sel1 in the heart? the heart in me? the B in the immortal? the immortal in Brahman2 All these "onse"rations are di11erent 1orms o1 &la"in- the Sel1 into the Sel1? mer-in- the &o,ers o1 the uni*ersal Sel1 into the indi*idual Sel1? into the heart? into the B? into the immortal? and 1inally into Brahman? the A#solute2 All li1e really "onsists o1 su"h o11erin-so1 the Sel1 to the Sel1? Brahman to Brahman? Eod to Eod2 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

All li1e really "onsists o1su"h o11erin-so1 the Sel1to the Sel1 2993

55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 THE !O%NTABN 0ATH

(32 !ay my Sel1 return a-ain2 !ay my li1e >AyurA return a-ain2 !ay my &rana return a-ain2 !ay my ,ill return a-ain2 As lon- as ,e are "au-ht in the e-o5sel1? ,e don.t really ha*e a Sel12 Our sel1 is another? an o#=e"t? an ima-e? a ,orldly a&&earan"e or a #odily 1orm2 When ,e o11er all as&e"ts o1 our nature into the heart? ,e return to our true Sel1 that is e*eryone and no one2 Similarly? as lon- as ,e are "au-ht in the e-o or ,orldly li1e? ,e don.t ha*e a real li1e2 Weare ruled #y death? desire and "om&ulsion2 Only ,hen ,e "onta"t the uni*ersal li1e in the heart "an ,e #e said to #e truly ali*e and to -ain our true term o1 e8isten"e? ,hi"h is immortal2 Then all thin-s and all "reatures are our li1eN Ho, mu"h more ,onder1ul this isthan merely #ein- tra&&ed in a &ersonal li1e that is o1 little interest to anyone #ut oursel*es2 Throu-h this mer-en"e in the heart ,e -ain the hi-hest 0rana? ,hi"h is not =ustthe &o,er o1 the #reath? #ut the uni*ersal *itality and ener-y2 Then our true ,ill? ,hi"h is 1or the -ood o1 all? naturally returns2 Our li*es #e"ome an o11erin- o1 =oy to =oy2 (32 !ay the %ni*ersal Eod >'aish*anaraA in"reasin- ,ith his rays d,ell ,ithin me as the -uardian o1 immortality2 A-ni 'aish*anara or the %ni*ersal Eod is the 'edi" sym#ol 1or the Su&reme Sel1 and li#erated soul a""ordin- to -reat modern Rishis li7e Eana&ati !uni and Ka&ali Shastri2 All our indi*idual 1a"ulties and all their "orres&ondin- "osmi" &o,ers are &ortions o1 his #ein-? ,hi"h also trans"ends them2 The 'edi" sa"ri1i"ial =ourney ta7es us 1rom the lo,er 1orm o1 A-ni or 1ire? ,hi"h is s&ee"h? to the hi-hest 1orm? 'aish*anara? the uni*ersal #ein-? the Su&reme Sel1 identi1ied ,ith the Sun or the su&reme li-ht? 'ishnu himsel12 A related tea"hin- a#out A-ni 'aish*anara o""urs in the Chando-ya %&anishad2 Ea"h o1 our indi*idual 1a"ulties >those o1 the indi*idual Sel1 or Li*atmanA has its "osmi" "ounter&art or "orrelation ,ith the 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555Only ,hen ,e "onta"t the uni*ersal li1ein the heart"an ,e #e saidto #e truly ali*e 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555








Bha-a*ad Eita

When de*otees "om&osed *erses in &raise o1 Bha-a*an or translated s&iritual te8ts they sho,ed their e11orts to Bha-a*an ,ho meti"ulously ,ent throu-h the ,ritin-s and "orre"ted any mista7es2 O*er the years Chad,i"7 su#mitted to Bha-a*an his En-lish translations o1 Bha-a*an.s sele"tions 1rom the Bha-a*ad Eita and other "om&ositions2 Weare 1ortunate in this #e"ause no, ,e ha*e some rare e8am&les o1 Bha-a*an.s s"ri&t in En-lish and "an o#ser*e ,ith 1as"ination the "han-es Bha-a*an made2 We ha*e e8&anded the manus"ri&t to the ma8imum e8tent &ossi#le 1rom &a-es 39 to 3/2













As,a-andhi Churnam

Bn-redients re6uired:

En-lish Tamil Clo*e F (9 -rammes la*an-am Siruna-a&&u F 29 -rammes siruna-a&&u Cardamom F 39 -rammes ela77ai >illai"hiA Bla"7 0e&&er F 9 -rammes 7aru&&u mila-u Ri"e 0i&&ali F (/9 -rammes Dry Ein-er F 329 -rammes shu77u Withania F /39 -rammes as*a-andhi root Su-ar Candy F (29 -rammes 7al7andu One "an easily see that the 6uantity o1 the in-redients in"reases #y multi&les o1 t,o2 This is a-ain a s&e"iality o1 Bha-a*an Ramana2 Bn an"ient medi"inal #oo7s the &res"ri&tion 1orthis &arti"ular re"i&e does not "ontain as many in-redients and "ertainly not their &ro&ortionate in"rease2 !ethod o1 0re&arin-: Clean the in-redients ,ell? &o,der them and mi8 them ,ell2 This is a medi"ine 1or -eneral *itality? stren-th and *i-our2 Btis also re&uted to "ure many diseases? e*en "om&li"ated ones2Dr2 !ani77am? a &ra"tisin- Siddha and Ayur*eda &hysi"ian? ,ho li*es in Tiru*annamalai and ,hose mother ,as 1ortunate to learn many medi"inal re"i&es 1rom Sri Bha-a*an himsel1? says that? 1or a -ood &art o1 his &ra"ti"e? he &res"ri#es the a#o*e medi"ine and has 1ound that it -i*es e8"ellent results2



55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 Alan Chad,i"7 "ame to Sri Ramanasramam in ($34 and soon a1ter ,as -i*en &ermission to #uild a house ,ithin the &re"in"ts o1 the ashram2 Chad,i"7 ,as the only Westerner amon- the 1e, &eo&le ,ho had this &ri*ile-e2 Bha-a*an later remar7ed that Chad,i"7 had #een Hone o1 us.? and the 1ollo,in- years demonstrated Chad,i"7.s un,a*erin- loyalty to,ards Bha-a*an and the ashram2

55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 The &hoto sho,s the house,armin- "eremony o1 Chad,i"7.s "otta-e in ($3/2 Bha-a*an"an #e seen inside the that"hed en"losure alon- ,ith the Sar*adhi7ari o1 the ashram Sri Niran=anananda S,ami? Chad,i"7 himsel1 and on the ri-ht? S2 S2 Cohen >in ,hiteA ,ith his hand on his 1orehead and ne8t to him 0aul Brunton ,ith "oat2


55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 Destiny and +ree,ill

02 Sridharan

+or s&iritual as&irants li7e us? ,hi"he*er &ath ,e tra*erse? there are "ertain *e8atious 6uestions that #other us2 These 6uestions are 1undamental and de1y easy ans,ers or solutions? 1or the sim&le reason that there "an #e any num#er o1 ar-uments 1or or a-ainst any &arti"ular ans,er or solution2 One su"h &uCClin- issue is the role and in1luen"e o1 destiny and 1ree,ill in our li*es2 0erha&s most s&iritual as&irants ,ill a-ree that #oth destiny and 1ree,ill ha*e a role in our li1e2 But ,hat should #e our attitude to,ards li1e in *ie, o1 the e11e"ts o1 destiny and to ,hat e8tent "an ,e e8er"ise our 1ree,illG Where do ,e dra, the lineG B thin7 all o1 us ,ould ha*e 1a"ed this dilemma at "ru"ial sta-es in our li1e2 Thou-h s"ri&tural te8ts ha*e tried to ans,er these 6uestions? as&irants li7e us 1a"e &ro#lems in understandin- the &ur&ort o1 these statements and a"tually tryin- to &ut them into &ra"ti"e2 To try to sol*e a 1undamental &ro#lem? it is ne"essary 1or us to understand the &ro#lem itsel1? to -o to the *ery root o1 it2 B1 ,e sear"h 1or an ans,er that ,ould satis1y our o,n mind? the &ro#lem ,ill "ertainly not #e sol*ed2 Ne,ton.s third la, o1 motion states that 1or e*ery a"tion there is an e6ual and o&&osite rea"tion2 Bt thus 1ollo,s that s"ien"e has

55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 THE !O%NTABN 0ATH

understood and a""e&ted the la, o1 7arma or destiny at least as 1ar as the &hysi"al as&e"ts o1 li1e are "on"erned2 Ho,e*er? s"ien"e has 1ailed to e8&lore ,hether there "ould #e any &ossi#ility o1 the &hysi"al la, #ein- a&&lied to the realm o1 "ons"iousness2 S"ien"e? there1ore? is as yet un,illin- to a""e&t the e11e"ts o1 destiny? and the end and natural result o1 a"tions2 B1 the &hysi"al side o1 li1e has to o#ey "ertain "ardinal &rin"i&les and "an #e su#=e"t to rea"tion and destiny? o#*iously the &sy"holo-i"al side should also #e su#=e"t to "ertain la,s and destiny2 A""ordin- to Hindu reli-ious lore? the entire uni*erse is a di*ine drama in ,hi"h ea"h o1 us is allotted our res&e"ti*e role to &lay2 The @ord? Bsh*ara? is the ultimate authority ,ho de"ides on the e11e"ts and 1ruits o1 indi*idual 7arma2 A&&arently ,e do not ha*e mu"h to "hoose other than &lay our allotted roles in li1e ,ell? ,ithout desire and dedi"atin- the 1ruits o1 our a"tions to the @ord2 All s"ri&tures re"ommend this "ourse2 But does this ha&&enG Hardly2 Bt is easier said than done and it seems more so in the "ase o1 s&iritual as&irants2 No, let us try to 1ind out ,hat destiny a"tually is and ho, it a11e"ts us2 All o1 us ha*e desires2 Desire arises out o1 atta"hment to,ards 7ith and 7in? to,ards our ,or7 and our &ossessions2 The sour"e o1 desire is thou-ht itsel12 A thou-ht "reates sensation? sensation "reates desire? desire "reates moti*e and the ,ill to "hoose amon- ,hat is a*aila#le? and the ,ill to &ossess the o#=e"t o1 desire2 We ,or7 to,ards the 1ul1ilment o1 our desires ande8&e"t ade6uate returns 1or our e11orts2 When ,e desire an o#=e"t ,e ne*er thin7 o1 the doer2 We are not a,are o1 the Sel1 durin- the o&eration o1 a desire2 Bt is only the mind thatis 1e*erishly at ,or72 We ,ant to des&erately &ossess the o#=e"t2 Without &uttin- our heart and soul into the tas7 at hand? into doin- our duty as #est as &ossi#le? ,e ,orry a#out its "onse6uen"es? the results that it mi-ht #rin-2 We ,ant to su""eed #ut ,e do not 7no, ,hether ,e ,ill su""eed? ,hether ,e ,ill #e re,arded or not2 +ear o1 1ailure dominates our thou-hts2 Bet,een the a""om&lishment o1 our ,or7 and the time ,hen the a"tion #ears 1ruit? is a time o1 -reat an8iety2 There is no &ea"e2 Whether ,e ,ant to #uild a house or ,ant a &romotion or #uy a "ar? the mind ,or7s in mu"h the same 1ashion2 Bt there1ore 1ollo,s that destiny is "reated




1or onesel1 #y one.s a"tions ,hi"h are in turn #orn out o1 thou-ht2 Thus thou-ht is the 1undamental sour"e o1 destiny2 We re=oi"e ,hen ,e are re,arded? i2e2? ,hen ,e 1eel that ,e ha*e #een ade6uately "om&ensated 1or our e11orts2 We thin7 that ,e ha*e a"hie*ed -reat results throu-h our intelli-en"e and e11orts2 The eu&horia lasts until su"h time as another desire arises in the heart2 On the "ontrary? ,e are disillusioned and su11er in,ardly ,hen seemin-ly no re,ard or 1ruit o1 our "hoi"e or to our li7in- materialises2 +ailure in an enter&rise leads to emotions li7e =ealousy to,ards the one ,ho &ossesses the o#=e"t o1 our desire? an-er to,ards the one ,ho mi-ht ha*e &re*ented us 1rom attainin- our o#=e"ti*e and as a natural "onse6uen"e? hatred2 These emotions hold -ood not only in res&e"t o1 o#=e"ts o1 desire #ut also ,ith re-ard to human relationshi&s2 We e8&e"t others to listen to us? do ,hat ,e tell them to do2 We 7no, ,hat is #est 1or others2 We thin7 that it is ,e ,ho do thin-s? that ,e ha*e the "hoi"e? that it is ,ithin our "a&a#ilities to a"hie*e su""ess in ,hate*er ,e underta7e2 The sense o1 7artrit*a >the sense o1 doershi&A is *ery stron- and holds us in a *i"e li7e -ri&2 All this is the result o1 our de&loyment o1 1ree,ill2 The mind? ,hen it e8er"ises 1ree,ill? #e"omes "louded and is not in a &osition to re1le"t or thin7 "learly2 Emotions? ,hether -ood or #ad? "annot result in ri-ht a"tion2 A"tions resultin- out o1 su"h emotions in*aria#ly lead to results that #rin- su11erin-2 Thus? *asanas >tenden"iesA are "reated and are "arried o*er many #irths2 Sri Rama? the &rin"e o1 Ayodhya? #emoans the 1a"t that man.s di11i"ulties arise out o1 his e-oism2 Dis"ussin- 1undamental &ro#lems o1 li1e ,ith Sa-e 'asishta? Sri Rama says that the mindthat see7s en=oyment and 1ul1ilment is li7e the deer that runs in sear"h o1 -rass not mindin- the dan-er o1 1allin- into the &it2 He says that ,e s&end all our li*es li7e mad men runnin- a1ter useless o#=e"ts instead o1 &ursuin- the hi-hest -oal o1 li1e? namely @i#eration2 E*en the sli-htest 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555The sense o1 doershi& is *ery stron-and holds usin a *i"e li7e -ri& 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555


55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 thou-ht immerses a man in sorro, says the Jo-a 'asishta2 This sho,s that e*en the hi-hand the mi-hty are not e8em&t 1rom the male1i" in1luen"es o1 sorro, and su11erin-2 Bt there1ore 1ollo,s that e8er"ise o1 1ree,ill results in #onda-e2 Thus? 1ree,ill? ,hi"h is #orn o1 thou-ht? is the root o1 destiny2 This then is the "ru8 o1 the &ro#lem2 What do most o1 us do ,hen "au-ht in this *i"ious "ir"leG The reli-ious minded amon- us tend to #lame destiny and resi-n oursel*es to our 1ate2 !any o1 us #lame others 1or our1ailure2 A su&erstitious &erson understands destiny as #ein- "ondu"ted #y some mysterious 1or"e that ,aits #y the side o1 ea"h and e*ery human #ein- ,ith a de#it and "redit re-ister? re"ordin- his -ood and #ad deeds? tallied at the end o1 ea"h #irth and re,arded or &unished as the "ase may #e2 !ost o1 us ha*e a 1alse or su&er1i"ial understandin- o1 the &ro#lem o1 destiny2 But ,hen analysed dis&assionately? it #e"omes "lear that ,e alone? #e"ause o1 the e8er"ise o1 our 1ree,ill? are res&onsi#le 1or it2 One rea&s ,hat one so,s2 E*ery human #ein- in this ,orld -oes throu-h these e8&erien"es? yet? either he does not 7no, the means o1 1reein- himsel1 1rom this #onda-e or is so enmeshed in it that he thin7s that #onda-e is &art o1 li1e and a""e&ts it and learns to li*e ,ith it? al#eit unha&&ily2 As Sri Bha-a*an says in his introdu"tion to Adi Shan7ara.s 'i*e7a Chudamani? all human#ein-s ,ithout e8"e&tion ,ant to #e ha&&y al,ays2 This is #orne out #y the 1a"t that man sear"hes 1or ha&&iness in all 7inds o1 e8ternal o#=e"ts and throu-h *arious ,ays? #e it throu-h entertainment or drin7 or e*en throu-h harassin- others2 Jet? the 1a"t remains that most o1 us are ,ithout a "lue as to ho, eternal ha&&iness "an #e a"hie*ed2 Where is the end to all thisG Bs it &ossi#le to 1ree oursel*es out o1 this entan-lementG Ea"hone o1 us? at least the s&iritually in"lined? at one &oint in our li1e ,ould "ertainly ha*e as7ed oursel*es? DWhere am B -oin-? ,hat am B doin-? ,hat is the meanin- o1 my li1e? my5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

All human #ein-s ,ithout e8"e&tion,ant to #eha&&y al,ays 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 DESTBNJ AND +REEWB@@

e8&erien"es? ,hy do B su11er? ,hy am B not &ea"e1ulGD The #e-innin- o1 this re1le"tion is &roo1 enou-h that ,e naturally? &erha&s ,ithout #ein- "ons"iously a,are o1 it? sear"h 1or our sour"e2 Bt is e*iden"e o1 the s&routin- o1 en6uiry2 This is the result o1 -ra"e2 Eod.s -ra"e or the Sad-uru.s -ra"e is the ultimate re1u-e2 E*en ,hen ,e ,ant to &ursue a s&iritual li1e? 1ree,ill and destiny &lay an im&ortant role2 !any de*otees o1 Bha-a*an ha*e 1elt an intense desire to -i*e u& 1amily and home and &ursue his tea"hin-s? &re1era#ly at Tiru*annamalai itsel12 Bha-a*an usually dis"oura-ed su"h &eo&le? tellin- them that they "ould &ursue their de*otion and s&iritual &ra"ti"e ,here*er they li*ed2 Ta7in- the e8am&le o1 Bha-a*an.s de*otees? o*er the years? a 1e, ha*e re-ularly le1t home? relati*es and ,or7 to settle do,n in Tiru*annamalai and &ursue their sadhana2 The de"ision to -i*e u& one.s &ro1ession and in"ome as also one.s near and dear ones is not easy2 Bha-a*an has re&eatedly said that i1 it ,ere one.s destiny to lea*e one.s home? it ,ould "ertainly ha&&en2 The #urnin- desire to lea*e #ehind the mundane in&ursuit o1 somethin- hi-her 1ru"ti1ies in some "ases2 Bn su"h "ases 1ree,ill and destiny domeet and mer-e to-ether2 But this is *ery rare and the &assion to dis"o*er the truth need not in"lude the desire to run a,ay 1rom home2 Rather? the ,il1ul ur-e to lea*e home is not di11erent 1rom any other desire and is there1ore ,ron-2 Whate*er as&e"t o1 li1e? ,hether the mundane or the altruisti" or the intensely s&iritual? and ,hi"he*er ,ay one loo7s at it? one 1inds that 1ree,ill and destiny a11e"t it and ma7e one unha&&y 1or the sim&le reason that 1ree,ill is the "ause o1 destiny2 What other ,ay remains 1or us than surrender to the @ord or 1indin- out the root "ause o1 all this throu-h Sel15en6uiryG As one &ro"eeds sin"erely on the &ath o1 en6uiry as tau-ht #y Bha-a*an "ou&led ,ith true de*otion and surrender? one 1inds onesel1 relu"tant to em&loy 1ree,ill in day to day li1e and as a result one "an also su#tly 1eel destiny sli&&in- a,ay 1rom us2 B1 this is not the Sad-uru.s -ra"e? ,hat isG



55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 Sri Aruna"hala 0an"haratnam

Sadhu Om

'erse 2 En-lish 0ara&hrase

O Red Hill RAruna"halaSN All this R,orld5a&&earan"eS? ,hi"h is a &i"ture? rises? stands and su#sides only in Jou2 Sin"e Jou dan"e eternally RinS the Heart as HB. Rthe real Sel1S? they Rthe sa-es or =nanisS say that Jour name itsel1 is Heart >hridayamA2 Commentary Bn the &re*ious *erse Sri Bha-a*an re*ealed that #y the all5&er*asi*e e11ul-en"e o1 its Era"e? Aruna"hala s,allo,s the entire ,orld5a&&earan"e2 Bn this *erse? #y alludin- to the "inema simile #y ,hi"h he used to e8&lain the a&&earan"e o1 the ,orld? Sri Bha-a*an -i*es a "lue to the reason ,hy the ,orld5a&&earan"e is s,allo,ed #y the li-ht o1 Era"e2 Lust as the a&&earan"e and disa&&earan"e o1 a "inema &i"ture ta7es &la"e only on the s"reen? so the risin- >"reationA? the standin- >sustenan"eA and the su#siden"e >destru"tionAo1 the entire ,orld5&i"ture ta7es &la"e only in Aruna"hala? the real Sel12 Without Aruna"hala as a #ase? the ,orld5&i"ture "ould not ha*e mani1ested e*en its seemin- risin-? standin- and su#siden"e2 But Aruna"hala is not merely the s"reen on ,hi"h this ,orld5&i"ture a&&ears and disa&&ears2


55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 THE !O%NTABN 0ATH

DM The &i"ture o1 names and 1orms? the seen? the s"reen and the li-ht Q all these are He? ,ho is the Sel12D( The ,orld5&i"ture "an a&&ear on the s"reen o1 Sel1 only ,hen the li-ht o1 Sel1 a&&ears di11used and dim in the 1orm the mind5li-ht2 But ,hen the li-ht o1 Sel1 shines in all its 1ullness? it s,allo,s the a&&earan"e o1 #oth the ,orld5&i"ture and the seer o1 that &i"ture2DWhen the mind "omes out 1rom Sel1? the ,orld a&&ears2 There1ore ,hen the ,orld a&&ears? Sel1 does not a&&earK ,hen the Sel1 a&&ears >shinesA? the ,orld does not a&&ear?Dsays Sri Bha-a*an in Nan JarG This e8&erien"e o1 his is "learly re*ealed in these 1irst t,o*erses2 Thou-h the ,orld5&i"ture? the seer o1 that &i"ture? the s"reen on ,hi"h the &i"ture is seen?and the li-ht ,hi"h illumines the &i"ture are all only Aruna"hala? ,ho is the Sel1? Aruna"hala is not the a"ti*e "ause >nimitta 7aranamA 1or the a&&earan"e o1 the ,orld2 This is made "lear #y Sri Bha-a*an in *erse 4 o1 Euru 'a"ha7a Ko*ai: DThou-h Sel1 itsel1 is seen as the ,orld o1 many names and 1orms? it is not the doer? a"tin- as the "ause ,hi"h "reates? sustains and destroys the ,orld2D This is ,hy in this *erse Sri Bha-a*an says the ,orld5&i"ture Drises? stands and su#sidies in JouD >nin&aleA2 and not D#y youD >ninnaleA2 The e11i"ient "ause or nimitta 7arana o1 the,orld5a&&earan"e is only the mind? ,hi"h is a dim and di11used li-ht that seemin-ly "omes into e8isten"e due to Sel151or-et1ulness2 When the "lear and unlimited li-ht o1 Sel157no,led-e shines 1orth? it s,allo,s the dim mind5li-ht to-ether ,ith its e11e"t? the ,orld5a&&earan"e2 Bn other ,ords? to e8&ress it 1i-urati*ely? so lon- as the lotus5#ud o1 the mind remains "losed? in the dar7ness "aused #y that "losure the ,orld5&i"ture "an riseand su#sideK #ut ,hen the mind5lotus #lossoms o&en #y the Era"e o1 Aruna"hala? the "lear li-ht o1 Sel15"ons"iousness

( %lladu Nar&adu *erse (2 2 H&al. T &la"e or Hidam.K thus Hnin#al. >ninU &alA T Hninnidam. >in JouA2


55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 Sri AR%NACHA@A 0ANCHARATNA!

1loods in and &er*ades it entirely? there#y s,allo,in- the ,orld5&i"ture2 Sin"e Aruna"hala is thus the #ri-ht 1ire o1 =nana ,hi"h #urns all the ,orlds to ashes? Sri Bha-a*an re1ers to it here as the Red Hill >sem5malaiA2 Thou-h to the -ross e8tro*erted attention Aruna"hala a&&ears as a hill o1 insentient ro"7? it is in 1a"t the @ord ,ho stands as a mass o1 Lnana >=nana5tiralay nindra &erumanA3 e*er shinin- in the heart as the sel15luminous li-ht o1 the "ons"iousness HB.2 So lon- as the mind is not s,allo,ed #y the #ri-ht li-ht o1 Aruna"hala? the Red Hill? the a&&earan"e o1 the "reation? sustenan"e and dissolution o1 the ,orld "ontinue2 Ho,e*er? thou-h these seemin- "han-es o1 "reation? sustenan"e and dissolution ta7e &la"e only in Aruna"hala? Aruna"hala e8ists e8ternally ,ithout under-oin- or #ein- a11e"ted in the least #y any o1 these seemin- "han-es? dan"in- motionlessly in the Heart and as the Heartin the 1orm o1 the &ure and ad=un"tless "ons"iousness HB.2 That is ,hy Sri Bha-a*an says in the se"ond hal1 o1 this *erse? DSin"e Jou dan"e eternally in the Heart as HB.? they say that Jour name itsel1 is HeartD2 Thus Sri Bha-a*an "learly re*eals that the true nature o1 Aruna"hala as e8&erien"ed #y those ,hose mind5lotus has #lossomed 1ully? is only the eternal shinin- o1 HB. in the Heart2Thou-h this HB.? ,hi"h is "alled #y sa-es as the Heart? is e8&erien"ed in its &urity and 1ull "larity only #y those ,hose mind5lotus has #lossomed? it is in 1a"t shinin- eternally? #oth ,hen the mind and the ,orld5&i"ture a&&ear and ,hen they are s,allo,ed2 Thou-h it is said that this HB. is shinin- or dan"in- in the Heart? in truth the Heart is not a &la"e #ut the Sel1 itsel12 There1ore ,hat is 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555Sin"e Jou dan"e eternally in the Heart as HB.?they say that Jour nameitsel1 is Heart 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

3 DLnana5tiralay nindra &erumanD are the o&enin- ,ords o1 a son- sun- #y Tiru=nanasam#andhar on Aruna"hala2


55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 "alled the HHeart. and the Sel1 ,hi"h shines as HB. are not t,o di11erent thin-s? #ut are oneand the same reality2 To ma7e this truth "lear? Sri Bha-a*an "on"ludes this *erse #y sin-in-? DThey say that your name itsel1 is HeartD2 Bn this "onte8t Sri Bha-a*an ,ould sometimes re1er to the Chando-ya %&anishad R223S? ,here it is said? DThis atman *erily is in the HeartMhen"e it is the HeartMD And to the Brahma Eitai /2(9? ,here it is said? DDue to his #ene*olently e8istin- and shinin- as the s&e"ial 7no,led-e in ea"h heart? ,hi"h a&&ear di*erse? they "all Eod Himsel1 as the HeartMD To ,hom does Sri Bha-a*an re1er here as Hthey. >tamAG Only to those sa-es ,hose mind5lotus has #lossomed2 Bn the outloo7 o1 those sa-es there is no Hin. or Hout.? no Htime. or H&la"e.? no Ha&&earan"e. or Hdisa&&earan"e.K there is only the one non5dual reality ,hi"h e*er shines as HB am. and ,hi"h is 7no,n #y *arious names su"h as Sel1? Eod? Heart and Aruna"hala2 Thus in this se"ond *erse also Sri Bha-a*an tal7s only a#out HB.2 There1ore 1rom these 1irst t,o *erses it is "lear that i1 anyone &rom&ts Sri Bha-a*an to ,rite somethin- ,ithout -i*in- any su#=e"t? the one su#=e"t ,hi"h he ,ill ,rite a#out is only HB.2 WhyG Be"ause in his e8&erien"e there is nothin- more im&ortant than this2 @ea*in- the su#=e"t o1 this HB.? he 7no,s that there is nothin- ,orthy to 7no, or ,rite a#out2 DWithout 7no,in- onesel1 ,hat is the use i1 one 7no,s anythin- elseG B1 one 7no,s onesel1? then ,hat else ,ill e8ist to #e 7no,nG MD sin-s Sri Bha-a*an in *erse 3 o1 Atma'idya Kirtanam2 All ri-ht? then ,hat is the means to attain 7no,led-e o1 the real nature o1 HB. as a dire"t e8&erien"eG The &rin"i&le and dire"t means is only Sel15en6uiry? ,hi"h is the &ath o1 =nana2 There1ore in the ne8t *erse Sri Bha-a*an ta7es u& the su#=e"t o1 Sel15in6uiry and re*eals #oth the method o1 &ra"ti"e and the result o1 that &ra"ti"e2 Therea1 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

@ea*in- the su#=e"t o1 this HB.?he 7no,s thatthere is nothin-,orthy to 7no,or ,rite a#out 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555


ter in the last t,o *erses? in a""ordan"e ,ith the re6uest o1 Eana&ati Sastri? Sri Bha-a*antou"hes u&on the su#=e"ts o1 yo-a? #ha7ti and 7arma2 But e*en ,hile dealin- ,ith these su#=e"ts? he does not lea*e his "entral theme o1 HB.2 Ho,G Thou-h in the 1ourth *erse he ma7es a &assin- mention a#out restrainin- the #reath? and thou-h he uses the ,ords dhyanittu >meditatin-A and Hyo-i.? he ma7es "lear in that *erse that #reath5restraint is only a means to ma7e the mind stand still? that ,hat is then to #e meditated u&on #y that stilled mind is only Arunesa? ,ho is the non5o#=e"ti1ia#le reality ,hi"h shines in the heart as HB. ,hen attention to all e8ternal o#=e"ts is -i*en u&? and that only he ,ho thus unites his mind ,ith the Sel1 is the real yo-i2 Then in the 1i1th *erse? in ,hi"h he deals ,ith the su#=e"ts o1 #ha7ti and 7arma? 1rom the o&enin- ,ords D,ith a mind surrendered to JouD he ma7es "lear that the real #ha7ta or 7arma yo-i is only he ,ho no lon-er retains the mind2 Ha*in- thus surrendered his mind? the real #ha7ta has dro,ned in Sel1 as Sel1? there#y losin- "om&letely his se&arate indi*iduality2 Thus the #ase on ,hi"h Sri Bha-a*an deals ,ith all these su#=e"ts is only HB.2


55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 THE !O%NTABN 0ATH


This is a 1aith1ul re&rodu"tion o1 the note#oo7 o1 B2 '2 Narasimha S,ami2 We ha*e retained? ,here*er &ossi#le? the ori-inal -rammar and &un"tuation2

Ra-a*a"hariar 2/P3P($392 Su&er*isor 0WD

B ,ent and sa, !aharshi o11 and on2 Bt ,ould usually #e "ro,ded and B ,as loath to as7 him anythin- in the midst o1 su"h a "ro,d2 One e*enin- in ($((? B ,ent to see him ,ith three 6uestions in my mind and the Bha-a*ad Eita in hand2 i2 As B do not ,ish to &ut 6uestions #e1ore "ro,d? ,ill you &lease a&&oint a time ,hen B may 6uestion you in &ri*ate2 ii2 As B am a theoso&hist? B should li7e to ha*e your o&inion on the Theoso&hi"al So"iety2 iii2 >@i7e Ar=una 6uestions Sri Krishna in Ch2VB o1 the EitaA B1 you thin7 B "an #ehold your s,aru&a? ,ill you &lease ena#le me to see it2 When B ,ent that e*enin-? there ,as a "ro,d o1 some 1orty &eo&le #e1ore him and B as7ed none o1 the 6uestions2 But in a 1e, minutes the "ro,d dis&ersed? one a1ter another? ta7in- lea*e and -oin- a,ay2 B ,as o*er=oyed2

Dee&am Dee&am



!y 1irst 6uestion had #een ans,ered2 As 1or the se"ond? !aharshi himsel1 as7ed me i1 the #oo7 in hand ,as Bha-a*ad Eita2 B said? Hyes.2 B had not told him ,hat the #oo7 ,as or sho,ed it to him &re*iously2 He also told me? DJou are a theoso&hist? the So"iety is doin- -ood ,or7D2 This o&inion is ,hat B ,anted to eli"it 1rom him2 B had not o&ened my mouth to as7 him and yet he ans,ered my se"ond mental 6uery2 No, 1or the most im&ortant matter? B o&ened my mouth and &ut the 6uestion to him2 DB1 you thin7 B "an see your s*aru&am? &lease ena#le me to see it2D Then B sat near him in silen"e2 Bn a *ery short time? his 1i-ure disa&&eared 1rom my *ie,2 Behind him ,as &ainted the 1i-ure o1 Da7shinamurti on the ,all2 That 1i-ure also disa&&eared2 B had only dar7ness or nothin- #e1ore my eyes2 B still loo7ed on2 Bn a short ,hile a #ri-ht "loud "o*ered the &la"e o""u&ied #y !aharshi as Da7shinamurti2 There ,as at 1irst nothin- #ut the "loud2 Eradually there a&&eared somethin- li7e sunli-ht 1rom #ehind the "loud and shadin- the ed-e o1 the "loud ,ith sil*er 1rom #ehind and illuminatin- the #ody o1 the "loud also to some e8tent2 !y *a-ue outlines o1 the "loud -radually #e"ame more de1inite2 The sil*er line #e"ame thi"7er2 The "loud -radually assumed the outlines o1 !aharshi.s #ody2 Then a-ain the eyes and nose and other 1eatures -radually a&&eared therein2 Similarly Da7shinamurti.s &i"ture also disa&&eared2 !aharshi.s #ody ,as still in that #ri-ht "loudy sha&e2 Bt ,as -ro,in- e*ery instant #ri-hter and #ri-hter2 B "ould not endure the intense li-ht and there1ore "losed my eyes2 A1ter a ,hile B reo&ened my eyes to see the 1amiliar 1a"e o1 the !aharshi and the ,all ,ith Da7shinamurti &ainted on it ne8t to him2 B "ould not s&ea7 any 1urther2 B sat a,hile? then too7 lea*e and ,ent a,ay2 +or a month ormore B did not -o u&hill a-ain2 B ,as ,onderin- at the *ision -ranted to me and 6ueried mysel1 as to ,hat its 1ull and e8a"t im&ort ,as2 B -ot no satis1a"tory e8&lanation o1 all this and at last ,ent u& the hill to -et !aharshi.s e8&lanation2 B told him all the 1a"ts2 He then said D Jou ,anted to see my s,aru&a2 What 1orm >ru&amA ha*e BG That is ,hy you sa, a #lan7 dar7ness at

2993 2993 2993 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 THE !O%NTABN 0ATH

1irst2 Nothin- ,ith 1orm is true2 Bt is only #y -ettin- &ast 1orm that you arri*e at the truth2The 1irst sta-e o1 your en6uiry is to as"ertain ,hat you are not #y a series o1 neti? neti >not this? not thisA2 That is ,hy a #lan7 a&&eared 1irst and then li-ht F a *a-ue di11used li-ht ,ithout distin"tion o1 &arts and ,ithout any outline2 DAs 1or ,hat 1ollo,ed? you #arely &rodu"ed ,hat you had deri*ed 1rom Ch VB o1 the Bha-a*ad Eita2 DAs 1or this sort o1 *ision o1 me Ka*ya7anta Eana&ati Sastri had a similar *ision? you "anas7 him 1or 1urther e8&lanation2D B did not -o and as7 Eana&ati Sastri2 Bn ($(2 B le1t this &la"e on trans1er and returned to duty here only a year a-o2 Bn ($((? ,hen B ,as "onstantly seein- !aharshi? my ,i1e and others ,ere a1raid that my old dis&osition to,ards *aira-yam ,ould mature into sanyasam #y "onstant *isits to !aharshi and so they ,ent and e8&ressed their 1ears to !aharshi and re6uested him to tell me to remain ,ith my 1amily2 So? ,hen B ,ent to !ahashi ne8t? he told me that "onta"t ,ith samsara or 1amily is not -ot o*er #y *oluntarily -i*in- it u&2 A ,al7in- sti"7that su&&orts a man is 7e&t on #y him? #ut ,hen he is aslee&? the sti"7 1alls o11? o1 itsel12 He also re1erred to trina=alou7a( as sho,in- that the mind or soul should 1irmly -ras& somethin- hi-her #e1ore the hold on the lo,er is -i*en u&2 On"e B =oined him ,hen he ,as in the "ourse o1 a -iri &rada7shinam2 !aharshi and others,ere near the tan7 near Adi Annamalai2 B too7 meals alon- ,ith 1orty others2 A1ter his return to the hill? &eo&le ,anted to in*ite him to ea"h o1 their houses2 B as7ed Him? DWhy should not !aharshi hel& the i-norant masses #y -i*in- instru"tion? #y means o1 le"tures and edu"atin- the &u#li" there#yGD He re&lied? DBs not Eod ,or7in-G Bs he ma7in- s&ee"hesG Can ,or7 #e done only throu-h s&ee"hG Do you 7no, the amount o1 ,or7 that"an #e silently turned out F ,ithout any s&ee"hGD B said yes2 B "onstantly ,ent to him? in my mind as also e8ternally2

( trina T a #lade o1 -rassK =alau7a T a lee"h2 When the lee"h mo*es 1rom one #lade o1 -rass to another? it 1irst -ras&s the se"ond one and only then lea*es the 1irst #lade o1 -rass2 Sri Bha-a*an alludes to this #y ,ay o1 e8am&le2 4


55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 0adamalai

The Heart


0adamalai is a 3?94$ *erse Tamil &oem that !uru-anar "om&osed sometime a1ter Bha-a*an.s !ahasamadhi2 The ori-inal *erses ,ere &u#lished a 1e, years a-o in *olume nine o1 Sri Ramana Lnana Bodham2 The ma=ority o1 the *erses in 0adamalai "ontain tea"hin- statements that Bha-a*an himsel1 made2 An En-lish edition o1 this ,or7? translated #y Dr 'en7atasu#ramanian and Ro#ert Butler and edited #yDa*id Eodman? ,ill #e &u#lished soon2 Bn the 1ollo,in- se6uen"e o1 *erses? ,hi"h ha*e #een ta7en 1rom this ne, #oo7? !uru-anar re"ords some o1 Bha-a*an.s statements on theHeart2

(2 HThe Heart. and HAtma5s,aru&a. are not di11erent 1rom ea"h other2 The di11eren"e is only in the ,ords used2Sri Ramana Eita? "ha&ter 1i*e? *erses 2? 3 and 4: That 1rom ,here all the a"ti*ities o1 the em#odied #ein-s emer-e is mentioned as the Heart2 The des"ri&tion o1 its 1orm is RonlyS "on"e&tual Bt is said that the B5a"ti*ity is the root o1 all a"ti*ities2 +rom ,here the HB.5thou-ht emer-es? that? in short? is the Heart2 The Heart is said to #e the one di11erent 1rom the lum& o1 1lesh and #lood2 Deri*in- it as hrt ayam Rmeanin-? HThis is the Heart.S the true 1orm o1 the Sel1 is indi"ated2


55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 22 Bt is the "on*i"tion o1 sa-es ,ho &ossess "lear 7no,led-e o1 reality that the Atma5s,aru&a e8ists as the Heart ,ithin the Heart2 Wuestion: Sri Bha-a*an s&ea7s o1 the Heart as the seat o1 "ons"iousness and as identi"al ,ith the Sel12 What does the Heart e8a"tly si-ni1yG Bha-a*an: The 6uestion a#out the Heart arises #e"ause you are interested in see7in- the sour"e o1 "ons"iousness2 To all dee&5thin7in- minds? the en6uiry a#out the HB. and its nature has an irresisti#le 1as"ination2 Call it #y any name? Eod? Sel1? the Heart or the seat o1 "ons"iousness? it is all the same2 The &oint to #e -ras&ed is this? that HHeart. means the *ery "ore o1 one.s #ein-? the "entre?,ithout ,hi"h there is nothin- ,hate*er2( 32 Those are truly ,ise ,ho drin7 the 1loodin- honey o1 Atma5s,aru&a? ,hi"h shines in the Heart as the Heart? and 1eel "ontented2 32 Thin7in- is ima-ination2 The Heart? thou-ht51ree Atma5s,aru&a? is the reality? &ure "ons"iousness2 42 When &er1e"tion e8ists as the nature o1 your Heart? ,hy do you lose your "om&osure #y d,ellin- on im&er1e"tionsG /2 The Heart is the =i*a5samadhi ,here the soul o1 the true de*otee resides 1ore*er ,ith #liss5"ons"iousness2 At the end o1 their li*es some yo-is ta7e =i*a5samadhi? ,hi"h means that they are #uried ali*e in a samadhi &it? or &ermanently ,alled u& inside some "a*e or similar stru"ture2 The *erse is indi"atin- a state in ,hi"h the =i*a is &ermanently entom#ed ,ithin the Heart? ,here it &er&etually en=oys the #liss o1 the Sel12 )2 Bt is im&ossi#le 1or a Heart that has realised itsel1 to #e the *ast e8&anse o1 "ons"iousness to #e o#s"ured #y the thi"7 #la"7 dar7ness o1 i-noran"e2 A#idin- in the Heart 2 True =nana? ,hi"h #esto,s the #liss o1 the Sel1? ,ill re*eal itsel1 in a Heart that? ha*in-"on6uered the e-o? remains utterly still2

( !aharshi.s Eos&el? Boo7 T,o Ch 32



$2 %nless one rea"hes the Heart and remains esta#lished there? it is im&ossi#le to destroy a-itation o1 the mind and attain &ea"e2 (92 A#idin- in the neutral state o1 e6uili#rium is rea"hin- and a#idin- in the Heart throu-h 1irm a,areness o1 the Sel1? ,hi"h is the true =nana5s,aru&a2 ((2 To e8ist and shine in the Heart? ,ithout any thou-hts holdin- onto you? is mauna samadhi? one.s o,n RtrueS nature2 (22 Those thin-s that lea*e you? let them lea*e2 Bnstead? 7no, that ,hi"h a#ides &ermanently in the Heart and li*e in "ons"iousness2 (32 @et the -ood and ,ise ones em#ra"e as true ta&as the realisation o1 the truth in their Heart? and the stead1ast a#idan"e as that2 (32 The su&reme #ene1it o1 &ossessin- "ons"iousness is re=oi"in- in the Heart? e8&erien"in- union ,ith the Sel12 (42 The #ene1it o1 true ta&as? 1ree 1rom illusory a&&earan"es? is a Heart that remains uninterru&tedly and &er&etually 1ull o1 the true li1e that a#ides as "ons"iousness2 Esta#lishin- the !ind in the Heart (/2 When the mind? throu-h the 6uality o1 e8treme &urity? mer-es in the Heart? it ,ill attain &er1e"tion as &ea"e2 ()2 B1 the mind that has #e"ome one5&ointed? li7e the ti& o1 dar#a -rass? mer-es ,ith the Heart? the e8&erien"e o1 &ure #ein-? seemin-ly im&ossi#le to attain? ,ill #e *ery easily dis"o*ered2 (2 Ta7in- a thi"7 1at "ro,#ar Ras a needleS? it is not &ossi#le to stit"h to-ether e8tremely deli"ate sil7 "loth usin- *ery 1ine thread2 Wuestion ele*en o1 'i"hara San-raham as7s? DBs Sel15e8&erien"e &ossi#le 1or the mind ,hose nature is "onstant "han-eGD One &art o1 the ans,er states: DMBt is only #y the mind that is im&ure and is under the in1luen"e o1 ra=as and tamas that reality? ,hi"h is *ery su#tle and un"han-in-? "annot #e e8&erien"edK =ust as a &ie"e o1 1ine sil7 "loth "annot #e stit"hed ,ith a hea*y "ro,#ar? or as the details o1 su#tle o#=e"ts "annot #e distin-uished #y the li-ht o1 a lam&51lame that 1li"7ers in the ,indMD

55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 THE !O%NTABN 0ATH THE !O%NTABN 0ATH

($2 Only the Heart deser*es to #e "on6uered and &ossessed? 1or it -i*es so*erei-nty o*er a "ountry ,hose &rodu"e is indes"ri#a#le su&reme #liss2 292 An unru11led mind esta#lished in the Heart is the 1en"e that &rote"ts the 1ield o1 li#eration2 2(2 Restrain yoursel1 in su"h a ,ay that you reside stead1astly in the Heart? the hea*enly e8&anse o1 -ra"e ,hose 1orm is "ons"iousness2 222 %nless the mind is 1irmly esta#lished in the Heart? reality ,ill #e"ome *eiled #y the 1alsehood that is the mind2 Wuestion: Ho, lon- "an the mind stay or #e 7e&t in the HeartG Bha-a*an: The &eriod e8tends #y &ra"ti"e2 Wuestion: What ha&&ens at the end o1 the &eriodG Bha-a*an: The mind returns to the &resent normal state2 %nity in the Heart is re&la"ed #y *ariety o1 &henomena &er"ei*ed2 This is "alled the out-oin- mind2 The Heart5-oin- mind is "alled the restin- mind22 232 To attain the li1e o1 true #liss? ,hi"h is your *ery nature? 1irmly esta#lish yoursel1 in the Heart and a#ide immo*a#ly there2 232 The truth o1 onesel1 that e8ists and shines in the Heart as one.s o,n nature #e"omes *eiled #y a mind that is 1ull o1 delusion2 242 Bmmerse yoursel1 in the Heart and d,ell there? so that you remain #eyond re&roa"h? untrou#led #y the "rashin- ,a*es o1 the mind2 Bha-a*an: To see the o#=e"ts the re1le"ted li-ht o1 the mind is ne"essary2 To see the Heartit is enou-h that the mind is turned to,ards it2 Then the mind loses itsel1 and the Heart shines 1orth23 2/2 To ,hate*er e8tent you di*e ,ith a one5&ointed mind ,ithin the Heart? to that e8tent you ,ill e8&erien"e #liss2 2)2 RBn so doin-S the *e8ation o1 the "lamorous and e8"eedin-ly "ruel e-o -host? the mind? ,ill &erish? lea*in- not a tra"e2 4

2 Tal7s ,ith Sri Ramana !aharshi? Tal7 no2 2)2 3 B#id2? Tal7 no2 $$2

Dee&am Dee&am

55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 Sel15En6uiry and the S&iritual Heart

0atri"7 Ro#erts

Bs "on"entratin- on the s&iritual heart >hridayaA on the ri-ht side o1 the "hest an inte-ral &art o1 sel15en6uiryG Bs it a "om&lementary &ra"ti"eG Or is there no "onne"tion #et,een themG The ,ritin- o1 Arthur Os#orne is &arti"ularly rele*ant to this interestin- #ut di11i"ult and ne-le"ted 6uestion2 Arthur Os#orne &u#lished The Tea"hin-s o1 Sri Ramana !aharshi in his O,