20,000 leagues under the sea

20,000 LEAGUES UNDER  THE SEA  The brave a cts of a charact er .

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20,000 Leagues under the sea

20,000 Leagues under the seaThe brave acts of a character.

Lesson objectiveStudents will be able to describe the brave acts of a character based on the graphic novel that they have studied.QUestionQuestion: Based on the novel 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne, write about one character and describe his brave acts. Provide evidence from the text to support your response. Write: In not less than 50 wordsIn continuous writing (not in note form)

General review

Ned land

1. - Ned sighted the monster- He used the harpoon to hit it- Q& A: Why did Ned use the harpoon to hit the monster?2. He killed the shark which was going to attack Captain Nemo.- The shark almost killed the East Indian pearl diver.- Q&A: Where did this incident take place?3. He made plans to escape- He attacked the steward.- He did not care what would happen to him.Q& A: What is the consequence of his action?4. When they were near the island of New Guinea, he saw the chance to escape.- The people on the island were cannibals.- Q&A: Why did Ned insist to be on the island?There are several characters in the novel 20,000 leagues under the sea. One of the characters was Ned Land. He was a skilled harpooner. One of the brave acts was to shot harpoon and kill the shark which was going to attack Captain Nemo. If he did not react quickly, Captain Nemo could be the second victim attacked by the shark. The first victim was the East Indian pearl diver. Ned was angry at being locked up without given any explanation. He also made plans to escape. I think another brave act was him attacking the steward. He did not care what would happen to him. In doing so, he successfully attracted the attention of the captain of the ship. Only then he gave them some explanations. Ned did not like to be confined in a place. He never stopped thinking of escaping. He wanted to escape whenever they were near land. For example, when they were stuck near the island of new guinea and when they were twelve miles from the coast of Spain. Making plans to escape was brave as they did not know what would happen to them whether they would succeed or not. Therefore, I think Ned was a brave person. That was the reason he was able to do all the brave acts in the novel.Model Answer