20 resume tips in 20 minutes

20 resume tips in 20 minutes careers.southernct .edu Resume 20/20

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Post on 05-Feb-2016




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20 resume tips in 20 minutes. Resume 20/20. careers.southernct.edu. Your resume is often the first impression an employer has of you Use high quality white, off-white or beige watermarked resume paper, no need for bright colors - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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20 resume tips in 20 minutes


Resume 20/20

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Your resume is often the first impression an employer has of you

Use high quality white, off-white or beige watermarked resume paper, no need for bright colors

Do not staple or fold your resume. Use a full size envelope if you are mailing a hard copy



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Your resume should be attractive and appear balanced on the page

Always have a second pair of eyes review your resume

Make it Neat


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Keep your font size between 10-12 points, but consider that for some font styles, 10 may be too small

Use a basic font and keep consistent throughout the resume

Adjust the font size to get more information on a page or to fill up an empty page

Super-size Me?


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Use bolding, italics, capitalization or underlining to draw the readers eye to valuable information

But remember…

Too much can cause a RANSOM note EFFECT

Make Important Info Stand Out


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Your resume is a formal document, avoid using abbreviations

Use a professional e-mail address. Avoid using cute or suggestive e-mail addresses

It’s a Formal Document


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Omit all personal pronouns (i.e., I, we, you, he, she, they, it)

KISS• Keep It Simply Stated

Tailor your resume for each position, and be sure to include key words from the job description

You Have 30 Seconds


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Use brief phrases that begin with action verbs to describe job responsibilitiesAccomplished AdministeredCompiled CompletedDeveloped EstablishedMaintained ManagedOrganized OperatedPreparedProvided


Take Action

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Focus on accomplishments, not just duties and emphasize results you have achieved by including numbers

Supervised 10 volunteers Developed and managed campus club budget of $50,000 Authored 3 health and safety manuals Completed a 15 week team project; researched and presented ways to improve campus parking


Mission Accomplished

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Honest information on your resume is a clear indication of your integrity, and employers can verify a high percentage of the information


Be Honest

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Common errors on resumes include the use of the word manger instead of manager, so spell check AND carefully proofread your resume


I Never Make Mistook

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Submit your resume in whatever method the employer requests (e-mail, pasted or uploaded into a web form, etc) • Because formatting is often lost in translation be

sure to have an electronic resume that is all left aligned and does not use any special formatting conventions. Before sending it to an employer try sending it yourself and others.

• If you are attaching the resume to an e-mail also paste a copy of your electronic copy into the body of the e-mail in case there is a problem opening the attachment.



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Don’t use gimmicks. Your resume will demonstrate to employers how you will represent the organization once employed. Instead of gimmicks impress them with your networking skills to get yourself noticed. • In settings (such as conferences or professional

organization meetings) where a resume would be cumbersome try a networking business card.

On a Greasy Pizza Box?


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Follow-up to ensure your resume was received. Be persistent but not a pest.

Cast your net far and wide; apply for numerous positions and consider a wide geographic area.

Want more?

Attend Job Search 20/20 for more tips on how to find a job. Ask your career counselor for a full schedule of events, or schedule an

individual appointment.careers.southernct.edu

….And Finally

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Center for Career ServicesSouthern Connecticut State University

Wintergreen Building(203) 392-6539


For More Information