20 october 2017 30 tishrei 5778 happiness is not a … · 10/20/2017  · in the fallout this past...

That may sound like a glib catchphrase, and thats because it is. But its a good glib catchphrase. The theme of Sukkot is happiness and it is no surprise that it is all about journeying. It celebrates the journey of the Israelities through the wilderness. Its every night includes the celebration of drawing water and journeying with it to the altar. The branches atop of the Sukkah represent of the journey towards the trees fruit. The journey of building the sukkah is a part of the mitzvah as much as sitting in it is. It was in this spirit that students of Yavneh, young and old, embarked on journeys from their classrooms on Chol Hamoed to a variety of sukkot, both far and near. Thanks to the generous hospitality of many of our school families, students enjoyed sitting in the shade of the sukkah, as they snacked in moderation on sumptuous yet wholesome delights. For our Secondary students, the newly anointed Hesder team presented engagingly, challenging our students to think more deeply about the joy they experience from both material and spiritual accomplishments. For our Year 10 students, Sukkah- hopping was lifted to an entirely new level. Setting out to the city via public transport, our students experienced the thrill of eating in what is perhaps Melbournes highest Sukkah, courtesy of the Werdiger family. A short walk later, our student were entertained and inspired by the Rabbi of the East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation, Rabbi Dovid Gutnick, who regaled them with Torah learning and the odd story of the ghost who inhabits the ancient attic of the said synagogue. This exciting experience was capped off in true Aussie style, with students enjoying sausages in pieces of sliced bread, neatly folded in a triangular fashion, with a generous squeeze of tomato sauce. All eaten beneath elegant bamboo mats, of course. 20 October 2017 - 30 Tishrei 5778 CANDLE LIGHTING: Shabbat Begins: 7.24pm Shabbat Ends: 8.24pm DATES FOR YOUR DIARY OCTOBER Fri 20: Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Shabb 21: Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Tues 24: Year 6 into 7 Transition Evening. 7.30pm Hamerkaz Sun 29: 10 Year Reunion 3pm—5pm Mon 30: Year 10 Drama Night 7.30pm Drama Room Tues 31: Primary Music Soiree 7pm Hamerkaz NOVEMBER Wed 1: Batmitzvah Evening Lamm Hall Tues 7: Family Athletics Carnival at Albert Park Early Dismissal: Elsternwick: 1.20pm Balaclava: 3.00pm Tues 14: Year 8 camp commences Creche Orientation Evening Wed 15: Prep Orientation Evening 7.30pm MPR Year 4 Camp commences Sun 19: Rosh Chodesh Kislev Doggie Fun Fair 2pm—6pm Elsternwick Campus HAPPINESS IS NOT A DESTINATION

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Page 1: 20 October 2017 30 Tishrei 5778 HAPPINESS IS NOT A … · 10/20/2017  · In the fallout this past week from the Harvey Weinstein allegations, an ... For me, I must say that the highlight

That may sound like a glib catchphrase, and that’s because it is. But it’s a good glib catchphrase. The theme of Sukkot is happiness and it is no surprise that it is all about journeying. It celebrates the journey of the Israelities through the wilderness. Its every night includes the celebration of drawing water and journeying with it to the altar. The branches atop of the Sukkah represent of the journey towards the tree’s fruit. The journey of building the sukkah is a part of the mitzvah as much as sitting in it is.

It was in this spirit that students of Yavneh, young and old, embarked on journeys from their classrooms on Chol Hamoed to a variety of sukkot, both far and near. Thanks to the generous hospitality of many of our school families, students enjoyed sitting in the shade of the sukkah, as they snacked in moderation on sumptuous yet wholesome delights. For our Secondary students, the newly anointed Hesder team presented engagingly, challenging our students to think more deeply about the joy they experience from both material and spiritual accomplishments. For our Year 10 students, Sukkah-hopping was lifted to an entirely new level. Setting out to the city via public transport, our students experienced the thrill of eating in what is perhaps Melbourne’s highest Sukkah, courtesy of the Werdiger family. A short walk later, our student were entertained and inspired by the Rabbi of the East Melbourne Hebrew

Congregation, Rabbi Dovid Gutnick, who regaled them with Torah learning and the odd story of the ghost who inhabits the ancient attic of the said synagogue. This exciting experience was capped off in true Aussie style, with students enjoying sausages in pieces of sliced bread, neatly folded in a triangular fashion, with a generous squeeze of tomato sauce. All eaten beneath elegant bamboo mats, of course.

20 October 2017 - 30 Tishrei 5778

CANDLE LIGHTING: Shabbat Begins: 7.24pm Shabbat Ends: 8.24pm

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY OCTOBER Fri 20: Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Shabb 21: Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Tues 24: Year 6 into 7 Transition Evening. 7.30pm Hamerkaz Sun 29: 10 Year Reunion 3pm—5pm Mon 30: Year 10 Drama Night 7.30pm Drama Room Tues 31: Primary Music Soiree 7pm Hamerkaz NOVEMBER Wed 1: Batmitzvah Evening Lamm Hall Tues 7: Family Athletics Carnival at Albert Park Early Dismissal: Elsternwick: 1.20pm Balaclava: 3.00pm Tues 14: Year 8 camp commences Creche Orientation Evening Wed 15: Prep Orientation Evening 7.30pm MPR Year 4 Camp commences Sun 19: Rosh Chodesh Kislev Doggie Fun Fair 2pm—6pm Elsternwick Campus


Page 2: 20 October 2017 30 Tishrei 5778 HAPPINESS IS NOT A … · 10/20/2017  · In the fallout this past week from the Harvey Weinstein allegations, an ... For me, I must say that the highlight

In the fallout this past week from the Harvey Weinstein allegations, an actress in America tweeted that if every person who has been sexually harassed or assaulted would post #Me Too on social media then we could begin to have a sense of the magnitude of the problem we face. Since Monday, #Me Too has been posted hundreds of thousands of times. Harvey Weinstein is just the tip of the iceberg. While we must be grateful that we live in a society where women’s rights have advanced significantly, we must also recognise that we have a significant problem and there is much room for improvement. Hopefully we can use this very public outcry as a catalyst for true growth. Last year I wrote the following in regards to the story of Adam and Chava: We know how things ended. They both thought only of themselves in the relationship, taking selfishly of the fruit that God prohibited to them, and shirking the responsibility of their actions. Man blamed woman. Woman blamed the snake. They are all cursed. “To the woman He said, "I shall surely increase your sorrow and your pregnancy; in pain you shall bear children. And to your husband will be your desire, and he will rule over you. (Bereishit 3:16)" This is the curse of humanity! The way I have been taught to understand these passages is that when humanity acts from within the mindset of the sin of Adam and Chava—thinking selfishly of one’s own desires without taking the consequences of our decisions into consideration—then we are cursed, and man will rule over women. This is not, God forbid, the way things are supposed to be, this is how they are when society is lowly and unrefined. The Torah begins with the narrative of Adam and Chava to teach us the flaws present in this broken world. The rest of the Torah is a guide to teach us how to fix this sin and fix the curses that burden us. Through the stories and laws of the Torah we are taught selflessness, kindness, compassion, truth, justice and truth and society is pointed in the right direction. The sin of Adam and Chava began with looking inappropriately. Adam and Chava were told not to eat the fruit, but they could not control their gaze. “And the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes, and the tree was desirable to make one wise; so she took of its fruit, and she ate, and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.” While it is Chava who sinned with her eyes here, we can assume Adam’s eyes led him astray as well. In many ways, these actions reflect the consciousness of humanity throughout all time. We live in a culture of objectification. Young women are bombarded with hundreds of images a day about how they should look or act. These constant messages have an impact on the decisions that we make. The current cultural of objectification perpetuates unhealthy misogyny which hurts everyone, women and men.

פרשת נה

For me, I must say that the highlight of Sukkot was Hoshana Rabbah davening in Yavneh’s Meaningful Minyan. Our students were not fazed by what turned out to be a 2 and ¾ hour service, and the singing and dancing at every familiar verse brought the tefilla to life in a way that awoke memories of my experience as a sixteen year old davening in the Carlebach shul in Manhattan. Not to mention the banging of the hoshanot. I have never seen them banged with such gusto in all of my days.

Sukkot may be over, but the journey continues. And as long as it does, we will remain happy.

Shabbat shalom.

Rabbi Chaim Cowen Head of Jewish Studies


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The tikkun (rectification) moving forward is only through education. Educating boys to respect women, giving them tools for the development

of moral and ethical values and strong self-control. We must also educate young women to feel empowered and supported, to ensure that they

have an equal voice in society, and help them acquire the tools that will enable their own spiritual, moral and professional growth. A society

where women are powerful and treated equally will not tolerate most of the trash that passes for movies and television today which

perpetuate the culture of objectification, nor would it tolerate the behaviour of men like Weinstein, whose perversities were swept under the

carpet for decades, solely because he was a powerful man.

At Yavneh, our “Relationships” classes delivered to the Secondary students focus on these very aspirations and are an essential part of Limudei Kodesh—the education of Holy matters. However, the most important piece of this puzzle is the home. I often look at the Jewish home as a sort of Teivah­-Ark­ which we build for our families as we navigate the choppy waters of life. Regardless of what is happening outside, our homes must become sanctuaries of peace and holiness, where we share with our children visions what life should be like, and where we model to our children how we treat members of the opposite sex and what a life of empowered holiness looks like. Ultimately, like Noach who was commanded to leave the Ark to go out and rebuild the world, our goal is not to be cloistered in our protected homes, hidden away from danger. Rather, in our homes and communities we are to build ourselves up so that we can go out into the world and make an impact, one enlightened encounter at a time. The only good that came out of the Harvey Weinstein debacle is that it brought to light a frightening societal trend. Our hopes and prayers

must be that we use this brokenness as an opening towards healing and growth, moving us ever closer towards the ultimate rectification of

the sin of Adam and Chava, removing all curses and revealing only blessing. May it happen very soon,

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Noam Sendor Campus Rabbi

This is how Term 4 started……. Shabbat shalom. Charlene Orwin Head, Early Learning Centre


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OUR CHESS CHAMPS Congratulations to Tali Feiglin, Dahlia Sion, Zali Rose Weinberg and Carmelle Schachna on their excellent performance at this year’s Girl’s Chess State Final. Our girls’ team performed well throughout the year scoring them a place in the finals. Thirty-seven teams participated on the day; our girl’s achieved very pleasing results. Their behaviour was impeccable, displaying respect for their opponents, the organisers and Lauriston, the host school. Thank you to Debbie Kloot and Amy Feiglin for helping with transport

and support on the day.

Yianna Pullen Head of General Studies, Primary School


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Daniel Jaffa, Edward Lichtig and Jonathan Sher showed great determination and fortitude in the weeks leading to their first VCE examination for the year, the French oral, and came out smiling. While it is too early to know how well they did, it is important to recognize the hard work and dedication they showed since starting French in year 7. The dreaded oral consists of two tasks. Daniel, Edward and Jonathan started with a 7 minutes general conversation with the two assessors and questions ranged from their school to their aspirations and families. They then had to present their detailed study for 8 minutes. Our class focused on the Nazi occupation of France between 1940 and 1944 and through a combination of primary and secondary sources Edward and Jonathan presented their brilliant expose on the work of the French Resistance. They focused on its inception, its actions and its main protagonists using diaries, songs, films and articles in French to get a wide understanding of the movement. Using a similar range of sources, Daniel focused on the impact the occupation had on French children, with an emphasis on the Joffos, a Parisian Jewish family whose two boys’ epic escape from the occupied is told in the book and movie “A bag of marble” (Joseph Joffo, 1973).

As the boys are now studying for their written exam, I wish them bon vent and bonne chance. Gauthier Bouchardeau Head of Humanities, Secondary School





Come and see the magnificent work of our Year 10 Drama students.

They have written original solo performances which they will perform.

Monday 30 October

7-30 pm Drama Studio

This is an original work devised by the very talented students which will be performed at

the Malthouse Theatre on Tuesday 31 October as part of The Suitcase Series

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Well what a huge few weeks it has been! What do I discuss first? I’ll start off with the AFL Grand Final: as an MCC member I managed to get myself a seat on the big day and even took my cheese platter and kosher wine with me haha #kidding #notkidding I was actually barracking for the Crows that day to be honest. I mean seriously? Did you see the Richmond fans after the game? I couldn't even walk down Swan St after to get a bite to eat! I tell you what, Collingwood supporters would never behave like that! We Collingwood supporters are respectful and the envy of all the clubs in the AFL #standbyBucks #lol Now onto the realm of cinema. I managed to watch the sequel to one of the greatest Sci-fi films ever made: Blade Runner. I must say Blade Runner 2049 was quite an experience at IMAX. For once, Hollywood didn't destroy a sequel and didn't resort to special effects. Story, character development, amazing camera cinematography and effects! A breath of fresh air and a 9/10 from me! Let’s not forget that the new Star Wars Episode 8 trailer was released! Wow. Dec 14 can’t come quickly enough! It’s going to be interesting. One thing I will say: the character "Snoke" saying "Fufill your destiny" is very reminiscent of Vader saying this to Luke in Return of the Jedi. Who is Snoke speaking too? Rey or Ren? Let’s discuss some Yavneh news now! Well, what a night Tuesday night was!! Take a look at the images accompanying this article. Aren't they amazing? The VCE Studio Art/ Vis Com and Media folio night was fantastic! It was great to see current students, parents, friends and past students come and browse the hard work done by the Studio Art , Vis Com and Media classes. Myself , Mr Groves and Ms Reynolds are extremely proud of all the students who worked so hard during the year to complete their visions for their productions. What an amazing range of talent we have at Yavneh. Kol Hakavod to all ! You gave us all so much Nachas! Good luck to all Year 12s in their upcoming exams also.

Until next time my fellow readers! Michael Daskalou Head of Media Studies VCE Media Studies & TMA Teacher P.S- May the force be with you!


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For further information on any content, please contact Naomi at the College (available each Monday, Wednesday and Thursday) or email [email protected] In this fortnight: 1. Tertiary News 2. Career Exploration (Scientists, Zoo Keeper, Victoria Police, Border Protection) TERTIARY NEWS

Where can a Biomedicine Degree take me?

The Bachelor of Biomedicine at Melbourne provides a supportive environment which allows students to realise their potential and work towards their long-term goals, and graduates from this degree have a high rate of success in gaining entry to a diverse range of competitive postgraduate courses, or enter careers in a

number of industries. Bachelor of Biomedicine students also receive ongoing support and advice throughout their degree from the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Science (MDHS) Student Centre in planning their future pathways. It is important to note that graduates of the Bachelor of Biomedicine develop important skills in scientific method, critical thinking and

problem solving, the analysis of data and evidence, written and oral communication and the ability to work collaboratively in teams. These

graduates also possess specialist scientific knowledge and technical skills for further research. They are equipped for a range of careers in

industries including business, science, health, education and technology.

Students often use this undergraduate degree to go on to further study in:

Students who choose to enter the workforce after completing the Bachelor of Biomedicine often find employment as a :

Hospital Scientist

Laboratory Technician


Pharmaceutical & Medical Supplies Rep

Scientific Equipment Sales Rep

Pharmaceutical Scientist

Diagnostic Technician

Forensic Scientist Visit Biomedicine Pathways to find out more! Studying Surveying at Melbourne Students are reminded that they can either study a Bachelor of Design or Bachelor of Science to lead to the Master of Engineering (Spatial) or

the Master of Information Technology (Spatial) at the University of Melbourne in order to become a Graduate Surveyor. Students who choose

the Bachelor of Design, will major in Spatial Systems, and students who enrol in the Bachelor of Science will major in Science - Spatial Systems.

Find out more about careers in surveying at Surveying - A life without Limits!

Bachelor of Applied Science (Property and Valuation) (Honours)

When you think about working in property, images of buildings and real estate agents often come to mind, but

it’s time to think again. The majority of individual and company wealth is made, or held in property assets and

it’s essential we have specialised professionals who understand the property fundamentals of valuation,

property management, development and investment markets.

Career outcomes include: Property Fund Management, Property Developer, Property Analyst, Property Valuer, Asset Manager, Property


To learn more and link directly to entry requirements Click here:

CAREERS CORNER (published fortnightly)

Medicine Law Genetic Counselling

Dentistry Nursing Clinical Audiology

Physiotherapy Social Work Optometry

Engineering Public Health

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New Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science

Swinburne University will be offering the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science from 2018. Students will learn how to navigate the increasingly digitised exercise and sport industry through access to cutting-edge laboratories and technology, including wearable sensors, virtual reality, and 3D analysis equipment. Students will also gain real-world experience through industry-based entrepreneurial and research projects.

Graduates of this course will be ready to apply for roles such as a sport or exercise scientist, coach, or strength and conditioning specialist in elite or community sport, government agencies, clinical settings, or corporate wellbeing. This course is also a pathway into postgraduate studies in clinical exercise physiology, occupational therapy and physiotherapy, and various research degrees. The VCE subject requirements are Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 25 in any English or at least 30 in English other than EAL; Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 20 in any Mathematics. The Subject Bonuses include a study score of 25 in any Mathematics, Physical Education, any Science, or Sociology equals 2 aggregate points per study, with an overall maximum of 10 points. The VTAC Course code to apply is 3400211271 (CSP). Find out more at Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science

Bachelor of Medical Research Students who have an interest in the human body, health and disease – and more importantly, expanding what we know about them – may find the Bachelor of Medical Research the perfect course to study. The Bachelor of Medical Research is a 7-year program taught at the Hobart campus of the University of Tasmania. The course prepares students for careers in medical research by providing an understanding of the structure and function of healthy human cells, tissues, organs and systems, as well as of the abnormal genetic, cellular and systemic changes that characterise human diseases and conditions. Students are able to select options that prepare them for careers or further studies in a range of specialties such as

biochemistry, pathology, neuroscience, genetics, pharmacology and other areas of medical research and medical science. The degree also emphasises the acquisition of research skills and students will have exposure throughout the degree to scientists actively involved in medical research. Importantly, from 2019 onwards, the Bachelor of Medical Research at the University of Tasmania will be the sole entry point into the

Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery for tertiary applicants.

To find out more visit Bachelor of Medical Research


Zoo Keeper

Interested in becoming a Zoo Keeper? Click here: for full information on the Zoos Victoria website.

Australian Border Force Careers

Explore Careers and Entry requirements Click here:

Police Careers Information Session (Hosted by Victoria Police)

When: Monday 23 October, 2017

Where: RMIT City Campus Storey Hall Auditorium, Building 16,

Start: 6:00pm – 7:30 pm

Learn more about the career paths within Victoria Police – Police Officer, Protective Services Officer, Police Custody Officer and Victorian Public Servant. Officers will be present to provide on-the-job insights and answer your questions. You’ll also learn the eligibility requirements and the recruitment process, with tips to help you prepare. Please note: You will need to show your ticket (printed or electronic) as well as photo ID to gain entry. Tickets (free) via Eventbrite Click here:

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Scientist The term Scientist is a general one, used to describe someone who researches and examines various aspects of the physical world in order to attain a better understanding of how things work and function. There are many specialisations of a “Scientist” and the work can vary greatly, depending on the specialisation. However each Scientist will follow “the scientific method” which is a strict set of rules. Scientists work in every field imaginable and can be found working for a range of employers. Large and small companies will hire Scientists to work on and research products. Universities will here Scientists to do research and/or to teach. Government Departments and Hospitals issue research grants and hire Scientists to work on funded projects.

Science specialisations include:

The Undercurrent is by Brisbane author Paula Weston. Julianne is different, she has an electrical undercurrent beneath her skin. She can use it to spark a fire or even to end a life, but she doesn’t understand what it is. Ryan is a soldier, part of a privatised military unit that has identified Julianne as a threat. An explosive attack on a city building by an unknown enemy throws them together in the most violent and unexpected way. Paula Western grew up in regional South Australia and

now lives in Brisbane with her husband. Paula is a

writer and journalist and co-owns a writing /design


Dreamland Burning is by American author Jennifer Latham. Seventeen-year-old Rowan discovers a skeleton on her family’s property which leads her to uncover a century-old murder and to painful discoveries about the past, the present and herself. This is a novel about racism and prejudice. At its core is the Tulsa Race Riot in 1921 in which many African-Americans were killed, but also about racism shown to Native Americans, to Catholics and Jews. Jennifer Latham lives in Oklahoma with her husband,

two daughters and many animals. Jennifer has lived in

many places and had many jobs in her lifetime, writing

is the one she has stuck with the longest. The weirdest

job she had was helping out with autopsies.

Chemist Biochemist Biologist

Marine Biologist Molecular Biologist Microbiologist

Cytotechnologist Geneticist Geologist

Palaeontologist Geographer Zoologist

Entomologist Horticulturist Conservation Scientist

Archaeologist Anthropologist Audiologist

Astronomer Hydrologist Atmospheric Scientist

Meteorologist Bioinformatics Scientist Informatics Scientist


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Sparrow is by Victorian author Scot Gardner. Sparrow is about a boy who is all alone in the world, living on the streets of Darwin, hiding his true self and unable to speak. Just as he starts to find his feet and form genuine relationships, he gets caught in a tragic situation that lands him in juvenile detention. After a chance to escape, he finds himself on the run in the wilderness of the Kimberly, surviving on his wits and bushcraft in a region full of beauty, as well as snakes, crocodiles and wild pigs. Scot Gardner grew up in Greensborough in

Melbourne. He often writes about the dark

side of life even though his own home life

was in his words “good and boringly happy”.

Scot has been a school counsellor and is also

qualified to handle venomous snakes and

explosives. He became a writer after a

chance meeting with a magazine editor.

Magazine articles led to newspaper pieces

and eventually novels. Scot lives with his wife in country Victoria.

David Easton

Secondary Librarian


ZIONIST CAMPS “The deepest question any of us can ask is: Who am I? To answer it we have to go deeper than, Where do I live? or What do I do? The most fateful moment in my life came when I asked myself that question and knew the answer had to be: I am a Jew.” - Rabbi Sacks Before the term break, I was lucky enough attend Zionist camp with students in Years 9-12. And what an amazing experience it was! Every year the students at Yavneh manage to surprise me and this year was no exception. The students came to camp willing to engage in genuine and serious discussions, be open and challenge themselves. And they were full of ruach (energy). Yavneh students are a special breed, and this is never more evident than on Zionist camp. Of course, camp could not have been possible without the work of the Israeli and local madrichim. The Israeli team put in countless hours of work before camp to prepare the programs and many sleepless nights to ensure that our students had the best possible experience. A massive thank you to Idan Sharabi, Yonatan Himelstein, Yaron Mollov, Shira Hollander and Avital Leichner.

I would also like to thank the tireless behind the scenes work of the Yavneh staff who made camp as smooth as possible. Especially David Fisher, Rabbi Chaim Cowen, Rabbi Noam Sendor, Chana Misholovin, Hannah Rolo, Danny Fantl and all the staff who attended camp. At Yavneh, our informal program aims to provide students with opportunities to enrich their Jewish identity. We run programs that challenge students to consider what Judaism means to them as well as a calendar full of positive Jewish experiences. Our hope is that Yavneh graduates will be thoughtful, active and involved members of the Jewish community and not follow the worldwide trend of disengagement amongst diaspora communities. Zionist camp is certainly the highlight of the informal calendar. On camp, students are challenged to consider their connection to Israel, what their Jewish identity means to them and how to they can

lead a Jewish life once they leave school. This is complemented by an awesome Shabbat experience, full of ruach. After witnessing our students on camp, I am confident that the future of our community is in good hands.

Yehonatan Dodge Informal Educator

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31-33 Aughtie Drive Albert Park

(Opposite MSAC) Tuesday 7 November

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THE 2017 CAPTAINS’ CORNER THINK TWICE (by the marvellous mind of Edward Lichtig) If you buy something from another shop and then you go to a supermarket and leave without having bought anything (but still keeping the bag from the other shop), and then you go past someone paying at the cashier, isn't that awkward? From someone else's point of view, it looks like you've left the supermarket with something

RAFI’S RIDDLES: 1. What is a ghost's favorite dessert? 2. I have led a light upon the nation and will leave a lasting legacy for

years to come.

JAFFA SIBLING QUIZ Theme: Guess the Theme 1. Who beat Usain Bolt in the 100m Sprint at the 2017 World

Championships? 2. Which iconic Australian song was written in 1878? 3. The protagonist of which film likens life to a box of chocolates? 4. Who is the longest serving president of Cuba? 5. The Kardashians have ancestory from which European country? If you think you know the theme please tell it to one of the Jaffa siblings .

Pls text the answer to 0424762699 if you think you know

The first person to correctly guess the theme gets a shoutout here next week. JOSH’S JOKE Sarah: “Hey, Josh - can you please send in your captains corner entry?” Josh: “lol”.

HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW BEFORE THEY GO? Guess the year 12 1. I was state champion speed walker when I was 13

2. I have an extra rib in my shoulder

3. I have a radio show

4. I have been playing piano since I was in year 1

5. I only learnt to ride a bike this year

6. I keep a pet dragon at home but nobody has seen it

7. I have three middle names which are Jessica, Dobba and Devorah

8. I can make squeaky sounds with my ear

9. I almost got a part in a superman movie as a child

10. The first time I ate scrambled eggs was when I was 17


THE JAFFA SIBLING QUIZZ ANSWERS 1) Justin Gatlin 2) Advance Australia Fair 3) Forrest Gump 4) Fidel Castro 5) Armenia

DEVIN’S GUESS THE LYRICS ANSWERS 1. I Am the Walrus (The Beatles) 2. Hotel (Kita Alexander) 3. Empire State of Mind (Alicia Keys) 4. American Idiot (Green Day) HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW THEM ANSWERS 1. Ryan Hendler 2. Daniel Jaffa 3. Hannah Schauder 4. Amira Waller 5. Aimee Raitman 6. Saul Goldman 7. Yazmeen Brott 8. Ezra Joel 9. Jack Zuckerman 10. Demi Kapul

All good things come to an end. Unfortunately, BAES captains corner fits this category. While we hope your Shabs shacharit, pre Bnei chill or Friday night isn’t too boring without this loved segment, take

advantage of everything our amazing school still has to offer, despite the loss of VCE 17. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that felt they had the right to critique this amazing page and its unique segments, but most importantly, we would like to thank those who kept their mouths shut and stayed quiet. While VCE 18 has the publishers of the Hint, we know you will be in good hands and can ensure a captains corner to take you through what the new year has to offer. Finally, we hope you don’t miss us too much. Love your BAES (Benji, Amira, Ezra and Sarah) HUMANS OF LEIBLER YAVNEH STUDENT OF THE WEEK: BASYA VORCHHEIMER YEAR 12 Likes: warm showers, scrunching, sleeping, saying I ’ll go on a run and

never going on a run, the colour blue, almond milk and rice flakes, hues of blue, swimming, SUMMER, beach, fed camp, my pillow, papaya, Israelis, art, Aimee’s yoga sessions, Sophia, water fights on hot days, watermelon, summer fashion over winter fashion, white, photoshoots, YFiles, Ronnie the printing guy, being artificially orange, fruit salad and the buddha bowl from tuckshop, my soundcloud, doing zumba with Gloria, painting, soire es, one on one sessions, kinder chocolate, Yom ha’atzmaut, R&S with Mrs. Wonder Dislikes: handing in work in person instead of

email, when people lie, when people chew really loudly and grossly, the colour purple- it’s so ugly, waking up early, olives, cats, possums, bodies of water in the dark at night, band aids, chalkboards, the feeling of touching paper when you have dry hands, folding, the smell of mandarins, paddle boarding, not being able to have gossip girl in YFiles anymore, Maths, the common room fridge, missing Wednesday morning assemblies, lavender, the sound of people scratching themselves, slime and anything mushy, halva, Anaphylaxis, tomato sauce, bad breath, spiders, walking into unexpected walls Favourite thing about Yavneh: Lunchtimes, the art and music department, fruit salad at tuckshop If you were principal for a day what would you do? Build a swimming pool, put more money into the art department and create a mini gallery at Yavneh to showcase all students work Favourite quote: “Basya focus on just your feet not your hands” -Gloria Fav thing to get from the tuck shop: The Buddha bowl Random fact about yourself: I love ceramics and have a big fear of olives

DEVIN’S GUESS THE LYRICS 1. “Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye” Difficulty –

Medium 2. “One day you'll meet me and you'll know it's not a dream” difficulty –

Easy 3. “If I can make it here, I can make it anywhere, that's what they say”

Difficulty - Medium 4. “Welcome to a new kind of tension, all across the alien nation, where

everything isn't meant to be okay” Difficulty - Hard

Page 26: 20 October 2017 30 Tishrei 5778 HAPPINESS IS NOT A … · 10/20/2017  · In the fallout this past week from the Harvey Weinstein allegations, an ... For me, I must say that the highlight


Our 2 new Sherut Girls have arrived

If you keep a strictly Kosher home and would like to have the Sherut Girls for a Shabbat or Yom Tov meal please contact Lynda Pilalis on 9528 4911 or email, [email protected]

IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING CHEQUE PAYMENTS: Please note that when sending in cheques with your order, they should be made out to Leibler Yavneh College

NEW UNIFORM SHOP HOURS: Monday 7.30-9.30 Wed 8.30-11.30 Thursday 3-5pm

The ordering system will still be in place for your convenience.


SECOND HAND UNIFORM & BOOK FACEBOOK PAGE With over 170 members, the Yavneh 2nd Hand Uniform & Books Facebook page is the place to buy and sell your pre-loved uniform and books. You can either use the page to sell privately, or you could ask us to sell for you in which case the money is donated to the YPO. If you have not joined yet, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/yavnehuniform/ and request to become a member. Any problems please email ([email protected]) or phone me (0423 007 114). Uniform has to be in good condition, and books have to be on the current Yavneh booklist.

If you wish to donate books to the YPO stock please contact Florence Pyke ([email protected]). If you want to donate your old textbooks to the YPO so we keep the proceeds, please make sure they are currently on the booklist. (No Maths Quest , no Science Quest and no Pearson history please. ) Alternatively try Gumtree or eBay. Other schools may use them. You are welcome to sell extra-curricula clothes as well through this channel such as ballet, karate, cricket kit etc. Please restrict the sales to items relevant to education. You can also use the Facebook group to request any uniform/ book items you are looking for.

Shabbat Shalom Bindy Cohen

ANNOUNCEMENTS CONDOLENCES To the Fox Family on the passing of Malcolm Fox To the Frenkel Family on the passing of Dovi Frenkel. May your family know no more sorrow

BAR AND BATMITZVAH REGISTER Please remember to register the date of your son or daughter’s bar or bat mitzvah with Lynda Pilalis at

Reception so that we can avoid function clashes whenever possible.

MAZALTOVS To Ryan & Yael Levin in the birth of their son. To Aviva & Dion Givoni on the birth of their grand-daughter, Harlow Sienna. May you continue to have nachat from your familes


Likes: Cuddles, going to the park

Dislikes: Birds, rain and the cat that sits on the fence and torments him

Favourite thing about being a dog: All the cuddles I get If you were human for a day, what would you do? Go to the beach

Favourite thing to get from your house and chew: toilet rolls

Random fact about yourself: My best friend is Lexi the snoodle that lives next door Favourite quote: “It’s a dog’s life”

If you would like your dog to appear as Dog of the Week, please send info and

photo to [email protected] or fill in the online form at yavnehdoggiefunfair.com/kesher-dog-form/


Page 27: 20 October 2017 30 Tishrei 5778 HAPPINESS IS NOT A … · 10/20/2017  · In the fallout this past week from the Harvey Weinstein allegations, an ... For me, I must say that the highlight
Page 28: 20 October 2017 30 Tishrei 5778 HAPPINESS IS NOT A … · 10/20/2017  · In the fallout this past week from the Harvey Weinstein allegations, an ... For me, I must say that the highlight
Page 29: 20 October 2017 30 Tishrei 5778 HAPPINESS IS NOT A … · 10/20/2017  · In the fallout this past week from the Harvey Weinstein allegations, an ... For me, I must say that the highlight
Page 30: 20 October 2017 30 Tishrei 5778 HAPPINESS IS NOT A … · 10/20/2017  · In the fallout this past week from the Harvey Weinstein allegations, an ... For me, I must say that the highlight
Page 31: 20 October 2017 30 Tishrei 5778 HAPPINESS IS NOT A … · 10/20/2017  · In the fallout this past week from the Harvey Weinstein allegations, an ... For me, I must say that the highlight