20 life pleasures that are completely underrated

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  • 8/17/2019 20 Life Pleasures That Are Completely Underrated


    20 Life Pleasures That Are Completely Underrated. Number 9 Is Heaen.

    !. Lyin" in bed on a stormy mornin" and not hain" to "et up.

    2. #hen you hae had $ater in your ear all day% and then that ni&e fu''ymoment $hen the lu(e$arm $ater leaer your ear.

    ). #hen somethin" stu&( bet$een your teeth *nally "ets out.

    +. The moment you see the $aiter,$aitress approa&hin" on the hori'on $ithyour food.

    -. penin" up your $indo$s after a lon"% &old $inter. #hen the bree'e brin"sthe smell of /o$ers and fresh mo$ed "rass into your bedroom.

    . That tittle $indo$ of time $here you1re lyin" in bed a$a(e ust on thepre&ipi&e $here you &ould fall ba&( asleep for another hour or t$o if you$anted% and then you reali'e you &an.

    3. 4ein" *nished $ith somethin" you really dread doin". It1s a hu"e $ei"ht o5your mind and a sense of a&&omplishment rolled into one.

    6. After a $ee(end a$ay% "oin" number 2 in your o$n bathroom.

    9. #hen you1re able to "enuinely ma(e another person lau"h.

    !0. #a(in" up feelin" rested. It happens so rarely% that $hen it does you feelli(e you &an ta(e anythin" on that day.

    !!. Hain" a fresh7from7the dryer load of laundry thro$n on top of you.

    !2. 8ettin" s&rat&hed by someone you li(e,of the opposite se.

    !). Hain" the son" on the radio *nish at the ea&t instant you pull into yourdrie$ay and turn o5 the &ar.

    !+. Hearin" that "entle &rumbly sound your a&uum ma(es $hen it pi&(ssomethin" up.

    !-. :resh sheets on your bed.

    !. Lau"hin". #e do it all the time but I thin( $e ta(e it for "ranted ho$ ho$

    pleasurable it a&tually is.

    !3. :irst "ulp of $ater after $al(in" home on a hot day.

    !6. Ta(in" s(iin" boots o5 after a lon" day in the mountains.

    !9. Ta(in" o5 &old $et so&(s and puttin" on dry ne$ ones.

  • 8/17/2019 20 Life Pleasures That Are Completely Underrated


  • 8/17/2019 20 Life Pleasures That Are Completely Underrated


    !6 . Tomando las botas de es;u> despu@s de un lar"o d>a en la monta=a.

    !9 . Fuitarse los &al&etines moados fr>os y poner otras nueas se&os.

    20 . Irse a la &ama despu@s de tomar una du&ha.