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Pocklington School History Department Superpower Relations 1943-1991 25

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Pocklington SchoolHistory Department

Superpower Relations 1943-1991

Unit 2: Containment, 1947-1956Name:


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The Truman Doctrine, March 1947

a. Truman’s Speech

Waugh and Wright page 25-6

1. Annotate Truman’s speech to explain its meaning:

What was meant by the word containment?








At the present moment in world history nearly every nation must choose between alternative ways of life. One way of life is based upon the will of the majority, and is distinguished by free institutions, representative government, free elections, guarantees of individual liberty, freedom of speech and religion and freedom from political oppression.

The second way of life is based on the will of a minority forcibly imposed upon the majority. It relies upon terror and oppression, a controlled press and radio, fixed elections and the suppression of individual freedom.

I believe it must be the policy of the United States to support people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. I believe that we must help free peoples to work out their own destiny in their own way.

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Memories of the 1930s

Kennan’s ‘Long Telegram’

Nuclear Monopoly

American desires to spread capitalism

Long term factors

b. Origins of the Truman Doctrine

2. Summarise the main points in McAleavy pages 22-24


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Poor harvest in 1946 led to food shortages in many countries

Increased support for local comm

unist parties, especially in Germ

any and France

Short term factors

3. Summarise the main points from McAleavy pages 18-19

a. Crisis in Europe

Complete the flow diagram below to summarise the effect of the economic depression on western Europe:

b. Events in Iran and Turkey


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c. Britain and Greece









Containment in Operation: The Marshall Plan, 1947-52

1. DVD Note Taking Exercise- As you watch the documentary fill in the information to the questions:

1. Why could GB not afford to fund Turkey and Greece?

2. What was the US response?

3. What part of the Truman Doctrine convinced Congress to vote the money?


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4. How was communism perceived by war torn Westerners?

5. What was the result of Marshall’s interview with Stalin at the Kremlin?

6. Why was Stalin suspicious of Marshall Aid?

7. What did Russian intelligence reveal?

8. How did the Czechoslovak government react to the offer of US aid?

9. What did Stalin do?

10. How many nations signed up for Marshall Aid?

11. What did Stalin reintroduce to control the East politically?

12. What was the Soviet equivalent of Marshall Aid?

13. How did the Marshall Plan affect Czechoslovakia?

14. How did the Czech coup affect Congress?

15. How much money was spent on Marshall Aid?


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2. Annotate the cartoon below – what was the Marshall Plan?

Read Waugh and Wright pages 27-8

3. What were the advantages of the Marshall Plan?

USA Recipient Countries


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4. How did the USSR perceive the Marshall Plan?

Annotate the cartoon below:

Make brief notes on the following:


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5. What were the consequences of the Marshall Plan?

For the USA

For Europe

For East West Relations


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Containment in Operation: The Berlin Airlift, emergence of West Germany, and formation of NATO

The Berlin Blockade

Read Waugh and Wright pages 30-32

1. Why did Stalin blockade Berlin in June 1948?
















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2. Why was the blockade called off in May 1949?









Read Waugh and Wright pages 33, 36-7

Complete the following table which shows the consequences of the Berlin crisis:

Actions of West Actions of USSR

Formation of West Germany [FDR]

Formation of East Germany [GDR]

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation [NATO]

Warsaw Pact 1955


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Containment in Asia – Communist China and the Korean War

With the war in Korea, the Cold War became global and the policy of containment was expanded. The Truman Doctrine had stated that the USA would help countries fight ‘armed minorities’ trying to impose communism. There was an idea known as the ‘Domino Theory’ which suggested that each country which turned communist made it more likely that their neighboring countries would turn communist, and so on…It was vital therefore to CONTAIN communism around the world, not just in Europe. In 1949 China became communist under Mao Tse Tung- it seemed that communism in Asia was growing…


Following the end of World War Two, Korea was in a similar position to Germany, the North occupied by the Red Army and the South by American troops. It was divided at the 38th parallel and separate governments were established: communist under Kim Il Sung in the north and capitalist under Syngman Rhee in the south.

On June 25th North Koreans invaded the South to reunite the country by force – Truman believed that the North Koreans had been encouraged by the Soviets and China, and so US retaliation was essential.

By 1953 with US [and UN] support South Korea’s independence had been maintained and Korea remained split along the 38th

Parallel [as it is to this day]. During the war UN troops has crossed the 38th parallel bringing about the intervention of China. Nuclear conflict was narrowly avoided.


Source A

Asia is where the communist conspirators have decided to make their play for global conquest.   If we lose this war, the fall of Europe is inevitable.   There is no choice but victory.

The US General MacArthur, speaking in 1950.

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The Arms Race: 1945-1970

July 16, 19455:29:45 a.m. (Mountain War Time)Trinity Site, Alamogordo Test Range, Jornada del Muerto desert. Yield: 19 - 21 Kilotons


For more fascinating information check out the link:http://www.atomicarchive.com/

The arms race developed between the superpowers after 1945. There were several strands to the arms race:

1. Nuclear Warheads- the race to develop an ever more powerful nuclear explosion- e.g. the first hydrogen bomb detonated in 1952 was 450 times more powerful than the bomb used against Hiroshima.

2. Delivery Systems- the race to develop a system to deliver a bomb to its targets in an increasingly accurate way. This was also a race to develop a system which could not easily be knocked out by the enemy. In simple terms the delivery of a nuclear device has followed this pattern:

Dropped from a bomber

Delivered by a land based missile [ICBM/MRBM/SRBM]

Delivered by a submarine launch [SLBM]

Multiple Warheads [MIRVs] Up to 10-12 warheads on each missile.

3. Defence Systems- Anti-Ballistic Missiles [to knock out in-coming missiles] Space-based systems [Star Wars]

4. Convential weapons- tanks, planes, men

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The US involvement in the Korean War convinced the US government that it needed to strengthen its military. The Soviet atom bomb which had been tested in 1949 had stripped America of her superior status in military terms, and the two sides now attempted to outdo each other in every sphere of military technology:

Explosive power:

Bombs Tons of TNTConventional:‘Grand Slam’ [Heaviest WWII bomb]Typical heavy air raid on Berlin/Tokyo

Atom BombHiroshimaLargest A Bomb developed

Hydrogen BombTitan II warheadPolaris Sub [16 missiles with 3 warheads MIRV]Largest H Bomb tested [USSR]Trident II [16 missiles with 8 warheads]


12,500 [12.5 kilotons]500,000 [500 kilotons]

10,000,000 [10 megatons]10,000,000 [10 megatons]65,000,000 [65 megatons]15,000,000 [15 megatons]

Read McAleavy page 68

1. Complete the following table putting in the dates when each country achieved the technology:

USA USSR Other countriesAtomic Bomb GB- 1952

France- 1960China- 1964

Hydrogen Bomb

ICBM [Inter-continental

ballistic Missile]SLBM

[Submarine Launched]


2. Define the following terms:

a. Deterrence_____________________________________________________________________________________



b. First Strike



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c. Second Strike



d. Mutual Assured Destruction




Use McAleavy page 68-69

3. Who was winning the arms race by 1963?






















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Factors de-stabilising MAD

4. Explain how the following would de-stabilise MAD

a. SLBMs







b. ABMs_____________________________________________________________________________________







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Focus on:

Multiple independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle

A MIRV is a collection of nuclear weapons carried on a single intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) or a submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM). Using a MIRV warhead, a single launched missile can strike several targets, or fewer targets redundantly. By contrast a unitary warhead is a single warhead on a single missile.









Trident: The current US and British nuclear deterrence

North Pole rendezvous of the American submarines Archerfish (SSN 678) (top), Ray (SSN 653) (center) and Hawkbill (SSN 666) (bottom) on May 6, 1986. 

Controlling Eastern Europe41

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Focus on: Nikita Khrushchev


1953 Stalin died. After a two year period Nikita Khrushchev emerged as the new Soviet leader.

In February 1955 he denounced Stalin’s policies in a ‘secret speech’ to the party faithful. To many in the Party this was a great shock. News of the secret speech soon filtered out to party members in Eastern Europe.

Khrushchev announced he wanted to establish ‘socialism with a human face’- to be less interventionist in Eastern Europe’s affairs. He adopted a more friendly approach to the communist regime in Yugoslavia under Marshall Tito. He allowed a reformist government to form in Poland under Gomulka, a man who had been imprisoned by Stalin.

Khrushchev also wanted to seek ‘peaceful co-existence’ with the West. He was confident in the ultimate triumph of communism and seemed more prepared to wait until capitalism collapsed naturally. He saw no need for war. Khrushchev agreed to summit meetings with western leaders and made it easier for tourists to visit the USSR.

1956 The Hungarian Crisis


Stalin was made a god and that was wrong. Lenin knew what Stalin was like and he knew that Stalin would abuse power. Lenin said that if someone disagrees with the Communist Party they should be educated patiently. But Stalin threw away Lenin’s ideas and used violence, terror and execution without trial. Stalin behaved like a criminal with foreign countries. Stalin behaved like a monster towards Yugoslavia and caused it to break with us.

Part of the ‘secret speech; to the Communist Party Conference, February 1956.

Profile: Born 1894. Son of poor peasant farmers from the Ukraine. Rose up through the ranks under Stalin- became the Moscow Party boss in the 1930s. Political commissar during WW2- including the defence of Stalingrad. Took part in Stalin’s purges. Loyal, clever, though not highly educated. A tough political operator.

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Read Waugh and Wright pages 40-41

Key events in Hungarian History:

1944 Soviet Red Army occupation of Hungary

1947 August- Establishment of communist dictatorship under Matyas Rakosi

1949 Imprisonment of Cardinal MindszentyHungary controlled by Cominform and Comecon

1953 Death of StalinRakosi replaced by the reformer Imre Nagy as Prime Minister

1955 April- Nagy expelled from government and Rakosi regained powerMay- Hungary joins the Warsaw Pact

1956 February- Khrushchev’s ‘secret speech’ criticizes record of StalinJune- Anti-Soviet demonstrations in Poland leads to reforms

July- Unpopular Rakosi replaced with Erno Gero under Moscow orders.

October- Street demonstrations led by students. Gero replaced by popular Nagy



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1. Why did an uprising break out in Hungary in October 1956?

LONG TERM FACTORSSoviet control of Hungary since

1944Hungarian desires for

IndependenceThe rule of Rakosi

SHORT TERM FACTORSDeath of Stalin and

Khrushchev’s policy of de-Stalinisation

Events in Yugoslavia and Poland

Unpopularity of Gero and popularity of Nagy


Leads to

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Read Waugh and Wright page 42-3

2. Why did the USSR send Soviet troops and tanks into Hungary in November 1956
























Hungarian demands: Free electionsTrade links with the WestEnd to a one-party stateFree pressFree speechNeutrality- exit from the

Warsaw PactFree trade unions

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3. Annotate the following cartoons to explain their meaning:

British cartoon, October 1956. The ringmaster is Khrushchev

Daily Mirror, 1956


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British cartoon, November 1956

Russian cartoon, November 1956.The paymaster is a western capitalist

Read Waugh and Wright page 44


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4. What were the consequences of the Uprising? [Hungary/USSR/East West relations]


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Explain why relations between the USA and the Soviet Union grew worse in the years 1943-56. [12]

Mind map an essay plan here first – Can you use S.P.E.R.M. to help?


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