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TAGORE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL VASANT VIHAR SYLLABUS SESSION 2012-2013 CLASS VIII MONT H ENGLISH HINDI MATH SCIENCE Social Science SANSKRI T FRENCH APRIL- MAY Communicate in Eng Unit 1The Adventure Express Sec I A Teenager’s Conquest Sec II They Came Sec-III- After Twenty Years Sec IV Imagination( Poem) Unit 2 Art and Culture Sec 1 Seventy plus and still 1 O;kdj.k % okD; v”kqf)”k ks/ku] vuqPNsn] fyax,opu ,dkjd 2 olar % /ofu ¼dfork½ ikB% yk[k dh Chapter 1 Rational numbers Operations on rational numbers Addition, subtracti on, multiplic ation, division of rational numbers Negative of a rational number Ch- 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics ACTIVITIES Classify some substances as a natural and synthetic Make a list of ten articles at home and school which are History Ch2- Colonisati on of India Clash of economic interests of the European Powers Carnatic wars Birth of British Indian 1- vLekda fo|ky; % 2- laokn% 3- pUnzxq IrL; U;k;% O;kdj. k&”kCn Lesson1: La rentrée Saluer (greetings) Parler de la quantité (quantity Repondre au negative(rep ly in negative) Les verbes (er,ir,re verbs) Negations

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Communicate in EngUnit 1The Adventure Express Sec I A Teenager’s ConquestSec II They CameSec-III- After Twenty YearsSec IV Imagination(Poem) Unit 2 Art and CultureSec 1 Seventy plus and still quacking Sec 2 Michelangelo- A portrait Formative Assessment Act 1(Individual)- (5Marks) – Just a Minute(Expansion of an idea)Holiday assignment (Individual)(Project based on given theme) WORKBOOK-L 1 The Adventure

1 O;kdj.k % okD; v”kqf)”kks/ku] vuqPNsn] fyax,opu,dkjd2 olar % /ofu ¼dfork½ikB% yk[k dh pwfM+;k¡ikB% fpV~fB;ksa dh vuks[kh

Chapter 1 Rational numbers

Operations on rational numbers

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of rational numbers

Negative of a rational number

Negative of a rational number

Reciprocal of a rational number

Existence of a rational number between any two rational numbers

Chapter 6 Squares and Squares Roots

Properties of squares

Ch- 3SyntheticFibres and Plastics

ACTIVITIESClassify some substances as a natural and synthetic

Make a list of ten articles at home and school which are made of plastic.

To burn samples of natural and synthetic fibres and its identification

Ch - 4Metals and non-Metals, types ofReactions, usesOf commonMetals and non-


Ch2-Colonisation of India

Clash of economic interests of the European Powers

Carnatic wars

Birth of British Indian Army

British conquests in & outside Bengal


Ch4-Parliamentary Govt.-The Union Legislature

1-vLekda fo|ky;%2-laokn%3-pUnzxqIrL; U;k;%O;kdj.k&”kCn #Ik&xq#] dfoA /kkrq#Ik&u`r~ ] izPN~

Lesson1: La rentrée

Saluer (greetings)

Parler de la quantité (quantity

Repondre au negative(reply in negative)

Les verbes (er,ir,re verbs)


Les adverbs (adverbs)

Lesson 2: Il est français?

Decrire une personne

(describe a person)

Parler de la famille (family)

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ExpressGRAMMARDifferentiation - Clauses and phrasesClauses-Main and Subordinate - (Kinds- Relative/Adjective)Prefixes and SuffixesSome commonly used Idiomatic Expressions WRITING SKILLSFormal Letter-Of Complaint Report Writing –Formal Report, Report/Article for School Magazine/Newspaper Writing a Story(Verbally Guided)LITERATURE READER- L 1 Daffodils(Poem) Swami’s Grandmother.


ued dk njksxk iap ijes”oj

Calculating squares and square Roots

Word problems on squares and square roots

Chapter 16 playing with numbers

Divisibility tests Patterns Sequences

general forms Reversing of


Plotting of a rational number on a number line

Draw a Venn diagram for the set of rational numbers

Exchange your telephone numbers and verify if they are perfect squares

Preparing a 3 X 3, 4 X 4 , 5 X 5 magic squares


ACTIVITIESTo cut pieces of some metals like Na, mg, Fe, K, Cu etc.To test the electric Conductivity of some common metal

Reaction of metals with dilute HCI

Displacement reaction using AgNO3 and Cu metal.

Double displacement reaction using NaOH and HCI

Ch. - 5Coal and Petroleum and its products Coal and its productsFuel Types of fuelCalorific value of a fuelAir pollution

ACTIVITYTo mark the

Indian Parliament

Working and functioning of the legislature

The government in action

Formative Assessment (FA)-I



Ch2- Land,Soil and Water Resources

Land resources

Water resources

Soil resources

Ways of conservation


Ch7- Human

A(ikapksa ydkj )

Feminin et pluriel des noms (plural and feminine of nouns)

Les adjectifs (adjectives)

Les meubles (furniture)

Lesson 3: La journée de Mme. Lavigne

Decrire la journée (describe your day)

Dire l’heure(time)

Pronominal verbs

Umbers,seasons,months and days

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Chapter 16 Playing with numbers.

Will be taken as activity not for testing in half yearly

areas where petroleum and coal are found.Ch . 6Combustion and Flame.What is combustion?Ignition temperature , types of combustion , structure of flameIdeal fuel Global warming ACTIVITIESTo observe the parts of a flame.

Collecting information about fuels and other sources and compare their calorific value


Distribution of population

- affecting factors

Density of population in India

Change in population size

Characteristics of population

JULY Unit 2- Art and Culture (Contd)Sec-III The last Stone Mason Sec-IV The Dance Lesson Unit 3 The ladder of Success Sec 1 A Woman Pradhan shows the WaySec 2 Two Aces to Success

1 O;kdj.k % “kCn&in in&Hksn (laKk,loZu

Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals

Definition of quadrilaterals

Types of quadrilaterals

Adjacent/ opposite sides and angles of

Ch-8Cells –Structure and functions Cell-Structure if the cell Sizes of cells Shapes of the cellACTIVITIESTo observe plant cell under the microscope

To study the

Formative Assessment (FA)-II

Holiday Homework


Ch3- The Company’s Civil

4-izd`fr “kksHkk%6-cky Jfedk%

Activity : Listening comprehension

Lesson 4: Kalu est malade

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Sec 3 Marching with the MahatmaLang Lab-Listening skill activities WORKBOOKLesson 2: Art and Culture GRAMMARModals (Expressing Attitude)Tenses-Expressing FutureClauses- Kinds(Adverbial)contd Suffixes-Noun Suffixes WRITING SKILLSFormal Letter-to the EditorInformal LetterParagragh writing- bio sketch Formative Assessment Act 2 Dialogue (in pairs)-Collection of holiday AssignmentLITERATURE READER-The party -More about People

ke]fo”ks’k.k½ i= ,okD; v”kqf)”kks/ku vifBr xn~;ka”k2 olar % Hkxoku ds Mkfd, ¼dfork½3 izsepan % gkj dh thr

a quadrilateral

Angle sum property of a quadrilateral

Special types of quadrilaterals

Types of quadrilaterals / definitions

Properties of quadrilaterals

Word problems

Chapter 7

Cubes and Cube Roots

Properties of cubes

Calculating squares and cube roots

Chapter 12 Exponents and Radicals

Positive /negative rational exponents

Laws of exponent


structure of cheek cell under the microscopeCh . 9 Reproduction in Animals

ACTIVITYGroup DiscussionOn reproduction

Administration and Revenue Policy

Civil Administration-structure

British Policy of Land Revenue

Cultivation of commercial crops


Ch1-The Indian Constitution

Meaning & need of a constitution

India’s Constitution

Vision & values of the Indian constitution

Important features

Formative Assessment

Interroger/parler de la santé(health)

Interrogative and negative

Expressions with avoir



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Paper cutting activity to Verify the sum property of a quadrilateral

Make a chart on special types of quadrilaterals


Crossword on kinds of quadrilaterals)

Collect some

Scientific and astronomical data

from that days newspaper


The Constitution


Ch7- Crafts and Industries

Textile Industries

-conditions before and during the British period

The Iron & Steel Industry

- conditions before & during the British rule

AUG. MCB Unit 3 Sec 4 –Don’t Quit Unit 4 Inventions and DiscoveriesSec-1 An Amazing Ancestor Sec-II Madame Curie(Play) Sec-III The Day I rescued ……. Formative Assessment Act 3 (Group)- Presentation on any

1 O;kdj.k % fØ;k vusdkFkhZ “kCn i=, vuqPNsn

Chapter 12 Exponents and Radicals (continued)

Positive /negative rational exponents

Laws of exponents

Chapter 9 Algebraic

9-bZ”oj% ;Rdjksfr “kksHkua djksfr10-oja cqf)uZ

Lesson 5: Faire les courses

Parler des achats (shopping)

Interrogative adverbs

Verb savoir, connaitre

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one aspect of India’s CultureListening skill activities text WORKBOOKLesson- The Ladder of Success -Lesson 4:Inventions and Diary Entry GRAMMAR Non Finite Verbs Infinitives,Gerunds,Participles Tenses- Reported SpeechWRITING SKILLSFormal Invitation Poster DesigningParagraph Writing Writing an essay READER L-5 My Father and I L-6 Dusk

2 olar % dchj dh lkf[k;k¡ ¼dfork½ikB% dkepksj3 izsepan % ea=

Expressions and identities

Multiplication of algebraic expression

Algebraic identities


Geometrical verification of (a+b )2

Crossword on kinds of quadrilateralslActivity

Construction of quadrilaterals

lk fo|k O;kdj.k&1-“kCn :Ik&fo}l~~ 2-vkReu~ /kkrq:Ik&vl~] dFk~

A (ikapksa ydkj )

Les repas français (French meals)

Les magasins, le marché (shops)

Actvty Assmnt I(FAI)Spelling.

Notebook (Class work and homework assessment)

SEP. MCBUnit 4 Inventions and Discoveries Sec 4 The MicroscopeUnit 5 The Magic of WordsSec-1 For LanguageListening Skill activitiesWORKBOOK-L5- The Magic of WordsGRAMMAR—

1 O;kdj.k %foykse Ik;kZ;okph vifBr xn~;ka”k

Chaptr5 Data handling

Collection of data



PIE CHART on tv news channels

Ch-11Force and PressureEffects of force, Types of forces, units of forces, Mass and weightSpring balanceUnit of pressure Examples of pressure in daily lifeSimple


Ch5- Agriculture

Factors influencing Crop Cultivation

Types of agriculture

Agriculture in

11-lkfgR;lq/kk O;kdj.k&fp=n”kZue~] vifBr x|

Revision. forHalf Yearly(SA -I)L1 to 5

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Active And Passive VoicePhrasal VerbsWRITING SKILLS-Poster Designing-Writing Matter for a DebateWriting A report for the newspaper(contd) LITERATURE READER-L7 The Trojan War

i=2 olar % lqnkek pfjr ¼dfork½ikB% cl dh ;k=k3 izsepan % bZnxkg

Construction of quadrilaterals

Data on the newspaper

Revision For Half Yearly

calculation on pressure Pressure in liquidsPascal’s LawAtmospheric pressures and its uses

ACTIVITIESObserving and analyzing the relation between force and motion in a variety of daily life situations.

Demonstrating change in speed of a moving object, its direction of motion and shape by applying force.

Measuring the weight of an object, as a force by the earth using a spring balance.Magnetic force using nails and a magnetCompare the pressure exerted by a pointed nail with a blunt nail.


Types of Crops

Major Crops

Agricultural development

ka”k1-“kCn :Ik&xPNr~] bne~(rhuksa fyax2- /kkrq:Ik&d`] lso~A (ikapksa ydkj )

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Ch . 12Friction Origin of frictionTypes of frictionLaws of frictionWays to reduce friction

ACTIVITYTo observe frictional force using a comb on hair.

OCT. MCBSec-3 A Question of Grammar Listening skill activities Formative Assessment Act 4- Listening Skill- MCQ WORKBOOK: The Magic of Words WRITING SKILLSNotice Writing

1O;kdj.k % dkyvusd “kCnksa ds fy, ,d “kCn, vuqPNsn vifBr

Chapter 2 Linear equations in one variable

Equations of theoremax+bcx+d


Applications in daily life situations

Chapter 4

Ch-SOME NATURAL PHENOMENAStatic electricity Kinds of electricCharges-positive and negative electroscope Transfer of charges through inductionFlow of charges Atmospheric


Ch9- Women,Caste and Reform

Movements to improve the conditions of women

The caste system in India

jpukRed dk;Z&fp=o.kZue~12-egrke~ vfi egku~

Lesson 6: M. Lavigne cherche un manteau

Faire des achats (shopping)


Ayr,oyer,uyer verbs

Les vetements (clothes)

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xn~;ka”k2 olar % ;g lcls dfBu le; ugha ¼dfork½ikB% D;k fujk”k gqvk tk,Alwj ds in3 izsepan % cM+s HkkbZ lkgc

Practical geometry

When 4 sides and 1diagonal are given

When 3 sides and 2 diagonals are given

When 3 angles and 2 adjacent sides are given When 3 sides and 2 included angles are given


Project for common wealth games on chosen topic

Construction of quadrilateral


ACTIVITIESTo show that charged pen attracts of paper.A charged balloon sticks to the wall.

To show that like charges repels each other.

Two rubbed scales attract each other.Types of reflection using mirror

Formative Assessment (FA)-VI

Disaster Management


Ch6- Industry

Product based classification

Factors affecting their location

Types of Industries

Development in India

Major industries

Industrial disasters

NOV. MCB Unit 5 The Magic of WordsSec-4 A Squabble in the Grammar House(Poem) Unit 6 Heal The

1 O;kdj.k % lekl


Comparing quantities

Ratio and

Ch- 14Chemical effect of currentElectrolytesElectrolysisChemical effect

Formative Assessment

O;kdj.k&fp=n”kZue~] vifBr x|

Lesson 7: Allons à Paris.

Les preposition de lieu (prepositions

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EarthSec-1 Migratory BirdsSec-II The Poles in PerilListening skill activities-Formative Assessment Activity 5 Describing a picture (speaking Skill Activity)WORKBOOKLesson 6: Heal The EarthGRAMMARPunctuation(Apostrophes) ConjunctionsPhrasal Verbs(contd)Compound words WRITING SKILLS Writing a Formal Letter Debate Writing LITERATURE READER-L8 Break Break Break(Poem)L8- The New School Fellow

fHkUukFkZd “kCni=, vuqPNsn

2 olar½ikB% vdcjh yksVk]ikuh dh dgkuh3 izsepan % cw<+h dkdh


Profit Loss and Discount

Profit / Loss Formulae

DiscountCompound Interest

History Finding

compound interest

Formulae for compound interestInverse problem


Use any using news paper ad to find the discount and the selling price of articles on sale

Of current ElectroplatingACTIVITYTo show the Decomposition of electrolytic solution when electricity is passed through it.Electroplating process Ch- 16LightReflection of lights laws of reflectionLateral inversion PeriscopeKaleidoscope Uses of plane mirror

Dispersion of light human eye.ACTIVITIESTo verify the laws of reflection Image of a point object and larger object formed by a plane mirror Lateral inversion in a plane mirror Dispersion of light through a prism.To study the part of human eye.




Ch6-The Judiciary

Independence of Judiciary

Types of cases

The Supreme Court

High Courts

Subordinate Courts


Movement of cases


Ch11- Rise of Indian

ka”k13] xksok izns”ke~

related to place)

Les noms du pays(countries)


Actvty Assmnt( FA )

Written quiz.

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Rise of political associations

Birth of Indian National Congress

Moderate and Extremist phases


Ch7- Role of Police and Courts

Role of Police

Role of Courts


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DEC. MCBUnit 6 Heal The EarthSec III An Island of TreesSec IV The Tyger(Poem)Unit 7 In the Name of PeaceSec I-Thank You Mr Chips Sec II The Fighting Begins Formative Assessment Act 6 (Group) Dramatization of a prose Passage from the textGRAMMARAdverbsPronounsWRITING SKILLS-Writing an Essay LITERATURE READERL12- The Lake Isle of Innesfree.

1 O;kdj.k% laf/k ¼xq.k½, vuqPNsn, milxZ&izR;;okD; v”kqn~f/k”kks/kuvifBr xn~;ka”k2 olar % firk ds ckn ¼dfork½ikB% tc flusek us cksyuk

Chapter 13

Direct and Inverse proportions

Chapter11 Mensuration


Trapezium A polygonActivity based learning

Chapter 10 Visualising solid shapes

Identify and match picture with objects

Drawing 2-D representstion of 3- objects

Counting vertices edges and faces of figures with flat faces

Verification of Euler’s relation

List a few daily life situations where we use the direct and inverse variations

Ch-2Micro-organisms - Friends and FoeOccurrence of micro-organisms

Major groups of micro-organisms and their economic importance

Ch-2Micro-organisms (cont…)To show the soil contains micro-organisms to study lactobacillus bacteria in curd.ACTIVITIESTo observe bread mould under the microscope.To observe the budding of yeast cells.To show fermentation of dough.

To observe root nodules of pea plant for Rhizobium


Ch12- National Movement-Fulfilment

Emergence of Gandhiji

Anti-British Movements

Developments between 1922-1928

Poorna Swaraj

Civil Disobedience Movement

Two-Nation Theory

Government of India Act of 1935

Final Phase of National Movement

Transfer of Power

Formative Assessment

O;kdj.k&1-“kCn :Ik&unh] lk/kq 2- /kkrq:Ik&dzq~/k~] ;kp~A (ikapksa ydkj )14-lfU/k

Lesson 8: Les photos de Manuel

Les fetes française (Festivals of France)

Irregular verbs

Demonstrative adjectives

Festvals of France

Lesson 9:

Au café des Laurent

Commander un plat (to order dishes)



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lh[kkA3 izsepan % ln~xfr


Make models of the solid figures find edges sides vertices

Identify and match pictures with objects

Draw 2-D representation of 3-D objects

Count vertices ,edges and faces of figures with flat faces.

Verification of Euler’s relation

bacteria (FA)-VIII

Art & Architecture under British Rule


Ch9- Public Facilities and Social Justice

How public facilities are provided


Ch3- Natural Vegetation and Wildlife



JAN. MCB Unit- 7 In the Name of Peace Sec III The Songbird Without Wings Sec IV My only Cry……(Poem) GRAMMAR-Prepositions, Prepositional Phrases Phrasal Verbs(contd)

1 O;kdj.k % laf/k ¼nh?kZ½ okD; Hksn¼

Chapter11 Mensuration

Surface areas andVolumes

Cube Cuboid CylinderChapter14 Factorisation

Harmful effects of micro-organisms and food preservation

Ch-18Pollution of Air and Water



Ch8- Marginalised Groups and Social Justice

Some forms of social inequality

How social status affects economic

O;kdj.k&laLd`r x.kuk&51&100O;kdj.k&vO;; “kCn vfi] bfr] bo]

Lesson 10: Encore une lettre de Rouen.

Expressions with verb faire.


Ecrire une lettre (letter writing)

Revision of verbs

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Project- Heal the earthWRITING SKILLSAdvertisements(Classified)Writing a Speech

jpuk ds vk/kkj ij½ vuqPNsnA 2 olar % ikB% Vksih ] ckt vkSj lk¡i3 izsepan %lok lsj xsss¡gw

Factorisation by

C ommon factors



Find surface area and volume of various sizes of cylinders

Educosoft quiz on facorization

Stars and the solar system.ACTIVITIESObserving and identifying some prominent planets, stars and constellations.Night sky observation


Social Justice and the India constitution

Some laws to help the marginalized

Formative Assessment (FA)-IX

The marginalised & Public Facilities

mPpS%] ,o] dnk] dqr%] [kyq] fouk] iqjkA

Actvty Assmnt Note book

FEB. GRAMMAR-Editing Reordering Phrases to form complete sentences WRITING SKILLSWriting a

1 O;kdj.k% okD; Hksn¼ vFkZ

Chapter 14 Factorisation(continued) by middle term splitting

Division of algebraic



Ch13 India after Independence

Indian democracy


Final Exams

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Speech(contdDiary entry(revision Visually guided paragraph. Revision for the final exams

ds vk/kkj ij½ 3 izsepan %u”kk

olar % iqujko`fRr okf’kZd ijh{kk gsrq iqujko`fRr


By factor method

By Long division method

Revision for FINALS

Major problems after independence

India’s foreign policy

Formative Assessment (FA)-X

Indian Democracy.