2. time independent schrodinger equation

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1.1. Stationary States Schrodinger Equation : Assume (  is separable )  = const = E if V = V(r)  Time-independent Schrodinger eq.


2. Time Independent Schrodinger Equation
Stationary States The Infinite Square Well The Harmonic Oscillator The Free Particle The Delta Function Potential The Finite Square Well 1.1. Stationary States Schrodinger Equation : Assume
( is separable ) = const = E ifV = V(r) Time-independent Schrodinger eq. Properties of Separable
1.Stationary States: Expectation values are time-independent. In particular : 2.Definite E : Hamiltonian : Time-independent Schrodinger eq. becomes 3.Expands Any General Solution :
Any general solution of the time dependent Schrodinger eq. can be written as where The cn s are determined from { n } is complete. Proof : Example 2.1 A particle starts out as What is ( x, t ) ?
Find the probability, and describe its motion. Ans. if c & are real. Read Prob 2.1, 2.2 2. The Infinite Square Well
0for x [ 0, a ] for x [ 0, a ] General solution. Allowable boundary conditions ( for 2nd order differential eqs ) : and can both be continuous at a regular point (i.e. where V is finite). Only can be continuous at a singular point (i.e. where V is infinite). Boundary Conditions B.C.: continuous at x = 0 and a , i.e.,
n = 0 0 (not physically meaningful). k give the same independent solution. E is quantized. Normalization: Eigenstates with B.C. has a set of normalized eigenfunctions
with eigenvalues n = 1 is the ground (lowest energy) state. All other states with n > 1 are excited states. even, 0 node. odd, 1 node. even, 2 nodes. Properties of the Eigenstates
Parity = () n 1 .[ True for any symmetric V ] Number of nodes n 1.[ Universal ] Orthogonality:[ Universal ] if m n. Orthonormality: 4.Completeness: [ Universal ] Any function fon the same domain and with the same boundary conditions as the n s can be written as Proof of Orthonormality Condition for Completeness
where { n } is orthonormal. Then if { n } is complete. Conclusion Stationary state of energy is General solution: where
so that Example 2.2 A particle in an infinite well has initial wave function
Find ( x, t ). Ans. Using we have Normalization: for n odd B = Bernoulli numbers In general : { n }orthonormal normalized If then | cn |2 = probability of particle in state n. H average ofEn weighted by the occupation probability. Example 2.3. In Example 2.2,( x, t ) closely resembles 1 (x) ,which suggests | c1 |2 should dominate. Indeed, where Do Prob 2.8, 2.9 3. The Harmonic Oscillator
Classical Mechanics: Hookes law: Newtons 2nd law. Solution: Potential energy: parabolic Any potential is parabolic near a local minimum. where Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger eq.: Methods for solution: Power series ( analytic )Hermite functions. Number space(algebraic) a , a+operators. 3.1. Algebraic Method Schrodinger eq. in operator form:
Commutator of operators A and B : Eg. f canonical commutation relation Let , real, positive constants Set Let i.e.,H ,a+a and a a+ all share the same eigenstates. Their eigenvalues are related by where Adjoint or Hermitian Conjugate of an Operator
Given an operator A , its adjoint (Hermitian conjugate) A+ is defined by , Proof : , real & positive Integration by part gives: ( , 0 at boundaries ) Note: n-Representation Consider an operator a with the property
Define the operator with its eigenstates and eigenvalues Meaning ofa+ n: a+ nis an eigenstate with eigenvalue larger than that of nby 1. a+ raising op Meaning ofa n: a nis an eigenstate with eigenvalue smaller than that of nby 1. a lowering op Let N be bounded below ( there is a ground state 0 with eigenvalue 0 ). i.e. Hence with Normalization Let ( , normalization const. ) with n
Assuming , real : Orthonormality form n Harmonic Oscillator : n-Representation
a ~ a , a+ ~ a+ , a+ a ~ a+ a Equation for 0 : 0 Set A real : Normalized Example 2.4 Find the first excited state of the harmonic oscillator.
Ans: Example 2.5 Find V for the nth state of the harmonic oscillator.
Ans: Do Prob 2.13 (drudgery) 3.2.Analytic Method is solved analytically. Set Set where Asymptotic Form For x, as not normalizable Set
h solved by Frobenius method (power series expansion) h() Asume recursion formula Termination Even & odd series starting with a0 & a1 , resp.
For large j : explodes as Power series must terminate. Set j n+2 with E En Hermite Polynomials Hermite polynomials : n even : set a0 1 , a1 0
n odd : seta0 0, a1 1 an 2n Normalized: n n 3 n 2 n 1 n 0 | 100 |2 , (x) Classical distribution : A = amplitude
Do Prob 2.15, 2.16 Read Prob 2.17 4. The Free Particle Eigenstate: Stationary state: to right to left
phase velocity k > 0 : to right k < 0 : to left Reset: Oddities about k (x,t) Classical mechanics : not normalizable
kis not physical (cannot be truly realized physically ). kis a mathematical solution ( can be used to expand a physical state or as an idealization ). Wave Packets General free particle state : wave packet
Fourier transform Example 2.6 A free particle, initially localized within [ a, a ], is released at t 0 : A, a real & positive Find ( x, t ). Ans: Normalize ( x, 0 ) : FT of Gaussian is a Gaussian. Group Velocity In general : (k) = dispersion
For a well defined wave packet, is narrowly peaked at some k = k0 . To calculate( x, t ), one need only ( moves with velocity0 . ) Definegroup velocity 3-D Free particle wave packet : Reminder:phase velocity Do Prob 2.19 Read Prob 2.20 Example 2.6 A Consider a free particle wave packet with (k) given by
A, a real & positive Find ( x, t ). Ans: Normalize ( x, 0 ) : t = { 0, 1, 2 }ma2/ 5. The Delta Function Potential
Bound States & Scattering States The Delta Function Well 5.1. Bound States & Scattering States
Classical turning pointsx0 : If V(r) Eforr D andV(r) > Eforr D, then the system is in a bound state forr D. If V(r) Eeverywhere, then the system is in a scattering state. Quantum systems (w / tunneling) : If V() > E, then the system is in a bound state. If V() < E, then the system is in a scattering state. If V() = 0, then E < 0 bound state. E > 0 scattering state. The Delta Function Dirac delta function : such that
f , a, and c > b is a generalized function ( a distribution). [To be used ONLY inside integrals. ] Settingf (x) = 1 gives Rule : ( meaningful only inside integrals.) Proof : 2. The Delta Function Well
For x 0 : Bound states : E < 0 Scattering states : E > 0 Boundary conditions : 1.continuous everywhere. 2. continuous wherever V is finite. Bound States For x 0 : Bound states ( E < 0 ) : Set
real & positive ( ) = 0 continuous atx 0B C Discontinuity in (x0) is discontinuous at V(x0) . Let
continuous & finite Only one bound state Normalization : Scattering States Scattering states ( E > 0 ) : Set for x 0
kreal & positive continuous atx 0 Let 2 eqs.,4 unknown,no normalization.
Scattering from left : A :incident waveC :transmitted wave B :reflected waveD = 0 x Reflection coefficient Transmission coefficient Delta Function Barrier
No bound states For the scattering states, results can be obtained from those of the delta function well by setting . Note:Since E < Vinside the barrier, T 0 is called quantum tunneling. ( T = 0 in CM) Also:In QM,R 0even if E > Vmax . ( R = 0 in CM) Do Prob 2.24 Read Prob 2.26 6. The Finite Square Well Bound States ( E < 0 ) l & are real & positive finite
Symmetry : If (x) is a solution, (x) is also a solution. Even Solutions continuous at a : or continuous at a :
where or Graphic Solutions E < 0z < z0 Limiting Cases 1. Wide, deep well ( z0 large ) : Lower solutions :
c.f.infinite well 2.Shallow, narrow well( z0 < / 2 ) : Always 1 bound state. Scattering States ( E > 0 )
l & k are real & positive Scattering from the Left
continuous at a : continuous at a : continuous at a : continuous at a : Eliminate C, Dand express B , F in terms of A( Prob 2.32 ) : T when ( well transparent ) i.e. ( at energies of infinite well ) ( Ramsauer-Townsend Effect ) Do Prob 2.34