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Page 1: 2 | LEADER HANDBOOKLEADER HANDBOOK | 7 Be fully man so He could experience life in a human body, be tempted with sin, and advocate for us with God. Be completely sinless, making Him
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There are five Bible teachings we must agree on as leaders at Lifepoint.


2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,

rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.” The phrase, “God-breathed”

comes from the Greek THEOS, meaning GOD and PNEO, meaning breathed

hard. The Scriptures do not just contain God’s words; they are God’s words.

God himself breathed out of Himself and into man the words that are in the


For further study: 2 Peter 1:20, 21; 2 Timothy 1:13; Psalm 119:105, 160; 12:6;

Proverbs 30:5


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Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is co-equal with the Father. Jesus claimed to

be God and didn’t give us any other option for who He is. If Jesus were simply

a prophet or good teacher, He would never have made such a claim. He is the

only prophet or teacher in history to claim to be God. If His claims were false,

He would either have to be a liar or a lunatic and no logical man would have

followed Him, much less died for their faith in Him. If Jesus is not God, He is

useless to us, because we are still in need of a Savior.

For further study: Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1-5; 14:10-30


In the Bible, God defines himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. When Jesus

was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, it made him fully God

and fully man. Why did He need to be both? Because, this would be the only

way that Jesus could:



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�� Be fully man so He could experience life in a human body, be tempted

with sin, and advocate for us with God.

�� Be completely sinless, making Him fully God, because God does not sin.

�� Fulfill the requirements of sacrifice for sin God set up in the Old

Testament, which we’ll discuss next.

For further study: Matthew 1:18-25


Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for

the sins of all people by dying on a cross. The result of His sacrifice produced

the following for all who believe:

2 Corinthians 5:21 -We receive the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ.


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We receive a HUGE deposit of God’s goodness and righteousness that cannot

be overdrawn.

Hebrews 4:15 - We receive a sympathetic High Priest. God “gets” us. He fully

understands our weakness and has compassion on us.

For further study: Hebrews 4:14-15; I Corinthians 15:3-4; Romans 1:3-4


The resurrection of Jesus has been the center of debate since it happened.

Many have tried to disprove it, even though there is plenty of historical

evidence to prove that Jesus actually rose from the dead. These are found

both in scripture and in history.

In scripture, there are several accounts of Jesus appearing after His death and


John 20:26-31 Jesus appears to His disciples.


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1 Corinthians 15:6 Jesus is seen by over 500 people.

Luke 24:44-49 The ascension of Jesus up in to heaven.

1 Corinthians 15:8-9 Jesus appeared to Paul, formerly known as Saul, who

persecuted the church and was transformed after this encounter.

Historically, we have the following:

The empty tomb. The grave clothes were found folded and lying in the tomb;

showing His body was not stolen.

The large crowd of witnesses. It would be impossible for this many witnesses to

agree on what they saw.

Many have died for their faith in Jesus. All 12 of the apostles and Paul, died for

their belief in not only the life and death of Christ, but in His resurrection and

claim to return one day for those who place belief in Him. Countless others

throughout history have also given their life for this belief. Just one modern day

example would be Rachel Scott, who was shot and killed in the Columbine High

School shooting, after she said she was a believer in Jesus Christ.

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Choose one person to lead the discussion in your circle. Another person gets

to choose the question to be discussed from the following:

It is around Easter time and your group/team has just finished watching “The

Passion of the Christ” and asked you, “Why did Jesus have to die?”

Someone in your group/team asks, “Someone once told me that Jesus was

somehow a mixture of both the divine and human? Can you explain this to


Someone in your group/team just said this: “I don’t think the Bible is really

true. That doesn’t matter, does it?”

A member asks: “What does it mean that Jesus was both God and man?”

A member says: “Jesus was just a good man. He was no different than any

other religious leader.” How do you respond?

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Authenticity is being real, genuine, and true.

Authentic leaders are journey-minded, not destination-minded.

Leaders need to learn to enjoy the process as much as achieving a goal.

What is the difference between a “real” product and the knock-off?

Why do we prefer the real thing over the knock-off?

How would you define being real and genuine (authentic) in relationships?

How have you experienced authenticity in groups/teams?

What things could cause group/team members to hide their real selves?

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In Groups:

• Set healthy guidelines for sharing:

• Maintain eye contact.

• Lean in - body language speaks volumes.

• Don’t interrupt, even to ask questions.

• Be curious to know more (at the end).

• Don’t interrupt their tears with a tissue (it communicates your

discomfort, not their value).

• Tell your story and expect people to share theirs – the long version.

On Teams:

• When members answer your questions:

• Maintain eye contact.

• Lean in - body language speaks volumes.

• Don’t interrupt, except to move the person to a different

environment to minister, while the rest of the team handles

their responsibilities.

• Be curious to know more.

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When to be bold and when to use discernment in application of Scripture.

• There will be times, in the life of every group/team, that questions or

comments arise that require us to look more closely at what the Bible

does and does not say about certain matters. When this occurs, it is

important that you remain committed to God’s Word. Ask, “What does

God say about this?” If you don’t know the answer, say so and go find

out. There are some “black and white” statements in the Bible and there

are some “grey” areas.

• Where Scripture is clear, be bold in an encouraging and loving way.

• Where Scripture is not clear, use discernment. For example, the Bible

says not to be drunk, but it doesn’t say we can’t have any alcohol.

Being drunk is not acceptable, but drinking some alcohol is the place

for discretion.

• Serving alcohol at Lifepoint gatherings should not be a precedent that

is set. There is high risk and low reward. When you consider the purpose

of groups/teams, alcohol is not an essential ingredient to fulfilling it. See

Romans 14:13-21 for more insight.

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Having difficult conversations – how and when (Matthew 18:15-17)

If at some point you will need to have a difficult conversation with a member,

do so privately (include a third person if they are not the same gender).

Perhaps they tend to take up a lot of time talking and focusing on themselves

rather than the group/team. Your conversation could look something like this:

“Jane Doe, I value you as a person and member of our group/team and want

you to know you are loved. I need your help with something. Your input to

group/team discussion is great, but I wonder if you would help me encourage

others to give their input. Would you help me with this?”

Or, in times of more serious concerns, you may have to say something like this:

“Jane Doe, thank you so much for your time. It seems that you are really

facing some difficult times in your life right now. I want you to know that we

love you and are praying for you. However, the purpose of our group/team is

not geared towards counseling. If you feel you need that, we will point you in

the right direction, but your time here is to provide you with connection and

spiritual growth. I would love to see you experience that and I love you enough

to tell you that putting aside the personal issues while you are here will help

you do that.”

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Use love as your guide in all things concerning God’s people. In the end,

regardless of the reception of the person, you will be helping your group/team

to be healthy and positive.

FUN/FRIENDSHIPBe intentional about having fun together every four to six weeks.


Choose one person to lead the discussion around your table. Another person

gets to choose the question to be discussed from the following:

“George” has been dominating the group/team time with long and elaborate

descriptions of his opinions and the group/team has started checking out

when he talks. Role play the conversation with him.

A member brought a six pack of beer to the group potluck. Role play

the conversation.

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Remember each of us defines fun differently, so expect to get out of your

comfort zone.

• Glorify God

• Represent Him and Lifepoint Church well

• Invite different members to plan events each month


A common saying is, “No one cares what you know until they know that you

care.” Share your experiences with the group/team.

Care works through a team approach in an environment of community and


• “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of

Christ.” - Galatians 6:2

Talk about what is fun for you.

What activities have you done in a small group or serving team that were fun

and built friendships?

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Model caring, then encourage and expect group/team members to care for

each other.

• When a person brings up someone else’s need, ask how they can meet

it first.

• Let that person take the lead to organize the group/team for this need.

• Give away ministry at every opportunity.

• Share the load with all of the group/team; you are not solely

responsible for care.

Evaluate yourself

• What are your strengths when it comes to caring about people?

• Do you generally care about the details of people’s lives?

• What gaps do you have in this area?

Recruit to fill your gaps

• Who in your group/team is great at what you’re not?

• Ask them to help you.

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Genuine care overflows from our personal connection to God.

• If it becomes too much, enlist help from your Coach.

• Use resources available to you (short term groups, counseling

resources, staff).

Tips for care

• Don’t counsel.

• Use “ESPN”

• Encourage

• Share scripture

• Pray with them

• Guide them to a Next Step

• Listen. Don’t lecture.

• Point to truth, not to experience.

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Responding to Crisis:

• Members should be the first to respond through prayer and presence.

This includes hospital visits, home visits, providing meals, and providing

assistance with other needs. For practical suggestions in various

situations, check out care guidelines at lifepoint.org/groups under

Leader Resources.


• We recommend that groups/teams not supply money to group members.

• Be there for encouragement and supply short-term practical help.

• Have the member contact Lifepoint for financial assistance

at lifepoint.org/care.

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• You are not a trained professional!

• Situations that may require professional help:

• Long-term marital issues

• History of past abuse

• Addictions

• Severe personality disorders

• Mental disorder/dysfunctions

• In cases of impending physical danger, contact 911 immediately.

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Spiritual Growth

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What does spiritual growth really mean? The answer can be found in John 15:1-5 - a metaphor of a vineyard where Jesus is pictured as the vine and we are the branches. Branches are where the fruit is seen, but the branch can’t pro-duce fruit by itself. The fruit on a branch is the evidence of the life that is in the vine. So then, spiritual growth will naturally happen as we stay connected to the vine, Jesus Christ. Whatever is in Him will come out of us. Spiritual growth flows out of our relationship with God and the good works He designed us to do.

As leaders, we have two primary outcomes to pursue with our members:

• Encourage group/team members to their next step of growth (GROW,

salvation, baptism, join a group, serve, give, outreach).

• Intentionally lead them to individually read the Bible and pray outside

of group time. Make this a regular part of most group/team meetings.

• Be creative in nudging your members forward - what

they’ve been reading or what they discovered about God the

previous week.

• Invite them to join you in a reading plan.

• YouVersion.com and the app provides reading plans that are easily

accessible, even for commuters.

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�� Think during the day about what you read.

�� Memorize verses that stand out and review them often so they go into long-term memory.

�� Personally Study the Bible using a reliable resource like YouVersion’s S.O.A.P method.

�� Right Now Media (members can be invited, just let your coach know you want it for them).

�� As a family, study with your kids using the materials supplied by Kidspoint each week.

�� Faith Journey (faithjourney.tv)

�� Parent Cue App

�� Kidspoint Take-Homes: monthly and/or weekly tools that let

you know how you can help them take the weekend lesson

to a deeper level.

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Service to the Community

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James 2:26 - “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.”

• It’s what we do and who we are as a Church.

• Giving time and other resources puts our challenges into perspective. When we see the state of those living without God and needed resources, we realize how truly blessed we are.

• Giving helps us see people through God’s eyes. God sees people’s hearts, not the exterior. Serving helps us to see that people are so much more than they appear on the outside.

• Giving opens doors for invitation and salvation.

• We get to be “Jesus with skin on” for others. We are messengers of God’s word and bring the gift to those who need to hear it.

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• Serve group members in need (meals, hospital visits, childcare, cards

of encouragement).

• We represent Jesus and our Church.

• We don’t supply money. Lifepoint has a benevolence process that all such needs should be directed to. (lifepoint.org/care)

• Long term care for health needs and children is not provided. As a

group we are there just to provide short term relief.

• There are many local resources for people to access when in need. You can go to lifepoint.org/groups under Leader Resources to get a list of community and counseling resources.

• Paint The Town Red (PTTR)

• This is our annual church-wide initiative to serve the community around us.

• Do a Lifepoint Outreach project together monthly.• Create a project and meet a need that you see in the community. • Shop for the food bank together, fill backpacks with toiletries to

hand to the homeless, or collect toys for needy children.

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• Work monthly on a Habitat project until it’s done.• Visit a nursing home and spend time reading or playing games with

the residents. Many haven’t had visitors in a long time and this would provide great joy to them.

• See lifepoint.org/outreach for information about our Community Partners and what their specific needs are.


• Cheerfully or not at all - 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Remember: A stingy planter gets a stingy crop; a lavish planter gets a lavish crop. I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories and arm-twisting. God loves it when the giver delights in the giving.”

• Recruit a group/team member to take the lead on these projects.

• Celebrate what God is doing in you and in others as you serve.

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Choose one person to lead the discussion around your table. Another person gets to choose the question to be discussed from the following:

• Your group/team hasn’t served the community for more than two months. Role play the way you will invite them to serve in the next two weeks.

• A group/team member seems to be taking advantage of the group/team by asking for childcare help every week. Role play your conversation with them.

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Mentoring Leaders

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Acts 2:42-46 are the Bible verses Lifepoint Church is based on. That church experienced 3,000 added in one day.

God has been adding people to our Church in large numbers each year.

Growth requires that we constantly add new groups/teams to accommodate those God is sending.


• They are friendly and show concern for other members.

• They show wisdom and thought in their answers.

• They lead the group to pay attention or gather them when it’s time to begin discussion.

• They volunteer first.

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Talk about how you became a leader.

Keep the vision of growth fresh.• Periodically refer back to Acts 2 in conversation.

Divide the weekly responsibilities and give a portion to someone you think has potential as a future group/team leader.

Create opportunities for potential leaders to facilitate a group/team meeting.

• Debrief afterwards and use it to encourage them.

• Contact them during the week to offer suggestions for next time.

• Let everyone facilitate a group/team meeting at some point.

• Some people will surprise you.

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The leader application process still applies to leaders emerging from your group/team.

• GROW - lifepoint.org/grow

• Volunteer Orientation - lifepoint.org/serve

• Application/Interview/Background Check/Approval - lifepoint.org/newleader

• Leader Training - lifepoint.org/newleader


1. Role play asking a potential leader to lead a portion of the next group/team meeting.

2. Role play the debrief after a person led the group/team meeting for the first time.

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Special Guidelines for Working with Teens

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Mentor and guide them as you would adults, but keep their safety and your reputation the highest priority.

• Do interact with students in your group/team before and after weekend services.

• Do stay connected with students throughout the week (men with boys, women with girls) keeping all communication God-honoring.

• Adults will not EVER be alone with a teen in a private setting. At any given time, there should always be one student and two leaders or one leader and two students. This includes giving rides. Any mentoring conversations with two or three students should be in a public setting

• Abuse Protocol• As Students begin to trust their Leaders, they will begin disclosing

intimate information. This information is to be kept confidential, yet may include a dangerous situation such as: domestic abuse (verbal and physical), depression/suicide, and dangerous substance abuse. Any dangerous situation needs to be reported to the Groups Primary Leader and a report will be sent to the Campus Groups Director. The following are possible situations that require reporting:• Physical/Sexual Abuse

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• Verbal Abuse• Self Harming/Suicidal Tendencies• Drug/Alcohol/Substance Abuse

It is up to the Leader to report any of these situations, or any others that the Leader feels may endanger the Student, to the Primary Leader in a discrete manner. The parents should also be informed, unless they are stated to be the abuser. Do everything in your power to assist the Student to safety, including calling 911 if appropriate.

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Group Leader Provisionand Expectations

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Leader vs Teacher�� Not a teacher driven environment.

�� Work to connect people to one another.

�� We can equip leaders faster than teachers, thereby engaging more people in meaningful community.

Successful leaders:�� Connect members in the group with each other.

�� Remember that it is a group conversation, not a tennis match between two individuals.

�� Clarify what is said.

�� Requires strong listening skills.

�� Sometimes is done by asking clarifying questions.

�� It’s the job of the leader to identify the “theme” of what’s being said.

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�� Affirm.

�� It’s the leader’s responsibility to make sure members of the group feel heard.

Preparation is the key to having a successful group experience. Knowing the lesson content before the group meets will give you confidence and creates an atmosphere of excitement to learn.

Some great ways to prepare a lesson are:�� Highlight any Bible verses or portions of the lesson that you feel will be

important to emphasize.

�� Avoid a “lecture” type of group meeting.

�� Involve group members often.

�� Have them read scriptures aloud or lead the prayer time.

�� Be comfortable with silent moments while people think of their responses.

�� Spend quality time in prayer. Prayer is simply a conversation with God, so take time to listen.

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Employ the gifts of your members.�� Each person brings something to share. (I Corinthians 14:26)

�� Encourage all of your group members to be actively involved. Some may not feel comfortable sharing at first. Just continue to encourage them. Other members may be eager to speak and can dominate the conversation.

�� As the group leader, keep the conversations on track. When someone ventures off topic down a “rabbit hole”, gently guide him or her back to the subject at hand; unless you sense the Holy Spirit is directing the change of course.

�� For the first few weeks, you will need to take the lead to establish the group. Once see those who have the potential to be future group leaders, encourage them to prepare to lead part of a group session. Make sure to provide feedback and pray with them. Celebrate them and their accomplishment.

�� http://www.spiritualgiftstest.com/tests

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When choosing a study there a few things to consider:�� What do you sense God is telling you to study? You may be led during

prayer for the group or by Group Members themselves.

�� Are there “gaps” the Group has in common? Perhaps a study on marriage, parenting, or serving would inspire the Group Members.

�� Invite your Group to weigh in on two or three studies you’ve selected. This gives them ownership and motivation to participate.

�� RightNow Media is a great resource for studies and is provided for you by Lifepoint Church.


An experienced group Coach who has:�� Group leadership experience.

�� Wisdom for Group challenges.

�� Enough Bible knowledge to appropriately guide you.

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RE:Group�� Periodic evening meetings where we invest in you as a Group Leader.

�� If your Group falls on that night, give someone the opportunity to lead in your absence.

�� Meaningful, practical training.

�� Great opportunity to bring prospective leaders to encourage them to lead.

�� This is the perfect time to meet face-to-face with your coach and other Group Leaders.

Group Leader Summits�� Special Guests with expertise in Groups.

�� Fun and conversation with Group Leaders across all campuses.

�� Reminds us we are part of something much bigger than our Group.

Curriculum �� RightNow Media

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�� Constant source of new Bible study curriculum.

�� Let your Coach know if you want your Group Members invited.

�� lifepoint.org/groups – under Leader Resources

�� Weekly Sermon Lessons download at lifepoint.org/sermons, under the video of the sermon you’re studying.

Group T-shirt for your “fishing” endeavors and to keep Groups noticed by the weekend attendees.

EXPECTATIONSPray daily by name for each group member.

Respond to inquiry about your group within 24-hours.�� You represent God and Lifepoint Church, so honor them with a quick

response time.

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Take attendance after each group meeting.�� At Lifepoint, we “inspect what we expect” and for the Groups

department attendance is one important measure of whether we are successful at getting people connected to Groups.

�� Feel free to assign this to an administratively-minded person.

�� Change their role to Group Admin in the roster (ask your Coach how) so they have access to take attendance. Update Group details monthly (including study and location).

�� Internet search is dependent on this.

�� Format: Study title | City | Major Cross Streets

Group roster updates.�� Add people when your Group Members invite friends or you find

someone while fishing.

�� Remove people.

�� If you carry people who are not attending, your group appears full in a web search and our overall enrollment in groups is deceivingly inflated.

�� If people have not attended for three weeks and have not responded to your efforts to connect, remove them from your roster.

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�� Respond to your Coach, Groups Director, and Leadership Invitations. (It’s part of our culture of honor.)

Attend Re:Group and Group Leader Summit.

“Fish” for Group Members�� Be in the foyer of your campus between services looking for new

people (First Time Guest folders and people hanging out around the edge of the space are great clues).

How to start a conversation about the person you meet.�� Ask how long they have been at Lifepoint.

�� Ask about their family.

�� Ask about their job.

�� Find out what their next step is (baptism, serving, group).

�� Ask if you can help them connect.

�� Keep the focus OFF of you; divert conversation back to them with your questions.

�� Don’t be “pushy”, especially if it is someone’s very first visit. Follow the lead of their responses in how you chat with them.

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Be part of welcoming people to Lifepoint.�� Engage people who are sitting in the auditorium in conversation

before service.

Accept your invitation to Right Now Media.

Be present before and after services, wearing your Groups’ shirt and stand-ing near, but not interfering with the Next Steps environment, whenever you have space in your Group.

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Student Leader Supplement

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OverviewLifepoint Student Ministries seeks to reach students who are far from God so that they will experience God’s design for life. We do this through discipleship and leadership development in our Weekend Worship Experience, Outreach, and Small Groups. You will see students serving and growing in all areas of campus life, as we consider them part of our campus life, and not a separate ministry. Welcome to Lifepoint Students!

Weekend Worship ExperienceLifepoint Students enjoy passionate worship and a great word each week from Pastor Daniel. Students are expected to worship with passion, serve like crazy, and lead with enthusiasm each week at their local campus.

OutreachOur Lifepoint Students are encouraged to serve the community, in which they live, to create a greater impact and share the gospel. For serving opportunities you can visit lifepoint.org/outreach.

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Small GroupsStudent Groups are Lifepoint’s environment for community and spiritual growth for students. A student group consists of 10 to 15 students to help foster strong friendships and mentorships between students and leaders. Groups are held at host homes and led by 2 to 4 volunteer leaders. Groups may be mixed gender, but gender specific groups are preferred.

Zone Group EventsZone groups are a great way for students to meet others in nearby groups, neighborhood friends, and friends from school.

FEARLESS EventsFEARLESS is an all-campus, all-student event that happens once a semester. Students will experience fun, fellowship, and dynamic worship. This is a great event for students who are new to Lifepoint Church. Students will meet staff and campus leaders in a lively atmosphere.

CampLifepoint participates in the Clayton King Crossroads Summer Camp in Anderson, SC. Crossroads Summer Camp is a unique week filled with powerful worship, biblical teaching, and fun activities.

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The expectation for Student Team Members is that they walk in Lifepoint Cultural Values as they help students experience God’s design for life.

Team Members are expected to:�� Interact with students in your group, or sphere of influence, before and

after weekend services.

�� Stay connected with students throughout the week; keeping all communication God-honoring.

�� NOT be alone with a student at any time. At any given time, there should always be one student and two leaders or one leader and two students. This includes giving rides and mentoring.


Student Group Team Member �� Leads student group meetings

�� Prepares group material

�� Attends the Team Meetings/Training

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�� Attends FEARLESS/Zone Group events

�� Serves in their weekend Student Environment

�� Attends Re:Group

Team Leader �� Ensures the Student Group environment and tone is set

�� Takes attendance

�� Trains apprentice leaders

�� Facilitates debriefs with other team members

�� Ensures discussion stays on track and is moving forward

�� Attends FEARLESS/Zone Group events

�� Serves in their weekend Student Environment

�� Attends Re:Group

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Host Home �� Creates environment for Small Groups to meet

�� Helps to greet students at the door or visit group to foster trust

�� Attends Re:Group

�� Attendance at FEARLESS/Zone Groups is not mandatory but welcome

Groups Coach�� Ensures the Student Group environment is age appropriate

�� Helps team members keep their Groups at a manageable size

�� Conducts debriefs to empower team members to have effective groups

�� Attends FEARLESS/Zone Groups

�� Distributes Weekly NTK to Team Leaders

�� Maintains healthy communication with Team Leaders

�� Serves in their weekend Student Environment

�� Attends Re:Group 

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Student Group Director �� The “Face” for Students at a specific campus

�� Oversees the student environment

�� Champions students

�� Maintains healthy communication with coaches via meetings, email, etc.

�� Recruit/Connect/Follow-Up with potential student team members

�� Plans Zone Group Meetings

�� Attends FEARLESS/Zone Group Meetings

�� Distributes weekly TALK IT OVER – Student Edition

�� Administrates the overall Communication protocol to students and their families

�� Attends Re:Group

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SUPPLEMENTAL TEAM ROLES Student Environment Team

�� Greets students and their parents

�� Serve before/after services to connect students to GROW

�� Connect adults looking to serve Lifepoint Students

Groups Admin �� Manages students in Arena

�� Manages RSVP’s for events

�� Creates a follow-up protocol for new and existing students

Student Writing Team �� Attends weekend service

�� Submits questions for TALK IT OVER – Student Edition discussion guides

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Team Leader Provsionsand Expectations

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An experienced Coach who has:�� Team leader experience.

�� Wisdom for team challenges.

�� Enough Bible knowledge to give you ideas to solve challenges.

Vision Nights�� Quarterly evening meetings where we invest in you as a leader

Leader Summit�� Special Guests with expertise in Teams.

�� Fun and conversation with group/team leaders across all campuses.

�� Reminds us we are part of something much bigger than our group/team.

Team T-shirt as a uniform, when applicable to your area of service.

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During the Week�� Utilize the Arena Care system to monitor the health of your team.

�� Pray daily by name for each of your team members.

�� Contact individual team members once each week to care for them, pray with them and communicate/follow-up on action items.

�� Encourage team members to take their personal next steps.

�� Communicate the weekend plan to your team by email once/week.

�� Respond to your Coach, Staff Member, and Leadership Invitations. (It’s part of our culture of honor.)

�� Attend Vision Nights and Leader Summit.

Weekends�� Wear your team T-shirt (if applicable).

�� Ensure your environment is set up.

�� Hold a team meeting.

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�� Ensure your environment is set up.

�� Hold a team meeting.

�� Welcome new team members with a WOW.

�� Share scripture.

�� Pray with your team.

�� Encourage/connect with team members.

�� Call missing team members immediately.

�� Posture is “Are you okay?”, not “Why aren’t you here?”

�� Take attendance after each weekend service.

�� At Lifepoint, we “inspect what we expect” and, for your teams, attendance is one important measure of whether we are successful at helping people get connected.

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Coach Provisionsand Expectations

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An experienced Coach who has:�� Team leader experience.

�� Wisdom for team challenges.

�� Enough Bible knowledge to give you ideas to solve challenges.

Vision Nights�� Quarterly evening meetings where we invest in you as a leader.

Leader Summit�� Special Guests with expertise in Teams.

�� Fun and conversation with group/team leaders across all campuses.

�� Reminds us we are part of something much bigger than our group/team.

Team T-shirt as a uniform, when applicable to your area of service.

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During the Week�� Pray daily by name for each of your group/team leaders.

�� Utilize Arena systems and reports to monitor the health of your teams/groups.

�� Contact or meet with individual group/team leaders once each week to care for them, pray with them, and communicate/follow-up on action items.

�� Groups Coaches – attend each of your groups once/semester.

�� Encourage group/team leaders to take their personal next steps.

�� Communicate appropriate information to your group/team leaders sent by your Staff Member.

�� Respond to your Staff Member and Leadership Invitations. (It’s part of our culture of honor.)

�� Attend Vision Nights and Leader Summit.

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Weekends�� Wear your team T-shirt (if applicable).

�� Vary which service you attend so you can check in on your leaders regularly over the course of a month.

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