2 german war fetes. in fled into the wilds all done · 2017. 12. 17. · battle, after which the...

It was more for this purpose than to make money that the*Argonaut was launched on the journalistic sea. "'vv77 * He went into \u25a0 the matter with energy, and as in other ventures in which he had embarked before it was a success from the start. To his own surprise the circulation of the paper went beyond his anticipa- tions. The paper was an impress of his strong individuality. His style of writing was terse and incisive, and what he wrote commanded ... attention. For : a number of years, too, he had written editorials for the Chronicle. It w«5 the success of the Argonaut that induced , Mr. Pixley to inaugurate a novel feature in'the way of a daily paper. Itwas to publish a journal containing the news of the day in a condensed and epigrammatic form. In fact, he called the paper The Epigram. It was short-lived, though, and even the sparkling editorial squibs which he contributed to it could not force itinto popularity. The paper died before a month had expired. Mr.Pixley then devoted all his energies toward ; improving his pet— the Argonaut— and for , years his caustic comments and scintillating editorials made that journal one \u25a0of the foremost weeklies of the Pacific Coast. '•' 7 When in 1879 General Grant . returned from his tour of the \ world 7 and arrived in this City Mr.Pixley '\u25a0 vaas "' made chairman of the committee of citizens appointed to receive and tender the hospitalities of I the City to the distinguished soldier and ex- President. This he did in a way that placed General Grant entirely at . home from the moment that he set foot in Cal- ifornia. Recently Mr..Pixley, began to feel the advance of years, and the strain upon his energies was so strong *\u25a0\u25a0 that j he , decided to retire from active work in journalism. So he sold his interest in the Argonaut, and since then the journal has ceased 7to be a reflex of .the \u25a0 rugged -• opinions of ; its founder. During his years of activity Mr.Pixley accumulated a fortune, and the estate which he leaves is reckoned a valuable one. He owned the family homestead on Union and Steiner streets, which occupies a square block. Besides 7 other ;' City property :he owned .a fine \ ranch jat Mill Valley, .in Marin County. " 7 : ' : ..,.." .'7.'7'77".7.;7 7. The last two or three years of his life Mr. Pixley spent quietly with his family,either at the Union-street home or at ;'. the Mill Valley ranch. '& He was tin.- every way ." a home man, and loved to surround himself with all that, art and 1 ; nature can produce. As ;• a !*• man he ; i was . loved by ,; many who ;;; had enjoyed his ' charity and bounty. * ',*" His * -j : purse - was •:. - always open, and whatever be dispensed was-done in | a hearty, unostentatious manner. %i His home was the abode of lavish hospitality to friends and relatives. His family there consisted of his wife, two adopted children and the widow of his brother; } who was burned sto 7* death on the Mann County ranch during the raging of a forest fire. "- GERMAN WAR FETES. Veterans of the Empire Still Celebrating Victories. ENRAGED AT ENGLAND. Attack on a Recent Speech of Emperor William Causes Indignation. PRINCE BISMARCK'S HEALTH. Although He Has Grown Weaker, He Is Able to Take Frequent Long Walks. BERLIN, Germany, Aug. 11.— war celebrations continue. The Third Bran- denburg Artillery Regiment celebrated yesterday the anniversary of its going into field service. The veterans of the regi- ment took part in the celebration. Wreaths were placed on the graves of those mem- bers of the regiment who had been in the battle, after which the regiment paraded. Later there were fetes at the Stadt Park Casino, where a banquet was given in the evening. During the banquet Colonel Hu- mann announced that Emperor William had appointed C. Stumpf a general, in memory of the battle of Spicheren. The announcement was greeted with enthusi- astic cheers. The Sixth Infantry Regiment celebrated at Cottbus. The veterans who had served with the regiment in the wars of 1864, 1866 and 1870 arrived in the town on special trains, accompanied by bands and banners, and joined the regiment in celebrating its victories. They were received at the sta- tion by the entire corps of officers, who welcomed them most heartily. ' At Rudesheim, the site of the Nieder- wald monument, where the celebrations have been of daily occurrence, Secretary Sander of the imperial Bank made a pa- triotic speech. The Eightieth Hessian Fusilier Regiment arrived at Rudesheim on three special Rhine steamers. After land- ing they formed in line and marched up to the monument, upon which they deposited a wreath. The colonel of the regiment de- livered a patriotic speech, winding up by calling for cheers for the Emperor and the empire, which were given with deafening enthusiasm. The whole regiment then joined in singing "The Watch on the Rhine." The Seventy-third Hanoverian Fusilier Regiment celebrated beforehand the battle of Colombey, the coming manouvers in which the regiment willtake part prevent- ing it from celebrating on the actual* anni- versary of the battle. Prince Albrecht. the honorary colonel, telegraphed that he was proud of the brave regiment which twenty-five years ago received under him its baptism of fire. None of. Emperor William's doings in England have attracted more interest here than his speech oh the anniversary of the battle of W6erth,the first decisive encounter that took place between the German and French armies on August 6, 1870. The speech was regarded by Germans as a happy thought well carried out, and con- sequently the irritation of the German press on reading the adverse criticism of the London Daily News on the speech was proportionate to the previous enthusiasm. The Daily News described the speech as a spontaneous indiscretion that was not calculated to allay the suspicions of Eng- land's and Germany's French neighbors. Emperors, the paper added, ought to be strong enough to resist temptations to make speeches. This, coming on top of an offensive article published by the London Standard, filled the cup of German indig- nation to overflowing. The idea that the fetes in celebration of the German victories are intended to re- open French wounds is repudiated. The main object of the demonstration is to celebrate the founding of the unity of the empire, and not to remind France that she is a conquered nation. Germans hold that, without taking the feelings of any nation into consideration, they have the right to celebrate the events that placed Germany in the forefront of the nations of the world, and itis held in many quarters that British adverse criticism has its basis in jealousy. In connection with the fetes, the Lokal Anzeiger has compiled a list of members of the Reichstag who served in the army during the Franco-Prussian War. The list shows that one-seventh of the members thus served inthe campaign. Comparison with the number of French Senators and members of the Chamber of Deputies who' served in the French ranks and as officers shows that numerically the present Ger- man lawmakers who were in the war were in smaller proportion than the French, the latter numbering about one-fifth of the whole membership of the parliament. The ceremonies that willattend the dedi- cation of the Emperor William I memorial on August 18 are anticipated with interest. It will be a brilliant function, though the interest is somewhat lessened i by the in- ability of Prince Bismarck to be present. This ceremony will be followed about a fortnight later by the consecration of the Emperor WilliamI memorial church near the Zoological Gardens on September 1. The Emperor, Empress and the imperial Princes will attend the consecration. On the same day there will be a parade of the German-American veterans, who will be reviewed by the Emperor, and a 7 great military musical tattoo will be given in front of the Royal Castle on the evening of the Sedan day, September 1. Dr. Arendt, one of the leaders of the German Bimetallic League, has issued a new pamphlet in which he violently at- tacks Herr Koch, director of the Reichs Bank. The pamphlet is similar to the one previously issued by Dr. Arendt. It ac- cuses Herr Koch of ignorance, and implies that he is unfit for the post he holds. In an interview withthe representative of The United Press in regard to the matter, Herr Koch said that he ignored the attack, it being beneath his dignity to notice it. ; The interview opened the way for Herr Koch to volunteer the information that it was within his knowledge that -the hold- ing of an international currency conference at Germany's invitation was further off than ever. He added that not. one im- portant German State bad declared infavor of bimetallism, while it was well known that some "of them were absolutely opposed to it. Herr Koch confessed that he was astonished that such numbers of the work- ing population of the United States were supporting the silver movement. They must know from' their recent experience, he declared, that the revival of trade only dated from 1 the repeal of the Sherman law. A strange contrast to the position of Amer- ican workmen is afforded here by the atti- tude of the German Socialists, who are stanch champions of the gold standard. The arrival in Germany of the first ship- ment of American iron ore has caused many alarmist articles to appear in the newspapers. Some of the papers > urge reprisal by placing a duty on quebracho. Others oppose this proposal, declaring that the imposition of such a duty would prove disastrous to. German tanning industries. It is characteristic of the feeling enter- tained in official circles toward the United States that the sugar bounty is continued at the old rate despite the act passed by the Reichstag empowering the Bundesrath to lower it after August 1. The statement recently published by the Paris Journal dcs Debats to the effect that General Chrysander, Prince Bis- marck's private secretary, had fallen Into disgrace and had been discharged and that he would retaliate by publishing revela- tions is scouted here as absurd. The facts seem to be that since Prince Bismarck has grown weaker it has become imperative that there should be somebody at Freid- richsruhe who is capable of receiving visit- ors, whether they go there on business or pleasure. Dr. Chrysander is somewhat diffident and hardly suitable to fill the post. Tbis condition of affairs helped Count Yon Kantzau, Prince Bismarck's son-in-law, in his decision to resign his post of German Minister to the Netherlands, although the necessity of his wife's presence at Freid- richsruhe was doubtless the chief reason for his retiring from the diplomatic service. Count Yon Rantzau has assumed the position of Prince Bismarck's Major Dbmo, which, with the Prince's frugal and unpretentious style of living, is not more than he is able to manage single-handed. Dr. Chrysander, finding that his post had become a sinecure and being aware of Prince Bismarck's turn for economy, re- signed his office. He will resume his medical studies at Jena in November. The suggestions that he intended to write revelations of any sort is a myth. At present Prince Bismarck's health is eood and he does walking whenever he is able. On August Ihe walked to Aumuhle, where he personally congratulated the pianist, Mrs. Burnieister Peterson, on the anniversary of her birth. Mrs. Peterson is spending the summer at Aumuhle. Gladenburg & Co. of Freidrichshacen have finished a bronze wall memorial, a colossal frieze, for the city of Indianapolis. Twenty tons of metal were used in the casting. The Pope has sent the most precise di- rections to the nuncio at Munich relative to the Italian celebrations on September 20, in honor of the entry of the Italian army into Rome. The Pope's object is to procure copies of the speeches made and the resolutions adopted by the recent Catholic Congress held at Munich, protest- ing against the fetes. The Vatican has communicated with the other nunciatures on the same subject. Arthur Nikisch, who conducted the Boston symphony concert in 1889, has re- signed his position as director oi the Buda Pesth Court Opera. The resignation was due to a disagreement concerning the man- agement of the opera. The Rev. M. Brown of Spencer, Mass., has married Fraulein yon Bayer. The newly: wedded couple will sail in a few days for New York. Messrs. Murphy, Love and Huntington, who have just graduated from Princeton University, are in the city. The Wagner festival at Munich opened on the 10th inst.. with the production of "Die Feen Rienzi." Crowded audiences, chiefly Americans and English, were pres- ent. Much enthusiasm was manifested. The curtain was raised ten times. . Mr. Karel, American Consul-General at St. Petersburg, has been given leave of ab- sence and has started for Washington. Vice-Consul Magnus received his exequa- tur Friday. SHOT DOWN BY TRAMPS. Two Citizens of an Indiana Town Receive Fatal Wounds. Fired Upon From Ambush by a . Gang They. Were Attempting to Drive Out. MARION, Ind., Aug. There was a desperate battle between a gang of tramps and a posse of citizens in the suburbs of the city of Marion Friday night in which two of the citizens received wounds that will prove fatal. They were Otto Mc- Feeley and Charles Webster. For ten days or more the people in the immediate vicinity of Marion have suf- fered from the depredations of tramps and a number have been arrested and placed in jail, but arrests were discouraged because of the expense to the authorities and prac- tical immunity was thus guaranteed. Fri- day a camp was formed by the tramps and during the day as many as fifty con- gregated about the place and bade defiance to the people. During the day numerous robberies were committed, and at night the people who had suffered from the dep- redations, feeling that their property was not safe while the tramps were in the vicinity, determined to drive them away. Some twenty-five citizens appeared at the camp and peremptorily ordered 1 the tramps to leave. The order was met with defiant refusal and the citizens fired in the air. The tramps at once deserted the camp and from places of concealment fired into the crowd. It was not supposed that they were armed, but the citizens returned the attack and a running fight which was kept up for an hour followed. The tramps dodged behind railroad cars and kept up thy light by firing whenever a citizen ex- posed himself and the fire was returned by the citizens.~W-Bigt*MMl-E--i{-Bi-^^ McFeeley and Webster will both die. None of the tramps, as far as known, were hurt. Several arrests were made, but '. the men captured claim they did no shooting. SPARS FOR THE VALKYRIE 111. New Rigging ' Carefully Guarded Upon Its Arrival at New York. NEW YORK, N. V., Aug. 11.-The Anchor Line steamer Furnessia, which arrived to-night from Glasgow, had on board, lashed fast to her main deck for- ward, the spars for the champion British yacht Valkyrie111, which is now crossing the Atlantic, bound for this port, to race the Defender for the Americas cup. ''; In all there are thirteen ; sticks done up se- curely in layer after layer of burlap.' H. Maitland . Kersey v the personal rep- resentative of Lord Dunraven in this coun- try, to whom the spars are consigned, gave orders ' that no : one should be allowed to see the ? sticks. They were --guarded' as though of gold, not steel or wood. Canny Scotchmen sat on the spars to-night. r . To- morrow the spars willprobably,,be7 sent down to Erie basin or Bavridge, where they will be fitted to the Valkyrie when she completes her trip from Glasgow. ; The Furnessia also brought two suits of racing sails for the Valkyrie. !H?flj Deed of an Insane Man. HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Aug. 11.-John Riffle, an elderly and esteemed . citizen, tried to shoot his wife to-night while labor- ing ; under ; mental derangement. .When disarmed and placed in a room to await the arrival of officers he cut his throat with a razor and cannot recover. ' SPOILED IN TRANSIT Disastrous Results of Fruit Shipments to London. DUE TO POOR PACKING. Many Lots From California Orchards Thrown . Out as Worthless. COAST' FRUIT IN DEMAND. Would Bring High Prices If Laid Down in Good Condition at the Market. LONDON, Eng., Aug. 11.— possibili- ties of California fruit in the London mar- ket this year, with the continental * fruit crop wholly inadequate to meet the de- mand, seems to have been partiallyappre- ciated by American shippers who were finally induced to send a. consignment a month ago which brought very fancy prices, only to be followed up on succeed- ing weekly sales by a disheartening de- pression due to the disastrous results to buyers here, the fruit spoiling .before it came to be retailed. The responsibility for this condition of affairs appears to lie entirely at the ship- pers' doors, and unless radical and prompt reforms in packing and shipping are adopted Californians will find that the reputation of their products will be seri- ously injured, and that the magnificent profits which otherwise they could rely upon will not be realized for several years. The effort to place the blame on the ocean passage is utterly abortive. The temperature of the first shipment in the steamer's coldroom was undoubtedly a few degrees too low, but subsequently ship- ments were damaged before they were placed on the steamer, demonstrated by lack of uniformity in ripeness when the fruit has been opened and sold, within twenty-four hours after the ship's arrival. The trouble to be remedied lies between Califorria and New York, inclusive, and not in London, where the sales attract en- thusiastic crowds of big buyers, who are thoroughly appreciative of the fancy quali- ties secured by Pacific Slope growers. The sale takes place under the great glass domes in Floral Hall, in Covent Garden, incomparably the greatest market in the world. Wholesale consumers here must have the fruit reach them green, and the condition of the lots must be attractive and uniform. Small or medium fruit will not sell. ' Only the largest and best selected varieties are marketable, and the care exercised in packing must be vastly im- proved. Experts in England declare that the fruit formerly shipped from California, packed by Chinese, was comparatively faultless, but from appearances they must conclude that Chinese labor has been super- seded by sometning not as good. Another anomaly appears inthe fact that while half cases are ventilated by holes bored in the sides, whole cases are not so perforated. . -" In the shipment that came by the steamer New York, notwithstanding that the cases were handled as tenderly as eggs on this side, nearly 'all" the fruit was bruised, and juice ran in streams from the lot of plums. Most of the pears were rot- ten at the core, though they presented a fair external appearance. Eighty-five cases of pears from D. H. Osborn : of New York were returned to the auctioneer to-day after the sale as worthless, and they had to be resold. Over a hundred cases of plums were thrown out before the sale as utterly worthless. The sale of August 1 was an unusually important one, because the following Monday was bank holiday, when enor- mous amounts of fruit were sold to pleas- ure-seekers—the day being much like our Thanksgiving day' in its effect on the fruit market. It had no influence, how- ever, as none of the fruit was fine enough to keep the necessary four days longer. Oddly enough, cases marked ' with women's names bring the best prices, con- signments from Bessie Osborn and Mrs. Sharp of Courtland, Cal., always evoking spirited bidding; but cases from men sell entirely on their merits. •*-•• V 7' r Large peaches are eagerly sought, and it carefully wrapped and" crated in small packages will bring handsome returns. ASSAILED _BI BANDITS. Savage Attack of Outlaws Upon a Family of Mexicans. CITY OF MEXICO, Mexico, Aug. 11.— While the family of Gergerio Jiminez was sleeping. at midnight, August 6, in Chil- nolopa, near Texcoco, the house was at- tacked by eight bandits. Jiminez; was aroused by the demonstration outside the house and took his pistol aud went to the door to see what was the matter. Mean- time all the family had awakened and accompanied Jiminez. -.:': \u25a0-\u25a0'.' . When the door- was opened the bandits rushed in upon Jiminez with . machetes, cutting him . severely, : but ':he heroically stood by his post and began firingon his assailants, who returned the fire. Jiminez' sister was shot through the arm and his brother cut down with machetes. : L; Mounted police hearing ,the firing came riding up, but the bandits took alarm and fled. The district government and | the government of ' the State *of Mexia are de- termined to put a stop to these outrages; and already many important arrests have been made. ;- '; * ; 7:.; '* WILL BE A. CLOSE RACE. Opinion of a London Paper on the Com- ing Yacht Contest. LONDON, Eno., Aug. 11.— Chroni- cle will to-morrow print a leader on the coming race for the America's cup inwhich it will say: "The contest will . inevitably be very. close, \u25a0 and weI are - certain that it will be conducted ; on j both S sides \u25a0_' with sportsmanship and a scrupulous considera- tion, equal tothe enthusiasm it provokes. No English vessel has ever had such a good chance of -.victory before, and, we I believe, as we •• sincerely hope, that I the cup,*;, this time,' will come back. If it comes back, it will stay." ... '; , On the London Exchange. , LONDON, EKQ.,'7Aug." 11.—The rate of discount during the ; week past \ for three- months' bills was % - per - cent arid for 30- --day bills % per cent at . the outside. The transfer of the Japanese indemnity money slightly hardened rates. Heavy i gold * ar- rivals continue. Silver,: has 7 been " fairly steady on 7 eastern'; buying. Business on the * Stock \u25a0; Exchange * during the week showed the usual ; holiday dullness except in African and' Australian mining shares/ Consols have advanced %, 7 7;i v ,.; /7, American railway securities have been neglected and depressed, and show. the fol- lowing changes: Illinois Central has risen New York, Lake Erie and Western or- dinary ana Norfolk and. Western ordinary ; have declined 2; \u25a0; Louisville and Nashville and Northern Pacific, 1% ; Union Pacific shares, 1; Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific debentures, Denver and Rio Grande pre- ferred and ; New York Central, y A ; Atchi- son;Topeka and Santa Fe "A's," IK; Wa- bash, St. Louis and Pacific preferred and Atchison, Topeka aod Santa Fe, %. PEACE IN RIO GRANDE DO SUL. A. Proclamation Now [Being Forwarded to Rio de Janeiro. NEW YORK, ;N. V., Aug. 12:— The Her- ald's special from Buenos Ayres says: "Rio Janeiro advices state . that peace has been restored in Rio Grands do Sui. A military officer is now on his way from Rio Grande do Sui to Rio Janeiro. He bears the proclamation containing the peace terms, which being agreed on,shall be offered to Congress for approval as a final settlement of the difficulties in that state. : The Governor of Brazil, in ' furtherance of the Trinidad episode, has asked the Government of Uruguay for a copy of the bill of health of the warship Barracouta, which arrived in port from theMonteverde Islands last January. It is reported in Brazil that when the Barracouta reached her anchorage the health officer received documents signed by the doctor on board the warship, who "had been named .as health officer of the island of Trinidad by the captain of the Barracouta-: who looked upon the island as British territory. No notice was taken by the authorities of Uruguay of the fact that Brazil claims Trinidad Island as her own possession. The action of Uruguay is regarded by Brazil as savorins of subterfuge. Denounced the Socialists. PARIS, France, Aug. 11.— M. Poincar, Minister of Public Instruction, in a speech at the dedication of the monument erected toRemiremont, in memory of the French soldiers who fell in the war of 1870, referred to the Socialists as ''A party of agitation, violence and disorder, with whom no political understanding is possible." Instructors for Chile's Army. BERLIN, Germany, Aug. 11. The Deutsche Sonntags Post says that twenty- six Prussian lieutenants will sail for Chile about August 24 to instruct the Chilean army. The Emperor will grant an audi- ence to the officers before their departure. The Sultan Is Obdurate. LONDON, Eng., Aug. 11.—The' Times will to-morrow print a dispatch from Sofia saying it is stated that the Sultan of Turkey is firmly resolved not to admit the principle of foreign control in Armenian affairs." '/\u25a0: -',£3l; Zimmerman in Paris. PARIS, France, Aug. 11.— A. A. Zim- merman, the American bicyclist, who is under contract to ride in races in Austra- lia, arrived here yesterday. He will take no part in any race during his stay, and on Friday will sail from Naples for Aus- tralia. To Welcome Ferdinand. SOFIA, Bulgaria, Aug. 11.—It is an- nounced here that Prince Ferdinand, who has been ; sojourning at Carlsbad, will arrive to-morrow. The Government has invited the residents to show their loyalty by giving their ruler a hearty reception. Fate of a Would-Be Duelist. LONDON, Eng., Aug. 11.— A dispatch from Cologne to the Central News says: Freiherr Stum-Halberg. a member of the German Reichstag, has been sentenced to a fortnight's imprisonment in a fortress forhaving issued a challenge to a duel. William at Lowther Castle. LONDON, Eng., Aug, 11. Emperor William, who is being entertained by the Earl of Lonsdale, arrived at Lowther Cas- tle, the Earl's seat in Penrith, County of Cumberland, early this morning. His Majesty spent the day quietly. Czar Nicholas' Coronation, ' . MOSCOW, Russia;-' Aug. 11.— It is offi- cially announced that the coronation of Czar Nicholas II will : probably take, place in April. ' : .. ' / . A GALE AT BALTIMORE Great Damage Done by a j Storm of Clyclonic Proportions. The New St. Elizabeth's Catholic Church Among the Buildings Demolished. BALTIMORE, Md., Aug. 11.—A wind- storm of cyclonic proportions, accom- panied by a heavy downpour of rain and hail, visited this city this afternoon. Houses were unroofed, trees uprooted, windows smashed, telegraph, telephone and trolley wires broken, and other damage done within a few minutes that will re- quire weeks to repair. The most serious damage was the demolition of St. Eliza- beth's Catholic Church, in course of erec- tion on East Baltimore I street, opposite Patterson Park. Allparts of the city suffered. The storm came from the northwest. It continued at intervals for three hours, most of the damage being done shortly after the storm appeared. No fatalities have been re- ported/although, it will ibe remarkable if the falling trees, demolished outhouses or flying housetops did not cause injuries which have not yet been heard of. :-. The losses so ; far reported will amount to up- ward of $30,000. Just . before the rain began the mercury at the weather observer's office made a record-breaking drop of nine | degrees inone minute. The highest temperature \ during r the day was reached just before the storm broke, "when 96 degrees was recorded. -iT-V.':- DELUGED 'BY A DOWNPOUR. Floods and High Winds ' Damage Build- ings and Crops. , DANSVILLE, N. V., Aug. IL— One. of the worst wind and rain storms of the sea- son passed over this place to-night. The rain tell in torrents for over two hours and the streams were flooded to a , great depth with streams of water from the head of the valley. The gale was so terrific that many barns were \u25a0 unroofed and number- less: trees uprooted. The storm was ac- companied by 'vivid . Jightning > which struck in several places in the outskirts of the town. Fields of grain were flattened to the ground, corn being tangled up and blown down. MudCreek, running through the farms of the : east side, overflowed its banks ; and washed out large patches of corn, potatoes and beans. \u25a0"/.:';'• A cloudburst on the Lackawanna caused a bad landslide and : the ; road along ; the hillside 'was washed out and cut badly in many; places. The 1 storm is ' remarkable for the large volume of water that fell in the short space of time, nearly four inches being registered. '*^BSSl^^^^ Brained His Wife. ;'.: ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 11.—John Blum, a butcher employed -at the stock- /returned from work last night and found a strange ; man /at * his home talking to his wife. Blum demanded an explana- tion from his wife, when she seized: an ax and - assaulted^, him. , : :He;'; wrenched / the weapon from her and beat out her brains. The stranger escaped. Blum was arrestea. Mrs. Cleveland Takes a Drive. BUZZARDS BAY, Mass., Aug. 11.— As the 'weather was exceedingly warm here to-day the President was satisfied to spend the day as 7 usual 7. on 'the ; veranda with his family. Mrs. Cleveland took her j first carriage drive to-day since _ her recent indisposition Her mother accompanied her. ' ** :\u25a0".-..\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0";- \u25a0-- '\u25a0'-" ' -----z- FLED INTO THE WILDS Negro Settlers in Mexico Driven Out by an Epidemic. LOST IN A WILDERNESS Wrong Direction Taken in an Attempt to Return to This Country. DEATHS FROM STARVATION. A Party of Rescuers Attacked With Knives by the Famished Colonists. :v ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 11.— A special from the City of Mexico to a morning paper says: * - '..-„]. By request of the American legation of this capital Juan Lameno, president of the Tlahuililo Agricultural and Coloniza- tion Company, has made the first com- plete statement of an official nature re- garding the troubles of his company with the large shipments of negroes made into Mexico from the United States. The declaration has been dispatched to the Department of State at Washington and is as follows: The . initial shipment of negro labor ar- rived in Tlahuililo about one year ago and was composed of about sixty colonists with their families. They proved them- selves to be thorough and expert cotton- ' planters and all-around agriculturist hands. In justice to them it must be said that they have proved themselves thor- oughly competent in their work, and are the only ones that remain on the plantation since the exodus began a few weeks since. The first batch of colonists were brought in through the instrumentality of Mr. Ellis, a colored man holding a concession from the Mexican Government for the in- troduction of 2000 negroes from the United States, and it was under the provisions of this grant that the blacks were taken to Tlahuililo. The result was that instead of acquiring skilled cotton-planters, as was the case with respect to the' first consign- ment, bootblacks and other undesirable elements were shipped by the wholesale to the plantation, which, as natural to sup- pose, was not very prosperous for them. Coupled with this fact, the source of real trouble made its appearance in the form of a disease that caused an enlargement of the knee among the negroes, the malady invariably resulting fatally. Instigated as if by one mind, fiftysettlers signified their intentions toreturn to their southern homes in the United States, and nothing would deter them. The district where they were colonized was at a considerable distance from the railroad, there being no interme- diate villages. Instead of striking out for the north they headed for the west, which is entirely devoid of vegetation and every semblance of civilization. The result was that before Mr. Fargas, our administrator, could proceed to their rescue, amply sup- plied with provisions and water ,'four had perished from starvation.*- This band of fleeing negroes was overhauled by Mr. Fargas and five mounted Mozos, who were heavily armed. ', ; After days of incessant traveling the negroes, thinKing that Mr. Fargas had overtaken them for the purpose of com- pelling them to return to the plantation, assailed the party of rescuers with knives. The attack was finally brought to a finish through the Mozos lassoing a number of the colonists, a proceeding that seemingly had the effect of filling them with awe. The negroes were thereupon brought back to the plantation,: instructed as to the points of the compass and allowed to de- part, wellprovided withrations and water. Then followed a series of inconveniences and drawbacks that created discord among the remainder of the colonists, many of whom followed the footsteDS of the first band, resulting in the almost complete abandonment 'of Tlahuililo. The experi- ment has cost the company $500,000, and unless the cotton they planted, covering an area of 65,000 acres, can be successfully picked, the concern will lose a large sum. The negroes will all be shipped back to their: homes in the United States at the ex- pense of the company. TAKEN AFTER A FIGHT. Murderer Sam Lewis Mortally Wounds One of His Pursuers, JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Aug. 11.—The Times-Union special from West Palm Beach, Fla., says: Sam Lewis, who murdered ex-Tax Col- lector High Smith and his nephew, John Davis, at Lemon City, about three weeks ago, has been captured; but he inflicted probably fatal, wounds on one of his pur- suers. After the murders Lewis escaped to Nas- sau, but the English authorities had been notified by cable and an attempt was made to arrest the murderer. He stole a boat and came back to Florida, landing at Bis- caine Bay, near the scene of his * crimes. Lewis was located Saturday, morning at 2 o'clock by Rev. Mr. McGregor and Wil- liam Russe and ordered to surrender. *He showed fight and was shot down, his leg being broken; : Thinking Lewis dead, Mc- Gregor approached and turned him over. Lewis immediately drew a 'pistol and shot McGregor, probably fatally wounding him. The outlaw dragged himself away, but aid came and he was trailed, by his blood and captured. He was brought here and lodged in jail. Lewis came to \u25a0•;\u25a0 Florida from Texas, where he "'\u25a0, is said . to ? have killed three men. He is a native of Ver- mont. NINETY PER CENT REJECTED. Great Care. Taken in Enlisting Men for the Navy, 7: * WASHINGTON, D. 7 C .. Aug. 11.— The Navy Department is finding considerable difficulty in enlisting men to)fill / existing vacancies and to man the Z new ships that will soon be "ready to go into commission. It is authoritatively .;stated 7at the depart- ment that neither the second class - battle ship Texas nor the armored cruiser Maine will be enabled to proceed in the •; drill .. off Newport. Aside from delay in pro- curing crews for the "two ships there'; are other embarrassments which will render it impossible for even the Texas, which is in the more " advanced condition, ? to7be in commission for several weeks: ..\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0> Never before in its long and honorable history has the Navy, Department \u25a0 been so jealous of the intelligence and ; the ! physi- cal condition of the men whom itis taking into its service as at v present. v' It is said that 90 per cent of the applicants are re- jected for one reason or another. No Cholera at Hamburg. WASHINGTON, 7 D. 7 C., Aug. 11.— Vice/ Consul Burke '- at Hamburg advises the Department of State that the report printed in August 6to the effect that there had been one fatal case of cholera at Ham- burg is entirely untrue. BUTTER WORTH'S PROTEST. Argument > for Bond Investment Com- panics Before Wilson. WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 11.— question whether or not the business con- ducted by the bond investment companies throughout the United States is a violation of the anti-lottery, law. will be decided probably to-morrow. Ex-Congressman Benjamin Butterworth last week con- cluded ' his argument before Postmaster- General Wilson in favor of these compa- nies, and Judge Thomas, Assistant Attor- ney-General for the Postoffice Department, willpresent the Government's side to-mor- row upon Mr. Wilson's return from Long Branch. The Postmaster-General will then render his decision. Mr. Butterworth, in his protest against the denial of the privilege of the mails to these companies, argued against the power of one man to stop the business of many, which he said was sufficient to produce a revolution. It is stated authoritatively at the department that the adverse decision of the Assistant Attorney -General will be sustained by the Postmaster-General. PROMISES . OF THE PORTE. Will Investigate and Report Upon the Tarsus Matter. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 11.-Act- ing Secretary of State Adee received the following telegram from Minister Terrell at Constantinople to-day in response to telegraphic instructions sent to the Min- ister a few days ago from the Department of State : The Turkish Government promises on the 7th to investigate and report upon the Tarsus matter.- I have instructed Consul Gibson at Beyroot to make a personal investigation, but fear that cholera quarantine may prevent. The State Department has had no ad- vices to-day from | Minister Denby in re- gard to the situation in China. "^ PREACHED OK LYNCHING. Sensational Sermon of the Pastor of a Jacksonville Church. - Claims Negroes Are Killed Merely to Satisfy a Passion for Human Blood. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Aug. 11.-Rev. J. Milton Waldron preached a sensational sermon here 'to-night on lynchings. He used as his text the words of Job iv:B and Proverbs xiv:34, ! which are as follows: •'They that plow iniquity and sow wicked- ness reap the same. Righteousness ex- alteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." He said: 7 < - . . / The lynching of colored people began at the close of the late Civil War. The former master was unwilling to allow the ex-slave the same political rights. In order to keep the negroes from getting into power, and to get those out of power who had been put there by negro voters, the whites, during reconstruction days, many of them, organized Ku-Klux clans, lynchings and other terrorisms. These things, the ground for political fraud, class legisla- tion, etc., were kept up until the control of the Southern States came back into the hands of the former slave-owners. But the habit of disregarding law and the passion for human blood had by this time be- come fixed with many of the lower classes, so that later, whenever the colored man did anything that opposed this class of whites, or whenever they wanted to cover-up their own vile deeds, they visited their displeasure and Eracticed tneir trickery upon him by taking is life. \u25a0 *. * '\u25a0 : ' \u25a0 - Inreconstruction days the killing of negroes was condoned because it was said to be neces- sary to get the Government into the hands of the Southern whites. When it was no longer for that purpose some other resource had to De resorted to to shield those who bad become set in their ways and must shed hiiman blood. Now and then a colored man was found who had been brute enough to imitate his white neighbor. If his victtm was a white woman the crime was thought to justify the white ln taking the law into his own hands and lynch- ingand even burning the negro. From lynching for crime and supposed crime the habit has grown until now colored men, women and even children are lynched in the South. This tends to make the negro revenge- ful and the spirit of lawlessness, murder and revenge has spread among Doth white and black in the South . until it has become alarm- ing. Something mnst be done and. done at once or our fair Southern land is .forever doomed. _- \u25a0- \u25a0•\u25a0*.'\u25a0• n. *.*;•--. ""\u25a0- ' - *--*. "\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0• \u25a0 . ALL DONE IN PLAY. Corbett Did Not Mean to Offend His Future Antagonist. ONLY PULLED HIS NOSE. * - - Indignant Because the Aus- tralian Resented the Insult. SPAT IN FITZSIMMONS' FACE;, The Champion Brags Long and Loud Over This Disgusting Achieve- ment. " PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Aug. 11.— the sports th..* the general s abolition of prize-fighting and horse-racing have left in Philadelphia collected at Green's Hotel to- day and eagerly sought for details of the little "scrap" last night between Corbett and Fitzsimmons. Fitzsimmons left Phil- adelphia early this morning for New York, but the big boy spent the day here and left for Scranton, Pa., this afternoon. When Corbett was seen to-day and asked for his version of last night's row, his ac- count of the affair would make it seem that he intended merely to be playful, and that Fitzsimmons resented this playfulness when it took the form of being called a cur and having his nose pulled. The account of the affair can best be given in Corbett's own words: "The whole trouble started about two weeks ago in New York, when I refused to ride a bike race with Fitz for the benefit of the 7 ice fund," began the champion. '•When I,am going to fight with a man 1 want to be aggressive." I want tobe on the outs with him, see. I had publicly stated that I intended to pull Fitzsimmons' nose the next time I met him, but I want to say that I did not know he was in Green's ho- tel when I went in there last night. The first 1knew that , he was there was when I turned around and saw him standing at the register. Then I said to him : 'You big .monkey, what do you want at that register? You know you can't write.' Then I said: .'You've been talking about me again, haven't you?' He paid: 'No, I haven't. But what ifI had?' Then I said to him: 'Yon said I sneaked out of riding a bicycle race with you in New York, and now you are going around saying I'm go- ing to try to sneak out of a fight.' "All this time I was only in sort of fun and just 'stringing' him, but Fitz began to get mad. Then I reached out and pulled his nose for a kind of a joke. Then he made a motion as if to lead for me. I did not think he would, but itis always best to be on the safe side, so I closed on him and we clinched. Then my friends grabbed me and my brother Joe grabbed Fitz. Fitz got jaffy when he found Joe could hold him, but the kid was tickled to death when he found he could hold the big fellow, and told him he thought he could lien him himself, and punched him in the mouth. I could not get* at him, so I leaned over and spat in his face and said to him, 'You're a cur the world - over,| and I wouldn't have that scared look on your face for a thousand dollars.' He wiped off the spit, saying as he did so, 'That's a nice thing for a man to do. You're a gentle- man, you are.'" - Here Corbett said to the reporter, "Now that was a ; nice thing for him to say, wasn't it? If he'd have been a man he would have punched me. You would have punched any man that spit in your face, wouldn't you?" Then, be continued, "Fitz broke away and picked Up a bottle and threw it at Joe, but it missed him and hit Brady. Joe picked up a decanter, but they would not let him throw it, and then we were separated. Fitz went out and I stayed around the hotel. . I want it dis- tinctly understood that I was not drunk last night." \u25a0-.'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 RAN AWAY FROM HOME. Chicago Police Learn the Identity of a Young Adventuress. > CHICAGO, 111., Aug. 11.—The young woman who has been in the Harrison- street ; station annex for several days - and gave her name as Pearl Summerville of Seattle, Wash., is not Pearl jSummerville, but Emma Stevenson; whose parents live in South Chicago. When the young woman was brought to the station she said she had just arrived from Seattle and had been robbed of $50 ana a diamond ring. This, the police have learr<-d, was not true. Yesterday morning a wMI-dressed woman, who re- fused to give her name, called at the annex and said she was the young woman's aunt. Later the . police learned that Emma's father is a retired lumber merchant ot South Chicago and that his daughter had run away from home. She has au aunt in Seattle whose name is Summerville and it was this fact which made her assume the name. WAS NEWS TO COUDERT. Did Not Know He Was Mentioned to Sue- ceed Judge Jackson. \u25a0'. NEW YORK, N. V., Aug. 11.- A special cablegram to the Herald from Paf^* says "Mr. F. R. Coudert was seen at the Hotel Continental to-night. Mr. 1 Coudert said he had not yet received any information as to the reported intention to Offer '*tm the vacant Supreme - Court Jus.icesl_.-p. '• -He has been out in the country since Thurs- day and did not know that Justice Jackson was dead., s ; ; -; Mr. ; ; Coudert would . : not express an opinion, whether or not he would accept the offer if it were made to him, but it was evident J from his . manner that . the news was not unwelcome. 2 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1895. FRANK M. PIXLEYDEAD. Continued from First Page. What You Need When you are weary and worn, withoutan appetite, have no ambition, *\u25a0 sleepless, nervous and irritable," is purified, : enriched and vitalized blood; and.remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only, true blood purifier prominently in the public eye. 7 sl; six for $5. '-&':'. Hnnrl'c Pillc cure allliverills, blllou*. 11UUU » flllS nesa.' headache. 25c. , a Dr. Gibbon's Dispensary, K?*?^*?^'-?*-'* -Established InISM for the trentinentof Private Diseases. Lost Manhood. Debility or gtoate wearingon bodyand mindand ___U£ li-;? 3 n?L l be do "or cureswhen others fall. .Try him. Charges low Caret caaranteed. <___!_ S»*S,T »r.J , JF. «fBBQK, Box Ws7.S» a fS*

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  • Itwas more for this purpose than to makemoney that the*Argonaut was launched onthe journalistic sea. "'vv77* He went into \u25a0 the matter with energy,

    and as in other ventures in which he hadembarked before it was a success from thestart. To his own surprise the circulationof the paper went beyond his anticipa-tions. The paper was an impress of hisstrong individuality. His style of writingwas terse and incisive, and whathe wrote commanded ... attention. For:anumber of years, too, he had writteneditorials for the Chronicle. Itw«5 thesuccess of the Argonaut that induced ,Mr.Pixley to inaugurate a novel feature in'thewayof a daily paper. Itwas to publish ajournal containing the news of the day ina condensed and epigrammatic form. Infact, he called the paper The Epigram.It was short-lived, though, and eventhe sparkling editorial squibs whichhe contributed to it could not force itintopopularity. The paper died before a monthhad expired. Mr.Pixley then devoted allhis energies toward ;improving his pet—the Argonaut—and for ,years his causticcomments and scintillating editorials madethat journal one \u25a0of the foremost weekliesof the Pacific Coast.


    7 When in 1879 General Grant. returnedfrom his tour of the \world7 and arrived inthis City Mr.Pixley '\u25a0 vaas

    "'made chairman

    of the committee of citizens appointed toreceive and tender the hospitalities ofItheCity to the distinguished soldier and ex-President. This he did in a way thatplaced General Grant entirely at .homefrom the moment that he set foot in Cal-ifornia.

    Recently Mr..Pixley,began to feel theadvance of years, and the strain upon hisenergies was so strong *\u25a0\u25a0 that jhe,decided toretire from active work in journalism. Sohe sold his interest in the Argonaut, andsince then the • journal has ceased 7to be areflex of .the \u25a0 rugged -• opinions of;itsfounder.

    During his years of activity Mr.Pixleyaccumulated a fortune, and the estatewhich he leaves is reckoned a valuable one.He owned the family homestead on Unionand Steiner streets, which occupies a squareblock. Besides 7 other ;'City property :heowned .a fine\ ranch jat MillValley,.inMarin County. " 7:

    ':..,.." .'7.'7'77".7.;7 7.The last two or three years of his lifeMr.

    Pixley spent quietly with his family,eitherat the Union-street home or at ;'. the MillValley ranch. '&He was tin.-every way."ahome man, and loved to surround himselfwithallthat, art and 1;nature can produce.As ;•a !*•man he ;iwas. loved by ,; manywho ;;;had enjoyed his 'charity andbounty. *',*"His *-j:purse

    -was •:. -always

    open, and whatever be dispensed was-donein|a hearty, unostentatious manner. %iHishome was the abode of lavish hospitalityto friends and relatives. His family thereconsisted of his wife, two adopted childrenand the widow of his brother; }who wasburned sto 7*death on the Mann Countyranch during the raging of a forest fire. "-

    GERMAN WAR FETES.Veterans of the Empire

    Still CelebratingVictories.


    Attack on a Recent Speech ofEmperor William Causes



    Although He Has Grown Weaker,He Is Able to Take Frequent

    Long Walks.

    BERLIN,Germany, Aug. 11.— warcelebrations continue. The Third Bran-denburg Artillery Regiment celebratedyesterday the anniversary of its going intofield service. The veterans of the regi-ment took part in the celebration. Wreathswere placed on the graves of those mem-bers of the regiment who had been in thebattle, after which the regiment paraded.Later there were fetes at the Stadt ParkCasino, where a banquet was given in theevening. During the banquet Colonel Hu-mann announced that Emperor Williamhad appointed C. Stumpf a general, inmemory of the battle of Spicheren. Theannouncement was greeted with enthusi-astic cheers.

    The Sixth Infantry Regiment celebratedat Cottbus. The veterans who had servedwith the regiment in the wars of 1864, 1866and 1870 arrived in the town on specialtrains, accompanied bybands and banners,and joined the regiment incelebrating itsvictories. They were received at the sta-tion by the entire corps of officers, whowelcomed them most heartily.'

    At Rudesheim, the site of the Nieder-wald monument, where the celebrationshave been of daily occurrence, SecretarySander of the imperial Bank made a pa-triotic speech. The Eightieth HessianFusilier Regiment arrived at Rudesheim onthree special Rhine steamers. After land-ingthey formed inline and marched up tothe monument, upon which they depositeda wreath. The colonel of the regiment de-livered a patriotic speech, winding up bycalling forcheers for the Emperor and theempire, which were given with deafeningenthusiasm. The whole regiment thenjoined in singing "The Watch on theRhine."

    The Seventy-third Hanoverian FusilierRegiment celebrated beforehand the battleof Colombey, the coming manouvers inwhich the regiment willtake part prevent-ing it from celebrating on the actual* anni-versary of the battle. Prince Albrecht.the honorary colonel, telegraphed that hewas proud of the brave regiment whichtwenty-five years ago received under himits baptism of fire.

    None of.Emperor William's doings inEngland have attracted more interest herethan his speech oh the anniversary of thebattle of W6erth,the firstdecisive encounterthat took place between the German andFrench armies on August 6, 1870. Thespeech was regarded by Germans as ahappy thought well carried out, and con-sequently the irritation of the Germanpress on reading the adverse criticism ofthe London Daily News on the speech wasproportionate to the previous enthusiasm.

    The Daily News described the speech asa spontaneous indiscretion that was notcalculated to allay the suspicions of Eng-land's and Germany's French neighbors.Emperors, the paper added, ought to bestrong enough to resist temptations tomake speeches. This,coming on top of anoffensive article published by the LondonStandard, filled the cup of German indig-nation to overflowing.

    The idea that the fetes in celebration ofthe German victories are intended to re-open French wounds is repudiated. Themain object of the demonstration is tocelebrate the founding of the unity of theempire, and not to remind France that sheis a conquered nation. Germans hold that,without taking the feelings of any nationinto consideration, they have the right tocelebrate the events that placed Germanyin the forefront of the nations of the world,and itis held inmany quarters that Britishadverse criticism has its basis in jealousy.

    Inconnection with the fetes, the LokalAnzeiger has compiled a list of membersof the Reichstag who served in the armyduring the Franco-Prussian War. Thelist shows that one-seventh of the membersthus served inthe campaign. Comparisonwith the number of French Senators andmembers of the Chamber of Deputies who'served in the French ranks and as officersshows that numerically the present Ger-man lawmakers who were in the war wereinsmaller proportion than the French, thelatter numbering about one-fifth of thewhole membership of the parliament.

    The ceremonies that willattend the dedi-cation of the Emperor WilliamImemorialon August 18 are anticipated withinterest.Itwill be a brilliant function, though theinterest is somewhat lessened iby the in-ability of Prince Bismarck to be present.This ceremony will be followed about afortnight later by the consecration of theEmperor WilliamImemorial church nearthe Zoological Gardens on September 1.The Emperor, Empress and the imperialPrinces willattend the consecration. Onthe same day there willbe a parade oftheGerman-American veterans, who will bereviewed by the Emperor, and a 7 greatmilitary musical tattoo will be given infront of the Royal Castle on the evening ofthe Sedan day, September 1.

    Dr. Arendt, one of the leaders of theGerman Bimetallic League, has issued anew pamphlet in which he violently at-tacks Herr Koch, director of the ReichsBank. The pamphlet is similar to the onepreviously issued by Dr. Arendt. Itac-cuses Herr Koch of ignorance, and impliesthat he isunfit for the post he holds. Inan interview withthe representative of TheUnited Press in regard to the matter, HerrKoch said that he ignored the attack, itbeing beneath his dignity to notice it. ;

    The interview opened the way for HerrKoch to volunteer the information that itwas within his knowledge that -the hold-ing of an international currency conferenceat Germany's invitation was further offthan ever. He added that not. one im-portant German State bad declared infavorof bimetallism, while it was well knownthat some "of them were absolutely opposedto it. Herr Koch confessed that he wasastonished that such numbers of the work-ing population of the United States weresupporting the silver movement. Theymust know from' their recent experience,he declared, that the revival of trade onlydated from1the repeal of the Sherman law.A strange contrast to the position of Amer-ican workmen is afforded here by the atti-

    tude of the German Socialists, who arestanch champions of the gold standard.

    The arrival in Germany of the first ship-ment of American iron ore has causedmany alarmist articles to appear in thenewspapers. Some of the papers > urgereprisal by placing a duty on quebracho.Others oppose this proposal, declaring thatthe imposition of such a duty wouldprovedisastrous to.German tanning industries.It is characteristic of the feeling enter-tained in official circles toward the UnitedStates that the sugar bounty is continuedat the old rate despite the act passed bythe Reichstag empowering the Bundesrathto lower itafter August 1.

    The statement recently published by theParis Journal dcs Debats to the effectthat General Chrysander, Prince Bis-marck's private secretary, had fallen Intodisgrace and had been discharged and thathe would retaliate by publishing revela-tions is scouted here as absurd. The factsseem to be that since Prince Bismarck hasgrown weaker it has become imperativethat there should be somebody at Freid-richsruhe who is capable ofreceiving visit-ors, whether they go there on business orpleasure.

    Dr. Chrysander is somewhat diffidentand hardly suitable to fillthe post. Tbiscondition of affairs helped Count YonKantzau, Prince Bismarck's son-in-law, inhis decision to resign his post of GermanMinister to the Netherlands, although thenecessity of his wife's presence at Freid-richsruhe was doubtless the chief reasonfor his retiring from the diplomaticservice. Count Yon Rantzau has assumedthe position of Prince Bismarck's MajorDbmo, which, with the Prince's frugal andunpretentious style of living, is not morethan he is able to manage single-handed.Dr. Chrysander, finding that his post hadbecome a sinecure and being aware ofPrince Bismarck's turn for economy, re-signed his office. He will resume hismedical studies at Jena in November.The suggestions that he intended to writerevelations of any sort is a myth.

    Atpresent Prince Bismarck's health iseood and he does walking whenever he isable. On August Ihe walked toAumuhle,where he personally congratulated thepianist, Mrs. Burnieister Peterson, on theanniversary of her birth. Mrs. Petersonis spending the summer at Aumuhle.

    Gladenburg & Co. of Freidrichshacenhave finished a bronze wall memorial, acolossal frieze, for the cityof Indianapolis.Twenty tons of metal were used in thecasting.

    The Pope has sent the most precise di-rections to the nuncio at Munich relativeto the Italian celebrations on September20, in honor of the entry of the Italianarmy into Rome. The Pope's object is toprocure copies of the speeches made andthe resolutions adopted by the recentCatholic Congress held at Munich, protest-ing against the fetes. The Vatican hascommunicated with the other nunciatureson the same subject.

    Arthur Nikisch, who conducted theBoston symphony concert in 1889, has re-signed his position as director oi the BudaPesth Court Opera. The resignation wasdue to a disagreement concerning the man-agement ofthe opera.

    The Rev. M. Brown of Spencer, Mass.,has married Fraulein yon Bayer. Thenewly: wedded couple will sail in a fewdays for New York.

    Messrs. Murphy, Love and Huntington,who have just graduated from PrincetonUniversity, are in the city.

    The Wagner festival at Munich openedon the 10th inst.. with the production of"Die Feen Rienzi." Crowded audiences,chiefly Americans and English, were pres-ent. Much enthusiasm was manifested.The curtain was raised ten times. .

    Mr. Karel, American Consul-General atSt. Petersburg, has been given leave of ab-sence and has started for Washington.Vice-Consul Magnus received his exequa-tur Friday.

    SHOT DOWN BY TRAMPS.Two Citizens of an Indiana

    Town Receive FatalWounds.

    Fired Upon From Ambush by a. Gang They. Were Attempting

    to Drive Out.

    MARION,Ind., Aug. There was adesperate battle between a gang of trampsand a posse of citizens in the suburbs ofthe city of Marion Friday night in whichtwo of the citizens received wounds thatwill prove fatal. They were Otto Mc-Feeley and Charles Webster.

    For ten days or more the people in theimmediate vicinity of Marion have suf-fered from the depredations of tramps anda number have been arrested and placed injail, but arrests were discouraged becauseof the expense to the authorities and prac-tical immunity was thus guaranteed. Fri-day a camp was formed by the trampsand during the day as many as fifty con-gregated about the place and bade defianceto the people. During the day numerousrobberies were committed, and at nightthe people who had suffered from the dep-redations, feeling that their property wasnot safe while the tramps were in thevicinity, determined to drive them away.

    Some twenty-five citizens appeared atthe camp and peremptorily ordered 1 thetramps to leave. The order was met withdefiant refusal and the citizens fired in theair. The tramps at once deserted the campand from places ofconcealment fired intothe crowd. Itwas not supposed that theywere armed, but the citizens returned theattack and a running fight which was keptup for an hour followed. The trampsdodged behind railroad cars and kept upthy light by firing whenever a citizen ex-posed himself and the fire was returned bythe citizens.~W-Bigt*MMl-E--i{-Bi-^^

    McFeeley and Webster will both die.None of the tramps, as far as known, werehurt. Several arrests were made, but '. themen captured claim they did no shooting.

    SPARS FOR THE VALKYRIE 111.New Rigging

    'Carefully Guarded UponIts

    Arrival at New York.NEW YORK, N. V., Aug. 11.-The

    Anchor Line steamer Furnessia, whicharrived to-night from Glasgow, had onboard, lashed fast to her main deck for-ward, the spars for the champion Britishyacht Valkyrie111, which is now crossingthe Atlantic, bound for this port, to racethe Defender for the Americas cup. ''; Inall there are thirteen ;sticks done up se-curely in layer after layer of burlap.'

    H. Maitland.Kersey v the personal rep-resentative of Lord Dunraven in this coun-try, to whom the spars are consigned, gaveorders

    'that • no:one should be allowed to

    see the ? sticks. They were --guarded' asthough of gold, not steel or wood. CannyScotchmen sat on the spars to-night. r.To-morrow the spars willprobably,,be7 sentdown to Erie basin or Bavridge, wherethey will be fitted to the Valkyrie whenshe completes her trip from Glasgow. ;TheFurnessia also brought two suits of racingsails for the Valkyrie. !H?flj

    Deed of an Insane Man.HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Aug. 11.-John

    Riffle, an elderly and esteemed .citizen,tried to shoot his wife to-night while labor-ing ;under ;mental derangement. .Whendisarmed and placed in a room to awaitthe arrival of officers he cut his throatwitha razor and cannot recover.


    SPOILED IN TRANSITDisastrous Results of

    Fruit Shipments toLondon.


    Many Lots From CaliforniaOrchards Thrown . Out

    as Worthless.


    Would Bring High Prices If LaidDown in Good Condition at

    the Market.

    LONDON, Eng., Aug. 11.— possibili-ties of California fruit in the London mar-ket this year, with the continental * fruitcrop wholly inadequate to meet the de-mand, seems to have been partiallyappre-ciated by American shippers who werefinally induced to send a.consignment amonth ago which brought very fancyprices, only to be followed up on succeed-ing weekly sales by a disheartening de-pression due to the disastrous results tobuyers here, the fruit spoiling .before itcame to be retailed.

    The responsibility for this condition ofaffairs appears to lie entirely at the ship-pers' doors, and unless radical and promptreforms in packing and shipping areadopted Californians will find that thereputation of their products will be seri-ously injured, and that the magnificentprofits which otherwise they could relyupon willnot be realized for several years.

    The effort to place the blame on theocean passage is utterly abortive. Thetemperature of the first shipment in thesteamer's coldroom was undoubtedly a fewdegrees too low, but subsequently ship-ments were damaged before they wereplaced on the steamer, demonstrated bylack of uniformity in ripeness when thefruit has been opened and sold, withintwenty-four hours after the ship's arrival.The trouble to be remedied lies betweenCaliforria and New York, inclusive, andnot inLondon, where the sales attract en-thusiastic crowds of big buyers, who arethoroughly appreciative of the fancy quali-ties secured by Pacific Slope growers.

    The sale takes place under the great glassdomes in Floral Hall, in Covent Garden,incomparably the greatest market in theworld. Wholesale consumers here musthave the fruit reach them green, and thecondition of the lots must be attractiveand uniform. Small or medium fruit willnot sell.

    'Only the largest and best selected

    varieties are marketable, and the careexercised in packing must be vastly im-proved. Experts inEngland declare thatthe fruit formerly shipped from California,packed by Chinese, was comparativelyfaultless, but from appearances they mustconclude that Chinese labor has been super-seded by sometning not as good. Anotheranomaly appears inthe fact that while halfcases are ventilated by holes bored in thesides, whole cases are not so perforated. . -"

    In the shipment that came by thesteamer New York,notwithstanding thatthe cases were handled as tenderly as eggson this side, nearly 'all" the fruit wasbruised, and juice ran in streams from thelot ofplums. Most of the pears were rot-ten at the core, though they presented afair external appearance. Eighty-fivecases of pears from D. H. Osborn :of NewYork were returned to the auctioneerto-day after the sale as worthless, and theyhad to be resold. Over a hundred cases ofplums were thrown out before the sale asutterly worthless.

    The sale of August 1 was an unusuallyimportant one, because the followingMonday was bank holiday, when enor-mous amounts of fruit were sold to pleas-ure-seekers—the day being much like ourThanksgiving day' in its effect on thefruit market. Ithad no influence, how-ever, as none of the fruit was fine enoughto keep the necessary four days longer.

    Oddly enough, cases marked ' withwomen's names bring the best prices, con-signments from Bessie Osborn and Mrs.Sharp of Courtland, Cal., always evokingspirited bidding; but cases from men sellentirely on their merits. •*-•• V 7'r

    Large peaches are eagerly sought, and itcarefully wrapped and" crated in smallpackages willbring handsome returns.


    Savage Attack of Outlaws Upon a Familyof Mexicans.

    CITY OF MEXICO, Mexico, Aug. 11.—While the family of Gergerio Jiminez wassleeping. at midnight, August 6, in Chil-nolopa, near Texcoco, the house was at-tacked by eight bandits. Jiminez; wasaroused by the demonstration outside thehouse and took his pistol aud went to thedoor to see what was the matter. Mean-time all the family had awakened andaccompanied Jiminez. -.:': \u25a0-\u25a0'.' .

    When the door- was opened the banditsrushed in upon Jiminez with.machetes,cutting him. severely, :but ':he heroicallystood by his post and began firingon hisassailants, who returned the fire. Jiminez'sister was shot through the arm and hisbrother cut down with machetes. :L;

    Mounted police hearing ,the firingcameriding up, but the bandits took alarm andfled. The district government and|thegovernment of

    'the State *of Mexia are de-

    termined to put a stop to these outrages;and already many important arrests havebeen made. ;- ';* ; 7:.; '*


    Opinion of a London Paper on the Com-ing Yacht Contest.

    LONDON, Eno., Aug. 11.— Chroni-cle will to-morrow print a leader on thecoming race for the America's cup inwhichitwill say: "The contest will.inevitablybe very. close, \u25a0 and weIare -certain that itwill be conducted ;onjboth S sides \u25a0_' withsportsmanship and a scrupulous considera-tion, equal tothe enthusiasm itprovokes.No English vessel has ever had such a goodchance of-.victory before, and, weIbelieve,as we •• sincerely hope, that Ithe cup,*;,thistime,' will come back. Ifitcomes back, itwillstay." ... '; ,

    On the London Exchange.,LONDON, EKQ.,'7Aug." 11.—The rate of

    discount during the ;week past \ for three-months' bills was % - per - cent arid for 30---day bills % per cent at. the outside. Thetransfer of the Japanese indemnity moneyslightly hardened rates. Heavy igold


    rivals continue. Silver,: has 7 been"

    fairlysteady on 7 eastern'; buying. Business onthe *Stock \u25a0; Exchange *during the weekshowed the usual ;holiday dullness exceptinAfrican and' Australian mining shares/Consols have advanced %, 7 7;i v,.; /7,

    American railway securities have beenneglected and depressed, and show. the fol-lowing changes: Illinois Central has risen

    New York,Lake Erie and Western or-dinary ana Norfolk and. Western ordinary ;have declined 2; \u25a0; Louisville and Nashvilleand • Northern Pacific, 1%;Union Pacific

    shares, 1; Wabash, St. Louis and Pacificdebentures, Denver and Rio Grande pre-ferred and ;New York Central, yA;Atchi-son;Topeka and Santa Fe "A's," IK;Wa-bash, St. Louis and Pacific preferred andAtchison, Topeka aod Santa Fe, %.PEACE INRIO GRANDE DO SUL.A.Proclamation Now [Being Forwarded

    to Rio de Janeiro.NEW YORK,;N. V.,Aug.12:—The Her-

    ald's special from Buenos Ayres says:"Rio Janeiro advices state .that peace

    has been restored in Rio Grands do Sui.A military officer is now on his way fromRio Grande do Sui to Rio Janeiro. Hebears the proclamation containing thepeace terms, whichbeing agreed on,shall beoffered to Congress for approval as a finalsettlement of the difficulties in that state.:The Governor of Brazil, in


    of the Trinidad episode, has asked theGovernment of Uruguay for acopy of thebillof health of the warship Barracouta,which arrived inport from theMonteverdeIslands last January. It is reported inBrazil that when the Barracouta reachedher anchorage the health officer receiveddocuments signed by the doctor on boardthe warship, who "had been named .ashealth officer of the island of Trinidad bythe captain of the Barracouta-: who lookedupon the island as British territory. Nonotice was taken by the authorities ofUruguay of the fact that Brazil claimsTrinidad Island as her own possession.

    The action of Uruguay is regarded byBrazilas savorins of subterfuge.

    Denounced the Socialists.PARIS, France, Aug. 11.—M. Poincar,

    Minister ofPublic Instruction, in a speechat the dedication ofthe monument erectedtoRemiremont, in memory of the Frenchsoldiers who fellin the war of 1870, referredto the Socialists as ''Aparty of agitation,violence and disorder, with whom nopolitical understanding is possible."

    Instructors for Chile's Army.BERLIN, Germany, Aug. 11.


    Deutsche Sonntags Post says that twenty-six Prussian lieutenants willsail for Chileabout August 24 to instruct the Chileanarmy. The Emperor will grant an audi-ence to the officers before their departure.

    The Sultan Is Obdurate.LONDON, Eng., Aug. 11.—The' Times

    willto-morrow print a dispatch from Sofiasaying it is stated that the Sultan ofTurkey is firmly resolved not to admit theprinciple of foreign control in Armenianaffairs." '/\u25a0: -',£3l;

    Zimmerman in Paris.PARIS, France, Aug. 11.—A. A. Zim-

    merman, the American bicyclist, who isunder contract to ride in races in Austra-lia, arrived here yesterday. He will takeno part in any race during his stay, andon Friday will sail from Naples for Aus-tralia.

    To Welcome Ferdinand.

    SOFIA, Bulgaria, Aug. 11.—It is an-nounced here that Prince Ferdinand, whohas been ;sojourning at Carlsbad, willarrive to-morrow. The Government hasinvited the residents to show their loyaltyby giving their ruler a hearty reception.

    Fate of a Would-Be Duelist.LONDON, Eng., Aug. 11.— A dispatch

    from Cologne to the Central News says:Freiherr Stum-Halberg. a member of theGerman Reichstag, has been sentenced toa fortnight's imprisonment in a fortressforhaving issued a challenge to a duel.

    William at Lowther Castle.LONDON, Eng., Aug, 11. — Emperor

    William, who is being entertained by theEarl of Lonsdale, arrived at Lowther Cas-tle, the Earl's seat in Penrith, County ofCumberland, early this morning. HisMajesty spent the day quietly.

    Czar Nicholas' Coronation, '.MOSCOW, Russia;-' Aug. 11.— Itis offi-

    cially announced that the coronation ofCzar Nicholas IIwill:probably take, placeinApril.

    ': .. ' / .

    A GALE AT BALTIMOREGreat Damage Done by a

    j Storm of ClyclonicProportions.

    The New St. Elizabeth's CatholicChurch Among the Buildings


    BALTIMORE, Md., Aug. 11.—A wind-storm of cyclonic proportions, accom-panied by a heavy downpour of rain andhail, visited this city this afternoon.Houses were unroofed, trees uprooted,windows smashed, telegraph, telephoneand trolley wires broken, and other damagedone within a few minutes that willre-quire weeks to repair. The most seriousdamage was the demolition of St. Eliza-beth's Catholic Church, incourse of erec-tion on East Baltimore Istreet, oppositePatterson Park.

    Allparts of the city suffered. The stormcame from the northwest. Itcontinued atintervals for three hours, most of thedamage being done shortly after the stormappeared. No fatalities have been re-ported/although, it willibe remarkable ifthe falling trees, demolished outhouses orflying housetops did not cause injurieswhich have not yet been heard of. :-.Thelosses so;far reported will amount to up-ward of $30,000. Just . before the rainbegan the mercury at the weatherobserver's office made a record-breakingdrop of nine |degrees inone minute. Thehighest temperature \ duringr the day wasreached just before the storm broke, "when96 degrees was recorded. -iT-V.':-

    DELUGED 'BY A DOWNPOUR.Floods and High Winds

    'Damage Build-

    ings and Crops. ,DANSVILLE,N. V., Aug. IL—One. of

    the worst wind and rain storms of the sea-son passed over this place to-night. Therain tell in torrents for over two hours andthe streams were flooded to a ,great depthwith streams of water from the head ofthe valley. The gale was so terrific thatmany barns were \u25a0 unroofed and number-less: trees uprooted. The storm was ac-companied by 'vivid. Jightning > whichstruck inseveral places in the outskirts ofthe town. Fields of grain were flattenedto the ground, corn being tangled up andblown down. MudCreek, running throughthe farms of the:east side, overflowed itsbanks ;and washed out large patches ofcorn, potatoes and beans. \u25a0"/.:';'•

    A cloudburst on the Lackawanna causeda bad landslide and :the ;road along ;thehillside 'was washed out and cut badly inmany; places. The 1storm is


    for the large volume of water that fellinthe short space of time, nearly four inchesbeing registered. '*^BSSl^^^^

    Brained His Wife.;'.: ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 11.—JohnBlum, a butcher employed -at the stock-

    /returned from work last night andfound a strange ;man /at * his home talkingto his wife. Blum demanded an explana-tion from his wife, when she seized: an axand

    - assaulted^, him. ,::He;'; wrenched / theweapon from her and beat out her brains.The stranger escaped. Blum was arrestea.

    Mrs. Cleveland Takes a Drive.BUZZARDS BAY, Mass., Aug. 11.—

    As the 'weather was exceedingly warmhere to-day the President was satisfied tospend the day as 7 usual 7. on 'the ;verandawith his family. Mrs. Cleveland took her jfirst carriage drive to-day since _her recentindisposition Her •mother accompaniedher. '** :\u25a0".-..\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0";- \u25a0-- '\u25a0'-"

    ' -----z-

    FLED INTO THE WILDSNegro Settlers inMexico

    Driven Out by anEpidemic.


    Wrong Direction Taken in anAttempt to Return to

    This Country.


    A Party of Rescuers Attacked WithKnives by the Famished

    Colonists. :v

    ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 11.— A specialfrom the City of Mexico to a morning

    paper says: *- '..-„].

    By request of the American legation ofthis capital Juan Lameno, president ofthe TlahuililoAgricultural and Coloniza-tion Company, has made the first com-plete statement of an officialnature re-garding the troubles of his company withthe large shipments of negroes made intoMexico from the United States. Thedeclaration has been dispatched to theDepartment of State at Washington and isas follows:

    The.initial shipment of negro labor ar-rived inTlahuililo about one year ago andwas composed of about sixty colonistswith their families. They proved them-selves to be thorough and expert cotton-'planters and all-around agriculturisthands. Injustice to them itmust be saidthat they have proved themselves thor-oughly competent in their work, and arethe only ones that remain on the plantationsince the exodus began a few weeks since.

    The first batch of colonists werebroughtin through the instrumentality of Mr.Ellis, a colored man holding a concessionfrom the Mexican Government for the in-troduction of 2000 negroes from the UnitedStates, and itwas under the provisions ofthis grant that the blacks were taken toTlahuililo. The result was that instead ofacquiring skilled cotton-planters, as wasthe case with respect to the' first consign-ment, bootblacks and other undesirableelements were shipped by the wholesale tothe plantation, which, as natural to sup-pose, was not very prosperous for them.

    Coupled with this fact, the source of realtrouble made its appearance in the form ofa disease that caused an enlargement ofthe knee among the negroes, the maladyinvariably resulting fatally. Instigated asifby one mind, fiftysettlers signified theirintentions toreturn to their southern homesin the United States, and nothing woulddeter them. The district where they werecolonized was at a considerable distancefrom the railroad, there being no interme-diate villages. Instead of striking out forthe north they headed for the west, whichis entirely devoid of vegetation and everysemblance of civilization. The result wasthat before Mr.Fargas, our administrator,could proceed to their rescue, amply sup-plied withprovisions and water,'four hadperished from starvation.*- This band offleeing negroes was overhauled by Mr.Fargas and fivemounted Mozos, who wereheavily armed. ', ;

    After days of incessant traveling thenegroes, thinKing that Mr. Fargas hadovertaken them for the purpose of com-pelling them to return to the plantation,assailed the party of rescuers withknives.The attack was finally brought to a finishthrough the Mozos lassoing a number ofthe colonists, a proceeding that seeminglyhad the effect of filling them with awe.The negroes were thereupon brought backto the plantation,: instructed as to thepoints of the compass and allowed to de-part, wellprovided withrations and water.

    Then followed a series of inconveniencesand drawbacks that created discord amongthe remainder of the colonists, many ofwhom followed the footsteDS of the firstband, resulting in the almost completeabandonment 'of Tlahuililo. The experi-ment has cost the company $500,000, andunless the cotton they planted, covering anarea of 65,000 acres, can be successfullypicked, the concern willlose a large sum.The negroes will all be shipped back totheir:homes in theUnited States at the ex-pense of the company.

    TAKEN AFTER A FIGHT.Murderer Sam Lewis Mortally Wounds

    One of His Pursuers,JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Aug. 11.—The

    Times-Union special from West PalmBeach, Fla., says:

    Sam Lewis, who murdered ex-Tax Col-lector High Smith and his nephew, JohnDavis, at Lemon City, about three weeksago, has been captured; but he inflictedprobably fatal, wounds on one of his pur-suers.

    After the murders Lewis escaped to Nas-sau, but the English authorities had beennotified by cable and an attempt was madeto arrest the murderer. He stole a boatand came back to Florida, landing at Bis-caine Bay, near the scene of his * crimes.Lewis was located Saturday, morning at 2o'clock by Rev. Mr. McGregor and Wil-liam Russe and ordered to surrender. *Heshowed fight and was shot down, his legbeing broken; :Thinking Lewis dead, Mc-Gregor approached and turned him over.Lewis immediately drew a 'pistol and shotMcGregor, probably fatally wounding him.The outlaw dragged himself away, but aidcame and he was trailed, by his bloodandcaptured. He was brought here andlodged in jail. Lewis came to \u25a0•;\u25a0 Floridafrom Texas, where he "'\u25a0, is said . to ?havekilled three men. He is a native of Ver-mont.

    NINETY PER CENT REJECTED.Great Care. Taken in Enlisting Men for

    the Navy, 7: *WASHINGTON, D.7C.. Aug. 11.—The

    Navy Department is finding considerabledifficulty in enlisting men to)fill/existingvacancies and toman the Znew ships thatwillsoon be "ready to go into commission.Itis authoritatively .;stated 7at the depart-ment that neither the second class


    ship Texas nor the armored cruiser Mainewillbe enabled to proceed in the •;drill.. offNewport. Aside from delay in pro-curing crews for the "two ships there'; areother embarrassments which willrender itimpossible for even the Texas, which is inthe more " advanced condition, ? to7be incommission for several weeks: •..\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0>

    Never before in its long and honorablehistory has the Navy, Department \u25a0 been sojealous of the intelligence and ;the !physi-cal condition of the men whom itis takinginto its service as at v present. v' It is saidthat 90 per cent of the applicants are re-jected for one reason or another.

    No Cholera at Hamburg.WASHINGTON,7D.7 C., Aug.11.—Vice/

    Consul Burke '- at Hamburg advises theDepartment of State that the report printedin August 6to the effect that there

    had been one fatal case ofcholera at Ham-burg is entirely untrue.

    BUTTER WORTH'S PROTEST.Argument > for Bond Investment Com-

    panics Before Wilson.WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 11.—

    question whether ornot the business con-ducted by the bond investment companiesthroughout the United States is a violationof the anti-lottery, law. will be decidedprobably to-morrow. Ex-CongressmanBenjamin Butterworth last week con-cluded

    'his argument before Postmaster-

    General Wilson in favor of these compa-nies, and Judge Thomas, Assistant Attor-ney-General for the Postoffice Department,willpresent the Government's side to-mor-row upon Mr.Wilson's return from LongBranch. The Postmaster-General will thenrender his decision.

    Mr.Butterworth, in his protest againstthe denial of the privilege of the mails tothese companies, argued against the powerof one man tostop the business of many,which he said was sufficient to produce arevolution. Itis stated authoritatively atthe department that the adverse decisionof the Assistant Attorney-General will besustained by the Postmaster-General.

    PROMISES . OF THE PORTE.Will Investigate and Report Upon the

    Tarsus Matter.WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 11.-Act-

    ing Secretary of State Adee received thefollowing telegram from Minister Terrellat Constantinople to-day in response totelegraphic instructions sent to the Min-ister a few days ago from the Departmentof State :

    The Turkish Government promises on the7th to investigate and report upon the Tarsusmatter.- Ihave instructed Consul Gibson atBeyroot to make apersonal investigation, butfear that cholera quarantine may prevent.

    The State Department has had no ad-vices to-day from |Minister Denby in re-gard to the situation in China. "^

    PREACHED OK LYNCHING.Sensational Sermon of the

    Pastor of a JacksonvilleChurch.


    Claims Negroes Are Killed Merelyto Satisfy a Passion for Human


    JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Aug. 11.-Rev.J. MiltonWaldron preached a sensationalsermon here 'to-night on lynchings. Heused as his text the words of Job iv:BandProverbs xiv:34,!which are as follows:•'They that plow iniquityand sow wicked-ness reap the same. Righteousness ex-alteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to anypeople." He said: 7 <

    - . . /The lynchingofcolored people began at the

    close of the late CivilWar. The former masterwas unwilling to allow the ex-slave the samepoliticalrights. Inorder to keep the negroesfrom getting into power, and to get those outof power who had been put there by negrovoters, the whites,during reconstruction days,many of them, organized Ku-Klux clans,lynchings and other terrorisms. These things,the ground for political fraud, class legisla-tion,etc., were kept up until the control ofthe Southern States came back into the handsof the former slave-owners.

    But the habit of disregarding law and thepassion forhuman blood had by this time be-come fixed •with many of the lower classes,so that later, whenever the colored man didanything that opposed this class of whites, orwhenever they wanted to cover-up their ownvile deeds, they visited their displeasure and

    Eracticed tneir trickery upon him by takingis life. \u25a0 *.• *'\u25a0 :' \u25a0 -Inreconstruction days the killingof negroes

    was condoned because itwas said to be neces-sary to get the Government into the hands ofthe Southern whites. When it was no longerfor that purpose some other resource had to Deresorted to to shield those who bad become setin their ways and must shed hiiman blood.Now and then a colored man was found whohad been brute enough to imitate his whiteneighbor. Ifhis victtm was a white womanthe crime was thought to justify the white lntaking the law into his ownhands and lynch-ingand even burning the negro.

    From lynching forcrime and supposed crimethe habit has grown until now colored men,women and even children are lynched in theSouth. This tends to make the negro revenge-fuland the spirit of lawlessness, murder andrevenge has spread among Doth white andblack inthe South .until it has become alarm-ing. Something mnst be done and. done atonce or our fair Southern land is .foreverdoomed. _- \u25a0- \u25a0•\u25a0*.'\u25a0• n. *.*;•--.""\u25a0-

    '-*--*."\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0• \u25a0 .

    ALL DONE INPLAY.Corbett DidNot Mean to

    Offend His FutureAntagonist.


    Indignant Because the Aus-

    tralian Resented theInsult.


    The Champion Brags Long and Loud

    Over This Disgusting Achieve-ment. •


    PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Aug. 11.—the sports th..* the general sabolition ofprize-fighting and horse-racing have leftinPhiladelphia collected at Green's Hotel to-day and eagerly sought for details of thelittle "scrap" last night between Corbettand Fitzsimmons. Fitzsimmons leftPhil-adelphia early this morning for New York,but the big boy spent the day here and leftfor Scranton, Pa., this afternoon.

    When Corbett was seen to-day and askedfor his version of last night's row, his ac-count of the affair would make itseem thathe intended merely to be playful,and thatFitzsimmons resented this playfulnesswhen ittook the form of being called a curand having his nose pulled. The accountof the affair can best be given inCorbett'sown words:

    "The whole trouble started about twoweeks ago in New York, when Irefused toride a bike race withFitz for the benefit ofthe 7 ice fund," began the champion.'•When I,am going to fight with a man1want to be aggressive." Iwant tobe on theouts with him, see. Ihad publicly statedthat Iintended to pull Fitzsimmons' nosethe next time Imet him, butIwant to saythat Idid not know he was inGreen's ho-tel when Iwent in there last night. Thefirst 1knew that ,he was there was when Iturned around and saw him standing atthe register. Then Isaid to him: 'Youbig .monkey, what do you want at thatregister? You know you can't write.'Then Isaid: .'You've been talking aboutme again, haven't you?' He paid: 'No, Ihaven't. But what ifIhad?' Then Isaidto him: 'Yon said Isneaked out of ridinga bicycle race withyou in New York, andnow you are going around saying I'mgo-ing to try to sneak out ofa fight.'

    "Allthis timeIwas only in sort of funand just 'stringing' him, but Fitz began toget mad. Then Ireached out and pulledhis nose for a kind of a joke. Then hemade a motion as if to lead for me. Ididnot think he would, but itis always best tobe on the safe side, so Iclosed on him andwe clinched. Then my friends grabbed meand my brother Joe grabbed Fitz. Fitz gotjaffy when he found Joe could hold him,but the kid was tickled to death when hefound he could hold the big fellow, andtold him he thought he could lien himhimself, and punched him in the mouth.Icould not get* at him, so Ileaned overand spat in his face and said to him,'You're a cur the world

    -over,|and I

    wouldn't have that scared look on yourface for a thousand dollars.' He wiped offthe spit, saying as he did so, 'That's anicething for a man to do. You're a gentle-man, you are.'"-

    Here Corbett said to the reporter, "Nowthat was a ;nice thing for him to say,wasn't it? Ifhe'd have been a man hewould have punched me. You would havepunched any man that spit in your face,wouldn't you?" Then, be continued,"Fitzbroke away and picked Up a bottleand threw itat Joe, but itmissed him andhitBrady. Joe picked up a decanter, butthey would not let him throw it, and thenwe were separated. Fitz went out and Istayed around the hotel. .Iwant it dis-tinctly understood that Iwas not drunklast night." \u25a0-.'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0

    RAN AWAY FROM HOME.Chicago Police Learn the Identity of a

    Young Adventuress. >CHICAGO, 111., Aug. 11.—The young

    woman who has been in the Harrison-street ;station annex for several days - andgave her name as • Pearl Summerville ofSeattle, Wash., is not Pearl jSummerville,but Emma Stevenson; whose parents livein South Chicago.

    When the young woman was brought tothe station she said she had just arrivedfrom Seattle and had been robbed of • $50ana a diamond ring. This, the policehave learr