1the hunters moon

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Post on 04-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 1The Hunters Moon


    Gwen is visiting her cousin, Findabhair, in Ireland. Since they were kids, they

    have loved Irish mythology and have tried to find a doorway to another world

    called Faerieland. Now that they are sixteen, they travel to Tara, the ancient

    seat of the High Kings in Ireland, in search of adventure.While they are there,

    the cousins challenge an ancient law by sleeping in a fairy mound. That night

    the King of Faeries, Finvara, comes to take them away. Since he is King of

    Dreams, he comes to them in their sleep and asks them to come with him.

    Findabhair says yes, but Gwen refuses. Therefore, since he is bound by an

    ancient law, the King only takes Findabhair, leaving Gwen to wake upwondering about her cousin's safety. Gwen decides to rescue her cousin but

    realizes she is happy. Gwen does not want her to stay with the faeries because

    they are up to something. Gwen tries to continuously find the Faeries, which is

    hard because she has to face many challenges created by the king. She meets

    many good friends, including a businessman named Mattie o Shea, Katie, a

    farm girl, Darius a king of an island, and even befriends the second in

    command of the Faeries, Midir.When she finally catches up with the faeries

    fast pace, she learns that either her cousin or her must be the sacrifice to an

    evil creature known as Crom Cruac, the Great Worm. Her cousin volunteers tobe the sacrifice, upsetting Gwen and the King of Faeries, who has fallen in love

    with her. In the end, with the help of many friends, Findabhair decides not to

    be sacrificed, but to be the first person ever to fight Crom Cruac. With their

    friends by their sides, Findabhair and Gwen attack the Great Worm after being

    equipped for battle by the Land of Light. However, after a while Findabhair

    gets blasted with poison from the serpent and falls unconscious. The King of

    Faeries, in a desperate act of love, gives himself up as the sacrifice. He is

    greatly mourned, and Midir becomes king. The friends decide to meet in a

    year.After a year, they meet again and reminisce. Then they suddenly hearmusic. As they search for the source of the music, they find Finvarra, alive. The

    worm had only taken his immortality instead of killing him, and now the faerie

    was mortal and without memory. They understand that its going to be hard

    for the king, because of his loss, but overjoyed and they promise to explain

    everything to him.

  • 7/30/2019 1The Hunters Moon


    At that very moment, on the other side of the court the king clapped his hands. Let the

    feasting commence. All things delicious and imaginable had appeared. The center-piece was a

    whole roasted pig with an apple in its mouth. Beside it stood a shellfish fantaia like a castle of

    coral dripping with sea flowers.There were chicken stuffed with raisin and chestnuts, nest of

    quails eggs and prawns, roast duck with shallots, and mountains of pink lobster. Pyramids of

    fruit spilled into tiers of nuts so that the soft ripe skins of grapes and cherries burst against the

    hard brown shells of filberts and walnuts.There was pears dipped in melted chedder and

    cucumber cups stuffed with crabmeat.As for the desserts, Gwens knees went weak at the sight

    of them.Strawberries covered in cream and dusted with brown sugar.Stunning convections of

    marbled cakewith layer upon layer upon layer of icing.There was cold dark chocolate mousse

    that frothed like cream.

    Inside Gwens alarm bells were ringing.She knew she was facing her most perilous test.Did

    the king know food was her weakness? The feast was laid out was a temptation itself. Eat no

    food and drink no wine if you wish to return to your home again. Midirs whisper was urgent

    as he passed behind Gwen. Gwen groaned at the unfairness of the trial. All her favorite foodswere here. Gwen shuddered and sighed, Ill have a bit of everything please.

    In a matter of seconds her plate was heaped high.A huge hush fell over the assembly. All eyes

    watched.She savored her first bright. The moment she swallowed, the company burst into

    rituos applause.She had failed her second test.

    Explanation- Gwen goes to a faerie ball and fails the second test.

    FindabhairDull, pretty, and brave

    Reminds me of my cousin Gia.

    Dancing, Caring, Fighting

    Findabhair dances at the faeries balls while Gia loves

    dancing anywhere.

    Findabhair cares for Finvarra (the king of faeries)and her cousin Gwen while Gia cares for her family,

    friends, and stuffed animals.

    Findabhair fights the great worm Crom Cruac while

    Gia fights with her brother all the time.

  • 7/30/2019 1The Hunters Moon



    Katie flying arrows at Crom Cruac

    Finvarra and Findabhair

    fi htin Crom Cruac
