1st quarter 2015 lesson 12 powerpoint with tagalog notes.pptx

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  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


     Adult Bible Study Guide

     Jan • Feb • Mar 2015

    powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruizvicente


  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    p y

     Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guid"n "ppeal

    #ear $ser% &his 'ower'oint (how is )reely sharedto all who !ay *nd it bene*cial +hile

    intended pri!arily )or personal use,so!e *nd it use)ul )or teaching thelesson in church

     &here are those, however, who add

    illustrations, change bac-ground,change )onts, etc +hile their intention!ay be good, this is not right (lide .2

    says designed by claro ruiz vicente

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


     Jacques B. Doukhan, Principal Contrib


  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    Proverbs6ur 7oal

    From the boo- o) 'roverbswe will learn how to be wise,

    but correctly, in practicalways

    +isdo! isnt necessarilyintellectual !ight &he

    prere8uisite )or wisdo! is,

    instead, to be hu!ble, to

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx



      1 The Call of Wisdom  2 From Ears o Fee  9 ! "aer of #ife and Deah  Di$ine Wisdom

      5 The Blessin%s of he Ri%heous  ; Wha &ou 'e (s )o Wha &ouSee  < Dealin% Wih Fi%hs

      = Words of Wisdom  > Words of Truh10 Behind he "ask 11 #i$in% *+ Faih12 The umili+ of he Wise

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    Proverbs3esson 12, March 21

     &he ?u!ility of

    the +ise

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    The Humility of the Wise@ey &eAt

    Matthew 5:9 B@JC

    Blessed are the poor in

    spirit, )or theirs is the-ingdo! o) heaven

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    The Humility of the Wisenitial +ords

    (n the Dible hu!ility isconsidered an i!portant

    virtue 4very breath, everyheartbeat, every gi)t, everytalent co!es only )ro! 7od,

    in who! we live, and !ove,and have our being (Acts1!"#$%

    "nd in light o) the cross, even

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    The Humility of the Wiseuic- 3oo-

    1 3esson )ro! 'od(Proverbs *+!*,'$

    2 3esson )ro! the!rro%an (Proverbs *+!,

    -$9 3esson )ro! )aure(Proverbs *+!","#$

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    The Humility of the Wise1 3esson Fro! 7od

    'roverbs 90:9G; B@JC( neither learned wisdo! norhave -nowledge o) the ?oly

    6ne +ho has ascended intoheaven or descendedE

    7athered the wind in ?is *stsE 4stablished all ends o) theearthE +hat is ?is na!e,

    ?is sons na!eE

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    1% .esson /rom God'roverbs 90:2, 9, 92, 99

    TE sel)Gnegation seen inthese teAts is 8uite a brea-

    )ro! the usual sel)GeAaltationo) -ings in the ancient Bear

    4ast, who o)ten li-ed to boast

    o) their wisdo!,achieve!ents, and !ilitaryvictories

    (uch boasting, which i!plies

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    1% .esson /rom God" @nowledge o) 7odE

    'ride arises in those whodont -now the 3ord in a

    personal way

    n contrast, the person wholives in co!!union with 7od

    will be hu!ble, )or he or sheis constantly in touch withthe 6ne who is in*nitely

    reater than an o) us

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    1% .esson /rom God" @nowledge o) 7odE

    @nowledge o) 7od is to beunderstood as !eaning

    -nowledge about 7odFive rhetorical 8uestions are

    as-ed, which )orce us to

    recognize Hust how !uch about7od we really dontunderstand

    Decause 7od is the reator

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    1% .esson /rom God" @nowledge o) 7odE

     &he )act that 7od is thereator, and that we cannot

    )ully understand ?i!, gives usa crucial lesson regarding howwe should receive ?is written

    revelation, which scholars arealways 8uestioning+ho are we to challenge the

    +ord o) 7od, even the parts

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    The Humility of the Wise2 3esson Fro! the "rrogant

    'roverbs 90: B@JCRemo$e )alsehood and lies)ar )ro! !eL give !e neither

    poverty nor riches)eed !ewith the )ood Nou prescribed

    )or !eLlest be )ull and deny Nou, andsay, O+ho is the 3ordE 6r lest,

    be poor and steal, and

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    "% .esson /rom the Arro0ant Beither &oo Much nor &oo 3ittle

    Before we as- 7od )oranything,

    it is i!portant to !a-e sureour relationship with ?i! is

    solid ) we lie, then we act as

    i) 7od, who -nows all things,doesnt even eAist &his is why the con)ession o)

    our sin is a prere8uisite )or

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    "% .esson /rom the Arro0ant Beither &oo Much nor &oo 3ittle

     &he two re8uests converge inone goal: he %lor+ of 'od) we get too little, we tend to

    stealand insult 7odL i) we get too

    !uch,we do not )eel the need )or 7odand !ay even deny ?is


  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    "% .esson /rom the Arro0ant "ctions o) the "rrogant

    Cursin0 your parents (112 1$%t represents the !ost seriousact o) arrogance, when

    children despise their sourceo) li)e (igni*cantly, honoring

    and blessing ones parents isthe only co!!and!entassociated with the pro!ise o)

    li)e (34od% "+!1"$2 while the

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    "% .esson /rom the Arro0ant "ctions o) the "rrogant

    Self,ri0hteousness (1"2 "+$% &he condition o) sinners whothin- o) the!selves as

    righteous is bad, becausethey will stay in their sin,

    believing that they are pureand dont need )orgivenessContempt (1*2 1$% "rrogance

    is !ani)ested in the

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  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    *% .esson /rom 6ature3i!its o) ?u!an $nderstanding

    "+ser+ in co!!on thingsIvs 1>: an eagle silently

    !oving through the s-y, asna-e silently !oving along theearth " ship on the sea and a

    !an with a wo!an4ven today so !any !ysteriesre!ain

    ?ow crucial it is that we never

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    *% .esson /rom 6ature3i!its o) ?u!an $nderstanding

    Cerses 20P29 deal withhu!an )olly, arrogance, and

    vice &hen shi)ts to the ani!al

    world, pointing to s!all and

    hu!ble creatures, eventhough the sa!e ?ebrewword used )or wise in

    re)erence to the! is used in

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    *% .esson /rom 6ature3i!its o) ?u!an $nderstanding

    4ven with all our advances inscience, how these creaturesdo what they do re!ains

    beyond our )ull co!prehension?ow !uch !ore so their

    actions !ust have baKed thiswise !an in his ti!e

    "nd he was indeed wise,

    because one o) the great Th H ilit f th Wi

  • 8/9/2019 1st Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpoint with Tagalog Notes.pptx


    The Humility of the WiseFinal +ords

    -The 3ord can do nothingtoward the recovery o) !anuntil, convinced o) his own

    wea-ness, and stripped o) allsel)GsuQciency, he yields

    hi!sel) to the control o) 7od &hen he can receive the gi)tthat 7od is waiting to

    bestow ?e has unrestricted