1il ~~~'vodigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930...tntal gamo' played 26...

$200 A YEAR WILL BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL oinft l1ltuitu.l $2.00 It YEAA WILL BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL ===~=====,~~.==========~==-~~~~=--===""""":~~~~=--============-=~=~~ Vol 4-No 4S (,t,O,,'o] 1'01 ,,,] L i\IlClflGAj\ 1H1.-RSDA \ OC1 aUf R 9 1930 ll; i\hil 'j;200 PCI yc"r 'omg!e Cople, Scents I G. P. Farms Athletic i Club Wins Final Game II of Successful Yeaij The Gros<;e Pomte rarms '\ C del teated the C;preckall Cartage 6 to 2 1 last ';u lday s game at Kerbv Field ThIS \\ ast the la!>t game of tbe nos .,ucce:>~ful season \fa lager James ha had \\1t! h1S c1Ulb The managemen \\lshes to e'(.pres~ the r l1am than I ft r the support fal ~ gave the tcan also to the member'> of the Gross POinte I arrm COUll ell for theIr ear les ~upport The boyS w 11be back on tY Job next !>pnng '\'\Ith <;t111a 5~ ge outfit Tntal gamO' played 26 Won lost 7 Defer Parent- Teacher To Hold Meeting! - I Th(' Parent Teacher ASSOCIatIOn of the Defer 'School \\lIl! hold 1tS firs~ mectllg ot the ) car Tue<,day Ulght Oct 14 at 7 30 A,t that tlme th pr ze offered pup b 111 the sClenc~ clas!>cs for t1 e bebt collect10n 0 pressed leaves w 11 be awarded At parCl t:, are urged to attend as It wll be pe louse t1 ght and v.01k of th p lpl!S '\\III be on exhlblt 11 (' fir<;t pct 19 0 tilt' TrOmblyl1 Pare lt Tcac1 er A SOClatlOn w 11 be I cld 01 Tue~dav cvenn g Octobcr 14 1 1 1 the "C! 001 audltorlUm at 8 p m 1 hl ne\\o add t on to tl e school wllli be opel ed for InSpectlOt1 al d the plans for tl e \ ear \,,111be outlmed Rdresh ments \\0 11 he served and 1t l~ hoped that a great many '\\III attend t lrl ('('"\ lhf n J\lt ;r1 ~" \1 1 11 t\fr \1 rfh "i a art ve w(lker for hr ~t A li r <,eAlun 11 serV111gIII the capac h of presl leI t for the past hree ('a"~ He- has 'I1so "ierved as a mem 1 ('r f thr 'St An hrnse High School I tattl t\ d.<; an ~lrut.l r 111 hlbhc I p('akl11g aId d(batlllg I V';l If' 11r \1 ur-phv has not defil1lte1y bCdte I It 1<; expected h(' WIll begm pact ,c \, 11hll the next few weeks I I Trombly School to Havel Parent. Teacher Meeting I St. Ambrose Alumnus Pas&.es State Tests for Legal Practice II \furp1 ... ,gr", Irate (1f t l l(- J)('trc t r ,v "d a 1 and f '-'l \ 1 rl ( '1Ilgl I '-,t1 tf' I Propose Debating Team ~or G. P. High School An attempt to organ 7f;' an lOter schola:,tlc debat ng team at t e G1os~e POinte HIgh School IS be ng made bj- Johl D Std.ffell and \fr<; Ftl-tel Kin kead men !bcrs on the :,taff f the Eng hsh department If the effort proves successful a debatlllg tea n wJll be ~ome a permane 1t addltlOn to t le chool act1v tiCS 1o)e el g bie for the team students must be reglf,tered m the senIOr HIgh school and must have aln!lty 111publIc i-peakll1g Neighborhood Club Activities Over a net\\ork of 17 ColUllb1a\\ln a "acant lot In 0 e of Detr t <;res Broadcastllg Sy~tem StatIOns from ['dent al subut1bs 11 1926 at d had StatlOn \\ X~ Z the KU1Sky Trendle ~ carcely completed the 1ttle 5 ngle edl Broadcastlng ~tud os n DetrOIt Rev fice whIch serves a a temp,Jran Fr Charles F Coughhn broadcasted church \\ohen some prac ICal Joker the first Golden Hour of the lIttle (Co ltmued on Page rour) }-< lo\\('r at 7 a clock Sunda:>- Dctober 5 These broadcasts WIth members of the DetrOlt Sympho lv Orchestra and notable vocal art sts partiupatlllg \\ Jil take place even \\ eek at the same tune The) wJ11be heard here through StatIOn W LV},. Fr Coughhn has been a pIOneer 10 radIO '\\ork He \..as 01e of the first speakers over the ear!) Detro t radIO statlOns al d b the first Cathohc -cler gyman to establIsh a regular weekly )roadcast Ho\\ h 5 rad10 work has gro\\n 111 a couple of ) ears from prac hcally nothmg to a maSSl\ e orga11lza twn IS one of the real m~rvels of the radiO He received hiS first pastorate REV. FATHER COUGHLIN BROADCASTS- OVER COLUMBIA NETWORK WEEKLY 'f. 'f.:;' * First~Lecturer 1 St. Ambrose Alumni There Will be a mect1l1g of 5t Am brose Alumm Tuesday October the 14th at 7 30 0 clock m the school The annual electl0n of officers WIll take place at thIS tIme All membel s are requested to be there Th'" local chapter ol: the :t.. atlOnal Honor Soc ety WIll be eontlOued at the Grosse Pomte H gh school accord lllg to an announcement of 'Ir John Barnes prinCIpal of the school It IS not known ho'\\ ever '\\hether or not there WIll be any change In the method of selectIng Candidates for the saclety Last year the students were electe-d on theIr leadershIp thetr scholarsh~p serVlce and theIr character Only sen .. 10rS were elIgIble for tn1hatlOn National Honor Society Retained at G. P. High success of the nahon s 11 du<;tnal effort 11 \\oar On thIS task thl office of the Ass1stant SecretarY of V\ ar and the t...rny supply serv ees have been Vvork 1l1gfor ten years Our aIm IS t\\ 0 fold (Contmued on Page Two) 'to Benjamin S. Wall.'ren :;. Former G. P. Shores :;. Trustee Dead at 65 :;. A..ddress by the Honorable ired er ck H PaYI e the AssI~tant Sec retary of War before the 1...nted 'tates '\ll11YOrd lance Assoclahon at the umted ';tates Chamber of Co 1 n ...r e B.1 11 '1g 'v\ <I"ihI ~ton D C October 8 1930 at 8 IS p m GROSSE POINTE SOCIETY CONTROL OF INDUSTRY IN WAR Gentlemen of the Ordnance Assoc at on There are t\'I'O prll1C1pal phases m modern warfare each of Vl'hlcl l1USt ~e carned on successfully lf the latloll s to be VIctonous 1n a major confhct The first 1S the actual fightmg 111 the theater of operatIOns the second IS the produchon of the matenal thmgs necessar) to support the fightmg fOlces and fur111sh necessltltes to the cIv1l1an p.opulatlOl1 Industnal preparatlOn IS the de'\ etopment 111 peace of all pre llmmarv measures that wtll 1l1sure the Mr and Mra Harry M Jewett, of Lake Shore road Grosse Pomte Shore" entertained last week end at their lodge. Grousehaven, at Lupton, Mlch Their guests are Mr and Mrs John W Dyar of Lincoln road, Mr and Mrs James S Holden of Wash mgton and Mr and MJ:"3 John J O'Brien of Grone Pomte boulevard * By DOROTHY DEE Mr and 1frs Harold R Boyer and \1:r al d Mrs John T \Voodhouse Jr were hosts at a dl1ner Monday at By Way the home of Mrs B~yer s parents \1r and Mrs Fredenck 11 Alger on Fast] effcrson avenue The dll1ncr was g1ven on the second \\ ed dll1g a I vcrsary of thc Boyers and the fot rth \\eddll1g an llversarv of \fr ad \1rs Woodhouse A formel trustee of Gros:.e Pomte The Ne ghborhood~~C1ub ma1l1tams a A group at Grosse Po nte \ dla6c Ie'> lei t~ 1VI g tic C'ldlCU:>.. School Shores LeuJanll11 Stlccter Warre 1 musIc department under the dIrect s'lct dIstrict f0111ally pet1t1oned the Poard of 1 ducat OJ at st I ci,ulal 11eetmg last atton1.ey and capl'lahst <hed at hb pervlSlon of the DetrOIt Commumty Monday even ng to take 111l11Cdlatcsttp~ t) co <,tIuct an e1eJlcntar} ~chool on home 655 I ake Shore road Grosse 0111011MUSICDIVISIon makmg It pas a ~lte ow led by the Board at the corner t f Kcrcl eV'l1avenue a ld Cadjeu). road Pomte Shores early th c; week fol SIble to glve 111structlO11 m Plano The petltlOn co ltam ng apprOXlIl ateh 100 slhllaturcs of resident:. m the kl\\mg an Illness of three weeks Fu VlOhn MUSICAppreclatlOl1 and Theory VIllage was prese lted to Fred Sutttr pre<,1Ie t of the School Board by II F nera1 se1Vices were to have been held at reasonable rates The lesson per I alng ,\ ho acted as spoh.esn a 1 '111.1 I vi r of the gr up ~o 11e30 or 40 \ llage Thursday WIth Dr \\ Ilham D 1vfaxon wds for plano and vlol111are one half resIdents were prese 1t at tl e l1CCllll,:,:" \\ e 1 the pet tlOl1 "as presented of Chnst Church conductlr'g the ntes r hour long and of course private In .----------- 1 artIcular slgl11fi ... a lce lS Sell1 m the tollov,lllg ,,,h ch the bur a1 \\as to have truct on ,\hlle n USICapprecIatIOn and A. and P. Tea Company pet t on 11 that It fo11ov.s a resolutIOn td.ken place In the fan Ily plot at 1" 1m theory are class \\ ork and one hour Open Their Finest Store anol h_ d dt the specldl meetlllg of ,"ood cemeter) each Yfonday IS devoted to th1s part of Sc\ 001 DI<;tnct electors held 11 the 1vfr VVtlrren rtld been a pract cmg the course Anyone desmng further Here for Com m u nit Y HIgh School bUlldllg :,eptember 30 attorney 111 DetrOIt s Ice 1886 when lI1fOrmatIOll IS nVlted to call NIagara The resolutlo 1 provIded that the Board he entered the law offices of the hte 0771 As the scheduk IS rapIdly filhng After month!> of prel aratlO 1 the of I ducat on proceed at once WIth the Don \If Dlc11l1son and assoc atc~ later up It s adVIsable to call as 'loon as Great Atlantlc and P,Clf!C Tld Com nc<-c<;!>alY ste'P s to tse the Kercheval becomll g a member of the firm posslhle 111 order to secure the most pdny opened the r ne'\\ est al d flne<;t Ca 1 e I'{ s tc as the slte of the first Born In 1865 111 ChIcago but reared sat sfdctory lesson assignment food store at l704J h.e cheval avenue ]u I r II gh sc\ 001 It was passed by 111 DetrOIt Mr \Varrell obtamed hIS Not a stone \\as left u ltun cd to make an QVC'f\\hel1lll11g 11 aJonty of the elee. " * * tors pre~ent at the meetmg the ma early educatlO 1 11 the DetrOlt public The annual Hop Scotch contest for thIS gl eat store the most co 1 pletc of r schools and at a prnatc ~ 1001 In t k d E ~l t1 t~ J nh of \.,.hom 'Were {rom \Jrosse JUDiOX' girls took place on the after- t s 111 Vel) 11lg Ie a\ pt I e Po I te r,l.! k ~tuttgart German) He obtamed hIS noon of October ht An unusually LOuld pos~lbly deSIre IS fOUld UI dCT Mrs T \\ orden Huntel ,,,ho has LI B at Yale U11lver~ty m 18RCJand one roof a grocery dep'lrtmtl t f e:,h Several r.es1dents of the Park mstru b d 1 d S s f d large number took .part, twenty two ,1ental 1Il the pa!>&ng of the resolutlon een resl 11g 111 'vo or, 0 pnng or \Nas at one tll e gcnerdl counsel <in 11 at'-> !)roduce haked good<; fr<.~h and In all. and everybody had a mOIStex- 1 t t th 'I d the last several months ha& retur led rCCCI\er for the DetrOIt 101edo and smoked fish ddlry ploducts dcllcatc<; \\ere a~ prC"ien a e j,~ on ay eve.. DR SHULL c1t1ng time Among the older girts, f tl ell B d to DetrOlt and 1S OCCUpYl1g <1 terrace Ironton Ral1wav a HI ,,,as also counsel' sen depart 1 ent a thoU'ia ld and onc t1 19 1('Ct 19 0 le -..c100 oar M dG P t D Shull P 'f _, Z I VIOlet VanTlem and Rachael Maertens Dur cr the C(urse of the meeting ltl aumee roa lrosse 0ne for the I\nn At bOl Railroad He re r ,1'u eSl!iOl: WL" ooogy delectable challengt:, to tl e al'! ehte ("> h 1 IB d bed for honors. Violet wlDnmg fir.t 1ft C * * " Ilnnulshed these 11 1912 to look after at UniVersIty .uf MIchIgan, wIll It l~ of llltcrest to k'lO" thdt Mr 11 ellllHr~ 0 t )CIOO oar resl '1 place 10 the draw and Rachael second .. 1 f h P k d 1 t f th The fivo chapters ot the DetrOIt hIS nOvate 11terests condl.ct the rr4t of Jhe ~et'les of Rubl<;ch In and Mr \1ch.a\ mana<Yers I (e 1t<;() tear an resl< en s 0 e r Among the smaller gIrlS, Dorothy Lee .... \ 1I1ac eXL <ill ul I (.a:. a:. to trc loca Branch of the Lambda Tau Delta .01"" In 1904 Mr \i\ arre 1 married MISS GrossE:!Pi;/1lnteLectures next Mon~ took first place, and Jane Kelsey see 111 theIr respective departments at 170'4 g gd T ) onlPy' are JOintly aponsorlDg the tird Rumay le Latta of Go~hen Iud She day' -evenmg at the tbgh School ond Kercheval are retall1ed II th s sa lIe (Co It!l11C on Page wo &crorlty event of then' faIl program, WIth 1\\0 daughters Mrs J P WIlson buIldmg. Dr Hi1~h ~ta1ker. chalr- 1< * * capaclty at 17045 Kercheval avenue a ld which ",lll be An open bndge party In Jr and \il"s Ehzabeth Laurenza man on the e°ltJW~fM': ~m arrangJl~ The Neighborhood Club junior foot ItontlOue the pIe isant rel<ltlOllshlp the)" the G.eorgum room of the Hud ..on ,ments, annaune~ftl~tllls wee1c.- 1 h t t> 11 f d 4 Warren and a ~0}1 J3enJM1,l111 .::'trceter I~ ball learn won \hplr :;;crpn..f gJJpl" of en~oye( 10 t..",cpas WI't. lelf Ilcn 5 bur.<l-;n ..... Sat:ui>da.-y aft~rnoon. Oc ..oh~... '\~ } -<; .1 L ~ C' -i1.,; - ~~,A¥" ~ OJ; 1 ." Warrel1 Jr survlye I the !>easo1i by defeattpg t!t~_Han$t,elO Iallct cUHotnC:'l':' ot tll(. OJ( .dUUfebS 111t.y I 11 Mr. Arthur Louwers and Misl B cl f E-~ t' h 1 11 d 1 \it Wdrren had served as a t1ustee oar 0 auca Ion Senters 1913 last Wednesday The aye most empiatlCa y <promIse tlC Grace Krelt are 10 charge of arrange~ D f I fu t 'G P t "'\0 1 e eah G P VI'II "'JJOlC,\:lS \\c11 pla)cd but a hew) turf same prOllpt an< e cle ~e VIC(' I menta and tickets ma.y be obtamed a 0 sc 'I ... .,;0 .." age '" t t I1 t f Sc1 01 IJ ,>t rt Af grrath 1 eeluced the "itcc I of the 11l to:' I ag c f I. re from any member of the sorority r ~ ee .-\ rec 0 (1 0 I tell.' I ong LaW~UI't I II f h d f I *** \ Ifc\'la,\('lll j~r{ I '" ~ Illcr" <. rtf'tre(' 1 Il 1 1 I t I., I I c., C' (' 1 '>tart! \ \ J 1 \f I (' t} "I 1h (' 1 t tIt I v('r <.., t (' [) r t \ II 1) t B.-\t I ( 1'1 1 1: y (T f \ 1 rr G. L u1 Uti t (\ l \ [ f' I ell (r f'1 \ '\ J of I ak po te r(1ad Gro se Pomte j a<, [ \ II d t ( V p I'C) I ' I Bo) lst)n (Ill> H.acq let 'In I (. rlmg te dge "i ')CC lIt C ec :,lOn 0' t C" ., R <l t ente eel Marygrove college fI '1 C t 1 dd '11 I r I If I * * * Club <-,t (11 r f1at~ Shoot ng Club (). t t 'Y 19an ..,upreme cour Ian e ,,* ut g t) a lee t j n 1 ...t t e f L h Old C lub J) tro t Country Club Yale drm 1 l.lst week n the matter of a<;<;ess The Nelghhorhood Club Junior foot. lo\\('<;t t f fl! ("('S As 11 ,>tt I ()I Tue..day the women 0 o-e moor lib II _. f b f 1 'fi Id da Th If Cl,lb f DetrOlt Yale Club of 1\ew lllg <;e 001 p.roperty for tax purpose~ a team 15 compo.lea 0 oyll rom grew s d 1 ts 1 11ly to ("eln out cub haa.. e y ere was go In I 0 1 d f 1 12 1 Id A b 1 h d Y k R ecess CIUlb of New York he eClslon a the court expl1Clty to 4 years 0 ny near y team. the pUflpO'>ef r \..h (' 1 It ,\a<, fut nded the mar-lung, unc eon .at noon an or ..1- - II M S Td dd h _, B k Cluh of New York Grosse exempted all school property from all Ge$Inng games ca r unonsen at a ay w th more tha 1 f fteen thou bridge was pIaye Urlng t e alter.l an ers N Th da F da noon P01nte Club and Grosse Pomte Ydcht purPO",f'S of taXc:l.tlOn regardless of Iagara 0771 on urs y, n y or 5 w IA & P tares fa 11 the A,tla lUC ( d PI) CJ b wl dl t:r tht.. pope t)' IS bdrg u cd for SaturdayafternooDi St Clair $chool, to the P c fic a i fr 1 tl c (,ulf of 'vo tJ 1ue 01 cige am U _ sel 001 purp( ses Gabriel Ru:hard and Defer school., \1 extco to tl e (<:lna bal 1 rdt.r ana 1il_~~~ f~-------------" plea.ae take notice beyond A & P '\I\lth lore thaI 50000 i~1 Ml-~~ ~~~~~;~w;:~l!:~~~;~~:;~ ~~fgj At t~:~::lp~:'~~~g:::OOI. ~:;~e~~~~~Y:e;:~~~;:~:~ ~~~u~'o1~~w:~; ;f~!7:~:~~:~~~1;: ~~:~~, ~~:~s;~ae:~~c~: h II was learned thiS week that 101 9 00 930 Begmners (4 to 6 ) ears) A & P t 1701 K hem. guests at the Grosse Pomte ReVIew whleh In cooperation Wit ~rw s nr ....... e3t store a ; e-r , '" girls are bemg crowded mto 44 9 30 10 00 (;)econd Year (4 to 6) I I I f h the theater management IS offertng two -adults admlSluon to a"l evenmg s ClevJ. s Just 'loot ler rea, 1 or t <; showeril wl'hln the short apace of 100011 00 Peg1l1 el~ (79 )cars) 5ucces<; It s up t <Jette11 e\er} re performance for the price of ~ne ~ hm€] of 10 minutes, four to SIX 11 00 12 00 1 ap Danclllg bit I1 1 So successful were the parties of last week and so appreciative were ~ spect ea lty anr i IdCIC1 t\. la, e ~ P eople on I2.naverage report to the Ball ROOm danung wtll be taug~t b tI 1 hi dI ' I the patrons that adults who chp the attached coupon and present It ,at Len nos lappl vel ec v (er one school nurae at the same bme and and ll1tormat on regarda g tlme prlces f f dill the box office of the AIQma theater next Tuesday at' Wednesday eve roo I" oun as COl1pete an as<,Cl11)) h h only three co-uches are- avadaMe and etc mav be had by call ng Nmgara ff d Id h fAil nong, October 14 and 15, may agam be 'Our guests at t e t eater A a 00 s as one cou V. I') or out of 51 girls atte-ndmg a JUnior 0771 th k 1b f P ayment of 25 cents, the regular admisSIon charge of one adult must IS \\ee 11 ce e rat 01 a Ih Oi e !lng High school SWlmlntng class, not .. • 1 I b t d d I accompany the coupon bearer who IS adtmtted free peCIa prices ave ec I ro uce n dI d I d T one waa taU enough to touch the The Ladies Bndge tournament Ia.II another part of thiS !'aper you "i\dl fil"'d ThIS specIal offer IS open only to a u is an Imite to next ues h AI I d Ch I bottom of the pool at the shallow begun with an unusually good turnout these 10"" prices <,et forth A & P day's and Wednesday's performances at t e oma, ocate at ar e >V Bnd The problems that these SItu- Two meetings ha.ve been held, and stores throughout Detro t are holdIng VOIX and Wayburn avenues h abona present are now bemg at~ t ose who attend have been keenly en" theIr ~eml annual Del \ronte sale ~ tempted to be solved by directors JOYIng themselves These qual t) canned toods at &ale ALOMA THEATER COUPON ~ of the PhYSical Educational depart.. It IS :not t-oo late to come If YOu are prices l.omb1l1ed \\Itl the 10\ 1nces FOR ADULTS ONLY Iment mtere~ted The group meets every celebrat ng the grand opellng of th~ I\,, ..iJ Monday afternoon at the Nelghbol- ne\\ cst store 1S perl ap<; one at he ThIS coupon and 25c will admit two (2) adults to the theater t The ht gat on was brought to the hood Club and plaYing take. place b•• reasons for the great cro\\ds t at 1ave CharleVOIX a nd Wayburn, Tuesday or Wednesday, October Supre lIe Court by the B-oard of Edu tween two and five o'clock There IS I been throl gllg Detro t <; file t and 14 and 15 1 1930. catlO"1 a(ter an unfavoratb1e dee SlO11no entry fee, membership In the club "110Stcomplete food market 51 cc rue ~~Ji!!m.mJiillti!Iffimrillffi!.J~I@~JijmillE!Ii!!.JijlffilJNf61iim!~~~ had been handed dov.n m the Wavne being the only reqUIrement 1 da) October 7th ARMY OFFICIAL SPE AKS ON WAR C,rcult CQurt The case concerns the a!>~essment of taxes by Grosse Pomte AND INDUSTRY BEFORE COMMITTEE Vlllwge 0' the property at Kercbeval avenue and CadIeux road 0'\\ ned by the Board of EducatIOn but not at present bel11g used for school pur poses It \\a<; the contentIOn of the V11lage that lb lot be 19 used for sel 001 pt poses excluded t from commg wlthm ti-Ie exemptlOn clause apphca.ble to school 1roperty The School Board through Its attorney \A 111<km fltz patflcl contended that under the School coele adopted 1ll 1927 all schOOl property was e'Xempted The Supreme Cot It confirmed the theory of the School Board s attorney Steps are to be taken It ,,,as dec ded at the SclioGlt Board meet ng last Mon day eVC111l1g 111 the Cadleux School bUIlding to collect tUltlOn fees from the Board of EducatIOn of the Cltv of DetrOit for those ehlldre'1 hvmg on the west SIde of WaYlburn avenue \\ ho are attendmg Grosse POll1te schools The boundary lme -;eparatlllg the C1t} of DetrOlt from the Grosse pOlllte sc'bool distrIct runs through the lot on the west SIde of Vvaytburn result1l1g In part of the home bemg located In Grosse pomte and part 111 Detro t An InvestIgation reveals that the greater part of such restnences are located m DetrOIt With only a s'11all portIOn bemg 11 Gro:,:,e Po nte 'Lrde such CIrcumstances m the school enumeratIon the chJldren would prop crly be classed as bemg school chI1 ~,ren of betI'Olt but prefer to attend Grosse pomte schools At the board meetll1g It v. as p011lted out that while Grosse Pomte IS not obhged to educate these chIldren WIth out charge It IS bell1g done due to the request of the parents It IS expected tha~ the cOO'PeratlOn of these parents 'A 111be asked 111 the Board s undertak mg by havmg them a.ppeal to the De tr01t Board of EducatIOn to paY the tUltlQn charges rather than force them to send theIr chIldren to DetrOit ichoQls Scbool Board to Try to Collect Tuition from Detroit System '> J I t 1 et" 1.1 tt (., tor 11 c e-ntre- co 1f.'>.eof 10 leLl r(,> a to bCI g Id f)r tj SpeCIal attentlO 1 IS bellg g ven to the fad that !>easo1 tlclets for tl c: use of students only arc offel ed clt $250 each ';lllgle tlckets to cac'l lec ture may be purchdsed at the door for 75 cenb IndIVIduals ll1terested m ob tamlllg season tIckets are urged to COlllllunlcate '\\Ith MISS I:h.tabeth ] or dan executlve secretarj who may be reached at the Nelg1 borhood club on v.. aterloo avenue 111 Grosse Pomte V111age Her telephone number 1S NIagara 0771 Concertung Dr Shull i"ho \" 11con duct the first lecture and \'dll l11us trate It hiS title IS Professor of 7001 ag} eha flman of the DepartmcI f of Zoology and DIrector of the ZOOIOgl ca1 Laboratory HIS teachmg consIsts largely of lectunng to large classes ll1 (Contmued on Page rom) The first of the senes of Crosse POl1te Lectures to be gIven in the Grosse POll1te HIgh School aed1tonum durll1g the fall and W nter n onths wllt take plae.t nc},.t Monday eveulllg Oc tdber 13 1tn t h A Frankhn Shull pro fe!>sor of z.ootogy at the Ul1lVers1ty of MichIgan sehedulcd for the first lec ture [h1s I~ the third season of the Grosse POll1te Lectures and dunng the past two )-ears they have prove 1 of exceptlOl1al ll1terest to Grosse pOll1ters The comnllttee on al rangements C0l1SlSt111g of Dr Hugh Stalker chaIr man Dr S M Bro'\\ nell super111tend ent of 'Schools Dr ] A Barnes pn 1 clpal of Grosse Pamte High school and Fred Sutter prestdent of the Grosse Pomte Board of Educat on thIS week announced the plans for the 193031 season A course of 10 lectures I1stead of fi\ e offered heretofore will be gIven th1S season the comnllttee s prospeetu~ states These lectures wl11 be pre sented In the aud1toflU11l of the H gh school begll1n1ng next \1Qnday at 8 30 p m and rUl1lUng throughout the <;eason to March on the second and fourth Mondays of each month The comnllttee has deemed It adv1s able to depart somewhat from the chal a<-ter of entertamment presented dur mg the pa~t two yealb and. hd.s pre PdtC"d' t11CWllitC!;' ~ prog-tam c'tdu&1vely from the U llVef51ty of MichIgan!> Lx ter SOl dl\-ISon froon \"I-j C'l It 1a" Sl> lected such ~pe tkers and ~t1bJecb a:, t feel'> ~ re \1 tr I ~ly <ill e 1 t tl s en :;. First Lecture Will :;. be Given Monday in :;. G. P. High School :;. 1 \ I

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Page 1: 1il ~~~'vodigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930...Tntal gamO' played 26 Won lost 7 Defer Parent- Teacher To Hold Meeting! - I Th(' Parent Teacher ASSOCIatIOnof the




===~=====,~~.==========~==-~~~~=--===""""":~~~~=--============-=~=~~~~~-~~-Vol 4-No 4S (,t,O,,'o] 1'01 ,,,] L i\IlClflGAj\ 1H1.-RSDA \ OC1aUf R 9 1930 ll; i\hil 'j;200 PCI yc"r 'omg!e Cople, Scents

IG. P. Farms Athletic i

Club Wins Final Game IIof Successful Yeaij

The Gros<;e Pomte rarms '\ C delteated the C;preckall Cartage 6 to 2 1last ';u lday s game at Kerbv FieldThIS \\ ast the la!>t game of tbe nos.,ucce:>~ful season \fa lager James hahad \\1t! h1S c1Ulb The managemen\\lshes to e'(.pres~ the r l1am than Ift r the support fal ~ gave the tcanalso to the member'> of the GrossPOinte I arrm COUllell for theIr ear les~upport The boyS w 11be back on tYJob next !>pnng '\'\Ith <;t111a 5~ geoutfit

Tntal gamO' played 26 Wonlost 7

Defer Parent- Teacher

To Hold Meeting!- I

Th(' Parent Teacher ASSOCIatIOn ofthe Defer 'School \\lIl! hold 1tS firs~mectllg ot the ) car Tue<,day UlghtOct 14 at 7 30 A,t that tlme thpr ze offered pup b 111 the sClenc~clas!>cs for t1 e bebt collect10n 0

pressed leaves w 11 be awarded AtparCl t:, are urged to attend as It wllbe pe louse t1 ght and v.01k of thp lpl!S '\\III be on exhlblt

11 (' fir<;t pct 19 0 tilt' TrOmblyl1Pare lt Tcac1 er A SOClatlOn w 11 beI cld 0 1 Tue~dav cvenn g Octobcr 141

11 the "C! 001 audltorlUm at 8 p m1 hl ne\\o add t on to tl e school wllli

be opel ed for InSpectlOt1 al d the plansfor tl e \ ear \,,111be outlmed Rdreshments \\0 11 he served and 1t l~ hopedthat a great many '\\ III attend

t lrl ('('"\ lhf n J\lt ;r1 ~"\1 1 11

t\fr \1 rfh "i a art ve w(lker forhr ~t A li r <,eAlun 11 serV111gIII the

capac h of presl leI t for the past hree('a"~ He- has 'I1so "ierved as a mem 1('r f thr 'St An hrnse High School I

tattl t\ d.<; an ~lrut.l r 111 hlbhc Ip('akl11g aId d(batlllg IV';l If' 11r \1 ur-phv has not defil1lte1y

bCdte I It 1<; expected h(' WIll begmpact ,c \, 11hll the next few weeks I


Trombly School to Havel

Parent. Teacher Meeting I

St. Ambrose Alumnus

Pas&.es State Tests

for Legal Practice II\furp1 ... ,gr", Irate (1f tll(-

J)('trc t r ,v "d a 1 andf '-'l \ 1 rl ( '1Ilgl

I '-,t1 tf'


Propose Debating Team

~or G. P. High School

An attempt to organ 7f;' an lOterschola:,tlc debat ng team at t e G1os~ePOinte HIgh School IS be ng made bj-Johl D Std.ffell and \fr<; Ftl-tel Kinkead men !bcrs on the :,taff f the Enghsh department If the effort provessuccessful a debatlllg tea n wJll be~ome a permane 1t addltlOn to t lechool act1v tiCS 1o)e el g bie for

the team students must be reglf,teredm the senIOr HIgh school and musthave aln!lty 111publIc i-peakll1g

Neighborhood Club


Over a net\\ork of 17 ColUllb1a\\ln a "acant lot In 0 e of Detr t <;resBroadcastllg Sy~tem StatIOns from ['dent al subut1bs 11 1926 at d hadStatlOn \\ X~Z the KU1Sky Trendle ~ carcely completed the 1ttle 5 ngle edlBroadcastlng ~tud os n DetrOIt Rev fice whIch serves a a temp,JranFr Charles F Coughhn broadcasted church \\ohen some prac ICal Jokerthe first Golden Hour of the lIttle (Co ltmued on Page rour)}-< lo\\('r at 7 a clock Sunda:>- Dctober5 These broadcasts WIth members ofthe DetrOlt Sympho lv Orchestra andnotable vocal art sts partiupatlllg \\ Jiltake place even \\ eek at the sametune The) wJ11be heard here throughStatIOn W LV},.

Fr Coughhn has been a pIOneer 10

radIO '\\ork He \..as 01 e of the firstspeakers over the ear!) Detro t radIOstatlOns al d b the first Cathohc -clergyman to establIsh a regular weekly)roadcast Ho\\ h 5 rad10 work hasgro\\n 111 a couple of ) ears from prachcally nothmg to a maSSl\ e orga11lzatwn IS one of the real m~rvels of theradiO He received hiS first pastorate



'f. 'f.:;'*



St. Ambrose Alumni

There Will be a mect1l1g of 5t Ambrose Alumm Tuesday October the14th at 7 30 0 clock m the school Theannual electl0n of officers WIll takeplace at thIS tIme All membel s arerequested to be there

Th'" local chapter ol: the :t.. atlOnalHonor Soc ety WIll be eontlOued atthe Grosse Pomte H gh school accordlllg to an announcement of 'Ir JohnBarnes prinCIpal of the school It ISnot known ho'\\ ever '\\hether or notthere WIll be any change In the methodof selectIng Candidates for the sacletyLast year the students were electe-don theIr leadershIp thetr scholarsh~pserVlce and theIr character Only sen ..10rS were elIgIble for tn1hatlOn

National Honor Society

Retained at G. P. High

success of the nahon s 11 du<;tnal effort11 \\oar On thIS task thl office of theAss1stant SecretarY of V\ ar and thet...rny supply serv ees have been Vvork1l1gfor ten years Our aIm IS t\\ 0 fold

(Contmued on Page Two)

'to Benjamin S. Wall.'ren :;.

Former G. P. Shores :;.

Trustee Dead at 65 :;.

A..ddressby the Honorable ireder ck H PaYI e the AssI~tant Secretary of War before the 1...nted'tates '\ll11YOrd lance Assoclahonat the umted ';tates Chamber ofCo 1 n ...r e B.111 '1g 'v\ <I"ihI ~tonD C October 8 1930 at 8 IS p m



CONTROL OF INDUSTRY IN WARGentlemen of theOrdnance Assoc at on

There are t\'I'O prll1C1pal phases mmodern warfare each of Vl'hlcl l1USt~e carned on successfully lf the latlolls to be VIctonous 1n a major confhctThe first 1S the actual fightmg 111 thetheater of operatIOns the second ISthe produchon of the matenal thmgsnecessar) to support the fightmg fOlcesand fur111shnecessltltes to the cIv1l1anp.opulatlOl1 Industnal preparatlOn ISthe de'\ etopment 111 peace of all prellmmarv measures that wtll 1l1sure the

Mr and Mra Harry M Jewett, ofLake Shore road Grosse PomteShore" entertained last week end attheir lodge. Grousehaven, at Lupton,Mlch Their guests are Mr and MrsJohn W Dyar of Lincoln road, Mrand Mrs James S Holden of Washmgton and Mr and MJ:"3 John JO'Brien of Grone Pomte boulevard

* • •

By DOROTHY DEEMr and 1frs Harold R Boyer and

\1:r al d Mrs John T \Voodhouse Jrwere hosts at a dl1ner Monday atBy Way the home of Mrs B~yer sparents \1r and Mrs Fredenck 11Alger on Fast] effcrson avenue Thedll1ncr was g1ven on the second \\ eddll1g a I vcrsary of thc Boyers and thefot rth \\eddll1g an llversarv of \fr a d\1rs Woodhouse

A formel trustee of Gros:.e Pomte The Ne ghborhood~~C1ub ma1l1tams a A group at Grosse Po nte \ dla6c Ie'> lei t~ 1VI g tic C'ldlCU:>.. SchoolShores LeuJanll11 Stlccter Warre 1 musIc department under the dIrect s'lct dIstrict f0111ally pet1t1oned the Poard of 1 ducat OJ at st I ci,ulal 11eetmg lastatton1.ey and capl'lahst <hed at hb pervlSlon of the DetrOIt Commumty Monday even ng to take 111l11Cdlatcsttp~ t) co <,tIuct an e1eJlcntar} ~chool onhome 655 I ake Shore road Grosse 0111011MUSIC DIVISIon makmg It pas a ~lte ow led by the Board at the corner t f Kcrcl eV'l1avenue a ld Cadjeu). roadPomte Shores early th c; week fol SIble to glve 111structlO11 m Plano The petltlOn co ltam ng apprOXlIl ateh 100 slhllaturcs of resident:. m thekl\\mg an Illness of three weeks Fu VlOhn MUSICAppreclatlOl1 and Theory VIllage was prese lted to Fred Sutttr pre<,1Ie t of the School Board by II Fnera1 se1Vices were to have been held at reasonable rates The lesson per I alng ,\ ho acted as spoh.esn a 1 '111.1I vi r of the gr up ~o 11e30 or 40 \ llageThursday WIth Dr \\ Ilham D 1vfaxon wds for plano and vlol111are one half resIdents were prese 1t at tl e l1CCllll,:,:"\\ e 1 the pet tlOl1 "as presentedof Chnst Church conductlr'g the ntes r hour long and of course private In .----------- 1 artIcular slgl11fi...a lce lS Sell1 m thetollov,lllg ,,,h ch the bur a1 \\as to have truct on ,\hlle n USICapprecIatIOn and A. and P. Tea Company pet t on 11 that It fo11ov.s a resolutIOntd.ken place In the fan Ily plot at 1" 1m theory are class \\ ork and one hour Open Their Finest Store anol h_ d dt the specldl meetlllg of,"ood cemeter) each Yfonday IS devoted to th1s part of Sc\ 001 DI<;tnct electors held 11 the

1vfr VVtlrren rtld been a pract cmg the course Anyone desmng further Here for Com m u nit Y HIgh School bUlldllg :,eptember 30attorney 111 DetrOIt s Ice 1886 when lI1fOrmatIOll IS nVlted to call NIagara The resolutlo 1 provIded that the Boardhe entered the law offices of the hte 0771 As the scheduk IS rapIdly filhng After month!> of prel aratlO 1 the of I ducat on proceed at once WIth theDon \If Dlc11l1son and assoc atc~ later up It s adVIsable to call as 'loon as Great Atlantlc and P,Clf!C Tld Com nc<-c<;!>alYste'Ps to tse the Kerchevalbecomll g a member of the firm posslhle 111 order to secure the most pdny opened the r ne'\\ est al d flne<;t Ca 1e I'{ s tc as the slte of the first

Born In 1865 111 ChIcago but reared sat sfdctory lesson assignment food store at l704J h.e cheval avenue ]u I r II gh sc\ 001 It was passed by111 DetrOIt Mr \Varrell obtamed hIS Not a stone \\as left u ltun cd to make an QVC'f\\hel1lll11g11 aJonty of the elee." * * tors pre~ent at the meetmg the maearly educatlO 1 11 the DetrOlt public The annual Hop Scotch contest for thIS gl eat store the most co 1 pletc of rschools and at a prnatc ~ 1001 In t k d E ~l t1 t ~ J nh of \.,.hom 'Were {rom \Jrosse

JUDiOX' girls took place on the after- t s 111 Vel) 11lg Ie a\ pt I e Po I te r,l.! k~tuttgart German) He obtamed hIS noon of October ht An unusually LOuld pos~lbly deSIre IS fOUld UI dCT

Mrs T \\ orden Huntel ,,,ho has LI B at Yale U11lver~ty m 18RCJand one roof a grocery dep'lrtmtl t f e:,h Several r.es1dents of the Park mstru

b d• 1 d S s f d large number took .part, twenty two ,1ental 1Il the pa!>&ng of the resolutlon

een resl 11g 111 'vo or, 0 pnng or \Nas at one tll e gcnerdl counsel <in 11 at'-> !)roduce haked good<; fr<.~h andIn all. and everybody had a mOIStex- 1 t t th 'I dthe last several months ha& retur led rCCCI\er for the DetrOIt 101edo and smoked fish ddlry ploducts dcllcatc<; \\ere a ~ prC"ien a e j,~ on ay eve..DR SHULL c1t1ng time Among the older girts, f tl ell B dto DetrOlt and 1S OCCUpYl1g<1 terrace Ironton Ral1wav a HI ,,,as also counsel' sen depart 1 ent a thoU'ia ld and onc t1 19 1('Ct 19 0 le -..c100 oar

M d G P t D Shull P'f _,Z I VIOlet VanTlem and Rachael Maertens Dur cr the C(urse of the meeting

ltl aumee roa lrosse 0 n e for the I\nn At bOl Railroad He re r ,1'u eSl!iOl:WL" ooogy delectable challengt:, to tl e al'! ehte ("> h 1 I B dbed for honors. Violet wlDnmg fir.t 1ft C* * " Ilnnulshed these 11 1912 to look after at UniVersIty .uf MIchIgan, wIll It l~ of llltcrest to k'lO" thdt Mr 11 ellllHr~ 0 t )CIOO oar resl'1 place 10 the draw and Rachael second .. 1 f h P k d 1 t f th

The fivo chapters ot the DetrOIt hIS nOvate 11terests condl.ct the rr4t of Jhe ~et'les of Rubl<;ch In and Mr \1ch.a\ mana<YersI (e 1t<;() tear an resl< en s 0 er Among the smaller gIrlS, Dorothy Lee .... \ 1I1ac eXL <ill ul I (.a:. a:. to trc locaBranch of the Lambda Tau Delta .01"" In 1904 Mr \i\ arre 1 married MISS GrossE:!Pi;/1lnteLectures next Mon~ took first place, and Jane Kelsey see 111 theIr respective departments at 170'4 g gd T )onlPy' are JOintly aponsorlDg the tird Rumay le Latta of Go~hen Iud She day' -evenmg at the tbgh School ond Kercheval are retall1ed II th s sa lIe (Co It!l11C on Page wo&crorlty event of then' faIl program, WIth 1\\0 daughters Mrs J P WIlson buIldmg. Dr Hi1~h ~ta1ker. chalr- 1< * * capaclty at 17045 Kercheval avenue a ldwhich ",lll be An open bndge party In Jr and \il"s Ehzabeth Laurenza man on the e°ltJW~fM': ~m arrangJl~ The Neighborhood Club junior foot ItontlOue the pIe isant rel<ltlOllshlp the)"the G.eorgum room of the Hud ..on ,ments, annaune~ftl~tlllswee1c.- 1 h t t> 11 f d4 Warren and a ~0}1 J3enJM1,l111.::'trceter I ~ ball learn won \hplr :;;crpn..f gJJpl" of en~oye( 10 t..",cpas WI't. lelf Ilcn 5bur.<l-;n ..... Sat:ui>da.-y aft~rnoon. Oc ..oh~... '\~ } -<; .1 L ~ C' -i1.,; - ~~,A¥" ~ OJ; 1." Warrel1 Jr survlye I the !>easo1i by defeattpg t!t~_Han$t,elO Iallct cUHotnC:'l':'ot tll(. OJ( .dUUfebS 111t.y I11 Mr. Arthur Louwers and Misl B cl f E-~ t' h 1 11 d 1\it Wdrren had served as a t1ustee oar 0 auca Ion Senters 1913 last Wednesday The aye most empiatlCa y <promIse tlCGrace Krelt are 10 charge of arrange~ D f I fu t'G P t "'\0 1 e eah G P VI'II "'JJOlC,\:lS \\c11 pla)cd but a hew) turf same prOllpt an< e cle ~e VIC(' Imenta and tickets ma.y be obtamed a 0 sc 'I ....,;0 .." age '"t t I 1 t f Sc1 01 IJ ,>t rt Af grrath 1 eeluced the "itcc I of the 11l to:' I ag c f I. refrom any member of the sorority r ~ ee .-\ rec 0 (1 0 I tell.' I ong LaW~UI't I II f h d f I*** \ Ifc\'la,\('lll j~r{ I '" ~ Illcr" <. rtf'tre(' 1 Il

1 1 I t I., I I c., C' (' 1 '>tart! \ \ J 1\f I (' t} "I 1 h (' 1 t tIt I v('r

<.., t (' [) r t \ II 1) t B.-\t I ( 1'1 1 1: y(T f \ 1 rr G. L u1 Uti t (\ l \ [ f' I ell (r f'1 \ '\ J

of I ak po te r(1ad Gro se Pomte j a<, [ \ II d t ( V p I'C) I ' IBo) lst)n (Ill> H.acq let 'In I (. rlmg te dge "i ')CC lIt C ec :,lOn 0' t C" ., R <l tente eel Marygrove college f I '1 C t 1 d d • '11 I r I If I* * * Club <-,t (11 r f1at~ Shoot ng Club (). t t 'Y 19an ..,upreme cour Ian e ,,* ut g t) a lee t j n 1 ...t t e

f L h Old Club J) tro t Country Club Yale drm 1 l.lst week n the matter of a<;<;ess The Nelghhorhood Club Junior foot. lo\\('<;t t f fl! ("('S As 11 ,>tt I ()I

Tue ..day the women 0 o-e moor lib II _. f b f

1'fi Id da Th If Cl,lb f DetrOlt Yale Club of 1\ew lllg <;e 001 p.roperty for tax purpose~ a team 15 compo.lea 0 oyll rom grew s d 1 ts 1 11ly to ("eln out

cub haa.. e y ere was go In I 0 1 d f 1 12 1 Id A b1 h d Y k R

ecess CIUlb of New York he eClslon a the court expl1Clty to 4 years 0 ny near y team. the pUflpO'>ef r \..h (' 1 It ,\a<, fut ndedthe mar-lung, unc eon .at noon an or ..1- - II M S T d

d d h_, B k Cluh of New York Grosse exempted all school property from all Ge$Inng games ca r unonsen at a ay w th more tha 1 f fteen thou

bridge was pIaye Urlng t e alter.l an ers N Th da F danoon P01nte Club and Grosse Pomte Ydcht purPO",f'S of taXc:l.tlOn regardless of Iagara 0771 on urs y, n y or 5w I A & P tares f a 11 the A,tla lUC

(• d PI) CJ b wl dl t:r tht.. pope t)' IS bdrg u cd for SaturdayafternooDi St Clair $chool, to the P c fic a i fr 1 tl c (,ulf of'vo tJ 1ue 01 cige am U _ sel 001 purp( ses Gabriel Ru:hard and Defer school., \1extco to tl e (<:lna bal 1 rdt.r ana1il_~~~f~-------------" plea.ae take notice beyond A & P '\I\lth lore thaI 50000

i~1 Ml-~~~~~~~;~w;:~l!:~~~;~~:;~~~fgj At t~:~::lp~:'~~~g:::OOI. ~:;~e~~~~~Y:e;:~~~;:~:~ ~~~u~'o1~~w:~; ;f~!7:~:~~:~~~1;:~~:~~,~~:~s;~ae:~~c~:

h II was learned thiS week that 101 9 00 930 Begmners (4 to 6 ) ears) A & P t 1701 Khem. guests at the Grosse Pomte ReVIew whleh In cooperation Wit ~rw s nr .......e3t store a ; e-r, '" girls are bemg crowded mto 44 9 30 10 00 (;)econd Year (4 to 6) I I I f hthe theater management IS offertng two -adults admlSluon to a"l evenmg s ClevJ. s Just 'loot ler rea, 1 or t <;showeril wl'hln the short apace of 100011 00 Peg1l1 el~ (79 )cars) 5ucces<; It s up t <Jette11 e\er} reperformance for the price of ~ne ~ hm€] of 10 minutes, four to SIX 11 00 12 00 1 ap Danclllg bit I 1 1

So successful were the parties of last week and so appreciative were ~ spect ea lty anr i IdC IC1 t\. la, e

~People on I2.naverage report to the Ball ROOm danung wtll be taug~t b t I 1 hi d I ' I

the patrons that adults who chp the attached coupon and present It ,at Len nos lappl vel ec v (er oneschool nurae at the same bme and and ll1tormat on regarda g tlme prlces f f dillthe box office of the AIQma theater next Tuesday at' Wednesday eve roo I" oun as COl1pete an as<,Cl11))

h honly three co-uches are- avadaMe and etc ma v be had by call ng Nmgara f f d Id h fAil

nong, October 14 and 15, may agam be 'Our guests at t e t eater A a 00 s as one cou V. I') orout of 51 girls atte-ndmg a JUnior 0771 th k 1 b f

Payment of 25 cents, the regular admisSIon charge of one adult must IS \\ee 11 ce e rat 01 a Ih Oi e !lng

High school SWlmlntng class, not • .. • 1 I b t d d Iaccompany the coupon bearer who IS adtmtted free peCIa prices ave ec I ro uce n

d I d I d Tone waa taU enough to touch the The Ladies Bndge tournament Ia.II another part of thiS !'aper you "i\dl fil"'d

ThIS specIal offer IS open only to a u is an Imite to next uesh AI I d Ch I

bottom of the pool at the shallow begun with an unusually good turnout these 10"" prices <,et forth A & Pday's and Wednesday's performances at t e oma, ocate at ar e >VBnd The problems that these SItu- Two meetings ha.ve been held, and stores throughout Detro t are holdIngVOIX and Wayburn avenues habona present are now bemg at~ t ose who attend have been keenly en" theIr ~eml annual Del \ronte sale

~ tempted to be solved by directors JOYIng themselves These qual t) canned toods at &aleALOMA THEATER COUPON ~ of the PhYSical Educational depart.. It IS :not t-oo late to come If YOu are prices l.omb1l1ed \\Itl the 10\ 1nces

FOR ADULTS ONLY Iment mtere~ted The group meets every celebrat ng the grand opellng of th~I \,, ..iJ Monday afternoon at the Nelghbol- ne\\ cst store 1S perl ap<; one at heThIS coupon and 25c will admit two (2) adults to the theatert The ht gat on was brought to the hood Club and plaYing take. place b•• reasons for the great cro\\ds t at 1ave

CharleVOIX and Wayburn, Tuesday or Wednesday, October Supre lIe Court by the B-oard of Edu tween two and five o'clock There IS I been throl gllg Detro t <; file t and14 and 15

11930. catlO"1 a(ter an unfavoratb1e dee SlO11no entry fee, membership In the club "110Stcomplete food market 51 cc rue

~~Ji!!m.mJiillti!Iffimrillffi!.J~I@~JijmillE!Ii!!.JijlffilJNf61iim!~~~ had been handed dov.n m the Wavne being the only reqUIrement 1 da) October 7th

ARMY OFFICIAL SPEAKS ON WAR C,rcult CQurt The case concerns the

a!>~essment of taxes by Grosse PomteAND INDUSTRY BEFORE COMMITTEE Vlllwge 0' the property at Kercbeval

avenue and CadIeux road 0'\\ ned bythe Board of EducatIOn but not atpresent bel11g used for school purposes

It \\a<; the contentIOn of the V11lagethat lb lot be 19 used for sel 001 ptposes excluded t from commg wlthmti-Ie exemptlOn clause apphca.ble toschool 1roperty The School Boardthrough Its attorney \A 111<km fltzpatflcl contended that under theSchool coele adopted 1ll 1927 all schOOlproperty was e'Xempted The SupremeCot It confirmed the theory of theSchool Board s attorney

Steps are to be taken It ,,,as dec dedat the SclioGlt Board meet ng last Monday eVC111l1g111 the Cadleux SchoolbUIlding to collect tUltlOn fees fromthe Board of EducatIOn of the Cltv ofDetrOit for those ehlldre'1 hvmg on thewest SIde of WaYlburn avenue \\ ho areattendmg Grosse POll1te schools

The boundary lme -;eparatlllg the C1t}of DetrOlt from the Grosse pOllltesc'bool distrIct runs through the loton the west SIde of Vvaytburn result1l1gIn part of the home bemg located In

Grosse pomte and part 111 Detro tAn InvestIgation reveals that the

greater part of such restnences arelocated m DetrOIt With only a s'11allportIOn bemg 11 Gro:,:,e Po nte 'Lrdesuch CIrcumstances m the schoolenumeratIon the chJldren would propcrly be classed as bemg school chI1~,ren of betI'Olt but prefer to attendGrosse pomte schools

At the board meetll1g It v. as p011ltedout that while Grosse Pomte IS notobhged to educate these chIldren WIthout charge It IS bell1g done due to therequest of the parents It IS expectedtha~ the cOO'PeratlOn of these parents'A 111be asked 111 the Board s undertakmg by havmg them a.ppeal to the Detr01t Board of EducatIOn to paY thetUltlQn charges rather than force themto send theIr chIldren to DetrOitichoQls

Scbool Board to Try

to Collect Tuition

from Detroit System

'> J I t 1 et" 1.1 tt (., tor 11 ce-nt re- co 1f.'>.eof 10 leLl r(,> a to bCI g

Id f)r tj SpeCIal attentlO 1 IS bellgg ven to the fad that !>easo1 tlclets fortl c: use of students only arc offel ed clt$250 each ';lllgle tlckets to cac'l lecture may be purchdsed at the door for75 cenb IndIVIduals ll1terested m obtamlllg season tIckets are urged toCOlllllunlcate '\\Ith MISS I:h.tabeth ] ordan executlve secretarj who may bereached at the Nelg1 borhood club onv.. aterloo avenue 111 Grosse PomteV111age Her telephone number 1SNIagara 0771

Concertung Dr Shull i"ho \" 11conduct the first lecture and \'dll l11ustrate It hiS title IS Professor of 7001ag} eha flman of the DepartmcI f ofZoology and DIrector of the ZOOIOglca1 Laboratory HIS teachmg consIstslargely of lectunng to large classes ll1

(Contmued on Page rom)

The first of the senes of CrossePOl1te Lectures to be gIven in theGrosse POll1te HIgh School aed1tonumdurll1g the fall and W nter n onths wllttake plae.t nc},.t Monday eveulllg Octdber 13 1tnth A Frankhn Shull profe!>sor of z.ootogy at the Ul1lVers1ty ofMichIgan sehedulcd for the first lecture [h1s I~ the third season of theGrosse POll1te Lectures and dunng thepast two )-ears they have prove 1 ofexceptlOl1al ll1terest to Grosse pOll1ters

The comnllttee on al rangementsC0l1SlSt111gof Dr Hugh Stalker chaIrman Dr S M Bro'\\ nell super111tendent of 'Schools Dr ] A Barnes pn 1clpal of Grosse Pamte High school andFred Sutter prestdent of the GrossePomte Board of Educat on thIS weekannounced the plans for the 193031season

A course of 10 lectures I1stead offi\ e offered heretofore will be gIventh1S season the comnllttee s prospeetu~states These lectures wl11 be presented In the aud1toflU11l of the H ghschool begll1n1ng next \1Qnday at 8 30p m and rUl1lUng throughout the<;eason to March on the second andfourth Mondays of each month

The comnllttee has deemed It adv1sable to depart somewhat from the chala<-ter of entertamment presented durmg the pa~t two yealb and. hd.s prePdtC"d' t11CWllitC!;' ~ prog-tam c'tdu&1velyfrom the U llVef51ty of MichIgan!> Lxter SOl dl\-ISon froon \"I-j C'l It 1a" Sl>lected such ~pe tkers and ~t1bJecb a:, t

feel'> ~ re \ 1 tr I ~ly <ill e 1 t tl sen

:;.First Lecture Will :;.

be Given Monday in :;.

G. P. High School :;.1



Page 2: 1il ~~~'vodigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930...Tntal gamO' played 26 Won lost 7 Defer Parent- Teacher To Hold Meeting! - I Th(' Parent Teacher ASSOCIatIOnof the

~--- -~.,..,.~ ~ -,,--.-.-,..- ~?....,. -wv T "'1'~ 'W'f -=-~ r"- .....".....--.~y---I.~

...,.. h.-,.





SSeCleaned andPressed

be conti ary to our expenence m everywar we have ever waged, 'Can be attamed only If yoU and the nabon sother patnotlc busm~s men eontmueto assist us 111 the solutlO11 of the greatproDlem mvo1ved

Cl~aned andPressed

Instantly-'--No Time Loat!t takes only a $ecOl'\d to tE;-.t your brakea

SlttlPry dJ:'l've on the Tester arid apply ,"ourbl:'akes The relative brakIng power on eachwheel .J.S ImmedIately shown DY;£lie Mae Of hqwdIn the four gauge., whu:.h are pOSitIoned t~correspond to the four wh"IlI That's aU thereiff -to It Thl.$ T-e.ster has been ilist!lled f~your safety and comfort :rlen&euae It Qfteu

DAY BY DAY ~ * * dollar by dollar * * *your dream c~mes nearer to actuahty. By

easy, systematic savmgs deposits * *' * you

are prOVIdIng for later years ;f :t' * of leisure,and travel, and contentment. It's easy to


REGALCleaners and Dyers

15029 Kercheval at Maryland

DARLINGS GARAGE17153 E. Jefferson





Test Your Brakes andWheels Free

Please Mention Grosse Pointe Review when bringing in work


You are urged to fill your bin NOW wIth the on" fuel that"ever d.sapp0lnts * , ¥ COAL. The highest quahty coal canbe obtamed promptly by calhng LEnox 3467.

Yau can ch~ck your '1 IP'nment lmmedlah..y by dt \-It ~ 01'1'.:: our n...w A.horr"" IeWheel Ahgu'TIent Ind cator I he ha.rdon th~ lar.l{e dIal unmechately shows anyd.egree of nllsaIJgnment present In nU'Tlb",rCtf feet the hre.s are actually dragged SIdeways 1n each mIle due to the wheels bemgtoed In, or out A bell warns you If thISmIsahgnment IS eXCoeSSIve

Cash and Carry




arahon and has contributed 1ll no smallmeasure to the progress so far madeI confidently beheve that we Will enterthe next war If unfortunately there bt':one as an ord011y and effiCIent bus!ness cancer 1 ThiS rewlt whlch WIll

r::~';-N"""-G-1~';::r;:;1~owa['ds . . LEISURE 0-======== «)


Evenin~ School Grows;Students MayStill Join

ness men real progress has been madeIf we shQuld face a great emergencyi'omorTOW we feel reasonably certamthat nustakes occasioned In 1917 by out

The porwerful dramatIc arblltty of lack of accurate knowledge of nl1htaryRuth Chatterton <hsip"layed so success reqUirements by the concentration offully m CharmlOg Sll1ners The productlOn tasks m already congestedLaughmg Lady and Madame X wlll areas and by unwarranted competlbe agaIn brought forward for the de tIon between purchasmg agents of th~lecatatlon of her numerous adll11rerS Goverl ment wou1d not be repeated'" hen the Punch and Judy theater IntenSIVe study has been made consho\\ s her l'lev.est film Sarah and ce'rmng the effect to be expected onSon Tuesday and Wednesday October the llldustnal and econon lC I fe of our14 and 15 country by tl e hansltlOll fro a "tcl.te

Sarah and Son IS the story of an of peace to that of war a 1d b) thempovensl ed actress who IS forcld to demands set up by the Army and "\ ayygive up her b.:Lby boy that sl e mlght mumtlOns programs Simply to COll\\ork and hve On becon ml?; famous tr.act wlth an mdustnal estahl shn t. t Ishe tnes to retrieve the lad but en for the deltvery of a fi l',hed Itn'11 1

cOllnters lUt-ngue upon the p1rt of the not sufficlt.nt An effectlve COItroll 0I,.\-ealthy couple who have adopted her lust be exerc sed over all our mdt 0chIld The manner In 'VI- hlCh she ac trIal as:.ets so hat every esse It al facon p1Jshes her courdgeom purpose clhh, n a hl <1"..,trld of the l1CCC':.drytorms the clImax. o£ tht. pIcture It 1" raw n atenals labor po\',er d.lld fi 0teme and breath takmg-but It IS one I aces 1< urtherrnore the system em\\h ch leaves an audience III a happy played to secure these results n 1:>tblglov.r of good 5.pmts a fair and Just 11 It" operatlO I that

-Fredenc March 1S cast OpposIte MISS the burdens and <>acrlfices of ""ar areChatterton He plays the part of the dlstnbuted eqUItably to all cItizensyoung lav.yer who falls lU lm!e vvlth In time of peace the commerclaf andher and tnes to help her retneve her mdustna1 actwltles of the nation flow}oung soh played,by P1ulhpe de Lacy tram the normal workmg of the econThere 1:' an abundance of splendId on11(' law of supply and demand Withcharacter portrayal Ih the pIcture a mlllllilum of Illterference b.f govern

TImothy Shea wrote the ongmal mental regulat 011 In war the Go I G P . t S . B knovel l1pon whIch the screen story 15 ernments atlltude toward ndustry 15 rosse oln e avlngs anbased Zoe Akms renowned Amencan largely reversed From -ol1e of reHancewoman poet and playwnght wlOte the upon pnvate InJt ahve It becomes one Jefferson at Rivard Blvd. 0adaptatlOn £f'~mthe n), of almost dlstatonal contlroJ The de D

The pl'Ctut,,",was 'C11'1'~ ~y Dorothy mands occasIOned by mlltary e:XlgenAlzner P.at$311ounrs r6 :Iwoman dl Cles become paramount Some actI\ 1

rector ~ Ities must be expanded others curtal1ed Ot:::lOi f; 'OJ::lO O.r=OI:O---~-~1t!!"_. Some must bc set 111 entIrely new d E~~tJirm.rB}I@j~@f~iill[1!filllWi!mill@!illmfr~Jiilliilffi!f611ii1Ii~I@iil~'Billie~ve rect ens d J "till other" mU:.t be II~ At regrouped In new relattonsh ps The If you want, tile Fisher Impulse for all these changes 11l.1st',i - 11;' come from the cenllal government I STEADY DEPENDABLE HEAT

B1lhe Do~gs re<:ord f~ havmg had whch atone can determme ho\'v tnefamous lead-lOg ~en m her pIctures eXlgenCy can best be met ThiS neces ~goes up -another not~h WIth One Nlght sanly entad:. matenal changes 11 a 1at Susle s a hJ~-h !powered crook a;(lt ImstratlVe machmery that was de'drama at the FIShm- theater thIS week SIgned and developed mam1y to ...arry

Douglas FaIrbanks J r plays oppo on the vastly dIfferent governmentalsite MISS Dove m thlS productlOu dutIes of peaceYoung Fau"banh.s was placed 1ll the ThIs question of provldmg an aderole from hiS rank as nne of the quate OrgamzatlOn to control 11ldustry$'tU<"ilos most prOnJ1smg stellar Ibets m war JS O"le of the most ll11portantbecause none have :played such an ex and at tne same hme one of the mostaetmg role as he enacts In One NIght thffieult that beset us today The bestat Susle s gUlde avaI1a.ble to us IS our expenenee

Heten Ware and James Crane have In the World War .. Out of the conother outstandll1g t10les m the picture fUSion extravagance and delay:, ofwhIch John FranCIS DIllon directed 1917 there: finally emerged 111 tho-spnngThe story 1S based on Fredenck Haz of 1918 the War Industries Board anhtt Brennan s mag<)zme senal scen orgamzatlOn of Amcncan busilless men ianted by Forrest Halsey and Kathryn c.staJbhshed solely for the purpose ofScola puttmg OUf mdustnal effort on a sound ~

On the stage there IS another new bus mess basts Due to many unusual @P bl h d " I B d CO!i.<htwns t~en eXIst ng the board IU IX S ow an ,17amue enaVle anthe M1Ch,gan Symphony QrchestIta never succeeded 1ll determ mug clearhave a Ibnlhant tl1 <:tcal spectacle cut solutIOns 4:0 all the problems that

________ arose ille Studelit wIll fi[)d lo\,>-e"e:rIII the hIstory of ItS achvlhes amp1e iprbof th1.t Its organ zatlOn was SOU11dn plllC pIe and that the beard "chem" Innder willch t 01 ('rat d ,\as effect \c ~

11 (.. (' ) ,,1 rnc r f! 1f''' r 1 r It'> I IZ1 1 "re:~ 1e 1 33~ '>Ul 1. ~ 1(..1 nl tl ( 1h t t n I, I r I ~

r Ih L t [)~laSt "e*1l tl <lCC It b I 1:'1 f 11 tl'lt r \\ [d {~to an at 11l'.lttl1eCnentti.bv Arthur L tnt,s Buard of 1917 1918 ~

Inca ClvlhzahcD i nppensee pm clpal Through a centrahzed llldustnal or ~There are few more col( Ifu! stories lor the frst tUlle courses carrymg galllzatiol the Government WIU CQl rol ~

in hIstOr\ than U ot of tl e Tnca cl\ I ll:;h school credit are belllg glvu the uses of ra", matenab pov. t r and }illil17ation with nil of its stren,btlls and I 11 1 money determme upon pntes for Isholtcomloes "hith ".as "iped out '"by ;:,tU(CltS nay sh register t11S weecthe SpanIsh con(Jueror~ Writers hu\e 0 1ext week for the credIt course:. 111 commod1tles and services and pTOplaced upon It a glamol wInch 1t dId t}pc\l,ntm.g shorthand boo<keeiP1l1g mulgate all necessary regulahonsnot deserve and on the other hand I ngl "h and economlS It IS pos"Ible fhere IS no llltentlOn of purcha'lmg orhavE' fatled ta recogni7e the trul) sub tor one to take 111 the evemng COUlse" o'her'Wli:>Ctakmg posseSSIOn of the na~tantJlll contrlbutlons mane bv these work eqUivalent to a half day s work tlOD s mdustrlal estabhshments But ~peaceful intelhgent mountam TndIans 1 a regular 11lg-h school course Mr they must do thetr duty to the natIOnto human pro6ress In some respects d h Id th b ttl ~ G P . tthey wele far beblnd the white men Trmpensee pOl1ted out Credlts earned Just as oes t e so ler on e a e rosse OlD e,

1 a I e a pI ed to'I,ard a-oduatlon fro"1 celd-and the orgalllzatlOn of whIch I ~"ho ruthlf'sslv murdered them Iu y) P V" e -a " II ij;!some respects they \\.ere far ahead high school or f-(it any other pUflpO$e am speakIng \\111 be the Preslde lt s '-~~~~~io!lill~~~~~~~~!J[~~~~~!J[i@ij!@~~~~!JO!f[i!li'~~~~~!JO!f[i!li'~~~~!!~~UnfortnOlltf'lv tbev left no wrItten rE"C that day cr~'S are u~ed agent to tell them v.hat that duty IS ::()rds D\entllJng tn/be Jearned about BeSides t~t-e!:bt cflses c1a<;ses 111 The personnel of the antral lIldu"them mllst be learned with "X spadc> (Con "d on ~age lour) tnal orgamzatlOn must be repre:.entaand pick iL'!!t tlve of all phases of our mdustnal lIfe .w

Emment profeSSional men agrlculturIStS finanCIers! re.presentatlves of laborof transportation ~ystems and of manufacturers must combme in such anorgaruzatlOn to control and direct theuse of all Olr matenal resources

Control exer<:lsed by such a bodyt,',111be 10 many 'Cases 1lldlrect but nonehe less cffectlve Pubhc OfJ11110n

governmental regulatIOn and m extreme cases the power of the Governrnent to commandeer real and personalproperty Will be aVAilable to enforcehe declslOns of thIS org:anlzatlOll

Through the trade assoCiatIOns l'1tOwhlch American mdu"try has ahgnedtself thiS governmental or!fal11ZatlOn

Jof buslOess men wtll be In clqse touchW1lth changmg cond1tlOns and wtll b'"'l.ble qUickly to transmit ItS WIshes toorporatlons and to IndlvIdualsThe bnef outline I ha ...e given yO.1 IS

httle more than a statement of the:baSIC prinCIples upon whIch the prerpa.ratory work m mY office IS lbased Atremendous amount of work remams tobe done Our efforts are qlrect~d toward completmg the det;itls of theArmy procurement plan and to'Wardpre-panng the studtes and 'Plans thatW111 aSslst the PreSident In estatbhshmg-prorrtp-tly an efteetlVe control over nilhonal mdustry

Cetttun features of the IndustrIalorgal1IzatlOn and some of the power Itwill exercise WIll have to be specIficallyauthOrized by Congress Drafts of necessary bills are ready to submit to thatbody the moment a major emergencynllght be declared

In the -development of the whole In

dustrJal pIa tl we h a 'iT e naturally !~~~II!!lI~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~neede.d and 111vamubly secured the co-operat-lOn of many 'proffilUent clvlhanll;You r aSSOCIation has contmuouslyeVlllced an mterest ln mdustnal :prep

MacedoDlan IndustriesThe Umted States chJef Import from

Greece is strange to say .rurklsh tobacco Smallleaf tobacco of the NearFast ,,,as raised in \Iacedoma wb~nthat regro-n \\ as still Turkish but theproduction has been greatly Increasedwith -the co-mmg of ArmenIan refugeesThese newcomers man,y of whom weresettled in Macedonia knew all aboutra1smg toba-cco so thelr efforts havemade. Kavala It famous tobacco pot;tRefugees have also mtroduced toestlk raismg in-dustry: as WE'll .88 l'U-gw-eRv-ing and cigarette making

Len.atb of Panlon Play~be -Fas%ion pl1ly beotns at eight

o «rock in the mormng and WIth ntwo hour interval for luneh contmue:::.uutil sis: 0 clock in the evening

Army Official Speakson War and Industry(Cont1nued f'rorfl Pag.e One»

llrst \iVe are developmg a plan underwhich the mdustry of thiS country maypromptly beg.tl1,the man~.faclure of themUllltlO is the Army Will need llHhallyIn a majO!' war Second We are constructtng a comprChC'1i:>lVeplan U11der""hlch the Federal Government rna}mobtl ze the cOUl!try I mdustrtal andec6nomlC asMts mto 'One coordl11at«ot('am to assfst 111 the prosecutlOn 01the wat

The essence of the adopted programNo Alpenstock {Qr Her for assUring the prompt lI11tatlOn of

Mra N~}\ rich was U-escflhing her the pro<luctlOll of Army 1'l1\1mtlOns IStJ;,a'.els to an enVIOUSau/hence Simply thiS The War Department

OlAnd have you been in South Arner I carefully detennmes the amounts oftea? somebody mqUIred all ,terns that '\,ould be nece<;sary under

I Many times sald Mrs Newrich any gIven {;trat-etFlc ~ltu:1t1on The:rnther bored I In fact I know It from supply services then dctermm€ III deta11end to end' what Illdustrtd.l establishments Will be

Then of course you went up theAmazon? reqUIred to beglll"Producmg these Item~, "-0 1 As a matter of fact I dIdn t I upon the otttbr-e.ak df.~r Most of

salt1 Ml ~ ~ewrich but mv husband you are fal11lhar With the svstCm we\\--ent to the top lou lmow I never USe to dlstrthute these tentatlvc prodkl .care f01 cltmbing -CInclllnah duchon schedules to "anous parts ofChrlstlan Advocate the -country and With thl detalled re

sponSlblhtl~l}.tat ~-ch ~rocuremep.tKeep It Numh service WIll ve 111tf.e e\fent of war

One e, emllg ~t the dmner hble ThiS pta as bee~x d~ned to acJerrj s father was dl,sGl1ssmg busmess comphsh two different purposes F1rst.,.matters \\!tlt Jell'Y S moU)er Sud It lllsures an orderly and efficlent dlSdetl\) he tllrned to Jerry What we ve tnbutlOn of the mltial production loadjU.liit l;tE!f'lltalldng qbout is a secret he to aU parts of the country and aV01d<said • Can vou 1eep a ,secret Jerry? competitive J)lddmg among purchasmg

"Sure an~\\E're 1 Terr;> r never agents and second It gwes each 111tolf! mother u\)Ol-lt )on brt'lldnt,- hel\us .. I st "ee uII 1? p.t1stnal establIshment exact mforma

hon -of the task the Governme lt WIllexp~ct It to assumeS upon the b.egmnmgof war and so pi,vldes for a promptlllItiatlOn of prod chon In thiS partof the \\ ark due l~ gely to the valuableaSslstance rendet~~ by P~r10tlC. bU<;l

IJI "!L-~~

Great Japanese PQrtHlrosh1IDJ a CIty and seaport Qf

Japan capital -of, the central Nipponese gQvernment bearIng its name,1S 1d~any situated on a small 'platnsurrounded by hIlls the bav be1ugstuikled w1th islands Next to Ostt-knfl()m wh1ch it ts 4,90 IDlies by raU andUtOgo it IS the most important com:melteial -center In the :Inland sea Ithas an area @r about 3000 li\quaremiles and a population 01' 1 ~ 000

It is famous throur:h lapan for itsDrj)xumty to the 'Itaku Dhlma orIsJl1nd Of .(..tght '" hiell is dedicated to

tHe g(l!.'ldess'lBentln nnd 1'1 regarded nsone of the three wonders "(if Japan'lhe cote!' temple dates from the year~87 artd the tsland which is !'1rbel~lllhabited tn prlest~ and tlH:'lr attE"nd'lnt~ is '1'"1ltE'd 'lnn mllv b\ ti ( l<:;an hf P J~rlll <.. J I ( ,>o!1 t'1 1 ~ \ (1 t llf 1

<;0 tIlt '111 II \1<' 1<;: 11\(-' t lH'1 161 t f 11 ,,>un II 1 ll ... I ::.tl d"l

St. Peter Held Founderof Westminster Abbey

Two flsbermen oDe so humble th8.tnot e\ en his name 15 known the otherthe greatest of all, 8t Peter h1mselfare responsIble for the buildmg ofWestmmster abbey accordmg to[egend

One tradition says that the 8aintfouUded the ong~nal church on the 18land Qf 'lhorney for the Slt-e v..as onan island formed by an arm of therIver but the popular verSIOn is thatthe first consecrated building waserected by Sebert \\ ho founded theonginal St Paul s cathedral

:I.he 1'llght before the church "asded.1C;ated a poor fisherman "as at\\ork on the Surrey sldp of the fl"ver\\ hen St Pf>ter snddenlj appeal edHe persuaded the fisherman to ferryhim oVer the 1 hames and consecratedthe bUIlding \\h Je a hf'a\enly chQirsnug s\\ eet mUSIC

The belief III tillS supernatural ap-pearnnce was so strong that 1t inspired Ddward the Confessor to beg-mthe bmldmg standing today

Odd Prescription That :"Sarah and .son" at"Cured" African Native 'the Punch and Judy

TherE' ate modermsts ("en amongtbe WItch oOCtOlS of AfrIca to Juoeeby thE" ~tory told by a mlsbLOuary onfur ough about the natl\e who \\liStrE'J.ted WIth po\\uered gramophoner-ecord ron"ed With 'vater from a locomoth e-tbe ell6111e "ater to makelum move and the record dust to mokeI:um tallt In its 0\\ n "ny the treatment Is not illoglcal-'lud It embo<1Jesan obv1OUs compliment to the "hltemUDs capnuty tor big JUju '

It is \\ater that makes the englllemo"e and the recollJ WhICh mal ebthe bramophone talk-the onlv flawIII the albument is J at the patient"as neither a phonOglaph nor a locomotn e Howe' er be reeo" ered theuse -Of hIS lImbs aud tongue--so 8impIe faIth must have onte more provedits supellDrity to that nasty know-allspirit by fatJing to perceIve the fal!Hey on "hleh the tre..ltment v.a<;based

One would III e to Imow that WItchQ.OctOl8 recipe for deafness Probably he gtves his patIents a stlonginfUSLOnof the telephone dlrectory-Manchester (Lng) GualdJun

Church !if Christ'Lochmoor

Messiah Lutheran

Ronald Colman:Brings "R~ffles"

'To Riviera Screen

Wlth a cast headed by W1t1me:LIghtnel and mcludmg such stag;e and-cre-en p.layers as Irene DelroY) Jack

Whltmg Charles J~<lels Charles tlutte,r,worth a1td John Davl,dson TheLife of the Party Warner Brothert:'1ewes-t Vltaphone com~d) 1ll natural"'olot' IS now shoWJug at tht; Statetheater

ThiS comedy sees the return -qf \tfISS(,gMner ~n ,her most hIlanous role forthe Tomboy of the talkies exceeds'fLtSCf£ '&.5 rm S'&-- g- l!lu-g~"''''' ~'-ho dt IIdes to turn gold dJgger and ends up

Havana rldmg a superst1tlous horse)e<;1de" almost gett ng IIi JaIl I

In.' (? DdID\ tl e Br ld\',ay staget 1. It 1 e n 11 t I

\ \1.11e<, Ie] ('t tl r0h, I

t t 1 h \1 1bb r \ Ina lage II.) \\ I I l I a "tralght tel I

per cel t baSI:' IJack vYhltlllg "\e" York mU:>lcal

comedv "tar IS :.een a~ a ) oung lilt!hondlre n Hm a la \\ hose tllneh galIal tl es~ save<; the 1\\0 girls from thepollee

Charle'> Juelels "ho \\111 be rem'mbered as the exc table hotel manager11 Oh Sa 101 Beha\ e 15 seen as theamorou" moc!lste shop propneto-r WLlO

possesses and uncontrollable mama forbreakIng thmg" and who follows'A Illi e dllel Irel e to Havana to recOver hIS stolen dresses

Mah.mg hiS talking picture debut qn

Tne Life of the Part\ CharJes Buttcrwort1 the 111 !llItablc comedIan \\ 1.10

enjoyed rocket like success on Broad\'Vay plays the role of a Kentuckycolonel and horseman

Grosse Pointe Village

Winnie Lightner, Stars at StMti!

Church of Chnst Lochmoor Blvd aVfack Lochmoor The Llttle Churchn the WIldwood Bible Schpol 9 451 tn worsh1p 11 00 a m gQ~pel ,serVice 7 45 p In

Wednesday 7 45 p m - Prayer)ralse and BIble study

Fnday 7 45 P m -GoS!?e1 serVlce athe home of \11 H-alsdY Boulder

1Venue HalfwayCome and he~r the old tlI~e gQspel

1t the first an'd only Protestant churettn Lochmoor Bright j)leasant aq.dnstruetlve strvtc-es and you are wel ..tome

-SubJect for next L91"d s Day TheRich Young Ruler

Southeast Corner of Lakewood aneKercheval A venul1:s A H A Loeberpastor 1434 LakeiWood A.venue Te1ephone Lenox 2121

Feanng God Will be the theme tt!

)e cbscussed 1ll the sermon 0n th(ollung .sundd.) OChiller 12 c;erv ce

1,.\ 111 be held a" follow<; Ger'11an a1) a m f< ngllsh at 11 15 a m Sunda)~Chool at 10 15 a .m

A. new Confirm.atlon Cla<;s or Mem)er:.hllP Class for adults Will be organzed on \fonday October 20 at 7 3() m 1hls class 1S mtended for thos{)eople who have never been member)f the Lutheran church but deslre tf'-~ecome acquamted WIth ltS dottnnaposlhon and eventually to JOfn th~hurch Anyone mterested IS cQl'dlall}nVlted to be present at the first lessor:m October 20

ShlP Next Sunday evemng the RevAlfred S Nlckless wlll b~1n a serIesof sermons on themes su~!(este"d to hlmb} the youJ)g people -of Covenantchurch through a queshon-alre tha1 wassent out to the young people ~arly mthe summer

For little folks, ages 2.6 yejU's


We still have ope"ing" fo' a few more chd<!ren beforeour quota is filled. I",fqrmjltion may be ol>taille!lby Cll\lIingNIagara 3525.

615 Notre Dame


;liamilt9n .School-

Jefferson AvenueBaptist Church

Pr~byteria~ Church'<Sf the 'Covenant


Tl t ~er on ~-t..r 1::" 0 t t' \1 (j tlesCreed w~il fle contllltled lext ~UI da)mornll1g "'Hh the presentatiol of thethud message Qn the tOPIC The VlrgmBIrth Share WIth u" the blessmg ofthts serv1ce The t1me IS 11 a clock

Next Sunqav W II be observed as aRan est Home restlVal The yOUIJ.gfolks wdl have charge of a spectalHarvest Home serVIce m the evemI}gat 7 30 and the- pastor Rev AUen w)llbrmg a messC\.ge ,on the tOPiC TQeLaw of the Ha.rvest Spe<:lal mus-)cwlll be presented by the cho r Then)emb-ers of the congregahon h,webeen requested to bTl1tg offermgs ofgat:den pro<!uli<ewhIch wtll be u~ed ~nthe decoratIOn .of the 'Church platformanrl tater ta..\t-e-n~y the 'young people tonee<!y £am1hes It IS p.referat>Ie thattile offenngs be brought to the mornmR s-erVlce If posslble FollOWing th1S~?entng worshIp prqgram the B Y PUmon WIll -enterta1)1 all the youq.gpepP~e of the congregatlOn m a F~l1e\Vs}'1lp-oi'Hour and wfth refreshmentsWe welcome yOu

Ronald Colman plays a smooth andpoltshed Engltsh gentleman a sOCletyfa\ Ollte and pdPular athlete m Ius tatest talkl 'lg vehicle Raffles the mystery thniler pldymg at Puhhx RIVIera

A serv~ce of Holy CommunlOn W111 theater for one weev startl11g Saturda.ybe obSerVGd at tbe Cov.enant Preby Octdber 11thten{tn Ghu~ch next Sunday mottlmg Refined and suave\ though he may.Jfhete ~H be a ~eCe'f.ltlO'n<1£ new mem be Raffles finds the lure of cnmmalttl'fts the Rijv Alfred S NICkkss W]l1 adventure more than he can reSist In-preach Sef1mon theme ConstraU1UlZ consequence hiS many dlstIhgulshed asl<Cwe aClates are vlctllnlzed tIme and agam

Blble school at 9 ,30 \'Vltliout the famtest SU$pIClOn of who6 30 p m TUXIS SOcIety meetmg the ill1alefactor can be6 30 p m Young People s Fellow Kay FranCiS who gave so fine a per

~h11l Clnib fo-rmance m Str(let of Chance .playsThe first evenmg' tif 5acr~d \{U~lC lJPPosite Colman III Raffles

'by the Covenant Chorus ChOlr under Don Miller popular or..gal1lst offers.:-the ~:hr~tlo-.nof Mr H pes Stewart an ongmal organ nov:elty and III addl~fll1Qt held next Sunday evenmg at ~IOIl a blg program of tallnng come~~5 Mr N}Ckless :wdl &peak Ser dIes and 111usJcal skIts complete the

on th 'll!'Ir and Mural l:;earler bll1

Petition Filed withBoard b.y Villagers

Faith Lutheran Clturch"" ~

The subject of the sermon at Fa thLulhel"an 'Church neAt Sunday mornlllg\\111 be Chnst Vlew1I1g the wotk ofHome MISSions ThIS wtll be the fil stof a senes of sermons all nllSSlOll<:WhICh the p~tQr the Rev R D LmJxart wrll ~:t;each ~lurlHg the month ofOctdber *~The assistant pastor theRev Tli't<> 1" ncke "',,111 conduct the

"'altar ser/i?Ce and wtll also preach asermon-ctte to the ch ldtell on thetheme FollQ:\.V'Your Leader BothJ;lJ1'll.Qran4 8e'mor chOirs \\!ll slog atthiS ser~ WhlCh beg1l1s promptly at10 45 a -Il'

The z'$l.t.tJ~ay School WIll beglO ItSn€w t-ert111<next SU:uday mormng thepr'OI11tltlonS h-avmg been made lastSun<lay 1"1\. "hlJdr~n will begm thestudy of the new senes whIch -deals'W1th the New Testament stones TheSunday School has added a nUl11betqd teachl;rs to It.S te:achmg staff ~ndmuch new matenal to Its eqUIpmentThe classes have been dlYld-ed ~y newsPul1d-proof mQva.b1e partthons Th1cnew arrangel:Qent wlll nQiW permIt anIhcr~a.$'e Qf nearly two hundred pup1fsThe 'Parents of the commumtv aretherefore mVlted to send theIr chIldrento thlS s,€hopl wh~ch meets every Sunday l1~Ornmg at 9 15 -a m and closesat 10 3.0 a m

The newly formed Boy Scout troopat Faith church wJ1l have Its ll1stallahon q~.rellJomes Fnd1.Y 1)lght at 8 00;g m The Boy Scouts meet 111 the~<:hurch hall every Mpnday 11lght at 7 00_<and th.e \...tlrl -5<;0'1t5 lllut at 6 30 thesame eve mug

.. "~1iiflle{Hfonl Page- Dne)~10n of JunlOr High schooh and ele..:rnentary schQD15 No c1dil11te programwas adoJPted The Board of B.ducatron has taken the i?et bon under considerabon and indicated It pIa IS andhopes to offer a 3dt sfactorv solutIOnto the school problem at the e<lrhest'poss~ble tHue

"tvIr Lal1g spe,k ng for the C.r( ~<;ePomte Village res del ts pOlllted outthat they wel e takl11g steps for permanent org~n1zatlQn of Cadletfx school5hstnct residents to effect the plan ofthaV'1ug the Board construct an elemeQ.ta1:Y school on the Kercheval

tCadleux SIte

~:&e~'Y0~Gr .. ~~i\l~e,Review... ",bl.d'ed and ' dlStrl!»lted e~


COMP""TLit""" 1162 14935Xcreheval A~

Delrolt, :ll><:h.... n






Page 3: 1il ~~~'vodigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930...Tntal gamO' played 26 Won lost 7 Defer Parent- Teacher To Hold Meeting! - I Th(' Parent Teacher ASSOCIatIOnof the




- -0


Would you hve "1 "paullf 11 Crosse Pomt" V,lIag.> If 4tcost no more? 'I,}., QuId you enJoy Lhe prl'vl1ege of CrossePa'nte village Fnv.E1.te Park, WIth :d.5 spac.lOUS lawns for- thek"M,es, l'rtvate beac~ and ;-oar" walk? You can nQW havea beautiful 5- oom flat, 1 block f~om park, modern to themn::n....te-, 1'1.duihng lI"\.flr'g~ dmulg, 2 bed rooms, fllgtdalre,arhsi.ic mterIOr;, garage, free 011heo:J.t i';lnd caretaker -service. JPeople W1th references only I




Leib ConservatoJ7of Music

For Good Job Prmtmg call GrossePOinte Prtntmg Co, Lenox 1162

BOORS VI A"1 ED-HIghest prIce,patd for large or small collections

Books removed at our expenses w1llcall an)'lWhere vVnte or call ClasslcBook Shop 27 W vVanen Deltrolt,Mlch

Review Liners

• ..... ~ o_e ..


Graduate of DetrOit Conservatory •of MUSIC Lessons at studiO or I

pu;pll~ home

I 3305 Grabot Ave 1N1811ara 2.615 M.elrose 2363 i... 0__ 0.... __ .- _ "'_0.


AU Kmds of Home ElectriCApplIances

Econonucal _ Reliable,AU Work GuaranteedPIlQne 1l1ckory 24tH J

$4 l!..v... d..~Lvd. _ H A RIFE.---------------

47 Hdlcrest, Gro.se Pte. FarmsFormerly Kercneval Ave

-\-'-'"Vi j:PATON'-- -IPlumbing and Heating

I Repairs and Alterations IPROMPT SERVICE

973 Nothngham Rd Lellox 5187 t 1_________ 0 .-

BFREAK STORMS PUE IGay Romantic ~meCjly , h " .~.\ -~ -- ~ ~~~r;;)@Iill

TO ELECTRIC RING ,~::,:t::,~:,:m:: Ii 'CHINESE RICE INN IPhY$icists Advance New The- IS at tbe MIchIgan thIS weck IS a i@J@~i21' Business Men's Lunch, 35c and 50c Iory o~ Magnetic .'Rumpu$." sparkling farce laid 111 a Parts settt118 eRR d '" Dinner 50c and. 75c

--~~- WIth all that gay locale ImplIes m th-e aymon @ ~~London -A ring of electric current f b f I I &I • S 'I c -~ D' 5 ..1 <rl "'0surrounding the earth in very much way 0 eautl u gtr s spIcy Sltuat ons, cJ ~ peCllil .;:>unu<lY Inner 7 c an\l oJlI .U

and Wllty dIalogue (€ ?) ~the "afile way as the more material r'2J 21rings of Saturn surround that planet 1h '!'wry IS the Jomt Vvork of Dale Hair Dresser ~ t,~ Wf" put up ('hop :~m.cy to take home--Free dehvery anywhere ~~is seen as the cause of the magnet!c Van h-.e y and Arthur F ced and de lW III rii Ie)

storms that sometImes occur upset PICt, tbe hIlarIOUS .dventUlc, of the III ,I @ i1i! 14904 Kerrcheval Ave. at Alter Road ~tlng cable and telegraphic commUlll son of an :Cnghsh lQrd and a .couple of ~ 1cation ThIs sugge~tlQn IS made by American ex doughboys who have announces w ~JCh'Elfcl~~f"JI~ri!nJ1.Qff:l.RJ[@J2frJ.r:'ill~.mj@ffi!fiL.fQfiillNftiUQlf'lJ~.lNmI~ '"two Enghsh pll).siClsts Dr S Chap come to Pans 'WIth the determ1l1atlOl1 I~'4W wm WE73'f'%ll1J'$t..m tf'iW¥fffif1fl7 t emr jj ~man and V C A rerraro of the 1m to pamt the town rcd Thc three Leon de :-,t .0;lcol.1';, for111ellvperlll Colleg.e of SciencE" here Theyha.\ e annoullretl their theorv through glrl~ mentIOned ll1 the t tie do th~lr of Fetix F1 an C 0 1 <.., 'Ja Ion h'L <.., f[l

the nages of "'ature Maga71ne utm )st to hell) them and although ul 1 ff i?l1 I I 11 I 1 01 n e ( 11S eta oj '-1 e d 11t ' @l

allis cUlrent occurs a-ceordlng to their endeavors au( t emallljal-.L y ~ Ithe r theory Ill.a .stream of n~utl{\l a~ well a~ III '1 lUmber of other em W Expert'S \\ hel e he v 111be 0 Ll(l ~jIOnl/ed palticle-s shot out from tM barr'l<'s ng places the eonc1uslOn has to 111eet 111'- fOrn1el cltentele ~sun As the stream ad,ance~ to\,urd them all <:;afe l1J each otl er" .arms at !., ;:J ~ 1the e'lrth the magneti"lm of that body a gra Id moderlllstlc ';Yeddmg finale ~set, up electric curlents In the streft\u LE" OX' ~/28' ~in its forward surface 'llw stream ~o little of the fu I m thiS picture 1\ v @j Ithrn prDceeds to emelop the mutb 1S dtl~ tp the flotoUS dtalo~ue y,.ntten @pOShlbly npproa<hlng as close ~s tb. by P G \\odehouse the well known 15324Jefferson at Nottingham @!

uppet lavelS of th-e atmosphere 1.h.e Br tl<:;hhumons.t whose two celebrated !@flow ot the current in n '" esterly 61 characters the Engh<:;h earl and hi'S r" rOlse Pointe Park ~rettlOn in the part at this ~tream cockney butler are aho lOc1uded In the V Iaround the earth then sets U1) mag plot IInetic effects that produce the mainphenomena of -a magnetic -storm Regl11ald Denny 'Plays the part of

'lhe author..s of this theory point the frol1ck111g nephevv who doesn tout that one of Lts d}stinctlv.e featulles nund what he spends as long as hiS !S.JIs that the current Is close to the nch uncle gets the bills and Fdi Dor ~eoarth only n few timE's its radlu.s sa) 15 seen 111 the leadllg leml11l11e [email protected]~1fiill~,@Jiil~r,:;)~~~~f[iiJi~J[QIiillmCWJiiJ.JEll@.%~td Am JilWaway After thf' cmrent rmg is role Cliff Ed,'Wards and I:d'Ward Bro ''''''' --- .....formed they say it could persIst for I h d bl h h ;rnmlJl'''IIIl=' 1Iili¥.IIi.iI"JE!li1iI~!l.!.!IIi"ilililll!l!!JEIJm!.l,m!l.l!.l.l!1!!J!l.!illllililirUl!!l~~1iI u li11l1l !~I!l..!iIiIi.1!JJ!l!!.l~J.W!!J.!~ 1~!Utl!lli!.I.!I,l!l!l.....iJ!lJJ.!Li 1lIr!Wlflli!'l.!l!'.J~i!l:jllinl!.\I!.LlIilllli!o!!.l!l!!1!l:!&!l!I. iIIBi'HlllnllifliU!Y!lp 1y are t e ex {lug )oys wIle t e ,ooi .,. ,. II " illili" • "I'ijIi. "Ii tilifii'liTiilS'ii1iTi.iTillllliliiTafiI. ,i1ilil. " • " • "ifiiIi" " 'i'ifiilil'iifi'lll!i1' ill~fijriliiTil1iIi1iiTi1iilCilTi~ITiil!iTitf!iTiiiTiiiiTiffiiT"iTiTtifiiTimJliiIiJjiW RfjJjilil'ii1'i'T1iliiiit;!iiIifi.ilseveral days e"en after the flow of /"particles from the sun has ceasea remal11mg two members of the gIrl I ~o(., ~

As magnetic storms are frequentlv tno are portrayed by Yola d AVril and;; = - *.r-.,assocmted wlth sun spots it wouid ~andra Ravel IE. =. *Sf'em therefol e that the particles are ------- ;e ~"lhot out of the ,spots though thlS Is CI d C lb !t! Inot mentioned in the announcement of au ette 0 ert on ~ : ~tbe theory It is sugge,ted however Pun<:hand Judy Screen I~";. . .that the stream approaches the earth _ ,=;"ith a "lpeed ot about 1000 hllometers - Iill :;: ~

(620 miles) per second This -would Jove dommate;, the .stor~ of Young : =_~ .._~••takf' It acroSS''ihe 92900000 miles sep Man of Manhattan the red blooded .. : ~aratlll~ the sun and the ~arth In about nule a m1l1ute model n day romance ~ ~fortv hours whIch Wlll be at the Punch and Judy m !G

theater Sunday tnf! 'londay October ~ iCalifornia's Law Fails 12 and 13 Jt s tIC sta', of t"o people ~ ~

t R d Ma. who want to live the r ow lIves afte -I". 1-.-_"o e uce rrUlJ8S marnage and have love too Katha1 ne = ...

Ios Angeles Calif -Youth ot Los Brush popular magaz1l1e wr ter >cre = ~ .. III

Angeles "ill be served and served !I!qulckl at the alta. ot matr mony I atcd Young M an of Manbattan "' a ". ~even ff a trip out of the st~te Is ISaturday I:vel1lng Post senal Then ~ ~necessary the story ",as publl~hed 111 novel fOlm ~i'" 5t!

R05'lroond Rice tn charge of the and ran mto several editions ;;... ~_m_.county marriage bureau made this Claudette Colbert the charm1l1g t:;; *discovery when she looked over the hf:rome of 1 he Lady Lles plays the I ~ ~ll!tatlsttcs ot her office for the month part of Ann Vaugnn who only rode !Ii "";-'of Tuly h d M ~

The leport sho"ed th1t 2719 ap 10 s-trange men s lapS on t 11 on "m'" = •pltcat10ns were fllf>d m JUly of 1929 days m May Her eyes are dark her ~:: "I" :compared \\1th 2458 tor July of this half IS brO'Wn She has a straIght ~ ~ :: =year short little nose a model chm pomted '""iN II ~

• Quitt' a few couples have canceled yet soft and dark lashes i : f ~ ••thelr llcense applications H Miss Rice Norman roster Broadway stage star :II !II e ~aald 'stating they intended to go to has the tttle role He lS the Toby Mc 1_ v ~Reno !\:(>v Yuma Anz or Tin Juana, I ean created by M1SS Brush and whom :: 1_;'M"'A"lco' tl 1 d t d she descobes a~ follows He wao; born : II

I of Ie young {l(>Op e a mlt e h h fl h b F th iIiith.e, dH'1nt h.he to wait tor the end at 19 1100n on a as ang our Sf5 ~.of the tlnee day lhnj.t" Call forma re of July at a summer resort and every .Iquires beh\een the days Of apphca ~h ng In hIS hfe had been l1ke that ~:ii ~ Ft10n and final granting ()t the license There was excItement about hUll "iI~:: ~

The law \\hlch IS tmnmg Yuma Where he ""as th111gs happened thlOgS =.. i" !IIDene a!ld rln Juana 111to Gretna beg1.n ~ ~ i6\ ... ..,f.... ~4'\=?'l!4l1i!~eV4I?'\#J'~Jl1'""t'l¥N~~~~~~~~" 4dij..... tf"loJI1*.r".. ~(..reens for Califorl11a "as play full v fob; and A.nn are real people to I_ ~ i ~

Fo~ Rent Flats ('flUe 1 t] e g n "eddlng law bec!\use I 11(' s f \ 1 er ca 1<:; throt11yh \{ ,," ;;;; *BT~l(h .. 1 J,!.\l - 7 -I ~\k(ti:,,~\'(i0,\,~e~ltl~~~'~I~~J: II' arl Ih I, 11~ 12 Beautl0fu11 ~

la 1 L ,71 H ,,10 0 ld "fl n S nhle if II ee d1" I" '" ~ A~;;t,~rt 'f_~~I~l')Sr~~tmae ~_----~---------- W~le gt\en thf'IU to consider their ;-; u\!)JI"a ~ ~ ~Y"&:"~ !.~ ~ ¥\\AYBLR'I 12/2-LpJCl flat' rO action Ronald Colman Heads ;; ~

and bath I oden $3500 Call ------- ~;Lenox 1735 I Regiment's Lost Medal HoHywood Screen BiU ~ C d NIB d f ~

Work Wal).ted I N,,, ~::'~:~o~ft~r~y4Y!r~a~~ H~;;ywo:~ff~~Seater:ja~~tal~~~sscr::~ -i~":m;~~'..; ar s, eat y oxe or ~~.=*,~~._.;~,"_;;.;;

WASHIl\G A"\D IROl\"I'-JG do e the be.eond Cont[nental regiment now program begntung Sunday the popu *1eatly by c",-penc ced lau1drLSs I hnown fl<; the One Hundred and Sf>C lar Ronald Colman IS seen as the most

called fOl and (It-live cd '" agala 2787 l ond reglmf'nt purchased a gold med'll famous of all gentleman crooks Ra£I s.t>t ',"ith dJRmonds and valued at i*:Lost "1000 !les IS Colman s thIrd succe<:;1ve crlm !:-t;; m;

It wac; presented to Col S R Smlth mal talklllg film In It he 1<, te, ealed ~ .....LOST_BrIndle bull dog answenng to who th,n turned 't over to Ius SUe as an amatcur enn Inal desperatel, ~ ;;;

the name Peggj Re" ard 1051 ressor ro "teen vears ago tbe medal trying to elude the law ili ~Maryland ave was lost Hf'('entl~ Cal James Gett'¥s Kay Fran-els she of the dark eyes iIi I- ;

dwh Ie loollng o\er n1l11talY papf'r<o: and the glossy black hall" and the pi ~ ..

Books Wante fonnd a notation giving the location quantty upturned nose IS Colma 1 s ~ =.:=of t:he mrdal which ha~ be-en put m a Se.' Ileadll1g lady 111 the plcture.--,.the first ~ ...safptv depOSIt valilt ~_ 00

The medai has been reeo, ered and brunette '\'Irho has played OPPosIte h11n 'EIt was presented 10 turn to Cols Dr m a good many years DaVid Torrence ~ { , i ~nest L Isabell James A Haggerty IS a Scotland Yard Inspector \1any I.~. '_t 1ftand I,ouis L FIelds past and preseut otber well known players take support ~!lr-_._: ' DOUBLE ENVELOPE WITH EACH CARD ~m:'-commandmg officers of the reglment \fig parts aGwho served durmg the 14 years the EddIe Loughton popular master of ~I-.•-decoration wa~ lost Iceremomes 15 agam to be seen and •• ~ ; :

------- h ea r d In new nove! t1es and WIth the ."'.. '..; " IiIi _- !'llI\ .., diU "'4t""'P " t..nol.." ..W> W"""&'...,"""'.,.iF' '1f1;~ ' ,,""" - ..'"""' ..' ..'l0r"»i>IAtp ".."'~.. ,.,~..ut i''Il_ ,.., "'t"~-"'lJ$2""I"If/~..~..'''2'''' " IIl 4-'*"..4,.f':$.. '''"'' Iiii t.''' ".'''I\i '''''' u..,,'''' ,:iiJ..~ r '' ~ ••

Boy Dies as Result asSIstance of the Hollywood Merry ~ :;F-

of Tiger's Mangling makets p01Jular d<\uce orchestra prom mfr~:sHl~n~~~~~wb~v:y~;~rOI:t ~~ ~;:a;:~\~:~~~a~ ::::~:~l~e ~t~l:~:~ iti~. ORDER LYI una park zoo died in the pollee WIll be .:.een Frankenburg s JuveOlles =m: 4hospltal recentlj despIte the sacrlfl.ce are four of the cleverest youngsters on ~ 1 .. ::fh th '1 1 ttRII h di*-~-- < ' ;~."=o IS mo er ..l \5 yne 1. W () the -stage They dance and smg an as; ...

gave a pmt of her bloo(t for a trf\.ns present numbers that would do cre.dltfusl00 tothosemanytlmesthelryears~m M.

~lfred was caught by the tiger and; ;eedy IS ably supphed by Hal Cook and __._. !lr-his scalp nearly torn oft before a !t5tramer ended the beast s life with a Hazel Langton WIth Dentology a I~:rlfte bullet SIde spltttll1g farce With Its settmg 10 a !I! W ALSO HAV S E ~ I

,'\lth three compamons Alfred dentISt s office In add.tton to other ill.:. E E EV RAL OTHER CARDS TO CHOOSE FROM, 5c to SOc each :_-=,C'lRwled through a fence at the zoo <lcts the screen WIll offer numerous *and Mndered througb a jungle ll.e shorts m<1udmg a Mack Sennett com Ie.:; DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE ASSORTMENT IS PICKED OVER. OROOR NOW. !lr-~=~= II

Convmtmg Demonstration of MUI1C enclosure ignonng warnmg signs The edy and a news reel whlle Bob Clarke ~Teachers wh~ have DiagnosIng a.nd lad cUrobed ......another low fence anfI wIll be heard III one of h1s popular I.~_-a .ar.. ii, I,

PrescrIbIng A 111;1:1;and who mll~ on suddenly the tiger darted upon bim *:Re1axa.tlOn Rhythm "T1me, Ex~IIlS1.On organ SlUgS iE

,/.nd MemorIZIng Selec"o~;- Bratislava Girl Admits Two 111mre Ford cars wtll be gIven • 0 "\. 1IiP""l!1Jo' ~ ......... - .. t _teA,*" t', ..~ '"'",.-~~. oJ',-_-",\' .~ t.~,_,..,,t ii' --- ..~"'...,- 0' -, J"_N"" ~ IAll Branches 'Taught aw"y frpe at tht> HolIvwood theater ~ ~

12870 ;Ea.t Jefferso!, cor Cont, ... tat Killing Three Children thIS week as has been tbe custom for ~Phone' 'nox '.'1 Chi kl nJA:' »e<J Brabslava Ziec os ova !ft -under U1l1emonths Qne Fnday and the other

Branch f d f ~ b...... arrest or mur er 0 uer new orn Saturday110 South r1'l1hp Aven.ue t)aby Veromka Molnar a \\orhing girl

HIckory 2151- W confessed that in 1928 and 1929 as:East Grand Clrcu~ Parlf: I' h d11& Wlt40reU "ell as th s summel s.,e a given Um'lerlted Rewards

Imo East Jeffersoll at Ramnat .. Rd t nth to illegltimate chlldren and had I'Ucht>"lnnd honor are wllat menPfl_e H.c::k~ ........ .,., strangled each to escape the disgrace d.e<-h' but If they attalll to them

Same loca.hon 1911~1921 of being an unmarried mother Bod h h Iles of the first two were sunk In -q by lIDp.toper wa\s t ey s au d not rnGro ... Po.a.e Br..... swamp and the thIrd was burl "in I w1tlnne to hold them -Gonfnelus ~ ~ I

"Go '0 Bed, Mory" a garden 1\1 JOB PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS itiLIttle Man was nothing if not po ,~___ ~ ~ ;" I

Itte She h"d hea.d that the mlntstel In'ere.ba. Roman COln I!!.~. 14935lVERCHEVAL AVE. LENOX 1162 : '.:was lea\lng thell: chur<.h for a new Small Boy. Llttte CltaDgec1 .A large gut cQin, bearing a figure = a.pastorate Her mother had the min SometImes one get. ,mpahent at of a woman one one side and the face ~ mIster to dlUner shortly before be left tile JilDaU QOY tor hi$ slownes., and of a Roman emperor on the other has ~ mand 1\lalY farefully waiting for a 1 then.o~ 1iel1lember~ tltat'Onel!he1deltS bMD unearthed At caerlOll

j In I\'.aLeS :m=. ~.= =.Pause in the com e satlon rerrt"'r:ked aDd it is b€heH~cl tlu~t t le co n was, r w 0:11130 us~d to $UY, 'Yond be a .good --.... • ~.I hoar we are going to ha''''' ..'he ~ part of a pllte in a Roman charlot '"" MillI" ..' ~ ~ OIre to send for the doctol" if the devil l!lIlJll!i.!!!!l!!1!llU!l!!l!IIj!IY'!l!l!L!l!lI!l!ll!1J!!I!l!E1!l!!1.~!J!o,!!J!ll~11!!!L!ill!...lj!J.!llRt!!.l!.IIll!llHI~ll!j!!I.!U!11WI.l!U!ilL.l!l!!1!J1!J.!L.i!l!ll~t!l.!U!llH!m!.l.!ll!.i!>!!.!l!~~!l!l!rn'.J!l.I!l!!.!!lUl@l!!J'ml!l!!l!l.!!l!.L!U~Hlj!Jl!1!t!11!l1pI ensure 01 lQ'3ing you I ~ a-ilYJ.n.,!.'''' ra ~e uliJiiTiifiiliTifllliiliIii1iIi IU.lIjfilU(j((ilirlilijfijJiJJlil.iIiU~ltl!i:ihiralllrriTiiIjfii::iJli!iTitl~Hi:j.JiJiijjJ~;lififTfi;liJiiIWijliT8:tjjjfi:ffilliir.1iiIijfmiJii1iIiilf;iI'i1JllimmiJj{U~II~lliilliliTiiIL.i1iilliljJl,iITmiliiIJI{ij{!i'~iJiIlililijlWlJflifUllll:! I)., '- '\.,o.,'F?l-"...J.. ,.J

~~~~~~_~~~~~,~,~ _ ~_~'-'~'-- ~~ __ ~~ _ jl

URness uec ory,funeral DirectorsGeist & Company

Fu""ral DirectorsEdw Teppert, See and Tr .....

PrIce J,~ a ,matter ,Qf your own QlUt'e1491) Kercheval NTIi' near AJ,tu •• &AI

Lenox 4281


Q!ll LA!are~"', 5437 N1~ .. a ZM7

1M Mis~ellaneous, --

Daniel G. Allor andSons Ice & Coal Co.

Phone NlagQd'a 2424

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'JACOB VAN ZANENGomeral Carpenter Work

We Specialize in nepair Work

24 Ridgemont Niagara 0796

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For Lawns and Gardens

DAVID RAWNSLEYNiagara 4921 102 G. P. Blvd.

Grosse PointeUpholstering




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.. dl>t ! )



Page 4: 1il ~~~'vodigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930...Tntal gamO' played 26 Won lost 7 Defer Parent- Teacher To Hold Meeting! - I Th(' Parent Teacher ASSOCIatIOnof the



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rJdV01 Supleme

of sCIentIfic artIcles on heredIty sexdetermmatIOn and evolutIOn He IS atpresent engaged on ex;perlments Withthe effect of light upon the sexes In

plant hee He IS the author of severalbooks chIef of whICh are Pf1nc1plesof Ammal BIology whIch ll1troducedmto the teachmg of zoology the emph as IS on prmclples which is a newthmg m most 1nstltut1ons and HeredIty whIch 15 umque among books ofIts kmd for the emphaSIS placed uponthat heredIty wh~C;{J. 15 aphcable tohuman affairs !

Dr ~hull1S a member of mas of thenational SOCieties ltl; the blOloglcal fieldexcept those that arc lllghly spcclahzedand he has acted as ')eerctary of theAmcncan Society of Naturalists whIchIS the oldest of biOlogical socletles forthe past SIX years He was PreSidentof the MichIgan Academy of SCIenceseveral years ago and Pre!>ldent of theMIchIgan Chapter of SIgma Xl atabout the same tlme

Here'<1Ity and f nViTonment TheIdea that enVIronment determmeshuman quahtles to a very large extentIS prevalent among peD1>le O'f allclasses but is founded on a faultymethod of reachtng- <conclusions Studles of Identical twtns mdlcate that hef'~edity (1) determmes more human qualltIes than does enVIronment (2) de~ter-mmes more Important quahtlles thanenVIronment determmes and (3) haspermanent results so for as th~ race IS

concerned whIle those of enVIronmentare temporary excc'Pt as they may behanded on by tradItIon On tne wholeheredIty 1S regarded as much more Influentlal than enV1ronment ThiS con

(Cont111ued from Page One) c!uslOn IS not at all a dIscouraging oneEvolutlOn Heredlt) a 1d A11ll11al BI and In many mstances serves an exologv He IS the author of a number < ceedmgly useful purpose

First Lecture Willbe Given Monday in

G. P. High School

C cen :\Il'\.cd, at Black

Detr01t radio statIon for one hour onthe aIr each Sunday W1thm a fm:tI11ght the thirty two fanllhes whofonmed hIS regular pansh10ners wasaugmel1ted so that a<; many as 5000person" per Sunday began attendmgservIces Last October he beganbroadcastmg over a cham of threeMiddle West !>tatlOns Th s necessItatedengagmg nearly two score persons todc"\-ate theIr entire tune to OpCUll1g andan<;wel mg letters sent hml by hls radIO't tdlCncc and arrdng 19 w1th four ulfferent pnnters to devote most of theirtime to gettmg out capIL" of lIS sermons and other matter for mallll'l.g

In 26 weeks la<;t year more than200000 letters werE' received fromCatholtc" Protestants and Jews morethan 150000 copies of sermons weredlstnbuted free of charge he gaveMVay to everyone requestmg 1t aprayer book~over 80000 In all as wellas 50000 >copies of th Stations of theCross thousands of caples of M chae1\\ Ilhams lIfe of the Little nowersome 50 000 crucl/lxcs and hundreds atthousan-ds of leaflets

Thls season lookmg forward to thefact that he IS speakmg to seventeenCl'ties Instead of to three he IS planmngto mcrease hiS clencal staff to 100 an-dhas already engaged notable mUSicalart1sts to make hiS program of Ull1versal appeal

101let Paper



"lBox -






____ =.:=:_=c================::c===



(Contl11ued from Page One)bJ.rned a fiery cross on the churchproperty as a gesture of welcome

In October 1926 he arranged wlth a

Rev. Father CoughlinBroadcasts Over Radio

•••Mr and Mn Wayland D Stearne of

Cloverly road, Grosse POInte, who havelear;ed their hame agaIn thiS Winter totho Walter S Fl"ankhns, WIll o(:cuPYtho home of Mr and Ml"s AndrewGreen Jrl, In Cadteux !'O&d, GrOl!l&e

Pomte Mrs Green and her slsfer,MISS Sara H Burtenshaw, who hallbeen resldmg With her, 'Wdl occuPytheir new home In Tryon, N C, thulWinter


Mrs Otto Kn.t:hner, of New Yorkana Mrs Duane Reed Stuart of PrInc&-ton, N J, arrwed Tuesday to be theguests of MISS Clara Meddaugh ofMoress road, Grosse POinte Farm., andMr. J Gourley Armstrong, also ofMoross road Mrs Klrchener and MnStuart, who were fonnerly of DetrOit,Will stay about two weeks ;:wd severalaffalr& lll:re bemg planned In then- honor

• * •Mr al d Mr<; Henry Stephens Jr of

R dge road Gro~se Pomte ram s arethe guests of Mr Stephen <; motherMrs Henry Stcphens of I ake Shoreroad Grosse Pamte I arms at hcr"un mer hOlTIe Pnde s Crossmg Mass\1r and Mrs Stephens \\11J return totheir home about the m1ddle of th1~month wl111e \lrs Stephens Sr WIll~ta}' n the East untll the first of ~ovembcr



Canada Dry or CUcquot Club "See" Cialge1"AleClicquot Club Ginger Ale Pale Dry or RegularWhite Rock Water :lZ pt bottles $:1.98


Bokar CoffeeIvory Soap 1.1£ s~~~l~7Se

Ralah Mayonnaise,

White House Coffee

1i'Nl' ~~""------------------CN--9

Salada TeaN~B$C@SodaCraekers,Jack Frost SUlarScot Tissue

SEMI ANNUp L DeL MONTE SAI E e' A&P stores .Iways offe- the be.t opportunities to stock your pantry WIththe fine4t of Carned Fe-ad .. (It ill"'mark ...h1e SJ\ fig .. Tt-rlft! Housov, V0.> and Economical BLoyers V>IH take iJ-1vantage of 'f~15

G- eat E/~n.!. h "'lOdlt on 1("> ill'" DEI ~H) ..".....t-j('r(' II 0 una 0 (",."IGora+o tho Opel11l'l9 of [1efrol+ 5 ~4ost Complo~0 Food$J.ore ~bo fallow r LO\! PI 'we;, fll -, '\ I I +1.0 .. "/'-el OcLoll"'r 6h 0 Iltn l'1dus vo D')n r Do1.,y j SUy 111CDSS La :; I

• • •

• • •

Fancy, \Va,h111g tonJonathanDel MonteBeechnut

The Openinlll: @f

D~troit' s Finest"'

I Food MarketII

I :l70~5"47



Mrs George L Snllth of GrandMaraIS boulevard GrO's~e POll1te ParkwI11 return. home the fi~t- of thIS weekfrom New York v.hefel: she has b"'enall summer \\'lth her n~e Mrs Damel-

Mr and Mrs A Georlle Abbott, Jrhave moved from Van Dyke avenue toBishop road, Grosse POInte.• • •

Mr and Mrs F Manon Barker ofUniversIty place Grosse Pomte havereturned from a three weeks tnp In

the east where t-hey VISIted BostonAtlantic City Washmgton D C andseveral places 111 V1rgmta

• • •Mr. Horace J Caulk1ns~ Sr., who,

With members of her famlly, has occu~pled a cottage at Gratiot Beach dUrIngthe summer, 1$ agaIn ~mlclled at herhome on LewlstQ.rt 1~~iGr0l8e PomteFarms t


• • •MISS Frances RU~~h daughter of

Mr and Mrs Maso;' Jffl.Rumney Willstudy at .lIken, S C, +hlS 'Wlnter

• • •MISS Vlrgln1a Lowrte daughter of

\1r and \irs George B LOWlle ofHarvard toad Grossl1 POJl1te IS studymg at Smith colleg~ '{~ orthamptonMass

guests Mr and Mr$ Edmund ~ Wolfe,of Brtdgeport, Conn Ml" and MrsDu.nham and Mt and Mrs Wolfespent several day. last week In Cleve-lanel and they came on to DetrOit to-gether The Wolfes are frequent Vlll-

tors in the city



.- .

""7, -",..,,.,....,,.,,,-:-{j 1't'J:A,."'*t\W"l" rrr- ~ 1iff\"l~"~~~'1;"'N;f4:'1if4;~;$'I'W~'l"~jRf~'i~ -; ~"""~

\ B "


I_J_I _

the week~end Mr andL Dunham, of Ba1faul"Pomte, entertained as




OCTOBER 9 10.11


"Call of the Flesh"

Kercheval and Fi.her RoadGrosse Pointe Farms

Telephone Niagara 3898



"Sarah and Son"

Mats. Saturday and Sundayat 3 P. M.

EVENINGS: 7:30 and 9:30


"YOllDg Man ofManhattan"



Punch & JudyTheatre



SOCIETY(Co 1t1l1ued fro 11 Pagc One)

\1 r 1. i \f r 11 rv J D ('rB ck li-,l '1 ro'l. I (rC'~ } tC' \\ tlther dde, It \ls", 10 dlC J11.,Creturn<>d after three month<; of travelon the conti ent and 111 the Bntt"hIsles They ~pent two weeks lU Montreal and Queibec en route home

• • •


Underground ChurchThe pwturesque crowd the variety

of costumes and the scene in the openmarket place at Serajevo on marketday baffles description One of thequaintest in all Jugoslav1a is thellttle Ser\ lan church in SaraJevo bUiltIn the Slxteenth century after theTurks bad overrun the country Itwas sunb. below the level of the street -so its roof would not be vIslble fromWIthout and hidden behmd a hig!'wall to avoid suppression by the Mo-hammedans

"Father" of Lawn T~D.nisTo Major Wingfield must be given

the credIt for first reallzmg that lawntennis could be utilized to the needs •ot SOCIety If he was not the inventorot the game he did boweYer~ depositspecifications In 1874 to obtaIn a patent for ua new and approved portablecourt for playing the ancient game oftennis" The first baJIs used '" ereindla rubber and were uncoveredThe rackets were wooden trames andpear shaped The oval shaped racketwas not u!led until 1880

Test for He.rlnl'The usual test fOr determIning the

question of how well a person can hearis the ordmary speaking voice test glven a~ a distance of 20 feet, and thewhlSpermg ,oice test given at a d~gtance of 10 feet These tests are given so that the examiner can determmethe abllity of the person to repeatwords which he has gh en at 20 feetand whlspered at 10 feet The testsmentwned are merely average testsand ear specialists employ more accurate methods

Brief but SignificantA man who held the bellef tbat aftel

a youth had attamed his majority heshould be taught to fend for hlmselfgave hlS son a sum of money and toldlum that henceforth he "ould haveto earn his own living

The young man did no work butspent a riotous few months abroadand then found himself almost pennl-108.

Bls sole desire W&i!J to get home,and he deCided to send a. wire

He found he had only money sumdent to pay for a mess~ge of tourwords, so, after conSIderable thoughthe telegraphed to his lathet, • Fattedcatr tor one III

Two New CoursesMay Be Continued

T\\o new courses which have beenplanned for the public evenmg schoolswlll be contmued If more persons enrollm them t was announced today

The COUlses are orchestra to be ledby 0 Lmcoln Igou Tuesday evenmgs

Iat the Grosse p0111te HIgh School and

E Vg) mnaSlum for men to be taught by

venlng arle.f i b Howard Poe at the Defel school Man

The matter 0 when e, en ng egmsdepends entlrely upon the reglOn in day even ngs Mr Poe who IS no",WhlCh one IS and the use that the peo an 1l1strudor 111ph) ~lca1 educatIOn atpIe of that reglOn make of the word the High School was a member of thLAccordIng to dIctIOnary defmItlOD eve- varsity football tean of the U 11lVersItyning in a strlct s(>nse is from sunset of MIchigan last) ealuntil dark Also, It mav be deSCrIbed The orchesha co Irse 1S c1es1gned foras the period durmg "hlch the lIght those who play nstruments and whois dlf'fused by the refiectlOO.s of the WI h t ork up numbers for recred.sun s rays from the atmosphere after sowsunset-from sunset to dark nlght As t10n 01 non profeSSIOnal entertall1mentgenerally understood. evenmg means DetaIled mformatlOl1 co 11c ern 111garound five 0 clock and continues in these courses may be had by telephonsome reglans, untl1 seven, .and iI' mg A E Tnppensee pr1l1clpal of theothers nme, "hen night seta in !Jng eve1l11g' school at NIagara 200011sh afternoon tea is invar.i,ftbly takenat Dve o'clock, from which practicethe Flench have mtroduced into thei!'language the expression un fh eo clock "hleh deslgn1tcs the nledltaken at that time '\hleh conblsts oftea toao;t and pastl) -1lte11r;l DlgPbi

Matinees and EveningI

Main Floor: Adults 50c ,Negro Actor Honored ,,~'" I A

There I. a memorial wmdow In tho Children 25c J'Shakespeare theater to Ira Aldridge,

~::;;.:~aYed Othelloto Edmund .c;u;:;;lOJ Ii t t j (OJ:: b--""~l1iJ..,.l~'~'~'~lI~~~'~~'~'_",'b,,".uL,"rAh h " ~ __ ~".k,~~_"~'~M.~m h"d",,-,:m.~j :r0h,"~'

Grossethe fo1


... ~ ~ '~~ ~<J'1:' :~' ''l:;:':~r-~'='::r'-'':'-'' ...... . ~ ~

15001 Charlevoix Ave.-" r ~ '1.11.,Corner of" ayburn





LON CHA.NFY,n ,"The Ul\holy Three"

City's Three Name.At the time of lts foundmg III 1837,

Atlanta, Ga I was called MarthaSVIllebut \\ hen it became the terminus ofleveral railroads its name was changedto Termmus thIs later bemg changedto the present name

Early AmerIcan AuthorAnne Brudstteet Wll!. the author of

the first Amerlcan bool... of poemsShe \\ as the hrst lltUUl v woman towin a reputni on among het Engllshand Amellcan contemporarIes Herbook appeared III london in 1650




IlFall Guy"Featwe No 2-


"ThQroughbred"0.. theStae-Cou..try Store N••ht-$I7IO i.. ea.1l,

ala. U Crocery Prizes Free



4lF or the Defence"





p 1n

;\'I4SllobtingStraight"J(; "q11 ~l.




"Lady to Love"

Grosse PointePublic Library

Re~ent addItions to thePamte PUiblic library mclude1000ng

Johnson Black ManhattanBIsset The Book of Water Garden

lUgBurroughs ...\fate of a Vetl11shed LandBaynes Andromeda lU Wlmpole

StreetCurwood Son of the ForestsJ ames Lone Cowboy"Buchan Castle GayKahle" Fatner Mean. 'A ellLaFarge Laughll1g BoyLovelace Pethcoat CourtMerrtsk The Little Dog LaughedNorrts SeedPne<;tley Angel Paven eptRIchardson MaUrIce GuestSackvllie West The Edwardlans".... NorU i lle C01U::>L1J11:

Evening Schoot Grows;Students May Still Join

Flattering Words Won Novarro to Sing AraisClerk Salary Increase from Operas in Talkie

Andre Geraud • PertlOax' of the Call of the Flesh Ramon Navar(Continued 'from Page One) Pans press, said at n dmner in New ro s ne\\ est starnng veh1c1e whIch will

several other subject have a suffiCient lork be at the Punch and Judy theaterenrollment to be contmued • Perhaps I h'lve been too candId in Thursda) friday and Saturday Oc

I my clltlclsm of the Amellcan polley b 9 10 d II II tFifty are reg1stered 111 commerCia to er a 1 "'1 permit piC ureFlattery is pleasanter than candorsubjects 43 III Enghsh and Amen goers to hear Novarros VOlce as an) Mrs Joseph B Schlotman went eastDo you know the banker story'?camzatlOn 21 modern foreIgn Ian • A banker was stone deaf A clerk opera smger for the first tlme To recently to spend a week In New Yorkguages ~SO phYSical educatIOn The came to him one day to ask for a smg In opera has been a hfeJong am cItyremal11der of the reglstrat10n IS scat raIse bltlOn of the star and 111 the newtered j> '\< I m very glad /:llr the clerk be photollay he ach eves at lea!>t a partIal

Ncm.•:d!&fP~tds'ses that {te assured gan to see that your deafness has fulfillme 1t of tl s deslre Via themclude French Spamsh costume de dlsap,peared' Hall) ,",ood microphone!>

• What? saId the banker, ,\lth hiS k hSign auto shoN [nechanlcal draw1l1g ~ ovarro \\ ho eJo..pects to ma e 151"' hand to hiS ear

alld onplled mathenHthts t d hi d i debut abroad grand opera dunng""IV' • The clerl ... repea e s" or s D a

Beside.s Mr Tt:lrp.p~nsee the other louder VOIce the commg year i as gIven pnvate rememrbers of the staff are MISS Nel1e " What? cltal! Sll1ce 1925 In hIS Teatro Intl'ne\t[esserli typewntlllg \hss Mar) "The clerl{ roared the words out at n Hollywood but has never sung mKrernmlO s h art h a 11d MIss Ruth the top of his lungs but the banlwr publ1c He hopes 10 the near future toCrame b.ookkeep111g MISS Bell Red smIled and shook hiS head and pushed be able to dIvlde hIS tIme betweenmond AmencamzatrOll and Fnghsh forward a tablet '"ith a pencil at operatic work and motIOn pictures and

tached to it hMISS Eva Corllell hIgh school English hIS present contract stipulates t at a~ • 'I ill very glad' the clerk wroteCha"les LeaVitt eCOll0mICS MISS Mary f d d' certa n amount of h1S time shalt be• 'that ~our dea ness has lsnppeareMartm, Flench Mrs Charles Leavlt't .. Thank you, it has' the president hlS own for concert tours or grandSpa't1lsh Wdbam H;u1111ton matbli smd graciously after he had read the opera The youg MeXican first heardn'latlcs MISS 'Dorothy Hostetler cas words on the tablet I~OW, young by pIcture followers III The Pagantume deSign,. 'N' ;Ray V/attltllg auto roan what can I do for you? and 10 Dev11 May Care and m In

h I Three mmutes later the clerlt G H d d " 1Sh0'P Raymond Kauhtz mec d.l1lca a) ,ua n ''<ovarro sang severa rowalked out with hIS salaI y doubled - b II d

drawmg MISS Dorns Tefft and 1t1Jss mantic a a sSprmgheld UnIonAdele Schwarz .g')m111'QslUmand swtn1 The operat1c numbers whIch Navarro1111l1gevery Monday M1SS l' nnl:' Sl111a ------- smgs m Call of the Flesh are In

ann MISS Garfi€tte Foster gYl1TInaS1Um"White House" Properly Engltsh Spalllsn and Haltan so thatand SWlmmlllg every Wednesday Is "Executive Mansion" follower! of the film star m foreIgnFrank Banach gymnaS1Ult1 and sWIm The home of the PresIdent of the countrIes ""'111have their first opporl1ung for men rorrest Geary gym United States IS the IJxecuhve Man tUnlty to hear hIm render popular andrw:slum and sWJ.mmtng fOl men on SiOD,but it has been called the White class.lcal songs tn thelr natIve tongueThursdays LoUtS Vedder gymnasIUm House for a great many years Thea Dorothy Jordan will agam be seenfor m~n at th Stevens T Mason school dore Roosevelt was the first PreSident oppos te the star and the cast mcludes

d: H d P gymnasIUm to ha\e the name the WhIte Hcmse sub Ernest Torrence :Nance 0 Nell ReneeWedl1es~ays Dwar oe ~ stttuted for the Execuuve Mansion on Adoree Math11de Comont and Russellfor men at the George S Defer school statIonery and documents issuing from IMondays Mrs Wanda Dame! gym PreSIdential headquarters Hopton The pIcture ",as dIrected byna3jlWll for women at the Defer school IJ.he building was orlgiI'lally con Charles BraibIn who produced Thetue&days~ structed of Vlrgill1a freestone, gra~ish Bndge of San :Uus Rey

,'_______ in color When it was restored after -------the fire of 1814 the walls were pamtedwhlte to cover up the blackened parts,and it came to be called the WhiteHouse It has been pamted white everSlDce George Wdshfngton fa, orepthe name • the Palace of the Presldent," but most people a1 first calledit simply • the PreSIdent sHouse'James re-nimore Cooper hked thatname, too

Page Fnur=
