1fisii 1mi i - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74tm71wf66/data/0768.pdftable linens wo arc nt this...

Table Linens Wo arc nt this timp ollbring iwmo special values in Table Linens that wo l cant offer later Como and ook these over RKMNANT SPECIALS containing 2 24 nnd U yards regular price fijc Price now COc ynril MERCERIZED DAMASK tlio prettiest good for the money over made IlVe chow two pretty patterns I1t jOo Napkins to match nt S11m dozen LOOM DICK LINEN out wears nil others very strong and washes cany Two patterns GOc ynrd 1 STANKOUD Kv Fun I 1907 WE have just received a big supply of Comic nnd Leather Post Cards ¬ nys Drug Store PERSONALS tag MRS ANNA HOITZCIAW Jaconvalosc I JOHN II WON DR Is laid up with a se vero cold- Ma I JAMRS F HOIDAM went to Lou- Isville yesterday I DICK POWELL of this place was nt Hrumlkld this week MR A L McANELLY orders his pap cr changed from Shelby City to Eustls Flu MR JOHN W DROWN of MU Ver- non was hero on legal business Tues ¬ day MRS Eo H NORMAN of Walton is visiting her daughter Mrs T W Jones MRS ANNA D VANARSDALE of HarrodsburKis with her daughter Mrs H J McRobcrU- MR t B H VANARBRALK a clever knight of the grip wan hero with old friends yesterday MRS CIUT Kim and Miss Lorn Ho t hon of Hustonvllle were guests qr Mrs Jessio Stagfr- KDITORE S Aumimrr of the Mt l Vernon Signal was hero Monday look ¬ I fag after his subscribers t MRS RODMAN KkI NON of Frankfort l is with her mother and sister here Mr Keenon will join her today or to ¬ morrowMR C ENGLEMAN who suffered during tho holi ¬ a stroke of paralysis days was ablo to be out on the street 1 WednesdayDR LEWIS has returned from- a visit to his son Mr A A Lewis in Covington considerable Improved in health Mbs Neal Lewis accompanied him home Mn MATT ENGLEMAN who recently bought William M Wheats store at ML Salem was hero Tuesday and left an order for printing He was ac ¬ companied by Mr Wheat Miss MARY REID has gone to Rich ¬ mond Vn for a visit and later will be J the guest of Miss Amelia Yerkes in It Washington anti Mrs Albert Nathan in- New York CityAdvocate a i IT Is with regret that wo learn that J W Bastln of Pittsburg will move to Muhlcnbcrp county where ho will take charge of some largo coal inter ests Ho is a substantial citizen a man of affairs nnd one that Laurel can ill afford to spare London Local LOCALS oysters nnd celery Saturday S Jones J posts for sale D C Sipple Ky I t DANVIUB is to have a skating rink Stanford had one some 2T or 30 years ago NEUFCHATEL Van Rossem Bros Edeam Pineapple New York cream cheese all jusf in George II Farris THE aaloonA at lI nilla will close tonight the licenses of both the Weatherford and the Newton Hotel ex ¬ piring Feb 1 THE Ladles Aid Society of tho Chris ¬ church will meet in the lecture 4room of tho church at 2 oclock Satur ¬ day afternoon Tim ladies of the Christian church will hold a Rummage Sale during the second week in February Tho place will be announced later of Arthur Soward of the Goshen section died in Louisville yesterday The re mains will arrive hero for burial today DIWWohnvo m- other KEEP received ¬ shipment of Fish Brand Slick ers Rover Coats and rubber foot- wear You need such goods this weath ¬ cr Cummins MdClary DERKELEMr aonah Bcrkcle wife of Eugene Berkclo is dead In tho Brynntavillo section of Garrard She was a daughter of Mr John Dunn The husband and three children survive r McMtJLLENM S McMullen who was postmaster at Yosemite during Clevelands last administration is dead at Burnslde where he had lived several years He was a clever man and an A 1 democrat i r SEVERAL cone pulleys for sale at this office FOR IHNTNice a Gtge J C Me Clary NEW patterns in etas ping Mrs K P Miller Stanford GOOD totter preea for sale at your own price This office SuE Mrs Kate P Miller Core hav ¬ log your stamping done MY fur the spring trade is In Come look at it J C McClary REWARD 60c for pair of ferret stretchers returned by Fob Cth 1907 George II Farris J It KDMISTON Crab Orchard hOB extended his sale of store accounts for a short time by request of several cut tomers GET E T Pences prices on wagons buggies carts buckboards plows and farming implements of nil kinds before you buy Tim members of the fiscal court will not forget that they were adjourned to meet the second day in February R C Warren judge D J SMITH the Gilberts Creek mer- chant ¬ will have an auction of winter goods shove hats etc tomorrow Some rare bargains will be offered WANTED an experienced farm hand one with small family Will pay good salary to right man J L Dimes I Rowland Ky on J F Cook farm MR bL GREEN MURPHY of Kings ville writes that ho sold Dr J W Acton only n third interest in his store at that place and not n hnlf interest as the I J state- dPAneLMrs Lucy Padgett died at her home near the Green river Schoolhouse in tho Waynesburg sec ¬ tion She is survived by her husband and several children FEW readers posstas the ability of Miss Susan Porter Yates tier recitals are n credit to any city In the United IORT SCOTT KANSAS requires nl piano playing to cease at 9 oclock at night under penalty of 15 fine Such a law should prevail hero and if wo had any influence with tho City Council we such a law enacted and letting tho proceeds go to repairing and MacAda mixing our streets which are badly in need of metal BANQUET TO TIlE DAnMr W II Shanks who has recently been admitted to tho Stanford bar gave a banquet to the lawyers nnd Judge N W Utley nt Mrs Jones restaurant Tuesday even ¬ ing A royal spread had been prepared and it was heartily enjoyed Col T P Hill treated the crowd to several timely talks during the evening FRYEMary Frye tho bright little daughter of Mr and Mrs James Frye died at Lexington following an opera ¬ tion for appendicitis The burial will occur at Lexington at 10 oclock this morning Mary was n decided favor- Ite ¬ at Hustonvillo where she lived un ¬ til a year or so ago and her death car- ries ¬ sorrow to many hearts there and elsewhere Tin horse Mrs E C Walton slipped tho bridle while hitched In front of Mr G B Coopers Wednes ¬ day and got tangled in a barbed wire fence Before help reached the animal its left front leg was so badly lacerated that lockjaw is feared Considerable muscle had to bo cut out and the lead ¬ ers were partially cut and badly strain ¬ ed John Cook the wellknown Stan ¬ ford veterinary has tho horse in charge and hopes to keep him alive for a while if he never succeeds in effecting n cure CIRCUIT COURT came to and end at noon yesterday and Judge Newton WI Utley who held the special term orI nearly four weeks left for his homo utI Eddyvlllo carrying with him the good wishes of many friends formed hereI Tho bar and courthouse officials passed highly eulogistic resolutions of him The last case tried was that of tho J I Case Threshing Machine Co vs 0 G Speaks for balance of payment on a thresher engine The engine did notI provo satifactory and Mr Speaks brought in a counter charge for dama- ges and the jury awarded him 1000 I y r Silk etetw NelvtHockof Elbow Silk Gloves just in Como now and get a ° pair as they promieo to bo almost ng scarce ns last season At present we have black at 81 laid 8176 white nt 8175I t SEVERANCE SON STANFORD KENTUCKY 1FISII SowAnnJameownrdbrother HearI Long Gloves t HEMP land for rent Miss Nancy VanDcvecr A FEW heating stoves to close out al- a bargain Singletons Store ANOTHER long wet spell set in a few days ago and copious rains fall dally Mud Is distressingly deep r Tim latest cold wave predicted failed to materialize Probably it washer away by the incessant rains CARD OF THANKS Wo desire to ex press our sincere thanks to all of our neighbors nnd friends for their kind- ness ¬ during our late bereavement in the lossof our precious wife and moth ¬ er Jackson Garrison and family- 1VAtitEDA aged woman with neat appearance and good charac ¬ ter to take charge of housekeeping nnd cooking for family of three in Lancas- ter Ky Good home nnd liberal prig paid Recommendation of character must come with first letter Address Box 216 Lancaster Ky AN immense crowd attended the sale of Jno A Wrights effects near Huston vile Wednesday and satisfactory prices ruled The farm of 18CJ acres wet bought by J A Bolin of Somerset at 8005 A half interest in CO acres of knob land was bought by E J Godbey for 24 and n lot in Hustonville went for 25 One stallion brought A200 and another 150 Horses and mares sold at 560 to 151 cows and calves at 20 to 3125 A bull brought 55 and a sow 2350 a pair of mules 186 hay rick 30 Corn broght 275 and hogs nearly lOc per pound Household and kitchen furniture sold high HONOR ROLL for thhmmonth of Stan ¬ ford Graded and High School Grade 1William Ashlock Tilden Cooper Hugh R Foster Homer Kidd Lee Mershon Virgil Moore John R McKinney Claiborno Walton Clarence Singleton Sabra Estes Minnie Hardin Bessie Miller Grade 2Motris Bruce Alene Boone Clinton Coleman Patience Calmese Joe T Embry Matsy Grimes Huston Gen ¬ try Nellie W Hill Lottie McKinney Ethel Powell Charlie Pcndleton Ella Rigncy Hartwcll Shanks Grade 3 Elizabeth Hunn Tillie Gold stein Loraine Tdttcn Ruth Hardin Alva Holtzclaw Bessie Pendleton Des ¬ sic Moore Bessie Brackctt Francis Drackctt Elizabeth Stagg Linnie Kldd Herbert Davis Simmie Davib Everett Brock James Tribblc Sam Embry Walter Kidd William Carson Grade 4Mamie Singleton Hobart White Fred Brackett James Owslcy Mary S Cook Mary M Raney Ethel Brackett Anna D McRoberts Annie Gray Verner Rout Josephine Carpen terGrade 5Catherine Gentry Marion Grimes Lena Traylor Mary Gray Dan Brackett Wm Grimes Grade 6Harris Hardin Arnold For man Elizabeth McKinney Lucy Leo Walton Virginia Mahony Catherine Kennedy James Cooper Annie L Gen ¬ tryGrade 7 Morrison Bright Joseph Hopper John Waters Willie Moore Maud Stone Maranda White Grade 8Sadle Eads Lillie Eads Sal lie Burdctt Ellen Moore Teddy Brack ¬ ett Mollie roldsteln- FreshmanThomas Bright Grady TuckerJuniorJohn Downer Senior Robert Waters George Hop- per J W IRELAND Supt At the present time there are nearly 5000000 members included in the 13 branches of the Baptist church in the United States Tho Southern Theolog ¬ ical Seminary at Louisville which bel- ongs to this denomination has more students than any other theological seminary in the world not excepting any of those in Rome The records of the old First Baptist church in New York show that George Washington was immersed there although he beg came a communicant of the Episcopal church Gov Hughes the newly elect- ed ¬ executive of New York is a son of a Baptist minister and a Baptist him- self ¬ President Chester A Arthur was also the son of a Baptist minister Gov Jos W Folk of Missouri is a stanch Baptist John D Rockefeller the rich ¬ est American is a devout member of this denomination and has given 19 000000 to the great Baptist school the Chicago University S D W Roachs 5000 residence burn ¬ ed in Lawrenceburg The first account of a is I lilllfollows with linen which had the ink horn by his side reported the matter saying I have done as thou hast commanded meGov Beckham has appointed Attor ¬ ney James M Gilbert of Barbourville I to sit as special judge of tjho Clay elrI cult court to preside in the case of Abe Kirchbaum against Joseph Lewis I Tiidco Matt ODnhnrty has resigned as Common Please judge in the Louis ¬ ville district Ills successor has not yet been appointed Eleven jurors have been secured In the Thaw murder case in New York Cily Solon Cox has been appointed post- master at Panola Madison county D J SMITH AUCTION FEB 2 GILBERTS CREEK KY Boone Walls Successors to B D Carter Livery Feed and Sale Stable Depot Street STANFORD KY- HjxiInl Attention ttlven onimorelnl Men Ocxxl Itlgiat Itensoimble lUitrs Stock Pone In Connection PUBLIC RENTING I 1 will rpnt to the IdgIt and bill bidder publicly on HATUHDAY I YOU i IW- ffttmAnOhrliumn farm of 10 nrres lying one mill1 Kant of Monlmul Htntlon lor the yunr liAr Tho ImproveinenUnro good Ill trrn orchnnl big burn nnd the hind lint cliins HUtim iiiri toO In corn the hat Inlet It now In Clover Timothy and Hluo firms Thu meeting will take place nt Hunn A Coffey torn In foreland nt J p M- KnwAun ALVOKM Kxo- rAaCurlMimn NOTICE I Lincoln Circuit Court MIDutldernr R on pvUtlnn inking Unit the charter < l the town of Howlnml Lin ¬ coin county Ky IxMllisolvrilaniliinnulUtl The undersigned W II IHiddenir und thone wliiwo imniva nre II II lit 11111 to the pin tition herein referred to hereby Rive notice that they hove led in the otllceuf the clerk of tlm Lincoln circuit court n petition lu which they nk that the charter of the town of Howlnnd Lincoln county Ky bo an ¬ nul td and oh80hetl The mill petitioner Dudderar and Moth ¬ rfl ityle themtclvei citizen lepil voter of mid town of Itowlnnu Their JM llt ion will be Beard by the Lincoln circuit court ut III regular February term IMi- TAViI IJtIIDFUAK Ell I JKIIoldmn clerk of the Lincoln clr ¬ rut court hereby certify thnt n petition nulim tilt one described In the Above no thin Wilt flied in my ofllce on Jim 6 luff Wltnesn my bond no clerk aforesaid thin Jnn V 1WT JK UOMIA3IO LOC PUBLIC SALE I will tell lit public ode ut my place on the Someriet pike 3mllve from Htnnford on TUKHHAY KKB U 1WI7 the following described property Farm ¬ ing Implement Including Stwohorse wag Ohs and linrncK 1 HIring wagon 1 buggy end curt 1 buckboanl I brnklng cart n lot 1mI liny 12 ihock dune household and kitchen furniture 1 tine utalllon Ante Carlo two picks tuck Varnon and Abram 1 two year old ltllllon two plllr gooll work- mulcethree goaibrood nmre nil bred to- JIIlk1 three yeorold filly well broke to drive 1 nice twoyearold Pence 1I11Jtllrfo nice one vear oiilnttlceyoung awe 1 buck it nice lirood bows about tut bale straw lot of Illncksniltl Tools le or 15 bushel potatoes and 1018 of other thing too numerous to mention One good money side laid re ¬ frigerator Will nlio oiler about 78 acres of land If not wad before sale Terms made known un tiny of sale WILLIAM M K1KLD8 CohJ1handlerAndTRIBBLE PENCE Undertakers and- Embalmers STANFORD KY Also Furniture of All Kinds Car pets Druggets Rugs Mattings Pie ¬ ture Frames Shade Lace Curtains end Wnll Paper Mr E T Benley has charge of tho Undertaking Department TR1BBLE O PENCE Day Phone 28 Night 166 or 133 Kid Gloves j New stookof fresh goods just in Two clasp Black White and Colon at 100 Two and three clasp Black nnd Colors real French killat S17C 10 Button Glace in Blngk White and Colors nt 820D 16 Button or Elbow Glricc Gloves Black nnd White at 8025 ns lung ta- f this lot taste All gloves fitted if desired L + 3 F 1 F t + + 14d I tl i t ft1 + + 1 1111 II 1 The 5 < loc Store i department of our store is Jnow especially strong iWe have a large assortment of ex ¬ 1 itra Values in Granite China Glass ¬ ware Tinware Etc You can save money if you will look at once Come and see for your ¬ self L M HUBY CO Dry Goods Notions Shoes Phone 156 + Opera House Block Opposite Court House STANFORD KENTUCKY t t E T PENCE S Dealer in Buggies Wagons Farming Implements Harness Etc Stanford Kentucky B A I Tooth Powder Purest and Best We Recommend It Inpprted Direct from Japan PRICE 25c STANFORD DRUG CO Combination Sale of HintClass Horses To be heldat DANVILLE KY FEB 19 AND 20 1907 F Reid Co will sell 125 select Business Horses consisting of Saddle Harness Conch and n number of fine teams Also young Stallions for Saddle nnd Harness by Bourbon Chief 076 Dorsey Golddust 12052 Prince Rupert 887 Ccciliun Chief 33698 Ac Tho product from Kentuckys best blood will be represented n < I

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Page 1: 1FISII 1mI I - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74tm71wf66/data/0768.pdfTable Linens Wo arc nt this timp ollbring iwmo special values in Table Linens that wo l cant offer later Como and

Table LinensWo arc nt this timp ollbring iwmo special values in Table Linens that wo

l cant offer later Como and ook these over

RKMNANT SPECIALS containing 2 24 nnd U yards regular price

fijc Price now COc ynril

MERCERIZED DAMASK tlio prettiest good for the money over made

IlVe chow two pretty patterns I1t jOo Napkins to match nt S11m dozen

LOOM DICK LINEN out wears nil others very strong and washes cany

Two patterns GOc ynrd

1STANKOUD Kv Fun I 1907

WE have just received a big supplyof Comic nnd Leather Post Cards ¬

nys Drug Store



JOHN II WON DR Is laid up with a se

vero cold-



JAMRS F HOIDAM went to Lou-

Isville yesterday I

DICK POWELL of this place was ntHrumlkld this week

MR A L McANELLY orders his pap

cr changed from Shelby City to Eustls


non was hero on legal business Tues ¬

dayMRS Eo H NORMAN of Walton is

visiting her daughter Mrs T W


HarrodsburKis with her daughter Mrs

H J McRobcrU-


knight of the grip wan hero with old

friends yesterday

MRS CIUT Kim and Miss Lorn Hot

hon of Hustonvllle were guests qr

Mrs Jessio Stagfr-

KDITORE S Aumimrr of the Mtl

Vernon Signal was hero Monday look ¬

I fag after his subscribers

t MRS RODMAN KkI NON of Frankfortl

is with her mother and sister hereMr Keenon will join her today or to¬

morrowMRC ENGLEMAN who suffered

during tho holi¬

a stroke of paralysisdays was ablo to be out on the street


WednesdayDRLEWIS has returned from-

a visit to his son Mr A A Lewis in

Covington considerable Improved in

health Mbs Neal Lewis accompanied

him homeMn MATT ENGLEMAN who recently

bought William M Wheats store atML Salem was hero Tuesday and

left an order for printing He was ac ¬

companied by Mr Wheat

Miss MARY REID has gone to Rich ¬

mond Vn for a visit and later will be

J the guest of Miss Amelia Yerkes in

It Washington anti Mrs Albert Nathan in-

New York CityAdvocatea i IT Is with regret that wo learn that

J W Bastln of Pittsburg will move

to Muhlcnbcrp county where ho will

take charge of some largo coal interests Ho is a substantial citizen a

man of affairs nnd one that Laurel can

ill afford to spare London Local


oysters nnd celery SaturdayS JonesJposts for sale D C Sipple


I t DANVIUB is to have a skating rink

Stanford had one some 2T or 30 yearsago

NEUFCHATEL Van Rossem Bros

Edeam Pineapple New York creamcheese all jusf in George II Farris

THE aaloonA at lI nillawill close

tonight the licenses of both theWeatherford and the Newton Hotel ex ¬

piring Feb 1

THE Ladles Aid Society of tho Chris ¬

church will meet in the lecture4room of tho church at 2 oclock Satur ¬

day afternoon

Tim ladies of the Christian church

will hold a Rummage Sale during thesecond week in February Tho place

will be announced later

ofArthur Soward of the Goshen section

died in Louisville yesterday The re

mains will arrive hero for burial today

DIWWohnvo m-

otherKEEP received ¬

shipment of Fish Brand Slick

ers Rover Coats and rubber foot-

wear You need such goods this weath ¬

cr Cummins MdClary

DERKELEMr aonah Bcrkcle

wife of Eugene Berkclo is dead In tho

Brynntavillo section of Garrard She

was a daughter of Mr John Dunn

The husband and three children surviver

McMtJLLENM S McMullen who

was postmaster at Yosemite duringClevelands last administration is dead

at Burnslde where he had lived severalyears He was a clever man and an A

1 democrat


SEVERAL cone pulleys for sale at thisoffice


Gtge J C MeClary

NEW patterns in etasping Mrs KP Miller Stanford

GOOD totter preea for sale at yourown price This office

SuE Mrs Kate PMiller Core hav ¬

log your stamping done

MY fur the spring trade is InCome look at it J C McClary

REWARD 60c for pair of ferretstretchers returned by Fob Cth 1907

George II Farris

J It KDMISTON Crab Orchard hOB

extended his sale of store accounts fora short time by request of several cuttomers

GET E T Pences prices on wagonsbuggies carts buckboards plows andfarming implements of nil kinds beforeyou buy

Tim members of the fiscal court willnot forget that they were adjourned tomeet the second day in February RC Warren judge

D J SMITH the Gilberts Creek mer-chant


will have an auction of wintergoods shove hats etc tomorrowSome rare bargains will be offered

WANTED an experienced farm handone with small family Will pay goodsalary to right man J L Dimes I

Rowland Ky on J F Cook farm

MR bL GREEN MURPHY of Kingsville writes that ho sold Dr J WActon only n third interest in his storeat that place and not n hnlf interest asthe I J state-

dPAneLMrs Lucy Padgett diedat her home near the Green riverSchoolhouse in tho Waynesburg sec ¬

tion She is survived by her husbandand several children

FEW readers posstas the ability ofMiss Susan Porter Yates tier recitalsare n credit to any city In the United

IORT SCOTT KANSAS requires nlpiano playing to cease at 9 oclock atnight under penalty of 15 fine Sucha law should prevail hero and if wo hadany influence with tho City Council wesuch a law enacted and letting thoproceeds go to repairing and MacAdamixing our streets which are badly inneed of metal

BANQUET TO TIlE DAnMr W IIShanks who has recently been admittedto tho Stanford bar gave a banquet tothe lawyers nnd Judge N W Utley ntMrs Jones restaurant Tuesday even ¬

ing A royal spread had been preparedand it was heartily enjoyed Col TP Hill treated the crowd to severaltimely talks during the evening

FRYEMary Frye tho bright littledaughter of Mr and Mrs James Fryedied at Lexington following an opera ¬

tion for appendicitis The burial willoccur at Lexington at 10 oclock thismorning Mary was n decided favor-Ite


at Hustonvillo where she lived un ¬

til a year or so ago and her death car-ries


sorrow to many hearts there andelsewhere

Tin horse Mrs E CWalton slipped tho bridle while hitchedIn front of Mr G B Coopers Wednes ¬

day and got tangled in a barbed wirefence Before help reached the animalits left front leg was so badly laceratedthat lockjaw is feared Considerablemuscle had to bo cut out and the lead ¬

ers were partially cut and badly strain ¬

ed John Cook the wellknown Stan ¬

ford veterinary has tho horse in chargeand hopes to keep him alive for a whileif he never succeeds in effecting n cure

CIRCUIT COURT came to and end atnoon yesterday and Judge Newton WIUtley who held the special term orInearly four weeks left for his homo utIEddyvlllo carrying with him the goodwishes of many friends formed hereITho bar and courthouse officials passedhighly eulogistic resolutions of himThe last case tried was that of tho J ICase Threshing Machine Co vs 0 G

Speaks for balance of payment on athresher engine The engine did notIprovo satifactory and Mr Speaksbrought in a counter charge for dama-ges and the jury awarded him 1000

Iy r


NelvtHockof Elbow Silk Gloves just in Como now and get a°

pair as

they promieo to bo almost ng scarce ns last season At present we have

black at 81 laid 8176 white nt 8175I





Long Gloves

tHEMP land for rent Miss Nancy


A FEW heating stoves to close out al-

a bargain Singletons Store

ANOTHER long wet spell set in a fewdays ago and copious rains fall dallyMud Is distressingly deeprTim latest cold wave predicted failedto materialize Probably it washeraway by the incessant rains

CARD OF THANKS Wo desire to express our sincere thanks to all of ourneighbors nnd friends for their kind-


during our late bereavement in

the lossof our precious wife and moth ¬

er Jackson Garrison and family-

1VAtitEDA aged womanwith neat appearance and good charac ¬

ter to take charge of housekeeping nndcooking for family of three in Lancas-

ter Ky Good home nnd liberal prigpaid Recommendation of charactermust come with first letter AddressBox 216 Lancaster Ky

AN immense crowd attended the saleof Jno A Wrights effects near Hustonvile Wednesday and satisfactory pricesruled The farm of 18CJ acres wetbought by J A Bolin of Somerset at8005 A half interest in CO acres of

knob land was bought by E J Godbey

for 24 and n lot in Hustonville wentfor 25 One stallion brought A200 andanother 150 Horses and mares sold

at 560 to 151 cows and calves at 20

to 3125 A bull brought 55 and asow 2350 a pair of mules 186 hayrick 30 Corn broght 275 and hogsnearly lOc per pound Household and

kitchen furniture sold high

HONOR ROLL for thhmmonth of Stan ¬

ford Graded and High SchoolGrade 1William Ashlock Tilden

Cooper Hugh R Foster Homer Kidd

Lee Mershon Virgil Moore John RMcKinney Claiborno Walton ClarenceSingleton Sabra Estes Minnie HardinBessie Miller

Grade 2Motris Bruce Alene Boone

Clinton Coleman Patience Calmese JoeT Embry Matsy Grimes Huston Gen ¬

try Nellie W Hill Lottie McKinneyEthel Powell Charlie Pcndleton EllaRigncy Hartwcll Shanks

Grade 3 Elizabeth Hunn Tillie Goldstein Loraine Tdttcn Ruth HardinAlva Holtzclaw Bessie Pendleton Des ¬

sic Moore Bessie Brackctt FrancisDrackctt Elizabeth Stagg LinnieKldd Herbert Davis Simmie DavibEverett Brock James Tribblc SamEmbry Walter Kidd William Carson

Grade 4Mamie Singleton HobartWhite Fred Brackett James OwslcyMary S Cook Mary M Raney EthelBrackett Anna D McRoberts AnnieGray Verner Rout Josephine Carpen

terGrade 5Catherine Gentry MarionGrimes Lena Traylor Mary Gray DanBrackett Wm Grimes

Grade 6Harris Hardin Arnold Forman Elizabeth McKinney Lucy LeoWalton Virginia Mahony CatherineKennedy James Cooper Annie L Gen ¬

tryGrade7 Morrison Bright Joseph

Hopper John Waters Willie MooreMaud Stone Maranda White

Grade 8Sadle Eads Lillie Eads Sallie Burdctt Ellen Moore Teddy Brack ¬

ett Mollie roldsteln-FreshmanThomas Bright Grady


Senior Robert Waters George Hop-per


At the present time there are nearly5000000 members included in the 13branches of the Baptist church in theUnited States Tho Southern Theolog ¬

ical Seminary at Louisville which bel-ongs to this denomination has morestudents than any other theologicalseminary in the world not exceptingany of those in Rome The records ofthe old First Baptist church in NewYork show that George Washingtonwas immersed there although he beg

came a communicant of the Episcopalchurch Gov Hughes the newly elect-ed


executive of New York is a son ofa Baptist minister and a Baptist him-


President Chester A Arthur wasalso the son of a Baptist minister GovJos W Folk of Missouri is a stanchBaptist John D Rockefeller the rich ¬

est American is a devout member ofthis denomination and has given 19

000000 to the great Baptist school theChicago University

SD W Roachs 5000 residence burn ¬

ed in Lawrenceburg

The first account of a is I

lilllfollowswith linen which had the ink horn byhis side reported the matter saying Ihave done as thou hast commanded

meGovBeckham has appointed Attor ¬

ney James M Gilbert of Barbourville I

to sit as special judge of tjho Clay elrIcult court to preside in the case of AbeKirchbaum against Joseph Lewis I

Tiidco Matt ODnhnrty has resignedas Common Please judge in the Louis¬

ville district Ills successor has notyet been appointed

Eleven jurors have been secured Inthe Thaw murder case in New YorkCily

Solon Cox has been appointed post-master at Panola Madison county




Boone WallsSuccessors to B D Carter

Livery Feed and Sale StableDepot Street STANFORD KY-

HjxiInl Attention ttlven onimorelnl MenOcxxl Itlgiat Itensoimble lUitrs

Stock Pone In Connection


1 will rpnt to the IdgIt and bill bidderpublicly on


ffttmAnOhrliumn farm of 10 nrres lyingone mill1 Kant of Monlmul Htntlon lor theyunr liAr Tho ImproveinenUnro good Illtrrn orchnnl big burn nnd the hind lintcliins HUtim iiiri toO In corn the hatInlet It now In Clover Timothy and Hluofirms

Thu meeting will take place nt Hunn ACoffey torn In foreland nt J p M-

KnwAun ALVOKM Kxo-rAaCurlMimn


Lincoln Circuit Court

MIDutldernrR on pvUtlnn inking Unitthe charter < l the town of Howlnml Lin ¬

coin county Ky IxMllisolvrilaniliinnulUtlThe undersigned W II IHiddenir und

thone wliiwo imniva nre II II lit 11111 to the pintition herein referred to hereby Rive noticethat they hove led in the otllceuf the clerkof tlm Lincoln circuit court n petition luwhich they nk that the charter of the townof Howlnnd Lincoln county Ky bo an ¬

nul td and oh80hetlThe mill petitioner Dudderar and Moth ¬

rfl ityle themtclvei citizenlepil voter of mid town of Itowlnnu TheirJM llt ion will be Beard by the Lincoln circuitcourt ut III regular February term IMi-

TAViI IJtIIDFUAK EllI JKIIoldmn clerk of the Lincoln clr ¬

rut court hereby certify thnt n petitionnulim tilt one described In the Above nothin Wilt flied in my ofllce on Jim 6 luffWltnesn my bond no clerk aforesaid thinJnn V 1WT JK UOMIA3IO LOC


I will tell lit public ode ut my place on theSomeriet pike 3mllve from Htnnford on


the following described property Farm ¬

ing Implement Including Stwohorse wagOhs and linrncK 1 HIring wagon 1 buggyend curt 1 buckboanl I brnklng cart n lot1mIliny 12 ihock dune household and kitchenfurniture 1 tine utalllon Ante Carlo two

picks tuck Varnon and Abram 1

two year old ltllllon two plllr gooll work-mulcethree goaibrood nmre nil bred to-

JIIlk1 three yeorold filly well broke todrive 1 nice twoyearold Pence 1I11Jtllrfoniceone vear oiilnttlceyoung awe 1 buck itnice lirood bows about tut bale straw lot ofIllncksniltl Tools le or 15 bushel potatoesand 1018 of other thing too numerous tomention One good money side laid re ¬

frigerator Will nlio oiler about 78 acres ofland If not wad before sale Terms madeknown un tiny of sale




Undertakers and-Embalmers


Also Furniture of All Kinds Carpets Druggets Rugs Mattings Pie¬

ture Frames Shade Lace Curtainsend Wnll Paper

Mr E T Benley has charge oftho Undertaking Department


Day Phone 28 Night 166 or 133

Kid Glovesj

New stookof fresh goods just in Two clasp Black White and Colon at


Two and three clasp Black nnd Colors real French killat S17C

10 Button Glace in Blngk White and Colors nt 820D

16 Button or Elbow Glricc Gloves Black nnd White at 8025 ns lung ta-f

this lot taste

All gloves fitted if desired


+3 F 1 F t ++14d I tl i t ft1 ++ 1 1111 II

1 The 5 < loc Storei department of our store isJnow especially strong

iWe have a large assortment of ex¬ 1

itra Values in Granite China Glass ¬

ware Tinware Etc

You can save money if you willlook at once Come and see for your ¬


L M HUBY CODry Goods Notions Shoes

Phone 156 +

Opera House Block Opposite Court House


t t


Dealer in

Buggies Wagons Farming Implements

Harness Etc

Stanford Kentucky

B A ITooth Powder Purest andBest We Recommend ItInpprted Direct from Japan



Combination Sale of HintClass Horses

To be heldat


F Reid Co will sell 125 select Business Horses consisting of SaddleHarness Conch and n number of fine teams Also young Stallions forSaddle nnd Harness by Bourbon Chief 076 Dorsey Golddust 12052 PrinceRupert 887 Ccciliun Chief 33698 Ac Tho product from Kentuckys bestblood will be represented

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