1.concepts of taxation & tax structure in pakistan

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  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan


  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan


    TAXATIONMANAGEMENTChapter No.1: Concepts of taxation & Taxstructure in Pakistan

    This Chapter contains the suar! of thefo""o#in$ chapters of the text %ookChapter 1: Intro'uction & histor! of Incoe

    Tax (a#Chapter ): Incoe Tax AuthoritiesChapter 1*: Appea"s

  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan


    Concept of Tax & Taxation

    Tax: Compulsory contributions of wealth

    levied upon the persons by the state, to

    meet the expenses incurred in providingcommon benets to the nation

    Taxation Mana$eent: The strategy where by a person manages its

    business and other activities in such a way so

    as to legally minimize his tax liability, notthrough illegal concealments, but throughlegal compliance to avail tax credits, rebates,

    exemptions, reductions and deductions etc.

  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan


    Cannons of Taxation

    Cannons of Taxation revolve around #ho #i""

    contribute ho#uch +ip"icit!:Tax laws must be simple

    Con,enience:Tax procedures must be convenient

    Certaint!: Tax amount must be certain

    -u'iciousness:Tax system must be just

    ene/t:Taxes must be imposed on the beneciaries

    usiness frien'"!:Taxes must encourage business

    Capacit! to Pa!0orionta" E2uit!: ersons having the same income should

    pay the same taxes

    3ertica" E2uit!:Those who have more income should paytaxes at high rates whereas those who have low income,

    they should pay taxes at lower rates

  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan


    T!pes of Taxes

    4irect Tax: !urden of taxation is on the person on

    whom levied. ".g income tax

    In'irect Tax: !urden of tax is shifted by the person

    on whom levied to other persons. ".g. sale tax Proportiona" Tax: #evied with the same

    percentage. ".g. sales tax is levied at the rate of $%&

    Pro$ressi,e Tax: 'ate of tax increases as the

    income increases. ".g income tax

    3a"ue A''e' Tax: #evied at each stage of value

    addition. ".g. sales tax

  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan


    5isca" Po"ic!

    (trategy adopted by government to collect therevenue and ma)e the expenditures so that social andeconomic stability could be attained 6e,enue:Taxes * Tari+s, nternal * "xternal !orrowing,

    enalties * -ines, ids * /rants, ncome from governmentowned enterprises, rinting of currency, (ale of state assets

    Expen'itures: 0evelopmental * 1on2developmental"xpenditures, (ubsidies, Transfer ayments3li)e4nemployment llowances, 0ebt (ervicing, ension,

    0efence, 'unning of government, (0 5isca" 4e/cit: "xpenditures5'evenue 5isca" +urp"us:"xpenditures6'evenue 5isca" Neutra"it!: "xpenditures7'evenue

  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan


    4i7erent Taxes inPakistan 5e'era" Taxes: #evied by the federal government

    ncome tax

    (ales tax on goods -ederal "xcise 0uty

    Customs duty Pro,incia" Taxes:#evied by the provincial government

    (tamps 0uty

    roperty Tax

    8otor vehicle tax

    (ales tax on services (oca" taxes: #evied by the local government

    Toll tax 8unicipal taxes

  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan


    6o"e of Pi""ars of the +tate in taxations!ste in Pakistan





  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan



    8a)es substantive legislation to impose di+erent

    taxes in the light of cannons of taxation . ".g. ncome Tax ct of $9, ncome Tax ;rdinance $9%9, ncome Tax


  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan


  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan


    Executi,e888Tax Authorities

    dminister taxes with eAciency *e+ectiveness. ".g. -ollowing uthoritiesadminister ncome Tax, (ales Tax * -"0

    5inance Minister & 5inance +ecretar! 6e,enue 4i,ision of 5e'era" Go,t.: 56

    "stablished under -!' ct

  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan



    ncome Tax 'ules

  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan


  • 8/9/2019 1.Concepts of Taxation & Tax Structure in Pakistan



    Authorities in 5ie"' 5orations: n?#arge Taxpayers 4nits, $ 'egional Tax

    ;Aces * DB Taxpayer -acilitation Centers,following tax authorities are practicing Chief Commissioner nland 'evenue EFead of

    'T;G#T4H /rade $

    Commissioner nland 'evenue EFead of IoneH/rade