1chung thanksgiving roboparade cj chung associate professor of computer science lawrence tech...

1 chung THANKSGIVING RoboParade CJ Chung Associate Professor of Computer Science Lawrence Tech University [email protected] www.robofest.net

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Post on 27-Mar-2015




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Page 1: 1chung THANKSGIVING RoboParade CJ Chung Associate Professor of Computer Science Lawrence Tech University CHUNG@LTU.edu  CHUNG@LTU.edu




CJ ChungAssociate Professor of Computer Science

Lawrence Tech [email protected]

Page 2: 1chung THANKSGIVING RoboParade CJ Chung Associate Professor of Computer Science Lawrence Tech University CHUNG@LTU.edu  CHUNG@LTU.edu


Goals of the Robot Parade• Life-long Learning• Creative Ideas – Entrepreneur Mindset• Fun• Cooperation• Making a history!

• To celebrate the opening of CARE (Center for Autonomous Robotics Education)!

Page 3: 1chung THANKSGIVING RoboParade CJ Chung Associate Professor of Computer Science Lawrence Tech University CHUNG@LTU.edu  CHUNG@LTU.edu



• Lawrence Tech Cafeteria

• Buell management Building where CARE and Robofest office will be located

• No. 4 Building

Page 4: 1chung THANKSGIVING RoboParade CJ Chung Associate Professor of Computer Science Lawrence Tech University CHUNG@LTU.edu  CHUNG@LTU.edu


Dimension and shape of the parade course• 10” width multipurpose board with

electrical tape (black)

• A black line with smooth curves

30 degrees

Page 5: 1chung THANKSGIVING RoboParade CJ Chung Associate Professor of Computer Science Lawrence Tech University CHUNG@LTU.edu  CHUNG@LTU.edu


Team Registration• Fee: none

• Media Release form for each student and coach

• One team may enter multiple robots

• Registered after a Qualifying Test

Page 6: 1chung THANKSGIVING RoboParade CJ Chung Associate Professor of Computer Science Lawrence Tech University CHUNG@LTU.edu  CHUNG@LTU.edu


Information needed from a team• Robot Float name

• Organization

• Adult Coach Name

• Adult Coach Contact Email

• Number of team members

• Team Member Names

A flag with official Team ID will be given

Page 7: 1chung THANKSGIVING RoboParade CJ Chung Associate Professor of Computer Science Lawrence Tech University CHUNG@LTU.edu  CHUNG@LTU.edu



• Vehicle rear part requirements for the vehicle behind: flat and high, light color

• It may use touch sensor based bumper, ultrasonic distance sensor, IR sensor, etc.

• Must work together with the robot in front and the robot behind – very important!!

• Do not leave any piece on the course

Page 8: 1chung THANKSGIVING RoboParade CJ Chung Associate Professor of Computer Science Lawrence Tech University CHUNG@LTU.edu  CHUNG@LTU.edu


RoboParade Program Detail on the day of the Event

• 8:30am - Doors open; Last chance to register teams. Practice begins

• 9:30am - Opening Ceremony

• 9:45am - Team Presentation & Demo Parade for each team

• 11:30am - Record Setting Parade (with music)

Page 9: 1chung THANKSGIVING RoboParade CJ Chung Associate Professor of Computer Science Lawrence Tech University CHUNG@LTU.edu  CHUNG@LTU.edu


Team Presentation & Demo Parade• Wireless microphone will be given to

each team

• 3 min per team Team, team member, coach introduction Robot Introduction and demo

• In the order of the team ID flag

• 3x 30 team = 1.5 hours total expected

• No music (if robot plays music, then use the wireless microphone)

Page 10: 1chung THANKSGIVING RoboParade CJ Chung Associate Professor of Computer Science Lawrence Tech University CHUNG@LTU.edu  CHUNG@LTU.edu


Rules for the Record Setting Parade

• In the order of flag ID

• Start the next float after 10 seconds

• Count the number of robots that complete the whole course

• Should we give second chance? Yes, but just once.