1.breakthroughs of ecbp— impacts and changes yue ruisheng en

1 Deputy National Director , EU-China Biodiversity Progra mme Deputy-Director General, Foreign Economic Cooperation O ffice, MEP Sept 6, 2010, Shanghai, China Yue Ruisheng Breakthroughs of ECBP ECBP Legacy —— Impacts and Changes

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Breakthroughs of ECBP— Impacts and Changes Yue Ruisheng EN-presentation on 2010 Shanghai


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Deputy National Director , EU-China Biodiversity Programme

Deputy-Director General, Foreign Economic Cooperation Office, MEP

Sept 6, 2010, Shanghai, China

Yue Ruisheng

Breakthroughs of ECBPECBP Legacy —— Impacts and Changes

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ECBP Components

Policy and Institutional Strengthening (€ 7-8 million)

Field Projects (€ 42 million)

Visibility and Awareness (€ 2 million)

EU-China Biodiversity Programme (ECBP)





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Policy and Institutional

Strengthening (€ 7-8 million)

Field Projects

(€ 42 million)

Visibility and Awareness (€ 2 million)

To strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of CBD SC;

To integrate biodiversity (BD) into sector and economic policies;

To mainstream BD into SEA and EIA; To integrate biodiversity into land use

plans; To strengthen BD monitoring.

To raise biodiversity awareness;

To develop a communication strategy to enhance coherence and effectiveness of ECBP;

To publicize ECBP activities and outputs.

To demonstrate models in biodiversity important areas;

To explore biodiversity conservation and sustainable models for local communities;

Local implementation and demonstration of national policies and actions;

introduction and demonstration of advanced international technology.

EU-China Biodiversity Programme (ECBP)

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12 Breakthroughs of ECBP

SEA/EIA Sectoral Planning Climate Change Legislative ImprovementInstitutional Strengthening Biodiversity (BD) Mainstreaming

Monitoring & evaluation Cash Injection to BD Ecological Compensation Poverty Alleviation Demonstration & Dissemination Awareness raising and Education

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SEA/EIA ECBP Act: To integrate BD into SEA/EIA of national key industrial development strategies and plans

Impact and Change (I & C): With ECBP financial and technical support, BD has been mainstreamed into SEA/EIA of national development strategies and plans for the first time. ECBP also facilitated the development of a Guideline Framework of Biodiversity Assessment in SEA for each region. The projects finished in June, 2010 and the outputs have been directly accepted by MEP.

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Xi River

Min R


Energy-intensive zone at up and middle reaches of Yellow River 黄河中上游

Economic Zone encircling Bohai Bay环渤海

the west-bank Economic Zone of Taiwan Strait  海峡西岸

Economic Zone of China Northern Gulf北部湾

Economic Zone of Chengdu and Chongqing 成渝

Liao River

Hai River

Luan River

Jialing River

Yellow River

Yangtze Delta Region

Pearl River Delta

Yangtze River


The Project “EIA on Key Industrial Development Strategies and Plans for Five Economic Zones” was launched in February 2009. The five regions are indicated in the map.

Beibu Gulf and Cheng-Yu Projects

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SEA/EIAECBP Act: To integrate BD into SEA/EIA of provincial key industrial development strategies and plans

I & Change: ECBP has facilitated the integration of biodiversity into SEA on development plans of Chongqing, including urban development plans, hydro-power station construction plans, railway and highway construction plans, tourism development plans and linear project plans. At present, the EIA/SEA guidelines for various plans are in the procedure for approval.

Urban Development

Hydro-power Station Construction

Highway Tourism Plans

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ECBP Act: To participate the development of SEA/EIA guidelines and standards

I & C 1: In 2009, MEP promulgated EIA/SEA guidelines and technical guidelines for various plans, with biodiversity as an organic component.I & C 2: In 2010, MEP developed 6 national standards, including “Standards for Biodiversity Assessment”, and biodiversity was incorporated into all these standards as a major component.I & C 3: ECBP-funded “Standards for National Park Development”, “Standards for the Formulation of National Park Master Plan”, and “Guideline for National Park Survey” have been approved and released by the provincial Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau in Yunnan province.



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I & C: ECBP has provided fund and technical support to the formulation and modification of the document which involved 24 member ministries and agencies of the CBD SC and relevant research institutions. Currently, the document has been submitted to the State Council and will be approved soon.

Sectoral Planning

ECBP Act: To formulate “China Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan” (NBSAP)

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I & C: Provincial and local BSAPs were developed, including Henan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Qinghai provinces (autonomous regions) and Alashan and Lhasa field projects. The BSAPs were then approved and issued by the governments in the form of official document, which means these BSAPs are to be implemented by the relevent authorities. This is a major breakthrough.

ECBP Act: To formulate provincial and local “Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan” (BSAP)

Sichuan QinghaiChongqingYunnan

Sectoral Planning

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Climate ChangeECBP Act: International Workshop on Biodiversity and Climate Change

I & C: The International Workshop on Biodiversity and Climate Change jointly organized by MEP, EU, NDRC and UNDP laid impacts on national policy. The White Paper for China’s Policy and Action on Climate Change issued the same year treated this workshop as a major action of China to address climate change.

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ECBP Act: Review and Assessment of Research on Biodiversity Adaption and Climate Change Mitigation in China

I & C: The research outputs were submitted to MEP, Dept. of Nature and Ecology Conservation and Dept. of Science & Technology accepted the research results for reference. The Short-and Mid-term Work Plan for Climate Change developed in May, 2009 incorporated the above outputs. Now MEP is working on this project.

Climate Change

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I & C 1: Biodiversity has been integrated as a significant component into the Regulations on Strategic Environmental Assessment and Regulations on Eco-compensation newly released or being formulated.

I & C 2: Biodiversity has been integrated into various EIA guidelines issued by the state or Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP).

ECBP not only substantially influenced the development of these guidelines but also contributed a large number of recommendations which have already be taken.

Legislative ImprovementECBP Act: To conduct “Assessment on Biodiversity-related Policies and Legislations in China” and “Study on Priority Actions to Improve Biodiversity-related Legal and Regulatory Framework for Biodiversity Conservation in China”

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ECBP Act: To conduct An Assessment of the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in China

I & C: The recommendation from the above-mentioned study has been taken by the MEP. And the current China Steering Committee for the Implementation of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD SC) has 24 members, adding Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of Land and Resources to its original 22 members, improving efficiency and effectiveness of China’s CBD implementation.

Institutional Strengthening

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BDC SC 生多履约

CAS 中科院

MST 科技部 NDRC 国家发改委

MoF 财政部AQSIQ 质检总局

MLR 国土资源部

MoA 农业部SFA 林业局

Agencies involved in CBD implementation

MFA 外交部


MOC 建设部

MPS 公安部MOE 教育部

SAIC 工商总局

MEP 环保部

SARFT 广电总局GAC 海关总署

SATCM 中医药局 SOA 海洋局

SIPO 知识产权局MWR 水利部

GMD 光明日报PD 人民日报

XNA 新华社

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I & C: With the facilitation of ECBP Anqing Field Project, the municipal government established a “Biodiversity Management Office” which has been incorporated into the institutional structure of the government. The newly set-up permanent agency guarantee the sustainability of the project concepts, methods and technology, and permanently strengthen biodiversity management of the region.

ECBP ACT: To strengthen local institutional capacity building

Anqing Municipal Government

HR EP ForestryAgri.Industry Com. … BD

Institutional Strengthening

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Impact and Change: Both the vertical and horizontal institutional barriers have been broken. Through activities like cooperative projects, joint research, matching fund, and co-organizing workshops, more than 100 departments and agencies participated the central level activities, more than 70 joined the Field Projects, and more than 20 took part in the visibility and awareness campaigns and education programs. Many line ministries directly participate in ECBP projects and activities, including Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR), State Forestry Administration (SFA), as well as State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM).

ECBP Act: To establish extensive partnership

ECBPGovernment agencies

National organizations

Other countries NGOs

Research Institute

Private Sector

Institutional Strengthening

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影响与变化: ECBP 在新疆裕民县进行了县级生态环境行政管理体制改革试点,将污染控制以及林地、草地、水体等生态系统有关的管理部门统一纳入到一个大部门之下,成立一个生态环境局,统辖污控、核安全、林业、草原、水体的保护等,真正实现统一监督管理。为此,裕民县已经成立一个包括 12 个生物多样性相关部门的“裕民县生态环境保护委员会”,从而解决了部门间协调与配合的问题

ECBP Act: Study on integrated management of biodiversity

Yumin County Eco-environment conservation Committee


水利 林业法改委畜牧兽医

农业 人保旅游国土资源

环保 公安能源

Institutional Strengthening

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Institutional StrengtheningECBP broke the institutional barrier

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ECBP Act: To mainstream biodiversity into sector

BD Mainstreaming

Impact and Change: Anqing municipal government in Anhui Province, has incorporated biodiversity into the performance appraisal system of government officials for the very first time. With the assistance of ECBP, the municipal government developed a set of practical appraisal indicators to integrate biodiversity into the performance appraisal of officials from the competent authorities and thus to improve biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

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ECBP Act: To incorporate biodiversity into Five-Year Plan

BD Mainstreaming

Impact and Change: For the very first time, biodiversity has been integrated into sectoral Five-Year Plan. MEP is developing a Special Plan for Implementation of International Conventions under 12th Five-Year Plan. The key priorities and key projects proposed by China’s Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) have been incorporated into the draft CBD implementation plan.

Mainstreaming: to integrate biodiversity into the mainstreams of national economic and environmental policies and actions

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Mining TourismHerb medicineLand useLand


Climate change

ECBP Act : Introduced SEA/EIA into new areas

BD Mainstreaming

I&C : ECBP introduced SEA/EIA into many new areas at provincial level, which speeds up the mainstreaming process

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ECBP Act : Mainstreamed BD into tourism

I&C : Hainan will use two years to conduct a “study on biodiversity SEA of Hainan International Tourism Island planning”. After the Hainan International Tourism Island became a national strategy, the sustainable development of the island is a main challenge

BD Mainstreaming

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ECBP Act : Mainstreamed BD into land use planning

BD Mainstreaming

I&C : Under ECBP, MLR mainstreamed BD into land use planning in Hainan and Guizhou, realizing BD mainstreaming into land use at provincial level. The two plannings have been approved by the State Council

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Monitoring and evaluationECBP Act : Indicator system for BD 2010 target

I&C : ECBP provided theoretical base and technical methods for the evaluation of China’s CBD implementation. It also provided references for national policy decision-making for next step on CBD implementation of China

Endangered category Equal-steps approach Extinction-risk approach

需关注 Least Concern 0

近乎受威胁 Near Threatened 1 0.0005渐危 Vulnerable 2 0.005濒危 Endangered 3 0.05极危 Critically Endangered 4 0.5野生灭绝 Extinct in the Wild 5 1.0可能灭绝和灭绝 Possibly Extinct and Extinct

5 1.0

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ECBP Act : Launched a broad partnership

I&C : EU’s budget acts as “seed” or “bait”, which caused a large number of cash injection from governments, international agencies, other countries and NGOs into biodiversity conservation. According to an incomplete statistics, matching fund reached USD 30 million ,which greatly promoted China’s CBD implementation


各级政府部门 Government Agencies

国际组织 International Organization




社区民众 Communities

ECBP caused a cash injection to BD

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ECBP Act : Proposals for future actions

ECBP drives cash injection to BD

I&C : Based on its progresses, ECBP proposed new challenges for future actions. “Sino-Norwegian BD and CC Project”, with total budget of 40 million NOK, was launched largely based on the challenges found under ECBP

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Ecological compensationECBP Act : Ecological compensation in nature reservesI&C : On Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, herdsmen’s losses cause

d by the establishment of nature reserves and protected animals would be compensated by the authorities of nature reserves and governments

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ECBP Act : Watershed ecological compensationI&C : In Pingwu county of Sichuan, enterprises of power and water supply, and governments donated to set a “Water Fund”, which was used as ecological compensation to the upper reaches for their losses due to the conservation activities. This set a good demonstration for other areas with similar situations

Ecological compensation

Pingwu CountyFujiang Valley

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Association was set up on 14 Jan. 2009

Poverty AlleviationECBP Act : Herb medicine resource management

I&C : ECBP established special community committee for herb medicine resource management in Sichuan, leading to better BD conservation and poverty alleviation. A win-win approach was developed and demonstrated

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Demonstration & DisseminationECBP Act: Introduced and demonstrated new approaches

I&C : Through study tours to EU and recruitments of EU experts, ECBP introduced and demonstrated new approaches for BD conservation. E,G., wetland restoration approach has been introduced into wetland management in Xinjiang, Sichuan and Gansu

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Demonstration & Dissemination

ECBP Act : Community’s nature reserves

I&C : In Guangxi, under ECBP, community people voluntarily set up 14 natural reserves at community level, realizing bottom-up BD conservation and its sustainable use

Discussion Planning

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ECBP Act : Dissemination of BD knowledge to masses

I&C : Targets: students of primary and middle schools and universities, teachers, officials, civilians, etc.; Venues: communities, public places, assemblies, conferences, meetings, workshops, performances, Olympics, etc.; Means: newsletters, booklets, books, atlas, calendars, posters, contests, Q&As, advertisements, broadcast, TV, newspapers, journals, training etc. Public awareness was significantly raised

Subway TrainingBus

Awareness Raising and Education

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ECBP Act : A series of events for IBYI&C : Li Keqiang, member of the standing committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council, was appointed as Chairman of China National BD Committee for IBY. He many times emphasized the significance of BD conservation and its sustainable use; The minister Zhou Shengxian of MEP participated in many BD-related events and promised China would strengthen the CBD implementation

Awareness Raising and Education

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3636Awareness Raising and Education

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ECBP Act : Raised awareness of all the peopleI&C : On 22 May , 2010, more than 40 major events were held all over the country and participants exceeded 120,000; According to MEP’s incomplete statistics , since the start of the IBY, more than 1 million people participated and over 300 million were affected

Awareness Raising and Education

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ECBP Act : Raised students’ awarenessI&C : Prepared teaching materials for education of over 30,000 Green Schools, starting BD education from juniors

Awareness Raising and Education

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ECBP ACT : Raising awareness of ethnic minorities

I&C : Compiled materials using minority’s languages; taught minorities know-how on BD conservation and sustainable utilization (Mongolian and Tibetan)

Awareness Raising and Education

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Awareness Raising and Education

ECBP Act : Trainings on BD knowledge

I & C : Popularized and updated knowledge and concepts of BD, and SEA/EIA, and raised the public’s awareness on BD conservation and its sustainable utilization

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Many of these accomplishments are still only promising new sprouts on the vast landscape of China’s dynamic development. If they are to grow into fully functional trees they still need care and

nurture. Follow up is very important.E







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Thank You