1a. sub-tenant’s personal information sample

Page 1 of 2 McAllister Tower 100 McAllister Street San Francisco, California 94102 SUB-LEASE & TERMS & CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE This sub-lease agreement reflects an agreement between __________________________________________________________________________, the lessor(s)/tenant(s), 1 and you. This contract is a binding legal document. Be sure that you read and fully understand the contract, including all terms and conditions, prior to signing it. All uses of “lessor/tenant” in the below document apply equally to all tenants/co-tenants alike. This document will in no way be construed to add to, subtract from, or in any way modify tenant/sublessor’s duties, obligations, and/or liabilities under the master lease. 1a. Sub-tenant’s Personal Information Full Legal Name: ________________________________________________________ Preferred Name: ________________________________________________________ Sex: ________________________________________________________ Birthdate: ________________________________________________________ Graduation Month/Year: ________________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________________________________________ Marital Status: ________________________________________________________ Spouse Name: ________________________________________________________ Spouse Contact Information: ________________________________________________________ You are required to provide contact information for an individual who will be contacted in the event of an emergency, including, but not limited to, a missing person report. Your emergency contact cannot be someone who resides in the same unit as you. Full Name: ________________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________ Physical Address: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 2. Period of Residence The term of this agreement is for ________________, beginning on _____/_____/_________, and ending on _____/_____/_________. 1 In the event more than one tenant resides in the unit, all tenants/co-tenants must sign and be party to this sub-lease agreement. This agreement will be regarded as null and void unless Hastings (Tower Property Management) and all tenants/co-tenants provide written consent to the sub-lease agreement. A copy of the master lease agreement must be attached to this sub-lease agreement in order for it to be valid. 3a. Termination by Lessor/Tenant Lessor/Tenant reserves the right to terminate this agreement upon notice in accordance with California law. 3b. Termination by Lessor/Tenant Upon Breach In the event sub-tenant breaches any term or condition contained in this lease or in the master lease, it is understood and agreed that lessor/tenant may, at its option, either terminate this lease and evict sub-tenant with a Three-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit, a Three-Day Notice to Perform Covenants or Quit, a Three-Day Notice to Quit, or any other notice in accordance with California law, or leave this agreement in full force and effect. 4a. Rental Unit Information The complete address of the unit referenced by this contract is: 100 McAllister Street, Unit # _______________ San Francisco, California 94102 4b. Rental Property Management Information Pansy Mar, Property Manager Telephone: (415) 557-0985 Facsimile: (415) 557-7024 Email: [email protected] During business hours, questions or concerns, including non- emergency maintenance requests, should be directed to Pansy Mar. After business hours, residents should contact ABM Security at the Tower’s front desk, whose phone number is (415) 581-8900. Security has the Chief Engineer’s contact information if needed, and they can also respond to after-hour and weekend emergencies. 5. Rent Sub-tenant(s) __________________________________________ agrees to pay to lessor/tenant a monthly rent in the amount of $______________________. Sample

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McAllister Tower 100 McAllister Street

San Francisco, California 94102 SUB-LEASE & TERMS & CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE

This sub-lease agreement reflects an agreement between __________________________________________________________________________, the lessor(s)/tenant(s),1 and you. This contract is a binding legal document. Be sure that you read and fully understand the contract, including all terms and conditions, prior to signing it. All uses of “lessor/tenant” in the below document apply equally to all tenants/co-tenants alike. This document will in no way be construed to add to, subtract from, or in any way modify tenant/sublessor’s duties, obligations, and/or liabilities under the master lease. 1a. Sub-tenant’s Personal Information Full Legal Name: ________________________________________________________ Preferred Name: ________________________________________________________ Sex: ________________________________________________________ Birthdate: ________________________________________________________ Graduation Month/Year: ________________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________________________________________ Marital Status: ________________________________________________________ Spouse Name: ________________________________________________________ Spouse Contact Information: ________________________________________________________ You are required to provide contact information for an individual who will be contacted in the event of an emergency, including, but not limited to, a missing person report. Your emergency contact cannot be someone who resides in the same unit as you. Full Name: ________________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________ Physical Address: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 2. Period of Residence The term of this agreement is for ________________, beginning on _____/_____/_________, and ending on _____/_____/_________.

1 In the event more than one tenant resides in the unit, all tenants/co-tenants must sign and be party to this sub-lease agreement. This agreement will be regarded as null and void unless Hastings (Tower Property Management) and all tenants/co-tenants provide written consent to the sub-lease agreement. A copy of the master lease agreement must be attached to this sub-lease agreement in order for it to be valid.

3a. Termination by Lessor/Tenant Lessor/Tenant reserves the right to terminate this agreement upon notice in accordance with California law. 3b. Termination by Lessor/Tenant Upon Breach In the event sub-tenant breaches any term or condition contained in this lease or in the master lease, it is understood and agreed that lessor/tenant may, at its option, either terminate this lease and evict sub-tenant with a Three-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit, a Three-Day Notice to Perform Covenants or Quit, a Three-Day Notice to Quit, or any other notice in accordance with California law, or leave this agreement in full force and effect. 4a. Rental Unit Information The complete address of the unit referenced by this contract is: 100 McAllister Street, Unit # _______________ San Francisco, California 94102 4b. Rental Property Management Information Pansy Mar, Property Manager Telephone: (415) 557-0985 Facsimile: (415) 557-7024 Email: [email protected] During business hours, questions or concerns, including non-emergency maintenance requests, should be directed to Pansy Mar. After business hours, residents should contact ABM Security at the Tower’s front desk, whose phone number is (415) 581-8900. Security has the Chief Engineer’s contact information if needed, and they can also respond to after-hour and weekend emergencies. 5. Rent Sub-tenant(s) __________________________________________

agrees to pay to lessor/tenant a monthly rent in the amount of



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4b. Pro-ration Unless otherwise stated, for periods of occupancy of less than one month, the rent will be pro-rated accordingly. The pro-rated charge will be calculated on a per-diem basis, such that the number of days of occupancy will be divided by the total number of days in that month, which will then be multiplied by the total month’s rent. 4c. Late and Returned Payments Rent is due, without demand or billing, prior to the first day of each month. Rent should be submitted directly to tenant. Rent will be regarded as delinquent if not received by tenant at 4:30 p.m. on the third (3rd) day of the month in which it is due. If the third (3rd) day of the month is on a Saturday, Sunday, or Hastings holiday, the rent will be delinquent if not paid by 4:30 p.m. on the following business day. Sub-tenant agrees to pay a late fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each month, or portion thereof, that the rent is delinquent, in addition to any other fees permitted by this agreement or by law. Such a late fee will not establish a grace period or waiver, and sub-tenant reserves the right to make written demand for payment if the rent is not paid on its due date. The late fee is due no later than the first business day of the following month. Subsequent payments by the sub-tenant will be applied first to any past-due late fees and then to the rent. In the event the amount paid by the sub-tenant is insufficient to cover both the late fee(s) and the rent, the rent will be deemed delinquent if not paid in full by the third (3rd) day of the month the rent is due. Sub-tenant and tenant agree that the late fee is presumed to be equivalent to the damages sustained as a direct consequence of sub-tenant(s)’s late payment of rent, not a penalty, as it is impracticable or extremely difficult to determine actual damages. In the event that the tenant fails to pay rent or the late fee(s) when due, tenant may, in tenant’s sole discretion, do any one or more of the following:

Refer the matter to a credit collections agency after the account has been delinquent in excess of sixty (60) days.

Terminate this agreement and the rental property occupancy.

Serve a three-day notice to quit, in accordance with California law.

Take any other action in accordance with California law.

Sub-tenant(s) agrees to pay a service charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) in the event that a financial institution returns or denies payment (regardless of the method of payment) for any reason. Subtenant(s) must replace a returned or denied payment method with a cashier’s check or money order in the same amount, plus the service charge and the late fee (if applicable). In the event of a reoccurrence, tenant may serve thirty (30) days’ written notice that all future rent be paid with a certified check or money order. 5. Master Lease Sublessor is the lessee of the premises by virtue of a lease (the “Master Lease”), a copy of which is attached hereto, wherein Hastings College of the Law is the lessor (“Master Lessor”). This sublease is and shall at all times be subject and subordinate to the master lease. The terms, conditions, and respective obligations of sublessor and sublessee to each other under this sublease shall be the terms and conditions of the master lease, except for those provisions of the master lease that are directly contradicted by this sublease, in which case the terms of this sublease shall control over the master lease.

Therefore, for the purposes of construing the terms of this sublease, wherever in the master lease the word “lessor” or “Hastings” is used, it shall be deemed to mean “sublessor” or “tenant” herein, and wherever in the master lease the word “lessee” or “tenant” is used, it shall be deemed to mean “sublessee” or “sub-tenant” herein. During the term of this sublease, and for all periods subsequent, for obligations that have arisen prior to the termination of this sublease, sublessee does hereby expressly assume and agree to perform and comply with, for the benefit of sublessor and master lessor, each and every obligation of sublessor under the master lease, and to be bound by all restrictions and prohibitions under the master lease. Sublessee shall hold sublessor free and harmless from al liability, judgments, costs, damages, claims, or demands, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of sublessee’s failure to comply with or perform sublessee’s assumed obligations under the master lease, or out of sublessee’s failure to adhere to particular restrictions or prohibitions contained in the master lease. Sublessee understands and agrees that sublessee’s violation of any of the terms of the master lease will be regarded as a breach of this agreement, subject to Section 3 of this agreement. Sublessee also agrees to indemnify sublessor/tenant for any fees, liability, or damages levied against sublessor by Hastings as a result of sublessee’s actions or omissions in violation of this agreement or the master lease. Sublessor agrees to maintain the master lease during the entire term of this sublease, subject, however, to any earlier termination of the master lease without the fault of the sublessor, and to comply with or perform sublessor’s obligations under the master lease, and to hold sublessee free and harmless from all liability, judgments, costs, damages, claims, or demands arising out of sublessor’s failure to comply with or perform sublessor’s obligations, or out of sublessor’s failure to adhere to particular restrictions or prohibitions contained in the master lease. Sublessor represents to sublessee that the master lease is in full force and effect and that no default exists on the part of any party to the master lease. The signature of Tower Property Management at the end of this document constitutes Hastings’ consent to the terms of this sublease agreement, and certifies that, to the best of Hastings’ knowledge, no default presently exists under the master lease, including obligations to be performed by sublessor, and that the master lease is in full force and effect. By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read each and every one of the above terms of this agreement, and you assert your unconditional agreement to be bound by them. You also agree to waive any privacy rights under the Family Education Privacy Act (FERPA) for the purpose of information-sharing between Tower Property Management and other Hastings departments, to the degree necessary in order to enforce various Hastings’ policies and procedures, as well as the terms of this agreement. ________________________________DATE:_____/_____/_______Signature of Sub-tenant/Sublessee ________________________________DATE:_____/_____/_______ Signature of Tenant/Sublessor ________________________________DATE:_____/_____/_______ Signature of Pansy Mar Tower Property Management
