1999 the western star

The1ile$emSta Volume 16 January/February 1999 lssue 1 The Newsletter of Western Star Dancers, 584 Casfro St., Suite zl80, San Francisco CA 9411+2588. E-Mail: fe- lixl @ix.netcom.com A Contemporary AmericanSquareDance Club primarily serving the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Cmrmuni$. Subscriptions to The Westem Starare free to WSD Members, $18 to others. Ads are complementary to members; commercial advertisers may contactus for pricinginformation. As I sit here, a few days beforeChristmas, "the weather outsideis frightful, but in here it's so delightful and as the fire bums down low, let it snow,let it snow,let it snow." And, of course, it did. I admit the snowdid- n't stick, but it reminded me of Christmases in the East and Midwest where I livedbe- fore moving to San Francisco. I guess too manypeople were "dreaming of a white Christmas." However, it made me realize that it is time to start planning for the new yearand the new millennium. The Boardmade a decision that this year all events would be at the same place. We selected TempleUnited Methodist Church at 1111 Junipero SerraBoulevard (at 19h Avenue). To that end we reanangedthe schedule to fit the Church's. We moved Bill Eylerto March6, 1999 for the 17h An- niversary Dance. "And what to my sur- prise" (no, not a sleighand 8 tiny reindeer) that is almost the day of Westem Stafs first event. The actualday was March5, 1982. Had to do some research on WSD's history for an article in SquareUp Maga- zine. For Gay Pride, June 26, 1999,our "Promenade With Pride'99,"we have Dar- ren Gallina from Lompoc. When I men- tioned Gay Pride in San Francisco, I had to beat him down. I guess he has poor nego- tiating skills. We will not be marching, uh, square dancing down Market Street on Gay Pride Day unless some other clubdoes the work. We found it promotes other clubs but notours, since classes don't begin until No- vember. On September 25, 1999 Our 'Leather and Lace '99," will be with AnneUebelacker. Leather corset andall. Shewitt alsobe call- ingat ourbooth at the Folsom Street Fair the next day. So please get ready for that. On Saturday, May 22,1999, we will have Member Appreciation Dinner. We arebring- ingthat Annual Dinner back.We hope that you will allmake it. TheBoard is also dis- cussing bringing a "Camp Caz" back, but not enough discussion hasensued. On December 21, 1998 at the General Mem- bership meeting the present Board was ex- tended until regular election time - August, September. Please remember that the Board has7 positions and 2 positions are vacant. lf youwould like to serve, please contact anyof the Board Members. This yea/s class is doing well. We havea class of 15. We willbe having the Class Welcome Dinner on January 9, 1999 at Golden Boot Ranch. We thank the resi- dents of Golden Boot Ranch for the use of the space. We hope thatyouwilljoin us for events of thiscoming year. Andon behalf of the en- tireBoard of Directors, lwish eachand every oneof youandyour loved onesand family a very healthy andhappy New Year. Andas a resolution make "Don't Stop! Don't SlowDown!" Yellowrocks. Felix

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Page 1: 1999 The Western Star

The1ile$emStaTVolume 16 January/February 1999 lssue 1

The Newsletter of Western Star Dancers, 584 Casfro St.,Suite zl80, San Francisco CA 941 1+2588. E-Mail: fe-lixl @ix.netcom.comA Contemporary American Square Dance Club primarilyserving the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Cmrmuni$.Subscriptions to The Westem Starare free to WSDMembers, $18 to others. Ads are complementary tomembers; commercial advertisers may contact us forpricing information.

As I sit here, a few days before Christmas,"the weather outside is frightful, but in hereit's so delightful and as the fire bums downlow, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."And, of course, i t did. I admit the snow did-n't st ick, but i t reminded me of Christmasesin the East and Midwest where I lived be-fore moving to San Francisco. I guess toomany people were "dreaming of a whiteChristmas." However, i t made me realizethat it is time to start planning for the newyear and the new mil lennium.

The Board made a decision that this yearall events would be at the same place. Weselected Temple United Methodist Churchat 1111 Junipero Serra Boulevard (at 19hAvenue). To that end we reananged theschedule to fit the Church's. We movedBill Eyler to March 6, 1999 for the 17h An-niversary Dance. "And what to my sur-prise" (no, not a sleigh and 8 tiny reindeer)that is almost the day of Westem Stafsfirst event. The actual day was March 5,1982. Had to do some research on WSD'shistory for an article in Square Up Maga-zine.

For Gay Pride, June 26, 1999, our"Promenade With Pride'99,"we have Dar-ren Gallina from Lompoc. When I men-tioned Gay Pride in San Francisco, I had tobeat him down. I guess he has poor nego-tiating skills. We will not be marching, uh,

square dancing down Market Street on GayPride Day unless some other club does thework. We found it promotes other clubs butnot ours, since classes don't begin unti l No-vember.

On September 25, 1999 Our 'Leather andLace '99," will be with Anne Uebelacker.Leather corset and all. She witt also be call-ing at our booth at the Folsom Street Fairthe next day. So please get ready for that.

On Saturday, May 22,1999, we wil l haveMember Appreciation Dinner. We are bring-ing that Annual Dinner back. We hope thatyou wil l all make it. The Board is also dis-cussing bringing a "Camp Caz" back, but notenough discussion has ensued.

On December 21, 1998 at the General Mem-bership meeting the present Board was ex-tended until regular election time - August,September. Please remember that theBoard has 7 positions and 2 positions arevacant. lf you would like to serve, pleasecontact any of the Board Members.

This yea/s class is doing well. We have aclass of 15. We will be having the ClassWelcome Dinner on January 9, 1999 atGolden Boot Ranch. We thank the resi-dents of Golden Boot Ranch for the use ofthe space.

We hope that you willjoin us for events ofthis coming year. And on behalf of the en-tire Board of Directors, lwish each andevery one of you and your loved ones andfamily a very healthy and happy New Year.And as a resolution make "Don't Stop! Don'tSlow Down!"Yellowrocks.


Page 2: 1999 The Western Star

Felix F

Fabian ABob LHarold LCarlos M

Steve SRon MKathy HMarie MVacant

Who's Doine What

Administrator &IAGSDC RepDance CoordinatorTreasurerSecretaryBoard MemberBlue Class ArchaneelDangle DivaInstructorWSD Newsletter EditorWSD Newsletter EditorAttendance Taker

The Joy of Angelling (Part 1)by Allan Hurst

In square dance clubs all over the world, it's afamiliar refrain:

"Where are all our angels?"There have been excellent articles on how toangel, and on appropriate behavior for both an-gels and students in a square dance class.Rather than discuss how to angel, let's exam-ine why it's important for dancers to angel.I've heard a number of frequent complaintsfrom experienced dancers who hate angelling.

"Students aren't worth my time. becausethey don't know anything yet."

This argument doesn't hold up logically; everyexperienced dancer started offas a student atsome point. Students can't be expected toknow how to square dance yet; that's whythey're in the class! A square containing expe-rienced angels (especially if circumstances af-ford tire luxury of a "balanced" square with a50Yo angel,50o% student ratio) can dramati-cally enhance and speed up the learning experi-ence.

WHEN YOU ANGEL ... it's a club invest-ment and a personal investment

Students in square dancing (or any activity)can be easily discouraged. If made to feel"shunned" by experienced dancers, studentswill probably leave a class because they won'tfeel welcome. If you want to build up yourclub's membership (and, therefore, the localpool of possible dance partners), it's your dutyas an experienced dancer to make students feelwelcome, so they'll stay not only through theend ofthe class series, but alsojoin the club asongoing, active members. And they'll be ac-tive members that you can dance with at fulllevel.

Potluck with theBlue Class

The Blue Class is moving right along.We have almost 2 squares of class members.They are enthusiastic and learning quickly.

They have met a few club memberswho have been Angeling their class & a fewmore at the Ckistmas Exchange.

However, we would like them tomeet more of us. Therefore, we will be hav-ing the class Welcome Potluck on January9th at the Golden Boot Ranch. The GoldenBoot Ranch is actually a three level houselocated at790 Sanchez Street, #3, SF, CA.

Please see enclosed flyer. Thencome, bring some food & meet our neweststudents!!! @lease excuse the spelling on theflyer.)

Page 3: 1999 The Western Star

January 1999Wester Star Dancers' Planner


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Page 4: 1999 The Western Star

February 1999Wester Star Dancers' Planner

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Page 5: 1999 The Western Star


gthWSD Blue Class Welcome Potluck SF,CArs-17 Desert Vly Sq-Swing thru AZ Phoenix,AZl6th Capital City Dance w Anne Uebelacker


6th El Camino Anniversary Dance wiMike Kellogg12-14 Tinseltown Sq - Star thru Hollywood LA, CA



26 -27

29 -31


WSD 17th Aniv Dance wlBilt EylerEl Camino Special Dance w/Larry WardPass the Sea '99 Fly-In WIvIike Desisto

& Johnnie Preston

26th C allerlab Convention


Lights, Camera, Linear Action! Los Angeles, CA712-4

Remember - check the website www.iagsdc.org/westernstar for updates.

Page 6: 1999 The Western Star

Irights, Camera, Irinear Action!

The 16th Annual Convention of theInternational Association ofGay Square Dance Clubs

Iuly l-4,1999

The Westin Bonaventure HotelLos Angeles, California

Saundra Bryant Frank LescrinierVic Ceder Seth Levine

Mike DeSisto Deborah ParnellMike facobs Ben f,ubright

Michael l(ellogg Anne UebelackerDave lllilson

Boom Beservations8OO/WESflN -l or 21 3/624- I 000

I{0TE: Quad occupanry Tower Suites guest rooms at$ 100 per night are available exclusively through theConvention Committee. Contact the Committee withthe names of the four registered attendees beforeMay l , 1999 to reserye one of these rooms.

Travel IrrangementsJohn Faulds, Creative Travel - 602/256-0700

Name (First MI Last)

Begistration Fee Non-Daucer Dancer

Ju ly I l , 1997 -Ju ly 31 , 1998 $140 $7sAugust l , 1998 -Apr i l 30 , 1999 $150 $75May l , 1999 -June 19 , 1999 $160 $75June 20, 1999 - at the Door $175 $85

Payment (US Funds)Cash, check, or money order. Sorry, no credit cards.

Transfer PolicyRegistrations may be transferred until June 19, 1999for a $20 processing fee. After this date, no lransferreguests wil l be honored.

Cancellation PolicyJuly 1997 -Apri l 30, 1999.. . . . . . . . . . .FuIIRefund, less a

$20 processing feeMay l , 1999 -June 19 , 1999. . . . . . . .50% Refund*After June I 9, I 999.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Refund**

*Refund reguests received after June l, 1999 will beprocessed after the convention.

**Refund reguests received after June 19, 1999 maybe honored at the discretion of the ConventionCommittee. These request, however, must be re-ceived, iluwriLllg, byJuty 15, 1999

Fun Badge Tour - Monday, luly 5, 1999Don't miss this!Join us for a fun-fi.lled dancing tour ofworld-famous Los Angeles iandnrarks'

How to Contact UsUghts, Camera, Linear Action!P O B o x 3 8 1 1 0 2Hollywood, CA 90038-l 102

I I 8/508-6982 [email protected]

Male - Female

Spouse's Name (if applicable



City State/Province - Zip+4/Postal Code Country

Home Phone LJ WorkPhone C-J E-Mail

Club Alli.liation(

Dance Level (rlease circle one): Mainstream Plus Al A2 C-l C-2 C-34 C-38 C-4

T-shirt Survey To aid future convention committees, please indicate your T-shirt size: S M L )O, )O(L )CO(L

Banquet Preference (please circle one):

Special Dietary Needs (please specify):

Chicken Vegetarian

FUn BADGE T0Un - illonilay, luly 5, 1999 ($35 additional registration fee): ITS f,0

Page 7: 1999 The Western Star


corfintE inaites you to its

17th AnniversaryDance

atifh q,lleh

BILL EYLER(,*t S@ l4droh 6t/4 at T $ o Pill

7e/44de Al4ifeA e/rrrrr"h/ / / / /t tt Ten S enna Blil, (dJ t g th 14 rnrua)

Ad*nlu,aon $SAlternating Mainstream and Plus with Advance star Tip

Pf enty of Parking and can be reached by Muni M Line or 28 Bus



Page 8: 1999 The Western Star

% SranD

Blue GlassWelcome Dinner

Ianaury 9,1999

Boot Ranch790 Sanchez Street, #3

(at 21st Street)7=OOPM

This is o pot luck event The Boord will beproviding o hom qnd o cske. Mernbers are

qsked to bring q dish f or shoring.


Page 9: 1999 The Western Star

Volume 16

The1[Ie$etn StaTMarch/April 1999 lssue 2

The Nevsletter of Westem Star Dancers, 5&4 Castro St.,Suite 480, San Francisco CA 9411+2588. E-Mail: fe-lixl @ix.netcom.comA Contemporary American Square Dance Club primarilysewing the San Francisco Gay and Lestrian Gornmunity.Subscriptions to The Westem Sfarare free to WSDMembers, $l8 to others. Ads are cornpbmeotary tornembersi cornmercial advertiseF may corilaci us forpricing information.

Happy 17th Anniversary. Yes this isWestern Star's 17h Anniversary. Andwe will celebrate it on March 6, 1999. ltseems that this year is using the samecalendar that was used in 1982 whenwe were founded. Our anniversarydance coincides with the first timeWestern Star Dancers met as a group(actually it is on day later). Since Ihave been a member of Western Starsince 1991 how do I know so muchaboui the history of WSD? | neededhelp for an article that appears in thelatest issue of Sguare Up Magazine.For those that don't get Sguare UpMagazine we will have a copy on dis-play at our Class days. The Board ofDirectors hopes that you will come andcelebrate with us on March 6h withCaller Bill Eyler at 7:30 at TempleUnited Methodist Church (see flyer forall other details). Come and meet thenew Class members who will be attend-ing their first dance.

On another note, we will start havingClub night the third Wednesday of themonth starting on March 17h. ldon'tknow who the caller will be but we willbe dancing class levelthrough Plus orwhatever the floor level is. I do hopethat you will come and join us at theEureka Valley Recreation Center at

7:30 PM. We would like to thank Mid-night Squares for the return of theWednesday. The Board would like toalso thank Midnight Squares for the useof their space on Sundays for work-shops for the new class.

The Board of Directors would like tothank all the people who came andmade the new class feelwelcome at theWelcome Pot Luck for the Blue Class.There was plenty of food, fun andfriendship. The Board would like topublicly thank the residents of GoldenBoot Ranch for allowing us to have itthere and to Freeman Stamper, in par-ticular, who generously opened his' - - , _ : ^ _ - L ^ - ! - . - - - j ^ ^ l

I tu l I lg tLr l t />. | | iY Piqvtr Yra-\ p i i r r r r rs i .

Thank you all.

The Board of Directors meeting hasbeen changed from the third Thursdayof the month to the fourth Thursday.The meeting was moved due to the factthat Carlos Mosca, board member andArchangel, was elected Leader of theDefenders/San Francisco(Congratulations Carlos) and had to at-tend the Forum meetings on the thirdThursday. With this we may get ourLeather Dance to be an official LeatherPride Week Event. lf you have anybusiness that needs to be taken careof, please let the board know.

Don't Stop! Don't Slow Down!



Page 10: 1999 The Western Star

Felix F

Fabian ABob LHarold LCarlos M

Jim ASteve SRon MKathy HMarie MVacant

Who's Doins What

Administrator &IAGSDC RepGreen Class ArchangelDance CoordinatorTreasurerSecretaryBoard MemberBlue Class ArchangelDatabase/Calendar

Dangle DivaInstructorWSD NewsletterEditorWSD Newsletter EditorAttendance Taker

Board Meeting Notes

Thank yous were expressed to all whoassisted with and participated in theWelcome Dinner for the Blue Class andthe Holiday Party. Both were very en-joyable event.

A mail & phone follow up will be donefor Membership Renewals not received.

Plans for lTth Anniversary Dance dis-cussed and necessary umangement di-vided among the Board Members.

The Blue Class will finish Basic aroundthe Anniversary.

There is club property stored at GBR. Therewill be a clean-up day at the EVRC to clean upthe cabinets before trying to bring in anythingelse to store there.

The possibility of reviving a Camp Caztypeweekend was discussed.

The Membership Recognition Dinner was dis-cussed. An alphabetically set-up dinner wasdecided.

The club outfit is still being discussed. Weneed art work in order to make new embroi-dered versions of the logo.

Next Board Meetins will be March 25.

Please Note: LA has added a Leather Tour atconvention on Thursday, July 1. We have in-cluded the new Registration Form in this mail-ing.

Blue Class Reviews

There will be review sessions for members ofthe Blue Class on :

Sunday Ma.rch l4thSunday March 2lst

and Saturday March 27th

We also need angels to assist the class mem-bers in their review. If you can assist at anyor all of these sessions please call Carlos forspecific times and location.

Memberhin Recosnition Dinner

This will be a pot luck on May 22 at7:30 at Temple United and the follow-ing is the break down for dishes:

A-I-MainCourseJ-R-Desser tS-Z-SideDish

Page 11: 1999 The Western Star


-W E S T E R N S T A R D A N C E R S


Westetn $IarIlancet$FEt-tx FonNlNo

EsrEeN Sren DeNcens (WSD) HAD rrs BEGTNNTNGsin fanuary of 1982 when five friends - ScottCarey, Ron Douglass, Dennis Ficken, RogerPerry and Agnes Smith - got together in Ron

and Scott's kitchen to tr)' to figure out what square dancingwas all about. Three phantoms were summoned to make asquare, and a 1954 Square Dancc Manual provided the instruc-tions. All five were members of Skip Barrett's Foggy CitySquares, but Skip had a very idiosyncratic approach - teach-ing singing calls only encouraging rote memorization of eachdance, and not teaching the individual calls very thoroughly oraccurately. They knew there was a lot more to learn, but theyweren't sure ho'w to begin.

A few more dancers from Foggy City Squares soon ex-pressed interest. On Friday, March 5,I9BZ,WSD began weeklydrop-in square dancing at an American Conservatory Theaterrehearsal studio on Geary Street. Records purchased from anOakland Folk Dance Shop were used to conduct the sessions.

One night an experienced dancer by the name of Bill Kleindropped by and volunteered to teach an organized class usingCallerlab definitions and teaching order. His offer was eagerlyaccepted. Since the dancers already had some experience, Billtaught all 68 Basic and Mainstream calls in only ten weeks.This class was taught in the second floor lobby of the CivicCenterYMCA.

After graduating its first class, WSD elected its first BoardofDirectors - the five founders and Larry Foster and paulZimmerman. They then began the steps to formally organizeas a nonprofit organization.

Bill taught another class that fall and a second night forclub dancing was added to the schedule. Bill, however, was ba-sically a dancer rather than a teacher. He soon informed theBoard that he would like to move on. Fortunately, severalmembers had met an experienced caller named phil payton ata California Motorcycle Club Carnival in November - an im-promptu exhibition with Linda lane and Western Electric (acountry western band) had been hastily arranged for the enter-tainment of the crowd. Phil agreed to teach the third class infanuary 1983 and became the primary club caller.

At this point WSD moved from the lobby to the yMCA

12 SouaaeUp l WtNTER 1999

Theater, which would serve as the club's home for the next sev-eral years. With Phil - and later Bil l Hanzel - doing most ofthe teaching and call ing, an increasing outreach was made to thestraight square dance community for club night guest callers. In1986, club member Bob Belville became the first openly gayman to be approved for full membership in the Northern Cali-fornia Callers Association. Bob later took over as principalcaller.

In 1988, Bill Whitefield became the club instructor. On April3, 1989 WSD began its long association with the San FranciscoParks and Recreation at the Eureka Valley Recreation Center inthe heart of the Castro District. In 1989 Eddie. (read as EddiePeriod) Smith became part of the teaching team. In 1991, RonMasker became the class teacher and is still in that role.

WSD has organized an annual retreat since 1983. First heldat Wildwood, it moved to Cazadero Music Camp from l9g4 to1986, and Camp Swig in 1987. After a one )'€ar hiatus, westarted a long retreat tradition at Camp Cazadero in 19g9. Thisfirst retreat was held three days after the 1989 San FranciscoEarthquake. Nerves were shot and everyone was ready for timeto relax. Chris Phillips was here from Florida. He was used tohurricanes, not earthquakes, so w:ls yery nervous. On Saturdayafternoon, Gold Rush threw its famous Margaritaville party.They ran out of margarita mix, so tequila was frosted in theblender and limes were recycled into the puree. The first thing... ou know Chris Phillips. was so drunk, he could hardly seestraight. After several cold showers and many, many cups of hotcoffee, Chris was ready to call the dancing that night. (Ed: Sybilwas mixing the drinks, and apparently there was some confu-sion about which were virgin (no-alcohol), and which were slut(tequila). Chris recalls'I didn't feel so bad'til I saw the othersurvivors of the Margarita Party trying to actually'dance!")

In 1999, Billy Eyler will call our l7d Anniversary Dance onMarch 6. On June 26 Darren Gallina will call our'promenadewith Pride'99" Gay Pride Dance. On September 25, AnneUebelacker will call at our annual lrather and Lace Dance aspart of the San Francisco Leather Week - we have assuredAnne that she would be welcomed in her little leather outfit. Shewill also be calling on Sunday at San Francisco's infamousFolsom Street Fair. All dances, except for the Folsom Steet Fair,will be at Temple United Methodist Church, I I I I f uniperoSerra Blvd (at 196 Avenue), San Francisco. The site has plenty ofparking on Beverly Street and can be reached by the "M"Oceanview Muni Line.

The present Board has high hopes in planning another re-treat in 1999. We will also be trying to get together with FoggyCity Dancers and Midnight Squares to plan a San Francisco Fly-In.

At this time, we have 56 members and dance through plus.We dance on Mondays at the Eureka Valley Recreation Center,100 Collingwood (between l8d and l9,h Streets) at7:30 pM. Allactivities can be checked out at our website at: www.iagsdc.org/westernstar. I

Page 12: 1999 The Western Star

The Joy of Angeling_ (Part 2)by A-llen Iftirst

"Class dancing doesn't qive me floorfi-q ?-s good as dancing at fulllevel.tt

This is another argument I've heardfrequently, and one which also doesn'thold water.

When you angel, floor time is floortime. Dancers who complain that theycan't get enough floor time at a givenlevel, but who won't angel for thatlevel's current class, aren't working intheir own best interest.

For example, let's say you want toimprove your A2 dancing. You canpractice A2 just as effectively in classas you can on a dance floor--only withbetter feedback and supervision in aclass. It may not be the flowing, grace-fill extended patter tips you prefer, butit's still good practice to help polishyow technique.

Another advantage of dancing inclass as an angel: if you're feeling weakon a particular call, there's no stigma at-tached in asking the caller "Could youreview again, please?" Learning and re-view is precisely what classes are de-signed for.

"Sfudents are too roughtt

Unfortunately, this is often true.Many new dancers use very rough and/or painful hand holds, or push/pulldancers very hard. Part of the responsi-bilrty lies with each clubls instructor,who should talk about handholds andbody motion. But an even larger part ofthis responsibility lies with the class an-gels.

When you angel, it's a feedbackmechanism for the caller.

In most cases, callers/instructorsdon't dance during teaching tips. Whilebodies may be moving into the right po-sitions, there's no way for the caller toknow that a glven student is using abone crushing grp. In such a situation,an angel can easily let a caller knowthat students are freating other dancerstoo roughly. This gives the caller achance to correct the problem immedi-ately, before it becomes an ingrainedhabit

When you angel, it's a feedbackmechanism for the sfudent

If a specific student is too rough, it'sperfectly OK for the angel to quietlyand politely inform them that they're be-ing too rough, anci show them a gentlerhand hold or more subtle body lan-guage. If an isolated student is havingproblems with a specific call, an angel(or group of angels) can tutor the stu-dent on the call between tips.

When you angel, you can train stu-dents to dance the way you want.

Does your club have favorite stylingor sound effects? When it's appropriatefor your class' students to learn suchthings, you can help them pick up thosetechniques faster by personal demon-stration and tutorial. This is an op-portunity to help create a new danceparbrer for yourself that you'll enjoydancing with!

Page 13: 1999 The Western Star

[ights, Camera, Linear Action!

The l6th Annual Convention of theInternational Association ofGay Sguare Dance Clubs

Xeglstatlon Fec tfon-Ducrr Dalcrr

Iuty ll, 1997-Juty3l, 1998 tlrc $5Augrust l, 1998-April30, 1999 tl60 t75May l. 1999-firne 19, 1999 tl60 376June20, 1899-atthcDoor tlZS $85


ii,t $;'iP,ayncnt (U! fuds)iiiilii.{.'.9arX dreclq or monoy ordcr. Sorry, no qcdit cardri-li$ '.:: i

ti !1rycr.Pollcy


-Junc 19, I0, I

Boom Besewationt ,,'

3100 per night are availableConvention Committee:

Name (First Ml l;ast):



HomC Plione

Dance Level (please circle one):'M Plur Al A2 C-l C-Z C-gA C€B U

T-rhirt Sunrey To aid future convention

^ Banguet Preference (please circle one):

Special Dietary Needs (please rpecify):

fuf BADGE f0IfB - ilIonday, luly 5, t999 ($35 additional ngistation fcc): IES f,O

LEITHEB B[n IOUB - Thunday, Iult I, 1999 ($15 additional ngistation fec): IES trO

comrnitteer, please indicate your T-rhirt eize: S M

Chicken Vegetarian


8OO/WESITI{- I ot,, 213 / 62 * |::i: i i:::::::+

f, 0tX: Quad occrrpanclr Tov

:qrr xtoo,

Page 14: 1999 The Western Star



26 -27


29 -3r


23 -2s



WSD lTth Aniv Dance w/Bill EylerDiablo Dancers-A Blue Moon Dance w/Roger Looney

El Camino Special Friday Dance wlLany Ward

Pass the Sea'99 Fly-In Wlvlike DeSisto& Johnnie Preston

Capital City Squares w/ Sandra Bryant

26th Callerlab C onvention


Foggy City Spring Dance w/Steve Minkin

Capital City Squares Guerneville Fly-In

El Camino Special Friday Dance il Kris Jensen


9th Capital City Squares Mother's Day Dancew/ Johnny Preston


7 t24 Lights, Camera, Linear Action! Los Angeles, CA

For Updates to the Calendar please check: www.iagsdc.org/westernstar.

Page 15: 1999 The Western Star

corfintty irnites you to its

17th AnniversaryDance

atifh c./lrh

BILL EYLER(,*t S@ l4anoh 6th at T I o Pl//

7"rt4(t/"AM e/4rrrrdt//// /rraa-rn Se,tna BhrA. kf pilo 4ue/4trp)

Ad*ni,uaon $SAlternating Mainstream and Plus with Advance Star Tip

Pfenty of Parking and can be reached by Muni M Line or 28 Bus


Page 16: 1999 The Western Star

March 1999Wester Star Dancers' Planner

.?#,e9Happy Birthday

Russ Klng

Happy BirthdeyClrloc Mosc.

Happy ElidMayDon ld


lTttrArniversaryDanceBill Eyler



wSL P:trick'r

aHappy Birthday

Bill Roberts





"{"elHappy Birthday

Ed Mah andRon Hirsch

28P.frn fuld.y


*+de9Happy ElirthdayJim Pellman

Happy BirtMayKathy Healy

Page 17: 1999 The Western Star

April 1999Wester Star Dancers' Planner

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thy'ishtS.vitttr-d dr6d I


L t t t




Happy BitthdayMichael Healy

7 8 9 IO

I ]

Happy BirthdayPaul Maionchi


i+ce9Happy Birthday

Ed Conley


Happy BirthdayDennis Tumer

I4 I5 I 6

Happy Bi.thd.yMark ScottJohnson



Happy ElirthdayDuane Walters



e3Happy Birthday

Patty White

20 21 22BoardMeeting

23 24


llappy E[dMayMarb Tonigino


27 28

Happy BirtMayArmano Limon

29 i0

Page 18: 1999 The Western Star

Thelile$emStaTVolume 16 May/June 1999 lssue 3

The Nervsletter of Western Star Dancers, 584 Castro St.,Suite 480, San Francisco CA 94114-2588. E-llail: f+lixl @ix.netcom.comA Contemporary American Square Dance Club primarilysewing the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Communig.Subscriptkrns to The Westem Sfar are free to WSDMembers, $18 to others. Ads are complementary tomembers; commercial adverlisers may contact us forpricing information.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wishyou a happy Gay Pride Day.

There are two important events this period,oops, excuse me three. The first is theMembership Appreciation Dinner on May22 at7:30 PM. This is where we as aBoard give recognition to all of you. Thesecond is our annual Gay Pride Dance -Promenade With Pride '99 - with DarrenGallina on June 26 at7:30 PM. We hopethat you willjoin us for these events atTemple United Methodist Church. Thethird event is Blue'98 Class Graduation onJune 7 at 7:30 PM at the Eureka Valley.Recreation Center. Please come and joinus as we welcome these new dancers intoour ranks. The class did very well and theyare good dancers. One great accomplish-ment is that allthe dancers that started theclass are still in class and graduating.

There is one announcement; Westem Starwill be dark all through June (except June7) due to the resurfacing of the floors atthe Recreation Center. We will be startingup again on July 13 for the Plus Class andJuly 21 for Club Night.

I am writing this right after Easter, and assuch I traditionally read The Robe and QuoVadis. Both books have to do with theearly history of the spread of Christianity. Ihear "What does this have to do withSquare Dancing?" What lwas thinking of

was the fervor, tenacity, dedication, andenthusiasm of the early Christians as theyspread the gospel. Although our new Pur-ple Class '99 introductory nights do not be-gin until October, it is time to start thinkingabout the recruitment drive we will be do-ing. We must be like the early Christiansand get out there to spread our "gospel"with the same enthusiasm and dedication.Although we will not have a booth at thePride Festivalthis year, we have found anoutlet for our flyers. Our big push begins inSeptember at the Folsom Street Fair(September 26). Our caller for September25 Leather and Lace Dance is Anne Uebe-lacker and she has consented to callfor usat the fair at our booth. The following weekwe do the same thing (minus Anne) at theCastro Street Fair (October 3), then a fewtimes in the Castro Area with GuerillaSquares, then either October 9 or 16 forour Leam to Square Dance for the LeatherCommunity. This is where we need you.Come out and help us give out flyers, takenames, and DANCE. I am asking you tomake some time on those dates now togive you time to schedule us. Let us belike those early Christians and spread our"gospel" to those not knowing about it.

Lastly, in August we will be taking namesfor those who would like to run for theBoard. We ask all of you - old or new - tothink seriously about it.

Don't Stop! Don't Slow Down!



Page 19: 1999 The Western Star

Felix F

Fabian ABob LHarold LCarlos M

Steve SRon MKathy HMarie M

Who's Doins What

Administrator &IAGSDC RepDance CoordinatorTreasurerSecretaryBoard MemberBlue Class ArchangelDangle DivaInstructorWSD Newsletter EditorWSD Newsletter Editor


VESTS - We have been getting requests forvests, since they are the club outfit, but wehave a problem. We do not have enough ma-terials to make the required number of vests.Some of these people would like to go to con-vention and wear the club vest in the GrandMarch and for the Club Picture. If anybodyout there has an extra vest or their own thatthey are willing to lend to the Board so we canlend them to those going to the convention, wewould greatly appreciate it. Please either callthe Felix (826-7526) or bring it by on Mon-days or at any other Western Star Event.Meanwhile the Board will be taking ideas foranother club outfit. We would also like tohear from someone who can do graphic de-signing. We need original drawings of our lo-gos to get vest parts made. Thank you.


"Lights, Camera, Linear Action" is justaround the corner.

Have you registered for Convention???For the Hotel??? Made Airline reserva-tions???


You do not want to be left out!!!

The most fun event of the year is the Con-vention. You can dance 'til you drop.You'll get to meet new friends and see oldfriends from all over the country.

Registration packets are available throughthe Board and at all club events. An applica-tion is included in this newsletter.

It was the 17th Anniversary of Western Star,but it was the lst dance for our Blue Class.

Like all of us, they came to their first dancefull of fears. Will they remember the steps?Will they be able to keep up with the speed?Will they breakdown the square?But they did GREAT!!! And they had a funtime doing it.

Just as everyone supported them at thedance - Come and celebrate with them asthey graduate from Mainstream on June 7th!


General Membership Meeting - Thismeeting will be held in conjunction with theMember Recognition Dinner onMay 22.

Page 20: 1999 The Western Star


This is a quickie newsletter since l won't get to print it unti l next week.


However we wanted to remind you that our Plus Class begins July 12 at 7:30 PMat the Eureka Valley Recreation Center with Ron Hirsch teaching. Tell all yourfiends and of course we can always use angels for the class. The class will begraduating on October 4.

PURPLE CLASS RECRUITINGHere is a schedule for Purple Class recruiting:

September 1B - Learn to Square Dance for the Leather CommunitySeptember 26 - Folsom Street Fair

\- October 3 - Castro Street FairOctober 16 - Guerilla Squares 12 Noon - 18th and CastroOctober 18 - Purple Class Intro NightOctober 23 - Guerilla Squares 12 Noon - 18th and CastroOctober 25 - Purple Class lntro NightNovember 1 .. Purple Class Intro NightNovember 8 - Purple Class begins

Please try to be at one of these events to help out.

ELECTIONSElections are coming up please think about running for a position on the Board.

August 2 - Nominations OpenAugust 18 - Nominations ClosedAugust 23 - Ballots mailedSeptember 15 - Ballots counted

Page 21: 1999 The Western Star

Gome and join us forBlue'98 Graduati on

June 7th7:30 PM

Eureka Valley Rec CenterJoin us for cake and punch as well as

welcomins *n".q;tfff tquare Dance

?LqS CLfrSSStarting Monday July 12

7:30 to 9:30 PMEureka Valley Recreation Genter100 Gollingwood, San Francisco

Soft Soled Shoes Only

Ron Hirsch, Teacher,

Page 22: 1999 The Western Star



TheBoaYd of DirectoYs


\AlesteYn StavDanceYScovdially

invites you to aMEMBE,RSHIP


On May 22, 19{ at7:30 PMTemple lJnited Methodist Church

1111 Junipero Serra Boulevard (at 19thAvenue) SanFrancisco

This is a Potluck Dinner. Please bring as tothe alphabet listing below.

A-l-MainCourseJ R - Dessert



Page 23: 1999 The Western Star

[ights, Gamera, tinear Action!

fire l6th Annual Convention of theInternational Association ofGay Square Dance Clubs ,,,iiffi

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Iuly l l , 1997-JulYgl, 1998Aug,ust l, 1998-April30, 1999May l, 1999-Jure 19, 1999June 20, 1999 - at the Door

Delcrrt l10tlso$160tlzs



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Can&llatlon Policyl*y i0gZ;,Ipril 30; 1 999 ..... -.-.. ry Rehrn4 lerr- r



Club:::::-. i.::r irri1a : ::..- -

Dance Level (please circle one):

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by 5, 1999

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T-shirt Sunrey: To aid future convention

Banguet Preference (please circle one):

Special Dietary Needs @lease specify):

FUf BIDGE TOU! - Ilonrlay, luly 5, 1999 ($35 additional rcaishafon fcc): IES f0

LE[ffiEn BIB fOm - Thursday, Iuly t, 1999 ($15 additional nglsftation fce): IEt trO

committeet, pleare indicate your T-rhirt rize: S

Chicken Vegetarian

M t xL :qL locxl.


iil ii:PaYnGBt (US Funds)i:iii:tii'cath, drech or money order. sorry, no credit cardr-:.::::ii:!:! i:l i: :i::: '

iiiiii ii i iiiiri i ifnnsfcrPollcl' ' i neEnitraUonr may ba tranrfered untillunc 19, 1990j ,: for i:020 processing fee. After thir date. no banrfer,,i i reqrrbsts will be honored-

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Page 24: 1999 The Western Star



7 €!6s






Capital City Squares Danceil Vern Weese

Western Star's Member RecognitionDinner


Diablo Dancers Summer Dancew/Kris Jensen

Western Star's Blue Class Graduation

Western Star's Promenade with PridedDarren Gallina

llth Gay Callers Assoc Caller SchoolLos Angeles, CA


Lights, Camera, Linear Action! Los Angeles, CAIAGSDC 16th ANNUAL CONVENTION

Page 25: 1999 The Western Star


Promenade With T I - I I'-rrc|eDanceariJh

"."/lpr,DARREN GALLINA(t*, S@ /oonaa1th dJ TBo pl//

dtTernde %t4ifel l//M e/rrrrr/"//// /t ra-rn Serna. B/"rd, kf /gt/o r4rnn.ra)

4dnldalu, $S

Alternating Mainstream and prus with Advance star TipPfenty of Parking and can be reached by Muni M Line or 2gBus

Page 26: 1999 The Western Star

May 1999Wester Star Dancers' Planner

b l B

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I I I2 I3AlccNion Day


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t <I J


ITArmcd Fo@ Day



I6 I7Maiutqm



20 2T 22





25 26 27BoardMeeting

28 29

30 3I

F+Mcmcial Day(Ob&rrcd)


Page 27: 1999 The Western Star

June 1999Wester Star Dancers' Planner


I 2 3Corpw Christi


6 7

sir-tvf f i \o


8 9 I0 I I





17 T8 I9


Fethc/r Dsy




22 23 24BoardMeeting


Promenadewith Pftle

Danin Gallina


flffiGay Pri& Day



29 30At19



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Page 28: 1999 The Western Star

Thel[Ie$emStaTVolume 16 July/August 1999 lssue 4

The Newsletter of Western Star Dancers, 584 Castro St.,Suite 480, San Francisco CA 941 1+2588. E-Mail: fe-lixl @ix.netcom.comA Contemporary American Square Dance Club primarilyserving the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Community.Subscriptions lo The Westem Sfar are free to WSDMembers, $18 to others, Ads are complementary tomembers; commercial advertisers may contact us forpricing information.

I u'ould first likc to congratulatc thc Bluc '98 classon thcir graduation and rvclconrc thcm in to tltccommunitv of squarc dance rs. I u'ould also likc tothank thc pcrson rvho donated thc menrbership fccsfor thc Bluc'98 class so that thcy could be mcm-bcrs of thc club. Thcy now nro\rc on to Plus u'hichstart Juh' l3 rvith Ron Hirsch tcaching. Rcmcm-bcr rvc can alu'avs use angcls.

It is rrith docp rcgrct that I nrakc thc fbllo*,ing an-nounccnrcnt I)trc to thc rising cost of cvcnthing(hall, callcrs, ctc.) thc Board madc thc dccisionthat starting in 2000 thc cost of danccs u,ill go upto $10. N4cmbcrs of Wcstcrn Star u, i l lgct a dis-count at thc door. Wc may bc thc first but rvcuon't bc thc last. Al though thc $10 sccnrs high, i tis lou'cr than somc across the country. TimcsSquarcs (Nnv York Citl') chargcs highcr f'ccs forclub night

To givc 1,ou u'hat the Board is u,orking on. \\'chavc sccurcd Tcmplc Unitcd Mcthodist Church fora l l danccs in 2000 N{erch . l 119" 'Ann ivcrsary ' ) ,June 24 (Gay Pridc), Scptcmbcr 23 (LcathcrDancc). Wc havc Saundra Bryant for our annivcr-sarv, Deborah Parnell for Gay Pridc, and GrantIto for the Leather Dancc. I talked to all threc atthc Convention in LA

We havc planncd the opcn housc nights for thcPurple'99 Class (or as it is refcrrcd to bv theBoard - The Tinky Winky' Class) - Octobcr l1l,2-5, and Novembcr lat EVRC. If you knorv peoplesho might bc intcrcsted, please tcll thcnr to con1c.Gueri l la Squarcs is on October l6 and 23 at 12

Noon at Hibernia Bcach (18ft and Castro for younerv peoplc - A little gay history). There is alsoa Learn To Square Dance for the Leather/LeviCommunity on Septcrlber l8 at Live OakSchool.

\\/c also arc hoping that thc mcnrbcrs u,ill conrcout and help us on Scptcmber 26 at thc FolsomStrcct Fair uterc Arnc Ucbclackcr u'il l bc call-ing (aftcr calling on thc 25 at our Leathcr andLace Dancc) and Octobcr 3 for the Castro StrcctFair. Thcsc cvcnts arc our opening shots at gct-trng a nnv cl : tss.

Last l r . lc ui l lbs cstabl ishing an Elcct ion Corn-nrrt tcc Tho'r i i l l bc cal l ing around and asking i frou uould l ike to run fbr thc Board. Plcase givcthis sonrc thought. Nominations br:gin August 2and cnd August 18. Bal lots arc to bc mai lcdAugust 23. Elcct ion Rcsults u' i l l bc announccdon Scptcrnbcr l -5 at our Club Night. That nightr i i l l a lso bc our Gcncral Nlcnrbcrship Mcct inguhcrc one of thc itcnrs u'c u'il l be discussing is angi Club Outfit. Plcasc bc thcrc.

\\1e har,c madc thcrncs for our 2 club nights rnJulv and August. Thc Julv 2l ' ' Club Night rv i l lbc Nostalgia Night, u'here tr,c u'il l borrorv a TVfrorn the Ccntcr and shorv Vidcos of old WSDc\ cnts. Plclsc comc bv n ith l 'our nostalgiaThe August l8 ' r ' Club Night * ' i l l bc Hot AugustI.-Aliglrts. Our caller in August rvill be RonN'llskcr

I'r'c gir cn I'ou ulrat \\.e arc up to and now wcnccd vou to help us makc it all happen. We hopeto sec \ou soon at one (or bctter yet all) ofourc\ cnts

Ycllori rocksFcl i r

Page 29: 1999 The Western Star

Felix F

Fabian ABob LHarold LCarlos M

J im AStevc SKathy IIMarie M

Who's Doins What

Administrator &IAGSDC RepDance CoordinatorTreasurerSecretaryBoard MemberBlue Class ArchangelDatabase/CalendarDangle DivaWSD Newsletter EditorWSD Newsletter Editor

Promenade With Pride

Darrin Gallina called Promenade With Pridefor us on June 26,1999. He did a terrific andupbeat job. The fact that his lover, andALL the members of his club, Cuesta Squareswere with him certainly didn't hurt. It was alot of fun and a great warn up for Conventionfor our new graduates and all ofus. Thankyou to all who came and helped us enjoy an-other aspect of the San Francisco Gay PrideWeek-end.

plus Class BegirE

Monday, July 12, 1999 at 7:30 pm is the startof Weslern Star's Plus Class. The class willbe taught by Ron Hirsch. So grab a friend (or2 or 3 or. . .) and become paft of the class orclass angels. Classes will be held in the refur-bished Eureka Valley Rec Center so soft soleshoes only can be worn.

The plans for making the class known andencouraging dancers to join the class are out-lined in the opening letter. If anyone has anyother suggestions please let a member of theBoard know (see pg. 2) BUT be willing to as-sist in rnaking it happen.

This also includes angeling the class. This as-sists the class members. the instructor andgives you a review too. It is a great way to"ease back" into the club & dancine!!

Blue Class's Graduation

On Monday, June 7, 1999 our Blue Classgraduated l2 dancers from Mainstream.After completing their classes and having afun party they are now ready to enjoy the up-conring Convention in LA and prepared toparticipate in our fall Plus Class. Thankyou to all the non-graduates who helped usgive them a great welcorning celebration.

More Photos on page 4.

Page 30: 1999 The Western Star

New Club Outfits Anvone??

The Board is considering the suggestion ofnew club outfits for Westem Star. Some of theissues brought up have been the weight of ourcurrent vests, the use of pink shirts and the factthat both the vests & the shirts fade over tinreand so we have a rnult i tude of hues.

'l'hcrefbre, everyone who has a suggestion of

an alternative club outf i t must bring a sampleto the (ieneral Membership rneeting on Sep-ternber l5th lor consideration. The ou1fit ma1,bu1 does not have to include a vcst. Rementbcrthis is nol a sewing contest or an art cxhibit ion.' l 'he

sarnplc. iust has to be ablc to convey whalyour idea is to others.

l)uring that nreeting it wil l be dcterntined i l 'wervi l l stay with our current club outl l t or towlrich o1-thc ncw oulf i ts rve wil l change . So itis Vlr l lY important that you altend this rneet-ing and express your opinion while thc dcci-sion is being made and NO'l-. iust bitch al ier t l ielact .

The Fun Badge Tour took us all through WestFlollywood, Rodeo Drive (we didn't dance) butwe danced near the Santa Monica Pier, AtUCLA, at Mann's Chinese theater where thestreet was closed and WE were the tourist at-traction.

General Membership MeetingSeptember 15, 1999

Mark your calendar now!! The General Mem-bership meeting will be held during the clubnight on September l5th at Eureka Vly RecCenter. So far the main topics of discussionwil l be the Election of a Board for the club andour club outf i ts. I f there is something else youfccl the mernbcrship should be discussing atthis nrectinc,. NOW is the t ime let one of thcBoard rnentbers know (see page 2) so everyonecan be informed and prepared.

Lights. Camera. Linear Action

As another Convent ion comes to an end thoseol-us who attended have a new col lect ion ol 'memorics. N4any of us renewcd old li ' iend-ships and al i of us made new ones. Askingonc o1-the nerv class members i f t l re convcn-t ion was rvhat he expected, he answered: " l t

was al l t l iat and much more!."

It was great to have so many members presentat the convention - now how about keeping itup & being present for c lub funct ions??!!

Start saving now for "Crack the Crab" which isnext years' Convent ion in Balt imore, MD.1.: c



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See Photos on page 5

Page 31: 1999 The Western Star

+ . ^ : .con.cFraruL-ar lo 's

t " t t t i - '


_ a\tr



The Blue Class going through its final exam

Gay Pride Dance


The Blue Class resting during Plus.Our caller doing his thing

Page 32: 1999 The Western Star

Lights, Cam era, Linear Action

N4ario, liom lllue Cla.ss at Convention.

i , l

Mann's Chinese Theater, one stop on theFun badse tour

WSD at Convent ion .

-,rq,Irun fladgc

tour - UCt,A

Deborah Parnell as Barbie. l'he reining Honky Tonk eueen from Japan

Page 33: 1999 The Western Star








Western Star's Plus Class beginsEureka Valley Rec Center

Western Star's Club Night - Nostalgia NightEureka Valley Rec Center

Ron Hirsch - Caller


Foggy City's Mainstream Class begins

Western Star's Club Night - Hot August KA{ightsEureka Valley Rec Center

Ron Masker - Caller


Foggy City's Harvest Dance w/Anne UebelackerUnitarian Church

Western Star's Leather & Lace Dance w/ Anne Uebel-acker Temple United Methodist Church

Diablo Dancer's Basic Class beginsWillow Pass Rec Center

Diablo Dancer's Plus Class beginsWillow Pass Rec Center

Page 34: 1999 The Western Star
Page 35: 1999 The Western Star

July 1999Wester Star Dancers' Planner


S I T V T ? 3

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t r t l


2Conmtion LA CdEntm LA

Conwntion LA

. L t


hdcpcndence Day

5ConrenUon LA

6 7

Happy BirthdayFreemanStamper

8 9 IO


Happy BirthdayAnna Damiani

t2Plus Class

EeginsRon Hirsch


I3 14 I5 l 6

Happy BirthdayRon Masker

Happy BirthdayMike Sellers

I 9Plus Class

20 2IClub Night -

EVRCNostalgia Night

Ron Hirsch

22 23 21

25 26Plus Class

27 28 29Board Meeting

30 31

Pnnled pYclBiveL fd Wpslcm Slr.

Page 36: 1999 The Western Star

August 1999Wester Star Dancers' Planner

I 2Plus Class

3 I 5

Happy BirthdayRamona

Michaels _JohnConley


8 0

Plus Class


Happy BirthdayHarold Little

1 l t2 I J t lt +

15 16t s I U S L I A S S

I 7 t8Club Night -

EVRCHot August

lUNightsRon Masker

l 9 20 2 l

22 / )Plus Class

1 l 26 27

Happy Birthday | | Happy BirthdayBecky I I Geno Gal lardo -

Campbel l | | Fel ixFornino


Happy BirthdaySleve Scott

30Plus Class

1 I, d t 9


s{ t9


l l i a

t 6 1 8 9 1 0 1 t

I l r l l r t J 1 6 1 7 l a

1 9 2 0 2 l t 2 B / 2 5


Page 37: 1999 The Western Star

The1[Ie$etnStaTVolume 16 SepUOct 1999 lssue 5

The Newsletter of Western Star Dancers, 584 Castro St.,Suite 480, San Francisco CA 941 1.1-2588. E-Mail: fe-lixl @ix.netcom.comA Contemporary American Square Dance Club primarilyserving the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Community.Subscriptions to The Westem Slarare free to WSDMembers, $18 to others. Ads are complementary tomembers; commercial advertisers may contact us forpricing information.

It 's that time of the year. The Folsom StreetFair. The Castro Street Fair. Halloween. ThePurple Class. The Purple Class? Yes the PurpleClass, we have gone that far in the rainbow.

Let me try to enjoin your memory with what is go-ing on. Elections are proceeding and we remindal lwho wi l l be sending their bal lots by snai l mai lthat the ballots MUST reach us by September 15,1999. That is the night of the General Member-ship meeting. We at Western Star do not suFscribe to the Richard Daly School of Politics(t/cte Ea:'ly and Often), excepi in the first pat. o'tvoting early.

The next event will be the General Membershipmeeting on Wednesday, September 15, 1999.I cannot put enough emphasis on attendance atthis meeting. lf you haven't attended a meeting,then this is the one to attend. One item we willbe discussing is a change in the WSD Club Out-fit. lf you would like to submit an entry then youmust bring a prototype and it MUST incorporatethe present logo that is on the back of our vests.The prototype does not need to be professionallysown or sown at all, just so that we can get theidea of what you are presenting. The Board willbe submitting its own idea at that time. There willbe other items for discussion (refer to letter datedAugust 21, 1999 which was mai led to each mem-ber previously).

Saturday, September 18, 1999, br ings us to thebeginning of Leather Week. As such if you wouldlike to please join us as we present a Learn toSquare Dance for the Leather Community at LiveOak School on Diamond Street at 7:30 PM.

Saturday, September 25, 1999, br ings us Anne

Uebelacker and our annual Leather and LaceDance at 7:30 PM at Temple United MethodistChurch at 1111 Junipero Serra Boulevard.Come and join us for the fun! You don't evenneed to wear leather or lace.

Sunday, September 26, 1999, br ings us theFolsom Street Fair. We will be there fromabout 8AM to 6PM. We can use your help instaffing the booth, as well as, helping us danceto Anne Uebelacker as our first event to getclass members for the Purple Class. A sign upsheet will be available at all WSD events.

Sunday, October 3, 1999, br ings us to theCastro Street Fair where again we will be therefrom about 8AM to 6PM. Again we can useyour help in staffing the booth and dancing forthe next event to get class members for thePurple class. A sign up sheet will be availableat all \nJSD e..,ents.

Saturdays, October 16 and 23 we wi l l be do-ing Guerrilla Squares. We will meet at 12 Noonat the Bank of America on 18th and Castro. Wewill dance there, probably the Chevron Stationand we have been invited by Philip Stover todance in front of Male lmage. Please come outand join us. These events are also planned toget new people interested in becoming a part ofthe Purple Class.

Then we have our Introductory Nights for thePurple Class on October 18 and 25 and No-vember 1. We hope that you can send us oneperson on those nights. We will be havingpunch, cookies and other goodies. We can alsouse you. In this case Uncle Sam doesnt wantyou, but Uncle Fel ix does.

We have a full schedule for September and Oc-tober. We hope that we can count on you aswe have done in the past.


Page 38: 1999 The Western Star

Felix F

Fabian ABob LHarold LCarlos M

Jim ASteve SKathy HMarie M

Who's Doing What

Administrator &IAGSDC RepDance CoordinatorTreasurerSecretaryBoard MemberBlue Class ArchangelDatabase/CalendarDangle DivaWSD Newsletter EditorWSD Newsletter Editor

Election of the Board

Nominations for this year's Board of Directorsfor Western Star Dancers opened on August2nd and closed on August 18th. Those run-ning for a position on the Board are: Bob L.,Carlos M., Fabian A., Felix F., and Gino

Ballots will be mailed our on August 23rd andmust be RECEIVED by Septernber f5th bythe beginning of the General MembershipMeeting.

General Membership Meetins

Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 7:30 pmis the start of Western Star's third membershipmeeting for 1999. The future of YOUR clubwill be determined at this meeting. The resultsof the election of the Board of Directors willbe announced. Whether or not the club outfitshould be changed, and if so to what outfit willbe discussed.

We will also be discussing all the eventsplanned to promote the Purple Class which willbe starting this fall. Remember new membersis the life of any club - and our club needsmembers if we are going to keep alive.So participation in all the planned events byeveryone is critical. If you don't do anythingelse for the club this year please make the time& effort to help with thcse events. Sign upsheets for each event will be available at theGeneral Meeting & all events thereafter.

Blue Class Celebration




On Monday, October 4,1999 our BlueClass finishes Plus Level! They haveworked long & hard since theystarted Basic.Don't StopDon't Slow DownLet's Dance!!!

Page 39: 1999 The Western Star

IMPOKIANT!IMPOKIANT!IMPORIANT!New Postal regulations make this an-nouncement very important. The way thatWestern Star's address is written on rnailcoming to WSD must be as follows:

WESTERN STAR DANCERSPMB 480584 Castro StreetSan Francisco CA 94114-2594

According to the Post Office, if the mail isnot addressed as above, they will send themail back. It must use all FOUR lines.This change was issued because the PostOffice was afraid that there were peopletrying to get around postal regulations withthese private mail boxes. PO Plus foughtvery hard so that we could keep our addressas suite 480 but they lost.. So I pass on thisinformation onto you. This is to be effec-tive October 1, 1999. We have been doingthis for 2 months now.



On behalf of the Board of Directors andall the members of Western Star Danc-ers, we wish our Jewish friends a HappyNew Year at Rosh Hashanah and a vervholy Yom Kippur.

Page 40: 1999 The Western Star

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of sfrN FRfiNCISCOSeptember 18, 1999

T=30 PMLive Oqks SchoolI lT Diqmond Street


Page 41: 1999 The Western Star

Diobto Dqncers


From San Francisco;24 East to 680 North. Exit atlteat/OakPark. Left onlleat. Right at lst l ightonto N. Main. Left at 3rd light ontoOak Park 8lvd.

DrcK HTNScHELMainslream & Plus with**%dvanced Star Tipxx*

Satu rday, September 18, 19997=30-t0130 p.m, $8,00

Pleasant Hill Education Center3100 Oak Park Blvd.


From Sacramento:680 South. Exit at lleat/OaltPark. Right at lst l ight ontoN. Main. Left at 2nd Lightonto Oak Park BIvd.

From Oak Park BIvd:Right at next f ight. Look for ftashing yellow light,Iirrn right onto serviceroad. Pleasant ftif l Education Center is 2nd building on right. Look forralloons and sign at entrance of parking lot.

Page 42: 1999 The Western Star

I l th









Midnight Squares' Plus & Advance DancedAnne Uebelacker @ Unitarian Center

Western Star's "Learn to Square Dancefor the Leather Community''- Live Oaks School

Diablo Dancer's "Swing thru the Season" WDick HenschelPleasant Hill Education Center

Western Star's Leather & Lace Dance w/ Anne UebelackerTemple United Methodist Church

Diablo Dancer's Basic Class & Plus Class beeinsWillow Pass Rec. Center

Folsom Street Fair - Dancing with Arure Uebelacker


Tahoe Rewind - A & C WeekendStanford Sierra Camp

Castro Street Fair

Western Star's Plus Class GraduationEureka Vallev Rec. Center

Zoom to the Beach - Shoreline SquaresLong Beach, CA

Western Star's Club Night WDonald WescoatEureka Valley Rec. Center

Foggy City's Halloween Dance - Live Oak Schools29th

Page 43: 1999 The Western Star


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ad*nuaaon$s @-Alternating Mainstream and Plus with Advance Star Tip

Plenty of Parking and can be reached by Muni M Line or 28 Bus

Page 44: 1999 The Western Star

September 1999Wester Star Dancers' Planner

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'i*i,rsHappy BirthdaySerge Pluess

t2 I3Plus Class

t4 t5General


Club Night,Ballots Due


t6 t7 18

Learn ToSquare for the


I9 1 na v




Plus Class

2I 22 23ytAutumn bcgins

c,Happy BirthdayKaori Fujitani _Philip Stover

Board Meeting

24 25

ffiWl,cathcr DanccArmc Uebclackcr

k+r,gHappy Birthday

Pat Smith


Folsn SbEt F8ir

27Plus Class

28 29 30

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Page 45: 1999 The Western Star

ll/ester Star Dancers' Planner

October 1999

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Happy BirthdayRhonda Swerer

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Coluurbus Day(Ob:crvcd)


Happy BirthdayJim Mavrikios


.e$P'mHappy BirthdayDan Seberger


iJr*rsflvA$\t v v ,T!t<YL

Et .B

wHappy BirthdayMichael Stokes

Purple ClassIntroductory


Club Night -


Purple Classlntroductory


28Board Meeting


J#$,MHappy Birthday

Rod Odgers


aDay'igh(Savingr-et back Ihw

Page 46: 1999 The Western Star

Thell|Ie$emStalVolume 16 Nov/Dec 1999 lssue 6


The Newsletter of Western Star Dancers, 584 Castro St.,Suite 480, San Francisco CA 941 1+2588. E-Mail: fe-lixl @ix.netcom.comA Contemporary American Square Dance Club primarilyserving the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Community.Subscriptions to The Westem Sfarare free to WSDMembers, $18 to others. Ads are complementary tomembers; commercial advertisers may contact us forpricing information.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of WSD, Iwould l ike to wish you a Happy Thanksgiv ing.Also, since this is a bimonthly newsletter, toour Jewish members and f r iends a HappyChanukah, to our Chr is t ian members andfriends a Merry Christmas, to our African-Amer ican members and f r iends a HappyKwanza, and, of course, a Happy New Mil len-nium (to the purists - a Happy New Year). Toevery one a happy and healthy holiday sea-son. I think that takes care of everyone.

That taken care or, we can move on to thenews. On September 15, we had our quar-terly membership meeting. At that meetingwe found out that the new member of Boardwi l l be Gino Gal lardo (who at the Board meet-ing fol lowing was elected to the post of Secre.tary). Congratulations Gino! At the meetingwe also gave back the third Wednesday of themonth to Midnight Squares except for variousfunctions (l ike membership meetings). Also,we changed the Western Star Vest. The oldvest was made of grey corduroy with a red l in-ing. The new vest wil l be black cotton insideand out . This vest wi l l be l ighter . The backof the vest was kept as to the rhinestones,patch and ribbon, but the fr inge is gone. Alsoi t was decided that instead of a p ink 'sh i r t i twould be a white western shirt with darkpants. (As an as ide - a l l the c lubs in SanFrancisco are now c lubs in b lack - MidnightSquares - a b lack T-shi r t wi th b lack pants;Foggy City - Black Western Shirt with redscarf and black pants; WSD with a black vest,dark pants and a white shirt.) At the OctoberBoard Meeting vests wil l be discussed.

We had a successful two weekends at theFolsom and Castro Street Fairs. We handedout over 2500 f lyers. Our thanks to al l thepeople who came down to help: the Boardmembers, Gino, Sam, Becky, Russ, MarkScott, Scott, Phil ip, Jerry, Mario and any-body else that I can't remember as I writethis (after this is published, I wil l remem-ber). Our thanks to members of Foggy City,Diablo Dancers, Midnight Squares, E lCamino Reelers, Tinsletown Squares andWestern Star Dancers who danced up astorm at both Fairs. Also, a big thanks toAnne Uber lacker , Car los Mosca, and RonMasker for ca l l ing at the Fai rs .

One item at the September meeting was weneeded a function for the new class beforeJanuary 22 when we had planned the Wel-come Pot Luck. The Board has scheduled aMeet and Greet the Purple Class at Fa-bian's Condo's Party House on November20. Please see the f lyer for detai ls and di-rections. We are asking the members tobring f inger foods and the Board wil l be sup-p ly ing soda and water . There usual ly is alo t o f park ing there and the Muni in forma-tion and street map is on the back of theflyer. Please come and make the new classwelcome and part of the family of WesternStar Dancers. We have had one night of theopen house and the people are wonderfuland a few have already said that they wil l betaking the class. The January 22 Potluckwi l l again be at Fabian 's Condo.

Lastly, we ask you to come and Angel for thec lass. We a lways can use angels .

Yellowrocks,Fel ix


Page 47: 1999 The Western Star

Fel ix F

Fabian A

Bob LGino GCar los MSteve SKathy HMar ie M

Administrator &IAGSDC RepDance CoordinatorPurp le Class Archangel -TreasurerSecretaryBoard MemberDangle DivaWSD Newsletter EditorWSD Newsletter Editor

Meet & GreetThe Purple Class

Saturday, November 2O, 1999 at7:30pm is the Meet & Greet with thenew Purp le Calss members.

I t w i l l be he ld at Fabian 's Condo'sParty House (see f lyer for address &direct ions).

Western Star members are asked tocome and make the class membersfeel welcome. Please bring f ingerfood to share at the gathering. TheBoard wi l l be providing soda & water.

Hol iday Party &General Membership Meet ing

December 15th we wil l be having ourannul Hol iday Party with Gif t Exchangenight .EVERYONE is invited for the fun. Thistradit ion is more l ike an opportunity toget r id of a "White Elephant" type ob-ject than a usual gi f t exchange. So justbring a fun/ joke gif t not worth morethan $10.00. Everyone who brings agif t takes home a gif t (using the termloosely in th is case) . l t is a great dealof fun guess ing what is in a l l those n ice(deceptively)wrapped packages. Andeven more fun to "steal" the gif t youwant. Confused? Come enjoy and learna new understanding of " l t is better togive than to receive".

The Board wi l l a lso be g iv ing the mem-bersh ip a qu ick quar ter ly update.

Purple Class

Our introductory nights for the newpurp le c lass are October 18 & 25and November 1.

The the c lass wi l l begin in earnest onNovember 8. Please try and sendjust one person to the new c lass.Those that have come so far are fun& enthus iast ic .

l f you have been away from dancingfor awhi le and would l ike a brush upAngel ing a class is a great way to getback up to speed and get to knoweveryone again. And i f you haven'tbeen away from dancing you know wealways need angels for a class. Thisnot on ly he lps the new dancers learn,but a lso makes them fee l the c lubmembers care.

Members & AnselsN eed ed

Page 48: 1999 The Western Star

?r/eozeno StarDaareto

Meet and Greetthe Purple Glass

November 20, L999

Verandah R oornal Fabian's Condo ComplexCarolina and 19th Street

(first entrance on Carolina frorn 19th)

7:3OPMWe sre qsking rnembers to bring finger

food f or shoring. The Boord wilf providedrinks of sodo ond woter.

See map on back for directions and Muni information.

Page 49: 1999 The Western Star

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Page 50: 1999 The Western Star







Page 51: 1999 The Western Star



Foggy City's Anniversary l)ance -

with Mike DeSistoUnitarian Church

Capital City Squares' lSth AnniversaryDance with Joe Saltel

Squares Across the Border Anniversary Fly-Inwith Anne Uebelacker & Kris JensenVancouver, British Columbia, Canada

PACE Extravaganz^- Ventura, CAwith V.Ceder, R.Howell, L.Kendall & L.Kopman


4th "Relay the Raindeer" at Diablo Dancerswith Gina Darcv

3rd - 5th "Save the Last Dance for Me" (Chase Right'99)with Mike DeSisito, Anne Uebelacker &

Andy FinchNeon Squares - Las Vegas, NV

llth Foggy City's Mainstream Graduation


"Slide Thru Silicon Valley-from Stetsonto Jetson with Sandra Braant &Andy Finch EI Camino Reelers

Palo Alto, Ca

"Swing Thru Arizonia" withVic Cedar & Anne UebelackerDesert Valley Squares

Phoenix, AZ

Purple Class Welcome Potluck


26th - 28th


7th - 9th

14th - 16th



Page 52: 1999 The Western Star

November 1999Wester Star Dancers' P lanner

@r M''.FTE

IIntro lor Purple



Elcaio Day

3 4 5 6



8Basic Begins




9 t0 I ]


I2 I3



I 6 I 7 I8Board Meeting -


19 20Meet and Greet

the PurpleClass - See


21 22Basic

23 24 l',k l" l"

28 29Basic

30q r 9

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Page 53: 1999 The Western Star

December 1999Wester Star Dancers' Planner

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I 9 IO I ]





I4 I5s



Holiday Party -


I6Board Meeting -

Felix and Bob's

I7 I8

I9 20Basic


Wintcr bcgiru

23 24 25







28 29 30 J ]


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