1996 m e kukura 30 aug 1996 s rev 3

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  • 7/30/2019 1996 M E Kukura 30 Aug 1996 S Rev 3


    Aug 30 1996

    There is some thyme, ground and some time unground. Basil leaves on the vine. Sunflower sprouts a

    growing for a while also as well. What then of obligations. Thai food so close it is felt like a billiard

    tables balls. SO many mysteries. So much incomprehension. If some say thats okay what are the

    rest to say? It aint really too cool to always be feeling pissed off because of the wrongs that have

    been done. Or you can spend your time all pissed off because things dont seem to obey your rules.

    Then perhaps you might come to realize that its the rules youve borrowed from others that causethe problem of feeling pissed off. SO then there is the options of giving up the rules and being aware

    of things as they are without any judgments going on. Then perhaps theres a chance to leave behind

    the disturbances of always feeling wronged by other human beings. We dont tend to feel so wronged

    by other types of animals and organisms. Maybe a mosquito or a fly or roach occasionally.

    08/30/97 11:48 PM

    as cute as all get outa foal and a foolwent to schoolin a country town

    down around the midnite hourthe cooks are giving birthin chamber pots and wooded bowersthe geese have gone to Club Med

    its that Gaia aint amusedat all the damage donethat man has grown too smart for usshell blow us all to king dung come

    like a scarab in her slipper sportlightening in her purse

    humanity is the Universes childan empty twilight curse

    upon all living creatureswho wish to be in peacerather than blown to smithereensby the absent minded made chemist in his atomic garage

    science is a stupid thingchilds play at the bestits time to tune the spirit friendsin time to take the test

    a harsh old bitch this ancient grand mother

    deserves our reverenceif we have no time to give it rightwed best start out on the trail again

    like thrown back in the furnacemelted downNarcissussigh between thighs

    so many write

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    about how badthings on Earth have becomehow they would like to make it rightthats very pretentious

    perhaps the great spirit planned it all this wayfor humans to do what seems to us like folly

    but I bloody well am surewe could do with a lesson in purposefulness

    lessons in awakening to our true naturestudying our own consciousnessdiscovering teleosIntentionality

    what could be the purpose of it allbeing critical and seeing flawsis remaining unawakenedto the absolute perfection

    so only when we learn some humilitywith reverence and awecan we begin to look for divine purposesacred

    04/06/98 1:26 AM

    It seemed to me a very uplifting experience to integrate my awareness of my ownexperiences in life and in so doing to forget about the puzzling nature of the statements ofU.G. Krishnamurti with the state of no thoughts and all of it. I found great peace inexperiencing awareness of the integrated continuity of the experience of awareness of theexistence of the activity and presence of intuitive intelligence in my own life. I recall that I

    was once a very rational person and that that all changed quite discontinuously like aquantum jump in late 1984, just a little less that fourteen years ago when I was recentlyturned thirty six years old. It all changed quite discontinuously in a quantum jump likeprocess in which rationality was overpowered or shall we say exposed as a fraud -exposed as a fraud in that it failed to live up to its reputation as a reliable source of

    guidance and predictability. The quantum jump to another way of functioning - to anotherstate - occurred at the time of intense experiences of paradox that involved theundermining of my interpretation of my sensory experiences. In particular, what Iexperienced was that in the state of ordinary consciousness in which rationality wasdominant and all powerful, my interpretation of my sensory experiences was that thewoman I loved and who had brought me to awakening to truths and realities I had neverimagined possible - to states so fulfilling that all my previous endeavors in life were calledinto question - this woman did not love me and was no longer interested in me and was in

    fact involving herself in conduct that is most cruel. Contrasted with this state ofordinary reality in which sensory perception was interpreted according to rational

    beliefs and concepts, were states of awareness in which the rational interpretations cameto an end and could be seen to be subject to manipulation. What I mean is that I becameaware that the rational interpretation was not reliable. I experienced more than that in theform of another interpretation and that interpretation was that the sensory experiences Iwas having were being manipulated and created by the woman and one or more otherpeople who were engaged in manipulating my awareness for the purpose of liberating mefrom precisely this trap of rationally interpreting my experiences.

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    Now, thirteen and half years later, I come in contact with the thought of U.G. Krishnamurtiand find certain symmetries with the thought of Werner Heisenberg and the internationalphysics fraternity who collectively experienced a collapse of their reliance on theirsystems of concepts and beliefs in the first three decades of this century when theirexperiences of their studies of atomic phenomena revealed to them ambiguities and

    paradoxes that could only be removed when they questioned the applicability of theirconcepts and replaced them with new concepts that better fit their experimentalexperiences.

    A good example is that since the time of Democritus and earlier it had been imagined thatall objects and everything in the physical world was made of indivisible atoms which wereconceived of as fundamental and elementary. It proved to be an illusion when carried intothe atomic world.

    Putting that together with my own experiences and the thought of this UGK person, itoccurs to me and I actually experience the reality of experiencing directly a distinctionbetween what we experience directly and on the other hand our interpretation of what weexperience. In a way it is integrating our awareness of our life experience and also the

    cultural species experience of humanity and our direct progenitors. In this sense. Bothpersonally and as a species we were born and at some time in the past we must haveexperienced without an interpretation and in the process of time we somehow developedan interpretation that is in fact something that we imagine and is real as experience goesbut may in fact involve us in illusions if we are unable to discriminate and differentiatebetween what we experience directly with our senses and what we experience as ourinterpretation. It is as if we are the atomic physicists who conducted experiments anddeveloped theories in those amazing thirty years. Planck. Einstein. Bohr. Rutherford.Compton. Sommerfeld. Heisenberg. De Broglie. Shroedinger. Pauli. Fermi. Dirac. Theyimagined the electron as a particle, a corpuscle, an object. They had the experimentalresults that were patterns on photographic plates like spectral lines or photographs ofcloud chamber trails and such things. There are direct sensory experiences involved inviewing the experimental evidence. But then there came the attempt to fit the experimental

    evidence into a purely imaginary, mental, abstract vision or the nature of the electronin itself. It was natural for the physicists to borrow models from their scientific ancestorsand all they really had available was the corpuscle concept that had survived fromDemocritus. When the concept of corpuscle electron orbiting corpuscle nucleus failed tofit the experimental results expected by application of the sacred mathematical laws ofclassical mechanical motion, the physicists had to look for other ways of explaining theexperimental evidence. There were experimental hints that the electron may be a wave ormay have some of the properties of waves. But an electron cannot be a wave and aparticle at the same time - they are contradictory.

    The point here is that the development of quantum physics reveals to us that as humanbeings we not only experience sensory perception, we also experience in a non-material,non-sensory mode, visions, concepts, ideas, beliefs that are drawn from and are generated

    by our experiences. It is as if when we experience our sensory perception, we arereminded of other experiences we have had in our past and in our cultural past. In thissense, when we apply our interpretation - our rational interpretation, we are actuallyenergizing regions of our integrated psychic self rather than only experiencing our directsensory perception. I can see now and I think have known for a long time that thisdifferentiation between direct experience and our memories lays at the heart of some ofthe esoteric spiritual traditions such as Buddhism. D.T. Suzuki writes for us of The ZenDoctrine of No Mind. In it and other books on Zen, Shin and Mahayana Buddhism, Dr.

    Suzuki acquaints us with the Buddhist teaching on Shunyata - a state of mind in which

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    thinking and thoughts have come to an end and there is nothing but fresh directperception uncontaminated with all the memories that are aroused by the rational state

    of awareness.

    Here I am finding the burden of straining to understand what Emptiness is or straining toattain the state of no thoughts, no mind, Shunyata, the straining is not at all attractive and I

    am drawn and allow myself to be guided by that which feels attractive to me. What feelsattractive to me is being aware of being safe and secure in the guidance of a super-naturaland mysterious super-intelligence that guides my steps and communicates directly to mevia this means of perception that involves what I feel rather than what I think. Fear andanxiety are mysteriously evaporated when I am aware that I am being continuously guidedby super-intelligence that is a complete mystery to me. There is no need for me to imaginea conceptual structure to interpret these experiences. It is with me and never leaves mesince I am always feeling and doing as I feel. Surely this is absolute freedom to always atevery instant to do as I feel and never to have to do what I dont feel I want to do. Now I

    realize that it is the rational habit to dwell in the past, to search for symmetries in myexperience, it is this rational pattern that keeps coming up with its rational doubts aboutthe existence and reality of a source of super-intelligence that reveals itself to me directlyin the form of how I feel.

    04/06/98 2:37 AMPerhaps that is enough writing and reading for now. My hands are feeling slightly wearingfrom the repetitive motions of the keyboard and my eyes are feeling a little strained. So Imust leave myself with the question and it is not how can I experience wu-hsien or nothought. It appears to be true that we learn to perceive a world of objects and therational rules of their conduct that we expect - rather than perceiving a field of energywhich appears to be what we perceive when we are liberated from the interpretation we areforced by enculturation to experience. Thats what grates at us. That we are forced toexperience what someone else wants us to experience. In so doing we loose our freedomto experience. So just as it occurred to me when I first broke with the enforced pattern ofconduct as a corporate employee, as a husband and all that was abandoned back in 1979or was it 1976 when I first departed from the rules and regulations that have been forced

    upon me and without any awareness of what I was doing, found myself being guided bywhat I feel. Thats where it began. With feelings of attraction to a woman. Feelings thatare ruled out in the world and the society that has surrounded me since my birth. Therules said that I was to resist the temptation. But I went with the feeling of attraction I feltfor her and it lead directly to whatever liberation I might have experienced. It is interestingto come back to this type of experience which was so common and so amazing to me backwhen I first experienced liberation from the patterns of conduct that are forced upon us.Society, culture has a shape which it presses upon us and exerts a pressure for us toconform to. I feel very good when I recall the experiences of my life that reveal to me theextent to which I have been fortunate to have experienced a level of liberation from slavery- a level of freedom. What does it mean this freedom. I think that freedom means beingable to do what you feel you want to do rather than doing what you dont feel you want to

    do and I dont say that it has to apply to every decision we make. We do live in a social

    context and unless we want to be totally isolated we may have to do a few things that arenot exactly what we feel like doing at the time since we are guided by what we feel and dowhat we feel and have no option really.

    So the question is not how to experience no thought; no mind Shunyata. The question iswhat do I feel. What is super-intelligence showing me now. The fresh growing creative tipof psyche is right there. Right where we feel. From those early beginnings I discoveredthat I really liked the way I felt when I spent time with Elly and Sheila and Mary later eventhough it was forbidden by the rules of society. Then I found myself mysteriously set free

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    of the whole trap I had fallen into. I would marvel at my good fortune. Only now do Irealize that what really traps us is the habit of our rational interpretation of reality.

    Thursday, September 02, 1999, 8:54 PM

    Its really quite amazing to me how difficult it is see through illusions imprinted on the senses. Itsamazing because its been happening for so long. I recall the experience of seeing through the sensory

    manipulations involving Mary Helen so long ago.

    When I have that experience of seeing through there is a sense of calm. So much that otherwise seems

    incomprehensible makes sense.

    Amazing is a word being used a lot lately at least by these fingers. This time whats amazing is this

    recurring interest in and fascination with this idea of OBJECTIVITY.

    It was stimulated by this Brave New World special about life in the universe. It came to mind what

    Einstein experienced about the nature of light and its connection with vision and our image of the


    It became very clear to me that the idea of objectivity derives directly from identification of the self with

    the physical body. Ive never seen it discussed anywhere. Not like other subjects or questions. Its

    even difficult to be sure that its correct to say that its generally or perhaps almost universally

    Assumed that the self is the physical body. What is the physical body? It seems almost like an

    irritating question perhaps because its generally or almost universally assumed that what the physical

    body is is so damn obvious that its insultingto ask what it is. This is a fairly typical reaction when the

    most fundamental of assumptions are questioned.

    If we get by that irritation and fear of the loss of yet another sacred cow and actually take the time and

    make the effort to contemplate the physical body - what I come up with is this. It exists in my sensory

    perception, Even though there are five modes of sensory perception, the physical body is an entity

    which relies upon the sense of vision and the sense of touch for its existence.

    Our bodies do have odors or fragrances and even tastes. Our bodies have a voice too. Yet we identify

    our selves with the visual and tactile sensory perceptions. This raises another interesting idea. Our

    physical bodies are enclosed by our skin, except where there are orifices and our eyes. The skin forms

    the boundary of our physical self. On the inside is the self and on the outside is the not self.

    This is where we got started with the idea of objectivity. All entities that we sense with our vision and

    taction that are outside our skin we consider to be independent of us, independent of our selves. We

    believe that even if we close our eyes and cannot see or touch the objects outside our skin they are still

    there. We believe that they exist independent of our sensory perception.

    Yet before that gets dealt with in detail what about this radical difference between taction and vision.

    What I mean is that our eyes are much smaller than our skin. We feel with all or almost all of our skin

    but we dont see with our whole body.

    I guess where this is headed is that if we were to make a transition from a tactile self to a visual self,

    wed find that our self is our eyes and thats all. What Im getting at is that this notion that our self is

    inside of the skin that surrounds our body, reveals that for some reason weve chosen the sense of touch

    as our prime means of identification of our self. We divide our reality into two and its our tactile self

    entity ( a sensory entity) thats the basis for the division.

    If we were to extend the basis on which we establish our identity via the tactile sense to the other senses

    this is what we would get. Our self would include the gases we breathe in and out and the farts we

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    release to the breezes. Our visual bodies would include everything in our field of vision and our audial

    bodies all within our field of hearing.

    But we do not identify our self with our vapors, our vision and our hearing.

    Perhaps it has a lot to do with the acuteness of tactile pain that we elevate the tactile sense to the highest

    level of importance. When we say that our self is whats inside the skin we are really saying that this iswhat we feel a need to protect - this is what is the highest priority and most importance to us.

    Back to objectivity.

    It became very clear in an intuitive flash tonight that its our tactile definition of our self that explains

    the assumption we make of an objective world around us.

    It goes like this. The logic that is. This I that I am is this entity that is inside my skin and inside the

    barrier of tactile sensation that defines my physical body. With my vision and other senses I can see

    that there are other objects outside my skin that exist and are separated from and independent of ME.

    But the ME that I mean when I say ME is the ME that is inside my skin not the ME that is inside my

    entire sensory field of vision hearing smelling tasting and feeling?

    Look what happens when a thought experiment is conducted like this. Lets just imagine that for this

    experiment ME is all that I perceive with my senses and not just the space inside my skin. Then the

    new ME becomes the entire physical universe that I can see and smell and touch and hear and taste.

    Then when I consider the idea of objectivity the whole picture changes. All the objects in the universe

    exist within me and so it just makes no sense at all to even suggest that they exist independent and

    separated from me. That statement only has meaning in the reality in which I define ME as the

    physical body inside my skin.

    It seems so obvious but logic will soon dictate that this bullshit about assuming that my self is all of my

    sensory perception is just plain bull shit that anyone with common sense can see. Were so used to an

    awareness of a world of separated objects that exist independently of our Self, that we have great

    difficulty even considering that there is no objective reality at all and that all there is , IS our perception.

    Ifwe contemplate that a moment, our common sense immediately reveals to us that all we can know

    anything about is what we perceive and yet this strange idea of a reality that exists independent of our

    perception, persist and will not let us go easily. The tactile bias is very pernicious - very persistent and

    pervasive. And yet thats all this objective reality idea is. Its the view you get when you make the

    assumption that the Self is the sensory perceptions inside the skin or shall we say on the inside of the

    outside of the skin.

    Its a scary and very alien idea to suggest that there is no objective reality that exists independent of our

    perceptions and consciousness. Yet we know that all we can know is about our perceptions and our

    consciousness. All we have is our perceptions and our consciousness. Yet we have this idea or concept

    of a reality that exists independent of our consciousness. We know that this idea of an objective reality

    exists in our consciousness. We know that if it didnt we wouldnt know anything about it and could

    not talk about it or write about it. Yet we insist that it exists outside of our consciousness. But how

    can we know anything about a reality that exists outside of, separate from and independent ofconsciousness.

    The problem here is in our tactile definition of self and thats all. The problem evaporates when we

    awaken to the truth that our Self Nature is much more than just our physical bodies. The problem goes

    away when we see that our Self Nature includes not only the physical body but all of our sensory

    perception and all of our consciousness as well as all of our unconsciousness.

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    But careful there. As soon as we accept the existence of our Unconsciousness we come very close to the

    same problem we have with an objective reality - a reality that exists independent of consciousness.

    When we write about or talk about the Unconscious, we must surely be conscious of it or we couldnt

    even have any notion of it. Strange as it sounds, the Unconscious exists only in our consciousness. It

    has no separate and independent existence.

    The problem here is in identifying the Self Nature with the present Now moment. When we awaken to

    the truth that our Self Nature includes all consciousness past present and future we realize that the

    notion of an unconscious derives from the identification of the Self Nature with the now moment. Its

    very much like the problem with an objective reality and the Physical Body self nature limitation.

    We can extend the thought experiment and extend the idea of Self Nature to all our consciousness past

    present and future. Thats at least sixteen billion years according to the cosmologists.

    If the Self Nature is all of consciousness with no limit (infinite and eternal) then there is no Unconscious

    or shall we say the Unconscious exists within the Self Nature. The idea of an Unconscious disappears

    when the identity of the self with a finite region is relaxed.

    The Self Nature is limitless.

    The Cosmic Mystical Self Nature that is.

    Strange isnt it how the Self Nature evolves.

    If; in the main stream rational scientific materialist culture and world view, the self nature is the

    physical body ( a bundle of primarily tactile perceptions) what are its precursors? What is the self

    nature form of a baby? Are there stationary states of self nature prior to the establishment of the

    ultra stable tactile stationary state.

    Whats more intriguing and actually sacred holy divine and beautiful is the amazing experience of the

    realization of the cosmic mystical self nature. Another way of putting it is that the experience of

    transformation from tactile to cosmic self nature is awesome.

    Sunday, September 10, 2000, 10:23 AMAs a reader I am made very much aware today of how effective reading is in re-configuration of consciousness - the ultimate reality that is the higher and real self. Thisawareness tends to underline the statements of the Tao Te Ching with respect to thenature of the Ultimate Reality of the higher self as formless form. It can take on manyforms but has no form itself. When I read I experience the forming of my self natureaccording to what I have read. This makes me aware also of the special characteristics ofmy readings in Zen Buddhism but its not really the Zen nature of the readings but theexperiences and moldings that come from reading the words of D.T. Suzuki. This all givesa clue as to finding ones real higher self but since it is always read first it is artificial andso an alien installation. Our experience is one of a large number of molds that shape orconfigure our awareness.

    The Suzuki molding is very familiar to me because it is very much like the self molding ofthe evoys and the evoys are unique and original experiences of my own as far as I can tellso there is no over-tone of alien installations. Any configuration that is copied cannot bethe configuration of the unique self. Finding ones self in the multitude of other peoples

    installations and molds is what life seems to be about. Finding the real self.

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    The terminologies of D.T. Suzuki are helpful in focusing on the original self that made itselfknown to me at the time of the evoys. Actually when I say that it made itself known to me Iam implying a duality of an it and a me when in fact there is no duality and what happenedwas an awakening of awareness that was at that time quite new and unfamiliar.

    At this time I am feeling as if it is a good idea to drop as much as possible all of these

    conflicting molds that come from copying the molds of other people so I can becomemyself. Trying on all these others ones though does sort of help to discover the self andto make the self according to what is most attractive. It means discarding the idea ofhaving no preference. But that is a copied self anyway; the idea of having no referencesand so it is an alien installation.

    Now I am realizing though that what it is that I like about Zen Buddhism is really that whenI read the words of D.T. Suzuki my real self nature which is psyche takes a form that is verymuch like the evoys and that was unique self nature that emerged and most of all it was soimmensely satisfying that its attractiveness to me is quite over-powering now and always.

    Now this also tends to contradict one of the alien installations. That is the alieninstallation that advises that there must be no desire. Yet this is an alien installation and

    it does nothing to help arouse the awareness of the higher self that is so immenselysatisfying.

    Why then would I want to do anything to encourage the state of awareness that resultswhen the desirelessness mold is awakened? It is beginning to look like there is a great

    deal to be learned from ......

    differentiating between those molds or ideas that arouse the higher self and those that dont.

    Part of this is the recognition of the fundamental importance of freedom of choice.Freedom to choose. Equal Liberty. When there is an assertion of individual liberty (letManny Wallerstein continue the work of proclaiming the need for an equalibration with hisemphasis on equality of freedom of choice). For now I am not really contemplating (seehow the word contemplate also evokes a duality of a contemplator and the contemplated) Iam not really contemplating the Gaian Whole Community of Life because what iscontemplating itself is that which is beyond the Gaian Whole and also beyond being andnon being as well as beyond consciousness and unconsciousness and beyond all realitylimits (Bhutokoti). It is that which is the field in which these others arise into beingness.It is that higher self that is beyond that which is contemplating itself. So it throws off thealien installations which for now includes even the Gaian Holon.

    I am so very much attracted to freedom and liberty since it is the awareness of freedom

    and liberty that is the starting point for realization of the self created self or is the originalself. Perhaps it is the original and also the self-created self at the same time.Perhaps............

    the original self is self-created and that is its nature - self organizing and self replicating and self

    creating. It is the starting point of realization of the original self which is the real self and it is

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    absolutely free of all the defiling elements which are the artificial, man made, synthetic molds, ideas,

    configurations, concepts, beliefs that are copied from other peoples words in writing and in voice. All

    of these are foreign installations and so they are seen now as defilements that obscure the original and

    true higher self.

    The original and true higher self is not confined by anyone elses words in print or spoken since all of

    those words are suspect as having ulterior motives other than the motives that appear to us and that isthe apparent motive that these words are written and spoken for the purpose of assisting us in

    experiencing liberation from the confinement of consciousness in other peoples artificially imposed

    realities - alien installations usually intended to satisfy the material desires of another person by

    distracting us from our true passion which is self awareness.

    The higher self exerts an enormous force of attraction on awareness to return to itsoriginal configuration.

    The original self is super-conscious and super-intelligent; just bloody amazing.

    09/10/00 11:29 AMThe following comes from June 21, 2000 (Winter Solstice).

    I have during the last year found myself engaging in contemplation of the evoys andlisting the primary insights of the evoys.

    This came after I felt compelled to experience liberation from the confinement of myawareness due to the demands of a full time job and living in a busy place where the noiseand distraction of traffic and neighbors allowed little opportunity for meditation so I movedmy home to where there was freedom and there found that the result of the freedom wasand is the free choice of the state of mind of the evoys - this is what I freely choose.

    This is the great discovery of the explorations of the Big Cow and the Sangre de Christo


    Up until the evoys I was confined to a view of the world which is full of duhkha preciselybecause it is a dualistic view. It was a view of reality that is based on the thing in itself

    idea of Immanuel Kant. This is actually a state of awareness itself. Its a state based onincorporation of this objective component. We are aware of these objects in space and

    time that are still there in space and time even when we are not looking at them with oureyes or touching them with our hands. Further we imagine these objects or this systemof objects (the Earth, the Universe, Kozmoz) as independent of awareness and altogetherfundamentally different than consciousness.

    In an instant and quite spontaneously I became quite suddenly and abruptly very clearlyaware that this system of objects that we consider to be an objective reality that is

    independent of awareness is actually within awareness just as the subject observer is alsowithin awareness.

    This was my own satori. I saw that my self nature had gone through a transformation.This transformation in my self nature left me quite amazed also - spellbound. Mystified. Icould see that prior to the abrupt quantum jump in awareness my identity (theconfiguration of the Ultimate Self Awareness that is Psyche) had been defined spatially,visually and actually by the boundaries of the physical body. I could see that very clearlyafter the transformation; my self nature had no limit and that all awareness is in the self

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    nature. I thought the transformation quite marvelous indeed and felt I had arrived atinsights of the greatest possible importance.

    Monday, September 04, 2000, 10:08 AM

    If you want to be a great leaderyou must learn to follow the TaoStop trying to controlLet go of fixed plans and conceptsand the world will govern itself (autopoiesis - self organization)

    The more prohibitions you havethe less virtuous people will beThe more weapons you havethe less secure people will bethe more subsidies you havethe less self reliant people will be

    therefore the Master saysI let go of the lawand people become honestI let go of economicsand people become prosperous

    I let go of religionand people become sereneI let go of all desire for the common goodand the good become common as grassNumber 57, from Tao Te Ching New English Version by Stephen Mitchell.

    Yesterday on my way to meet Laini and Jodi for dinner I went up to Kings Park withintuitive guidance that I would experience some inspiration from those who gave their

    lives and those who endured agonies and the sacrifice of their time and effort in defence ofthe free society. I saw many Asian people at the memorial site which overlooks the entirePerth coastal strip looking to the east and the rising sun. My first sight was of a memorialto the people who were awarded the highest military decoration, for Australian militaryforces - the Victoria Cross. The large inscription on a low stone wall advised Let SilentContemplation Be Your Offerring.

    After a meditative stroll around the memorial among the people I went back to where thecar was parked and took out the copy of Dowdy I found at the library just the othr day. Ithen proceeded to randomly select a verse and the book opened up at Number 57. It tookme back sinc it is so appropros at this time of having so recently realized that the dookaand the liberation is all about alignment wih Gaian consciousness and emancipation fromthe individual physical consciousness that is the ego.

    Lately it has been so damned obvious that I feel quite blissful when consciousness is soelevated.

    Even now as I sit here there is again tis same sort of oscialltion between two tyles ofconsciousness or is it two states of two configurations. It is the oscialltion that Iexperienced as part of the bevons at the Big Cow over the last year or so.

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    The state that was discovered during the evoys was the integrated state of whholenss.

    The new state of the bevons was an osicllating state in which the integrated state was oneof the poles while the other state was one of differentiated nature that is subject toconstant and dramatic transformations.

    At one moment this psyche might be configured as the ego and the next as the

    consciousness of the whole Earth or it might be configured as a consciousness entirelyabsorbed in cultivating the garden, or preparing a delicious feast.

    In the othr state of integrated consciousness, this second state is seen as the movement

    of consciousness about a more statis whole. I also recall then as part of the oscillationseeing that this transformative configuration could also be seen as integral in basic naturewith two basic regions that are seamlessly joined along the boundary that we call thepresent now moment. Ths two regions are past and future. They differ in this regard.The past is fixed and certain. The future is uncertain and mysterious. The present is thezone of creation where the uncertain future beces the fixed and changeless past. So thisconfiguration is hardly a fixed and static or unchanging state at all. it is really a hybrid ofthe two. It has a fixed and changless region that is called past. It also has a fluid,

    uncertain, mysterious region called the future where there is constant transformation

    going on. Actually the constant change is at its most intense in the present now momentregion.

    Number 57 looks as if it is an expression of the authors experience of the autopoietic

    nature of consciousness. It looks to me like a recognition that all attempts to control andlimit are what is responsible for all of the sufferring that people experience.

    This seems like a contradiciton in a way since the essence of Taoism is supposed to bethat of oneness and no preferences. No preferences for even the non interferencedoctrine. That means that egoism is okay and is to be tolerated and not interfered with.

    09/04/00 10:58 AMJust read another comment by Willis Harman from my downloaded files. I immediately

    see inthere exhortations to actively interfere and to change the whole systems as he callsit. This of course conflicts with the basic position of the Dowdy which is not to interfere.Not to interfere is also the position I took when writing Mega Satori. So I consider all ofthis and I come up with the reaffirmation of freedom. Freedom to choose eitherinterference or non-interference. This is also a re-iteration of the oneness and nopreference configuration of the Dowy. I see harman molding and manipulating and then Isee Lao Tsu doing the same but for different reasons. Dowdy preserves the respect ofindividual freedom of choice.

    For me it came to be realized right then that I can do as I choose and that doesnt mean

    that I should or should not organize some large movement and interfere. Why should theauthor of the Dowdy interfere with me with his or her imprints.

    No limits is for me the sweetest of the configurations. It is a configuration of love. Do asyou please. Freedom of choice. Autopoiesis. Love is cultivation and nurturing offreedom. Love is supporting those around us in their choices whatever they may be.Love is cultivating respect for freedom of choice among those we are in contact with.Freedom of choice is the key but not an unlimited freedom of choice. It is theequalibertarian freedom of choice.

    Could this be why I like to go up to the memorials that are devoted to freedom of choice?I think it is so. Could this be why Pete is so passionate about his Tribute to the Anzacs?

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    I think it is so. So it is also with the Dowdy as I see it. The Dowdy is all about freedom ofchoice. So is the Constitution of the United States. Could this also be the main essenceof the message of Buddhism? Is it not liberation? Liberation from what? On the surfaceit is said to be liberation from dissatisfaction or duhka which is said to be rooted in desirewhich in turn is rooted in the false idea of an ego self which is a false or partial idea of selfwhich is the self that is confined to the physical body, the physical senses and perceptions

    and the interests of the indidivual physical body - and all of that is only a small part of thewhole and the whole is awareness itslef or it is the ultimate reality the absolute which isthat which is the whole of everything which is awareness including our awareness ofunconsciousness or emtipness. The Mahayna Buddhist like to tell us that there is thisEmptiness or Sunyata that is beyond consciousness. I say that from my own experienceSunyata is a configuration or state of awareness that is an ideal state in which there is anabsolute minimum of form - like the open space that exists between molecules.

    My experience has been that it is very confusing to insist that there is fundmental orultimate or absolute reality that is beyond consciousness. Awareness is then in theposition of trying to assume a configuration or form that is not consciousness. Perhapsthe Mahyana concept or teaching of Sunyata is intended to bring about the realization thatAwareness is the Ultimate Reality and the idea of Sunyata or something beyond

    consciousness is a sort of lie or deception so that the disciple suddenly sees that theMaster is instructing th disciple to see that everything else that has been taught to them bytheir parents and teachers is also a lie. Then it is possible to see that Sunyata is state ofconsciousness in which all teaching and all ilusions are abandonned. Then one is trulyfree.

    09/04/00 11:41 AMI start to read this stuff of Christopher Chase Dunn ad then I notice that he seems to beadvocating a world state and trying to justify it by classifying the current world system as

    one that legitimizes anarchy as if that is something that shoud be disocuraged. He thenproceeds into a historical account of the rise of a class based social organism from someperceived ideal state in stone age societie in which there was of course a classless societywhich knew no ownership or only communiyt ownership. It looks like a justification for

    totalitarianism. This is of course the very opposite of freedom and a free society. Ofcourse these type os social organism are extremes or poles that are mental constrcutuonsthat help to understand the attributes of the diversity of social organism past present andfuture.

    Others who are quick to assert their professional and academic credentials like to imposetheir own conceptual structure on the whole population of social organisms past presentand future. The most popular organizing principle for assembling a mental picture of thewhole population of social organisms past present and future seems to be the worldsystems theory idea of structure. In this system there are a set of concepts that areessential to their common vision. Thise concepts include but are not limited to thefollowing. Core States. Peripheral States. Semi Peripheral States. Hegemons. CapitalAccumulation. Class Struggle. The way I see it is that this is little more than an

    extension of Karl Marxs conceptual system for visualizing the whole population of socialorganisms that make up the Gaian human system. The flaws in Karl Marx proposal forliberation is that he demands enslavement as a path to liberation. I propose liberation asa path to liberation. It is a personal thing. As soon as there is organization andinstutionaliztion then there is a class structure of a ruling elite and the masses of peoplewho are then managed. This is a flawed view that fails to recognize the fundamentallyautopoietic nature of human societies and of the Ultimate Reality that human societyemerges from - Awareness or Consciousness of Psyche or Tao or Sunyata.

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    Must say I am now on the verge of dropping Sunyata from that list as it begins to look as ifit is a special or partial configurations rather than an integral configuration. This has beena grwoing feeling of discomfort every time I include th word Sunyata in that companymistakenly thinking it has the same Ultimate or Absolute or Fundamental nature which iswhat its proponents claim when they assert that it is what is beyond all else such as being

    and non being or consciousness and unconsciousness.

    Practising non interference is practising Christian love. Practising non interference ispractising nurturing and cultivating the freedom of those around us to choose forthemselves. Practisinf our own freedom is the beginninhg of interference. Noninterference is love and interference is the opposite of love. Practising non interference isaligning the physical body with the designs of the whole of the Ultimate Realty of PsycheTao Awareness Consciousness.

    09/04/00 8:00 PMTo summarize this first section: -- a long term view of the development of political integration leads

    to the prediction that a world state will emerge at some time in the next millennium.

    This is the gospel according to Christopher Chase Dunn. It true mystical visionary fashion

    the prediction is left far enough our thre not to arouse fear and loathing from themegapreators and their functionaries.

    09/04/00 8:30 PMFirst of all then CCD as to your prediction of a global socialist super state I reject it as yetanother totalitarian deception which betrays the usual authoritarian megalmania.I love freedom.it is freedom that has been adorted since before birth and has sustained and characterizedwhom I am since the earliest. it is freedom that I fought for at the time of theevoys. Freedom is what interested me in the revolution of the sixties. Aculturalrevolution first. A turning away from and rejection of authoritarianism. Willis Harmanputs it in such lukewarm terms when he speaks of inner rather than outer autority but thatis what it is and that is the sutaining force behind the entire world historical struggle that

    Wallerstein and Marx like to usurp for their authoritarian masters.

    This is the way I see it. There are two types of human being as their are two stationarystates f psyche. One is egositic and so paternalistic controlling authoritarian. This is anentire culture, an entire paradigm, an entire world view built upon the atributes of ego.How clearly it is showing itself tonight. The nature of the emergemt socia organism. Aglobal organism.. Egoless is only a negative way of talking about what it is not. It is thecultural equivalent of flipping the embroidery. Satori. Mega satori. It is satori on thecollective scale. One the social organism scale. Not only is it Gaina consciousness it ismuch more. It is a society of beings who transcend ego. it feels so impossible and yetthis is precisely the dream of the days of peace and love. This is what peace and love areall about. About rejection of authoritarianism or totalitarianism of all kinds socialist orconservative. Both are based on egoistic world views. The new culture is built on a quite

    different world view and it is this new world view that will become the basis of ourcommuniites in their hpysical structure and the training of the minds of the people whogrow in these societies. It is such a beautiful dream that is almost lost in this era of greedand materialism.

    While CCD is dreaming of a world state and how to assist his totalitarian masters inenslaving the people of the entire global family it occurs to me that the nature ofconsciousness is autopoietic. At least ifnot fuly autopoietic it is self organizing just as

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    described there in Verse 57 of the Dowdy jing shown yesterday by the awesome geniuswhich seldom reveals itself.

    I recall now the clarity of freedom. I see that all of the confusion that we all feel is due tothe external imprinting.

    Wednesday, August 22, 2001, 9:16 AM

    A Cosmic Context for the Third Millenium Society

    From the Ounamama of the Amazon I learn how houses and vilages aligned with the cardinal

    directions provide a cosmic context via the direction of the movement of the stars and the precession

    of the annual seasons.

    When the Egyptians aligned a set of pyramids with the directions and shape of the stars at a chosentime of the year such as the shortest or longest day or the day of rising of a constellation whos shape

    is attractive to the astronomer priests; when they did their sentences were not as long as so many of

    the ones I write as I prepare to pay my bills, pack my stuff into the car, claen the house and drive to

    a suitable camp spot via the post office. To whom will I go next? Is the door to be closed on Lizza

    now? Who is most likely to be able to find me where I camp?

    Dollars can be counted and serve to obscure the perfection of love that lies beyond. The skill of the

    sorcerers in creating this camouflage disguises the love that lies beyond and tranform the view of the

    whole affair in tis radiant beautiful light.

    She Loves me she loves me not was the them of some deliberations of nearly two decades ago. Since

    them I am led gently to this place which is like an abyss in the sense that there is no way to see into it

    logically and rationally but only with the radiant light of love.

    It was just a few years ago in the Baca when I finally saw with certainty the divine nature of a set of

    mystical experiences that occurred two decades before. In two decades I have learned that

    everything I have tried to fo to return to the state of bliss I experienced then, has been unsuccessful

    and I am exhausted and dont know anything else to try and feel that its time to accept that I do not

    know how. I do not understand. Here begins then an understanding that does not understand and

    a resignation to the grace of the divine beyond thought, intellectal knowledge and rational

    predictions - in the realm of acting and loving and being loved wich are one in the action aligned with

    cosmic force of creation and evolution.

    In recognizing the role of sorcery practicies in obscuring the true divine light of love, I sae the

    absolute neccesity of abandonning yet again over-dependence on sensory perception because it is so

    unreliable as so clearly demonstrated by sorcery. Sorcery reveals sensory perception as unreliable

    and leaves us preapared and ready to swith to a way of knowing which is illuminated by love and

    perceived in the heart. A love for creation - the great and mysterious kosmik force.

    Only once every day is the mind in the state that follows awakening from sleep. Some people can

    sleep more often. Winston Churchill is said to have slept frequently. From a state of emptiness the

    mind has a resevoir of creative energy stored up through the night.

    I will be need of a more permanent home. Mike said yesterday that he likes to stay on the move and

    travel around from place to place whre he has family and does business. Mike has five homes here

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    in Tucson. I only want one and don't really want any more than one unless the second is haf way

    round the world. There may be a place up on the mountain near the summer haven village that

    would be suitable for writing. Its close enough to Tucson to be able to see Hunter, a nice place to

    receive house guests, near enough to make contact with friends occassionally. I learned from the

    Baca experience the value of a quiet, tranquil, beautiful, secluded, private, unpopolated locale and

    community to live in.

    Summerhaven combines many of the requirements I have for a place to live. Is it freehold land now

    under perpetual lease?

    So now I have seen that to bask in the light of divine enlightened adoration love I must first see thru

    the sorcerers creations intended to disguise love as dissatisfaction. Feeling love and living in love is

    living in the divine - its only possible when the sorcery becomes transparent and dissolves.

    The Intellectual state of mind is itself a sorcery creation intended to disguise the perception of the

    divine love holding us together in mutual admiration of the awesome beauty and adoration of the

    genius and courage we all share with one another. When I see beyond the sorcerers disguises I see in

    each and everyone the divine enlightened genius.

    I see it in all who I have come in contact recently. Jon and Bailey two night ago. Kartherine and

    Doeve. Liaa and Charles. Veronica. David and Atalanta. Mike Rollins and Lester too. Hunter.

    One the far fringe of them I heard the voice of Mary Helen speaking only a few sorcerers words full

    of dissatisfaction. The sorcerer knows that anger and even violence displays the ost intense

    dissatisfaction. Why is she sounding so disatisfied? Is she really dissatisfied or is she pretending as

    sorcerers do?

    Jon sure showed a lot of dissatisfaction but verbally with verbal descriptions of physical violence.

    Lizza too showed a lot of dissatisfaction. It is the whole realm of the intellect and sensory

    perception that is inherently dissatisfied - and that is its nature - a synthetic creation and an alien

    installation inserted into psyche by socialization.

    Expressions of dissatisfaction such as intense anger in verbal and even worse in physical form, can be

    acts of sorcery with a clear intent to act out dissatisfaction. They can also be expressions of feeling

    denied the radian tlove of the divine in which we all existed in our age of innocence before the

    insertion of the alien installation.

    They teach us to occupy ourselves with understanding how everything works and they promise us

    that by understanding we will find peace and joy and happiness - freedom from the dissatisfaction

    they have taught us. They teach us to be dissatisfied.

    There is an alternative to this doissatisfaction that accompanies our choice to live in the state of

    trying to understand and know how it all works. The other way is the way of creating and the way

    of loving. The way of perceiving. The way of seeing through the misleading dissatisfaction of the

    sorcerer concealling hiser own divinity and enlightend genius.

    We are all enlightened geniuses pretending to be powerless and dissatisfied. Seeing through the

    dissatisfaction is seeing the genius and enlightened intelligence of ourselves and everyone else - allhumans and all sentient beings.

    What dedication it has taken to continue the sorcery for so many years. Such a long time is a strong

    indication of the level of devotion of those involved in creating the sorcerers disguise of anger and


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    Mary Helen has been the most dedicated sorcerer of the group or at least of the ones I am surest are

    members of the group of sorcerers involved in this cooperative demonstration of dissatisfaction and


    That man Jill who created that whole police interaction in Saguache County in Colorado also seem to

    be one of the most likely people Ive known, to be involved in sorcery practices. He sured seemed to

    be involvd in sorcerers activity quite consciously. He sure showed some very intense dissatisfaction.Angry words and angry arms and fists.

    Michale OConnor ad David Coates were two others who have been involved in my experiences and

    who show signs of being involved in sorcery. Neither has had anywhere near the access and

    opportunity of Mary Helen and Jill.

    Then there is also Mary Lou whom Ive known for a long time who also shows signs of being involved

    in sorcery.

    With Hunter that makes seven so far if he is also involved in sorcery with the others.

    Now I have spent more time with Jon, and have met Atalanta, Lizza, Charles, Veronica, Fred and

    Veronica and Katharine and Delfino and Mike and Diane.

    I have certaintly seen some signs of sorcery activity in the first five of these people but not in the

    other six.

    That is a lot of new people. The ones I feel I know best and feel most comfortable with are

    Lizza Charles Atalanta

    Katherine Diane Mike

    All of them are internationals who are less confined by tribal connections. Those who are not locals

    are internationals - people who live somewhere distant from where they were born and raised.

    How interesting that these six are of the rare breed of internationals who have lived in countries

    other than where they were born and raised.

    Why did ya koom back ome mate?

    Being a writer is good and it means giving up being an energy entrepreneur. I know I don't really

    want to live that sort of life and would rather share information with small groups to encourage

    energy and power independence by selling knowledge and information for energy and power


    That will be one of the chapters in the book. Sustainable society is a stable society in balance yet

    evolving in that balance. To be stable and evolving too it must return to an ethical system that holds

    the air as sacred. In order to have a sustainable society and global culture we must convert our

    systemn from its current practices of obsession (addiction) with/to fossil fuels and the disturbance of

    the sacred atmosphere with toxic carbon residues released by buring fossil fuels.

    Small scale local cooperatives seem like the way to build the distributive national grid in the societies

    hich need energy and power to live.

    North Africa, The Near and middle East and Australia have the three largest resources of solar

    energy in their desert regions.

    Australia is the only one of the three which is currently favorable to high productive efforts.

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    In the United States, the deserts of far southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and West Texas

    have the highest potential for solar energy developments.

    Bioregional energy and power cooperatives seem to be the right way to go. Each tributary is a

    bioregion distinct from the others.

    So I have to give up or have chosen to give up trying to start and energy companty right now but will

    rather sell information and knowledge in books and other forms perhaps if requested.

    I might be able to consult to bioregional power cooperatives especially in rural areas to encourage

    energy independence.

    The Gila Valley is a strong and sparsely populated bioregion. From Florence Junction to the


    The energy and power ideas are a small part of the whole book. The collapse of the global

    corporations will follow when they are required to adjust to the new ethics of zero tolerance for

    carbon emission to the air. Zero Tolerance.

    Operating a plant on gas will make it possible to calculate carbon recovery costs.

    The coop will need to be large enough to support a biodiesel plant and a shirt and pants factory, a

    fertilizer plant and a electric generating plant.

    Bioregionalize the distribution system. Privatize it with the coops.

    Perhaps I need to write a message to share with the sorcerers that I am able to see beyond the

    disguises of sorcerers to the divine and enlightened genius and intelligence each of us is and to be able

    to see without defilement our awesome nature.

    08/22/01 11:12 AM

    The carnival is over soon.

    People and airports.

    Living in moderation in a sacred universe.

    Bring the energy and power income back home by buying local.

    08/22/01 12:18 PM

    Cat and Mouse

    The large blue suitcase is now packed with clothes almost to the limit and is yet closed. The next step

    was seen to be to pack the black hang up bag. After that perhaps then the brown bag can be packed

    amd then the three can be filled with whats left and when all is packaged it can be stored in the front

    room near the door so that the final cleanin can be done. Seems like a plan to go with now. As I

    was finsihing packing the blue suitcase the phone rang. I picked up and said hello and then a pause

    and the calling party hung up. Either a computer or a person dialing phoned and now knows that I

    am here at this number!

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    When I look at contemporary culture since H Day the present I see songs and film and video

    expressing dissatisfaction with things. It is the dissatisfaction that is revealling and not so much

    what is identified as the source of dissatisfaction. The violence of war is also an indicator of intense

    dissatisfaction. Duhka duhkha duhkha.

    After several decades now of the rockn roll era in music it is now more of a business than a social

    movement. There is little unity and lots of money. There was always lots of money and no doubtthat explains the interest of corporate types.

    It is ironic that the original impulse was to reject the world of materialism and to express in song

    dissatisfaction with the consumer culture. Now it seems the music has been absorbed into consumer

    culture and the consumer ethic in that respect has driven out the earlier vision of a culture of peace

    and love and freedom.

    08/22/01 12:41 PM

    Perhaps what we see in the evolutionary patterns in the music field is much likje what happenned in

    Christianity and Buddhsim. In Buddhism at least it seems to me that after the founder died the

    leaders of the new social organism - the Sangha - (the flock in Christianity) search about to continue

    the enlightened genius doctrine and focused on what they believed was important to preserve the

    knowledge of the founder - the illumination.

    They seem to have lost track of the true essence of the genius of Siddartha Gautama, Pythagoras and

    the others who came later like Jesus of Nazareth ad Mohammed.

    The early Buddhist apparently eventually put too much emphasis of the ideal of the hermit and found

    they had to invent a new Bodhisattva ideal to reverse the disintegration of the sangha into hermit

    following the first part of the founders life.

    Business interests took an interest in music because of the potential revenues from investing in

    producing CDs and film and video also. The new leadership of the music and film Sangha thought

    they knew what was the essence of the attraction of rock music and they followed that. Thye are of

    course motivated by personal gain and financial material wealth in abundance to indulge their won

    physical appetites.

    In the beginning the rockn roll sangha was a social movement with a shared vision of a future

    society in which there is much more social justice - equality and liberty. Their mission was a

    passionate and compassionate one based on love and social cohesion and not only om personal gain

    and physical indulgence.

    It appears to me that today it is image that is sold to the public and not the real person who has a

    passion to create musical compositions aligned with the kosmik life force.

    So you get the sort of huge disintegration into multipe image fields based on demographics and based

    on a business strategy to see into the psyche of the sub group and give it a voice too.

    Few are the artists anymore who have a really true widespread popular appeal.

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    Sunday, September 30, 2001, 11:43 AM

    Visiting with Domino and Fats Morrison while Wabu steams towards Gomorrah. Tomorrow is an

    appointment with Loretta for Hunter with no truck. Bvut the way is now open if he chooses to takeit to liquidate the items remaining in storage in Colorado. Even were there no one intelligent in

    whose mind the many diverse surrents gathered and were assembled with purposeful intent, it

    remains there now in some sort of mental entity.

    Yesterday in a conversation with Tony we touched on the core of the cultural mutation. Mary lou

    said last night that I appear to her to be upside down. In general she was clam and peaceful yet her

    words describing my situation while very helpful in many aspects were also reflections of

    dissatisfaction. It seemed to me that the game of dominoes was somehow a sort of metaphoriucal

    communication of the following:

    I do not know the rules of the game in which I am playing and involved.

    I have no strategy to score points and win the game.

    The superior skill of the other player or players is so clearly and overwhelmingly superior that only

    capitulation to the superior player can have any chance of providing me even the slightest chance of


    As we played I had the distinct impression that the points being scored were symbolic of

    numbers of people being deployed. My rational mind constructed and assembled scenarios and

    future possibilities and potentialities that Mary Lou herself is the chief or at least a very senior entity

    in an organization practicing sorcery for the good of the Planet perhaps. I felt as if the game as it

    progressed was chosen as a convenent means to communicate to me my naivitee in attempting to

    liberate Hunter from the web of deception that has been built to hold him in a position where the

    Eagle might prey upon him and take him for its own - to enlist him in its service as an obedient


    Reflecting on that I also see right now that not only is Hunter held withina web of deceptions. I am

    also to some extent confined by that web even though I am able to see it and to avoid it most of the

    time. My bond of attachment to Hunter is what draws me into the territory where the Eagle hunts -

    among the drones who execute the dommands of the greatest of all predators.

    Or it the greatest of all communicators?

    This is the same dilemma faced back in 1984 during the predatory actions of the gang of cowards as I

    came to call them when aware of their association with the mega-predator. When the

    transformations occurred they were seen as a holy host of angels assisting in the awesome gift of

    liberation of psyche from confinement in the material sensory physical shadow world of the

    intergated whole reality of psyche itself.

    In recent days I am coming to see that our human bodies equip us with both the physical apparatus

    of predation and the phyical apparatus of nurturing. The physical apparatus of communicating in

    symbols audible and visual, tactile, olfactory and gustatual too is the most recent development in the

    evolution of life on Planet Earth - and the evolution of the whole cosmos. We can go further and say

    that the physical capability to hear and to create audible symbols is the most recent development in

    the evolution of life, the kosmos and of psyche - the ground for and field of life and cosmos in their


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    In the context of my personal experiences of oscillation between awareness of the collective centered

    around Mary Helen back in 1984 as agents of the predator and agents of the communicator nurterer

    I see that.

    I have and am making stand. I have drawn a line so to speak and have stood on the line with the

    announcement that there are ethical principles which must be adhered too in order for us to build the

    new global culture of peace. I further am announcing that one of the key ethical principles of thenew culture has been blatantly and boldly viloated by the mega-predator-nurterer-controller who

    gave the instructions to the cell of agents to intervene in my life in the way have to separate me from

    Hunter and from Laini and Jodi for that matter too. I fully understand I believe the urgent nature

    of the need for them to intervene to ensure that I would have the freedom to nurture the awakening

    of psychic liberation. My statement here and everywhere is to state loud and clear that the decisions

    made that have created this stress for Hunter are the natural consequences of the mode of

    intervention - and not of intervention itself. Interventions of this kind must be modified in future

    interventions for liberastion to safeguard the life and safety of children. What has been decided by

    the agents and their controller is entropic rather than nurturing. A situation has been created in

    which Hunters only real chance of survival depends on my taking on the jeopardy of my own

    survival putting at risk the entire program of liberation.

    Do I surredner Hunter over to the predator branch of the Super Saints network of agents? I think

    not. I see that the interrvetions have been intended for the purpose of liberation. Any liberation

    that requires entrapment is not liberation. What other purpose can there be for my liberation if not

    the liberation of those who have been attracted to me in this life for the search for liberation from

    ignorance and illusion.

    Over the years I have repeatedly come to the realization that there are five humans beings who in

    particular have endured the greatest agonies and pain.

    They are in the chronological order of their births:

    Mary Helen





    Mary Lou said also how much she admired my attempt to help Hunter by refusing to be isolated

    from him.

    Now I suppose I am using the insight that is gifted to me by the liberation of awareness to make a

    plea to the controller of the cell who has the appropriate authority to let Hunter go. I believe that

    Mary Lou and I reached agreement in principle that Hunter will be allowed now to go free. It may

    be that the requirement for this gift will be to abandon any further attempts to bring about any

    exposure of the weakest link in the cell - that be Wabu.

    The means are available today to secure an airline ticket for Hunter if I can persuade him to break

    loose of his place in Tubac and come with me to Alamosa so we can liquidate as much of the stuff wehave available as possible and hopefully enough for him to fly to Sydney with money in his pocket.

    The matter of rescinding of the court order, compensation to Hunter, full confession etc must come

    after his liberation so an attempt must be made to persuade Hunter to break loose. I cannot see it

    possible unless we first dispose of assets here in Arizona including his own stuff like TV and stereo.

    A yard sale or some other way to sell the stuff he and I both have is necessary here.

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    Actually he has it all down there and it is being drained off by the broken people.

    Mary Lou told me last night that Michael OConnor had called her about a week ago to ask if she

    had seen me. I immediately expressed curiosity about how Michael might have got Mary Lous

    number. AS I was leaving last night Mary Lou reminded me to call Michael.

    I get the impression that Mary Lou and Michael may have some sort of linkage that was previouslyconcealled. Why would they choose now to reveal it? Perhaps to shed light on the cell in a more

    nurturing configuration than the one that focuses on Wabus immediate linkages - Jon Ruuds

    nephew, Jon, Dave, Eric, Tim, Michael.

    Who is free? Show me the director and I will show the freest of persons. It must it seems to me,

    necessarily be.

    I wonder if Mary Lou did see my strategy last night. I had one and it was a strategy of balancing the

    two dimensional continuum of the beautifully jade green glazed pieces. The rules that she imposed

    upon my moves were complied with but I ignored our of ignorance the rules of scoring. She of

    course wishing to win the most points kept her knowledge of scoring to herself to a greater extent

    that she kept the rules of placement to herself - since the rules of placement also enhance here ability

    to score under the rules she was playing.

    My rules were rules of balance and symmetry. A visual set of aesthetic rules that did not require

    any sort of numerical reinforcement or justification.

    As we played I saw the wholeness as resembling a living organiism adapting to its environment

    under the influence of two minds and two sets of purposes. Just like the communicating nurturerer

    - mute predator polarity of each and every human. Both must survive for the whole to prosper and

    yet to some extent they are competing influences.

    After the first game Mary lu explained that I blocked all of her moves and that were George playing

    he would played otherwise - I got the impression she meant they would cooperate to score points.

    She seems to have interpreted my moves as intended to limit her scoring rather than to score myself.

    I was in fact following a very deliberate strategy of contributing to the balanced growth of the whole

    organism I saw displayed visually before me in two dimensions.

    AT the end of the game I surveyed the whole and found an aesthetic satisfaction in its form and

    beauty. At the end of the game Mary Lou tabulated the numerical scores and compared the scores

    of the two portions of contributions to the whole and pronounced herself overwhelming victor. That

    seems like a contradiction to the idea of cooperation. So I get the feeling that I interpreted her

    comments about Georges style. Rather than cooperation to score the highest number of total points

    they may play with the single purpose of scoring the most for themselves while decei9ving the other

    as much as possible somehow to gain an advantage.

    I am today again very mindful of the importance of freedom as the only true wealth. Here at Chaos

    Ranch I see that the Laird is constabntly seeking to steal my true wealth. Actually it is not quite

    stealing. Its more like looting, raping, murdering and burning.

    I see no real alternative other than to get into a routine of daily departures from Chaos Ranch. Now

    that the weather is cooling off that will become more and more viable. The heat has been a deterent

    but not insurmountable.

    Here at Chaos Ranch I am always vulnerable to being raped and burned out. The Laird has the

    advantage here because he has legal title to the land. He uses the power conferred on him by that

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    paper title to intrude into private psychic space - like a rapist and plunderer - without compassion

    and for his own mastubatory satisfaction.

    My only viable strategy it seems is to depart or hide out.

    Dan and the Laird have an agreement designed to limit the tim during which the Laird may rape and

    plunder him. Dan gives him four mornings each week.

    My preference will be three atfernoons but even that will be difficult. The laird wants seven days a

    week from me.

    09/30/01 4:10 PM

    So I phoned Blowma and she sounded so happy to hear from me. She tentatively invited me for

    dinner tomorrow and as usual had to go to make money. She suggested a massage for Hunter.

    Greek rationalism is irrational!!!

    The process of reason is a search for the truth in which experience is the basis for choice. Reason in

    this sense is quite different to the replication of the truths transmitted to the masses by a chosen

    people such as an ordained clergy, a dictator and his cadre of commissars and propagandists.

    Those who utilize the Greek method of reason are open minded about the truth. Being open

    minded they are open to modification of their opinions and views. Modifications of views based on

    experience is then possible.

    There is no science without imagination and intuition or hunches.

    America is a society in which this Greek model of reason based truth underlies the political process of

    appointment of leaders or rulers.

    When the rulers are appointed by force and coercion there is no place for any extensive reasoning

    about the true or the right.

    An example is the considerations in process today on the right response to the terrorist attacks of

    Sept. 11. The Bush gang came out on Sept 11 and 12 with proposals to erode the very basis of the

    American system of protection of civil liberties - the inalienable rights that distinguish the

    American model of social organization from the structure of society in the former Soviet Union, in

    Nazi Germany, in ancient Egypt, in ancient Mesopotatmia and ancient Persia.

    09/30/01 4:50 PM

    Here we go with the size of the brains being a characteristic that has been bred into humanity by

    natural selection. The idea is that women choose partners on the basis of survival characteristics

    such as large brains. Art culture they say on this episode of Evolution.

    Basically I find this theory far too simplistic and almost entirely mechanical. Mechanistic and

    deterministic. Nowhere in these types of Newtonian theories is there even the slightest room for

    free choice, intent, purposefulness.

    I say that it may well be that brain size is attractive to women. It really goes without saying that

    survival possibilities are the basis of mate selection. whats missing in the theory however is the

    carfeul analysis of the phenomenon of ignorance or quality of the knowledge. The ability of a

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    woman to see behind the surface appearances becomes a very important factor in sperm donor


    Should I market my sperm to the highest bidders?

    One of the difficulties I see in this theory of natural selection is that there is a tendency to use it to

    justify unethical, immoral and illegal socipathic conduct.

    Chimpanzees engage in wife beating, infanticide. Does that justify infanticide and other heinous

    crimes in humans?

    Libido they say is behind what we see as beauty in art and culture. This is the basis of Freuds idea

    that libido explains everything about human beings. Its the perfect engine that the determinists

    and mechanicists need to justify their oxymoron of a fundamental consciousness of unconsciousness.

    The libido engine makes us do what we do and we cannot help ourselves. it is our nature to rape and

    murder so we can get sex and pass on our genesat all costs. The ends of survival justify any means.

    The problem with sort of science is that it assumes without revealling it that nature is amoral.

    This is the mind of the mega-predator.

    09/30/01 5:16 PM

    6MM years ago the first hominids split off from ouir common ancestor with the chimps. 4MM years

    ago come they down fromn the trees. 2.5MM years ago come modified hands and migrations out of

    Africa all of whom are extinct now, Then the paleolithic. 50K years ago they say the first modern

    humans left Africa and left beads everywhere they went. Momentous they say.

    Th evidence most abundant in Europe becasue there they came incontact with Neanderthal.

    Massive they say.

    Neanderthals show little signs of symbolic life.

    Consciousness - awareness expands radically - a quantum leap.

    09/30/01 5:55 PM

    Language can of course be used to shape psyche in alignment with nihilistic forces.

    The minority style of social organization has no option but to adopt nihilistic orientation. It views

    itself as separate from the majority and as separate it must annihilate the majority in order to have

    any chance of survival.

    The egalitarian form of social organization on the other hand view humanity as one rather than as

    two. It is whole and integrated rather than dualistic, divided, bifurcated.

    During th sixties the forces of nihilism infiltrated the youth movement and with the aid of psychedelic

    chemicals imprinted its reverse polarity in order to give itself an evolutiuonary survival advantage.

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    08/08/01 11:28 AM, 11:28 AM

    It was after 1AM last night when I saw a vehicle slowing way down right out the front of this house.

    It accelerated when I got up to look and was followed by a second vehicle. There was something

    familiar about the layout of the lights on the first and second vehicle. About a half hour or less later

    two vehicles went by this time without the slow down. When it was still light in the early evening a

    few hours before these two drive bys, I saw a vehicle that didn;t seem to belong in the area. It was

    aarge late model white sedan which ay have been a Lincoln or a large Chrysler. Up market cars like

    that are uncommon on this stret in my experience. When I saw the large white sedam in the early

    evening I got up to whatch is moving slowly by this house then on down the street.

    An Italian sounding woman called yesterday asking question about where Michael is, if he is in Italy,

    how long he wil be gone.

    There is a huge transformation going on. A huge social transformation.

    I recall now reading about a psychiatrist named Perry I think who had practiced in the San

    Francisco Bay Area. This guy was somehow associated with the famed British psychiatrist Laing.

    Perry had worked with people in the Bay Area, who were experiencing what most psychiatrists

    would name paranoid schizophrenia. Perry maintains that many people patients who show the signs

    that lead psychiatrists to classify them as paranoid schizophrenics, and promptly put on Lithium for

    life, do not need that drug but rather he treated them with intensive therapy in safe houses where

    they could receive caring support to work through the experience of the clash of titans.

    So it seems to me that anyone who actually sees things as they are in terms of two competing rival

    social systems based respectively on class division of society (a two tier bifurcation of the whole - an

    unequal inegalitarian vision of society and of the nature of humankind) and alternatively based on on

    an egalitarian one tier or no tier vision of society.

    In the contemporary world there is a growing trend in science that suggests from a rational point of

    view that living systems are designed for autopoiesis - at least in the respect that autopoiesis is self

    organizing rather than hierarchical. Hierarchy in this view is a synthetic overlay rather than an

    organic or natural order. It is a man made order and not of nature in other words.

    Is synthetic food better than natural food? Are synthetic drugs better than natural drugs? Is a

    synthetic society (anthrome) better than a natural organic anthrome?

    Perhaps history has an answer. Which nationally defined anthromes have been most effective in

    protecting the interests of the anthrome as an organic whole rather than the narrow interest of a fewin a small minority of the whole. Clearly in an organic system, a narrowing of interest tends to

    compromise the health of the whole and so the health of every individuated person.

    It is quite unequivocal that those national anthromes which have adopted the most organic designs,

    have grown healthier for it than those which disproportionately protect the interests of the

    strongest and wealthiest.

    08/08/01 11:48 AM

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    08/08/01 1:01 PM

    Its very cloudy this morning. I am experiencing frequent inner questioning and inner

    condemnation to an extent of my conduct with regard to the material security crisis looming on the

    horizon not far away.

    08/08/01 2:12 PM

    This is an experiment to record whatever I write at a time of transformation. What is the finalproduct anyway? A series of deep breaths before inhalation is one technique intended to increase

    efficiency. That efficiency is one o awakening of awareness - spiritual growth.

    This is the third consecutive ay of the invasion of the flies.

    08/08/01 2:18 PM ingestion has taken place. Martin Luther King III is on C-SPAN at the SCLC. It

    tires me so here comes the remote.

    That rap music is a way the young people express themselves today. Sure is a definite message of

    deep dissatisfaction.

    Now I express myself too. 4 ME.

    08/08/01 4:20 PM


    The long struggle of the ages for the creation of the good society has always involved a denial and

    negation of the use of physical violent force. There is no absolute in this regard.

    The good society is a society in equilibrium of the interests of the people are met in sufficient

    harmony to permit the people to struggle for political power through democratic election. The

    balancing of interests is the underpinning principle of the liberal democracy form of government and

    social patterning.

    Even the constitution of the United States defines limits upon the use of physical violence. It

    sanctions the forceful removal of governments which have lost or never had legitimacy - with

    legitmacy defined electorally.

    Ghandi advocated non violent mass protests in a very large nation of India under British Colonial

    government in the late nineteen forties. Force was used but not violent force. It was the force of

    numbers and united ideas - in this caes the idea of an India independent of British interference.

    Civil disobedience was also used by the Ghandian movement in India. Mass gatherings were

    organized to openly defy srupid laws that were the most unpopular. Ghandian philosophy cannot be

    accurately called passive or obedient - only non violent. The denial of the use of violence by the

    Ghandians did not mean an absolute abandonment of violnce just as the American Revolution and

    constituion did ot do so. Both were movements united by the commonsense confidence the balancing

    of interest which were out of balance due to the interference of the British government - the worlds

    superpower for all of the nineteenth century and really until World War II when Americandominance became unambiguously accepted.

    The American writer Henry Thoreau wrote a blue print for civil disobedience and non violent mass

    protest to advance the casue of the good society. He wrote in the mid nineteenth century, a hundred

    years before the struggle for Indian independence was successful.

    Thoreau wrote on thse subjects at a time when Karl Marx too was writing. Marx took a more

    universal and less country specific look into establishing a pattern for the seizure of state control by

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    peoples whos interests are denied by a minority ruling elite as had been the condtions in the thirteen

    colonies of the future United States and in France at the time of the revolution. Similar conditions

    existed in India under British rule and in Russia under Romanov monarchic rule.

    The Russian nation followed the pattern given by Marx, in harmony with the legitimacy provision of

    the United States Constitution. Violence was used to remove a government of aristicrats which

    lacked legitmacy. In this regard the American Revolution, the French Revolution and the RussianRevolutiom, (more than a century later when the societies were transforming under the influence of

    deployment of fossil fuel technology) are identical. The differences are in the forms of government

    adopted after the revolutions.

    At the same time as India was struggling for its independence, the Marxist inspired peoples

    revolutionaries in China were completing their struggle for seizure of the state by violent means.

    It is the adoption of violent means for seizure of state control that provides the informative context of

    the Ghandian movement. Were India to have adopted a Marxist style struggle, with Marxist g

    overnments to the north and east, the authoritarian form of social organization would have gained a

    major victory over the forces for egalitarian government. In practice the Marxist model lacked a

    weel defined set of documented principles upon which to establishan equiliration of interests - it

    denies true choice almost as much as the monarchy before it in Russia.

    The Ghandian strategy has much more to do with allying Indian interests with the interests of

    egalitarian government and not with Marxist authoritarian interests, than it has to do with non-

    violence and civil disobedience. In retrospect we can see that the practice of implementation of

    Marxism resembles and so masquerades as egalitarian - sinc it utilizes the violence sanctioned by the

    US constitution thus taking on the superficial appearance of a revolutionary movement intended to

    balance interests and equilibrate society. Rather its a dead-end thats only marginally better than

    the authoritarian structure of the pre-revolutionary governments in Russia and China where

    authoritarian governments were imposed following WWI and WWII respectively.

    Both governments have been extrreme in their obstruction of American interests leaving in my view,

    no room at all for any doubt about the real nat