Annarteurr lRaudl ilo,Cllrurlb, Volume 3Issue ll NOVEMBER EDITORIAL Welcome once again to another cluUs newsletter but unfortunately as I was just sitting down to write t}is I receive.d a nressage from Margaret GM0ALX cancellingthe Quiz Night that was due to take placeon the 23rd October. The re:$on for this cancellation was the news that Margaret's motherhad suddenly passed away on Monday 16thOctober. I therefore would on behalf of the club like to wish Margaretand all her family our deepest sympathieson this sudden bereavement. Moving on to events that haveand haven'ttakenplace. First of all itwas nice to see that many turned up early last month to see the presentationof our donation to the British Heart Foundation. Photographs weretakenby the EastLothian News and East Lothian Courier and havesinceappeared in the respective papers- By the time that this newsletter is being readwe will havetakenpart in JOTA at Gullane so again it is great to get an oportunity to Demonstrate what our hdoby is all about. A fuller reportwill appear in next monthsnewsletter. See alsoin this nervsletter a fuller report on how all the other stations fared during the Northern Lighthouse Weekend as s€nt to me by Mike GM4SUCof the A1t Radio Club. Looking to the future I hopemanyofyou will makethe effort to come and see and listen to Ron Livesey on the Aurora NEWSLETTER Talk, believe you me you will not be disappointed. For those who have committed themselves to the "Chinese Banquet"night then I havenow made the booking and paid the deposit. We are going to Karen's Cantonese Restaurantin Dalziel Place, Edinburgh (ust past Meadowbank Stadium)andthe meal is atZA3O. I proposethat we all meetin the Lounge Bar of the Hop,Step and Jumpin Marionville Road(about20 yardsto the rear of the restaurant) at 20:00before going for our meal.The mealitself will be f,15 per head(already agreed) plus what we spend on any drink. Therewe go then lets enjoyourselves. l,ooking further to the future ie 1996 I am looking for ideas for talks, visits,etcso can I please havethem so I can gpt down to some organising.For information I havethe following items in the pipline -- RadioNight, February: Talk on British HeartFoundation, Dateto be arranged: DF Night, Date to be arranged: PW Contest,June: RSGB VHFField Da5 July: Junk Night, l6th August: Historic Scotland Special Event Station, 24l25thAugust. Could I please ask can you let me know either via packet or in writing as too be honest "Friday Nights" are sometimes not a good time to tell me !!!! Thanks in advance. From the last paragraph you will see that I havenow booked the Community Centre for our 3rd Annual Junk Night so hopefrrlly that again will be a roaring success. As well we have been asked again by the Ayr ARC to put on a Special Event Stationwith th€ theme this time being Historic Scotland with an emphasis on Castles and I am sure we can find onein EastLothian.I think that'saboutit but no doubtI will havemissed something so all that's left to sayis once again enjoythe Newsletter. Bob GM4UYZ @)GBTEDN EVENTS FOR NEXT YEAR Next month sees the end of what I think canbe classed as a very goodonefor our club. We havehadvery many successfirll wents and the club itself is becoming morewidely known as a result of these various activities. In the main this hasbeen dueto hard work and enthusiasm but it is seen that a lot moreinput is required from members if this success hasto be continued. OK its greatthat we can all get together in the Thorntree once a month andtalk about our hoHryin general but a lot of work goes on behind the scenes between club dates aswell. What we need is moreparticipation from members on what the club could do in respect of projects, outings,newsletter mntent , contests etc. I do keepaskingfor members input but this is sadlylacking especially with regard to the newsletter. ANYWAY the main reason for this columnis to once again ask members to try andcome up with reasonable suggestions on activities theywouldlike to see the club doing next year. We have already some firm dates for 1996 which will be published in the nearfuture but need help to fill the calendar. RON GM4IKU Novemberl99 TE:- ITth NOWMBER AE::-Pot't'Seton" ": i: , I Cbmmanilp,'Cbnlre TIME:- 7:f0 prtt- Extremelyinteresrtng and tatk.,. NOT to be "AURQRAS snd the''SUN'| By Ron Livesey For Sa/e- 14" VGA MONITOR Wonder VGADriver Card with software. f,100or nearest serious offer to Stevie GMIEET

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EVENTS FOR NEXT YEAR NOVEMBER EDITORIAL Extremelyinteresrtngand tatk.,. NOT to be TE:- ITth NOWMBER AE::-Pot't'Seton" ": i: , I Cbmmanilp,'Cbnlre 14" VGA MONITOR WonderVGADriver Card with software. f,100 or nearestseriousoffer to Stevie GMIEET TIME:- 7:f0 prtt- Bob GM4UYZ @)GBTEDN RON GM4IKU


Page 1: 199511

Annarteurr lRaudl ilo, Cllrurlb,Volume 3Issue ll


Welcome once again to another cluUsnewsletter but unfortunately as I was justsitting down to write t}is I receive.d anressage from Margaret GM0ALXcancelling the Quiz Night that was due totake place on the 23rd October. There:$on for this cancellation was the newsthat Margaret's mother had suddenlypassed away on Monday 16th October. Itherefore would on behalf of the club liketo wish Margaret and all her family ourdeepest sympathies on this suddenbereavement.Moving on to events that have andhaven'ttakenplace. First of all itwasnice to see that many turned up early lastmonth to see the presentation of ourdonation to the British HeartFoundation. Photographs were taken bythe East Lothian News and East LothianCourier and have since appeared in therespective papers-By the time that this newsletter is beingread we will have taken part in JOTA atGullane so again it is great to get an

oportunity to Demonstrate what ourhdoby is all about. A fuller report willappear in next months newsletter.See also in this nervsletter a fuller reporton how all the other stations fared duringthe Northern Lighthouse Weekend as s€ntto me by Mike GM4SUC of the A1t RadioClub.Looking to the future I hope many ofyouwill make the effort to come and seeand listen to Ron Livesey on the Aurora


Talk, believe you me you will not bedisappointed.For those who have committed themselvesto the "Chinese Banquet" night then Ihave now made the booking and paid thedeposit. We are going to Karen'sCantonese Restaurant in Dalziel Place,Edinburgh (ust past MeadowbankStadium)andthe meal is atZA3O. Ipropose that we all meet in the LoungeBar of the Hop,Step and Jump inMarionville Road (about 20 yards to therear of the restaurant) at 20:00 beforegoing for our meal. The meal itself willbe f,15 per head (already agreed) pluswhat we spend on any drink. There we gothen lets enjoy ourselves.l,ooking further to the future ie 1996 I amlooking for ideas for talks, visits,etc socan I please have them so I can gpt downto some organising. For information Ihave the following items in the pipline-- Radio Night, February: Talk onBritish Heart Foundation, Date to bearranged: DF Night, Date to be arranged:PW Contest, June: RSGB VHFFieldDa5 July: Junk Night, l6th August:Historic Scotland Special Event Station,24l25th August.Could I please ask can you let me knoweither via packet or in writing as too behonest "Friday Nights" are sometimes nota good time to tell me !!!! Thanks inadvance.From the last paragraph you will see thatI have now booked the CommunityCentre for our 3rd Annual Junk Night sohopefrrlly that again will be a roaringsuccess. As well we have been asked againby the Ayr ARC to put on a Special EventStation with th€ theme this time beingHistoric Scotland with an emphasis onCastles and I am sure we can find one inEast Lothian.I think that's about it but nodoubt I will have missed something so allthat's left to say is once again enjoy theNewsletter.


EVENTS FOR NEXT YEARNext month sees the end of what I think

can be classed as a very good one for ourclub. We have hadvery many successfirllwents and the club itself is becomingmore widely known as a result of thesevarious activities.In the main this has been due to hard workand enthusiasm but it is seen that a lotmore input is required from members ifthis success has to be continued.OK its great that we can all get together inthe Thorntree once a month and talk aboutour hoHry in general but a lot of workgoes on behind the scenes between clubdates as well.What we need is more participation frommembers on what the club could do inrespect of projects, outings, newslettermntent , contests etc.I do keep asking for members input butthis is sadly lacking especially with regardto the newsletter.ANYWAY the main reason for thiscolumn is to once again ask members totry and come up with reasonablesuggestions on activities they would like tosee the club doing next year. We havealready some firm dates for 1996 whichwill be published in the near future butneed help to fill the calendar.



TE:- ITth NOWMBERAE::-Pot't'Seton" ": i: ,

I Cbmmanilp,'CbnlreTIME:- 7:f0 prtt-

Extremely interesrtng andtatk.,. NOT to be

"AURQRAS snd the''SUN'|By Ron Livesey

For Sa/e-14" VGA MONITOR

Wonder VGADriver Cardwith software.

f,100 or nearest serious offerto Stevie GMIEET

Page 2: 199511

On the rear of each radio is hopefully a pat number that willconsist of 14 separate numbers and letters, here they are brokendown in "simple terms."lst # Normally an M this is the european identifer2nd# Againpart of the ID normally an A3rd#' rr t r n h F F'Uforuniversalmount

4th # anJthing from a zero to 3, 0 up to lw, I l-6w, 2 l-10w,and 3 is a25w.5th # this one requires a bit of space

a2 is a4mtr iga3isaZmtrr iga 4 is a 70cms riga 6 is a band 3 rig, steer clear, it is of no use to us amateurs!!

6th and 7th # isthe tlpe of signalling board ie EZA EVA YEAstandard, all common signalling sequences used in the PMRworld, you know them as tiddley pops!.8th # is hopefully an A WHICH DENOTES l2Voltfth # is the O?e of radio, I carrier squlech, 3 is CTCSS or subaudiable tone,5 is a trunking set (FORGET ITI!), 9 is a select five "tiddley popradion10th # is I 32 chan, or a G for trunking (FORGET IT!!).I lth and 12th # is the channel spacing, 00 is 25k, B 2Ak 2212.5k (filter)13th and l4th # isjust the series and package model.Although this was taken from a Motorola MC Micro radioconfiguration it DOES ring true for 99r/o of all Motorola Radios,with the above info in your pocket atarally you c:m suss outwhether it is worth qpending a few quid on. At leastyou'll knowif it is a trunking radio or a band three which as I stated earlier,aint no good for us to use... Good luck and happy hunting..

Best 73. Dusty, GSOWN @ GBTWRG.#19.GBR

Cheers for now..... Jim GMTLIJN @. GBTIED

GMTLUN's Pye Pocketphone P5012Conversion......

Now the right way to tune it up (as $e do it) is to use atestbox,sig gen etc.I didn't have any ofthese things and assurne you dont either butcan still be tunedupok.Receiver alignmentSet up your 9.6v supply connect up to transceiver.Now to get thecrystal on the right frequency they use a test point and tune forly +- 0.2v but you need to apply the exact frequency from asignal generator.Not easy if you don't have one.All I can suggesthere is tune the off-air received signal for minimum distortionwith the relative crystal trimmeras marked on the metal shieldwhich covers the crystals area.

DSt Up Urg tguglYgr urr ]uur lrull{ltE ular[rEl .1] lL lrirD al rinrr)

narrow switching bandwidth. For the rf alignment I used arealistic handheld scanner to give a signal at the requiredfrequency .The i.f. of this receiver is i0.E5Mhz so to get asignal on e.g. 433.000Mh2 then I would tune the receiver I443.850Mh2.I could also listen to the local oscillator on the p5012 usingthe scanner for tuning. A 70cm rig would also give you asignal source ifyou can borrow one.Basically now tune for minimum noise from loudspeakerand once you get the set a bit more sensitive you will have 1reduce the signal from the scimner etc just by moving itfurther away!!!!Adjusiboard 2 pornts I then 2 andthen board I points6,7,I,3,+ in that order for maximum quieting of signal .I didn't do anything else to the receiver it seemed ok at thatThere is an adj*stment to board 1 point 5 for min distortiorbut I just left this alone .I've had two or three qso's with the

Heie for indicadbn of \gw it was tuning up I used ar::!

swT/power meter.'ttriSbfficiat way of seffing up tx is to initially key the ptt anset/{fitjust board 7 point 1 for 2 +-0,2lr at p-a.You also neeca scope so Ijust adjusted this to make sure the tx stayed onok ! ! !You should be ok as the Lr freqs are not far apart but toreally set up the tx if they were you would need a scope.Now I used the power meter as follows:Plug in an whip aerial or similiar to transceiver socket onmeter.Put a dummy load an aerial socket of meter.Place p5012'saerial near to whip aerial of meter.Key the pft should seesome indication on meter adjust calibrate knob onmeter fora higher reading ifrequired.With a l.5w pa tune board 8 points 2 and3 alternatively formax power and then tune board I poittt for I.6w out 0couldnt do this accurately so set up as above and set boardI point I for max power out and then turned power down abit .Repeat tuning board 8 points 2 and 3 until interactionceases between adjustments.Then I just set up appropriate freq with a freq counter!!There are other things to be done e.g. checking currentdrawn on tx should be less than 750ma and deviation settinbut I just left alone since the set had just come out of servicrIf you have a 4w pa I can give you details on tuning it .l.5wpa l^T28504|4W PA AT28503t-The manual will give you extra details but I managed to getthe set down from 460lvfrrz using above tips ok.As I say ifnot sure about arything above get back in touchor check the manual.Cheers for now.....


radio and it sounds ok.

Page 3: 199511

Cockenzie & Port Seton A.R.CPage 3

e\,€nt.The following is a brief run down of thestations involvedGB2LT TurnberryLighthouseContacts 821 as follows:-80M 448::4Om 195:: 20m 178Safurday total 57080m269::40m 138 : : 20m 163Sunday total 25180m 179 : : 40m 57 : :20m15As

'ou c:m see on Sunday the lads &€re

getting tired and sp€nt a lot of timenattering.They had 2 IIF stations with aninverted Vfor 80m .Sloper for 40nr and a20m ground plane.GB2LEN Elie NessContacts 350 over the weekendGB2LCP Channory PointOnly one station operating andthat waswith mainly Novices. Operatedon 2040-80m. Contacts 306GB2LA Ardnamurchan

one station operated on 80m. Had 2Novices hrt one wanted to log and listenwhilst the other operated until the pileups

contacts 254GB2LS Island of Bressey

NKS-.I wouldjust like to say a big thank you to

who bought a raffle ticket atthe last club night and donating themoney raised to pay for some of the clubs

I am really most grateftrl, to behonest I ner,er think of any expenses as Ijust see it as my way of putting

ing back into the hotrby that Ithoroughly enjoy. The money you raisedwas f,25 and t have already spent thefollowing from it - f,10.99 for a bottle ofwhisky given to Mike Shaw ofMICROPRINT as a thank you for doingour Barns Ness QSL Cards, f,2.50 for abook of lst Class postage stamps andfinally, f,6.15 for the return ofthe ScottishTrophy to the RSGB.Once again many thanks for what you didas I really appreciateir.


Contacts 450GB2LO Orkney IslandsOperated Saturday 0930-2359 Sunday0730-1700. Operated on 40m andS0monly because they had no time to QSYto 20m. ToAl number of contacts not

'€tknown.GB2LTH Tiumpan EeadOne station only. Unfortunately the rigblew up on Saturday at abutl600 so thecrew returned to Stornoway. Problem withthe rig solvd capcitors , and tlreybecame QRV on the Sunday morning.Number of contacts not known.GB2LMGTwo HF and 2M stations over theweekend. Plenty ofvisitors to the siteespecially when the "Barbie" was ready .Contactsjust over 800.

Regards the awar4 so farjust over 150apptications and they are split 50/50regards the basic and having worked l0slations. As you know GB2LLI was notactive during the weekend.Anlthing further I will let you know butthanks to the club for putting onGB2LBN.

73 Mike GM4SUC


I have three dumb terminals sitting,taking up space in my loft. Onedefinitely u'orks, the other fwo areuntested at the time of writing .The one which I know works was used byme for several months for packet radioalong with my BSX TNC. The othertwo I hope to test very soon.If you would like one, or all, of these forpack;t radio, or another application, theyare FREE and ar,aitable. All you have todo is get in touch with me either QTHR(1994/5 Callbook) or via packet atGBTEDN.If all else fails contact Bob GM4UYZ orRon GM4IKU and they will point youin the rightdirection.Remember these terminals are FREE sowhatever you want to use them foryou can..... just get in touch.

73 Colin {GMOCL]*{)

EVENTS COLUMNl : r - l ' '

Aere ii this months helpirrg of whats onso get your diaries out......

8th November l-othians RS Mini-Talks (various)

17th November Talk on'AurorasAnd The Sun'by Ron Livesey to beheld from 7pm to 9pm in the ResourcesRoom at Port Seton Community Centre.Entry is ONLY ONE POttND and anyproceeds will as usual go to the BritishHeart Foundation in the. now annual.presentation.

22nd November l,othians RS NovicesNight

25th Norember ChineseMeal......Club outing for a ChineseBanquet at l(arens Cantonese Restaurant

fiust past Meadowbank Sfadiun)

3rd December Glasgow RadioElectronics And C.omputer Rally,Maryhill, in Glasgow. Details fromJohn Dundas GM0OPS onTel No 0l4l638 7670

13th December Lothians RS VideoNasty Night!!!.......and now two dates for your 1996diary!! ! !

16th August 1996 Cockenzie & PortSeton ARC Junk Sale at Port SetonCommunity Centre. From 6:30pm to9:30pm, raflle @ 9pm.Talk-In on S22 and all the usualattractions, including all those wonderftlstickl'cakes!!!!!

24l23th August '96 Special Eventweekend run by Ayr Amateur RadioGroup again. This time the theme isHistoric Scotland and stations willbe active from in or near Castles. Wehave been asked to put on a station forthis one again and if it is anythinglike this year it will be one not to bemissed.Thats all again, so s€e you ne$ month.

73 Colin (GM0CLN)


Page 4: 199511

Page 4 Cockenzie & Port Seton A.R.C




I. FACSIMILE. 2. POTENTIOMETEIi, 3. D)GEDITION, 4. FERRTTE RING. 5.DEVIATION, 6. TUNING DIAI-, 7. DELTA LOOPIf you got those correct the vertical box should have read INDIANA

73 until ne*monthColin GM0CLN

$nippets' ,. Congryrula$ons to Jim GMTLUN forUein8 nrsf grt of rne nar with fneoorrectans\.r/€rs to l:tst month's anagftilrs.This qas the last nonth that a prire wiltbe awarHbtrt I'm sure Colin wouldstill,like follow up from his ooqpetion oachmonth.

f,25 was raisod at tlrc last club nightfor expenses and, as you see elsewherehas already been used up. Donation ofprizes for the raffle wouldbe welcomed

There were only thrm entries to theclub's first DF hunt but a good night wasenjoyed by all. Colin CLN and BOBWZhadmade up spwial DFantennasas per the book corn-plete with variabteattenuators etc and Alex VIU had built asmall beam made of lOmm coprper oentalheating microbore. This beingr throruntogether acouple of houn before- thestart! Colin and Bob both ended qp at thesame location whictr, unfortunately, wasmiles away from the fox who was atBangley Hill near Haddinglonl Alex didfind the fox with l0 mins to go and he isnow taking orders for beam detoils!The evening finished up in the pub mdthe whole night was judged to be a gr€atsuccess.

Stevie EET and Terry sat the morsetest at the Leicester show but unfortunaUydue 1o nerves a few mistakes were rnadeby Stcvie who will be having another goon the 3rd December but congrats toTcrry who will be getting a caltsignshortly.


Y^*o BIN qo !!,tl F 4








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