1994 twenty years of the house of prayer 2014thetwopatricks.org/pdf/pdfaugust 2014.pdf ·...

1994 Twenty Years of the House of Prayer 2014 My God s not dead, He s surely ALIVE He s living on the inside ROARING like a lion

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Page 1: 1994 Twenty Years of the House of Prayer 2014thetwopatricks.org/pdf/pdfaugust 2014.pdf · 2015-09-14 · children, read the signs of your times. See, the Battle has begun, the evil





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My God

’s not dead,






on the inside


like a lion

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An Invitation to Love Jesus Newsletter

Messages of Love August 2014 Issue 220

God’s not DeadJesus abandoned

We have included a piece from a blog we came across from a monastery in County Meath. The prior was told of an auction taking place near the monastery which included some religious artefacts. On going to investigate, he was horrified to find that there was a tabernacle with two Hosts still inside!

God’s Not DeadA couple of articles this month are on the theme of ‘God’s Not Dead.’ We recently watched a film of this title here at the House of Prayer and we decided to use this as our theme for this month’s Newsletter. One writer gives us a synopsis of the film, whilst another tells us of a time when it was proven to her that God is very much Alive in her life. We have also put the lyrics of the song, ‘God’s Not Dead’ in the Newsletter because they are so striking. It is from this song that the quote on the front cover is taken from.

IrelandAnother article describes

SyriaThe news this month has been dominated

by the wars in Palestine and Israel and in Syria and Iraq. We have been horrified by images from Syria of Christians, men, women and children, being beheaded and crucified because they refuse to abandon their faith and convert to Islam. Harrowing images have been beamed across the world of children, beheaded, maimed and their heads put on sticks for all to see. This is nothing short of barbaric!! It greatly upset me to see but we have included some of the pictures in the Newsletter so we can show the truth of what is happening to our brothers and sisters in these countries.

Pray unceasinglyLet us pray for them unceasingly - for the strength to endure the horror that is unfolding before them. We also have a small tribute to the murdered American journalist, James Foley, describing his devotion to the Rosary and Scripture even in the face of captivity.

the changes that have taken place in Ireland in recent years and how our society is becoming more Godless than ever before.

Twenty YearsOur theme of twenty years of the House of Prayer also continues with two articles. One reflects on the early days here in the House and another talks about the music and how the Music Ministry has evolved over the years in to what is now SonLight.Ballad of a Viral Video

A servant recounts her thoughts on the viral video of Fr. Ray Kelly. It captures the excitement we all felt at the time and she also talks about the Messages Jesus gave at that time. We have put a picture of Fr Ray from this video on the back cover of the Newsletter.

Computer GamesA piece of writing from Saint Michael’s House talks about the very real and present dangers to our children when they play too many computer games and how too much access can affect their moods and personalities.

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The Messages of Love

Wednesday 6 August �0�4

Control, My children, control the self that leads you away from My Path. Die to its whisperings for it is the whisperings of self that leads you onto the path of eternal fire. It is only through dying to self that you can see My Path. Self desires the things of this world, the soul desires the things of Heaven Eternal. Come, My beloved children, listen to My Words and do not walk the path of this world. No matter what you gain in this world it shall fall into dust. Instead, prepare yourselves for Eternal Life; gather your treasure in the Kingdom of Our Father. Come, My beloved children, prepare: take on My Words. Trust Me for all is about to change and you shall need the Gifts of My Spirit to overcome the “Great Ordeal.” I Love you.

Saturday 9 August �0�4Come, now, My beloved people, listen to My calls.

Listen to My Eternal Words of Love that call out to you in the darkness, the sin of this world. They are little Lights of Truth sent out to guide you into the safety of My Kingdom. Still you do not realise what is about to befall this earth: the abomination of desolation, the man of sin, the antichrist has taken his place in the place that he should not be and still you refuse to see. Blind and foolish generation! It is he who rises in power, it is he whom you defend by your unwillingness to look at the Truth. Can you not see that his path has been prepared for, for many years and now he prepares to strike down all that I have built. But, I have told you, the gates of hell shall never prevail against My Church, My True Church, not the abomination that you see before you in this time. My faithful cardinals, bishops and priests are being silenced by the forked tongues of those who are but wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing. Open your eyes and see that

sin is being promoted, it is being accepted within My Church. Sin is darkness and has no place in the Kingdom of your God. Prepare, generation, prepare! I approach to reclaim My own and free My Remnant from the shackles that this world has placed upon them. My Remnant, continue to believe, continue to have faith, continue to trust for your freedom is at hand. I Love you.

Thursday �4 August �0�4Come to Me, My beloved, and do not allow fear to hold you back from Me. I am calling out to you in these Words as you read them. Do not reject the call that I place within you. You have little time left to prepare. Behold! I am at the door, prepare for the Master Returns. I Love you.

Thursday �4 August �0�4Come to Me, all you who are heavily burdened and I

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will give you rest. I am calling out to you in these Words for you to return. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived, My children, for there is much around you that is lies. It is the web that lucifer has spun around this world, it penetrates every part of your society, it penetrates to the heart of My Church. Soon now, lucifer will try to crush My Church, he will try to change everything that I have Taught. Watch, My children, the changes are about to happen. Recognise them for what they are and do not be deceived. I have told you that these things would happen; the abomination is in control, the man of lies, the deceiver. Prepare yourselves, My children, prepare. I Love you. Prepare!

Saturday �6 August �0�4Come to Me, My little ones, and do not be disheartened by the times that you live in. I am Coming, children, to bring you freedom from the deceit, the lies of this world. This world has allowed itself to become blinded in this age and now follows the rules of lucifer. Never before has mankind become so corrupted, not even in the time before the Ark. Mankind has rejected his God, he laughs at the belief in My Existence but, soon, I tell you, these laughs

will turn to wails of shock and cries of anguish when he realises what he has done. Prepare, My children, prepare for My Coming. I approach. I Love you.

Tuesday �9 August �0�4Let the Light of My Heart penetrate your little hearts, My children. Let My Light teach you of My Ways. As you cannot live without bread, so you cannot live without My Light.I am the Light of this world! Anyone who comes to Me must reject the darkness. He must live in the Light.My Heart is an Abyss of Light and it shines its Light and Love on all who come to seek it. Seek the Lord, My children, while He may be found. Seek the Kingdom before it is all but blotted out by the darkness. My Heart will triumph but it must go through its Passion once again.My Heart is wounded with Love for My children, those who cannot see My Light. I call upon you, you who love Me, you who say that you love Me, spread My Love.I call upon you to know My Presence for I am with you if you seek Me earnestly.The night is soon here, children.The doors will soon close.

Saturday �6 August �0�4 I am calling out to you, My Remnant, in these days of

darkness. I am calling out to you to stand strong; fight against the sin of this world and do not let it take you from Me. I am Coming, My children, read the signs of your times. See, the Battle has begun, the evil one fills in confidence and soon will make his move to destroy all that I have asked but you, My children, must hang on to My Truth. Even though the world will look upon you as heretics and blasphemers, you know My Truth and My Truth cannot be changed. Remember, I was Crucified for this very reason. If you follow in My Footsteps this world will hate you for it first hated Me. Trust Me, My children, when you see My Laws being changed know that this is not My Will but the will of lucifer for it is he who controls those that are in power. I have already Warned you of these things now believe. I Love you.3 Let no man deceive you by any means for, unless there come a revolt first and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,4 who opposeth and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

And when you shall see the abomination of desolation, standing where it ought not: he that readeth let him

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The Messages of Love onThe Messages of Love are now posted on our Facebook page as soon as they are released. A lot of the time this is on the very day they are given and they are getting a very positive response. Facebook does have a lot of bad points but it is a great tool to get the Messages out and out quickly around the world.If you are on Facebook or know anyone who is and would be interested in the Messages, go and like our page https://www.facebook.com/MessagesOfLovetheTwoPatricks(Or search on Facebook for ‘Messages of Love as given to the two Patricks’)

Appeal Once again, we must ask for your help in the Name of our Master, Jesus, for it is His Work that we do. We are all trying to fulfil His Dream through the Messages of Love. Some people think that the Patricks and the servants receive wages but, be assured, that neither the Patricks, nor any of the servants, within the House of Prayer, receive a wage. We are all voluntary. The donations that come into the House of Prayer are put straight into the Work that Jesus has asked of us but, at this time, we are in debt of £16,300 and we need your help to meet this. We are sorry that we are always asking for your help, we have no one else to turn to except you, the children of God. We need your help in both the prayer and material sense. We are sorry but we dearly need your help in meeting the overheads and the ongoing renovation work of the Houses of Prayer. Thank you for your help. We love you in the Name of Jesus and His Holy Mother. Amen.

understand. Mark 13:14

Friday �9 August �0�4Come to Me, beloved of My Heart, and take your rest. I am calling out to you in

these Words to follow in My Footsteps. Be obedient to My Teachings. Always seek the Way of Love; forgive all that you meet and do not hold evil intent within your

heart. My little ones, rest in Me, be with Me, spend time with Me. I Love you.

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God’s Dead“God’s Dead,” is the title of a film currently quite popular, shown recently at the House of Prayer which, as its name suggests, is designed to spread the Christian message and dispel the myth of Gods premature demise.

Very anti-GodThere are various strands to the plot but the main one concerns a young man who finds, on entering college to become a lawyer, that he is required to take a philosophy course as part of his preparation for this. The problem is that the professor conducting the course is an atheist and very anti-God. He presents all his students with a list of eminent scientists and thinkers of various kinds and asks them what they all have in common. Yes, they are all atheists. He expects and requires then that all the students should write on a piece of paper the words; “God is dead” and sign it and hand it in. With this formality out of the way they can get things moving.

His conscienceThere is just one student however, the aforementioned young man, who feels his conscience won’t allow him to do this.

A collision courseInevitably then, he is set on a collision course with the militant atheist lecturer, who sets him the task of convincing the other students, in a series of short presentations, that God is, in fact, not dead. If he fails to convince them, he is warned, he fails the course. Needless to say, the professor is not at all endeared to the young man by his impertinent refusal to disbelieve in God and has no intention that he should succeed.

Gods existenceAs the film progresses, the young man steadily wins round the other students using a variety of clever arguments, demonstrating the illogic of thinking science necessarily contradicts the idea of Gods existence.

Answer his prayersHis presentations finally culminate in a heated

confrontation in front of the class between him and the professor, in which it transpires that the lecturer actually used to be a Christian but now really hates God. God failed to answer his prayers as a child to spare the life of his dying mother. He can’t forgive Him for this. Yet, if God doesn’t exist, as the young man points out, how then can the professor hate Him?

Face up toThe young man wins his argument but not without having to overcome his fears about entering this contest with the formidable professor, in defence of his Lord and Saviour. After all, as his disgruntled girlfriend rightly points out, his whole future is at stake.He even has to face up to the loss of his girlfriend, who firmly forbade him to enter the challenge and storms off when he goes against her instructions.

Stand up for JesusFilms usually provide an escape from reality but it is good to see that a film like

God’s NOT


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this can become popular, one which invites us to face the reality of the need to stand up for Jesus, no matter what the cost or the opposition may be.

Are we goingAre we going to go along

with the world’s thinking, that God is dead, because he is no longer necessary, or even logical?

Only within the heartsHe has died, in truth, only within the hearts of people but, if we can only show how

much we believe we need to stand up for Him, like the young man in the film – and for that matter like all the actors who committed themselves to appearing in the film – perhaps His Light will be rekindled.

Very much AliveWhere do I begin to try and tell someone that God is not dead but that He is very much Alive and active in our lives? If we let Him into our hearts and ask for His help, He is always there, waiting patiently for us to turn to Him.

My trials and needsI can only begin by sharing one of many, many experiences of Gods great Love and help in my own life and yes, I was one of those who did not really know God or did not truly trust Him or believe that He would be with me every day of my life through all my trials and needs, guiding me, protecting me and giving me the Graces and Strength I needed when I needed them most.

Seen His PowerI can only speak from my

own experience of the help I received. I have had times of great joy, great peace, great sadness but, through it all, I can never say I was left alone because in my darkest moments I have felt Gods Strength and seen His Power at work.

Serious troubleOne of the many times was when my son got himself into serious trouble and had got mixed up with a bad crowd and ended up in court facing between eight and ten years in jail. We were devastated as a family and it tore our hearts apart. The months leading up to the trial were nerve-wracking. Each time we went to the court his trial date would be put back. We were not only worried that our son would be facing a long prison sentence but he was living on his nerves and we feared what he would

do, as he said he could not cope with prison and we were very worried what he would do to himself.

TrustedWe prayed and trusted, as I was told many times to trust in Trust itself and truly believe in Gods Power. Finally, the day arrived of the main court case. We entered the court house and were surrounded by gardai and, as my son’s case was the last one on the list for the day, we had a long wait.

Before the judgeWe got talking to some of the guards and, from their experiences, they told us to expect nothing less than six to eight years and the judge my son was to face was not a man to be lenient. But I kept trusting and believing and, finally, it was his turn and he was before the

Because He lives

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judge. His lawyer began his defence. After what seemed like hours, the judge said, “I am ready to give your sentence and I sentence you to eight years in prison.”

Jesus, I trustMy heart sank but I said “Jesus, I trust in You.” Then the judge began to summarise the case and his sentence and changed his mind and said, “Ok, I am now being lenient and I will give you six years.” I was ready to collapse at this stage and I kept saying, “Jesus, I trust; Jesus, I trust.” I still believed God could do anything. Then, out of the blue, the judge said, “Ok, I have made up my mind, I am giving you four years” and after a small time of silence he said, “and I am suspending three of them, leaving you to serve one year.”

So light a sentenceEveryone cheered and cried and laughed. It was a very emotional time. I shouted, “Praise You, Jesus!” The guards we had got to know throughout the day came over and hugged us and said

they could not believe what had happened. They really thought he was facing a long sentence. They were happy for us and I had kept telling them all day God would not let us down but they had been trying to prepare us so that it would not be a shock when he got the long sentence. But, in the end, they were the ones in shock. They could not believe he got so light a sentence!

Time to reflectIn all, he would only have to serve seven months and, in thinking about it afterwards, I realised he needed that time to reflect on how stupid he had been to get involved with such people. I really could write a book about all the events, from my hearing of the trouble he got himself into, until the final day of the court and until he walked out of prison.

Together as a familyWithout a doubt, God was with me and my husband and family many, many times throughout this time with His Strength, His Love, His Peace, when facing the

prison visits, protecting my son while in prison, keeping us together as a family. I can truly say that many times I was at breaking point and so was my husband and family only for God and His Power at work in us all none of us would have come through this.

God promisedI give glory to God for all His help and I praise and thank Him for everything. God promised He would not leave us orphans. Whoever reads this and if you do not have any belief in God, please just open your heart and invite Him in. He truly is a wonderful God.

A man of GodP.S. It turned out later that we heard the judge who was to take my son’s case that day had taken ill and that he was known as a man that showed no mercy in any of his cases but the judge my son came up against was a man of God and I believe God Touched his heart in a very Powerful way that day. All glory to our Loving, Merciful God.

Mother of Love House of PrayerAs you may know from the Messages, Jesus asked Patricks to travel to all the other Houses of Prayer. At the beginning of this month, September, Patrick is going to The Mother of Love House of Prayer in Peoria, America, to fulfil this part of Jesus’ request. He takes with him SonLight. During their time there, SonLight will be singing at various Prayer Meetings and Masses. We ask for your prayers for this, that everything goes well.

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Destroy the Christian faithThe Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group has continued its effort to destroy the Christian faith in Iraq, as reports come out revealing the extensive killing of Christians, including crucifixions and the beheadings of children.“They are systemically beheading children and mothers and fathers. The world hasn’t seen an evil like this for a generation. There’s actually a park in Mosul that they’ve actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick,” Mark Arabo, national spokesman for Iraqi Christians told CNN.

Burying women and children alive

According to a report by Arab

News, ISIL militants have moved on from beheading to burying women and children alive in mass graves.In July, the ISIL captured Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, as they looted Christian homes, desecrated cemeteries, destroyed tombs of biblical prophets, ruined churches and pulled

down crosses.So-called promise

Christians were told that they could escape this harassment and death by paying a fine. However, Arabo says the ISIL broke this so-called promise.“The letter that they sent out with those three items (convert, pay a fine or die), they did ask to pay a fine but actually after they pay a fine, they (ISIL militants) are actually taking over their wives and their daughters and making them into their wives. So really it’s convert or die, face death by the sword,” explained Arabo.

Stamp of death“They’ve marked the red stamp of death on Christian

ISIL Terrorists Killing Christians, Beheading Children in Iraq

The following news article on the recent persecution of Christians in Northern Iraq was found on http://www.almanar.com.lb/english/adetails.php?fromval=1&cid=23&frid=23&eid=165097. The beheading and crucifixion of children is so shocking, unbelievable and heart wrenching and now the evil escalates to burying women and children alive in mass graves. This article is followed by six things we can do to help Christians in Iraq.

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homes and basically saying we know who you are and if you come back, you will get killed. That’s why we’re saying this is a Christian holocaust within our midst and the world community cannot turn a blind eye,” said Arabo. “They are absolutely killing every Christian they see. This is a genocide in every sense of the word. They want everyone to convert and they want Sharia law to be the law of the land.”

Fled with nothingThe U.K.’s Telegraph newspaper reported that over two hundred thousand Iraqis have fled from Nineveh, Iraq’s largest Christian city, to the north as the ISIL campaign of murder and mayhem continues.Chaldean Patriarch Louis Sako told AFP News that Iraqi Christians “have fled

with nothing but their clothes, some of them on foot, to reach the Kurdistan region.” He added that it was a “ h u m a n i t a r i a n disaster. The churches are

occupied, their crosses were taken down,” with ISIL terrorists burning as many as one thousand five hundred ancient Christian manuscripts.

International silenceIraqi Christians have protested demanding that the United Nations, who they have criticized for their lack of help, to intervene and protect them from persecution by the ISIL.“We were holding banners in Arabic, English, Chaldean and French against the violence that happened in Mosul and (questioning) why the world was in silence against our problems,” Sahar Mansur, a Chaldean Catholic told Catholic News Service. She added that the people in Iraq are not only angry about being driven away from their homes but

also about the international silence at the injustices they are suffering.

Brought to justiceArab League Chief Nabil Al-Arabi condemned on Monday “crimes against humanity” committed by the terrorists in Iraq, who are also targeting the minority Yazidi sect and demanded the executors to be brought to justice.Arabi “strongly denounced the crimes, killings, dispossession carried out by the terrorists (IS) against civilians and minorities in Iraq that have affected Christians in Mosul and Yazidis,” he said in statement.“The perpetrators must be held accountable and brought to international justice,” the statement said....

Six Ways to Help

�) Pray

�) Give to organisations working directly on the ground

�) Write to your MP

4) Sign an online petition

�) Raise awareness on social media (Twitter and Facebook)

(6) Go out into the streets in protest of the media’s silence about the atrocities.

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A photojournalistYou may have heard in the news recently of an American journalist who was beheaded in Syria by militants from Islamic State (IS). A video showed a masked Isis fighter beheading a kneeling man, James Foley. James is a photojournalist who went missing in Syria in �0��. He was captured on Thanksgiving day in �0�� in Northwestern Syria. He had been previously captured in Lybia, by Gaddafi loyalist forces and held for forty four days. He returned to Syria in �0�� to report on the Syrian civil war.

A CatholicJames was a Catholic and strongly believed in the power of prayer. Here is an extract from an article he wrote for the alumni magazine of Marquette University about the time he spent imprisoned in Libya in �0��:“I began to pray the Rosary. It was what my mother and grandmother would have prayed. I said ten Hail Marys

between each Our Father. It took a long time, almost an hour to count one hundred Hail Marys off on my knuckles. And it helped to keep my mind focused. Clare and I prayed together out loud. It felt energizing to speak our weaknesses and hopes together, as if in a conversation with God, rather than silently and alone…

FaithMy last night in Tripoli, I had my first internet connection in forty four days and was able to listen to a speech Tom Durkin gave for me at the Marquette vigil. To a church full of friends, alums, priests, students and faculty, I watched the best speech a brother could give for another. It felt like a best man speech and a eulogy in one. It showed tremendous heart and was just a glimpse of the efforts and prayers people were pouring forth. If nothing else, prayer was the glue that enabled my freedom, an inner freedom first and later the miracle of being released during a war in which the regime had no real

incentive to free us. It didn’t make sense but faith did.”

Our MomsAfter a few days in jail, he recalled hearing a knocking on the wall of his cell. He put his ear to a wall socket and heard the muffled voice of a detained American contractor, who read to him from the Book of Matthew and asked that they pray together.“In a very calm voice, he’d read me Scripture once or twice a day, then I’d pray to stay strong. I’d pray to soften the hearts of our captors. I’d pray to God to lift the burdens we couldn’t handle. And I’d pray that our Moms would know we were OK.”

Rest in Peace, JamesThis is an amazing witness to keeping strong in the face of adversity and staying strong in one’s faith in God, no matter what, to the very end. Even if we have to die for our faith. God will reward us in Heaven. Rest in Peace, James. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family at this time. God Bless.

Prayer was a stronghold in the life and death of James Foley

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Wedding MassAs many of you might know, in April this year Patrick O’Kane’s son, Chris, married his fiancée, Leah. SonLight sang at the Wedding Mass and one of the servants and a good friend of the House videoed the ceremony. The Mass was beautiful and after Communion, Fr. Ray Kelly, the celebrant, surprised us all by singing a fantastic rendition of Leonard Cohen’s Halleluiah with the words changed to suit Chris and Leah’s ceremony.

So classSitting there at the piano and hearing the backing track begin, I didn’t know what was going on. The other girls in SonLight could see the priest from where they were sitting and, as I looked on questioning ‘who’s that?’ they whispered, ‘it’s the priest, it’s the priest!’ So I stood up and walked round so I could see him. Indeed, it was true! He was belting it out perfectly and I was amazed! Lots of things were running through my head - ‘Is he allowed to sing this, it’s not really a hymn?’

‘Wow this is so class,’ ‘This priest can really sing’... I decided to just sit back down and join in with him and do a wee bit of harmony!

The feelingI can’t explain the feeling in the church when he sang. Everyone was smiling, beaming and so so so impressed. There was such joy and excitement, he completely stole the show. And then when he finished, loads of people were on their feet applauding. I had stopped thinking is this right or wrong, I just thought it was so brilliant and he had said such a lovely respectful Mass and then sang so wonderfully. He finished with the Final Prayer and we sang the final hymn and packed up. Of course, after Mass everyone was chatting about the priest singing and how amazing it was. Usually, SonLight might get a compliment or two but not this time! Fr. Kelly stole the show!

On to youtubeThat was Saturday. On Monday morning Patrick was putting the video tapes

of the wedding on to the computer and said he really wanted to put the clip of the priest singing on to youtube. We had two cameras so there were two angles which gave more scope for a better film. Patrick tore into it and cut and pasted and put all the bits together and I helped synchronise the audio. By the time I was leaving around �pm it was nearly finished and Patrick said he would put it on youtube when it was done. This was nothing new as InvitationLoveJesus youtube channel had about one hundred and twenty six videos up and Patrick just wanted to share it with both those who were there and friends who had missed it. Little did we know what Jesus was about to do.

6��0 viewsBetween 4 and �pm the video went up on youtube and when my husband came in from work at �.�� he commented on it, that it looked and sounded great. On we went about our business - I was working the next day and had no

Ballad of a

Viral Video

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internet access but on the way home from work at around �, I got a text from Patrick to say the video had 6��0 views on youtube! I couldn’t believe it. None of the videos on the channel had views anything like that. It was just fantastic and I was delighted.

Whole thing went madThat was Tuesday. On Wednesday the whole thing went mad! The phone in the House of Prayer had been hopping since �am. I got in at around 9.�0am and everyone was buzzing with excitement. BBC, UTV, TV�, had all been calling, as well as several newspapers and radio stations. I was just in complete shock. All this over a singing priest? I mean yeah, he was good but what was going on? Anyway there wasn’t much time to reflect as the calls had to be answered and decisions made on who had permission to do what with the video. It was a very steep learning curve as we had never had to deal with anything like this before and now something was happening. Overnight the video had gone from 6��0 up to over ��0,000 and Fr. Ray was all over the news channels, both radio and TV and alongside any clip of the video was the words InvitationLoveJesus as copyright owners of the video.

And on it wentBy midnight on Wednesday

night there were �,00�,699; by lunch time there was �,0��,��� and on it went. By Saturday, April ��, one week after the wedding, there were �0,0��,��� views!! This was just staggering. And not only the views but the comments on Facebook and youtube were just so amazing. People kept saying they were touched, they were moved to tears, they could feel God. Often it was atheists saying that although they didn’t believe they were very moved by this video. And I kept thinking why? What are they experiencing?

The first blowOn �� April �0�4, Jesus gave a Message that included the line ‘...I have struck the first blow and mean to reclaim those that have been stolen from Me through lies and deceit. I will gather My Flock and I shall lead them into the Promised Land...’ and on �9 April He said ‘... I have not forgotten you, My children, this world is about to be shocked by the reality of who I Am. Already, I have thrust a test blow into this world and I have found My children receptive to My Love. I tell you, My people, I Come to reclaim that, that has been stolen from Me. My children have been blinded by lies and deceit.

Wake up! Freedom is at hand!’

Using a viral videoIs the ‘blow’ that Jesus was referring to the video? If the video is Jesus’ blow, if it is His testing of His people and He has found them receptive to His Love well what is He up to? Our God is not dead as the world would have us believe. He is very much Alive and using, of all things, a viral video to reach out and touch us!

Groups of peopleMany people said they had heard of groups of people watching the video - our friend, Evans, in Kenya had watched it with a class of seminarians, in the local primary school in Cookstown some of the classes had been shown the video. Many people on youtube had copied our video and put it up on their own accounts and were getting thousands of views also. Thousands of people saw the video on TV. Currently the video has over thirty six million views on InvitationLoveJesus youtube account but how many people have really seen that video? I don’t know if anyone but Jesus

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Entering the farm, I found myself in a kind of central yard surrounded by outbuildings or sheds filled with furniture and bric–a–brac. The public auction is scheduled to begin tomorrow. Entering a shed, I saw an array of statues of Our Lord, Our Lady and the saints. One of them, a carved statue of Our Lady, was especially beautiful. Next to it I saw a monstrance (complete with

the lunula), a ciborium, a couple of communion patens, and a tabernacle that looked as if it had been wrenched out of a stone altarpiece or wall. The key was in the tabernacle door.

The DiscoverySomething moved me to open the tabernacle door. I was not prepared for what I saw. There, lying on the stained and mouldy floor of the tabernacle — once lined with immaculate white silk

The AuctionSomeone informed me, yesterday, of an auction being held this weekend at a farm not far from the priory. Among the old furniture and various objects being put up for sale, there were, I was told, a monstrance, a chalice, a ciborium, a tabernacle and other ecclesiastical appointments. I thought it worth my while to investigate the situation more closely.

Jesus Abandoned for Years

in an Old Farmhouse BarnThis article is on the Silverstream Priory website. When I read it, I felt moved to tears and it brought home to me the reality of what Jesus is saying in His Messages of Love. Our God is Mighty and Powerful, yet He is as weak and helpless as a newborn baby in our hands. If anything, I hope this articles inspires in everyone the same desire to love Jesus that the priest who wrote it has. May God Bless him and keep him always.

knows the full number but I think we could estimate that it has been one hundred million people. Maybe more, maybe less, who knows? My point is, Jesus has told us that He is real and He is Coming and I know I don’t live as if that were true. But having witnessed this phenomena and reflecting upon it, I am starting to realise Jesus can do anything He wants but the more hands and feet He has to help Him here, the better.

A final pointA final point that I thought was a bit strange - despite the fact that every news agency in the country and abroad were phoning the House of Prayer, none of the publicity spilled over onto the Messages of Love. The Invitation to Love Jesus website got very few new hits considering at least thirty six million had heard of An Invitation to Love Jesus and not one reporter or journalist was nosey enough to ask what is

the House of Prayer, what goes on there, who are the Patricks? I just thought that was a bit strange and it makes me think that yes, Jesus really is in control and has everything in hand. When He is ready to reveal to the world the Messages of Love, He can do it in an instant.

Thank You, JesusThank You and Praise You, Jesus, for Your great Love and Your great Mercy on Your people. What are You going to do next?!

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— were a dirty corporal and two Hosts. My sense was that these were consecrated Hosts: the adorable Body of Jesus Christ. Unconsecrated hosts would not have been left lying in a locked tabernacle.

The PriceI attempted to explain to the young attendant what I had just discovered in the tabernacle. He was unable to grasp what I was saying and seemed never to have heard the word “Host” before. Moments later the gentleman conducting the auction arrived. I told him that among his wares were things belonging to God, sacred things and that I wanted to rescue them so as to restore them to Gods house. Looking at the monstrance, the ciborium, and the tabernacle containing its priceless Treasure, I offered him a price for the lot of things. He accepted my offer and allowed me to make my purchase in advance of the public auction. The transaction completed, I returned to the priory with my acquisitions; I was sorrowful but grateful.

ReparationAt the priory, I called the brethren together. We carried the tabernacle to the sacristy, where I opened it and transferred the Sacred Hosts to a pyx. Accompanied by a brother bearing a lighted candle and by the rest of the community, I went to the

Oratory and placed the pyx in the tabernacle. Kneeling, we prayed the Collect of the Most Blessed Sacrament and made an act of reparation. And then I wept. Would that I could, in some way, make reparation for the irreverence, coldness, and ignorance that surround Our Lord in the Sacrament of His Love! Would that I could preach the surpassing wonder of His Real Presence over the entire length and breadth of this island!God Hidden and UnknownNot only is Our Lord hidden — Vere tu es Deus absconditus — He is also unknown. Even among those who frequent their churches Sunday after Sunday, there are souls in darkness concerning the mystery of the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Two or three generations have come to understand the Blessed Sacrament as mere holy bread. Jesus, the Host - meaning the Victim, the Lamb of Sacrifice - is forgotten. His adorable Body is treated as a thing, as an object of little worth apart from the subjective sentiments one chooses to attach to it. Once, on this very island, men shed their blood for the Host. Once, on this very island, men deemed Him their all, wanting nothing on earth apart from Him.Green Wood and the Dry

What can I pray? I ask Our

Lord to reveal Himself. I ask Him to give words to His priests that they might proclaim the adorable Sacrament of the Altar and make known its wonders at every opportunity. I ask Our Lord to inspire His priests to speak of Him and, even more, to give a worthy example of faith, of adoration, of reverence and of burning love. “For if in the green wood they do these things, what shall be done in the dry?” (Luke ��:��)

Guardians, Sentinels, Who are the guardians of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ if not His priests? Who are the sentinels charged with keeping watch before Him? Who are His chosen friends, called to tarry in His Presence and to prefer His Company to all else? Who are the men set aside to handle His most pure Body and to touch the chalice of His Precious Blood? These are His priests, my own brothers.Prayer for Eucharistic Light

and FireSend, Oh Jesus, a penetrating light upon thy priests. Enkindle a fire of love in their hearts. Increase their faith and grace them with an angelic reverence in Thy Presence, lest by treating Thee carelessly, or with indifference, they scandalize the little ones who look to them for an example of living faith and of humble adoration.The light of the true faith

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Monday 30 June 2014“My children, I am calling you to open your eyes and see the truth of what is happening in this world around you. Can you not see the influx of sin into every part of your society? Can you not see the governments of this world bring out laws that corrupt My children into believing that sin is just? Can you not read the signs of your times?...”

Friday 11 July 2014“Come, My people, wake up to the Truth. You are in the dark times, the ‘Time of Sin.’A time when sin is considered right and just. Sin has become part of your laws, where you go against the law of the country if you do not accept sin but, yet, you go against My Laws if you accept the laws of these corrupt governments. Those who follow Me in these times of darkness will become

outcasts, they shall be looked down upon by their friends, family and neighbours because they will not agree with the laws of sin. Look how your society convinces itself that it is not sinful when a man lies with a man or a woman lies with a woman but, I tell you, it is sin. Look how your society tells you that it is not a sin for parents to murder their child within the womb before it is born but, I tell you, it is murder. The countries of this world have become corrupt; My Mother’s prophesies of La Salette come to pass. Prepare, generation, prepare for I am at the door and you are not ready for My Judgement. Repent, I Love you.”

ChangesIt is amazing how much the world has changed in the last forty years, especially in the “modern”

and “enlightened” western world. I know growing up in Ireland the changes have been enormous, especially in the last number of years, the speed of social change has been phenomenal and quite scary. Hand in hand with this social change has been the decline in living Jesus’ Ways. What was once widely considered as sin is now accepted and protected under the law of the land. As Jesus says in the above Message “Sin has become part of your laws.” In Ireland alone over this period, divorce, contraception, homosexual acts and, in the last twelve months, abortion as a treatment for suicide have all become accepted under the laws of the land (with a referendum on homosexual marriage due next year) Tax laws give cohabiting couples the same benefits as married couples. And we wonder why our world is in

The Tidal Wave of Change and Godlessness

that once illumined Ireland has grown dim; the hearts of the multitude have grown cold. Reveal, Oh Jesus, Thy Eucharistic Face! Let the

flames that escape from Thy Eucharistic Heart enkindle a great body of adorers, especially among Thine own priests, lest Thy Church

suffer too great a darkness, too piercing a cold. Amen.http://vultus.stblogs.org/index.php/2014/05/god-hidden-and-unknown/

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a total mess. Pushed Jesus out

And, alongside, there has been the gradual reduction in public displays of faith. America has been doing this for years. For a country that claims so readily “God Bless America” it has pushed Jesus out of its schools, courthouses and the workplace. Europe has been moving in the same direction with more and more countries removing any sign of influences of faith from any decision making. Christianity is being squeezed into being solely something you do behind the closed door of the home or the church. And how

long will that “freedom” remain? Look what Jesus has said in the Messages:“...Soon, a court will decide how and when you will worship Me; soon you will be laughed at and tortured because you follow Me. In fact they will take you to court for loving Me. A judge will preside and decide what prayers will be said in My Churches and My priests will have to follow these rules. Prayers, My children, will become empty words that mean nothing and My people will meet in underground places to worship Me. There will be two churches: one that is open and prays to itself and the other that is My True

Church that worships Me in secret...” Friday 2 July 2004The tidal wave of change

If you look around the world now, there aren’t too many areas where you could say that are truly Christian. Maybe a few areas of Africa and South East Asia. And yet Christianity is supposed to be most popular religion in the world. If we can’t see that what Jesus is saying in the Messages is happening around us before our very eyes, will we ever notice that now is the time to change our ways before we, too, get swept away in the tidal wave of change and godlessness?

The Tidal Wave of Change and Godlessness

God’s Not DeadSung by Newsboys

Let love explode and bring the dead to life.A love song bold to see a revolution, somehow Now I’m lost in Your freedomAnd this world I’ll overcome

My God’s not dead, He’s surely Alive He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lion

Our God’s not dead, He’s surely Alive He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lionHe’s roaring, He’s roaring, He’s roaring like a lion

Let hope arise and make the darkness hide

When faith is dead I need a resurrection, somehowNow I’m lost in Your freedom And this world I’ll overcome

My God’s not dead, He is surely Alive He is living on the inside, roaring like a lionOur God’s not dead, He is surely Alive He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lion

He’s roaring, He is roaring, He’s roaring like a lionHe’s roaring, He is roaring, He’s roaring like a lion

Let Heaven roar And fire fall

Come shake the groundWith the sound of revival

My God’s not dead, He’s surely Alive He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lion

My God’s not dead, He’s surely Alive He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lionOur God’s not dead, He’s surely Alive

He’s roaring, He’s roaring, He’s roaring like a lionOur God’s not dead, He’s surely AliveHe’s roaring, He’s roaring, He’s roaring like a lionHe’s roaring like a lion


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...Like the Way of My Sacred Heart,

a pilgrimage is a journey; a journey to My Heart...

Pilgrim’s Progress

Diary of a Pilgrimage


A Time of finding:gArAbAndAl

We had a very pleasant couple of days in Soledad, a time to relax with almost no driving and sup Jesus’ Love up, as it were! This was the first House of Prayer I had the opportunity to stay in, besides the House of the Sacred Heart at home and I did find Solitude, I did find Jesus, just as He promised we would. Our neighbour, little Luisa, who is now ninety apparently, was buzzing around, rattling away to everyone, especially Shaun, about having the broken tiles replaced on the roof. And so he did.

Jesus’ House readyAlso, in the short space of time we spent in Cosío, Jesus managed to bring people’s heads and expertise together, through the good offices of Patrick by phone, Bridie on site and Phelim who came from England to spend a few days in

our company, to have the outside first floor banister installed within a few days of our departure; yet another important step in making Jesus’ House ready for His children.

So privilegedWe were so privileged to hold the Thursday and Friday night vigils in Soledad and these, in themselves, were blessed moments when Jesus Touched us as we prayed and sang and thought of our brothers and sisters at home in Cookstown celebrating these Feasts to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in unison with us. Thank You, Jesus and Mary, thank You, again and again and again for these opportunities to “...taste and see that the Lord is Good...” that His Love has no end, that we are indeed a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a people set apart. Grant, Lord, that we are worthy of Your Love

and we can shine forth Your Truth and bring more and more of Your children back to the Fold, as is Your holy Will.

A Time of finding: Quiet and relaxing

Our return trip north was quiet and relaxing. I was intrigued in Northern Spain at the Basque place names as we drove through the Bilbao region, lots of x’s and z’s – the Basques have a very distinct culture unlike any other in Europe and, like the Irish, they have had their fair share of colonialist influences, from the large French and Spanish-speaking communities to the north and the south and unfortunately this cultural struggle has been the impetus for much political unrest and killing in the country.

Bay of BiscayWhat I found most impressive on our way along the Bay of Biscay and the Atlantic coast of France

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would someday get to visit Saint Maximillian Kolbe House of Prayer in L’Absie and now here we were driving into this small French town! Another privilege and another delight in store for us. Once we had landed, we immediately donned our Habits, as is the servants’ custom and welcomed Jesus in the lovely little Prayer Room – so quiet and serene – I knew Jesus was happy we had come.

Not been inhabitedThe House had not been inhabited for almost a year and so it was a little musty and dusty and needed to be freshened up. Before long, however and after all the pilgrims had got settled in, everyone took to and started to give it a little clean-up and prepare an evening meal. We opened doors and windows to let Gods light and fresh air permeate the rooms. The floor was brushed and the surfaces cleaned and hot water put on for washing.

This AngelIt wasn’t long until we were all sitting down to a lovely fresh salad and I could feel we had brought life and love into Jesus’ House again. I learned afterwards that the Angel for this House of Prayer is called Amario and that Patrick had told a previous group

that this Angel is like a Starburst and He stands so tall, overshadowing the House.

And what a HouseAnd what a House! After the meal and when everyone was happily employed in their own little activities, reading or out visiting around the town, I managed to get a better look around. I couldn’t believe how extensive the House is both upwards and outwards. Each new room I discovered was like a hidden delight to me. I wasn’t the slightest bit put off by the unsightliness of it all, although I do know that this left some of the pilgrims a little disconcerted.

Love and prayerIt is such a large House and will take a really big injection of funds, time, love and prayer to renovate it and bring it to where Jesus wants it to be but we know He will succeed and that this House will be a shining Light for all of the French-speaking world. His daughter, France, while now a post-Christian country,

was the immense expanse of land which was obviously a dedicated agricultural zone –there were literally miles and miles of undisturbed pine-tree plantations, this is national forestation as it should be, I thought, with no industrialisation right across one or two whole Départments, those of Aquitaine and de la Gironde.I remembered Jesus sayingA few days earlier, during the trip, on our way from La Salette to Lourdes, we had passed through the wine-producing countryside of Languedoc-Roussillon where we witnessed a myriad of wine chateaux and covered vineyards. Then, I had remembered Jesus saying “I am the vine: you the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

Son of the CarpenterNow, as we drove past all the native trees and pine forests, I was reminded of Jesus again, Son of the carpenter, and He, too, a Carpenter – I thought also of Song of the Carpenter, Jesus’ indepth and page-turning account to Patrick of other insights and details surrounding His Childhood, Life and Passion and how He interacted with His contemporaries, all mentioned in the Bible. I can’t wait for volume three!

Another delightI had also always hoped I

Pilgrim’s Progress

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was, in the past, a beacon of Christianity, a fact attested to, not only by the sites we visited and others such as Lisieux but also by so many little towns and villages named after native Saints, and the continued presence of so many Marian Shrines and Crucifix Scenes on the crossroads of rural France.

Expansive and diverseThere are four or five levels in the House and the rooms are so expansive and diverse. Apparently, it had been the residence for the clergy at one time, was taken over by the army during World War II and was also a small hotel and bar. The many rooms will no doubt be needed as dormitories for Jesus’ children who will come for retreats, renewal and refuge.

Saint Maximillian KolbeI thought upon Saint Maximillian Kolbe after whom Jesus inspired Patrick to name the House. In May �94�, he was imprisoned in Auschwitz I as prisoner #�66�0. During his time in the German Nazi concentration camp, he selflessly laid down his own life so that another man, a stranger called Franciszek Gajowniczek, could have his life spared and his family stay intact. During the three weeks of dehydration and starvation, before he was murdered with carbolic acid, he was inspirational in keeping up the spirits of those incarcerated with him, leading them in songs and

prayer. He was canonized, a martyr, by Pope John Paul II on October �0, �9�� in the presence of Franciszek Gajowniczek, the man whose life he had saved. (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/Kolbe.html)

Because we’re worth itAnd to think that we become so excited about the comforts which surround us and want to pamper ourselves ‘because we’re worth it,’ as the media mantra goes! We have so much to do to die to ourselves and Maximillian provides us with a shining example of what it entails to take up our cross and follow Jesus.

God’s HouseIn L’Absie, the following morning, we had the opportunity of going to the local Mass and were welcomed by the village parishioners and the parish priest. We learnt that the House is known locally as Gods House. The priest had a few words of encouragement for us and inquired how everything was in Cookstown and in the Diocese of Armagh.

‘Cave’ Before leaving the House, we went around closing all the windows and doors again and leaving everything intact and secure. Just as we passed through the top floor, we looked into the loft of the House – the clear blue sky could be seen glinting through the tiles

in several spots – another obvious source of the damp. And on the very bottom floor, just around the corner from the large Prayer Room which gives out onto the street, I noticed a tiny little door with a push-lock. I opened this and saw before me a flight of stairs going below ground level. I had never been in a ‘cave’ as the French call them and this one had obviously been there since the House was built over a hundred years ago.

Jesus’ wisdomI went down the stone steps to see the walls cut out of the parent rock – the shelves around the little room, which is about three square meters, were slightly lit by the natural light of a small window slit from the street above; unfortunately there were no vintage bottles of Grand Cru in sight! I marvelled at Jesus’ Wisdom and choice of House. It has such potential and such character – a real gem – and now, as I recall all this, I remember one of the Pilgrims who accompanied us and who said, as she sat back on the settee in the big living/dining room, ‘I love this House, I can feel Jesus’ Presence here, I know He is Happy to be with us.’Rejuvenated in their faith

Our onward trip home went very well and I think everyone was inspired and rejuvenated in their faith and by each other and by Jesus’ and Mary’s company.

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We probably covered something in the region of three thousand-five hundred miles in total. A wonderful holy and exhilarating trip and one which I would highly recommend to all Jesus’ readers and indeed all Gods children.


We left Cookstown on Thursday �0 June at �am to begin our annual Pilgrimage to Garabandal, Paray Le Monial and La Salette amongst others.We journeyed to Dublin to get a boat to Holyhead and then travelled to Portsmouth to get another boat to France. It was beautiful day and the sun was shining. We had to pick up two people at different locations. There was eleven of us altogether. I have not been on the Pilgrimage for eight years, it wasn’t that it was new to me, it had changed a little over the years and maybe I had forgotten what it was like.

Arrived in CaenWe arrived in Caen early next morning, another beautiful day. We always begin our journey with a prayer and, along the way, we remember Jesus in our thoughts and in the silences.

Keep Jesus with meI believe, through our Prayer Meeting on Wednesday night in Cookstown, what I am getting from it is to keep

Jesus with me, to bring Him into all parts of my life, not just when I need Him or I need a favour. I practised this very much on our Pilgrimage and the peace we had was out of this world. There was no panic, we didn’t get lost, no pressure.

To Paray Le MonialThe journey from Caen to Paray Le Monial was about eight to nine hours but it didn’t seem that long. Jesus said on Tuesday �� June �00�, ‘...Paray le Monial is My Heart and I will greet you there, if you look for Me...’ and I believe Jesus did greet us. The lady in the hotel was so helpful. There was an English speaking priest who organized Mass for the group and Confessions for any one who wanted them. We also were told where to get the key if we wanted to go to adoration as they cannot leave the chapel open anymore.

La SaletteThe next leg of the journey was to La Salette, another eight to nine hours. This is where Our Lady spoke to two little shepherds. La Salette is up on a mountain, it is so steep to climb. Again it was so peaceful and prayerful. We took part in the tour, there was adoration all day, Mass several times a day and a procession in the evening.

LourdesThe next morning we had to leave early and a priest said Mass for us before we left. From there we travelled to Lourdes for one night and left the next day after Mass and the baths. I did notice in Lourdes that there were not as many people as there used to be. When I went there on pilgrimage years ago we had to queue for hours for the baths. Are there less people going to the Shrines? Has our faith diminished? Just a thought.

Left for GarabandalWe then left for Garabandal in Spain. Garabandal is where Our Lady appeared to four girls in �96�. It is not as commercialised as Lourdes and there are not many pilgrims there. Some of us stayed in Soledad House of Prayer while others went to stay in Garabandal.

The Peace Every day we went to Mass in Garabandal and we walked up to the Pines. The peace that is at the Pines is out of this world. It is very, very special. When I was up at the Pines, it seemed there was no one else there but me. In the Messages of Love, Jesus said, “...Look at

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CelebratingTwenty Years of the House of Prayer

A man in CookstownI was shopping in a local shopping centre when a lady struck up a conversation with me. She began telling me about a man in Cookstown

who was receiving Messages from Jesus. I thought it was ludicrous as I was very anti-God at the time. I had stopped believing in Him as I was going through a very

bad time in my life and God was the last thing I wanted to hear about - He was my enemy, Him and His Mother. As for God talking to a human being - it was

Memories of the Beginning

Garabandal! Is it a gift of Peace for the world? No, My servant, it is not, for the Peace that I have given here remains unused. I give these Words to you, so that you can tell the world that this great gift is rejected...” Tuesday 21 August 2001This Message has come to pass. There are pilgrims going there but not as many as there should be.

L’Absie in FranceNext day, Sunday, we travelled to L’Absie in France to Saint Maximilian House

of Prayer, on our journey home. Maximilian House needs a lot of work done but still I found the Presence of Jesus there. This is also a very special House. On � August �00�, Jesus said “...I received this House because of one faith eighty years ago but the spirits would not let Me have it. Maria gave it to Me from her heart to My Heart because she loved Me. You love Me as she did. I Love all of you. Make this House Mine and not yours...”

The Pilgrimage was now coming to an end

The Pilgrimage was now coming to an end. Yes, we were all ready to go home but we would miss the company we were with over the last two weeks. Thank You, Jesus and Mary, for being in our company and keeping us safe. Help us all to keep the Peace we have received at the different Shrines on the Pilgrimage.


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not on. I had had enough

The lady kept the conversation going and I did not want to hear or know. I had had enough of spinning suns and moving statues, Rosary beads changing colours etc. etc. I did not want to hear about another craze, a fad, money making business. The conversation went on and on and finally she said, I am going to the prayer meeting on Wednesday night, I will call for you and pick you up. I told her not to bother, that I would not be going. She said she would call anyway as she had to pass my home to get to the Prayer Meeting.

Read the BibleWednesday came I was very restless so I jumped into the bath and got ready for the road telling myself I was not going. Then I had a really strong desire compelling me to read the Bible, so I went and got a Bible and I opened it randomly. It opened at John�0:�-��, the Good Shepherd. I paced the floor trying to figure out why I was reading it.

On the journeyThe lady called at my door and away I went with her. On the journey she explained to me that Patrick Rushe was receiving Messages of Love from Jesus and he was holding a Prayer Meeting in his home where he also shares the Messages of Love.

I experienced JesusOn entering his home, I met

Patrick and he made me very welcome. The meeting got underway and, as it progressed, I experienced Jesus in my innermost being. I was touched, I was on fire and when Patrick shared the latest Message it was about the Good Shepherd! I could not wait to for the next meeting, my hunger could not be satisfied.

Procure Me a HouseI kept going to the Prayer Meetings in Patrick’s home and then one day Jesus spoke to Patrick and said, Procure Me a House of Prayer. By this time Patrick Rushe had met Patrick O’Kane and Jesus led them both to a building in the centre of Cookstown which is now the Sacred Heart House of Prayer. Jesus said it would be known as His Heart and would go under the banner of ‘An Invitation to Love Jesus.’

House of Prayer openedThe House of Prayer opened on � February �994. People brought pictures, statues, kitchen and office equipment, all kinds of materials, furniture, paint and help was on hand for decorating and soon the Prayer Meetings began in the House of Prayer. People travelled long distances and began visiting the Heart of Jesus during the day.

Really very smallThe House was really very small at that time compared to what it is now. Jesus gave names to the few rooms that were in the House and

gave Angels for each room also. He told us that Saint Thérèse, the Little Flower and Saint Michael were the Patrons of the House. As the House of Prayer has expanded and grown, other Angels and Saints have been given.

InstructionsJesus then gave Instructions for Community Prayer times during the day, vigils, and Days of Prayer. The Day of Love was now to be held in the House of Prayer. As well as all the prayer times and days, the Work of spreading His Messages of Love developed. In the early days, we just typed the Messages on a type writer and photocopied them. These were handed out to people who came to the House. This has developed into a Newsletter, the purpose of which is to bring Jesus’ Messages out into the world. These are posted all over the world now.

Habit and CommitmentThere have been many developments through the years. Jesus requested that a Habit be made and with it, a Commitment to His Heart. Servants who have taken on this Commitment wear the Red Scapular, Habit of Humility, Cord of Our Lady and a Crucifix around their neck.

Many thingsJesus has given prayers and chaplets at different stages. He requested an accommodation block, He told us to dig for the Well,

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He hasn’t even started yetJesus was speaking

This year we celebrate twenty years of the House of Prayer and thinking about that took me back. I met the two Patricks in �994 (exactly twenty years ago!) at a prayer meeting in my friend’s house in County Meath. I was in my final year in secondary school and I remember thinking they were so funny, really good craic and I believed the Messages when I heard them. I believed that Jesus was speaking to them.

One hundred questionsThey weren’t asking anyone to join the House of Prayer, they were just two young men who talked about Jesus and sounded like they really loved Him. They also let us ask them questions. I’m sure I must have asked one hundred questions and they had really great answers for everything. They made so much sense.

I joined the maillist and received the newsletter every month and went on about my life - university, finding a job etc.

I felt calledIt wasn’t until �00� that I felt called to become a servant of the Way of the Sacred Heart. I remember reading a Message in the Newsletter where Jesus was asking for help in the House and it just jumped off the page at me. I was working and living in Belfast and came up at weekends mostly. I slowly learned the Ways of the House and because I played the piano I became involved in the music ministry and played with Stephen and Martin.

A small studioIn �00�, Patrick was receiving songs from Jesus and we helped put them to music and record them and made CDs. We didn’t really know what we were doing

but, with prayer, we got there eventually. We had made a small studio and the Patricks were inspired to buy a beautiful electric piano, a Roland recording system, microphones and head phones - everything needed to make a recording.

Send more musiciansAs the years progressed, I was always hoping and praying Jesus would send more musicians as I felt me and Stephen and Martin were limited in what we could do. Jesus did send many who played on the recordings and helped us over the years. He even sent a man who had worked with Joni Mitchell in America and he gave us a few production tips when we were recording the first CD.

SonLightI also prayed for more singers so that we could sing in harmony together. I discovered that people who

He set up a religious goods shop. Jesus requested a House of Prayer in Garabandal and told us that it was His second calling to those in the Habit. This was the first of many Houses of Prayer that Jesus called for. There are now about seventeen Houses of Prayer!

Prayed for yearsI remember a lady who lived in close proximity to the House of Prayer told

us, on many occasions, that her brother prayed for years for a House of Prayer in Cookstown! He himself did not live to see his prayers answered but his sister did and was a frequent visitor and friend to the House.

Seemed impossibleIn the twenty years since the House of Prayer first opened its doors, Jesus asked for many things and has established many things that, twenty years ago would

have seemed impossible. Greatest of His works

But, perhaps the greatest of His works within these years, is the work that He has done within hearts. The hearts of His servants, the hearts of all the people who have called in over the years. The work within our souls is ongoing and the Journey of self dying is endless but the treasure to which it leads is priceless!

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were already at the House could sing more than they were letting on. Over time, we began practising together and this group became SonLight. Patrick continued to receive songs over the years and most of the time we were learning them and trying to arrange them. Then in �009 he suggested we do a concert.

A concertI still say that in all my time at the House of Prayer and to this day I never, never would have thought of us going out and doing a concert. It seemed like a mad idea - who would come to hear us sing original compositions? But, trusting that Jesus was behind it all, we went ahead and organised it.

A special nightIt turned out to be such a success. We raised money for our local church in Cookstown and, looking back, I have to say, it was one of the best concerts we ever did. The nerves of doing it for the first time, the trust we had in Jesus, the great reception we got from the audience. It was really a special night!

Bring Jesus with usSince then, SonLight has grown and we have done many concerts and many more Masses and Prayer Meetings. Jesus said once He could send us where He couldn’t send others and I took this to mean that we could sing in bars and at parties and bring Jesus with us and give Him to

His people, even though it wasn’t a prayer meeting or Mass.

Song and praiseA few months ago we wrote in the Newsletter about the Prayer Meeting that we have at the moment - it is completely filled with song and praise from start to finish. Sometimes we sing so softly whispering to God and at other times we lift our voices as much as we can. I found it hard to sing and play quietly at first, really trying to whisper and allow myself to be lead by Patrick (who was being inspired by Jesus) instead of just leading myself! But now I find it easy to quickly find the Presence of the Lord in the quietness, in the song, in the music, in the words. Jesus has created a beautiful Oasis where He fills us each week.

Pounced on meThere was one night a few months ago when I couldn’t feel Jesus at all and then all of a sudden He just pounced on me. I can’t think of another way to describe it. It was like I was thinking ‘Ah well, I’ve never really felt Him anyway and maybe I was imagining those times I thought I felt something’ and I just carried on playing and singing and believing despite myself and BAM, He was there. I can’t even explain how I felt Him but I just knew it was Him. During the sharing after it turned out that during that particular song other people

had felt His Presence too. It was like confirmation for me.

Moments of doubtI know that following Jesus is not about feelings but it is great to feel Him and it is also great to just know He is there even if I don’t feel Him. Sometimes I think He gives us those moments of feeling Him so that when we have moments of doubt we can recall them and reassure ourselves.

Twenty years agoWhen I think about meeting the two Patricks, twenty years ago in that sitting room, I never would have thought that I would be doing what I do now for Jesus. Even though it seems obvious that someone who had studied music might play for the Lord, I never imagined playing and singing the way I do now for Jesus.

You really never knowIt just goes to show that you really never know what Jesus has planned for you and we must continue to say ‘yes’ to Him so that He can bring us to where He wants us to be so that we can shine His Light and His Love to His children who do not know Him.

What He really wantsAnd you know something I think He hasn’t even started to do what He really wants to yet and I can’t wait to see what the next twenty years is going to bring. Thank You and praise You, Jesus.

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E v e n t s C e l e b r a t e d

Sacred Heart House46 James Street, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland BT80 8LT Tel: 028 867 66377 Fax: 028 867 62247 E-mail: [email protected]

SAinT TereSA benedicTA of The croSS

We gathered in the Chapel of Jesus to ask for the intercession of this great, little-known Saint, who died in a concentration camp at Auschwitz in Poland in the Second World War. She willingly gave her life for the love of others. We had the Community Prayers and servants shared from the Saint’s writings. She was so humble and did not want to be known only that Jesus be known through her.

ASSumpTion of mAry The Feast of the Assumption is a Day of Prayer within the community for the fight against abortion which Mary asked for in the Messages of Love.“...My Sorrow is also at its height for My little ones are still being murdered. I ask that you sacrifice these prayers of this Day for them. I ask that you do not pray for yourselves but that you allow Me to take all these garlands of flowers that you give Me to use for them. If you do, then I can stop thousands of these killings taking place.Abortion is on the increase

and I must save many...”Tuesday 15 August 1995, from MaryDuring the prayers, a servant spoke about Our Lady. We prayed the Baptism of the Unborn as Mary had spoken of this need.“...I will tell you that My Foot is in water to represent that all of these little ones need to be baptised in the Baptism of the Unborn...”Monday 19 August 1996, from Mary about the image ‘Mary, Patron of the Aborted’We held the Walk Against Abortion the next day.

WAlk AgAinST AborTion

Although the crowd was not very large for the walk, those who were present knew that it was necessary to make a s t a t e m e n t about the evil of abortion and let the people who were in Cookstown on that day see that it is important to fight against

evil. As someone once said, ‘All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing.’The weather was not great, it rained a little and the wind was very strong – so strong that it was impossible to hold the banners upright all the time. Thank You, Jesus, for being able to offer this small sacrifice to You to appease Your Pain. After the walk we had a cup of tea and then gathered in the Prayer Room for the Baptism of the Unborn. I, personally, went home happy feeling that at least we had done a small bit of Work for Jesus to appease His Pain.

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Sacred Heart House E v e n t s t o C o m ePrayers begin at 12pm unless

otherwise stated

Birthday of MaryMonday � September

The Exaltation and Triumph of the CrossSunday �4 September

Prayers begin at 3pm

Feast of Saint PioTuesday �� September

Feast of the Archangels Monday �9 September

Feast of Saint ThérèseWednesday � October

Feast of the Guardian Angels

Thursday � October

Feast of Saint FrancisSaturday 4 October

The House will be closed on Sunday � October for a

private retreat

Weekend with the PatricksBeginning on Friday �0 October at �.�0pm to Sunday �� October

Feast of Saint Teresa of Avila

Wednesday �� October

Feast of Saint Mararet Mary

Thursday �6 October

Vigil to be with Jesus on Halloween Night

Friday �� Octoberat 10pm

First Friday Vigils from �0pm - �am:

Friday � October and Friday � November �0�4

50 Tynemouth Road, Tottenham, London. N15 4AX. Tel: 0208 808 0732 E-mail: [email protected]

Saint Michael House

T h e d e v i l c a n a f f e c t c h i l d r e nToys and gadgets

It has become quite apparent to me recently how the devil can affect children at such a young age through toys and gadgets especially computer games. As a parent, I held out on buying my oldest child a games console until he was nearly ten years old. He begged and pleaded and eventually I gave in. At first it wasn’t too bad as there was no internet connection involved in this particular game.

However, his younger brothers started to want to play the same console and their older brother occasionally gave them the game to play. Once they had a taste of these ‘fun’ games, it was their turn to want, beg and plead.

ConsolesI started noticing my sons having temper tantrums playing these games that were meant to be fun. They would snap at me or be rude if I talked to them whilst

they were concentrating on a game. I allowed them only access at the weekend and locked the consoles away so I thought they wouldn’t get tempted to play them late at night after I had put them to bed. I found as time went on it was more difficult to get them to give back the consoles as they always had an excuse that they needed to just ‘complete’ something.

Parental controlsI thought that the parental


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controls would be enough for me to keep control over what they played or accessed but, not keeping up with the changes in technology, I found it difficult to know what to allow or not allow access to.

How little control I haveJust recently I have found out how little control I really have as a parent. I went out one evening and left my husband to put our children to bed. The next day, my teenage son came to me and asked if I knew that my eight year old son was playing his games console till midnight. He showed me on his own games console, that was linked to my other son’s, showing his usage over the hours he was supposed to be asleep. I urgently went searching for the games console and eventually found it hidden in his bedroom.

Unsuitable for his ageUnfortunately, my husband had forgotten to collect the games consoles before

their bed time. My oldest son helped me access the information to find out what he was playing. Then it was revealed that he had access to the e-shop and was playing demos of games that were unsuitable for his age. When I looked on my eleven year old son’s game information, that too was showing that he had also accessed sixteen year old game demos.

Internet accessThe newer games consoles have internet access and I have also found that through these latest games consoles there is also access to YouTube which can have clips that are very unsuitable for children.

Steal the innocenceI have since deleted these

demos and blocked internet access but it has opened my eyes to the lack of parental control I have and how the devil can try to steal the innocence of our children at every opportunity. Our children have been taught to use technology from a very young age and they can show us how to use computers as most of us have not grown up with the knowledge.

Away from GodIt is only because of my teenage son showing me how to check things on these games that I had any knowledge that there was something wrong. I can only see anger in my children when they play these computer games and believe these are also another tool of lucifer to lead our children away from God. I am learning to be more aware of these dangers and continue to pray for the protection of all children from the many traps set by lucifer.


1 At that time Jesus went through the corn on the sabbath: and His disciples being hungry, began to pluck the ears and to eat. 2 And the Pharisees seeing them, said to Him: Behold

Matthew 12:1-8

The Holy Scriptures

Thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do on the sabbath days. The Pharisees seemed to be on the look out to catch Jesus and the disciples out. To pluck the ears of corn

came under breaking the law of working on the Sabbath.3 But He said to them: Have you not read what David did when he was hungry and they that were with him: 4 How he entered into the

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The Holy Scriptures

house of God and did eat the loaves of proposition, which it was not lawful for him to eat, nor for them that were with him, but for the priests only? Jesus, knowing all Scripture - because He is the Word and was there from the beginning - knows exactly how to answer the Pharisees who know the law inside out. The loaves of proposition was holy bread, made from the finest flour, prepared in a special room by the priests with particular measurements and arranged in a certain way in the tabernacle or temple before the Ark of the Covenant, remaining in the Presence of the Lord. Twelve loaves were replaced each Sabbath. The stale loaves were ate by Aaron and his sons in the holy place (Leviticus �4:�, 9.) And so this was clearly a bigger wrong for David and his men to stave

their hunger by eating the ‘holy bread’ for the priests, in comparison to Jesus and His Disciples plucking and eating the ears of corn in the fields to stop their hunger. They were obviously not ‘working’ on the Sabbath

but the Pharisees were using the pettiest of things against Jesus. They just wanted to bring Him down.5 Or have ye not read in the law, that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple break the sabbath and are without blame? 6 But I tell you that there is here a greater than the temple.

7 And if you knew what this meaneth: I will have mercy and not sacrifice: you would never have condemned the innocent. The Pharisees were blind and self-righteous. We, Christians, are always in

danger of being the same. Only by looking in truth at ourselves, every day, in prayer with Jesus and then dying to that self and sin He shows us, can the scales fall from our own eyes. Which is the bigger sin: buying milk on a Sunday or judging and gossiping about someone

buying the milk?8 For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath. Jesus is God and the Sabbath is for God. It is the Lord’s Day. It is for Him, not us, so let’s give it to Him. He wants our company, our time. It’s not about breaking rules. It’s about love. Let’s make ourselves available to do good.

Weekend With the Patricks

Friday 10 October until Sunday 12 October 2014

Including a Walk Against Abortion on Saturday 11 October

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The Plight of those Affected by our Greed

The Plight of Others


Survival of the fittestWe live in a world where sin is accepted to the point where we barely blink an eye to it now. We have such a desire to become ‘mini gods’ that it has become acceptable to plunge ourselves into debt and deceit in order to gain the riches and status of this world. ‘You have to look after number one’ ‘survival of the fittest’ and ‘if you don’t look after yourself, no one else will’ are phrases which are thrown around all too often.

Looked after by vulturesThe problem is, when we are all looking after ‘me’, there are vulnerable people who are being looked after by vultures with a lust for blood and wealth. They care little for their own souls or anyone else.

The Church“...Beginning now, is a new era for her (The Church). Evil and Good beckons to her and she must choose either one. She has placed herself into the hands of the beast and has become his harlot. She sings and dances to his every whim. She must choose to do My Will in this time, otherwise she is lost.You, My people, are My

Church. You are the bricks and mortar that go to make it. You are the ones who have allowed yourselves to become tools of the evil one and have debauched yourselves in My sight. You have fraternised with the gods of old whom I came to conquer and have claimed Victory over.Choose, My people: is it I? Or do you still wish to dance for lucifer in your pride.”Monday 13 December 1999

Blood DiamondThe 2006 film ‘Blood Diamond’ depicted what parts of Africa suffer in order for the rest of the world to enjoy their natural resource. At the end of the film, an African gentleman is looking at a large diamond in a jewellery shop window in London. The look on his face was harrowing as if he recalled the violence, murder and lives destroyed in order to get the diamond to that window. It struck me, the feeling of futility of our greed on a worldwide scale.

Society teachesWestern society teaches women that we are all ‘princesses’ and ‘worth it.’ We are told that if a man loves us he should ‘put a

ring on it.’ That ring should be the biggest, flashiest jewel he can possibly afford. If he can’t afford it, he should put it on his credit card or pay a monthly instalment for the rest of his life or the end of his marriage, whichever comes first.

Child labourDiamonds are a status symbol, a ‘girl’s best friend.’ Not so for the one hundred and seventy one million children enslaved in child labour and thus kissing goodbye to any chance of a future for them or their family. They are exposed to health risks such as malaria, dysentery, cholera and sexual diseases. They work long hours in overcrowded conditions and are malnourished and underpaid (less than eight US cents per day).

‘Pays’ the familyThe diamond industry is ‘an infamous venue of exploitation towards youth workers’ many of whom sleep in their workplace or small hovels instead of a home.Due to the horrific poverty in the third world, (imposed upon them by the first world) these children have no choice but to enter into these conditions. In most

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The Plight of Others


cases, the employer ‘pays’ the family in advance. The child works to pay off the debt, this is called bonding.

A life of servitudeBonded children can never pay off the family’s debt because of interest. They are forced into a life of servitude which will pass on to their descendents.

BotswanaIn Botswana, there is an ongoing dispute between the mining company DeBeers and the Bushman tribe. They want to move the tribe so that they can explore diamond resources. The Bushmen have faced threat from governments since �9�0 when the diamond resources were discovered. A campaign is being pursued to stop this genocide of a tribe. The government are using the tactic that their presence on the land is no longer compatible with ‘preserving wildlife resource.’ Their persecution continued with having their water cut off. Fined, beaten and torturedThey have been taxed, fined, beaten and tortured.Hundreds of thousands of miners lack basic necessities

such as running water and sanitation. Hunger, illiteracy and infant mortality are common. It seems like every natural resource that God has given man to share has been massively exploited and used only for self promotion and the misery of others.

Meet their CreatorThe rich and poor alike will one day meet their Creator. Our wealth, our status, what the people think and our competitors mean nothing to Him. He cares only for our soul and its safety in eternal paradise. Jesus gave us a song where He used the words: Hey you, what you doing standing there? Aren’t you gonna reach out? Aren’t you gonna care?

Appears small scaleJust because our desire for

‘things’ and status appears small scale doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a spiritual impact on the world and on others. Our desires and greeds are never satisfied and it is true that it is so much better to give than to receive. This is especially true when we are giving to Jesus. He is the one true source of joy and contentment in this world.Love Him by loving othersAs individuals, we are probably never going to take on the conglomerates and governments. We do, however, have a mighty God, who is Just. He can use our prayers and sacrifices for the good of others.We can love Him only by loving others.

Saturday �� December �00�“...My Love is a Painful Love because very few, in these days, will accept it. Many who are given it do not take it. They think that they do not need it. The world is enough for them. I wish souls to be more open to Me and less open to the sin that is in the world. I wish them to see the things within them that cause this sin and to know that I will give them the Graces to overcome them. But they must be willing to seek within themselves those things that influence them in a greater way than I do. I ask this of all My children. Then I could pour out a great number of Graces on the world. Even if only a few were willing to die to themselves, I could save many through their sacrifice.

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The Wisdom of John Paul IIOn the Christian Family in

the Modern WorldApostolic Exhortation

of His Holiness,Pope John Paul II


6�. There exists a deep and vital bond between the prayer of the church and the prayer of the individual faithful as has been clearly reaffirmed by the Second Vatican Council. An important purpose of the prayer of the domestic church is to serve as the natural introduction for the children to the liturgical prayer of the whole church, both in the sense of preparing for it and of extending it into personal, family and social life. Hence the need for gradual participation by all the members of the Christian family in the celebration of the eucharist, especially on Sundays and feast days, and of the other sacraments, particularly the sacraments of Christian initiation of the children. The directives of the council opened up a new possibility for the Christian family when it listed the family among those groups to whom it recommends the recitation of the Divine Office in common. Likewise, the Christian family will strive to celebrate at home and in a

way suited to the members the times and feasts of the liturgical year.As preparation for the worship celebrated in church and as its prolongation in the home, the Christian family makes use of private prayer, which presents a great variety of forms. While this variety testifies to the extraordinary richness with which the spirit vivifies Christian prayer, it serves also to meet the various needs and life situations of those who turn to the Lord in prayer. Apart from morning and evening prayers, certain forms of prayer are to be expressly encouraged, following the indications of the synod fathers, such as reading and meditating on the word of God, preparation for the reception of the sacraments, devotion and consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the various forms of veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, grace before and after meals and observance of popular devotions.While respecting the freedom of the children of God, the church has always proposed certain practices of piety to the faithful with particular solicitude and insistence. Among these should be mentioned the recitation of

the rosary: “We now desire, as a continuation of the thought of our predecessors, to recommend strongly the recitation of the family rosary . . . There is no doubt that . . . the rosary should be considered as one of the best and most efficacious prayers in common that the Christian family is invited to recite. We like to think and sincerely hope that when the family gathering becomes a time of prayer the rosary is a frequent and favored manner of praying.” In this way authentic devotion to Mary, which finds expression in sincere love and generous imitation of the Blessed Virgin’s interior spiritual attitude, constitutes a special instrument for nourishing loving communion in the family and for developing conjugal and family spirituality. For she who is the mother of Christ and of the church is in a special way the mother of Christian families, of domestic churches.6�. It should never be forgotten that prayer constitutes an essential part of Christian life, understood in its fullness and centrality. Indeed, prayer is an important part of our very humanity: It is “the first expression of man’s inner truth, the first condition

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for authentic freedom of spirit.”Far from being a form of escapism from everyday commitments, prayer constitutes the strongest incentive for the Christian family to assume and comply fully with all its responsibilities as the primary and fundamental cell of human society. Thus the Christian family’s actual participation in the church’s life and mission is in direct proportion to the fidelity and intensity of the prayer with which it is united with the fruitful vine that is Christ the Lord.The fruitfulness of the Christian family in its specific service to human advancement, which of itself cannot but lead to the transformation of the world, derives from its living union with Christ, nourished by the liturgy, by self-oblation and by prayer. C. The Christian family as a community at the service of man6�. The church, a prophetic, priestly and kingly people, is endowed with the mission of bringing all human beings to accept the word of God in faith, to celebrate and profess it in the sacraments and in prayer, and to give expression to it in the concrete realities of life in accordance with the gift and new commandment of love.The law of Christian life is to be found not in a written code, but in the personal

action of the Holy Spirit who inspires and guides the Christian. It is the “law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus”: “God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”This is true also for the Christian couple and family. Their guide and rule of life is the Spirit of Jesus poured into their hearts in the celebration of the sacrament of matrimony. In continuity with baptism in water and the Spirit, marriage sets forth anew the evangelical law of love, and with the gift of the Spirit engraves it more profoundly on the hearts of Christian husbands and wives. Their love, purified and saved, is a fruit of the Spirit acting in the hearts of believers and constituting, at the same time, the fundamental commandment of their moral life to be lived in responsible freedom.Thus the Christian family is inspired and guided by the new law of the Spirit and, in intimate communion with the church, the kingly people, it is called to exercise its “service” of love toward God and toward its fellow human beings.Just as Christ exercises his royal power by serving us, so also the Christian finds the authentic

meaning of his participation in the kingship of his Lord in sharing his spirit and practice of service to man. “Christ has communicated this power to his disciples that they might be established in royal freedom and that by self-denial and a holy life they might conquer the reign of sin in themselves (cf. Rom. 6:��). Further, he has shared this power so that by serving him in their fellow human beings they might through humility and patience lead their brothers and sisters to that King whom to serve is to reign. For the Lord wishes to spread his kingdom by means of the laity also, a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of justice, love and peace. In this kingdom, creation itself will be delivered out of its slavery to corruption and into the freedom of the glory of the children of God (cf. Rom. �:��)”

Continued next month


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This Newsletter has been published by:An Invitation to Love Jesus, The Sacred Heart House of Prayer,

46 James Street, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, BT80 8LT Northern Ireland.

Tel: 0044 (0) 28 867 66377 Fax: 0044 (0) 28 867 62247 Approved Charity No: XR 21806 E-mail: [email protected]

Websites: www.thetwopatricks.org.uk www.aitlj.multiply.com/ www.youtube.com/user/invitationlovejesus www.sonlightmusic.org.uk

Annual Pilgrimage to Shrines in PolandThursday 18 to Tuesday 30 September 2014

12 nights Non-profit £490 €615

Travelling by minibus from the Sacred Heart House of Prayer, some of the places we will be visiting are:Germany: Staying in Saint Nikolaus House of Prayer in Colditz, Germany. Including Mass in Saint Raphael Chapel and a two hour guided tour of Colditz Castle.Czech Republic: Visiting the Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague.Poland: Staying in Saint Stanislaus House of Prayer.

Czestochowa: Two nights at Czestochowa - Sanctuary of Jasna Gora, the Black Madonna, Poland’s famous National Shrine.Auschwitz Concentration Camp: A three and a half hour guided tour. In this place we can see plainly what NOT loving one another can do. We are visiting this memorial in order to remind us of what man is capable of when he forgets his God and no longer loves. We go there to help us forget about ourselves and remember all those poor people who suffered and were tortured so that we as Christians make sure this never happens again.Birthplace of Saint John Paul: A visit to the birthplace of Saint John Paul in Wadowice, which has been turned into a museum and includes his personal belongings from when he was Father Karol Wojtyła. Divine Mercy Sanctuary: Staying overnight at Divine Mercy Sanctuary. “The Divine Mercy of Jesus is the Love that He has for mankind flowing from His Most Sacred Heart...” Saint Faustina to the Patricks, Sunday 9 November 1997.

For further details and a full itinerary, please contact the Sacred Heart House of Prayer.

Jesus has asked that we make a good pilgrimage and stay with Him within our hearts at all times.A non-refundable deposit of £100/€125 is required to book.


Page 35: 1994 Twenty Years of the House of Prayer 2014thetwopatricks.org/pdf/pdfaugust 2014.pdf · 2015-09-14 · children, read the signs of your times. See, the Battle has begun, the evil


We need Jesus’

WordsDear servants of Jesus,Thank you for all your good works. Please do not stop, because we need Jesus’ Words in this dark and confused world.With my prayers, Anne

Recovered from bowel cancer

Dear Pauline,I enclose £... in thanksgiving that …… recovered from bowel cancer after using the Blessed Oil and Water.Yours sincerely, VeronicaA very good read

Dear Patrick, It’s good to get news from you on what is on the computer. It turns up a lot of information, to do with things we need to know. Your monthly news is a very good read and I enjoy it very much. Enclosed is a cheque for ... to help bring the balance down. I know it isn’t a lot but everything helps.Best wishes to you all at Jesus’ House. God Bless you all and thanks for your prayers.Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Mary




The Prayer RoomDear friends in Jesus,Greetings, love and every good wish to you all.Today, if I may, I would like to share something with you. At noon today I united with all of you at prayer which I try to do at some point each day during your set prayer times.I realised during this prayer time today that a photograph of the Prayer Room which I have in a frame surrounded by other religious objects is a trigger – a reminder – to pray – and how often when I glance at it – it is on or close to your prayer times!It was around fifteen years ago during one of my early visits to the House of Prayer that I asked someone (cannot

remember who) – a man – to let me have a photo of the Prayer Room sometime – this he did. Grateful thanks to whoever it was – you’ll be pleased to know it’s very much a part of my daily union with the House. Thank You, Jesus.The thought today was – would you consider having such a photo available? Then people could, like me, unite in spirit with you all, not only at prayer times but at any time – from anywhere in the world – even for a few brief moments? What a beautiful bouquet for Jesus this would be. Wow!Thank you for your time. A reply is not necessary.Yours in the Love of Jesus and Mary, Mary

Sacred Heart

We uSe The leTTerS you WriTe in The poSTbAg And normAlly juST uSe The firST nAme of The WriTer AS The only piece of perSonAl informATion. if you hAve Any objecTionS To

uS uSing your leTTer in The neWSleTTer, pleASe leT uS knoW.

Page 36: 1994 Twenty Years of the House of Prayer 2014thetwopatricks.org/pdf/pdfaugust 2014.pdf · 2015-09-14 · children, read the signs of your times. See, the Battle has begun, the evil


Fr. Ray



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