1965 journal

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1965 Journal of the Central Congo Methodist Church


L ~ . ~ ..... 1 , " . l . ; C ,,L' ORDER ur THE CONFERENCE JOURNAL " ... ., ",P.age Officers of the Conf'erenCB;:.-;,!, .. . . . . Committee on (Executive Committee of the Annual Conference). '. ", r: . .. . . . . Roll of Lay .. . . '. . . . . . . . . . - " : .' ',: '. :j Daily Proceedin'9t:r ,. '.:0 ... ,.,' . ,.d '. '. i ", ' riii:ic'iplinary l!uBations. '," " . . . . . . . . . Compos,ttEiReport of tnel:listrict Superintentjents,' " Trl;!asurer! s Report "0' t . . . . . .' ".':: . .:: J , Statistical Report' . . . . . . . . Reports of the Boards and Committees 0 0 e, ,i"e , ,'i 'j .. o.l::dinat:ion Certifi2a:tas: ". ,0 0 . i ; , . i: t.; _. r . "'",:. \,.", . :: : ): .;' 1.: -:: i_j Pastoral Records .' .; .. ;' . . . . . :.: . Chronological Roll . . .. . . . .. . 0 1 2 8 9 22 ",21 40. 69 10.1 10.2 ; I,l .,' 10.4 Roll of of an Annual.Conference ; . . . ,Of,: 10.6 1 QfFICRS OF THE CONFERENCE President: Bishop John W. Shungu ""; Secrett3ries Onema Davi. ;;,';:j Assistant Secretaries: Okoko Michel, Jack Gorham Statistician: . Luhahi Emile Assistant Statisticians: Luhaka Jean, Pleiman .. \ .) r Tre asurer: Osamo8 Albert Assistant Treasurers:' Museu E.mi.le, Emundu Paul '.j) , ':::":-: :.. ' I ' ' , . 'ON C:lORDI N8 TION "' U 'r.-,' r r ..t.. ..' Ministe..!2, Lay Women Lay Men Shaumba Pierre Yema Luhahi Luhahi Emile' Joe Davis Ek;8kcf . Kashama Simon AshemaPierre Telesia Shaumba Djamba .Pie r.:re I . , . iA.J. Reid Ukunda Muse u.. Emile ladys Maw '. ,EmundLl Paul Wetshi Victor Lovell . Umumbu . Victor , '. . . '....J ;, Urns Djela . , tia.zel Reid W.S. Urn' Marcus Lorena Kelly Osamba A1bert Omeunga Joseph .Uyaka Veronique 'tJngen'dange.'n.da Jos. Uman.g,\Jo Albert Dorothy. Dsv"i!3; Koi Paul E Nyaundu Paulina Stanley Joe ''1aw E.th.el Homfeldt Mbu 'Museu J , . E;x-Officio: The School'Inspector , /. f" , .. I "I The Legal Repre;;sentative.' '.".', .:, i: ; \ 7:30 p.m. . 'Ii The in V'met until 8:30 p.m. the Bishop's cabinet'met until 9:00 p.m. :"." t, \ : 8:30 p.m. . . The :Committees in Group IV,met' utJtll 10: 00 m. ,. , ,J " : . .L .'; 12 8:00 a.m. The morning worship service opened with the singing "Come Thou Fount of Ever)/.l?lessingll and "Precious Name" after; which two volunteers led in piayer. A choral group composed of the new missioQaries brought a special number and. Alexander Reid, the interprets r, ("read the scripture lesson f6un.d ,i\1,..: John 15: 1-10. Dr. Harry Denmpn brought the l1lessage basing his th'olight:s on . John 15: 5. After he closeld his me'ssagf3 with prayer, tbe r;ongre gat... " ion sang "I Know Whom I Have' BelisNJ;:ld'lI .'and,Wetshi Vitctoi ciosed the service with prayer. ",..: --" 9:00 a.m. .' ::The first business session of. the annual conference 'openelji with the roll call aftg.!' which the first ten pews we;re bar of the conference. Onema Joseph was elected. Otetela . and Okoko Michel was elected as his assistant . Jack Gornam was elected Assistant English Secretary "afta.!" wh,ich P.ierrfil district superinte41de nt ,presented Bishop Sh ungu'wi tha "Khum' Uklj.fl.da II gong since Bishop is our Khum 'Ukunda. . . . Bishop Shungu explained to the conference that we new delegates to the special session of ihe 1n 1966 or return those who represented He also made explanations concerning the ilme,ndments to, the!=onstitrut': ion to be voted on. ' . .... . Bishop Shungu brClught greetings from .Bishop aod . lillI's. '8001:""':' the E. H. lovells, the churches in America and the Cm;HJo'; Annual Conference. Others brought greetings ftom the Theological School at in different"localities, lunumbi the Church at Kole, the staff at the Wayne Culps, Paul Unyangunga, and others. The conference then voted to return these greetiilgs. Bishljp Shungu introduced the pre0ious in the Congo, who were not present at las,t year's annual. conferen-c,e. '. also presented the new the conference and Bishop ShungU welcomed them. Bishop alsQ asked that the Congolese who are just' now the' workot: the church to stand. He noted that we have both new missiona'ries and new Congolese to labor for God. Bishop Shuiigu then introduc,sd Barbara Norris has the new poaition He also asked thet Dorothy liilqe.rt and Pierre Shaumba stanp,' since they had come such e long' distance to attend the,qonference. He asked that lorena Kelly, Ethel Homfeldt, Maughlin stand since they t-t&d returned fromht.her places. ,t,o work in the Central Congo. ., ':" . Disciplinary 1 was asked ahd after which the conference adjourned for 10:15 a.m. The business session opened with the singing "This Is My Father's World". Disciplinary Questions Nos. 2,3, 4, 6 (c), and 7 were asked and answered. Below is the program adopted by the annual conference: CCiNFE RE NC' PROGRAM ) I, Theme: "One Witness In One World" ;.L Saturday, Ju,iy 24, 19651" :'\ Arrival of Conference meinbers,andilaydelegates :. ,,;r . )lunde'y,J'uly 25, 1965 9: 20-11: 00 a. m. Worship and Sermon: . Dr. H'.' Denman 4:30-5:30 p.m. Sermon: Dr. H. Denman" 7:30- 8:30 P'fTl'- 'Holy Communion.. : Receptioril 'r.jf': people. 9 :30-10-= 30 p. rh .' ,Cabinet ' ;' " -' . /".,." ' 26, 1965 8:00- 8:45, ,Sermcin: Bishop John. W.,.$hungu 8:45-12:QO Group-I ,2:00;':'4:bO p ..m. Cabinet ,r. , ,..4:30- 5:.30 p.m. Sermon: Dr. H. Denman 7:30-10':00 p.m. , Group II L " Tuesday ,JulY 1,9b5 8:45 a.m. Sermon: Dr. H:' Denman. 8:45-10:30 Group II j 10:JO-l2:00 Group III I., 2:00-' 4:00 p.m. ' G:r;-oup III 4:30- 5..:30 p. m., ' Saxmon: H. Denman 7 : 3 tJ- 8::30 p. m. . G1'0 u P V ,J. 8:30- 9=30 p.m. Group IV p.m. Group IV c, Wednesdc:1y, J,uly .28, 1965 8:00.... 8:40 a.'m. Sermon: Dr. H. Denman :1 I" .,.:'" , ' 8: 40-10': 00 . p,m, Business 'sess,.;to,,), .., ", ... 10.00:...10:15 e.m, ":laesae ' .',10:15-12:00 a.m. Business Session 2:00- '4: 00 p.m., Group V !' ,4 :30- 5!,30 Se.rmonf Dr'. H". Denman 7:30- 8:30 p ',m. Gro:up V, ,; , ';:8:30-1'0 :30 p ',m. Group,II , ,'. r, ,-'. , 8:4b Sermon: Dr. 8:40-10:00 a.m. ,Busin*ss 10:00-10:15 a.m. Recess 10:15-12:00 a.m. Business session ;, !2:00- 4:00 p.m. Group III 4:30- 5:30 p.m. H. Denman; 7:30- II 14 Friday, July 30, 1965 . 8:QO.- 8:4(i1;:a.m >Siirmon: Dr. H. Denman ..'8': 4'0-10 ;'00 a. m. Business session a.m. Rece!3s lD:).5-12 ::00 a. m. 'Bus ,Lnesp. .: - -' Gtbup 'IV '.: H., Deriman-' . 6,!30 p.m. Gt8up IV, '! 'J 8 : 3 Q- i 0 (;HJ p. m "CebinejtI I - - ., . . '" :.:' ' :: c: j , .. . J.LJi y '31T 1955 ." .. " " "IL > ,.. ', \ 8: 0.0 - 8:: 40 a m - 'Se';rrnon :' .. D'r. IJ. D:e:hman' 'fIt.. ,. ;:'RMcess .' a.m. session I \ \ c- ..2:00- 5:30 p.m. Group I 7:30- 9:00 p.m. Cabins;t . -, SuntJay; August 1, 1965,. '; r 9:30-11:00 a.m. J. Shungu o"SeHmon i'Bishop J. Shungu 2 :''30'':': m. Memorial Service. 4:30- 5:30 p.m. Fellowship 7:30-10:00 p.m. Sermon Reading of appc:lintmE)ntij": Bishop J. Shungu , ,- .. ., ,', f -, ",-. '. 1! ': I.? .':',' ..:.\ . .,..:, ; :.>} " . _. '; -. i-:: , ... __ _ _ : , ' _. Um ,Marcus, Nya\11a,D:ist'l:ict, pre,. COMposite ''Repo,rt The c' ad-opted i.t si:mt:l' 7i tto, aur, frie nels a'broad . SSE? t. l-e'ppltt; No, :':r. 'Sinte,', ttser1 tie rE.l> raady'j' ''sT'taJ: ,p:ya,YB:r at '1\1::20'a. m. ':; ",. / " .1, .L .. '. lC,' ,\, .;- :,':; ...... ,' ':, ::t'! . ; '1.' " ! , .,; ,: 1 . f ' D " c,: .....:: ' . . " ... '.. .L ,.\ : 2 00 'p .::: ':. -, .. .-, n. '; n::.i. ,,'1 " ,.,.- -." ,,' The: with the conference "Rescue the Tunda Shungu Francois Disciplinary Ques tionNo 6,(q)w:l?S as ked .,Bishop Sh un gu calle,d,Eml,l8.du P;aul" and' J'ac,k Re;it;z '..: :tt:Je .: n:ew'lS"ele,c't,ed . (;,.on Lay ,c;Hl:d, 'to"thp: ,f:r;ont:of:,thie:"c'h,JrCh'. After givingthe1n a in he. caskedS!.t'I:!I1,iey, .M,8\J,ghlin to lead in prayer.E:,ishop Shungu then- calle.dJ.eme,5' to the ,f,ront him' 'to'theconference after which in his 'ty,r,o, ,responded with words of greetio9' ':,rl YOlIth,Work, a report from the CETA Ab:1::.ojan,: Cote d'Ivcd.re JulylO-14, 19.65. The report' :Efsread.. $eereports Nos. 7 (aa) and 7 (cL"'" "-c, . The business, session dj our.ne,d: at ,4 : 15 p. mt' " 4 '.15 ; I. i ::=::;, :.1 1p. m. .', .' '.., The worship service Ashema condregatibnin a responsive liturgy after which they sang He Leads Me 1W111 Fdllow". Pierre' Asheme then made, necessE}ry nouncements and a male choral grbup' f'rom- runda.brought a special number in song. The congregation sang "Stand Up For Jesus" and "Precious Name" and Joe Davis, the interprete!:" read the .scripture lesson found in 5: Demnanbroughta message based on Acts 5:29, ,after which 'the' peoplE( came to the al,tar to pray_ Bishop Shungu disf'(Tissed 'the W,i thprayer.. .. ) L" 7:30 p.m. Committee on.Cbordinati9M met UITtil 8:45 ..1". i 8:45p.m. :" '''' " :: The Bishclp} iJri'tfl 9:15p.m. '.;. _.1 ; I 8 : pOa -Ill :. J. i.' '.,.'The w'orsHip, s13rviceiop13nedwith congregq'tion . in a 'lit.urg-y: :w,h:ich they, ,sang "Maja:stic Swe,etness Si-ts Enthioned.,tf'Afte.rg male.sextet frd'in Lomeis. 'brought a special numheX' in songy Pierre made necessary an:nounce" . - . '. / , ; . ,ments. the lassoh' fouridin Jonn . 13' : 31-38 ,and'Dr . H c;a;rry,' De Ilman brought his:closirig basing "Love Came Down At Christmas" after which Bishop5huhgu Bishop 5hungU, Pierre' Ashama and Jpe,.Davi,s .then wO:rdstlf appreciation and farewell to Dr. Harry Denman. Pierre Rshama' presented him with a "Khum'Ukunda"'gong. Dr. with 19 words appreciation for the way he had been received, and with that he would beat the gong allover America e fforf t.a. "(.ar the Church in the Central Congo. . .... . 9:25 a.m. . AtJ ,tf.ra..;busil"le)$$";'aa-ssion;OPff,l'}l;1:d., 25 'and 2 9 we reo. as,ked '"anti ;.:answ'.e;'.l';e'd .Sete): Di'6 na t\y,JJ.ye $,tion!il. '. In in9 .,Nos ... 29:. sl"ld;'3 Qr rt '.repGrtofthe: fj;nance. Gommittae ... > the."rs-:: . . port was adopted. ?se. report No. 11. The .. " ed .. 9.50.a.m.,',I.:'. -:;:."v ... 1:... .... ; .... J . . . 1 ',"-'10:10 a.m . session' "Revdive ,..lUs,.::Ag?in'J which.. as kedrar:lct.';.-snswereti :SeeDiscipli nary, I,ilues ti(Jfl6l t,B,l../3hpf:U,;il1l:01I19 U'i!nnduVioei' JunEj27... ';." of annual conference. .I.'U . ( ':} Onema Joseph, Ndjati'Deniel were nominated from the conference floor to represent the Congo Conference to the World Methodist Council which . Englandc!in:1966:.:.> 'j '. '. 'j;' '- c.,:., :',; ,'.' . 'j, ,,".' :'i1o.te'd on.the,.:propo.se\ii Bmendm!3-n.t.$ Cons:li t I:.Ition o,fr the ,Me,thorii.e;t;:.hurch:.. B.elow. a;r!!::::. :,' . :'._. r:- ,,. '-- " Amendment:N.o. 113f:!-./ 1,66, ... . Q; ,"Q .. :' :.:.:;:' Amendment: Nq" . ;...,b aYf1!' . \' ': Q ,tro ;'i; . Amendm.e.rd 1\10.-.":15:' ,aye. ;.I;L nO't.::" .:' Amendfllent: N.o;'';'':16L , .. .; ay.seQ n;l Amand.nent NO. 17: M aye ..Q 'Fl!E:I I. The report of the first ballot for the elettion of a gate to the Wo.rl.d MethodistCounci:l. .by, Jhe. j:f;?lJ..E?jL's. There was no election. A second ballot had to be cast for the two receiving the most votEis: Luhahi Emile and Dnema Jbseph'.,'. '.'1 .' Kasongo Jerome pre,frante.d thef t,he' report of the Committee on Social Evangelism and Social Centers. After some discussion, the reports of both sectipnsof Committee on Social Evangelism and Social Centers See reports Nos. 12 (a) and 12 (b)'., '. ,', Okflmpa Emlan.uelpre.sented the. report of the Corrl.\.l, ShUng'u', 1\.ja};'i:f'.:nm'ts'!:i ,', ...;.,., rA:('Wor!t". " .'" .,: ,; .. .. , ,J, It is the: lnymen iNhoa.:rethe\heartof:::iJne wOrl(9f the church., A min.,. .. ', ;' .:,iste't cando nothing unless hehns the cooperation.' o-f layin.en. Laymen know what needs' to be done in tHeil'..ourch go forward. Long ago, an elder seid, "One does not see fnce- til;t, has no This year ministers a'fl(j, "J.aYlllen;worked:Ytil.1:, .In.. r?lil or our districts' 1syl:nen, the load.of.-bUilding and-;repitif:\.ng i:p2rsona:ges. In eome'plUQe,s suoll r8.s Lomela, tney s.choe-ls.and '" ,'.. ' 'f.,< ; ...... . . This' :yeur laymen rilnde an important covene.n't that, .they, "Wqu14. ,f1Z1' their min.5:sters- thelr"full fle:lar:i:es-.:Theway:)tbey t:1thesIs anexronple :incre4sedresponsi15ility for Goat s Wbrk 811lOng the , Atetlela . . _, ." " , : After the rebellion thisyettr, ,laymen, had many meetings' in. the Various districts. They helped greatly in reviva:r SOme lay leaders., as in t,he Lodjo. S'outh District, were in, complete ,ch8.'l"ge of the work ofi,the- ' churoh in'somevillrrges. It was hard,.to"seef' and ministers :i,.n. the J;Cindo. District. laj"nlen sU6h-'ns" Leon,. J(as-hamt Simon. ;arld gaye- Strength p11tt!irtg. sh0n+dera to the .G9uf s g.;r , men imd vOn eni oanie v.i.th other to work ,,. 'Strip flt W'embcrNYa1llfl. -we- were an!azled fieeeuse neitnerwe nor the foreman of workmen knew that they ' were coming to do this work. '!hey did it 011 themselves' becaus-e they wanted to do 'What they cOllldi1lorder to help: the work of the go ..,", . " " . ,: ,.:,..." We: tosc.y a: \lord about the big work that. wa.,s,.,done in laying a beautiful floqr.:: in ICibotnbcr the ,Some tljat trUe witnesses for' Christ.: They 'have nttendedchurch serviceS'; have preached;'nn4 hymns o!' praise. This has enc,6tirageq,the: >of . ,'" Methodist Men .' . ' has become a.part of ;the of laymen. leaders Vlio will lift' up the ,work of: this organization the of the vI. a.nd other orgll:nizations ho:s been llf-tedup. s SoCiety df 'Christi-nil The W. S. C. S. wishesto thank God for his help during difficult times. H e has heard thelr .1E?aq,ers-' had great courage in going from to ,another t.0' peoplo. . . !Ule '.W. S. C. ,S",dld:,not fOrgf3t. thoi?e who l(?ssqftbeirlovea,'f'lles. Th,ay especiblly to' help' to lqdging :tm,d food :ror .. , ,. .' .' ; , "> _ - i.' . 29 OUr wholo chur-ch is gratoful for the "vmythis group of wom0!1. hnvo given their offerings. ,V'orkod in of chapols in'cllof our districts. . . In somo dist.:r;ici:!p, it. for tnoir']loadOrsLto go." alqpe from du:ring th? com:i:'t1g; :[otrf' 'Bo pORceftil and allmllO'L.!.: . -. r, : . ",. _ . ,'!',\ :: "y ',--: '-. "" . :. :, . ; : .::., ""Socia! , '" . " . " . ": '1" ,i'!n several districts .tnG.) leaders found it d1::fficult to travel 'andcol,lld not"'check on this work inthe villageS'that were!'sbme distanc'e the stations. BUt in the villages thct wore' near the stations, the women and girTs met in groups to study theW6rd of. God, , cleanliness and otE;ltela!t ,.:. Villages such . as -:Ndljaoolokolo-DJU, Ongongb, Kia,ta, Utuhe and Mbutuwe;'rejoicad in this Work. The.''Wol'net!"in 'our-districts were able to sew and help i:;he poer with clothing. ! ..' . Women! s Schools J ..l, -Vlheh if;hA'reoelliC;ft was over; the schools. 'On ptntiot1;s"t.oOpenedf Withgreat joy. At Kindu.llnd Lo-filelrr;there were classes. Many subjects-, .,such as _cqokiltg, hOllseclean;i;ng,'rea,ding, sri and1i:rancn" of; tpe -NQrthi.Lodj'aSouth, ;'Wemoo Minga-1Jistricts. ." . '-c';, ,",,"j , .,:," .," ,,;' .. ,lit vlembo ,rt-Ws mm:velous' t6lS' .' ',i, : .'" '.,",:'" ,'_ .. :J. : . .... >i)( ".,< ',i ': ,'J ...' ":.," .',; ," r'" ,',.rpm 1964, chlHdren . cried.t.bstaynoari tbeifoparent;s; tt.tEt;qpo14etc'all:ed 'rrchllWlU;nj.a:1'l1' i.iC8 " minc'foi' '" tf- :>:,; " .' .-::"L ' , . - -,....; ,,' .. -"--j : :',' " : L/.'\" ., "r Print9ho... ;' ..... f. __ - '-',:,"':.- ,',',.'" '.,', ".!' ' help:: bY' 3rlnr";' tho o':tt tp;t;'illt,ed'the'l , l-mich sonding ."" ", :.' '.:. 1 ,i ,>, . " " I:,'.Y .'!"", _::;mbo Nyama 6.4-65 63..;64 H", Total expenses 1. Budget J2fYi!lf!B 423"152 291335 lCOO180 75748 'lB7650 5 54889:S 43.?ffi35 . equ1pment 12383 12383 'ell .. Pat1ents A. Number hosp1ta1ised'1. Total patlents 5650 4318 255 918 11141 2. Total number of days in hospital J.950 19876 :).785 1180 32791 46468 B. C11nicpatients 15766 2559. 1965 8065 2286 30641 50603 'C. 104058 2382 4200 52 73116 11430 79124 274362 273817 D. Materntty rpatients 57 438 18 465 977 .1190 38. F1nances: ,A. Local receipts 1. Budget 590268 259810 241500 134675 247763 56850 10'76238 200'7104 2479 '80 2. B1dg.& equipment B. Government reoeipts Budget 64115 64115 ro 3615 , 2,;. & eqUipment Board of Misslbns - see 1tem G01 FERENCE : Ministerial support 515029 390833 38698@9591351 369114 512720 754991 3'74.4371 3200025 Pastors 4600GB 345519 349430 328965 458548 674645 334$01 B. District Superin;!; tendents 37407 46002 34130 34552 34943 33454 45064 66958 3333]0 291048 C. Episcopal Fund 7071 6997 6911 6988 6699 90098 13388 63055 56248 Confereree Claims 26361 26092 15519 17120 16558 23809 22248 17950 165657 166125 A. Conference members 7746 7426 4434 5661 4782 6879 6371 8975 52274 116951 B. Non':"conference members 186155 18566 11085 11459 11776 16930 15877 8975 108283 44619 41 Annua1 Conference ,1.. Admin1strat1on 38569 37133 22173 20918 20918 29459 19113 22439 210722 209346 42. Central Conference Administrat10n 11329 11140 6651 8444 8444 6879 6371 28175 8"1433 65538 0'\ C"') K. K. Kindu Lod.1a Loo,ja Lome1a Mlinga. Tunda Wembo Total Total Dja1u North South Fib','f:Jbo K:!txnnbo Nyama 64-65 63-64 43. General Administration 3881 3713 2214 2832 3?149 3135 4384 26439 23383 44. Interdenominational Cooperation Fund 11059 11140 6651 8344 7173 10328 9506 13364 77585 74449 7812 11180 8474 7173 10328 6371 13359 64697 6627345. Benevolences 46. and repairs 17550 47. Other purposes 210633 127248 36268 76355 23816 19612 44236 28340 566507 146583 A. Other conferences 15014 14853 13204 93715 '77173 3449 9476 13364 170248 77496 B. Committee on Coordination 7329 8868 5263 2391 3449 3135 4384 34819 47098 C. w. S. C. S. 1318 8219(,' 4100 2508 1600 2607 5108 25460 41973 D. M. Y. F. 17360 10070 10000 1047 6126 9949 4620 59172 43884 World Day of Prayer 50 400 2050 158 868 3526S 13000 F. Other work 94107 57766 4476 31625 187974 942625 4E:. Total offerings 732997 742675 480309 529469 478274 472576 613700 983002 50.Y002 4979333 4;. Total amount received by pastors 449702 541121 406352 404102 407919 392923 534968 772941 391.0028 2973946 5(. Received from outside the local churches 156888 423400 10100 68900 13950 24000 697238 455982 A. 156888 400000 28100 584988 B. 40800 40800 59000 51. Number of church bui1dinryos 16 12 52 13 16 22 57 188 271 A. Permanent 8 5 2 3 4 8 10 40 48 B. Semi-permanent t .. 1 3 5 3 C. Temporary 8 - 50 10 11 11 47 143 206 of pastoos' residences 20 2 63 14 20 22 46 187 276 T;.VI:.' :':V/::; (1, .,i:'>}J ' .' '" . y f ' ' 1',' t 'f.. FIX ,,';. ,.,,, . .;'" t.:leI':;!"\ :S'{.. I),C,c, No.4, BOARD OF MISSIONS > 1. When' 'to a: new, v;i'l'4;i3ge, we should send one with e"tpe'riehc'eto start\ t,hs work .vthQ,}l'ctS Just f'ini.'- ' , shed school and is be ginning his work. '" " L To :'" ",. .; 1.t .".' :;T i 12. We repeat the recommendation of last year not enter into politics... . ' 3. We remind the Bishop to ask if the wsy i$ clear to send pre .,i ; the other side of the Sankuru. ;',L,:" , : ! 4. We repeat the recommendation of last"! epreact,- , J et is to a new appointment he should go there as'quickly as possible. ' ,!, r:'" . : : '. C'1 ". ,. ". 5. Those who work u'r'ider thechureh \'s,houldi:>6, .Christian , ". . ...before ,the people. : () 6. We ask the superintendentsandpastoI.:S apastol: io,: before they go to see if . ", ::.:' :lage have built a :. ..' ...-.";, " , 7. ,We hOPEfd' for .se:n a, m;iss;ionary, from our 'rnidsL' We: request, tns and: pastors'" to presehtto the.!. young n/aed" t\J,go to.. thE,!lAmbiJli as from the Central CongoConfere'n,ce'. ':de" ho'pe thaftherewilfhesorrie,wh'-o' w'ill !the calI"tothis work , '.' :....;" . " :ej, .. ..]. ,. , rbefore next year. ' ." '.' '''', .,' . ,,' J, 8. We ask the Conference that young go {btia'ld' sElrvites and that missionax:ies go.to:show .films,;l) new to iritereElt the, people in, the Go'spel." k '. " " .:.,..: :'" I. . '", . i j J 9. We need to continue to help people 'at the' hospitals to k'now:' Jesus Christ so they can:: 'go,back t?), . to tell others .of H,im + . ,,'. 1. .. i ;: ,f. '.. . ,I ..... ,L ' '-.:. " r ; ,";, . y " 1. ',' " 1 ;.,C,hai,rman: Luhaka Jeah .,,',' , P t ete ,,2ebretary.:':;:Upe i;i.J.i.. !Van l.J E ngTisti" S1:h::re tcirywill. gi\(e us encr;ther we to give"the report ofwhat he hen 'nseq: people ';'how to savfFithei.tl,ccbildrn 11, their to respect tne wife or hl'_;.;;,:.biirlP '!";,;that mar:riages be as 'they should be . i"'j.L." '. .. : \;4' ,,:",;' , '" ,.Chairman: Emundu, Paul Otate1a, Secreta,ry: Ndju,kehdi fli.c!TJl . i : ('Report 1\10 .7 (b) . BOARD. Of . LAY' ACTI-Vl TIES ort:Worne,n '.8 Work:, .' 1. We want to continue to have small prayer groups as W8 mended last year. We want the women to have prayer that Gcd may send a revival among the women. 46 2. We ask take 6rphans as their weH1t'-;t6 strE3ss 'help to those who suffer in c') . , RerpQrt1Jon Girl' 5 \rJork :; .. :.1 _.,' j I. Duxng:. ,:;t;he;;trouble' 5uppII:l!esJ )i:tt q;.fils" Homesw'ere destroyed so we ask that the sewing programsba':increased'in order to. help the girls 'fror,:rrianiof, tnel'1't have"'10steverything4 2.,Ws're,C:ormnend'thiat tha-; Gi'rl's Harn1f"'fees be,lthe saine"as 'last ys"ar.:;" " ,,-,. .. Ecole primaire - 550fj r. three t'imes a yearc: Ecole secondaire-3000 fr. twice a year -. r " 3. For two years we have planned to have;:a' ,tl'assLfor 'thl9"" Girl's Home matrons, but have not been ca'rry'it out. following, people were chosen to be on, a" c(Jmmittee to make plans.' fox, this class for.: matrOns': 9mlJlribu'" Ve roniqueCalilO G,the!" " ,"', >, " - I" ':, : ,r, ' J Dot Davis Otetela Lukali E:nglisn'\Secretary': Ethel Homfeldt J Report Qn,Woman's Conference ", ,,{. ;' ; ,,':. !. :-'.'..;, ' .: . r; -j " .. ', :',;'; JJ 1. 'The Adriliriis'trative "Councils and women of the districts have chosen the following women to attend the Woman's Institute in Home Making in LUluabourg in August, 1965: Djalu N-gplo Jo;sephine Kindu MarieShuku Katako Kombe . . . Dihandi Marie Lodja Nord Uwali Podina LO,dj a. ,?LI.d, Sumbu Shala .. . .. ', . .. ., Po-dina Yern.a _. Min.ga '. KqJtad,ina': Turida:"'Ki'bombo ' . . .. ." NyaDo.I:otina . Wembo Nyama . . . . .. Lopema Podina C', 47 L , " r, ',',!, L '; .:;..l ,:,'" L 2. The Directrice of the lnstitl!:lte>makes the' were, approved by the Conference:' ,J,-!,' . ;,1. __ '-1 ...1 ,a) That each womahetJme' small child. The child will be cared for by too the Kindergarten. "L ' b} That each woman stay in the dormitory and that she study the following courses: Bible Hygiene - to::' .: ,',eh /, Life ',Kni tting .-=.j (' '': ! ,Ari ,3'1' .: :" , Cooki(l,g ;, Crochet Sew;i;R9, fQr th\3 ': . 1 ", ,. .' ,I' .:v,":-: ,"j ,,", Chicker;lp., ::;,) ","CEmbroirdery' , " cJ Tb-at, eacpw,oman pay 2, UOO frs. and the pay 2,000frs. d) The a good Christian and be able :i'6 read an..:I:,w,;rite'''., ';L" ,', '" " : , e) If possible, ths"'w'om'an should..buy a;l,lofthe clothes ,3 I i.:::.r 'Jtn,Ci>t she if she is unable to do this,' she may leave "thfHD at the l'nsfitute. -.'. - ,-;; , (jJ :'::t::" 3. to' 'girls: Kumbi Marie (first Lushima Marie (second year)I, 4. We Committee of the Conference to the following girls in junior and senior Jsqh@l:, '" ': _';;L , ' ,K' a,t ak"ci'iombe'; . . . . Omba Matilde Kindu Fesa Katadina " Lomela Olonge Adiette Tunda-Kibombo . . Uya Dorotina" ;1' ,".t-1inga ' " i $h13k \::1;,1:': lisabe th ',i ", ;, ," :; _ 'Nyaun01lJT Urncumbu t .. , 0 'Se'c:,t.'e'fa,ry(:Uhandj Lt.i Elis E'nglisn'See:retary i,i ., " ...", :,.: ...J/;:,' J.;Report No t 7 (c) 3' GBDAQD UF LAY AtTiviTIES , on Yputh' Work. . , 1. must be, diiferent from6:the';d:s::.o'f their generation. Le8ders of youth nee'd 'to work1hard,with the youth. We recommend that we use the name: iiLolonga l'Akenda la lu Kristu" rather than "Jeunesse". 2. The young people of the M.Y.F. need to their pled1..-' ,J -.... 1.,. 4. +:. u:r i:.'.,Lj 48 ' . ',',c - . , ,.: ,,', J...... .;..,..,. c, . 3. we ask :6la dys' and Jdse-'-p1i -'D.Unema to tion of the '''C'S:t:e rtil1r ::'8'es"Je'ur,es n of the a report to the Youth C.D.nfe.rsnce that will be at Katako Kombe ar. :j'.' .'; n '33 ;.r. :: .' g n " i ,j' 15 J ::') d .r:.. ,>, ;"d.", I 1+ ',J. ;., .,.-,:' . '. .IrJe need people who wiTr to the work O,f the "'i,Yo'-!th Groups. The hunt people who fj of the Good News among the people 0" . '.' ....; L' f lucri ::ie"_! L,\j '(1 J :.!' w fle:.Ma, to v/ri te the. les I}ex:t: ye are >dj- r,j: i j",:::.J S ,:"J::' :.;,,(:1" :';5.1.' 6. The committee agrees for the Youth Conferenceto-beheld at Katako next :- ,:..:: '.. '.:..1 'l.f. arlJ iJ -7.l!: k the:diHf;l;t,;r.:icJf;oc"tilp(3 I',j"ritaJ)'i::!e'flts to ' i ve Bible's -Hymn . Books to the ,Youth to 80.1_1 \,:hen they Iilwke their trip:s to the '.". , ,. ," ..;d.:!" ni . '.! ! '"";I 'x.c:':' :.," .. 1","'1:'""1 Ii 8. The Youth Conference was g18d to ChOC=8 Hehiieite as . PJ.'!9 u,"_::Pci.B!:rr:1 a,s.: se!i:cre t ury, Omo:i Lo as +I d t ' r! ' 'J t; t ,. , t .I J; :,.;:",neJie;,; l.'$UiU n!liS . Ou:5eiCI ,iEJ: C3 .egae 0 a" '9n... the r.:enibl3:::::sfii)f :t.hElcommi tt138 agree that .the of:f.L;ei:'$ gO.;;tr 'i;,; :: ::r:: - , : . . 9. Thiscommi ttee and the ! cuth ConferEnce give to the , thEd.t . e:::r2n;ing ,tbis geod Conference to '_vcrkfc)J;God who is,Lbird of foll and for ather t .... \: .. }" ",' Emufldu Paul ,'t'... SeGretary: NdjukenHi.M. j Report tJo. 8 (0) Bf;lARD OF CHRISTIM! E'PUC/HIUrJ' :l LC. : . 1 . The 1;!oarlj:! of -Christic:;n Edt!cation recommends: That each cd-istrict be paying for itsS:.mday School le8 THis could be by choosing one Sunday each .' ,,;-.month at which' time an offering could be taken in each chur) . ;'c;h. Each lJistrict Sl'p3rintendantis'8sked to send the num.::ber of lessof1S he needs, ,iend the rs toward gett:Llig all wdrk'nrss, and village p,eople, , bClth adul-ts and Children, ttl attend SLJndtly SenatH regUlarly. i. That;',all!1t-uden!f who ti;lr read shoLlld own a Etible and hymn l':'i ';;:::: .t 0 Ii ,,'1 '/ "r, ,; ;.L :l'?rim:EtrY,.iSchools lJ,;f)OlIl,:.(-.:t;l'JJnes.tre-} '"' ,3; Ot.l:D ( Ye ar ) 'r Gir'lmEY1 Dj' 'c:: " 500 ,:(tt:t-ime:eltxe}i Year) '-L"Ii'X f)Ts dle8'l,:fee"1,i J t:' n C!11n ;! ' ';;' l' f:' , " ":;1(") ,." 6;'4.oab ;f;t:a nCiSO!J , i ::; Secondary Schools and Cycle d t "-'-:iq ! .'1,,' ;)3()a:r'('jj: rCl'CJ'm '5 .. j.J . ' Circuit Lukali" R&phael Assi'stants Usungo P. Lambert Dkodiakoka, Lokenye Dispensary -;\" Luhaka - , '.':J .'-- . -Omasa, Shungulungu, 0t -", and Kengete ,]0 ,Usuffiba';Kalonda I, Wuh u, Umadikoka, _: f . 'and' LUKlit.{3hu . ' ..- '. r h t. . ;;. 1 'II, Pung'Udima, Dkit'Dmokok6; and Omana -,lIn8'..;,.5 a k scae .":-t .Circ ui t Lukali " . As.s1sta'll t . ,. . " Lupaka, Ehandjula, ,.'ano"'Wlela ",:,.i MundJo, Adima, Opangu, and ..EiYu n' -ria' ',. Ci' . Lupaka . ,-- ';j . Dispensary ,ii,':, Hyuma Patrice:,. Kay, Kanga'::'!ry,wandj i, Uhumi-Lutunga, and' Pungu-pjhl.rliedj Akil'i AndreTulungu 'TO., be 's uppliedMilanga . Asb:H'i:i . Mathias.C(;:" il-w..imi J M;Likor-r-go ,cSathuelHwimj,.II Tobesu'ppliedTobekir .... . Mango He nr'r .. ',. BusandjalVlqiseLumamba Tob'e:suppliedL lip.s mbe Yona LopangoKil'lliwani .. ,J.J '.. 'LunganyeJeanBakuti Luhata fran.;roisJ Matal2a-llicui t Luhata Fral1t;oisLweki .. To be s"llpplied. BeIge II " I,' tllanga :.0; .'J , 'n 11' ..II IIDifuma IJ iI . '. 11 ", .. Difuma II. " J II; .".. ''.II.Opunge II II ItNdjadi Wama. II \ILumiye " " II tI , \I It \ILukus'u II \I \IKumbakayayu UtshIJL-. ; Kilartgal,anga Viunde Lupa:.L ", - \ :c. Ai J_ODJA NORTH DISTRICT President and Distr.ict Superintendent Vice-President Missionary Advisor Station Chairman Assistant District Treasurer Pastor of Church Assistant ,Pastor District 5acondary Sthool nirector Primary School pirector Directordf -'Regi.onal Schools Director 6f:Evangelist School Directressea i 6f Woman's School W.S.C.S. Representative Directress Girls' Hostel M. Y. F. Representative District Supply Pastors Representative Medical Depart.me,nt R.eprEltsentative Workman '5 Representqtive I nt '.: Assistant . .' Directress of for Girls Missionary AdVTs'ors Pastor Assistant Pastor Secondary School Direotor Assistant Professors Director of Evangelist School Assistant 77 To be supplied 11 if II II Ii It II II II Shutsha Pierre Ndjate DanieJ. Joe fVlaw Shutsha Pierre Ndj ate Ndjate Daniel Pete Peterson Lukumbu Mathias Onema Joseph Osamba Albert Nguwu Pierre Onema Joseph Pete Peterson Ekoko Unema and Unyumbi Henriette w Uyaka Veronique Andjudinga Paul Dikele Georges Wembulua Lukulunga Andre Joe Maw & Jerry Schmidt Lukulunga Andre Lorena Kelly All the missionaries Ndj ate Daniel Pete Peterson Onema Joseph Umasumbu Charles Cliff Bertholf, Pete Peterson, Unema Jos .. Umasumbu Lharles, Shut'sha Emile, Ukitakandja Dovall & ::jerryhSchmidtunema osep Pete Peterson 1 I j I j I J J i j j 1 J j j Teachers Primary School Director Teachers .i: .. C.::', .. , , Directresses Kindergarten "J. Girls' Boarding. De.p;3rtmer):t Girls' Boardilig De;p'qrtrnE!;!1t. for Secondary School Boys Pastor for Girls' Hostels Printing Press Nurses Advisors for all, schools" Women's and Girls' Work Directress of Girls' School 'J Vice;"Principals Teachers pistrict Director of Regional Schools Teachers in Ii Directress ofWoime.n' s District Lay Leader Treasurer Nurse Social Evangelism D:i.e n 9e..D..9.S...Ja.r.cl;!.i t Station Church Fundji Asomelo Camp Cadec Ii. Work 78 ati D ."Dnems,_.Uo6. I '.' i.,:. 1 LODJA SUUTH DISTRICT 1 " J ... ",". I ;"" 1, .t j ';A,d#iiriis:!i:tative. j:s_uncil:, ,""\;,', i . n1;.and":Oistrict Superintendent Elu.hu Joseph Jack Reitz Edj ulu Helene J:" ,', Assistant ,:-Pala Marie Station Chairman Eluhu Joseph Assistant Kasongo Jer6me 81 ".-., c ri -C /.\ E ;-':1 . ,L L ilj i:;, 0 J ::) nil nU " U b;-: t4 I,,: f.J ''":; n T (""'" , District ,=rq:ea,sure.r, . '-' t, .. , ':,l District 1:..::l:r?ic i El i u Ass ist ;LU3:.,' ' EmiJ'ndu' i fi'w i : ., 'Jr ',J,:: i Pastor of City Church , :'..: ::J; (J ngo ,J ereme f' ':. t L..li-1: , '" ,RepresenIF' de Nguwa Head oft\).tijla " .. ",:'>1 ;;,Sh.elg IVlic he 1 " 'h ,: ._J , ... ,1';-.1 ... , Head 1 School Ka h udi'" , ;:. i Head n;j ,bej l.!pplied:ir,'",;:-, "ji ' "'. '--Ii" . ,-I::c. r ,,'Head of Diwoko School G r :'.'. Ii:"'/ '1 ! ',; of Christian Education.' ' Shala Michel M.Y.F. Counsellor Uduoduo,;1P-l:e.ris. Di reb::t'i'elHses :.ofsA9Si al n te r Gladys, Re -it .",(,.] .j: ,,' .... ;, ' / ,,):, :.. Assistants ,Aksts hi l. H '.::' ;,; t: a : j "j. liM:! 1 ..s f I.); Kindergarten ,/,,' .,1 District Nurse ' Education :' St a tl'6-h"';' Dired-t'o::t, mf y S c h 001 Nguwu Pierre :;;:.;:,iC:,i; b Dis"t:iic:t ' . )-/:} .... J:;::.;;. ; . . Schools Nguwu Pierre Teachers at Nyama-Lowo Kuwale R. ,UsOl'igu::.M .. , Olomo and Alengo Cyrille. Teachers at Diwoko ,-, Ukito D., Ohadi Andre, , , Lungumula L., Ehunguno P. Uthers to be supplied Teachers at Tshunu L",Doka Armand, 1lJ. :-,L ; j ';-;-":Kcd' 'j .. ;5'':"Dj uki3 i Andre Bena ,Dibele Michel, J. ,;;,uf(lP,U Joseph :';':;: .. ..': and ' ' " . . , :r . ": .., Prison '., .c,!\, II II J Esase ncr,c, . ,_ ' r " " Hospitll ..:"J "", "', Wembo Nyama Louis Cotton Co. 1 Protes taWt:,Ce I;lch Service Unema .,e,ete . Pe ters0 n ' '-":;';:'L"! -'-: : ' 1 " B 'r :,: !,lyumba 'f', .5 ,. t """" I As sis . E