1940 rutherford uncovers fifth column

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  • 8/7/2019 1940 Rutherford Uncovers Fifth Column


  • 8/7/2019 1940 Rutherford Uncovers Fifth Column


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  • 8/7/2019 1940 Rutherford Uncovers Fifth Column


    k&e notice, anae sad for dl, pon the pnbliekesa, not fm my hneflt ,but b w m t appems;a be a publie. iesersaity and a duty to be PI--b r f e d by anyone who bas &e fasts at hand. -My &em to pour qaedioas nmsarilynatrtBrieflym e r he points.Fordetailed prod%fer mu to th e books and Me t d l whieh Ii&ve miitten,aad whieh ecmtaia aw, Sbmcfanee6-proof,I have et hand ~ r n ~ e hare pqwf Wt

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  • 8/7/2019 1940 Rutherford Uncovers Fifth Column



    attempting to-grab control of the nations of theearth.The Roman Catholic Hierarchy, operatedfrom Vatican City, Rome, have permeated everypart of every nation under the sun. Their objec-tive is to establish again the old "Holy RomanEmpire". The Nazis, Fascists and Communistsare all for a Corporate State and all determinedto destroy republics. The "Hierarchy of Author-ity" of the Catholic system are working withthese totalitarians to rule the earth. The Hier-archy claim they are divinely author i~edo rulethe earth and that therefore thaEIierarchy willact as the "spiritual overlord" of the nations ofearth, ruled by dictators. If you would read vol-umes One and Two of my book Vindication hereyou would find an abundance of evidence to thiseffect. Again, the book Enemies contains muchmore information. A book published by an ex-Catholic priest , E. Boyd Barrett, entitled "RomeStoops to Conquer", contains also an abundanceof information showing that the Hierarchy arereally a political organization, bent on destroy-ing everything that represents the interests ofthe common people.The real "fifth column" in America is organ-ized and carried on by "Catholic Action". Thefacts prove this to be true with what has re-cently come to pass in Europe. All along theMexican border "Catholic Action" has plantedits Nazi representatives and allies. The same istrue along the border of Quebec, and the recentoutbursts of violence against Jehovah's wit-

    JUDGE RUTHFRFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMN 7nesses have come from those points. In this mobviolence public officials, sheriffs, police officers,prosecuting attorneys and others have acted inconjunction with the Catholic priests to launch !a vicious attack upon "Jehovah's witnesses. 1Everybody who knows Jehovah's witnesses Iknows that they are against the totalitarian !state. No one organization has published asmuch against Nazism, Fascism and Communismas the WATCHTOWER IBLE8t TRACT OCIETY,of which I am the president. The publication ofthese facts has greatly angered the Iqierarchy,and the Hierarchy are determined to crushall ofJehovah's witnesses. Maliciously the Hierarchyhave charged Jehovah's witnesseswith being ofthe "fifth column", well knowing that they arelying, and they are doing it for the very pnr- Ipose of camouflaging their own wickedness intheir attempt to deceive the people, while theyfurther the "Catholic Action" in America. Whenthe time comes, and that seems to he in the nearfuture, it will be found that there ar e at leastten million ''fifth columnists" in America, andthat ninety percent of these are under the abso-lute control of the Roman Catholic I-Iierarchy.

    In 1938 I delivered an address on "Face theFacts" at Royal Albert Hall, London, and whichwas transmitted by radio to almost all the earth.In numerous states in the United States Cath-.olic priests, together with their radical element 'under their control, attempted to prevent thisaddress from being delivered by radio or trans-mitted to halls. If you will read the booklet

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    I 10 JUDGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMNCatholics, Communists and Fascists are work-ing together.

    (5 ) Do you feel that there i s any general planin the acts against Jehovah's witnesses, sincemost of these have star ted with an attempt toforce members to salute the flag?

    ANSWER: t has always been the scheme of theDevil, as disclosed by history, to begin on theoutskirts and bring his forces against thestronghold of righteousness. The Roman Cath-olic Hierarchy ar e the chief instrument on earth01 the Devil. The compulsory flag saluting byschool children was instigated under the direc-tion of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the pur-pose being to destroy the liberties of the people.It was begun in a subtle way apparently forpatriotic reasons, but the real reason is to breakdownliberty of conscience and liberty of thoughtand liberty to worship. Fo r more than 150yearshonest people of America have obeyed the lawsrepresented by the flag, and that without beingcompelled to salute. The Catholic Hierarchywell know the position of real Christians con-cerning the bowing down to images and thesaluting of any flag, and, knowing this, the Hier-archy have seized upon compulsory flag salutingas another means of accomplisl~ing heir p ur-pose and discrediting, browbeating and coerc-ing every person who stands for liberty of con-science, liberty of worship. It is only necessaryto refer to the book Inszde Europe, by JohnGmther, and the book of E. Boyd Barrett,

    JUDGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMN 11Rome Stoops to Conquer, to get an abundanceof evidence outside of what Jrhovah's witnesseshave published, showing that Catholics andNazis a re working together.

    I spent much time in Germany from 1922 to1934. I observed the gradual development ofNazism under Catholic direction there. I haveobserved the same method carried out in Amer-ica. "Catholic Action" together with Nazis hasdestroyed all liberty in Europe. It is going todo the same thing in America !Let this be distinctly understood, that, whenI speak of "Catholic Action", I have no referenceto the people who practice the Catholic religionconscientiously. There a re millions of such hon-est and sincere people. It is only the ambitious,devilish representatives in the Hierarchy or-ganization that ar e determined to rule the earthcont rary to the will of God and against the in-terests of men.You probably noticed a United P re ss dispatchfrom Berlin, published about the 6th of th ismonth, and which states: "BERLIN, une 6th.-Special meetings of the Roman Catholic bishopsthroughout Germany have resulted in a decisionto hold thanltsgiving masses for the German vic-tory in Belgium and Flanders, it was reportedtoday."This shows that occasionally a little truthleaks out that "Catholic Action" is supportingNazis and Fascists, regardless of how much in-jury may result t o the common Catholic people.The population of Belgium is largely Catholic,

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  • 8/7/2019 1940 Rutherford Uncovers Fifth Column


    14 JUDGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMNthe court, sett ing forth the reasons why compul-sory flag saluting, even in schools, is wrong. Asto the position of Jehovah's witnesses I referyou to the Brief which I filed in that case, andthe argument which I made before the SupremeCourt; and the position that I toolr in behalfof Jehovah's witnesses is exactly the positiontaken by W I ~ . enn when he fled from Europeand founded the Commonwealth of Pennsyl-vania. "Catholic Action" knows this, but the. Hierarchy deliberately tie, exactly as the Lordforetold they would lie. I refer you to the proph-ecy of Isaiah , chap ter 28, verses 14-18 inclusive,which without a question of doubt refers to theCatholic Hierarchy organization as the one com-posed of scornful men and who say: 'We havemade lies our refuge, and under falsehood havewe hid ourselves."

    RESULTS:Here I a m going to venture whatwill be the resul t of this fanatical, devilish pro-cedure to destroy democracies, destroy freedomof press and freedom of speech, and destroyall publishers of the truth.I base my conclusion, not upon human wis-dom. I do not claim to have any inspirationhigher than others who are devoted to the Lord.I base my conclusion upon the Word of Al-mighty God, which is true. Prophecies werewritten long ago and could not be understooduntil in course of fulfillment. Now the Lord hasbrought about the physical facts and broughtthem to the attention of men who ar e devotedto him, and it is easy to be seen what will be

    JUDGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMN 15the result. Rased upon this authority, I statedin a public address in Paris more than threeyears ago that the Nazis and Fascists wouldoverrun France. That has been accomplished.I stated in a public address in Berne, Switzer-land, that the Nazis and Fascists would in timegrab Switzerland. Watch for that to be accom-plished in the near future. At a public addressin London, whieh was transmitted throughoutthe British Empire, and was delivered in 1938,I stated that the Nazis and Fascists were bentupon destroying the British Empire, and thatthat would he accomplished. The Nazis haveplanted their agents throughout the earth. TheRoman Catholic Hierarchy have planted theirmen in every big newspaper office in America,and the ir men in every department of the gov-ernment of the United States. Their purpose isto seize the government of the United States,as Holland and other countries have been seized.I aslt you now to refer to the booklet Fascismor Freedom, page 14, under the subtitle of"America", and read the re what Catholic priestO'Brien has to say about grabbing America in1940, and mark a t the same time how these arecoming to pass, showing tha t O'Brien, in a meas-ure, announced the purpose of the Hiera rchy.Tha t booklet, together with Face the Facts andGovernment and Peace, contains considerableinformation on this point.

    You may expect totalitarian dictators, actingwith the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, t o overrunthe earth , seize control of almost all the nations,

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    16 JUPGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMNif not all, and rule them for a short season, andthen will follow the worst trouble t hat this earthhas ever ltnown. Based upon divine prophecy,briefly, this will be the result : The big religiousinstitution, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, act-ing with dictators, will say: "We have accom-plished our purpose. We are now a t peace, andwe are safe." Then the Lord will take a hand.Christ Jesus will lead the forces invisible to LU-man eyes, and there shall result the battle ofArmageddon, "the battle of t hat great day ofGod Almighty," which will completely clean upthe earth of wickedness and des troy everybodythat willfully practices wickedness. Jesus de-scribed that battle as 'a time of tribulation suchas never was'. (Matthew 24: 21,22) The prophetJeremiah describes it specifically in the 25thchapter. You will read these with some profitand interest. Other prophecies describe thatgreat and terrible time.

    The United Sta tes was established as a Chris-tian nation, not as a religions nation. I t was es-tablished by men who loved God and His Icing-dom, and who prayed and worked for right-eousness. The Supreme Court of the UnitedStates, in Church vs. United States, explicitlystated: "This is a Christian nation." Other de-eisions support that conclusion. The fundamen-tal law writers have so stated. What, however,is the situation today? Every nation under thesun is against Jehovah God and against ChristJesus His King.

    JUDGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMN 17In Kentucky six men are now under arrest,charged with treason, the evidence being thatthey "advocate a government by one JehovahGod". I cite this as merely one instance. The

    evidence is too numerous to go into detail. I re-fer you now to the declaration of Jehovah God1 himself, recorded in Psalm 9 : 17 : "The wickedshall be turned into hell, and all the nationsI that forget God."Jehovah's u-itnesses are not a sect, not a reli-gious organization. They are in the class of

    faithful men mentioned in the eleventh chap-ter of Eebrews; whose sole purpose is to in-form the people of God's purpose to establisha righteous government on the earth, and inobedience to God's commandment to warn thepeople of the impending disaster upon the na-tions. America, with the other nations, is in forthe worst trouble it has ever had, and the onesmost reprehensible for bringing that troubleupon America are those men who conlpose theRoman Catholic Hierarchy, which men havehypocritically claimed to represent God, butwho, in fact, represent the Devil.The American press will not publish the truthbecause the press is either owned or controlled1 by the power and influence of the Hierarchy

    I and allies.Jehovah's witnesses obey every law of theland that is not in conflict with God's law. Theyare for Almighty God and Christ Jesus. Theydo no injury to anyone. They have nothingagainst individuals because of thei r religion.

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    They simply tell the truth in order that thepeople might find the way of escape. They arehated by the Devil and all the Devil's agencies.The Hierarchy are in the same class as thePharisees, to whom Jes us addressed His wordsin John 8:44.ESCAPE:here is but one means of escapefrom the terrible trouble that is coming uponthe earth in the very near future, and that isthe Kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ Je-sus, which Kingdom is THE THEOCRACY,ecauseit is the government of the great THEOCRAT.No one in America or any other nation willescape that terrible -condition of distress, re-sulting from Armageddon, except those whoseek the Lord God and who devote themselvesto Jehovah and to Christ Jesus Hi s King.

    I sound this warning now, and let the pressput it in their morgue and take it out when itis desired. God has declared that they shall allknow that He is the Most High. Honest andsincere Catholics, Protestants, Jews and otherswho desire righteousness and life will abandonall religious institutions and put themselves un-der the protection of Almighty God and ChristJesus. There is no other means of escape.

    As to your other questions, "Part 2, Organ-ization and Growth of Jehovah's witnesses,"question 7 is fully answered in the Yearbook,one of which is issued each year, and whichyou may obtain at 117 Adams St., Brooklyn,N. Y. That also contains the answers to Nos. 8,9.

    JUDGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMN 19(70) How long have you been active in themovement? Please include a brief biographi-cal sketch.ANSWER:More than th irty years. Thc WATCHTOWER IBLE& T R A ~ TOCIETYas been in ex-istence for more than sixty years. I t is merelya corporation, acting as publishers for Jeho-vah's witnesses.(11) How many copies of your books havebeen sold? How many copies of your phono-graph records? I n a t i s the circulation of TheWatchtower and Corzsolation?ANSWER: ooks and booklets published in 78and more languages, in the hands of the people,to the number of more than 300 million copies.The information on questions 11, 12 and 13 iscontained in the Yearbook; also answer toNo. 14.(15) V7e understand that . a t one time youbought time on many radio stations hut that

    you do not do so now. Js this because any groupforced commercial stations to keep you off?ANSWER: t seems passing strange that abig public newspaper should ask such a ques-tion. It is well known that for more than tenyears I used over 240 radio stations every week.It is well ltnown that more than two millionpeople protested against the efforts of the Hier-archy trying to pu t me off the air. This Peti-tion, signed by two and one-half million people,

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  • 8/7/2019 1940 Rutherford Uncovers Fifth Column


    26 JUDGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMN"Theocratic" convention was ever projected.Jehovah is the grea t TEIEOCRAT,is proniisedGovernment by Christ Jesus the King is Theo-cratic, and this advertised convention is for thepurpose of announcing more intensively to allAmerica that Theocratic Government for theblessing of all people of good will toward God.That very fact dissociates this convention andthe conventioners from all worldly things politi-cal and secular, and absolutely rules out, de-bars, and precludes all "fifth column" connec-tions and activities, which fifth column i s world-ly and political and bent on rnling the worldin opposition to Jehovah's Theocratic Govern-ment. Hence those who are haclr of all the op-position which is concertedly made against theholding of this Theocratic Converition a t Colum-bus brand themselves as either the allies or toolsof the "fifth column", or even the "fifth colnmn"themselves, who try to throw off suspicion fromthernsclves by falsely accusing innocent men andwho are a small minority.

    Who, then, is back of the effort to break ilpthis Theocratic event a t Colurnhus, Ohio? JudgeRutherford boldly names the Roman CatholicHierarchy, who must bring the United Statesunder the control of the Vatican i f they are t ogain their ohjective of rnling the whole world,particular ly "Christendom", with the pope asthe temporal and spiritual lord thereof. BishopHartley has not forgotten that the Watch TowerSociety has sued him for $100,000 damages he-cause he exercised his power and influence to

    JUDGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMN 27cause Columbus radio station WBNS to brealrit s contract to broadcast the speeches of JudgeRutherford. One of the priests under his hier-archical jurisdiction is the said "Father" Mur-phy. Sworn affidavits hear out that this priestvisited the business manager of the ConventionBurcau of the Columbus Chamber of Commerceduring May, after learning tha t Jehovah's wit-nesses would convene at the Fair Grounds, andhe used every argument to try to discredit themso as to adversely influence the Chamber ofCommerce. He then used his influence upon theSta te F ai r manager to instigate his cancellationof the contract fo r their use of the Grounds.The Catholic priesthood do not exercise theAmerican spirit and show consideration for thewill and desire of the people. The hotel, news-paper, food supply, and other business men,and the common people, wanted the convention.But t he Roman Catholic Hierarchy did not wantthe convention. To whom didkhe political ar m ofthe s tate yield, to the people whom it i s sworn toserve, or to Roman organized religion? Direc-tor Brown of the State's Department of Agri-culture and Manager Kinnan of the State FairAssociation arbitrarily canceled the contract.Brown and Kinnan offered as excuse fortheir action, not the real reason, Catholic Ac-tion, but the fear of "disturbances". Grantedthat "disturbances" were feared, are there noState police in Ohio to call on for protection oforderly, peaceful Americans in the exercise oftheir righ t of assembly and of worship of A1-

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    28 JUDGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMNmighty God? Does Governor Bricker use thatkind of argument in the case of a strike of la -bo re rs against employers and forbid the strike?Fe ar of riot or disturbance does not empowerany official to brealr contrac t and debar Ameri-cans from the exercise of constitutional rightsand liberties. This has been affirmed by theunanimous decision of the United Stat es Su-preme Court, of May 20, 1940, in the case ofthree of Jehovah's witnesses us . the State ofConnecticut.

    All America was to be specially convenienccdso as to be able to take advantage of this con-vention and to hear Judge Rutherford 's publicspeech on "RELIGIONS A WORLD EMEDY-TheEvidence in Suppor t Thereof", Ju ly 28. Morethan thirty other cities on the American conti-nent and the Hawaiian Islands were to be tiedin by private land wires direct to the St ate Fa irGrounds at Columbus, making it one simulta-neous nation-wide assembly. I t was so adver-tised. At once Catholic Action started working.EL PASO,EXAS. He re Jehovah's witnessescontracted for free use of Liberty Hall. Whyhas now the County Commissioners Conrt re-voked its orde r granting fre e use of the Hall?Again it is a case of those busybodies in othermen's affairs, those deniers to others of the irrights and liberties under federal an d sta te eon-stitutions. One Catholic priest, Schuler, bishopof El Paso , wrote to the County CommissionersCourt to "express my abhorrence" of allowingJehovah's witnesses free use of Liberty Hall.

    JUDGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMN 29Bishop Schuler does not understand what in-tolerance means. He speaks in condemnation of"the ignorant intolerance of Jehovah's witness-es". Outspoken, published criticism of one polit-ical party by another opposing political party,and a free and open condemnation of politicalpolicies of one par ty by aliother, this is not in-tolerance; not here in America, not here to

    Americans who "can take it" and who have notsworn spiritual allegiance to a foreign poten-tat e, who is head of a religious organizationand also ruler of a temporal state, which spiri t-ual allegiance is superior to and more obliga-tory than any civil or national allegiance.Ifitolerance does not mean the exercise of theAmerican right of free speech; it does not meanhonest, sincere criticism which is based uponthe Holy Bible and which is against the pub-lished beliefs, opinions and doctrines of otherindividuals, part ies , and organizations, religiousor otherwise. Intolerance in fact means the lim-iting, hindering and suppressing of the rightsand liberties of individuals and organizationsto freely express themselves differently from'and in disagreement with and in opposition toothe rs as to belief and opinion..Jesus was notintolerant when he roundly denounced the reli-gious priests and clergy of his d ay as hypo-crites, serpents, robbers of widows, sons of theDevil. The intolerant ones were the religiousclergymen who had Jesus' mouth silenced bymurder. Intolerance is what Bishop Schulerand the Roman Catholic priesthood are prae-

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    30 JUDGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMNticing in this instant case. Judge Rutherfordhas never suppressed them. In 1936 he pro-posed that there be a public hearing of theteachings of the Roman Catholic Hierarchyover a nation-wide radio network, throngh arad io debate, an elevated official of the E ie r-archy to defend their teachings and JudgeRutherford to present the Bible argument, heand his friends to hear half the expense ofthis radio hookup, to let all Americans hearboth sides and decide for themselves what istruth. Over 2,600,000 signed a Petition demand-ing this debate, and in November, 1936, thePetition was presented at Washington, D. C.But the Roman Catholic Hierar chy of Americahave never responded. Jehovah's witnesses havenever tried to break u p meetings of Catholics,as Catholics and American Legionnaires didrecently in Texas and California and in otherplaces in America. Jehovah's witnesses havenever tried to prevent or interfere with meet-ings of Roman Catholics or other religionists, ei-ther directly or indirectly or under cover. Theircriticism has been voiced and circulated openly,publicly and aboveboard, and not by use of se-cret, undercover pressure upon the politicians.It would be well for the members of the ElPaso posts of the American Legion and of theVeterans of Foreign Wars who joined RishopSclmler in pro test ing t o the County Commis-sioners Court to read Texas' declaration of in-dependence from Mexico. They would lcarn

    JUDGE RUTHERFORD UNCOVERS FIFTH COLUMN 31something as t o what it means to be real Tex-ans and. Americans. Tdet them note this:The unanimous Declaration of Independeneemade by the delegates of the people of Texasin general convention assembled, March 2, 1836,in it s first paragraph condemns the Catholic gov-

    b ernment from which i t broke loose and associatesdespotism with "the priesthood-both the eternalenemies of civil liberty, the ever-ready minionsof power, and the usual instruments of tyrants".1 In the thi rd paragraph it speaks of "the com-bined despotism of the sword and the priest-hood". In its twelfth paragraph i t says of thatCatholic government: "It denies us the right ofworshipping the Allmighty according to the dic-tat es of our own conscience; by the support ofa national religion calculated to promote thetemporal interest of i ts human functionariesrather than the glory of the true and livingGod." Thus the Texans tha t signed that Decla-rat ion were witnesses of Jehovah, who is tha t"true and living God". If those Texas signers

    i were alive here today they would show the De-par tme nt of Justice and the F BI where theL "fifth column" are located and who they are.PUEBLO,OLORADO.er e the Elks Lodge, theVeterans of Foreign Wars, the Disabled Ameri-can Veterans, and the American Legion havet protested to the City Council against granting

    the City Auditorium for the Theocratic Con-Ii vention. One member of a committee of five,just appointed by the local American Legionpost to investigate "fifth column" and u n - h e r -

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    .~ .-.. 1 ' - . ~ . . . , .'- : .-5:. ,.:I- . . C - . r ,.'.;.. *! < '% . .

    'All this helps to make clear who ia d t i r s i ' i ~ :$p the mob violence against Jehovah's witneh-6s, numerous eases of qhihh are regularly re-ported in, the news. This .occasioned a protest -bg the United States Solicitor General, Francis. Biddle, Sunday night, sane 16. Speaking overP network of the National Broad&ting Sys-tem, he pledged the Department of Justice to

    . see to it that the rights of free speech, warship.and assembly were protected. The Roman Ca&-olid Hierarchy must gnash their teeth with clia-gria, at his exogeration of -Jehovah's people, Iwhen the Solicitor a e ~ e r a l aid;-3ehwrbFs & t n d bare w a rcpenbdly ict
