1920's magazine


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Andrea Burney, Sophia Masrour, Marissa Mills, Chris Otte, Hunter Morman


Page 1: 1920's Magazine



Page 2: 1920's Magazine

Letters To The Editor

Sir --- Not wanting to appear savage, but I am completely and utterly outraged with this whole ‘Scopes Trial’ fiasco. As an American woman, mother, and wife, I strive to live a life filled with etiquette and keep a simple environment in my home. This refers to the anger I have with the idea of some preposterous science teacher, John Scopes, filling children’s heads with ludicrous ideas of evolution, challenging the faith and religion that parents work so hard so build in their home. I back William Jennings Bryan up 100 percent, and this Clarence Darrow fellow is quite the fool for speaking for Scopes. I’m glad Bryan’s arguing the prosecution, for I am a fundamentalist and I agree to it that the word of God in the bible shall over ride or over rule all silly thoughts or antics of this so called evolution. Darrow is simply a buffoon for backing this loon up, and as is this Scopes character. I hear the World Christian Fundamental Association sent William Jennings Bryan and right they were in doing so; we need a literal interpretation of the bible, or God’s word. Challenging the Lord’s word to fill children’s heads with crackpot theories is beyond preposterous, and for that man to walk free due to a technicality just boils my blood. I saw no flaws within Bryan’s investigation during declaring and testing the truth of evolution. A $100 fee for being found and convicted guilty of this crime? Unbelievable. Sincerely, Mary-Anne from Tennessee

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Ford Cars!Cars For Everyone!

Freedom For The Public!Ford model is the best car you can buy, and the most affordable. We make only the finest products that can be made down here at Ford car company. Our cars are highly efficient leaving satisfied customers with the easy to use mechanics of it all, making getting around alot simpler. Buy a Ford car today, forget walking around everywhere! With this, you’ll be able to get where you need to go with


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Rise In Consumer Goods Redefines the Working American Citizen Refrigerators, vacuum's, radios, latest greatest perfumes, model-t automobiles, and electric irons. These are just some of the consumer goods sprouting up and flourishing with sky rocketing sales. Once a luxury item to the common citizen is now becoming a basic necessity. This was achieved by the mass marketing

of these goods making life for the

American citizen easier and carefree. By

the total national production increasing

by 34%, between 1922 and 1929, resulted

in influenced consumerism. The reason

for increased spending from the working

class was the want for latest newest

technology-even if it came to vanity

products benefiting young girls to older

women. Ads littered the storefronts, as

well as peoples mindsets. Women have

said to be deceived by the social media

that they need certain types of soaps or

perfumes to be "beautiful" or "wanted" by

a man. So this ad technique was very

effective when it came to selling cheap

and affordable products that reeled in the

big money. As a journalist I made my way

around different shopping facilities asking

random samples of women how they feel

about ads concerning vanity and beauty

products. More than half the women said

that they have been affected by the ads,

and went out of their way to buy the

products to feel better about themselves.

When I asked them about the

effectiveness of the ads, they answered

that they strongly agreed the power of

conformity. Not only do the ads for

beauty products affect the women, but

also ads showcasing cars and

wristwatches, even cigarette lighters, were

a huge target for men. "Owning a car was

one of the best feelings in the world,” tells

Cecile Martin of Michigan. Not only do

cars get you places, but they make the

thriving business world flourish with new

opportunities. With more disposable

income comes more spending resulting in

circular flow of money. Spending for the

present was preferable for saving for the

future. Is the main motto big business

men go off of these days? It's a bunch of

bologna if ya ask me; tricking people into

thinking they need things when in reality

it’s a waist of their hard earned money.

But not all goods are in my eyes. I would

love to invest in a nice refrigerator! But as

I look at the world around me, I'm

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beginning to notice the consumerism

mannerisms of crazed flappers buying

every darn perfume sold at the store.

Indeed goods and resources has become a huge part in the lives of American and

will continue to change and ever grow and evolve with time. Life for the American people has become more efficient and easy going for virtually everyone who is willing to spend the extra bucks. I can vogue for that.

- Marissa Mills

Page 8: 1920's Magazine

Entertainment Today Movies! The entertainment of the future is here! Moving pictures that tell a story, but lack color and sound. There are currently five major studios today consisting of Warner Bros., Famous Players-Lasky, RKO, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and 20th Century Pictures! This is the entertainment of a new age! Something more exciting than to sit at home and read the paper. Going on a date but need somewhere to go? Take that pretty lass to the movies! Another new form of entertainment today is the radio! Listen to catchy tunes all day long and enjoy the day! But that’s not all they’re good for! No longer will you need to send an old fashioned crier to get news out to someone far away, why as long as they have a radio you can send your message to the world! These are new times with new technology folks, get with it!

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Communist Radicals bombed Wall Street. Political cartoon that stated striking would only help the spread of anarchy.


For utter excitement, it would be difficult to find a more captivating story

than the one being told here. The 1920s may be famed for its economic

strength before the crash, prohibition, and the Jazz Age. Nevertheless, a

darker side existed. There have been few moments where America has

experienced teeming fear and fiery hysteria such as the Red Scare. There stood various radical groups who wanted extreme change.

Communists, socialists, anarchists, all strived for a change in the political

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structure and anticipated on promoting anarchy. The first Red Scare

reached a climax on June 2, 1919, on this day eight bombs went off within

the same hour. During 1919 and 1920 radical groups delivered a series of

bombs to officials homes and offices. In 1919 Attorney Generals house was

bombed. Then in 1920 a massive bomb injured and killed many people on

Wall Street, the symbolic center of capitalism. These actions made

Americans fearful resulting in public mania.

In response, Attorney Mitchell General organized attacks on foreigners

and radicals to eliminate all “Reds”. The attorney enforced in

undertaking palmer raids, which give the FBI full control to raid private

residences, hold subjects without formal charges, and set bail at

abnormally high prices keeping suspects jailed. Attorney General convinced

America that the raids would help purify and restore peace, protecting its

citizens from political radicals.

Page 11: 1920's Magazine

‘Nuff Said’ Performs Live at Cotton Club; Draws Crowds From Miles Around! Duke Ellington, lead singer of band 'Nuff Said' brought a sense of musical excitement to the city of Harlem on February 3rd. It was a cold night, but that did not dampen the spirits of everyone out on the town! It was sure a night no cultured man or women could pass up!

The band’s talent and style stood out

among the young crowds, and attracted

artistic individuals seeking a good ole

time. Their performances revitalized the

city of Harlem and splashed life and

energy back into the black community.

Pride of African American culture was

apparent in the community, and seemed

to leak into the customs of visiting

cultures. Energy was contagious

throughout the city that night. Public

displays of art, street performers, and

dancers lined the streets. To the right

there pose an elegant French woman

getting her picture sketched by an artist

who might have been living out of town.

When I asked the man about his

profession, he told me that he was a

traveling artist. Visiting different cities

along his journey, he made a buck here

and there. When I had asked what

brought him to New York; he smiled,

looked around, and responded with "the

blues". Across the block, notes of the

Deep South echoed off buildings walls. A

man, who almost seemed homeless, clad

in tattered clothes cried out lyrics in a

melancholy tune. His singing wavered

and faded, but was harmoniously telling a

story of his past-his roots. He wore his

history like a map on his face with every

wrinkle; he sat and played his heart out.

People passed by, observing him in

wonder. Only once in a while, a couple

would stop to listen to his weary blues. As

the sun started to set, his melodious cries

faded along with the light. Continuing

sight seeing along the city, the muffled

screams and laughter filled up the air.

More people started appearing

throughout the area, accidentally leaving

behind traces of them. Handkerchiefs,

cigar butts, and even abandoned lipstick

applicators decorated the pavement. I

knew by the sudden influx of people, a

concert was about to begin. Of course I

knew this already, but the excitement had

just hit me like a ton of bricks. Making

my way to the nightclub smack dab in the

middle of Harlem, the buzzing blinking

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sign read "Cotton Club" in bright red

cursive. As the line wrapping around the

nightclub grew, anticipation followed the

same trend. Talk of 'Nuff Said' and their

appearance in the city had been floating

around and with the demand in Jazz style

music, the city's natives and visitors were

eager to get in and have a good time.

Women were dressed in extravagant

dresses that crossed the lines of modern

fashions. Majestic feathers sat upon their

hats, and the smell of sour smoke filled

my lungs. The doors opened and

rhythmic African drumbeats seemed to

bounce of the walls of the club, while

stomps and hoots of dancers shook the

floor. Approaching the club, I couldn't

help but realize the scarcity of blacks -the

very people who gave character to this

city. After entering the building, my spirit

seemed to be lifted as the happy tunes

sang "It is the morning of my life, it is the

morning of my life, in the morning, in the

morning…" sung by Duke Ellington

himself. They were a hit, while people

crowded around the bars socializing and

puffing on their cancer sticks. It was a

sophisticated marvel, as shades of blue

and red reflected off the walls. The light

show outlined glittery silhouettes of

dresses that scattered the room. Men had

their arms around their gals like trophy

prizes and the positive energy was


The club was pulsing with cultural experimentalist. The crowd seemed to be alive and open to new things. With each song the band played the mood changed-which was a wonder to see how much music affects the people of Harlem. Nevertheless it was a successful night for both club owners and 'Nuff Said'. I rate the overall experience 5 stars, and anyone seeking a breath of fresh air, to hastily visit Cotton Club for a live show and a good time.

Marissa Mills    

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     BOSTON,  Mass.,  August  23  -­‐-­‐-­‐  Earlier  this  morning  two  Italian  immigrants,  Ferdinando  Nicola  Sacco  and  Bartolomeo  Vanzetti,  were  executed  for  the  convicted  murders  of  two  men  during  a  robbery  in  South  Braintree,  Massachusetts  seven  years  ago,  in  1920.  In  the  afternoon  of  April  15th  1920,  the  two  men  supposedly  murdered  Fredrick  Parmenter  and  Alessandro  Beradelli,  the  paymaster  and  security  guard  of  the  Slater-­‐Morrill  Shoe  Company  factory  in  Braintree.    This  raised  police  suspicions  to  turn  on  local  Italian  anarchists,  regarding  also  a  former  robbery  of  another  shoe  factory  on  December  24th  1919  in  Bridgewater,  Massachusetts.  The  two  immigrants  were  followers  of  Luigi  Galleani,  who  advocated  bombing  and  assassination  in  favor  of  revolutionary  violence.  Connecting  the  activities  of  the  Galleani’s  anarchist  movement,  the  police  put  two  and  two  together,  convicting  Sacco  and  Vanzetti,  believing  the  robbery/murders  were  motivated  by  the  need  to  finance  more  bombs.  When  the  two  men  showed  up  to  a  garage  to  retrieve  the  car  that  was  believed  to  be  the  get  away  car  involved  in  the  murder,  suspicions  really  were  rising.  After  picking  up  the  suspected  getaway  car,  Sacco  and  Vanzetti  fled  the  scene,  but  were  arrested  a  short  time  after.  When  captured,  both  men  claimed  to  not  have  a  gun  on  them,  but  upon  further  inspection  were  found  to  be  holding  loaded  pistols.  The  two  men  denied  any  connection  to  anarchists  though  during  questioning.  Along  with  the  murders,  Vanzetti  was  charged  $15,  776.73  from  the  company.  Vanzetti  was  also  the  only  one  tried  and  convicted  for  the  attempted  murder  and  robbery  that  took  place  on  December  24th  in  Bridgerwater.  This  trial  began  on  June  22nd  1920,  and  different  witnesses  were  brought  into  the  stand  to  identify  Vanzetti  as  the  attempted  murderer/robber.  They  all  put  him  at  the  scene  of  the  crime,  indicated  by  his  moustache.  On  July  1,  1920  the  judge  returned  guilty  verdicts  on  both  counts  of  attempted  murder  and  attempted  robbery  on  Vanzetti.    On  August  16  1920,  the  judge  sentenced  Vanzetti  12-­‐15  years  in  prison  for  the  attempted  crimes.  Following  on  to  the  second  

trial,  both  men  were  then  tried  in  Dedham,  Massachusetts  for  the  Braintree  murders  and  robbery.  Both  had  alibis  for  where  they  were  

at  the  time  of  the  murder  and  robbery  that  were  backed  by  witnesses.  The  jury  delivered  back  guilty  charges  after  three  hours  of  discussion  and  groveling.  Both  men  were  tried  and  convicted  for  the  Braintree  murders  and  robbery.  Supporters  claimed  that  Sacco  and  Vanzetti  were  found  guilty  for  their  anarchist  views  played  a  huge  role  on  the  jury’s  decision.  Quoting  presiding  judge  Webster  Thayer,  “Did  you  see  what  I  did  to  those  anarchist  bastards?”.  Along  with  this  trial,  there  were  two  appeals  to  the  Supreme  Judicial  Court,  a  confession  from  an  ex-­‐convict  stating  he  committed  the  Braintree  murders,  and  two  motions  for  a  new  trial,  but  in  the  end  the  judge’s  final  decision  was  death  by  electric  chair  for  first  degree  murder  and  capital  crime  unless  the  defense  could  find  new  evidence.  Upon  walking  to  the  electric  chair,  before  Sacco  was  executed  his  only  words  were,  “Farewell  mother.”  Vanzetti  thanked  the  guards  for  their  kindness,  shook  their  hands  politely  and  read  a  statement  claiming  his  innocence,  then  went  on  to  say,  “I  wish  to  forgive  some  people  for  what  they  are  now  doing  to  me.”  There  is  said  to  be  a  funeral  in  Boston’s  North  End  following  after  today.    


Sacco and Vanzetti await execution

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Ask Al Dear Al, My husband used to be a heavy drinker and come home to beat me every night. Recently he has stopped going to the bars but he somehow continues to get drunk. How is he still acquiring alcohol, and how can I make it stop? Sincerely, Black-eye Dear Black-eye, Your husband maybe something called a “moonshiner” which is someone who makes moonshine, which is very potent liquor. It is also illegal to even make. If you want him to stop you could either threaten him that you know, or just go straight to the police? I hope this helped. Sincerely, Al --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Al, Recently alcohol has become illegal, but my brother-in-law still seems to get ahold of it somehow. He’s a dead beet drunk and it’s a huge issue to the family. Help! Sincerely, Concerned Family Dear Concerned Family, Your loved one maybe taking part in something called “bootlegging” which is illegal trafficking of alcohol. So he is buying it from somebody illegally which is dangerous during these times of prohibition. You need to let him become aware of the danger he’s in before it is too late! Sincerely, Al

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Women’s rights





Across 3. what women with jobs were able to become 4. the main right women got form the 19th


Down 1. The amendment that gave women the right to

vote 2. the new breed of up and coming women


Page 16: 1920's Magazine

Crosswords Sports






Across 4. played in a diamond and Americas sport 5. a foot race

Down 1. a common sport to place bets on 2. played on a field with downs 3. fighting in a square with gloves