1919 directors frb minneapolis

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Page 2: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

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Page 3: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

January 12* 1920*

To tho Directors ofFederal Beserve Back of Slinae&polis *


I submit herewith the Auditor’s Annual Report for the year ending Beeper 31* 1919* Monthly audit* have beea made of the various departments of the Bank as far an possible, continuous audits being kept on several accounts, particularly the ©ash and securities la the Reserve Tault*

Audits for the month of December which have beea perform- ed as per Beport of Proofs and Verifications herewith, disclose that the worfc of the Bank is naming ss»othly with no thing of aa irregular nature to report.

Admittance to the Reserve Yault may still only he had iA m an officer of the Bank and the Alitor or M s representative are present* the officer holding the key to the grill gate sad the Auditor or M s representative the oombiaatloa*

Adsdtt&nce to any chest ia the Bank Division of the Reserve Vault is possible oaly whea three are present. The Governor* the Cashier and one Assistant Cashier hold the tipper cosibiaatioas, while three Assistant CasMers hold the lever combinations with exception of the lever combinations oa five chests, wMch are held by the Collateral Custodian.

Admittance to the federal Reserve Agent's Division of the Beserve Vault nay he had only whea the Agent or his Assistant is present* fhey held the eonhiaatioas to the grill gate* while the CasMer and aa Assistant Cashier held the key to the gate lock, fhe lower combinations of the various ehests is this divisioa are held by the Federal Reserve Agent aad his Assistant* wMle the upper combinations are under the coatrol of the CasMer and an Aesistaat CasMer*

In making the Audits of the Bank during the past year* your Audit Department has followed the ^Method of Procedure’* outlined ia my last aanual report* TMs procedure had the endorsement of Mr. Broderick aad Mr* Will, Examiners of the Federal Reserve Board, Washington. Baeh amber of the Audit Department, at the outset* was givea a copy of the outline for M s study, guidance aad criticism la performing the audit work. Xa some instances it has bee a accessary to aaend the outline ia order to meet changes la accounting methods aad sake our a&dits more complete* but* oa the whole we feel tMs procedure has been the means of developing for the Bank a well organised Audit Department* also aa effloleat system of Auditing.

Tours v^r^ truly.

tWLsM?/ Acting Auditor^ ^

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Page 4: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis


X* Comparative statement of Resources December 31, 2.9192* Gow^rafeive statement of Liabilities December 31, 19193# Monthly Report of proofs & Verifications - Bank4# Monthly Report of Proofs & Verifications - Fiscal Aganoy Dept*5* Proof of Bills Discounted Members as of December 23, 19195* Proof of Acceptances Bought as of December 23* 19195* Proof of united states Bonds & securities Owned as of Dec* 31, 19196. investment Operations during month of December 19&97* Balances Due fror other Federal Bo serve Banks - comparative8 . Average salanoes Due to Member Banks Rosorve Account - C comparative8. Balances Due to Member Banks Be serve Account -By states~Comparatire8. Due TO treasurer of tJnited states i- comparative9. capital Stock and.Dividends paid - comparative

10* Warnings for December * consparative11* Expenses for December - Comparative12, expenses - Agent* a Department13* Expenses - Fiscal Agency Department for neceraber 191914* Batpenses - Liberty Loan, war pavings* and war Finance15* Transit Department Disbursements & service Charges for December16* i'ransit Department Report for December 191917* fwin Gity clearings for December16* BQad Issues During the year 191918* Bonds Hotes Received for Conversion during 191919* Bonds & Notes Delivered during 1919

-21* united States Certificates of Indebtedness issued for Tear*22* Average B&rning Assets and Bates for December*23* Gross gamings by Months for Year and Averages24* Gross aiid let Sailings and Expenses by Months25* Average Holdings of learning Assets by Months and Bates thereon*26* Profit and Loss Account27* salary statistics - Fiscal Agenqy Department and Bank20* Furniture and Equipment (Including vault)28* Reserved for sundry gspenses29* Gold Holdings of the Bank and Federal Reserve Agent - comparative30* Cash Record - Bank31* Cash Reoord - Federal Resorve Bank notes and security Held Against same*32* Cash Beoord - Federal Reserve STotes Rec*& froa comptroller of Currency

since opening - issued* Reissued and Destroyed*33* Federal Reserve lotes held in cub~?reasuiy at Chicago* ^shington and

in transit from Washington*34* Agent's 7&ulfc Record * Federal Reserve lotes and Gold Held35* Acceptances held at close of Business December 31* 191937* Rediscounts Member Banks - By fm m and states42* Bill of Lading Drafts Discounted month of December 191943 Member Banks collateral Hot is in Past Due Accomt

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Page 5: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis



Deo. 31. 1919 Deo* 31* 1918

Gold Redemption Food F.B.Hotes £05,448.00 4,948,850,00( Board 19,800,000.00

Gold with F.R*Agent ( Bedemption Fuad 2,994,605.00 50,868,410*00{ Minauapolia 13,062,000.00

Gold Settlement Fund 4,872,374.56 23,774,414.92Gold Bullion and Coin 2,099,845.00 2,172,390.00Gold Certificates (Incl* G.H* Ctfs.) 6,175,430*00 6,150,720,00Gold with Foreign Agencies, 3,545,645.72 233,154.97Legal Teader 2lotea (lacl* 0*11* Ctfs*) 48,730*00 38,620,00Silver Certificates flncl* 0*11* Ctfs.) 14,669.00 33,055.00Silver Coin, 1,350.00 1,170,00Nickels and cents, 10.75 10*85S per oeat Fund against F.B. Bank Jfotes 400,350.00 236,200*00F .B .3. Not«s (scoured by tf.S.Bonds) on Hand, 87,925.00 463,454*00Federal Seserve Motes on Hand, 896,665.00 1,813,495*00Mutilated F*E* So tee Ford, for lede&ption, 359,250.00 340,195.00Hfctional Bank Notes, 36,890.00 375,135.00Federal Bes*rve notes of ether F.B* Banks, M l, 385,00umasorted Currency, 134,600.00transit items# 20,415,770.00 8,388,299*82Checks dud Other Gash Items, 195,414.11 260,988.02Sxe&tiages for clearing House, 1,945,609.22 2,068,841*15Domestic Transfers Purchased, 1,136,265.19 2,031,500*00Bill of lading Drafts 3ef inite-aatur ity, §,@00.00 77,064*74Bills duel* Trade Acceptances) discounted, 53,997,048.00' 2,684,073*91Member saaks* Collateral Botes, 19,854,543.69 3,535,450*00Acceptances (Incl* Trade Accts*) bought, 12,699,452.47 17,993,757*63Bedisoounfcs for other P.E*Banks, 30,374,855*00individual subscribers* 4,970.00Other 0. 3. Bonds, 115,561.00 115,560*00One**year Certificates of indebtedness, 8,480,000.00 4,350,00).00Other Certifloatqs of indebtedness, 266,500.00One-year Treasury Hotee 530,000.00interest accraed on tj,s* securities 79,271*98 16,659.09Expense Cwrent, 298,477*19 318,336.24Disbursements, liberty toan Wo* 3, 16,876.35Disbursements, Liberty Loan SO* 4 119,98 122,816.54Disbursements, Liberty Loan Ho* 5 1,033.01Disbursements, m v Savings# 80,896.28 10,520.45Advances, War savings and L.L. 2,508.90 12,000.00Fiscal Agent General Stresses, 28,543.433&r Fisanoe corporation (Bxpenso) 93*26Furniture and iquipment, 1*00 1*00Deferred charges, 7,685.42 2,878*74Div* loot, Inol. I»reis* on Surd. Stock* 92,353.86 86,674*41Difference Account 5,069,20 992*10Bank premises. 600,000*00

vault Account, 29,500*00C. of 1, Disbursements 18,699.21

IOTA I, aBSOCBCKS ...................................... ... 176,227,389.51 169,746,788.93

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Page 6: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

canmMfiVE m sm m ® m m s m f i is wwmiz msmm u m or m m m m tm

i m - 1918

Federal ieserre sotes outstanding Fed* ids* Bfe* Hotes (secured by 0*5. obliga

tions) - Outstanding,U. s. Treasurer - Gtsiml Account Messrs - Beserre Account*Foreign Gorerznaent credits* loosentoere - Clearing Account Cashiers* Clieeks,Sxpense Checks,Federal Beserre Exchange Drafts,Federal Beserre transfer Drafts*Gold settlement Fund - suspense,Gorernaeat Transit items,All other transit rteas*Coupons, Ownership undetarmindd,Beserred for sundry Expenses,Dividends Accrued on Sew stock Capital, Baid in by Members,Surplus Fund,Profit and Loss*Discount on Bills Discount ad,

Bills Purchased* interest on tJ*s. securities Penalties on Deficient Reserves,Do&estlc Transfers Bought and sold set,mscellaneoue*interest lamed s/ l DraftsDiscount on u*s# Bonds*Unearned Discount - Bills Discounted*

Acceptances Bou^tt,


Dec* 31. 1919 Dec. 31* 1918

88,442,605.00 98*724*410.00

8,288,000.00 4,632*000.00513,187.11 5*191*471*43

53*827,751.78 48,825,966.371,951,939.52

115*000.00 15,500.00183*543.00 294*189*77

5,351.62 8,323.604*088.25 2,121.10

63,000.006*087*509.78 1,101,434.14

197*856,45 156*074.877*976,836.89 5*726*619*55

2*364*8218*813.39 14*092.081,173.75

3*073*950.00 2,931,200.002*319*401*04 37*500.00

100*484*16 428*804.481*070*128*60 1*175*998*09

448,447.84 106*410.3991*894.86 30*116*5214,565.47 21,697.8628,629.73 51*920.601*269.03 4* 713*26

244.02 2*692*3253*610.82 47,430.48

363,889.95 95*610.6544*652*63 59*491.37

175*227*369.51 169,748,788.93

Ratio of Total Beserves to cosfcined let Deposit a adnote liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . 39*5$ 65.8$

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Page 7: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

MOKmr HE?Oa3? Ot PBOOifS M D YEELFlG&TiOm if fss AU33IT W A B S O T f Of IBB tf&JXE&AI* M88SBV&

MM. Of 1&NNMPOU3 fOl fHB I M Of tiaftmaieii ifif

Date of Proof thia aontii jssssaim is m &

m M m j M m m mBills Msaounted • Bftnfeoro Deo* 23 Hot# 12Member boa* collateral notes « 20 " 12Aooeg tanooa w 23 * 12a»oJe*a Investments * 29 « 14memim or Blaooaat tr*s#3oouritiea Bally BallyAccrued interest U* 3* Securities t« tt

QASOfaWWBoaorro oaali Oentixmoaa ContinuottaPaying toller*a oaah Boo* 10 k 29 nor* 3BooelTing tollor* a cash " 10 h 29 • 3Money tollor*o Atwtb ” 10 £ 29 » 3ffoto to11or♦a department HOBO Kona

Rodanip tlon land Weekly laoklyMUBSIg iXD 00LLE0BXQE3

SipBdtongoa for *t% wrli fp Imshmni Boo. 17 Ho t# 8C&oolsa and othar oaaH itoms Bally BallyHold otor mail l t m Bant

QOII.SQglOMa^^g*m froiD forolfa ioooonta JsfomsDao fran aifpi iBp nctB*®bei Iniz* Bao# %l Hot# 24 * hot* 25Bao from or to teranohoa nme HonoBoo free l odoxfal Roaorvo ianlai (Boforrod) Baily Bally

j u s m L A s m s .Iitrtfflr Boo* 31 HOT* 25Stook Oartifioatas O atlnxiotui


Bao to foroiga ioo<mta Kon NonaBao to Haat or b «k 3t loaorvo Boo* 4 mot# 4Dos to Korabor banica* Deterred SOriM# fl# AOOOtmta Of toalMW* hmlm

not n s ia ill9 l daring month Jmmmta with £*B#Bank reconciled(foTdttXRMBlt dOpCBl to

W tRSM BaW , « «OuHdif*! *»i rotura I tom1ihm1iy»|iw* •» traStllfor and Ot&IOT dl^fts

Blfforonoo Jkmmmt Ea$anooo * Onrront

** ■* llbftpty VH*Uft Postage - Parohaaad

** *» §& tt MV

» - internal Mmmm Stands Sorniaga - BlUs di amounted

" - Saak* a Investments n • l'raaafora bought and sold

Penal tioa on dofloloat reserve* unearned Iataroot on aa»&#« inToetmenta

* dismounts * M ila discounted ** • m J&04$>tanOO3

lacomlaff otirreaaar ahirtaenta

Oatgoiag * 11

t M m m .M m % m m t





Boa* 30 « SO

M o r a l Socorro lotea Qold and lawful aoaay k»3&Cnatodiea for 9tii«r Beaorfe Bazika or Agents

mmmaLmItana feeld or ia ooarao of oolleotie* Securities hold for member baa&a safekeeping

Sfeoorr* Yoolt Collateral dago

Securities held for other £*a*Banka

Branch audita by Jiwtitor o# *nk


Deo* 30 « £3w 30



nm e

Boo* 9


BOO* 19




SOT* 24 ** 24



HO*. 26t» If « £8



loir# 4


HOT* 24

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Page 8: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

fiscal &0!»fs im & m w m uasmax .auon m moovs am vminmiom m fm jmm mkmmm mTHE f m m i BBS8STB BOK OF KimtPOLXS FOR fM MOBfB 0T BECMMB X9X9


Received aooount sate of Bonds* a/c sale of cart* of indebtedness •* a/a sala of War savings stamp*

Baa*ip*a dieposited with freasurar* u.s*I test held in sazans*Uapai d bel&noes

SOTOfflM aPOBlg. M I U Q I Duo from depositary banka interest on *baxOc balances Collateral held as security -By Bank

-By cuatodiaas verification sent to depositary banks

Depositaxy balance interest on balances Collateral hsld as security - By Bank

- B3T custodians Reserve Banksoown temporary oartif ioat as Tar if ioation sent to depositary baitas

Collateral hold as security - By Bank- By Custodian*

Securities received for conversion Seeurities on BandConversion saouritias delivered to subscribers

*» " raturaad to Washington

Bonds reoeived from lasfcington* delivered to Subscribers « on Band* raturaad to Washington

Certificates of Xndsbt* rac’d from Washington** « « 4&lv*d to subscribers" * « on Band« w if ratumad to lashingten

Stamps received from Washington " on conslgnsent* Sold" on land« raoaivad from postof floes *• raturaad to .yashiigton " destroyed

interim Certificates rec#d from ^aShisgton* " delved to subscribers " " on Band* H returned to . shingfcon

Beturn Signed receipts checked for Bonds" « " « * » Cert, of Indabt*« « n * n gtajqpg

Exchange Bonds received from .vashington* " i« « subscribers* « delivered to subscribers* w returned to Washington " " on Band

Batem o t ttta Month


Bee* 6

Deo* 12» sx

ContinuousNoneSept* 24

Bee* X2 " SX

Continuous Boas Daily Sept* 24


Daily Bee* BE Daily it

ContinuousDailyDec* 22D&ilyConti nuoniDailyContinuousB&iXyContinuousOct* 2SDailyDeo* XOContinuousDailyContinuous




Continuous Dec* 22 Daily


Dec* 22

prwiadlne proof



BOV* 27

BOV* 7* 29* U

m mSept, 24

Bov* 7 « 29

Riov* 26 BoneContinuous Sept* 24

Bov* 26K0®

BOV* 15 " 5

Daily Oct* 23

codtinaowDailyBov# 5DailyContinue?*DailyContinuousDailyContinuousOct. 29DailyBov* 8ContinuousBov* 6Continuous



Continuous BOV* 5 Daily


Bov* 5

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Page 9: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

....msm(Tartfla* aa of Daaaartwr 23, 1919)

Mamfear Bank Oollataral Loans | It ,274,293*69* 11 Hadiaa«mt» m band # 45,609,356. S3

m l i»f (M K k> ^ .......... ijAMattiiffl___________ M ia Z ^ R i M .

......................... .............................. ... . ............................... 67,902,144*19

____m i __________ till___

2tol2y avarage amount of Badisaorats f**a Members 41,619,575* 31,1&0,400*Avaraga rat« on Badiaaoimta fro® iaaeaiara 4*376# 4*733#

(Varifiad as of Daoambar 23, 19191

Ad9^tm »«i oa hand # 12,060,786*41

out for ooiiwuai _________»j& jb u u k l _______

total . * . * . • * • • * » • . * . * * * * . • • • • • * . * • * * . • * 14,718,999*73

_____ jm ______________ m & ___

Daily smmm smmt of aaaaf laneaa beld 20,729,936* 4,790,200.Ataxage rate aarnad aftar pacing ©onraiaaion 4*275$ 4*331#

UBIfSD SIU2&8 B0ID3 MB 3B0UHITIB3 01 ffAtgn 4W1 irer.T* XIST WA3HISCJOT if CLOSE Of gggglfflgS DBOEMBKa 31, 1919

%j* Bas'd* Tmmrn Oaaal Loaaa Baada 1906-1936-1938 260*00a# • * * w 1911-mi soo*o@8# Goupoa, U*S«Ooawr3i0a Boada 1916-1946 3,200.008# « * * " m W M ? 1X1,600.00 2# U.3.Trea«uary Carts* of ladabta&aaaa {iiaturing various dates ndthin aa# yr}

to aa*m fladaral Bssarr* 3aak Hota Circulation 8,480,000.00Post Batad Mbarty Lean Sl^efti oarriad at tba nominal valuation of . 1*0C:

f0£4L . . . I ..................................................................... * • • ....................... .8*398,361.00

J m ________________ M , „ j

BaHjr Averaga amount of fltaitad States Saenritias 8,688,397. 3,§23,700*Arar&ga rata Sarsiad 2*473# 2.999#

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Page 10: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

mrntmms tmm'sims w r w q she moot of ibosmber 1919


1* Bills discounted for member banks $ 95#743f301*96

2* Blacounted paper acquired frosa other Fed# lies. Banks

3* Bills bought in open market:(a) From banks & dealer in own district 49 ,415 *$3(b) From banka & dealers ia ot?i»districts (cj For oar account by other F* E* 3anksl.498J&69>11

4 . Open aaifeet paper acquired from other F* K. Banks

5. Bill of UOting Drafts

6* O# S-* Bonds bou^it

7* U . 8* Beads ta&sn under repurchase agreements

8 . U* S* Certificates of Indebtedness bought

9* 0* $ , Certificates of Indebtedness taken under repurchase agreements

10.fOfAL BISCOUII S ABD OPEN MARKET m m m :M ....... ............. .................... 102^046 J£3g*S9

10# U* S. Bonds sold orredeessed -

11* U* s* Certificates of Indebtedness sold or redeemed £t44St500*00

sosalu* s. securities aois oh m s m m .... ........... . . . St4ft8#800*00

12# Acceptances bought for the account of other F.E.

lamb©r of member banks in district at end of month 922 Somber of member banks accomodated, through the

discount of paper during month 270.




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Page 11: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

mumrn mm m m om m fsbbhai hssertb m m m if close

OF BQSISBSS DSCEMBEB 31, 1919 and B O I E 31, 1918

Federal Beserre Due From Due FronBank of Dec* 31* 1919 Dec. 31* 1918

Boston 137,839*06 106,018.56 (Gr)mm Xork 2,800,712*99 105,255.37 {Dr)Philadelphia 292,174*59 392,587.68 {Or)C lor eland 61,717*15 9,219.75 {Br)aichraond 10,418*39 213,560.16Baltimore (Br« of Bichaioad) 6,421.56 Opened June 3, 1919Atlanta 6,033*40 7,732.14Hew Orleans {Br. of Atlanta) 2,922*59 Opened Apr* 1, 1919Chicago 8,004,020.66 4,350,436*87St* Louis 99,195.37 23,514.43Little Bock {Br* of St.Louis) 16,415.50 Opened Feb. 3, 1919Louisrtlle * * 3,864.72 " Feb. 3, 1919Memphis w " 1,457.59 * Feb. 3, 1919Kansas City 362,821.55 258,377.55Denrer {Br; of Kansas City) 57,978.45 Opened June 14,1919Ctsaha ** n 368,320.05 * June 14, 1919Dallas 106,503.00 266,419.13Si Baso {Br* of Dallas) 13,215.38 Opened Hay 17,1919Hoist on * " 23,841.77 ** Aug. 2,1919San Francisco 177,847.50 55,173.20Geattle (Br. of san Fran.) 174,378.90 26,866.31Spokane ** * 88,609.13 37,938.52Portland ** W 51,809.79 53,090.53salt Sake City * 64,501.26 52,053.50

TO'EA.L • * . . * • * » • « • » « 12,933,020.35 4,961,031.22

Detailed statements of all balance* due from other Federal Beserre Banks as of December 31, 1919 hare been compiled by the Audit Department fear the purpose of determining whether or not all outstanding Items hare bean accounted for In the Gold settlement Fund of the Bank*

fhe credit balances shorn against the Federal Beserre Bank of Boston and Philadelphia under December 31, 1918 were caused by those offices transferring for our credit through the Gold settlement Fund on December 30, 1918, amounts in payment of their rediscounts with us, particulars of which had not reached us in time to cake offsetting entries prior to January 1, 1919.

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Page 12: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis


M M “ 1 9 1 8

1119 1918 m i 1918

January 48,237 M 38,965 II J u ly 55,424 V 38,793 VFebruary 48,114 39,126 August 30,803 33,283March 49,376 40,327 September 33,003 40,814April 48,938 41,334 October S3f195 31,321May 48,681 39,096 Noveaaber 32,443 47,898Jtmo 51,187 37,848 TlttMAnikA to a , 8X9 47,883

D a lly AT«rag« B alan ces t o r year 19X9 $ 50,945 V " n o n xn« 41.887 II" (Increase) 9,55fi II


. m i j z j m


m s . i a a

2,339 if 36*544 6,018

2,008 Mn * $ w3,839

M 3 L

M* D atota 3. Dakota Wisconsin

4,439 * 8,81*

■ jum l.....

4,610 85,3001.T6T

Balance M A m by Qaneral I«*dg«r . . im s H u i n .iB > «

4 *>irt a


1919 1 M

. I S l l r O M

1919 1918

Jantjary 5,540 11 9,288 X «miy 4,859 II 8,348 UFebruary 6,334 6,778 August 2,833 7,412March 9,313 6,789 September 1,132 14,979April 2,334 3,368 October 2,268 6,984JSay 3,328 10,109 November 2,381 6,139June 3,338 6,059 December 2,319 6,781

Daily Average f o r y e a * 1919 # 4,032 11« »» « • 1918 ...z j m j k» t* " " (d e c re a s e ) 3,863 M

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Page 13: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

W M k as

tiMMnaw-p 81. 1919 _ Peooalwr gl. 1>18 Gain aain SottO. BIT* M r. **IA 9iv» Paid Total Dir.3tat» lo. of Stools hsld Bo. «f atftdic hold So. of 3toek Paid to turn l/lat from m let b U to

BaaW Bart* Ban* hold 1^81/1918 to 6/So/l9 to W « / » flao.81,1919far yr* for yr*

KloMepn a m » M 0 . 86 149,880. B *8,660. 31,942.16 4,880.00 6,168.00 41,988.18

W e 1,767,760. 822 1,704,800. 13 83,660. 888,804.26 51,747.00 62,182.60 442,688.78

JfenbHfc 186 438.460. 148 898,800. 20 40,160. 68,091.18 12,647.60 18,168.60 98,792.18

S. IMMft 177 294,808. 171 286,800. 6 9,000 . 69,800.81 8,772.00 8,844.00 77,118.81

3. ttvlfiOta 144 281,960. 127 264,660. 7 27,400. 60,444.22 8,126.60 8,458.60 67,028.22

WlBOCnaln 62 148,900. 49 138,800. 3 10,100. 40,768.76 4,316.50 4,467.00 49,641.26

fOIU, . . . . 916 3,073,960. 881 2.931,200. 64 142,760. 689,641.40 90,337.80 92,218.60 772,097.40

Dirldazida moors rad frat Meatier Banka in Internet aootuad on ttapltal Steak AoaaaaX tor sear wttttt to • • • $8,066,97

Dlvldonda paid oat to Ifeabov Banin* on atooit aunradMMA during tho yaar anountad to ............................ ... 687.18

Nm total paid in Oapital Stock of tba Bade at sloao of business Dacaabar 31, 1919 was $8,018,960. bold

by 916 Stook holders against §2,931,200. held, by 861 Stscjf teldora at tha oloas of taoinoaa Daearabar 81, 1918, aalclqg

a net gain for the joar 1919 of $142,700. by 64 banks.

tha re non 17 banka who radnoad thalr Capitsi atook to tbo aacnnt o f $17,700.

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Page 14: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

mwmm m ras mmmi mmm mm or iraim ious901 fHE HOWTO OF SECBMKR 1919

Bills disco uated and bought*BiXl« diseoTmted-Meinbera sad F*H*Banka

Bill* henpit la open market & 9*B.Baafcs

Investments*Ualtsd Slate* Securities

Municipal Warrants

fraaafar* - Het Earnings

Deficient reserve penalties (iael* interestI

Sundry profits

fotal tor fatal slue* Same Period

___ iwrtfe-...... l a t a iL m ? ....... llilt

267,799.10 1,070,128 .*0 1,176,998.09

64,456.01 448,447.64 106,410.39















m K&HSX1&8 ................................................. 357,090*48 l #«85#17t*55 l f8tl#®4i*04


Cost of F.R.Currenejr (payments account a n iteta* includ. •jgpressa(ge, insurance, eto.}

« M B B .f f i .l B B .

Cost of Furniture a at fixtures

411 other


Total alas. Total aa atom

M l ..gft&m JP.t. SA


Total for



Traaaferred toExpense

fotal since Jtftg 1 . 1919

J & a & A L


DiTtdMda m o f m I *100. and of lost dividend period to end of D&eember 1919, £92,218.80

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Page 15: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

0URRERT w m m m of tsk federal Rrs:.m- same op is iM M m is , ioskesota

for fm m wm of m m m m . m §

total for Total since Bmm Period<JUly 1,1919 1918


tem&awmbm a/e expenses F* R. Boerd(t!onthly proportion)# 1,563.70 9,382,30«HF JkNuA gm.7,037*77

Federal Advisory Counoil(foes & Trcrvelinf; expenses) *00 447*23 884.00Governors1 conferences (including traveling expenses • DO .00 9*25Federal Reserve agents1 conferences(including trav.escp.) ,00 340.84 190.00

Salaries i Bank officers 6,161.50 29,678.40 24,847*48Clorleal staff 39,164.48 119,005*30 81*585.95

Speelal officers and mtchmen All ©then S*trm help

1*932.73 5,270*18$m *m 1*034*70

Overtime "14®. 00" 443.50

Supper swaey zm +m 806.00 81.50Directors1 Fees 380*00 1,280.00 1,920*00

Per diem allowance 90* 00 440.00 480.00Traveling exposes 198.30 889.69 913.44

Officers1 and clerM* traveling expenses 230.31 3,655*71 1*08&*77

Legal fees 250* 00 1,500*00 982.10Rent 1,239.53 7,661.46 6,164.66Taxes and fire insurance *00 71*84 143*98IT* MMiSftJKWkM 177.00 1,244.21 989.68Telegraph 619.50 1*828.21 1,957.72Postage 4,644.73 17,167*80 21,828.75ihqpressage 77* it 369.93 4,087.91Insurance and presltass on fidelity bonds 1,214*46 5,011.86 4,998*64ftrinting and stationery 2,768.66 14,641.82 9,600.91Bepairs and alterations 893.68 3,341*17 1*485*75All otto? exp0nflM,n*4«iro&diag exehange paid 820.56 5,251*37 8*043.13Abrasion on Gold Coin 54*32 1,549.16 1*030.04

total m m m s of o ram o B #*365.18 232,782.50 177,811.43

Cost of Federal Reserve currency (includingexpressage^inmirance,etc♦) 21,475.84 21,475*84 102,858.22

Miscellaneous charges on account note issues 1,009.42 8,101.82 9,146.44Taxes on Federal Reserve Bank note circulation 2,941.52 34,272.20C es% of currency shipments to and fro® ise ber

and non-member banks 969.40 6*661*09 1,466.66Furniture and equipment 5,536*25 17,184.04 27,053.49

TOTAL 00EHEST EXPSSSES 95,297.61 298,477*19 318,338.24

Transit Departxaent ©expense included in above 20,758.61 69,602.25 45,453*98

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Page 16: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

crnmm sjotesss

fsdehal rntmm m m

D8Q33BS& 1919

fotal for Total since

___ISBfe________________Jalj 1.X91S

I S O M 0? (HEiiiMCE

Salaries: Bank Officers 2t7S5«96 10,400.04

Clerical staff 3,913.©6 6#440*93

All other - 60.00

Officers* and clerks* traveling expenses • 97*50

Postage 129.7? 413*70

Print lag and stationery m *e i 1*295*54

Repairs asd alterations 47*70 85,37

All other expenses, n.a#including 8scliaztgepaid 536.S2 1.260*35

WXBAL S 'OCTsE OF O^RftflGil***.* * * * * ....* .* • .... 6,583.12 20,061.63

Furniture and equipment ___ J&tSSL.... .....________________, L f i a a * 9 3 ,

TOTAL.................................................... ........ ......... 8,676.12 22,0X2.46

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Page 17: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

m m m s&Bm jcccrkv fiscal m ssm om usK mwii fm m m , cohpohatioi?, asp capital issues C'/juittee or the m rnm t m m m bajsk of Minneapolis for tut, 2! eth of


Total for Total sinceMonth January 1« 1919.


Salaries:Clerical Staff 30,879.54 2Jk>, 197*05All Other • 600.00

Officers* and clerks* t*aveling excuses 907.38 41,469.11Publicity 4,534.63 133,010.50r*ent 1,117.75 15,665.86Bquip^ent 283#20 6,601.04Telegraph and telephone 337.34 27,616.16Postage, expressage, etc. 144.42 30,638.50Mail Insurance 7.05 84.94Printing and stationeiy 2,485.73 88,344*68He^spapcr and directories 126.30 354.42All other e^pense*,n.s* 543.37 JL^J>2*82

TOTAL E,<JB5DITDHHS.............

JUnount reimbursable January 1, IS* 19

41,446.81 606*534*07

TOTAL BISBS3S12ISSTS TO UXZMBlM 31, 1919 756,746*4$

2eln&ur jemcnts received frora United jiatosTreasurer since January 1, 1919 including otiier recoveries 627-4&I .24

Total dismr&mmts xor Tshich reimbursementhas not yet been receiTdd.«««**««»»«***«t*««........... .................... . . . * • 129,236217

Ajaounts included re iobursableby:

in above "Total Expenditures1

United states Treasurer War Finance Corporation Capital Issues Ceexaittee

Total for Month

Total since January 1.19IS



TOTAL BXJSBDITUHSS < 41,446.81 606,534.07

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Page 18: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

Harare m a essehse go jam s? 1. mo

ClaiBlflcatlon_____________ First Loan______________ sacond Loan_____________ Third loan

%id|ese&t 4,124.22 6,462*63Sxpress & post. 4,740*28 5,037*58 2,263.31Prtg. & Staty, 13,787,80 22,207*78 24,878*74Publicity 5,151*12; 13,175.66 24,460*47Best 1,564.00 2,811*73 4§586*12Salaries 17,514.42 35,682*68 60,558*01felp* £ Telg. 229,96 3,080.66 7,334*01traveling 936*50 3,805.98 16,056.29Hiso. 1*538.10 5.265.34 .... ..... .........5*433*62

45,442*18 95,191*63 152*033*20hoovered fromfreae* Bepfc. . . • • 45.442,18 95*191,63 151.821*68

0 0 211*52Other recoveries 2X1*52


Cl&esific&tian Fourth Loan Fifth loan jar savings

Equipment 3*742,16 1,758.09 5,900*92Express & Post, 3,336.34 28,990*78 2*177.21S&rspapers 801.28 41*89 389*09Prtg. & staty. 40, 721*25 33,693*33 55,303.67Publicity 45,421.91 58,333.44 72,873*28Beat 7,903*39 3,125*92 7,156*97Salaries 86,514*29 66,751*93 131*767*312eXp* & felg* 10,716.75 20,349*36 4,635*62Traveling 15,312.27 19,647*34 22*653*04Siao* 3*075*07 2.409*46 4*903*17

217,546*71 235,101*53 307,759*28hoovered frasfrees* Dept* . . . * 217.033*36 233.900*18

5X3.35 1,201.35 81*664*10Other Recoveries * . 393*37 168.34 767*82Balance Bee • • . . . lit^98 1,033*01 8Q.te6.2e

Classification JEMMIftiJMfflfll.. Cert* of Ind. m ens* *5»r Finance

Equipment 249.85 490*60 postage.. 8*32depress & post. 1,722.50 m il I a s ... 129. 59Prtg* & staty. 9,467.02 2,1X9,45 195.92publioity 2,894*24 346*58Rent 2,454*00 682.00Salaries 35,280.69 22,568.55 475*00Telp* & felg. 475.41 622*65 88*19Traveling 153.48Hisc* 306.15 X6.05

. 53,003.34 26,845*88 897.02Recovered fro©?reas. Dept* * * . * . 24*434.91 0*224.19 803*76

28,568.43 18,621*69 93,26Other Becoveries . . . 25.00 22.48 «**

28,543*43 18,599*21 93.26


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$©tal for *i»oa

flm 3Ur>W


Salaries: 01«rioal staff


f&x»* aad fir* instance


Ias*traace and pmmXwm m fidelity bonds

Priatiag witA at&t»lcsi&ry

ill ofchar ia^smsfts* a .a .

1M &U 4 #












1U O T M 9




fo m SXPSffSSS OF OtmifXOI * « . .20,788*61 127.565.63

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Page 20: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

m.reaftfcL n$,f«

MSE iiiiiAWfwna«SaWSS«RBHS*33BfiSwU S J U I w ^ i » a iva m m m m ,m » .

M3&S&, J&L M&S&&L

1918 J f e jlSSBESS. HSbL J H f eJoiamt

M m a k

M m m f o m r 1 7691 6*048*037*44 33176 3*419*617*38 3163 2*840*448*86 3 80*000*00 767» 9590 10*344*003*09 27309# 9 i m f i f 2*617*779*39 2646 1*267*733*38 1 100*000.00 1091i * 3 5164 4,205*565*70 31778 3*142*343*04 3 1 g f r 1*363*673*38 4 153*932.01 848t» 4 7688 5*627*361.00 29845 3*978*112*18 1,874*230*52 6 m *000.00 847»

§ 5*230,611.62 301033 3,176*707*95 2158 1*474*931*35 4 38*000.00 908i» 8 8674 6,855,625.45 31660 3*031*130*36 2*087*433*3 936«t 8 10160 6,791,652*17 m $m 3,492*584*92 2372 1,015*360*33 1 10*000*00 833« t 8161 6*109*231.74 &X39D 2*751*246*34 2480 2*008*187*53 1331it 10 7331 5*437*694*73 31463 2*690*443*55 1,167*775*42 2 49*000*00 781*» 11 6890 6*042*658.96 33689 2*736*253.93 m & 1*962*304*31 775« 12 8649 6,306*686*8? 3*149*379*59 1,956,494*02 1 10,000.00 587«t W 6767 5,584,311*25 2*476*472*43 1*883*874*93 649

« 18 15046 6*788*600**8 50263 4*673*343*39 1*788*386*91 4 105*000.00 59116 6*013*903.97 31326 3*140*572.30 1*304*684*30 3 38*000,00 961

w 17 m i 7*861*016.3 33837 2*183*353*93 2179 1*129*475*13 9 88*369.06 846« 18 4*969*110*36 40211 3*904*108*33 2185 1*893*088.85 4 86*106.62 825n

I f 9173 6*669*574 *16 33884 3*320,143.83 1*818*976.30 1 68*000.00 943n 30 7176 6*419*709*43 35324 3*3X6*981*73 2158 1,530,128*04 a i g

W W 9m 22 \ j U U k MJfcr IP 7,140,4^7*54 87913 3*039*227.22 2163 3*852*172.05 948

f t 33 5163 6*652*100*74 2 8 7 2 0 2,452*512*65 2577 1*533.121.89 1097i t 34 S249M V * 'il Nr 4*690*533*05 34433 2*887*290.27 2^43 1*296*167*59 813* t 36 14359 4*968*300*37 40377 8*839*744*96 235^ 2*300*639.00 757n 27 8781 9.452.33S.68 3313® 3*101*163.01 2*280,686*60 779n 29 12696 6*047*704*87 39316 3,856*678.27 3887 2*868*369*68 848« 30 6143 6*443*615*21 37967 2*805*159*20 2750 2*838*924*87 713M 31 76S1 4*766.404*00 33993 &JL3S>63a*22 2876 1^841.850.19 | £ { &

228739 158*623*510.26iWPPpWF l l l i w •*WilF^lr>jpt*p^W^..ip'*r0Wc* ^ w i P P * r 867252 80*918,934*78 61169 47,130*245*87 41 888,427.8§ 30969, 4 . 855.427*69

AT 9? ft 47,975.673*56i n i a g i

x&lly* ***879 7* ****** * ■*** * *** * * *# •538fi6»* < .*3384*****.»....♦ .*******»• **»*.***•»*••«• »•**.«**.*@07










AT* i*aily s»#t par iteia*.693*50. * * ..» ***««« •••* * *93*50* ..* * * * .* •» * ••* * •« * 783*79 . . . . ** * * ..***« .* * * ** ** *•♦ ************* .434*87ATtJi^a muifcor &Z remit tanoo 3attars saat mat dally* 1788Gs&zsd 0£ i^£®»#«»•***»•*•*»««**1,178*160Qs&ndl o£ ftwoonts*•** •••« » ••* ••» **# •**» •****»iJS6|iJ34»087*21

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Page 21: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis





1919 Amount

ember 1 10*849 #830*29w

2 15*616,389.04« 3 10,806,291*48M 4 11,154,022*52H

0 10,765*893*79ft

6 13*170*250*28tl 8 11,104*130.71« 9 10*968,378*93« 10 10*562*884.88H 11 10*256,848*73W 12 11,054*097.37It 13 10*778*307.26n IS 12*599*685*25H 16 11*153,656*22ft 17 13,655,400.40It 18 10*292*408*72II 19 11,755*477.83W 20 12*295*482.91ft

2 2 13,132,467.70tt 23 12,099,862*15It 24 9,640,718*09« 26 10,566,465.64w 27 15,307,831.69H 29 10,227,290.64It 80 11,185,840.25n 31 .....


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Page 22: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

bqed smtassmm oFhMTmts or isi9*

Bam issues m m m ysaz f m s ,

,.... ft<aaft, M M z k z .J £ m „ ......Allotment Bald 1918 Paid ISIS Unpaid Balance

242,046,050 197,034,125*87 45,011#§24*13

Vlptogy Liberty Loss AMIBWWlL, PaMJLSlS &M JL91& Ilnmid Balance

170,073,650 - 170,05X,S4E*00 24,705.00



....... .2Llxa&......J$b$£*y_.

FOR CGSrT3SlCr#m 9 *

Loan leisteredHo* of pieces i@omi DuJiOKixmtions So* of i>lec©a . Jaount.............

3370 160,500 SO 33 1,650*2373 237§300 100 149 14,0002&4 127,000 500 35 17,500101 181,000 1000 31 31,000

2 10,000 5000 5 25,000- 10000 <.

6180 723,800 2otal 4£ Second Liberty



10* of aioeea Amount l&Hcmnation Ko« of piecea Amount

36020 1,801,000 50 298 14,900aoaia 2,085,100 100 706 78,6002000 1,000,000 500 265 132,5001333 1,633,000 1000 226 226,000

38 190,000 5000 9 45,00090 90.000 ................-10000.... ........... .. _ ........ z ............. 20*000

$0632 6,';-S9,100 Total3i Viotoi^ liberty



HO* Of* 0i<so&a Amount Denaai nation 110* Of D&OCOii Amount

530 31,500 50404 40,400 100 - -

£9 39,500 600 #«r

199 109,000 1000 5 5,0005 25,000 5000 - •

10000 4M» «*

1297 325,400 fofc&l & 4l ?iotory Liberty Loan


Ho. of pieces mom.% Deno&in&tion Ko* of pieces -Jasunt.............723 35,150 50 «*• **

am 66,600 1004s# 11,000 500 - •

?ss 705,000 1000 2 2,000a 105,000 t>000 1 59OOO18 180,000 10000 ** «**

2245 1,193,750 iOtal 3 7,000


210,000,000 242,046,050

Qaota suaorlpfclos

157,500,000 172f226,750

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Page 23: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

BOB) m v&m m m rnm &zxm yeah m if if

wmm m s m m m s .Ooatxas.■SQmKSMmmSpSw*

2333 1X6*650 m 40 2,000z m 213,500 100 §51 95,100313 156,500 500 227 113,500252 262,000 1000 234 234,000

4 20,000 5000 It- 95,000

_....4. ._ ...... ....... 40.Q0_O.___..... _________________ ____ . . . J £ Q & r . ............... ....... lt» JL6O.0O05055 009*050 fotal 1407 $99,400

.........M tezIs. •J t t L .Ho* of pieces Amount Dt&osiin&clQn. ............. 1 ........ temm

16921 50 §45 42,250x m u i tm 9mo 10C &J39 282,900mmr 1,073,600 500 1105 552*500m m 2,905*000 1000 am 849,000

78 m % cm 5000 &51 255,00026 260,000 10000 n 720*000

- 50000 X34695 6*785,350 total 5752

1IT.... ^ ......... - .................. ..


................& ..£ & » & ...................

lo* of tdoces AacRmt Imnozkinazim M * t i M m m Amorait

390,358 If *5 U *9 ^ 50 36,326 1*811,500ats*c37 29*006*700 10C 87,714 0,771*40016,110 9,055,000 500 11,2S7 5*648,50014,121 14,121,000 1000 4,o70 4,670,000

Q%8 4,3*0,000 5000 m 1*145*000am 8,750,000 10000 189 1*690*000

— - 50000 9 ................450*000722*300 $5,505*650 'fot&I 14O,3§0

...............£ L X k ^ J i^ L M k ^ S L J s m __ ______

I 0 S .0 * T i _____________M o y j i t ...... . - ......r - ......0 1 3 | f - ......................1 0 * . o*......l £ « c e * ....... ittcunt

102C ax ,400 50 17 650.13169303







64&1 §.3£S*S®0 'onal





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m m cm sm m ® tsua of is# is .




o* of nieces &ao r.t .............. ...... ... .............m*. of Meoea ...Mmmt.633,443 26,672,400 m 19,422 971,10051$,272 51,827,200 li'O 70,130 7,0l5fe$$36,017 18,008,500 500 12,063 $,031,50026,S1£ 28,SIS,000 1000 7,0S7 7,097,0001,090 5*450,000 5000 2o6 1,330,000

794 7,540,000 10000 83 830,000- - 50000 1 50,COO- - 100000 -U~.- 1.200*000

1116,437 136,714,1003:

Totalt: Victory liberty Lean Converted

109,074 24,522,600

Ho* Of 15i6COS Amount Denomination lo* 3f pieces Amount

3 150 50 «*

11 1100 100 - »5 2500 500 .» -

ISO 180000 1000 2 2,00050 250000 5000 1 5*00076 760000 10000 -

325 11937504;-

TotalVictors Llbeity Loan Converted

3 7#O0O

So* of -pfecoti ■uaount Denomination So. of t>ieoes Aiaoimt

1238 b1,900 501126 112,500 100 * -

24 12,000 500 **

44 44*000 1000 1 1,0009 45f000 6000 - -

& 50^000 10000 - mm

2445 325,400 fotal 1 1,000

?reasaxy Saviors Certificates Maturity Value

Sold for Cash Issued in Bxehan^e

for w* 3* iStasps OTAL


___ SmSSSL1,011,600.00

War Savings stamps Maturity Tallin

Sold for Cash Issued in exchange

for rhrift stamps fOSM,

Sold for Cash OTAL


15.403. m j M . m




I' k v *' 'v

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Page 25: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

United States Certificates of Indebtedness

Issued during the year 1919*Allotment Total

Bate of 25M & Less lo.of Allotment Mm Allotment HO* Allotnent Ho* Alletaent 330. Allotment 10* Allotment Bo* Total Siibs,Issue Subs* 25M to 50M Subs* 50M to Subs• 100M to Subs* 250M to Stabs 500M to a Subs* Over a Subs• eaoh each

100M 250M 500M Million Million Issue Issue*Jan* 2nd* 10,651,500 1322 1,616,000 47 2,233,000 39 2 953,000 24 2,624,000 8 2,826,000 5 3,117,000 5 26,500,000 1447Jan* 16th. 10,147,500 1448 1,702,000 49 2,569,000 47 2 615,000 21 1,127,000 4 4,497,500 7 5,105,000 2 27,760,000 1578Jan. 16 A ax 1,060,500 197 290,000 9 465,000 8 1 214,500 10 3,030,000 324Jan* 30th* 11,283,000 1539 1,856,000 55 3,373,500 62 3 828,000 32 831,000 3 1,201,000 2 2,227,000 2 24,600,000 1696Feb* 13th 12,124,000 1628 1,582,000 45 3,176,500 57 1 600,000 IB 341,000 1 1,565,500 3 3,221,000 3 23,610,000 1750Feb* 27th 8,709,000 1197 974,000 m 2,337,000 42 1 600,000 15 550,000 2 3,500,000 4 1,050,000 *1 18,720,000 1289March 15th 7,023,500 995 1,071,500 30 1,660,000 29 1 501,500 14 872,500 3 3,294,000 15 2,577,000 2 18,000 000 1078Mar.15.Tax 1,843,000 242 573,000 16 684,000 12 402,000 3 3,502,000 273April 10th, 7,548,000 991 861,500 26 1,689,000 30 1 000,000 10 265,000 1 5,446,500 7 1,500,000 1 18,310,000 1196May 1st 5,637,500 729 891,000 26 2,237,000 40 1 100,000 10 550,000 2 4,200,000 6 14,615,500 813June 3 T-4 2,972,000 298 858,500 25 1,587,000 26 2 346,000 19 575,000 2 2,130,000 3 10,468,000 3*3te e 3 f-5 1,030,500 140 420,000 11 320,000 6 540,000 4 290,000 1 2,600,500 162July 1 T-6 2,608,000 247 660,000 20 1,205,000 22 1 675,000 13 575,000 2 1,088,000 2 2,189,000 2 10,000 000 308J£Ly 1 T-7 3,011,500 270 1,199,500 35 1,968,000 34 1 985,500 16 1,836,000 5 10,000,000 360July 15 T-8 2,412,500 248 530,000 15 1,120,000 19 1 150,000 11 950,000 4 1,750,000 2 1,004,000 1 8,866,500 300August 1st 6,025,000 616 1,061,500 31 1,875,000 35 2 502,500 22 1*050,000 3 5,000,000 5 17,514,000 712August 15 5,667,000 592 767,000 22 1,905,000 36 1 800,000 17 1,010,000 3 6,151,000 4 17,300,000 674Sept 2nd 5,221,500 555 1,077,000 33 1,926,000 36 2 275,000 17 39500,000 4 2,000,000 1 16,000,000 646Sept 15 tidtfti,333,000


168 305,000 9 822,000 15 1 045,000 9 300,000 1 1,000,000 2 2,945,000 2 7,750,000 206

Sep*15f-9 2,046,000 231 375,000 11 679,000 13 400,000 4 250,000 1 1,000,000 2 4,750,000 262Deo* 1 D’20 2,281,500 225 473,000 14 755,000 15 950,000 8 2,800,000 5 1,040,500 1 8,300,000 268Bee* 1 fM3 1,410,000 157 413,000 13 560,000 11 1,850,000 11 1,500,000 3 * 5,133,000 195Deo* 15 f J 2,842,500 300 1,217,500 23 1,206,000 22 2,434,000 19 700,000 3 1,902,500 3 2,501,000 2 12,803,500 382

totals 11*,868,500 20,774,000 36,352,000 38,,167,500 13,686,500 49,211,000 36,627,500

totals 14,335 593 656 322 46 73 26

Total Allotmsnt all Groups 310,135,500

Total Subscriptions all Oroisps 16,292

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Page 26: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis


Tm mrnrn ofdecember is is

Average during Month

Earnings for AnnualMonth Bate

Bills discounted forMember & Federal lie serve Banks 65,132,000 267,799.10 4.641

Bills Bou#t 16,582,000 64,456*61 4*577

United States Securities 3,736,000 14,889.46 2.007

J05PAL, 90,450,000. 347,145*37 4.519

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Page 27: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

m m m m u m by m m m sm w m

Bills disoormt- Deficient B*~od ita ^r Urn 3* VsMwftom fltiw Paaaltioo Sundxy total to tel

3,919 m $» bos.Banks Securities Soogit & Sold Iaolud*lx*fcerast Pro ft to 1919 1918

i « » » r 117#566*02 68*347*01 14*357*37 2*571*75 2,896.35 564*57 204*303*07 87*961.88

jP 3P883ry 74*226*84 92,199.92 21*894.87 3*579*75 1*665.83 285*07 82*443.0979,748*18 116*390*04 24*038*34 3*084*25 1*412*15 yMMfr 224*984*98 79,780*38

April 154*592.02 73*888*81 21,451.53 5,249*25 1,733*85 349*75 259*044*81 109,529.86

Kap in »M U t » 40,068.35 21*767*84 4*203.75 2,109*34 316*38 240*427*63 138*007*07J\a» 161*238.04 43*442*00 18*098*91 4*142.25 1*999*37 330*85 229*249*42 158*682.75

July 138, 634.25 83,617.30 13,369.23 1*706*25 2*384*44 250*30 239*951*97 234,197*55

m m ** ii8*47i*24 80*347*83 13*818.88 3*959*25 1*508.87 241*43 216*533*48 250*147*62sspwaoar 138*799.45 74 *336*3d 19*580*13 6*093*39 2*103*42 232*88 241,665*85 288,150.06Oototer flftFjHft.Sff 70,382*25 18*079*14 5*978*80 2*495.67 289.80 300*368.89 236,362.03SoTontoor 203.E7S.S3 74*387.07 14*170.04 4*881*40 2*383*29 253*75 299*548*88 182,225*19m<sm&9T 267,799.10 84*436.81 14*889.48 6*010*44 3*889*78 244.89 357*090*48 202,466*59

m m * • * * * 1,829,460*69 882*583.97 213,501*52 51*480*73 26*382*18 3*671*85 3*007*040*72 2*049,954*07

.... . m . . _________

Average Monthly &*©«• £aml»#3 f&r y»ar 250*388.71 170*829*50#* * Baqpoasaa « «t ....., ^ H i H .» « Hr* Profits « « 204*212.49 132*128*82» ft SiTidoad ** " 13*015*52 14*008*58

Average *&»tifly Gxoaa Kamii^o last half of year 273*883*28 232*258*17« ft » » w ...J§£*£l§t2£____ •it ft lot Profits m » » 228*117.07 179*200*94

Average aoafctoly ooat *&r Baser*© notes ifc* yoar 8,182*25Bate par M i #£ Sat Baralqgs on m d in Capital Stocic fer jrsar 79*72^


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January 204,503.07 53,423.12 170,879.95

February 193,851.28 35,580.44 158,270.84

March 224,984.90 32,558.48 192,626.48

April 259,044.81 32,401.38 226,643.43

May 240,427.6S 53,707.77 206,719.86

June 229,249.42 90,542.32 138,707.10

July 259,951.97 37,577.39 202,374.58

August 216,553.48 39,690.46 176,863.02

September 241,665.85 41,006.54 200,659.31

Octobar 300,368.89 40,589.88 259,779.01

Kovamber 299,548.88 44,515.31 256,£3$.57

December 357.090.48 : 95.297.61 261.792.87

T o ta l...... 3,007,040.72 556,490.70 2,450,580.02

Leas Dividend paid to June

30, 19 19 ....... ......... ................ . 89,006.10

Lest Dividend July i , 1919

accrued since

92.218.50 181,224.60

Set Earnings for twelve months endia& Dsceabar 31, 1319 . . . . .

Transferred to 30, 1919 . . .

Surplus June904,357.40

Transferred to Lqee Account

Profit and June 30, 1919 .... 100.484.16 1.004.841.56

let B&rninge since July 1, 1919 .. 1,264,483.86

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atoiagi aoisxms m m a s m Asagfs m w o w b s



Disoo«ited AcceptancesTJ*S* Bonds & frea«y»10tes fetal

January 32, 371 11 18,851 X 6,728 X 57,950 XFebruary 18,848 28,660 9,392 56,900March 23,395 32,203 9,545 651143April 43,714 22,223 9,073 75,009w 48,169 10,814 9,234 68,2X7June 46,051 12t707 8,658 67,4X6July 37,656 22,981 7,332 68,170August 33,561 22,710 7,835 64,106September 39,3X0 20,512 10,430 70,252October 56,007 19,428 8,779 84,214Som ber 55,022 21,089 8,521 84,632December 65,132 16,582 8,736 90,450

AverageX919 41,619 X 20,730 X 8,688 X 71,037 X

Average1918 32,929 X 4,825 II 3,840 X 41,594 X

&m&<m base €£ m im w B ox m m im Asmsn m m m m19X9


Bills Discount-* ed for Mashers & fed* Bee* Banfcs - Acceptances

U.S. Bonds &fotal

jannary 4*276^ 4.143$ 2.512^ 3*643$February 5*133 4*193 3.038 4*121March 4*013 4*255 2*965 3*744Apr IX 4*302 4*142 2.876 3*773Hay 4*204 4*363 2*778 3*781jUQft 4*260 4*159 2*809 3*742July 4*311 4*284 2*145 3*380AugttBt 4*086 4*X75 2.079 3*447September 4*297 4*440 2*284 3*673October 4*314 4*265 2*157 3*578November 4*494 4*303 2*023 3*606December 4*841 4*577 2*007 3*808

Average1919 4*378^ 4*275% 2*473^ 3*708^

Average1918 4.733$ 4*331^ 2*999^ 4*021*1

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m m iT Am loss acgm m19X9

Balance of account January 1* 1919 0

Gross Earainos for year 1919

From Bisooimts - Member a & Fed* Bos* Banks ** Sill* purchased " Interest on 0, s . securities ” interest on Transfers* Penalties on Deficient Beserves* B/L Drafts -Exchange -Protest fees, etc*

1,829,460*69882,563.97213,501,5251,460.7326,382.163.671.65 3,007.040*72

Less Expensas for year 19193,007,040*72

Assessxaeat for expenses Fed. Has* Board Cost of Fed* Eos* lotes and fed* lea* sanfc

notes during year Operating Expenses


98,187.02438,094*97 556,490*70


Distribution of Set B^rnini?s

Beductlon of Bank promises Account, Reserved for Federal Reserve Board Expense Dividends for period Jan* 1,1919 to Dec­

ember 31, 1919 Transferred to surplus Account.



2*153*756.44 2.450,550*02


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m m m m m M M M D war m n m $ .

Heath Number of Oempensa~ Average Coopen- ___________________________________________________ tlon m id _______________jsatlon paid

Jaomiy 92 8,474.24 92*00February @8 8,155.57 92.67Maroh 86 7,928.40 92,19April 87 7,836.74 90.07May 88 7,986.23 90.75Juz» 86 16,269.03 191.40JUly 81 8,398.01 103.67August 79 8,166.89 103.37September 78 7,886.89 101.11October 67 7,249.07 108.18HcnrQDber 66 6,480.16 98.18December 66 15-673.64 237.47

totals 963 110,504.87 1401.50

Bonus paid in June and December, 1919, included in above figures - - - #17,694.95 Averag» aaaber of clerks 19X9 — - — 80 Average monthly salary of clerks 1919 #116*79


Month Ho. of em- Officers Com- Cleiks 0om~ fofcal Com- Average Monthly Gom- ployees. pensation peneation pensation pensation ^tftwe*fr

______________________________________________________________________________ Oleinm

January 172 4,891.68 12,783.36 17,675.04 102.76February 177 4,995.87 13,063.02 18,058.89 102.02March 172 5,100.04 13,291.84 18,391.88 106.92April 172 5,100.04 12,950.20 18,050.24 104.94Hay 181 5,100.04 13,267.01 18,367.05 101.47Jus* 192 6,165.04 28,703.51 34,868.55 181.60July 198 5,100.04 16,164.21 21,264.25 107.39August 205 5,100.04 16,734.36 21,734.40 106.02September 204 5,100.04 16,729.93 21,829.97 107.00October 207 3,900.04 17,199.26 21,099.30 101.92November 217 3,900.04 17,879.33 21,779.37 100.36December m _ 5.447.54 42-317.73 47.765.27 £23.20

fom s - 2311 59,900.45 221,083.76 280,884.21 1445.60

Bonus paid in Jane and December, 1919, included in above figuree - - - - - $41,200.80 Average number of Officers and Cleifcs 1919 - - - - - 192 Average monthly salary of Officers and Clerics 1919 - #120*46

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(isoiTiain& vault}

fetal ooata seat obargad of* aince 0|>snla& of Bank

ffalpSn o£f Bialtffitt iAduria# 1919 Aoooimt

23,$2S*74 1*00

f O m ...............138,720*41 13*263*00 36,564.25 59,976*42 £3,925.74 J..00

Fora* * Equip* Total Dopraoiatian Oiagd* off Cfcgd. off

rwrfrrml " r * _____ U l f t J .ia ? ,.a w . » * Ati7„forBank 4 Transit 93,720*41 6,?S3*Q0 32,864*25 30,476*42

Vault 40,000*00 6,600*00 4,000*00 S§t§0®*0®


Baaarwa for abrasion on Gold Coin $ 3,767*32

Tranafarrad f r a Profit & Loaa Aoooimt (3uiplua Profits)January 23* m i 157*13

Baaarved for fax m M U m l M m rm Bank lota circulationto December 31, 1919 14,651*25

BasaanfiNl agal&at Li on tenant* a bill(To ba oraditad advances SMrd Xdborty Loan) 100*00

I0IAL * * « * • . * • • , • • * • * ................................. t . . . . . . 18,675.70


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Gold Holdings of the Bank and the Federal Beserre Agent, close of business December 31, 1919, as compared with close of business December 31, 1918s

Bank 1919 mm,.,m s.

Gold Coin #2,099,845.Gold Certificates 6,175,430.Gold with Forei@i Agencies 3,545,646.Gold Settlement Iftmd Gold Bede nption Pond

4,872,374.2P5*44fi* #16,898,743,


£33,155. 23*774*414*

.. $37,279,529*

A&ent 19X9

Gold Ooin Gold Certificates Gold Settlement Fund Gold Bedasiption Fond

#3,000, 2.994.605. |35,846,605.

M r n t .M S ,$3,000,

I. $55,868,410.

Grand 2otal #52,745,348. $93,147,939.

Averaga Balance in Gold Settlement Fund of Bank Average Balance in Gold Settlement Fond of Agent

--- rm r— ..~22,179 M 25,202

..■""HHQBT"".......... ""15,908* M 39,300

Settlement of balanoes due other Federal Be serve Bax&s are Bade daily throng the Gold Settlement Fund and the balance in this fund is verified each day by telegram from the Federal Beserre Board Washington.

federal Bm w w Botes 1 Baaed by Ajaant daring 1919


Hew $7,800,000


20 »s

Hew #7,200,000 Used 4 ,4 ^ 0 0 0


lew 300,000. Used 50.000.


Bsw $12,700,000.Dead 1.840.000. #14,640,000.




New #320,000 Used 100.009

m is .

Hew #230,000 tJaad 0


Saw $1,000,000.

Used 0





350,000.New 029.660,000.Used 10.440.000. 39,990,000.

Our total lsaoe of Federal Beserve Hates since opening of Bank Is $163,242,000. and of this amount $39,990,000. m s piut In circulation during the jear 1919. In our total issue figures is included $11,162,000. ■used notes reissued "by the Agent.

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IS1415 if 2?


Oold Certs.

,.,UM X M ,.....

Totals 2,050,000*


Gold Oerts. Federal



..jftam iM g, J 2 M » i




230.000. 1,035,000* 2,000,000. 4,117,500.


4,927,500. 1,190,000. 380,000. 8,547,500*

o k m .....................................................


jgg£S£______ m & t e m _____ ,,~s§^____

Gold Coin . . . . . ................................24,845.00 - 2,050,000.Gold Certificates-Bearer . . * . . . * 25,000.00 32,950.00 4r8l?*500*

" « 0fi®r . . . . . . . . - - 1,190*000*Federal Reserve Jfotes . . . . . . . . . 198,510*00 98,155.00 380,000.Ptderal Baaarve Bank flotes • • • • • • 80,126.00 7,800*00Silver Certlfioatea • . * .................. 14,669.00Legal Tender * • * • • • • • . . « • * - 24,730.00 mtl and other Fad. lies. Ho tea . . . . - 578,275*00

Miscellaneous ...^UkiML......___________________ s____

fatal . . . . ..................... * 328,695.45 1,112,704*30 8,547,500.


& n §m *



9,988,899* TO

Gold la Transit to Aset. Treas., Chicago* « • • * . • • • • • • • « ... • • • • * • • 25,000.00

Legal Tender lotas la Transit to Treasurer of U* S ., Washington, . 24»000»00

Total Baaarra Cash and Tellers# Cash per balance sheet.............. . . . . . . i 10.057.899.75^

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& L M t. MLl Total

Total Reo'd trm Controller t* tat* 7,532,000. 1 ,«M ,000. *20,009. 10,149,000,

Deduct Total 'Emitted Controllerfor Smtraotioa.................. 1.071.450. 899.0WU 481.600. 1.882.000.

Set BM ’I tram Comptroller to tat*. 6,460,670. 1,388,930. 436,500. 8,286,000.

Deduct Aaeuat .................................... 62.789. 55.136. KU22S*.

la OlmOatioB D M . 31, 1919, . . . 6,407,781. 1,258,794. 488,500. 8,200,075.

In Circulation PM . 31, 1918, . . . 8.560,388. 906,158. 700,000. 4,168,646.

United States Securities with Treasurer United State* to Seenr*


1$ Treasury certificates of Indebtedness due sundry dates 1920 . •§ 1,100,000*

z f « * * i m , * .i ? » g 8 Q .0 o o «

®0l8l # * * ■ # • # » ^ df4&OjF000*

Our first Issue of Bank %t»$ was made oa September 20, 1913 , at which time

we had in Waahla&tea as seoiarity #880,000. In l~Tear Treasury He tea* Our tax based oa

this security was 1-|- per ceat* Oa January 1# 1919, bal* ooe of oar freasury £otes Hatiared

aad were replaced with special United States Z% Certificates of Indebtedness*

fo data the cost for plates, postage, insurance, expressage, and witaeaaing

destruction of s&tll&ted notes, has been #4,151*21, while the circulation tax to 33®ea^ber 31*

1919, was #14,289.03*

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EiflOiP of m m M L m s i ^ i m m s rbobivkp fhom m ccmfpbqllsr eg vm om m m r

since opening of Bank, Amounts lagged. Reissued and Destroyed as of December 31.1919

Received Returned to Issued to Reissued to leturned by from Agent by Bank Batik Agent for

Denoau comptroller Bank____________ (HewI__________ (used)_________Destruction______ on Hand

5 43,880 X 1,840 X 12,700 X 1,840 X 4,260 X 1,220 X

10 55,400 M 6,950 M 7,800 X 4,020 X 2,545 X- 4,330 X

20 45,200 X 4,430 M 7f200 X 4,430 X 1,020 X 960 X

50 2,400 X 140 X 300 X 50 X 25 X 280 X

100 3,800 X 140 X 320 X 100 X 30 X 400 X

500 400 M • 230 M * * 170 X

1000 1.200 1 m, >. 1.000 X - 200 n

totals 152,080 II 13,500 X 29,550 X 10,440 X 7,880 X 7,550 x~


Our unfit totes returned to Treasurer of the United States by Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis*

Our unfit ffotes returned to treasurer of the united states by Other Federal Be- serve Banks*

Oar unfit notes ret*d to controller From other sources

5 4,320,000. 10,814,000. 2,414,730.10 3,927,000. 12,328,820. 2,887,690.20 2,056,000. 7,367,380. 1,187,420.50 95,000. 181,550. 73,500.

100 120,000. 175,000, 98,800,1000 1.000. 2*000. •

147.508. -unaortedTotals 10,519,000* 31,016,255. 6,662,140.

'Total Notes Destroyed to fotal notes in circulationIlEnom. December 31. 1919 December 31. 1919* (All

5 21,808,735./ 20,851,265*10 21,688,510. 29,381,490.20 11,630,800. 32,609,200*50 375,050. 1,744,950.

100 423,800. 2,776,200.500 I*one , 230,000.

1000 3,000. 997,000.

Particulars not reo*d fromWashington {unsortedj 147.500*

Totals 56,077,395. 88,590,105.Deduct unsorted . . . . . 147.500.


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wmm w m w m m mm m. m m .mmmf mm Tamtam.

im p m m .m

JL lQ«g 'JL5,£00 K 1,960 M 1,640 V 800 ■ 800 a 10,000 H


s m m m L M J S j m m x .

js it__________ssl'a ... ... jlcp.** . jP9:m itfpa*n,. » M .

In Transit 960 M - 1,040 K

on m i ?«M9 m 9 * m n____ u u m j L

Total 10,620 H 9,200 * 12,000 M

- 2,000 X

JUMP M 1.200 M 1.000 M S.gOOM 89.260 It

1,800 M 1,200 M 1,000 I 6.600S 41,260 It

Sfcere waa a oonsideeable reduction In mm iMoral Reserve 10%#$

put in circulation during 1919* During Hie first half of the year there was

returned to the Agent Sl3t500f000* In used notes fit for ftirther eireulation.

Of this amount $10,440,000. m s replaced in circulation daring the year, making

a total issue of $39,990,000. fhe unfit notes retired frm oirealation taring

the year and destroyed, reached a total of $36,771,000* Our percentage of des­

troyed netee to total, notes received from Comptroller since opening of bank reach*

ed 37^ at said of 1919* whereas 15$ nas the percentage at the sad of 191S» i*he

net rednetion in our Federal Reserve lote circulation at close of 1919 was


In ingust last the Federal Reserve Board asked all Hie federal

Reserve Banfre to furnish the Bureau of l&graving with a daily printing require­

ment in order to maintain an ample surplus stool* The above table shows the

anamnt of notes mw ready for use* Shis supply is all paid for except trans­

portation ©oat and is sufficient to cover our normal demand for the next two


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j m k a .M m .m o m ,,

.m s m ,

Oh— t 5*s_________ 10*9 20*8________50*s 100*8 500* s 1000»s Total

1 600 M 600 X2 220 M 220 X3 400 1 400 M45 960 X 280 X 400 X 170 X 200 X 2,010 X6 600 X 600 X7 800 X 800 X8

12 155 M 155 X24 1*605 X 1,605 X25 1,170 M 1,170 X

fatal 1,220 X 4,330 X 960 X 280 X 400 X 170 jg 200 X 7,560 X

HoldCola__________ Order Certificates___________ Bearer Certificates_______ total

4 5,000 X 19000,X 6,000 X

5 1,240 X 2,612 X 4,052 X

9 1,000 X 1*000 M

10 1,000 X 1,000 X

11 1,000 X 1,000 X

3,000 X 6,240 X 3,812 X 13,052 X

paper held as Collateral • # 74,160,777.53Agent*s fund at Washington . . .............. . . . . . . 19,800,000.00Agent*a Five per cent Bedamption Fund 2,994,605.00Gold coin and Certificate he Mr ....................... ... 13,052,000.00Total Federal Beserve Hotes an Hand ..................... • 7,560,000.00Total Federal Beserve lotes destroyed . . . . . . . 56.077.395.00

Total , . . . . ..................... . 173,644,777.53

lotes received from Comptroller to 12/31/19 . * . . 152,080,000.00

Sxcees with Agent . . . . . . . 21,564,777.53

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rsamn. mssmz -am. or nnsuvuaJttsm m i of *033m i083 hsld as oioas of m am m a sssm sm s i, 1919

gama » A4<Hrw«

Hew Yjrk

American Exchange national Bacfc Amrioan foreign Banking Corporation Aagio-Sotttli Aia rican S&zic, Ltd. Atlantia national Bank dank of America Bank of the 2Sanhattf;n do#Baals: of Hew Tor*Banco Oovsereiale XtaXlaim Battery Park national Basic Canadian B ask of Oowitred Shsse Satlonal Saak Shatha® & Phoenix national Bank Chemical national Basic Oitlsen* national Basok Coal i Xros Matlonnl Btxfc Discoxmt Corporation of Hew York Foreign Trade Banking: Corporation International Banking Corporation Irving national M 2*1 eerty Bational Sank Mechanise & Metals national £ank Merchants latlonal Bank Eation&l Bank of Ooessgroe Rational City Bank Rational Baris; Bank Pacific BaskPark Union Foreign 3 anklag Oorporation Uoyal Bank of Osaada

or of Bankers Trust Oo*Central Union 2rust Go.Colombia trust Oo*Suitable trust Co.Farxaeris Loan & * met Co*Franklin frast Co*Guaranty frost Co*Irving froet Oo*Hew Yorfc frost Oo*t?* a* Mortgage £ trust Co*Goldman Saoh* & Oo*Heldelbaeh lokeXheiaier a Oo*F * *>. 3&1 there & Oo*Fren0h~Aaerican Banking Corporation Fifth Ave* Bank of Hew York Lincoln frost Oo*Metropolitan Pm***Asia Banking CorporationChartered Banfe-India Australia & ChinaHew lethsrland BankFarriaan Hat ional SackHongkteg & Shan$iai Banking CorporationYokohama Specie Bank, Ltd*Bank of Taiwan, Ltd*London & Biver Plate Bank* Ltd*

Anoimtendorsed M banks

119*£38.23i$9im *z7
















kmm% sot endorsed

?otal amount liable as endorsed on acceptances of other banks and

Jtoslo«8m Ss.8




407#252.18 100,000*00

151,127*97 226,340*70












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Rmm ft Address


First National Bank Merchants National Bank national Shawsat Bank Old Colony Trust Co.Webster & Atlasi national Bank


Com Exchange national Bank Girard national Bank Philadelphia national Bank Tradesmens National Bank Union national Bank


Union Comm. National Bank

Minneapolis & St Paul

First & Security National Bank, % ls . Midland national Bank northwestern national Bank


Mississippi Valley frost Go.


First national Bask Mfergbaats Loan & Trust Co.Union frost Co.


Fifth-Third national Bk. Cincinnati, 0. national Bk of Commerce Detroit, Mich. Flatoher-Aiaer.national Bk, indianapol is Bank of Pittsburg, Pittsburgh Pa. Peoples national Bank " "Anglo-london-Paris national Bank

San Francisoo, Cal. Wells-Fargo-Hevada national Bank

San Francisco,Cal. First national Bank, Utica n.Y .First & Old Detroit natl.Bk. Detroit Phoenix & Third natl. Bk., Lexington Hy. First national Bank Hot®ton Texas. Citizens Trust Co., Utica H.Y. Wisconsin national Bk., Milwaukee Wis.

Amountendorsed by ’ha-nTrs

373 692.05 11 517.80

643 959.69 134 971.25 70 000.00

228 677.56 100 000.00 192 256.11

5 554.66 4 722.64

8 887.44

190 644.88 40 000.00 2 453.00

14 530.09

62 822.05 500 000.00 50 000.00

193 515.80 140 000.00 106 900.00 30 587.16 20 620.34

100 000.00

3 079.35 9 543.29

117 500.00 12 500.00

200 000.00 30 000.00 37 500.00

Amount not endorsed by bftTiteg


Total amount liable as endorsed on acceptances of other banks and trust companies

75 607.44


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•om mwm$ of wa>i&Q(xm& i t t. ,*ks of diobkbeh s i , 1919


Kame of Town

AdrianAmboyArgyleBSttdftttOBeaver CreekBeoldjiBenson


Blooming PrairieBrecfcenridgsH m t i fBrice lynOsnpbellCarltondflwXttaw p jBfrWNkClarlefleldClintonClaqnetCrookstonBear BlverDetroitDuluthBile BlTerEveleth



Ada Hat! onal First National

northern national First National Swift County First national

Clarfcfiold State First national

first national Herobsats national First National Bit Zterohants national northern National First National First National «

Miners H&tlomi

J®mmt redisconntod for woo tiiof Deceniber

53 000*00 110 000*00

xm ooo.ooS 374.43

16 177*48 10 000*00

m 000*0012 300*00 44 000.00

8 000*00 m ooo»oo35 000*00

6 524.58160 000*00

5 000*00 335 000*00 341 000*00 52 500.00 15 000*00

$50 000*00 5 000*00

40 000.00 SO 000*00

189 000.00


2 393*22 m 000*00@5 000.00 28 998*80m ooo.oo5 374*43

28 392.4110 000*00 23 0t7*09

12 500.00

8 845*8814 098*58 15000*00

15 000*00 12 181.51 75 000*00

100 000*00 150 000*00 27 500*00 15 OOO.OO

150 000*00

m 000,0025 000*00

Fairaont falxnoKit national m 000*00 10 000*00« first Hat tonal m 000*00 125 000*00tf Citlaens national 5 000*00

m a a First National 29 519*55 58 715*45Gilbert w 5a 000*00Olenwood H 4 000*00 2 000*00Goodtooe « 2 000*00Graoeville »» 45 000.00Oranft «» 70 000*00 20 000.00(Jrs»lte Falls H 72 500*00 27 500*00

Hancook national 15 000*00Hastings first national 30 000*00 15 000.00Hendricks Fanners latiossal 55 000*00 27 519.85Hatobinaon it 90 000*00 50 000*00International Falls First National 30 000*00 30 000*00Jackson Broun National U 000.00 8 000.00n First National 75 000.00 15 000*00» Jackson National 55 000*00 -*1« 918*07

Kaaeon ITatlonal Farmers 10 000*00Was Benton national 0 1 tissue 22 095*44 55 210.14Lakeville First national 50 000,00 15 000*00

« 15 000.00 5 0 0 0 * 0 0

Mte*uri*ia 545 000*00 10§ 000.00Iis m u » 42 502*94 33 922*12m national Bank 40 000*00 20 000*00

Msdella State lame SO 000*00 15 000,00ISankato First national 548 739*55 278 239*36national Bank of Cows la&fltoto 40 000*00 20 000*00Mankato national Cltl&sns 598 452.47 511 012*88Marshall Lyon County national 28 599*89Minneapolis Bankers national 200 000*00 100 000*00Minneapolis First & Secy Eatl 18 354 800*00 19 558 500.00Minneapolis Lincoln national 395 000.00 450 000,00

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Page 42: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis




.Amount rediscounted for month

Amount held end

s£ *sm of month

Minneapolis Metropolitan national 1*297,439.17 972,439.17Midland Kational 3 551 050.25 4 503 550.25

ii Northwestern National 18 090 600*00 17 347 250.00Mlnneota Farmers & Kerch Natl 150 000.00 60 000.00Montevideo First National 115 170.60 55 170.60Moorhead n 180 000.00 50 000.00

n Moorhead National 70 000.00 50 000.00Olivia Peoples First National 15 000.00Osakis First National 15 000.00 15 000.00Owatonna National Farmers 320 000.00 40 000.00Bed Lafee Falls Farmers National 15 000.00 15 000.00Red Wing Goodhue County Natl. 70 000.00 20 000.00Redwood Falls First National 160 000.00 40 000.00Revere State Bank 25 100.00 12 550.00Rashmore First National IS §43.25 13 543.25St Cloud « 522 720.31 309 370.08n Merchants National 162 000.00 80 000.00

St Paul American National 740 000.00 465 000.00n Capital National 2 648 022.86 1 588 997.47it Central Bank 145 000.00

First National 14 950 000.00 5 776 500.00« Merchants National 14 775 000.00 8 200 000.00u National Bk of Coaaerce 511 000.00 558 200.00« National Exchange 525 000.00 300 000.00» Peoples Bank 500 000.00 390 000.00

So St Paul Exchange State 91 000.00 53 500.00n Stockyards National 978 567.25 1 000 780.34

Spring Talley First State 11 300.00Tracy First National 15 000.00Vix^inia n 100 000.00 25 000.00Warren n 64 066.69 64 068.69

H Warren National 16 000.00 8 000.00Waseca Farmers National 45 000.00 45 000.00Welcome Welcome National

First National40 000.00 20 000.00

Wells 161 101.71 81 101.71» Wells National 186 000.00 93 000.00

Wendell First National 30 000.00Wes thro ole Citizens State 10 000.00

tt First National 50 000.00 10 000.00willmar it 295 000.00 135 000.00n Kandiyohi County 225 000.00 75 000.00

Wilmont First National 15 288.40Windom 30 000.00 15 000.00Winona Deposit Bank 250 000.00

n First National 75 <200.00 75 000.00

85,387,468.12 64,748,865.18

.mm.PAWPA,,Bottineau First National 40 600.00 32 900.00Cando Cando National 60 000.00 30 000.00Carrington First National 28 698.38 28 698.38Coopers town First National 22 184.93 15 184.93Devils Lake Ramsey County Natl. 40 000.00Edmore First National 90 000.00 30 000.00Bllendale Farmers National 41 003.95 60 919.75East Falrview First National 1 896.66 10 690.20Fargo M 350 000.00 352 500.00n Merchants National 133 921.53 181 364.82n Northern Savings 358 058.03 198 058.03

Flngal First National 28 000.00 14 000.00Finley ii 65 000.00 25 000.00

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Page 43: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis


Mwm Kaiae of

Amount redJscounted for south

Amount held end

of gown -JShBSlLm. of aonth

ftmro First National 16 652.59 16 852.59FuUorton « 10 000•00 5 OOO.OOGolva 25 790*46 11 850*23Grand Forks Korthwostera national 000 000.00 150 000.00Hatton Far. & Mofcts. Katl. 20 ooo.ooHettinger Hattlnter State IB 048*75 12 048*75Hope First National 20 000*00•» Hope national 9 324.92 16 834.08Jameetoan eitIsons National 88 803.74 69 468.76M James Blver lational 217 059.82Killdeer First national 10 340.08 10 340.08La Moore Parraors national 6 161.33Linton First National 20 000.00 20 000*00Mo Till# ** 40 000*00 20 000.O0MSSldfln it ISO 000.00 65 000.00Horton ** 14 286.05Bsdlna n 26 893.69 33 303.56minor Milnor national 14 000.00tf tw>f^nli^fl First Kational 20 000.00 20 000.00Minot Sedond national 220 000.00 135 000.00

Union National 67 500.00 82 500.00I n Rockford First national 10 000.00ObSbb# it 24 000.00 12 000.00w Onlr iT national 5 945.10 30 111.75Reynolds First national 10 000.00 10 000*00Header *» 35 526.51 42 601*72Stariareather 60 000.00 20 000*00Steele n 47 700.00 27 317.50Streeter M 22 8O8.40fottle ft 32 179*60

lati onal Bank 3 693.39Wllllston First National 100 092.28 100 092.28?m o v City » 11 665*23 15 029.08ft Merchants national 7 905.76 19 469.21Woodworth First Kational 34 059.90

» 8 346.20 25 526.73

2 630 288.79 2 279 910.93

saw * . p m s &

Aberdeen Bakota national 170 OOO.OO 75 000.00R First national 250 000*00 100 OOO.OOBorosford t* 10 897.94 10 897.94Bristol Cltlsena Kational 16 000*00Britton First National 47 916.00 74 010.70Brookings Bank of Broo)3ngs 240 394*00 274 927.00» First National 118 211.79 170 092.09Carthage m 11 962.75 27 452.65Castlewood n 94 702.46 74 233*56

it 10 000.00Coster City n 55 148.63 39 148.63Bgn « 50 000.00 25 000.00Blictm H 65 000.00 25 000*00Fairfax » 41 120.45 41 120.45Faalkton ft 7 740.17 7 740.17Floreno© *» 13 116*69Gregory tf 20 629.50 24 631*53» Gregory national 14 095.84 31 670.13Groton Brow* County 40 000*00 20 000.00Heola Far. & Hefct&* State 46 150*00 20 000.00» First Kational 21 178.27Hot Springs Peoples Bank 15 926.99 15 926,99Howard Howard national 21 529.78Hudson First National 31 018.05 31 018*05

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Page 44: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

jjaosmtKodiscoimtod Amount

Basis of Haas of for month held endffflwa . . . ------- Of DaCAfflbcti* of aottth

ifaroa City National 76 422*18 122 536.31» First Sailenal 6 312*80 82 371.87Kennebec t# 2 620.80lake Hordes ft 50 797.24 44 009*80Lak» Preston Farzaers latiosal 17 000.00 11 000.00

First National 52 802*54 17 802.54*t 152 526.26 MS 0S2.4B

Mllbank M 238 000.00 100 000*00Miller 1* 58 000.00 28 000.00;;itohoii Coos, frost & Savings 50 000.00- 25 000.00« First national 201 455.81 119 455.81« liltchell national 570 000*00 315 843.1819 Western Bational 25 000.00 118 982.54Hobridge First national 20 850.00 17 450.00Morristown » 2 100.00 23 816.86W% Vernon 20 000.00 54 575.88Parker 13 363.39 13 363.39Pollock « 10 000.00Redfleld Asericaai Bational 137 500.00 190 047.65« Kodfleld national 34 000.00Sioux Fails Minnehaha Bational 100 000*00 40 000.00» Security national 100 000*00 575,000.00« Sioux Falls National 258 953.30 550 561.31<♦ Sioox Falls Savings 430 166.03 291 087*3532S8«ton First National 70 000*00South Shore South Shore Bank 26 000.00 13 000.00fisibsr Stock Growers Stats 16 964.203^ndals First Bational 10 000.00Watertown 557 000.00 160 000.00»» Security National 297 480.66 154 980.66Watabay First Bational 17 400.00 S 700*00lebster Secy Bk. & trust Co. 22 171.20 24 097*13

leasing ton Springs First lati onal 9 147.98 78 832.11Wins*? M 10 983.38Woonsocket H 20 711.61Yankton Dakota Bational 100 000*00 40 000*00Webstor Iter t Mohts Bational 25 000.00

6,129,400.65 4,650,403.81

Big Sandy Brockton Carlyl© Chester

Oat Bank Deaton»


Fort BentosFresnoGeyserGlasgowOlendiveOrass BangeGreat Fails


Fsnaers Bational First Bational»#*

Denton State First national Security State First Katlonal African national First latlonal StQGtomm national First Sail onalh

Glasgow National First lati onal «

Cotaaerclal Kat ional

15 000.00

3 000.00 It 629.61

3 662.09 18 768.75

3 915.61 7 979.35

200 000.004 607.63

9 000.00 30 000.00

28 954.25

3 150.00 7 500.00

13 455.20 3 000.00

50 029.25 33 584.0729 265.04 18 768.75

200.00 079.59 994*00

39 708.62 100 000.00

9 005.903 638.35

12 000.0030 000.004 958*78

177 534.39



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Page 45: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis

Aiaonntredisconnted Asxrant

Bam Jsrae for month h^ld endo* gown of Bank - £ S L ,M 2 9$m ~ . of asmtl|

Great falls Great I&lls national 75 000.00 75 000.00Barlowton First National 12 367*44Helena Conrad Srust £ Savings 60 443*00Higbwood First *ati«ial 28 801.OO 31 849.00Hlngham Hinghaa state 4 642.94 17 242*24Hinsdale First National 14 631.68 14 831*68n Valley County 21 580.00Tin fjtlr* First national 4 803*0® 4 809*00Inverness Inverness State § 392.87Jo p lin First national 1 200*00 5 787*67Juilth Cap « 5 780.00Lanfcert 2 258.62 2 258.62laurel Citizens national 2 958*37 2 958*37Leeistosm Bk. of Fe*$ss County 225 500.00 66 000*00» First Hationaa ISO 760*95 238 060*74Sftssoula iraertoan Bk & f v m t Co* 97 0O0.00 97 000.00HOO*® First National 11 752.49 11 752.49Hashua n 5 774*10 5 774*10Plevna ct 2 500.00 2 500.00Poison it 15 992*06 38 949.13Pozapegrs Pillar M 5 000*00 6 680.33

Poplar « 1 585.00 16 363.75E^aljQ » 25 576.33Baysaond 24 504*08 16 504*08Head Point Heed Point State 8 135*57 8 135.57B©serve First National 12 675*36 12 675*36Bichey n 4 559*85 4 559*85

*» 3 060 *00 3 060*00Roundup ** 9 292.50Boy n 16 201*57 16 201.57Savage n 7 528.56 10 454*56Savoy n 2 083*35Scobey Herahants National 14 240.95 22 405*35Sidney First national 3 780.00fhree Forks H 18 959.44 20 494*01Wsstbjr H 2 425*50 2 425*50Wolf Point « 6 510*64 16 182.39

1 174 128*02 1 422 039.76


Boyoevllle Bank of Boyotfville 80 000*00 40 000.00Ellsworth Bank of Ellsworth 60 000*00 30 000.00Glenssood City Farmers National Bank 30 505.43 16 210.67n First State 20 000*00 20 (K)0*00Hsyvard First Hatlonal 40 000*00 20: 000*00Hudson national Bank of Hudson 54 000.00 27 000*00Medford First lationc£ 60 000.00 30 000.00Isw Richmond Bank of Sew Richmond 174 238*87 105 170*49Whitehall Peoples State 90 000.00 10 956.19

688 744.30 299 3S7.S&

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Page 46: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis



Aaount rod!scounted for aontk


of gown ■.. otmonth

Beeseoer, Midi FI ill National 20 000*00Eacanaba u m ooo*oo m qoo.ooGladstone 1* as 000.00 10 000.00Glsdatcme Gladstone State Savings 360 000.00 170000*00

Superior Batioml M 4 & M &H&ifceH First National 18 072.07 16 060.00Iron Sotmtain Oonsaeroial Bank 50 000*00 45 000.00Iren Bftrer first Batloaal 94 OOO.QO 47 000.00Iroijwood Gogol? ic national 40 000.00 40 000.00Staisticxae first &atl<mal 36 120.00logamee Besaaaee national 95 000.00 40 000.00f&kafield First national 20 000*00 12 500.00

795 192.07 401 034.66

As&mt rodiseotmted for mmtoBY %mtim during Docos&er Aisount of aaafetr taOcs liability account of rediscount® Aamyqn pf AgQefftflTHftQff $REFfl$MMNP& 4urll^ D@CSBflX9r Aaamt a# Accai>tances M M ftf# of DttCember

9&9?4Sta01*S573,861,591.621*M 7*984*64


H O T f OS' OT)iSC<OTfS SOT BT sn«83 DISHHSIK S3., 1919

Ml8ZtS8Ct&north Dakota 3outh Dakota


64,748,665.182*27M *0.934*680,403*611,422,039.76



.i m J E i f l m j a y a a ...Bankers Batlonal Bank KIim«apoli8,Mto. 5«500#00

10 OI^eDBATODigitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 47: 1919 Directors Frb Minneapolis


mm -

Hedlsa, r.Bak.


Adrian* Minn*

0lonwood 01%*



Jfofc iroffioiaat 26,093*69 balance Im re««*v# aoooont to cbarg*.

11 7*500*00

" 55*000*00

* 20,000*00


Th» abov« notes are folly s « M Isy fraaam^ Cartif loatos

aaft Liberty £o*a* Bond®, mid Jrnv© sinoo been renewed or paid*

Bii- iV t W -, iwyiK , ifue

fJr»t Rational Ban}; 12/27/19

" 12/30/19

" 12/31/13

SU . ?lnt State Bank 12/31/19

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