(1889) the celebrated rice coil spring: manufactured by t.t.haydock carriage company

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1889 - T.T. Haydock Carriage Co., Cincinnati, Ohio and Albany, New York


Page 1: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

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Page 2: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

The Rice Coil Springs


We havp nroviH'*''" the People.

Page 3: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

— IN —

# Rice Coil Springs. ®

The Rice Coil Spring is at the head of all the family of Coil Springs. Its immense success

has been so phenomenal that many imitations have sprung up to get some of the glory, if only by

reflection There are all kinds of springs, but there is only one Eice Coil Spring, and that is sold

by The T T. Haydock Carriage Company, of Cincinnati, O., and Albany, N. Y.

Page 4: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

liook at oat^ Unconditional Gaat^antee.

|E guarantee our Rice Coil Spring Vefiicles to be tfie easiest riding and

most durable made in the world.

If after six ^weeks' trial tbe Rice Coil is found not to be tbe

easiest ridinsT springy you ever used, we -will exchanigfe for anyotlier style.

We have taken time to give them a thorough test before placing upon them

our unconditional guarantee, and from results received from all parts of the United

States and foreign countries, feel perfectly safe in giving them our indorsement

and soliciting an order from each and every one.

Very truly yours,


Page 5: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company



1. They are the easiest riding Springs in the


2. They are the most durable Springs ever made.3. They have no side-motion.

4. They do not dive forward or backward.5. They can not be broken by heavy loading or

fast driving.

6. They do not weaken with prolonged use.

7. They are noiseless, because the Springs are al-

They are fully warranted, and we guarantee that

they will give much better satisfaction than anySpring you have ever used.

A buggy that rides comfortably will always elicit

more praise from the user and bring more credit to

the maker than one superior in all other particu-

lars, yet lacking in this.

ways on a strain and the bearings are phosphorbronze.

8. They are very much lighter than any otherSpring which has any valid claim for ease of motion.

9. They ride equally well with one or three persons.

10. They show less than any other Spring.

11. They will make a buggy last longer, becausetheir great elasticity relieves the running parts fromjars and twisting strains.

The durability of a buggy depends as much on the

elasticity of the springs as on the quality of mate-rial and workmanship employed in its construction.

The elasticity of a spring is in direct proportion

to its length.

The Rice Coil Spring is nearly three times as long

as the longest leaf spring in use.

Page 6: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company


Y\ol! A r^^W Tl^in^

With those who use the " <Rice ,Coil Spring," for by them it is

considered a reliable friend, whose integrity has been tested, and a

sense of restfulness , of security and unalloyed pleasure is experienced

whenever they treat themselves to a ride ; for this Spring is delightfully

easy of miction, and rides perfectly level with one or three persons.

They cannot be broken by heavy loading or fast driving.

Page 7: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company


' ^//ANDY" is no name for it, because it does not begin to express all its

^ ' merits. To appreciate it, climb into one of the old-fashioned four-bow

top buggies. The exercise is too much for a man, and for a woman a perfect

terror. The Handy Top is perfectly lovely in comparison. Just step in like

walking into a house, standing up straight ; no sailors' antics or gymnastic feats

to go through with ; just sit down with perfect comfort. If you want to be



Page 8: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

Read what our Friends say who have sold and used Rice Coil Springs.

As you are aware, we were a little skeptical of the Rice Coil Spring when it was first

introduced. We watched the first car load of Rice Coil Spring jobs that we put out very closely,

and gave the spring a very thorough test, selling these buggies especially to livery men, and putting

them into use at our branch houses. The result was entirely satisfactory to us. We have

demonstrated to the trade that the Rice Coil Spring Buggies are the strongest, most durable and

easiest riding springs on the market. Our trade is almost a unit in demanding jobs hung on Rice

Coil Springs, and since you have added the Handy Top, you have made your line the most

desirable of any for a dealer to handle.


The Rice Spring Buggy with Handy Top is quite a favorite in this market, and an excellent

seller. The trade is beginning to call for it quite extensively, and we believe it is going to be one

of the best selling buggies we have ever handled


Please ship me another Rice Coil Spring Buggy, in Bx grade. (The Rice Coil Spring is a

dandy.) J. L. CLARK, Schoolcraft, Mich.

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We consider the Kice Coil Spring the most comfortable riding spring that we have ever

handled, and think it is going to be one of the best sellers in the market. It is durable and

serviceable, and upon the whole, a capital good spring.

J. T. ADAMS & SON, Talladega, Ala.

The Rice Coil Spring beats anything I ever used in the way of pleasure riding, and too

much cannot be done in introducing them to the riding public.


Please quote price on cart hung on Rice Coil Springs. I have a buggy hung on these

springs, and it is considered by all who have ridden in it to be the easiest riding buggy in town.

There are several here who want one like it. G L SMITH, Prairie View, Kas.

Rice Coil Springs are fine. Sorry I did not buy all Rice Coil vehicles in last order you

shipped me. Send twu more on my order to Charleston, S. C.

H. D A. BIEMAN, Walhalla, S. C.

I can recommend the Rice Coil Springs. Am satisfied they are the most perfect and the

easiest riding springs I ever had. All ct ray customers who have tried them, pronounce them the

best. I expect to sell a large number this season.

N. F. INGRAHAM, Wallingford, Conn.

Page 10: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

OUR LKADKR. I have had quite an experience with

Rice Coil Spring Vehicles, and have

been induced to believe there is noth-

ing like them. I sold a large numberduring 1889. S. J. EOOT,

Webster City, Iowa.

ISO. 28.Side Bar BusTSX Huns: on Rice Coll Springs.

I have been in the livery busines

for eleven years, have used all kinds

of springs, and can say that I consider

the Kice Coil Spring the easiest riding

and best spring ever put on the market.

I can make a forty-mile drive in a

Rice Coil Spring, and not feel tlie

least tired. I never thought there

was so much superiority in springs

until I purchased a Rice Coil Spring


Hudson, Wis.

Page 11: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

9io. 30. Corning: Huns on Rice Coil Sprins:s>

Last spring I purchased one of your

most excellent Rice Coil Spring Bug-

gies, through your agent here, which is

giving entire satisfaction, and is in good

condition yet. However, I want an-

other one this spring of same kind. I

can get better satisfaction out of the

Haydock goods than any other.

Dr. J. S. MONTGOMERY.Hnntsville, Ohio.

We have sold your Rice Coil Spring

carriage that we bought of you to our

banker, Mr. A. A. Horton, and he thinks

it is the easiest and best riding carriage

he has ever used, and would not use any

other. Any one can refer to him for

any further information, and we will

send you his statement in a day or two.

GEORGE W. SMITH & SON,Pomeroy, Iowa.

Page 12: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

I like the Eice Coil Spring splen-

did. Please change my order and

substitute a Rice Coil Spring in

place ot the end spring buggy.

J. W. BARKLEY,Bakersville, Pa.

We have both used and sold the

T. T. Haydock Buggies, and find

them satisfactory in every respect.

The Rice Coil Springs are superior

to any we know of.


Arnaudville, La.

Enclosed find check for last buggy

shipped. It was received O K, and

we are well pleased with it. The

„ , Rice Coil Spring cannot be beaten.

Jump-seat Bugr^y Hung on Rice Coil SprinsTS. FRED PUCKHABER,Jacksonville, Fla.

Page 13: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

9io. xoo—Sie'w Rail Surrey Junip*Seat, Hung onRice Coll Sprinsrs.

About two years ago seeing

your Rice Coil Spring vehicles

highly recommended, I sent for

a sample job, without much faith

in it, but lately hearing the

sample job of two years ago so

well spoken of, I have been in-

duced to try them again, and ex-

pect I will have to have a good

many this season.


We are much pleased with the

Rice Coil Spring Buggy, which

arrived a few days ago in good

order. Send us at once a Rice

Coil Spring Cart.


Page 14: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

Please find enclosure for

Page 15: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

No. 95.Extension Xop Surrey Hung: on Rice Coil Springes.

Please ship us at your earl-

iest convenience, one three-

quarter " B " grade buggy on

Rice Coil Springs, with HandyTop. We have a friend in

the implement business whowishes us to try a different coil

spring, but we like the " Rice,"

having tried it.


Eddy, Texas.

Will say for the Rice Coil

Spring that every one that I

have sold has given good satis-

faction, and that I think they

are as fine riders as any on the

market. I can sell them when

it is hard to sell any others.

B. V. JEWELL,Mt. Upton, N. Y.

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This is not a cheap-built

Cart, but is constructed of

fine material.


Page 18: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

We have had excellent success with the Rice Coil Springs for the past two years, rnd during

this time have not heard of any of the springs breaking. They have proved satisfactory ^ven under

extraordinarily severe tests. The relief given vehicles as well as passengers on the "up\,'ard bound"

in passing over obstructions, is worthy of consideration in selecting an easy riding spring for

vehicles. I consider the Rice Coil Spring the easiest riding spring I have ever used. A trial is

sufficient proof of its inherent superiority. A. B. MILLER, North Manchester, Ind.

In all my experience I have never handled a vehicle that has given me and my trade as

much satisfaction as the Rice Coil Spring Buggy. It rides easy andsmoothoverrough roads, and is,

without a question, the coming spring for the future. I find it quite difficult in my territory to sell

anything else but the Rice Coil Springs. Have had this year in the neighborhood of fifty, and

shall certainly want a good many next year. J. E. LAIDLER, Hawkinsville, Ga.

I have handled in the past two years a large number of the Rice Coil Spring Buggies, and

they have given the best of satisfaction in every case. Shall expect to use a very large number

this coming season. GEORGE C. CRIBB, Milwaukee, Wis.

We have sold several of your Rice Coil Spring Buggies this past season, and find they give

unqualified satisfaction to purchasers. They certainly ride easy, and must in the near future be

the leading springs in the market. GEORGE BOHON, Harrodsburg, Ky.

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We have sold your Rice Coil Spring Buggies for the past three seasons, and have yet to hear

of a single job proving faulty. We have ridden in huggies hung on these springs, and tested them

in every way, but they are ahead of anything in the market for easy riding and durability Our

customers think the same way, and we find them sellers.

CRANE BROS. & CO., Yazoo, City, Miss.

I sold one of your Rice Coil Spring Buggies late last season, and the customer is very much

pleased with it. 1 like it, and will push the sale of the Rice Coil Spring Buggy this season.

A. L. JAMISON, Woodstock, Va.

We bought a car load of 3'our buggies and carriagrs, and in the car we had six Rice Coil

Spring vehicles. We took one of the single-seated Rice Spring jobs for our own UhC, and sold the

other live. Then we had another customer who wanted one, and we had to sell him the Rice Coil

Spring Buggy we were using ourselves. Are very sorry we did not get more of them in the car.

All the springs are giving excellent satisfaction.

HUGGINS & GRIFFITH, Anamosa, Iowa.

We find the Rice Coil Spring Buggy you make growing to be a great favorite. Have never

had one to break, and when sold always makes a demand for more.

S. B. MARTINCOURT & CO., Butler, Pa.

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Am very much pleased with the Rice Coil Spring Buggy. It is the easiest riding spring we

ever had, and sells rapidly. B. M. WASHBURN, Montgomery, Ala.

We sold nine of the Rice Coil Spring Buggies this past season, and all the customers are

well pleased with them. One man, who weighs 210 pounds, says: "It is the best spring I ever

rode on, and can't be beat." It is, without a question, the coming spring for side-bar vehicles.

W. V. ZARTMAN, Glenford, O.

I have been handling buggies for the past several years, have sold all kinds of springs I

ever heard of, and am justified in saying that the Rice Coil Spring is far superior to anything we

have ever had in this section. This season I have had fourteen different kinds of buggies in mywareroom at one time, and the Rice Coil Spring was sure to sell first. They are the easiest and

most durable spring ever invented. Will say further, that they are the best sellers, and give the

best satisfaction of any springs I ever handled. The Rice Coil Springs take the cake Send me

twenty-five more of them. GEORGE E. WALLACE, Westchester, 0.

Everybody is talking of the wonderful superiority of the Rice Coil Spring over other

springs, and those who have others would like to trade same for the Rice Coil. All those that I

have sold are giving good satisfaction, and I expect to sell a great many this season.


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I duplicate my order for the Rice Coil Spring vehicles because I consider them the easiest

riding springs that have ever been attached to a side-bar carriage for any road, rough or smooth.

On a rough road they do not give that short, sharp jerk that is so common to others, and on a

smooth, hard road they are exempt from that jar and quiver that all other springs are subject to. For

these reasons I have been able to place them in the hands of those who were out of hea-lth, and

nervous and fussy people generally, who express much pleasure and satisfaction with the spring,

and say they would not exchange it for any other they have ever seen. I have never heard of a

customer who has purchased the Eice Coil Spring but what was well pleased with it. I am

satisfied that it cannot be broken, for it assumes the character of an old-fashioned thoroughbrace as

soon as it passes the center. H. L. LIBBY, Norway, Me.

I have been running one of your buggies for six years, and am so well pleased with it that

I now want a Rice Coil Spring Buggy. The one I have has made over 12,000 miles over rough

roads, and out in all kinds ot weather. I have spent but very few dollars for repairs.

Rev. Z. W. BEDENBAUGH, Prosperity, S. C.

We are in receipt of your price list. Your buggies have met with entire satisfaction. Wethink they are very good for the money, and as soon as we need more, will secure them from you.

Enclosed find check to the amount of last bill.

PAWELSKI & SMITH, Paterson, N. J.

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One word more. The buggies are doing remarkably good work, and giving entire

satisfaction. M. C. CORNWALL & SON, Randolph, N Y.

Enclosed find check for buggy shipped me February 27th. I received it March 3d, and sold

it the same day. It was the finest job for the money I ever saw.

O. W. WELCH, North Adams, Mass.

In reply to your inquiry regarding my opinion of your Rice Coil Springs, I will say that I

have sold and hung a number of these springs, besides using them myself, and I consider them to

be unquestionably the easiest riding springs I have ever seen, and can say further that I do not

know ot a man who has used those springs who would use any other.


I wish to say a word in favor of the Rice Coil Springs. We bought a lot of your carriages,

and there was one that had the Rice Coil Springs. My customers did not want to try it, so I took

it for my family, and will say that it is the best and easiest riding spring I ever saw. My wife

rode with me the first time I ever used the carriage, over as rough a road as can be found in any

part of Maine, and she said she never rode so easy. I will say without hesitation that I would not

be without one. I think we shall have a good sale for that spring

ALBERT ALLEN & SON. Wellington, Me.

Page 23: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

Please ship me a No. 95 with the Rice Coil Springs. I would like some buckboardshung on

Coil Springs, and some Concord bodies on the same spring, as 1 think it will stand much better

than the springs usually used. I tried the one sent me, and it is just right. It is a dandy. In

your book where yon speak of "That Ride" you don't half express it, and I think if you will get

up some buckboards and Concords hung on this spring I can get a big trade on them.

C. W. A. BROWN, Malone, N. Y.

My experience in regard to the Rice Coil Springs is very limited. The few that I have sold

have given perfect satisfaction, also others that have used them speak in the highest terms of them.

C. H. LEWIS, Lovell, Me.

Some time ago I got a sample (Your No. 30, Rice Coil Spring Buggy). I have let several of

my customers ride in it. They all call it the best spring they ever rode on. One doctor thought

so well of it that he has disposed of a fine high-priced carriage, and h;is given me an order for one.

I am well pleased with my own. W. J. BARON, Geneva, N. Y.

The Rice Coil Spring is just what every physician needs. I was a little shy of its good

qualities until I tried it ; that carried conviction to me of its merit. Every one who gives these

springs a good, fair, honest test will soon be convinced that they cannot be outdone for comfort and

durability. JOSIAH HASBROUCK, Jr. M. D., Port Ewen on Hudson, N. Y.— 21 —

Page 24: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

I have been using the Rice Coil Springs for tiie past three years, and so long as I can procure

them, shall use no other. During the twenty years I have been riding over the pavements of

Albany, I have tried a great number of springs, but do not hesitate in saying that the Rice Spring

is superior to them all. It seems to me that if every physician could be made acquainted with the

ease and comfort (in riding) obtained by using the Rice Coil Springs, they would not be long in

securing them. S. H. CARROLL, M. D., Albany, N. Y.

So far as I am able to judge, my customers are well pleased with the Rice Coil Spring

Personally, I prefer them to any spring I ever rode on.

H. H. SIMONS, Oil Mills, N. H.

My customers who have used your springs like them and the way they ride very much. I

like them and they please the customers. WILLIAM E. DANN, Norwalk, Conn.

I have sold a number of your Rice Coil Spring vehicles, and every one has given the very

best satisfaction. One man to whom I sold last year, and who has had his vehicle in constant use,

informed me that he would not have any other kind of spring; that he never pulled up for water

brakes, or anything of that sort, but went right along and rode easily over everything. I con

sider it, without a question, the best vehicle spring made. Have handled your vehicles for a num-

ber of years and have always found them to give excellent satisfaction.

Wm. J. MILENZ, West Sand Lake, N. Y.

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Will you kindly inform me what is your price on Kice Coil Spring phaeton body cart? Inreference to the Kice Springs, I have given them a thorough test in the country, and find them the

best springs I have ever used. H. A. HERBERT, M. D., Manasquan, N. J.

I have been using one of your Rice Coil Spring buggies this past year, and it is giving

excellent satisfaction. I have been able to drive forty miles over rough country roads without

having the slightest backache, something I have never been able to do with any other spring.

P'or easy riding, be the roads rough or smooth, the Rice Coil Spring has no equal.

W. C. MARSELIUS, Albany, N. Y.

We have had several carloads of your Rice Coil Spring vehicles, and in every case wherewe have sold them they have given the very best satisfaction. Our customers claim that Ihey are

the easiest riding springs, which induced one of our firm to take one for his own use, and he nowenys he would not dispose of it at any price if he thought he could not get another like it. Oursales on Rice Springs are more than we anticipated. We intend to push them.

CARITHER3 & BETTS, Athens, Ga.

The Rice Coil Spring Buggies you shipped us are received, and think they are going to be

the best sellers I have in the store. We like the Rice Coil Spring better the more we use it. I amgoing tc build up a large trade on them. C. W. FERRI^^j jNIanchester, Iowa.

Page 26: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company

-^^^ THE ^ '

Rice coil spring• IS THE


Superior to any ottier Spring: V-. IN RIDING AND WEARING QUALITIES :

:-; -

Page 27: (1889) The Celebrated Rice Coil Spring: Manufactured by T.T.Haydock Carriage Company


(?e?i<te7w«n—AtourCoumy Fair, last November, I had three pieces of timber, each 20 feet long

and 8 inches square, which I

with a speedy norse hitchedtimber at a sweeping trot,

Rice Coil Spring Buggies to aliveryman They are givingperfect satisfaction.

Yours truly,A. T. BENEDICT

W'lODViLLF Miss.

placed in front of the grand stand, about 15 feet apart, andto one of your Rice Coil Spring Buggies drove over thewithout damage to spring or buggy. I sold two of your

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T. T. ^4avdock Hice Com Spirihc

Surreys, Jump-Seats and Carts. . . ALSO . . . .