1874.vol+30+(1874)/sabbath... · tbib suggest on all last bummer i ned my hat w th green and 0 ange...

OD 1874.

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l'1IE SOl/TH EASTElUi ASSOOIATIOP: The South Eastern Assoo at 0

convened for ts Th rd Annnal Sas Ip"ovioU8 s on w tit the Chnrch at Lost Creek W Va Fifth day Ju e 28th 1874 at 10 0 clock A !I

The Introductory DIScourse was preached by Albert Shook from Acts 28 15 He tlw.nked God n~."".UUu"e took em .. age.

After the dIScourse tl e ABiloc a t on was caIled to 0 der by the Mod erator S D Dav" and prayer was offered by J epthah F Randolph

Letters were tben read from the ed w tb the bt6S uess mE,etinge ot tbe follOWIng cburcbes New Salem Easte n ASBoc at on to mst tnte a Lost Creek M ddle leland aud com1?onson between the p esent and R tch e no letters be ng p eeent fori!ijir gathenng. but as m gilt be from tbe other ohurches e~ected the n mber of delegates H M Stout of the Cburch at n attendauce was U l8uaIly 8mal Jackson Cent e Oh 0 prese ted a

hecanse tbe place of ga he no was letter from that church to th s body remote f am the !pcat body of the n wh h the nv tat on pea s v churches compos ng the meet ng extended to them to hecome a Anotber th ng detra ted from the I·m.ember of thIS Assoc a on" as ac mterest of the Oce8S On and that ""'as the absence ~ Brethren Max .on Toml nsoo And Ma 0 two of whom a e mak ng the toor of E rope n sea ch of .a ~h wh Ie the otbe lB seek ng the me boon de tbe eatmen of D Taylo of New York :No w tl st nd ng these detract on. bowe e the wae ful of ntere

freqnency to cleanse the a the dust

'l'be chnr h at Sh oh we reJo ce to learn e nap ospe ODS cond t on The abllndant labors of the r p es ent pasto Rev A H LeWIS are apprec atell and b a efio s nob v seconded We were reJo ced to find that Bro Lew s was mak ng the acqna n ance of the people of Bndgeton and Salem anll the who c 8urronndmg country and that he everyw bere was Wlon ng fr ends and secnnng tbe confidence and warm fnendsh p of the people Not only are h 8 BennoDs h gbly esteemed but h B labors n the caDse of tern

a ons U ter from Easte n A W Coon f om the Cen t n N' Hull-from the Weste n and J 0 Rogers from the North 'Vest rn Aseoc a one

o:f was voted that the Moderator nom nate the Sand ng; Comm ttees wbe e pon the follow ng co om tte"" were nom Dated and coofi med


Assoc at on oovened ac ord ng to adjournment. I raye was offe ed byN V Hul

A let er was presented and read from tbe Greenbner Church

The Report of the Ex~cnt ve Comm ttee was cad and adopted sf e remarks by G B r tte as fol

JUDSON F R.umoLPrr 'PI etUUf"er

mace .. hlb.SES DB DR

Tta $2 06

$8000 to

2.';00 1106

To .,] *122 06 JunSON F RANOOLPIf Treat! ...

The Report of the Treasurer wae referred to tbe Comm ttae on F

18~ 1874



School exe c ses of tbe Pardee Chu h ntempemed bv nterest Ilg rema ks f am B 0 Wh tford and ot e s At 7 P M B 0 S R Wbce er preacheu a ahort d Beo 8e


T s was followed by a most earnest !sl:aDdi.,g and sonl st ng payer and confer-


n ceasary lor



to pee


po 80nons to tbe lungs- Before re movmg t spr nkl .. ihe floor w th very dilute carbOli",ae d to k II any

EATIBG BKEAD A1fD JIILK. ~m8Qn008 germs that may he pre-=~C","l sent, and to thoroughly d 0 Dfe t

The daintieat prettiest p ctma tbe floor and render t sweet 'Twas ever my ot to see

Was ono of four beAutiful el!I}dren On a doo stone 'lIi8-G-'fn8

WIth eye. as brigbt as diamond. Ami hair as Boii as Bilk

Out of an 0 d fBabioned pomn!:,! Eating bread and milk




T1I1l STORY OF A LITTLE BIRD There \\38 au a d couple who ea n

cd a poor I V ng wo k ng I ard all day 10 the fields

See holY hard we work all day sard tbe w fe and t all comes of the fool sh cu os ty of Adam and' Eve If t I ad not been fo tbat we shonld ha e heen ng now n a heantiful ga den w th noth ng to do all day long

YeB sa d the hushand f yon and I had been tbe e notead of Ad am aud Eve all the human fam Iy had heen 10 paradllle Bt

The Coun the r maste 0 e heard tbem a k ng n th s way and he came to them and he Ba d

How would yon I ke t f I took yon np to my palazzo there to 1 ve and ga e yon ser aDts to wa on you and plenty a eat and dnnk~

Ob that wo d he del "'htf n deed That won d be as good as paradIBe taelf aDswe ed hushand and wife toge her

Well yon may come np there f von nk so On y remember

m parad se the' e was one t ee tha was not 0 be touched BO at my tahle tbe e WI I he one dlllb Dot to Ie ouched You rnn tn m nd that, 8a d the Co nt

Oh of con 8e not ep ed the old peaBan that sJust what Ioay when Eve bad all the f s n the ga den wha d d s e want w h J ot that one that was fo h ddcn? And f we who a e used to the Rcant est

VIctnals a e Bnpp ed w th enough to I ve we w hat does t matter to 0.' whether tl e e s an '" tad sh or DoL on the tab e?

Very we I easoneil sa d the Count We qn te understand each other then

Perfectly repl cd botb hu band aniL wife

Yon come to I e at my palace and have everyth ng von can want there so long as yon don t open one dish which .he e wtll be n the cen ter of the able If yon opeu hat yon go back to YOD forme way of Ife v

We qn te unders and answered the peasants

The Connt went u and ea ed h s servant, and told h ill to g ve the peasants an apartment to themselves w Ih eve ylh ng they ould want and a Bumptnons d nner only n the m ddle of the able was to be an earthen d sh nto wh ch he was to put 'lIt Ie b dave BO t at fane llited the a er he h rd wonld fly ont He was to s ay n tbe room and wa t 00 them and repo t to hun what happened

The old people sat down to d u Der and nralBCd everything they saw 80 del ghtful t all seemed

Look that s the dIBh we re not to touch, o",d the w fe

No be e not look at t 8a d the husband

Pshaw There s 00 danger of waut ng to open t when we have snch a lot of dIBhes to eat onr fill out of" returned the wife

HIl'lTS FOR T1I1l s:EABOil The follow og op\,ortone sugge.

t onB from that ote iing agnoultural moothly the Anuncan Agrum!tur, ;.t are worthy ot careful conBlaera


aud keep them constant y bnght and sharp: Spades also and if yo have a power gr ndotone t w II pay to grmd coulters cul t ator teeth and plow po nts


and other grass f ntended lor can sumpt on on the farm Bhould also be cut early If to be .old for c ty horBes you will get more hay and a b t e pnce by lett ng t grow unt I he seed s begwn ng to form

MILCH cows should now fnrn sh a fnll pa I of nch milk. See that they bave acc .. s to plenty of f eoh water Uoless the grass s unusual y nch from One to two puts of corn meal st rred 0 a pa of water and gwen tw ce a day w 11 often prove profitable


and cY0nng Btock should have the beat of pastn e and more or leso corn meal soaked n water or cooked The qnant tv will depeod on the age and 0 her c rcumstances As a rnle from ha f a ponnd of meal to one ponnd for each. 100 Ibs of I ve we ght WIll not be over feed ng



EWES AND L.l..'\l1JS

Bhould Imve good paBtn e and a ceaa to water The lambs w 11 pay well for a little gram fed n an nclosure separate from the ewCB For soonr8 change the pasture and let the sheep have what hay they"'WIIl eat


observ ng the fact that a photograph could not be taken through a hoi low glass Accord ngly he lined hlB bat w tb two I n ngB-one of or snge ye low to arrest the chem cal ray and one of green to ar Gst the heat ray ThuB p epa ed he went where the rays of the s n were mOBt ntense w th pe fect mpun ty It

L' well known that the negro s Bel dom snnstro k The color of b • sk n over the skull be ng of tbe or ange yel ow may ass st n aeGount n~ for the fact I pract ced upon

tbIB suggest on all last Bummer I ned my hat w th green and 0 ange yellow paper and bad confiden e enough n the trnth of the theory to neglect my umbrella, wh eh I bad never done hefore I menuoned t to many who tned t also :\ d n many caBes tba came under my ob servat on they un fa mly aBBerted that the oppress ve beat of tbe sun npon the head was ml.'ch e eved

So they set to and made such a repast as they had never dreamed of before By degrees however as the novelty of the th ng wore off. they grew more and more des roDS for somethmg newer and newer still Thongh when thev at first sat down t had seemed that two d shes would

be enough to sat efy them they had now seven or e ght and they were WIsh ng there m ght be othe s com mg There s an end to all th ngs hruhan aud no other came There only remamed the earthen d sh n tbe m ddle of the table

We WIll Just I ft the I d up a I t tIe wee b t sa d the wife

No don t talk abonl I

be carefnl to keep tbe nose and mouth of the sheep ont of the Wa er Tag the sheep before wash Pg

the hnsh9.nd The 'lOlfe sat st 11 for five m nn es

aod then she sa d "If one Jnst I fled up one corner

of the I d, t would "earcely he call ed openmg t, yon koow

Better leave t alone, altolleth"" and Dot think abont I at all

The wife sat 8t II auother five m nntes, and then she sa d If one peeped m JUst the least n the wor d It would not he any harm, surely and I SMidt/, 80 like to know wbat there can poss bly be Nowe what can the Couotbave pnl n that d shP'

Pm sure I CaD t guess n the leas 88ld the busband aud I must say I cau t see what It can slgo fy to h m if ;we did look at t

n No that s wllat.I th nk and he SIdes, how wonld be li:now if we pee~? It wonld not Iiurt hun, 1!&1Ittlle Wife

"No as you say oue could JDSt talEe a look, sa d the husband

The Wife did not want more en oomagement tJUr.n that. Bnt when she lifted one IlIde of the I d the least lDlte soo could see Doth ng She opebed iii the least m te more aDd the hird lIew out. The servant ran aod told his lIIlIBter and the Connt came fdown and drove them out, b d diiig them never eompla n of Adam and Eve auy lDore -Roman Folk LIn;


should be d pped n a solnt ou of oa bolio soap to k II t oks Repeat n two or three weekfl


should have access to fresh water and the run of a good olover or grass pasture. I et them have coal or wood ashes BaIt aulphUT and charcoal-all they w II eat.


,--'~--;:--c~'::"::'--'-:"'~~-:-;-:7--1 PURELY VEGETABLE



Manufa u ed 1)y





A~e4-Char es D Langwort y Br"".l:fi.u.c-Richard S illmau BIYt'l"'~ BYlon Whi ford O.,.u-,-William B MaXjlOn. .DeB1tytor-Barton G S man Ge......--E R.. Crandal HQU,718.fte.ld-Ben anun Mli.uon Indepondenco-.Jobn P L ermo. -LwnMamllB-Asa M We. Nile-Ez Idol B Clarke PO'rlw. o-A. B Granda] Poland-Abel StU1maIL Biekbwrg >-Gso J C a",fall Stat. B1'tdge-;Joseph WeB &ott-Byron L Ba be V.,.on<>-Thom8B Perry WatBon-D P WillSIIl WelUoil e--Charl 0 Bow oy

A. A SHAW W .. ~Ed"""'t n-J B Clarke

co""""'" CUT My • .. BTidgo-Geo g (lreenIWln Wat f01'd--Oll e Max on





w t









All goods warran ed as.rep esented a.nd o d a ,law B pnOOB If you a.re In want C any h ng u my De p an. cal o.nd ex

am DB g oda and pncea







REV A R CORNWALl A M Tea ho of Met&phymca Latin a.nd Na mal Rio­tory

JOSIAH BEARDSLEY A M Ma he­mil. C3 and Greek


MRS E M DENISON P;-ecopt e.s N R DOAN Tea he of Geography and

Ass stant Tea he of Ma: hem.&tics J S MaxSON Teache of Eng sh Gram

rna and V ca Mus c.. G W LAT'lA Teacher ot Penmanship

and Book K.eplDg. , M SS AUGUSTA BEAD Teacher of In

8 umenta1 Mus c. EXPENSES

B ard po week $1 50 to $2 50 Tn ti n per erm $6 $'7 and 8 00 Room Bon ~ 00 InCIdentals 1 \lO Instruruent& Mus c 10 00 Use of Piano 2 00

Students are horoughly dnlled n Elo­cution Readmg Spelllng and Gymnast C8 The CoIll'SO in History comp~. five erma The Course n Botany three term~

in Na urn History S udenls are made pTactieaUy a quaiIlted wuh all the birds in he coun ry

ABBlRtance a given to all young men B udymg fo the llUDlOtry

Young men oomple ing the CoUl'S8 de­.BIgIla.tea m he CatnJ.ogue are gIven the Dogree 9f Bach.elor of Ph 1050phy and young lad es Lanreat. of Philosopliy

The Sprmg Term WilI open Ma.rch 25th and close Juno 18th.

Address A. R CORNWALl:. Alb on Dane Co

BlIODB BI.A.ND 1 t Hopkinton-AJw.d B Bnrd k 2d 2d Hopkin n-B S (lriawo d Rock'Dill6-Jamea R.. Irish W .. t.,. v--8anford P 8 ilIm"n

NEW JERSEY 1f{Uf'lbO'r~ C Bowen No .. Ma lcet-AJb rtrB Apes P a ujidli-Eiban Unphes J31,ilo1.-Renry Hal

~"'NSYL v ANIA.. H~Geo W S Iman Hi fnM om-n-J G eene llouletto-LeRoy LymaIl-

WEST 'V1llGlNIA.. B ea-Z Bee Lost Greek-Wm Kenn dy N ... Ktlwn-J F Rruldo ph N ... 8alem--PreBton F ltando p

A Burdick OHIO

Jad"'rm aen~ e-"-Jacob H Bahco k W1Bcomm

AlbWn-E L Burdick B rl n- Da. us E LeWlB Edu non-Henry W 8 lmaD. Nilton-W G_ Hamil on lIItlt"" Jun wn-L T R g rs Vi Wl--L Coon Wal...,.tk-Howell W: 1U.d~ ph

lLLINO eo F ..... na--O U Whi for<L Villa Ridge--M B lre y W .. t Hallo k-Trnman SauDd rs

ow .... Welton-L A Loofboro 7 aledo-Maxson Babco k




on y as reg'f dB the 8. ~e:u adduced b as showmgfthe ex eme want of b ra 'J and fBlnle whi h char nzeu. t.h rIA

and exeommun c& on of M \ Motion from h Pre by t1 n L1meh.