174. new cool brochure: cool uk; training and mentoring scheme

 Head Office COOL (UK) Limited Suite D5/6 Northbridge House Elm Street Business Park Burnley, Lancashire BB10 1PD T: +44 (0)1282 714184 F: +44 (0)1282 717177 M: +44 (0)7795 418200 [email protected] www.cooluk.co.uk

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Head OfficeCOOL (UK) Limited

Suite D5/6 Northbridge HouseElm Street Business Park

Burnley, LancashireBB10 1PD

T: +44 (0)1282 714184F: +44 (0)1282 717177M: +44 (0)7795 418200

[email protected]


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Welc ome to COOL

Our vision: To he lp level the pla ying field for those with little or no

forma l qua lific ations, by breaking down b arriers to lea rning and

building self confidenc e thereb y enhanc ing the prospe c ts of


We wo rk with p eo p le in de p rived a rea s; they ma y have little o r noqua lifica tions and little c onfidenc e o r self-estee m thus rend ering

them disadvantag ed . We w ork with our clients from the roots,

ta iloring our sup port a nd c ourses to suit their ind ividua l

req uirem ents. With our qua lity pa rtne rships and te am of sta ff, we

offer pe rsona l, soc ia l and em otiona l deve lop me nt. In our unique

and creative ce ntres we offer voc ational training & ac c red itation.

With o ur strong links and effe c tive transition strategies, we o ffer

support beyond COO L. 100% of students leave the p rogram me with new skills, relevant

accreditation and improved prospects. 



Sue Littlefair—Chair

Hea d of Develop ment

Northw est - The Princ e’ s Trust

Terry Burns MBECo -founder - Furniture fo r Edu-

cation Worldwide

Janette Wallis

Lancashire Education Inclusion


Deb ra Brow n

Director—Global Hugs

Dr Neil DuncanSenior Lec turer in Spec ial



Danny Cassidy

Hea lth & Sa fety Manage r


Ga reth Binding

Independent Advisor

Michelle Hanley



We a re a n innovative,

ground-b reaking organisation

working with individua ls

experienc ing the greatest

difficulty engag ing with the

mainstrea m or those; not in

educ ation, emp loyment or


What We Do

We: offe r struc tured , voca tiona l and persona lised tra ining in our

ow n c ent res sta ffed by a skilled wo rkforc e.

provide an a cc red itation p ac kag e that is

me aningful, individualised , atta inab le a nd

ultima tely bene fic ia l to the long term future o fthe c lient.

c onsider tha t c ruc ial to o ur stra tegy of raising

self-estee m is the d eve lop me nt of soc ial and

persona l skills – no t only by p roviding positive role m odels, but

a lso w orking in close c o-op eration w ith p artne rs.

d eliver a wide range of p rac tica l, ac c red ited training w hic h

is rec og nised within the Nationa l Qua lific a tions Frame wo rk,

from Founda tion Lea rning to Leve l 3. 


work with a ll soc ial and we lfa re issues includ ing fo llowing

through c hild p rotec tion issues, offering a me nto ring servic e

and p rovid ing t ransition strateg ies for our c lients through o ur

exce llen t links with the Young Peop le’ s Service , The Prince’ s

Trust, e tc .

provide an a c tive w orking environm ent w here c lients are

ab le to deve lop their skills and dem onstra te and nurture their

ta lent in a w ide range of a rea s.

are d ete rmined , a key fac tor in the p hilosop hy of COOL is

and must rem ain, our co mm itme nt to the long term, positive

d evelopm ent of eac h individua l. 

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COOL Programmes

Our programme s are ta ilored to suit the ind ividual

nee ds. Our most pop ula r p rog ramm es are in Build ing &

Construct ion, Motor Vehicle Stud ies and Ha ir, Bea uty &

Holistic The rapies.

Our qua lifica tion route is designed for the learner who ha s

little in the wa y of fo rma l qua lific a tions. The short ac c red ited

c ourses offer a fa st track to a chievement thereby p rom oting

the a b ility to suc c ee d. These c ourses c onsist of c red its which

c an be ac cumulated over their pe riod of time w ith us. All of

the c red its a re on the QC F and the FLT. In Manc hester, we have a small Schoo l (COOL TLC) w hich

c a ters for young peop le w ho strugg le w ith the m a instrea m

ap proac h to educ ation. We use a more informa l ap proac h

to deliver a d iverse c urriculum to our stud ents. 

Planning & Monitoring

COOL deve lop s Ind ividua l Educ a tion Plans for a ll new lea rn-

ers which a re m onitored and upd ated on a termly ba sis. The

IEPs highlights what is being worked towards and an

a tta inab le ta rge t within a short period to enc ourage learners

to strive to succ eed . 

Sa fety

All full time lea rners c om plete the ir Hea lth & Safety Leve l 1

qua lification before they c ommenc e other

qualific a tions. We have a designa ted Hea lth & Safety

Ma nage r who ensures we are fully com pliant w ith Hea lth &

Safety leg isla tion. We have a t ra ined d esigna ted p erson for

sa feguarding c hild ren in ea ch of o ur c entres and a lso a

Senior Designa ted Person a t Hea d Office. All sta ff at tend

reg ula r tra ining and c ourses reg a rd ing sa feguarding a nd

c hild p rotec tion throug h Loc a l Sa feg ua rd ing Child ren Boa rds. Attenda nce will be monitored to your spe c ifications 

Transition Stra teg ies

Not on ly doe s CO OL provide our lea rners with new skills and

ac c red itation; alongside ac c red itation supp ort our tea m

offe rs vita l soc ial, em ot iona l and beha vioura l support. We

a lso he lp our lea rners deve lop the ir CV and p lan

op portunities for the future, emp ow ering them to b roa den

the ir horizons and think 'outside o f the b ox'. We wo rk c loselywith organisa tions suc h as YPS to ensure young peo p le have

a smo oth transition onto further ed uca tion / emp loyme nt or



Lea rning a t COOL

COOL is approved to

deliver ma ny c ourses on

the Found ation Lea rning

Tie r.

Within foundation learning,

COOL c an o ffer courses in

any of the follow ing a rea s:

Personal, Social and

Emo tiona l Development

Vocational Learning

Func tiona l Skills

(Numerac y / Literacy / ICT)

Our courses a re upd ated

on a regular basis, so

p lea se c onta c t us if you

are interested in a

spec ific c ourse.

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Contact our Team

East Lanc ashire: +44 (0)1282 714 184

Ma nc hester: +44 (0)1612 329 888

Salford: +44 (0)7970 284 929

or you can e-m ail info@c ooluk.co .uk

In the Community

We ha ve rec ently co mp leted various

loc al co mmunity ba sed projec ts

which ha ve b een highly suc c essful

and rew ard ing fo r our lea rners, if you

have a projec t tha t you wo uld likeCOOL to ge t involved in, please d o

not hesita te to c onta c t us!

Rea d a ll about us!

I didn’t really have much confidence when I first started, theatmosphere at COOL UK was much more relaxed than at School and thestaff spoke to us like they valued our opinions they really helped meso ...thank you COOL UK." – Louise Taylor- Ex Student I started at COOL UK (Flixton) in March 2007. When I started I wasn't

interested and my attendance was poor. If I was upset or angry thestaff would talk to me and listen to what I had to say, they also gaveme space. This helped me feel respected and respectful – BenHodkinson – Ex Student  “Your students were unanimous that you, your colleagues and your

organisation gave them more respect than they have received fromteachers and schools in the past and it would be a useful exercise tosee how that message could be fed back even perhaps as far as teachertraining colleges" – Warren J Smith – Lord Lieutenant – GreaterManchester In this way, the school has been able to extend the range of subjects

and activities it can offer, especially in vocational learning and inrecreational pursuits. One such example is the very good link with CoolUK, a local provider, for the provision of vocational education. –Honoree Gordon – HMI "Undoubtedly a life changing experience" - Connexions Manager

"The COOL UK provision has changed the ethos of our school" – Traf-ford Special School Head Teacher

"The provision has been fantastically successful" - Trafford MainstreamSchool

"It's great to deal with an independent company that understands ourpupils and their needs" - Lancashire PRU Head Teacher

I would wholeheartedly recommend COOL UK and consider them to bea quality alternative provider - Julie Bather –PRU Head Teacher 






COOL Partnerships & Sponsorships

CO OL have a strong pa rtnership w ith CSV Training & Ente rprise in the No rthwest, the Princ e’ s Trust, the Young

Peo p le’ s Servic e and the KS4 Engage me nt Prog ram me as well as ma ny other servic e p rovide rs and voluntary


We a lso p rovide sup port to the Cha rity “Furniture fo r Educ ation Worldw ide ” of w hich t he fo und er, Terry Burns MBE is

a m emb er of our Ma nag em ent Com mittee. We have also c om mitted to spo nsoring a c hild through the Charity

“ Working for the Children of Wata mu” .