17 new slide to translate vn - jgc comm training

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  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training





  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training



    By End of this training you will understanding:

     Pre-Comm/Commissioning Area Access requirement.

     To Indentify otential ha!ards and ris"s.

     #ecurity / Access control.

     Commissioning #ignage$s / Tag.

     %nderstand the emergency and e&acuation rocedures

    'ote: 'o wor"ers are allowed to wor" on any

    re-comm or commissioning acti&ities without

    comleting this training.

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    Why this !"-#$%%/#$%%issi$&i&' t!(i&i&')

     It is ( N"* (&+ P$t"&ti(, h((!+$.s h(s" $ th" !$0"#t1

     N"* #$&t!$,s i&t!$+.#"+ t$ %(&('" th" h((!+s1

     T$ (#hi"2" GOAL 3ERO t(!'"t1

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    ( Wh(t is C$%%issi$&i&')


    ( P!"- C$%%issi$&i&'

    ( C$%%issi$&i&'

    ( St(!t - U

    ( N$!%(, O"!(ti$&s

    )echanical Comletion

    #*% + *eady for


    *eady for ando&er 

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    Pre-Comm/Commissioning Processfow

    Site HSEM to review (Sample)

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    ( Wh(t is C$%%issi$&i&')

     P!$0"#t C$%%issi$&i&' is #h"#4i&' (&+ t"sti&'1

     T$ +$ this syst"% *i,, 5" LIVE1

     LIVE syst"% (!" h((!+$.s (&+ &""+ #(!"., %(&('"%"&t1

     A++iti$&(, #$&t!$, (!" &""+1

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    Sources o Energy

    Te o!"ective o te #$T$ proce%ure is te control oa&ar%ous energy sources' Te proce%ure is use% or all typeso a&ar%ous energy sources'

     All these are

    energy sourceElectrical






    lui% / as

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    *at is te a&ar%ousenergy+

    Electricityenerated electrical ower/static

    or electrical storage de&ices


    0inetic energy reresented 1y

    mo&ing arts of mechanical



    Potential energy in ressure

    &essels2 gas tan"s2 hydraulic or

    neumanatic system


    Thermal energy+igh or 3ow

    temerature,result from

    mechanical wor" 2 chemical

    reaction 2 electrical resistances

    and radiation.

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    Causes o a&ar%ous energyacci%ents

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    ,solation can !e acieve% using various meto%san% means inclu%ing

    Close valves Bleed pressure Deconnect


    Installation of curtains/blinds PancakesBlock and purge

    H$*E.E0 ,solation ,S 1$T C$MP#ETE until te energy source isloc2e% out an% mar2e%'  Materials for preventing the use of theequipment and hence isolation of equipment/personnel from thehazardous energy source include (but are not limited to). :

    Padlocks ChainsTags/Labels

    3 $  1 $ T $ P E / 4 T E 

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    What is Lock out / Tag out?What is Lock out / Tag out?

     Co&ers the ser&icing and maintenance of Co&ers the ser&icing and maintenance of 

     machines and equiment in which themachines and equiment in which the

     une4ected start-u or the release of storedune4ected start-u or the release of stored energy could cause in5ury to emloyeesenergy could cause in5ury to emloyees.

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    What is Lock out / Tag out?What is Lock out / Tag out?


    To 3oc" something signifies lacing a adloc" on

    the equiment in such a manner that it can6t 1e

    energi!ed. This is the 1est tye of loc".


    TA# are secially designed tic"ets attached to the switch2

    &al&e etc. that warn the user not to energi!e the system. The

    tag must 1e tied securely and 1e a1le to withstand weather

    conditions such as rain or wind. It must 1e signed 1y the

    authori!ed emloyee.

    'E7E* I'8*E A 98 '8T 8PE*ATE TA

    3$ 1$T


  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


      ““Lock-out”Lock-out” means de-energi!ing and utting ameans de-energi!ing and utting ahysical loc" with a adloc" on the energyhysical loc" with a adloc" on the energy

    isolating de&ice; of a iece of equiment to re&entisolating de&ice; of a iece of equiment to re&ent

    someone from re-energi!ing the equiment andsomeone from re-energi!ing the equiment and

    otentially causing the erson ser&icing theotentially causing the erson ser&icing the

    equiment to 1e in5ured.equiment to 1e in5ured.

    Tag-outTag-out; means de-energi!ing and utting; means de-energi!ing and uttinga warning tag on the energy isolatinga warning tag on the energy isolating

    de&ice; of a iece of equiment to re&entde&ice; of a iece of equiment to re&entsomeone from re-energi!ing the equimentsomeone from re-energi!ing the equiment

    and otentially causing in5ury to the ersonand otentially causing in5ury to the erson

    ser&icing the equiment.ser&icing the equiment.

    What is Lock out / Tag out?What is Lock out / Tag out?

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    What is Lock out / Tag out?What is Lock out / Tag out?

    Tag outTag out

    TagsTags will notwill not be used alone without locks andbe used alone without locks and

    will clearly indicate the ollowing!will clearly indicate the ollowing!

    "ame o the #uthori$ed Person working on the e%ui&ment or"ame o the #uthori$ed Person working on the e%ui&ment or&rocess&rocess

    'ate the lock and tag was installed'ate the lock and tag was installed


  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    *y we use #$T$*y we use #$T$

    (Protect Peole2 Equiment and the En&ironment.Protect Peole2 Equiment and the En&ironment.

    ( Positi&e isolation of ha!ardous energy sourcesPositi&e isolation of ha!ardous energy sources

    ( 9efines resonsi1ilities2 tas" and wor" location.9efines resonsi1ilities2 tas" and wor" location.

    ( Communication2 documentation and trac"ing.Communication2 documentation and trac"ing.

    ( %nder multi-disciline control2 8erations2 )echanical%nder multi-disciline control2 8erations2 )echanical

    ( Consistency in alicationConsistency in alication

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    TE4M *$5 

    ( 4voi% any actions tatmigt reactivatee6uipment

    ( 3o not mistreat loc2s ortags'

    ( 3on7t touc anytingunless you ave inorme%your team mem!ers an%

    your supervisor'

    ( 1ever ignore/remove tagsigne% !y oters

    3$ 1$T


  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    When using T#()*T &lease remember!

    (  Tags are only warning de&icesTags are only warning de&ices

    (  Tags must 1e securely attachedTags must 1e securely attached

    (  )ay e&o"e false sense of security)ay e&o"e false sense of security

    (  Tags do not ro&ide hysical restraintTags do not ro&ide hysical restraint

    (  Tags must ne&er 1e ignoredTags must ne&er 1e ignored

    (  )ust withstand en&ironmental conditions)ust withstand en&ironmental conditions

    (  )ust 1e legi1le and understanda1le)ust 1e legi1le and understanda1le

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    PTW 'uring +ommissioning

     Permit for Construction and commissioning acti&ities area different.

     Both PT< are under the =7C Control. Authori!e PT< issuer for commissioning 1ase on disciline required.

    PT< during Commissioning > Issuing

    =7C Commissioning team.


  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training



     All arties understood of the safety requirement and resonsi1ilities to meet theo&erall commissioning goal of the ro5ect.

     %nderstood the tye of ha!ards.( Electrical( Pressure

    ( Chemical(Thermal on hot surface( Confined #ace( *otating equiment

     %nderstood the emergency e&acuation rocedures.

     'o Permit no wor"

     Comleted commissioning training.

  • 8/9/2019 17 New Slide to Translate VN - JGC Comm Training


    Than" you for your attention

    If you have any question donot hesitate to ask any !"

    #$% personnel.%ven on the &eld' never

    hesitate to solicitation us if

    you have a doubt.a&e a safe good wor" a&e a safe good wor"