17 mac 1824

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  • 8/14/2019 17 mac 1824



    TNGLISH DUTCFITEXTS{n. the Name of theIIolg and Utudioidcd

    nity.Hrs Majesty the King of

    the United Kingdom of GreatBritain and lreland, and HisMajesty the King of the Ne-therlands, desiring to placeupon I footing, mutually bene-ficid Their respective Posses-sions and the Commerce ofTheir Subjects in the Eastfndies, so that the welfare andprosperity of both Nationsmay be promoted, in all timeto come, ruithout those difer-ences and jealousies whichhave, in former times, inter-rupted the harmony whicho.ught always to subsist be-tween Them; anil being anx-ious that all occasions of mis-understanding between Theirrespective Agents may be, asmuch as possible, prevented;and in order to determine cer-tain questions which have oc-curred in the execution of theConvention made at London

    MostTri- fn d,an Naam dr AUshei-Iigste etu OnurdeelbareDriemighein,Zyne Majesteit de Koning

    van het Vereenigde Konin-grik van Groot Britanje enIerland, en Zine Majesteit deKoning der Nederlanden,verlangendehunne respectievebezit tingen en den handelHunner onderdanen in OostIndid op eenen wederkeerigvoordeeligen voet te brengen,zoo dat de welvaart en 1'oor-spoed der beide Natien voor-taan ten allen tyde bevorderdkunnen worden zondor dieoneenigheden n nayver welke,in woeger dagen, de goedeverstandhouding gestoord heb-ben fie steeds tusschen de-zelze behoort te bestaan, enwillende, zoo veel mogelik,alle aanleiding tot misverstandtusschen Hunne respectieveAgenten v66rkornen, als mede,ten einde zekere punten vanyerschil te regelen welke zichhebben opgedaan b5i het ter,

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    r8z4 89on the l3th of August l8l4'in so far as it respects hePossessionsf His NetherlandsMajesty in the East, havenominatedTheir Plenipoten-tiaries, hat is to say:-

    His Majesty the King ofthe Unitecl Kindgom of GreatBritain and Ireland, theRight Honorable GeorgeCanning, a Member of Hissaid Majes{t's Most Honora-ble kivy Council, a Memberof Parliament, and His saidMajes!t's Principal SecretarYof State for Foreign Afairs;and the Right HonorableCharles Watkin WilliamsWynn, a Mcmber of His saidMajestt's Most HonorablePrivy Council, a Member ofParliament, Lieutenant-Colo-nel Commandant of theMontgomeryshire Regimentof Yeomanry Cavalrl, andPresident of His said Majest5/sBoard of Commissioners forthe A-ffairs of India:

    And His Majesby theKing of the Netherlands, Ba-ron Henry F.g"l, Member ofthe Equestrian CorPs of theProvince of Holland, Coun-sellor of State, Knight GranilCross of the Royal Order ofthe Belgic Lion, and of theRoyal Guelphic Order, andAmbassador Extraordinary and

    uiwoer leggen van de Conven-tie den f3 Augustus, 1814, teLondon gesloten, voor zoo verdezelve betrekLing heeft tot debezittingen van Zine Maj esteitden Koning der Nederlanderiin Oost Indi6, hebben totGevolmagtigden benoemd, teweten:-

    Zyne Majesteit de Koningvan Groot Britanje, den lleerGeorge Canning, Lid vanZyner Majesteits GeheimenRaad, en van het Parlementmitsgaders Hoogstdeszelfseersten Secretaris van Staatvoor de Buitenlandsch e Zaken ien den Heer Charles WatkinWilliams Wynt, Lid YanZyner Majesteits GeheimenRaad, en van het Parlement,Lieutenaut-Kolonel Kom-manderend.e het RegimentVrywilligers te Paard van hetGraafschap MontgomerY, mits-gaders President Yan hetkoilegie van Komnrissarissenvoor de Indische Zaken;-

    En Zlne Majesteit de Ko-ning der Nederlanden, denBaron Hendrik F"g"l, Lid derRidderschaP van de ProvincieHolland, Staatsraad, Groot-Kruis der KodinglYke Ordenvan den NederlandschonLeeuw, en der Guelfen, mits-gaders Hoogstdeszelfs Ertra-ordina.ris Ambassadeur .etl

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    90 CONSOLIDATED TREATY SERIESPlenipotentiary of His saidMajesty to I{is MajestY theKing of Great Britain; andAnton Reinhard Falck, Com-mander of the Royal Order ofthe Belgic Lion, and His saidMajesfs Minister of the De-partment of Public Instruction,National Industry, and Colo-nies;-

    Who, after having mutu-ally communicated their FullPowers, found in good anddue form, have agreed on thefollowing Articles:

    l. The High ContractingParties engage to admit theSubjects of each other totrade with Thcir resPectivePossessions in the liasternArchipelago, and on the Conti-nent of India, and in CeYlon,upon the footiirg of the mostfavoured Nation; Their res-pective Subject's conformingthemselves to the local Regu-lations of each Settlement.

    2. The Subjects and Ves-sels of one Nation shall notPaYr uPon imPortation or ex-portation, at the Ports of theOther in the Eastern Seas,any duty at a rate beYond thedouble of that at which theSubjecgs and Vessels of theNation to which the Portbelongs, are charged.

    The duties paid on exPorts

    Plenipotentiaris aan het Hofvan London; en den HeerAnton Reinha.rd Falcl Kom-mandeur der Koningl.Vke Or-den van den NederlandschenLeeuw, en Minister voor hetPublicke onderwis, de Na-tionale Nyverheid, en de Ko-lonien;-

    De welke, na wederzydschemededeeling van hunne vol-magten, die in goeden en be-hoorljken vorm bevondenz!n,de volgende Artikelen hebbenvastgesteld:

    l. De Hooge Contracte-rende Partyen verbinden zichom in hunne respectieve be-zittingen in den OosterschenArchipel, en op het vaste landvan Indi6, en op Ceylon, elk-a^ndersonderda^nen en handeltoetelaten op den voet dermeest begunstigde Natie; welverstaande dat de weder-zydsche onderdanen zich zul-Ien gedragen overeenkomstigde plaatzelyke verordeningenvan ellie bezitting.2. De onderdanen en sche-pen Yan de eene Natie zullentby den in-en uitvoer in en Yande havens der andere in deOostersche Zeden, geene reg-ten betalen hooger dan ten be-dragevan het dubbelde van die,waarmede de onderdanen enschepen der Natie aan welke dehaven toebehoort, belast zin.

    De regten voor den in -of

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    r8z4 9 ror imports at a British Port,on the Continent of Indiar orin Ceylon, on Dutch bottoms,shall be arranged so as, in nocase, to be charged at morethan double the amount of theduties paid by British Sub-j6ct$, and on British bottoms.

    In regard to any articleupon which no duty is impo-sed, when imported or ex-ported by the Subjects, or onthe Vessels, of the Nation towhich the Port belongs, theduty charged upon the Sub-jects or Vessels of the Other,sholl, in no cnse, erceed sixper cent.3. The High ContractingParties enge, that no TreutYhereafter made by Either, withany Native Power in theEastern Seas, shall containany Article tending, eitherexpressly, or by the impositionof unequal duties, to excludethe Tbade of the other Partyfrom the Ports of such NativePower: and that if, itt *YTrerty now existing on eitherPart, any Article to that efecthas been admitted, such Arti-c-le shall be abrogated uPonthe conclusion of the PresentTreaty.

    uitvoer, met Nederlandschebodems, in eene Britschebaven, op het vastp land vanIndi6, of op Ceylon, betaaldwordende zullen i. ' dezervoege worden gewyzigd, datdeswege, in geen geval, meerberekend worde dan het dub-belde der regten door Britscheonderdanen, en Yoor Britschebodems, te betalen.

    Met betrekking tot dieartikelen op welke geen regtgesteld is, wanneer zy wordenin-of uitgevoerd door de on-derdanen of in de schependerNatie aan velke de haven toe-behoort zullen de regten aande onderdanen der andcre op-tcleggerr, in geen geval, meerbedragcn dan zes tcn honderd.3. Dc Hooge Contracte-rende Partyen beloven datgeen tfractaat, voortaan, dooren derzelve met eenigenStaat in de Oostersche Zedente maken, eenig Artikel behel-sen zal, shellkende, het' zi'regstreeks, het zy door opleg-ging, van ongellke regten, omden koophandel der andereParty van de havens Yan zoo-danigen inlandschen Staat.uit-tesluiten, en dat, by aldien ineeneder tharrs aan w&rskantenbestaande oYereenkomsten,eenig Artikel met die bedoelingis opgenomengeworden zooda-nig Artikel, by het sluiten destegenwoordigen tractaats, bui-ten effect gesteld worden zal.

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    9? CONSOLIDATED TREATY SER IESIt is understood that be-fore the conclusionof the pre-sent Tleaty, communicationhas been madeby eachof theConbacting Parties to theOther, of all Treaties or En-gagements subsisting betweenEach of Them, respectivelnand any Native Power in theEastern Seas; anil that thelike communication shall be-bade of all such Tleaties con-

    dlu{ed by Them, respectivelSherea,fter.4. Their Britannick andNetherlands Majesties engageto grve strict Orders, as wellto Their Civil and MilitarYAuthorities, as to Their Shipsof Wa,r, to respect he freedomof Trade, establishedby Arti-des l, 2, ancl31 and, in nocase, o impedea free commu-nication of the Nativos in theEastern Archipelago,with thoPorts of theTwo Governments,respectively,or of the Subjectsof the Two Governmentswiththe Ports belongingto NativePowers.

    5. Their Britannick andNetherlandsMajesties, n likemannerr engage o concuref-fectually in repressing Piracyin those Seas:They will notgrant either asylum or protec-tion to Vessels engaged inPiracy, and 'Ihey will in nocasepermit the Ships or Mer-

    Over en freder in verstaanda! v66r het sluiten van ditTbactaat, door elke der Con-tracterende Partyen aan deandere mededeeling is gedaanvan alle tractaten of verbind-tenissen tusschen dezelve re-spectievelyk en eenige Inlands-che Regering in de OosterscheZeden bestaande, en dat Selykemededeeling geschiedenzal v anal zooda.nige verbindtenissen,in het vervolg, door dezelverespectievelyk antegaan.

    4. Hunne Groot Britan-nische en Nederlandsche Ma-jesteiten beloven stellige be-velen te geYen, zoo wel aanhunne bwgerljke en militairebdambten, als aan hunne oor-logschepen, om de vriheid vanhandel, by Art lr 2ren 3, vast-gesteld, te eerbiedigen en, ingeen geval hinder toetebren-gen aan de gemeenschap derinbooriingen van den Ooster-sche Archipel met de havensder twee Gouvernementen re-spectievely\ noch aan die derwederzidsche ond.erdanen metde havens toebehorende aaninlandsche Regeringen.

    5. Hunne Groot Britan-nische en Nederlandsche Ma'jesteiten verbinden zich, ingelyker Yoege, om krachtdadigbytedragen tot het beteugelender zeerovery in die Zeilen.Zj ztilen geene schuilplaatsof bescherming verleenen aanvaatuigen met welken Tnercnf

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    1 8 z4 93chandize captured by suchVessels to be introduced, de-posited, or sold, in any ofTheir Possessions.

    . 6. It is agreeil that Orderss[al.l be given by the two Go-v'eniments to Their Officersand Agents in the Easf not toform any new Settlement onanyof the Islands in the East-ern Seas,without previous au-thority from their respectiveGovernments n Europe.

    7. The Molucca Islan&,and especiallyAmboyna, Ban-dq Ternate, and their imme-diate Dcpendencies,are ex-cepted, from the op:ration oftlrclr21 3, nnd 4 Articles un-til the Netherlands Govern-ment shall thinlc fit to aban-don the Monopoly of Spices;but if the said Governmentshall, at any time previous tosuch abandonmentof the mo-nopoly, allow the Subjects ofa^uyPower,other than a NativeAsiatic Power, o carry on anyCommercial Intercourse withthe said Islands, the Subjectsof His Britannick Majestyshatl be admitted to such In-tercourse, upon a footing pre-ciselysimilar.

    8. His NetherlandsMajesty

    bedreven wordt, en znllen ingeen geval, veroorloven datschepen of goerderen, doorzullre vaartuigen buit ge-maakt, in eenige van hunnebezittingen ingevoerd, be-ward, of verkocht worden.

    6. Er is overeengekomendat door beide Gouvernmen-ten aan Hunne Ofrcieren enAgenten in Oost-Indid bevelzal worden gEleven om geennieuw kantoor op een derOostersche Eilanden opteng-ten, zonder voorafgaanile mag-tiging van hunne respectieveGouvernementen in Europa.

    7. Yan de toepassing derArtikelen l,21 3, en 4, wordende Moluksche Eilanden, enspeciaal Ambon, Banda, enTernate, met derzelver on-middelyke onderhoorigheden,uitgezonderd, tot tyd en wjlehet Nederlandsch Gouverne-ment raadzaam oordeelen zalvan den alleenhandel i^ Sp"-cerien aftezien; maar zoo ditGouvernement immer, v66rzooda,nige afschafing van denalleenhandel, aan de onderda-nen van eenige Mogendheid,anders dan een inlandschenAziatischen Staa! veroorloovenmogt eenig handelsverkeermetd.ie Eilanden te onderhouden,zullen de onderdanen van Zynetsritsche Majesteit op een vol-strelsgelyken voet tot zoodanigverkeer worden toegelaten.

    s. Zyne Majesteit de Koning

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    9+ CONSOLIDATED TREATY SERI EScedes to His Britanniclc Ma-jesty all His Establishmentson the Contirrent of India;and renounces all privilegesand exemptions er{oyed orclaimed in virtue of those Esta-blishments.

    9. The Factory of FortMarlborough, and all the Eng-lrph Possessions on the Islandof Sumatra" are hereby cededto His Netherlands MajestY:and His Britannick Majestyfurther engages that no BritishSettlement shall be fornred onthet Island, nor any Treatyconcluded by British Authority,with any Native Prince, Chief,or State therein.

    lO. The Town and Fort ofMalacca, and its Dependen-cies, are hereby ceded to HisBritannick Majesty; and HisNetherlands Maje,sty engages,for HimseU and His Subjects,never to form any Establish-ment on any part of the Penin-sula of Malacca, or to concludeany Tleaty with any NativePrince, Chief, or State therein.

    f f . His Britannick Majestywithdrawsthe objectionswhichhavs beenmade o the occupa-

    der Nederlandenstaataan ZyneGroot Britannische Majesteitafr rlle Zyne Establissementenop het vaste land van Indi, enziet van allevoorregten envrY-stellingen afrwelke, ter zake vandeze etablissementen, genoten,of gereclameerdgeworden zyn.

    9. De Factory Yan FortMarlboroug\ en al de bezit-tingen van Groot Britanje ophet Eiland S'matrar wordenby dezen afgestaan aan Z1ineMajesteit den Koning der Ne-derlanden, en Zjne GrootBritannische Majesteit beloofd,dat op dat Eiland geen Britschkantoor zal worclen opgerigt,noch eenig Trataat onder Bri-tsch gezaggesloten met eenigender inlandsche vorsten, opper-hoofden, of staten op hetzelvegevestigd.

    lO. De stad err vestirrg vanMalakka met derzelver onder-hoorigheden worden by dezenafgestaan aan Zyne GrootBritannische Majesteit, enZyne Majesteit de Koning derNederlanden belooft, voorzichen voor Zlne onderdanen,nimmer op eenig gedeelte vanhet Schiereiland van Malakkaeen kantoor te zullen oprigten,of Tractaten te zullen sluitenmet eenigen der inlandschevorsten of staten, op datSchiereiland gevestigd.

    ll, Zyne Groot Britan-nische Majesteit ziet af vanalle vertoogen tegen het be-

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    rBz+ 95tion of the Islanil of Billitonand ib Dependencies, by theAgents of the NetherlandsGovernmenL

    f 2. His Netherlands Majestywithdraws the objections whichhave been made to the occupa-tiop 9f the Island of Singa-porr.,by the Subjects of HisBritarinick Majesty.

    His Britannick Majesty,however, engages, that no Bri-tish Establisbment shall bemade on the Carimon Isles, oron the Islands of Battam, Bin-tang Lingin, or on any of theother Islands south of theShaights of Singapore, norany Tleaty conclude by Bri-tish Authority with the Chiefsof those Islands.

    13. All the Colonies, Pos-sessions, and EstablishmenLiwhich are ceded by the prece-ding Articles, shall be deliver-ed up to the Officrcrs of the re-spective Soverefuns on the lstof March, 1825. The fortifi-cations shall remain in thestate in which they shall be atthe period of the notificationof this Tleaf in India; butno claim shall be made, oneither side, for ordnance, orstores of any description, eitherleft or removed by the cedingPower, nor.for anyarrears ofrevenue, or any charge ofadministration whatever.

    zehterl.van het Eiland Billitonen deszelfs onderhoorighedendoor de Agenten van het Ne-derlandsch Gouvernement.

    12. Zine Mdjesteit de Ko-ning der Nederlanden ziet a!van alle vertoogen tcgen hetbezetten van het Eiland Sin-kapoor door de onderdanlnvan Zlne Groot BritannischeMajesteit.

    Daarentegen belooft ZineGroot Britannische Majesteitdat geen Britschkantoor zalworden opgerigt op de Cari-mons Eilanden, of op de Ei-landen Battam, Bintang Ling-in, of op eenig der anderenEilanden liggende ten zuidenvan Straat Sinkapoer, en datmet detzelver opporhoofdengeene Thactaten onder Britschgezaggesloten zullen worden.

    13. Al de Kolonien, be-zittingen, en etablissementen,die, bi de vorenstaade Arti-kelqn worden destaan, zul-len aan de Ofrcieren der re-spectieve Souvereinen over-gegeven worden op den IMaart, 1825. De Vestingenzullen bliven in den toestandin welke zj zich zullen bevin-den ten tide van het bekendworden des tegenwoordigenTlactaats in Indi6, doch geenevordering zal, noch aan de eennoch aa,n de andere zjde, ges-chieden, ter zake, het zy vangeschut ofbehoeften vau eeni-gen aard, door de afstaande

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    14. All the inhabitants ofthe Teritories hereby ceiled,shall enjon for a period ofSix Years froT the date ofthe Raffication of the presentTtgrty, the liberty of dispo-sln$, as they please, of theirproirerty, end of transportingthemselves, without let or hind-rance, to any Couatry to whichthey may wish to remove.15. The High ContractingParties agree that none of theTerritories or Establishmentsmentioned in Articles 8, 9, 10,ll, and 12, shall be, at anyti.me, transferred to any otherPower. In case of any of thesaid Possessions being aban-doned by one of the presentContracting Parties, the rightof occupation .thereof shalli-mediately passto the Other.

    f6. It is agreed that all ac-counts and reclamations, ari-sing out of the restoration ofJava, and other Possessions,to the Officers of His Nether.lands Majesty in the East In-diesr-as well those whichwere the sibject of a Conven-tion made at Java on the 24thof June, l8l/, between theCommissieaglr of the T\vo

    Mogendheid of achteryelatenof medegomen, het zi varrachterstallige inkomsten, of vanlasten van het bestuur, hire ookgenaa,md.

    14. Al de ingezetenen vartde hnden by dezen afgestaan,zullen, gedurende den tyd vanzes jaren, te rekenen van deRatificatie van het tegenwoor-dig Tractaat, de vryheid heb-ben om, naar welgevallen, overhun eigendom te beschikken,en zich, zonder hinder of be-l"t, te begeven werwaarts zizullen goedvinden.

    15. De Hooge Conhacte-rende Partjen komen overeentdat geen der landen of eta-blissementen by Artikelen 8,9, lO, ll, en 12, verrreld, im-mer aan eenige andere Mo-gendheid zal mogen overge-dragen worden. In gpval dateenige dier bezettingeu dooreene del thans ContracterendePartien verlaten wordt, zullenhare regten tot dezelve onmid-d.lyk op de andere PaftyovergaaD.16. Er is overeengekomendat alle rekeningen of vorder-ingen voortgesproten uit detenrggave van Java en andereetablissementen aan de Offi-cieren van Zine Majesteit denKoning der Nederlanden inOost-Indi6, zoo wel die rrelkehet onilerwerp hebben uitge-maakt eener Conventie op Ja-va, den 24 Jwi l8lf, tuss-

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    18z4 97Natioris, as all others, shall befinally and completely closeda,nd satisfieil, on the payrmentof the zum of fI(DrOOO, ster-ling money, to be made inLondon on the part of the Ne-therlands, before the expira.tion of the Year 1825.

    1 . Ttre present Treaty shallbe ratffied, and the Ratifica-tions exchanged at London,within Three Months from thedate hereof, or sooner f possi-ble.

    In witness whereof, the re-spective Plenipotentiaries havesigned the same, and afrxedthereunto the Seals of theirArrns.

    Dono at London, thelfth day of March, in theYear of our Lord 1824.(L.S.)GEORGE CANNTNG.,- ..CHARLES WATKINt"'oJwILLIAMs wYNN.

    chen de Kommissarissen d.erbeide Nstien gesloten, als alleandere hoe ook genaamd, fi-naal, en ten volle afgedaanzullen zya, behoudens de be-taling eener som van tlOorO0osterling, van den kant derNederlanden, te bewerkstelli-gen in London v6dr het eindavan het Jaar 1825,

    lf . Het tegenwoordige Tlac-tazt zal worden geratificeerd,en de Ratfficatien zullenwordenuitgewisseld te London binnendrie maanden na dato dezes,of eerder indien mogelyk.

    Ten oorkonden dezes heb-ben de respectieve Plenipo-tentiarissen deze getekend enmet het zegel hunner wapeneubekrachtigd.

    Aldus gedaan te Londonden 17 MaBrb in het Jaaronzes Heeren 1824.

    (L.s.) H. FAGEL.(L.S.) A. R. FALCK.

    Note addressedbg tln British Plmipotmti.aries to the PIEni-potenti*ri.esof TheNethslnnds.

    IN proceeding o the signatureof the Treatywhich hasbeenagreedupon, the Plenipotentia.riesof His Bdtannick Majestyhavegreat satisfaction n recording their senseof the friendlyand liberal spirit which has been evinced by Their Excellenciesthe Plenipotentiariesof His NetherlandsMajesty; and theircon-viction that there is, on both sides,an equaldisposition to carr5;into effect, with sincerity *d gooil faith, the Stipulations ofthe Treoty, in the sonsen which they havebeennegotiated

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    98 CONSOLIDATED TREATY SERIESThe differences which gave rise to the Present discussion aresuch as it is difficult to adjust by formal Stipulation: consisting'

    in gteat par! ofjealousies anil suspicions, ancl arising out of theacts of zubordinate Ag"ttt", they am only be removed by a frankdeclaration of intention, anil a mutual understand'ing as to prin-ciples between the Governments themselves-

    The disavowal of the proceedings whereby the executionof the Convention, of August 1814, was retarded, must havesatisfied their Excellencies the Netherlands Plenipotentiaries, ofthe scrupulous regard with which Englarrd always fulfils IIerengagements.s. Se Bdtish Plenipotentiaries record, with sincere pleasure,tlie qolemn disavowal, on the part of the Netherlands Govern-men! of any design to aimr either at politicaf supremacy, orat commercial monopoly in the Eastern Archipelago. Th"Jwillingly acknowledge the readinesswith which the NetherlandsPlenipotentiaries have entered into Stipulations, calculabed opto-ot" the most perfect freedom of Trade betwecnthe Sulrjectsof th" T*o Crowns, and their respectivc Dependencies, in thatpart of the World.

    The Undersigned are authorized to express the full concur-rence of His Britannick Majesty, in the enlightened views ofHis Majesfy the King of The Netherlands.

    Aware 6f tn" difficulty of adapting, at once, to a longestablished system of monopoln the principles of commercialplicy which are now laid down, the Undersigned hav,e,beenauthorized to consent to the exception of the Molucca Islandsfrom the general Stipulation for Freedom of Trade, contailed inthe Treaty. They irust, however, that as the necessity for thisexception is occasioned solely by the difficulty of abrogatingt atthe present moment' the Monopoly of Spices, its operation willbe strictly Iimited by that necessity.

    rr,e gritish Plenipotentiaries rinderstancl the term Moluccas,as applicable to that cluster of Islands which has Celebes tothe'*eshard, New Cuin? to the Eastward, and Timor to th9Southward; but that these three Islands are not comprehendedin the exception: nor would it have includecl Ceram, if thesituation of ihat Island, in referenceto the two principal SpiceIsles, Amboyna and Banda, had not required a prohibition ofintercourse with it, so long as the Monopoly of Spices shall bemaintained.

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    The'Ierritorial exchanges which have been thought expe-dient for avoiding a collision of interests, render it incumbentupon the Plenipotentiaries of His Britannick Majesty to make,and to require, some explanations with re1qct to the P:ptl-dents and Allies of England, in the Islar-rdfrom which She isabout to withdraw.

    .A Treaty concluded in the Year I8l9 by British-Agents,.itit th" King of Acheen, is incompatible with the 3rd Articleof dre,present Treaty. The British Plenipotentiaries therefore,undertrke that tle Treaty with Acheen shall, assoon asipossiblebe modified into a simple arrangement for the hospitable receP-tion of British Vessels and Subjects in the Port of Acheen'But as some of the Provisions of that Treaty (which has beencommunicated to the Netherlands Plenipotentiaries) will beconducive to the general interests of Europeans established inthe Eastern Seas, hey trust that the Netherlands Governmentwill take measures or securing the benefit of those Provisions.And they express their confidence, that no measures,hostile tothe King of Acheen, will be adoptcd by the new PossessorofFort Marlborough.

    It is no lcss the duty of the British Plenipotentiaries torecommend to tho friendly and paternal protection of the Ne-therlands Governmenf the interests of the Natives and Settlers,subject to the ancient Factory of England at Berrcoolen.

    This appeal is the more necessar5r,because, so lately as theYear 1818, Treaties were made with the Native Chiefs, bywhich their situation was much improved. The system offorced cultivation and delivery of Pepper wa-sabolished; en-couragement was given to the cultivation of Bice; the relationsbetween the cultivating Classes and the Chiefs of the Districtswere adjusted; the ProPerty in the soil was recognized in thoseChiefs; and all interference in the detailed management of theInterior was withdrawn, by removing the European Residentsfrom the Out-Stations, and substituting in their room NativeOfficers. Afl these measures were calculated greatly to promotethe interests of the Native Inhabitants-

    In reco--ending these interests to the care of the Nether-lands Government, the Undersigned request the Plenipoten'tiaries of His Netherlands Majesty to aszure their Goverrlmentthat a corresponding attention will be paid, on the pa'rt of theBittish Authorities, to the Inhabitants of Malacca, and the

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    IOO CONSOLIDATED TREATY SERIESother Netherlands Settlements which are tmnsferred to GreatBritain.

    In conclusion, the Plenipotentiaries of His BritannickMaj.esty congratulate Their Excellencies the Netherlands Pleni-potentiaries, upon the huppy termination of their Conferences.They feel aszured, that under the Arrangement which is nowconcluded, the commerce of both Nations will flourish, and thatthe two Allies will preseree inviolate, in Asia, no less than inEurope, the fiendship which has, from old times, zubsistedbetween them. The disputes being now ended, which, duringtwo Centuries, have oceasiona\ produced irritation, there willtenceforward be no rivalry between the English and the DutchNations in the East, except for the more efiectual establishmentof those principles of liberel policy which both have this dayasserted in the face of the \{orld.

    The Undersigned request Their Excellencies the Plenipoten-tiaries of His Netherlands Majesty will accept tho assurancesof their distinguished consideration.


    I'ondon, March 17, 1824.

    Rqly of the Nethdands Plmi.potuttinri'es to the Note of theP I mipotentiaries of Great Brit ain.

    Lns Soussfn6s, Pl6nipo-tentiaires de Sa Majestd leRoi des Pays-Bas,ont trouv6,dans a Note qui vient de leur6tre remise par Leurs Excel-lences Messieurs es Pl6nipo-tentiaires Britanniques, unrdsumd iddle des communica-tions qui avaient eu lieu il'6poqueof des circonstances,ind6pendantesde Ia volontddes N6gociateurs, amenirentla suspension de leurs Con-fCrences.

    (TnaNsr.etroN.)Trrp Undersigned, Pleni-

    potentiaries of His MajestYthe King of The Netherlands,have found in the Notewhich is just delivered tothem by Their Excellenciesthe British Plenipotentiaries,a faithful recapihrlation of thecommunications which hadtaken place at the time whencircumstances, independent ofthe will of the Negotiators,caused a suspension of theirConferences.

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    tBz4 I O IAppelds i reprendre un

    travail dont l'achDvement atoujours 6td d6sir6 de part etdtautre avec une Cgale sin-crit6, les Soussigns n'ontpas trirdd i reconnaitre dansleurs Collabolzteurs, cet espritdz6qutt et de conciliation,qui facilite l'arrangement desquestions les plus compliqu6estet auquel ils nepeuvent rendrehommage dans un momentplus opporhrn que celui quiva sanctionner, parla signatured'un TYait6 formel, les disposi-tions adopt6es aprEs le Plusm0r examenrcomme 6minem-ment utiles pour le maintiende la bonne intelligence, m6meentrc les Agcns inf6rieurs desPuissa,ncesContractantes.

    Ce but essentief cette ten-dance principale du Tlait6tsont palpables pour tous ceuxqui en lisent avec attentionles diff6rens Articles. Ce quis'y trouve erpressment sti-pul6, semble devoir sufrre Pourlever, dun commun accord,toute incertitude qui pourraitse pr6senter par la zuite. Ce-pendan! oornme Messieursles Pl6nipotentiaires Britaruri-ques ont cru devoir entrer dansquelques d6tails ult6rieurs, lesSoussignds, qui, de leur cdt6tsentent l'importance de ne riendonner au hasard, dans unematidre aussi int6ressantc, nefont aucune 'lificultd de les

    Summoned to resnme awor\ the completion of whichhas ever been desired withequal sincerity by both Par-ties, the Undersigned have notfailed to recognize in tbeirCo-labourers in this work,that spirit of equity andconciliation which facilitatesthe arrangement of the mostcomplicated questions, a^nd towhich they cannot do justiceat a time more- fitting thanthat which is about to sanction,by the signature of a formalTreaty, the resolutions, adoptedafter a most strict examinetion,as eminently useful for themaintenance of a good under-standingl even among theinferior Agents of the Con-- tracting Powers.

    ltris essential aim andprincipal tendency of theTtety is evident to all whoread its difierent Articleswith attention. What istherein expressly stipulatedought to sufrce for the remo-val, by courmon consent, ofall uncertainty which mightpresent itsef in the sequel,However, as the BdtishPlenipotentia.ries have consi-dered it neoessarJr to enterinto some firrther details, theUndersfned, who, on theirpart a,re sensible of the im-portance of leaving nothingdoubtful, in so important anafrer, have no ,titrculty in

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    I 0 2 CONSOLIDATED TREATY SERIESsuiYre dans ces ddtails, et decompl6ter, par le d6veloppe-ment succinct de leur manidrede voir, la r6ponse, due pareux i la susdite Note de LeursExcellences.

    UArticle / renferme uneexception au principe g6n6ralde la libert6 du commerce.La n6cessit6 de cette excelFtion, d6ji admise par l'An-gleterre dans les Conf6rencesde t82O, repose sur l'exist-eDce du systbme relatif auCommerce exclusif des EPi-ceries. Si les d6lib6rationsdu Gouvernement des PaYs-Bas conduisent i I'abandon dece systEme, aussit0t Ie com-rneree libre reprend ses droits,et tout cet ArchiPel, qui a 6t6fort justement d6crit commecompris entl.e Cdl6bes, Ilmor,et La Nuutelk Quin6e, estouvert i toutes les sPdculationsl6gitimes, sur le Pied i 6tablirpar les Ordonnances locales,et, pour oe qur concerne enparticulier les Sujets de SaMajestd Britannique, conform6ment aux bases consacr6espar le frait6 Pour toutes lesPossestions Asiatiques desdeux Parties Oontractantes.

    Par contre, aussi long-tens que I'excePtion dont ils'agit, reste en vigueur, lesnavires qui traversent lesMoluques, doivent s'abstenir

    following them through thesedetails, and in supplying, bya concise display of their viewof the subject, the answer tocrhich is due from them to theaforesaid Note of Their Excel-lencies.

    The 7th Article containsan exception to the generalprinciple of liberty of com-merce. The necessity of thatexception, already admitted byEngland in the Conferences of182Q rests upon the existenceof the system which respectsthe exclusive Trade in Spice.Should the determinations ofthe Government of tlre Nether-lands lead to the abandonnrcntof that systern, the rfoh* offree trade will be immediatlyrestored, and the whole of thatArchipelago, which has beenvery justly described as com-prised between Celzbest rmnr,and New Gui,nea, will be opento all lawful speculations, onthe footing to be establisheilby local Ordinances, and, so ara-s particularly concerns theSubjects of His BritanniekMajesty, in conformity *iththe grounds sanctioned bY theTlerW for all the Asiatic Pos-sessions of the T\rvo Contract-ing Powers.

    On the other hand, solong as the exception in ques-tion remains in force, theShips which tmverse theMoluccas must refrain from

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    1 8 z4 r03de relAcher, dat's dautresPorts que ceux dont la dd-signation a 6t6 officiel lemerrtcommuniqu6e alu( PuissancesMaritimes il y a quelquesAn-n6es; sauf es cas de ddtressepoul^ esquels il est zuperflud'pjthrtir, q.u'ils houveront,danstotrs les endroits ori flottele'Pavillon des Pays-Bas, esserviceset les secoursdis il'humanit6 soufriante.Si le Gouvernementde laGrande Bretagne pense qu'ily a un avantage 6el pour lui ice qu'en se d6gageant daprbsles principes consacr6spar leTmit6 qui va 6tre sign6, desliaisons que ses Agens ormE-ren! il y a quatreou cinq Ans,dans lo Royat'-e ilAcheen,il assure, pa.r quelque stipu-lation nouvelle, l'accueil hos-pitalier des Sujets et Vsis-seaux Britanniques dans les-Ports de ce Royaumer-lesSoussign6s n'h&itent pas Ad6clarer que, de leur c6t6, funty voyent aucun inconv6ni-ent; et ils croyent pouvoiras$uer, en m6me tems, queleur Gouvernement s'appli-querar so.s ddlail i r6gulariserses rapports zvecAchem, demanibre que cet Eta! saasrien perdre de son ind6pen-dance, ofte au navigateur etau commertant cettn con-stantes6curit6, qui semble nepouvoir y 6ne dtablie quepar l'exercice moddr6 d'wre

    touching at auy Ports butthose whereof the descriptiouhas been officially commu-nicated tn the MaritimePowen some Years back;except in casesof distress, i'lwhich it is sriperfluow to add,that they will find in all Placeswhere the Flag of the Nether-land.smaybe Ayr"g, thosegoodoffices and succourswbich aredue o sufiering humanity.If the Government of GreatBritain conceivest to be a realadvantage, hat, by rlissnga-gtng itself, according to theprinciples sanctionedby theTreaty which is about to beslgne4 from the connectionswhich were formed by itsAgents, four or five Years qo,in the Kingdom of Acheen, tsecures, by some new clause,the hospitable reception ofBritish Vessels and Subjectsin the Ports of that Kingdom,the Undersigned hesitate notto declare, hat on their part,they do not seea.ny ditrsultyin it and conceivethat theymay assert at the same time,that their Government willapply i*elf, without delay, toregulat its relations withAchetn, in sucha manner, thatthat State, without losing anything of its indepenilence,mayoffer both to the sailor andthe merchantr that constantsecurity which can only beestablished by the mode-

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    ro+ CONSOLIDATED TREATY SERIESinfluence Europ6enne.

    A I'appui des inforrnationscontenues dans la dernidreNote de Messieurs les Pl6ni-potentiaireg Britanniques, auzujet de Bmroolen,Leurs Ex-cellencesont communiqudaurSoussign6s es deux Convsu-tions respectivementsign6ese23 Mai etle 4 Juillet de 1818,fun cdt6 par lc Lieutenant-Gouverneur de cet Etablisse-nent et de l'autre par lesChefs de quelques Tlibusvoisines. On leur a aussi aitpart d'une d6p6che du Gou-verneur-G6n6ral en Conseil,alatdede Fort Willi'amt le 9Mai, 1823,et daprbs laquellol'adminishation Britannique aaboli au Fort Marlborough lemonopoledu Poiwe, encourag6la sulhrre du Riz, et plac6 surun pied stableet uniforme, lesrapports des diff6rentesclassesde Natifs, tant entre elles,qrt'avec eurs Chefs. Or, pourautant que les Soussign6snese trompent point en suppo-san! que le but de ces ar-rengemensa 6t6 dtassurer laprospdritd agricolede la Colo.nie, et iPdcarter les vexationsqui r6sultent souvent du con-tact immddiat de Ia populationindigbne avec les Autorit6ssubalternes dune administra-tion 6trangEre, ils 6prouventule grande satisfaction i dire,que loin davoir i redouter des

    fate exerciseof Europeau in-fluence.In support of the informa-tion containeil n the last Noteof the British Plenipoteutia-ries, on the zubject of. Bat-coolm,their Excdlencies havecommunicated to tha Under-signed the two Conveutionsrespectively signed on the23rd of Mayrand he 4th Juln1818, by the Lieutenant-Go.yernor of that Establishmenton the one side, anil by theChiefs of some neighbouringTribes, on the other. Th"yhave likewise communicateda Despatch of the Governor-General in Counc[ datedFmt William, the 9th of May,1823,and accorclingo whichthe British Governuent hasabolishedat Fort Marlboroughthe monopoly of Pepper,encouraged. he sultivation ofRice, and plactd on a firnand uniform footing the rela-tions of the difl'erent classesof Natives, as well arnongthemselves, as lvith theirChiefs. But ins-"much s theUndersigned are not wrongin zupposingthat the objectof these arrangements hasbeen the seouity of the.agricultural prosperitY of theColony, and the removal ofthe vexations which often re'sult from the immediate con-tact of the Native PoPula-tion with the subordinate

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    r8z4 r05mesures 6troactives, les incli-vidus int6ressds I'ordre actueldes chosespeuvent, au qon-baire, nounir I'esporr, que lonouveau Gouvernement aura6garil i leurs droies acquis,et i leqr bien4tre; et ce queles.Sorssign& ai-ent surtouti garantirr'il fera observer esArticles des ConventionB 6jimentionndes, sur la foi des-qgels les habitans do Pqsum-mah, Wu Manna, et d'autresPeupledesde I'int6rieur ontreoonnu l'autorit6, ou accept6le proteotionde la Compagniedes Indes Britanniques, sauftoutefois Ia facult6 dy substi-firer, du pleiu 916des Partiesint6ress6es, autres conditionsanalogues, i les circunstancesvenaient L rendre un change-meut ncessaire.

    Authorities of b Foreign Go-vernment, they experiencegreatsatisfationn saying that,far from having cause o dreadretroactive measures,he indi-viduals interested n the exist-ing orderof thiogr may,ontheconhary, cherish the hopethatthe new Governmeut willrespect their acquired rights,and their welfare; and, whatthe Undersiguecl are abov.eall things desirous to guaran-tee, that it will cause he Arti-cles of tho abovementioned,Conventions to be observed,on the faith of which the In-babitants of. Pa&mtumolt',WuMantu, and the other Colo-nists in the interior, haverccognized the authority, oraccepted the protection, ofthe British Eest Indie Com-psny; saving, however, thepower of substituting' with thefull consent of the Partiesinterested,otheranalogous on-ditious, il cirsumstanceshouldrender a change necessarJr.

    Gluant aux dispositions With respect to the equi-fquitables et bionveillantes table antl benign intentionsdu GlouvernementBritannique of the British Government,enversleshabitansdeffialacca,.,owards the Inhabitants ofet des auhes Etablissemens Malacca, aad the other DutchHoltantlois c6itrdsar le Trait6, Establishrnentsceded by theles Pl6nipotentiaires de Sa Tleuty, the PlenipotentiariesMajest6 le Roi des Pays- of His Majesty t'he King ofBas, en accoptent l'assutance the Netherlands, accept theavec uno confiance llimite; .assnrance hereof with unli-et cemme sentimentlesporto mited confidence; and thei ne pas insister pour que samesentinent prevents them

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    rc,6 CONSOLIDATED TREATY SERIESles instructions et ordresquiseront ailress6s aur Autorit6sAnglaisesdans 'Inile, relative-ment iIa remiseduFort Marl-boroughretdesesd6pendances,soyent congrrsen des temestellement clairs, Pr6cis,etPosi-tif,s, qu'on n'y puisse houveraucun motif dincertitude, niaucun pr6texte de d6lai; carils sont persuaddsque Mes-sieurs les Pl6niPotentiairesBritanniques, aPrbs avoirepport6 tant de mod6rationetde loyaut6 il l'accromPlisse-ment de leur tlche, saurontveiller I ce quele r6sultat destravaux conununs ne soit Pasoornpro'''is par 6gardPour desintr8ts subordonn6s, et desconsid6rations secondaires.Ce rdsultat, Messieurs lesPl6nipotentiaires Britanniquesl'ont d&rit eux-mdmesdansleur derniEre Note, et il nereste aux Soussigndsqu'i sef6liciter ilt avoir concouru,etI joinclre leurs vceux I ceuxde Leurs Excellences, Pourqueles Agens resPectifsdansles PossessionsAsiatiques,semontrent toujours P6n6h6sdu sentiment iles devoirs,que deur Nations, amies etanim6es de vtes vraimeutlib6rales, ont il remPlir, tantl'une i l6gaill de l'auhe, queyis- -Yisdes indigEnes,que lecours des 6v6nemens ou lesTraitds ont plac6s sous lburinfluence.

    from insisting, that the ordersand instructions which shallbe addressed o the EnglishAuthorities in Inilia' relativeto the surender of.Fmt MarI-boroughrand ts DePendencies,should be conc.eiveil in suchclearn precise. and positiveterms, that no causeof uncer-t"ioty, nor any pretext fordelay, may be discovered nthen: being persuaded thatthe British Plenilntentiaries,after havingaccomplishedheirlabours with so much mode-.ration and equity, will takecare that the result of theircornmonexertionsbe uot com-pro-ised by "tty regard tosubordinate interests, and se-condary considerations. Thisresult the Bdtish PleniPoten-tia.ries themselves have des-cribed in their last Note, andit only remains for theUntlersigned to congratulatethemselveson having contri-buted thereto, and to unitetheir wish6swith those of theirExcellencies,hat their respc-tive Agents in their AsiaticPossessions,may ever showthemselves sensible of theduties, which two FriendlyNations, animated with trulYliberal views, have to fulfil,both with refetence to eachother, and also towartls tbeNatives whom the course ofevents or Treatieshaveplacedunder. heir influence.

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    r8z4 r07Les Soussign6s saisisserrtaYec empnessementette'oc-casion de renouveler i LeursExcellences Messieurs lesPldnipotentiairesBritanniquesl'assuiance de leur consid6ra-tion le plus distingude.H. FAGEL.A. R. FAICK.

    Lutdres, h ll Mwsr 1824,

    the Undersigneil availthemselves of tbis opPortu-nity of renewing to theirErcellencies the British Ple-nipotentiaries, the assnrarceof their most distinguishedconsideration.H. FAGEL.A. R. FALCK.L'ordnnt Mmch 17' 1824.