16805259 the bankers own the earth

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  • 8/8/2019 16805259 the Bankers Own the Earth


    The Bankers Own The Earth

    Capitalism is organized crime. It has nothing to do with "free markets" andeverything to do with illegitimate debt-slavery and captive usury markets. It isby design that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, not by accident.Capitalism is a fundamentally bankrupt and broken concept that must be replaced byan entirely new ethic based on the principles of fair trade and economic justice.The only reason the current parasitic economic model is able to persist is because

    99% of the population is economically illiterate and does not understand how themoney system operates to enslave them. Money is not Freedom. Money is Control.

    Money never truly belongs to any lone individual and it is in fact a shared socialcommunal resource that is an essential part of the basis for forming a community.The custodianship of money is a sacred trust that we must always honor and protectto the full extent of our ability.

    "Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is adangerous servant and a fearful master."- George Washington

    "I am convinced that those societies (such as the Native American peoples) which

    live without government enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degreeof happiness than those who live under the European governments. Among the former,public opinion is in the place of law, and restrains morals as powerfully as lawsever did anywhere. Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have dividedtheir nations into two classes, wolves and sheep. I do not exaggerate."- Thomas Jefferson

    "The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood,and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating."- Thomas Jefferson

    "I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations,which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid

    defiance to the laws of our country."- Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to George Logan, November 12, 1816

    "I sincerely believe that banking institutions having the issuing power of money,are more dangerous to our liberty than standing armies. Already they have raisedup a moneyed aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuingpower (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people towhom it properly belongs."- Thomas Jefferson

    "The system of banking we have both equally and ever reprobated. I contemplate itas a blot left in all our constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in theirdestruction. I sincerely believe, with you...that the principle of spending money

    to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on alarge scale."- Thomas Jefferson

    "To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around thepowers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longersusceptible of any definition. The incorporation of a bank, and the powers assumedby this bill [chartering the first Bank of the United States] have not, in myopinion, been delegated to the United States by the Constitution. They are notamong the powers specially enumerated."- Thomas Jefferson

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    "I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution - takingfrom the Federal Government their power of borrowing (from privately-ownedcorporate banks)."- Thomas Jefferson, 1798

    "We are undone, my dear sir, if legislation is still permitted which makes ourmoney, much or little, real or imaginary, as the moneyed interests shall choose to

    make it."- Thomas Jefferson

    "All the perplexities, confusions, and distresses in America arise, not fromdefects in the Constitution or confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, asmuch as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation."- John Adams

    "Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, whohave a right...and a desire to know; but besides this, they have a right, anindisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded andenvied kind of knowledge, I mean of the characters and conduct of their rulers."- John Adams

    "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, theother is by debt."- John Adams

    "History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue,deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments bycontrolling money and its issuance."- James Madison

    "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who writesthe laws."- Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild international banking

    dynasty, 1790

    "The rich will strive to establish their dominion and enslave the rest. Theyalways did...they always will. They will have the same effect here as elsewhere,if we do not, by the power of government, keep them in their proper spheres."- Gouvernor Morris, head of the committee that wrote the final draft of the U.S.Constitution

    "A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rightswhich God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance thattyranny begins."- Benjamin Franklin

    "You see, a legitimate government can both spend and lend money into circulation,while banks can only lend significant amounts of their promissory bank notes, forthey can neither give away nor spend but a tiny fraction of the money the peopleneed. Thus, when your bankers here in England place money in circulation, there isalways a debt principal to be returned and usury to be paid. The result is thatyou have always too little credit in circulation to give the workers fullemployment. You do not have too many workers, you have too little money incirculation, and that which circulates, all bears the endless burden of unpayabledebt and usury."- Benjamin Franklin, speaking at the London Parliament

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    "In the colonies, we issue our own money. It is called 'Colonial Scrip'. We issueit in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the goodspass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating forourselves our own paper money, we control it's purchasing power and we have nointerest to pay to anyone."- Benjamin Franklin, speaking at the London Parliament

    "The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters, had

    it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which createdgreat unemployment and dissatisfaction. Within a year, the poor houses werefilled. The hungry and homeless walked the streets everywhere. The inability ofthe colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the handsof George III and the International Bankers was the Prime Reason for theRevolutionary War."- Benjamin Franklin, as quoted from his autobiography

    "The refusal of George III to allow the colonies to operate an honest money systemwhich freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators wasprobably the Prime Cause of the Revolution."- Benjamin Franklin

    "Unless you become more watchful in your states and check this spirit of monopolyand thirst for exclusive privileges, you will in the end find that the mostimportant powers of government have been given or bartered away, and the controlof your dearest interests have been passed into the hands of these corporations."- Andrew Jackson

    "If congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it wasgiven them to use themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations."- Andrew Jackson

    "You (International Bankers) are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout youout, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out. If the American people onlyunderstood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a

    revolution before morning."- Andrew Jackson, in an address to Congress, 1829

    "The bold effort the present bank has made to control the Government, the distressit has wantonly produced...are but premonitions of the fate that awaits theAmerican People should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution[The Bank of the United States], or the establishment of another like it."- Andrew Jackson

    "Nothing but widespread suffering will produce any effect on Congress. Our onlysafety is in pursuing a steady course of firm restriction - and I have no doubtthat such a course will ultimately lead to restoration of the currency and therecharter of the bank [The Bank of the United States]."

    - Nicholas Biddle, President of the American Bankers Association

    "When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leadersof the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above thehand that takes...Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism andwithout decency; their sole object is gain."- Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815

    "We, the People, are the rightful masters of both the Congress and the Courts. Notto overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who have perverted it."- Abraham Lincoln

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    "I have two great enemies, the southern army in front of me and the financialinstitutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in the rear is the greatest enemy.The Money Power preys upon the nation in times of peace, and conspires against itin times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent thanautocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all whoquestion its methods or throw light upon its crimes."- Abraham Lincoln

    "The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decidedlong before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankerswere afraid that the United States, if they remained as one block, and as onenation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset theirfinancial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed.Therefore, they sent their emissaries into the field to exploit the question ofslavery to open an abyss between the two sections of the union."- Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Germany, 1876

    "The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and creditsneeded to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power ofconsumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme

    prerogative of Government, but it is the Government's greatest creativeopportunity. By the adoption of these principles...the taxpayers will be savedimmense sums of interest [by not having to borrow from privately-owned corporatebanks]...Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.Democracy will rise superior to the Money Power."- Abraham Lincoln, Senate Document 23, Page 91, 1865

    "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me totremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era ofcorruption in high places will follow, and the Money Power of the country willendeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people (e.g.,by pitting the cooperation-oriented political left against the competition-oriented political right), until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few,

    and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safetyof my country than ever before, even in the midst of the war."- Abraham Lincoln, in a letter written to one of his Generals during the AmericanCivil War

    "If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North AmericanRepublic [i.e., honest Constitutionally authorized debt-free money] should becomeindurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own moneywithout cost. It will pay off its debts and be without a debt (to theInternational Bankers). It will have all the money necessary to carry on itscommerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of thecivilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will goto North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every

    monarchy on the globe."- The Times Newspaper of London, opinion-editorial commentary, 1862

    "The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in theUnited States great enough to wear his boots and the bankers went anew to grab theriches. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks willentirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematicallycorrupt modern civilization. They will not hesitate to plunge the whole ofChristendom into wars and chaos in order that the earth should become theirinheritence."- Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Germany, after Abraham Lincoln's assassination

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    "Right after the Civil War there was considerable talk about reviving Lincoln'sbrief experiment with the Constitutional monetary system. Had not the Europeanmoney-trust intervened, it would have no doubt become an established institution."- Dr. W. Cleon Skousen, author of "The Naked Capitalist" and "The Naked Communist"

    "I went to America in the winter of 1872-73, authorised to secure, if I could, thepassage of a bill demonetising silver. It was in the interest of those I

    represented - the governors of the Bank of England - to have it done. By 1873,gold coins were the only form of coin money."- Ernest Seyd, Agent of the Bank of England

    "It is advisable to do all in your power to sustain such prominent daily andweekly newspapers, especially the Agricultural and Religious Press, as will opposethe greenback issue of paper money and that you will also withhold patronage fromall applicants who are not willing to oppose the government issue of money...Torepeal the Act creating bank notes, or to restore to circulation the governmentissue of money will be to provide the people with money and will thereforeseriously affect our individual profits as bankers and lenders. See yourcongressman at once and engage him to support our interests that we may controllegislation."

    - Secretary James Buell, speaking at an American Bankers Association meeting, 1877

    "On Sept. 1st, 1894, we will not renew our loans under any consideration. On Sept.1st we will demand our money. We will foreclose and become mortgagees inpossession. We can take two-thirds of the farms west of the Mississippi, andthousands of them east of the Mississippi as well, at our own price...Then thefarmers will become tenants as in England..."- Memo of the American Bankers Association, as printed in the U.S. CongressionalRecord of April 29, 1891

    "Corporate entities are persons, under the law. They are separate persons from thevery real human persons who own them and run them. We have the Supreme Court ofthe United States to thank for this perversion. Through corruption of our

    government and courts, corporations subverted their original intended purpose andacquired the legal status of "natural persons" while also preserving theirlimited-liability legal protections (which results in corporate 'citizens' havingmore legal rights than human citizens do). This subversion was institutionalizedin an 1886 Supreme Court decision of which Judge William O. Douglas would laterwrite, "There was no history, logic, or reason given to support that view." Thuscorporations gained Bill of Rights protections, and more, even before women andminorities had full protection. We are currently living in an era of sophisticatedcorporation-state feudalism."- [Anonymous]

    "Whomsoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of allindustry and commerce and when you realize that the entire system is very easily

    controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will nothave to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."- James Garfield, assassinated within weeks of release of this statement duringthe first year of his presidency in 1881

    "I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the bankscan, and do, create and destroy money. The amount of money in existence variesonly with the action of the banks in increasing or decreasing deposits and bankpurchases. Every loan, overdraft or bank purchase creates a deposit, and everyrepayment or bank sale destroys a deposit...And they who control the credit of anation, direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the

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    destiny of the people. "- Reginald McKenna, former Chancellor of the Exchequer of England, 1924

    "Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment out of nothing."- Ralph M. Hawtrey, former Secretary of the British Treasury

    "The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing."- William Paterson, founder of the Bank of England, 1694

    "From the days of Spartacist-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky(Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (UnitedStates), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for thereconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of enviousmalevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as amodern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part inthe tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of everysubversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band ofextraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe andAmerica have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have becomepractically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."- Winston Churchill, "Zionism versus Bolshevism", in the Illustrated Sunday Herald

    (London), February 8, 1920

    "Marxists can always be relied upon to defend the International Bankers, to theirdying breath, by portraying capitalism as some sort of vague, accidentalideological abstraction that either everybody or nobody is truly responsible for,rather than as a very specific, profoundly evil system perpetrated by veryspecific individuals, who are acting with full intention to drain the lifebloodfrom the Republic until it is dead. This fact alone should be enough to raisesuspicion of the Marxists' real intention, which is to focus primarily onproperty-based 'class' conflict (with its implication that everyone ought to be animpoverished peasant) without ever clearly defining the real methods by which theruling 'class' stays in power, so that they can attempt to convince the publicthat these methods are some kind of magic that only Marxist intellectuals can

    understand and con them into merely substituting the existing capitalisttyrannical order with a communist one. The Marxists are totally anti-democraticand seem to truly envy the Money Power more than they despise it."- [Anonymous]

    "Left and Right are monolithic ideas - colossal, abstract, and, as their religiousorigins suggest, cosmic. They are part of the darker side of humanity thatreplaces the specific with the general, the personal with the impersonal. If youwanted to find a way of making certain that people would have as little aspossible in common, there would be no better way than to divide them, not into tenor three or four, but into two. Dual division turns the largest possible sectionsof humanity against one another, often causing neighbors and compatriots to havenothing to say to one another. No regeneration of community can begin without a

    careful demolition of Left and Right; nor can this tearing down be relinquished toacademic abstraction, technical philosophy, government, corporations, or ideology.Nothing can be built without a new politics - least of all with a politics thatrefers outward to ideas of Heaven and Hell rather than inward to the experience ofdaily life."- Hugh Graham, in his book "The Vestibule of Hell: Why Left and Right Have NeverMade Sense in Politics and Life"

    "This isn't just your normal case of shrill, success-hating, bleeding-heart, eat-the-rich, lawsuit-happy, commie-liberal bed-wetters versus slack-jawed, pinheaded,war-mongering, Bible-thumping, woman-hating, eco-rapist knuckle-draggers. But it

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    is politics as usual."- [Unknown]

    "We have only one political party in the USA, the Democratic Republicans, and theyjust take turns lying to us."- [Unknown]

    "Fascists love communism. It goes wrong so easily."

    - [Anonymous]

    "Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's the other way around."- John Kenneth Galbraith, Economist

    "Obviously, neither communism nor fascism has any interest whatsoever indemocracy; they both claim that democracy is an unrealistic Utopian fantasy. Infact, they both use each other as convenient scapegoats for their own crimesagainst democracy and human rights. True autonomist democracy can only emerge froma radically centered libertarian-anarchist philosophy that values competition andcooperation equally, the so-called meta-political 'third-position', which is thegreatest threat to both the left and right extremes. The real struggle that isgoing on in the world today is the struggle for democracy against ALL tyranny, not

    merely 'class' war to substitute the tyrannical fiscal aristocracy with somedespotic peasant-emporer. Phoney third-positionism is easy to reveal because itembraces both fascist and communist principles, rather than rejecting them."- [Anonymous]

    "If I told you I thought the world was controlled by a handful of capitalists andcorporate bosses, you would say I was a left-winger, but if I told you who Ithought the capitalists and corporate bosses were, then you would say I was farright."- Anonymous Anarchist Black Blocker

    "My political opinions lean more and more to anarchy (philosophically understood,meaning abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs). There is only one

    bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamitingfactories and power stations."- J.R.R. Tolkien, in "The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien"

    "The true equation is "democracy" = government by world financiers."- J.R.R. Tolkien, in "The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien"

    "The main mark of modern governments is that we do not know who governs, de factoany more than de jure. We see the politician and not his backer; still less thebacker of the backer; or, what is most important of all, the banker of thebacker."- J.R.R. Tolkien, in "The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien"

    "Throned above all, in a manner without parallel in all past, is the veiledprophet of finance, swaying all men living by a sort of magic, and deliveringoracles in a language not understood of the people."- J.R.R. Tolkien, in "The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien"

    "The world is governed by very different personages to what is imagined by thosewho are not themselves behind the scenes."- Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of Britain

    "The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind thescenes."

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    - Judge Felix Frankfurter, former U.S. Supreme Court Justice

    "World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is todo with national issues or commerce; most of them are staged and managed by thosewho hold the purse strings."- Denis Healey, former British Secretary of Defence

    "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me

    privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerceand manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a powersomewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, sopervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak incondemnation of it."- Woodrow Wilson, 1913

    "The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giantoctopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. It seizes in itslong and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, ourschools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the publicprotection. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a selfcreated screen...At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil

    interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to asInternational Bankers. The little coterie of powerful International Bankersvirtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. Theypractically control both parties, write political platforms, make catspaws ofparty leaders, use the leading men of private organizations and resort to everydevice to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as willbe amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business. These International Bankersand Rockefeller Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers andmagazines in this country."- John F. Hylan, New York City Mayor, New York Times, March 26, 1922

    "This (Federal Reserve) Act establishes the most gigantic trust [monopoly] onearth. When the President [Woodrow Wilson] signs this bill, the invisible

    government by the Monetary Power will be legalized. The people may not know itimmediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed. The trusts willsoon realize that they have gone too far even for their own good. The people mustmake a declaration of independence to relieve themselves from the Monetary Power.This they will be able to do by taking control of Congress. Wall Streeters couldnot cheat us if you Senators and Representatives did not make a humbug ofCongress...The greatest crime of Congress is its currency system. The worstlegislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill. The caucus andthe party bosses have again operated and prevented the people from getting thebenefit of their own government."- Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., 1913

    "But the whole scheme of a Federal Reserve Bank with its commercial-paper basis is

    an impractical, cumbersome machinery, is simply a cover, to find a way to securethe privilege of issuing money and to evade payment of as much tax uponcirculation as possible, and then control the issue and maintain, instead ofreduce, interest rates. It is a system that, if inaugurated, will prove to theadvantage of the few and the detriment of the people of the United States. It willmean continued shortage of actual money and further extension of credits; for whenthere is a lack of real money people have to borrow credit to their cost."- Alexander Lassen in a statement before the Senate Banking and CurrencyCommittee, 1913

    "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial

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    nation is controlled by its own system of credit. Our system of credit isconcentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are inthe hands of a few men...who necessarily, by very reason of their own limitations,chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom. We have come to be one ofthe worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governmentsin the civilized world, no longer a government by free opinion, no longer agovernment by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by theopinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

    - Woodrow Wilson

    "Suppose you go to Washington and try to get at your government. You will alwaysfind that while you are politely listened to, the men really consulted are the bigmen who have the biggest stakes - the big bankers, the big manufacturers, the bigmasters of commerce...Every time it has come to a critical question, thesegentlemen have been yielded to, and their demands treated as the demands thatshould be followed as a matter of course. The government of the United States is afoster child of the special interests. It is not allowed to have a will of itsown."- Woodrow Wilson, 1912

    "If monopoly persists, monopoly will always sit at the helm of government. I do

    not expect monopoly to restrain itself. If there are men in this country bigenough to own the government of the United States, they are going to own it."- Woodrow Wilson

    "The fact is that there is a serious danger of this country becoming a pluto-democracy; that is, a sham republic with the real government in the hands of asmall clique of enormously wealthy men, who speak through their money, and whoseinfluence, even today, radiates to every corner of the United States."- William McAdoo, President Woodrow Wilson's National Campaign Vice-Chairman, inhis book "Crowded Years"

    "We (bankers) must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lowerorder of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will

    therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plansare so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of anyorganized resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations inthe United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must takeimmediate steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them. Atthe coming Omaha Convention to be held July 4th (1892), our men must attend anddirect its movement, or else there will be set on foot such antagonism to ourdesigns as may require force to overcome. This at the present time would bepremature. We are not yet ready for such a crisis. Capital must protect itself inevery possible manner through combination [conspiracy] and legislation. The courtsmust be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages forclosedas rapidly as possible. When through the process of the law, the common peoplehave lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the

    influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power ofimperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homeswill not quarrel with their leaders. History repeats itself in regular cycles.This truth is well known among our principal men who are engaged in forming animperialism of the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in astate of political antagonism. The question of tariff reform must be urged throughthe organization known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protectionwith the reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party. By thusdividing voters, we can get them to expand their energies in fighting overquestions of no importance to us, except as teachers to the common herd. Thus, bydiscrete action, we can secure all that has been so generously planned and

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    successfully accomplished."- Revealed by Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh before the U.S. Congress sometimeduring his term of office between the years of 1907 and 1917

    "Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological propertyin a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operateunder the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people tosubmit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat

    paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being ableto work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the securityinterest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme ofsecured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering thebills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remaineconomic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be strippedof their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and theywill be non the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plansand, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenalplausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government,by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits andprivileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildestexpectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will

    call "Social Insurance." Without realizing it, every American will insure us forany loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be ourservant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without anyhope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President ofour dummy corporation to foment this plot against America."- Edward Mandell House, Presidential Foreign Policy Advisor, in a private meetingwith President Woodrow Wilson

    "It [Central Bank] gives the National Bank almost complete control of nationalfinance. Those few who understand the system [check book money and credit] willeither be so interested in its profits, or so dependant on its favours, that therewill be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body ofthe people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that

    capital derives from the system, will bear its burden without complaint, andperhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical [contrary] to theirinterests."- Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863

    "...the lord and master of the money markets of the world, and of course virtuallylord and master of everything else. He literally held the revenues of southernItaly in pawn, and monarchs and ministers of all countries courted his advice andwere guided by his suggestions."- Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of Britain, describing Baron Nathan Rothschildin his novel, "Coningsby: Or The New Generation"

    "Edmond de Rothschild was a backstage force in politics. He belonged to the

    steering committee of the secretive Bilderberg circle, an informal association ofpolitical and financial top brass that has sometimes been called more powerfulthan national governments...and he was a major benefactor of Israel."- Frederic Morton, in his book "The Rotchschilds: Portrait of a Dynasty"

    "When the conflict with France ended (at the battle of Waterloo) the House ofRothschild was in control of British finance and was the official banker of theBritish Government. This odd financial octopus was acknowledged to be in somerespects the greatest power on the earth and was acknowledged by some writers asthe 'Sixth Great Power of Europe'."- E.C. Knuth, in his book "The Empire of The City"

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    "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule theEmpire...The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire.And I control the money supply."- Nathan Rothschild

    "The House of Rothschild plays a much bigger role in France than any foreigngovernment...There are, of course, reasons for it, which seem to me neither good

    nor gratifying: money is the great [motivating] force of France, and corruption isquite openly reckoned with...Among us [in Austria] this commodity finds but fewfriends."- Prince Metternich, Chancellor of Austria

    "Rothschild was now banker to empires and continents - to all the principalEuropean countries, to Eurasian Russia, to the Americas, to the Indies. It hasbeen estimated that the London house alone placed 6,500 million dollars worth offoreign loans during the first ninety years of its existence. Moreover, the otherRothschild branches in Paris, Vienna, Frankfurt and Naples were just as busy,which unequivocally means that upon Rothschild vaults converged the credit of theWestern World."- Frederic Morton, in his book "The Rotchschilds: Portrait of a Dynasty"

    "The total wealth encompassed by the clan (Rothschilds) during most of thenineteenth century has been estimated at well over 400 million pounds (600 milliondollars). No one else, from the Fuggers to the Rockefellers, has come even closeto that hair-raising figure."- Frederic Morton, in his book "The Rotchschilds: Portrait of a Dynasty"

    "The shareholders of these banks which own the stock of the Federal Reserve Bankof New York are the people who have controlled our political and economicdestinies since 1914. They are the Rothschilds, Lazard Freres (Eugene Mayer),Israel Sieff, Kuhn Loeb Company, Warburg Company, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs,the Rockefeller family, and the J.P. Morgan interests."- Eustace Mullins, in his book "The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve"

    "The Federal Reserve Bank is pretty secretive about who it's owning banks orshareholders are. It has been determined that the "Class A" stock in the FederalReserve Bank is held by the following 8 institutions: Rothschild Banks of Londonand Berlin, Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy,Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam, Lehman Bank of New York, Kuhn Loeb Bank ofNew York, Chase Manhattan Bank of New York, Goldman Sachs Bank of New York. TheRemaining Stock is held by the Chemical Trust and the Rockefeller Trust. Thesestockholders hold Federal Government Obligations which amount to about $6 trilliondollars - the entire U.S. National Debt. Their annual profits from interestpayments are over $200 billion dollars per year."- [Anonymous]

    "Bill Gates is not the 'richest man in the world' by a long shot. His $50 billiondollar fortune (give or take) is virtually nothing compared to the wealth andeconomic power of the Rothschild dynasty. Baron Jacob Rothschild (who controls theRothschild banking dynasty) is personally owed at least half of the U.S. nationaldebt (which is now some $6 trillion dollars) because the privately-ownedRothschild Bank and its proxies maintain a majority ownership and controllinginterest in the U.S. Federal Reserve System; and this at least $3 trillion dollaramount obviously does not even include the debt that many other nations ultimatelyowe to the Rothschild banking network. The interest payments alone provide theRothschild Bank with at least $100 billion dollars per year. The reason that theRothschild dynasty remains generally obscure to the public is because virtually

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    all of their assets are privately-owned and they are very carefully protected frompublic scrutiny by various ways and means. It has been estimated that theRothschild dynasty, directly or indirectly, controls a very substantial portion ofthe $35 trillion dollars in global total GDP that exists in the world today."- [Anonymous]

    "To ignore the pivotal role played by particular individuals who are in positionsof power is to do violence to historical accuracy. A recognition that the course

    of economic events can be influenced by individuals who have the imagination andthe power to take advantage of prevailing conditions does not constituteacceptance of a 'conspiracy' theory of history."- John Blair, former Chief Economist for the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Anti-Trust and Monopoly

    "The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process isperhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented.Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth.Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and controlcredit, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy itall back again. However, take this great power away from them, and all the greatfortunes like mine disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a

    happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves ofBankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create moneyand control credit."- Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England in the 1920s, reputed to bethe second richest man in England at that time

    "A civilization based on a system of parasitic usury economics will ultimatelydestroy itself, because fractional-reserve 'banking', combined with compound'interest', is truly and totally contrary to the modern "Establishment" economictheory that it represents some kind of perpetual-motion machine. Our economicsystem was not designed to, nor was it intended to, function honorably for thebenefit and general prosperity of all; it was specifically designed to create anation of debt slaves under the control of a molesting central bank. The

    perpetrators of the system understand fully that it is not sustainable and mustinevitably collapse in a state of insoluble debt, but by that point they expect tohave gained full and indisputable control over everything [NWO]. The 450 richestpeople in the world now have financial assets greater than the combined wealth ofthe 3,000,000,000 poorest; half of the human race. The only possible explanationfor this is that the international economic system has been subverted andcorrupted by fully intentional activities, directed towards undermining nationalgovernments and creating institutionalized, privately-owned central bank cartelsthroughout the world to concentrate and consolidate power into the hands of thefinancial crimelords who own them."- [Anonymous]

    "If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there

    would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggeringthought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has toborrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the banks createample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutelywithout a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture,the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there itis. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate andreflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unlessit becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon."- Robert H. Hamphill, Credit Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

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    "We can create money by fiat. Our checkbook doesn't have a ledger. So you writeout the check, it's (money/currency) just transmogrified out of thin air. Which isa nice checkbook to have."- Jerry Nelson, Public Relations, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, May 14, 2008

    "Non-sustainable economics is non-sustainable."- Catherine Austin Fitts

    "Only when the last tree is cut, only when the last river is polluted, only whenthe last fish is caught, only then will they realize that you cannot eat money."- Cree Native American proverb

    "While economic textbooks claim that people and corporations are competing formarkets and resources, I claim that in reality they are competing for money -using markets and resources to do so. Greed and fear of scarcity are beingcontinuously created and amplified as a direct result of the kind of money we areusing. For example, we can produce more than enough food to feed everybody, andthere is definitely enough work for everybody in the world, but there is clearlynot enough money to pay for it all. In fact, the job of central banks is to createand maintain that currency scarcity. Money is created when banks lend it intoexistence. When a bank provides you with a $100,000 mortgage, it creates only the

    principal, which you spend and which then circulates in the economy. The bankexpects you to pay back $200,000 over the next 20 years, but it doesn't create thesecond $100,000 - the interest. Instead, the bank sends you out into the toughworld to battle against everybody else to bring back the second $100,000."- Bernard Lietaer, former Central Banker (Belgium)

    "Your money's value is determined by a global casino of unprecedented proportions:$2 trillion are traded per day in foreign exchange markets, 100 times more thanthe trading volume of all the stockmarkets of the world combined. Only 2% of theseforeign exchange transactions relate to the "real" economy reflecting movements ofreal goods and services in the world, and 98% are purely speculative. This globalcasino is triggering the foreign exchange crises which shook Mexico in 1994-5,Asia in 1997 and Russia in 1998. These emergencies are the dislocation symptoms of

    the old Industrial Age money system."- Bernard Lietaer, former Central Banker (Belgium)

    "In addition to almost unlimited usury, the bankers have another method of drawingvast amounts of wealth. The banks are able to approve or disapprove large loans tolarge and successful corporations to the extent that refusal of a loan will bringabout a reduction in the selling price of the corporation's stock. Afterdepressing the price, the bankers' agents buy large blocks of the company's stock.Then, if the bank suddenly approves a multi-million dollar loan to the company,the stock rises and is then sold for a profit. In this manner, billions of dollarsare made with which to buy more stock. This practice is so refined today that theFederal Reserve Board need only announce to the newspapers an increase or decreasein their "discount rate" to send stocks soaring or crashing at their whim. Banks

    collect billions in interest by loaning to Government and the Corporations."- Pastor Sheldon Emry

    "Despite making such obscenely huge profits off the backs of the American people,the Federal Reserve Bank pays no taxes whatsoever."- [Anonymous]

    "The basis of money in today's world is not simply the trading of one thing ofobvious value (say, a gold coin) for another thing of obvious value (for example,a keg of beer) which, in fact, would be more a form of barter than a modern daymonetary purchase. In the modern economy, the value of money is based strictly on

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    mutual faith and faith alone - faith in pieces of paper signed by a Central Bankeras having whatever value he decides to give them, such as is the case with FederalReserve Notes. This faith that the paper has some kind of value is basically agame of "let's pretend" on the part of the banker supported only by the fact thatthe banker has seized control of the government and he will not tolerate anyuncontrolled standard of exchange to compete with his official monopoly ofinterest-bearing usury 'money'. In essence, this means that every time you spend aFederal Reserve Note you are making a very profound expression of faith that the

    Central Banker is a kind of 'god' who can conjure value out of absolutely nothingbecause this is his 'divine right'. Not only that, but you also becomeperpetually, irredeemably indebted to him, as a form of 'worship' for his creatingof the 'money' by the usury tribute that the parasite demands of you for his'service' (e.g., the U.S. $6 trillion dollar debt). This is capitalism - aglorified pyramid scheme for making money off of money."- [Anonymous]

    "There is a large class of people who believe that paper can be, and ought to be,made into money without any promise or hope of redemption; that a note should beprinted: "This is a dollar," and be made a legal tender. I regard this as a mildform of lunacy, and have no disposition to debate with men who indulge in suchdelusions, which have prevailed to some extent, at different times, in all

    countries, but whose life has been brief, and which have shared the fate of otherpopular delusions. The Supreme Court only maintained the constitutionality of thelegal tender promise to pay a dollar by a divided court, and on the ground that itwas issued in the nature of a forced loan, to be redeemed upon the payment of areal dollar; that is, so many grains of silver or gold. I therefore dismiss suchwild theories, and speak only to those who are willing to assume, as an axiom,that gold and silver or coined money, have been proven by all human experience tobe the best possible standards of value, and that paper money is simply a promiseto pay such coined money, and should be made and kept equal to coined money, bybeing convertible on demand."- Secretary of Treasury John Sherman, 1877

    "The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to

    use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit. In theabsence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscationthrough inflation. There is no safe store of value. Deficit spending is simply ascheme for the 'hidden' confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of thisinsidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one graspsthis, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward thegold standard."- Alan Greenspan in his essay "Gold and Economic Freedom", written in 1966 for thenewsletter "The Objectivist", before he crossed over to the Dark Side

    "I am firmly of the opinion that there never was a paper pound, a paper dollar, ora paper promise of any kind, that ever yet obtained a general currency (as money)but by force or fraud, generally by both."

    - John Adams

    "If ever again our nation stumbles upon unfunded paper, it shall surely be likedeath to our body politic. This country will crash."- George Washington

    "Paper is poverty...it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself."- Thomas Jefferson

    "The Federalists would establish a single and splendid government of anaristocracy, founded on banking institutions and moneyed incorporations under the

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    guise and cloak of their favored branches of manufactures, commerce andnavigation, riding and ruling over the plundered ploughman and beggared yeomanry."- Thomas Jefferson

    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of theircurrency, first by inflation, then by deflation, (i.e. the "business cycle") thebanks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people ofall their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent

    their fathers conquered."- Thomas Jefferson, in the debate over the Recharter Of The Bank Bill, 1809

    "The International Bankers have already hedged themselves against any return to agold-backed currency (gold standard). Such a move would be disastrous for thenation now. After 1913, the Bankers plundered the USA of as much gold as possible(including the U.S. Treasury's gold in Fort Knox) by loaning themselves immensesums of their own fiat paper money from their new Federal Reserve Bank to do so(from 1933 until 1974 it was illegal for American citizens to even own gold). FortKnox has never been in any way audited since the Eisenhower days and its gold hasbeen made available for purchase by the banks under various schemes. The Bankersnow own most of the world's gold and could easily manipulate its value to theirliking if it were to become the basis for a national currency (the IMF is

    currently the largest gold owner in the world). Thus, when the Bankers createtheir next financial panic in order to manipulate and exploit the public's terror,they may very well delude them into thinking that the dollar could be strengthenedby backing it with gold again, and this would merely tighten the InternationalBankers' control over the economy even further while simultaneously fostering theillusion in the minds of the people that they would be safe with a new non-fiatcurrency. Silver is much better for backing a currency with than gold (at leastfor now) because it is fifteen times more plentiful than gold and the market forsilver would be much harder to corner. In the long term, however, the only realsafety is in having a plurality of different currency standards and barteropportunities continually available for the public to choose from (plus the vitalelimination of all interest/usury and fractional-reserve accounting). Collusionand monopoly are where the dangers arise and awareness, vigilance and economic

    democracy are the only solutions."- [Anonymous]

    "Strictly speaking, it probably is not necessary for the federal government to taxanyone directly, it could simply print the money it needs. However, that would betoo bold a stroke, for it would then be obvious to all what kind of counterfeitingoperation the government is running. The present system of combining taxation andinflation is akin to watering the milk: too much water and the people catch on."- Congressman Ron Paul

    "Should government refrain from regulation (taxation), the (even less than)worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud can no longer beconcealed."

    - John Maynard Keynes, Economist

    "Taxation has only one real purpose in our present economy, it is used to justifythe monopoly fiat currency we are using in the mind of the public by forcing themto pay their taxes with only this currency - and no other alternative currencies.It is merely a mechanism for ensuring that the populance is forced to keep theCentral Bank's money in circulation, and thus assure the continuation of theFederal Reserve scam. You will find that virtually every complex aspect of macro-economic "science" is carefully designed to obfuscate the fact that the moneylords completely own and control the economic system and designed it specificallyto enslave the rest of us so that they can run it for their own profit."

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    - [Anonymous]

    "Examining the organization and function of the Federal Reserve Banks and applyingthe relevant factors, we conclude that the Federal Reserve Banks are not Federalinstrumentalities...but are independent and privately owned and controlledcorporations...Federal Reserve Banks are listed neither as 'wholly owned'government corporations [under 31 U.S.C. Section 846] nor as 'mixed ownership'corporations [under 31 U.S.C. Section 856]...It is evident from the legislative

    history of the Federal Reserve Act that Congress did not intend to give theFederal government direction over the daily operation of the Reserve Banks...Thefact that the Federal Reserve Board regulates the Reserve Banks does not make themFederal agencies under the Act...Unlike typical Federal agencies, each bank isempowered to hire and fire employees at will. Bank employees do not participate inthe Civil Service Retirement System. They are covered by worker's compensationinsurance, purchased by the Bank, rather than the Federal Employees CompensationAct. Employees traveling on Bank business are not subject to Federal travelregulations and do not receive government employee discounts on lodging andservices..."- Lewis vs. U.S., Case #80-5905, 9th Circuit, June 24, 1982

    "I have never yet had anyone who could, through the use of logic and reason,

    justify the Federal Government borrowing the use of its own money...I believe thetime will come when people will demand that this be changed. I believe the timewill come in this country when they will actually blame you and me and everyoneelse connected with the Congress for sitting idly by and permitting such anidiotic system to continue."- Congressman Wright Patman, 1928-1976, Chairman of the House Committee on Bankingand Currency, 1963-1975

    "The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. ThatBoard administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group.The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatestpossible profits from the use of other people's money."- Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., 1923

    "Issue of currency should be lodged with the government and be protected fromdomination by Wall Street. We are opposed to provisions [which] would place ourcurrency and credit system in private hands."- Theodore Roosevelt

    "Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Governmentinstitutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private creditmonopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit ofthemselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators andswindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders."- Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking andCurrency, 1932

    "A disordered currency is one of the greatest political evils. It undermines thevirtues necessary for the support of the social system, and encouragespropensities destructive to its happiness. It wars against industry, frugality andeconomy, and it fosters evil spirits of extravagance and speculation. Of all thecontrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been moreeffectual than that which deludes them with paper money."- Congressman Daniel Webster, 1846

    "We have, in this country, one of the most corrupt institutions the world has everknown. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has

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    impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted ourgovernment. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultureswho control it."- Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking andCurrency, 1934

    "The Federal Reserve banks are one of the most corrupt institutions the world hasever seen. There is not a man within the sound of my voice who does not know that

    this nation is run by the International Bankers."- Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking andCurrency, 1934

    "When the Federal Reserve act was passed, the people of the United States did notperceive that...the United States were to be lowered to the position of a cooliecountry which has nothing but raw materials and heavy goods for export; thatRussia [China, India...] was destined to supply the man power and that thiscountry was to supply financial power to an international superstate - asuperstate controlled by international bankers and international industrialistsacting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure."- Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking andCurrency, 1934

    "Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its power. Butthe truth is, the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the government of the UnitedStates. It controls everything here; and it controls our foreign relations. Itmakes or breaks governments at will. No man, and no body of men, is moreentrenched in power than the arrogant credit monopoly which operates the FederalReserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks."- Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking andCurrency, 1932

    "Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of the internationalmoney lenders...The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never beenaudited. It operates outside the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of

    the United States."- Senator Barry Goldwater, former Republican Party candidate for President

    "Those not favorable to the money trust could be squeezed out of business and thepeople frightened into demanding changes in the banking and currency laws whichthe money trust would frame (for itself)."- Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.

    "From now on, depressions will be scientifically created."- Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., 1913, in reference to the Federal ReserveAct

    "It (Black Thursday, 1929) was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived

    occurrance...The International Bankers sought to bring about a condition ofdespair here so that they might emerge as rulers of us all."- Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking andCurrency

    "For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that werehis own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn't. Most of histhoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured forhim in advance by the Council on Foreign Relations - One World Money group.Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded thatprepared "ammunition" in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American

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    people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support. TheUN is but a long-range, international banking apparatus clearly set up forfinancial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One-Worldrevolutionaries, hungry for profit and power. The depression was the calculated'shearing' of the public by the World Money Powers, triggered by the plannedsudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market...The OneWorld Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired fullcontrol of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the

    privately owned Federal Reserve Bank."- Curtis Dall, Franklin D. Roosevelt's son-in-law, as quoted from his book, "MyExploited Father-in-Law", 1970

    "As soon as Mr. Roosevelt took office, the Federal Reserve began to buy governmentsecurities at the rate of ten million dollars a week for 10 weeks, and created onehundred million dollars in new [checkbook] currency, which alleviated the criticalfamine of money and credit, and the factories started hiring people again."- Eustace Mullins

    "The Federal Reserve definitely caused the Great Depression by contracting theamount of currency in circulation by one-third from 1929 to 1933."- Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize winning Economist, in an NPR interview, January


    "Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative ofthe Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the GreatDepression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won'tdo it again [hah!]."- Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman, 2008

    "The one who cannot see that on Earth a big endeavor is taking place, an importantplan, on which realization we are allowed to collaborate as faithful servants,certainly has to be blind."- Winston Churchill

    "The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with othergovernments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secretsocieties which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the lastmoment upset all the governments' plans."- Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of Britain, 1876

    "It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part ofEurope - the whole of Italy and France and a great portion of Germany, to saynothing of other countries - is covered with a network of these secret societies,just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads."- Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of Britain, 1876

    "There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own

    fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of nationalinterest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."- Senator Daniel K. Inouye, at the joint House and Senate Iran-Contra affairhearings, 1987

    "Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictlylegal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people.Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within ourgovernment and political system, another body representing another form ofgovernment - a bureaucratic elite."- Senator William Jenner, 1954

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    "In the United States today we have in effect two governments...We have the dulyconstituted government...Then we have an independent, uncontrolled anduncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System operating the money powerswhich are reserved to Congress by the Constitution."- Congressman Wright Patterson, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking andCurrency

    "The Congress shall have the power to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, andof foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; No State shall makeany Thing but Gold and Silver Coin a Tender in Payment of debts."- United States Constitution, Article 1

    "I have never seen more senators express discontent with their jobs...I think themajor cause is that, deep down in our hearts, we have been accomplices to doingsomething terrible and unforgivable to this wonderful country. Deep down in ourhearts, we know that we have bankrupted America and that we have given ourchildren a legacy of bankruptcy...We have defrauded our country to get ourselveselected."- Senator John Danforth, reported in the Arizona Republic of April 21, 1992

    "The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing lessthan to create a world system of financial control in private hands able todominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as awhole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the centralbanks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequentprivate meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank forInternational Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned andcontrolled by the world's central banks which were themselves privatecorporations. Each central bank...sought to dominate its government by its abilityto control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the levelof economic activity in any country, and to influence cooperative politicians bysubsequent economic rewards [lucrative 'consulting' gigs] in the businessworld...The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world

    economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers andthe indirect injury of all other economic groups."- Carroll Quigley, Professor of History at Georgetown University (deceased) in hisbook "Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time", 1966; Highly esteemedby his former student, William Jefferson Blythe Clinton

    "There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophilenetwork which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes theCommunists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Tablegroups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups,and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I havestudied it for 20 years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, toexamine its papers and secret record."

    - Carroll Quigley, Professor of History at Georgetown University (deceased)

    "Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, andrepublics the power to create the world's money on debt-terms requiring tributeboth in principal and interest."- Carroll Quigley, Professor of History at Georgetown University (deceased)

    "The government of the Western nations, whether monarchical or republican, hadpassed into the invisible hands of a plutocracy, international in power and grasp.It was, I venture to suggest, this semi-occult power which...pushed the mass ofthe American people into the cauldron of World War I."

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    - Major General J.F.C. Fuller, British Military Historian, 1941

    "In a small Swiss city [Basel] sits an international organization so obscure andsecretive [that few people know about it]...Control of the institution, the Bankfor International Settlements, lies with some of the world's most powerful andleast visible men; the heads of 32 central banks, officials able to shift billionsof dollars and alter the course of economies at the stroke of a pen."- Keith Bradsher of the New York Times, August 5, 1995

    "The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is eager to enter into close relationshipwith the Bank for International Settlements...The conclusion is impossible toescape that the State and Treasury Departments are willing to pool the bankingsystems of Europe and America, setting up a world financial power independent ofand above the Government of the United States."- Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking andCurrency, quoted from the New York Times, June 1930

    "Ever since the Civil War, Congress has allowed the bankers to control financiallegislation. The membership of the Finance Committee in the Senate [now theBanking and Currency Committee] and the Committee on Banking and Currency in theHouse have been made up chiefly of bankers, their agents, and their attorneys...In

    this way the committees have been able to control legislation in the interests ofthe few."- Congressman Charles A. Lindberg, Sr.

    "The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is "The Establishment". Not only does ithave influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels ofgovernment to apply pressure from above, but it also announces and usesindividuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high leveldecisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into aservile member state of a one-world dictatorship."- Former Congressman John Rarick, 1971

    "The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which

    originated in England [The Royal Institute of International Affairs]...andbelieves national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world ruleestablished."- Carroll Quigley, Professor of History at Georgetown University (deceased)

    "The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinationalconsolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of thepolitical government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents askillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers ofpower - political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical. All this is to bedone in the interest of creating a more peaceful, more productive world community.What the Trilateralists truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic powersuperior to the political governments of the nation-states involved. They believe

    the abundant materialism they propose to create will overwhelm existingdifferences. As managers and creators of the system they will rule the future."- Senator Barry Goldwater, former Republican Party candidate for President, in hisbook "With No Apologies", 1964

    "The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-worldgovernment combining supercapitalism and communism under the same tent, all undertheir control...Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such aplot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil inintent."- Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 (Flight

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    KAL007) that was shot down by the Soviets in 1983

    "The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the Council on ForeignRelations, The Trilateral Commission - founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski for DavidRockefeller - and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving toimplement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are notfighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens."- Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D., 2001, former German Defense Ministry official and

    advisor to former NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner

    "The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlledsociety. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by (obsolete)traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuoussurveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containingeven the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subjectto instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."- Zbigniew Brzezinski

    "The New World Order will be built...an end run on national sovereignty, erodingit piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontalassault."

    - Council on Foreign Relations Journal, 1974, page 558

    "We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The only question iswhether World Government will be achieved by conquest or by consent."- Paul Warburg, Council on Foreign Relations and architect of the Federal ReserveSystem, in an address to the U.S. Senate, February 17, 1950

    "In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powderinterest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in thenewspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in theUnited States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of thedaily press...They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 ofthe greatest papers. An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was

    bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper toproperly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness,militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and internationalnature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers."- Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917

    "These International Bankers and Rockefeller Standard Oil interests control themajority of newspapers and the columns of these papers to club into submission ordrive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerfulcorrupt cliques which compose the invisible government."- Theodore Roosevelt

    "There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an

    independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares towrite your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it will neverappear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paperI am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things,and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out onthe streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear inone issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. Thebusiness of the journalist is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert;to vilify; to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race forhis daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting anindependent press? We are the tools and vassels for rich men behind the scenes. We

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    are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, ourpossibilities and our lives are the property of other men. We are intellectualprostitutes."- John Swinton, former Chief of Staff of the New York Times, called by his peers"The Dean of his profession", was asked in 1953 to give a toast before the NewYork Press Club

    "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and

    other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respectedtheir promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossiblefor us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights ofpublicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated andprepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of anintellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."- David Rockefeller, in an address to the Trilateral Commission meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany, 1991

    "For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the politicalspectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefellerfamily for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political

    and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal workingagainst the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and meas 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build amore integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will.If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."- David Rockefeller, found on page 405 of his memoirs

    "I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is masspsychology...Various results will soon be arrived at: that the influence of homeis obstructive...although this science will be diligently studied, it will berigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to knowhow its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, everygovernment that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to

    control its subjects securely without the need of armies orpolicemen...Educational propaganda, with government help, could achieve thisresult in a generation. There are, however, two powerful forces opposed to such apolicy: one is religion; the other is nationalism...A scientific world societycannot be stable unless there is a world government."- Bertrand Russell, 1958

    "There is a small circle of men who control the world's finance. Each member,before initiation, knows its religion to be reward for friends and exterminationof enemies. Once a man is within the magic circle...punishment for disloyalty issure and terrible, and in no corner of the Earth can he escape it, nor can anypower on Earth protect him from it. The magic circle is at the receiving end ofthe greatest information bureau in the world."

    - Thomas Lawson, in his article "Everybody's Magazine - Frenzied Finance", 1904

    "Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the CapitalisticSystem was to debauch the currency...Lenin was certainly right. There is no moresurer, more subtler means of destroying the existing basis of society than todebauch the currency. By a continuing process of [leveraged] inflation,governments can confiscate secretly and unobserved, an important part of thewealth of the citizens. The process engages all of the hidden forces of economicson the side of destruction and does it in a manner that not one man in a millioncan diagnose...If governments should refrain from regulation (taxation) andallowed matters to take their course (price explosion) the worthlessness of the

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    money becomes apparent and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer."- John Maynard Keynes, Economist

    "The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in whichcomplexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. Theprocess by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled."- John Kenneth Galbraith, Economist, in his book "Money: Whence It Came, Where ItWent", 1975

    "If two parties, instead of being a bank and an individual, were an individual andan individual, they could not inflate the circulating medium by a loantransaction, for the simple reason that the lender could not lend what he didn'thave, as banks can do...Only commercial banks and trust companies can lend moneythat they manufacture (out of nothing) by lending it."- Professor Irving Fisher, Economist, in his book "100% Money", 1935

    "Commercial banks create checkbook money whenever they grant a loan, simply byadding new deposit dollars in accounts on their books in exchange for a borrower s IOU."- Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in publication "I Bet You Thought", page 19

    "The decrease in purchasing power incurred by holders of money due to inflationimparts gains to the issuers of money."- St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, Review, Nov. 1975, page 22

    "Mr. Greenspan needs to make his decision independent of what I think. I learned apretty good lesson during the transition, and that is I commented out loud aboutone of the actions he took [whoah!]. That's the last time I'm going to commentabout the actions Mr. Greenspan takes. He's an independent voice, and needs to bean independent voice."- [Notional] President George W. Bush, speaking in regards to the Federal ReserveBoard Chairman, 2001

    "To modern minds, it seemed bizarre to think of the Federal Reserve as a religious

    institution. Yet the conspiracy theorists, in their own demented way, were on tosomething real and significant. The Fed does in fact function in the realm ofreligion. Its mysterious powers of money creation, inherited from priestlyforebears, shielded a complex bundle of social and psychological meanings. Withits own form of secret incantation, the Federal Reserve presided over awesomesocial ritual, transactions so powerful and frightening they seemed to lie beyondcommon understanding. Above all, money was a function of faith. It requiredimplicit and universal social consent that was indeed mysterious. To create moneyand use it, each one must believe, and everyone must believe. Only then didworthless pieces of paper take on value."- William Grieder, former Assistant Managing Editor of The Washington Post, in hisbook "Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country", 1987

    "Banking establishments are...moral and religious institutions [usury issacred?]...What has been (the young tradesman's) anxiety to stand well in theestimation of his banker?...Has not the frown of his banker been of more influencewith him than the jeers and discouragements of his friends? Has he not trembled tobe supposed guilty of deceit or the slightest misstatement, lest it should giverise to suspicion, and his accommodation be in consequence restricted ordiscontinued?...And has not that friendly advice been of more value to him thanthat of priest?"- G.M. Bell, a Scottish bank director

    "Those who swallow down usury cannot arise except as one whom Satan has prostrated

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    by his touch does rise. That is because they say, trading is only like usury; andAllah has allowed trading and forbidden usury. To whomsoever then the admonitionhas come from his Lord, then he desists, he shall have what is already passed, andhis affairs is in the hands of Allah; and whoever returns to it - these are theinmates of the fire; they shall abide in it..."- The Qur'an, Surah Al-Baqarah

    "And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out

    them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of themoneychangers...And the scribes and chief priests...sought how they might destroyhim: for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine. -Mark 11:15-18"- The Bible

    "If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be tohim an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury. - Exodus 22:25. Take nousury of him, or increase: but fear God...thou shalt not give him thy money uponusury. - Leviticus 25:36-37. Unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: Thatthe Lord thy God bless thee. - Deuteronomy 23:20"- The Bible

    "There must be no lending at interest because it will be quite in order for theborrower to refuse absolutely to return both interest and principal."- Aristotle

    "The trade of the petty usurer is hated with most reason: it makes a profit fromcurrency itself, instead of making it from the process which currency was meant toserve."- Plato

    "It is almost amusing that some Federal Reserve currency is marked with the words"In God We Trust". Nothing could be further from the truth. To trust in God is tocontinue to diligently and honestly work for your rewards and to live your lifeaccepting that fate could someday take away all of your accumulated fortune and

    leave you having to start over again from nothing - if God saw fit to do this toyou for some reason. In total contrast to this principle, banks operate entirelyunder the unnatural concept of trying to hedge against God, not trust Him, andthey entertain the notion that a pile of money must have the infinite capacity togrow, through processes of usury where no useful work whatsoever is involved, sothat the filthy rich who sit on these piles can feel safer about their future andavoid the risks that everyone else must endure every day. Financial titans arevile cowards, not heroes - the only way they can stay rich is to make sureeveryone else stays poor. Banking institutions are a social pathology and theDevil's embassies on Earth."- [Anonymous]

    "Lucre [Money] is the false Quintessence of this illusory world that we live in:

    It can be converted into 'anything' and 'anything' can be converted into it. Ifirmly believe that it has a primitive form of consciousness all of its own - anencoded form of pure ego created for the absolute control over all credit, debitand value as if all reality were made out of lucre."- MIB Dissident, The Sovereign Trust Bank of Royal Imperial Commerce

    "The most sinister and anti-social feature about bank-deposit money is that it hasno existence. The banks owe the public for a total amount of money which does notexist. In buying and selling, implemented by cheque transactions, there is a merechange in the party to whom the money is owed by the banks. As the one depositor'saccount is debited, the other is credited and the banks can go on owing for it all

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    the time. The whole profit of the issuance of money has provided the capital ofthe great banking business as it exists today. Starting with nothing whatever oftheir own, they have got the whole world into their debt irredeemably, by a trick.This money comes into existence every time the banks 'lend' and disappears everytime the debt is repaid to them. So that if industry tries to repay, the money ofthe nation disappears. This is what makes prosperity so 'dangerous' as it destroysmoney just when it is most needed and precipitates a slump. There is nothing leftnow for us but to get ever deeper and deeper into debt to the banking system in

    order to provide the increasing amounts of money the nation requires for itsexpansion and growth. Our money system is nothing better than a confidencetrick...The "money power" which has been able to overshadow ostensibly responsiblegovernment is not the power of the merely ultra-rich but is nothing more or lessthan a new technique to destroy money by adding and withdrawing figures in bankledgers, without the slightest concern for the interests of the community or thereal role money ought to perform therein...to allow it to become a source ofrevenue to private issuer's is to create, first, a secret and illicit arm ofgovernment and, last, a rival power strong enough to ultimately overthrow allother forms of government...An honest money system is the only alternative."- Frederick Soddy, Nobel Prize winner (Chemistry), author of "Wealth, VirtualWealth & Debt", 1921

    "That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system,there wouldn't be any money."- Marriner S. Eccles, Chairman and Governor of the Federal Reserve Board

    "Each and every time a bank makes a loan (or purchases securities), new bankcredit is created - new deposits - brand new money."Graham F. Towers, Director, Bank of Canada

    "Thus, our national circulating medium is now at the mercy of loan transactions ofbanks, which lend, not money, but promises to supply money they do not possess."- Irving Fisher, Economist and Author

    "If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element

    that makes the bond good, makes the bill good, also. The difference between thebond and the bill is the bond lets money brokers collect twice the amount of thebond and an additional 20%, whereas the currency pays nobody but those whocontribute directly in some useful way. It is absurd to say that our country canissue $30 million in bonds and not $30 million in currency. Both are promises topay, but one promise fattens the usurers and the other helps the people."- Thomas Edison, The New York Times, December 6, 1921

    "Economic warfare spans political warfare and military warfare and supersedesboth, which are merely tools in the hands of those who are the masters of econom