16 ways to detox every day

4/28/14 16 Wa\s To Deto[ EYer\ Da\ 1/5 ZZZ.mindbod\green.com/0-9529/16-Za\s-to-deto[-eYer\-da\.html 16 Wa\s To Deto[ Ever\ Da\ BY MICHELE CONIGLIA5O MAY 14, 2013 7:16 AM EDT We¶re all human. We partake in the occasional (or more frequent) indulgences life has to offer. E a practicing health-fanatic-vegetarian-yogi, I can¶t imagine my life without my favorite glass(es) of wine and dessert! Daily detox measures help counteract the less healthy items we put in our bod well as the environmental factors for which we have little control. Instead of relying on intense, short-lived detoxes, begin incorporating these steps to detox your b EVERY SINGLE DAY of your life. 1. Drink hot lemon water. Kick-start the detoxing process first thing in the morning by drinking a cup of warm water with le <http://www.mindbod\green.com/0-4769/Wh\-You-Should-Drink-Warm-Water-Lemon.htm cayenne.

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16 Ways to Detox Every Day


4/28/14 16 Ways To Detox Every Day


16 Ways To Detox Every Day


MAY 14, 2013 7:16 AM EDT

We’re all human. We partake in the occasional (or more frequent) indulgences life has to offer. Even as

a practicing health-fanatic-vegetarian-yogi, I can’t imagine my life without my favorite glass(es) of red

wine and dessert! Daily detox measures help counteract the less healthy items we put in our body, as

well as the environmental factors for which we have little control.

Instead of relying on intense, short-lived detoxes, begin incorporating these steps to detox your body

EVERY SINGLE DAY of your life.

1. Drink hot lemon water.

Kick-start the detoxing process first thing in the morning by drinking a cup of warm water with lemon

<http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-4769/Why-You-Should-Drink-Warm-Water-Lemon.html> and


2. Have a fresh cold-pressed juice

4/28/14 16 Ways To Detox Every Day


Do it on an empty stomach, which allows your body to absorb the nutrients more quickly. My go-to detox

elixir: lemon, kale , spinach, spirulina, and ginger – the more greens, the better!

3. Sip a detox tea.

Sip a few cups of detoxifying tea blends throughout the day. Look for ingredients such as dandelion

root, ginger, burdock and licorice root.

4. Add apple cider vinegar.

Along with a host of other benefits, apple cider vinegar <http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-

5875/15-Reasons-to-Use-Apple-Cider-Vinegar-Every-Day.html> alkalizes the body and helps detox

the liver. Buy the raw, unfiltered and organic variety.

5. Eat detoxing foods and supplements.

The liver and kidneys serve as the body’s filtration system, and thus are integral to overall health and

cleansing. Incorporate the following to aid in continual kidney and liver cleansing: parsley, cilantro,

dandelion root, licorice root, cayenne, turmeric, red pepper, garlic, lemon, lime, grapefruit, sea

vegetables (seaweed salad, nori, dulse), artichokes, beets, cruciferous vegetables, wheatgrass,

spirulina, chlorella and milk thistle.

6. Eat clean.

Incorporate fiber into your diet to keep the elimination process flowing. Limit or avoid high-mercury fish

such as swordfish, tuna, mackerel, shark, marlin and grouper. General rule to follow: larger fish typically

have higher levels of mercury <http://www.nrdc.org/health/effects/mercury/guide.asp> . Avoid

refined sugars, processed foods, alcohol, caffeine and non-organic fruits and veggies.

7. Sweat.

Sweating is crucial for expelling toxins. Use an infrared sauna, which assists in removing heavy metal

toxins stored in fat tissues. Take a Bikram yoga class — or any yoga class! Exercise with extra layers to

help increase body temperature and perspiration.

4/28/14 16 Ways To Detox Every Day


8. Invert.

Scientifically shown to help the cardiovascular, lymphatic, endocrine and nervous systems, inversions

reverse the flow of gravity, stimulate the lymphatic system, and aid in blood purification. Traditional

inversions include:

Shoulder stand

Headstand or handstand

Legs propped up against a wall

9. Jump.

Rebounding is great for stimulating the lymphatic system and increasing circulation. Small, portable

trampolines are a quick and easy way to build jumping into your daily routine.

10. Eliminate.

Elimination seemed appropriate for the “Move” category! Further cleanse your colon by taking daily

fiber supplements, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and incorporating colon cleanses such as colonics or


11. Dry body brush.

Before showering, dry brush your body <http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-7955/why-you-

should-start-dry-body-brushing-today.html> head-to-toe, using long strides toward the heart. This

activates the lymphatic system, stimulates blood circulation, and enhances toxin elimination through our

body’s largest organ — the skin!

12. Tongue scrape.

Yes, it sounds funny, but this quickly cleans the tongue of accumulated bacteria and toxic debris from

the night before. Think of it as giving your body an extra assist in the detox process, while also

achieving better breath! I promise you’ll be hooked.

13. Try hydrotherapy.

Hydrotherapy encompasses a large range of approaches and methods. An easy way to incorporate

hydrotherapy daily is by alternating between hot and cold water every 30 seconds in the shower. Cold

4/28/14 16 Ways To Detox Every Day


About the Author

water stimulates, causing blood vessels to constrict, while hot water relaxes and causes blood vessels

to dilate. This alternation of hot and cold water improves elimination, decreases inflammation, removes

wastes from tissues, and stimulates circulation.

14. Detox bath.

I have a magical detox bath formula resulting from many years of research and testing. And, yes, I’m

sharing it with you! Take one every week to cleanse from the outside in.

Dead sea salts / Epsom salts (2 cups): draw toxins out through the skin

Baking Soda (2 cups): naturally alkalizing substance helps remove toxins

Fresh ground ginger (1 tbsp): heats-up body temperature, encouraging perspiration

Therapeutic-grade essential oils (4 drops each): Geranium, eucalyptus and juniper berry possess

powerful agents aiding in detoxification.

15. Get massages.

This deserves two exclamation points. Massages increase circulation, stimulate the lymphatic system

and remove toxic build-up. They also feel pretty good.

16. Make your home healthy.

Introduce plants to your home (peace lilies, ferns and palms are great natural air filters), change A/C

filters regularly, avoid harsh household chemicals, install chlorine filters, introduce an air purifier, and

consider a reverse-osmosis water system.

Good luck and enjoy — your body will thank you!

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com <http://www.shutterstock.com>

Michele Conigliaro

Michele is a certified yoga instructor (200 RYT), member of Yoga Alliance and teaches Detox and Vinyasa flow

classes at G reen Mo n key <h ttp://www.green m o n key .co m > in Miami, FL. By day, she works as a Sr.

Marketing Strategist Anthropologist at Sapien tNitro <h ttp://www.sapien t.co m /en -

4/28/14 16 Ways To Detox Every Day



MindBodyGreenCopyright ©2014 MindBodyGreen, LLC. MindBodyGreen.com is for informational purposes only and is not a

substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content and images found on MindBodyGreen.commay not be reproduced or distributed, unless permitted in writing by MindBodyGreen, LLC. MindBodyGreen®

is a registered trademark of MindBodyGreen, LLC.

u s/sapien tn itro .h tm l > a global interactive marketing, creative design, & technology

agency. Michele is finishing her Master of Arts in Liberal Studies with a concentration in

psychology and anthropology at the University of Miami. The perpetual hobbyist, she

is obsessed with healthy living, detox techniques, philosophy, anthropology,

psychology, art and classic literature. On a more personal note, Michele is a spiritual-

seeker, humanist, dedicated yogi, practicing vegetarian, and rainy-day appreciator.