1.6 fuel cycle coursera calculations presentation

Nuclear Engineering Program A Look at Nuclear Science and Technology Larry Foulke Module 1.6 Grand Tour of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Supplemental File of Calculations

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Page 1: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Nuclear Engineering Program

A Look at Nuclear Science and Technology

Larry Foulke

Module 1.6 Grand Tour of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Supplemental File of Calculations

Page 2: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Calculate the mass of U-235 per metric ton (t) of uranium ore assuming the total uranium is 1 wt% of the ore.

(Note: U has 0.711wt % U-235)

Mass and Energy Calculations

Page 3: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Calculate the mass of U-235 per metric ton (t) of uranium ore assuming the total uranium is 1 wt% of the

ore. (Note: U has 0.711wt % U-235)


1000 kg of ore x (0.01 kg U/kg ore) = 10 kg U U-235 is 0.711 wt% of U so mass of U-235 = 0.00711 x 10

kg U = 0.0711 kg or 71.1 grams

Mass and Energy Calculations

See Segment 1.6 calculation for Slide 3. xlsx

Page 4: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

•  Let n represent the number of moles •  A mole is the number of atoms or

molecules of a substance or element equal to 6.022 x 1023 (Avogadro's number, NAV).

For example: a mole of uranium is roughly 6.022 x 1023 uranium atoms.

Concept of a Mole

Image Source: See Note 1

Page 5: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

•  The number of moles, n, of a mass, m, of material is given by:

n moles = mass of material, m, in grams divided by the molecular mass M (gm/mole)

•  M – molecular mass (weight) in gm/mole –  For uranium, MU ≈ 238 gm/mole

–  For oxygen, MO ≈ 16 gm/mole

–  The molecular mass of an isotope is just its atomic weight

Concept of a Mole and Molecular Mass

nmoles= m (grams)

M grams / mole( )

Page 6: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

•  What is the molecular mass of MU3O8 ? •  We combine 3 moles of uranium with 8 moles of

oxygen to get:

•  So the molecular mass of U3O8 is 842 gm/mole

Concept of a Mole

3moles( ) U gm /mole( )+ 8moles( ) Ogm /mole( )= 3( ) 238( )+ 8( ) 16( ) = 842gm /mole

See Segment 1.6 Calculation for Slide 6.xlsx

Page 7: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Uranium when mined is often in the form of Uranium Oxide, U3O8. How many kg of Uranium is in 100 kg

of U3O8?

Answer: We just created the molecular mass of U3O8

We took 3 parts of uranium at (3 moles)(238 gms/mole)= 714 grams

We took 8 parts of oxygen at (8 moles)(16 gms/mole)= 128 grams

To get a total of 714+128=842 gms

So the weight fraction of U in the U3O8 is (714 gms/842 gms)=0.848

So if we have 100 kg of U3O8 we have (0.848)(100 kg)=84.8 kg U

Mass and Energy Calculations

See Segment 1.6 Calculation for Slide 6.xlsx

Page 8: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

•  Presume the total weight of UO2 fuel in a PWR is 150 metric tons (1 metric ton = 1,000 kg). If the enrichment of U is 4 wt% U-235, how many tons of uranium ore (with 0.711 wt% U-235) must be mined if the total uranium in the ore is 0.5 wt%? (This is kind of involved, so think through the steps carefully).

•  Choices for answers

a)  150MT

b)  170 MT

c)  750 MT

d)  150,000 MT

Mass and Energy Calculations

See Segment 1.6 Calculation for Slides 8 – 12.xlsx

Page 9: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

•  Presume the total weight of UO2 fuel in a PWR is 150 metric tons (1 metric ton = 1,000 kg). If the enrichment of U is 4 wt% U-235, how many tons of uranium ore (with 0.711 wt% U-235) must be mined if the total uranium in the ore is 0.5 wt%? (This is kind of involved, so think through the steps carefully)

•  Answer: about 148,776 MT of ore (or 150,000 metric tons ore)

How did we get that?

Mass and Energy Calculations

See Segment 1.6 Calculation for Slides 8 – 12.xlsx

Page 10: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

•  What is the molecular mass of MUO2 ? •  We combine one mole of uranium with two moles of

oxygen to get:

•  So the molecular mass of UO2 is 270 gm/mole and the fraction of the mass that is U is (238/270)=0.881

•  So there is (0.881)(150 MT)= 132 MT of U in the UO2

Concept of a Mole

1moles( )U gm / mole( )+ 2moles( )O gm / mole( )= 1( )238( )+ 2( )16( )= 270 gm / mole

See Segment 1.6 Calculation for Slides 8 – 12.xlsx

Page 11: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

•  As implied in the problem statement – kind of involved. Let’s look at the solution.

•  Consider 132 metric tons (MT) of U in 150 MT of UO2.

•  So the 132 MT U is enriched to 4 wt% in U-235.

•  So the amount of U-235 in the core is •  (0.04)(132.23 MT) = 5.29 MT U-235.

Mass and Energy Calculations

See Segment 1.6 Calculation for Slides 8 – 12.xlsx

Page 12: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

•  How much natural uranium must be mined to get 5.29 MT U-235?

•  Natural uranium consists of 0.711 wt% U-235; hence, to get 5.29 MT of U-235 we must mine enough ore to give (5.29 kg/0.00711 MT U-235 per kg of Unatural) = 743.87 MT Unatural.

•  If the Unatural content of the ore is 0.5 wt%, we must mine 743.87 MT/0.005 = 148,773 MT of ore.

Mass and Energy Calculations

See Segment 1.6 Calculation for Slides 8 – 12.xlsx

Page 13: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Now we are in a position to calculate the number of atoms in a mass of material.

Here is a formula that is used often:


Number of Atoms Or Number Density

N (atoms / volume) = ρ gm



⎠⎟x 1



⎠⎟x N AV




N (atoms) = m gm( )x 1



⎠⎟x N AV




Page 14: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Presume that a volume of pure U-235 is the size of a Tootsie Pop. How many atoms of U-235 will there be in the Tootsie Pop?

(We will use this result In a future problem)

Here are the steps that you need to go through:

• Estimate the volume of the Tootsie Pop (Volume =

• Calculate the mass assuming the density of pure uranium metal

• Calculate the number of atoms in the uranium mass

Mass and Energy Calculations

Volume = 43π r( )3 where r = radius

Get the density of uranium metal off the web as 19.1 gm/cm3

See Segment 1.6 Calculation for Slides 14 – 16.xlsx

Page 15: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

•  Estimate the volume of the Tootsie Pop (Volume =

Presume r = 2.8 cm/2 = 1.4 cm so

•  Calculate the mass assuming the density of pure uranium metal

So the mass of a Tootsie Pop’s volume of pure uranium-235 is

Mass and Energy Calculations

Volume = 43π 1.4cm( )3 = 4

3(3.14) 2.744( )=11.5 cm3

Get the density of uranium metal off the web as 19.1 gm/cm3

mass = 19.1 gm



⎠⎟11.5cm3( )≅ 219.5gms U − 235

See Segment 1.6 Calculation for Slides 14 – 16.xlsx

Page 16: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Now the final step using our formula

•  Calculate the number of atoms in the uranium mass

Mass and Energy Calculations

N (#) = 220 gmsU − 235


x 6.022x1023( ) #mole


⎠⎟= 5.63x1023 atoms

See Segment 1.6 Calculation for Slides 14 – 16.xlsx

Page 17: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

•  Let’s do one more problem to calculate the cost of nuclear fuel.

Fuel Cost Impact

Page 18: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

•  Fuel cost is a minor factor for nuclear power. •  Increasing the price of uranium would have little effect

on the overall cost of nuclear power

•  Doubling the cost of natural uranium would increase the total cost of nuclear generated electricity by about 5 percent.

•  If the cost of natural gas were doubled, the cost of gas-fired electricity would increase by about 60 percent.

Fuel Cost Impact

Page 19: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Image Source: See Note 2

Page 20: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Estimate the cost of 1 kg of 3 wt% enriched uranium.

Yellowcake (U3O8 cost) = Conversion cost = Enrichment SWU’s required=

See Segment 1.6 Fuel cycle cost calculator. xlsx

Page 21: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Estimate the cost of 1 kg of 3 wt% enriched uranium.

Image Source: See Note 3

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Image Source: See Note 4

Page 23: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Estimate the current cost of 1 kg of 3 wt% enriched uranium.

Yellowcake (U3O8 cost) = $62.50/lb U3O8= (2.2 lb/kg)($62.50) = $137.50/kg U3O8 Conversion cost = Enrichment SWU’s required=

See Segment 1.6 Fuel cycle cost calculator. xlsx

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Image Source: See Note 4

Page 25: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Estimate the current cost of 1 kg of 3 wt% enriched uranium.

Yellowcake (U3O8 cost) = $62.50/lb U3O8= (2.2 lb/kg)($62.50) = $137.50/kg U3O8= Conversion cost = $12.50/kg U as UF6 Enrichment SWU’s and feed required = (See Knief, Table 17-3 and assume 0.2% tails)

=3( ) 238( )+ 8( ) 16( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦kg U3O8

3( ) 238( )kg Ux$137.50kg U3O8 = $162.15 / kg U

See Segment 1.6 Fuel cycle cost calculator. xlsx

Page 26: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Enrichment Requirements (From Table 17-3 of Knief)

Image Source: See Note 5

Page 27: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Eq.17 − 4M f

M p

=p − tf − t

=3.0 − 0.20.711− 0.2

= 5.479

Eq.17 − 5SWU =V (p)+V (t)(F −1)−V ( f )F

Eq.17 − 6

V (χ ) = (2χ −1)ln χ1− χ

See Segment 1.6 Fuel cycle cost calculator. xlsx Image Source: See Note 5

Page 28: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

3% enriched

0.2% tails Mf/Mp=5.479

SWU = 4.306 kgSWU/kg product

See Segment 1.6 Fuel cycle cost calculator. xlsx Image Source: See Note 5

Page 29: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Estimate the current cost of 1 kg of 3 wt% enriched uranium.

Yellowcake (U3O8 cost) = $62.50/lb U3O8= (2.2 lb/kg)($62.50) = $137.50/kg U3O8= Conversion cost = $12.50/kg U as UF6 Enrichment SWU’s and feed required = (See Knief, Table 17-3 and assume 0.2% tails) Natural U feed required = 5.479 kg SWU required = 4.306 kg SWU

=3( ) 238( )+ 8( ) 16( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦kg U3O8

3( ) 238( )kg Ux$137.50kg U3O8 = $162.15 / kg U

See Segment 1.6 Fuel cycle cost calculator. xlsx

Page 30: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation


Image Source: See Note 4

Page 31: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Estimate the current cost of 1 kg of 3 wt% enriched uranium. Yellowcake (U3O8 cost) = $62.50/lb U3O8= (2.2 lb/kg)($62.50) = $137.50/kg U3O8= Conversion cost = $12.50/kg U as UF6 Yellowcake + Conversion to UF6=$162.15+$12.50=$174.65/kgU Enrichment SWU’s and feed required = (See Knief, Table 17-3 and assume 0.2% tails) Natural U feed required = 5.479 kg SWU required = 4.306 kg SWU Cost of UF6 = (5.479 kg)($174.65/kg) = $956.91 Cost of enrichment = (4.306 kg SWU)($155) = $667.43 Total Cost = $956.91 + $667.43 = $1624.34

=3( ) 238( )+ 8( ) 16( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦kg U3O8

3( ) 238( )kg Ux$137.50kg U3O8 = $162.15 / kg U

See Segment 1.6 Fuel cycle cost calculator. xlsx

Page 32: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Estimate the current cost of 1 kg of 3 wt% enriched uranium. Yellowcake (U3O8 cost) = $62.50/lb U3O8= (2.2 lb/kg)($62.50) = $137.50/kg U3O8 Conversion cost = $12.50/kg U as UF6

Yellowcake + Conversion to UF6=$162.15+$12.50=$174.65/kgU Enrichment SWU’s and feed required = (See Knief, Table 17-3 and assume 0.2% tails) Natural U feed required = 5.479 kg SWU required = 4.306 kg SWU Cost of UF6 = (5.479 kg)($174.65/kg) = $956.91/kg Cost of enrichment = (4.306 kg SWU)($155) = $667.43 Total Cost = $956.91 + $667.43 = $1,624.34 Plus cost of fuel fabrication of $460/kg for total cost of $1,624.34 + $460 = $2,084.34 for 1 kg of 3 wt% U-235

=3( ) 238( )+ 8( ) 16( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦kg U3O8

3( ) 238( )kg Ux$137.50kg U3O8 = $162.15 / kg U

See Segment 1.6 Fuel cycle cost calculator. xlsx

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Image Source: See Note 6

Page 34: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Image Source: See Note 6 Image Source: See Note 4

Page 35: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

Presume that a volume of pure U-235 is the size of a Tootsie Pop. If the average annual energy consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer is approximately 11,496 kw-hrs*

per year, how many years would this amount of U-235 power the average home if all the U-235 atoms were fissioned and converted to electricity? Assume 180 MeV of recoverable

energy per fission and a conversion efficiency of 0.33 (thermal energy to electrical energy).

In this hypothetical case, what would be the approximate volume of

waste produced after all the U-235 is fissioned?

*In 2010, the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was 11,496 kWh, an average of 958 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month. See http://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=97&t=3

Mass and Energy Calculations

Page 36: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

1.  Public domain: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Avogadro_Amedeo.jpg

2.  Reprinted with permission from World Nuclear Organization. http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/Economic-Aspects/Economics-of-Nuclear-Power/#.UWh_Q0rSl4c

3.  Reprinted with permission from Ux Consulting. http://www.uxc.com/review/uxc_prices.aspx

4.  Reprinted with permission from Ux Consulting. http://www.uxc.com/review/uxc_PriceChart.aspx?chart=spot-conv-ful

Image Source Notes

Page 37: 1.6 Fuel Cycle Coursera Calculations Presentation

5.  Reprinted with permission from the American Nuclear Society. Nuclear Engineering – Theory and Technology of Commercial Nuclear Power by Ronald Allen Knief, 2nd Edition, American Nuclear Society. Copyright 2008 by the American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Illinois. Table 17-3.

6.  WISE Uranium Project. Free for non-commercial use. http://www.wise-uranium.org/nfcc.html

Image Source Notes