16 effective habits at work


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Post on 13-Apr-2017



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What you do today will not matter much, but if you keep doing it again and again, it will impact your life. Example: If you eat junk food today, it won’t affect your health so much;

however, if you have junk food everyday, you will subsequently suffer many kinds of sickness.

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Commit to establishing new habits in just one area of your life, concentrating on one segment of the book until you feel you have made adequate progress.

Choose one habit at a time until you’ve got that one habit down, and then add a new habit to your repertoire after that.

Choose your favorite habits out of the 77 habits suggested, and tackle them one by one until you’ve established all your favorite new habits.

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Why we need good habit at work?

We work more than we sleep or do any other activities. If you have a good day at work, you are more likely to come home

refreshed and ready to dive into something engaging.

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Habit #1: Arrive 15 minutes before necessary

Get to work before you need to, or else you will face the following situations: Anxiety when dealing with your work or co-workers Driving at high speed to work, which is dangerous Cannot greet your co-workers properly Lack of planning time since you need to get into work immediately Causing unnecessary stress

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Habit #2: Choose one way to excel each day

It is easy to get sidetracked of your goals. It’s easy to get discouraged and lose enthusiasm Choose to do something that will improve your job on a daily basis; link

what you are currently doing to something bigger. Example: You don’t like the current project you are working on. Yet, you want

to own a business. To get you own clients, you need to have great portfolios. So, commit to getting the project done for your future.

Start your day with a habit of getting into something that you can excel in, and you will build something impressive overtime.

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Habit #3: Race against yourself

It is easy to get distracted: text messages, notifications, emails etc. You can beat the distraction demons by setting small goals for yourself

and then racing against the clock to beat your estimated timeframe. Set goals and break them down into smaller pieces and then try to get

each goal done within a certain timeframe. Allot 30 minutes and stay focus on the work during that time.

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Habit #4: Incorporate stress management into your workday

Stress inhibits our ability to think clearly, negotiate well and get along with coworkers.

One highly effective way to manage stress is to breathe deeply for five minutes.

Set a timer for five minutes and refuse to think about anything else besides how marvelous it feels to breathe in and out.

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Habit #5: Network

A recent CNN report tells us that only 15–20 percent of available jobs are advertised. That means somewhere between 80–85 percent of jobs are being filled by personal relationships.

Knowing the right people will make your life better. You are an average of 5 people you mostly hangout with. Always bring your name cards along and hand them out to people you

don’t know.

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Habit #6: Play with your strengths

We all have strengths and weaknesses. Don’t try to do everything by yourself. If you make a habit of using your strengths but delegating your

weaknesses to someone else, you will excel in your career.

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Habit #7: Take a real lunch break

Don’t eat at your desk. Get out of work and have a proper lunch. This will improve your

productivity and prevent job burnout. Get to a nearby restaurant if you it is convenient for you.

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Habit #8: Always look for intrinsic rewards

Each day you need to find one thing that makes you feel good about doing your job. Example: You get to learn new computer skills or you get to make more

money. Look for rewards that truly make you proud of yourself. Then write

down your one accomplishment each day. Believe it or not, this will help you avoid burnout at your job.

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Habit #9: Add a “wake up” routine in the afternoon

Have peppermint tea or coffee to keep yourself awake. Stand up and stretch your body every now and then.

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Habit #10: Sandbag when estimating

It’s tempting to say you can get a job done quickly, but it’s better to prepare for obstacles. People who routinely come in under budget and on time are going to be trusted and respected more than the people who give optimistic projections and then fall short.

Make it a habit to ask for more time, money and resources than you think you will need.

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Habit #11: Make yourself known

Make it a habit to speak up at least once in every meeting. Let your coworkers know how valuable you are to the team. Don’t always keep silent at work.

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Habit #12: Document everything important

While you’d like to believe your manager, coworkers and clients will always remember agreements and negotiations the same way you remember them, it’s very likely you will encounter disagreements at one point or another.

To keep communication clear and to prevent misunderstandings, you will want to make a habit of documenting the following:

Project specifications and deadlines Any discussion of pay rates, raises or bonuses Expectations expressed in meetings Customer or client issues Problems with coworkers

Get everything in writing

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Habit #13: Avoid gossiping

It’s best to assume that you will have to work with this person again someday, and the next time around. So, don’t talk badly or vaguely about that person.

Treat coworkers with respect and keep personal grudges out of the work arena altogether.

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Habit #14: Find a way to laugh

One of the best ways to diffuse stress and restore morale is through laughter.

Crake a joke when appropriate. Laughter will bring your coworkers together and improve your


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Habit #15: Ask for what you need

Talk to management about complaints, explaining exactly what you need and why you need it.

Don’t keep anything hidden. Share them out and you will feel good about it.

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Habit #16: Leverage the 80/20 rule

We’re not designed to work at full efficiency at all times. We have productive times of day and unproductive times, productive environments and unproductive environments.

Make sure you are working on the most important projects during your most productive space of each day.

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